9.1 Null and Alternative Hypotheses

The actual test begins by considering two hypotheses . They are called the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis . These hypotheses contain opposing viewpoints.

H 0 , the — null hypothesis: a statement of no difference between sample means or proportions or no difference between a sample mean or proportion and a population mean or proportion. In other words, the difference equals 0.

H a —, the alternative hypothesis: a claim about the population that is contradictory to H 0 and what we conclude when we reject H 0 .

Since the null and alternative hypotheses are contradictory, you must examine evidence to decide if you have enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis or not. The evidence is in the form of sample data.

After you have determined which hypothesis the sample supports, you make a decision. There are two options for a decision. They are reject H 0 if the sample information favors the alternative hypothesis or do not reject H 0 or decline to reject H 0 if the sample information is insufficient to reject the null hypothesis.

Mathematical Symbols Used in H 0 and H a :

H 0 always has a symbol with an equal in it. H a never has a symbol with an equal in it. The choice of symbol depends on the wording of the hypothesis test. However, be aware that many researchers use = in the null hypothesis, even with > or < as the symbol in the alternative hypothesis. This practice is acceptable because we only make the decision to reject or not reject the null hypothesis.

Example 9.1

H 0 : No more than 30 percent of the registered voters in Santa Clara County voted in the primary election. p ≤ 30 H a : More than 30 percent of the registered voters in Santa Clara County voted in the primary election. p > 30

A medical trial is conducted to test whether or not a new medicine reduces cholesterol by 25 percent. State the null and alternative hypotheses.

Example 9.2

We want to test whether the mean GPA of students in American colleges is different from 2.0 (out of 4.0). The null and alternative hypotheses are the following: H 0 : μ = 2.0 H a : μ ≠ 2.0

We want to test whether the mean height of eighth graders is 66 inches. State the null and alternative hypotheses. Fill in the correct symbol (=, ≠, ≥, <, ≤, >) for the null and alternative hypotheses.

  • H 0 : μ __ 66
  • H a : μ __ 66

Example 9.3

We want to test if college students take fewer than five years to graduate from college, on the average. The null and alternative hypotheses are the following: H 0 : μ ≥ 5 H a : μ < 5

We want to test if it takes fewer than 45 minutes to teach a lesson plan. State the null and alternative hypotheses. Fill in the correct symbol ( =, ≠, ≥, <, ≤, >) for the null and alternative hypotheses.

  • H 0 : μ __ 45
  • H a : μ __ 45

Example 9.4

An article on school standards stated that about half of all students in France, Germany, and Israel take advanced placement exams and a third of the students pass. The same article stated that 6.6 percent of U.S. students take advanced placement exams and 4.4 percent pass. Test if the percentage of U.S. students who take advanced placement exams is more than 6.6 percent. State the null and alternative hypotheses. H 0 : p ≤ 0.066 H a : p > 0.066

On a state driver’s test, about 40 percent pass the test on the first try. We want to test if more than 40 percent pass on the first try. Fill in the correct symbol (=, ≠, ≥, <, ≤, >) for the null and alternative hypotheses.

  • H 0 : p __ 0.40
  • H a : p __ 0.40

Collaborative Exercise

Bring to class a newspaper, some news magazines, and some internet articles. In groups, find articles from which your group can write null and alternative hypotheses. Discuss your hypotheses with the rest of the class.

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  • Authors: Barbara Illowsky, Susan Dean
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10.2: Null and Alternative Hypotheses

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The actual test begins by considering two hypotheses. They are called the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis. These hypotheses contain opposing viewpoints.

  • The null hypothesis (\(H_{0}\)) is a statement about the population that either is believed to be true or is used to put forth an argument unless it can be shown to be incorrect beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • The alternative hypothesis (\(H_{a}\)) is a claim about the population that is contradictory to \(H_{0}\) and what we conclude when we reject \(H_{0}\).

Since the null and alternative hypotheses are contradictory, you must examine evidence to decide if you have enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis or not. The evidence is in the form of sample data. After you have determined which hypothesis the sample supports, you make a decision. There are two options for a decision. They are "reject \(H_{0}\)" if the sample information favors the alternative hypothesis or "do not reject \(H_{0}\)" or "decline to reject \(H_{0}\)" if the sample information is insufficient to reject the null hypothesis.

\(H_{0}\) always has a symbol with an equal in it. \(H_{a}\) never has a symbol with an equal in it. The choice of symbol depends on the wording of the hypothesis test. However, be aware that many researchers (including one of the co-authors in research work) use = in the null hypothesis, even with > or < as the symbol in the alternative hypothesis. This practice is acceptable because we only make the decision to reject or not reject the null hypothesis.

Example \(\PageIndex{1}\)

  • \(H_{0}\): No more than 30% of the registered voters in Santa Clara County voted in the primary election. \(p \leq 30\)
  • \(H_{a}\): More than 30% of the registered voters in Santa Clara County voted in the primary election. \(p > 30\)

Exercise \(\PageIndex{1}\)

A medical trial is conducted to test whether or not a new medicine reduces cholesterol by 25%. State the null and alternative hypotheses.

  • \(H_{0}\): The drug reduces cholesterol by 25%. \(p = 0.25\)
  • \(H_{a}\): The drug does not reduce cholesterol by 25%. \(p \neq 0.25\)

Example \(\PageIndex{2}\)

We want to test whether the mean GPA of students in American colleges is different from 2.0 (out of 4.0). The null and alternative hypotheses are:

  • \(H_{0}: \mu = 2.0\)
  • \(H_{a}: \mu \neq 2.0\)

Exercise \(\PageIndex{2}\)

We want to test whether the mean height of eighth graders is 66 inches. State the null and alternative hypotheses. Fill in the correct symbol \((=, \neq, \geq, <, \leq, >)\) for the null and alternative hypotheses.

  • \(H_{0}: \mu \  \_ \  66\)
  • \(H_{a}: \mu \  \_ \  66\)
  • \(H_{0}: \mu = 66\)
  • \(H_{a}: \mu \neq 66\)

Example \(\PageIndex{3}\)

We want to test if college students take less than five years to graduate from college, on the average. The null and alternative hypotheses are:

  • \(H_{0}: \mu \geq 5\)
  • \(H_{a}: \mu < 5\)

Exercise \(\PageIndex{3}\)

We want to test if it takes fewer than 45 minutes to teach a lesson plan. State the null and alternative hypotheses. Fill in the correct symbol ( =, ≠, ≥, <, ≤, >) for the null and alternative hypotheses.

  • \(H_{0}: \mu \  \_ \  45\)
  • \(H_{a}: \mu \  \_ \  45\)
  • \(H_{0}: \mu \geq 45\)
  • \(H_{a}: \mu < 45\)

Example \(\PageIndex{4}\)

In an issue of U. S. News and World Report , an article on school standards stated that about half of all students in France, Germany, and Israel take advanced placement exams and a third pass. The same article stated that 6.6% of U.S. students take advanced placement exams and 4.4% pass. Test if the percentage of U.S. students who take advanced placement exams is more than 6.6%. State the null and alternative hypotheses.

  • \(H_{0}: p \leq 0.066\)
  • \(H_{a}: p > 0.066\)

Exercise \(\PageIndex{4}\)

On a state driver’s test, about 40% pass the test on the first try. We want to test if more than 40% pass on the first try. Fill in the correct symbol (\(=, \neq, \geq, <, \leq, >\)) for the null and alternative hypotheses.

  • \(H_{0}: p \  \_ \  0.40\)
  • \(H_{a}: p \  \_ \  0.40\)
  • \(H_{0}: p = 0.40\)
  • \(H_{a}: p > 0.40\)


Bring to class a newspaper, some news magazines, and some Internet articles . In groups, find articles from which your group can write null and alternative hypotheses. Discuss your hypotheses with the rest of the class.

Chapter Review

In a hypothesis test , sample data is evaluated in order to arrive at a decision about some type of claim. If certain conditions about the sample are satisfied, then the claim can be evaluated for a population. In a hypothesis test, we:

  • Evaluate the null hypothesis , typically denoted with \(H_{0}\). The null is not rejected unless the hypothesis test shows otherwise. The null statement must always contain some form of equality \((=, \leq \text{or} \geq)\)
  • Always write the alternative hypothesis , typically denoted with \(H_{a}\) or \(H_{1}\), using less than, greater than, or not equals symbols, i.e., \((\neq, >, \text{or} <)\).
  • If we reject the null hypothesis, then we can assume there is enough evidence to support the alternative hypothesis.
  • Never state that a claim is proven true or false. Keep in mind the underlying fact that hypothesis testing is based on probability laws; therefore, we can talk only in terms of non-absolute certainties.

Formula Review

\(H_{0}\) and \(H_{a}\) are contradictory.

  • If \(\alpha \leq p\)-value, then do not reject \(H_{0}\).
  • If\(\alpha > p\)-value, then reject \(H_{0}\).

\(\alpha\) is preconceived. Its value is set before the hypothesis test starts. The \(p\)-value is calculated from the data.References

Data from the National Institute of Mental Health. Available online at http://www.nimh.nih.gov/publicat/depression.cfm .


Barbara Illowsky and Susan Dean (De Anza College) with many other contributing authors. Content produced by OpenStax College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 license. Download for free at http://cnx.org/contents/[email protected] .

Type 1 and Type 2 Errors in Statistics

Saul Mcleod, PhD

Editor-in-Chief for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MRes, PhD, University of Manchester

Saul Mcleod, PhD., is a qualified psychology teacher with over 18 years of experience in further and higher education. He has been published in peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Clinical Psychology.

Learn about our Editorial Process

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A statistically significant result cannot prove that a research hypothesis is correct (which implies 100% certainty). Because a p -value is based on probabilities, there is always a chance of making an incorrect conclusion regarding accepting or rejecting the null hypothesis ( H 0 ).

Anytime we make a decision using statistics, there are four possible outcomes, with two representing correct decisions and two representing errors.

type 1 and type 2 errors

The chances of committing these two types of errors are inversely proportional: that is, decreasing type I error rate increases type II error rate and vice versa.

As the significance level (α) increases, it becomes easier to reject the null hypothesis, decreasing the chance of missing a real effect (Type II error, β). If the significance level (α) goes down, it becomes harder to reject the null hypothesis , increasing the chance of missing an effect while reducing the risk of falsely finding one (Type I error).

Type I error 

A type 1 error is also known as a false positive and occurs when a researcher incorrectly rejects a true null hypothesis. Simply put, it’s a false alarm.

This means that you report that your findings are significant when they have occurred by chance.

The probability of making a type 1 error is represented by your alpha level (α), the p- value below which you reject the null hypothesis.

A p -value of 0.05 indicates that you are willing to accept a 5% chance of getting the observed data (or something more extreme) when the null hypothesis is true.

You can reduce your risk of committing a type 1 error by setting a lower alpha level (like α = 0.01). For example, a p-value of 0.01 would mean there is a 1% chance of committing a Type I error.

However, using a lower value for alpha means that you will be less likely to detect a true difference if one really exists (thus risking a type II error).

Scenario: Drug Efficacy Study

Imagine a pharmaceutical company is testing a new drug, named “MediCure”, to determine if it’s more effective than a placebo at reducing fever. They experimented with two groups: one receives MediCure, and the other received a placebo.

  • Null Hypothesis (H0) : MediCure is no more effective at reducing fever than the placebo.
  • Alternative Hypothesis (H1) : MediCure is more effective at reducing fever than the placebo.

After conducting the study and analyzing the results, the researchers found a p-value of 0.04.

If they use an alpha (α) level of 0.05, this p-value is considered statistically significant, leading them to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that MediCure is more effective than the placebo.

However, MediCure has no actual effect, and the observed difference was due to random variation or some other confounding factor. In this case, the researchers have incorrectly rejected a true null hypothesis.

Error : The researchers have made a Type 1 error by concluding that MediCure is more effective when it isn’t.


Resource Allocation : Making a Type I error can lead to wastage of resources. If a business believes a new strategy is effective when it’s not (based on a Type I error), they might allocate significant financial and human resources toward that ineffective strategy.

Unnecessary Interventions : In medical trials, a Type I error might lead to the belief that a new treatment is effective when it isn’t. As a result, patients might undergo unnecessary treatments, risking potential side effects without any benefit.

Reputation and Credibility : For researchers, making repeated Type I errors can harm their professional reputation. If they frequently claim groundbreaking results that are later refuted, their credibility in the scientific community might diminish.

Type II error

A type 2 error (or false negative) happens when you accept the null hypothesis when it should actually be rejected.

Here, a researcher concludes there is not a significant effect when actually there really is.

The probability of making a type II error is called Beta (β), which is related to the power of the statistical test (power = 1- β). You can decrease your risk of committing a type II error by ensuring your test has enough power.

You can do this by ensuring your sample size is large enough to detect a practical difference when one truly exists.

Scenario: Efficacy of a New Teaching Method

Educational psychologists are investigating the potential benefits of a new interactive teaching method, named “EduInteract”, which utilizes virtual reality (VR) technology to teach history to middle school students.

They hypothesize that this method will lead to better retention and understanding compared to the traditional textbook-based approach.

  • Null Hypothesis (H0) : The EduInteract VR teaching method does not result in significantly better retention and understanding of history content than the traditional textbook method.
  • Alternative Hypothesis (H1) : The EduInteract VR teaching method results in significantly better retention and understanding of history content than the traditional textbook method.

The researchers designed an experiment where one group of students learns a history module using the EduInteract VR method, while a control group learns the same module using a traditional textbook.

After a week, the student’s retention and understanding are tested using a standardized assessment.

Upon analyzing the results, the psychologists found a p-value of 0.06. Using an alpha (α) level of 0.05, this p-value isn’t statistically significant.

Therefore, they fail to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the EduInteract VR method isn’t more effective than the traditional textbook approach.

However, let’s assume that in the real world, the EduInteract VR truly enhances retention and understanding, but the study failed to detect this benefit due to reasons like small sample size, variability in students’ prior knowledge, or perhaps the assessment wasn’t sensitive enough to detect the nuances of VR-based learning.

Error : By concluding that the EduInteract VR method isn’t more effective than the traditional method when it is, the researchers have made a Type 2 error.

This could prevent schools from adopting a potentially superior teaching method that might benefit students’ learning experiences.

Missed Opportunities : A Type II error can lead to missed opportunities for improvement or innovation. For example, in education, if a more effective teaching method is overlooked because of a Type II error, students might miss out on a better learning experience.

Potential Risks : In healthcare, a Type II error might mean overlooking a harmful side effect of a medication because the research didn’t detect its harmful impacts. As a result, patients might continue using a harmful treatment.

Stagnation : In the business world, making a Type II error can result in continued investment in outdated or less efficient methods. This can lead to stagnation and the inability to compete effectively in the marketplace.

How do Type I and Type II errors relate to psychological research and experiments?

Type I errors are like false alarms, while Type II errors are like missed opportunities. Both errors can impact the validity and reliability of psychological findings, so researchers strive to minimize them to draw accurate conclusions from their studies.

How does sample size influence the likelihood of Type I and Type II errors in psychological research?

Sample size in psychological research influences the likelihood of Type I and Type II errors. A larger sample size reduces the chances of Type I errors, which means researchers are less likely to mistakenly find a significant effect when there isn’t one.

A larger sample size also increases the chances of detecting true effects, reducing the likelihood of Type II errors.

Are there any ethical implications associated with Type I and Type II errors in psychological research?

Yes, there are ethical implications associated with Type I and Type II errors in psychological research.

Type I errors may lead to false positive findings, resulting in misleading conclusions and potentially wasting resources on ineffective interventions. This can harm individuals who are falsely diagnosed or receive unnecessary treatments.

Type II errors, on the other hand, may result in missed opportunities to identify important effects or relationships, leading to a lack of appropriate interventions or support. This can also have negative consequences for individuals who genuinely require assistance.

Therefore, minimizing these errors is crucial for ethical research and ensuring the well-being of participants.

Further Information

  • Publication manual of the American Psychological Association
  • Statistics for Psychology Book Download

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AP®︎/College Statistics

Course: ap®︎/college statistics   >   unit 10.

  • Idea behind hypothesis testing

Examples of null and alternative hypotheses

  • Writing null and alternative hypotheses
  • P-values and significance tests
  • Comparing P-values to different significance levels
  • Estimating a P-value from a simulation
  • Estimating P-values from simulations
  • Using P-values to make conclusions

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Module 9: Hypothesis Testing With One Sample

Null and alternative hypotheses, learning outcomes.

  • Describe hypothesis testing in general and in practice

The actual test begins by considering two  hypotheses . They are called the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis . These hypotheses contain opposing viewpoints.

H 0 : The null hypothesis: It is a statement about the population that either is believed to be true or is used to put forth an argument unless it can be shown to be incorrect beyond a reasonable doubt.

H a : The alternative hypothesis : It is a claim about the population that is contradictory to H 0 and what we conclude when we reject H 0 .

Since the null and alternative hypotheses are contradictory, you must examine evidence to decide if you have enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis or not. The evidence is in the form of sample data.

After you have determined which hypothesis the sample supports, you make adecision. There are two options for a  decision . They are “reject H 0 ” if the sample information favors the alternative hypothesis or “do not reject H 0 ” or “decline to reject H 0 ” if the sample information is insufficient to reject the null hypothesis.

Mathematical Symbols Used in  H 0 and H a :

H 0 always has a symbol with an equal in it. H a never has a symbol with an equal in it. The choice of symbol depends on the wording of the hypothesis test. However, be aware that many researchers (including one of the co-authors in research work) use = in the null hypothesis, even with > or < as the symbol in the alternative hypothesis. This practice is acceptable because we only make the decision to reject or not reject the null hypothesis.

H 0 : No more than 30% of the registered voters in Santa Clara County voted in the primary election. p ≤ 30

H a : More than 30% of the registered voters in Santa Clara County voted in the primary election. p > 30

A medical trial is conducted to test whether or not a new medicine reduces cholesterol by 25%. State the null and alternative hypotheses.

H 0 : The drug reduces cholesterol by 25%. p = 0.25

H a : The drug does not reduce cholesterol by 25%. p ≠ 0.25

We want to test whether the mean GPA of students in American colleges is different from 2.0 (out of 4.0). The null and alternative hypotheses are:

H 0 : μ = 2.0

H a : μ ≠ 2.0

We want to test whether the mean height of eighth graders is 66 inches. State the null and alternative hypotheses. Fill in the correct symbol (=, ≠, ≥, <, ≤, >) for the null and alternative hypotheses. H 0 : μ __ 66 H a : μ __ 66

  • H 0 : μ = 66
  • H a : μ ≠ 66

We want to test if college students take less than five years to graduate from college, on the average. The null and alternative hypotheses are:

H 0 : μ ≥ 5

H a : μ < 5

We want to test if it takes fewer than 45 minutes to teach a lesson plan. State the null and alternative hypotheses. Fill in the correct symbol ( =, ≠, ≥, <, ≤, >) for the null and alternative hypotheses. H 0 : μ __ 45 H a : μ __ 45

  • H 0 : μ ≥ 45
  • H a : μ < 45

In an issue of U.S. News and World Report , an article on school standards stated that about half of all students in France, Germany, and Israel take advanced placement exams and a third pass. The same article stated that 6.6% of U.S. students take advanced placement exams and 4.4% pass. Test if the percentage of U.S. students who take advanced placement exams is more than 6.6%. State the null and alternative hypotheses.

H 0 : p ≤ 0.066

H a : p > 0.066

On a state driver’s test, about 40% pass the test on the first try. We want to test if more than 40% pass on the first try. Fill in the correct symbol (=, ≠, ≥, <, ≤, >) for the null and alternative hypotheses. H 0 : p __ 0.40 H a : p __ 0.40

  • H 0 : p = 0.40
  • H a : p > 0.40

Concept Review

In a  hypothesis test , sample data is evaluated in order to arrive at a decision about some type of claim. If certain conditions about the sample are satisfied, then the claim can be evaluated for a population. In a hypothesis test, we: Evaluate the null hypothesis , typically denoted with H 0 . The null is not rejected unless the hypothesis test shows otherwise. The null statement must always contain some form of equality (=, ≤ or ≥) Always write the alternative hypothesis , typically denoted with H a or H 1 , using less than, greater than, or not equals symbols, i.e., (≠, >, or <). If we reject the null hypothesis, then we can assume there is enough evidence to support the alternative hypothesis. Never state that a claim is proven true or false. Keep in mind the underlying fact that hypothesis testing is based on probability laws; therefore, we can talk only in terms of non-absolute certainties.

Formula Review

H 0 and H a are contradictory.

  • OpenStax, Statistics, Null and Alternative Hypotheses. Provided by : OpenStax. Located at : http://cnx.org/contents/[email protected]:58/Introductory_Statistics . License : CC BY: Attribution
  • Introductory Statistics . Authored by : Barbara Illowski, Susan Dean. Provided by : Open Stax. Located at : http://cnx.org/contents/[email protected] . License : CC BY: Attribution . License Terms : Download for free at http://cnx.org/contents/[email protected]
  • Simple hypothesis testing | Probability and Statistics | Khan Academy. Authored by : Khan Academy. Located at : https://youtu.be/5D1gV37bKXY . License : All Rights Reserved . License Terms : Standard YouTube License

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  • v.18(2); Jul-Dec 2009

Hypothesis testing, type I and type II errors

Amitav banerjee.

Department of Community Medicine, D. Y. Patil Medical College, Pune, India

U. B. Chitnis

S. l. jadhav, j. s. bhawalkar, s. chaudhury.

1 Department of Psychiatry, RINPAS, Kanke, Ranchi, India

Hypothesis testing is an important activity of empirical research and evidence-based medicine. A well worked up hypothesis is half the answer to the research question. For this, both knowledge of the subject derived from extensive review of the literature and working knowledge of basic statistical concepts are desirable. The present paper discusses the methods of working up a good hypothesis and statistical concepts of hypothesis testing.

Karl Popper is probably the most influential philosopher of science in the 20 th century (Wulff et al ., 1986). Many scientists, even those who do not usually read books on philosophy, are acquainted with the basic principles of his views on science. The popularity of Popper’s philosophy is due partly to the fact that it has been well explained in simple terms by, among others, the Nobel Prize winner Peter Medawar (Medawar, 1969). Popper makes the very important point that empirical scientists (those who stress on observations only as the starting point of research) put the cart in front of the horse when they claim that science proceeds from observation to theory, since there is no such thing as a pure observation which does not depend on theory. Popper states, “… the belief that we can start with pure observation alone, without anything in the nature of a theory, is absurd: As may be illustrated by the story of the man who dedicated his life to natural science, wrote down everything he could observe, and bequeathed his ‘priceless’ collection of observations to the Royal Society to be used as inductive (empirical) evidence.


The first step in the scientific process is not observation but the generation of a hypothesis which may then be tested critically by observations and experiments. Popper also makes the important claim that the goal of the scientist’s efforts is not the verification but the falsification of the initial hypothesis. It is logically impossible to verify the truth of a general law by repeated observations, but, at least in principle, it is possible to falsify such a law by a single observation. Repeated observations of white swans did not prove that all swans are white, but the observation of a single black swan sufficed to falsify that general statement (Popper, 1976).


A good hypothesis must be based on a good research question. It should be simple, specific and stated in advance (Hulley et al ., 2001).

Hypothesis should be simple

A simple hypothesis contains one predictor and one outcome variable, e.g. positive family history of schizophrenia increases the risk of developing the condition in first-degree relatives. Here the single predictor variable is positive family history of schizophrenia and the outcome variable is schizophrenia. A complex hypothesis contains more than one predictor variable or more than one outcome variable, e.g., a positive family history and stressful life events are associated with an increased incidence of Alzheimer’s disease. Here there are 2 predictor variables, i.e., positive family history and stressful life events, while one outcome variable, i.e., Alzheimer’s disease. Complex hypothesis like this cannot be easily tested with a single statistical test and should always be separated into 2 or more simple hypotheses.

Hypothesis should be specific

A specific hypothesis leaves no ambiguity about the subjects and variables, or about how the test of statistical significance will be applied. It uses concise operational definitions that summarize the nature and source of the subjects and the approach to measuring variables (History of medication with tranquilizers, as measured by review of medical store records and physicians’ prescriptions in the past year, is more common in patients who attempted suicides than in controls hospitalized for other conditions). This is a long-winded sentence, but it explicitly states the nature of predictor and outcome variables, how they will be measured and the research hypothesis. Often these details may be included in the study proposal and may not be stated in the research hypothesis. However, they should be clear in the mind of the investigator while conceptualizing the study.

Hypothesis should be stated in advance

The hypothesis must be stated in writing during the proposal state. This will help to keep the research effort focused on the primary objective and create a stronger basis for interpreting the study’s results as compared to a hypothesis that emerges as a result of inspecting the data. The habit of post hoc hypothesis testing (common among researchers) is nothing but using third-degree methods on the data (data dredging), to yield at least something significant. This leads to overrating the occasional chance associations in the study.


For the purpose of testing statistical significance, hypotheses are classified by the way they describe the expected difference between the study groups.

Null and alternative hypotheses

The null hypothesis states that there is no association between the predictor and outcome variables in the population (There is no difference between tranquilizer habits of patients with attempted suicides and those of age- and sex- matched “control” patients hospitalized for other diagnoses). The null hypothesis is the formal basis for testing statistical significance. By starting with the proposition that there is no association, statistical tests can estimate the probability that an observed association could be due to chance.

The proposition that there is an association — that patients with attempted suicides will report different tranquilizer habits from those of the controls — is called the alternative hypothesis. The alternative hypothesis cannot be tested directly; it is accepted by exclusion if the test of statistical significance rejects the null hypothesis.

One- and two-tailed alternative hypotheses

A one-tailed (or one-sided) hypothesis specifies the direction of the association between the predictor and outcome variables. The prediction that patients of attempted suicides will have a higher rate of use of tranquilizers than control patients is a one-tailed hypothesis. A two-tailed hypothesis states only that an association exists; it does not specify the direction. The prediction that patients with attempted suicides will have a different rate of tranquilizer use — either higher or lower than control patients — is a two-tailed hypothesis. (The word tails refers to the tail ends of the statistical distribution such as the familiar bell-shaped normal curve that is used to test a hypothesis. One tail represents a positive effect or association; the other, a negative effect.) A one-tailed hypothesis has the statistical advantage of permitting a smaller sample size as compared to that permissible by a two-tailed hypothesis. Unfortunately, one-tailed hypotheses are not always appropriate; in fact, some investigators believe that they should never be used. However, they are appropriate when only one direction for the association is important or biologically meaningful. An example is the one-sided hypothesis that a drug has a greater frequency of side effects than a placebo; the possibility that the drug has fewer side effects than the placebo is not worth testing. Whatever strategy is used, it should be stated in advance; otherwise, it would lack statistical rigor. Data dredging after it has been collected and post hoc deciding to change over to one-tailed hypothesis testing to reduce the sample size and P value are indicative of lack of scientific integrity.


A hypothesis (for example, Tamiflu [oseltamivir], drug of choice in H1N1 influenza, is associated with an increased incidence of acute psychotic manifestations) is either true or false in the real world. Because the investigator cannot study all people who are at risk, he must test the hypothesis in a sample of that target population. No matter how many data a researcher collects, he can never absolutely prove (or disprove) his hypothesis. There will always be a need to draw inferences about phenomena in the population from events observed in the sample (Hulley et al ., 2001). In some ways, the investigator’s problem is similar to that faced by a judge judging a defendant [ Table 1 ]. The absolute truth whether the defendant committed the crime cannot be determined. Instead, the judge begins by presuming innocence — the defendant did not commit the crime. The judge must decide whether there is sufficient evidence to reject the presumed innocence of the defendant; the standard is known as beyond a reasonable doubt. A judge can err, however, by convicting a defendant who is innocent, or by failing to convict one who is actually guilty. In similar fashion, the investigator starts by presuming the null hypothesis, or no association between the predictor and outcome variables in the population. Based on the data collected in his sample, the investigator uses statistical tests to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis that there is an association in the population. The standard for these tests is shown as the level of statistical significance.

The analogy between judge’s decisions and statistical tests


Just like a judge’s conclusion, an investigator’s conclusion may be wrong. Sometimes, by chance alone, a sample is not representative of the population. Thus the results in the sample do not reflect reality in the population, and the random error leads to an erroneous inference. A type I error (false-positive) occurs if an investigator rejects a null hypothesis that is actually true in the population; a type II error (false-negative) occurs if the investigator fails to reject a null hypothesis that is actually false in the population. Although type I and type II errors can never be avoided entirely, the investigator can reduce their likelihood by increasing the sample size (the larger the sample, the lesser is the likelihood that it will differ substantially from the population).

False-positive and false-negative results can also occur because of bias (observer, instrument, recall, etc.). (Errors due to bias, however, are not referred to as type I and type II errors.) Such errors are troublesome, since they may be difficult to detect and cannot usually be quantified.


The likelihood that a study will be able to detect an association between a predictor variable and an outcome variable depends, of course, on the actual magnitude of that association in the target population. If it is large (such as 90% increase in the incidence of psychosis in people who are on Tamiflu), it will be easy to detect in the sample. Conversely, if the size of the association is small (such as 2% increase in psychosis), it will be difficult to detect in the sample. Unfortunately, the investigator often does not know the actual magnitude of the association — one of the purposes of the study is to estimate it. Instead, the investigator must choose the size of the association that he would like to be able to detect in the sample. This quantity is known as the effect size. Selecting an appropriate effect size is the most difficult aspect of sample size planning. Sometimes, the investigator can use data from other studies or pilot tests to make an informed guess about a reasonable effect size. When there are no data with which to estimate it, he can choose the smallest effect size that would be clinically meaningful, for example, a 10% increase in the incidence of psychosis. Of course, from the public health point of view, even a 1% increase in psychosis incidence would be important. Thus the choice of the effect size is always somewhat arbitrary, and considerations of feasibility are often paramount. When the number of available subjects is limited, the investigator may have to work backward to determine whether the effect size that his study will be able to detect with that number of subjects is reasonable.


After a study is completed, the investigator uses statistical tests to try to reject the null hypothesis in favor of its alternative (much in the same way that a prosecuting attorney tries to convince a judge to reject innocence in favor of guilt). Depending on whether the null hypothesis is true or false in the target population, and assuming that the study is free of bias, 4 situations are possible, as shown in Table 2 below. In 2 of these, the findings in the sample and reality in the population are concordant, and the investigator’s inference will be correct. In the other 2 situations, either a type I (α) or a type II (β) error has been made, and the inference will be incorrect.

Truth in the population versus the results in the study sample: The four possibilities

The investigator establishes the maximum chance of making type I and type II errors in advance of the study. The probability of committing a type I error (rejecting the null hypothesis when it is actually true) is called α (alpha) the other name for this is the level of statistical significance.

If a study of Tamiflu and psychosis is designed with α = 0.05, for example, then the investigator has set 5% as the maximum chance of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis (and erroneously inferring that use of Tamiflu and psychosis incidence are associated in the population). This is the level of reasonable doubt that the investigator is willing to accept when he uses statistical tests to analyze the data after the study is completed.

The probability of making a type II error (failing to reject the null hypothesis when it is actually false) is called β (beta). The quantity (1 - β) is called power, the probability of observing an effect in the sample (if one), of a specified effect size or greater exists in the population.

If β is set at 0.10, then the investigator has decided that he is willing to accept a 10% chance of missing an association of a given effect size between Tamiflu and psychosis. This represents a power of 0.90, i.e., a 90% chance of finding an association of that size. For example, suppose that there really would be a 30% increase in psychosis incidence if the entire population took Tamiflu. Then 90 times out of 100, the investigator would observe an effect of that size or larger in his study. This does not mean, however, that the investigator will be absolutely unable to detect a smaller effect; just that he will have less than 90% likelihood of doing so.

Ideally alpha and beta errors would be set at zero, eliminating the possibility of false-positive and false-negative results. In practice they are made as small as possible. Reducing them, however, usually requires increasing the sample size. Sample size planning aims at choosing a sufficient number of subjects to keep alpha and beta at acceptably low levels without making the study unnecessarily expensive or difficult.

Many studies s et al pha at 0.05 and beta at 0.20 (a power of 0.80). These are somewhat arbitrary values, and others are sometimes used; the conventional range for alpha is between 0.01 and 0.10; and for beta, between 0.05 and 0.20. In general the investigator should choose a low value of alpha when the research question makes it particularly important to avoid a type I (false-positive) error, and he should choose a low value of beta when it is especially important to avoid a type II error.

The null hypothesis acts like a punching bag: It is assumed to be true in order to shadowbox it into false with a statistical test. When the data are analyzed, such tests determine the P value, the probability of obtaining the study results by chance if the null hypothesis is true. The null hypothesis is rejected in favor of the alternative hypothesis if the P value is less than alpha, the predetermined level of statistical significance (Daniel, 2000). “Nonsignificant” results — those with P value greater than alpha — do not imply that there is no association in the population; they only mean that the association observed in the sample is small compared with what could have occurred by chance alone. For example, an investigator might find that men with family history of mental illness were twice as likely to develop schizophrenia as those with no family history, but with a P value of 0.09. This means that even if family history and schizophrenia were not associated in the population, there was a 9% chance of finding such an association due to random error in the sample. If the investigator had set the significance level at 0.05, he would have to conclude that the association in the sample was “not statistically significant.” It might be tempting for the investigator to change his mind about the level of statistical significance ex post facto and report the results “showed statistical significance at P < 10”. A better choice would be to report that the “results, although suggestive of an association, did not achieve statistical significance ( P = .09)”. This solution acknowledges that statistical significance is not an “all or none” situation.

Hypothesis testing is the sheet anchor of empirical research and in the rapidly emerging practice of evidence-based medicine. However, empirical research and, ipso facto, hypothesis testing have their limits. The empirical approach to research cannot eliminate uncertainty completely. At the best, it can quantify uncertainty. This uncertainty can be of 2 types: Type I error (falsely rejecting a null hypothesis) and type II error (falsely accepting a null hypothesis). The acceptable magnitudes of type I and type II errors are set in advance and are important for sample size calculations. Another important point to remember is that we cannot ‘prove’ or ‘disprove’ anything by hypothesis testing and statistical tests. We can only knock down or reject the null hypothesis and by default accept the alternative hypothesis. If we fail to reject the null hypothesis, we accept it by default.

Source of Support: Nil

Conflict of Interest: None declared.

  • Daniel W. W. In: Biostatistics. 7th ed. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc; 2002. Hypothesis testing; pp. 204–294. [ Google Scholar ]
  • Hulley S. B, Cummings S. R, Browner W. S, Grady D, Hearst N, Newman T. B. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2001. Getting ready to estimate sample size: Hypothesis and underlying principles In: Designing Clinical Research-An epidemiologic approach; pp. 51–63. [ Google Scholar ]
  • Medawar P. B. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society; 1969. Induction and intuition in scientific thought. [ Google Scholar ]
  • Popper K. Unended Quest. An Intellectual Autobiography. Fontana Collins; p. 42. [ Google Scholar ]
  • Wulff H. R, Pedersen S. A, Rosenberg R. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publicatons; Empirism and Realism: A philosophical problem. In: Philosophy of Medicine. [ Google Scholar ]

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6.5 - power.

The probability of rejecting the null hypothesis, given that the null hypothesis is false, is known as power. In other words, power is the probability of correctly rejecting \(H_0\).

The power of a test can be increased in a number of ways, for example increasing the sample size, decreasing the standard error, increasing the difference between the sample statistic and the hypothesized parameter, or increasing the alpha level. Using a directional test (i.e., left- or right-tailed) as opposed to a two-tailed test would also increase power. 

When we increase the sample size, decrease the standard error, or increase the difference between the sample statistic and hypothesized parameter, the p value decreases, thus making it more likely that we reject the null hypothesis. When we increase the alpha level, there is a larger range of p values for which we would reject the null hypothesis. Going from a two-tailed to a one-tailed test cuts the p value in half. In all of these cases, we say that statistically power is increased. 

There is a relationship between \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\). If the sample size is fixed, then decreasing \(\alpha\) will increase \(\beta\). If we want both \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) to decrease (i.e., decreasing the likelihood of both Type I and Type II errors), then we should increase the sample size.

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The probability of committing a Type II error is known as \(\beta\).



If power increases then \(\beta\) must decrease. So, if the power of a statistical test is increased, for example by increasing the sample size, the probability of committing a Type II error decreases.

No. When we perform a hypothesis test, we only set the Type I error rate (i.e., alpha level) and guard against it. Thus, we can only present the strength of evidence against the null hypothesis. We can sidestep the concern about Type II error if the conclusion never mentions that the null hypothesis is accepted. When the null hypothesis cannot be rejected, there are two possible cases:

1) The null hypothesis is really true.

2) The sample size is not large enough to reject the null hypothesis (i.e., statistical power is too low).

The result of the study was to fail to reject the null hypothesis. In reality, the null hypothesis was false. This is a Type II error.

Null Hypothesis Definition and Examples

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  • Ph.D., Biomedical Sciences, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
  • B.A., Physics and Mathematics, Hastings College

In a scientific experiment, the null hypothesis is the proposition that there is no effect or no relationship between phenomena or populations. If the null hypothesis is true, any observed difference in phenomena or populations would be due to sampling error (random chance) or experimental error. The null hypothesis is useful because it can be tested and found to be false, which then implies that there is a relationship between the observed data. It may be easier to think of it as a nullifiable hypothesis or one that the researcher seeks to nullify. The null hypothesis is also known as the H 0, or no-difference hypothesis.

The alternate hypothesis, H A or H 1 , proposes that observations are influenced by a non-random factor. In an experiment, the alternate hypothesis suggests that the experimental or independent variable has an effect on the dependent variable .

How to State a Null Hypothesis

There are two ways to state a null hypothesis. One is to state it as a declarative sentence, and the other is to present it as a mathematical statement.

For example, say a researcher suspects that exercise is correlated to weight loss, assuming diet remains unchanged. The average length of time to achieve a certain amount of weight loss is six weeks when a person works out five times a week. The researcher wants to test whether weight loss takes longer to occur if the number of workouts is reduced to three times a week.

The first step to writing the null hypothesis is to find the (alternate) hypothesis. In a word problem like this, you're looking for what you expect to be the outcome of the experiment. In this case, the hypothesis is "I expect weight loss to take longer than six weeks."

This can be written mathematically as: H 1 : μ > 6

In this example, μ is the average.

Now, the null hypothesis is what you expect if this hypothesis does not happen. In this case, if weight loss isn't achieved in greater than six weeks, then it must occur at a time equal to or less than six weeks. This can be written mathematically as:

H 0 : μ ≤ 6

The other way to state the null hypothesis is to make no assumption about the outcome of the experiment. In this case, the null hypothesis is simply that the treatment or change will have no effect on the outcome of the experiment. For this example, it would be that reducing the number of workouts would not affect the time needed to achieve weight loss:

H 0 : μ = 6

  • Null Hypothesis Examples

"Hyperactivity is unrelated to eating sugar " is an example of a null hypothesis. If the hypothesis is tested and found to be false, using statistics, then a connection between hyperactivity and sugar ingestion may be indicated. A significance test is the most common statistical test used to establish confidence in a null hypothesis.

Another example of a null hypothesis is "Plant growth rate is unaffected by the presence of cadmium in the soil ." A researcher could test the hypothesis by measuring the growth rate of plants grown in a medium lacking cadmium, compared with the growth rate of plants grown in mediums containing different amounts of cadmium. Disproving the null hypothesis would set the groundwork for further research into the effects of different concentrations of the element in soil.

Why Test a Null Hypothesis?

You may be wondering why you would want to test a hypothesis just to find it false. Why not just test an alternate hypothesis and find it true? The short answer is that it is part of the scientific method. In science, propositions are not explicitly "proven." Rather, science uses math to determine the probability that a statement is true or false. It turns out it's much easier to disprove a hypothesis than to positively prove one. Also, while the null hypothesis may be simply stated, there's a good chance the alternate hypothesis is incorrect.

For example, if your null hypothesis is that plant growth is unaffected by duration of sunlight, you could state the alternate hypothesis in several different ways. Some of these statements might be incorrect. You could say plants are harmed by more than 12 hours of sunlight or that plants need at least three hours of sunlight, etc. There are clear exceptions to those alternate hypotheses, so if you test the wrong plants, you could reach the wrong conclusion. The null hypothesis is a general statement that can be used to develop an alternate hypothesis, which may or may not be correct.

  • What Are Examples of a Hypothesis?
  • What Is a Hypothesis? (Science)
  • What 'Fail to Reject' Means in a Hypothesis Test
  • What Are the Elements of a Good Hypothesis?
  • Scientific Hypothesis Examples
  • Null Hypothesis and Alternative Hypothesis
  • What Is a Control Group?
  • Understanding Simple vs Controlled Experiments
  • Six Steps of the Scientific Method
  • Scientific Method Vocabulary Terms
  • Definition of a Hypothesis
  • Understanding Experimental Groups
  • Type I and Type II Errors in Statistics
  • An Example of a Hypothesis Test
  • How to Conduct a Hypothesis Test

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Statistics LibreTexts

7.3: The Research Hypothesis and the Null Hypothesis

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  • Page ID 18038

  • Michelle Oja
  • Taft College

Hypotheses are predictions of expected findings.

The Research Hypothesis

A research hypothesis is a mathematical way of stating a research question.  A research hypothesis names the groups (we'll start with a sample and a population), what was measured, and which we think will have a higher mean.  The last one gives the research hypothesis a direction.  In other words, a research hypothesis should include:

  • The name of the groups being compared.  This is sometimes considered the IV.
  • What was measured.  This is the DV.
  • Which group are we predicting will have the higher mean.  

There are two types of research hypotheses related to sample means and population means:  Directional Research Hypotheses and Non-Directional Research Hypotheses

Directional Research Hypothesis

If we expect our obtained sample mean to be above or below the other group's mean (the population mean, for example), we have a directional hypothesis. There are two options:

  • Symbol:       \( \displaystyle \bar{X} > \mu \)
  • (The mean of the sample is greater than than the mean of the population.)
  • Symbol:     \( \displaystyle \bar{X} < \mu \)
  • (The mean of the sample is less than than mean of the population.)

Example \(\PageIndex{1}\)

A study by Blackwell, Trzesniewski, and Dweck (2007) measured growth mindset and how long the junior high student participants spent on their math homework.  What’s a directional hypothesis for how scoring higher on growth mindset (compared to the population of junior high students) would be related to how long students spent on their homework?  Write this out in words and symbols.

Answer in Words:            Students who scored high on growth mindset would spend more time on their homework than the population of junior high students.

Answer in Symbols:         \( \displaystyle \bar{X} > \mu \) 

Non-Directional Research Hypothesis

A non-directional hypothesis states that the means will be different, but does not specify which will be higher.  In reality, there is rarely a situation in which we actually don't want one group to be higher than the other, so we will focus on directional research hypotheses.  There is only one option for a non-directional research hypothesis: "The sample mean differs from the population mean."  These types of research hypotheses don’t give a direction, the hypothesis doesn’t say which will be higher or lower.

A non-directional research hypothesis in symbols should look like this:    \( \displaystyle \bar{X} \neq \mu \) (The mean of the sample is not equal to the mean of the population).

Exercise \(\PageIndex{1}\)

What’s a non-directional hypothesis for how scoring higher on growth mindset higher on growth mindset (compared to the population of junior high students) would be related to how long students spent on their homework (Blackwell, Trzesniewski, & Dweck, 2007)?  Write this out in words and symbols.

Answer in Words:            Students who scored high on growth mindset would spend a different amount of time on their homework than the population of junior high students.

Answer in Symbols:        \( \displaystyle \bar{X} \neq \mu \) 

See how a non-directional research hypothesis doesn't really make sense?  The big issue is not if the two groups differ, but if one group seems to improve what was measured (if having a growth mindset leads to more time spent on math homework).  This textbook will only use directional research hypotheses because researchers almost always have a predicted direction (meaning that we almost always know which group we think will score higher).

The Null Hypothesis

The hypothesis that an apparent effect is due to chance is called the null hypothesis, written \(H_0\) (“H-naught”). We usually test this through comparing an experimental group to a comparison (control) group.  This null hypothesis can be written as:

\[\mathrm{H}_{0}: \bar{X} = \mu \nonumber \]

For most of this textbook, the null hypothesis is that the means of the two groups are similar.  Much later, the null hypothesis will be that there is no relationship between the two groups.  Either way, remember that a null hypothesis is always saying that nothing is different.  

This is where descriptive statistics diverge from inferential statistics.  We know what the value of \(\overline{\mathrm{X}}\) is – it’s not a mystery or a question, it is what we observed from the sample.  What we are using inferential statistics to do is infer whether this sample's descriptive statistics probably represents the population's descriptive statistics.  This is the null hypothesis, that the two groups are similar.  

Keep in mind that the null hypothesis is typically the opposite of the research hypothesis. A research hypothesis for the ESP example is that those in my sample who say that they have ESP would get more correct answers than the population would get correct, while the null hypothesis is that the average number correct for the two groups will be similar. 

In general, the null hypothesis is the idea that nothing is going on: there is no effect of our treatment, no relation between our variables, and no difference in our sample mean from what we expected about the population mean. This is always our baseline starting assumption, and it is what we seek to reject. If we are trying to treat depression, we want to find a difference in average symptoms between our treatment and control groups. If we are trying to predict job performance, we want to find a relation between conscientiousness and evaluation scores. However, until we have evidence against it, we must use the null hypothesis as our starting point.

In sum, the null hypothesis is always : There is no difference between the groups’ means OR There is no relationship between the variables .

In the next chapter, the null hypothesis is that there’s no difference between the sample mean   and population mean.  In other words:

  • There is no mean difference between the sample and population.
  • The mean of the sample is the same as the mean of a specific population.
  • \(\mathrm{H}_{0}: \bar{X} = \mu \nonumber \)
  • We expect our sample’s mean to be same as the population mean.

Exercise \(\PageIndex{2}\)

A study by Blackwell, Trzesniewski, and Dweck (2007) measured growth mindset and how long the junior high student participants spent on their math homework.  What’s the null hypothesis for scoring higher on growth mindset (compared to the population of junior high students) and how long students spent on their homework?  Write this out in words and symbols.

Answer in Words:            Students who scored high on growth mindset would spend a similar amount of time on their homework as the population of junior high students.

Answer in Symbols:    \( \bar{X} = \mu \)

Contributors and Attributions

Foster et al.  (University of Missouri-St. Louis, Rice University, & University of Houston, Downtown Campus)

Dr. MO ( Taft College )


Statistics Made Easy

How to Write a Null Hypothesis (5 Examples)

A hypothesis test uses sample data to determine whether or not some claim about a population parameter is true.

Whenever we perform a hypothesis test, we always write a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis, which take the following forms:

H 0 (Null Hypothesis): Population parameter =,  ≤, ≥ some value

H A  (Alternative Hypothesis): Population parameter <, >, ≠ some value

Note that the null hypothesis always contains the equal sign .

We interpret the hypotheses as follows:

Null hypothesis: The sample data provides no evidence to support some claim being made by an individual.

Alternative hypothesis: The sample data  does provide sufficient evidence to support the claim being made by an individual.

For example, suppose it’s assumed that the average height of a certain species of plant is 20 inches tall. However, one botanist claims the true average height is greater than 20 inches.

To test this claim, she may go out and collect a random sample of plants. She can then use this sample data to perform a hypothesis test using the following two hypotheses:

H 0 : μ ≤ 20 (the true mean height of plants is equal to or even less than 20 inches)

H A : μ > 20 (the true mean height of plants is greater than 20 inches)

If the sample data gathered by the botanist shows that the mean height of this species of plants is significantly greater than 20 inches, she can reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the mean height is greater than 20 inches.

Read through the following examples to gain a better understanding of how to write a null hypothesis in different situations.

Example 1: Weight of Turtles

A biologist wants to test whether or not the true mean weight of a certain species of turtles is 300 pounds. To test this, he goes out and measures the weight of a random sample of 40 turtles.

Here is how to write the null and alternative hypotheses for this scenario:

H 0 : μ = 300 (the true mean weight is equal to 300 pounds)

H A : μ ≠ 300 (the true mean weight is not equal to 300 pounds)

Example 2: Height of Males

It’s assumed that the mean height of males in a certain city is 68 inches. However, an independent researcher believes the true mean height is greater than 68 inches. To test this, he goes out and collects the height of 50 males in the city.

H 0 : μ ≤ 68 (the true mean height is equal to or even less than 68 inches)

H A : μ > 68 (the true mean height is greater than 68 inches)

Example 3: Graduation Rates

A university states that 80% of all students graduate on time. However, an independent researcher believes that less than 80% of all students graduate on time. To test this, she collects data on the proportion of students who graduated on time last year at the university.

H 0 : p ≥ 0.80 (the true proportion of students who graduate on time is 80% or higher)

H A : μ < 0.80 (the true proportion of students who graduate on time is less than 80%)

Example 4: Burger Weights

A food researcher wants to test whether or not the true mean weight of a burger at a certain restaurant is 7 ounces. To test this, he goes out and measures the weight of a random sample of 20 burgers from this restaurant.

H 0 : μ = 7 (the true mean weight is equal to 7 ounces)

H A : μ ≠ 7 (the true mean weight is not equal to 7 ounces)

Example 5: Citizen Support

A politician claims that less than 30% of citizens in a certain town support a certain law. To test this, he goes out and surveys 200 citizens on whether or not they support the law.

H 0 : p ≥ .30 (the true proportion of citizens who support the law is greater than or equal to 30%)

H A : μ < 0.30 (the true proportion of citizens who support the law is less than 30%)

Additional Resources

Introduction to Hypothesis Testing Introduction to Confidence Intervals An Explanation of P-Values and Statistical Significance

the null hypothesis false

Hey there. My name is Zach Bobbitt. I have a Master of Science degree in Applied Statistics and I’ve worked on machine learning algorithms for professional businesses in both healthcare and retail. I’m passionate about statistics, machine learning, and data visualization and I created Statology to be a resource for both students and teachers alike.  My goal with this site is to help you learn statistics through using simple terms, plenty of real-world examples, and helpful illustrations.

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    So there's the reality, let me put reality up here, so the reality is there's two possible scenarios in reality, one is the null hypothesis is true and the other is that the null hypothesis is false, and then based on our significance test, there's two things that we might do, we might reject the null hypothesis, or we might fail to reject the ...

  6. Null hypothesis

    In scientific research, the null hypothesis (often denoted H 0) is the claim that the effect being studied does not exist. ... the experimenter rejects the null hypothesis, concluding it (probably) is false. This class of data-sets is usually specified via a test statistic, which is designed to measure the extent of apparent departure from the ...

  7. What Is The Null Hypothesis & When To Reject It

    When your p-value is less than or equal to your significance level, you reject the null hypothesis. In other words, smaller p-values are taken as stronger evidence against the null hypothesis. Conversely, when the p-value is greater than your significance level, you fail to reject the null hypothesis. In this case, the sample data provides ...

  8. 9.1 Null and Alternative Hypotheses

    The actual test begins by considering two hypotheses.They are called the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis.These hypotheses contain opposing viewpoints. H 0, the —null hypothesis: a statement of no difference between sample means or proportions or no difference between a sample mean or proportion and a population mean or proportion. In other words, the difference equals 0.

  9. 10.2: Null and Alternative Hypotheses

    The alternative hypothesis ( Ha H a) is a claim about the population that is contradictory to H0 H 0 and what we conclude when we reject H0 H 0. Since the null and alternative hypotheses are contradictory, you must examine evidence to decide if you have enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis or not. The evidence is in the form of sample ...

  10. Type 1 and Type 2 Errors in Statistics

    A statistically significant result cannot prove that a research hypothesis is correct (which implies 100% certainty). Because a p-value is based on probabilities, there is always a chance of making an incorrect conclusion regarding accepting or rejecting the null hypothesis (H 0).

  11. 6a.1

    The first step in hypothesis testing is to set up two competing hypotheses. The hypotheses are the most important aspect. If the hypotheses are incorrect, your conclusion will also be incorrect. The two hypotheses are named the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis is typically denoted as H 0.

  12. 9.2: Hypothesis Testing

    Null and Alternative Hypotheses. The actual test begins by considering two hypotheses.They are called the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis.These hypotheses contain opposing viewpoints. \(H_0\): The null hypothesis: It is a statement of no difference between the variables—they are not related. This can often be considered the status quo and as a result if you cannot accept the ...

  13. Type I & Type II Errors

    The null hypothesis distribution curve below shows the probabilities of obtaining all possible results if the study were repeated with new samples and the null hypothesis were true in the population. At the tail end, the shaded area represents alpha.

  14. Failing to Reject the Null Hypothesis

    If the null hypothesis is false, then the correct outcome is failing to reject the null. However, if the null hypothesis is false and you fail to reject, it is a type II error, or a false negative. Read my post about types of errors in hypothesis tests for more information.

  15. Examples of null and alternative hypotheses

    It is the opposite of your research hypothesis. The alternative hypothesis--that is, the research hypothesis--is the idea, phenomenon, observation that you want to prove. If you suspect that girls take longer to get ready for school than boys, then: Alternative: girls time > boys time. Null: girls time <= boys time.

  16. 8.1.1: Null and Alternative Hypotheses

    Review. In a hypothesis test, sample data is evaluated in order to arrive at a decision about some type of claim.If certain conditions about the sample are satisfied, then the claim can be evaluated for a population. In a hypothesis test, we: Evaluate the null hypothesis, typically denoted with \(H_{0}\).The null is not rejected unless the hypothesis test shows otherwise.

  17. Null and Alternative Hypotheses

    The actual test begins by considering two hypotheses.They are called the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis.These hypotheses contain opposing viewpoints. H 0: The null hypothesis: It is a statement about the population that either is believed to be true or is used to put forth an argument unless it can be shown to be incorrect beyond a reasonable doubt.

  18. Hypothesis testing, type I and type II errors

    The null hypothesis acts like a punching bag: It is assumed to be true in order to shadowbox it into false with a statistical test. When the data are analyzed, such tests determine the P value, the probability of obtaining the study results by chance if the null hypothesis is true.

  19. 6.5

    The probability of rejecting the null hypothesis, given that the null hypothesis is false, is known as power. In other words, power is the probability of correctly rejecting \(H_0\). Power

  20. When Do You Reject the Null Hypothesis? (3 Examples)

    A hypothesis test is a formal statistical test we use to reject or fail to reject a statistical hypothesis. We always use the following steps to perform a hypothesis test: Step 1: State the null and alternative hypotheses. The null hypothesis, denoted as H0, is the hypothesis that the sample data occurs purely from chance.

  21. Null Hypothesis Definition and Examples

    Null Hypothesis Examples. "Hyperactivity is unrelated to eating sugar " is an example of a null hypothesis. If the hypothesis is tested and found to be false, using statistics, then a connection between hyperactivity and sugar ingestion may be indicated. A significance test is the most common statistical test used to establish confidence in a ...

  22. 7.3: The Research Hypothesis and the Null Hypothesis

    This null hypothesis can be written as: H0: X¯ = μ H 0: X ¯ = μ. For most of this textbook, the null hypothesis is that the means of the two groups are similar. Much later, the null hypothesis will be that there is no relationship between the two groups. Either way, remember that a null hypothesis is always saying that nothing is different.

  23. How to Write a Null Hypothesis (5 Examples)

    Whenever we perform a hypothesis test, we always write a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis, which take the following forms: H0 (Null Hypothesis): Population parameter =, ≤, ≥ some value. HA (Alternative Hypothesis): Population parameter <, >, ≠ some value. Note that the null hypothesis always contains the equal sign.