by James Cameron

Titanic themes.

Love is the overriding theme of the film, which is symbolized by the Heart of the Ocean diamond. The blossoming love affair between Jack and Rose is the central narrative of the film, one that leads them to make risky, fateful decisions in order to stay together. In the film, the upper classes are shown to be largely incapable of love: Ruth would prefer that her daughter enter into a loveless marriage with the steel magnate Cal Hockley so that they can preserve their riches. Rose's interactions with Jack, however, convince her that an authentic, passionate relationship is more valuable than any riches. Rose dropping the Heart of the Ocean diamond back into the sea at the end of the film, rather than turning it over to Brock, reflects the fact that love is a mysterious and powerful force beyond measure, something not reducible to material wealth.

James Cameron once described the film as " Romeo and Juliet on the Titanic ," but instead of staging a battle between Montagues and Capulets, Cameron dramatizes the hostility between the rich and the poor. Rose feels so suffocated by her the expectations of her wealthy family and friends that she nearly kills herself in the film's first act, and Cameron portrays the upper class to be overwhelmingly amoral. J. Bruce Ismay's arrogance dooms the ship, Cal Hockley's abusive behavior shocks Rose, and Rose's mother Ruth shamelessly uses her daughter as a pawn. Only Molly Brown , as an example of "new money," retains her moral center. The penniless artist Jack, on the other hand, values experiences over possessions, and encourages Rose to do the same. Cameron also shows how third-class passengers, caged below deck, perished at greater rates than first-class passengers, who bribed and cajoled their way onto lifeboats.

Time is a key theme in Titanic, one that is conveyed primarily through the symbol of the clock. Cameron uses the ornate clock engraved in the first-class lobby of the ship as the meeting-place for Jack and Rose, which she dreams about at the end of the film. The clock represents the fact that Jack and Rose are able to experience a whirlwind romance together in a matter of days, but also that their time together is limited by the ship's tragic fate. As she is launching into her tale, elderly Rose says, "It's been 84 years...," symbolizing the chasm of time that now separates her current experience from her memories. Thomas Andrews is seen at the end of the film staring into a clock, contemplating the minutes he has left on earth before the ship sinks. Once the ship hits the iceberg, time becomes an urgent theme that determines how all of the characters act.

Titanic is a ship, but it is also a powerful symbol, a gigantic object that embodies the fantasies that various male characters have about feeling powerful. Prideful characters like Cal Hockley and J. Bruce Ismay arrogantly project their own feelings onto the ship, regarding it as majestic and unsinkable. Cal even says, "God himself could not sink this ship!" Rose scolds Ismay for fixating so obsessively on the ship's sheer enormity. Jack entertains his own fantasies of power when he climbs the railing on the ship's bow and yells, "I'm the king of the world!" Captain Smith, the ship's leader, takes his power for granted to the extent that he misses critical warnings and speeds up to attract favorable press. The desperation of first-class passengers to retain their power, even under dire circumstances, is also on clear display. The sinking of the ship ultimately shatters all of these fantasies of power, showing man to be powerless in the face of tragic unpredictability.

Titanic is a film that unfolds largely through the memories of Rose Dawson Calvert. Cameron instills Rose's memories with the magnificent and opulent detail of a Hollywood production, suggesting that first-hand testimony will always be more powerful than any photographs or news items about the event. Rose's recollections, conveyed through voice-over narration over the course of the film, color the audience's perception of the events. After she tells her story, Rose says of Jack, "He exists now only in my memory...," given that he was not on the ship's manifest, and perished in the disaster. Rose ultimately dreams that she is back on the Titanic with Jack before passing away, reflecting the fact that she has finally reconciled her memories with her present.

Many of the film's characters are susceptible to avarice and greed. Rose's mother Ruth is so terrified of losing her possessions that she forces her daughter to enter into an unhappy marriage with an abusive man. Cal Hockley only knows how to express his affection for Rose by giving her exorbitant gifts like the Heart of the Ocean, and becomes furious when he realizes it is gone. When Jack goes to dinner in first class, Molly tells him dryly, "Remember, they love money, so pretend you own a goldmine, and you're in the club." The greediness of the White Star Line is portrayed by their refusal to load the ship with an adequate number of lifeboats, or when a crew member chastises Jack for uprooting a bench so that they can escape third class. The pervasive elevation of money over human life eventually disgusts Rose so severely that she abandons her mother, spits in Cal's face, and returns to Jack's side, even as the ship is sinking.

The story of the Titanic is, above all, a human tragedy that claimed over a thousand lives, an event made all the more tragic by how preventable it was at numerous points. Cameron makes liberal use of foreshadowing in order to heighten the emotional impact of the devastating casualties incurred by the event, such as when Rose notices the lack of lifeboats, or when Captain Smith's ignores iceberg warnings. No character emerges unscathed from the disaster. Even the survivors, Rose remembers, would spend their lives "waiting for an absolution that would never come." Characters like Captain Smith, Thomas Andrews, and William Murdoch are haunted in their final minutes by overwhelming guilt. Many passengers die trying to protect loved ones, and to remain calm in the face of certain death. The band playing on during the sinking symbolizes the struggle of the human spirit to remain joyful in times of dire loss.

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Study Guide for Titanic

Titanic study guide contains a biography of James Cameron, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

  • About Titanic
  • Titanic Summary
  • Character List
  • Director's Influence

Wikipedia Entries for Titanic

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titanic movie thesis statement

Strengths of the Moview ”Titanic”

Titanic is a popular film that received acclaim from the industry and the audience. It was a colossal and unprecedented success upon the release, and it took more than a decade for another work by Cameron to overtake it. Although some consider the film overrated, its long-lasting impact and universal appeal attest to the quality. Those would be impossible without strong themes, memorable characters, and an engaging narrative.

Titanic ’s prominent themes include love, social inequality, and self-sacrifice, all tangled in a tragic event that resonated with many people by itself. The story concerns a love triangle involving two engaged members of the high society and a young man of low status. While the idea is not novel, the setting refreshes it and makes the dynamic of the relationship. Despite being short-lived, the feelings are genuine, and the final departure is rather emotional. The theme of social and financial inequality in a relationship remains relevant to new generations, although it has different manifestations nowadays. Meanwhile, almost all characters sacrifice something in the film, including their lives. It is an emboldening experience that makes the audience consider the value of what they hold dear. Overall, the themes of Titanic are effective due to their universality, lasting relevance, and emotional execution.

Titanic has a vast cast of characters, some of which existed in real life, but the focus is on the three fictional ones which comprise the love triangle mentioned before. Rose is an adventurous and somewhat fearless young woman who feels constrained by her elevated social status, reminiscent of classic literary works. Her infatuation with a low-class artist, Jack, invigorates her and enables her defiance of the family and fiancé. Both men are each other’s opposites, and it is fascinating to witness Cal’s jealousy unfold in the middle of the disaster. However, he realized that he had lost Rose’s heart forever, and he does some benevolent actions before exiting the scene. Meanwhile, Jack enjoys a loving and understanding relationship with Rose and later willingly sacrifices his life for her, fully aware that she will have someone else after him. Altogether, the characters are vivid, believable, and easily earn the audience’s sympathy or wrath.

Titanic has an engaging narrthat which contributed to the story’s overall strength. The film has a frame structure, starting and ending in the present, with the main events happening in the past. It provides a feeling of realism and proves to be especially effective at the end when we see the main heroine aged and regretful, and the ambiguity of her fate also intrigues the audience. The act of parting with the necklace could indicate Rose’s resolution to leave the events behind, but they seemed so important to her life that they could equal death. Interestingly, Jack managed to predict the circumstances of her passing, or his words left such a powerful impact on Rose that she decided to live accordingly. No matter the truth, the narrative devices enhance the themes and make the audience sympathize with the characters.

Summarizing everything, Titanic is an example of a filled hatch that won universal acclaim through the box office and numerous awards. Its achievements are based on the work’s immortal themes, striking characters, and narrative which supports them. Perhaps, other films surpass Titanic in those aspects, but what made it unique is the combination of the elements which transformed the film into an ultimate romance story in cinema.

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Essays on Titanic

Titanic essay topics and outline examples, essay title 1: "titanic: a cinematic masterpiece and a love story for the ages".

Thesis Statement: The film Titanic, directed by James Cameron, not only stands as a cinematic masterpiece but also weaves a timeless love story that continues to captivate audiences worldwide.

Essay Outline:

  • Introduction
  • The Making of Titanic: A Cinematic Marvel
  • Romance on the High Seas: The Love Story of Jack and Rose
  • Historical Accuracy vs. Creative License
  • The Enduring Legacy of Titanic

Essay Title 2: "Titanic: A Window into the Class Divide of the Early 20th Century"

Thesis Statement: The Titanic movie provides a compelling portrayal of the social and economic disparities of the early 20th century, using the ill-fated ship as a microcosm of society.

  • The Titanic as a Symbol of Social Class
  • The First-Class Experience
  • The Plight of the Third-Class Passengers
  • Character Analysis: Rose's Journey Across Class Boundaries

Essay Title 3: "The Titanic Effect: How the Movie Revived Interest in the Tragic History of the Ship"

Thesis Statement: The Titanic movie, released in 1997, sparked a renewed fascination with the real-life tragedy of the Titanic and its impact on popular culture.

  • The Historical Background of the Titanic
  • James Cameron's Approach to the Story
  • The Film's Cultural Impact
  • Exploring the Titanic's Legacy in Museums and Artifacts

Essay Title 4: "Special Effects and Realism: The Technological Marvels of Titanic"

Thesis Statement: Titanic's groundbreaking special effects set new standards in filmmaking, creating a visually immersive experience that transported audiences back to the ill-fated voyage.

  • The Advancements in Special Effects Technology
  • Creating a Replica Titanic
  • The Spectacle of the Sinking Sequence
  • Awards and Recognition for Technical Achievements

Essay Title 5: "Fictional vs. Historical: Analyzing the Accuracy of Titanic's Characters and Events"

Thesis Statement: Titanic, while a cinematic triumph, takes creative liberties with its characters and events, prompting a discussion of where historical accuracy meets artistic storytelling.

  • Comparing the Film's Characters to Real Passengers
  • Key Historical Events vs. Dramatic Adaptations
  • Critical Reception and Debates Over Accuracy
  • The Ongoing Debate: Artistic Freedom vs. Fidelity to History

The Enduring Impact of Titanic: Themes, Characters, and Narrative

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Impact of Sinking of The Titanic on U.s. Capital Markets

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titanic movie thesis statement

90 Titanic Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best titanic topic ideas & essay examples, 📌 good essay topics on titanic, 🔎 most interesting titanic topics to write about, ❓ titanic research questions.

  • Social Inequality in the Titanic Movie Even when she rejects the privileges that her class offers in order to be with the one she loves, she is eventually separated from him because of the consequences of social inequality.
  • The Role of Music in the Film “Titanic” Also, it will discuss the content and themes of the movie and explain the role played by music in the movie. We will write a custom essay specifically for you by our professional experts 808 writers online Learn More
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  • A Rhetorical Analysis of the Titanic Film The close-up shots used in the scene add to the emotional effect of the scene and create a sense of intimacy between the audience and characters, making the intended viewers experience the scene as if […]
  • “Titanic” by James Cameron: The Design of the American Epic Romance Film The custom building of the ship was meant to validate the historical detail of the movie. The detailed design of the ship was meant to support the narrative such that the occurrences could be as […]
  • Would 1997 Movie Titanic Be Considered a Great Epic? Griffith, the “father of film technique”, “the man who invented Hollywood” and “the Shakespeare of the screen,” “a film is a cooperative effort between the director and the audience.
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  • Historical Romance: “An Affair to Remember” and “Titanic” The primary aspect of the two films’ social environment is the characters’ ability to get involved in romantic antics and affairs. Love is the central theme in the movie and is signified by the Heart […]
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  • Rhetorical Criticism of the Titanic Jack and Rose develop a friendship They walk round the ship and explore all the hidden areas The people of the high class treat and see the employees and people from the lower societies There […]
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  • Loss of RMS Titanic (1912): Significant Events of the 20th Century The loss occurred while the ship was on its Maiden voyage from Southampton, United Kingdom to the New York City in the United States causing one of the deadliest maritime disasters of the 20th century.
  • Similarities and Differences Between the Movies “Titanic” and “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Night That Changed Everything for the “Titanic”
  • Analysis of the Use of Mise-En-Scène to Convey Narrative in “Titanic”
  • Acting and Emotions in “Titanic” Movie
  • Elegant Production Design and Surprising Visual Outcomes: “Titanic”
  • The History and Sinking of the “Titanic”
  • “Titanic”: The Most Fascinating and Well-Known Ship in History
  • Archetypal and Mythic Patterns in the “Titanic”
  • “Titanic”: The Birth of a New Generation and Its Terrible Destruction
  • The Events That Led to the Sinking of the “Titanic” in 1912
  • Flaws, Failures, and Fractures of the “Titanic”
  • Human Neglect as a Reason Behind the Sinking of the “Titanic”
  • A Tragic Love Story in “Titanic” Movie
  • “Titanic” and “Lusitania”: The Ships That Have Changed History
  • Historical Decision: The Incident of the “Titanic”
  • “Titanic”: Standout Ship and Legendary Fail
  • Comparative Analysis of American Independent Films: “Clerks” and “Titanic”
  • “Titanic” and Its Poetics Elements
  • Structural Weakness and the Hull of the “Titanic”
  • Factors of Success of the Film “Titanic” by James Cameron
  • Hollywood Elite and “Titanic” Film by Director James Cameron
  • The Size, Shape, and Design of the “Titanic”
  • The Theme of Social Classes and Inequalities in the Movie “Titanic”
  • The Age-Old Mystery Surrounding the Sinking of the Maiden Ship “Titanic”
  • Regarding the “Titanic” and What Should Be Done With the Remains
  • Themes and Motives in James Cameron’s “Titanic”
  • Impact of Sinking of the “Titanic” on the U.S. Capital Markets
  • The Life and Works of Thomas Andrews, the Designer of “Titanic”
  • The Wild Conspiracy Theory That the “Titanic” Never Sank
  • Various Social Classes and How They Were Treated on the “Titanic”
  • Captain Edward J. Smith on Trail for Sinking of the “Titanic”
  • The Most Famous Survivor Passenger on “Titanic”
  • How the Movie “Titanic” Relates to Suffering and Death
  • Engineering and Construction Factors That Caused the “Titanic” to Fail
  • James Cameron’s Presentation and Adaptation of “Titanic” for the Cinema
  • Comparison of the Movies “Titanic” and “Pearl Harbor”
  • The Real Story Behind the Discovery of “Titanic’s” Watery Grave
  • Survival Prediction for “Titanic” Data Using Machine Learning Algorithms
  • Comparing the “Titanic” Movie and the Real “Titanic” Story
  • What Engineering and Construction Factors Caused the Sinking of the “Titanic”?
  • Could Such an Accident as “Titanic” Happen Again?
  • Why Were the “Titanic” and “Lusitania” Ships That Changed History?
  • How Were Different Social Classes Treated on the “Titanic”?
  • How Can the Film “Titanic” Be Considered From a Formalist Point of View?
  • What Would Be the Survival Prediction of “Titanic” Data Using Machine Learning Algorithms?
  • Who Was the Most Famous “Titanic” Survivor?
  • How Has James Cameron Presented and Adapted the True Story of “Titanic” for the Cinema?
  • Could Anything Have Saved the “Titanic”?
  • What Critical Approach Is Used in the Movie “Titanic”?
  • How Does James Cameron Represent the “Old World” and the “New World” in His Film “Titanic”?
  • Why Did They Say That God Couldn’t Even Sink the “Titanic”?
  • Did Any of the 3rd Class Passengers Survive on the “Titanic”?
  • What Could Have Prevented the “Titanic” From Sinking?
  • How Does Thomas Hardy Present the Tragedy of the Sinking of the “Titanic” in the Poem “The Convergence of the Twain”?
  • Was Captain Smith Responsible for the Sinking of the “Titanic”?
  • Has the Real “Titanic” Been Found?
  • What Changed as a Result of the Sinking of the “Titanic”?
  • Is There a Difference Between the Movie “Titanic” and the Real Story of the “Titanic”?
  • Why Was the “Titanic” One of the Greatest Shipping Disasters of All Time?
  • Is the Story of the “Titanic” a True Story of Life?
  • What Events Led to the Sinking of the “Titanic” in 1912?
  • What Is the Essence of the Inequality of Different Social Classes in the Story “Titanic”?
  • How Much Was a First-Class Ticket on the “Titanic”?
  • Was the “Titanic” the Most Fascinating and Well-Known Ship in History?
  • Are There Similarities Between the Films “Titanic” and “Pearl Harbor”?
  • What Events Led to the Discovery of the “Titanic”?
  • How Accurately Does the Movie “A Night to Remember” Depict the Actual Sinking of the Ship “Titanic”?
  • Why Will the “Titanic” Always Hold Significance?
  • What Were the Causes and Consequences of the “Titanic” Disaster?
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 90 Titanic Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"90 Titanic Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '90 Titanic Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "90 Titanic Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.

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IvyPanda . "90 Titanic Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.

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Film Analysis: Example, Format, and Outline + Topics & Prompts

Films are never just films. Instead, they are influential works of art that can evoke a wide range of emotions, spark meaningful conversations, and provide insightful commentary on society and culture. As a student, you may be tasked with writing a film analysis essay, which requires you to delve deeper into the characters and themes. But where do you start?

In this article, our expert team has explored strategies for writing a successful film analysis essay. From prompts for this assignment to an excellent movie analysis example, we’ll provide you with everything you need to craft an insightful film analysis paper.

  • 📽️ Film Analysis Definition

📚 Types of Film Analysis

  • ✍️ How to Write Film Analysis
  • 🎞️ Movie Analysis Prompts
  • 🎬 Top 15 Topics

📝 Film Analysis Example

  • 🍿 More Examples

🔗 References

📽️ what is a film analysis essay.

A film analysis essay is a type of academic writing that critically examines a film, its themes, characters, and techniques used by the filmmaker. This essay aims to analyze the film’s meaning, message, and artistic elements and explain its cultural, social, and historical significance. It typically requires a writer to pay closer attention to aspects such as cinematography, editing, sound, and narrative structure.

Film Analysis vs Film Review

It’s common to confuse a film analysis with a film review, though these are two different types of writing. A film analysis paper focuses on the film’s narrative, sound, editing, and other elements. This essay aims to explore the film’s themes, symbolism , and underlying messages and to provide an in-depth interpretation of the film.

On the other hand, a film review is a brief evaluation of a film that provides the writer’s overall opinion of the movie. It includes the story’s short summary, a description of the acting, direction, and technical aspects, and a recommendation on whether or not the movie is worth watching.

This image shows the difference between film analysis and film review.

Wondering what you should focus on when writing a movie analysis essay? Here are four main types of film analysis. Check them out!

📋 Film Analysis Format

The movie analysis format follows a typical essay structure, including a title, introduction, thesis statement, body, conclusion, and references.

The most common citation styles used for a film analysis are MLA and Chicago . However, we recommend you consult with your professor for specific guidelines. Remember to cite all dialogue and scene descriptions from the movie to support the analysis. The reference list should include the analyzed film and any external sources mentioned in the essay.

When referring to a specific movie in your paper, you should italicize the film’s name and use the title case. Don’t enclose the title of the movie in quotation marks.

📑 Film Analysis Essay Outline

A compelling film analysis outline is crucial as it helps make the writing process more focused and the content more insightful for the readers. Below, you’ll find the description of the main parts of the movie analysis essay.

This image shows the film analysis essay outline.

Film Analysis Introduction

Many students experience writer’s block because they don’t know how to write an introduction for a film analysis. The truth is that the opening paragraph for a film analysis paper is similar to any other academic essay:

  • Start with a hook to grab the reader’s attention . For example, it can be a fascinating fact or a thought-provoking question related to the film.
  • Provide background information about the movie . Introduce the film, including its title, director, and release date. Follow this with a brief summary of the film’s plot and main themes.
  • End the introduction with an analytical thesis statement . Present the central argument or interpretation that will be explored in the analysis.

Film Analysis Thesis

If you wonder how to write a thesis for a film analysis, we’ve got you! A thesis statement should clearly present your main idea related to the film and provide a roadmap for the rest of the essay. Your thesis should be specific, concise, and focused. In addition, it should be debatable so that others can present a contrasting point of view. Also, make sure it is supported with evidence from the film.

Let’s come up with a film analysis thesis example:

Through a feminist lens, Titanic is a story about Rose’s rebellion against traditional gender roles, showcasing her attempts to assert her autonomy and refusal to conform to societal expectations prevalent in the early 20th century.

Movie Analysis Main Body

Each body paragraph should focus on a specific aspect of the film that supports your main idea. These aspects include themes, characters, narrative devices , or cinematic techniques. You should also provide evidence from the film to support your analysis, such as quotes, scene descriptions, or specific visual or auditory elements.

Here are two things to avoid in body paragraphs:

  • Film review . Your analysis should focus on specific movie aspects rather than your opinion of the film.
  • Excessive plot summary . While it’s important to provide some context for the analysis, a lengthy plot summary can detract you from your main argument and analysis of the film.

Film Analysis Conclusion

In the conclusion of a movie analysis, restate the thesis statement to remind the reader of the main argument. Additionally, summarize the main points from the body to reinforce the key aspects of the film that were discussed. The conclusion should also provide a final thought or reflection on the film, tying together the analysis and presenting your perspective on its overall meaning.

✍️ How to Write a Film Analysis Essay

Writing a film analysis essay can be challenging since it requires a deep understanding of the film, its themes, and its characters. However, with the right approach, you can create a compelling analysis that offers insight into the film’s meaning and impact. To help you, we’ve prepared a small guide.

This image shows how to write a film analysis essay.

1. Understand the Prompt

When approaching a film analysis essay, it is crucial to understand the prompt provided by your professor. For example, suppose your professor asks you to analyze the film from the perspective of Marxist criticism or psychoanalytic film theory . In that case, it is essential to familiarize yourself with these approaches. This may involve studying these theories and identifying how they can be applied to the film.

If your professor did not provide specific guidelines, you will need to choose a film yourself and decide on the aspect you will explore. Whether it is the film’s themes, characters, cinematography, or social context, having a clear focus will help guide your analysis.

2. Watch the Film & Take Notes

Keep your assignment prompt in mind when watching the film for your analysis. For example, if you are analyzing the film from a feminist perspective, you should pay attention to the portrayal of female characters, power dynamics , and gender roles within the film.

As you watch the movie, take notes on key moments, dialogues, and scenes relevant to your analysis. Additionally, keeping track of the timecodes of important scenes can be beneficial, as it allows you to quickly revisit specific moments in the film for further analysis.

3. Develop a Thesis and an Outline

Next, develop a thesis statement for your movie analysis. Identify the central argument or perspective you want to convey about the film. For example, you can focus on the film’s themes, characters, plot, cinematography, or other outstanding aspects. Your thesis statement should clearly present your stance and provide a preview of the points you will discuss in your analysis.

Having created a thesis, you can move on to the outline for an analysis. Write down all the arguments that can support your thesis, logically organize them, and then look for the supporting evidence in the movie.

4. Write Your Movie Analysis

When writing a film analysis paper, try to offer fresh and original ideas on the film that go beyond surface-level observations. If you need some inspiration, have a look at these thought-provoking questions:

  • How does the movie evoke emotional responses from the audience through sound, editing, character development , and camera work?
  • Is the movie’s setting portrayed in a realistic or stylized manner? What atmosphere or mood does the setting convey to the audience?
  • How does the lighting in the movie highlight certain aspects? How does the lighting impact the audience’s perception of the movie’s characters, spaces, or overall mood?
  • What role does the music play in the movie? How does it create specific emotional effects for the audience?
  • What underlying values or messages does the movie convey? How are these values communicated to the audience?

5. Revise and Proofread

To revise and proofread a film analysis essay, review the content for grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors. Ensure the paper flows logically and each paragraph contributes to the overall analysis. Remember to double-check that you haven’t missed any in-text citations and have enough evidence and examples from the movie to support your arguments.

Consider seeking feedback from a peer or instructor to get an outside perspective on the essay. Another reader can provide valuable insights and suggestions for improvement.

🎞️ Movie Analysis: Sample Prompts

Now that we’ve covered the essential aspects of a film analysis template, it’s time to choose a topic. Here are some prompts to help you select a film for your analysis.

  • Metropolis film analysis essay . When analyzing this movie, you can explore the themes of technology and society or the portrayal of class struggle. You can also focus on symbolism, visual effects, and the influence of German expressionism on the film’s aesthetic.
  • The Godfather film analysis essay . An epic crime film, The Godfather , allows you to analyze the themes of power and corruption, the portrayal of family dynamics, and the influence of Italian neorealism on the film’s aesthetic. You can also examine the movie’s historical context and impact on future crime dramas.
  • Psycho film analysis essay . Consider exploring the themes of identity and duality, the use of suspense and tension in storytelling, or the portrayal of mental illness. You can also explore the impact of this movie on the horror genre.
  • Forrest Gump film analysis essay . If you decide to analyze the Forrest Gump movie, you can focus on the portrayal of historical events. You might also examine the use of nostalgia in storytelling, the character development of the protagonist, and the film’s impact on popular culture and American identity.
  • The Great Gatsby film analysis essay . The Great Gatsby is a historical drama film that allows you to analyze the themes of the American Dream, wealth, and class. You can also explore the portrayal of the 1920s Jazz Age and the symbolism of the green light.
  • Persepolis film analysis essay . In a Persepolis film analysis essay, you can uncover the themes of identity and self-discovery. You might also consider analyzing the portrayal of the Iranian Revolution and its aftermath, the use of animation as a storytelling device, and the film’s influence on the graphic novel genre.

🎬 Top 15 Film Analysis Essay Topics

  • The use of color symbolism in Vertigo and its impact on the narrative.
  • The moral ambiguity and human nature in No Country for Old Men .
  • The portrayal of ethnicity in Gran Torino and its commentary on cultural stereotypes.
  • The cinematography and visual effects in The Hunger Games and their contribution to the dystopian atmosphere.
  • The use of silence and sound design in A Quiet Place to immerse the audience.
  • The disillusionment and existential crisis in The Graduate and its reflection of the societal norms of the 1960s.
  • The themes of sacrifice and patriotism in Casablanca and their relevance to the historical context of World War II.
  • The psychological horror in The Shining and its impact on the audience’s experience of fear and tension.
  • The exploration of existentialism in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind .
  • Multiple perspectives and unreliable narrators in Rashomon .
  • The music and soundtrack in Titanic and its contribution to the film’s emotional resonance.
  • The portrayal of good versus evil in the Harry Potter film series and its impact on understanding morality.
  • The incorporation of vibrant colors in The Grand Budapest Hotel as a visual motif.
  • The use of editing techniques to tell a nonlinear narrative in Pulp Fiction .
  • The function of music and score in enhancing the emotional impact in Schindler’s List .

Check out the Get Out film analysis essay we’ve prepared for college and high school students. We hope this movie analysis essay example will inspire you and help you understand the structure of this assignment better.

Film Analysis Essay Introduction Example

Get Out, released in 2017 and directed by Jordan Peele, is a culturally significant horror film that explores themes of racism, identity, and social commentary. The film follows Chris, a young African-American man, visiting his white girlfriend’s family for the weekend. This essay will analyze how, through its masterful storytelling, clever use of symbolism, and thought-provoking narrative, Get Out reveals the insidious nature of racism in modern America.

Film Analysis Body Paragraphs Example

Throughout the movie, Chris’s character is subject to various types of microaggression and subtle forms of discrimination. These instances highlight the insidious nature of racism, showing how it can exist even in seemingly progressive environments. For example, during Chris’s visit to his white girlfriend’s family, the parents continuously make racially insensitive comments, expressing their admiration for black physical attributes and suggesting a fascination bordering on fetishization. This sheds light on some individuals’ objectification and exotification of black bodies.

Get Out also critiques the performative allyship of white liberals who claim to be accepting and supportive of the black community. It is evident in the character of Rose’s father, who proclaims: “I would have voted for Obama for a third term if I could” (Peele, 2017). However, the film exposes how this apparent acceptance can mask hidden prejudices and manipulation.

Film Analysis Conclusion Example

In conclusion, the film Get Out provides a searing critique of racial discrimination and white supremacy through its compelling narrative, brilliant performances, and skillful direction. By exploring the themes of the insidious nature of racism, fetishization, and performative allyship, Get Out not only entertains but also challenges viewers to reflect on their own biases.

🍿 More Film Analysis Examples

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  • Inventors in The Men Who Built America Series
  • Crash Movie: Racism as a Theme
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  • A Review of the Movie An Inconvenient Truth by Guggenheim
  • Chaplin’s Modern Times and H.G. Wells’s The Island of Dr. Moreau
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  • The Role of Music in the Films The Hours and The Third Man
  • The Social Network : Film Analysis
  • My Neighbor Totoro : Film by Hayao Miyazaki
  • Marriage Story Film Directed by Noah Baumbach

❓ Film Analysis Essay: FAQ

Why is film analysis important.

Film analysis allows viewers to go beyond the surface level and delve into the deeper layers of a film’s narrative, themes, and technical aspects. It enables a critical examination that enhances appreciation and understanding of the film’s message, cultural significance, and artistic value. At the same time, writing a movie analysis essay can boost your critical thinking and ability to spot little details.

How to write a movie analysis?

  • Watch the film multiple times to grasp its key elements.
  • Take notes on the story, characters, and themes.
  • Pay attention to the film’s cinematography, editing, sound, message, symbolism, and social context.
  • Formulate a strong thesis statement that presents your main argument.
  • Support your claims with evidence from the film.

How to write a critical analysis of a movie?

A critical analysis of a movie involves evaluating its elements, such as plot, themes, characters, and cinematography, and providing an informed opinion on its strengths and weaknesses. To write it, watch the movie attentively, take notes, develop a clear thesis statement, support arguments with evidence, and balance the positive and negative.

How to write a psychological analysis of a movie?

A psychological analysis of a movie examines characters’ motivations, behaviors, and emotional experiences. To write it, analyze the characters’ psychological development, their relationships, and the impact of psychological themes conveyed in the film. Support your analysis with psychological theories and evidence from the movie.

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  • Film Writing: Sample Analysis | Purdue Online Writing Lab
  • Film Analysis Web Site 2.0 | Yale University
  • Questions for Film Analysis | University of Washington
  • Film & Media Studies Resources: Types of Film Analysis | Bowling Green State University
  • Film & Media Studies Resources: Researching a Film | Bowling Green State University
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Example Of Essay On Titanic Evaluation

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Disaster , Sociology , Literature , Cinema , Relationships , Love , Movies , Vehicles

Published: 12/14/2019


Titanic is outstanding in its writing, visuals and special effects. Even a person who does not like love stories will be won over by the action. However, perhaps the most praiseworthy element of the movie is the exploration of the issue of social class and divide. Jack (played by Leonardo Di Caprio) is a young man who wins the trip on the Titanic through a fluke card game. Rose DeWitt Bukater (played by Kate Winslet) is riding the ship to America in order to marry Cal Hockley (played by Billy Zane). Rose is unhappy about her upcoming marriage and considers committing suicide by jumping off the ship’s deck. Jack talks her around and the two fall in love. However, their love is short lived once the Titanic hits an iceberg (Cameron, 1998). In this movie, the story depicted is told as a flashback. Rose is narrating the story, which is mostly from her point of view. This method of storytelling works very well for the movie. Rose is 101 years old at the beginning of the story, and she tells a treasure hunter the whole story of her experience on the Titanic. The technique is executed in a tender manner and the voice is believable throughout. The recreation of the Titanic vessel is flawless. The rendering of the ship’s exterior was completed using Digital Alpha processors running Linux (Ram, 1998). Especially in the disaster scenes when the ship is sinking, the quality of the ship is amazing. As Janet Maslin (1997) points out, “sets match old photographs right down to the sculpture and woodwork.” Running for just over three hours, the movie is long. However, for the most part, the storyline is so gripping that it does not seem this lengthy. In particular, once the ship has started to sink, the pace of the movie picks up dramatically. Cameron does not rush the telling of the story and this serves to build tension even more fully. As with most ships, the sinking of the Titanic was a slow event; this allowed Cameron the time to explore the relationships and interactions between the characters when faced with disaster. The dialogue in this movie is excellent. Cameron wrote as well as directed Titanic. Each character has their own unique voice and the relationships depicted are multifaceted and believable. Clearly, in the case of a movie, the abilities of the actors are vital. The actors in this picture are committed and authentic. As the Titanic was believed to be unsinkable, the builders did not install enough lifeboats for all the passengers on board. When the ship surprised everyone by sinking, the lifeboats were given to the upper and middle classes. The people of the lower classes were left to die; there is a particularly moving part in the movie when a group of less fortunate people were even locked, deliberately, into the cabin area and abandoned. The exploration of the class system in 1912 Britain is, perhaps, the most interesting element of the movie. Cameron has made intelligent choices with this movie and those choices have resulted in a ground-breaking cinematic experience. From the set to the dialogue, Titanic remains true and authentic enough for a Hollywood movie. However, where Cameron really excels is in his commentary of the social class system in Britain.

Cameron, J. (1998). Titanic. Fox.

Maslin, J. (1997). Titanic: A Spectacle as Sweeping as the Sea. The New York Times. Retrieved from 958260

Ram. (1998). Titanic Movie Review. Retrieved from


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titanic movie thesis statement

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The Titanic Essay Thesis (1680 words)

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On April 14,1912 a great ship called the Titanic sank on its maiden voyage. That night there were many warnings of icebergs from other ships. There seems to be a conflict on whether or not the warnings reached the bridge. We may never know the answer to this question.

The greatest tragedy of all may be that there were not enough lifeboats for everyone on board. According to Walter Lord, author of The Night Lives On, the Titanic could have been saved in the very beginning of the crisis when the iceberg was first reported to the bridge. If First Officer Murdoch had steamed right at the iceberg instead of trying to avoid it, he might have saved the ship. The author feels there would have been a loud crash and anyone within the first one hundred feet would have been killed, but the ship would have remained afloat(82). This view was entirely speculation and we will never really know if this would have happened. In contrast, Geoffrey Marcus, author of The Maiden Voyage, suggests that the bridge did not receive warning of the ice from the very beginning.

One of the messages received was from the Masaba warning the Titanic of a mass of ice lying straight ahead. According to Marcus, the message never reached the bridge, but instead was shoved under a paper-weight (126). At 10:30 p. m.

that evening, a ship going the opposite direction of the Titanic was sighted. This ship, the Rappahannock, had emerged from an ice field and had sustained damage to its rudder. The vessel signaled the Titanic about the ice and the Titanic replied that the message was received (Marcus 127). At 11 p. m.

another ice report was received. This one was from the Californian. This liner had passed through the same ice field that the Rappahannock had reported to the Titanic. Like all the other warnings, this warning never reached the bridge though it was known to both of the Titanic’s wireless operators (Marcus 128). By the time the bridge realized the ship was about to hit an iceberg, it was too late.

Quartermaster Hitchens tried to turn the wheel hard to the starboard. Twenty seconds later, he had an order for full speed astern but the iceberg was too close. The starboard side hit the iceberg, bringing a block of ice onto the deck (Pellegrino 21). After the collision occurred, there was only one thing open for Captain Smith to do. It was almost midnight and he gave the order to take to the lifeboats (Lord, Lives On 82).

This decision brought Captain Smith face-to-face with the fact that there were 2,201 people on board and enoughlifeboats for only 1,178 people (Lord, Lives On 83). The Captain was going to have to make a choice as to who would be the first allowed on the lifeboats. Around 12:30 a. m. the bridge informed the crew that only women and children would be loaded on the lifeboats (Eaton,Haas,152). By 1:30 a.

m. , there was panic among some of the passengers. One example was on the port side of the boat. A group of passengers threatened to jump into a boat full of passengers.

To scare them, one of the officers fired three shots on the ship’s side. The warning proved to be successful. Nobody was injured and the passengers calmed down (Eaton and Haas 154). At the last moments with only forty seven available spaces on the last lifeboat, the crew instructed everyone to form a circle around the boat.

Women and children were the only people permitted to pass through the circle. A little while after the last lifeboat left, the stern lifted clear out of the water with more than 1500 people still on board (Eaton and Haas 157-161). The climatic moment came at 2:20 a. m. The Titanic stood perpendicular to the water.

As people in the lifeboats looked on, they noticed the ship stayed perpendicular for a minute and then disappeared to the bottom of the ocean (Lord, Lives on 137). Captain Rostron of the ship Carpathia determined the distance to the Titanic and quickly calculated the course to answer the Titanic’s distress call (Eaton and Haas 177). Once the Carpathia reached the lifeboats, it did not take long to load the passengers on board. It was 4:45 a. m. when the last lifeboat was loaded on board.

The survivors peered around the Promenade Deck, searching for family members lost (Lord, To Remember 152-53). Why wasn’t their enough lifeboats for everyone? The Titanic came under a regulating board that made laws for vessels over 10,000 tons. In 1894 only twenty lifeboats were needed. This number was never changed when the size of ships increased, and because of this, over a thousand lives were lost (Lord, Lives On 84). Another problem with the lifeboats was that there was no consistency in loading them.

To Officer Lightoller, women and children first meant no men were allowed to board. In many cases this meant many lifeboats were not filled to maximum capacity. Officer Murdoch put men on the lifeboats when there were no women around. Therefore, a man’s life or death , depended on what side of the ship he was standing on (Lord, Lives on 116). On a luxury ship, lifeboats for everyone would mean less room for games and sports on the upper decks. Passengers would have had to give up play areas for lifeboats (Lord, Lives On 85).

White Star line tragically sacrificed safety for luxury. The question remains whether or not first and second class passengers received preference on the lifeboats. The White Star line claims there was no distinction between the three classes of passengers, however, only 25 percent of third class passengers were saved compared to 53 percent of first and second class passengers. The White Star line explained that third class passengers were more reluctant to leave the ship and they did not want to part from their belongings. The surviving crew of the Titanic also claimed that there was no discrimination.

Yet at the British Inquiry of the accident, not a single third class passenger was called as a witness (Lord, Lives On 93-94). One aspect of the tragedy that the White Star line can be proud of is the fact that the Titanic was spared a panic. The crew did not try to go on lifeboats ahead of the passengers as they did when the French liner La Bourgogne went down in 1898. Most of the passenger remained calm and the crew did their duty ( Lord, Lives On 127). One of the most intriguing mysteries of the tragedy was surrounding the ship’s band. It is believed the band played right to the end.

Where or what they played remains a great mystery, as eyewitness accounts vary greatly (Lord, Lives On 135). Five days after the Titanic sank, the Bremen was on its way to New York. The passengers saw victims of the Titanic in the ocean. ” We saw the body of one woman dressed only in her night dress, and clasping a baby to her breast,” one the passengers recalled.

Another passenger of the Bremen later reported : Close by was the body of another woman with her arms tightly clasped around a shaggy dog. . . We saw the bodies of three men in a group, all clinging to a chair. Floating by just beyond them were the bodies of a dozen men, all wearing life belts and clinging desperately together as though in their last struggle for life. (Ward 180) The aftermath of the disaster changed the way people thought about the sea and ships.

If one lesson was learned, it was that there needs to be enough lifeboats for everyone on a ship. Luxuries should always come second to a passengers safety. Since the time of this disaster, every ship has enough lifeboats for everyone on board and also performs mandatory lifeboat drills. Walter Lord, the author of A Night to Remember , remarked that :The Titanic has come to stand for a world of tranquillity and civility that we have somehow lost. .

. In 1912, people had confidence. Now nobody is sure of anything and the more uncertain we become , the more we long for a happier era when we felt we knew the answers. (170) In 1985, Dr.

Robert Ballard of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts set out to find the Titanic. That summer, he went aboard the U. S. Navy research ship Knorr.

The ship used its sonar equipment to explore eighty percent of the ocean floor where the Titanic was believed to be. On September 1, after studying the video screens, Dr. Ballard discovered where the Titanic was lying. On a second expedition made in July of 1986, Ballard brought his small vessel called the Alvin to the site. His findings were as follows: Contrary to a long-held belief, the Titanic had not been sliced open by the iceberg.

Instead, the researchers found that the ship’s starboard bow plates had buckled under the impact of the collision, thereby opening up the ship to the sea. Another major discovery was that the stern of the Titanic had wrenched itself away from the rest of the ship in its descent to the bottom. (Ward 186) The last survivor of the Titanic recently died in her home in Massachusetts. With her death, many of the unanswered questions of the Titanic may have also died. Hopefully, a tragedy like this will never have to happen again.

As stated before, ships are now expected to have enough lifeboats for everyone on board. Ships also route their lanes farther to the south during iceberg season. Hopefully in some small way this will make a difference if such an accident at sea should ever occur again. Work Cited Eaton, John P. , and Charles A. Haas.

Titanic: Triumph and Tragedy. New York: W. W. Norton ; Company, 1986. PP 152-184. Pellegrino, Charles.

Her Name Titanic. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1988. PP 20-21. Marcus, Geoffrey. The Maiden Voyage. New York: The Viking Press, 1969.

PP 35-128. Lord, Walter. A Night To Remember. Mattituck: American House, 1955. PP 152-170. —.

The Night Lives On. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc. , 1986. PP 82-137. Ward, Kaari, ed.

Great Disasters. Pleasantville: The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc. , 1989. PP 180-87.*****************************************************************


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The Titanic Essay Thesis (1680 words). (2019, Jan 04). Retrieved from

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    Topic: Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about one of the most famous tragedies in history, the Titanic, and how it still fascinates people today. Thesis: From the disaster to the movie, the sinking of the Titanic remains one of the most famous tragedies in history. A. Attention Getter: An American writer named Morgan Robertson once wrote ...

  11. 90 Titanic Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Hollywood Elite and "Titanic" Film by Director James Cameron. The Size, Shape, and Design of the "Titanic". The Theme of Social Classes and Inequalities in the Movie "Titanic". The Age-Old Mystery Surrounding the Sinking of the Maiden Ship "Titanic". Regarding the "Titanic" and What Should Be Done With the Remains.

  12. Titanic Film Analysis

    Analysis, Pages 11 (2545 words) Views. 7617. Titanic is an epic romance film, which also contains certain historical and authentic aspects of the time it narrated. The film is released in 1997 and is directed, written and co-produced by James Cameron, also widely known as the director of Avatar. Based on the sinking of the passenger liner RMS ...

  13. RMS Titanic: creating an American obsession

    This thesis examines the three eras of . Titanic . Mania, and how the tragedy of the . Titanic . has been used and manipulated within American historical memory. In the first era, the era affected directly by the . Titanic, Americans felt a need for information about the tragedy directly after it happened. Various forms of media jumped at the ...

  14. Film Analysis: Example, Format, and Outline + Topics & Prompts

    The movie analysis format follows a typical essay structure, including a title, introduction, thesis statement, body, conclusion, and references. ... Titanic is a story about Rose's rebellion against traditional gender roles, ... develop a thesis statement for your movie analysis. Identify the central argument or perspective you want to ...

  15. Informative Speech Outline For Titanic

    1. The movie was written, produced, and directed by James Cameron. a. According to Marsh in James Cameron's Titanic from 1997, Cameron set out to write a film that would bring the event of the Titanic to life. b. Cameron conducted six months of research to compile a highly detailed time line so that the film would be realistic.

  16. Analysis of The Titanic, by James Cameron

    Thesis statement: The critical analysis of the film Titanic proves that the innovative mode of storytelling (flash back and other techniques), Acting, Cinematography, Editing, Sound, Style and Directing (equal importance to fictional and historical characters), Societal Impact, and Genre (epic romance/disaster) are the most important factors ...

  17. Titanic Evaluation Essay Examples

    Example Of Essay On Titanic Evaluation. Titanic is outstanding in its writing, visuals and special effects. Even a person who does not like love stories will be won over by the action. However, perhaps the most praiseworthy element of the movie is the exploration of the issue of social class and divide. Jack (played by Leonardo Di Caprio) is a ...

  18. Titanic

    The Titanic sunk because it was built to be the best, and thus caused people in charge to be full of pride, which caused the Marconi telegraph distress signals to be ignored. "White Star lines needed to construct new vessels to compete with the new vessels of the time. ... Thesis Statement: The Titanic sank because it was built to be the best, ...


    C. Thesis Statement: From the disaster to the movie, the sinking of the Titanic remains one of the most famous tragedies in history. D. Credibility Statement: 1. I have been fascinated by the history of the Titanic for as long as I can remember. 2. I have read and studied my collection of books about the Titanic many

  20. The Titanic Essay Thesis (1680 words)

    The Titanic Essay Thesis (1680 words) On April 14,1912 a great ship called the Titanic sank on its maiden voyage. That night there were many warnings of icebergs from other ships. There seems to be a conflict on whether or not the warnings reached the bridge. We may never know the answer to this question.

  21. Thesis Statement For Titanic Movie

    Thesis Statement For Titanic Movie, Dissertation Conclusion And Recommendations, Jobs Using Creative Writing, Best Business Plan Editor Sites Us, Free 12 Angry Men Essay, Essay Change Issues And Productivity, Paper Watermarking 1378 . Customer Reviews ...