
How to Update your Resume: the Complete Guide

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Keeping your resume updated  is a smart thing to do even when you’re not job hunting. You never know when an exciting opportunity might come up and you need to  submit your resume  at short notice.

Why update your resume?  The sooner you apply for a job the better chance you have of being considered.  Updating your resume  helps you to avoid delaying an application because you don’t have an up-to-date copy of your resume ready to send to employers.

Your resume is the most important tool you have to help advance your career, it should  focus on your strengths  and help to sell you to potential employers. If you have an  outdated resume  the chances are there will be a number of changes you need to make.

This step-by-step guide will walk you the most important changes to make in order to  update a resume . The most time-effective way is to use a  resume builder  which allows you to  update your resume online .

Updating your resume step-by-step

Having an  updated resume  is advantageous and if you follow this guide it is a simple task. There are a number of traps which job candidates fall into when  writing resumes  but they are all avoidable.

When to update your resume?  You should update your resume regularly and not only when you apply for jobs. Review your resume every six months and make sure it is up-to-scratch. Add new responsibilities,  achievements , and  skills .

Here are the  5 best tips for updating resumes  which will help your resume to stand out from the crowd.

Be concise and cut out the deadwood

Including too much information on a resume is a typical mistake. Every item should  clearly help to sell you  in some way so if you’re not sure if something is relevant, delete it.

Avoid long paragraphs and  use bullet points  instead as employers don’t want to wade through long pieces of text. Try to keep your resume to under 2 pages.

There also a number of other  things not to include on your resume  including:

  • Personal information:  Don’t include your age, ethnicity, marital status, or sexuality.  Do include contact details .
  • Salary details:  This could harm your application if the employer thinks your salary is too high or low for the position.
  • Hobbies and interests :  Unless a hobby is relevant to a job, employers simply aren’t interested.
  • References:  Writing ‘references available on request’ goes without saying. Wait for the employer to ask for them.

Focus on recent experience

Although on occasion it is necessary to include something earlier, employers are generally only interested in the last 10-15 years. An  updated resume  shouldn’t contain job positions from before then. Similarly, only include your most recent or most relevant  qualifications .

Only include your high school if it is your highest level of educational achievement. There are exceptions. If you are writing a  student resume  or you are writing a  resume update after graduation  it is natural to focus more on your education.

Identify keywords and use them

More and more companies are using  Applicant Tracking Software  (ATS) to filter resumes. This means that if a resume doesn’t include the right keywords, it won’t even be read by human eyes. It is important to bear this in mind when updating your resume.

Each job has slightly different needs so you will need to  adapt your resume for each application . Read carefully through each job posting to identify the key requirements and then work them into your resume.

Give your resume a makeover

Update your resume format  and appearance. When you’re updating your resume, you should develop a new layout. The quickest and easiest way is to use a  resume template . They are professionally-designed so they will grab the employer’s attention. There are hundreds to choose from and they are quick to edit, making it easy to  update your resume for a job  when you need to.

The first impression your resume gives is crucial as employers are quick to judge. Make sure your resume…

  • Looks attractive and professional
  • Highlights the most important parts  (Choose a  resume format  which draws attention to your strengths)
  • Is visually consistent  (the same font, font size, color scheme etc is used throughout)

Update social media and proofread

Make sure you  update your resume on LinkedIn  and any other social media profile as well as your resume. Employers will check, so it’s important to ensure consistency.

It is also crucial to  proofread your resume multiple times . Small errors give the wrong impression, so don’t make them.

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A Checklist For Updating Your Resume in 2024

Need an updated resume but don’t have time to start from scratch? Follow these 17 simple tips to quickly update your existing resume in 2024.

9 months ago   •   9 min read

If you aren’t actively job searching — and sometimes even if you are — you probably haven’t updated your resume recently . This might not seem like a big deal, especially if you’re happy in your current position, but it’s always a good idea to have a current resume available. After all, if the perfect job landed in your lap tomorrow, wouldn’t you want to be ready?

When to update your resume

Let’s start with the basics: How often should you update your resume? Best practice is to update your resume every 3-6 months , or whenever you:

  • Move to a new role or company
  • Gain a promotion
  • Develop a new professional skill
  • Acquire a new certification or qualification
  • Take on new responsibilities
  • Complete a significant project
  • Change your personal or contact information
  • Are applying for jobs but not hearing back from employers

Related : How to Revise a Resume

17 things to update on your resume

If you’re worried about not having enough time: don’t be! Here are 17 tips for updating your resume in 2024 (and beyond) that will make a big impact in a small amount of time.

If you have 5-15 minutes

Short on time? Maximize your impact with these quick resume updates.

Refresh your resume header

Your resume header is the first thing recruiters see, so make sure the information on it is current.

Do include:

  • Email address
  • Phone number

Don’t include:

  • Street address
  • Social media
  • Personal information
  • Multiple contact details

Estimated time: 5 minutes

Related: The Ultimate Do’s and Don'ts of Resume Writing in 2024

Add or delete resume sections

In addition to your contact information, your resume needs to have your work experience and a brief education section. Everything else is optional.

Depending on your background and the job you're applying for, you might want to include a skills section, resume summary, certifications, publications, honors, awards, projects, extracurricular activities, or other information — but not all of those. Stick to 1-2 additional resume sections at most and make sure they have plain headings — "Work Experience" and "Education" rather than "What I Learned" and "My Work So Far."

Estimated time: 10 minutes

Use synonyms

Do a quick scan of your bullet points. How many of them start with the same word?

Unless your answer is ‘none,’ it’s time to vary your word choice with some synonyms for common action verbs . Instead of saying ‘led’ for the third time, try ‘managed,’ ‘spearheaded,’ or ‘coordinated.’ Rather than saying you ‘ worked with ’ a team, how about more interesting verbs like ‘collaborated,’ ‘partnered,’ or ‘advised?’

Looking for more suggestions? Check out our database of resume action verbs .

Estimated time: 15 minutes

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Highlight promotions

Hiring managers want to see evidence of career progression on your resume, especially if you’re applying for mid-level and up roles. Highlight promotions and other types of career growth by showing progression in your job titles, emphasizing increased responsibilities, and explicitly pointing out promotions — especially if they were fast-tracked or otherwise ahead of schedule.

Here are some bullet points you can use to highlight a promotion:

  • Promoted within 12 months due to strong performance (6 months ahead of schedule).
  • Offered an early promotion to Senior Developer after 2 years; the only member of a cohort of 50 to be fast-tracked.

Promotions on a resume

Include remote work accomplishments

If you’re applying for a hybrid or remote position, including accomplishments specific to working remotely is a must. Even if the role you’re applying for isn’t fully remote, it can be beneficial to point out how you’ve managed remote employees, collaborated with teams remotely, or managed your own workload and productivity as a remote worker.

Here are some sample remote work accomplishments you can use:

  • Oversaw transition to remote work for team of 12 direct reports, resulting in 20% increase in productivity
  • Led remote design sessions with client teams on 20+ projects to develop functional and technical requirements
  • Increased overall departmental sales by 10% in a single year while working remotely

Optimize your resume for ATS

Up to 75% of companies now use some form of ATS or automated resume screener, and that number is likely to keep growing. Make it past the first hurdle by ensuring a computer can read your resume — that means creating it as a Word or Google Docs file, saving it as a PDF, using a single-column layout, and avoiding Photoshop or online resume building programs, which can result in a non-highlightable image that ATS can’t process. One super quick way to check that your resume is ATS-ready is to highlight the text — if you can’t, that means it isn’t compatible with ATS.

For even more tips, check out our guide to everything you need to know about applicant tracking systems .

If you have 20-30 minutes

Have a little more time? There resume updates will make a big impact — but still won't take you all day.

Add keywords

Having the most well-written resume in the world won’t help you if you can’t get past Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). Increase your chances of making it onto a hiring manager’s desk — and onto the ‘yes’ pile — by including relevant keywords.

How do you know what keywords recruiters are looking for? Check the job description for essential skills and make sure you’ve included the exact job title somewhere on your resume. You can also use our skills and keywords finder to search for industry-specific keywords you can include.

Estimated time: 30 minutes

How to write about skills on resume

Remove unnecessary information

The problem with your resume may not be that it doesn’t have enough information, but that it has too much. Here’s how to trim outdated information from your resume:

  • Get rid of jobs that are older than 10-15 years — in most cases, your resume doesn’t need to go back further than that.
  • Consider removing jobs that you held for less than 3-6 months (e.g. the ones you might have left early), as you’re unlikely to be able to point to significant accomplishments.
  • If you’ve been out of school for more than 8-10 years, make your education section more concise by removing details like coursework, GPA, and the year you graduated.
  • Unless you’re a current high school student, high school information doesn’t belong on your resume at all.
  • If your resume contains any variation on the phrase “references available upon request,” get rid of it immediately!

Estimated time: 20 minutes

Skim your resume

Most hiring managers only spend a few minutes at most looking at each resume. What does that mean for you? If you have a super impressive accomplishment buried at the bottom of your resume or in a dense paragraph, chances are the person reading your resume won’t even notice.

Avoid falling into this trap by reading over your resume like a hiring manager would. Quickly scan your resume and see what jumps out at you. Do you notice important skills and keywords? Relevant job titles and accomplishments? Essential qualifications? If there’s something you want to highlight that isn’t immediately obvious, try these tricks to emphasize it:

  • List career highlights — including must-have skills or particularly impressive accomplishments — in a resume summary at the top of the page
  • Put the most important information higher up on your resume
  • Make your bullet points shorter and more varied to hold a recruiter’s attention
  • Use formatting tricks (bold, italics, font size) to make different sections stand out

Estimated time: 20-30 minutes

Proofread your resume

It sounds obvious, but you'd be surprised to learn how many mistakes slip through onto finished resumes. Some hiring managers may not mind — or even notice — the odd typo, but for others, it could be a dealbreaker. Avoid taking chances by thoroughly proofreading your resume.

Here are some tips ensuring your resume is 100% error-free:

  • Read it aloud. It's easy for our eyes to skip over small mistakes, but reading out loud forces us to slow down and listen to what's actually on the page.
  • Use text to speech. Similarly, using the built-in text to speech function in your browser or Microsoft Word can help highlight any errors or awkward sections.
  • Read it backward. It sounds silly, but it works. Reading each section — or even each word — in reverse order allows you to spot mistakes you might otherwise miss.
  • Ask someone else. It's much easier to spot mistakes in other people's work than in something you wrote yourself. Ask someone you trust if they have a few minutes to look over your resume for obvious mistakes.

If you have 45 minutes+

Looking to do a complete resume overhaul? Deep dive into potential resume problem areas with these tips.

Update your work experience bullet points

Now that you’ve gotten rid of information that doesn’t need to be on your resume, you should have more room for the things that matter, like your accomplishments.

Under each job title on your resume, list 3-6 accomplishments in bullet point format using the formula [action verb] + [what you did] + [what the result was]. Use concrete numbers whenever possible — if you’re stuck, here are some easy ways to quantify your resume .

Estimated time: 1 hour

How to quantify your resume, with examples

A good way to check if your resume has enough uses of concrete numbers and quantifiable accomplishments is to upload it to the tool below — it’ll scan it and let you know if you have shown enough quantifiable accomplishments that hiring managers look for in a resume.

Tailor your resume to the job you want

Keywords aren’t the only way to target your resume. You should also:

  • Include a resume title that matches the job you’re applying for
  • Write a resume summary highlighting key skills and experience
  • Make sure your job title reflects your actual responsibilities
  • Prioritize your most relevant accomplishments — reorder your bullet points if necessary
  • Customize your skills section
  • Run your resume through our Targeted Resume tool to check your resume against the job description

Estimated time: 45 minutes

update resume help

If you’re unsure how to tailor your resume to the job you want, use the hard skills and keywords tool below to search for the job and it’ll give you a list of skills relevant to the job. For example, search for Graphic Designer and it’ll give you a list of skills specific to the graphic design industry.

Update your LinkedIn

Potential employers look at more than just your resume when you’re applying for jobs. It’s fairly common for hiring managers to get a better feel for applicants by looking at their LinkedIn profiles, so make sure that yours is up to date and consistent with your resume. To improve your LinkedIn profile, optimize it using this tool .

Once it’s up to scratch, include a link to your profile in your resume header to make it easier for recruiters to find you if they want to know more.

Polish your formatting

The content of your resume is what matters most, but that won’t count for much if hiring managers can’t read it. Your resume should use plain, consistent formatting. Make sure to:

  • Choose a basic, easy to read font — and use the same font throughout your resume
  • Use bold and italics to emphasize section headings
  • Write your accomplishments in bullet points, not in paragraphs of text
  • List jobs in reverse chronological order , with your most recent position at the top
  • Don’t use fancy templates, colors , images, or infographics — keep it simple
  • Leave plenty of blank space — this makes your resume easier for recruiters to quickly skim
  • Download an ATS-friendly resume template to do most of the work for you

Estimated time: Up to 1 hour

Future proof your resume for 2024

If you find you're having to start from scratch every time you update your resume, here are some things you can start doing now to make sure your resume is always up to date.

Use a modern resume template

Do you spend so much time formatting your resume that you're bored by the time you start adding content? Take a shortcut by downloading a professional, ATS-optimized resume template . Sticking with a modern but simple template is the key to avoiding resume trends (like bright colors or infographics) that will look dated in a few years.

Have a master resume

While it's important to have more than one resume, depending on how many jobs you're applying for and how different they are, it can also be a pain to keep them all updated. Avoid this by creating a single master resume that contains all of your information. That way, you can keep a single file updated and pull from it to create more targeted resumes as needed.

Keep a running list of your accomplishments

Have you ever sat down to update your resume and wished you could remember more of your accomplishments? Instead of straining to remember months (or years) worth of accomplishments at once, try keeping a running list of your accomplishments and adding to it every time you achieve something noteworthy. This could be a "brag folder" where you drop projects you're proud of, a word document where you copy glowing performance reviews, or even a handwritten notebook where you jot things down as they happen.

Spread the word

How to improve your resume: a guide for job seekers in 2024, what should a resume look like in 2024, keep reading, how to show bilingualism on your resume (with examples), oops what to do if there’s a mistake on your resume, getting the basics right: resume line spacing, subscribe to our newsletter.

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Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

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Updating Your Resume in 2024: 11 Fast and Simple Steps

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A resume acts as your professional profile, and it is often the first document that potential employers review. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain an updated and relevant resume to showcase your skills, accomplishments, and experience to potential employers.

Benefits of updating your resume regularly

Updating your resume regularly has several benefits. Firstly, it ensures that you have the most up-to-date information on hand when applying for jobs. This includes your latest work experience, accomplishments, and skills. Secondly, keeping your resume updated can make job searching less stressful, as you’ll be prepared to respond to job openings quickly. Lastly, it can also help you identify areas where you need to gain more experience or skills, which can further enhance your career development.

Updating your resume regularly can make a significant difference in your job search. This article will provide readers with 11 fast and simple steps to make their resumes stand out to potential employers.

Assessing Your Current Resume

As you begin the process of updating your resume, the first step is to assess your current one. This involves reviewing your resume, identifying areas that need improvement, and setting goals for your new resume.

Reviewing your current resume

Start by carefully reading through your resume. Look for any typos or grammatical errors, as well as inconsistencies in formatting or information. Check that all of your contact information is up-to-date and easy to find.

Next, evaluate the overall tone and language of your resume. Does it accurately convey your skills and experience? Is it easy to read and understand? Does it sell you as a strong candidate?

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Identifying areas that need improvement

Once you’ve reviewed your resume, identify areas that need improvement. This may include updating outdated skills or experience, highlighting achievements more effectively, or reformatting sections to make them more readable.

Consider any feedback you’ve received on your resume in the past, such as from a mentor, colleague, or recruiter. Use this feedback to guide your revisions and improve your resume’s overall effectiveness.

Setting goals for your new resume

As you identify areas for improvement, set specific goals for your new resume. These may include:

  • Highlighting specific achievements or skills in a more prominent way
  • Reformatting sections to make them more visually appealing or easy to read
  • Customizing your resume for specific job applications, tailoring it to the company’s needs and culture
  • Including more relevant details, such as industry-specific keywords or relevant coursework

The goal of updating your resume is to create a stronger, more effective representation of your skills and experience. By carefully assessing your current resume, identifying areas for improvement, and setting specific goals for your revisions, you’ll be well on your way to crafting a standout resume that helps you land your next job.

Reviewing Job Market Trends and Requirements

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving job market, staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and requirements is crucial in positioning yourself as a top candidate for the job. Job market trends are constantly changing due to factors such as advancements in technology, shifts in the economy, and emerging industries. Therefore, it is important to review and analyze these trends to determine what skills and qualifications are currently in demand.

Researching industry-specific requirements is another important step in updating your resume. Different industries require specific skills and qualifications, therefore it is crucial to understand these requirements to tailor your resume to a specific job. Look into job descriptions of the roles you are interested in and take note of any desired skills, qualifications, or certifications that are mentioned. This will give you insight into what employers are looking for in a candidate and allow you to highlight your relevant experience and skills.

Incorporating relevant skills and keywords into your resume is another key step in making your application stand out. Hiring managers often use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to filter through resumes based on specific keywords and skills. Therefore, it is important to include relevant industry-specific keywords and phrases throughout your resume, such as software programs or project management techniques. This will ensure that your resume has a higher chance of passing the initial screening process and getting to the hands of a hiring manager.

Staying informed about job market trends, researching industry-specific requirements, and incorporating relevant skills and keywords are all essential steps in updating your resume. By doing so, you can position yourself as a top candidate for the job and make your application stand out in a sea of candidates.

Brainstorming Achievement-Driven Content

When it comes to updating your resume, one of the most important steps is to identify your professional achievements. This involves taking a closer look at your career path and considering the standout moments or accomplishments that have set you apart from others in your field.

Once you have identified your achievements, the next step is to brainstorm relevant content for your resume. Think about the skills, experiences, and accomplishments you want to highlight, and consider how to present this information in a way that will appeal to potential employers. This might involve highlighting specific metrics or using powerful language to convey your expertise in a certain area.

Of course, not all achievements are created equal, and it’s important to determine which ones are the most important to include on your resume. This might involve considering the role you are applying for or the skills and experiences particular employers value most.

By following these steps, you can create achievement-driven content that speaks to your unique strengths and helps you stand out in a crowded job market. So take the time to identify your professional achievements, brainstorm relevant content, and determine the most important achievements to include on your resume. Your hard work will pay off in the end!

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Formatting and Layout

When it comes to updating your resume, formatting and layout are crucial factors to consider. Employers receive countless resumes, so making sure that yours stands out is essential. In this section, we will cover three key components: choosing the appropriate resume format, organizing your resume effectively, and making design choices.

Choosing the Appropriate Resume Format

There are three main types of resume formats: chronological, functional, and combination. The chronological format is the most traditional and commonly used. It presents your work history in reverse chronological order, highlighting your most recent accomplishments first. The functional format emphasizes your skills and experiences, rather than your job history. The combination format is a mix of both and is ideal for those with a stable work history and transferable skills.

Choosing the appropriate format depends on your work history and the job you’re applying for. If you have a solid work history, the chronological format may be best. If you’re changing careers or have gaps in your employment history, the functional format may be more appropriate. The combination format is ideal if you have a versatile skillset that can transfer across roles.

Organizing Your Resume Effectively

Once you’ve chosen a format, it’s important to organize your resume effectively. This includes using clear headings and bullet points, using action verbs to describe your accomplishments, and tailoring your resume to the specific job you’re applying for. It’s also essential to keep your resume concise, so only include relevant information.

The order of your sections is also important. Most resumes include the following sections: contact information, summary or objective statement, work experience, education, and skills. However, you may choose to prioritize sections based on the job you’re applying for. For example, if the job requires specific skills, you may want to include a skills section before work experience.

Making Design Choices

While the content of your resume is crucial, the design choices you make can also impact how it’s received. Use a consistent design throughout, choosing a professional font and an appropriate font size. Use bold and italics to highlight important information, but avoid using too many colors or graphics.

If you’re submitting your resume online, make sure it’s in a format that’s easily readable by applicant tracking systems (ATS). These systems scan resumes for keywords, so it’s important to customize your resume with specific keywords from the job listing.

Formatting and layout are essential components to consider when updating your resume. By choosing the appropriate format, organizing your resume effectively, and making the right design choices, you can ensure that your resume stands out to potential employers.

Crafting a Strong Summary or Objective Statement

Your summary or objective statement is the first thing a hiring manager sees when they open your resume. It is your chance to make a strong first impression and convince the employer that you are the perfect fit for the job. To achieve this, you need to follow a few steps:

Writing a Compelling Summary or Objective Statement

Your summary or objective statement should be brief, no more than two to three sentences long. Begin by summarizing your experience and skills in a way that immediately grabs the reader’s attention. This should include your job title and what you bring to the table. Be sure to showcase the qualities that make you stand out from the rest of the candidates.

Highlighting Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Your USP is what sets you apart from others and makes you the ideal candidate for the role. Be sure to communicate this in your summary or objective statement. Share your achievements, strengths, and unique qualities that separate you from others in your field.

Tailoring Your Summary or Objective Statement to Job Requirements

When crafting your summary or objective statement, it is vital to tailor it to the job requirements. This means identifying the skills, experience, and qualifications the job necessitates, and including them in your statement. Make sure your statement aligns with the job description and includes relevant keywords recruiters are likely to search. This approach also demonstrates that you have read and understood the job advertisement and that you can offer the employer what they are looking for.

Writing a compelling summary or objective statement is essential for standing out in the current job market. By highlighting your USP, tailoring your statement to job requirements, and writing a compelling summary, you can impress potential employers and improve your chances of landing your dream job.

Showcasing Your Skills and Credentials

The skills and credentials section of your resume is crucial in demonstrating to potential employers that you are qualified for the job. Here are three steps to effectively showcase your skills and credentials on your resume:

  • Including Relevant Skills:

Make sure you list relevant skills to the position you are applying for. This not only shows that you have the necessary qualifications but also highlights how you can be an asset to the company. Review the job posting and tailor your skills section to match the requirements listed.

  • Highlighting Certifications, Licenses, and Degrees:

Be sure to list any certifications, licenses, or degrees relevant to the position. This information not only demonstrates your expertise in the field but can also help set you apart from other applicants. Include the name of the certification or degree, the issuing institution, and the date completed.

  • Providing Evidence of Skills and Credentials:

It’s not enough to simply list your skills and credentials on your resume; you also need to provide evidence of their value. This can include awards, projects you worked on, metrics that show the impact of your work, and any other tangible accomplishments. Be specific and quantify your achievements if possible.

By following these three steps, you’ll effectively showcase your skills and credentials on your resume, making you a more attractive candidate to potential employers. Don’t sell yourself short. Highlight your strengths and qualifications to maximize your chances of landing the job you want.

Adding Work Experience

Your work experience section is where you showcase your professional accomplishments and demonstrate why you’re the right candidate for the job. It’s important to list your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent job and working backwards. For each job, include the following:

  • Company name
  • Employment dates
  • Brief description of your role and responsibilities

In addition to listing your job titles and companies, it’s important to provide detailed information for each job. This includes:

  • Accomplishments: Highlight specific accomplishments and achievements that demonstrate your value to your previous employer. Use metrics wherever possible to quantify your successes. For example, “Increased sales by 30% in Q2” or “Managed a team of 10 employees and exceeded performance goals by 20%”.
  • Skills: Don’t just list the skills required for the job; highlight the skills that you possess that were essential to your success in the role. For example, if you’re applying for a marketing position, you might highlight your skills in copywriting, data analysis, and social media management.
  • Responsibilities: It’s important to provide a brief overview of the responsibilities you held at each job, but be sure to focus on the tasks that are relevant to the job you’re applying for.

By tailoring your work experience section to the job you’re applying for, you’ll make it easier for hiring managers to see how your experience and skills are a great fit for the role. Remember to keep your descriptions concise and focus on your most impactful accomplishments. With these tips, your work experience section will help you stand out from the competition and land that dream job.

Including Education, Volunteer Work, and Extracurricular Activities

When updating your resume, it is important to include your education, relevant volunteer work, and extracurricular activities. These sections can help showcase your skills, personal interests, and dedication to your career.

Listing your education

When listing your education, start with your most recent degree and work backwards. Be sure to include the name of the institution, degree obtained, field of study, and graduation date. If you have multiple degrees, list them in chronological order. Include any academic honors or awards you received while in school.

Including relevant volunteer work and extracurricular activities

Volunteer work and extracurricular activities can demonstrate your passion and commitment to your field, as well as your ability to work in a team and take on leadership roles. When including these sections in your resume, only list activities that are relevant to the position you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for a job in marketing, list extracurricular activities such as running social media platforms or organizing club events.

Highlighting any relevant awards or honors

If you have received any awards or honors that are relevant to the job you are applying for, make sure to include them in a separate section of your resume. This can help you stand out from other applicants and demonstrate your expertise in your field. Examples of relevant awards or honors might include a scholarship for your studies, an award for your community or volunteer work, or recognition from a professional organization.

Including your education, volunteer work, and extracurricular activities in your resume can help demonstrate your skills, commitment, and expertise in your field. Remember to only include relevant activities and highlight any relevant awards or honors to make yourself stand out to potential employers!

Proofreading and Reviewing

To make sure that your resume is polished and professional, it’s essential to proofread and review it carefully. Here are a few things to keep in mind during this important step of the process:

Editing your resume for spelling and grammar

Nothing undermines your credibility as a job candidate faster than careless spelling and grammar mistakes in your resume. To avoid this problem, take the time to carefully review your resume for any errors. Use a spelling and grammar checker to help you catch any mistakes you may have missed, and read your resume out loud to yourself to ensure it flows naturally and is easy to read.

Ensuring consistency throughout your resume

Another important aspect of proofreading and reviewing your resume is ensuring that it’s consistent throughout. Make sure that your formatting is consistent, your font size and style are uniform, and your use of bullet points and indentation is consistent throughout. This will make your resume look more professional and polished.

Having a trusted friend or professional review your resume

Sometimes it’s hard to be objective when it comes to your own work. That’s why it’s a good idea to have a trusted friend or professional review your resume before you submit it. They can give you feedback on the content and help you identify any areas that might need improvement. This can save you from submitting a resume that’s weak or ineffective, and help you capture the attention of potential employers.

Taking the time to proofread and review your resume is an essential step in the job search process. By editing for spelling and grammar, ensuring consistency throughout, and getting feedback from a trusted friend or professional, you can make sure that your resume stands out and makes a great impression on potential employers.

Finalizing Your Updated Resume

Congratulations, you have made it to the final step of updating your resume! But before you start sending it out to potential employers, there are a few things you need to do to ensure that your customized resume is ready for prime time.

Saving and Naming Your Updated Resume

The first thing you’ll want to do is save your updated resume with a professional, easy-to-remember name. A good practice is to include your name and the date of creation in the file name. Therefore, if an employer comes back to your resume months after your initial submission, they’ll quickly know that it’s recent and up to date.

Tailoring Your Resume for Each Job Application

You’ve already spent time updating the content and design of your resume to make it more competitive. Now it’s time to make sure it’s tailored to each job application. Review the job posting and company information, then update your resume to highlight your relevant experience, skills, and achievements accordingly. You can also mention specific projects or initiatives you worked on that align with the prospective employer’s needs. Tailoring your resume helps you stand out from other applicants and shows the interviewer that you’ve put in the effort to understand their business needs.

Preparing for Any Potential Interviews

Now that you have a polished, customized resume, it’s time to prepare for potential interviews. Research the company and hiring manager, and anticipate the kinds of questions they’re likely to ask you. Practice answering interview questions with a trusted friend or family member who can give you feedback on your responses. Dress professionally for the occasion, and make sure you have any necessary paperwork or materials ready to go. Most importantly, be confident in your skills and experience, and remember to sell yourself as the best candidate for the job.

By following these final steps, you’ll have a resume that stands out to potential employers and positions you as a strong candidate. Congratulations again on taking the initiative to update your resume and best of luck in your job search!

Examples and Samples

Are you struggling to visualize how the 11 steps to updating your resume will look when put into practice? Look no further! We have provided example resumes that showcase each step in action. These resumes highlight how incorporating the steps can elevate your resume and make it stand out to potential employers.

In addition to example resumes, we have also included sample job descriptions to help guide you in incorporating the appropriate language and skills into your resume. These descriptions are designed to enhance your overall professional image and improve your chances of catching the eye of hiring managers.

With these examples and samples, you can take the first step in updating your resume with confidence and ease. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to make a lasting impression with potential employers!

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How to Update Your Resume: Simple Changes With Big Effects

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In This Guide:

How to update your resume in less than one hour, how to update your resume (the long way)., updating your resume based on your experience., update resume on linkedin to match., how to update your indeed resume, how often should you update your resume, how to make your resume one page, how to make your resume look good, takeaways: how to update your resume.

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Had enough of all the generic advice about how to update your resume?

I bet you’re bored out your mind from reading 25 similar articles that more or less say the same thing. Well, that’s why we sat down at the Enhancv headquarters to put our thinking hats on.

We’ve set out to craft this guide on resume updates to ensure your resume is giving you the best results and impact on the hiring managers.

Not just that, but you’ll learn everything you need to know about the topic.

It’s usually the resume after the first job when you start considering the topic of improving your resume.

To be honest, you should forget about updating your resume every six months. No one has time for that. It’s another reason why we’ve created a tool that will help you store your resume so you can edit it only when you need to.

But enough chit-chatting.

Let’s get down to business. And by “business” , we mean sharing the knowledge about how you can update your resume to get that much-wanted job.

We’ll go over:

  • How you can update your resume quickly;
  • What to update in order to make your resume feel like it’s out of 2021;
  • Why your LinkedIn resume should also be up to date;
  • And, how to update your resume based on your experience.

There’s a lot to cover, so let’s get this show started.

Enhancv How to Update Your Resume: Simple Changes With Big Effects

Time is money.

Not all of us can afford to spend hours doing the simple things like picking the right font . So, before we go really in-depth on how you should freshen up your resume, we’ll give you a quick and easy way.

In fact, you’ll be able to do it faster than you think.

Here’s the straight answer for how to update your resume for the biggest impact in less than one hour (some top-secret chops):

Use a resume builder

Step one: Go into Enhancv’s resume builder .

Enhancv How to Update Your Resume: Simple Changes With Big Effects

Step two: Transfer and import the resume you want to update.

When you click on the link, you’ll be taken through an easy step-by-step process to updating your resume. Here’s how it looks:

Enhancv How to Update Your Resume: Simple Changes With Big Effects

Next, you’ll be asked if you want to use an existing resume as a starting point:

Enhancv How to Update Your Resume: Simple Changes With Big Effects

After, you’ll be given suggestions to use one of our proven resume templates that’s gotten other candidates hired at competitive companies such as Tesla. Simply pick one to start from, and don’t worry because you can always switch templates at any point!

Enhancv How to Update Your Resume: Simple Changes With Big Effects

In this case as an example, we’ll be using the modern resume template.

You’ll then be taken into the app where you can freely edit your resume to your heart’s content:

Enhancv How to Update Your Resume: Simple Changes With Big Effects

At this point, it’s very simple to edit and change the different parts of your resume. If you’re not sure what to do or how else you can improve your resume, you have the option to get in contact with our resume experts!

You also get a resume matcher on the right which indicates what job your resume attracts.

It’s helpful not only to see what position is perfect for you, but to see if your application matches the job position you’re applying for. If you’re still unsure what job you want, this tool can also operate as a job searcher for you to see what field you’re best suited for.

That being said, let’s look at what resume sections to get started on!

2. Update your work history

Haven’t touched your resume in more than five years?

Don’t worry, most of us haven’t. Start by updating your work experience section. Begin with your most recent job and make your way down the list.

3. Update your contact information

It’s very important to update your contact information.

This part should be located at the header section of your resume. If it’s somewhere which isn’t exactly the main focal point, there’s a big chance hiring managers will miss it. So, make sure you’ve listed your current email address and phone number.

4. Proofread your resume

Yep, it doesn’t matter how good at writing you are, typos are bound to happen, so spend five minutes and proofread your resume before saving.

Use this opportunity to update your skills section too if you’ve gained some new chops.

5. Save your resume properly

You spent a whole hour tweaking your resume, it would be a shame if you miss your chance because you didn’t properly save your resume.

Always save your resume as a PDF. The ATS can easily read through a PDF resume and you can be sure it won’t be edited by someone else. (More on that topic in a minute, so keep reading.)

If you’ve reached this point but still unsure what to include, go through our megalist of resume examples here . We have over 530+ proven resumes, it’s almost guaranteed you’ll find a successful resume example for your job position.

Next, look at what’s already written.

After all, it’s better to work from something proven to work rather than starting all the way from scratch.

It’s a good way to get inspiration and ideas for your own resume too. Even the most modern and innovative companies today look at what’s already working. Just be sure you’re not simply copying and pasting the whole thing.

When you’re using a tool like Enhancv , you can quickly edit and identify the different parts of your resume that need to be tweaked.

On top of that, you won’t have to worry about the resume formatting because we’ll handle all of that for you. Above all, you’re getting a modern and visually stimulating resume, which is arguably the best-looking one of all applications.

Did I forget to mention it’s free as well?

So, you won’t have to worry about making a commitment because you can build or update your resume using our tools at no cost. It’s intuitive and straightforward, creating a professional resume hasn’t been much easier than this.

If you haven’t already been actively following the instructions above, click below to get started!


It’s easy-to-use, simple, and saves hours of your time.

“Best resume builder I’ve ever used. It’s super easy to use and makes my resume stand out” – William Valentine

The step-by-step guide above is a hack to update resumes quickly. We go the extra step to make sure your resume stands out and is that much better. After all, you want to get a call back from the company you’re applying for, don’t you?

With Enhancv’s resume builder , we make sure you get hired in your next job application no matter how competitive.

However, not all of you are using Enhancv’s resume tools which puts you at a significant disadvantage.

Don’t worry because now we’ll be looking at how to update your resume the traditional way, a.k.a the longer way. It’ll take a bit more time, effort and commitment on your side, so be ready.

We’ll focus on explaining how to update each section of your resume manually to make it memorable and impactful.

There’s a lot to cover. Without any further ado, let’s get right into it.

Decide if your current resume outline works well for you.

Did you know there’s more than one resume outline ?

To be specific, there are three main resume layouts you can choose from. Each comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. Your resume format is important and makes a big difference. We’ll go over each of them right now.

The chronological resume outline.

You’re probably using a chronological, or reverse-chronological resume outline right now.

It’s the most common type of outline used.

Simply said, a reverse chronological resume is when you list your most recent job at the top. As you make your way down listing your experience, your work history should have your first job listed last.

When you’re updating your resume, it’s the perfect time to ask yourself if that’s the best way to showcase your experience to recruiters.

A reverse-chronological resume is best if you’ve worked at big companies, and you want to leverage your experience there.

We went really in-depth on the topic of the reverse-chronological order resume and how you can use it to your advantage. You can read the full article right here .

The functional skills-based resume outline.

When you’re using the functional skills-based resume layout, you’re basically placing your most relevant skills and experience at the top.

What makes the functional resume really powerful is the fact you serve the most important pieces of information to the hiring manager. Since it’s formatted like this, it means they won’t have to put the extra effort to find it because it’s the first thing they’re going to see.

When you have gaps in your employment history or lack the work experience, it’s usually best to go with this resume format.

If you’re not too sure, you can check out our complete guide about the functional resume layout .

The hybrid resume outline.".

This is probably the resume with the coolest sounding name. It’s also known as the combination resume.

When using a hybrid resume, it combines key elements from both the functional and chronological outlines. In other words, the format utilizes both core components of the different types of resume outlines. Ultimately, this allows you to focus on your skills and employment history at the same time.

You can dive down the rabbit hole of hybrid resumes and really understand how to utilize this outline in the detailed article we recently published.

Overall, our recommendation of all formats would be to use the hybrid resume outline because of its versatility. Then again, it depends on your circumstances, professional background and the job description.

Remove everything that isn't important for the job you're applying for.

If you’re 18 and you’re looking for your first job , you can skip this part.

But, if you’ve been in the workforce for four years and up, it’s a bit more complicated. Mostly, you have to decide what to keep and what to skip. Anyway, there’s a rule of thumb that you should combine or remove any experience older than 15 years. In most cases, it’s just not relevant anymore.

We advise you to omit everything that isn’t related to the position you’re applying for.

For example, if you’re applying for a physician opening at a hospital, it’s almost certain your summer job back in 94′ won’t be of any relevance to the recruiters.

The key is to keep your resume skills and positions relevant to the place you’re applying to. If you aren’t sure what skills they’re looking for, go over the job ad one more time and if possible, visit their website.

Still not 100% sure about what to cut off?

Choose from one of these resume templates from your industry. That way, you can have a better idea of what to include and skip so won’t be second-guessing and relying on blind faith.

Focus on making the skills section on your resume stand out.

Okay, but how? It’s easier said than done.

When you’re writing your skills section on the resume there are a few things that you have to keep in mind.

The first one is that you can always add more:

  • Soft skills
  • Hard skills
  • Communication skills
  • Computer skills
  • Language skills
  • Technical skills

While education and your GPA are important, there are also types of skills employers are looking out for. As job seekers, professionals, or if you’re a graduate, either way you’ve got to show them what you’re capable of.

If you’ve developed anything new, be sure to mention it when updating your resume too.

But, if you find the skill section on your resume is getting too big, then consider making a separate skill-only resume.

The second thing that you have to keep in mind when crafting your resume skills section is to keep it relevant to the job position you’re applying to. By focusing on only what’s important, you can keep your resume to a single page, meaning it’ll be super specific (something that ATS likes).

Use the right keywords for the job you’re applying to.

When you’re crafting your resume, you want to use the right keywords .

See, most companies use an ATS – wondering what an ATS is?

The abbreviation stands for Applicant Tracking System. It’s basically a recruitment software hiring managers use to store all online job applications. This gives recruiters the ability to search and sift through thousands of resumes in a matter of seconds .

And, here’s where using the right keywords comes into play.

For example, if you’re applying for an Administrative Assistant position, you want to include that in your resume. You can include it in the header as well—that way, when the recruiter types “Administrative Assistant” your resume will appear.

But, you’re still not done.

You want something that will get their attention. Make sure you put some extra effort into crafting the perfect header section of your resume . That way, you have a bigger chance to not only get noticed but to be remembered by the recruiter.

If you’re not sure what keywords to use, just go to the job ad and try to pinpoint the phrases that stick out most and then use them while you write your resume.

While there are keywords to think about, you should also consider using buzzwords .

Write a punchy resume summary that grabs the attention.

Okay, you’re nearly halfway there.

You’ve almost updated your resume to the point of perfection (i.e. it’s almost ready for the recruiters to see).

Now, you should focus on crafting a short, punchy resume summary section .

Every strong resume summary needs to highlight your experience, knowledge, and accomplishments. The tricky part is being able to do it using only 3-5 sentences.

From here on our, you should be using keywords to point out the highlights of your resume, especially in your summary. It’s the same if you decided to use this part of your resume to talk about your career objectives too.

Update the “Training & Certification” section.

Last on the list is to update the training and certification section on your resume .

There’s a huge chance that you’ve gained new skills since you last updated your resume and you want to showcase this to the recruiters.

Focus on showing only what’s relevant to the position you’re applying for. While attending a pottery class is cool, it won’t be of interest to most recruiters. You should only be listing your trainings and certificates.

Most importantly, it needs to be relevant. If it’s not free from fluff, it’s a waste of precious space.

Enhancv How to Update Your Resume: Simple Changes With Big Effects

We covered all of the most important resume sections that you have to freshen up when you’re updating your resume.

But, as with everything we do at Enhancv, we have to go a step further.

And by a step further, we mean, we want to share with you how you should update your resume based on your experience. Namely:

  • How far back you should go in your resume
  • What to feature when you have two decades of experience
  • How to structure your resume if you’re applying for your first job .

If you have any additional experience you want to add, e.g. volunteering experience, be sure to bring it. As long as it’s somehow relevant or you’ve developed something new, it’s always worth mentioning, especially if you’re someone who doesn’t have much work experience.

How to update your resume if you have three to five years of experience?

It’s important to note that if you have between three to five years of experience in your previous job, you can easily create a pretty powerful resume.

You can push down your education and instead, try to show how you helped the company you worked for finish a project or deal with a problem or how you trained a new employee. Moreover, showing your decision-making capabilities and leadership skills will be far more interesting for recruiters to see.

One section of a resume you should also consider updating is your resume objectives .

How to update your resume if you have five to ten years of experience?

When you’ve been in the workforce for nearly a decade, you have to approach the resume updating process a bit differently. Namely, you want to show to recruiters only what’s immediately important to them.

For instance, you want to show your leadership skills.

So, things like:

  • Helping the company save money
  • Someone that you managed to get promoted through your guidance
  • Creating training and processes that improved the work process

Hiring managers want to see the positive impact you were responsible for in your previous job. Therefore, accomplishments like this are amazing to feature on your resume.

Also, now is the chance to let your skills and training, and certificates shine.

You can shorten your formal education section and work on presenting how your experience, work, and networking have taught you to be better at what you do.

How to update your resume if you have 12+ years of experience?

Working somewhere for 12 years or more means that you’re most likely in the management or even C-level force of a company. This means you have to put your writing chops to work and craft a summary that captures the attention of recruiters.

Some of the things you have to list and are a must if you want to stand out include the relationships you’ve built with other companies and the strategic planning you’ve done.

Above all, you have to update the tone of voice on your resume. To an extent, it shows a level of personal development, which is something you need to show. When you’re applying for a position that’s in C-level management, make sure your resume reads professionally.

(Side note: if it’s been a long time since you last updated your resume, it’s likely your contact info has changed. Don’t forget to keep this up to date it’s worth making some changes to your resume header and resume summary!)

“What? I should update my LinkedIn resume as well?” Yes, you should.

In 2021 we’re living in the digital age. Top that with the major changes LinkedIn has been making the last four or five months.

You can see how this social media can play a crucial role in you getting hired.

Sometimes, the hiring process isn’t as straightforward. Entrepreneurs, business owners, and company leadership can reach out to you if they like what you’re doing.

That’s why it’s best to have an up-to-date LinkedIn account.

You can start by quickly updating the experience section of your account. It’s best to keep it similar to what’s on your resume. And if you want to supercharge your account for recruiters, you can upload your Enhancv-made resume as a PDF to your LinkedIn account. It’s so good even Mark Cuban loves it .

If you’re still wondering how to update your resume on LinkedIn, follow the same process explained earlier. You can apply those same steps for updating your LinkedIn resume too.

Now that you’ve put all this hard work into updating your resume, it’s super important to remember to upload and update your resume on Indeed as well. All you have to do is to log into your account, go to the “ Resume ” tab and click the “ Upload Resume ” button. It’s as easy as that!

Most guides share that you should update your resume every 6 months. While we do think that’s the best way to include the most up-to-date information if you’re working on your career, updating your resume isn’t something that’s on your radar.

So, as experts, we would advise you to update your resume only when you want to apply for a certain position . This will allow you to craft a resume that’s targeted and relevant, thus increasing your chance to get an interview.

You might be aware of the power behind one-page resumes .

As mentioned throughout this article, you should only be including the things on your resume that are important.

The main benefits of having a one-page resume include:

  • Better readability
  • Clean formatting
  • Sleek design
  • Straight to the point and concise
  • Good first impression and stronger impact on the hiring manager

If it’s not relevant or helpful, there’s no point bringing it up in the first place.

When your resume is concise and contains only the important details, the more compelling your resume application will be. That being said, reducing your application to a single page packs a stronger punch.

To achieve this, adopt the use it or lose it mindset.

With this approach, you’ll make it a priority to only use what’s essential. This way, you’ll start using the space on your resume strategically. If you have any unnecessary resume sections or bulky sentences, be sure to cut them down.

We’ve also made a guide for creating a minimalist resume which has useful tips for keeping your application minimal. Feel free to check it out!

You might’ve made it to this point after editing the contents of your resume to make sure you’re emphasizing your skills, achievements and qualifications.

But, the thought is still lingering:

“I’ve got the content down, but is there anything else I’m missing for how to make my resume better?”

It’s no secret that companies are looking for better-looking, original resumes. In the marketing and creative industries, it’s even more noticeable and important for the hiring managers to see that you have a unique resume.

If you’re applying for a creative position, then focus on crafting a portfolio that grabs the employer’s attention. A regular resume to support your portfolio is also acceptable.

However, whether you’re in the creative field or not, one of the best things you can do is to use a resume builder like Enhancv . You get an exquisite resume without needing any technical or design skills to make sure you stand out – we’ll handle that for you.

You’ll be able to show employers why you’re so valuable in a non-generic way that’s sure to grab their interest.

Best of all, it’s free.

If there’s anything you’re missing out on, it’s the chances of getting hired for your new job as each day goes on.

That was huge, congratulations if you’ve made it this far!

Now you know how to update your resume every step of the way. It’s a process that requires your full attention. It doesn’t matter if you’re doing quick spruce up or you’re updating your resume from the ground up.

Each resume you send should be tailored specifically to the job position you’re applying for.

It’s the best way to ensure you make it past the first stage of the hiring process for an interview. Also, don’t forget to be using the right keywords. Otherwise, the ATS will reject your resume application faster than you could imagine.

Was our guide useful? Please share if you found this helpful and be sure to leave a comment if you have any thoughts you want to add!

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How to Update Your Resume

Update Your Resume | How-to & Tips | Resume.comresumeshow-to-update-resume

It is important to follow current formatting rules when updating your resume as you apply for a new position. Depending on when you last applied for a role, the best practices for writing a resume may have changed. Learn how to properly update your resume by following the steps in this article.

Why it’s important to update your resume

Knowing how to update your resume allows you to showcase your skills and qualifications relevant to the position you are pursuing. Maintaining your skill relevancy helps your resume stand out and increases your chances of being invited to interview. An updated resume allows employers to align the job posting requirement with your skills and abilities.

Each time you apply for a new position, update your resume with any new education, certifications, experience, and other qualifications. This keeps your resume up to date and demonstrates the knowledge and skillset you’ve developed that make you prepared for the role. It also helps you ensure that you continue to tailor your resume to be as relevant as possible to each job application.

How to update your resume

Follow the steps to properly update your resume in a way that stands out to employers.

1. First, include your current contact information

If you haven’t updated your resume since the last time you applied for jobs, you may need to add your current email address, phone number, and a link to your online portfolio. Employers used to request contact information like a physical address or headshot. Because these are usually no longer required, remove this information from your resume unless requested.

2. Second, locate and add keywords from the job posting

As you build your resume, consistently review the job posting and identify the preferred qualifications the employer mentions. Use these as keywords and feature them throughout your resume. In the experience section of your resume, explain how you currently apply specific skills. This demonstrates how you plan to use them in this role. Employers are regularly searching for keywords in their job posting. Including keywords throughout your resume increases the likelihood of being asked to interview.

3. Third, draft an updated summary

Make sure your summary reflects the skills and experience you’ve gained since the last time you applied for a position. Suppose you were a recent graduate or were applying to entry-level roles the last time you updated your resume. In that case, you may have written this section in an objective-style format, meaning you likely mentioned your career goals instead of your accomplishments.

As you gain new skills and achievements, revise this section to be more of a summary instead of an objective. Explain the experience you’ve gained in your previous positions and how you plan to use them in this new role. Add keywords found in the job posting to make this section relevant to the job and impress the hiring manager.

4. Fourth, feature any new skills you’ve developed

As you review the skills section of your resume, keep only the skills that you believe bring value to the role. Remove any skills that may no longer relate to the position. For example, listing general computer skills is most likely unnecessary because computers are standard in many workplaces.

It’s more impressive to mention specific programs or systems you work with to accomplish tasks. Mention these skills in their own section and add them to your work history when explaining duties and responsibilities. Provide details on how you used each skill to excel in your role.

5. Fifth, add your work history

Refer to the job posting again to learn what kind of experience employers prefer for this position and what duties you’ll be expected to complete. If you’ve held similar responsibilities in your current or previous roles, mention them in your work history section. To avoid clutter, remove any work experience that isn’t relevant to the duties and responsibilities of the position you’re applying to.

Be specific when adding your work history by mentioning the skills used to complete different tasks and using numbers or data to quantify your accomplishments. This also helps employers understand the results you brought your company and what value you’ll bring to theirs.

6. Sixth, list any additional education or certifications you’ve received

Add other qualifications you’ve gained since you last updated your resume. This can include degrees or courses you’ve taken to advance your knowledge and skillset. If you previously included your high school diploma, you can now remove it. Most employers are more interested in degrees received from colleges or trade schools.

Include any certifications you’ve received that are listed as requirements in the job posting or may enhance your performance in the role. For example, if you’re applying for a position in marketing and have received training and certifications for a popular marketing software, you can highlight them in your certifications section.

7. Seventh, ensure your formatting and style are consistent

After you’ve applied your updates with current information, you might consider changing the style of your resume. Apply a new font or color palette that remains consistent throughout the document. Keep the resume clean and simple, making it easy for employers to identify information. Balance your use of white space and text.

For example, if you previously had paragraphs in your experience section detailing your work duties, replace them with bullet points that briefly state your tasks and responsibilities. This helps your resume look organized and free of clutter. It also makes it easier for the hiring manager to find and read through the most important information.

8. Finally, proofread your resume for relevance and grammatical errors

Now you are ready to read through your resume to ensure it’s free from spelling or grammatical errors. Make sure all phrases are relevant to current resume practices. For example, phrases like “references upon request” are no longer necessary on a resume. After removing any outdated phrases, have a friend or trusted colleague review your resume to ensure it’s consistent and simple to understand.

Print both your resume and the job posting. Review these documents side-by-side to ensure your resume aligns well with the position. As the hiring manager spots relevant keywords, it can encourage them to read through your entire document rather than simply scanning it.

If you need help writing a resume, use our data-backed resume builder .


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    5. Tailor your resume keywords to the job posting. Many large companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to screen and track candidates. Write an ATS friendly resume in 2024 by selecting role-specific keywords from the job description and using them throughout your resume.

  2. How to Update Your Resume in 2024: Step-by-Step Guide

    An updated resume means taking another look at these resume format guidelines to make sure your job application is looking spiffy: Set your resume margins to 1" on all sides of the page. Make sure your resume sections stand out and are easy to spot for hiring managers. Choose a resume layout that is sleek and elegant.

  3. How To Update Your Resume in 2024: A Complete Guide

    3. Add resume keywords. A great way to update your resume is by reviewing the job posting and using similar keywords on your resume. You can also search online for industry-specific keywords to add to your resume. Many recruiters and hiring managers use applicant tracking system (ATS) software to scan resumes for keywords matching their ...

  4. Guide To Updating Your Resume

    How to update your Indeed resume. To update your Indeed resume, do the following: Go to and click "Sign in.". Click your username in the top right to get the drop-down box, and click "Resume.". Next, click "Resume.". Now, click the pencil symbol for each section you want to edit.

  5. How to Update Your Resume in 2024 (Guide + Expert Tips)

    One way to do this is to look for passive phrases on your resume and replace them with action-packed verbs that convey your confidence. Instead of saying "responsible for answering customer inquiries," say "bolstered customer satisfaction by 33% through empathetic communication.".

  6. Zety

    The app follows the "try before you buy" credo—you pay once you're satisfied with the results. Downloading a printable resume, CV, or cover letter as a PDF or Word document is only available in the paid plan, starting at just $1.95, with a 14-day money-back guarantee if you're unhappy with the software and service.

  7. How to Update your Resume: the Complete Guide

    When you're updating your resume, you should develop a new layout. The quickest and easiest way is to use a resume template. They are professionally-designed so they will grab the employer's attention. There are hundreds to choose from and they are quick to edit, making it easy to update your resume for a job when you need to.

  8. A Checklist For Updating Your Resume in 2024

    Best practice is to update your resume every 3-6 months, or whenever you: Move to a new role or company. Gain a promotion. Develop a new professional skill. Acquire a new certification or qualification. Take on new responsibilities. Complete a significant project. Change your personal or contact information.

  9. 11 Impactful Ways to Update Your Resume for 2021

    Add measurable results. Job searching is competitive in 2021. To give yourself an edge, go back through your resume and add measurable results to demonstrate your skills and abilities. Example -. Good: Grew traffic and improved conversion rate. Better: Doubled organic sessions and improved conversion rate by 20 percent.

  10. How to Update Your Resume [Examples & Tips]

    First read all the skills listed in your resume. Next, try to remember the last time you used each skill. If you have trouble remembering the last time you used it, cut it from your list. Read your list again. Think about the job you want. Delete the skills on your list that won't help you in the role you want.

  11. How To Fix & Update Your Resume [Expert Tips]

    Keep an updated, polished, edited resume on hand so when the time comes you can take action and make your next career move without hesitation. Here are a few resume tips and fixes that can keep you on your toes. 1. Keep a running list. Do you keep a journal? If so, then you're already in the habit of documenting the day's events and keeping ...

  12. Updating your resume: when and how to refresh your professional

    Amend the summary. If you feel that your resume is worth updating, then it is likely that the summary will change to some extent. Your most recent skills and experiences should be reflected in these first 5-6 lines, so consider taking out anything that is redundant.

  13. Updating Your Resume in 2024: 11 Fast and Simple Steps

    Lastly, it can also help you identify areas where you need to gain more experience or skills, which can further enhance your career development. Updating your resume regularly can make a significant difference in your job search. This article will provide readers with 11 fast and simple steps to make their resumes stand out to potential employers.

  14. How to Update Your Resume: Simple Changes With Big Effects

    Step one: Go into Enhancv's resume builder. Step two: Transfer and import the resume you want to update. When you click on the link, you'll be taken through an easy step-by-step process to updating your resume. Here's how it looks: Next, you'll be asked if you want to use an existing resume as a starting point:

  15. How to Update Your Resume

    Follow the steps to properly update your resume in a way that stands out to employers. 1. First, include your current contact information. If you haven't updated your resume since the last time you applied for jobs, you may need to add your current email address, phone number, and a link to your online portfolio.

  16. How to Update Your Resume for a Career Change

    Pick the Right Format. When updating your regular resume, the first step is deciding which format to use. As a career changer who might be lacking all of the right work experience and/or skills, the traditional reverse chronological approach isn't necessarily the only way to go. You could use a functional resume, also known as a skills-based ...

  17. How To Update Your Old Resume in 4 Steps

    How to update your resume. Here are four tips to bring life back to your old resume: 1. Research the role and company. Before deciding what information to add to or remove from your resume, first research the role (s) you're interested in and what employers hiring for these positions may be looking for. This will help you determine the ...

  18. How to Update Your Resume for Jobs in 2024

    write. " Created a new rota that reduced wasted man hours by 20%. " (Active)If you keep these things in mind when updating your resume, then you have a better chance of catching a hiring manager's attention. Once you do, it's important that you take the time to prepare for some of the most common job interview questions.

  19. 10 Steps on How to Update a Resume (Benefits and Tips)

    How to update a resume. Follow these steps for how to update a resume: 1. Research the role. As you're updating your resume for a new role, it's only ideal that you know the requirements for the role. The first place to research a role is the job description. This is a brief document describing the qualifications the hiring manager expects and ...

  20. Professional Resume Writing Services

    Get employers' attention with expert resume help Affordable resume assistance to help you get hired faster. Get your review. Over 155,000 reviews delivered to-date. ... Free personalized tips to update your resume today. See your report. Or work with a professional resume writer. Feedback to give you a head start for $35.

  21. Online Resume Builder: Quick, Easy & Free

    Zety resume maker suggests resume tips that can help you build each resume section fast, even if you're writing a resume with no experience. In short, online resume creators are a much quicker, more efficient alternative to creating your resume manually. Our resume builder adjusts your documents automatically every time you update your resume.

  22. Free Resume Builder

    With Canva's free resume builder, applying for your dream job is easy and fast. Choose from hundreds of free, designer-made templates and customize them within a few clicks. Forget spending hours formatting your resume, or choosing complimentary fonts for your cover letter. Creating a resume online with Canva's free resume builder will give ...

  23. Free Online Resume Builder

    Jump start your resume with resume templates. Don't create your resume from scratch. Use one of our proven resume templates and kick start your search from the beginning. Create your resume in minutes with Indeed's free resume builder. Download it to your computer or use it to apply for any job on Indeed.