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Resume synonyms for created.

Want another word for Created to use on your resume? Our team's compiled the most effective action verbs and synonyms you can use instead of the overused resume phrase, " Created ".

Kimberley Tyler Smith Author Photo

Hiring managers like people who can get creative — and, more importantly, convert that creativity into results. If you’re creative and have accomplished things using your creativity on your resume, you might use the word “Created” on your resume, whether that’s in the context of creating designs, creating project plans or creating marketing materials. Created is generally a good word to use on your resume — it shows hiring managers you have initiative and can create new things from scratch. But, like any phrase on your resume, you shouldn’t use it over and over again. Repetition reduces your resume’s impact and makes it harder for your achievements to stand out. Instead, vary up your language and use synonyms for Created that are more specific to the job you want and show hiring managers different skill sets. For example, instead of saying you “Created customer satisfaction survey…,” say you “Implemented” the survey. Small tweaks like using the right synonyms — instead of repeating ones you’ve already used — will make your resume more engaging to hiring managers and better highlight your creativity and initiative skills. I've compiled some synonyms you can use instead of Created on your resume, followed by real examples I've written for clients (feel free to use them!).

Resume Synonyms for Created :

  • Established
  • Constructed

How to replace Created with a stronger action verb:

Let's look at examples of how you can remove and replace the overused phrase, Created, with a stronger synonym and alternative that is more effective at highlighting your achievements.

• Created new employee corporate social responsibility program

After: Using a stronger synonym • Spearheaded development and implementation of new employee corporate social responsibility program, leading to 4x more participation.

Replacing Created with Established ▾

• Created a new business development strategy

After: Established • Established a robust business development strategy that propelled a 30% revenue increase within 1 year and attracted two major clients.

I replaced 'created' with 'established' to portray the applicant as an authority initiating something foundational. Additionally, quantifying the significant business impact further strengthens the applicant's argument.

Tip: I've prepared a ton of additional examples for you to give you inspiration. Please click on any of the following to expand and see real examples of how I've rewritten client bullet points.

Replacing Created with Formulated ▾

• Created a training program for new sales staff

After: Formulated • Formulated an extensive onboarding and training program for sales staff, which dramatically reduced ramp-up time by 25% and boosted sales performance by 15%.

Replacing 'created' with 'formulated' emphasizes careful thought and planning. The added specifics about the program's impact show that you not only developed the program but also that it yielded tangible results.

Replacing Created with Designed ▾

• Created company's new marketing campaign

After: Designed • Designed the company's pivotal marketing campaign, driving a 20% increase in leads and contributing to a $1M revenue increase in Q2.

The term 'designed' suggests creativity and intentionality. Adding measurable outcomes pushes this statement from a passive task to an active achievement, painting a picture of how your efforts specifically added value to the company.

Replacing Created with Constructed ▾

• Created a database for customer information

After: Constructed • Constructed a comprehensive customer database that enhanced personalization of marketing efforts, leading to a 15% increase in customer retention rates.

The choice of 'constructed' over 'created' suggests solidity and structure. By stating the database's practical application and its result, you show how your work positively impacted crucial business metrics.

Replacing Created with Developed ▾

• Created an employee engagement program

After: Developed • Developed an innovative employee engagement program, resulting in a 18% decrease in turnover rates and an improvement in employee satisfaction scores by 25%.

The term 'developed' connotes a process-oriented, thoughtful approach. Adding specific outcomes following this activity not only communicates positive results but also demonstrates the significance of your work.

Replacing Created with Initiated ▾

• Created a customer loyalty plan

After: Initiated • Initiated a customer loyalty plan that amplified repeat business by 28%, leading to an annual revenue growth of 12%.

Switching 'created' for 'initiated' suggests autonomy and leadership. The quantified results highlight the success and the positive, direct impact you had on the business.

Replacing Created with Devised ▾

• Created a process to handle customer complaints

After: Devised • Devised an effective customer complaints process that reduced resolution time by 45%, significantly improving customer satisfaction ratings.

The word 'devised' implies strategic planning and intelligence. To strengthen the statement, I added a measurable outcome which shows the process wasn't just created, but that it had a direct, positive impact on customer relations.

Replacing Created with Originated ▾

• Created a new product line

After: Originated • Originated a cutting-edge product line that attracted 10,000 new customers and drove a 20% increase in annual revenue.

'Originated' highlights creativity and innovation. The addition of specific benefits resulting from this new product line underlines its success and shows the importance of your contributions.

Replacing Created with Instituted ▾

• Created a monthly team meeting

After: Instituted • Instituted a monthly cross-departmental team meeting, resulting in improved communication, a 30% decrease in project overlap, and a 20% increase in project completion speed.

The word 'instituted' suggests establishment and leadership. Quantifying the impact of these meetings underscores the value they - and by extension, you - brought to the team.

Replacing Created with Generated ▾

• Created a new policy for data storage

After: Generated • Generated a robust data storage policy, leading to a 50% reduction in data loss incidents and ensuring company-wide compliance with GDPR regulations.

'Generated' implies more action and tangibility compared to 'created'. The specific outcomes emphasize your role in risk management and compliance, underscoring the broader impact of your work.

Replacing Created with Produced ▾

• Created a training manual for the software team

After: Produced • Produced an in-depth training manual for the software team, reducing onboarding time by 40% and increasing team productivity by 20%.

Instead of just 'creating', 'produced' suggests a more substantial achievement. Including specific metrics makes your effort quantifiable and communicates the benefits of your initiative.

How to use these synonyms in practice

We've put together an infographic to give you more examples of how to put this into practice. Note the use of strong action verbs instead of words like Created.

another word for designed resume

More resume bullet point samples that use strong synonyms

How to use performed on a resume:.

• Performed financial analysis to evaluate public and private financing alternatives to strengthen client's balance sheet.

How to use Managed on a resume:

• Managed a 10-member cross-functional (engineering, product, sales, support) team and coordinated with five business partners towards the successful launch of an e-commerce website.

How to use Analyzed on a resume:

• Analyzed industry trends in the automobile sector and presented long and short equity investment ideas for 12 large-cap stocks that outperformed the Bloomberg sector benchmark by 7% in 2014..

How to use Collaborate on a resume:

• Collaborate with developers and product management team to assess project outcomes and prioritize future app features.

How to use Conducted on a resume:

• Conducted the due diligence of three retailers for a private equity investor with potential EBITDA impact of $200MM+ by 2020; developed customer acquisition strategy across channels.

How to use Reduced on a resume:

• Reduced time to render the video by 75% by implementing prediction algorithm and delayed graphics.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is another word for created on a resume.

You can say Revived, Conserved or Determined instead of Created.

What is a better word for Created on a resume?

Words like Created are overused on resumes. Instead, you should use other phrases like Assembled, Mobilized, Fabricated, Deployed, Employed or Conserved.

Get a free resume review: Find out if your action verbs are strong enough.

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another word for designed resume

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another word for designed resume

Resume Synonyms for Created

Looking to highlight your creative output? While 'Created' is a widely-used term, it often fails to encapsulate the full depth of your achievements. Discover more evocative synonyms that can replace 'Created', painting a richer picture of your abilities. Our guide lays out the top alternatives and offers advice on using them effectively.

Table of Contents

Using created on a resume.

The term 'Created' is a powerful verb that signifies the act of bringing something into existence. It's a word that implies innovation, initiative, and the ability to produce something from nothing. In the context of a resume, 'Created' is often used to highlight an individual's ability to generate new ideas, develop innovative solutions, or establish new systems or processes. When used on a resume, 'Created' communicates a sense of accomplishment and proactivity. It tells potential employers that you're not just a passive participant in your work, but an active contributor who can add value and drive progress. It suggests that you're a problem-solver, a thinker, and a doer - someone who doesn't just wait for instructions, but takes the initiative to improve things. However, while 'Created' is a strong and impactful word, it isn't always the best choice for every situation. Overuse of the word can dilute its impact, and in some cases, it might not accurately convey the nuances of your role or achievements. That's why it's important to consider using other synonyms or alternative phrases that can add variety to your resume and more accurately reflect your skills and experiences. By diversifying your language, you can create a more compelling narrative and maximize the impact of your resume.

Tailor Your Resume Content to the Job Description

another word for designed resume

Strong vs Weak Uses of Created

Examples of using created on a resume.

  • Created and implemented a new customer service protocol that resulted in a 20% increase in customer satisfaction ratings.
  • Created a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that boosted website traffic by 35% within six months.
  • Created, tested, and launched a new product line that generated $1M in sales in its first year.
  • Created some reports for the management team.
  • Created a new filing system for the office.
  • Created a new schedule for the team.

How Created Is Commonly Misused

"created marketing materials".

This statement is too generic and does not provide any specific information about the marketing materials that were created. It is better to provide specific examples or details to showcase your creativity and effectiveness in creating marketing materials.

"Created a new process"

While it may indicate initiative, this statement lacks impact and does not highlight any specific achievements or improvements. Instead, it is better to mention the specific benefits or outcomes of the new process created, such as "Created a new process that reduced production time by 30% and increased efficiency by 25%."

"Created social media content"

This statement is too broad and does not provide any specific information about the social media content that was created. It is better to provide specific examples or details to showcase your ability to create engaging and impactful social media content.

"Created a training program"

While it may demonstrate leadership, this statement lacks impact and does not highlight any specific achievements or outcomes of the training program created. Instead, it is better to mention the specific results or improvements achieved through the training program, such as "Created a comprehensive training program that increased employee productivity by 15% and reduced customer complaints by 20%."

"Created a new product"

While it may indicate innovation, this statement lacks impact and does not highlight any specific achievements or benefits of the new product created. Instead, it is better to mention the specific market success or positive impact of the new product, such as "Created a new product that generated $1 million in sales within the first six months and received rave reviews from customers."

When to Replace Created with Another Synonym

Creating content.

Instead of using "Created," job seekers can use synonyms like "Developed," "Produced," or "Generated" to highlight their ability to create engaging and impactful content. These alternatives convey a sense of creativity, innovation, and the ability to produce high-quality materials that resonate with the target audience.

Designing graphics

When describing graphic design experience, job seekers can opt for synonyms such as "Designed," "Illustrated," or "Crafted." These terms emphasize their skills in visual communication, attention to detail, and the ability to create visually appealing and effective designs. Using these alternatives can help job seekers stand out in creative fields where design expertise is highly valued.

Initiating projects

Instead of using "Created," job seekers can use synonyms like "Initiated," "Launched," or "Pioneered" to showcase their ability to start and drive projects from inception. These alternatives highlight their proactive nature, leadership skills, and the ability to take initiative to bring new ideas to life. Using these terms can be particularly advantageous for candidates seeking roles that require innovation, entrepreneurship, or project management skills.

Best Resume Synonyms for Created

How to replace created with a stronger, more relevant synonym, replacing created in your resume summary.

Using Created

Using a Strong Synonym

Replacing Created in Your Work Experience

  • Created a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that increased online sales by 30%.
  • Devised an innovative and effective digital marketing strategy, catalyzing a 30% surge in online sales.

Powerful Created Synonyms for Different Job Categories

Best created synonyms for marketing resumes, best created synonyms for customer service resumes, find the right synonyms for any job, frequently asked questions.

The best replacement word for 'Created' on a resume could be 'Developed', 'Designed', or 'Established', depending on the context. For example, if you're talking about a marketing campaign, you could say 'Developed a comprehensive marketing campaign'. If it's a new process or system, 'Designed an efficient filing system' would work. For a new department or initiative, 'Established a new customer service department' would be appropriate.

It's appropriate to use 'Created' on your resume when you're describing an accomplishment or task that involved bringing something new into existence or initiating a project. This could be a new process, product, system, or idea that you developed. For example, "Created a new customer feedback system that increased customer satisfaction by 20%."

"Created" is relevant for your resume if you've developed, built, or initiated something significant in your role. For example, if you've "created a new marketing strategy that increased sales by 20%" or "created a more efficient filing system that saved the company time and resources". This action verb showcases your ability to innovate and produce tangible results, making your achievements stand out to potential employers.

Which Job Titles use Created the Most?

Top 5 titles/functions with the most mentions of created on their resume:, related resume synonyms, explore full resume examples to find other improvements.

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