How to Teach Your Students to Write Biography Poems

Students can tell their stories in a playful way

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Biography poems, or Bio poems, are a quick and easy way for young students to learn poetry . They allow students to express their personality and introduce themselves to others, making them a perfect activity for the first day of school. Bio poems can also be used to describe someone else, making them perfect for history lessons or other subjects where students might be studying key historical figures. You will see in the examples below that students can research someone like Rosa Parks , then create a Bio poem on her.

What Are Bio Poems?

Below, you can read three examples of Bio Poems. One is about a teacher, one is about a student, and one is about a famous person that students researched.

Sample Bio Poem of a Teacher

Kind, funny, hard-working, loving
Sister of Amy
Lover of Computers, Friends, and Harry Potter books
Who feels excited on the first day of school, sad when she watches the news, and happy to open a new book
Who needs people, books, and computers
Who gives help to students, smiles to her husband, and letters to family and friends
Who fears war, hunger, and bad days
Who would like to visit the pyramids in Egypt , teach the world’s greatest third graders, and read on the beach in Hawaii
Resident of California

Sample Bio Poem of a Student

Athletic, strong, determined, fast
Son of Janelle and Nathan and brother to Reesa
Loves the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books, sports, and Baked Beans
Who feels happy when playing with friends, and happy when playing sports and being with his family
Who needs books, family, and Legos to by happy in life
Who makes people laugh when someone is sad, who likes to gives smiles, and loves hugging
Fears the dark, spiders, clowns
Would like to visit Paris, France
Resident of Buffalo

Sample Bio Poem of a Person Researched

Determined, Brave, Strong, Caring
Wife of Raymond Parks, and mother of her children
Who loved freedom, education, and equality
Who loved to stand up for her beliefs, loved to help others, disliked discrimination
Who feared racism would never end, who feared she wouldn't be able to make a difference, who feared she wouldn't have enough courage to fight
Who changed history by standing up to others and making a difference in equality
Who wanted to see an end to discrimination, a world that was equal, and respect was given to all
Born in Alabama, and resident in Detroit
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  • Expressing Identity Through Bio Poems

Poetry is a powerful tool for self-expression and reflection. One captivating form of poetry that allows individuals to share their unique stories is the bio poem. A bio poem is a structured poem that provides a glimpse into a person's life, thoughts, and experiences. By capturing key aspects of their identity, bio poems become a canvas for personal expression. In this article, we will explore the beauty of bio poems by providing examples that showcase the diverse ways in which individuals can tell their stories.

Example 1: A Bio Poem Celebrating Strength

Example 2: a bio poem reflecting on life's journey, example 3: a bio poem celebrating creativity.

Miranda Courageous, determined, and resilient Lover of adventure, seeker of the unknown Who feels exhilaration in the face of challenge Who fears conformity and mediocrity Who would like to see a world united in compassion Resident of a heart filled with wanderlust Smith

In this example, Miranda presents herself as a person filled with strength and determination. She embraces her love for adventure and seeks to push her boundaries. Miranda's poem also reveals her desire for a more empathetic world, emphasizing her longing for unity and compassion.

Liam Dreamer, philosopher, eternal student Lover of books, melodies, and starry nights Who feels the weight of time's passing moments Who fears the regrets of an unlived life Who would like to see a world connected by empathy Resident of a mind always seeking knowledge Johnson

Liam's bio poem reflects his introspective nature and thirst for knowledge. The poem suggests that he cherishes the beauty of literature, music, and the cosmos. By highlighting his fear of an unlived life, Liam emphasizes the importance of seizing opportunities and making the most of each passing moment.

Amelia Imaginative, artistic, free-spirited soul Lover of colors, melodies, and blank canvases Who feels joy in each stroke of a paintbrush Who fears the silence of a creative block Who would like to see a world where art is valued Resident of a heart that beats to a creative rhythm Anderson

Amelia's bio poem celebrates her creative spirit and passion for artistic expression. The poem suggests that she finds immense joy and fulfillment in the act of painting. Her fear of a creative block highlights the vulnerability and sensitivity that often accompanies the artistic process.

Bio poems offer a beautiful and concise way to express one's identity, aspirations, and fears. Through carefully chosen words and structured lines, individuals can create poetic snapshots of their lives. Whether celebrating strengths, reflecting on life's journey, or honoring creativity, bio poems provide an opportunity for self-reflection and connection. So why not give it a try? Write your own bio poem and embrace the power of poetry to tell your unique story.

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How to Write a Biopoem

Last Updated: September 5, 2023 Fact Checked

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 15 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 69,186 times. Learn more...

A biopoem is a poem with a very specific formula. It describes a person, and it is 10 lines long. You can write a biopoem about yourself or about someone else; the formula works either way.

Constructing a Biopoem

Step 1 In the first line, use the person’s first name.

  • Fierce unyielding brave tall
  • Son of Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks Lincoln, husband of Mary Lincoln
  • Lover of freedom, tall hats, and good speeches
  • Who felt patriotism for his country and who felt grief at a divided nation
  • Who feared what would become of a divided country, feared the south would win, feared the costs of war
  • Who issued the Emancipation Proclamation and who won the Civil War
  • Who wanted to see the nation whole again
  • Born in Kentucky, died at Ford’s Theater in Washington, DC

Writing and Formatting a Biopoem

Step 1 Think about what characteristics make a person unique.

Sample Biopoem

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Poetry has long been a captivating form of self-expression, allowing individuals to communicate emotions, ideas, and experiences in a unique and artistic manner. One fascinating variation of poetry is the bio poem, a distinctive form that offers a creative approach to introspection and character exploration. In this article, we delve into the world of bio poems, understanding their essence, learning how to write them step by step, and exploring some intriguing examples.

1. Bio Poems Made Easy

bio poems made easy

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2. How to Write a Bio Poem

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3. Simple Bio Poem Example

simple bio poem example

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4. Basic Bio Poem Template

basic bio poem template

5. Example Bio Poem Template

example bio poem template

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6. Auto Bio Poem Example

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7. Draft Bio Poem Template

draft bio poem template

8. Sample Bio Poem Example

sample bio poem example

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9. Bio poems Building Community

bio poems building community

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10. Editable Bio Poem Template

editable bio poem template

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11. Printable Bio Poem Example

printable bio poem example

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12. Standard Bio Poem Example

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13. Poetry Samples and Ideas

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14. Bio Poem Template

bio poem template

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15. Creative Auto Bio Poem

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16. Acrostic Poem Example

acrostic poem example

17. Bio Poem Starters Template

bio poem starters template

18. Bio Poem Pyramid Example

bio poem pyramid example

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19. Biographical Poems Example

biographical poems example

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20. Odyssey Bio-Poems Template

odyssey bio poems template

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21. Outline Bio Poem Example

outline bio poem example

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22. Modern Bio Poem Template

modern bio poem template

Size: 44 KB

What is a Bio Poem?

A bio poem is a distinct type of poem that provides a snapshot of a person’s life, personality, or essence within a structured format. Unlike traditional poems, which may focus on a particular theme , tone , or element, a bio poem aims to capture the various facets of an individual’s identity in a concise and artistic manner. This form of poetry often combines elements like alliteration , metaphors, and literary devices to convey the subject’s characteristics and experiences. Each bio poem is a personal journey, presenting a contextualized portrayal of the person it is dedicated to.

How to Write a Bio Poem

Crafting a bio poem is an engaging process that encourages introspection and creativity. This step-by-step guide will lead you through the process, helping you unearth the essence of the subject and express it eloquently through verse.

Step 1: Choose Your Subject

Begin by selecting the individual for whom you’re crafting the bio poem. This could be yourself, a friend, a family member, or even a historical figure. Consider the context and purpose of the poem – are you celebrating their achievements, conveying their struggles, or exploring their personality?

Step 2: Brainstorm Characteristics

List down the various characteristics, qualities, and experiences that define the subject. These could include personality traits, accomplishments, challenges they’ve overcome, and pivotal life events. This brainstorming session will serve as the foundation for your poem’s content.

Step 3: Organize Your Thoughts

Divide the characteristics you’ve listed into different categories or stanzas. Each stanza will focus on a particular aspect of the subject’s life or personality. This organization will give your poem a structured flow, allowing readers to navigate through the subject’s identity seamlessly.

Step 4: Craft the Poem

Now, it’s time to mold your thoughts into poetic form. Use literary devices like metaphors and alliteration to enhance your verses. Choose a tone that aligns with the subject’s essence – whether it’s reflective, celebratory, or contemplative. Remember to avoid clichés , as your goal is to present a unique and genuine portrayal.

What’s the difference between a bio poem and a traditional biography?

While both capture aspects of a person’s life, a bio poem distills these elements into a poetic form that focuses on emotions, experiences, and characteristics. It offers a creative and artistic approach to self-expression.

Can a bio poem be written about fictional characters?

Absolutely! Bio poems can be crafted for both real and fictional individuals. They’re an excellent tool for understanding and developing characters in literature.

Are there specific rules about the length of a bio poem?

Bio poems don’t have strict length requirements. However, they are usually concise and focused, conveying the essence of the subject within a few stanzas.

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Bio Poems: A great way to introduce yourself

I decided to have my students write Bio Poems on the first day of school this year in order to help them introduce themselves to me and vice versa. Like a “Where I’m From” Poem, this type of poem gives kids a “template” to use as a guide, which will help struggling writers with form. (Allow kids to deviate… they’ll appreciate having poetic license on the first day of school!) However, these poems are a bit simpler than writing a “Where I’m From,” which can be a bit overwhelming for an elementary school student on the first day of school.

This is the one I wrote two years ago when I taught in NYC. I gave this to my students as a touchstone text to help them craft their own Bio Poem.

Stacey Driven, Generous, Intelligent, Thoughtful Sibling of no one Lover of democracy, family and friends Who feels tired when she doesn’t have her coffee Who needs to take more vacations Who gives all she can to her students Who fears being the target of a pigeon’s droppings Who would like to see peace in the Middle East Resident of Manhattan Shubitz

I changed it slightly now that I live in Rhode Island: Stacey Driven, Generous, Intelligent, Thoughtful Sibling of no one Lover of democracy, family and friends Who feels excited about her upcoming wedding Who needs to get more rest Who gives all she can to her students Who fears being the target of a pigeon’s droppings Who would like to see peace in the Middle East Who shares stories about her life Who is excited to be teaching fourth grade Resident of Providence Shubitz

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Published by Stacey Shubitz

I am a literacy consultant who focuses on writing workshop. I've been working with K-6 teachers and students since 2009. Prior to that, I was a fourth and fifth-grade teacher in New York City and Rhode Island. I'm the author of Craft Moves (Stenhouse Publishers, 2016) and the co-author of Jump Into Writing (Zaner-Bloser, 2021), Welcome to Writing Workshop (Stenhouse Publishers, 2019), and Day By Day (Stenhouse, 2010). I live in Central Pennsylvania with my husband and children. In my free time, I enjoy swimming, doing Pilates, cooking, baking, making ice cream, and reading novels. View all posts by Stacey Shubitz

5 thoughts on “ Bio Poems: A great way to introduce yourself ”

wow this is great and really helpful. I will use it to help me with some of my assignments about myself. Thanks a lot for posting this. Its very helpful. ^_^

I have a collection of bio poems, which I call portrait poems, on my class website. I give my students a choice of which one they want to do, then let them go at it. I also write some the same day. It is always fun. You can check out the portrait poems at

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I love this! I think I may use this for our back to school night in two weeks!

This year I had my 6th graders write a bio poem and place it on the front cover of their writing binders. I even have them place a picture on it too! 🙂

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How to Write a Poetry Bio for Beginners

“ At one point I had no idea what to put in my writer’s bio when I was first published and I had to scramble to find out the best way to go about it.”  –

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One of the most satisfying things that come out of working with my Patreon poets are the ways in which they improve each time we speak to each other. They’re proof that as long as the writer is always looking forward and working on themselves— whether that’s by reading, writing, or creating in a myriad of different ways — there is incremental improvement in their work. Emerging poet, Cathlin Noonan is a great example. 

Quite recently, Cathlin has received her first publication acceptance (yay!) and reached out to me seeking counsel on how to create a bio and this brought me BACK! At one point I had NO IDEA what to put in my writer’s bio when I was first published and I had to scramble to find out the best way to go about it. Admittedly, my first few publications went through different versions of my bio until I finally found a template I was comfortable with so I wanted to make sure to cut out the awkward and prepare Cathlin a bio that she’d be able to build upon in time.

Because of technology, I was also able to record our conversation where (of course!) I drop several golden nuggets (which are quite possibly secrets!) about how to navigate a bio and even how to build relationships with publishers. Please watch the full video that shows a bit of the process and thinking behind a well-structured bio. By the end, you’ll know How to Write a Poetry Bio for Beginners.

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Longwing Learning I ELA Worksheets for Upper Elementary

How To Teach Bio Poems on the 1st Day of School

As a writing teacher, I like to dive into writing right from the start! One way I get this accomplished is by making bio poems and self-portraits. Bio poems are simple poems about a person. They are easy for students to write because it follows a predictable pattern.

Writing bio poems to get to know each other is a great back to school icebreaker. Besides, it connects poetry and art in a meaningful way for upper elementary students.

Here is a glimpse of my students breaking the ice through poetry and art. 

Bio poem and self portrait writing project for back to school.

Table of Contents

How to Write Bio Poems

Step 1 gathering ideas.

Before my students write, I ask them to join me on the carpet. I start by asking them questions related to their interest. This is a quick warm-up and a fast way to get students thinking before they receive their papers. It cuts down a lot of the “um” and “I don’t know” once they draft their bio poem. Afterward, I give them two minutes to share their response with classmates nearby. 

Next, I direct their attention to the bio poem examples on the presentation. This introduces them to the structure of the bio poem.

Here, I emphasize that it is unnecessary for bio poems to rhyme. Right after, I show them a finished project of the bio poem and self-portrait. I use this opportunity to introduce myself by sharing my bio poem. 

Step 2 Draft Bio Poem

 The next step is to complete a draft of the bio poem by answering the questions on the bio poem planning page. The answers to these questions are used to complete the bio poem template.

Writing projects with two parts such as an art and writing component, I start the kids off with the writing piece first and move them on to the art component last. 

As students are working, I use this opportunity to hold student conferences by walking around the room. During these writing conferences, I review their draft. One of my goals is to get a feel of their attitude towards writing. I must admit that this part of the project is my favorite!  

Step 3 Publish Bio Poem

 After they polish the draft, they publish their poem. I try to make this a special event by allowing them to write with pens or other writing materials besides a pencil.

Last, I show them how to put the bio poem and self-portrait together. They glue the rubric on the back of their project. Some students add their own flair to their self-portraits by adding different accessories or making their backgrounds unique. 

Bio poem and self portrait writing project for back to school.

Step 4 Sharing Bio Poems

We close the activity by returning to the carpet and sharing the final project. While the kids are presenting, I fill out the rubric and paste it to the back of the projects.

When the kids present the projects to their classmates is one way to start building a community of writers in the classroom. 

The last step in this back to school ice breaker activity is to celebrate our first writing activity! This is done by students posting their bio poem projects on our classroom bulletin board.

Bio Poem Examples

Here is an example of a student bio poem.

funny, smart, resourceful

who loves to ride a bike and talk to friends

who wonders about space, and music

who fears snakes , and roller coasters

who feels happy when eating a crepe , and reading a good book 

who would like to learn how to cook

who dreams of running a marathon 

Other Ways To Use Bio Poems In The Classroom

Once the kids understand the mechanics of bio poems, they can use the bio poem template to write from the perspective of a famous person, such as historical figures, or characters in stories.

For example, as part of our unit for MLK Day , the kids write bio poems about Martin Luther King Jr. by making inferences based on his character traits.

MLK DAY activities for fourth grade

Wrapping It Up

I love activities that have multi-purposes such as the self-portrait and bio poems. They make the first few days of school fly! If you want to join in the fun, you can download the bio poem and self-portrait activity over at my store.   

5 thoughts on “How To Teach Bio Poems on the 1st Day of School”

Is the template for sale?

Hello, yes it is. This is the link

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Bio Poem Examples

Bio poem examples are a popular style of poetry that allow writers to express themselves in a unique and creative way. This form of poetry is often used as a means of self-expression, allowing the writer to explore their own identity and experiences through the use of descriptive language and personal details.

A bio poem typically follows a specific format, with lines dedicated to different aspects of the writer’s life. The first line usually includes the writer’s name, followed by lines focusing on their personality traits, relationships, aspirations, and other defining characteristics. This structured format provides a framework for writers to convey their thoughts and emotions in a concise yet impactful manner.

One example of a bio poem might look like this:

John Creative, thoughtful, kind Lover of nature and art Who feels deeply connected to the world around him Who fears failure and rejection Who needs love, acceptance, and understanding Who gives compassion and empathy Who would like to see peace and harmony in the world Resident of New York City

This example showcases how bio poems can be used to encapsulate an individual’s essence in just a few short lines. By using vivid language and introspective reflection, writers can create powerful pieces that resonate with readers on a personal level.

In conclusion, bio poem examples offer an engaging way for individuals to share their stories through poetry. Whether you’re looking for inspiration or simply want to explore this unique form of self-expression, bio poems provide an opportunity for creativity and introspection. So why not give it a try? Write your own bio poem today!

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Using Bio Poem Videos to Support Story Telling

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What is a Bio Poem Video and why should I use them?

A Bio Poem Video is a visual representation of self that can incorporate voiceovers, music, text, and images in a video. The Bio Poem alone is a simple poem that follows a specific template and gives the author the power to choose what they want to say about their identity and experiences. This is a great story telling activity for high beginning to low intermediate English Language learners.

What video editing software is needed to create a Bio Poem Video?

biography poem examples

The simpler the video editing software, the better. Usually tablets and laptops come with free video editing software already installed and these work well because they are the most user-friendly and have the basic features needed to make a Bio Poem video. There are also many free video editing apps that students can download through their smart phones.

Here are some video editing software suggestions:

  • Video Editor or WeVideo (available on Android/Samsung devices)
  • Imovie (available on Apple devices)

The video editing software you choose to use for this activity should be one that is accessible to all students and one that you as the instructor feel most comfortable to demo in class. If using a video editing software is not feasible, an alternate option is to have students record each other on a tablet or phone reciting their poem.

Lesson Idea #1 (Creating a Bio Poem)

biography poem examples

  • Pass out the handout with the Bio Poem template and a student example of a Bio poem.
  • Read through examples of Bio Poems. This can be one you wrote or poems of past students.
  • Give students time to think about what they want to say and have them complete the handout. Students can work individually or with a partner.
  • Have students share their poem with a partner. Then ask students to volunteer sharing out their poem to the class.
  • Show examples of Bio Poem Videos. (Like the example linked here~)
  • Ask students to find pictures for their Bio Poem (on Facebook, their phone, Google Images) or take pictures on their phone or tablet in time for the next class. Have them email those pictures to their personal email account and/or download the pictures so they have access to them on the device they will be using to edit and create the video.

Lesson Idea #2 (Creating a Bio Poem Video)

  • Show a Bio Poem Video again as a visual example of what they will create.
  • Text (words of poem)
  • Pictures (images to represent the content of poem

biography poem examples

  • Music ( background music can be downloaded for free here )
  • Allow students to continue getting familiar with the video editing software and work on their Bio Poem Video during and outside of class. Often students learn best by taking the time to play with the features on video editor, but float around and invite them to ask questions if any video editing technical difficulties arises.
  • Once all students have finished their Bio Poem Video, have an in-class Bio Poem Video Showcase. Invite students to make comments or ask questions about each other’s videos.

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Kristen Navaluna is a Program Coordinator and Organizer at OneAmerica, who helps facilitate English Innovations classes throughout Washington state. She also works with other national immigrant and refugee organizations, such as Michigan United, TIRRC, PAZ, and FLIC to provide support for the implementation of English Innovations in their communities.

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Cool, jazzy, updated adaptation of an old idea. Thanks for posting!

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The best biographies of poets compiled in this list represent a range of eras, poetic movements, and poets as different from each other as can be. But they do all have one thing in common: these poets rocked the world of poetry, and literature at large, forever changing how we think about verse. This list includes not just biographies of English poets, but also biographies of famous poets from other places on the globe. In this list of literary biographies, you’ll learn more about the lives of literature’s greatest poets in some of the best author biographies around. And now on to the books!

But first, if you like this article about poetry, definitely check out this blog’s guide to “Learn Poetry Writing with the 17 Best Books on Writing Poetry.”

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If you’re looking for famous English poetry biographies, this one is a good fit. Percy Bysshe Shelley died young, leaving behind his wife, Mary Shelley, who later went on to write the extraordinarily radical Frankenstein . But though he lived a short life, Shelley lived a full one, and it’s that life we learn about in Ann Wroe’s Being Shelley: The Poet’s Search for Himself . What distinguishes this book from other biographies of Shelley is Wroe’s skilled ability to bring to life Shelley’s sense of purpose when it came to his writing. In that way, Being Shelley portrays the poet’s existential quest to understand himself as an artist and feed his ambitious desire to be a poet in every sense of the identity. This biography offers a deep dive into the inner life of one of the world’s greatest poets.

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The bughouse: the poetry, politics, and madness of ezra pound by daniel swift.

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American poet Ezra Pound is best remembered for his poetry, but in The Bughouse: The Poetry, Politics, and Madness of Ezra Pound , Daniel Swift explores the poet’s relationship to madness. This book is definitely among the best author biographies anywhere. Doomed to stand trial for producing fascist broadcasts in Italy during the Second World Wide, instead Pound was found to be insane and locked up in St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington, D.C., a mental institution. It’s there that Pound’s prominent circle of friends came to call, including T. S. Eliot, Elizabeth Bishop, Robert Lowell, and William Carlos Williams. The result is a biography not just of Pound but the entire Modernist movement’s leading artists, making a key contribution to literary biographies.

How to read it: Purchase The Bughouse on Amazon

Heav’nly tidings from the afric muse: the grace and genius of phillis wheatley by richard kigel.

biography poem examples

This book is a compelling biography of Phillis Wheatley, whom biographer Richard Kigel has deemed the “true Poet Laureate of the American Revolution.” Kigel’s biography contextualizesWheatley’s poetry within the era she lived when she managed to find freedom after being a slave. What happens next is Wheatley’s feverishly paced writing career, which Kigel situates within the context of African American literature and women’s literature of the time. What we’re left with is deft criticism and strong praise of Wheatley’s work as informed by her remarkable life in this superb book, certainly one of the best author biographies.

How to read it: Purchase Heav’nly Tidings from the Afric Muse on Amazon

Keats: a brief life in nine poems and one epitaph by lucasta miller.

biography poem examples

John Keats is one of my favorite poets, and this is one of the best biographies of poets around. We’ve already had an exceptional biographical movie of Keats ( Bright Star ), so why do we need yet another biography of Keats? Well, it turns out we can stand to have one more Keats biography, and this one is the mic drop of them all; in Lucasta Miller’s Keats: A Brief Life in Nine Poems and One Epitaph , Keats’ life is organized around nine of his poems and one epitaph. Miller excavates Keats’ life to see how it influenced some of his most incredible poems. What this biography does so well is braid Keats’ life with Keats’ creativity, showing how one interacted with the other in this tour-de-force of a book that’s definitely one of the best biographies of English poets.

How to read it: Purchase Keats: A Brief Life in Nine Poems and One Epitaph on Amazon

Neruda: the biography of a poet by mark eisner.

biography poem examples

This biography of Chilean poet Pablo Neruda—a finalist for the PEN/Bograd Weld Prize for Biography—finally reveals this groundbreaking poet’s fascinating life, which ranks among the best literary biographies. Author Mark Eisner has skillfully woven together several strands of Neruda’s life, including his personal history; Latin American culture, history, and politics; and his career as a poet. Eisner has crafted an authoritative yet extremely accessible biography of this influential poet.

How to read it: Purchase Neruda: The Biography of a Poet on Amazon

Red comet: the short life and blazing art of sylvia plath by heather clark.

biography poem examples

A Pulitzer Prize finalist, Red Comet is an exceptional biography of Sylvia Plath and definitely counts as one of the best biographies of poets. It might seem hard to believe that there’s anything left to say of Plath, given that she has inspired multiple biographies before Red Comet . Yet this one stands out because of its unique approach to put Plath’s work front and center. Biographer Heather Clark here expands on what we thought we knew about Plath, sifting through previously unavailable source materials and viewing Plath’s life not for the sole purpose of tragedy porn, which has surrounded much of Plath’s life since she took her life in 1963 at age 30. Instead, Clark has crafted perhaps the first fully realized biography of this consequential poet whose short life, her extraordinary writing, and her significant legacy shattered the world. Sitting at close to 2,000 pages, Red Comet is the definitive biography of Sylvia Plath.

How to read it: Purchase Red Comet on Amazon

Robert lowell, setting the river on fire: a study of genius, mania, and character by kay redfield jameson.

biography poem examples

In this unique and creative biography, psychologist Kay Redfield Jameson sifts through the mind of renowned Confessional poet Robert Lowell. As a writer who shares Lowell’s diagnosis of bipolar disorder, Jameson analyzes Lowell’s life through a unique perspective. Jameson, whose memoir Touched with Fire I recommended in this blog’s article on “ The 20 Best Books about Bipolar Disorder,” finds connections between Lowell’s life-long battle with mental illness and the astonishing poetry he penned both during times of suffering and times of remission. What we’re left with is a thorough understanding of how Lowell’s moods impacted his writing and vice versa. Jameson has done a real service to Lowell in this book, for sure one of the best biographies of poets.

How to read it: Purchase Robert Lowell, Setting the River on Fire on Amazon

Savage beauty: the life of edna st. vincent millay by nancy milford.

biography poem examples

Historian Nancy Milford here trains her gaze on a formidable heroine: the poet Edna St. Vincent Millay. In this biography, Milford distills the woman from the myth, creating a thorough yet engaging biography of the poet who would revolutionize her field and go on to become the first woman ever to win the Pulitzer Prize. In Savage Beauty , Millay comes alive like never before.

How to read it: Purchase Savage Beauty on Amazon

These fevered days: ten pivotal moments in the making of emily dickinson by martha ackmann.

biography poem examples

American poet Emily Dickinson penned well over 1,500 poems, but she was seen in her lifetime as was seemingly “quiet.” She stayed inside mostly and kept to her home, yet she lived an extremely intellectual and creative life that forever changed poetry. In These Fevered Days , Martha Ackmann drills down deep to ten pivotal days in Dickinson’s life, unearthing these consequential moments that helped shape Dickinson into the woman and poet she was. If you’re someone who struggles with conventional biographies, which, let’s be honest, can be both bloated and boring, this is the book for you with its inventive, engaging structure. Read it and see what makes These Fevered Days one of the best biographies of poets.

How to read it: Purchase These Fevered Days on Amazon

The whole harmonium: the life of wallace stevens by paul mariani.

biography poem examples

Closing out our list of the best biographies of poets is The Whole Harmonium , in which biographer Paul Mariani takes poet Wallace Stevens as his subject. Mariani’s biography is unique because it seeks to find the connections between Stevens’ work as a poet and his self-confessed purpose to find and translate the sublime into art. See why Booklist wrote, in a starred review, that The Whole Harmonium is an “incandescent….redefining biography of a major poet whose reputation continues to ascend.”

How to read it: Purchase The Whole Harmonium on Amazon

And there you have it the 10 best biographies of poets. which one will you read first, share this:.

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Sarah S. Davis is the founder of Broke by Books, a blog about her journey as a schizoaffective disorder bipolar type writer and reader. Sarah's writing about books has appeared on Book Riot, Electric Literature, Kirkus Reviews, BookRags, PsychCentral, and more. She has a BA in English from the University of Pennsylvania, a Master of Library and Information Science from Clarion University, and an MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults from Vermont College of Fine Arts.

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  1. 4 Reasons to Write Bio Poems to Kick off AND Wrap up Your School Year

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  1. How to Teach Your Students to Write Biography Poems

    Learn how to help students create biography poems, or Bio poems, that express their personality and introduce themselves to others. See three examples of Bio poems about a teacher, a student, and a famous person, and get tips on how to write one.

  2. Bio Poem

    A bio poem, also called a biographical poem, is a writing exercise that serves to illustrate the most important points about a living person, a historical figure, or a fictional character. A ...

  3. Bio Poem

    Bio Poem Examples. Reading bio poem examples can be helpful in understanding how these poems are written. The following bio poem features the main character from William Shakespeare's play ...

  4. Expressing Identity Through Bio Poems

    Example 1: A Bio Poem Celebrating Strength. Miranda. Courageous, determined, and resilient. Lover of adventure, seeker of the unknown. Who feels exhilaration in the face of challenge. Who fears conformity and mediocrity. Who would like to see a world united in compassion. Resident of a heart filled with wanderlust.

  5. How to Write a Biopoem: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

    4. In the fourth line, add a couple of things the person appreciated or loved. It can be people, as well. For example: "Lover of freedom, tall hats, and good speeches". [4] 5. For the fifth line, write about feelings that person had in his or her lifetime.

  6. PDF Bio Poems Made Easy (Printable and Digital)

    1. Before the lesson, write your own bio poem following the example on the next page. You'll need this to share with your students when you start the lesson. 2. Begin by telling your students that they are going to create simple poems about themselves called "bio poems.". Display and read your example to the class. 3.

  7. Famous Bio Poems

    These are examples of famous Bio poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous bio poems. These examples illustrate what a famous bio poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

  8. PDF How to Write a Biopoem

    Biopoem Sample. Rosa. Determined, brave, strong, loving. Wife of Raymond Parks, mother of all children. Who loved equality, freedom, and the benefits of a good education. Who hated discrimination, loved to stand up for her beliefs, and loved to help others. Who feared that racism would continue, feared losing the opportunity to make a ...

  9. Biography

    Examples of Biographies Example #1 Orlando by Virginia Woolf. This book is one of the best examples of fictional biography. It was published in October of 1928 and tells the story of a poet who changes sex from a man to a woman and lives a lifetime over centuries. Example #2 Alice Walker: A Life by Evelyn C. White

  10. PDF B i o

    Bio-poem Examples. Jackson Friendly, silly, athletic, tall Son of John and Brenda Who loves chocolate chip ice cream, the Grizzlies, and Saturdays Who feels happy, tired, and lucky And who is scared of tests, thunderstorms, and failure Who learned how to shoot a three-point shot and won a basketball trophy Who hopes to see an NBA game and make ...

  11. Bio Poems

    Bio Poems. Examples of Bios and a list of new poems in the correct poetic form and technique. Share and read short, long, best, and famous Bio poetry while accessing rules, format, types, and a comprehensive literary definition of a Bio.. A bio poem is a form of poetry written about one's self, life, and or personality, but there is more to a bio.

  12. Bio-poem: Connecting Identity and Poetry

    Bio-poem: Connecting Identity and Poetry. Students clarify aspects of their identity or the identity of a historical or literary figure by writing poems that focus on deeper elements of personal makeup like experiences, relationships, hopes, and interests. Published: February 24, 2008. facebook sharing. x sharing.

  13. Bio-Poem Examples

    Share these bio-poem examples with students to use as a guide when they write their own bio-poems. Jackson. Friendly, silly, athletic, tall. Son of John and Brenda. Who loves chocolate chip ice cream, the Grizzlies, and Saturdays. Who feels happy, tired, and lucky. And who is scared of tests, thunderstorms, and failure.

  14. 4 Reasons to Write Bio Poems to Kick off AND Wrap up Your School Year

    Below are some reasons why I love to have students write bio poems about themselves both as the school year begins, and as the school year begins to wind down helping them to come full circle during their time in your classroom. Students are Successful. Because bio poems follow a strict pattern, students of all writing abilities succeed ...

  15. Bio Poem

    One fascinating variation of poetry is the bio poem, a distinctive form that offers a creative approach to introspection and character exploration. In this article, we delve into the world of bio poems, understanding their essence, learning how to write them step by step, and exploring some intriguing examples. 1. Bio Poems Made Easy

  16. PDF Line 1: Your first name

    A Bio Poem is all about you. It is a way for you to introduce yourself to others. Take some time to think about yourself - your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Then, use the template and example below to write your own Bio Poem. Line 1: Your first name Line 2: Four descriptive traits Line 3: Sibling of... Line 4: Lover of (people, ideas)

  17. Bio Poems: A great way to introduce yourself

    Bio Poems: A great way to introduce yourself. Sunday September 2, 2007 Stacey Shubitz. I decided to have my students write Bio Poems on the first day of school this year in order to help them introduce themselves to me and vice versa. Like a "Where I'm From" Poem, this type of poem gives kids a "template" to use as a guide, which will ...

  18. How to Write a Poetry Bio for Beginners

    Because of technology, I was also able to record our conversation where (of course!) I drop several golden nuggets (which are quite possibly secrets!) about how to navigate a bio and even how to build relationships with publishers. Please watch the full video that shows a bit of the process and thinking behind a well-structured bio. By the end ...

  19. How To Teach Bio Poems on the 1st Day of School

    Bio Poem Examples. Here is an example of a student bio poem. Lilena. funny, smart, resourceful . who loves to ride a bike and talk to friends. who wonders about space, and music. who fears snakes , and roller coasters. who feels happy when eating a crepe , and reading a good book .

  20. PDF Bio Poems Made Easy

    Suggested Lesson Sequence. 1. Before the lesson, create your own Bio Poem using the example on the next page. You'll share this with your students. 2. Begin the lesson by telling your students that they are going to create simple poems about themselves called Bio Poems. Display and read your example to the class. 3.

  21. Bio Poem Examples

    Bio poem examples are a popular style of poetry that allow writers to express themselves in a unique and creative way. This form of poetry is often used as a means of self-expression, allowing the writer to explore their own identity and experiences through the use of descriptive language and personal details.

  22. Using Bio Poem Videos to Support Story Telling

    Lesson Idea #1 (Creating a Bio Poem) Pass out the handout with the Bio Poem template and a student example of a Bio poem. Read through examples of Bio Poems. This can be one you wrote or poems of past students. Give students time to think about what they want to say and have them complete the handout. Students can work individually or with a ...

  23. The 10 Best Biographies of Poets

    The Bughouse: The Poetry, Politics, and Madness of Ezra Pound by Daniel Swift. American poet Ezra Pound is best remembered for his poetry, but in The Bughouse: The Poetry, Politics, and Madness of Ezra Pound, Daniel Swift explores the poet's relationship to madness. This book is definitely among the best author biographies anywhere.