• Open access
  • Published: 10 April 2024

“So at least now I know how to deal with things myself, what I can do if it gets really bad again”—experiences with a long-term cross-sectoral advocacy care and case management for severe multiple sclerosis: a qualitative study

  • Anne Müller   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-2456-2492 1 ,
  • Fabian Hebben   ORCID: orcid.org/0009-0003-6401-3433 1 ,
  • Kim Dillen 1 ,
  • Veronika Dunkl 1 ,
  • Yasemin Goereci 2 ,
  • Raymond Voltz 1 , 3 , 4 ,
  • Peter Löcherbach 5 ,
  • Clemens Warnke   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-3510-9255 2 &
  • Heidrun Golla   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-4403-630X 1

on behalf of the COCOS-MS trial group represented by Martin Hellmich

BMC Health Services Research volume  24 , Article number:  453 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

80 Accesses

Metrics details

Persons with severe Multiple Sclerosis (PwsMS) face complex needs and daily limitations that make it challenging to receive optimal care. The implementation and coordination of health care, social services, and support in financial affairs can be particularly time consuming and burdensome for both PwsMS and caregivers. Care and case management (CCM) helps ensure optimal individual care as well as care at a higher-level. The goal of the current qualitative study was to determine the experiences of PwsMS, caregivers and health care specialists (HCSs) with the CCM.

In the current qualitative sub study, as part of a larger trial, in-depth semi-structured interviews with PwsMS, caregivers and HCSs who had been in contact with the CCM were conducted between 02/2022 and 01/2023. Data was transcribed, pseudonymized, tested for saturation and analyzed using structuring content analysis according to Kuckartz. Sociodemographic and interview characteristics were analyzed descriptively.

Thirteen PwsMS, 12 caregivers and 10 HCSs completed interviews. Main categories of CCM functions were derived deductively: (1) gatekeeper function, (2) broker function, (3) advocacy function, (4) outlook on CCM in standard care. Subcategories were then derived inductively from the interview material. 852 segments were coded. Participants appreciated the CCM as a continuous and objective contact person, a person of trust (92 codes), a competent source of information and advice (on MS) (68 codes) and comprehensive cross-insurance support (128 codes), relieving and supporting PwsMS, their caregivers and HCSs (67 codes).


Through the cross-sectoral continuous support in health-related, social, financial and everyday bureaucratic matters, the CCM provides comprehensive and overriding support and relief for PwsMS, caregivers and HCSs. This intervention bears the potential to be fine-tuned and applied to similar complex patient groups.

Trial registration

The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Cologne (#20–1436), registered at the German Register for Clinical Studies (DRKS00022771) and in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.

Peer Review reports


Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most frequent and incurable chronic inflammatory and degenerative disease of the central nervous system (CNS). Illness awareness and the number of specialized MS clinics have increased since the 1990s, paralleled by the increased availability of disease-modifying therapies [ 1 ]. There are attempts in the literature for the definition of severe MS [ 2 , 3 ]. These include a high EDSS (Expanded disability Status Scale [ 4 ]) of ≥ 6, which we took into account in our study. There are also other factors to consider, such as a highly active disease course with complex therapies that are associated with side effects. These persons are (still) less disabled, but may feel overwhelmed with regard to therapy, side effects and risk monitoring of therapies [ 5 , 6 ].

Persons with severe MS (PwsMS) develop individual disease trajectories marked by a spectrum of heterogeneous symptoms, functional limitations, and uncertainties [ 7 , 8 ] manifesting individually and unpredictably [ 9 ]. This variability can lead to irreversible physical and mental impairment culminating in complex needs and daily challenges, particularly for those with progressive and severe MS [ 5 , 10 , 11 ]. Such challenges span the spectrum from reorganizing biographical continuity and organizing care and everyday live, to monitoring disease-specific therapies and integrating palliative and hospice care [ 5 , 10 ]. Moreover, severe MS exerts a profound of social and economic impact [ 9 , 12 , 13 , 14 ]. PwsMS and their caregivers (defined in this manuscript as relatives or closely related individuals directly involved in patients’ care) often find themselves grappling with overwhelming challenges. The process of organizing and coordinating optimal care becomes demanding, as they contend with the perceived unmanageability of searching for, implementing and coordinating health care and social services [ 5 , 15 , 16 , 17 ].

Case management (CM) proved to have a positive effect on patients with neurological disorders and/or patients with palliative care needs [ 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 ]. However, a focus on severe MS has been missed so far Case managers primarily function as: (1) gatekeeper involving the allocation of necessary and available resources to a case, ensuring the equitable distribution of resources; as (2) broker assisting clients in pursuing their interests, requiring negotiation to provide individualized assistance that aligns as closely as possible with individual needs and (3) advocate working to enhance clients’ individual autonomy, to advocate for essential care offers, and to identify gaps in care [ 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 ].

Difficulties in understanding, acting, and making decisions regarding health care-related aspects (health literacy) poses a significant challenge for 54% of the German population [ 30 ]. Additionally acting on a superordinate level as an overarching link, a care and case management (CCM) tries to reduce disintegration in the social and health care system [ 31 , 32 ]. Our hypothesis is that a CCM allows PwsMS and their caregivers to regain time and resources outside of disease management and to facilitate the recovery and establishment of biographical continuity that might be disrupted due to severe MS [ 33 , 34 ].

Health care specialists (HCSs) often perceive their work with numerous time and economic constraints, especially when treating complex and severely ill individuals like PwsMS and often have concerns about being blamed by patients when expectations could not be met [ 35 , 36 ]. Our hypothesis is that the CCM will help to reduce time constraints and free up resources for specialized tasks.

To the best of our knowledge there is no long-term cross-sectoral and outreaching authority or service dedicated to assisting in the organization and coordination of the complex care concerns of PwsMS within the framework of standard care addressing needs in health, social, financial, every day and bureaucratic aspects. While some studies have attempted to design and test care programs for persons with MS (PwMS), severely affected individuals were often not included [ 37 , 38 , 39 ]. They often remain overlooked by existing health and social care structures [ 5 , 9 , 15 ].

The COCOS-MS trial developed and applied a long-term cross-sectoral CCM intervention consisting of weekly telephone contacts and monthly re-assessments with PwsMS and caregivers, aiming to provide optimal care. Their problems, resources and (unmet) needs were assessed holistically including physical health, mental health, self-sufficiency and social situation and participation. Based on assessed (unmet) needs, individual care plans with individual actions and goals were developed and constantly adapted during the CCM intervention. Contacts with HCSs were established to ensure optimal care. The CCM intervention was structured through and documented in a CCM manual designed for the trial [ 40 , 41 ].

Our aim was to find out how PwsMS, caregivers and HCSs experienced the cross-sectoral long-term, outreaching patient advocacy CCM.

This study is part of a larger phase II, randomized, controlled clinical trial “Communication, Coordination and Security for people with severe Multiple Sclerosis (COCOS-MS)” [ 41 ]. This explorative clinical trial, employing a mixed-method design, incorporates a qualitative study component with PwsMS, caregivers and HCSs to enrich the findings of the quantitative data. This manuscript focuses on the qualitative data collected between February 2022 and January 2023, following the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ) guidelines [ 42 ].

Research team

Three trained authors AM, KD and FH (AM, female, research associate, M.A. degree in Rehabilitation Sciences; KD, female, researcher, Dr. rer. medic.; FH, male, research assistant, B.Sc. degree in Health Care Management), who had no prior relationship with patients, caregivers or HCSs conducted qualitative interviews. A research team, consisting of clinical experts and health services researchers, discussed the development of the interview guides and the finalized category system.

Theoretical framework

Interview data was analyzed with the structuring content analysis according to Kuckartz. This method enables a deductive structuring of interview material, as well as the integration of new aspects found in the interview material through the inductive addition of categories in an iterative analysis process [ 43 ].

Sociodemographic and interview characteristics were analyzed descriptively (mean, median, range, SD). PwsMS, caregivers and HCSs were contacted by the authors AM, KD or FH via telephone or e-mail after providing full written informed consent. Participants had the option to choose between online interviews conducted via the GoToMeeting 10.19.0® Software or face-to-face. Peasgood et al. (2023) found no significant differences in understanding questions, engagement or concentration between face-to-face and online interviews [ 44 , 45 ]. Digital assessments were familiar to participants due to pandemic-related adjustments within the trial.

Out of 14 PwsMS and 14 caregivers who were approached to participate in interviews, three declined to complete interviews, resulting in 13 PwsMS (5 male, 8 female) and 12 caregiver (7 male, 5 female) interviews, respectively (see Fig.  1 ). Thirty-one HCSs were contacted of whom ten (2 male, 8 female) agreed to be interviewed (see Fig.  2 ).

figure 1

Flowchart of PwsMS and caregiver participation in the intervention group of the COCOS-MS trial. Patients could participate with and without a respective caregiver taking part in the trial. Therefore, number of caregivers does not correspond to patients. For detailed inclusion criteria see also Table  1 in Golla et al. [ 41 ]

figure 2

Flowchart of HCSs interview participation

Setting and data collection

Interviews were carried out where participants preferred, e.g. at home, workplace, online, and no third person being present. In total, we conducted 35 interviews whereof 7 interviews face-to-face (3 PwsMS, 3 caregivers, 1 HCS).

The research team developed a topic guide which was meticulously discussed with research and clinical staff to enhance credibility. It included relevant aspects for the evaluation of the CCM (see Tables  1 and 2 , for detailed topic guides see Supplementary Material ). Patient and caregiver characteristics (covering age, sex, marital status, living situation, EDSS (patients only), subgroup) were collected during the first assessment of the COCOS-MS trial and HCSs characteristics (age, sex, profession) as well as interview information (length and setting) were collected during the interviews. The interview guides developed for this study addressed consistent aspects both for PwsMS and caregivers (see Supplementary Material ):

For HCSs it contained the following guides:

Probing questions were asked to get more specific and in-depth information. Interviews were carried out once and recorded using a recording device or the recording function of the GoToMeeting 10.19.0® Software. Data were pseudonymized (including sensitive information, such as personal names, dates of birth, or addresses), audio files were safely stored in a data protection folder. The interview duration ranged from 11 to 56 min (mean: 23.9 min, SD: 11.1 min). Interviews were continued until we found that data saturation was reached. Audio recordings were transcribed verbatim by an external source and not returned to participants.

Data analysis

Two coders (AM, FH) coded the interviews. Initially, the first author (AM) thoroughly reviewed the transcripts to gain a sense of the interview material. Using the topic guide and literature, she deductively developed a category system based on the primary functions of CM [ 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 ]. Three interviews were coded repeatedly for piloting, and inductive subcategories were added when new themes emerged in the interview material. This category system proved suitable for the interview material. The second coder (FH) familiarized himself with the interview material and category system. Both coders (AM, FH) independently coded all interviews, engaging in discussions and adjusting codes iteratively. The finalized category system was discussed and consolidated in a research workshop and within the COCOS-MS trial group and finally we reached an intercoder agreement of 90% between the two coders AM and FH, computed by the MAXQDA Standard 2022® software.

We analyzed sociodemographic and interview characteristics using IBM SPSS Statistics 27® and Excel 2016®. Transcripts were managed and analyzed using MAXQDA Standard 2022®.

Participants were provided with oral and written information about the trial and gave written informed consent. Ethical approvals were obtained from the Ethics Committee of the University of Cologne (#20–1436). The trial is registered in the German Register for Clinical Studies (DRKS) (DRKS00022771) and is conducted under the Declaration of Helsinki.

Characteristics of participants and interviews

PwsMS participating in an interview were mainly German (84.6%), had a mean EDSS of 6.8 (range: 6–8) and MS for 13.5 years (median: 14; SD: 8.1). For detailed characteristics see Table  3 .

Most of the interviewed caregivers (9 caregivers) were the partners of the PwsMS with whom they lived in the same household. For further details see Table  3 .

HCSs involved in the study comprised various professions, including MS-nurse (3), neurologist (2), general physician with further training in palliative care (1), physician with further training in palliative care and pain therapist (1), housing counselling service (1), outpatient nursing service manager (1), participation counselling service (1).

Structuring qualitative content analysis

The experiences of PwsMS, caregivers and HCSs were a priori deductively assigned to four main categories: (1) gatekeeper function, (2) broker function, (3) advocacy function [ 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 ] and (4) Outlook on CCM in standard care, whereas the subcategories were developed inductively (see Fig.  3 ).

figure 3

Category system including main and subcategories of the qualitative thematic content analysis

The most extensive category, housing the highest number of codes and subcodes, was the “ Outlook on CCM in standard care ” (281 codes). Following this, the category “ Advocacy Function ” contained 261 codes. The “ Broker Function ” (150 codes) and the “ Gatekeeper Function ” (160 codes) constituted two smaller categories. The majority of codes was identified in the caregivers’ interviews, followed by those of PwsMS (see Table  4 ). Illustrative quotes for each category and subcategory can be found in Table  5 .

Persons with severe multiple sclerosis

In the gatekeeper function (59 codes), PwsMS particularly valued the CCM as a continuous contact person . They appreciated the CCM as a person of trust who was reliably accessible throughout the intervention period. This aspect, with 41 codes, held significant importance for PwsMS.

Within the broker function (44 codes), establishing contact was most important for PwsMS (22 codes). This involved the CCM as successfully connecting PwsMS and caregivers with physicians and therapists, as well as coordinating and arranging medical appointments, which were highly valued. Assistance in authority and health and social insurance matters (10 codes) was another subcategory, where the CCM encompassed support in communication with health insurance companies, such as improving the level of care, assisting with retirement pension applications, and facilitating rehabilitation program applications. Optimized care (12 codes) resulted in improved living conditions and the provision of assistive devices through the CCM intervention.

The advocacy function (103 codes) emerged as the most critical aspect for PwsMS, representing the core of the category system. PwsMS experienced multidimensional, comprehensive, cross-insurance system support from the CCM. This category, with 43 statements, was the largest within all subcategories. PwsMS described the CCM as addressing their concerns, providing help, and assisting with the challenges posed by the illness in everyday life. The second-largest subcategory, regaining, maintaining and supporting autonomy (25 codes), highlighted the CCM’s role in supporting self-sufficiency and independence. Reviving personal wellbeing (17 codes) involved PwsMSs’ needs of regaining positive feelings, improved quality of life, and a sense of support and acceptance, which could be improved by the CCM. Temporal relief (18 codes) was reported, with the CCM intervention taking over or reducing tasks.

Within the outlook on CCM in standard care (84 codes), eight subcategories were identified. Communications was described as friendly and open (9 codes), with the setting of communication (29 codes) including the frequency of contacts deemed appropriate by the interviewed PwsMS, who preferred face-to-face contact over virtual or telephone interactions. Improvement suggestions for CCM (10 codes) predominantly revolved around the desire for the continuation of the CCM beyond the trial, expressing intense satisfaction with the CCM contact person and program. PwsMS rarely wished for better cooperation with the CCM. With respect to limitations (7 codes), PwsMS distinguished between individual limitations (e.g. when not feeling ready for using a wheelchair) and overriding structural limitations (e.g. unsuccessful search for an accessible apartment despite CCM support). Some PwsMS mentioned needing the CCM earlier in the course of the disease and believed it would beneficial for anyone with a chronic illness (6 codes).

In the gatekeeper function (75 codes), caregivers highly valued the CCM as a continuous contact partner (33 codes). More frequently than among the PwsMS interviewed, caregivers valued the CCM as a source of consultation/ information on essential individual subjects (42 codes). The need for basic information about the illness, its potential course, treatment and therapy options, possible supportive equipment, and basic medical advice/ information could be met by the CCM.

Within the broker function (63 codes), caregivers primarily experienced the subcategory establish contacts (24 codes). They found the CCM as helpful in establishing and managing contact with physicians, therapists and especially with health insurance companies. In the subcategory assistance in authority and health and social insurance matters (22 codes), caregivers highlighted similar aspects as the PwsMS interviewed. However, there was a particular emphasis on assistance with patients' retirement matters. Caregivers also valued the optimization of patients’ care and living environment (17 codes) in various life areas during the CCM intervention, including improved access to assistive devices, home modification, and involvement of a household support and/ or nursing services.

The advocacy function, with 115 codes, was by far the broadest category . The subcategory multidimensional, comprehensive, cross-insurance system support represented the largest subcategory of caregivers, with 70 statements. In summary, caregivers felt supported by the CCM in all domains of life. Regaining, maintaining and supporting autonomy (11 codes) and reviving personal wellbeing (8 codes) in the form of an improved quality of life played a role not only for patients but also for caregivers, albeit to a lower extend. Caregivers experienced temporal relief (26 codes) as the CCM undertook a wide range of organizational tasks, freeing up more needed resources for their own interests.

For the Outlook on CCM in standard care , caregivers provided various suggestions (81 codes). Similar to PwsMS, caregivers felt that setting (home based face-to-face, telephone, virtual) and frequency of contact were appropriate (10 codes, communication setting ) and communications (7 codes) were recognized as open and friendly. However, to avoid conflicts between caregiver and PwsMS, caregivers preferred meeting the CCM separately from the PwsMS in the future. Some caregivers wished the CCM to specify all services it might offer at the beginning, while others emphasized not wanting this. Like PwsMS, caregivers criticized the CCM intervention being (trial-related) limited to one year, regardless of whether further support was needed or processes being incomplete (13 codes, improvement suggestions ). After the CCM intervention time had expired, the continuous contact person and assistance were missed and new problems had arisen and had to be managed with their own resources again (9 codes, effects of CCM discontinuation ), which was perceived as an exhausting or unsolvable endeavor. Caregivers identified analogous limitations (8 codes), both individual and structural. However, the largest subcategory, was the experienced potential of CCM (27 codes), reflected in extremely high satisfaction with the CCM intervention. Like PwsMS, caregivers regarded severe chronically ill persons in general as target groups for a CCM (7 codes) and would implement it even earlier, starting from the time of diagnosis. They considered a CCM to be particularly helpful for patients without caregivers or for caregivers with limited (time) resources, as it was true for most caregivers.

Health care specialists

In the gatekeeper function (26 codes) HCSs particularly valued the CCM as a continuous contact partner (18 codes). They primarily described their valuable collaboration with the CCM, emphasizing professional exchange between the CCM and HCSs.

Within the broker function (43 codes), the CCM was seen as a connecting link between patients and HCSs, frequently establishing contacts (18 codes). This not only improved optimal care on an individual patient level (case management) but also at a higher, superordinate care level (care management). HCSs appreciated the optimized care and living environment (18 codes) for PwsMS, including improved medical and therapeutic access and the introduction of new assistive devices. The CCM was also recognized as providing assistance in authority and health and social matters (7 codes) for PwsMS and their caregivers.

In the advocacy function (43 codes), HCSs primarily reported temporal relief through CCM intervention (23 codes). They experienced this relief, especially as the CCM provided multidimensional, comprehensive, and cross-insurance system support (15 codes) for PwsMS and their caregivers. Through this support, HCSs felt relieved from time intensive responsibilities that may not fall within their area of expertise, freeing up more time resources for their actual professional tasks.

The largest category within the HCSs interviews was the outlook on CCM in standard care (116 codes). In the largest subcategory, HCSs made suggestions for further patient groups who could benefit (38 codes) from a CCM. Chronic neurological diseases like neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), typical and atypical Parkinson syndromes were mentioned. HCSs considered the enrollment of the CCM directly after the diagnosis of these complex chronic diseases. Additionally, chronic progressive diseases in general or oncological diseases, which may also run chronically, were regarded worthwhile for this approach. HCSs also provided suggestions regarding improvement (21 codes). They wished e.g. for information or contact when patients were enrolled to the CCM, regular updates, exchange and collaborative effort. On the other hand, HCSs reported, that their suggestions for improvement would hardly be feasible due to their limited time resources. Similar to patients and caregivers, HCSs experienced structural limits (13 codes), which a CCM could not exceed due to overriding structural limitations (e.g. insufficient supply of (household) aids, lack of outreach services like psychotherapists, and long processing times on health and pension insurers' side). HCSs were also asked about their opinions on financial resources (14 codes) of a CCM in standard care. All interviewed HCSs agreed that CCM would initially cause more costs for health and social insurers, but they were convinced of cost savings in the long run. HCSs particularly perceived the potential of the CCM (20 codes) through the feedback of PwsMS, highlighting the trustful relationship enabling individualized help for PwsMS and their caregivers.

Persons with severe multiple sclerosis and their caregivers

The long-term cross-sectoral CCM intervention implemented in the COCOS-MS trial addressed significant unmet needs of PwsMS and their caregivers which previous research revealed as burdensome and hardly or even not possible to improve without assistance [ 5 , 6 , 9 , 10 , 33 , 35 , 46 ]. Notably, the CCM service met the need for a reliable, continuous contact partner, guiding patients through the complexities of regulations, authorities and the insurance system. Both, PwsMS and their caregivers highly valued the professional, objective perspective provided by the CCM, recognizing it as a source of relief, support and improved care in line with previous studies [ 37 , 47 ]. Caregivers emphasized the CCM’s competence in offering concrete assistance and information on caregiving and the fundamentals of MS, including bureaucratic, authority and insurances matters. On the other hand, PwsMS particularly appreciated the CCMs external reflective and advisory function, along with empathic social support tailored to their individual concerns. Above all, the continuous partnership of trust, available irrespective of the care sector, was a key aspect that both PwsMS and their caregivers highlighted. This consistent support was identified as one of the main components in the care of PwsMS in previous studies [ 5 , 33 , 35 ].

As the health literacy is inadequate or problematic for 54% of the German population and disintegration in the health and social care system is high [ 30 , 31 , 32 ], the CCM approach serves to enhance health literacy and reduce disintegration of PwsMS and their caregivers by providing cross-insurance navigational guidance in the German health and social insurance sector on a superordinate level. Simultaneously PwsMS and caregivers experienced relief and gained more (time) resources for all areas of life outside of the disease and its management, including own interests and establishing biographical continuity. This empowerment enables patients to find a sense of purpose beyond their illness, regain autonomy, and enhance social participation, reducing the feeling of being a burden to those closest to them. Such feelings are often experienced as burdensome and shameful by PwsMS [ 6 , 48 , 49 , 50 ]. Finding a sense of purpose beyond the illness also contributes to caregivers perceiving their loved ones not primarily as patient but as individuals outside of the disease, reinforcing valuable relationships such as partners, siblings, or children, strengthening emotional bonds. These factors are also highly relevant and well-documented in a suicide-preventive context, as the suicide rate is higher in persons diagnosed with neurological disorders [ 19 , 51 , 52 , 53 , 54 , 55 , 56 , 57 , 58 , 59 , 60 ] and the feeling of being a burden to others, loss of autonomy, and perceived loss of dignity are significant factors in patients with severe chronic neurological diseases for suicide [ 50 , 57 ].

The temporal relief experienced by the CCM was particularly significant for HCSs and did not only improve the satisfaction of HCSs but also removed unfulfilled expectations and concerns about being blamed by patients when expectations could not be met, which previous studied elaborated [ 35 , 36 ]. Moreover, the CCM alleviated the burden on HCSs by addressing patients’ concerns, allowing them to focus on their own medical responsibilities. This aspect probably reduced the dissatisfaction that arises when HCSs are expected to address issues beyond their medical expertise, such as assistive devices, health and social insurance, and the organization and coordination of supplementary therapies, appointments, and contacts [ 35 , 36 , 61 ]. Consequently, the CCM reduced difficulties of HCSs treating persons with neurological or chronical illnesses, which previous research identified as problematic.

HCSs perceive their work as increasingly condensed with numerous time and economic constraints, especially when treating complex and severely ill individuals like PwsMS [ 36 ]. This constraint was mentioned by HCSs in the interviews and was one of the main reasons why they were hesitant to participate in interviews and may also be an explanation for a shorter interview duration than initially planned in the interview guides. The CCM’s overarching navigational competence in the health and social insurance system was particularly valued by HCSs. The complex and often small-scale specialties in the health and social care system are not easily manageable or well-known even for HCSs, and dealing with them can exceed their skills and time capacities [ 61 ]. The CCM played a crucial role in keeping (temporal) resources available for what HCSs are professionally trained and qualified to work on. However, there remains a challenge in finding solutions to the dilemma faced by HCSs regarding their wish to be informed about CCM procedures and linked with each other, while also managing the strain of additional requests and contact with the CCM due to limited (time) resources [ 62 ]. Hudon et al. (2023) suggest that optimizing time resources and improving exchange could involve meetings, information sharing via fax, e-mail, secure online platforms, or, prospectively, within the electronic patient record (EPR). The implementation of an EPR has shown promise in improving the quality of health care and time resources, when properly implemented [ 63 , 64 ]. The challenge lies ineffective information exchange between HCSs and CCM for optimal patient care. The prospect of time saving in the long run and at best for a financial incentive, e.g., when anchoring in the Social Security Code, will help best to win over the HCSs.If this crucial factor can be resolved, there is a chance that HCSs will thoroughly accept the CCM as an important pillar, benefiting not only PwsMS but also other complex patient groups, especially those with long-term neurological or complex oncological conditions that might run chronically.

Care and case management and implications for the health care system

The results of our study suggest that the cross-sectoral long-term advocacy CCM in the COCOS-MS trial, with continuous personal contacts at short intervals and constant reevaluation of needs, problems, resources and goals, is highly valued by PwsMS, caregivers, and HCSs. The trial addresses several key aspects that may have been overlooked in previous studies which have shown great potential for the integration of case management [ 17 , 47 , 62 , 65 , 66 ]. However, they often excluded the overriding care management, missed those patient groups with special severity and complexity who might struggle to reach social and health care structures independently or the interventions were not intended for long-term [ 22 , 37 ]. Our results indicate that the CCM intervention had a positive impact on PwsMS and caregivers as HCSs experienced them with benefits such as increased invigoration, reduced demands, and enhanced self-confidence. However, there was a notable loss experienced by PwsMS and caregivers after the completion of the CCM intervention, even if they had stabilized during the intervention period. The experiences of optimized social and health care for the addressed population, both at an individual and superordinate care level, support the integration of this service into standard care. Beyond the quantitatively measurable outcomes and economic considerations reported elsewhere [ 16 , 20 , 21 ], our results emphasize the importance of regaining control, self-efficacy, self-worth, dignity, autonomy, and social participation. These aspects are highlighted as preventive measures in suicidal contexts, which is particularly relevant for individuals with severe and complex illnesses [ 19 , 50 , 53 , 54 , 55 , 56 , 57 , 58 , 59 , 60 ]. Our findings further emphasize the societal responsibilities to offer individuals with severe and complex illnesses the opportunity to regain control and meaningful aspects of life, irrespective of purely economic considerations. This underscores the need for a comprehensive evaluation that not only takes into account quantitative measures but also the qualitative aspects of well-being and quality of life when making recommendations of a CCM in standard care.

The study by J. Y. Joo and Huber (2019) highlighted that CM interventions aligned with the standards of the Case Management Society of America varied in duration, ranging from 1 month to 15.9 years, and implemented in community- or hospital-based settings. However, they noted a limitation in understanding how CM processes unfold [ 67 ]. In contrast, our trial addressed this criticism by providing transparent explanations of the CCM process, which also extends to a superordinate care management [ 40 , 41 ]. Our CCM manual [ 40 ] outlines a standardized and structured procedure for measuring and reevaluating individual resources, problems, and unmet needs on predefined dimensions. It also identifies goals and actions at reducing unmet needs and improving the individual resources of PwsMS and caregivers. Importantly, the CCM manual demonstrates that the CCM process can be structured and standardized, while accounting for the unique aspects of each individual’s serious illness, disease courses, complex needs, available resources, and environmental conditions. Furthermore, the adaptability of the CCM manual to other complex chronically ill patient groups suggests the potential for a standardized approach in various health care settings. This standardized procedure allows for consistency in assessing and addressing the individual needs of patients, ensuring that the CCM process remains flexible while maintaining a structured and goal-oriented framework.

The discussion about the disintegration in the social and health care system and the increasing specialization dates back to 2009 [ 31 , 32 ]. Three strategies were identified to address this issue: (a) “driver-minimizing” [Treiberminimierende], (b) “effect-modifying” [Effektmodifizierende] and (c) “disintegration-impact-minimizing” [Desintegrationsfolgenminimierende] strategies. “Driver-minimizing strategies” involve comprehensive and radical changes within the existing health and social care system, requiring political and social pursuit. “Disintegration-impact-minimizing strategies” are strategies like quality management or tele-monitoring, which are limited in scope and effectiveness. “Effect-modifying strategies”, to which CCM belongs, acknowledges the segmentation within the system but aims to overcome it through cooperative, communicative, and integrative measures. CCM, being an “effect-modifying strategy”, operates the “integrated segmentation model” [Integrierte Segmentierung] rather than the “general contractor model” [Generalunternehmer-Modell] or “total service provider model” [Gesamtdienstleister-Modell] [ 31 , 32 ]. In this model, the advantage lies in providing an overarching and coordinating service to link different HCSs and services cross-sectorally. The superordinate care management aspect of the CCM plays a crucial role in identifying gaps in care, which is essential for future development strategies within the health and social care system. It aims to find or develop (regional) alternatives to ensure optimal care [ 17 , 23 , 24 , 68 , 69 ], using regional services of existing health and social care structures. Therefore, superordinate care management within the CCM process is decisive for reducing disintegration in the system.

Strengths and limitations

The qualitative study results of the explorative COCOS-MS clinical trial, which employed an integrated mixed-method design, provide valuable insights into the individual experiences of three leading stakeholders: PwsMS, caregivers and HCSs with a long-term cross-sectoral CCM. In addition to in-depth interviews, patient and caregiver reported outcome measurements were utilized and will be reported elsewhere. The qualitative study’s strengths include the inclusion of patients who, due to the severity of their condition (e.g. EDSS mean: 6.8, range: 6–8, highly active MS), age (mean: 53.9 years, range: 36–73 years) family constellations, are often underrepresented in research studies and often get lost in existing social and health care structures. The study population is specific to the wider district region of Cologne, but the broad inclusion criteria make it representative of severe MS in Germany. The methodological approach of a deductive and inductive structuring content analysis made it possible to include new findings into an existing theoretical framework.

However, the study acknowledges some limitations. While efforts were made to include more HCSs, time constraints on their side limited the number of interviews conducted and might have biased the results. Some professions are underrepresented in the interviews. Complex symptoms (e.g. fatigue, ability to concentrate), medical or therapeutic appointments and organization of the everyday live may have been reasons for the patients’ and caregivers’ interviews lasting shorter than initially planned.

The provision of functions of a CCM, might have pre-structured the answers of the participants.

At current, there is no support system for PwsMS, their caregivers and HCSs that addresses their complex and unmet needs comprehensively and continuously. There are rare qualitative insights of the three important stakeholders: PwsMS, caregivers and HCSs in one analysis about a supporting service like a CCM. In response to this gap, we developed and implemented a long-term cross-sectoral advocacy CCM and analyzed it qualitatively. PwsMS, their caregivers and HCSs expressed positive experiences, perceiving the CCM as a source of relief and support that improved care across various aspects of life. For patients, the CCM intervention resulted in enhanced autonomy, reviving of personal wellbeing and new established contacts with HCSs. Caregivers reported a reduced organizational burden and felt better informed, and HCSs experienced primarily temporal relief, allowing them to concentrate on their core professional responsibilities. At a higher level of care, the study suggests that the CCM contributed to a reduction in disintegration within the social and health care system.

The feedback from participants is seen as valuable for adapting the CCM intervention and the CCM manual for follow-up studies, involving further complex patient groups such as neurological long-term diseases apart from MS and tailoring the duration of the intervention depending on the complexity of evolving demands.

Availability of data and materials

Generated and/or analyzed datasets of participants are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request to protect participants. Preliminary partial results have been presented as a poster during the EAPC World Congress in June 2023 and the abstract has been published in the corresponding abstract booklet [ 70 ].


Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

  • Care and case management

Case management

Central nervous system

Communication, Coordination and security for people with multiple sclerosis

Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research

German register for clinical studies

Extended disability status scale

Electronic patient record

Quality of life

Multiple sclerosis

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We would like to thank all the patients, caregivers and health care specialists who volunteered their time to participate in an interview and the trial, Carola Janßen for transcribing the interviews, Fiona Brown for translating the illustrative quotes and Beatrix Münzberg, Kerstin Weiß and Monika Höveler for data collection in the quantitative study part.

COCOS-MS Trial Group

Anne Müller 1 , Fabian Hebben 1 , Kim Dillen 1 , Veronika Dunkl 1 , Yasemin Goereci 2 , Raymond Voltz 1,3,4 , Peter Löcherbach 5 , Clemens Warnke 2 , Heidrun Golla 1 , Dirk Müller 6 , Dorthe Hobus 1 , Eckhard Bonmann 7 , Franziska Schwartzkopff 8 , Gereon Nelles 9 , Gundula Palmbach 8 , Herbert Temmes 10 , Isabel Franke 1 , Judith Haas 10 , Julia Strupp 1 , Kathrin Gerbershagen 7 , Laura Becker-Peters 8 , Lothar Burghaus 11 , Martin Hellmich 12 , Martin Paus 8 , Solveig Ungeheuer 1 , Sophia Kochs 1 , Stephanie Stock 6 , Thomas Joist 13 , Volker Limmroth 14

1 Department of Palliative Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany

2 Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany

3 Center for Integrated Oncology Aachen Bonn Cologne Düsseldorf (CIO ABCD), University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany

4 Center for Health Services Research (ZVFK), University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany

5 German Society of Care and Case Management e.V. (DGCC), Münster, Germany

6 Institute for Health Economics and Clinical Epidemiology (IGKE), Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany

7 Department of Neurology, Klinikum Köln, Cologne, Germany

8 Clinical Trials Centre Cologne (CTCC), Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany

9 NeuroMed Campus, MedCampus Hohenlind, Cologne, Germany

10 German Multiple Sclerosis Society Federal Association (DMSG), Hannover, Germany

11 Department of Neurology, Heilig Geist-Krankenhaus Köln, Cologne, Germany

12 Institute of Medical Statistics and Computational Biology (IMSB), Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany

13 Academic Teaching Practice, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany

14 Department of Neurology, Klinikum Köln-Merheim, Cologne, Germany

Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL. This work was supported by the Innovation Funds of the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA), grant number: 01VSF19029.

Author information

Authors and affiliations.

Department of Palliative Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany

Anne Müller, Fabian Hebben, Kim Dillen, Veronika Dunkl, Raymond Voltz & Heidrun Golla

Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany

Yasemin Goereci & Clemens Warnke

Center for Integrated Oncology Aachen Bonn Cologne Düsseldorf (CIO ABCD), University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany

Raymond Voltz

Center for Health Services Research, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany

German Society of Care and Case Management E.V. (DGCC), Münster, Germany

Peter Löcherbach

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  • Anne Müller
  • , Fabian Hebben
  • , Kim Dillen
  • , Veronika Dunkl
  • , Yasemin Goereci
  • , Raymond Voltz
  • , Peter Löcherbach
  • , Clemens Warnke
  • , Heidrun Golla
  • , Dirk Müller
  • , Dorthe Hobus
  • , Eckhard Bonmann
  • , Franziska Schwartzkopff
  • , Gereon Nelles
  • , Gundula Palmbach
  • , Herbert Temmes
  • , Isabel Franke
  • , Judith Haas
  • , Julia Strupp
  • , Kathrin Gerbershagen
  • , Laura Becker-Peters
  • , Lothar Burghaus
  • , Martin Hellmich
  • , Martin Paus
  • , Solveig Ungeheuer
  • , Sophia Kochs
  • , Stephanie Stock
  • , Thomas Joist
  •  & Volker Limmroth


HG, KD, CW designed the trial. HG, KD obtained ethical approvals. HG, KD developed the interview guidelines with help of the CCM (SU). AM was responsible for collecting qualitative data, developing the code system, coding, analysis of the data and writing the first draft of the manuscript, thoroughly revised and partly rewritten by HG. FH supported in collecting qualitative data, coding and analysis of the interviews. KD supported in collecting qualitative data. AM, FH, KD, VD, YG, RV, PL, CW, HG discussed and con-solidated the finalized category system. AM, FH, KD, VD, YG, RV, PL, CW, HG read and commented on the manuscript and agreed to the final version.

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Correspondence to Anne Müller .

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Ethics approval and consent to participate.

Participants were provided with oral and written information about the trial and provided written informed consent. Ethical approval was obtained from the Ethics Committee of the University of Cologne (#20–1436). The trial is registered in the German Register for Clinical Studies (DRKS) (DRKS00022771) and is conducted under the Declaration of Helsinki.

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Competing interests.

Clemens Warnke has received institutional support from Novartis, Alexion, Sanofi Genzyme, Janssen, Biogen, Merck and Roche. The other authors declare that they have no competing interests.

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Müller, A., Hebben, F., Dillen, K. et al. “So at least now I know how to deal with things myself, what I can do if it gets really bad again”—experiences with a long-term cross-sectoral advocacy care and case management for severe multiple sclerosis: a qualitative study. BMC Health Serv Res 24 , 453 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-024-10851-1

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Received : 23 November 2023

Accepted : 11 March 2024

Published : 10 April 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-024-10851-1

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Measuring outcomes that matter most to people with multiple sclerosis: the role of patient-reported outcomes

Purpose of review.

Patient-reported outcome (PRO) represents a unique opportunity to measure the impact of health research, and care on outcomes that matter most to people with multiple sclerosis (PwMS).

Recent findings

How to incorporate PROs in MS clinical trials and, practice remains a matter of debate. The variety of measures available for use in MS has some benefits, but the lack of a set of standard measures has significant disadvantages. To help meeting the challenge, different PROs standard sets have been developed (PROMIS) for use across a broad range of chronic health conditions, and SymptoMScreen, specifically for MS. However, many of them were not co-created with PwMS and lacking understanding about what matters to patients. The newly proposed MS care unit model together with emerging initiatives such as iConquerMS and PROMOPROMS, are shaping new meaningful PROs. However, the uptake of PROMs in all settings can be effective only by a commonly held strategic agenda shared by all relevant stakeholders.

The newly born PRO Initiative for MS (PROMS) aims to develop a strategic agenda shared by all relevant stakeholders to help meeting the challenge of developing PRO measures that correspond to the needs of all stakeholders.


In a time of challenges that call for mission-oriented research [ 1 ] such as those in the healthcare, the future of sustainability requires new multistakeholder and multidisciplinary organizational models of cooperation that guarantee a long-term return on investment, not only economic. An important driver of this change is enabling science with and of patient input. What began as an extension of patient advocacy has now evolving into an emerging discipline aimed at understanding and incorporating patient needs and perspectives into the processes of developing, regulating, and delivering new therapies as well as improving care: the science with and of patient input [ 2 ].

This is also the thinking behind Public Engagement within the Responsible Research Innovation (RRI) European Union's Horizon 2020 program. Within this frame, Patient Advocacy Organizations are playing an important role, as boundary organizations, to define and implement the ‘how to’ of patient engagement [ 3 ]. Within this strategic frame, the RRI EU-funded MULTI-ACT project [ 4 ], coordinate by the Italian MS Society, is attracting the interest of the health-research community [ 5 ▪▪ ]. The innovative model proposed by the MULTI-ACT project argues that excellence, validity, and relevance are connected by engaging patients in the research continuum as key stakeholder (science with patient input) and by evaluating impact of research on the outcomes that matter to patients (science of patient input). The power of the science with and of patient input relies on the innovative framework used to engage patients and on the sources of patient data. In particular, the patient-reported outcomes (PROs) and their measurement instruments (patient-reported outcome measures [PROMs]) data are supporting every aspect of the healthcare continuum from research to clinical trials and practice through to public health. PROs refer to direct patient reports of their experience with a disease and its treatment [ 6 , 7 ]. PROs are playing an increasing role in multiple sclerosis clinical trials and practice and are essential for understanding the effects that multiple sclerosis and multiple sclerosis treatments have on patients’ lives. This review discusses the role of PRO in measuring the impact of health research, treatment and care on outcomes that matter most to people with multiple sclerosis and propose directions for the future. 

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Evolution of patient-reported outcomes use in clinical trials

There are enough PRO to warrant entire collections of measures [ 8 ]. Most PRO measures are categorized as either generic or targeted. However so far, PROs have been mainly used in postmarketing, observational studies. PROMs are increasingly used as secondary or tertiary outcomes in multiple sclerosis clinical trials on disease-modifying therapies and symptomatic treatments, whereas in rehabilitation trials are used as primary or coprimary outcomes. There are currently 14 disease-modifying agents that have been approved by the appropriate regulatory agencies. Although some clinical trials show promising results [ 9 ], based on a recent literature search of PROs used in randomized phase III trials of multiple sclerosis disease modifying drugs (DMDs), it is not possible to reach any conclusion about the overall benefit of DMDs or the relative benefit of one over another on the well-being of individuals living with multiple sclerosis [ 10 ]. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) both consider that the voices of patients in medicine regulation are essential, as they bring the unique perspective of someone living with a disease [ 11 ]. This perspective complements the medical and scientific information that is used when evaluating medicines for regulatory approval. For example, patients can highlight unmet needs for their condition that they consider to be particularly important, which might differ from the standard end points evaluated in clinical trials and patient perceptions frequently differ from those of clinicians [ 12 – 15 ]. However, the uptake of PROs as primary outcome in the decision-making processes of regulatory agencies for drug approvals is still challenging and controversial. The outcome of the Multiple Sclerosis Outcome Assessments Consortium qualification processes of a Clinical Outcome Assessment instrument, developed to assess treatment benefit in clinical trials of therapies for multiple sclerosis, reinforces the EMA's guidance on the design of multiple sclerosis clinical trials for which the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) is still the gold standard [ 16 ].

There are several limitations to the use of PROMs [ 17 ] in clinical trials. Based on the variability of PRO data from these trials and the variety of measures implemented it is not possible to reach any conclusion about the overall benefit of DMDs or the relative benefit of one over another on the well-being of individuals living with multiple sclerosis. The lack of a set of standard measures has significant disadvantages and some available measures are of uncertain validity and were created without using modern test development methodology [ 18 ]. These aspects represent some of the challenges that prevent the use of PROs as primary outcomes in clinical trials. To help meeting the challenge, different standard sets of PRO measures have been developed. Among these, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) supported the creation of two standard sets of PRO measures, one appropriate for use across neurological conditions (Neuro-QoL) [ 19 ] and one for use across a broad range of chronic health conditions (PROMIS) [ 20 ]. The above standard sets of PRO measures are consistent with FDA guidance regarding PROs and the EMA Reflection Paper on the use of health-related quality of life measures the NIH [ 21 ]. The ‘SymptoMScreen’ PRO measurement tool is another valuable addition to existing PRO measures that are available in multiple sclerosis and could be highly useful in studies of large populations seeking to minimize respondent burden [ 22 ].

Evolution of patient-reported outcomes use in clinical practice

Accompanying acceptance of the need to integrate patient perspectives into clinical trials is an increase in the demand for research-based methods and tools to measure the effectiveness of incorporating patient input into the clinical practice and, ultimately, its impact on patients’ health and quality of life [ 23 ▪▪ ]. Given the plethora of functional domains affected in patients with multiple sclerosis, a multidisciplinary care team, such as the recently proposed multiple sclerosis care unit model [ 24 ▪▪ ], is needed to improve patient engagement and the uptake of PRO in clinical practice. There was broad agreement that the patient voice should be heard more in discussions around multiple sclerosis care [ 25 ]. Many of the existing PROs were not developed in partnership with patients and with insufficient understanding about what matters to patients. This makes also challenging to prove the clinically meaningfulness of PROs, one of the main requirement for the uptake of PRO in the decision-making drug-approval process. Within this frame, iConquerMS is a multiple sclerosis people-powered research network established in 2014 with funding by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (USA) [ 26 ]. It is dedicated to engaging all multiple sclerosis stakeholders to enable research on topics that matter most to people affected by multiple sclerosis. The initiative is based on the patient-reported outcomes measurement information system Global Health Survey, and the Neuro-QoL Adult Short Forms. To date, iConquerMS over 5000 PwMS have joined the initiative. Another initiative, based in Europe, that could help meeting the challenge is the A new functional PROfile to MOnitor the PROgression of disability in Multiple Sclerosis [ 27 ▪▪ ] project promoted and funded by the Italian MS Society. The PROs, related to domains that most care to multiple sclerosis patients (case study) defined by the PROMOPROMS initiative (manual ability, bladder functions, motor, cognitive, psychosocial fatigue, anxiety, and depression, quality of life), are currently used to measure disease progression and the efficacy of treatments (drugs and/or rehabilitation) in clinical practice and could be potentially measured via digital health technologies.

The ideal would be to find a happy medium between PROs that work at population level in clinical trials [ 28 ] and PROs that can be individualized for use in clinical practice. The ideal would be to find a happy medium between PROs that work at population level in clinical trials and PROs that can be individualized for use in clinical practice. Electronic health technologies (e-Health) could help meeting this challenge and could play an increased role in filling the gaps between PROs use in clinical trials versus clinical practice in multiple sclerosis [ 29 ]. Therefore, data about patients’ experiences outside the clinic are not only ‘nice to have’ but also critical to understanding and improving those outcomes. A great deal of momentum surrounds the application of new technologies, such as mobile devices and other digital platforms, to both deliver care and generate real-world data on patients’ experiences. Within this frame, e-Health is becoming increasingly relevant in multiple sclerosis clinical management [ 30 ]. e-Health describes an emerging field of technologies designed to be worn on the body or embedded into mobile and portable solutions (e.g., smartphones, watches, bracelets, and clothing) and able to provide individual's data such as those from sensors (passive monitoring) as well as self-reported data or questionnaires, such as electronic PRO (active monitoring) [ 31 ]. There is a clear drive to collect PROs electronically using electronic ePRO systems. In this context, the use of ePROs instead of paper formats in clinical trials could facilitate the robust analysis and reporting of PRO data. However, the user interfaces of ePRO systems need to be adequately assessed to ensure they are not only fit for purpose but also acceptable to patients who are the end users [ 32 ] and effective for the different context of use, that is, clinical trials [ 33 ] and clinical practice. The advancement of ePRO is likely to also enable successful development of therapeutics in progressive multiple sclerosis that depends not only on identification of relevant pathways and effective therapies but also on available outcome assessments capable of demonstrating treatment effects on disease progression [ 34 , 35 ].

Stakeholder engagement and cooperation

Despite differences in viewpoint, the different stakeholders agree that PRO and PROMs have not reached their full potential of delivering benefits to people with multiple sclerosis. In particular people with multiple sclerosis are frustrated that functional domains that matter most to them are not addressed by current PROs; clinicians acknowledge the importance to include patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) to understand treatment effects or compare treatment options; regulatory authorities recognize that current outcomes (EDSS, relapse rate, Magnetic Resonance Imaging features) do not fully capture the experience of people with multiple sclerosis; Healthcare Technology Assessment Agencies aim to integrate the ‘patient voice’ in coverage decisions; Pharma acknowledge the importance to include patient PROs in Medicine Life Cycle Management and consumer-driven healthcare is gaining ground. Efforts to enable the uptake of PROs and PROMs into clinical trials, regulatory agencies/Health Technology Sector decision-making processes and practice could be greatly enhanced and informed by a commonly held strategic PRO agenda and roadmap shared by all relevant stakeholders. The newly born multistakeholder Patient Reported Outcome Initiative for multiple sclerosis (PROMS) [ 5 ▪▪ ] aims at achieving a unified vision PRO that meets the expectations of multiple sclerosis patients and that can serve the Healthcare Providers, Regulatory Agencies and Health Technology Sector Agencies. The initiative is jointly led and coordinate by the European Charcot Foundation and Multiple Sclerosis International Federation, with the Italian Multiple Sclerosis Society acting as lead agency on behalf and for the multiple sclerosis movement. The strategic priorities of PROMS are centered around the validation and development of PROs that matter most to people with multiple sclerosis. However, an important driver of the multistakeholder initiative will be to show that PRO will also measure outcomes that correspond to all the stakeholder needs. In this context, the EU-funded MULTI-ACT project [ 4 ] provides a new Collective Research Impact Framework (CRIF) which will be translated into an online toolbox and a set of guidelines to improve the governance of multistakeholder research initiatives and stakeholder coaccountability in health research and innovation. The core component of such CRIF applies innovative guidelines for patient-engagement and a multistakeholder perspective to assess the impact of health research considering five dimensions of accountability (efficacy/mission, social, economic, excellence and patient-reported). Among the MULTI-ACT CRIF indicators, the PROMOPROMS [ 27 ▪▪ ] set of outcomes will be used to evaluate impact of health research and care on people with multiple sclerosis-reported dimension.

We have reviewed the main challenges concerning the use of PROs in multiple sclerosis and the initiatives that are developing the field. We have attempted to stimulate discussion and encourage critical reflection that an important driver to meet the challenges is enabling science with and of patient input via multistakeholder and multidisciplinary organizational models. We argued the potential of the EU-funded MULTI-ACT project to enable the development of these models.


We would like to thank Dr. Roberta Guglielmino for useful discussion and help in manuscript editing.

Financial support and sponsorship

The authors receive funding from the EU-funded project MULTI-ACT ( https://www.multiact.eu/ ) within the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Grant Agreement No. 787570.

Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts of interest.


Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have been highlighted as:

  • ▪ of special interest
  • ▪▪ of outstanding interest

Book cover

Case Studies in Multiple Sclerosis

  • © 2017
  • Paul S. Giacomini 0

McGill University , MONTREAL, Canada

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  • A collection of case studies illustrating the complex, unpredictable nature of multiple sclerosis and its many presentations and disease courses
  • Case studies submitted from clinicians from some of the world's leading neurology departments
  • Edited by Dr Paul Giacomini of McGill University, a leading expert in the field of multiple sclerosis
  • Includes supplementary material: sn.pub/extras

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Table of contents (19 chapters)

Front matter, clinically isolated syndrome, optic neuritis.

  • Mahtab Ghadiri

Early Multiple Sclerosis

Disease-modifying therapies.

  • Anne-Marie Trudelle

Management of relapses with corticosteroids

Established relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, breakthrough disease.

  • Chris Eckstein

Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy

Induction therapy, primary progressive multiple sclerosis, diagnosing primary progressive multiple sclerosis.

  • Scott D. Newsome

Symptomatic care in primary progressive multiple sclerosis

Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, diagnosing secondary progressive multiple sclerosis.

  • Sarah Morrow

Walking disability in multiple sclerosis

Cognitive impairment, pediatric multiple sclerosis and related disorders, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis.

  • Sunita Venkateswaran
  • Case studies
  • Clinically isolated syndrome
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Primary progressive multiple sclerosis
  • Relapse remitting multiple sclerosis

About this book

Editors and affiliations.

Paul S. Giacomini

About the editor

Bibliographic information.

Book Title : Case Studies in Multiple Sclerosis

Editors : Paul S. Giacomini

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-31190-6

Publisher : Adis Cham

eBook Packages : Medicine , Medicine (R0)

Copyright Information : Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017

Softcover ISBN : 978-3-319-31188-3 Published: 21 October 2016

eBook ISBN : 978-3-319-31190-6 Published: 06 October 2016

Edition Number : 1

Number of Pages : XVII, 149

Number of Illustrations : 14 b/w illustrations

Topics : Neurology , Neuroradiology , Primary Care Medicine

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  1. Multiple Sclerosis

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    case study on multiple sclerosis

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  4. (PDF) Diagnosis and Management of Multiple Sclerosis: Case Studies

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  5. Pathophysiology and clinical presentation

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  6. (PDF) Multiple Sclerosis : A Review

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  1. How patients with multiple sclerosis acquire disability

  2. Multiple Sclerosis Case Study

  3. Unlocking Motherhood: Overcoming Multiple IUI Failures at Age 27+

  4. JR's Story: Recovery From Multiple Sclerosis

  5. A Closer Look at Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms Part 1

  6. Case Discussion