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Paragraph in Spanish - Imperfect Tense

Question Description: Use los verbos y frases de la lista para escribir una composición en el imperfecto. En esta composición va a describir un día típico de cuando Ud. era estudiante de la escuela secundaria. Use frases como casi siempre, nunca, muchas veces y generalmente. acostarse desayunar mirar la televisión almorzar despedirse quitarse la ropa asistir a clases despertarse sentarse a cenar a las seis bañarse/ducharse estudiar si no tener que estudiar cepillarse los dientes ir a la escuela vestirse conversar y reírse con los amigos leer volver a casa

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Yo generalmente me despertaba a las 6am, luego me bañaba y después me cepillaba los dientes. Casi siempre me vestía con la misma ropa de color azul. Muchas veces desayunaba huevos con tocino y jugo de naranja. Antes de irme a la escuela me despedía de mis padres y mis hermanos.

Los lunes y los martes usualmente asistía a clases a las 9 am. pero salía temprano a las 12 del medio día hora en la cual volvía a casa, mientras iba de camino conversaba y me reía con mis amigos.

Al llegar a casa almorzaba con mi familia y luego descansaba. A las 3 pm. casi siempre estudiaba con mis hermanos, pero habían días que si no tenía que estudiar miraba la televisión.

Generalmente nos sentábamos a cenar a las 6 pm. Y conversábamos sobre las anécdotas del día, después me levantaba de la mesa y me iba a mi habitación para quitarme la ropa, bañarme y acostarme.

Luego mi mamá iba a mi habitación y me leía un cuento antes de dormir.

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Management Case Study

I’m working on some business management questions and need some help to understand. Could you provide some reference examples of how to answer these questions? Please refer to the related article below.

  • Why do some executives refuse to function as project sponsors?
  • Can an executive be “forced” to function as a sponsor?
  • Is it right for the sponsor to be the ultimate person responsible for the success or failure of the project?

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Case Study: Moreland Company

The roles of a project sponsor and an executive in a company are different in many ways. An executive`s role is more related to the implementation of policies and programs in an organisation. In most of the cases, these policies and programs are approved by higher management or administration. The executives are responsible to monitor and handle the implementation of the same. Hence, there are not many decision making incidents involved in the day-to-day activities of an executive. For a person like Al Zink who had worked for decades as an executive, the role of a project sponsor may seem to be a more risk-oriented task. Especially when a project sponsor has the responsibility of making decisions about the schedule, project initiation, and project monitoring process, then the project sponsor is considered to be responsible for the overall success or failure of the project. Like Al Zink, executives may find it difficult to make decisions for a high-risk project that may turn out to be damaging for their career (Kerzner, 2017). Hence, due to the risks associated with the decision making in a project, some executives without prior experiences in handling projects, refuse to function as project sponsors.

Typically, an executive cannot be forced to function as a project sponsor without their consent. However, the case at the Moreland Company is different. First of all, Al Zink has joined the company not just an executive but as a vice president (Kerzner, 2017). So, the president has assigned the role of a project sponsor to him because his job at Moreland requires him to work as a project sponsor for projects. Being a vice president also requires that Al Zink understand the key components of some of these leadership roles in the company, specifically the process and risk involved in project sponsorship, so it is critical that he has experience in the position. Forcing an executive to work as a project sponsor can be good for a project or an organisation. A project sponsor should balance between the interests of a client and the organisation to defend the cost, time, and effort for a project. This can keep executives well-informed about the company and its relationship with clients. However, if a project sponsor is reluctant to make decisions for a project or is not committed to taking risks for a project, then it would be difficult for the project to be completed successfully.

A project is carried out by various people performing different roles. Each of them has different levels of commitment and different levels of interest in the project. The skills and experiences of all people working in a project are likely to be different, and that diversity can be a powerful thing. However, this also means that the success or failure of a project depends on various factors rather than depending only on the experience, or the performance, of a project sponsor. A project sponsor is responsible for leadership and decision making in a project. However, there may be other risks involved in undertaking a project, and these risks could lead to failure. At the end of the day, while the project sponsor is the leader of the project, they cannot be held solely responsible for all of the moving pieces in a project. A great example of this would be a situation in which a supplier of critical material fails to deliver that material. It is understandable that the project sponsor must then look for alternatives or a means of resolving the situation, but sometimes there are simply no alternatives to be found. In this case, it would be unfair to hold the project sponsor accountable for something so beyond their power to control.

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Organic Chemistry Mechanism of a Reaction

I`m working on a chemistry question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Hi I have only one question that i am stuck on need help with for organic chemistry.

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Boron is electron deficient and thus acts as lewis acid. Initial Cl- is abstracted by BCl3 to form BCl4-.

We end up with oxycation which is electrophilic carbon. After attack of benzene pie electrons on electrophilic carbon we get sigma complex. Resonance structures are shown. Lastly H+ is abstracted by Cl- of BCl4- .

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Calculus - Parallel, Skew, or Intersecting Lines Math Problem

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The direction of two lines are and The two vectors are not parallel to each other, therefore the two lines are not parallel to each other.

Solve 3+2t = -3+2s 2-2t = -3+2s -1+3t=14s From the first equation, we have t= -3+s plug it into the second eq 2-2(-3+s) = -3+2s 2+6 -2s =-3 -2s 8= -3 is false Therefore, there is no solution to the linear system, which indicates that the two lines are not intersect.

The two lines are skew. A = (3,2,-1), B = (-5,-3,-11) BA = The vector orthogonal to the two lines are x = The unit vector = /3 The distance is ⋅ 1/3 = 1/3 (-16+5+20) = 3

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Religion - Comparison of Islamic Sacred Texts

How do you explain the need to compose Sira texts despite the existence of more authoritative texts such as the Qur`an and to some extent Hadith? What could have motivated Muslim scholars to compose Sira texts? Discuss the nature of Sira and its role in Islam.

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Anybody interested in understanding the Muslim religion, especially the founder Muhammad, should read three books: the Quran, Sira, and Hadith. Muslims believe that the Quran is the holy book containing the unaltered words of Allah, transmitted to the Holy Prophet by Angel Gabriel (Lahmar, 2020). On the other hand, the Hadith is believed to be the record of the words, actions, and the approvals of Islamic ways by the Prophet Muhammad, which is transmitted through different narrators. In short, Muslims believe that Hadith is a translated script of what Muhammad did and said. On the contrary, the Sira texts are believed to record how the Prophet lived and the events surrounding him, arranged in chronological order.

The Quran is the Muslim holy book. Mohammad in Islam is God`s messenger and the ultimate Prophet. All Muslims worldwide use the Quran to guide their acts and doings, as it is known to be God`s speech. If anyone adds or detracts from the Quran writing, it will be considered complete blasphemy (Lahmar, 2020). However, the Quran is fascinating because even though it cannot be translated, paraphrased, nor redacted, it is an interactive text where different people can interpret it in unique ways, which means it is engaging to the believers. Although the Quran contains the most sacred texts, Muslims cannot avoid the aural experiences invoked by phrases and experiences from other books, such as Tajweed, which is used to interpret the Quran. This book is used to guide people on the pronunciation and significance of Quran words.

Muslims recognize the Hadith as the second holy text that provides laws and guidance to the Muslim people. The book was compiled in 622 CE after Muhammad migrated to Medina from Mecca. It is used to confirm and acknowledge what Muhammad did and said (Al-Banna, 2018). Based on Islam and non-Islam believers, the Hadith is seen to have uncontended authority. However, there has been some skepticism about the Hadith, which says that it is either such a scriptural authority that might rival the Quran, or that it is outrageous content that makes the religion a potential object of ridicule. Different classifications have been used to evaluate the Hadith`s authority, including Sahih, Hasan, and Daif. Such classifications allow scholars to assess the Hadith respectfully based on its content and classification

Sira in Arabic means “the path” or “ways” in which Prophet Muhammad lived. To some extent, the Hadith contains some historical evidence, but it is implied that the Sira is generally what Muhammad recommends and asks people to do. For instance, when you hear a Muslim say, 'this is Sunnah/Sira,' it means that it`s something the Prophet recommended people do. The Sira has been predominantly studied and is thought to include the primary sources and the life story of Muhammad (Lahmar, 2020). Although many modern scholars have questioned its historical accuracy, it continues to be used to understand the early history of Islam and the life of the Prophet Muhammad. It gives an insight into the Islamic religion and its religious laws, answering questions about prophethood. It is seen as permissible to have contradictory stories about the same incidents that happened during the Prophet Muhammad`s times. However, both the Hadith and the Sira represent an intermediate understanding of what happened between post-prophetic history and the writing of the Quran. Additionally, compared to the Hadith, the Sira texts have less rigorous levels of scrutiny.

Many people have asked different questions, such as 'The Quran is the most sacred text, and Hadith provides further confirmation about the sayings of Muhammad. Then why would there be Sira texts?' The Sira texts are used to explain how much of the previous texts is believed to be true, and if it is a myth or a legend. Sira was written by Ibn Ishaq d and others (Al-Banna, 2018). The founders of the Sira texts provided the fixed content about Muhammad and his life’s message.

Many scholars claim that the Sira texts bring out a different aspect about Muhammad that the Hadith does not, which explains the reasons for the Sira texts. For instance, the Hadith satisfied Muhammad as a lawgiver, while in the Sira texts Muhammad is known as a prophet who lived to fulfill specific Prophetic missions (Al-Banna, 2018). The Sira texts involve lavish literature about nature, the supernatural, poetry, and the life of Muhammad, who was trying to become a model with strengths and weaknesses just like any other human. According to the Sira texts, Muhammad had all prophetic signs predicted by the Jews, Christians, and the pre-Islamic pagans from Arabia. Based on Islam, Sira contains the most important historical sources of the Prophet Muhammad that are not classified in the Quran, and Muslim scholars frequently reference the Sira texts.

The Quran, the Hadith, and the Sira texts are all Islamic texts that can be used as a guide for all Muslims worldwide. The Quran is indeed the most sacred text in the Islamic religion; however, the Sira and Hadith provide a more detailed understanding of the Prophet Muhammad and his lessons for Muslims. Additionally, the Sira texts go more in depth into the life of the Prophet Muhammad. Many scholars claim that Sira brings out a different understanding of Muhammad that the Hadith does not, which explains the reasons for the Sira texts.

Lahmar, F. (2020). Islamic education: An Islamic 'wisdom-based cultural environment' in a western context. Religions, 11(8), 409. Al-Banna, N. M. (2018). Features of the Methodological Difference between Scholars of Hadith, Biography and History. Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies, 14(2), 11.

APA Annotated Bibliography Example for Research Paper

I need help making an Annotated bibliography on a topic of my choosing, in APA format. I also need help finding academic references instead of just online websites as sources.

Galla, B. M., Shulman, E. P., Plummer, B. D., Gardner, M., Hutt, S. J., Goyer, J. P., D’Mello, S. K., Finn, A. S., & Duckworth, A. L. (2019). Why High School Grades Are Better Predictors of On-Time College Graduation Than Are Admissions Test Scores: The Roles of Self-Regulation and Cognitive Ability. American Educational Research Journal, 56(6), 2077–2115. https://doi.org/10.3102/0002831219843292

This article explores why the SAT and other standardized admissions tests are not as strong predictors of success in college as a student’s high school GPA. Ultimately, the paper argues that in order for a student to succeed in college, they not only need to be able to demonstrate ability on a single standardized test, but also have self-regulatory competency applied over a longer period of time that will allow them to succeed in challenging courses. This second metric can only be indexed effectively by high school grades, reducing the predictive power of a standardized test score. In particular, one study revealed that high school grades were a better predictor of graduation rates than standardized test scores.

Saboe, M., & Terrizzi, S. (2019). SAT optional policies: Do they influence graduate quality, selectivity or diversity? Economics Letters, 174, 13–17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econlet.2018.10.017

There is growing discussion surrounding the effectiveness of using SAT scores to predict potential for success in college, especially considering the rising belief that the SAT test is racially and economically biased. This has led many colleges to implement an SAT-optional policy in their admissions. This article discusses the influence of these policies. It reveals that these SAT optional policies do not significantly impact racial and socioeconomic diversity among accepted students and does not have an impact on the gender ratio of students. This paper uses data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, making it inherently nonbiased. The only change the researchers were able to find in schools who had implemented an SAT optional policy is that they received a slight increase in the number of applicants.

Saygin, P. O. (2020). Gender bias in standardized tests: Evidence from a centralized college admissions system. Empirical Economics, 59(2), 1037–1065. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00181-019-01662-z

One compelling argument for the removal of standardized test scores in college admissions is that these exams have inherent bias, including racial, economic, and gender bias. This paper explores gender bias within these exams using evidence from a centralized college admissions system. Each student is assigned a composite score based on their high school grades and their standardized test score. It was found that females outperformed males in their high school grades at all quantiles, but scored worse than males in almost all quantiles on standardized tests. This reveals that there is a clear and distinct gender gap in standardized test scores that may negatively impact college admissions rates for females.

Soares, J. A., & Teachers College Press (Eds.). (2020). The scandal of standardized tests: Why we need to drop the SAT and ACT. Teachers College Press.

This book summarizes the arguments against the SAT and ACT exams as part of college admissions requirements. The book explores many reasons why these exams should be removed from the admissions package, including their ability to be a proxy for race and family income, their inability to promote racial diversity in the university setting, and their relative lack of validity in predicting college success. The book also discusses the College Board’s environmental dashboard, which attempts to create a fair playing field for all test takers, but unfortunately fails to do so. Overarchingly, the book explores how the SAT and ACT play a role in making the odds of graduating from college lower for already disadvantaged groups and proposes the removal of these exams to improve equality in education.

Zwick, R. (2019). Assessment in American Higher Education: The Role of Admissions Tests. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 683(1), 130–148. https://doi.org/10.1177/0002716219843469

This article explores the historical role of admissions tests like the SAT in college admissions throughout United States history. The author points out that these scores are slight predictors of success in college, but their role in admissions varies significantly from college to college. Due to rising evidence that SAT scores are not highly predictive and do have inherent racial and economic biases, many schools have made them optional. This article explores how this policy of making exams optional has impacted admissions across the United States, considering the implications of this policy change for both the schools and the students.

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Child Custody Law Questions

Describe how child custody is determined upon dissolution of the parent`s relationship. Explain how a court determines child support obligations and amounts. Describe ways that a parent may enforce a child support order if it is not being paid.

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Custody battles are legally quite sensitive because the results could have lasting and profound impacts on a child’s wellbeing. In many instances, both parents consider themselves a more suitable caregiver for their child. As a result, many conflicts and complications arise. However, the criminal justice system has designed a process that keeps the child's best interest at the forefront of any custody battle. An in-depth analysis of determining who gets custody after marriage dissolution, how the court determines child support obligations, and how parents can enforce child support orders when not paid can help show how the criminal justice system has tried to protect children's well-being through detailed and comprehensive laws.

Child custody has become a complex issue in contemporary society due to changes to the divorce law. Traditional society and regulations only allowed divorce when one spouse was found guilty of committing something worth breaking the marriage, like cheating or excessive drunkenness, and both spouses had to agree to the divorce (Drewianka, 2008). In these cases, parent who was deemed the victim of the marriage violation was given custody of their child. However, after the changes to divorce laws, the issue of child support became complicated because any spouse is now allowed to seek divorce, even without consulting their partners. This is known as unilateral divorce. In many of these cases, the other partner caught off guard and ins’t ready to accept the divorce. Therefore, as they fight through the settlement of the divorce, they simultaneously fight for the child's custody. In this instance, the court analyzes if a mistake was committed and which type of mistake. After that, the lifestyle of each parent is critically examined to determine which of the parent is fit to raise the child. Depending on the law, an arrangement is made on the days and times the other parent will be allowed to visit and stay with the child or children. However, in case the child is above 18 years old, with a sound mind and reason for making decisions, the child has the power to choose which parent they prefer to stay with (Mnookin, 2014). Therefore, the court ensures that the parent that a child ends up with is more than capable of meeting their needs as children.

In many cases, determining who get custody of the child does not end the conflict, as the amount of support and funds that the principle guardian of the child receives still needs to be decided. In many instances, the amount of support that a parent is given is determined by the gross income the parent earns, minus some key deductions like income taxes, healthcare taxes and expenses, and social security taxes (Mnookin, 2014). There are some expenses that the judge ignores because they are not related to the child's well-being. The main factors that determine the amount of support are income brackets, medical or dental expenses, the child's tuition fees, the special needs of the gifted/disabled child, and significant financial obligation for elder care or a disabled family member. In some cases, the Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) Clause is applied for child support. According to the COLA Clause, a parent should pay a higher level of child support based on the increased cost of living and responsibilities (Coibion, Gorodnichenko, & Weber, 2020). It shows that even though the other person is relieved of duties to raise their child, they are not relieved of the duty to provide the necessary financial support.

Additionally, there are also steps that the spouse with the custody of the children can take If their ex-partner refuses to pay the agreed child support amount. The spouse has the legal right to report the case to the court. In many states in the United States, there is either a specific amount of time that is allowed before the failure to pay child support is regarded as a felony that results in up to two years in prison. Also, the parent with the children has a right to collect the overdue payment and charge interest and penalties for any late or missing payment. The parent has a right to seize property equalling the amount set for the child support. The court can also order the suspension of the indebted partner’s work license (Dale, 2014). There are many ways to ensure a parent keeps paying for the child's support.

Therefore, analyzing how child custody is determined, how the amount of support is determined, and ways a parent can facilitate child support payment in case the other spouse refuses to pay shows how the criminal justice is very cautious about considering the needs of a child. The court ensures that a child goes to the parent that will better protect their well-being. Apart from that, the court ensures that the parent that does not end up with the children is providing financial support and other responsibilities that may affect the child's well-being. Finally, protocols and steps are set to ensure that a parent does not stop paying for the child's support. The process ensures that the court does anything within their capabilities to maintain the child's well-being during the divorce process and afterwards. It is a challenge for parents to know how the divorce process will affect their children. Child custody is always a complex issue from criminal justice, social service, and health perspectives. However, it is an issue well protected by laws to ensure that each child receives what is best for them at the time.

Coibion, O., Gorodnichenko, Y., & Weber, M. (2020). The cost of the covid-19 crisis: Lockdowns, macroeconomic expectations, and consumer spending (No. w27141). National Bureau of Economic Research.

Dale, M. D. (2014). Don't forget the children: Court protection from parental conflict is in the best interests of children. Family Court Review, 52(4), 648-654.Drewianka, S. (2008). Divorce law and family formation. Journal of Population Economics, 21(2), 485-503.

Mnookin, R. (2014). Child custody revisited. Law & Contemp. Probs., 77, 249.

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Engineering Stress and Strain Explanations (with Graph)

  • A description and explanation of Engineering Stress and Engineering Strain, and true stress and true strain.
  • A plot of the stress strain curve and explanation of the properties that can be obtained from the curve.
  • Description of the three strengthening methods.

I’d appreciate clear explanations!

When force is applied to an object, it tries to change its shape. The object opposes this deformation, and internal opposing forces are developed inside the object. The internal resistance created in the body per unit area is known as stress. It is also the distribution of pressure inside a material that either reacts or balances to its loads. Now let`s consider a scenario in which an individual applies pressure on a body, and it causes it to change in shape. The ratio of the change in the object`s size to the original size of the body before the application of force is known as strain.

True stress is the stress calculated by the load acting upon the area that instantly changes. On the other hand, true strain is equivalent to the common logarithm of the quotient of current size over the actual size. In material science and engineering, a stress-strain curve for a grain provides the relation between strain and stress. To obtain this, one should gradually add a load to a control coupon and measure the displacements from tensile testing. An individual should elongate the test while noting the stress changes with strain up to the time the material fractures to plot the curve. The strain is plotted on the X-axis while stress on the Y-axis. An assumption that should be made is that the cross-sectional area of the substance remains unchanged during the entire process of deformation. Notwithstanding, that is not practical because the exact size decreases in the deformation process.

Below is an illustration of a stress-strain curve:

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Some of the properties obtained from the curve include the yield strength, which indicates the upper limit on which a material can develop without creating plasticity. It is incredibly significant for controlling production techniques of materials such as rolling, forging or pressing. The second property is the elastic modulus, which explains how easily a material is stretched or bended. It may also mean determining the capacity of a material to resist stretching in length when put under compression. The third property is the ultimate tensile strength, the point in a fabric that starts to break down and tear. When a malleable material attains its utmost strength, necking occurs, in which the rate of work hardening is lower than the flow stress.

The Three Strengthening Methods There are different mechanisms of strengthening materials. One of the methods is grain size reduction. When a grain size is decreased, the number of borders increases that should give way before movement can occur. Slowing the movement of grain dislocations strengthens the material, and the smaller the grain size, the stronger the fabric. Secondly, the solid solution method is an alloying that can be applied to boost the hardness of the native metal. This method works by applying the alloying material to the original metal, forming solid solutions. The third method is cold working, whereby a material is strengthened by changing its shape without heat. When a piece of metal is twisted, dislocations are produced, and as they increase, they will get tangled and unable to stretch. This will harden a material, making it hard to change in shape. The dislocations get pinned against one another and can become intertwined. The entanglement inhibits any further permanent deformation of that specific grain without the use of more incredible energy.

Moment of Inertia Explanation

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Exception Handling in Programming

I need help analyzing a specific programmatic situation where it makes sense to use exception handling. Please help me learn by pointing out what would trigger the exception and outlining how it would be handled.

We would like to analyze a specific programmatic situation where it makes sense to use exception handling. A simple, nontrivial case where exceptions may be used is in parsing user input. A specific high level case might be in an online banking application that allows users to enter in an amount to be withdrawn/deposited into their bank account.

Programmatically, there’s a few edge cases we need to consider. Our function takes in a string and returns a non-negative integer, but what if the user input string contains invalid characters or is too large? In this case, it wouldn’t make sense to try to still return an integer should odd behavior occur and would be more intuitive to send some sort of signal to the caller of our function. This is where an exception might come into play. Fortunately, many high level programming languages have mechanisms to support this sort of use case, including C++. An example snippet of code is provided below in the Sample Code section.

As we can see in the sample code, we throw the corresponding exception depending on the odd behavior seen, or return the converted input on success. Notice that the caller must perform a try-catch in order to deal with possible exceptions. Note that there are built-in C++ functions that can convert a string to an integer for us, but here we wrote up our own in order to illustrate exceptional behavior.

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Get Paid To Do Homework: 23 Sites To Make $2K (For Real)

By: Author Swati Chalumuri

Posted on Last updated: February 13, 2024

Can you really get paid to do homework? What if I told you that it’s possible and totally legal to earn money answering homework questions?

The world is changing and we’ve become even more internet-dependent beings, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic. Most people are forced to adjust their lives, including students who were had to improvise new learning techniques.

Opportunities for experts in different subjects are on the rise and you can now start earning through paid homework and online assignments sites to earn money.

Apart from helping students with their homework, some of the sites in this post enlist your expertise in teaching online classes from wherever you are.

So, if you are a Math, English, Physics, or History virtuoso and ready for some school assignments, below is how you can make cash for homework.

How Much Can You Make Doing Homework?

Assisting students with homework is a real hustle that pays you either hourly or per individual task.

Depending on the complexity, homework can pay you $5 to $20 per task and up to $20 hourly to teach a concept.

As a full-time homework assistant or tutor, you can make $2k monthly easily and a few times that when working for a well-paying website.   

How to Get Paid For Doing Homework?

There are websites and apps that accept freelance tutors to do homework and teach students remotely. Pay depends on your grasp of the subject matter and how well your profile showcases your experience.

As such, it’s best to put some effort into creating a satisfying profile. That said, having a college degree or a master’s in your specialty will get you high-paying and repeat students.


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Get Paid to Do Math Homework

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Are equations and numbers your thing? You can help students with their math assignments and earn. My Math Class and TutorMe are examples of platforms that offer freelancers this opportunity.

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As an expert, you can expect to make at least $20 per homework. For instance, as a My Math Class user, you’ll get a biweekly payment made via PayPal.

Nonetheless, you’ll be needed to show detailed steps when solving a Math problem.

Remember to read the clients’ requirements carefully and quote your services before you commit to your services. Another leading Math homework website is Chegg.

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This American-based education technology company helps students with paid homework help , writing, and exam preparation. Besides tutoring, Chegg also sells and rents out textbooks saving you up to 90% according to the website. The platform also features a tool for solving Math problems.

In order to work as a tutor, a minimum of a bachelor’s degree is highly recommended. You’ll also be subjected to a test depending on your subject field. If you make the cut, you can expect to make up to $1000 per month or $20 per hour as a beginner. 

Check out their website for guided Career Exploration .

How to Do Assignments and Get Paid

Have you ever wondered how do I get paid to do assignments? Well, the usual last-minute delays will always be there when it comes to submitting assignments.

It’s during this time that students really understand the difference between 11.59 pm and 12.00 pm.

Thanks to online platforms such as Sweetstudy.com, Help With Assignment, and Course Hero, students get to interact with subject gurus who help them complete their assignments fast.

Pay depends on the subject, time taken, and the level of expertise required to ace the assignment.

To understand how this side hustle works, here is a look at some of the assignments for cash sites.

2. Help With Assignment


Help With Assignment (Aka HwA) deals with matching students who need help with homework in different subjects. Math, finance, accounting, engineering, and finance are the most popular topics on the site. Essay and dissertation writing are also available for advanced tutors.

Over the years, this website boasts to have delivered well over 100,000 assignments, numbers that show there is plenty of work on this platform.

As of now, prices on the site start at $9.5 per page with no cap on the maximum you can earn depending on the difficulty of the assignment.

3. Just Answer: E arn Money Answering Homework Questions

Just Answer

Founded in 2003, Just Answer has over 10 million members with more than 12,000 verified experts. This is an A + BBB-accredited platform with a 4.6-star rating on Trustpilot .

The company usually links students with subject gurus. However, as the name implies, Just Answer is more of a Q&A services provider rather than a tutoring platform.

Here students ask questions and subject gurus give answers at a price. How much you make varies on the natural complexity of the question.

The minimum you can earn as a subject helper is around $2,000 to $5,000 monthly . And the application process takes around 14 days max in the US or Canada and not more than 21 days outside the two locations.

Join now to become an Expert at Just Answer.

4. Geekly Lab


Next on our list of homework-help websites is Geekly Lab. The platform covers more than 350 courses, ensuring that educators and students get the best help.

According to their site, they handle at least 150 requests daily. As a ‘Geek’, you get to charge any amount depending on the time a task takes. 

Currently, tutors charge roughly $20 per hour. However, the amount can go higher depending on your education level and teaching experience. Signing up is free and only takes a short time to complete.

Furthermore, you can withdraw your money weekly through your preferred payout system. 

Become a Geek now and do homework for money . 

Get Paid To Do Homework Online

Are you an expert in a particular subject wondering how do I get paid to do homework? Homework can be a strenuous activity which is why there is an endless list of websites that connect students with subject whizzes.

Most of these platforms are not answer-giving services but they rather help students understand concepts that help in tackling questions. Below are good examples of a get paid to do people’s homework websites.

5. Tutor.com


Tutor.com is a popular site that has been providing tutoring services for over two decades.

Subject experts using this platform can earn through teaching and homework solutions.

There are a few requirements that you should meet in order to start, they include:

  • Should be a US or Canadian resident
  • Be enrolled in a certified university in the US or Canada 
  • Be available for at least 5 hours per week

According to multiple sources, you can expect to earn anything between $10 to $20 per hour plus incentives and bonu ses. Note that every tutor.com session is one-on-one and personalized to your subject.

6. School Solver: Answer Homework Questions for Money

School Solver

With an excellent rating of 4.6 stars out of 5 on Trustpilot, School Solver is indeed a place that lays a win-win foundation for both tutors and students. Here, students set a price on the amount they are willing to pay for an assignment.

Thereafter, if subject experts find the price fulfilling they then post a detailed answer that the students can only access after payment. 

To join as a tutor, register on their page, fill out your profile, and make sure you have a working PayPal account. Upon completion, you’ll do a quiz as per your subject in which you must score 90% in order to pass.

Generally, School Solver charges a commission of  20% plus an additional 2% withdrawal fee. Lastly, most tutors earn an average of $10 – $15 per hour.

To increase your potential earnings, go for urgent questions that have a 30-minute deadline and earn you 90% of the quoted price.

Get Paid To Do English Homework

Regardless of the subject, you can always get paid to do homework by students. As mentioned earlier, learning can be strenuous, languages included, and people are willing to give anything to have their homework done.

With this in mind, the deeper knowledge you have about a specific subject, the higher your chances are of landing a homework gig.  Nonetheless, it is unfair to do homework for students, especially if the work going to be graded.

That’s why I recommend doing it as a reference or tutoring aid. When it comes to the English language, All Home Work is worth looking at.

7. AllHomework

earn money by answering homework questions

AllHomework is looking to not only hire English tutors but also Geography, Accounting, and Biology teachers.

You’ll be required to be well-versed in writing essays and also be proficient at using authoring tools such as Word, Google Docs, and PowerPoint.

According to AllHomework, the length, difficulty level and deadline of an assignment determine how much you make. Payments are made via Paypal. To get accepted here, submit your transcripts followed by tests to showcase your academic prowess.

If accepted, the platform gives you access to a database of assignments where you get to select orders that interest you.

AllHomework does not disclose its base rate but promises to pay “very highly” in comparison to the industry rates.

8. 24houranswers


24houranswers was founded 17 years ago by a chemistry teacher.

To become an associate here, a master’s degree and proficiency in English are basic requirements.

Apart from homework services, the sites also offer online tutoring solutions.

The best part about this website is that you get to schedule your own working time and from any location. 

Since its debut in 2005, the website has connected over a million students to top tutors.

On Trustpilot, the site gets an excellent 4.6-star rating. Online tutoring payments range from $15 to $45. More so, there is no minimum threshold required to withdraw your money.

As long as your account balance can cover the transaction fees, you are good to go.

9. Course Hero 

earn money by answering homework questions

This is one of the most popular homework for money sites in the world.

A top online Course Hero tutor can make more than $1,500 a month. This amount can be affected by multiple factors including answer quality, subject, and difficulty level.

The good news is that you don’t have to be a certified tutor to get hired by Course Hero. Nevertheless, they recommend applicants share sufficient credentials in the subject they want to teach. 

It takes only about 3 days for an application to be approved. Note that once selected you’ve agreed to work as a freelance tutor meaning you won’t be a Course Hero employee.

As such, you only earn after answering questions. Additionally, you work whenever you want.

In order to make money doing homework on Course Hero, ensure your answers are clear and relevant to the questions.  Remember, you only get paid after the student deems your answer as satisfactory.

Make every study hour count with Course Hero right here

Homework Help Websites

If you are ready to earn money doing assignments, then you need more than one platform to sell your knowledge. To help you out, have a look at the following websites where you can register as a tutor and offer help to students from all over the world.

10. Acemyhomework

Acemyhomework homework help solutions

Acemyhomework strives for a better and more interactive space between students and tutors for better grades.

The platform hires tutors with Ph.D. and master’s degrees to ensure that users get the best help online.

Even though their recruiting process is strict, they do cover a wide range of subjects from law and arts to computer science and everything in between including editing and proofreading .

As an educator, your potential hourly earnings largely depend on the difficulty level of an assignment plus the number of tasks you can handle.

Join Acemy homework today and make money doing homework.

11. SweetStudy (Previously Homework Market)

Sweet Study formerly Homework Market

If you want to start a career in completing paid homework, then SweetStudy, formerly known as Homework Market is your go-to website.

The site provides tutors the opportunity to create a profile based on their area of expertise. Your profile helps you reach potential ‘clients’ i.e students.

What I like about SweetStudy is that there are no limitations on who can join SweetStudy.

Many tutors generate an average of $5 to $10 per task depending on the complexity of the homework at hand. That said, the site charges a 20% commission for every assignment.

When it comes to payments, you have two options; individual and aggregate payment systems.

The individual system allows a direct deposit to your PayPal account whereas the aggregate system allows users to withdraw on demand.

Your wallet balance has to be $20 or more to withdraw with money being disbursed in 2 – 5 days after a request is made. 

Click here to join the community & get started with Sweet Study (Homework Market)

12. Papercoach

Professional for academic homework help

Papercoach offers paper writing assistance to high school, undergraduate, graduate, master, and Ph.D. through their top writers.

Unlike many websites, Papercoach does welcome applications from residents outside the US. However, you’ll need a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Ph.D. degree for you to be considered.

Writers make at least $8 on average per page. Top earners can go way beyond this amount depending on their academic level. Through an open job board, writers can bid for work at any time.

To earn money doing homework on Paper Coach, you’ll need to get a minimum of 80% in their basic skill test.  

13. Wyzant.com

earn money by answering homework questions

Wyzant.com has its headquarters in Chicago, USA, and was co-founded approximately 17 years ago by Princeton graduates Andrew Geant and Mike Weishuhn. Their initial capital was $10,000 borrowed from family and friends.

Wyzant tutors connect with students through video chats and a whiteboard is also available for uploading documents, solving equations, and more. Lessons are 1 on 1. Users are also allowed to schedule sessions that work for them.

The average Wyzant expert can make about $30 per lesson. As a tutor here, you select your students and decide on the rate that you wish to charge. Payment is through direct deposit.

Click here to start tutoring with Wyzant .

14. HashLearn

HashLearn is a mobile tutoring app that connects learners and educators. Tutors get to schedule 1 on 1 session whenever they are available and get paid to do people’s homework. Once selected as an educator, you can expect a weekly Payment.

The site serves students from 8th grade to 12 grade. As a tutor, you are provided with an opportunity to earn as much as you want; it all depends on the number of sessions you take part in.

Most importantly, students can ask any question regardless of the subject be it Mathematics, English, History, Arts, Physics, etc.

Homework O nline Jobs

Below are some online assignment jobs for students that one can sign up for and start making money immediately. How much you make depends on several factors including the base rate on your work platform.

To learn more about homework online jobs, take a look at the following freelance tutors’ websites.

15. TutorMe


If you have unmatched knowledge about a particular subject you can join the TutorMe team as an expert and earn. There are over 300 subjects available for teaching such as maths, piano, calculus, and so on.

You need to have enrolled/graduated from an accredited university to stand a chance of joining this exclusive team.

Tutors earn an average of  $16 per hour, working flexible hours. Ensure you have strong internet access and a computer to avoid interruptions during tutor sessions. 

To apply for this homework job online just share a bit of yourself, your educational background, and your work experience.

If your application is approved, TutorMe will match you with students who need your help.

After a session, both the students and the tutor rate each other. As such, make sure you work towards positive reviews to land more online assignment jobs for students.

Apply here to become a part of TutorMe Team.

16. Tutor Eye


Another website that offers homework online jobs, term papers, and other school projects is TutorEye . They assure students of quality sessions from the best teachers.

The site lets learners understand difficult topics with ease. That’s why they are always looking to hire tutors with excellent academic backgrounds and experience for student-teacher discussions.

Tutor Eye covers not only college students but also K-12 learners. This means that there are lots of open slots for at-home teachers looking to make more money. 

17. The Princeton Review


Homework online jobs from The Princeton Review lets you earn money doing assignments on a different topic within the same subject with select students. The website is strict in its selection and only works with certified applicants.

Once selected, you’ll undergo special training before working. Having to pick your own hourly rates after completing your training makes this the ideal job for any at-home teacher.

Best Pay For Homework Sites

The sites in this post allow you to choose the subjects you want to teach according to your specialty. For example, if you are a Math tutor, you can get paid to do Math-related assignments.

One thing for sure is that homework sites enable you to develop skills within your area of expertise and enhance your career as an educator. So, in addition to sharpening what you learned in class, you can help students, from kindergarteners to college-goers, improve their understanding of different areas of study.

With this in mind, below are the top sites to sell your tutoring skills.

18. StudyPool


StudyPool is one of the best micro tutoring platforms that a top tutor can dream to work for.

They have one of the easiest money-making processes in that, a student submits a brief, sets a price, and if a tutor likes the price he/she bids. The student then chooses the best tutor to work with according to reviews, expertise, and other statistics.

The highest earners can make over $7,000 monthly. But to get this kind of payday, having a bachelor’s, Master’s, and Ph.D. will definitely play a big role.

The average amount that one can make is between $6 to $20 per the answer given.

Subjects covered on StudyPool include rocket science, linear algebra, international law, and macroeconomics.

Get started with StudyPool here

19. Growing Stars


Here you’ll mostly be dealing with students from grades 3 to 12.

To apply for a tutor position, you must share your academic credentials and prior teaching experience. This is important because most sessions are 1-on-1, offering an average of 2 hours per week.

Payment is done per session, so the trick is to offer as many sessions as possible. Tutors can work on almost any level including elementary school, middle & high school, prep classes, and college.

Students are free to request the same tutor every single time, so purpose to stand out.

G et started with GrowingStars right here

20. Eduboard


Eduboard is made up of ambitious students and highly educated agents who work together in honing their skills.

First off, students can access verified reviews and chat with fellow students. Secondly, tutors can teach 32 different subjects according to their area of expertise.

And apart from tutoring, subject virtuosos also help students with homework, test preparation, research, and more.  

Joining this unique website is easy with approval taking a short time. However, you must sit and pass an English test before you get approved. Tutors also have the freedom of setting their own schedules.

Eduboard takes a 20% fee from your total earnings as their commission.

Register to become a tutor at Eduboard

21. One Class


This is a Canadian note-sharing platform where both students and tutors can earn by sharing insightful learning materials and get paid to do homework respectively. As long as you are a student in university, you can join and let your profile market you.

For each note you share, you earn 25 points and once you are promoted to the Premier level, you make up to 75 points. Like any other homework-paid website, your profile, statistics, and reviews will determine your potential earnings. 

22. Freelancer

As you can guess from the name, Freelancer.com is a big platform for remote workers.

The site is known for jobs such as ghostwriting, virtual assistance, and other work from home gigs . Students also sign up on the site when looking for academic assistance in completing their homework.

The site is free to register and you can start bidding for homework the moment your account is accepted. You will be happy to know that this job board shows you bids from other people for comparison.

Upwork is a popular gigs marketplace that accepts beginners and experts alike. You get to set your hourly or fixed rate and bid for jobs from clients around the world. The site charges successful applicants 20% of the job’s price and interaction with the client is one on one.

To apply for a job, you use tokens, known as Connects. It’s best to attach a few of your relevant homework samples (questions and answers) to increase the chances of getting hired.

Upwork lists thousands of jobs and send you email updates when opportunities matching your profile become available. 

How to Do Homework for Money [Final Thoughts]

With global connectivity at its peak, you can do homework for a student on the other side of the world and get paid promptly.

While the practice is shunned, you can engage in the hustle legally by teaching concepts that can later be used to solve quizzes. The pay is good and with a platform that lists homework tasks in the thousands, this can be your full-time gig.

On the other hand, you can combine homework with other gigs like paid surveys to earn more.

Above are 20+ of the best homework and online tutoring sites that you can apply to and start working remotely. Only apply for subjects that you are a pro in to avoid failing your clients and time wastage on your part. 

Have tried your hand in this homework gig market? How are the earnings and is the work satisfying? I look forward to hearing your thoughts in the comments.

earn money by answering homework questions

Howdy Folks, thanks for stopping by my blog.

I’m Swati, a proud mom, dedicated side hustler, full-time blogger, and a recognized millennial work-at-home expert. My expertise has been featured on esteemed platforms such as Forbes, CEO Blog Nation, Referral Rock, Vital Dollar, Databox blog, and many more. I have embarked on this incredible journey to share my firsthand experiences in the world of online income generation and to assist all of you in earning money from the comfort of your homes.

Join me in my mission to revolutionize the way we make money and achieve financial freedom. Trust me, it’s not as challenging as it may seem!

Together, let’s explore the boundless opportunities and pave our paths towards a prosperous future.

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50+ Sites that Pay You to Answer Questions Online!

by Lauren Bennett - Verified & Updated September 26, 2022 (This post may contain affiliate links.)

Real ways you can earn money answering questions online...

Answering questions can be a simple way to make money online . And, there are plenty of ways to do it. It can be as simple as responding to a question online, answering quick surveys or helping students by doing their homework for money !

There are plenty of ways to earn money answering questions and I’ve covered more than 50 of them for you below!

Table of Contents

Question & Answer Sites to Get Paid to Give Advice

Can you get paid to give advice? Well, you can! With these sites below, users submit questions and experts, like you, answer them.

Now, for some of these sites, anyone can sign up. Others have a more stringent application policy so you will have to check the requirements for each particular site to see if you’re eligible. Some of these sites pay well, whereas with others you might only earn a few bucks.

Here are some question and answer sites that pay you.

1. JustAnswer

JustAnswer is an online question and answer website. On there, you can make money answering questions in a range of categories, such as medical, legal, and veterinary medicine.

JustAnswer has been featured by major news outlets such as CNN, NBC, and FOX.

According to JustAnswer, experts on the site make $2,000 to $7,000 a month answering questions in their field of expertise.

When you apply, you will need to provide relevant licenses or certifications, and the site also performs a background check. It works with a third-party verification firm to check your credentials, which takes a few days.

2. Experts123

Experts123 is a questions and answers website like JustAnswer where you can make money answering questions for people. The difference is that instead of earning cash from the outset with Experts123, you earn expertise points for answering questions and writing articles that you can later redeem for rewards. It offers a revenue sharing program. Pay for articles is around $10 to $20 per article and you’re paid right to your PayPal account.

Wonder hires researchers to answer questions for people. The site requires more research and in-depth responses compared to some of the other sites on the list. If you enjoy research and writing, then this could be a good site for you.

You can browse open requests and conduct research on the question you choose. Pay varies. You can earn $6 to $8 for easier questions and $35 for more difficult questions according to online reports.

Also, according to Indeed, researchers at Wonder make $19 an hour.

Weegy is a questions and answers website where you can make money answering questions. You’re paid about $0.20 for each question that you answer.

With Maven you can set your own hourly consulting rate. When the site finds a potential match for your expertise, it will contact you. You can answer written questions and provide your expertise on the phone, and you can participate in bigger projects or find a job to earn substantial consulting fees.


6. PrestoExperts

PrestoExperts hires freelance experts and tutors. You can set your own rates, which is good.

You can connect with people who need your expertise or tutoring skills through instant chat, email, or using the PrestoExperts Voice Connect feature.

When you sign up, you’ll be asked to create an online profile where you can list your qualifications, education, specialties, and any other information that you would like clients who’re looking for help to know. Then you can choose how you want to connect with clients, like by chat, voice, email, or all of the above.

Your profile will appear in the list of available categories and people can search for you by your specialty or keyword. You can set your own rates and work when you want to. According to the site, the more you’re online, the more clients will find you.

The site’s main categories including tutoring, counseling, technology services, and programming services, but there are other categories available on the site too. You’re paid via PayPal or Payoneer.

MyLot is a discussion board and online community where you can get paid for making valuable contributions to the site’s community.

Each time you start a discussion, respond to a discussion, or comment in a discussion, you make a contribution that is eligible for earnings. How much money you earn from a discussion, response, or comment depends on how interesting and valuable it’s considered to be by the site’s community.

The more the site’s users interact with what you post, the more money it will make. So if no one reads or interacts with what you posted or considers it interesting, then it’s likely that you won’t earn anything. When you have earned $5, you can withdraw your earnings. Payment is sent to your PayPal account.

8. HelpOwl.com

HelpOwl.com gives you points when you answer questions. The more answers you submit, the more points you get. You can redeem your points for prizes like Amazon gift cards and Walmart gift cards.

The number of points you get depends on the activity. For example, you get:

  • 100 points for answering a question.
  • 10 points for an answer that’s marked as helpful.
  • 250 points when you submit a manual that’s 1 to 10 pages.

You can redeem points for gift cards – for example, you need 50,000 points to redeem a $10 Amazon gift card and 125,000 points to redeem a $25 Walmart gift card. So, compared to some of the other sites on this list, HelpOwl.com doesn’t provide you with the fastest way to make money.

9. Answeree

Answeree is a website where you can earn rewards by answering questions. You can register on the site and post accurate and helpful answers to questions. Then you can start earning on answers. You’ll earn points, including 10 points for one answer and 5 points per comment. Also, you can get surprise points up to 500 for top performing posts in the search engine results. 10 points is worth 1 cent.

Payment is sent through PayPal or Skrill.

Needle has partnered with several internet retailers to provide shoppers with live product expertise from people like you who know and use their products.

If you are selected, you get to chat online with customers and help them to find the right products. For answering customer questions, you are compensated with points that you can redeem for products. So, this one doesn’t offer money, but it does give you free stuff just for chatting with customers.

By the way, if you like cash instead of free stuff, check out our post on how to get paid to chat online !

With 6ya (review here ), you can make money helping people over the phone. You can earn money for every call you make, and the average call is only about 4 to 5 minutes in duration. You get to set your own schedule, which is good! And you decide how many calls to accept and when to accept them.

You earn money by providing help to customers over the phone. You offer your professional knowledge to help people with their product problems. You can accept voice and video calls directly on your smartphone. Don’t worry – your number stays private.

The company is offering a $100 bonus to Experts who accept at least 20 calls within 7 days from their activation – this excludes calls that are less than 1 minute.

12. Clarity

Clarity is another site that’ll pay you for providing your expertise. This one is focused on providing advice to business owners and entrepreneurs. You can get paid for your professional advice and for providing feedback. You will need to have a LinkedIn account to apply to be an expert at Clarity. With this one, you can choose your category of expertise.

You can set your own rates, which is good. According to the site, rates vary, but the average 30-minute call works out to about $50, which is about $1.60 per minute. You get paid via PayPal. The site takes 15% of the fee collected from the call.

FixYa is a website where people can get answers to product questions and DIY advice. You can answer questions on how to fix, repair, and service any product. For answering questions, you’ll earn points that you can redeem for prizes.

Answer Survey Questions & Get Paid!

One of my favorite ways to make money answering questions is to do surveys.

Answering survey questions can actually be quite profitable. If you’re not experienced in a high paying field like medical or legal, you may only earn a few bucks giving your advice on question and answer sites. But with surveys, anyone can give their opinion.

Pay for surveys varies from as little as a $1 to more than $25 per survey.

While you won’t qualify for every survey, if you join a few different sites, you should get a steady stream of survey questions to answer. The best part about surveys is that some are super short and others are in-depth, so you can find ones to suit your schedule.

Here are some websites that pay you to answer survey questions…

Qmee will pay you for answering surveys. The best part is that the site pays you instantly!

Really! The site has no minimum withdrawal limit. Just for answering a few questions, you can have money sent to your PayPal account within minutes. Or you can choose to get an Amazon gift card.

Plus, it offers other ways to earn, like searching the internet and shopping online.

15. Darwin’s Data

Darwin’s Data pays you $25 per survey, which is pretty great.

It offers a $25 Tango gift card as a reward.

Tango gift cards can be redeemed for gift cards to retailers like:

  • Burger King
  • Google Play

So there are plenty of rewards to choose from.

16. Pinecone Research

Pinecone Research pays $3 per survey. When you have earned 300 points ($3), your earnings are automatically redeemed for a check that’s sent to your home address.

You can choose to withdraw your earnings however you would like after that.

There are a few different payment options available, such as:

  • Visa gift card

You can withdraw your money with just $3 in your account or you can choose to redeem when you have $15 or $15 instead.

17. Swagbucks

Swagbucks will pay you to answer questions. It offers polls and surveys where you can earn money answering questions from your computer or any other device.

The best part is that you can withdraw your earnings for as little as $1 to $5, depending on the payment option you choose.

From PayPal payments to Amazon, there are plenty of rewards to choose from.

What I like about Swagbucks is that you can also earn money in other ways, like by playing games, browsing the internet, and shopping online.

1Q is a website and app where you can get paid for answering questions. It’s a survey site but the surveys are super short – like one question!

Every time you answer a question, you’re instantly paid $0.25! You get paid right to your PayPal account.

Here’s where you can get the app:

  • Download 1Q for iOS devices here .
  • Download 1Q for Android devices here .

19. SurveySavvy

Sign up to SurveySavvy, complete your profile, and when your profile matches the basic criteria for a specific survey, SurveySavvy will send you an invite to your email address to participate. The invitation tells you how much money you can expect to earn from the survey.

What’s great about the site is that you can withdraw your earnings when you have as little as $1 in your account!

The only downside to the site is that it pays you by check. So there are no PayPal payments available or gift cards either, which is sort of annoying, right? It means that you will have to wait 4 to 12 weeks before you can actually get your cash.

20. PrizeRebel

PrizeRebel pays you for answering survey questions. You get paid to your PayPal account. Or you can choose to get a gift card instead.

There are lots of gift cards options available likes ones for:

You can cash out your earnings for as little as $1 to $5 depending on the reward option you choose.

21. MyPoints

With MyPoints, you can get money sent right to your PayPal account, Visa cards, and other gift card options like Amazon and Walmart gift cards. All you need to do is answer some survey questions.

MyPoints is also a cashback website that pays you for shopping online.

You can redeem gift cards for as little as $5!

The best part about MyPoints is that it gives you a $10 Amazon or Visa gift card just for joining.

22. Opinion Outpost

Opinion Outpost is another one that’s a good option if you’re looking to make money answering questions. The website pays you via PayPal, or with gift cards to answer surveys.

You can get gift cards for lots of different places, including:

And there are Visa gift cards available too.

What’s great about the site is that you can redeem your earnings to a gift card for just $5. It’s a great way to make money answering questions.

If you’re looking to earn money by answering a quiz , then you’ll want to give Dabbl a try.

Dabbl is a website that pays you for your opinion, for playing games, and quizzes and for watching videos. So it gives you lots of ways to earn.

You can redeem your earnings for gift cards to places like:

24. Survey Junkie

Next we have Survey Junkie. This site makes it easy to earn money answering questions. Simply build your profile and Survey Junkie will match you with surveys.

You get paid via PayPal or you can choose to have your earnings redeemed to a gift card for places like Amazon and Target.

Next on the list we have i-Say. It’s a website that gives you money for taking online surveys. You can redeem your earnings to your PayPal account. Or you can choose to get a Visa card. There are also gift cards available for well-known retailers like Amazon and Walmart.

iPoll pays you to give your opinion on the products and services that you use. You can get paid right to your PayPal account or you can choose to get a gift card for Amazon or the App Store & iTunes. So it’s another good site that’ll give you cash for answering questions.

27. QuickThoughts

QuickThoughts is a website where you can get paid to take surveys and complete local mission-based activities.

What’s great about the app is that it offers a wide range of surveys from quick polls to secret shopper surveys and local missions. The only issue with the app is that it doesn’t offer PayPal payments. Instead, you get paid with Amazon gift cards. Most of us shop on Amazon anyway though, right?

So, it’s always good to have Amazon gift cards that we can use to get stuff for free on Amazon.

28. Zap Surveys

Zap Surveys is an app that gives you money for answering survey questions. Aside from surveys, the website also offers you up to 40% cashback when you shop at more than 50 retailers.

There are a few payment options available including money to your PayPal account, Amazon eGift cards, and Visa eGift cards.

Here’s where you can get the Zap Surveys app:

  • Download Zap Surveys for iOS devices here .
  • Download Zap Surveys for Android devices here .

29. Crowdtap

Crowdtap is an app that pays you to answer questions. It offers thousands of questions for you to answer every day.

Just for sharing your opinion, you can earn gift cards to retailers like:

So, it’s a really simple way to get some free gift cards.

  • Download Crowdtap for Android devices here .

30. Poll Pay

Poll Pay is a website that pays you to answer survey questions. You’re paid right to your PayPal account.

Or you can choose to redeem your earnings to a gift card for places like:

Overall, it’s a good way to make money.

  • Download Poll Pay for Android devices here .

31. Surveys On The Go

Surveys On The Go is a website that pays you take surveys on range of subjects. You get your earnings sent right to your PayPal account or you can choose to get an Amazon gift card instead.

32. SurveyMonkey

SurveyMonkey pays you for taking short surveys. So this is a good way to make money if you have a busy schedule. The surveys on the site take 5 minutes or less. You earn up to $0.35 in credits per survey. Each time you reach $5 or more in credits on your account, you can redeem your credits for Amazon.com gift cards.

Tutor Sites Where You Help Students

Another option to consider is answering questions for students. Tutoring sites pay you to teach students , and you can even answer homework questions for money on some sites.

Here are a few tutoring sites to consider…

33. Chegg Tutors

A lot of people ask does Chegg pay you to answer questions, and indeed it does.

You can help students by answering their questions as a tutor at Chegg Tutors.

This is a website that offers flexible tutoring opportunities.

Just login to the site when it’s convenient for you to tutor.

You can select your best subjects, and there are lots of different ones to tutor, like:

  • Computer Science
  • Antitrust Law
  • Voice lessons
  • Astrophysics

You can work with all student levels too, such as:

  • Middle and High School
  • Professionals

Pay starts at $20 an hour, and according to Chegg, its top tutors make more than $1,000 a month. Payments are sent weekly. You will need to meet some requirements for this one, and you can learn more about those on the website that’s linked in the section heading.

Are you good at math? Then why not get paid to answer questions with Yup?

Yup is an on-demand math tutoring app where students can take a photo of a math problem and then connect to an expert tutor, like you, for one to one support.

Tutoring takes place right on the student’s phone. And as a tutor, you work right from your desktop through Yup’s web platform.

If math is your thing, then you may want to try being a tutor on Yup.

You will need to complete an application process to qualify.

Payment is sent monthly by direct deposit or PayPal.

35. Studypool

Studypool is a tutoring website that pays you to answer student’s questions helping them with their study . According to Studypool, you can earn $7,500 a month from tutoring students on the site. You can choose when to work making this a flexible way to make money.

The site does charge you a commission rate on your earnings which can vary from 15% to 32.5%.

36. 24HourAnswers

24HourAnswers is a website where people can get online tutoring and college homework help from professional tutors. You could sign up and answer homework questions for money and tutor people. According to Glassdoor, freelance tutors on 24HourAnswers earn $27 an hour.

Wyzant is a website that connects experts with students who’re looking for one-to-one instruction. You could sign up to be one of the site’s private tutors in more than 250 subjects and test prep. You can list your tutoring services on the site and then students can contact you. The best part about the site is that you can set your own rates. And according to Wyzant, its top tutors earn $50,000 a year. Wyzant charges your students and deposits your earnings right into your bank account.

Skooli is a website that connects students with online tutors. You will need to set your availability and create a bio for yourself. You can also add a profile photo and list your teachable subjects on your profile. With the site, you can simply go online and accept instant help requests from students. Then, you’ll start earning money tutoring students one-on-one in the Skooli Online Classroom. Tutors on Skooli make $25 an hour.

39. TutaPoint.com

Next on the list we have TutaPoint. You can sign up as a tutor and offer live, online, one-on-one tutoring services to students of all grade levels. Students on the site can request instant homework help or schedule a tutoring session.

40. TutorMe

On TutorMe, you can find flexible tutoring opportunities. You get to choose when and how often you teach students. With the site, there are more than 300 subjects to tutor in. The site pays $16 an hour plus bonuses.

41. Tutor.com

Another place where you can get paid to answer student questions is at Tutor.com. The website pays you to tutor students online. Students range from kindergarten through college students to adult learners. According to Glassdoor, tutors earn $12 an hour on Tutor.com.

42. PrepNow

With PrepNow, you can make money tutoring students online. According to Glassdoor, tutors at PrepNow earn $15 to $20 an hour.

Other Ways to Sell Your Advice for Money

Above, I’ve given you three different methods for making money answering questions. But, that’s not the only way to make cash from answering questions online.

Here are a few more ways to earn money by answering questions online…

43. Sell courses

Are you wondering, “ how do I sell my advice for money”

Well, then you might want to consider selling a course .

Are you knowledgeable about photography? Or perhaps you know a lot about programming? Whatever it is, it’s likely that you have knowledge of at least one topic. So why not create a course around it and earn money from your expertise?

You could offer video courses, PowerPoint presentations, eBooks and more. You can create a course on anything from writing to physics and sell it online.

Here are a few sites where you can sell courses:

You could earn $100s or even $1,000s a month selling online courses. According to Skillshare, its top teachers earn $3,000 plus!

44. Self-publish books with Kindle Direct Publishing

Another option to consider is selling books through Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). You can sell non-fiction books there. Anyone can sign up and list a book for sale on Amazon.

So you could create how-to books, guides, and more on whatever subject it is that you’re knowledgeable about.

The good thing about the KDP program is that it gives you a pretty high commission! You earn up to 70% in royalties.

You can make $100s or even $1,000s a month selling books with KDP.

  • Get started here .

45. Start a blog

Sure, these paid question and answer sites are good because you can simply sign up and get paid to answer questions.

Often though, with these sites, you’re having to give pretty detailed answers and the amount that you earn doesn’t always seem worth it for the amount of time that you’ve put into writing a detailed answer.

With blogging though, you can write detailed posts, and then keep making money from those posts over and over again.

Of course, you’ll need to build up a following and monetize your blog. There are a few ways to do this such as:

  • Putting Google ads on your site
  • Using affiliate links in your posts
  • Creating sponsored content for brands.

Once you have a following, you can start to increase your income.

To get started, you’ll need to use a platform like WordPress.org to publish content and get a domain name and hosting from sites like Bluehost, HostGator, and GoDaddy.

So if you’re knowledgeable about a particular topic, then consider creating a blog post about it.

While you won’t get much traffic to the blog at first, over time you can build up traffic and you could eventually earn $1,000s a month from your blog.

46. Online coaching

Another way to get paid to answer questions is to offer an online coaching service. If you’re knowledgeable and experienced with a subject, then you could provide a one-on-one online coaching service.

You could set up a website to advertise your services, and you could also consider setting up social media accounts, and a Facebook group for your community.

As an online coach, you can set your own rates. Online coaches earn around $27 an hour.

47. YouTube

YouTube is another platform where you can share your expertise. Whether it’s fitness, fashion, or cooking, you can start up a YouTube channel on pretty much any topic that you’re knowledgeable about.

Since YouTube gets more than 1 billion users each month , you could build up a large following on there. Many YouTubers earn $1,000s or even millions of dollars from their channels.

Once you have enough channel views, you’ll be eligible to become a YouTube Partner. As a YouTube Partner, you can earn money from the ads that play on your videos. You can also get paid to create sponsored videos for brands too.

Just choose a topic and then start your channel.

Although YouTube doesn’t say how much it pays its content creators, online figures suggest that YouTubers earn from $0.25 to $7 for every 1,000 views they get. To get an idea, read our post on how much do YouTubers make .

You get paid through your AdSense account. Payment options for AdSense earnings include Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and check.

48. Become a customer support agent

If you want to get paid to answer questions for people, then you might want to consider being a customer support agent. Customer support agents respond to customer questions and help them with any issues that they may have.

Here’s where you can find work as a customer service agent:

  • American Express

Customer service agents make around $15 an hour on average. Pay can be anywhere from $11 to $21 an hour.

49. Become a mystery shopper

You could consider doing some mystery shopping work . Mystery shoppers visit local stores, restaurants, and other businesses and then they provide feedback on their experience. They have to answer questions about things like how clean the place was or how well they were treated by the business’s employees.

Here’s where you can find work as a mystery shopper:

  • Field Agent
  • iSecretShop
  • Secret Shopper

You can make from $8 to $25 an hour as a mystery shopper.

50. Test out websites

Another way that you can make money answering questions is by testing out websites. Website testers visit websites and provide feedback on things like how quickly the site loaded and how easy it was to navigate. One company that pays you to test out websites for companies and clients is UserTesting. For every 20-minute test that you complete, UserTesting will pay you $10.

What about Quora and Reddit?

Online, I’ve seen a lot of people asking, “Does Quora pay you to answer questions?”

I’ve also seen people asking whether you can get paid to post on Reddit.

Quora and Reddit are two popular websites where people can ask questions and discuss everything from writing to their favorite TV shows.

I like reading through Reddit in particular. So I totally understand if people wonder if they can actually get paid for the time they spend there.

Quora and Reddit do not directly pay you or anyone to answer questions.

These sites are free to use and are basically there for people to chat about different topics.

However, while Quora and Reddit won’t pay you to answer questions, you can still earn money from both platforms – but indirectly.

You know how I mentioned that you could make money from starting a blog, offering coaching, selling books, or from a YouTube channel?

Well, you could use Quora or Reddit to promote yourself as an expert in your field and then to drive traffic to your book, blog, YouTube channel, or website.

Now, be careful here. Sites like Reddit have guidelines for threads and moderators who police these guidelines. So don’t just go on Reddit or Quora and start promoting your own stuff.

Instead, take the time to participate in the community. Answer people’s questions. As you start to get more upvotes and more involved in the community, you can then start to promote your own stuff.

For example, I was reading through a discussion on Reddit about writing, and a writer posted a link to an article on their website that offered advice related to the question asked by the person who started the discussion. This link was helpful, and it also promoted the writer’s site.

On Quora, you can even create a tagline that describes your experience in a few words, like “Professional graphic designer.”

Basically, you answer questions on these sites and then link to any of your own helpful articles, books, or videos that you’ve created.

If you hang out in the relevant subreddits or answer relevant questions on Quora, then you could send traffic back to your business. And more traffic means more leads and sales for you.

Just make sure that you aren’t too salesy and instead focus on helping others.

Get Paid for Your Knowledge!

Answering questions can earn you anywhere from a few bucks to $1,000s. The best thing you can do to ensure that you maximize your earning potential is to provide people with helpful and detailed answers. The more helpful an answer is, the more people are going to like your advice meaning that you make more money!

Give the sites and tips above a try and start earning money!

Do you have any tips on how to get paid to answer questions? If so, share them with us in the comments section below.

earn money by answering homework questions

is very very helpful

earn money by answering homework questions

I am very good at article writing and have good experience.

earn money by answering homework questions

Não sou tão boa prá escrever artigos mais vou estudar bastante estou precisando de uma renda extra esse trabalho pode ser uma boa opção

earn money by answering homework questions

Yes, Leila, if you are not good at writing long detailed articles, paid to answer sites are great because you can answer the questions as if you were taking to someone. Good luck!

earn money by answering homework questions

Okay that’s was a good idea

earn money by answering homework questions

Get paid to write, use the website Fiverr and sell your services. Blog writing between $10-$20 dollars to start with. Raise your prices when you become more proficient.

earn money by answering homework questions

I wanna to make money

Welcome to the club Tomas, lol! MoneyPantry has tons of posts with various ways to make money online and offline. Pick one you like and start earning. Good luck!

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16 Legit Sites To Get Paid To Do Homework For Money (Legally)

If you know you are good at a particular subject, like English writing, math, or maybe physics, some students are struggling and will to pay to do homework. Wouldn’t it be great to share your knowledge to help them gain confidence and improve their grades?  You can help complete assignments and earn money.

The growing need for homework helpers online has created vast opportunities for college-level students, college graduates, and professionals. Doing homework for money is legal and a great option when you are looking for flexibility.

You are free to choose assignments that you would like to work on, the number of hours you want to work, and which time of the day or night you work best. I’m a night owl, while friends of mine are early risers. You may enjoy all of these in the comfort of your home!

earn money by answering homework questions

Table of Contents

Is Doing Homework for Money Legal?

Yes, it is. No law says you cannot offer homework as a paid service, although others would frown on it as “cheating.”

Doing homework for money has been around for years, and the market for it continues to grow.

Before you conclude that more students nowadays are too lazy to study and inclined to cheat, think about the following types of students:

  • People with learning disabilities who need to catch up on their lessons
  • Working students who cannot afford to be meticulous with their assignments
  • Students who do not understand their homework  
  • Those going through serious personal problems that distract them from their studies
  • Those who need to skip classes because of physical ailments

There are countless legitimate reasons to answer homework questions for money.

What Sites Answer Homework Questions for Money?

Several trusted websites pay you to help other people with their homework. Here are the top sites to answer homework questions for money.

1. School Solver

School Solver claims to be THE marketplace for affordable school assignments covering all subjects and assisted by carefully selected subject matter experts. On the platform, students may also choose to become a tutor.

The team does not allow its tutors to post straight answers, which ensures the students are learning. They will answer questions on subjects like psychology, finance, mathematics, advanced accounting, computer science, engineering, business, physics, statistics, chemistry, geology, history, and more.

School Solver claims to be the “eBay of homework or a premium version of Yahoo Answers.”

What are the requirements to become a School Solver tutor?

Your first step is to register as a tutor on their website’s registration page, then create your profile page. You would also need a PayPal account to get paid and complete the registration.

Once you complete your personal information, you’ll take a quiz on any subject you are an expert on or just comfortable with. If your subject is not included in the selection, choose one that is related. You need to score at least 90% to pass the quiz.

Aside from the subject quiz, the School Solver rules quiz is mandatory, so be sure to read the FAQ section carefully. All their tutors must understand how the School Solver process works. For this quiz, you must score 92% or higher.

As soon as you pass the tests, you will begin getting questions on the subjects you passed and can start earning money fast.

How does School Solver work?

A student who needs an answer to their assignment posts their question on School Solver. If the assignment is within your expertise, you may post your answer, including a thorough explanation of how you derived the solution. The student who posted the questions will be notified that a tutor has posted an answer so that they can preview it.  The student can only access your full answer after paying for it.

The student may contact you to clarify your answer or give you feedback if they are unhappy. You have the chance to improve your response within a specified period; otherwise, the student will be refunded their money.

How much can you get paid to do homework on School Solver?

The student posts how much they are willing to pay for each assignment. If you find the price reasonable, you may post your answer and wait for the student to buy it.

School Solver charges a 20% commission for each answer bought, plus a 2% withdrawal fee for every withdrawal made from your account.

A student may ask for a refund if they’re not satisfied with the answer.

You also can earn more because the answers you post are forwarded to top search engines. If other people are looking for an answer to the same question, they will see your answer, and you will get paid multiple times for answering a single question. Your answer can be a type of annuity that pays out cashflow over time. 

Their “Top Earner” has made over $15,000 tutoring on the site.

Sign up to do assignments at School Solver here .

2. 24houranswers

24houranswers focuses on providing help to college-level students in more than 380 subjects; there are too many topics to list here. You have more opportunities to make money with this homework platform because of its more comprehensive range of services. One of the services is the college homework library, where students can buy answers from previous solutions at a lower price. The platform also offers one-on-one online tutoring sessions and step-by-step written solutions.

24houranswers is a legit company with high ratings from Google Reviews, BBB, and Trustpilot. It has a reliable support team ready to assist both students and tutors.

What are the requirements to become a 24houranswers tutor?

To be a 24houranswers tutor, you should have at least a Master’s degree. But if you do not have one, you should have at least a Bachelor’s degree with exceptional grades. You must have a good command of the English language, in both written and spoken communication.

You need to register by going to 24houranswers “Become A Tutor” page to create your account and profile.  Be prepared with an account name that does not reveal your real name. You’ll be asked to upload your transcript of records. Once you make the shortlist, you will be scheduled for an interview.

Once you are hired as a tutor, you will be monitored to ensure that you are consistent in delivering reliable, original, and high-quality work.

24houranswers maintains a set of behavioral standards for its tutors, found in its “Tutor Code of Conduct.” Read and understand the rules, so you do not accidentally violate any.

Be professional and courteous at all times.

How Does 24houranswer work ?

A student specifies on the homepage of 24houranswer what kind of help they need – online tutoring or a written solution. They identify the subject and upload the question and relevant document.

The student can either select a tutor or let the system automatically connect them with a tutor.

Suppose you are selected or automatically connected to a student. In that case, you may begin to chat with the student to discuss details of the assignment, including expectations in terms of deadlines and budget. Once you agree on the details, the student pays for your tutoring services while completing the homework.

Aside from rating your performance, the student may request a refund if you fail to deliver the work as agreed.

How much can you get paid to do homework on 24houranswers?

The answers you provide through the college library service will earn you anywhere from $1.25 to $10, while live tutoring is priced from $15 to $45 hours. The hourly wage varies depending on several factors, including the subject’s complexity. For example, engineering and physics are likely to pay more per hour vs. English and algebra.

24houranswers pays tutors at the beginning of each month. You can request to withhold payments if you prefer to grow your funds before getting paid. There is no minimum amount to get paid, but you should have enough income to cover the transaction fees of the payment service of your choice.

24houranswers pays through ACH payments, bank transfer for international transactions, PayPal, or Payoneer.

Sign up to do assignments at 24houranswers here.

3. Homework Market

Homework Market is a community of tutors who earn money by answering specific questions for a wide variety of subjects, doing homework for others, or editing assignments. It also a proofreading for money job at home . 

It is not clear what grade levels the community caters to, but it is safe to say that high school and college-level students can use the service.

What are the requirements to become a Homework Market tutor?

If you want to be a part of the Homework Market, you must sign up and create your profile to showcase your degrees, skills, and what subjects you are good at. Since Homework Market does not have minimum requirements to become a tutor, there is no assessment done on those who would like to be a part of its community.

How does Homework Market work?

A student may post any type of assignment on the Homework Market website. If you see an interesting assignment, you do it and upload it along with the price you expect to be paid. The student will then preview your work, and if they like it, you will get paid at your price. A student can only get access to the complete assignment once you get paid for the homework.  

How much can you get paid to do homework on Homework Market?

You will set your rate but make it reasonable. You’ll have a better chance of being selected by a student. Tutors usually charge between $5 and $25, depending on the complexity of the service required. A student may also negotiate the price paid to do homework.

Please note that Homework Market charges a 20% commission per assignment .

Sign up to do assignments at Homework Market here.

4. Tutor.com

Tutor.com hires independent contractors to tutor students from kindergarten to college level with their assignments. They’re a legit company with over 20 years in business.

What are the requirements to become a Tutor.com tutor?

Compared to other homework for money platforms, Tutor.com has a stringent criteria and tutor screening process.

Before you apply, check if you meet the following criteria:

  • Are you a U.S. resident with a valid Social Security number?
  • Are you eligible to work in the U.S.?
  • Do you have at least a four-year degree from an accredited university? If not, are you currently enrolled as a college sophomore or higher of at least a four-year degree in an accredited university?
  • Can you commit to at least five hours per week to tutor students?
  • Are you an expert in at least one subject?
  • Do you have excellent oral and written communication skills?
  • Are you fluent in the English language?
  • Do you have a passion for teaching and explaining lessons to students? Can you do it in an online environment?

If you answered yes to all of the above questions, submit an online application through its website and take a competency exam in one of the most in-demand subjects. There will also be an interview and a mock session with another online tutor. The process ends with a background check. 

The screening process to become a tutor takes one to three weeks.

How does Tutor.com work ?

Once hired, you can log in to the system and wait for students who need tutoring.

You will receive an alert when a student needs help with a homework assignment. If you are the first to respond to the student, you will be directed to an online classroom and begin helping the student with whatever problem solving they need.

At the end of each session, your student can rate your performance. The ratings received will be added to your online tutor profile.

How much can you get paid to do homework on Tutor.com?

You can earn from $10 to $30 per hour at Tutor.com, depending on the subject and its difficulty. Instructors will be paid twice monthly via direct deposit.

Sign up to do assignments at Tutor.com here.

TutorMe is similar to Tutor.com, but it offers a broader range of subjects that include Python and piano lessons. It provides on-demand tutoring services and online classes. The site is user-friendly and easy to communicate with your students.

What makes this homework platform different from its competitors is that it allows its tutors to become learners and at a discounted rate.

TutorMe is a legit company including tutors from Berkley, USC, MIT, Princeton, Yale, and more.

What are the requirements to become a TutorMe tutor?

Teachers at TutorMe must be at least 18 years old, enrolled in or graduated from an accredited university, prior tutoring or teaching experience, and have mastery of their subjects.

Start the online tutoring application by completing your educational background, work experience, and subject areas of expertise.

How does TutorMe work ?

Students can either communicate directly with you, or TutorMe can match play matchmaker.

Either way, you will be alerted when a student needs help. The lesson matched to you will be forfeited if you don’t accept the assignment within three minutes. Once you accept the job, you’ll be placed in the “Waiting Room.” The student arranges a payment method and decided whether to proceed with the lesson.

You’ll both be directed to the lesson space where you can communicate via a virtual whiteboard, audio/video chat, screen sharing, or other similar channels.

How much can you get paid to do homework on TutorMe?

TutorMe offers a base pay of  $16 per hour for online tutoring services or writing a lesson explanation. The rate is applied to the total number of hours and minutes served within a week.

However, you’re only paid for homework with a duration of at least five minutes per student. So,  if you only spend three minutes with a student in a single session, it will not count when computing your weekly pay.

Payment is made via PayPal.

Sign up to do assignments at TutorMe here .              

6. Studypool

Studypool is a micro tutoring platform for quick homework help and projects.

What are the requirements to become a Studypool tutor?

The minimum requirement for a Studypool tutor is being a college or university student. A degree in higher education is preferred.

After submitting an online application form, you will be asked to write a 200-hundred word essay. If you pass the essay test, you will be interviewed on Studypool’s policies. Both the essay test and the interview will evaluate your proficiency in the English language. 

You’ll need to submit a government-issued ID.

Once you are accepted as a tutor for Studypool, you will be able to browse live questions and answer homework questions for money.

How Does Studypool Work ?

A student submits a question and sets a budget. You browse the questions and bid on the jobs you’re interested in. Either accept the price or counter with a lower price and deadline. If the student selects you, they will pay the price you quoted.

Studypool will not release the payment unless you submit a final answer and the student approves the answer.

How much can you get paid to do homework on Studypool?

For each answer you provide, you will be earning a minimum of $5 and a maximum of $20. You can bid on an unlimited amount of questions, which increases your potential earning power. 

Studypool charges 20% to 30% commission on your gross earnings. Payments are made via PayPal.

Sign up to do assignments at Studypool here.

7. Help With Assignment

This is another platform that seeks highly qualified tutors who are experts in various subjects such as marketing, math, law, nursing, engineering, computer science, etc.

Help with Assignment offers online tutoring and a click-and-buy solutions library with already answered questions.

The platform services K-12, graduates, and post-graduate students in several countries.  Help With Assignment is a legit company with over 97,000 assignments delivered and over 5,000 tutors on the platform. 

What are the requirements to become a Help With Assignment tutor?

If you don’t have a Master’s degree or a Ph.D. degree in your chosen subject, you need to have at least two years of work experience, preferably in teaching. Additionally, you must demonstrate excellent communication skills and English proficiency.

Instructors will be given tests, but it is unclear what’s a passing grade.

How does Help With Assignment work ?

To order an assignment, a student uploads their homework file on the platform’s website. Once the document is posted, a tutor will respond to the student within twenty minutes.

The student may also opt for a live one-on-one session with a tutor by scheduling a meeting.

Another option is online assignment help, which requires tutors or subject matter experts to write for students. 

A final option is the Click and Buy service. A student can buy an answer at a low cost through its Solution Library. The library contains solutions to all possible questions related to various subjects.

How much can you get paid to do homework on Help With Assignments?

Tutors can earn a minimum of $7 per page of written work. However, there is no information on how much Help With Assignments pays for online sessions.

Sign up to do assignments at Help with Assignment here.

Wyzant is an online marketplace that offers in-person and online tutoring services in over 250 subjects.  Wyzant is legit with featured articles on Fox News, Chicago Tribune, Forbes, CNBC, CNN, and more. 

What are the requirements to become a Wyzant tutor?

A Wyzant tutor must be at least 18 years old and a permanent resident in the U.S. with a Social Security number.

You need to sign up on their Tutor Sign Up page to complete an online application and choose subjects of expertise. Your application will be reviewed by a Wyzant staff member and give you feedback within 48 hours. If you pass the initial screening, you will be given a proficiency test on the subject you chose to tutor.

Be prepared to provide authorization for a background check.

Finally you’ll need to read the policy about the working relationship between Wyzant and its tutors.

How does Wyzant work ?

You will be notified via email or text upon available tutoring jobs. Clicking on the link will lead you to the job application page, where you will see the homework details. If you want the job, submit your bid for the job.

The student must first pay for homework help before receiving your services. 

How much can you get paid to do homework on Wyzant?

A Wyzant tutor rate ranges from $30 to $60 per hour, but Wyzant charges a 25% platform fee. You will keep $75 for every $100 earned on the platform.

Sign up to do assignments at Wyzant here .

9. One Class

OneClass is an extensive library of study guides, lecture notes, and video tutorials created by students. Graduates may also submit their materials. Users may avail of either a free account or get a subscription plan. Depending on the subscription plan a student purchases, they may have unlimited access to lecture notes and study guides.

Who can be a notetaker in OneClass?

University students and graduates are welcome to join the community of notetakers in OneClass, subject to screening.

Notetakers need to fill out an application and submit a sample of notes taken from a registered class. If the sample meets OneClass’s standards, you can start uploading your notes weekly.

How does One Classwork ?

Certified note takers are expected to upload study materials on the website every week and earn credits for each uploaded material.

Materials that are lifted or copied from books, journals, or other reference materials are not allowed. An internal audit team evaluates each set of notes uploaded daily. Regular users are also allowed to alert OneClass if there are irrelevant materials.

Its users may preview the document before they use credits to unlock them.

How much can you make uploading documents at OneClass?

You will not get paid outright cash on OneClass. Instead, you will earn 20 to 25 credits per upload. The credits can be used to unlock study material.

If you are an excellent notetaker, you will be invited to become an “official notetaker.” And if you are exceptional, you get elevated to as an “Elite Notetaker.”  Once you reach this status, the credits earned increase to 75.

You can also earn credits by referring friends to sign up with OneClass.

Alternatively, you can exchange your OneClass credits with gift cards to Amazon, Starbucks, or even for cash.

Sign up to do assignments at OneClass here .

10. Paper Coach

Paper Coach is so-named because it specializes in custom paper writing services for high school, undergraduate, Master’s, and Ph.D. students. They will help whoever needs help with written work such as book reviews, themed essays, etc.

Paper Coach is a legit company with about 11,000 completed orders and almost 1,200 qualified writers.

What are the requirements to become a Paper Coach writer?

Paper Coach relies on specialized LinkedIn groups, but you can try submitting your CV so you can bid on a project. But for them to consider your application for a writer position, you need to have a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Ph.D. degree.

Non-U.S. citizens are welcome to apply.

How does Paper Coach work ?

A student submits an order form by providing details and uploading relevant files for the writer. The student then reviews the cost to write the paper, the number of pages, turn around time, and the writer’s academic level. When the price is acceptable, the student makes payment arrangements and waits for the Paper Coach notification system that the paper is ready for download.

How much can you get paid to do homework on Paper Coach?

Paper Coach pays a minimum rate of $8. You can earn more depending on your academic level and the complexity of your writing style.

Sign up to write at Paper Coach here.

11. HashLearn

HashLearn is India’s first on-demand mobile tutoring app, serving Grade 8 to 12 students preparing for entrance exams.

What are the requirements to become a HashLearn tutor?

Visit the company’s web-based portal for tutors to apply and upload an image of your photo ID.

You will be given an academic exam to test your mastery of the subject you chose and a personality test to check your understanding of HashLearn’s guidelines and English proficiency.

How Does HashLearn Work ?

You will be notified if there is a tutoring session related to your topic of choice. Once you accept a session, you must be available for the next twenty minutes or until the student ends the session.

How much can you get paid to do homework on HashLearn?

You can earn INR 0.5 to 0.75 per minute.

Sign up to do assignments at HashLearn here .

12. EduBoard

EduBoard is a 24/7 homework help and test preparation assistance website for students of all ages and skill levels. It uses an interactive whiteboard tutoring platform.

What are the requirements to become an EduBoard tutor?

Here are the requirements to become an EduBoard instructor:

  • Must be a resident of the U.S. or Canada
  • In your senior year of college or have graduated from an accredited U.S. or Canadian university dedicated to teaching and can motivate students to learn.
  • Complete an English proficiency test.

If you pass the requirements and the test, you will be redirected to your account to begin getting paid to do people’s homework.

How does EduBoard work ?

Students place orders for homework help while a tutor can bid on assignments and problems they like, and are comfortable answering.

How much can you get paid to do homework on EduBoard?

Tutors at EduBoard are free to set and negotiate tutoring rates. On average, the following hourly tutoring rates apply:

  • Question & Answer: from $2 to $25 per question-based on your skills
  • Online Tutoring Session: $20 for every 30 minutes
  • Video Tutorial: $15 to $25

Eduboard charges a commission of 20% of your total earnings.

Sign up to do assignments at Eduboard here

13. Growing Stars

Growing Stars, which began in 2004, has a relatively young market as it caters to grades 1 to 12 and some college students. It has helped students develop good study habits and skills, gain confidence, improve their grades, and perform well during competitive tests.

What are the requirements to become a Growing Stars tutor?

Interested tutors must have at least a Bachelor’s degree in the chosen discipline or significant subject area and willing to undergo training with Growing Stars. They must commit at least one hour per session and must have a Skype account.

How does Growing Stars work ?

Unlike other platforms, Growing Stars employs education managers who work with students’ parents to set learning goals and address relevant issues. Students are given an online diagnostic test, which is used to craft a personalized learning plan for the student. The online tutor implements the learning plan.

All sessions are pre-scheduled, but students are free to contact online tutors via instant messaging if they need immediate assistance.

How much can you get paid to do homework on Growing Stars?

Growing Stars tutors earn about $6,800 annually.

Sign up to do assignments at Growing Stars here.

14. GeeklyLab

GeeklyLab’s mission is to create a collaborative space that brings students and educators together for a healthy exchange of knowledge. It takes pride in having high academic standards and being a proponent of academic honesty.

What are the requirements to become a “Geek” at GeeklyLab?

Complete the GeeklyLab application form with necessary information such as your degree and work experience. Instructors will also be asked to read the Honor Code and agree with the GeeklyLab’s rules.

After a few days, you will be given a competence test relevant to your selected tutoring subjects. If you pass the tests, instructors can start answering homework questions for money.

How does GeeklyLab work ?

GeeklyLab works like most of the homework helper sites. A student posts a homework request, and a “Geek” gets notified.  “Geek” and students discuss the details, and once they reach an agreement, they start the tutoring session.  At the end of the session, the student pays the agreed amount.

How much can you get paid to do homework on GeeklyLab?

You can earn up to $20 per hour, which will be paid at the end of each session. You can withdraw money from your account once a week through your chosen payout method.

Sign up to do assignments at GeeklyLab here .

15. Allhomework.net

Allhomework.net offers customized written solutions for homework problems.

What are the requirements to become an Allhomework.net tutor?

A Allhomework.net tutor must have at least four years of university or college-level education with some work experience in a similar online environment. Instructors should have a working knowledge of Word, PowerPoint, and other authoring tools.

Since educators are expected to write first-rate essays, they must have strong English essay writing skills. Computer programming tutors must be able to handle first and second-year programming assignments.

How does Allhomework.net work?

Once your application is approved, you can start earning money by solving problems for students. 

Start browsing the list of available projects and assignments through your account. You can bid on projects, indicating the rate you would like to be paid and an estimate of the grade you think the student can get due to your assistance. Best bids are shown to the student so they can decide which tutor to hire.

How much can you get paid to do homework on Allhomework.net?  

Payments are released every month via PayPal. The amount depends on the number of projects accepted and the agreed-upon price with the student.

Sign up to do assignments at Allhomework.net here.

16. TutorEye

Founded in 2015, TutorEye claims to be the most affordable online tutoring service for K-12 to college-level students. 

What are the requirements to become a TutorEye tutor?

Submit a completed application to verify your identity and to be screened against minimum requirements.

To qualify as a tutor, you must have at least a Bachelor’s degree from a leading university, with outstanding grades, especially in your chosen subject.

TutorEye will interview you so they can assess your personality and communication skills. It helps if you understand student psychology because instructors are expected to be friendly, professional, and supportive.

Familiarity with computers and internet usage is a must.

How does TutorEye work ?

A student will select a tutor from the TutorEye directory, based on the subject.

Before a session, the student should inform the tutor about the homework details so the tutor can prepare ahead of time.

How much can you get paid to do homework on TutorEye?

TutorEye pays around $5 to $8 per hour. Instructors are paid via PayPal every two weeks.

Sign up to do assignments at TutorEye here .

Get Paid To Do Homework For Money Summary

Doing homework for money is a legitimate service and source of income. Some are opposed to it because of the ethical concerns that are raised against it.

However, getting help to complete assignments is a student’s or a parent’s personal choice, and nobody can discount the benefits of homework assistance.

Getting paid to help someone with their assignment is a personal choice, too. It also is rewarding for the instructor to help a student solve a problem.

When you decide to become an online tutor from home, make the opportunity worthwhile for both you and the student.

Related posts:

earn money by answering homework questions

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Smart Money Tips!

21 Legit Ways to Get Paid to Answer Questions (Start Earning Today!)

Written by Schiavonne Robinson - Verified by Amanda on May 15, 2023

If you got good grades during your K-12 years, you’d be glad to know that you could profit off your knowledge and get paid to answer questions from home or elsewhere.

Providing solutions doesn’t only benefit you monetarily; it aids the people you assist.

In a freeCodeCamp article I came across, author Rick West narrates a time when his son asked him for help with something, and he blew him off by telling him to find the answer himself.

But his son told him it’s unkind to refuse to help someone when they’re asking for it.

This statement reminded West about a time when a higher-up dismissed him for asking for help.

I had experiences, especially as a kid, when I reached out for help but was treated like a bother, and how much that hurt.

Sure, search engines make it simple to find something within seconds.

However, the results aren’t always accurate (or they’re completely off-base).

This is where you could come in because, unlike a search engine, you could provide answers based on in-depth research or experience rather than vague responses to keyword phrases.

And since it’s an expert’s job to assist others, people might find them approachable and feel more comfortable seeking them out.

Many sites and careers I’ll list below offer opportunities for you to cash in on your expertise.

Table of Contents

21 Websites Where You Get Paid to Answer Questions

Sign up for one or more of these sites and assist others with academics, technical issues, or general questions.

  • Earning Potential: $5.10 to $35.00 per question
  • Payment Method: Check or direct deposit

Be an eNotes Educator and earn money answering homework questions!

As an eNotes Educator, you’ll go to the Homework Help section and provide thorough responses to questions related to literary works, math, and other subjects.

You have to answer a few practice Homework Help questions to qualify for the position.

If eNotes accepts them, then you’re in!

Note that it’s not currently hiring for this position, so check back for future openings.

2. Studypool

  • Earning Potential: Up to $7,500 per month
  • Payment Method: Western Union, PayPal, or TransferWise

If you’re an expert on writing, accounting, statistics, or other subjects, join Studypool and tutor others.

The company hires people worldwide, and you can work on a part- or full-time schedule.

You communicate with students via text and chat from anywhere that provides an Internet connection.

  • Earning Potential: Varies
  • Payment Method: PayPal

myLot is an all-in-one social network/Q & A hub. And if you are looking to earn by answering questions anywhere anytime, this is for you.

Ask questions, respond to questions, comment, or share something that happened to you or what you heard in the news.

When you earn at least $5, myLot transfers your payment to PayPal.

Payments are made every month on the 15 th .

4. JustAnswer

  • Earning Potential: $2,000 to $7,000 per month

With JustAnswer, you can put your professional experience to good use by helping others solve problems.

This site is suitable for those who work in:

  • Veterinary science
  • And a host of other professions

To become a JustAnswer Expert, you’ll need to include valid identification, social security number, and any required certifications/licenses.

You’ll also have to go through a background and credential check.

Once everything checks out, pick and choose the questions you want to answer.

  • Payment Method: Gift cards

HelpOwl pays you in points to respond to support questions.

After creating an account, search for unanswered questions and submit your best response.

The number of points you earn is based on a “skeeball” system.

For example, if you submit the first answer to a question and HelpOwl accepts it, you’ll receive 1,000 points.

If someone marks your answer as “helpful,” you’ll receive 10 points. (HelpOwl deducts 10 points if a person finds your answer “unhelpful.”)

Your points are redeemable for Amazon, Walmart, and iCard gift cards valued between $10 and $500.

  • Earning Potential: $15 to $18 per hour

Love conducting in-depth research?

Consider becoming a Wonder researcher!

Your job will be to look for answers to difficult questions as well as write briefs based on credible sources.

If you’re a former college student or an individual with top-notch academic research skills, go ahead and apply.

  • Earning Potential: About $1.60 per minute

Clarity lets you advise entrepreneurs and business owners while getting paid for it.

Here’s how everything works:

  • Set up a Clarity profile through your LinkedIn account and connect your PayPal account.
  • Choose your rates and specialty.
  • Wait for calls and answers them as they come in.
  • Speak with clients and help them out.
  • Receive payment.

Keep in mind that Clarity takes 15 percent of your earnings. (But that means you keep 85 percent, so it’s all good.)

  • Earning Potential: Up to $50,000+ per year
  • Payment Method: Direct deposit

Wyzant is a platform where you can tutor students one-on-one in person or online.

It grants you the freedom to choose which students you want to work with, plus you can set your own rates.

Just create your free profile to access available tutoring jobs.

You also don’t need to fret about marketing yourself because Wyzant takes care of that, allowing you to focus on assisting students in reaching their academic goals.

Must be a U.S. resident with a valid Social Security number to apply.

9. PrestoExperts

  • Payment Method: Check, PayPal

Join PrestoExperts and use your expertise to help new clients.

You can offer services like tutoring, counseling, and programming.

Once you join PrestoExperts, wait for clients to locate you and communicate with them via email, voice, and/or chat.

Work your own schedule and set your fees.

PrestoExperts isn’t taking on any new freelancers right now; therefore you should check back for updates.

10. Varsity Tutors

  • Earning Potential: Approx. $15 to $30 per hour
  • Payment Method: Check, Direct Deposit

Varsity Tutors allows you to work with learners of all ages: K-12, college students, and adult learners.

Work with students from the comfort of your home via its Live Learning Platform, a video chat interface with features like shared whiteboards and text as collaboration tools.

You can help them with homework, a difficult subject, or test preparation.

Furthermore, Varsity Tutors lets you work on your own schedule.

11. Answeree

  • Earning Potential: $0.01 per 10 points
  • Payment Method: Binance, PayPal

Are you a student or a working professional who could use some extra cash?

Check out Answeree!

It pays you to answer questions about animals, literature, cooking, and other topics.

After you register your account and post answers to users’ questions, you receive points based on the following system:

  • 10 points per answer
  • 2 points per comment
  • 10 points = $0.01
  • Up to 500 points for top performers

Minimum cash out limit is $2.

  • Earning Potential: $0.20 per question

Become a Weegy expert and earn points answering questions.

It pays according to a points system.

To elaborate, you get 10 points for each positive rating and one point for each comment.

Cash out when you reach the $20 threshold.

Weegy allows you to make more money by referring others and receiving cash rewards for being one of the top three experts.

You might even be promoted as a moderator if other moderators feel you’re doing your job well.

13. Outschool

  • Earning Potential: Varies; 70 percent of class price multiplied by the number of enrolled students

Teach motivated learners by signing up for Outschool!

The students are K-12 pupils who enroll in courses like STEM, dance classes, and even homeschooling classes.

No teaching credential?

No problem because the only thing that matters to Outschool is your interest or experience in your subject.

With that said, you need to live in the U.S., U.K., Australia, New Zealand, or Canada to qualify. (The company also conducts background checks.

14. MindSumo

  • Payment Method: Cash prizes via PayPal

If you’re a creative problem solver, you might enjoy MindSumo.

This site lets you get paid to answer questions online by responding to “Challenges” others post.

These “Challenges” can range from solving environmental issues to creating health promotion campaigns.

You’ll get a cash reward if MindSumo accepts your idea.

Feel free to respond to as many “Challenges” as you want to increase your chances of winning.

Its About Page includes videos that give tips on how to come up with and submit ideas.

15. School Solver

  • Earning Potential: $2.00 to $500+ per question

School Solver is a site where students can post questions about English, philosophy, business, and other academic subjects.

Pick the question you want to answer, and if the user accepts it, your payment shows up in your School Solver, which you can transfer to your PayPal account.

Withdrawals take about three weeks, but you can receive your payments more quickly by answering more questions.

16. Tutor.com

  • Earning Potential: Approx. $9 to $13 per hour
  • Payment Method: PayPal, Check

College student or professor?

Create a Tutor.com account!

You can tutor students on this site as long as you meet the following criteria:

  • U.S. resident
  • Fluent in English
  • Availability of at least five hours per week
  • An expert in your subject
  • Have a bachelor’s degree or higher (or currently pursuing a degree as a sophomore or higher)

Help learners ranging from K-12 students to college pupils and working professionals.

Tutor.com allows you to work remotely from anywhere with a stable Internet connection.

Plus, you’ll receive payments on a regular schedule, so there’s no need to worry about creating invoices.

Expect to wait one to three weeks for Tutor.com to process your application.

  • Earning Potential: Approx. up to $13 per hour
  • Payment Method: PayPal, Direct Deposit

Yup is suitable for math wizards who want to help students strengthen their math skills.

You can aid learners in early math, calculus, geometry, or other math subjects.

Sessions occur online, so you can tutor students from any remote location.

Best of all, Yup accepts tutors from all over the world.

You need to possess English fluency, be a college graduate (or student), be knowledgeable in K-12 math subjects, and pass a background check.

18. TutorMe

  • Earning Potential: $16 per hour

Do you enjoy helping children master tough subjects?

Then, consider joining TutorMe!

Its site provides high-tech tools that enable you and your students to interact and collaborate, like a virtual whiteboard, screen sharing, and video/audio.

Because TutorMe operates 24/7, you can work when it’s convenient for you.

In addition, you can reside anywhere in the world as long as you’re at least 18, a fluent English speaker, a college student or graduate, and have at least two years of teaching/tutoring experience.

  • Earning Potential: $25+ per hour

With Skooli, you can use your knowledge in various K-12 subjects to help students study for a test or figure out a homework assignment.

You need to meet one or more of the below requirements to sign up for a Skooli account:

  • Teaching license
  • A bachelor’s degree or higher
  • English fluency

Once the company verifies your credentials — and you pass your background check — you can view training videos and other materials to prepare for your sessions.

Afterward, set up your profile, create your schedule, and assist students one-on-one online.

20. PrepNow

  • Earning Potential: $15 to $19+ per hour

As its name implies, PrepNow specializes in assisting high school students in preparing for college entrance exams.

It allows you to work your own schedule remotely as long as you agree to work at least six hours a week, particularly during weekends and evenings.

You need a college degree, two or more years of tutoring/teaching experience, and a score of at least 650 on the SAT (or 28 on the ACT).

PrepNow even takes care of the curriculum for you, so you can just focus on what’s most important: helping pupils study for their tests.

Furthermore, you can make extra cash by referring students or tutors to its site.

21. Tutapoint

  • Earning Potential: $14 to $17 per hour
  • Payment Method: Check, Direct deposit

If you like aiding learners in their studies but hate commuting, then Tutapoint might be perfect for you.

You’ll use its platform to communicate with students via web camera.

Students can schedule one- to two-hour tutoring sessions or contact you right away for instant homework help.

To be eligible for a position at Tutapoint, you need:

  • Two or more years of teaching experience
  • A friendly and outgoing personality
  • A new or recent computer model with a headset and a strong Internet connection

So if you have 20 minutes to spare, give it a go by applying.

20 Other Sites that Pay You to Answer Questions

Here are other places to earn a few extra bucks answering questions. (I put these in a separate section because they involve giving feedback rather than sharing knowledge.)

Check out these survey sites and receive rewards for your opinions.

This company pays you to provide feedback on brands via text messaging.

The IQ app is available for iOS and Android.

23. Darwin’s Data

  • Earning Potential: $25 per survey
  • Payment Method: Tango cards

With Darwin’s Data, you make money sharing your views on legal cases via completing surveys.

Request an invite to get started.

24. Voiceform

  • Earning Potential: $1 to $5 per survey

Share your views on various brands and get paid for it through Voiceform!

You’ll need a microphone, a stable Internet connection, and the ability to speak conversational English.

25. Google Opinion Rewards

  • Earning Potential: $0.10 to $1 per survey
  • Payment Method: PayPal, Google Play credits

Google Opinion Rewards lets you earn money by leaving reviews, taking opinion polls, and more.

Its app is available for iOS and Android.

  • Payment Method: Venmo, PayPal, Gift cards

With Qmee, you get paid in cash rather than points by taking surveys, completing cash-back offers, and surfing the Web.

The Qmee app is available for iOS and Android.

27. Pinecone Research

  • Earning Potential: $3 to $5 per survey
  • Payment Method: Bank transfer, Gift cards

Pinecone Research rewards you with points when you complete its surveys, which you can redeem for prizes or cash.

You’ll need to be invited by another member to join.

28. Panda Research

  • Earning Potential: Approx. $25 to $50 per survey

With Panda Research, you make money from completing surveys, signing up for special offers, and reading emails.

Paydays occur on the 1 st and 15 th of each month.

Website/App Testing

Provide feedback and earn money testing apps and/or websites.

29. Test IO

  • Earning Potential: Up to $50 per bug
  • Payment Method: Skrill, IBAN (International Bank Account Number) bank account, PayPal

Test IO invites you to your first test when you sign up for an account. (It’ll pay you once it accepts your feedback.)

Users usually receive up to five tests per day.

30. Intellizoom

  • Earning Potential: Studies – $2 to $10+ per study; Online interviews: $30 to $60 per interview

Intellizoom software testing studies take 10 to 20 minutes to complete.

It also offers paid online interviews that last between 30 and 60 minutes.

31. PingPong

Earning Potential: €10 to €100 per hour

Payment Method: Transferwise, PayPal

Pingpong is a platform where you make money participating in user tests and video interviews.

Make up to €200 per session.

32. Intuit User Research

  • Earning Potential: Approx. $70 to $120 per test
  • Payment Method: PayPal, Amazon gift cards

Intuit User Research is open to self-employed/small business owners, taxpayers, and accountants.

Anyone from all over the world can participate since it offers remote sessions.

33. Trymata

  • Earning Potential: $10+ per test

Trymata provides beta apps and websites that you test to help coders and designers improve their work.

34. UserBrain

  • Earning Potential: $5 per test

Each UserBrain test takes between five and 20 minutes to complete.

You’ll have to record a qualification test before receiving paid user tests.

Mystery Shopping

Eat, shop, and/or take a vacation and get paid for it.

35. Coyle Hospitality

  • Earning Potential: $35 to $95 per audit

Become a mystery shopper for Coyle Hospitality!

Upon signup, you can make money by evaluating hotels, restaurants, cruises, and other places.

36. Market Force

  • Earning Potential: $12+ per shop

As a Marker Force secret shopper, you’ll assess banks, restaurants, and/or stores on cleanliness, product availability, and customer service.

37.   Secret Shopper

  • Earning Potential: $15 to $25 per shop
  • Payment Method: Check, Direct deposit (US, Canada, Puerto Rico); PayPal (International)

Secret Shopper accepts prospective mystery shoppers from all over the world.

Some tasks include merchandising audits, phone evaluations, and Web evaluations.

38. IntelliShop

  • Earning Potential: $5 to $20 per shop

Before becoming a shopper for IntelliShop, you have to take and pass a test.

Upon acceptance, you might carry out shops ranging from assessing websites to evaluating a grocery store.

39. Pinnacle

  • Earning Potential: $4 to $75 per shop

With Pinnacle, you make money evaluating banks/credit unions on their customer service and sales quality.

40. Bestmark

  • Earning Potential: $7 to $20+ per shop
  • Payment Method: Direct deposit, PayPal, Gift card

Bestmark frequently offers positions for:

  • Mystery shoppers – Undercover shoppers who assess service quality by phone, in-person, or online
  • Intercept interviewers – Gather customer information through survey results to learn how to improve shopping experiences
  • Compliance auditors – Review adherence to product pricing, merchandising, and other guidelines

41. Yardi Matrix Rent Survey

  • Earning Potential: $6 per hour plus the following: $0.50 per completed survey, $0.30 per wrong number, $0.20 per partially-done survey, $0.07 per no answer/answering machine

Yardi Matrix periodically hires rent surveyors during January/February, May/June, and September/October.

Your job involves pretending to be a prospective apartment renter and calling various apartment complexes to assess their customer service quality.

Even More Ways to Make Money Answering Questions

These 10 careers/jobs also entail offering solutions to others (or responding to questions for prizes).

42. Customer Service Rep

  • Salary Range: $13 to $22+ per hour
  • Payment Method: Varies

A customer service rep aids customers in addressing general inquiries and complaints.

Find work at a local call center or remotely through Upwork or the Arise platform.

43. Advice columnist

  • Salary Range: Varies

Do you have a knack for giving good advice?

You can start your own advice column in your local newspaper or through a blog or podcast.

44. Therapist

  • Salary Range: $30,000 to $100,000+ per year

Therapists help patients navigate mental and/or emotional issues by listening and guiding them toward solutions.

They can be mental health counselors, psychologists, or psychiatrists.

45. Guidance counselor

  • Salary Range: $30,000 to $85,000 per year

If you love working with kids and teens, you might have what it takes to be a guidance counselor.

You’d help students with school-related issues like building social skills or choosing a career path.

46. Business consultant

  • Salary Range: $45,000 to $130,000 per year

A business consultant aids companies in creating plans to attract customers and increase revenue.

Work for a firm or start your own consulting business.

47. Game show contestant

  • Payment Method: Check, vacations, and other prizes

Fan of game shows, especially ones involving trivia questions?

Audition times vary depending on the show, but it might be worth the wait to appear on national television.

  • Payment Method: Royalty checks

Authors write about topics ranging from fantasy and sci-fi to history and philosophy.

You can pen self-help books to aid people in overcoming insecurities or building wealth.

Locate a publisher in town or self-publish using services like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing .

49. Tech support rep

  • Salary Range: $24,000 to $192,000 per year

Tech support is similar to customer service, except you’d focus on helping customers troubleshoot computers, phones, and other gadgets.

Work at a tech repair company or go the freelance route.

50. Life coach

Life coaches assist clients in reaching personal goals and overcoming challenges related to health, personal development, and/or careers.

You can run a life coaching company from a brick-and-mortar office or online from any remote location.

51. Physician

  • Salary Range: $208,000+ per year

As a physician, you’d diagnose ailments by conducting medical exams and suggesting the best treatment options.

You can specialize in pediatrics, geriatrics, ophthalmology, or other fields.

Tips on Getting Paid/Increasing Your Earnings

If you do decide to make money by answering questions, the following tips will help you to earn more money and increase your cash flow.

Getting Paid

If you’re an employee or have an established payment method through an expert site like JustAnswer, you shouldn’t worry about receiving on-time payments.

But what if you’re self-employed?

As a business owner, you have to be responsible for your own payment methods, but I can make your job a bit easier by listing these suggestions:

  • Checks/Money Orders: Checks and money orders provide paper evidence of payment. Keep in mind that they can take a while to arrive in your mailbox and days to clear in your bank account, so it’s not the best option if you’re desperate for money.
  • Direct Deposit: Direct deposit payments are much quicker than checks and money orders. However, they require you to share bank information. Make sure your client is trustworthy with your bank credentials.
  • Payment App: Payment apps like PayPal or Cash App allow you to receive your payment without putting your bank credentials at stake. You could also use payment apps specifically made for businesses like Stripe or Payoneer.

Increasing Your Earnings

There are three methods you could use to boost your income.

1. Offer auxiliary services in addition to your main business.

Some self-employed individuals make extra side money by offering additional services to their main business, and you could, too.

For example, if you operated a resume-writing business, you could add career consulting services to help your clients improve their networking and interviewing skills.

2. Sign up for more than one site.

If feasible, join two or more of the above sites.

Not only does this strategy earn your more money, but it also diversifies your work, keeping boredom at bay.

3. Take advantage of referral options.

Some of the sites I’ve listed — like Weegy and PrepNow — provide referral bonuses if you invite new members.

The more you invite, the more you make.

Getting Paid to Answer Questions FAQ

Below are commonly asked questions about answering questions for money.

Can I earn money answering questions on LinkedIn?

Though LinkedIn itself doesn’t offer monetization programs, you can technically make money from it by teaming up with companies willing to pay you to engage other LinkedIn members in Q&A sessions.

How much can I expect to earn answering questions?

About a few to several hundred dollars per day.

What do I need to answer questions well?

The attributes and credentials you need to answer questions well are based on many factors.

For instance, many tutoring sites require a college degree, teaching experience, and expertise in the subject you plan to teach.

And JustAnswer requires you to be a professional in specific occupations like law and medicine.

But in some fields, you only need a general knowledge of a topic or life experience, such as being a self-help author,  an advice columnist, or a Weegy member.

Others require no specific experience, like mystery shopping and survey taking.

Where can I find jobs answering questions?

Thanks to the Internet, you can find many of them online (or create your own online business).

You can also audition for a game show, work in customer service/tech support for an on-site company, or rent a commercial building and run a consulting business in person.

How do I become a therapist?

Here’s what you need to become a therapist:

  • Bachelor’s degrees in psychology and/or sociology, then a master’s degree in psychology and/or counseling
  • A license in a specialty like LMFT (License Marriage and Family Therapist) or LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor)
  • Empathy, listening skills, adaptability, and problem-solving skills

What about fortune telling? Would you recommend that?

Out of curiosity, I surfed some psychic sites, and even though they state fortune-telling is for entertainment purposes only, I find it a big rip-off, especially since many of them charge $1 per minute.

The studies on ESP (Extrasensory Perception) are inconclusive, plus many fortune tellers have a (rightly deserved) reputation for being scam artists.

Therefore, I wouldn’t recommend it and suggest you pursue a more reputable way of answering questions.

Closing Summary: Cash In on Your Expertise!

Responding to questions can help others in several ways.

Your answers can help a student master a subject or pass a test.

You can also use your knowledge to help someone fix an object, answer a trivia question, or guide them through emotional issues.

Speaking of questions, I have a question for you:

Are you eager to get paid to answer questions, especially since there are so many ways to do so?

I bet you know the answer to that.

  • Work From Home

How to Make Money as a Studypool Tutor

Helal Uddin Chowdhury

Do you want to make money answering homework questions online? Earning money as an online tutor is a great way to share your academic knowledge and get paid for it, and Studypool is the best place to start. Below is your quick guide to working as a Studypool tutor, where you can help students online while earning a lot of money on a flexible schedule.

What is Studypool?

Studypool An on-demand learning platform that connects students with verified tutors who can help them. Basically, students can post questions for help with their homework and get answers from teachers like you! As an online tutor with Studypool, you earn money by answering questions posted by students.

earn money by answering homework questions

Getting started as an online tutor with Studypool

Signing up to earn money online as a new teacher at Studypool takes a while. Typically the process of setting up your profile looks like this:

  • Please verify your email.
  • Accept the terms.
  • Complete the application process, which takes approximately 30 to 60 minutes.

Studypool vets all tutor applications to ensure that individuals are eligible to work on the platform. Along with the application, you will be asked to answer three short-answer format questions to assess your knowledge and skills in the area you are applying for.

Teaching experience is not required to be an online tutor with Studypool, but to be a qualified tutor you must either be an active college student or have a college degree and offer homework help to students.

Some of the subject areas that Studypool covers for its students are:

  • Industrial design
  • mathematics
  • business finance

Plus so many other content areas! The only other thing needed to start tutoring is a laptop or desktop computer and a stable internet connection.

How to make money with studypool

You can earn money on Studypool platform in two ways:

While these roles vary in terms of the work being done and how much you can do, I recommend trying both options to maximize what you create on the platform.

Side note: If you are a teacher or educator and have old lesson plans or educational worksheets that you want to monetize, you can explore Pay Teachers to earn extra money.

Create and sell documents to earn money online at Studypool

If you have old notes, quiz materials, study materials and the like, selling documents on Studypool is a great way to passively expand your income! You do not need to go through an application process to sell assets on StudyPool. The process is quite simple, and it works like this:

  • Upload high-quality, relevant quizzes, study guides, class notes and more directly to the Studypool platform.
  • Studypool reviews content for quality and relevance. It usually takes about 48 hours for content to be approved through their system.
  • Once approved, students will be able to view your document.
  • You will pay $10 every time your asset is viewed. Payments can be sent to you through various cash payment systems including PayPal and Western Union.

Bidding on student questions

Another way to make quick money is through the Studypool online question forum. Here’s how it works:

  • Verify as a teacher by completing an application on Studypool.
  • Once verified, you can access the pool of questions posted by students on the platform.
  • Bid on questions that interest you. Provide a delivery time and a price for the student. If the student accepts, they will pay you in advance. Studypool pays you until the question is completed.
  • When you are working with a student, you need to provide explanations and help the student solve their questions within an agreed time frame.
  • Once the answer is submitted and the student approves it, you will be paid.

One of the best ways to ensure that you get great feedback from students is to answer specific questions from them within the allotted time.

How does Studypool pay?

There are several ways you can get paid from Studypool. Some of the most popular payment options offered are PayPal, TransferWise, and Western Union.

Once tutoring is complete, StudyPool will process your payment within three working days. You need a minimum of $50 to withdraw earnings from your Studypool account.

How much money can I earn as an online tutor?

Tutors can earn a lot of money on a platform like Studypool. According to Studypool’s website, top earners earn $7,500 a month. It’s great for tutoring or posting documents online!

Such as salary posting on the site glass door And Indeed Tutors earn an average of over $2,000 per month. Of course, these numbers will vary depending on how much work you want to do and how much you charge per question.

An important component of making money as a tutor on Studypool is building credibility through high ratings and good feedback from students, as well as repeat customers. The more bids are accepted, the more chances you have to earn on the platform.

Studypool keeps 15%-30% commission on every question you answer. Generally, though, the more active you are on the platform as a tutor, the lower the commission fee you will be charged. Teachers who answer more than 100 questions are usually given a lower commission rate.

Repeat clients will also help with these lower commissions. As you develop relationships with students, you will be selected on a more consistent basis to help them.

What are the best times of the year to be a teacher at Studypool?

Due to the nature of the platform, it is best to consider seasonality when making money as an online tutor. In any case, the best times to be an online tutor usually occur during the active school semester.

Here’s a quick reference guide to the best times on this platform:

  • February to June – Busy
  • Summer – less busy
  • September to mid-December – Busy
  • Mid-December to mid-January – Very quiet

A more active month is the best time to answer questions and help students as there is more activity happening on the platform.

You may want to bid higher in slow months to maintain the earnings you expect to make in busy months.

Slow months provide an excellent opportunity to connect with students and build relationships, which help strengthen your account and increase your sales.

earn money by answering homework questions

Benefits of being a teacher with Studypool

Earning money as an online tutor with Studypool has several benefits! Here are a few that we absolutely love:

  • Easy to use: The Studypool platform automatically connects you with students.
  • Flexibility: You can work whenever it fits your schedule. You also have the option of working full-time.
  • Tax Benefits: Even if you work full-time as a tutor, you still work as an independent contractor on Studypool. As an independent contractor, you may be eligible for certain tax deductions. Be sure to fully understand your tax obligations as an independent contractor.
  • Protection on Platform: Studypool prides itself on protecting tutors from scammers and students trying to get information for free. Students have to pay tutors before you give help, but there have been cases where students try to say that the answers given didn’t help them. In this case, moderators investigate to ensure you are safe and paid.

Earn money as an online tutor with Studypool

There are many benefits of being an online tutor at Studypool. From flexibility in schedule to earning great salary helping others with their academic questions. If you love helping students online, starting with Studypool is a great way to start your online tutoring career.

Once established there, you can add other online tutoring platforms to your list or advertise your tutoring services locally. With online tutoring jobs continuing to grow in popularity, it’s a great time to make money from home as a tutor.

Although Studypool has received positive reviews on Glassdoor (4.2-star rating) and has a B rating on the Better Business Bureau, it’s always good to do some research before deciding whether this job is a work-at-home opportunity for you.

Looking for more online tutoring jobs? Sign up for our free newsletter, and get job leads mailed straight to your inbox right at home.

Originally published on April 25, 2022. Content updated as of April 2023.

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earn money by answering homework questions

How to Get Paid to Answer Questions

This is a great opportunity for people who need a side hustle and are looking to make some extra cash.

If you’re interested in getting paid to answer questions online, keep reading to learn about this side hustle opportunity.

Top Ways to Get Paid to Answer Questions

Here are the top ways to get paid to answer questions:


  • Survey Junkie
  • Opinion Outpost

Prime Opinion

  • PrestoExperts
  • Knowledge Generation Bureau (KGB)

1. JustAnswer

JustAnswer.com is a website that pays highly qualified experts to respond to questions. For example, experts may include college professors, computer technicians, insurance appraisers, and CEOs.

Here’s How it Works: Someone asks a question and specifies a category. Then the site matches the individual with an expert to answer the question. The individual can then talk on the phone or chat via text message until their answer is complete. Members can ask questions twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

For experts, JustAnswer is a great way to provide supplementary income. In fact, according to the company, you can earn $2,000 to $7,000 per month, working from any location. Plus, the work is flexible, because there are no requirements about when you have to work.

To get started, all you have to do is go through a brief application process and pass a background check. Once you’re in the system, you can start answering questions and making money.

2. Swagbucks

If you aren’t much of an expert in a certain area, Swagbucks is a perfectly legitimate survey site you can use to earn rewards for answering questions without being an expert!

Users can earn money by taking surveys and doing a variety of online tasks like browsing the internet, watching videos, and playing mobile games.

For each survey you complete, Swagbucks will reward you points toward a cash withdrawal or a gift card from a participating merchant like Amazon.

Swagbucks - Easy Online Rewards & Surveys

Sign Up Bonus: $10

Swagbucks is a legit money-making app where you can make money taking surveys, watching videos, playing games, and more.

3. InboxDollars

InboxDollars is another survey site that works with companies and provides consumer input, which in turn helps its partners offer better products and services.

Using InboxDollars, it’s possible to get paid for taking paid surveys, watching videos and TV, and even shopping. The company also pays in real cash as opposed to gift card points.

Sign Up Bonus: $5

With InboxDollars, you take surveys and earn cash, it's that simple. You can even earn by watching tv!

4. Survey Junkie

Survey Junkie is a leading rewards site offering paid survey opportunities.

Simply sign up, start taking surveys, and collect virtual points that can be redeemed for PayPal or gift cards from companies like Target and Amazon.

You have to take a lot of surveys to reach a substantial amount of money on Survey Junkie. But if you do take a survey or two each day, the earnings can add up.

5. Opinion Outpost

Opinion Outpost is a great website offering paid surveys. The company is looking for opinions, and you can earn rewards just by taking some surveys in your free time.

Opinion Outpost offers rewards via PayPal, Visa, and Amazon.

6. Prime Opinion

Prime Opinion is a reputable online survey site that makes getting paid for answering questions easy. You can sign up with Prime Opinion using only your email.

With a low $5 minimum cashout and a $5 welcome bonus, it’s worth considering if you’re interested in taking quick surveys on topics ranging from electronics brands to current affairs.

There are several payout options, including a bank transfer, Venmo, Paypal, gift cards, and charitable donations.

Prime Opinion logo

Price: FREE

If you enjoy providing your opinion to help companies provide better products and services while making a little extra money on the side, Prime Opinion is for you.

HelpOwl is another site where subject matter experts answer questions.  To get started, simply create a free account and then answer a question.

If the answer is accepted by the question poster, you can collect 100 points. If the answer is the first one marked as accepted by the question poster, you can earn 1,000 points.

Each time an answer is accepted by members of the community, you can earn ten points. And each time a user marks an answer as being unhelpful, you lose ten points. The site also offers various additional ways to earn points, like submitting manuals of various lengths.

The only catch with HelpOwl is that the site pays in gift cards to leading merchants like Amazon and Walmart. So you can’t collect cash. But you can turn around and sell the gift card that you receive using a site like CardCash .

8. PrestoExperts

PrestoExperts offers a platform where clients can interface directly with professionals and tutors with subject matter expertise.

Experts need to create an account and then list qualifications, education, and any differentiating specialties. According to the company, payment is issued on a per-session basis after the client has been invoiced and the final session has been paid.

9. Studypool

Studypool enables tutors to help kids with schoolwork. The site hires tutors, and claims users can earn up to $7,500 monthly working from home.

One thing to keep in mind is that Studypool service fees start at 20%. However, the money can be steady and reliable, and you can work where and when you want. The 20% rate is also lower than what some competitors are offering.

Weegy is a community-based expert system. The company hires subject matter experts to answer questions and uses a vetting system to determine who is eligible to work as an expert.

After getting accepted into Weegy, it’s possible to earn rewards in the form of points. Once you rack up $20 in points, the company will issue payment via PayPal. You can also earn bonus points referrals.

Chegg (formerly Cheggpost) has been around since 2000. It’s a tutoring site that high school and college students can use to find answers they need to complete their homework and study for tests.

Signing up to be a tutor on Chegg is easy. But it does require having identification and supporting documentation proving your credentials. The company may also ask you to pass an examination to prove proficiency as well.

Working for Chegg can lead to a steady income as a tutor at a flat rate of $20 an hour. Not bad!

6ya is a question-and-answer site that pays users to help people over the phone. Experts can earn money from an Android or Apple device, bringing in money for every phone call they take.

According to the company, the average call is only four to five minutes long, so conversations are brief. Plus, you can set your own schedule.

At the time of writing, 6ya is offering a $100 signup bonus.

13. BestMark

BestMark is a bit different from some of the other sites on this list, as the site is a mystery shopping company that pays users to visit stores and report their experiences.

With BestMark, you can get money by answering survey questions about things related to issues like customer service, cleanliness, organization, and product availability.

14. Knowledge Generation Bureau (KGB)

KGB is a text-based information service. Users simply text a question to KGBKGB (542542), and the company will answer the question for 99 cents.

The company hires individuals to write answers and they pay independent contractors 10 cents for each answer and 5 cents for each validation answer.

Fixya has a question-and-answer program that pays experts to respond to inquiries. However, the payment is on the lower side, hovering somewhere between $3 and $5 per answer. Users can also set their own rates during live sessions.

You won’t get rich working with Fixya. But this site could be a great supplementary option for people looking to maximize side hustles.

Wonder is a top choice for curious professionals who love to research and help others solve problems.

All you need to do is sign up, sign in, and visit the research dashboard. The company then assigns a request to work on. When you’re ready, simply submit the response and get paid for your efforts.

To get started, you have to apply online and pass a simple online quiz and trial assignment.

 17. LivePerson

LivePerson is yet another site that offers chat jobs. Users can get paid to answer questions via live chat or email.

The company’s selling point is it offers live human assistance for people with questions, so it’s possible to make decent money by being responsive and engaging with customers.

LivePerson distributes money via PayPal.

18. Answeree

Answeree is a site where people ask and answer questions. To make money on Answeree, sign up for an account and post accurate and helpful answers.

A single answer counts as ten points and comments earn five points; ten points amount to 1 cent, so you’ll have to answer a lot of questions to start earning money.

Maven offers micro consulting services for businesses, leveraging a global network of qualified professionals like engineers, auto mechanics, mining professionals, and AI specialists, to name just a few examples.

Getting started requires signing up and setting an hourly rate. Users are then notified when the system finds a potential match. It’s possible to get paid through micro consulting, job opportunities, extended consulting, and referral commissions.

More Ways to Get Paid for Answering Questions

Here are additional ways to get paid for answering questions.

Teach English Online

Teaching requires carefully listening and responding to a student’s questions. It’s possible to make money teaching English online via sites like Udemy and VIPKid.


VIPKid allows you to work from home teaching English to Chinese children wanting to improve their English skills.

Find Customer Service Jobs

Those who are great at answering questions should consider approaching companies and working customer service jobs , providing phone and email support to customers who need it.

Host a Webinar and Q&A

Established professionals may want to consider hosting a webinar and live Q&A session with customers.

You won’t get paid directly this way, but you can potentially connect with new customers and drum up business that can lead to more money. For example, an expert salesperson may do this to share their product and reach new prospective customers.

Start a Podcast

Starting a podcast and interacting with listeners is another great way to build an audience and provide engaging content. It’s possible to earn money through sponsorships and advertisements this way.

Learn More:

  • Get Paid for Amazon Reviews

Tips for Getting Paid to Answer Questions

Here are a few things to keep in mind when using question-and-answer or survey sites.

  • Watch Out For Scams: The internet is loaded with sites that are risky and designed to steal personal information. Use caution when searching for paid opportunities and look for reviews to make sure that a website is safe and trustworthy. Rushing into an opportunity without proper research and signing up for a suspicious site could result in negative outcomes.
  • Track Your Hours: Make sure you track how much time and energy you’re putting into various jobs. Not all sites pay fairly in this line of work, and it’s easy to get taken advantage of if you’re not careful. Chances are you’ll want to avoid sites that don’t pay you enough for your time.
  • Save Money for Taxes: When working as an independent contractor, you need to set aside money for taxes or you’ll risk getting a big tax bill at the end of the year. Consider working with a tax advisor to maximize deductions and reduce your tax liability as much as you legally can.
  • Protect Your Earnings: The trick when working low-paying online jobs is to save as much as possible and invest your earnings. Protect your income and try to grow the money you’ve brought in by making shrewd investments over time.
  • Stay Frugal: Once you start earning more, it’s easy to want to spend it. But try to resist this urge and continue living a frugal lifestyle. Take our word for it: You won’t achieve financial independence if you’re constantly spending on frivolous items.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the most frequently asked questions about getting paid to answer questions.

Should I accept payouts via Amazon gift cards and Walmart gift cards?

If you want to make money online , it’s generally better to avoid places that only offer online gift cards. However, you can potentially take your free gift cards and sell them for cash on various websites like Raise. Just remember that there’s no substitute for cold, hard cash. Gift cards are fun, but they don’t earn interest and are not usually very flexible.

Can you make money answering questions on social media sites like LinkedIn and Quora?

There are a few ways to make money on LinkedIn and Quora.  For example, Quora offers a partner program that you can potentially use to start driving profits. LinkedIn does not offer a direct monetization system, but you can get paid to partner with brands and engage with customers and respond to questions. In fact, social media engagement can lead to healthy profits for savvy users that can impersonate different brands and keep conversations going online.

The Bottom Line

It’s easier than ever to work at home and make real money by answering questions. If you’re in the market for a full-time or part-time work-from-home job that lets you help others, answering questions is a legit way for both college students and working professionals alike to get some extra cash. In some cases, you can even set your own rates or benefit from revenue-sharing arrangements.

Of course, use your best judgment and never give away personal contact information like your phone number to shady websites. And you should always use secure payment sites like PayPal when collecting money.

While you might not become a millionaire by answering questions online, every drop in the bucket counts. Here’s to earning some extra money during your downtime — bringing you that much closer to financial freedom.

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Side Hustles, Making Money Online, & Finance

25+ Legit Ways To Do Homework For Money (2024 Guide!)

Posted on July 23, 2023 - Selena Fulham - This post may contain affiliate links that compensate us if you click or sign up. Please read our affiliate disclaimer for more information.

Homework was always one of the worst things about school, but you might have a different opinion about it if you knew you could get paid for doing it. And thanks to the internet, it’s now easier than ever to do homework for money .

If you have a passion for math, science, english–or you’re just really strong in these subjects and want to make money by doing homework– you could have a new side hustle in no time.

The best part? You get to choose how often and when you want to work, depending on how many assignments you decide to take on.

Keep reading as I breakdown the best websites to get paid to do homework, so you can turn your knowledge into cash.

Looking for other quick money making ideas? Checkout :

  • Swagbucks : A fun way to earn cash and free gift cards for completing short online tasks!
  • Branded Surveys : A leading U.S. and UK survey platform with PayPal cash prizes!

Table of Contents

The Best Ways To Do Homework For Money

The number of sites that let students list their homework and assignments is growing, and there are so many ways to do people's homework for money these days.

So if you want to earn money online , keep reading as I cover the ins and outs of each platform to help you find the one (or more than one) that is right for you!

1. SweetStudy (HomeworkMarket)

One of the best ways to get paid to do homework is to offer your services on SweetStudy, formerly known as HomeworkMarket.

Getting started on SweetStudy is also super easy!


Once you create your profile, you add your skills and set your homework helper rate so students can hire you to help them with their homework questions .

Students on SweetStudy also upload questions and assignments they need help with.

If you find an assignment you want to complete, you upload your answer to the site with your preferred price. Students can only view complete answers after submitting payment, ensuring you get paid for your help.

And another way to make money with SweetStudy is to become a tutor.

If you want to become a verified tutor, you include a description that outlines your degrees and areas of expertise. This lets you set higher rates and look more appealing to students looking to pay for their homework.

You can choose from many subjects and types of work, including doing homework, proofreading homework, and answering questions for cash .

  • Payment Rate : Approximately $5-$20 per assignment.
  • Fees : 20% commission per assignment.
  • Get Started : Learn more about SweetStudy !

TutorMe is a little different from getting paid to do homework with SweetStudy since the platform helps students with their learning process.

However, it's still an excellent option for making money as a tutor.


On TutorMe, you can make money as a private tutor for a range of subjects like :

To apply, you submit information about your background, educational experience, and work experience.

You also have to be 18 or older and be enrolled in an accredited university or have already completed your degree.

Overall, this is a great online tutoring job for college students or graduates, and once you're approved as a tutor, you're ready to make some money!

TutorMe alerts you when a student needs help with a subject you teach. If you accept the assignment within 3 minutes, you connect with the student to tutor them after they pay.

The site makes the process fun, as you can communicate with the student via audio/video and use a virtual whiteboard or screen share to help with your lesson.

TutorMe pays $16 per hour as well, making it a great way to make money by doing homework and teaching students about topics they're struggling with.

  • Payment Rate : Base pay of $16 and you get paid weekly with PayPal money .
  • Get Started : Learn more about TutorMe !

3. Studypool

If you’re a college or university student, then Studypool is a great place for you to get paid doing homework.

You have to write a 200-word essay and go through an interview process on Studypool’s policies to get started, but this process is mostly looking to make sure you’re proficient in English .


Once you’re approved, you can get started right away answering live questions and doing assignments to get paid to do homework.

Studypool lets you browse assignments, bid on jobs, and negotiate with students. Once a student accepts your bid and you submit the assignment or answers, you get paid if Studypool and the student approve the work.

You can also sell notes for cash with Studypool, and overall, it's an effective way to make money doing homework, offering tutoring help, or cashing in class notes.

A helpful tip is to bid on many homework questions at a time. This lets you get a steady stream of short assignments to work on to keep you busy and keep the cash flowing in.

  • Payment Rate : $5-$20 per question and you get paid through PayPal.
  • Fees : Studypool charges 20-30% commission for assignments you complete.
  • Get Started : Learn more about Studypool !

4. School Solver

Another option to make money doing homework is to work with School Solver.

However, unlike some paid homework gigs that pay you for doing the entire assignment, School Solver doesn't want its tutors to do all of the work.

School Solver

Rather, the platform lets you answer questions homework questions for cash, but you have to show your work so students can actually learn in the process.

Once you register as a tutor and complete your profile, you complete a quiz on every subject you want to help out with. If you get at least 90% on the quiz, you qualify for that subject.

To make money doing homework, you answer questions students post on School Solver. As mentioned, you have to provide a full explanation or demonstration of how you found the answer. Students can preview the answer but won’t be able to view it fully until they pay you.

Students set how much they're willing to pay for homework answers, so you can decide what questions are worth your time and effort.

School Solver also lets students reach out if they need clarification or are unhappy with the answer. In this case, you have a certain amount of time to respond before the student receives a refund. 

The best part about School Solver is that answered questions get moved to its search engine database .

So, if other students need help with similar questions, they can search for it, find your answer, and pay to see it– meaning you can get paid passive income and over for answering a single question!

  • Payment Rate : Approximately $15 per hour and School Saver pays you through PayPal.
  • Fees : 20% commission per answer + 2% withdrawal fee.
  • Get Started : Learn more about School Solver !

5. Reddit homeworkforcashreddit

Reddit might not be the first place you think to go when you’re trying to get paid to do homework, but it might be one of the best!

There are actually lots of ways to make money on Reddit , and this includes doing people's homework for money. And the best place to start is Reddit's r/homeworkforcashreddit .

Reddit hwforcash

This subreddit has 16.1k members who are always looking for help on everything from tests to assignments. The homework help topics range from computer science and photoshop, to calculus and accounting.

On r/hwforcash, students post assignments and explain the subject, assignment details, deadline, and what they're willing to pay for help so you know exactly what you're getting into. 

You can respond to listings right on Reddit and get in touch with the student to ask further questions and to arrange payment.

Just note that students can scam you since Reddit is more informal, so be prepared to go through some vetting before the student accepts your offer.

  • Payment Rate : Ranges from $5 to $50+ depending on the assignment, and you work with the student to find a payment method.
  • Fees : Reddit doesn't charge fees, so you just pay potential payment processing fees.
  • Get Started : Learn more about Reddit hwforcash !

6. 24houranswers

If you're still wondering how to do homework and earn money, you can always try answering questions on 24houranswers.

This site requires helpers to have a minimum of a Master's degree, and you help college students with their homework.


You can still become a 24houranswers tutor if you have, but the company only considers you if you have an exceptional record and can demonstrate you’re a high performing student.

Once you're an approved homework helper, you can browse homework postings and give an estimate of the time it’ll take for you to complete the assignment.

Next, you negotiate a rate with the student, complete the homework, and get paid quick cash .

Overall, 24houranswers is one of the best ways to do homework for money if you have a Master's degree since the hourly rates can be quite high since the topics are usually more complex.

  • Payment Rate : Approximately $45 per hour, and you can get paid monthly with ACH payments, bank transfers, PayPal, and Payoneer.
  • Fees : 24houranswers includes fees in your hourly pay.
  • Get Started : Learn more about 24houranswers.

7. Help With Assignment

Help with Assignment accepts tutors who have a Master’s or Ph.D or over 2 years of teaching experience in your chosen field.

You also have to pass one or more tests when you sign up in order to be approved to do homework for money.

Help With Assignment

But once you’re a tutor on the site, you can help students with their assignments, give live online tutoring, or submit answers to the site's solution library and help students later on. 

This is one of the more straightforward ways to earn money for doing homework, but if you have the credentials, Help With Assignment can be quite lucrative.

After all, there's a $9.50 per page minimum fee, so an essay or complex assignment could easily be $50 or more!

  • Payment Rate : $9.50 per page minimum.
  • Get Started : Learn more about Help With Assignment .

8. Paper Coach

Paper Coach is the one stop shop for writing assignments, specializing in every level, from high school to Ph.D. students.

In other words, if you want to write essays for money or complete other written assignments, this is the website for you.


You apply to Paper Coach by submitting your CV on its website.

Writers must have a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree, but the higher your level of education, the easier it is to get hired.

As for the work you do, students submit project details like :

  • Other guidelines and notes

You can negotiate prices with students, but if you find a gig you're happy with, you do the work and submit it for review before getting paid.

Depending on the length of an assignment, you're probably looking at $16 to $50 per assignment you complete.

  • Payment Rate : $8 per page minimum.
  • Get Started : Learn more about Paper Coach .

9. Toppr (HashLearn)

Toppr, formerly known as HashLearn, is an Indian-based homework help website that helps students in grades 8-12, JEE, NEET and CET, with every subject ranging from science to math.

Toppr Tutor

You must be based in India to make money doing homework through Toppr, and the platform verifies your ID when you sign up.

Furthermore, you complete an academic exam to prove you're an expert in the subjects you want to help out with, plus an English comprehension test.

If students want your assistance, they can request an online tutoring session that lasts 20 minutes.

  • Payment Rate : INR 0.5-0.75/min
  • Get Started : Learn more about Toppr !

10. JustAnswer

Another popular option for doing homework for money is to use JustAnswer.

This website lets you help students with their questions for many different topics like :

  • Bookkeeping
  • Engineering
  • Digital marketing


Overall, it's one of the more versatile education websites out there, and if you're an expert in some niche topic, there's probably a way for you to make money with JustAnswer.

To get started, you apply with your social security number, a valid ID, and other licenses or certifications relevant to your area of expertise. JustAnswer also runs a background check on your credentials, which takes a few days.

Once you’re accepted, you can get to work answering questions!

JustAnswer states that its top experts can earn thousands of dollars per month, but this isn't the normal case for everyone.

However, you can earn hundreds of dollars for your time and high hourly rates, especially if you're in an expensive niche like finance or law.

  • Payment Rate : Depends on your field and expertise, but you can find gigs paying $50 to $100+ per hour .
  • Get Started : Learn more about JustAnswer .

Extra Reading – The Best Online Jobs That Pay You Daily .

11. Offer Essay Writing Services

If you’re a writer at heart, you can find students in your area or at your school who need help with their essays.

My university offered a writing center, where tutors would help brainstorm a thesis, build an argument or outline, and also offer revision and editing. It was extremely helpful during my undergrad and lot’s of students could benefit from the same service.

You can also advertise your services on Facebook Marketplace and set your own rates either hourly or per page. I think this is a great side husle for teens as well as college students as long as you're a talented writer.

Overall, the freelance writing route probably makes more money, but working through your school makes getting work easier.

I suggest using the rates from other sites above to make sure you're competitive but also being paid well for your time.

Extra Reading – The Best Writing Jobs For Teens .

12. Offer Private Tutoring

One final option to make money by doing homework is to walk through homework problems with students as a tutor.

You can offer online tutoring sessions or work with students on your campus if you prefer.

And again, universities and colleges might hire teaching assistants (TAs) to tutor students, so look for campus jobs as well if you want a reliable college side hustle .

Extra Reading – How To Make $2,000 Dollars Fast .

Even More Ways To Get Paid To Do Homework

Now that you know some of the best options for doing homework for money, I want to share even  more  platforms where teachers and experienced students can make money by helping other students.

Some other platforms you can explore include :

  • Chegg : Another popular online tutoring platform.
  • BookNook : This site pays U.S. tutors to help students with English and Math.
  • Eduboard : Lets you get paid for answering specific homework questions for young students and university students.
  • Growing Stars : A private tutoring platform for elementary and high school students.
  • Upwork : A popular freelance marketplace where people sometimes post paid homework gigs.
  • Wyzant : This tutoring platform pays private tutors around $25 per hour.
  • Teach Me 2 : Another private online tutoring platform that offers a range of subjects.
  • Skooli : If you want to earn money for doing homework and tutoring, you can apply to become a tutor with Skooli.
  • Spires : Lets you make money as an educational assistant and tutor for students.
  • OneClass : With OneClass, you can sell notes and course guides to other students to make money on autopilot .
  • Maven Research : Another reputable platform where you can get paid for consulting and your expert opinion.
  • Weegy : A fun way to get PayPal cash for answering questions.
  • Yup : An online tutoring website that also pays you to answer homework questions in subjects like Math and English.
  • PhotoMath : A leading platform for getting paid to answer Math questions.
  • Growing Stars : One more website where you can make money by helping people with their homework and test prep.

This video from Max Stacks also shares some legit ways to earn money answering homework questions if you need even more ideas to start this online side hustle .

How Much Money Can You Make Doing Homework For Other People?

If you answer a few homework questions per month, you can likely make $50 to $200 a month or so in income. However, you can earn much more money if you help people with services like essay writing or test preparation .

In fact, test-prep tutors can make hundreds or thousands of dollars per month if they help with difficult tests like SATs. And essay writing can easily earn a few hundred dollars per essay if you're writing for college and university students.

Just ensure you're comfortable with doing homework for money before getting started. In most countries, writing essays for other people is against school rules, so keep this in mind.

Extra Reading – The Best Weekly Pay Side Hustles .

Final Thoughts

There are plenty of ways to get paid to do someone’s homework, and it’s all about finding the right subject and site for you!

If you have the certifications and transcripts to back up your expertise, you should have no problem getting paid for your advice with this side hustle idea.

Just be aware of testing that some of the sites have prior to signing up and make sure you’re prepared to score well before you get started.

Hopefully this article helps you make money by doing homework and also helps out some students who are struggling.

Looking for more ways to make extra cash? Checkout :

  • The Best Ways To Make $150 Dollars Fast .
  • The 30+ Best Gig Apps That Pay .
  • How To Make Money With Creative Writing .


Selena Fulham knows how valuable having a side hustle can be. She’s a freelance content writer with a focus on SaaS, B2B technology, social media, and the art of making money online. Currently based in Montreal, Quebec, Selena can usually be found either drinking coffee, hiking up a mountain, or snowboarding down it.

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Studypool Review: How to Make Money as a Studypool Tutor

Author: Courtney Stich

April 7, 2024 6 Comments

Did you know you can make good money answering homework questions online? Here is how to earn money online as a Studypool tutor. via @theworkathomewoman

Do you want to make money by answering homework questions online? Making money as an online tutor is a great way to share your academic knowledge and get paid for it, and Studypool is the best place to start. Below is your quick guide to working as a Studypool tutor, where you can help students online while making great money on a flexible schedule.

earn money by answering homework questions

What is Studypool? 

Studypool is an on-demand learning platform that connects students with verified tutors who can help them. Essentially, students can post questions for help with their homework and get answers from tutors like you! As a Studypool tutor, you’ll make money by bidding on and answering questions that students post.

Getting Started as an Online Tutor with Studypool

Signing up to make money as a Studypool tutor does take a little bit of time. Typically, the process for setting up your profile looks like this:

  • Verify your email.
  • Accept terms and conditions. 
  • Complete the application process, which takes about 30 to 60 minutes.

Studypool vets all tutor applications to ensure individuals are qualified to work on the platform. Aside from the application, you’ll need to answer three short-answer format questions to assess your knowledge and skills in the area for which you’re applying.

Teaching experience is not required to become an online Studypool tutor, but you must be either an active college student or have a college degree to become a qualified tutor and offer homework help to students.

Some subject areas that Studypool covers for its students are:

  • Biology 
  • Art & Design
  • Business & Finance

Plus, there are so many other content areas! The only other things you need to start tutoring are a laptop or desktop computer and a stable internet connection. 

Ways to Make Money with Studypool 

There are two ways you can make money on the Studypool platform:

  • Create and sell documents .
  • Bid on homework questions asked by students and tutor them. 

While these roles vary in terms of the work being done and how much you can make, I recommend trying both options to maximize what you’ll make on the platform.

Side note: If you’re a teacher or educator and have old lesson plans or educational worksheets you’d like to monetize, you can also explore Teachers Pay Teachers to make extra money.

Creating and Selling Documents to Make Money Online at Studypool

If you have old notes, quiz materials, study materials, and the like, then selling documents at Studypool is a great way to expand your income passively. You don’t need to go through the application process to sell resources on StudyPool either. The process is pretty simple, and it works like this: 

  • Upload high-quality, relevant quizzes, study guides, class notes, and homework documents directly onto the Studypool platform.
  • Studypool reviews the content for quality and relevancy. Typically, it takes about 48 hours for content to be approved through their system. 
  • Students can view your documents once approved.
  • You get paid $10 each time your resource is viewed. Payment can be sent to you through a number of different cash payment systems, including PayPal and Western Union.

Bidding on Students’ Questions 

Another way to make money quickly is through the Studypool online question forum. Here’s how it works: 

  • Get verified as a tutor through the completion of an application on Studypool.
  • Once verified, you’ll have access to a pool of questions students post on the platform. 
  • Bid on the questions that interest you. Provide a delivery time and a price for the student. If the student accepts, they will pay you in advance. Studypool holds your payment until the question is complete. 
  • While you’re working with a student, you’ll need to provide explanations and help the student solve their question within the agreed-upon timeframe. 
  • Once the answer has been submitted and the student approves it, payment is released to you. 

One of the best ways to ensure that you receive great feedback from students is to answer their specific questions within the time frame they provide.

How Does Studypool Make Payments?

You can receive payments from Studypool in several ways. Some of the most popular payment options offered are PayPal, Transferwise, and Western Union.

Once tutoring is complete, Studypool will process your payment within three business days. You need a minimum of $50 to withdraw the earnings from your Studypool account.

How Much Money Can I Make as an Online Tutor?

Tutors can make great money on a platform like Studypool. According to Studypool’s website, top earners make $7,500 a month. That’s outstanding for tutoring or for posting documents online!

Salary postings on sites such as Glassdoor and Indeed show tutors making an average of over $2,000 monthly. Of course, these numbers will vary depending on how much you’d like to work and how much you charge per question.

A critical component of making money as a Studypool tutor is building credibility through high ratings and good feedback from students, as well as getting repeat customers. The more bids that get accepted, the better your chance of making more money on the platform.

Studypool retains a 15%-30% commission on each question you answer. Typically, though, the more active you are on the platform as a tutor, the lower the commission fee you’ll be charged. Studypool tutors who answer more than 100 questions are generally given a lower commission rate.

Repeat clients will help with this lower commission as well. As you establish relationships with students, you’ll get selected on a more consistent basis to help them.

What are the Best Times of Year to be a Studypool Tutor?

Due to the nature of the platform, it’s best to consider seasonality when looking to make money as an online tutor. In any case, the best times to be an online tutor typically occur during active school semesters. 

Here’s a quick reference guide for the best times to be on this platform: 

  • February to June – Busy
  • Summer – Less Busy
  • September to Mid-December – Busy
  • Mid-December to Mid-January – Very quiet

The best time to answer questions and help students is during the most active months, as there is more activity on the platform.

You may want to put in higher bids in the slower months to maintain the earnings you’d make in the busier months.

The slower months also provide an excellent opportunity to connect with students and build relationships, helping strengthen your account and increase your sales. 

earn money by answering homework questions

The Benefits of Being a Studypool Tutor

There are several benefits of making money as an online tutor with Studypool! Here are a few that we absolutely love: 

  • Ease of use: The Studypool platform automatically connects you with students.
  • Flexibility: You can work whenever it fits into your schedule. You also have the option of working full-time. 
  • Tax Benefits: Even if you work as a tutor full-time, you still work as an independent contractor at Studypool. As an independent contractor, you can be eligible for certain tax deductions. Be sure to fully understand your tax obligations as an independent contractor.
  • Protection on the platform: Studypool prides itself on ensuring that tutors are protected from scammers and students who might be trying to get information for free. Students are required to pay tutors before you give them help, but there have been cases where students try to state that the provided answer didn’t help them. In these cases, the moderators investigate to ensure you’re protected and paid.

Alternatives to Tutoring on Studypool

If there are not enough questions in your subject matter to make the money you need, here are some other online tutoring platforms to explore.

Course Hero

Course Hero  is a platform where you can make money (up to $1,500 per month) by answering home questions online. In these independent contracting roles, you can work whenever you want, as long as you have a computer and internet connection. Course Hero offers a wide variety of subjects in the arts, humanities, languages, engineering, technology, business, math, science, and social sciences. To begin online tutoring with Course Hero, you’ll need to upload your ID and verify your academic credentials. For more information, check out this in-depth review from  Real Ways to Earn . 

Another alternative to being a Studypool tutor is  Study.com . On this platform, professionals in a wide variety of subjects complete tasks in lesson writing and curriculum design, Q&A homework help, research and copywriting, and reviewing and editing. Each assignment has different criteria, but you must be able to provide documentation of your expertise. Study.com hires independent contractors from the US and the Philippines, and you can create your own schedule.

Check out this post for more ways to make money by answering questions online.

Studypool Tutor Review Wrapup

Becoming a Studypool tutor has many advantages, from flexibility in scheduling and great pay to helping others with their academic questions. If you love helping students online, starting with Studypool is a great way to begin your online tutoring career.

Once established there, you can add other online tutoring platforms to your list or advertise your tutoring services locally. With the popularity of online tutoring jobs continuing to rise, it’s a great time to dive in and make money from home as a tutor.

Studypool receives positive reviews on  Glassdoor  (4-star rating out of 5) and  Indeed  (5-star rating out of 5). However, on Sitejabber , it only gets a 2.79-star rating out of 5, and on the Better Business Bureau , it gets a 3.76-star rating out of 5. Some complaints were from Studypool tutors, and others were from paying customers. Be sure to do your own research to see if being a Studypool tutor is the right side hustle for you.

Looking for more online tutoring jobs? Sign up for our free newsletter and get remote job leads mailed directly to your inbox.

Originally published on April 25, 2022. Content updated April 2024.

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About the Author

Headshot of Courtney Stich

Courtney Stich

Courtney Stich is a prior educator turned blogger and home-based business owner! Founder of C-Side Creatives , Courtney helps entrepreneurs with Pinterest marketing and content writing. She has a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature and a Master's Degree in Technology and Design. Courtney is a mama to three beautiful kiddos and a wife to one amazingly supportive, loving hubby. She loves everything about being seaside, most things chocolate, and a vase (or five), filled with sunflowers.

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A teacher working from her home office on a laptop with books in the background.

Reader Interactions

earn money by answering homework questions

March 31, 2024 at 3:58 am

i would love to work as tutor

earn money by answering homework questions

April 1, 2024 at 9:10 am

You can apply directly on their website. Good luck!

earn money by answering homework questions

March 13, 2024 at 9:48 am

what if someone is using M_PESA will it be used as a channel of payment

March 13, 2024 at 10:48 am

Studypool makes payments via check, direct deposit, M-PESA, PayPal, Payoneer, TransferWise, and Western Union.

earn money by answering homework questions

November 13, 2022 at 5:02 am

How can I get started with studypool.com I am still a student (university)and I may like to enroll in this?

November 14, 2022 at 12:58 pm

Here is where you can go for answering homework questions: https://www.studypool.com/online-tutor-job

Here is where you can go for selling studying documents: https://www.studypool.com/sell_docs

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How to Earn Money by Answering Questions Online (15 Ways)

Did you know you can earn money by answering questions online? If you want to know how, be sure to read through the article for ideas and tips.

There are many ways to earn money by answering questions online.

It is the age of the internet and mobile phones, remember? Learning is easy, and there is no shortage of people willing to pay to have their questions answered.

The question is: where do you find these people? Or simply, where do you start? This article will answer these questions. Let’s get to it!

How To Earn Money Answering Questions Online

Contrary to popular notion, answering questions online for money is not the preserve of certified tutors.

Most of the askers are students, yes, but answers don’t always call for academic paper styling.

If you have the knowledge and can express yourself coherently, many freelance platforms will take you without certification or experience.

Sometimes, you don’t even need extensive familiarity with a subject. You can hit the ground running if you are a fast learner and possess good internet research skills.

That said, there are things you ought to have before launching yourself into the online question-answering craft. These include:

  • An internet connection
  • Basic online research skills
  • A good grasp of verbal and written English
  • Excellent communication skills
  • A payment method, e.g., a PayPal or bank account

Different sites come with different registration prerequisites. Some require experience; some don’t.

Some offer worldwide accessibility; some only hire from select countries/regions. Others will only accept you if you have access to specific payment options.

So take the time to understand what each has to offer before committing.

Looking for a convenient way to accept payments from clients? Discover how the Zintego online invoice maker can efficiently handle everything, bringing all your financial information to one centralized location.

Sites That Will Pay You To Answer Questions Online

1. justanswer.

JustAnswer is one of the most popular Q&A sites.

The evidence is in the numbers. Since its inception in 2003, the site claims to have helped over 9 million people get professional help.

Currently, it has over 12,000 verified experts. The highest-paid ones are those that answer questions about technology and appraisals.

According to the site, they earn an average of $7,612 and $8,457 per month, respectively, while homework helpers earn just over $6,000.

You can become a JustAnswer expert, too, regardless of where you are and your current schedule.

The platform only requires your social security number, identification, and proof of expertise. You will receive a response to your application within three weeks.

JustAnswer pays through direct deposit, PayPal, and Venmo. Payments are sent monthly for experts with at least $20 in their accounts.

2. Answeree

Answeree doesn’t mind if you are an expert or not. There’s room for you if you can answer questions correctly and consistently.

While the site doesn’t attract as many high-paying clients as sites with strict qualification requirements, you can still earn decently from it. You just need to be consistent and mindful of your rating.

Answeree uses a points reward system to compensate its contributors. Each accepted answer is worth 10 points, while an unaccepted answer will earn you 5 points.

10 points are redeemable for $0.01 Skrill or PayPal cash. The PayPal minimum withdrawal limit is 2,000 points.

3. Experts123

Regarding inclusivity, not many sites perform as well as Experts123 . The site pays for both short consumer answers and long-form articles.

If you are a good article writer, you will probably be connected with third-party clients that recruit via the site. Short answers generate passive income and nothing more.

A significant downside about Experts123 is that it doesn’t charge askers. Consequently, it doesn’t have flat rates for experts.

All of the site’s revenue comes from advertisements, and contributors will be paid depending on the views their answers attract.

You can join Expert123 from anywhere in the world as long you can access PayPal services.

Also, check out JustAnswer Alternatives for more sites you can earn money by answering questions online.

Fixya is less about academics and more about daily consumer products.

Here, you will provide answers to simple questions that will then be used to determine if you deserve payment or not.

Essentially, you will not be paid until you enter the premium expert level. “Premium Experts” receive special request from clients and can make up to $5 per answer.

You may also be booked for live sessions, which pay even better.

It’s a site that requires a lot of patience, but it pays handsomely in the end.

Fixya calculates earnings in points and pays via PayPal and prepaid MasterCard.

Maven is a micro-consulting agency that serves as a go-between for experts and researchers.

As a micro-consultant, your work will be to help executives and marketers make important decisions.

Looking at the kind of questions on Maven, you will realize that it is not your average Q&A platform. It favors top-tier experts and has a multi-level recruitment approach to back it up.

I find this the best site for subject experts with loads of time to spare. Reviews show that it pays well and has plenty to offer, at least compared to other sites where you can earn money answering questions.

You get to decide your payment rates and even choose a payment option if you can’t access PayPal. US consultants can receive payments via ACH as well.

Ways To Earn Money By Answering Questions Online

6. bestmark.

On a normal day, BestMark wouldn’t pass as a site where you can earn money by answering questions online. This is because the “questions’ aren’t necessarily questions.

They are report requests from producers and businesses trying to get your perspective of their services.

It’s a mystery shopping platform, if you may, which at the very least, means you will have to get out of your seat and your house to get answers.

To join BestMark, you need to be 18+ years old. You also need to be in the US or Canada and have a car for transportation.

The site offers a base pay of $7-$20 and pays through the following methods:

  • Direct deposit

Payment is processed twice every month.

7. Studypool

Are you a student looking to earn up to $7,500 a month answering questions about what you have probably already learned in class? Studypool might be the site for you.

Studypool connects you with millions of students worldwide and pays you to offer assignment help and answer live questions.

To register, you will be required to write a 200-word essay. After that, you will be invited for an English proficiency interview to gauge your aptitude.

Being a bidding site, Studypool calls for dedication and self-marketing skills. Thankfully, your profile history will be visible to potential clients.

So you may not have to put in a lot of bidding effort after your first few successful engagements.

HelpOwl may not be too strict on who it hires, but it has a way of ensuring only the best thrive.

Questions will be listed, and anyone can answer them. But then only the best answer attracts a payment.

Basically, you will be going head-on with dozens of experts in the hope you will provide the standout answer.

Quite unfair, really, but the questions are mostly simple and will pay on a first-come-first-served basis.

HelpOwl uses a points reward system, where each correct answer earns you 100 points.

You can redeem your points for an Amazon gift card once you collect at least 50,000 points. The site doesn’t offer cash rewards.

9. PrestoExperts

PrestoExperts is a jack of all trades. You can offer tutoring services to students or answer business, technical, and health questions. Questions are spread across 600 categories.

The site looks for genuine experts. That’s why applicants must submit an application form explaining their level of expertise.

You can choose as many categories as you like and even make profile changes afterward.

The best part is you get to choose your pay rates. Many experts set their rates at $2 per minute, so make sure not to price yourself out of the market.

Payments will be sent to you via check or PayPal.

Weegy is another site that offers both homework help and general Q$A services.

Members like you feed a database that students and researchers can access on demand.

What I like about Weegy is that it will accept your application whether or not you are a professional expert. All you need is proper articulation and familiarity with internet research.

You will be taken through a stock True/False exam too, but don’t be scared it’s fairly easy.

Rewards are offered in points. You can redeem these points for PayPal cash when you cross the minimum payout threshold of $20.

Sites To Earn Money By Answering Questions Online

For most people, Quora is a free platform where you can view answers to everyday questions. But did you know it can pay you for your answers?

The site introduced the Quora Partner Program in 2018, which paid writers moderately. Then, in 2021, they introduced Quora+, an ad-revenue-sharing model.

Through this, contributors earn a fraction of the site’s revenue depending on the comments, views, shares, and up-votes their answers elicit.

You will earn even more if you get readers to convert to premium subscribers.

Of interest is that the monetization doesn’t come with any special rules for the contributor. There are barely any quality standards, and you can answer questions how you see fit.

You can request a Stripe payout anytime you have $5 in your account.

12. Pinecone Research

Pinecone Research is an American company that claims to help consumers voice their opinions.

Those are fancy words for a survey site helping companies know what the average consumer thinks about their product.

For each study you participate in, you will earn points. These points are redeemable for cash or prizes.

It is safe to say that Pinecone Research is a legit site, but you have to tame your earning expectations when signing up. Work is limited, and studies pay peanuts.

But then again, you don’t need knowledge or research skills to earn, just a computer connected to the internet.

You can collect your rewards once you accumulate enough points.

1Q is yet another site that pays for consumer opinions.

This means you will be helping companies as opposed to individuals and will provide your contribution in form of survey answers.

What makes it a good site to try out? Well, its surveys are short. So it’s a great side hustle if you have a strict schedule and want to squeeze a money-making activity between those little idle gaps.

Unfortunately, you will have to put up with low pay. 1Q surveys hardly pay above $0.50. There aren’t many either, so you can’t hinge your hopes on a steady flow of work.

The good thing is that you will receive instant payment for your contribution. There are no withdrawal thresholds, and you will be paid in cash via PayPal.

14. Clarity

On Clarity.fm , you will earn money answering questions via phone calls.

So this is a site that favors experts who double as good verbal communicators.

You would be right to think it pays better than most other platforms on this list because it does.

According to the official site, you can earn about $50 per 30-minute call. As an expert, you get to set your pay rates.

On how to find clients, the site does the matching for you. Your profile will show what you are good at and how you have performed in previous sessions.

The client will then pick you if they reckon you answer the description of the expert they are looking for.

Clarity cuts a 15% commission on earnings and sends payments twice a month through PayPal.

15. Ask Wonder

Ask Wonder is a NY-headquartered company that pays people to answer research-based questions. Your job will include:

  • Competitive landscaping
  • Providing product and service recommendations to individuals/companies
  • Determining the size of a market
  • Consolidating statistics
  • Breaking down phenomena and trends

It’s a pretty unique site, but one that may seem more difficult on paper than it is in real life. Still, the jobs are more intricate and detailed than what you would find on survey sites.

You can join Ask Wonder from anywhere in the world.

The application process involves revealing your background and explaining why you would make a great researcher. You will also be taken through an entrance exam.

While studies pay quite well, you can only handle one research per week. That’s the site’s biggest downside.

Pay is per hour ($15-$25 on average), and your earnings will be sent to you via PayPal once every two weeks.

There is no one-size-fits-all way to earn money by answering questions online.

What favors you may not necessarily favor the next person. So don’t shy away from doing some extra research if you don’t see a Q&A site that fits your preferences.

Also, feel free to comment below with your thoughts and suggestions if you have used any of these sites.


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  • Feb 18, 2023

Get Paid To Answer Questions: 15 Best Websites To Make Money Online

Updated: Feb 25

Get Paid To Answer Questions

During my school days, I used to think that answering questions is only a highly qualified teacher's job. It never crossed my mind that anyone can teach, given their own level of expertise.

As a side hustle researcher, I have learned over time that anyone can help others by answering or solving their questions. Because we all know something and there is nothing more valuable than sharing knowledge!

And what's more, it is even surprising to know that you can get paid for answering questions online!

Whether you are an expert in a certain field or just someone who likes to share knowledge, you can now make money by answering questions online.

Getting paid to answer questions is a great way to fill your pockets while helping others find answers to their queries. It is an easy job that can be done from your computer.

Various websites offer this kind of work, and all you have to do is sign up and start answering questions.

Get Paid To Answer Questions

In this article, let's explore the best websites to get paid to answer questions! We will also look at how to get started on these sites and how much you can earn from them.

Top 12 Websites That Pay for Answering Questions

Here is a comprehensive list of the 12 best websites where you can get paid to answer questions:





Now let's dive into them one by one:

Study.com is a platform where you can get paid to answer questions online on various subjects including Math, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

If teaching is your passion, you can teach and answer students' questions right from your home. You can teach online as a freelance contractor with complete flexibility over when and where you want to teach.

You can also help students with their questions on their homework. By answering their questions, you can make money and also create a difference in their lives!

As quoted on their website, you can get paid to answer even simple questions such as:

Tanya is 1 year less than 3 times the age of Jessica. Jessica is 5 years old. How old is Tanya?

Isn't this an easy job? And Study.com pays you twice a month!

Check out the Study (dot) com - Available Positions frequently to grab the opportunity as and when it gets listed!

2) Presto Experts

At PrestoExperts , you can sign up to be a tutor, and get paid to answer the questions of thousands of their clients.

Simply make use of your expertise and answer questions from your home - through online chat, voice, or email.

The best part of working with PrestoExperts is that you don't have to do any marketing to promote your services!

By just creating your profile and staying online on their Messenger platform, be assured that people will reach out to you!

Just join PrestoExperts and get paid to answer questions online easily!

3) Studypool

Do you know that you can make as much as $7500 per month to answer questions on Studypool ?

How do you answer questions at Studypool?

No experience is required to teach on this website and you get to choose your schedule. All you need to do is just share your expertise from your computer to get paid!

As a tutor at StudyPool , you will communicate with students and answer their questions through chat messenger.

From Accounting, Health, Mathematics, and Psychology to Computer Science, you can get paid to answer questions in almost any area of your expertise.

How much do Studypool tutors get paid?

To give you an idea of the earning potential at StudyPool, top earners have earned between $70,000 and $90,000 here.

So, what is stopping you from answering questions and making money?

4) School Solver

SchoolSolver has been helping students with their questions, homework, assignments, and projects since 2014.

How do you answer a question in School Solver?

To answer questions on SchoolSolver , you just have to sign up and click on the questions falling under your expertise and provide your answers.

Once you answer a question at their website, it gets stored in their database and can reflect in Google search results.

This will lead many students who ask the same questions to pay you for accessing your answers.

Imagine if one answer costs $5 and a hundred students want to access your answer, you get paid $500 for just answering that one question! What an easy way to get paid to answer questions!

How much do you get paid at School Solver?

Top earners at SchoolSolver have earned more than $15,000 by helping students with answers.

Read the SchoolSolver - FAQs to learn more about their policies.

5) Just Answer

Just Answer is a popular Question & Answer website where you can list yourself as an expert in your subject area and get paid to answer questions online! This website takes pride in having answered over 16 million questions by its experts!

When you apply to become an expert at JustAnswer , a background check is run to verify your credentials. Once your background check is cleared, you can start to answer questions and earn cash easily!

You can provide answers to a wide range of topics including Cars, Computers, Pets, Wellness, etc.

Can you make money on JustAnswer?

Yes, by working at your convenience and by choosing which questions you want to answer, you can easily make around $2000 to $7000 a month!

6) Help Owl

Help Owl is a unique website where you can answer questions related to top companies, products, and vehicles. You earn points for answering questions, uploading manuals, and also providing reviews at Help Owl.

When you redeem your points, you receive gift cards to top retail companies like Amazon, and Walmart. What an excellent way to get paid to answer questions online!

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7) Transtutors

Transtutors boasts of a community of 500,000 students who seek help with answers!

To become an online tutor at Transtutors , you need to sign up and answer a short multiple choice questions test.

Upon clearing the test, you can start answering for more than one subject and start earning.

Register at the Transtutors Sign Up page and start answering questions.

Can you earn from Transtutors?

Yes, you can get paid up to $2000 a month at Transtutors!

Toppr is India's most awarded online education platform that helps more than 600,000 students with course materials and doubts.

At Toppr, you get paid to create study materials and also answer students' doubts through live chats. You can choose to work on your own time and get paid monthly to answer questions.

If you love education, don't miss to sign up at Toppr and earn money by answering questions!

9) Tutorbin

Tutorbin is another platform that pays you to answer questions. At Tutorbin, you can opt for live sessions where you need to provide real-time answers. Or you can opt for deadline sessions where you need to submit answers before the set deadline.

Whether you are a student or you already have full-time employment, Tutorbin is an excellent option to expand your knowledge and also get paid.

Become a tutor at Tutorbin and get paid weekly for your approved answers.

How much can you earn on TutorBin?

This depends on factors like:

problem difficulty

quality of your solution

10) Hello Experts

HelloExperts is a question and answers platform focusing on academics. Even if you are a student, you can sign up as an expert on this platform with your most recent qualification.

Read the HelloExperts FAQs to learn their guidelines.

Wondering how much you get paid to answer questions online at HelloExperts? For each answer accepted, you will earn a fixed rate, based on the difficulty of the question.

What is the payment method for HelloExperts?

HelloExperts has payment options such as wire transfer and PayPal. You can withdraw your earnings once you exceed the minimum threshold.

11) PhotoStudy

PhotoStudy is a leading online education platform that supports students with Mathematics and Science homework problems. After passing a subject test on their platform, you can start answering questions and get paid!

By becoming an expert at PhotoStudy , you communicate with students through chat to answer their questions and there is no audio/video involved.

How much do you get paid at PhotoStudy?

You get paid around $2 to $10 per hour to answer questions at PhotoStudy and the payment is made bi-weekly to your Paypal or Upwork account.

12) Bartleby

Bartleby is another leading education platform that offers homework solutions and concept support to struggling students.

By signing up to become an expert at Bartleby , you can share your knowledge with students across the globe on your schedule and also get paid.

As part of the signing up process, you need to:

Pass the first test (multiple choice questions) with a minimum score of 60%.

Pass the second test by providing detailed answers to three questions.

Pass a third test on authoring guidelines with a minimum score of 80%

You will have two attempts for the first two tests and three attempts for the third test.

So, sign up without waiting and start earning extra cash to answer questions online!

Maven is a platform that supports businesses by providing answers to their business-related questions.

By becoming a consultant at Maven , you not only share your expertise with teams that need expert advice but also get paid for answering questions.

Whatever field you specialize in, you can provide on-demand answers on this platform and make money on an hourly basis.

To answer questions on this easy-to-use platform, you just have to:

Sign up at Maven and create your consultant profile

Share your expertise with businesses looking for answers

And get paid!

Weegy is an expert system that provides answers to questions on any topic. It is a platform where users can ask queries and get solutions to their problems.

Since Weegy is AI-enabled, it starts responding by itself. Whenever Weegy requires more support to answer the users' questions, it connects to its experts for advice.

You can become an expert at Weegy and get paid to answer questions. As Weegy reaches out to you for answers, you can either accept the prompt and provide your answers or just reject it.

Weegy rewards you with monthly points based on how much you contribute to the system. It rewards $30, $20, and $10 respectively for its top three contributors every month.

Isn't it an easy way to answer questions and make money on the side?

15) Answeree

Answeree is another platform that pays you to answer questions. It is a simple portal where you sign up and provide answers to questions.

You earn points by answering questions at Answeree .

For every 10 points you make, you earn one cent. If your answer comes up in Google Search, you can even earn up to 500 points!

Answeree has a minimum payment threshold of $2 and the payment is made via Paypal.

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5 Amazing Benefits of Getting Paid to Answer Questions

Getting paid to answer questions is a fun way to spend your spare time while also helping others. Here are five amazing benefits of answering questions online:

1. You get to use your knowledge and expertise:

Whether you are an expert in a certain field or just have a knack for finding answers quickly, getting paid to answer questions allows you to use your skills and knowledge in a beneficial way. And there is no better way to improve your knowledge than by teaching!

2. You get the flexibility of working from home:

You can work from anywhere at any time. This makes it easy for those with busy schedules or those who want to work part-time.

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3. You get the satisfaction of helping others:

By answering questions, you are not only making money but also supporting people to get unstuck with their problems.

4. You get another stream of income:

Getting paid to answer questions is an excellent way to diversify your income. You can make money in your spare time and it also has the potential to be a lucrative side hustle.

5. You can make a difference:

Answering questions and helping people solve their problems is an amazing opportunity to make a difference in the world. Whether it is helping someone with a technical issue or solving doubts, getting paid to answer questions also gives you the chance to have a positive impact on other people’s lives.

What Kind Of Questions Can You Answer And Make Money Online?

There is no limit to the variety of questions you can answer online and get paid. For example, you can provide answers to:

Academic concept-related questions

Homework questions

Product related questions

Questions on Engineering, Finance, Law, Medicine, etc.

The main advantage of this side hustle is that you get to choose the type of questions you want to answer depending on your expertise and comfort level.

Get paid to answer questions - 15 best websites to make money online

Final Thoughts On Getting Paid To Answer Questions:

As technology continues to advance, more and more opportunities to make money are emerging. One such opportunity is getting paid to answer questions.

This type of work provides a great way to make money while also helping others. By answering questions in your area of expertise, you can earn extra income while providing valuable knowledge and assistance.

Furthermore, this type of income is often flexible and can be done on your own schedule.

In short, answering questions online is an excellent option if you are looking for an additional source of revenue or a way to supplement your existing income.

Hope this article helped you explore the best sites that pay you for answers and also provided you with valuable guidance on how to get started on these sites.

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Top 10 Ways To Get Paid To Answer Questions Online

Have you ever wished you could get paid to answer questions? Well, now you can! 

There are a variety of ways to make money by answering questions. And don’t worry, you don’t have to be an actual genius to qualify for this gig.

Whether you’re a white-collar professional, a veteran manual worker, or a Math wiz college student, you can make extra money by answering questions related to your area of expertise.

That being said, we understand how valuable your time is. Hence, we only round up the best paying opportunities where you can answer questions and make money; you can’t find online survey sites here.

Now, we don’t have anything against paid survey sites and GPT sites. Some of them do provide average people legit opportunities to generate income.

However, while they are often touted to be a great way to make money online, most of them won’t pay you enough for your time and effort.

Rather than earning cents or being paid with gift certificates for Amazon, we will share with you the 10 ways you can get paid actual cash answering questions online.

Let’s take a look at your options.

6ya is a website that allows professionals and experts to earn money by providing assistance to clients regarding their areas of expertise over the phone.

And guess what? 6ya welcomes experts from various fields, including business, veterinarian, appliance repair, auto repair, tech support, online tutors, and more.

Moreover, you get to be your own boss with 6ya as the company lets you work from home and anywhere, anytime you want. 

Whether that’s all day or between jobs, you can set your own schedule and get paid to answer questions with 6ya.

How much can you earn?

According to the info available in the 6ya website , you will be paid a fixed rate for Service Calls that are initiated from 6ya customers using any of the company’s mobile and web applications.

Note that for any service calls less than 1 minute, you will not be paid any fees.

For service calls longer than 1 minute, you will be paid any of the following flat rates depending on the call’s final duration:

  • Calls 1 min to 2 min -> $1
  • Calls 2 min to 10 min -> $3
  • Calls 10 min to 20 min -> $5
  • Calls 20 min to 30 min -> $7  
  • Calls 31+ min -> $10

Looks fair, right? It gets better!

All calls answered between 10 PM to 5AM (Pacific Time) will have 30% more pay! For instance, late night hours calls rate will start at $1.30 per call and scales up to $13 for a 30+ min call.

The more calls you take, the more money you earn!

So how to get paid with 6ya? 

6ya will pay you twice a month; once for the first 15 days of work and once for the remaining days of the month.

The company can send your payments via direct deposit, PayPal, or send you a check by mail.

How to get started?

You can join 6ya for free. Register as an “expert” to make money answering questions.  

You can create your 6ya expert profile in less than 5 minutes

2. PhotoMath

PhotoMath is one of the best ways to make money solving Math problems.

And in our opinion, it is also one of the best opportunities for college students to make money online as a part-time job.

Basically, PhotoMath is a Math Expert Marketplace where you can get paid by solving and reviewing various Math problems.

And even if you are not a Math wiz, you can still make money with PhotoMath. You can choose the tasks matching your level of Math proficiency.

There are also five categories of Math tasks which you can choose – Algebra, Elementary, Geometry, Calculus, and Statistics.

Like the other ways to get paid to answer questions on this list, your income potential with PhotoMath will depend on the number of questions you’ve successfully solved and reviewed.

Every Math task will have their own rates based on its complexity, and the compensation will vary.

But according to PhotoMath, their top experts are able to earn USD $300+ per week. And upon reading PhotoMath reviews, it seems you can make anywhere between $0.20 to $0.70 per question you answered correctly.

Your payments will be processed on a weekly basis through Payoneer.

To make money with PhotoMath, you will need to register as a Photomath Math Expert and you have to complete a Math expert qualification test.

3. JustAnswer

JustAnswer is one of the most popular ways to get paid to answer questions, provide online tutoring, homework assistance, and a library of other academic solutions.

And similar to 6ya, JustAnswer accepts people from different fields of expertise, from divorce lawyers and dog vets to car mechanics.

Anyone who has professional expertise can earn cash on JustAnswer.

As a JustAnswer Expert, you can provide answers to various questions by talking with clients on phone, text, or chat.

According to JustAnswer, you can earn an average of $2,000 up to $7,000 a month answering questions on their platform.

But doing our own research and after reading JustAnswer reviews, you can earn from $8 to $50 per question you answered.

Moreover, your overall income will also depend on the amount of questions you manage to answer in your field of expertise. 

JustAnswer pays its Experts at the end of the month if you reach the $40 minimum threshold.

JustAnswer will pay you through Hyperwallet, a payout platform made by PayPal. 

If you live in the United States, you all have the option to withdraw your money via direct bank transfer, Venmo, or Amazon gift card.

JustAnswer is available in different countries and there are no sign-up fees to become an Expert.

You just need to fill out the sign-up form on their website and provide the credentials for the specialty you chose.

You’ll also need a social security number, valid identification card, and relevant licenses or certifications.

Once you’re admitted, you can start answering questions and earn cash.​

4. School Solver

School Solver is one of the best paying sites for answering homework and helping students with their studies.

As a tutor, you can make money by providing answers to subjects like Math, English, Science, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry.

Here’s how you can get paid to answer questions in School Solver.

Once you become a verified tutor on the platform by passing the tests and requirements they ask, you can post answers to various questions on the site.

Students who posted the questions assign how much they are willing to pay to get an answer, and you will get paid each time a student gets access to your answers.

However, the only way students can see the entire answer you provided is by paying for it.

Upon looking at the site, it appears that you can earn anywhere between $1 up to $400 depending on the questions you answer on School Solver.

And according to the data from the School Solver review, you can earn an average of 15$ per hour answering questions on this site.

However, take note that the company will charge a 20% commission on every answer you sold and a 2% withdrawal fee for withdrawing money from your account. So for instance, if you post an answer for $50, you will only receive $40 if someone buys it.

You can withdraw your earnings via Paypal and other payment methods School Solver supports.

You can learn more about the technicalities of making  money with School Solver here .

You can sign up as a tutor for free in School Solver. However, you will need to pass some requirements before you can become a tutor. 

5. Maven Research

Maven believes that everybody knows something.

So they are hiring professionals from every educational background, occupation, level of experience, and geography to answer market research questions.

Whether you are a physician, a race car driver, an engineer, or a plumber, Maven welcomes you to sign up and help people online with your expert knowledge.

As an expert, Maven finds a potential match client with whom you can provide helpful answers based on your expertise. 

They will then contact you to answer some questions regarding your expertise and you can get paid to answer written questions or talk to clients directly on the phone.

Maven also has a referral program. Each time you convince someone to sign up with Maven, you will get a commission. 

According to Maven, experts can earn hundreds of dollars per hour for participating in client calls. But you can set your own hourly rate on the basis of your expertise. 

For people who are early career professionals, you can earn anywhere between $100 to $200 per hour, while Vice President and C-level executives frequently command rates of $300 to $500 (or more). 

You will get paid via direct deposit to your bank account, check, or PayPal.

You can sign up for free with Maven. Once you have your account, you can start making money answering questions.

6. Studypool

Are you looking for a way to earn money by answering quiz and homework questions? Then Studypool is one of the best sites for you.

Studypool is an online platform that provides you with great ways to get paid by answering student’s questions online.

As an online tutor for Studypool, you will get paid by helping students answer their homework and school assignments.

You also have the choice to browse through different categories of topics and choose one that falls to your expertise.

But here’s the catch:

In Studypool, students post academic questions, set the budget, and time limit for the question. As a tutor, you will bid on the questions and the students pick a tutor they want to work with. 

So you might need to drive your service rate lower to get more clients.

Nevertheless, Studypool is a good way to make money online using your knowledge and your computer.

Looking at the recent question, it seems you can earn anywhere between $3 up to $10 answering questions in Studypool.

The company takes between 20 to 32.5% commission of the money you earn and you keep the rest.

During the time of this article, someone seems to have earned $41,735 on the platform.

Tutors can withdraw their earnings via a variety of payment gateways including PayPal, TransferWise, Western Union, and Payoneer.

To become a tutor, you have to sign up on the Studypool website using your Facebook, Google or LinkedIn account. 

You then need to complete your tutor profile, including your education, majors, and area of expertise.

Yup is a great place to make money for former teachers, educators, and graduate students with extensive tutoring experience. ( more side hustles for teachers )

As a Yup tutor, you will help students around the world to get their homework and assignments done and make money with it.

On average, Yup tutors earn between $10 to $15 per hour.

However, it may vary depending on your experience and area of expertise. The good news is Yup gives a bonus for performance excellence.

Yup pays on a monthly basis through direct deposit or PayPal.

You can apply to become a Yup tutor for free. Visit the Yup website and complete the Yup tutor application process . 

You also must complete a written portion, a subject proficiency exam, and a teaching exercise before you can get started.

8. PrestoExperts

PrestoExperts allows average people to work as a freelance expert or tutor and make money by answering questions online.

This platform is well known for having around the clock support for a wide range of questions, from tutoring in any subject, to business solutions, to technical support, and much more. 

When working with PrestoExperts, you can help your clients via online chat, phone or email. Just provide quality answer to their online question and you have the potential to earn good money on your spare time.

When it comes to payment details, you can decide your own fee per session with PrestoExperts.

Experts on this platform usually charge a nominal fee of $2 per minute. Payments are made via check or PayPal. 

You can sign up to become an expert for free with PrestoExperts. 

To get started, visit the PrestoExperts website , create an online profile, list your qualifications, education, specialties and any other information you’d like clients looking for help to know about you.

Once a position becomes available, you will get a job invitation via email.

Weegy is an automated online platform that specializes in answering questions for people. You can think of Weegy as a get paid to answer questions app.

However, when the system doesn’t have an answer to a certain question, it turns to expert members like you.

To make money with Weegy, you need to sign in to your Weegy account and wait for notifications about questions that need answers.

You can accept it or reject a question that comes your way, answering a question correctly will earn you points which can be converted to cash.

Based on the Weegy reviews, this site roughly pays 20 cents per question you answer.

The minimum cash-out threshold is $20 and you can get paid via PayPal.

While Weegy clearly pays a lot less than the other sites on this list, it is still one of the better options to get paid for answering questions in case the others don’t work for you.

You can create a Weegy account for free. Just visit Weegy answer website and complete a signup form.

10. Experts123

If you’re knowledgeable in topics like beauty, personal care, cooking, crafts, parenting, pets, technology, and etc, Experts123 is one of the most popular site you can make money with.

Similar to Weegy, Experts123 is another question and answer app that hires real-life experts and allows them to earn by answering questions anywhere and anytime.

But Experts123 is a little different from the other sites we’ve shared so far.

Instead of answering questions, you will get paid with Experts123 mainly by writing articles that are helpful to people, which in a way, answers their questions about specific topics.

And if it turns out that you have a knack for writing, and you get a good following on your articles, Experts123 might also invite you to make money online writing for other clients.

Your earning potential for the articles you post on Experts123 varies from one topic to another. But on average, you can earn from $8 to $20 for each article.

Payments are made through PayPal.

To join Experts123 , you need to register yourself on their website as an Expert. Fill in your personal information, specify your field of expertise, and then you can get paid to answer questions online

Beginner’s Guide On Getting Paid Answering Questions

First of all, you will need a computer and a stable Internet connection if you want to start making money by answering questions online.

Some tasks might also require you to use a good microphone or headphone and a camera.

Second, do proper research on a company you are planning to work with. Do some research and look for reviews to see if they are reputable and provide legitimate opportunities for you to get paid to answer questions.

Besides reputation, also check if the company is still hiring tutors. For example, many popular sites that used to pay people to answer questions such as Chegg , FixYa , and Wonder are no longer accepting new applications at this time.

Meanwhile, sites like Help Owl will only pay you free gift cards similar to online surveys sites and make money apps .

Another important thing you need to verify when working with a company that pays you to answer questions is the payment details. To be safe, you should always use secure payment sites like PayPal or direct bank transfer when collecting money.

And finally, you must accept that with this gig, it’s not always a given that you can earn a lot of money. 

Getting paid answering questions is also a constant grind and unlike affiliate marketing or online business , this is not a way to earn passive income.

The Bottom Line

There you have it, folks. Getting paid to answer questions. It’s a thing. 

And while it may sound too good to be true, you can make money – real, actual money – by answering questions.

And the best part? You can get paid to answer questions from the comfort of your own home, choose when to work, create your own schedule, and be your own boss.

Frequently Asked Questions About Getting Paid To Answer Questions

How can i earn money by answering questions.

There are various sites that will pay for your expert knowledge about a particular topic. Some of the best get paid to answer question sites that might be a good fit for your particular field of expertise include 6ya, PhotoMath, JustAnswer, and Maven.

What app gives money solving questions?

Some of the most popular get paid to answer questions app are Weegy and Experts123.

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How to Earn Money by Answering Questions – 10 Websites that Pay

  • by Michelle
  • October 3, 2023

How to Earn Money by Answering Questions - 10 Websites that Pay

There are a number of ways to earn money on the internet. Answering questions is one of them. Users can make money online simply by answering other people’s questions. It’s as simple as that!

There are actual websites dedicated to providing these types of services for people. These websites allow people to ask questions regarding any topic and experts can answer those questions in exchange for cash.

If the answer holds value, the experts can earn good money from them. Sounds easy right? So if you have knowledge in a certain field and want to earn in your spare time, these question/answer sites are meant for you.

Apps that pay you to Answer Questions

Here’s the list of Q&A based apps where you can answer people’s questions and make money:

JustAnswer is the most popular site for experts to make a living. They have a very intuitive chatting system that lets you communicate with customers easily. To become an expert on this website you have to be really good in the field you are applying for. There are a number of fields to choose from such as Finance, Computers, Law, Animals etc. Once you have chosen your field of expertise, you will have to submit your personal information along with your credentials such as your scanned copy of Diploma or degree, certifications etc. After your application is done you can expect a response in 5-10 days.

Payment Details



PrestoExperts is best known for having around the clock support for wide range of questions in any given field. From tutoring in any subject, to business solutions, to technical support or mental health counseling and much more. To become an expert, you can chose from over 600 categories that fit your exact service description.

To join PrestoExperts, you have to submit an application form comprising of you personal information as well as your expertise in the field you want to apply for. The best part is that you can register for multiple categories, provided that you specialize in them. Once a position becomes available, you will get an invitation via email.


Maven is a popular micro-consulting company where they hire consultants from all over the world. These consultants advise users on their everyday decision making. From business making decisions, conducting researches, filling out surveys or giving insights, Maven acts as a global knowledge market place.

To become a a micro-consultant, you have to register yourself and fill out an application form. Having done that select an hourly consulting rate that you think is appropriate and start building your profile.


Experts123 is another question and answer app. Its working is a bit different than other regular websites. The way it works is that the experts can earn money by either answering questions or by writing articles that are helpful to people. The more visitors you attract to your answers or articles, the more money you make. Also if you have a good following on your articles, the company will also invite you to write paid articles for other clients.

To join the website, you need to register yourself and then fill in your profile. After that, fill out your expertise in certain fields. You can write articles on technology, health and beauty and other variety of topics.


6ya is a website that helps people with all kinds of question/answers. Basically you get paid to help people over the phone . An average call is only 4 to 5 minutes long. You can set your own schedule and work in your own comfort.

You can take the calls directly from your smart phone. Once you have setup your profile and decided call hours, you can start working as an expert. There are over 600 categories that you can join to offer support services. 6ya currently offers services in the U.S.


Wonder is a research based question and answer website. Users join their community as research analysts and start earning by answering questions from the website’s research dashboard. Users ask questions and the researchers have to research those questions and provide appropriate answers. Researchers do not get paid unless the customer is content with your answer.

To join Wonder as a research analyst you first have to fill out an application form. After that, you get to select what you want to work as: A Source (Researcher) or a Writer . To become a Source users have to go through a three step application process that tests your English and critical reasoning skills. If you pass, the company will notify you via email.


HelpOwl is a free resource question and answer site. This website helps people by providing answers to them, and in return giving points to those that have provided the answer. Here the questioners do not pay you to answer their questions, however the more questions you answer the more points you get. You can redeem these points for gift cards.

To start answering questions you have to register for an account. Once your account is verified you can then start answering questions or writing reviews to earn points. There are different ways to earn points. Doing a company review will earn you 750 points , asking a question will earn 50 points , answering the question will earn from 10-1000 points .

earn money by answering homework questions

Earn.com is a different website of the same nature that pays in Bitcoin. The idea of Earn.com is to hire experts in different fields and they pay them to reply to emails and completing tasks.

To join Earn.com you need to establish your profile and join lists based on your skills and expertise. Once you’re done you will start receiving messages from researchers, recruiters and companies about your area of expertise. When you answer them you earn money. It’s that simple. You can also complete short tasks to earn even more.

earn money by answering homework questions

StudyPool is an online tutoring oriented question and answer site. The website allows users to make money online by answering student’s questions, whether it be homework or assignment related. Tutors simply have to browse through different categories of topics to choose from and answer the questions related to them.

To become a tutor you have to sign up from your Facebook, Google or LinkedIn account. Once that’s done, complete your profile including your education and majors. After that you are free to browse a pool of questions to answer.

earn money by answering homework questions

Fixya is a solution provider website that provides answers for product related queries or troubles people may be having. If there are no possible answers available, users can ask a question directly and the experts will get back to you through email. Experts are mostly unpaid for answering questions, however by becoming a premium expert, you start getting paid.

To become a premium expert you have to be active in the community. Experts earn points from 1-3 depending on the quality of the answer. There are also 3 levels of experts. Based on the number of points you earn, you move to different levels. The most highest level is the premium experts . When you become a premium expert, you will then have access to paying questions which you can then answer for money.


Let us know about what you think about these platforms in the comments section. Meanwhile, you can read about websites where you can earn money by participating in research studies .

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9 thoughts on “How to Earn Money by Answering Questions – 10 Websites that Pay”

' data-src=

You should try BountyQuestion.com, It staight forward like it sound.

' data-src=

from what I’m seeing fixya stopped paying experts years ago? Do you not research your information?

' data-src=

This article was published when fixya was actually paying their experts. However, the website had started to go downhill near the end of 2020. We are in process of updating a few of our old guides.

' data-src=

Dear admin, earn.com opens a crypto website. Please get the link rectified.

Thanks for the correction! We will replace it soon.

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I would love to be part of this team because it will help me financially and educationally

' data-src=

Plz tell me how tu earn money this app

' data-src=

It all looks cool you know..but to be honest we Indian are perhaps being discriminate or distinct in so many cases I assume.. Because most of the app didn’t works well or perhaps didn’t work at all in India

' data-src=

please let me if this web site have any job for M.B.B.S student answering questions of medical field and earn money.

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earn money by answering homework questions

5 Ways to Work at Home Helping Kids With Homework

I f you are looking for a way to earn money remotely helping kids with homework, I have a list you will want to check out. There are several companies now that pay tutors and teachers to help their clients (kids, teens, and in some cases college students) with homework.

Offering homework help online in many cases is just side money, but it may appeal to you if you've ever done any tutoring or teaching or just happen to be academically gifted. And being able to offer the help online is a plus and far more convenient than having to travel to the home of a student, or to a school.

Below I've listed five companies that are almost always seeking people to provide homework help in a variety of different subjects, entirely online.

Good luck if you apply for anything!

5 Ways to Work at Home Offering Homework Help

1 – studypool.

After you apply as a tutor on the Studypool website, you can then browse the site for homework questions you think you'd be qualified to answer. You get to request a fee for the questions you're interested in helping with, and the students can decide whether or not they want to work with you based on what you are charging.

Once you submit your answer and the student accepts it, you will receive your pay.

You can log in on Studypool and work whenever you want, although there will be certain times of year that there aren't as many questions to help with (summer and the Christmas holidays).

2 – GeeklyHelp

GeeklyHelp specializes in homework help for college students. The students send out help requests and wait for a tutor “match” based on GeeklyHelp's AI algorithm designed to find the perfect tutor to help with their problem.

You will chat with the student you've been assigned to one-on-one until the problem is solved, and then you receive your payment.

According to the site, most tutors working with them earn on average $20/hourly. Payments are made weekly via PayPal, Payoneer, or Skrill, and you're free to choose your own hours.

You have to apply and prove your competence in the subjects you claim to be an expert in prior to acceptance.

RELATED: 15 Companies Always Hiring Work at Home Tutors

3 – SchoolSolver

SchoolSolver is the most basic-looking of all the options I've listed for you. Just click on “Answer Questions” when you visit the site, and you'll be presented with a list of homework questions students need help with, along with the amount they are willing to pay for assistance.

If you know the answer to the question, you can add it, but the buyer cannot see the answer unless they pay. This helps guarantee you get paid for your help.

I do see a lot of room for error here and students possibly claiming your answer isn't good so they don't have to pay, but then using it anyway … so just be a little cautious with this one.

Payments are made via PayPal. There do not appear to be any requirements to sign up and start answering questions.

4 – Growing Stars

Growing Stars is a bit more professional. They offer online tutoring services for elementary, middle, and high school students.

Sessions are held online and one-on-one via a whiteboard. You teach the students using the same textbooks they have in school.

There is no mention on the website of what you are paid.

The candidate registration form is located here. You are also asked to select which subject you'd like to teach in.

5 – 24HourAnswers.com

24HourAnswers.com provides online tutoring and homework help services to students for over 400 subjects.

If you are interested in tutoring for 24HourAnswers.com, you will need at least a Master’s degree, but if you’re an exceptional student with at least a Bachelor degree you can still apply with great spoken and written English skills.

Payments are made monthly via ACH Payments, Bank Transfer (International), PayPal and Payoneer.

I hope this helps you if you were looking for some work at home options and ways to earn extra cash helping kids and teens with their homework. Good luck!

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@schoolsolver Thanks to you I was able to get a review guide done for my math final — Jessicabobessica (@jessicaloser77) February 1, 2016
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Wow Surprised at how easy it was to use @schoolsolver for my homework questions. Literally one day later had it all done. — Enes Oglic (@chupatore) July 1, 2016
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I love you @schoolsolver . I just wish i had used your service earlier. Like back in middle school :p — LeslieBrandon7X (@LeslieBrandon7X) November 26, 2018
Made 1200 bucks last month with @schoolsolver alone. Keep the questions coming babby — Mahesh (@mrmaheshr012) November 30, 2018
if i had @schoolsolver back when I was in high school i would have been 1000x more efficient? — AlyssaGregoirey (@ErwinBaselpa7M) November 27, 2018

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    After you create a profile and list your skills, you set your rates. It's estimated that you earn between $5 and $25 per homework assignment. 13. Studypool. Studypool is a micro-tutoring platform that gives you the option of placing bids on students' homework questions, which is usually between $5 and $20 per answer. The website also has ...

  6. 16 Legit Sites To Get Paid To Do Homework For Money (Legally)

    Here are the top sites to answer homework questions for money. 1. School Solver. ... You have more opportunities to make money with this homework platform because of its more comprehensive range of services. One of the services is the college homework library, where students can buy answers from previous solutions at a lower price. ...

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    HelloExperts. HelloExperts is a platform where academics can earn up to $1,000 a month answering questions. All you need to do is join and apply to be a subject matter expert and upload copies of recent qualifications. After approval, you can start getting paid to answer questions and receive ratings from students. 21.

  8. 21 Legit Ways to Get Paid to Answer Questions (Start Earning Today!)

    Earning Potential: $5.10 to $35.00 per question. Payment Method: Check or direct deposit. Be an eNotes Educator and earn money answering homework questions! As an eNotes Educator, you'll go to the Homework Help section and provide thorough responses to questions related to literary works, math, and other subjects.

  9. How to Make Money as a Studypool Tutor

    An important component of making money as a tutor on Studypool is building credibility through high ratings and good feedback from students, as well as repeat customers. The more bids are accepted, the more chances you have to earn on the platform. Studypool keeps 15%-30% commission on every question you answer.

  10. How to Get Paid to Answer Questions: 19 Legit Ways

    Top Ways to Get Paid to Answer Questions. Here are the top ways to get paid to answer questions: 1. JustAnswer. JustAnswer.com is a website that pays highly qualified experts to respond to questions. For example, experts may include college professors, computer technicians, insurance appraisers, and CEOs.

  11. 20 Best Ways To Get Paid To Answer Questions

    5. Swagbucks. Like Branded Surveys, another easy way to get paid for answering questions is to use a website called Swagbucks. This free and global paid survey site lets you share your opinion on topics like politics, health, science, and entertainment to get paid.

  12. Studypool: How You Can Make Money Tutoring Students Online

    Make Money Giving Homework Help. If you're looking for easy money on the side, Studypool might be for you. You can make money in your free time by answering questions and giving homework help to students who need it. If you're not sure Studypool is the best option, you can always check out other online teaching jobs.

  13. 25+ Best Ways To Do Homework For Money (High-Paying!)

    To make money doing homework, you answer questions students post on School Solver. As mentioned, you have to provide a full explanation or demonstration of how you found the answer. ... This video from Max Stacks also shares some legit ways to earn money answering homework questions if you need even more ideas to start this online side hustle.

  14. Studypool Review: How to Make Money as a Studypool Tutor

    Essentially, students can post questions for help with their homework and get answers from tutors like you! As a Studypool tutor, you'll make money by bidding on and answering questions that students post. Getting Started as an Online Tutor with Studypool. Signing up to make money as a Studypool tutor does take a little bit of time.

  15. How to Do Homework for Money: All You Need to Know

    Fees/Commission: School Solver charges a commission of 20% on every answer purchased and an extra 2% for withdrawing the money from your user account. Payment Methods: PayPal. 2. Chegg. Chegg is an online platform that offers homework help, writing services, and exam preparation support to college students.

  16. Get Paid to Answer Questions with These 43+ Websites and Apps!

    FixYa - FixYa focuses on questions related to fixing things. You'll receive points on your answers, based on how helpful others find them to be. You can trade in your points for prizes. Help Owl - Help Owl pays you with points to answer questions about brands you have expert knowledge of, like 3M or Skype.

  17. How to Earn Money Answering Questions for Study.com

    Economics Expert Q&A. Economics experts will help our users understand economic data sets, equations, and solutions (such as the Nash equilibrium.) You might see questions like: It is a hot day ...

  18. How to Earn Money by Answering Questions Online (15 Ways)

    Sites That Will Pay You To Answer Questions Online. 1. JustAnswer. JustAnswer is one of the most popular Q&A sites. The evidence is in the numbers. Since its inception in 2003, the site claims to have helped over 9 million people get professional help. Currently, it has over 12,000 verified experts.

  19. Get Paid To Answer Questions: 15 Best Websites To Make Money Online

    Looking to make some extra money? Get paid to answer questions online! Check out the 12 best sites that pay you for your knowledge and start earning today!

  20. Top 10 Ways To Get Paid To Answer Questions Online

    To make money with PhotoMath, you will need to register as a Photomath Math Expert and you have to complete a Math expert qualification test. 3. JustAnswer. JustAnswer is one of the most popular ways to get paid to answer questions, provide online tutoring, homework assistance, and a library of other academic solutions.

  21. How to Make Money Online by Answering Homework Questions

    To succeed in making money online by answering homework questions, it's important to approach it with the right strategy. Here are some tips to help you maximize your earnings and impact: Provide High-Quality Answers: The quality of your answers is crucial. Make sure your responses are accurate, detailed, and helpful.

  22. How to Earn Money by Answering Questions

    6ya. 6ya is a website that helps people with all kinds of question/answers. Basically you get paid to help people over the phone. An average call is only 4 to 5 minutes long. You can set your own schedule and work in your own comfort. You can take the calls directly from your smart phone.

  23. 5 Ways to Work at Home Helping Kids With Homework

    They offer online tutoring services for elementary, middle, and high school students. Sessions are held online and one-on-one via a whiteboard. You teach the students using the same textbooks they ...

  24. School Solver

    Trusted and Recommended by Thousands of Students. School Solver is a marketplace for students to get help with homework questions, answers, and projects. It also provides a way for students and tutors to get paid and make money answering homework questions.

  25. Need Tax Help? Answers to Common Questions for IRS Filing

    The IRS website is the best place to start if you have a tax question. The IRS phone line also now has voice and chatbots that can help you with common tax issues. But if you need to get in touch with a human at the IRS, try calling 1-800-829-1040 between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. local time.