Essay on Globalization for Students and Children

500+ words essay on globalization.

Globalization refers to integration between people, companies, and governments. Most noteworthy, this integration occurs on a global scale. Furthermore, it is the process of expanding the business all over the world. In Globalization, many businesses expand globally and assume an international image. Consequently, there is a requirement for huge investment to develop international companies.

Essay on Globalization

How Globalization Came into Existence?

First of all, people have been trading goods since civilization began. In the 1st century BC, there was the transportation of goods from China to Europe. The goods transportation took place along the Silk Road. The Silk Road route was very long in distance. This was a remarkable development in the history of Globalization. This is because, for the first time ever, goods were sold across continents.

Globalization kept on growing gradually since 1st BC. Another significant development took place in the 7th century AD. This was the time when the religion of Islam spread. Most noteworthy, Arab merchants led to a rapid expansion of international trade . By the 9th century, there was the domination of Muslim traders on international trade. Furthermore, the focus of trade at this time was spices.

True Global trade began in the Age of Discovery in the 15th century. The Eastern and Western continents were connected by European merchants. There was the discovery of America in this period. Consequently, global trade reached America from Europe.

From the 19th century, there was a domination of Great Britain all over the world. There was a rapid spread of international trade. The British developed powerful ships and trains. Consequently, the speed of transportation greatly increased. The rate of production of goods also significantly increased. Communication also got faster which was better for Global trade .

Finally, in 20th and 21st -Century Globalization took its ultimate form. Above all, the development of technology and the internet took place. This was a massive aid for Globalization. Hence, E-commerce plays a huge role in Globalization.

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Impact of Globalization

First of all, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) increases at a great rate. This certainly is a huge contribution of Globalization. Due to FDI, there is industrial development. Furthermore, there is the growth of global companies. Also, many third world countries would also benefit from FDI.

Technological Innovation is another notable contribution of Globalization. Most noteworthy, there is a huge emphasis on technology development in Globalization. Furthermore, there is also technology transfer due to Globalization. The technology would certainly benefit the common people.

The quality of products improves due to Globalization. This is because manufacturers try to make products of high-quality. This is due to the pressure of intense competition. If the product is inferior, people can easily switch to another high-quality product.

To sum it up, Globalization is a very visible phenomenon currently. Most noteworthy, it is continuously increasing. Above all, it is a great blessing to trade. This is because it brings a lot of economic and social benefits to it.

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Globalization is a term used to describe the increasing connectedness and interdependence of world cultures and economies.

Anthropology, Sociology, Social Studies, Civics, Economics

Freight Trains

Freight trains waiting to be loaded with cargo to transport around the United Kingdom. This cargo comes from around the world and contains all kinds of goods and products.

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Freight trains waiting to be loaded with cargo to transport around the United Kingdom. This cargo comes from around the world and contains all kinds of goods and products.

Globalization is a term used to describe how trade and technology have made the world into a more connected and interdependent place. Globalization also captures in its scope the economic and social changes that have come about as a result. It may be pictured as the threads of an immense spider web formed over millennia, with the number and reach of these threads increasing over time. People, money, material goods, ideas, and even disease and devastation have traveled these silken strands, and have done so in greater numbers and with greater speed than ever in the present age. When did globalization begin? The Silk Road, an ancient network of trade routes across China, Central Asia, and the Mediterranean used between 50 B.C.E. and 250 C.E., is perhaps the most well-known early example of exchanging ideas, products, and customs. As with future globalizing booms, new technologies played a key role in the Silk Road trade. Advances in metallurgy led to the creation of coins; advances in transportation led to the building of roads connecting the major empires of the day; and increased agricultural production meant more food could be trafficked between locales. Along with Chinese silk, Roman glass, and Arabian spices, ideas such as Buddhist beliefs and the secrets of paper-making also spread via these tendrils of trade. Unquestionably, these types of exchanges were accelerated in the Age of Exploration, when European explorers seeking new sea routes to the spices and silks of Asia bumped into the Americas instead. Again, technology played an important role in the maritime trade routes that flourished between old and newly discovered continents. New ship designs and the creation of the magnetic compass were key to the explorers’ successes. Trade and idea exchange now extended to a previously unconnected part of the world, where ships carrying plants, animals, and Spanish silver between the Old World and the New also carried Christian missionaries. The web of globalization continued to spin out through the Age of Revolution, when ideas about liberty , equality , and fraternity spread like fire from America to France to Latin America and beyond. It rode the waves of industrialization , colonization , and war through the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries, powered by the invention of factories, railways, steamboats, cars, and planes. With the Information Age, globalization went into overdrive. Advances in computer and communications technology launched a new global era and redefined what it meant to be “connected.” Modern communications satellites meant the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo could be watched in the United States for the first time. The World Wide Web and the Internet allowed someone in Germany to read about a breaking news story in Bolivia in real time. Someone wishing to travel from Boston, Massachusetts, to London, England, could do so in hours rather than the week or more it would have taken a hundred years ago. This digital revolution massively impacted economies across the world as well: they became more information-based and more interdependent. In the modern era, economic success or failure at one focal point of the global web can be felt in every major world economy. The benefits and disadvantages of globalization are the subject of ongoing debate. The downside to globalization can be seen in the increased risk for the transmission of diseases like ebola or severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), or in the kind of environmental harm that scientist Paul R. Furumo has studied in microcosm in palm oil plantations in the tropics. Globalization has of course led to great good, too. Richer nations now can—and do—come to the aid of poorer nations in crisis. Increasing diversity in many countries has meant more opportunity to learn about and celebrate other cultures. The sense that there is a global village, a worldwide “us,” has emerged.

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Essay About Globalization Globalization can be defined as the process of integration among individuals, corporates, and governments in the world (Pieterse, 2019). The term is also used to describe the spread of goods, technology, culture, and information across country boundaries. Globalization has served to reshape the economic landscape of the United States with the introduction of new technologies, the exchange of business ideologies, and corporate culture. Through globalization, local companies are also expanding their operations, opening outlets, and acquisition strategies in foreign countries. Globalization has also significantly changed the internal environment of many businesses with organization managements forced to develop strategies that would accommodate the changes associated with it. One of the ways through which globalization has changed the internal environment of organizations is through organizational diversity (Borjas, 2015). With the increase in immigration as facilitated by globalization, the organization that I worked for was characterized by staff members from different ethnicities and cultural backgrounds. The human resource in the organization responded to office diversity through several team-building strategies to enhance cohesion and coordination among the staff members. The organization's Human Resource Management also responded through the inclusion of minority groups in various leadership positions as a strategy to motivate employees and also accommodate them in the overall goal of the organization. A code of ethics was also developed that served to promote employee integration and tolerance while harsh penalties for any employees that propelled any form of racial or cultural segregation. Also, as a strategy to accommodate the minority groups, the organization regularly celebrated the various cultures while employees were also given a holiday off to celebrate their respective holidays. The organization was also able to use diversity to enhance decision-making and utilize more creative approaches in problem-solving. Cultural diversity also played a significant role in the marketing operations of the organization whereby the organization was able to reach out to foreign cultures within the country with the help of employees from the organization who are more conversant with the behavior of the market from their cultures. Employees were also able to attend to clients from their cultures and this also helped in service delivery and customer retention.

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Trade, capital, and information flows have stabilized, recovered, and even grown in the past year.

As the coronavirus swept the world, closing borders and halting international trade and capital flows, there were questions about the pandemic’s lasting impact on globalization. But a close look at the recent data paints a much more optimistic picture. While international travel remains significantly down and is not expected to rebound until 2023, cross-border trade, capital, and information flows have largely stabilized, recovered, or even grown over the last year. The bottom line for business is that Covid-19 has not knocked globalization down to anywhere close to what would be required for strategists to narrow their focus to their home countries or regions.

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globalization essay

  • Steven A. Altman is a senior research scholar, adjunct assistant professor, and director of the DHL Initiative on Globalization at the NYU Stern Center for the Future of Management .
  • CB Caroline R. Bastian is a research scholar at the DHL Initiative on Globalization.

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Essay on Globalisation

Globalization means the integration of economies and societies through the flow of information, ideas, technology, goods, services, capital, finance, and people. The true meaning of Globalization in a broad sense is connecting in all areas of human life. It is the process by which other companies or organizations enhance their international reputation or start operating internationally. 

Globalization began thousands of years ago when people and companies bought and sold in distant lands. In the Middle Ages, Central Asia was connected to China and Europe via the famous Silk Road. After World War II and the last two decades, governments of many countries have adopted free-market economies. They have greatly increased their own production potential and created countless new opportunities for international trade and investment. New routes and means to transport goods have been discovered, which has allowed the people to expand their business easily and efficiently. 

The government has reduced all trade barriers and concluded new international agreements to promote trade in goods, services and investment. This profitable action has created opportunities for international trade. In foreign markets, companies with these new opportunities set up new factories and establish production and marketing relationships with foreign partners. Hence, Globalization is defined as an international industrial and financial enterprise.

Overview of Globalization

Globalization means the assimilation of economics and societies through the flow of information, ideas, technologies, goods, services, capital, finance, and people. The real meaning of Globalization in a broad sense is connectivity in all aspects of human life. It is the process where the businesses or other organizations expand international authority or start operating on an international scale.

How the Existence of Globalization Came Into Being?

Globalization had started many thousands of years ago when people and corporations were buying and selling across lands at great distances. In the middle age, Central Asia connected with China and Europe through the famed Silk Road. After the Second World War II and during the last two decades, the governments of many countries have adopted free-market economic systems. They increased their own productive potential immensely and created innumerable new opportunities for international trade and investment.

The governments have reduced all barriers to commerce and established new international agreements to promote trade in goods, services and investments. These beneficial measures gave rise to opportunities for global trade. With these new opportunities in the foreign markets, corporations established new factories and started production and marketing alliances with foreign partners. Hence, Globalization is defined as an international industrial and financial business structure.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The frontiers of the state with increased confidence in the market economy and renewed policies in the private capital and resources, a process of structural adjustment spurred by the studies and with the support of the World Bank and other international organizations have started in many of the developing countries. Globalization has also brought in new opportunities to developing countries. Greater access to developed country markets and technology transfer has promised to improve their productivity and higher standards. 

At the same time, Globalization has also created challenges like growing inequality across and within nations, instability in the financial market and environmental deterioration. Globalization is a fascinating exhibition that can be understood as a global system of competition and connectivity. It has created tough competition among countries and global corporations.

Impact of Globalization in India

The British Colonial rule had destroyed the self-sufficient economy of India and left India to be the poorest Independent country. Our first Prime Minister gave preference to a mixed economy to boost the economic condition of the country. Public sectors were set up along with the private enterprises, but because of the socialistic model of the economy, the new strategy did not produce profitable results. Due to this, a number of public sectors became sick and the growth rates of production began to fall. 

During that time, the poverty of the people in India was increasing at an alarming rate and because of low domestic savings and acute balance of payment crisis, there was no adequate capital for investment. During that time of crisis, Prime Minister PV Narsimha Rao introduced the policy of liberalization, privatization to overcome the financial situation. 

India opened up to Globalization after the economic policy of 1991 came into force. Mounting debts and pressure from the International Monetary Fund drove the nation to go global. The process of Globalization has been an integral part of the recent economic growth of India. Globalization has played a very significant role in the growth of export, leading to the expansion of the job market in India. One of the major sectors of Globalization in India has been in the growth of outsourced IT and Business Process Outsourcing services. There has been an incredible increase in the number of skilled professionals in India employed by domestic and foreign companies to cater service to the customers globally, especially in the USA and Europe. 

There was not a doubt that Globalization in India brought a monumental change in the living standards of the people. People in India realized many benefits from Globalization. The establishment of multinational companies generating billions of jobs and access to umpteen numbers of brands and an increase in the forex reserves of the country took India to a higher platform globally. Despite this monumental change in the economy of the country, India also faced the challenges of severe competition from the foreign market and the domestic producers started fearing marginalization and pulverization because of the better quality products produced by the foreign producers.

Globalization had both desirable and undesirable consequences for India and the world. Even though it has accelerated progress in some countries, it has also widened the gap between the rich and the poor.

The impact of Globalization has been both positive and negative on the entire world, but we can surely hope for more advancement in the global economy due to this process.


FAQs on Globalisation Essay

1. How Did Globalization Help India to Improve the Economic Conditions?

Globalization generated umpteen employment opportunities for the people of India by establishing multinational companies. The policy of liberalization and privatization invited foreign traders to do business with India. This has increased the inflow of men, money, material, labor, technology, etc., from foreign countries to India. People have access to foreign brands and the living standards have improved drastically.

2. How is Globalization a Threat to Domestic Producers?

The domestic producers fear marginalization and pulverization because of the entry of foreign and better quality products.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Globalization?

With increasing confidence in market economies and new policies on private capital and resources, many developing countries are beginning to adapt to developments with the support of the World Bank and other international institutions involved in research and development. Globalization also offers new opportunities for developing countries. Greater access to markets in developed countries and the transfer of technology will increase their productivity and demand.

At the same time, Globalization has created challenges such as increasing inequality between and within countries, instability of financial markets and environmental degradation. Globalization is an interesting exhibition that can also be seen as a system of competition and international relations. This has created intense competition between countries and international companies. 

4. What do you mean by Globalization?

Globalization means the integration of economies and societies through the flow of information, ideas, technology, goods, services, capital, finance, and people. The true meaning of Globalization in a broad sense is a connectedness in all areas of human life. It is the process by which other companies or organizations enhance their international reputation or start operating internationally. Globalization has its own benefits and drawbacks. We can learn more about Globalization and how to write an essay on it in detail on the Vedantu website, which has all the necessary materials that students need in order to write an essay on Globalization. 

5. How can Globalization help India improve its economic situation?

In our present times, Globalization has been a boon to many people as it not only allows companies to expand their business but also makes things accessible for everyone. In a simple sense, we can say that it helps in connecting people with the world. Globalization has created many job opportunities in India through the creation of multinational companies. Policies of liberalization and privatization have encouraged foreign traders to trade with India. This has increased the number of people, money, materials, labor, technology and so on—inflows from abroad to India. People have access to foreign brands and the standard of living has improved significantly.

6. How does Globalization threaten domestic producers?

Domestic producers are afraid of marginalization and due to the entry of foreign and better quality products into the market. Globalization can be associated with increasing income and wealth inequality. Many of the world's poorest people lack access to basic technologies and public goods. They are excluded from treatment. Some critics of globalization point to the loss of economic and cultural diversity as international multinational giants and brands dominate domestic markets in many countries. Globalization can hinder competition if international companies with dominant brands and high technology gain a foothold in key markets, be it telecommunications, the automotive industry, and so on.

7. What are the main industries that have grown tremendously because of Globalization?

The integration of national economies into the global economy is one of the most important developments of the last century. This process of integration, often referred to as Globalization, has manifested itself in a tremendous increase in cross-border trade.

The outsourcing business has grown exponentially due to Globalization. The main industries resulting from Globalization are trade and commerce. Automobile companies, clothing manufacturers and transportation, are the three main industries taken over as a result of Globalization.

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Essay on Globalisation

List of essays on globalisation, essay on globalisation – definition, existence and impact (essay 1 – 250 words), essay on globalisation (essay 2 – 250 words), essay on globalisation – in india (essay 3 – 400 words), essay on globalisation – objectives, advantages, disadvantages and conclusion (essay 4 – 500 words), essay on globalisation – for school students (class 6,7,8,9 and 10) (essay 5 – 600 words), essay on globalisation (essay 6 – 750 words), essay on globalisation – for college and university students (essay 7 – 1000 words), essay on globalisation – for ias, civil services, ips, upsc and other competitive exams (essay 8 – 1500 words).

The worldwide integration of people, services and interests is what globalisation is all about. Since the last decade, there has been a tremendous focus on globalisation with everyone trying to have a reach at even the remotest locations of the world. This has probably been possible due to the advancement in technology and communication.

Audience: The below given essays are especially written for school, college and university students. Furthermore, those students preparing for IAS, IPS, UPSC, Civil Services and other competitive exams can also increase their knowledge by studying these essays.

The word ‘Globalization’ is often heard in the business world, in corporate meetings, in trade markets, at international conferences, in schools, colleges and many other places. So what does globalization symbolize? Is it a new concept or did it exist earlier? Let’s see.


Globalization refers to the integration of the world nations by means of its people, goods, and services. The statement – ‘ globalization has made the world a small village ’ is very true.

Countries inviting foreign investment, free trade and relaxation in the visa rules to allow seamless movement of people from one country to another are all part of globalization.

In a nutshell, globalization has reduced the distance between nations and its people.

Many among us refer to the current period that we live in as ‘The Era of Globalization’ and think that the process of globalization has started only recently. But the real fact is that globalization is not a new phenomenon . The world was moving towards globalization from a very long time. The term globalization was in existence since mid-1980s. But it was only from the early 21 st century that globalization picked up momentum due to the advancements in technology and communication.

Impact of Globalization:

Globalization has more positive outcomes than the negative ones. The impact of globalization on the developing countries such as India, China and some African countries are overwhelming. Foreign investments have created a lot of employment opportunities in the developing countries and have boosted their economy. Globalization has also enabled people to interchange their knowledge and culture.


Although the world is not completely globalized, we can very well say that globalization is the best way to achieve equality among nations.

In simple words, globalization means the spreading of a business, culture, or any technology on an international level. When the boundaries of countries and continents matter no more, and the whole world becomes one global village in itself. Globalization is an effort to reduce the geographical and political barriers for the smooth functioning of any business.

There are four main factors that form the four pillars of globalization. These are the free flow of goods, capitals, technology, and labors, all across the world. Although, many of the experts that support globalization clearly refuse to acknowledge the free flow of labor as their work culture.

The international phenomenon of global culture presents many implications and requires a specific environment to flourish. For instance, it needs the other countries to come to a mutual agreement in terms of political, cultural, and economic policies. There is greater sharing of ideas and knowledge and liberalization has gained a huge importance.

Undoubtedly, globalization helps in improving the economic growth rate of the developing countries . The advanced global policies also inspire businesses to work in a cost-effective way. As a result, the production quality is enhanced and employment opportunities are also rising in the domestic countries.

However, there are still some negative consequences of globalization that are yet to be dealt with. It leads to greater economic and socio-cultural disparities between the developed and the developing countries. Due to the MNC culture, the small-scale industries are losing their place in the market.

Exchanges and integration of social aspect of people along with their cultural and economic prospects is what we term as Globalization. It is considered as a relatively new term, which has been in discussion since the nineties.

Initial Steps towards Globalization:

India has been an exporter of various goods to other countries since the earlier times. Hence Globalization, for India, is not something new. However, it was only around in the early nineties that India opened up its economy for the world as it faced a major crisis of severe crunch of foreign exchange. Since then, there has been a major shift in the government’s strategies while dealing with the PSUs along with a reduction in the monopoly of the government organisations perfectly blended with the introduction of the private companies so as to achieve a sustainable growth and recognition across the world.

The Measurement of Success:

The success of such measures can be measured in the form of the GDP of India which hovered around 5.6% during the year 1990-91 and has been now around 8.9% during the first quarter of 2018-19. In fact, in the year 1996-97, it was said to have peaked up to as high as 77.8%. India’s global position is improved tremendously due to the steady growth in the GDP thus furthering the impact of globalization on India. As on date, India is ranked as the sixth biggest economy in the world. This globalization leading to the integration and trade has been instrumental in reducing the poverty rate as well.

However, given the fact that India is the second most populated country of the world, after China, this growth cannot be considered as sufficient enough as other countries such as China have increased their growth rates at much faster pace than India. For instance, the average flow of FDI in India, over the past few years has been around 0.5% of the GDP while for countries such as China it has been around 5% and Brazil has had a flow of around 5.5%. In fact, India is considered among the least globalized economy among the major countries.

Summarily, there has been a tremendous increase in the competition and interdependence that India faces due to Globalization, but a lot is yet to be done. It is not possible for a country to ignore the developments and globalization occurring in the rest of the world and one need to keep the pace of growth at a steady rate or else you may be left far behind.

The twentieth century witnessed a revolutionary global policy aiming to turn the entire globe into a single market. The motive of globalization can broadly define to bring substantial improvement in the living condition of people all around the world, education, and shelter to everybody, elimination of poverty, equal justice without any race or gender consideration, etc. Globalization also aims to lessen government involvement in various development activities, allowing more direct investors/peoples’ participation cutting across border restrictions thus expected to reap reasonable prosperity to human beings.

Main Objectives of Globalization:

The four main aspects of globalization are; Capital and Investment movements, Trade and Transactions, Education and Spread of knowledge, along with Migration and Unrestricted Movement of People.

In simpler terms, globalization visualizes that one can purchase and sell goods from any part of the world, communicate and interact with anyone, anywhere in the world and also enables cultural exchange among the global population. It is operational at three levels namely, economic globalization, cultural globalization, and political globalization. Right from its inception, the impact of globalization has both advantages and disadvantages worldwide.

Advantages of Globalization:

As the word itself suggests, this policy involves all the nations across the globe. The lifting of trade barriers can have a huge impact especially in developing countries. It augments the flow of technology, education, medicines, etc., to these countries which are a real blessing.

Globalization expects to create ample job opportunities as more and more companies can extend their presence to different parts of the world. Multinational companies can establish their presence in developing countries. Globalization gives educational aspirants from developing and underdeveloped countries more quality learning opportunities. It leads not only to the pursuit of best higher education but also to cultural and language exchanges.

Globalization also enhances a faster flow of information and quick transportation of goods and services. Moreover one can order any item from anywhere merely sitting at home. Another plus point of globalization is the diminishing cultural barriers between nations as it offers free access and cultural interactions . Also, it has been observed that there is a considerable reduction of poverty worldwide due to globalization . In addition to this, it also enables the effective use of resources.

Disadvantages of Globalization:

Globalization turned out to be a significant threat to the cottage and small-scale industries as they have to compete with the products of multi-national companies. Another dangerous effect of globalization is the condition of weak sections of the society, as they are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer. The situation leads to the domination of economically rich countries over emerging countries and the increase of disparity.

The actions of multi-national companies are deplorable and always facing criticism from various social, government and world bodies as they are incompetent in offering decent working conditions for the workers. Irrational tapping of natural resources which are instrumental in causing ecological imbalance is another major accusation against multi-national companies.

Globalization is also blamed to have paved the way for human trafficking, labor exploitation and spread of infectious diseases too. In addition to all these, if any economic disaster hit a country and if they subsequently suffer from economic depression, its ripples are felt deeply in other countries as well.

Despite all its disadvantages, globalization has transformed the entire globe into a single market irrespective of its region, religion, language, culture, and diversity differences. It also leads to an increase in demand for goods, which in turn calls for more production and industrialization. Our focus should be to minimize the risks and maximize the positive outcome of global policy, which in turn can help for a sustainable long-standing development for people all around the world.


Globalization is the procedure of global political, economic, as well as cultural incorporation of countries . It lets the producers and manufacturers of the goods or products to trade their goods internationally without any constraint.

The businessman fetches huge profit as they easily get low price workforce in developing nations with the concept of globalization. It offers a big prospect to the firms who wish to deal with the global market. Globalization assists any nation to contribute, set up or amalgamate businesses, capitalize on shares or equity, vending of services or products in any country.

How does the Globalization Work?

Globalization benefits the international market to the entire deliberate world like a solitary marketplace. Merchants are spreading their extents of trade by aiming world as a worldwide community. In the 1990s, there was a limit of importing some goods that were already mass-produced in India such as engineering goods, agricultural products, toiletries, food items, etc.

But, in the 1990s the rich countries pressurize the WTO (World Trade Organization), World Bank (affianced in improvement financing activities), and IMF (International Monetary Fund) to let other nations spread their trades by introducing market and trade in the deprived and emerging countries. The process of liberalization and globalization in India began in the year 1991 below the Union Finance Minister Mr. Manmohan Singh.

After numerous years, globalization has fetched major uprising inside the Indian marketplace when international brands arrived in India such as KFC, PepsiCo, Mc. Donald, Nokia, IBM, Aiwa, Ericsson, etc., and began the delivery of an extensive variety of quality goods at low-cost rates.

The entire leading brands presented actual uprising of globalization at this time as a marvellous improvement to the economy of an industrial sector. Rates of the quality goods were also getting low owing to the cut-throat war happening in the marketplace.

Liberalization and globalization of the businesses in the Indian marketplace is submerging the quality of imported goods but influencing the local Indian businesses badly in large part causing the job loss of illiterate and poor labors. Globalization has remained a goldmine for the customers, but it is also a burial ground for the small-scale manufacturers in India.

Positive Influences of Globalisation:

Globalization has influenced the education sectors and students of India predominantly by making accessible the education material and enormous info on the internet. Association of Indian universities with the overseas universities has fetched a massive modification in the education business.

The health industries are too influenced enormously by the globalization of health observing electronic apparatuses, conventional drugs, etc. The trade globalization in the agricultural sector has provided a range of high-quality seeds possessing disease-fighting property. But, it is not beneficial for the underprivileged Indian agriculturalists owing to the reason of expensive seeds as well as agricultural equipment.

Globalization has given an enormous rebellion to the occupation sector by increasing the growth of trades related to the handloom , cottage, artisans and carving, carpet, jewellery, ceramics, and glassware, etc.

Globalization is definitely required by the people and nation to progress and turn into an established society and country. It benefits in expanding our visualization and thoughts. It also aids in endorsing the philosophy that we fit in a huge crowd of persons, i.e., the humankind. Once the two nations congregate, they flourish by sharing their beliefs, thoughts, opinions, customs, and behaviors. People come to know new things and also acquire a chance to discover and get acquainted with other values.

Globalization has provided many reasonably priced valued goods and complete economic welfares to the emerging nations in addition to the employment. But, it has also given growth to the crime, competition, terrorism, anti-national activities, etc. Thus, along with the pleasure it has supplied some grief too.

Globalization is a term that we hear about every now and then. Question is; do we really know what it is all about? Globalization is defined as the process of integration and interaction among people, cultures and nations who come together in order to get things done easily through contact. Globalization began with the migration of people from Africa to different parts of the world. Global developments have been achieved in various sectors through the different types of globalization. The effects of globalization have been felt in every part of the world and more people continue to embrace it. Globalization has some of its core elements that help in the process.

Types of Globalization:

Globalization does not just transform a sector unless the strategies are related to that specific sector. The first type of globalization is financial and economic globalization whereby interaction takes place in the financial and economic sectors especially through stock market exchange and international trade. The other type is technological globalization which involves the integration and connection of different nations through technological methods like the internet. Political globalization transforms the politics of a nation through interactions with adoption of policies and government that cut across other nations. Cultural globalization is basically the interaction of people from different cultures and sharing. Ecological globalization is the viewing of the earth as one ecosystem and sociological globalization is on equality for all people.

Elements of Globalization:

Globalization works with characteristic elements. Trade agreements is one of the components that significantly benefits the economic and financial globalization. These trade agreements have been designed to promote and sustain globalization by preventing barriers that inhibit trade among nations or regions. Another element is capital flow that is concerned with the measures of either a decline or a rise in domestic or foreign assets. Migration patterns is a socio-economical and cultural element that monitors the impacts of immigration and emigration actively. The element of information transfer involves communications and maintains the functioning of the markets and economies. Spread of technology is an element of globalization that facilitates service exchanges. Without these elements, globalization would have faced many challenges, which would even stagnate the process of globalization.

Impacts of Globalization:

The impact of globalization is felt differently among individuals but the end result will be either positive or negative. Globalization has impacts on the lives of individuals, on the aspects of culture, religions and education. The positive impacts of globalization include the simplification of business management through efficiency. In business, the quality of goods and services has increased due to global competition. Foreign investment has been facilitated by globalization and the global market has been able to expand. Cultural growth has been experienced through intermingling and accommodation. Interdependence among nations has developed and more people have been exposed to the exchange program between nations. Improvement of human rights and legal matters has improved through media and technology sharing. Poverty has been alleviated in developing countries due to globalization and also employment opportunities are provided. Through technology, developments have been positively influenced in most parts of the world.

Although globalization has positive impacts, the negative impacts will remain constant unless solutions are sought. One of the negative effects of globalization is job insecurity for some people. Through globalization, more innovations are achieved, for e.g., technology causes automation and therefore people get replaced and they lack jobs. Another negative impact is the frequent fluctuation of prices of commodities that arises from global competitions. On the cultural side, the fast food sector has become wide spread globally, which is an unhealthy lifestyle that was adopted due to globalization. Also, Culture has been negatively affected for people in Africa because they tend to focus more on adopting the western culture and ignore their cultural practices.

Possible Solutions to the Negative Impacts of Globalization:

Globalization has impacted the society negatively and some of the solutions might help to mitigate the impacts. When adopting cultures from other people, it is important to be keen on the effects of the culture on the people and the existing culture being practiced. For example, Africans should not focus more of the western culture such that they ignore their own culture.

In conclusion, it is evident that globalization results in both negative and positive consequences. The society should embrace the positive and mitigate the negative impacts. Globalisation is a dynamic process which involves change, so flexibility among people is a must.

The buzzword befitted to describe the growth of Modern Indian economy is ‘Globalization’. But what exactly is Globalization? Globalization can be defined as integrating the economy of a country with the rest of the countries of the world. From the Indian perspective, this implies encouraging free trade policies, opening up our economy to foreign direct investment, removing constraints and obstacles to the entry of multinational corporations in India, also allowing Indian companies to set up joint ventures abroad, eliminating import restrictions, in-short encouraging Free Trade policies.

India opened its markets to Global Trade majorly during the early Nineties after a major economic crisis hit the country. New economic reforms were introduced in 1991 by then Prime Minister Shri. P V. Narasimha Rao and Finance Minister at the time, Dr. Manmohan Singh. In many ways, the new economic policies positively contributed to the implementation of the concept of Globalization in India.

It’s Impact:

1. Economic Impact :

Globalization in India targets to attract Multinational Companies and Institutions to approach Indian markets. India has a demography with a large workforce of young citizens who  are in need of jobs. Globalization has indeed left a major impact in the jobs sector. Indian companies are also expanding their business all over the world. They are driving funds from the bigwigs of the Global economy.

The Best example in today’s time is OYO Rooms, a budding Indian company in the hospitality sector. OYO Rooms recently made headlines when it declared to raise a fund close to $1 Billion from Japan’s Soft Bank Vision Fund. Globalization has also led the Indian Consumer market on the boom. The Giant of FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods) sector WALMART is also enthusiastic and actively investing in the India market.

2. Socio-Cultural impact on the Indian Society:

The world has become a smaller place, thanks to the social networking platforms blooming of the internet. India is a beautiful country which takes immense pride in “Unity in Diversity” as it is home to many different cultures and traditions. Globalization in India has left a lasting impression on the socio-cultural aspect of Indian society.

Food chains like McDonald’s are finding its way to the dining tables. With every passing day, Indians are indulging more and more in the Western culture and lifestyle. But Globalization in India has also provided a vibrant World platform for Indian Art, Music, Clothing, and Cuisine.

The psychological impact on a common Indian Man: The educated youth in India is developing a pictorial identity where they are integrating themselves with the fast-paced, technology-driven world and at the same time they are nurturing the deep roots of Indian Culture. Indians are fostering their Global identity through social media platforms and are actively interacting with the World community. They are more aware of burning issues like Climate Change, Net neutrality, and LGBT rights.


India has taken the Centre Stage amongst the Developing Nations because of its growing economy on the World Map. Globalization in India has brought tremendous change in the way India builds its National and International policies. It has created tremendous employment opportunities with increased compensations.

A large number of people are hired for Special Economic Zones (SEZs), Export Processing Zones (EPZs), etc., are set up across the country in which hundreds of people are hired. Developed western countries like USA and UK outsource their work to Indian companies as the cost of labour is cheap in India. This, in turn, creates more employment. This has resulted in a better standard of living across the demographic of young educated Indians. The Indian youth is definitely empowered in a big way.

Young lads below the age of 20 are now aspiring to become part of global organizations. Indian culture and morals are always strengthening their roots in modern world History as the world is now celebrating ‘International Yoga Day’ on 21st June every year. Globalization in India has led to a tremendous cash flow from Developed Nations in the Indian market. As a positive effect, India is witnessing the speedy completion of Metro projects across the country. Another spectacular example of newly constructed High-end Infrastructure in the country is the remarkable and thrilling ‘Chenani-Nashri Tunnel’, Longest Tunnel in India constructed in the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Globalization has greatly contributed in numerous ways to the development of Modern India.


As there are so many pros we cannot turn a blind eye to the cons of Globalization which are quite evident with the Indian perspective. The worst impact is seen in the environment across Indian cities due to heavy industrialization. Delhi, the capital of India has made headlines for the worst ever air pollution, which is increasing at an alarming rate.

India takes pride in calling itself an Agriculture oriented nation, but now Agriculture contributes to fragile 17% of the GDP. Globalization in India has been a major reason for the vulnerable condition of Indian Farmers and shrinking Agriculture sector. The intrusion of world players and import of food grains by the Indian Government has left minimal space for Indian farmers to trade their produce.

The impact of westernization has deeply kindled individualism and ‘Me factor’ and as a result, the look of an average Indian family has changed drastically where a Nuclear family is preferred over a traditional Joint family. The pervasive media and social networking platforms have deeply impacted the value system of our country where bigotry and homophobia are becoming an obvious threat.

One cannot clearly state that the impact of Globalization in India has been good or bad as both are quite evident. From the economic standpoint, Globalization has indeed brought a breath of fresh air to the aspirations of the Indian market. However, it is indeed a matter of deep concern when the Indian traditions and value system are at stake. India is one of the oldest civilizations and World trade has been the keystone of its History. Globalization must be practiced as a way towards development without compromising the Indian value system.

Globalisation can simply be defined as the process of integration and interaction between different people, corporations and also governments worldwide. Technology advancement which has in turn advanced means of communication and transportation has helped in the growth of globalisation. Globalisation has brought along with it an increase in international trade, culture and exchange of ideas. Globalisation is basically an economic process that involves integration and interaction that deals also with cultural and social aspects. Important features of globalisation, both modern and historically are diplomacy and conflicts.

In term of economy, globalisation involves services and goods, and the resources of technology, capital and data. The steamship, steam locomotive, container ship and jet engine are a few of the many technological advances in transportation while the inception of the telegraph and its babies, mobile phones and the internet portray technological advances in communications. These advancements have been contributing factors in the world of globalisation and they have led to interdependence of cultural and economic activities all over the world.

There are many theories regarding the origin of globalisation, some posit that the origin is in modern times while others say that it goes way back through history before adventures to the new world and the European discovery age. Some have even taken it further back to the third millennium. Globalisation on a large-scale began around the 1820s. Globalisation in its current meaning only started taking shape in the 1970s. There are four primary parts of globalisation, they are: transactions and trade, investments and capital movement, movement and migration of people and the circulation of knowledge and information. Globalization is subdivided into three: economic globalisation, political globalisation and cultural globalisation.

There are two primary forms of globalisation: Archaic and Modern Globalisations. Archaic globalisation is a period in the globalisation history from the period of the first civilisations until around the 1600s. Archaic globalisation is the interaction between states and communities and also how they were incepted by the spread by geography of social norms and ideas at different levels.

Archaic globalisation had three major requirements. First is the Eastern Origin idea, the second is distance, the third is all about regularity, stability and inter-dependency. The Silk Road and trade on it was a very important factor in archaic globalisation through the development of various civilisations from Persia, China, Arabia, Indian subcontinent and Europe birthing long distance economic and political relationships between them. Silk was the major item from China along the Silk Road; other goods such as sugar and salt were also traded.

Philosophies, different religious beliefs and varying technologies and also diseases also moved along the Silk Road route. Apart from economic trade, the Silk Road also was a means of cultural exchange among the various civilisations along its route. The cultural exchange was as a result of people’s movement including missionaries, refugees, craftsmen, robbers, artists and envoys, resulting in religions, languages, art and new technologies being exchanged.

Modern globalisation can be sub-divided into early modern and Modern. Early modern globalisation spans about 200 years of globalisation between 1600 and 1800. It is the period of cultural exchange and trade links increasing just before the modern globalisation of the late 19 th century. Early modern globalisation was characterised by Europeans empires’ maritime of the 16 th and 17 th centuries. The Spanish and Portuguese Empires were the first and then we had the British and Dutch Empires. The establishment of chartered companies (British East India Company and the Dutch East India Company) further developed world trade.

Modern Globalisation of the 19 th century was as a result of the famed Industrial Revolution. Railroads and steamships made both local and international transportation easier and a lot less expensive which helped improve economic exchange and movement of people all over the world, the transportation revolution happened between 1820 and 1850. A lot more nations have embraced global trade. Globalisation has been shaped decisively by the imperialism in Africa and in Asia around the 19 th century. Also, the ingenious invention in 1956 of the shipping container has really helped to quicken the advancement of globalisation.

The Bretton Woods conference agreement after the Second World War helped lay the groundwork for finance, international monetary policy and commerce and also the conception of many institutions that are supposed to help economic growth through lowering barriers to trade. From the 1970s, there has been a drop in the affordability of aviation to middle class people in countries that are developed. Also, around the 1990s, the cost of communication networks also drastically dropped thus lowering the cost of communicating between various countries. Communication has been a blessing such that much work can be done on a computer in different countries and the internet and other advanced means of communications has helped remove the boundary of distance and cost of having to travel and move from place to place just to get business done.

One other thing that became popular after the Second World War is student exchange programmes which help the involved students learn about, understand and tolerate another culture totally different from theirs, it also helps improve their language skills and also improve their social skills. Surveys have shown that the number of exchange students have increased by about nine times between 1963 and 2006.

Economic globalisation is differentiated from modern globalisation by the information exchange level, the method of handling global trade and expansionism.

Economic Globalisation:

Economic globalisation is just the ever increasing interdependence of economies of nations worldwide caused by the hike in movement across borders of goods, services, capital and technology. Economic globalisation is basically the means of increasing economic relationships between countries, giving rise to the birth of a single or global market. Based on the worldview, Economic globalisation can be seen as either a negative or positive thing.

Economic globalisation includes: Globalisation of production; which is getting services and goods from a source from very different locations all over the world to gain from the difference in quality and cost. There is globalisation of markets; which is the coming together of separate and different markets into one global market. Economic globalisation includes technology, industries, competition and corporations.

Globalisation today is all about less developed countries and economies receiving FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) from the more developed countries and economies, reduction in barriers to trade and to particular extent immigration.

Political Globalisation:

Political globalisation is going to on-the-long-run drop the need for separate nation or states. Institutions like the International Criminal court and WTO are beginning to replace individual nations in their functions and this could eventually lead to a union of all the nations of the world in a European Union style.

Non-governmental organisations have also helped in political globalisation by influencing laws and policies across borders and in different countries, including developmental efforts and humanitarian aid.

Political globalisation isn’t all good as some countries have chosen to embrace policies of isolation as a reactionary measure to globalisation. A typical example is the government of North Korea which makes it extremely difficult and hard for foreigners to even enter their country and monitor all of the activities of foreigners strictly if they allow them in. Citizens are not allowed to leave the country freely and aid workers are put under serious scrutiny and are not allowed in regions and places where the government does not want them to enter.

Intergovernmentalism is the treatment of national governments and states as the major basic factors for integration. Multi-level governance is the concept that there are many structures of authority interacting in the gradual emergence of political globalisation.

Cultural Globalisation:

Cultural globalisation is the transmission of values, ideas and meanings all over the world in a way that intensify and extend social relations. Cultural globalisation is known by the consumption of different cultures that have been propagated on the internet, international travel and culture media. The propagation of cultures helps individuals to engage in social relations which break regional boundaries. Cultural globalisation also includes the start of shared knowledge and norm which people can identify their cultures collectively; it helps foster relationships between different cultures and populations.

It can be argued that cultural globalisation distorts and harms cultural diversity. As one country’s culture is inputted into another country by the means of globalisation, the new culture becomes a threat to the cultural diversity of the receiving country.

Globalisation has made the world into one very small community where we all interact and relate, learn about other cultures and civilisations different from ours. Globalisation has helped improve the ease of doing business all around the world and has made the production of goods and services quite easy and affordable. Globalisation isn’t all good and rosy as it can be argued that Globalisation is just westernisation as most cultures and beliefs are being influenced by the western culture and belief and this harms cultural diversity. Nevertheless, the good of globalisation outweighs the bad so globalisation is actually a very good thing and has helped shape the world as we know it.

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World History Project - Origins to the Present

Course: world history project - origins to the present   >   unit 7, read: introduction to globalization.

  • READ: International Institutions
  • READ: Rise of China
  • BEFORE YOU WATCH: Eradicating Smallpox
  • WATCH: Eradicating Smallpox
  • BEFORE YOU WATCH: Global China into the 21st Century
  • WATCH: Global China into the 21st Century
  • READ: Goods Across the World
  • BEFORE YOU WATCH: Globalization I - The Upside
  • WATCH: Globalization I - The Upside
  • BEFORE YOU WATCH: Nonviolence and Peace Movements
  • WATCH: Nonviolence and Peace Movements
  • READ: Population and Environmental Trends, 1880 to the Present
  • READ: Is the World Flat or Spiky?
  • Global Interactions and Institutions

First read: preview and skimming for gist

Second read: key ideas and understanding content.

  • What late twentieth-century trends, according to the author, led people to create the term “globalization”?
  • What are some historical trends that accelerated globalization before the late twentieth century?
  • What are some impacts of globalization in terms of migration and economics?
  • What are some positive impacts of globalization, according to the author?
  • What are some negative impacts of globalization, according to the author?

Third read: evaluating and corroborating

  • What does globalization look like from your perspective? How does it affect your family and community? Do you think it has been a good thing for you? Why or why not?
  • Globalization looks very differently studied through each of the three course frames. Pick one of the three course frames and describe the effects of globalization on your home town or neighborhood using only that frame narrative. How would your results have been different if you had chosen a different frame?

Introduction to Globalization

What is globalization, globalization’s effect on communities and economies, the pros and cons of globalization, want to join the conversation.

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Globalization Essay

globalization essay

Globalization And Globalization

Globalization is taking place across the world where people can either become globalization or stay local in the state or country. People are very controversial about globalization helping local economies and local businesses. Some people believe globalization is helping local businesses into the markets and then there are some that believe that multinational corporations hurting the local small businesses. What is globalization? “the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked

commodities, they trade their values, languages, and non- materialistic items. “Globalization is a spiritual concept signifying a set of social processes that transform our present social condition of conventional nationality into one of globality” (Steger 2017: 12). Globalization makes the world connected. Without globalization,

Globalization could be defined as “the interaction of people, states, or countries through the growth of the international flow of money, ideas, and culture.”. The effect globalization has on history is enormous. Without the migration aspect of globalization there would be no culture mix, no economics since no one would be trading, or no politics without the migration of cultures or opinions. Globalization is the basis of why we have history. In particular, the spread of yoga is a great example

Globalization Of Globalization

been soundly laid by the post-World War machinations that generated entities such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. No doubt, events such as the terror attack, a particularly nasty form of globalization, that occurred on September 11th, 2001, raised awareness of globalization in general as we realized that a plot conceived in Afghanistan, Germany, and elsewhere could be brought to fruition within our own borders. (Keohane :2004) Certainly, technological innovations like the smartphone

administration and globalization and the connection between the two, has turned into a much talked about subject. There are different meaning of worldwide administration; its part, its tendency. In like manner, there are much more definitions with respect to globalization. There are a few strands of master which differ on when the starting points are traceable, going even a great many years and, also, some separate a scope of independent fields to distinguish particularly the idea of globalization amid time

The economic dependence between nations worldwide occurs due to Globalization. Throughout the centuries, nations would not be as powerful as they are in the present day without the help of globalization. Communication started the first form of globalization. People of different cultures shared ideas with each other, which influenced many more. Spanish conquistador, Hernán Cortés explained in Approaching Tenoctitlán, “I further made the chief understand that all the people [should] protect their lives

Course: 221.614.01 CLASS PAPER Topic Choice 18: “On balance, globalization expands rather than contracts opportunities for economic prosperity around the world.” Why do you agree or disagree with this statement? Please support your answer with appropriate examples. Globalization has impacted almost every part of the modern world; it can be characterized by economic, political, and cultural integration. Economic globalization refers to the increasing interdependence of world economies as a result

through conquest. However, leaders came to realize, territory was not the only way to successful sustain the life of a country, and its people. Globalization, was realization by leaders that, political relations, economic growth, and cultural adaptation was not only necessary, but dire to progression. Political relations, was a pivotal to globalization. Leaders, despite, their government structure, needed to properly utilize their relationships with other countries. The power struggle between The

Globalization And The On Globalization

Before reading a paper on globalization and the arguments for and against it, one must know the definition of globalization itself to fully understand the case. Globalization, according to the Global Workforce Project (2015), “Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture,

Is the increasing globalization of business good or bad for the United States? If you are from a different country, what effect do you think globalization is having or will have on your country? Is globalization resulting in unequal gains for different countries? There are good and bad things about globalization for every country. I am from Germany and I have lived in the US for many years, so I am confident enough to speak about both countries. Globalization had a great effect on both countries

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✍️Essay on Globalisation: Samples in 100, 150 and 200 Words

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  • Oct 25, 2023

Essay on Globalisation

Globalisation means the combination of economies and societies with the help of information, ideas, technology, finance, goods, services, and people. It is a process where multinational companies work on their international standing and conduct operations internationally or overseas. Over the years, Globalisation has had a profound impact on various aspects of society. Today we will be discussing what globalisation is and how it came into existence with the essay on globalisation listed below.

globalization essay

Table of Contents

  • 1 How Globalisation Came Into Existence?
  • 2 Essay on Globalisation in 100 Words
  • 3 Essay on Globalisation in 150 Words
  • 4 Essay on Globalisation in 200 Words

How Globalisation Came Into Existence?

For all those unaware, the concepts of globalisation first emerged in the 20th century. Here are some of the key events which led to the development of globalisation in today’s digital world.

  • The ancient Silk Route as well as the maritime routes led to the exchange of goods, ideas and culture in several countries. Although these were just trade routes, but later became important centres for cultural exchange.
  • Other than this, the European colonial expansion which took place from the 15th to the 20th century led to the setting up of global markets where both knowledge and people were transferred to several developing countries. 
  • The evolution and exchange of mass media, cinema and the internet further led to the widespread dissemination of cultures and ideas.

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Essay on Globalisation in 100 Words

Globalization, the interconnectedness of nations through trade, technology, and cultural exchange, has reshaped the world. It has enabled the free flow of goods and information, fostering economic growth and cultural diversity. However, it also raises challenges such as income inequality and cultural homogenization. 

In a globalized world, businesses expand internationally, but local industries can suffer. Moreover, while globalization promotes shared knowledge, it can erode local traditions. Striking a balance between the benefits and drawbacks of globalization is essential to ensure a more equitable and culturally diverse global community, where economies thrive without leaving anyone behind.

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Essay on Globalisation in 150 Words

Globalization is the process of increasing interconnectedness and interdependence among countries, economies, and cultures. It has transformed the world in various ways.

Economically, globalization has facilitated the flow of goods, services, and capital across borders. This has boosted economic growth and reduced poverty in many developing nations. However, it has also led to income inequality and job displacement in some regions.

Culturally, globalization has resulted in the spread of ideas, values, and cultural products worldwide. While this fosters cultural exchange and diversity, it also raises concerns about cultural homogenization.

Technologically, globalization has been driven by advances in communication and transportation. The internet and smartphones have connected people across the globe, allowing for rapid information dissemination and collaboration.

In conclusion, globalization is a complex phenomenon with both benefits and challenges. It has reshaped the world, bringing people closer together, but also highlighting the need for responsible governance and policies to address its downsides.

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Essay on Globalisation in 200 Words

Globalization, a multifaceted phenomenon, has reshaped the world over the past few decades. It involves the interconnectedness of economies, cultures, and societies across the globe. In this essay, we will briefly discuss its key aspects and impacts.

Economically, globalization has led to increased international trade and investment. It has allowed companies to expand operations globally, leading to economic growth in many countries. However, it has also resulted in income inequality and job displacement in some regions.

Culturally, globalization has facilitated the exchange of ideas, values, and traditions. This has led to a more diverse and interconnected world where cultures blend, but it can also challenge local traditions and languages.

Socially, globalization has improved access to information and technology. It has connected people across borders, enabling global activism and awareness of worldwide issues. Nonetheless, it has also created challenges like cybercrime and privacy concerns.

In conclusion, globalization is a double-edged sword. It offers economic opportunities, cultural exchange, and global connectivity, but it also brings about disparities, cultural tensions, and new global challenges. To navigate this complex landscape, the world must strive for responsible globalization that balances the interests of all stakeholders and promotes inclusivity and sustainability.

Related Articles

The movement of goods, technologies, information, and jobs between countries is referred to as globalisation. 

Globalization as a phenomenon began with the earliest human migratory routes, or with Genghis Khan’s invasions, or travel across the Silk Road.

Globalisation allows wealthy nations to access cheaper labour and resources, while also providing opportunity for developing and underdeveloped nations with the jobs and investment capital they require.

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Malvika Chawla

Malvika is a content writer cum news freak who comes with a strong background in Journalism and has worked with renowned news websites such as News 9 and The Financial Express to name a few. When not writing, she can be found bringing life to the canvasses by painting on them.

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Globalization Essay

The process of globalization involves the exchange of goods, people, technologies, information, etc. on a global scale. Globalization is a global phenomenon and is responsible for economic boost in several countries. Here are a few sample essays on globalisation.

100 Words Essay On Globalisation

Globalisation is the process of spreading products, services, concepts, ideas, information , etc. across the world. The economy of the nation benefits greatly from globalisation. Globalisation is spreading products, services, concepts, ideas, information, etc., across the world. It refers to cross-border commercial and commerce connections. Globalisation raises the country's population's standard of living. New developments and technology improve our lives as a result of globalisation. Globalisation can be divided into three categories—political, cultural, and economic . Globalisation gives people access to new career opportunities. As a result of globalisation, people can benefit from affordable goods. As a result of globalisation, the wealthy are more profitable while the poor suffer. Environmental issues are also growing in the country as a result of globalisation.

Globalization Essay

200 Words Essay On Globalisation

These days, practically everyone is familiar with the globalisation process. It is a global process that involves the transfer of goods, knowledge, and people. Here, we'll talk about several aspects of globalisation—

What Globalisation Means

The term "globalisation" originated from the word "globalise," which denotes the creation of a global economic network.

Globalisation Definition

Globalisation refers to the act of giving and taking place on a global scale in which products, information, and technologies are exchanged. Globalisation is a global commerce organisation, to put it simply.

Indian Globalisation

During the 1990s, while Manmohan Singh was India's honorary finance minister, the country underwent globalisation. It was a good era for India, and throughout this time it slowly but surely rose to become one of the world's most important economic powers. There is no denying that India has one of the world's fastest-growing economies. We cannot ignore the reality that India's standard of living improved, and poverty significantly decreased during that time. There are several advantages of globalisation for India. It has improved people's lives by enhancing their lifestyles, and in the days to come, there will be many more improvements that will be good for Indian citizens.

Globalisation is a crucial component of existence that enables trade across nations. It improves people's lives in so many ways and also aids in strengthening our nation's economy.

500 Words Essay On Globalisation

The process or the act of transferring goods, knowledge, techniques , etc., from one country to another is known as globalisation. Additionally, it promotes cordial relations between various nations. It aids in knowledge expansion and level of living maintenance.

Features of Globalisation

Associating Societies | Globalization fosters positive relationships between societies by connecting those within the region and those outside of it.

International Trade Facilitated | International economic integration was made possible by globalisation. It made a significant contribution to world output as well.

Global Tourism | A key factor in enabling global tourism was globalisation. People developed an interest in travelling for trade purposes and generated significant amounts of money. Global brands are products that cater to countries with better or lower incomes due to globalisation.

Movement of Laborers | The migration of labourers was encouraged by globalisation. Labourers moved in great numbers from one area to another or from one country to another.

Categories of Globalisation

The three main forms of globalisation are as follows—

Financial World Wideization | One of the most significant aspects of globalisation is economic globalisation. It is the expansion of global economies' interdependence. Additionally, it describes how frequently goods, products, capital, information, technologies, etc. are moved internationally. A strong transportation network and the development of effective telecommunications have facilitated the rapid expansion of economic globalization.

Regional Culturalisation | The second most significant aspect of globalization is cultural globalization. It also covers the transfer of thoughts, values, meaning, and culture to strengthen social ties with other countries and areas. The exchange of several civilizations occurs in this way.

Globalization of Politics | The third main aspect of globalisation is political globalisation. We can infer from the word "political" that it must have to do with politics. Political globalisation is the process of expanding the international political order. Simply put, political globalization is the growth of a world political order.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Globalization

Benefits | We have been exposed to several new cultures as a result of globalisation. Because of globalisation, we may now experience other people's cultures, cuisine, music, and other things. We've also been exposed to a lot of new technologies—it has never been simpler to remain in touch with people than it is now. Additionally, it has become simpler to transport the data as quickly as it is now.

We now have easier access to cheaper goods thanks to globalisation. Lower product prices make it easier for consumers to sustain their lifestyles. People have started evolving their way of life at the same time that the country is developing as a result of globalisation. They now adhere to the idea of maintaining their standards at a high level. The demand for workers is rising along with the number of businesses. Therefore, globalisation has also led to a rise in employment.

Drawbacks | MNCs frequently treat their workforce unfairly. They force people to work as many hours as possible without compensating them fairly. They find it harder and harder to handle their family and have fulfilling lives in this exploitative manner.

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Ethical Hacker

A career as ethical hacker involves various challenges and provides lucrative opportunities in the digital era where every giant business and startup owns its cyberspace on the world wide web. Individuals in the ethical hacker career path try to find the vulnerabilities in the cyber system to get its authority. If he or she succeeds in it then he or she gets its illegal authority. Individuals in the ethical hacker career path then steal information or delete the file that could affect the business, functioning, or services of the organization.

GIS officer work on various GIS software to conduct a study and gather spatial and non-spatial information. GIS experts update the GIS data and maintain it. The databases include aerial or satellite imagery, latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates, and manually digitized images of maps. In a career as GIS expert, one is responsible for creating online and mobile maps.

Data Analyst

The invention of the database has given fresh breath to the people involved in the data analytics career path. Analysis refers to splitting up a whole into its individual components for individual analysis. Data analysis is a method through which raw data are processed and transformed into information that would be beneficial for user strategic thinking.

Data are collected and examined to respond to questions, evaluate hypotheses or contradict theories. It is a tool for analyzing, transforming, modeling, and arranging data with useful knowledge, to assist in decision-making and methods, encompassing various strategies, and is used in different fields of business, research, and social science.

Geothermal Engineer

Individuals who opt for a career as geothermal engineers are the professionals involved in the processing of geothermal energy. The responsibilities of geothermal engineers may vary depending on the workplace location. Those who work in fields design facilities to process and distribute geothermal energy. They oversee the functioning of machinery used in the field.

Database Architect

If you are intrigued by the programming world and are interested in developing communications networks then a career as database architect may be a good option for you. Data architect roles and responsibilities include building design models for data communication networks. Wide Area Networks (WANs), local area networks (LANs), and intranets are included in the database networks. It is expected that database architects will have in-depth knowledge of a company's business to develop a network to fulfil the requirements of the organisation. Stay tuned as we look at the larger picture and give you more information on what is db architecture, why you should pursue database architecture, what to expect from such a degree and what your job opportunities will be after graduation. Here, we will be discussing how to become a data architect. Students can visit NIT Trichy , IIT Kharagpur , JMI New Delhi . 

Remote Sensing Technician

Individuals who opt for a career as a remote sensing technician possess unique personalities. Remote sensing analysts seem to be rational human beings, they are strong, independent, persistent, sincere, realistic and resourceful. Some of them are analytical as well, which means they are intelligent, introspective and inquisitive. 

Remote sensing scientists use remote sensing technology to support scientists in fields such as community planning, flight planning or the management of natural resources. Analysing data collected from aircraft, satellites or ground-based platforms using statistical analysis software, image analysis software or Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a significant part of their work. Do you want to learn how to become remote sensing technician? There's no need to be concerned; we've devised a simple remote sensing technician career path for you. Scroll through the pages and read.

Budget Analyst

Budget analysis, in a nutshell, entails thoroughly analyzing the details of a financial budget. The budget analysis aims to better understand and manage revenue. Budget analysts assist in the achievement of financial targets, the preservation of profitability, and the pursuit of long-term growth for a business. Budget analysts generally have a bachelor's degree in accounting, finance, economics, or a closely related field. Knowledge of Financial Management is of prime importance in this career.


An underwriter is a person who assesses and evaluates the risk of insurance in his or her field like mortgage, loan, health policy, investment, and so on and so forth. The underwriter career path does involve risks as analysing the risks means finding out if there is a way for the insurance underwriter jobs to recover the money from its clients. If the risk turns out to be too much for the company then in the future it is an underwriter who will be held accountable for it. Therefore, one must carry out his or her job with a lot of attention and diligence.

Finance Executive

Product manager.

A Product Manager is a professional responsible for product planning and marketing. He or she manages the product throughout the Product Life Cycle, gathering and prioritising the product. A product manager job description includes defining the product vision and working closely with team members of other departments to deliver winning products.  

Operations Manager

Individuals in the operations manager jobs are responsible for ensuring the efficiency of each department to acquire its optimal goal. They plan the use of resources and distribution of materials. The operations manager's job description includes managing budgets, negotiating contracts, and performing administrative tasks.

Stock Analyst

Individuals who opt for a career as a stock analyst examine the company's investments makes decisions and keep track of financial securities. The nature of such investments will differ from one business to the next. Individuals in the stock analyst career use data mining to forecast a company's profits and revenues, advise clients on whether to buy or sell, participate in seminars, and discussing financial matters with executives and evaluate annual reports.

A Researcher is a professional who is responsible for collecting data and information by reviewing the literature and conducting experiments and surveys. He or she uses various methodological processes to provide accurate data and information that is utilised by academicians and other industry professionals. Here, we will discuss what is a researcher, the researcher's salary, types of researchers.

Welding Engineer

Welding Engineer Job Description: A Welding Engineer work involves managing welding projects and supervising welding teams. He or she is responsible for reviewing welding procedures, processes and documentation. A career as Welding Engineer involves conducting failure analyses and causes on welding issues. 

Transportation Planner

A career as Transportation Planner requires technical application of science and technology in engineering, particularly the concepts, equipment and technologies involved in the production of products and services. In fields like land use, infrastructure review, ecological standards and street design, he or she considers issues of health, environment and performance. A Transportation Planner assigns resources for implementing and designing programmes. He or she is responsible for assessing needs, preparing plans and forecasts and compliance with regulations.

Environmental Engineer

Individuals who opt for a career as an environmental engineer are construction professionals who utilise the skills and knowledge of biology, soil science, chemistry and the concept of engineering to design and develop projects that serve as solutions to various environmental problems. 

Safety Manager

A Safety Manager is a professional responsible for employee’s safety at work. He or she plans, implements and oversees the company’s employee safety. A Safety Manager ensures compliance and adherence to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) guidelines.

Conservation Architect

A Conservation Architect is a professional responsible for conserving and restoring buildings or monuments having a historic value. He or she applies techniques to document and stabilise the object’s state without any further damage. A Conservation Architect restores the monuments and heritage buildings to bring them back to their original state.

Structural Engineer

A Structural Engineer designs buildings, bridges, and other related structures. He or she analyzes the structures and makes sure the structures are strong enough to be used by the people. A career as a Structural Engineer requires working in the construction process. It comes under the civil engineering discipline. A Structure Engineer creates structural models with the help of computer-aided design software. 

Highway Engineer

Highway Engineer Job Description:  A Highway Engineer is a civil engineer who specialises in planning and building thousands of miles of roads that support connectivity and allow transportation across the country. He or she ensures that traffic management schemes are effectively planned concerning economic sustainability and successful implementation.

Field Surveyor

Are you searching for a Field Surveyor Job Description? A Field Surveyor is a professional responsible for conducting field surveys for various places or geographical conditions. He or she collects the required data and information as per the instructions given by senior officials. 

Orthotist and Prosthetist

Orthotists and Prosthetists are professionals who provide aid to patients with disabilities. They fix them to artificial limbs (prosthetics) and help them to regain stability. There are times when people lose their limbs in an accident. In some other occasions, they are born without a limb or orthopaedic impairment. Orthotists and prosthetists play a crucial role in their lives with fixing them to assistive devices and provide mobility.


A career in pathology in India is filled with several responsibilities as it is a medical branch and affects human lives. The demand for pathologists has been increasing over the past few years as people are getting more aware of different diseases. Not only that, but an increase in population and lifestyle changes have also contributed to the increase in a pathologist’s demand. The pathology careers provide an extremely huge number of opportunities and if you want to be a part of the medical field you can consider being a pathologist. If you want to know more about a career in pathology in India then continue reading this article.

Veterinary Doctor

Speech therapist, gynaecologist.

Gynaecology can be defined as the study of the female body. The job outlook for gynaecology is excellent since there is evergreen demand for one because of their responsibility of dealing with not only women’s health but also fertility and pregnancy issues. Although most women prefer to have a women obstetrician gynaecologist as their doctor, men also explore a career as a gynaecologist and there are ample amounts of male doctors in the field who are gynaecologists and aid women during delivery and childbirth. 


The audiologist career involves audiology professionals who are responsible to treat hearing loss and proactively preventing the relevant damage. Individuals who opt for a career as an audiologist use various testing strategies with the aim to determine if someone has a normal sensitivity to sounds or not. After the identification of hearing loss, a hearing doctor is required to determine which sections of the hearing are affected, to what extent they are affected, and where the wound causing the hearing loss is found. As soon as the hearing loss is identified, the patients are provided with recommendations for interventions and rehabilitation such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, and appropriate medical referrals. While audiology is a branch of science that studies and researches hearing, balance, and related disorders.

An oncologist is a specialised doctor responsible for providing medical care to patients diagnosed with cancer. He or she uses several therapies to control the cancer and its effect on the human body such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy and biopsy. An oncologist designs a treatment plan based on a pathology report after diagnosing the type of cancer and where it is spreading inside the body.

Are you searching for an ‘Anatomist job description’? An Anatomist is a research professional who applies the laws of biological science to determine the ability of bodies of various living organisms including animals and humans to regenerate the damaged or destroyed organs. If you want to know what does an anatomist do, then read the entire article, where we will answer all your questions.

For an individual who opts for a career as an actor, the primary responsibility is to completely speak to the character he or she is playing and to persuade the crowd that the character is genuine by connecting with them and bringing them into the story. This applies to significant roles and littler parts, as all roles join to make an effective creation. Here in this article, we will discuss how to become an actor in India, actor exams, actor salary in India, and actor jobs. 

Individuals who opt for a career as acrobats create and direct original routines for themselves, in addition to developing interpretations of existing routines. The work of circus acrobats can be seen in a variety of performance settings, including circus, reality shows, sports events like the Olympics, movies and commercials. Individuals who opt for a career as acrobats must be prepared to face rejections and intermittent periods of work. The creativity of acrobats may extend to other aspects of the performance. For example, acrobats in the circus may work with gym trainers, celebrities or collaborate with other professionals to enhance such performance elements as costume and or maybe at the teaching end of the career.

Video Game Designer

Career as a video game designer is filled with excitement as well as responsibilities. A video game designer is someone who is involved in the process of creating a game from day one. He or she is responsible for fulfilling duties like designing the character of the game, the several levels involved, plot, art and similar other elements. Individuals who opt for a career as a video game designer may also write the codes for the game using different programming languages.

Depending on the video game designer job description and experience they may also have to lead a team and do the early testing of the game in order to suggest changes and find loopholes.

Radio Jockey

Radio Jockey is an exciting, promising career and a great challenge for music lovers. If you are really interested in a career as radio jockey, then it is very important for an RJ to have an automatic, fun, and friendly personality. If you want to get a job done in this field, a strong command of the language and a good voice are always good things. Apart from this, in order to be a good radio jockey, you will also listen to good radio jockeys so that you can understand their style and later make your own by practicing.

A career as radio jockey has a lot to offer to deserving candidates. If you want to know more about a career as radio jockey, and how to become a radio jockey then continue reading the article.


The word “choreography" actually comes from Greek words that mean “dance writing." Individuals who opt for a career as a choreographer create and direct original dances, in addition to developing interpretations of existing dances. A Choreographer dances and utilises his or her creativity in other aspects of dance performance. For example, he or she may work with the music director to select music or collaborate with other famous choreographers to enhance such performance elements as lighting, costume and set design.

Social Media Manager

A career as social media manager involves implementing the company’s or brand’s marketing plan across all social media channels. Social media managers help in building or improving a brand’s or a company’s website traffic, build brand awareness, create and implement marketing and brand strategy. Social media managers are key to important social communication as well.


Photography is considered both a science and an art, an artistic means of expression in which the camera replaces the pen. In a career as a photographer, an individual is hired to capture the moments of public and private events, such as press conferences or weddings, or may also work inside a studio, where people go to get their picture clicked. Photography is divided into many streams each generating numerous career opportunities in photography. With the boom in advertising, media, and the fashion industry, photography has emerged as a lucrative and thrilling career option for many Indian youths.

An individual who is pursuing a career as a producer is responsible for managing the business aspects of production. They are involved in each aspect of production from its inception to deception. Famous movie producers review the script, recommend changes and visualise the story. 

They are responsible for overseeing the finance involved in the project and distributing the film for broadcasting on various platforms. A career as a producer is quite fulfilling as well as exhaustive in terms of playing different roles in order for a production to be successful. Famous movie producers are responsible for hiring creative and technical personnel on contract basis.

Copy Writer

In a career as a copywriter, one has to consult with the client and understand the brief well. A career as a copywriter has a lot to offer to deserving candidates. Several new mediums of advertising are opening therefore making it a lucrative career choice. Students can pursue various copywriter courses such as Journalism , Advertising , Marketing Management . Here, we have discussed how to become a freelance copywriter, copywriter career path, how to become a copywriter in India, and copywriting career outlook. 

In a career as a vlogger, one generally works for himself or herself. However, once an individual has gained viewership there are several brands and companies that approach them for paid collaboration. It is one of those fields where an individual can earn well while following his or her passion. 

Ever since internet costs got reduced the viewership for these types of content has increased on a large scale. Therefore, a career as a vlogger has a lot to offer. If you want to know more about the Vlogger eligibility, roles and responsibilities then continue reading the article. 

For publishing books, newspapers, magazines and digital material, editorial and commercial strategies are set by publishers. Individuals in publishing career paths make choices about the markets their businesses will reach and the type of content that their audience will be served. Individuals in book publisher careers collaborate with editorial staff, designers, authors, and freelance contributors who develop and manage the creation of content.

Careers in journalism are filled with excitement as well as responsibilities. One cannot afford to miss out on the details. As it is the small details that provide insights into a story. Depending on those insights a journalist goes about writing a news article. A journalism career can be stressful at times but if you are someone who is passionate about it then it is the right choice for you. If you want to know more about the media field and journalist career then continue reading this article.

Individuals in the editor career path is an unsung hero of the news industry who polishes the language of the news stories provided by stringers, reporters, copywriters and content writers and also news agencies. Individuals who opt for a career as an editor make it more persuasive, concise and clear for readers. In this article, we will discuss the details of the editor's career path such as how to become an editor in India, editor salary in India and editor skills and qualities.

Individuals who opt for a career as a reporter may often be at work on national holidays and festivities. He or she pitches various story ideas and covers news stories in risky situations. Students can pursue a BMC (Bachelor of Mass Communication) , B.M.M. (Bachelor of Mass Media) , or  MAJMC (MA in Journalism and Mass Communication) to become a reporter. While we sit at home reporters travel to locations to collect information that carries a news value.  

Corporate Executive

Are you searching for a Corporate Executive job description? A Corporate Executive role comes with administrative duties. He or she provides support to the leadership of the organisation. A Corporate Executive fulfils the business purpose and ensures its financial stability. In this article, we are going to discuss how to become corporate executive.

Multimedia Specialist

A multimedia specialist is a media professional who creates, audio, videos, graphic image files, computer animations for multimedia applications. He or she is responsible for planning, producing, and maintaining websites and applications. 

Quality Controller

A quality controller plays a crucial role in an organisation. He or she is responsible for performing quality checks on manufactured products. He or she identifies the defects in a product and rejects the product. 

A quality controller records detailed information about products with defects and sends it to the supervisor or plant manager to take necessary actions to improve the production process.

Production Manager

A QA Lead is in charge of the QA Team. The role of QA Lead comes with the responsibility of assessing services and products in order to determine that he or she meets the quality standards. He or she develops, implements and manages test plans. 

Process Development Engineer

The Process Development Engineers design, implement, manufacture, mine, and other production systems using technical knowledge and expertise in the industry. They use computer modeling software to test technologies and machinery. An individual who is opting career as Process Development Engineer is responsible for developing cost-effective and efficient processes. They also monitor the production process and ensure it functions smoothly and efficiently.

AWS Solution Architect

An AWS Solution Architect is someone who specializes in developing and implementing cloud computing systems. He or she has a good understanding of the various aspects of cloud computing and can confidently deploy and manage their systems. He or she troubleshoots the issues and evaluates the risk from the third party. 

Azure Administrator

An Azure Administrator is a professional responsible for implementing, monitoring, and maintaining Azure Solutions. He or she manages cloud infrastructure service instances and various cloud servers as well as sets up public and private cloud systems. 

Computer Programmer

Careers in computer programming primarily refer to the systematic act of writing code and moreover include wider computer science areas. The word 'programmer' or 'coder' has entered into practice with the growing number of newly self-taught tech enthusiasts. Computer programming careers involve the use of designs created by software developers and engineers and transforming them into commands that can be implemented by computers. These commands result in regular usage of social media sites, word-processing applications and browsers.

Information Security Manager

Individuals in the information security manager career path involves in overseeing and controlling all aspects of computer security. The IT security manager job description includes planning and carrying out security measures to protect the business data and information from corruption, theft, unauthorised access, and deliberate attack 

ITSM Manager

Automation test engineer.

An Automation Test Engineer job involves executing automated test scripts. He or she identifies the project’s problems and troubleshoots them. The role involves documenting the defect using management tools. He or she works with the application team in order to resolve any issues arising during the testing process. 

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization Essay

When discussing the drawbacks and benefits of globalization, essays tend to be on the longer side. The example below is a brief exploration of this complex subject. Learn more in this concise globalization pros and cons essay.


  • Benefits and Disadvantages of Globalization

Reducing Negative Effects

In today’s world, globalization is a process that affects all aspects of people’s lives. It also has a crucial impact on businesses and governments as it provides opportunities for development while causing significant challenges. This paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of globalization using evidence from academic sources. The report also suggests how governments and companies may implement to reduce the negative impact of the process.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Globalization

Globalization is a complex concept that can be defined by the process of interaction between organizations, businesses, and people on an international scale, which is driven by international trade. Some people may associate it with uniformity, while others can perceive it as the cause of diversification. The reason for such a difference in public opinion is that globalization has both advantages and disadvantages that should be analyzed.

The most significant positive aspects of globalization include global economic growth, the elimination of barriers between nations, and the establishment of competition between countries, which can potentially lead to a decrease in prices. Globalization supports free trade, creates jobs, and helps societies to become more tolerant towards each other. In addition, this process may increase the speed of financial and commercial operations, as well as reduce the isolation of poor populations (Burlacu, Gutu, & Matei, 2018; Amavilah, Asongu, & Andrés, 2017).

The disadvantages of globalization are that it causes the transfer of jobs from developed to lower-cost countries, a decrease in the national intellectual potential, the exploitation of labor, and a security deficit. Moreover, globalization leads to ecological deficiency (Ramsfield, Bentz, Faccoli, Jactel, & Brockerhoff, 2016). In addition, this process may result in multinational corporations influencing political decisions and offering unfair working conditions to their employees.

Firms and governments can work on eliminating the negative effects of globalization in the following ways. For example, countries should work on microeconomic policies, such as enhancing opportunities for education and career training and establishing less rigid labor markets. In addition, governments can build the necessary institutional infrastructure to initiate economic growth. To solve the problem of poor working conditions, it is vital to establish strict policies regarding minimum wages and the working environment for employees. A decrease in the national intellectual potential may be addressed by offering a broad range of career opportunities with competitive salaries, as well as educating future professionals on how their skills can solve problems on the local level.

Companies, in their turn, may invest in technologies that may lead to more flexible energy infrastructure, lower production costs, and decrease carbon emissions. They can also establish strong corporate cultures to support their workers and provide them with an opportunity to share their ideas and concerns. Such an approach may eliminate employees’ migration to foreign organizations and increase their loyalty to local organizations. It is vital for companies to develop policies aimed at reducing a negative impact on the environment as well by using less destructive manufacturing alternatives and educating their employees on ecology-related issues.

Globalization has a significant impact on companies, governments, and the population. It can be considered beneficial because it helps to eliminate barriers between nations, causes competition between countries, and initiates economic growth. At the same time, globalization may result in a decrease in the national intellectual potential, the exploitation of labor, and ecology deficiency. To address these problems, organizations and governments can develop policies to enhance the population’s education, improve working conditions, and reduce carbon emissions.

Amavilah, V., Asongu, S. A., & Andrés, A. R. (2017). Effects of globalization on peace and stability: Implications for governance and the knowledge economy of African countries. Technological Forecasting and Social Change , 122 (C), 91-103.

Burlacu, S., Gutu, C., & Matei, F. O. (2018). Globalization – Pros and cons. Calitatea , 19 (S1), 122-125.

Ramsfield, T. D., Bentz, B. J., Faccoli, M., Jactel, H., & Brockerhoff, E. G. (2016). Forest health in a changing world: Effects of globalization and climate change on forest insect and pathogen impacts. Forestry , 89 (3), 245-252.

  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2023, October 29). Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization Essay.

"Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization Essay." IvyPanda , 29 Oct. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization Essay'. 29 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization Essay." October 29, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization Essay." October 29, 2023.


IvyPanda . "Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization Essay." October 29, 2023.

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The Hyper-Polarization Challenge to the Conflict Resolution Field: A Joint BI/CRQ Discussion BI and the Conflict Resolution Quarterly invite you to participate in an online exploration of what those with conflict and peacebuilding expertise can do to help defend liberal democracies and encourage them live up to their ideals.

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By Eric Brahm

July 2005  

Globalization is perhaps the central concept of our age. Yet, a single definition of globalization does not exist either among academics[1] or in everyday conversation. There is also a lack of consensus as to whether or not globalization is a useful concept to portray current events.[2] While most conceptions focus on different aspects of growing interdependence be it economic, cultural, technological, and the like, at a basic level globalization refers to growing interconnectedness.

Some certainly do reject the notion that we have entered a fundamentally new era.[3] There are many, however, who see globalization as a genuine restructuring of social organization. Most definitions incorporate a notion of a growing magnitude of global flows such that one can truly speak of A global society. They find evidence that human activity has become interregional or intercontinental in scale.[4] Although the globalization process is a long, historically rooted one, it is not without fits and starts and is not teleological.[5] In short, globalization is a highly complex interaction of forces producing integration and disintegration, cooperation and conflict, order and disorder.[6]

There is much debate and little consensus on whether globalization is a positive development. Recent popular titles on globalization, "Lexus and the Olive Tree" and "Jihad Vs. McWorld," attest to the seemingly contradictory unifying and divisive forces inherent in globalization. For some, globalization processes, on balance, represent a tremendous opportunity for prosperity, peace , and democracy .[7] Others, by contrast, see greater potential for conflict, extreme self-interest, unbridled corporate power, and disregard for people and entire civilizations.[8] The attacks of September 11 are perhaps the most dramatic evidence that people feel great unease about the forces of globalization and modernity.[9] As a microcosm of the complexity of globalization, the motivation of the attackers may have been anti-modern and anti-globalization, the preparation and the attack itself were facilitated by globalizing processes. In reality, globalization has sparked unease and discontentment in a range of groups from all parts of the world.[10]

This essay will provide a brief, and necessarily incomplete, overview of debates surrounding globalization as a source of and an antidote for conflict. The discussion will focus on economics, political authority, cultural impacts, and discontentment. These categorizations are clearly arbitrary, but given the interconnectedness central to globalization, fully disentangling different forces and processes is impossible.

Economic Globalization

For many, globalization is equated with economic interdependence. At the dawn of the 21 st century, the scale and magnitude of global economic interaction appears to be unprecedented.[11] The volume of capital flows far exceeds that of the past. The developing world, too, have increasingly become a part of global trade and capital flows.[12] Contemporary patterns of economic globalization suggest the emergence of a new international division of labor.[13] In short, the world has reached a stage in which one can meaningfully refer to one global economy.[14]

Others present a more limited view. Current trends suggest economic and financial integration has proceeded only in a limited manner.[15] Economic flows remain highly concentrated amongst the wealthiest countries.[16] Within North America, Europe, and East Asia, contrary to the thesis that unfettered global capital will induce homogenization in policy, important differences in the structuring of economic life persist.[17] Even multinational corporations, seen by many as the prime agents of globalization, remain tied in significant ways to their country of origin.[18]

Debate has waged as to whether economic globalization will exacerbate economic inequalities and conflict or contribute to advancing the lot of the poorest relative to others. Studies have examined whether globalization processes have reduced or exacerbated wealth inequalities within developed countries and developing  ones.[19] While markets will produce winners and losers, liberals argue that the openness accompanying globalization will benefit all.[20] Others see the potential to produce widening disparities.[21] The short answer is that the effect of globalization has been both positive and negative and is dependent on a range of domestic and international factors. Extensive evidence also exists to support the claim that economic interdependence is related to more peaceful relations. States, for example, that trade more with each other are less likely to go to war.[22] The direction of causation is less clear, however. In other words, does greater trade lead to peace or does peace lead to greater trade? The greater ties from interdependence have been argued to lead to both greater cooperation and conflict . The relationship is, in fact, most likely nonlinear.[23]

Nation-states bypassed by globalization may resent the advancement of others. At the same time, many critics argue engagement in the global economy is exploitation in itself. For those who believe the nation-state is in retreat, the growing power of unaccountable market forces and international organizations provokes calls for change.[24] Many NGOs  (and global civil society more broadly) resist at least some aspects of globalization. Many social movements and NGOs seek to give ideas of human rights , environmental protection and the like equal footing with economic efficiency. One might divide them into those who seek a fundamental restructuring of the global system and those who want to reform the existing system. Reformers seek a more equitable distribution of wealth, attention to the plight to women, and addressing the global environmental crisis.[25] More radical solutions would severely curtail market forces to prevent the unwanted effects of the global free market. However, the free-marketers, who see the benefits of greater interconnectedness, particularly economic openness, say anti-globalization protestors have misplaced their anger.[26] Acording to globalization advocates, the problems identified by the anti-globalization movement arise from relying too little on markets and individualism, not too much.

The Nature of Political Authority

One important discussion surrounds whether the nation-state is obsolete as the best form of political organization. Economic and social processes increasingly cross borders making it increasingly difficult for states to control their territory, a central component of sovereignty . With respect to many contemporary issues, the nation-state no longer appears to be the most suitable level of decision making. As governance structures are established at the global level to deal with the growing number of global problems, conflicts have also emerged as to how to make international organizations more accountable and democratic.

Future of the Nation-State

Regardless of how historically fleeting[27] or fictitious in much of the world[28], the model of the Westphalian nation-state is increasingly called into question. In economic affairs, with states reluctant to cede authority to international actors, some see economic processes out of control [29], leaving little option but to accommodate the forces of globalization.[30] Mobile capital puts pressure on states to pursue neo-liberal policies[31] and government spending is constrained to be more competitive.[32] Transportation and communication advances make it easier for diaspora groups or others to organize and challenge state authority. The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction or the technology and expertise to construct them are a growing concern. Where states have collapsed and human rights violations rampant, the "CNN effect" has resulted in public pressure on other governments to intervene via peacekeeping operations . To deal with such developments, states have found it useful to construct international organizations and grant them significant decision-making authority. These organizations can at times provide a venue in which disputes can be peacefully adjudicated. What is more, a host of nonstate actors, whether al-Qaeda or Amnesty International or Microsoft, appear to have significant ability to shape state behavior.

Global Governance

For many, it is increasingly clear that real authority has been transferred to international organizations and other non-state actors. As such, this raises questions about how they may be made more democratically accountable.  Intergovernmental organizations are increasingly important sites in which economic globalization is contested.[33] Civil society groups have had a growing, yet uneven, effect on nation-states and international organizations.[34] Non-governmental organizations make the claim that they should have a greater voice to put a check on national self-interest, dominance of the global North, and corporate greed they perceive to dominate the decision-making of most international organizations. [35] Many have pointed out, however, that civil society itself does not have strong claims to democratic authority.[36] Speaking of a global civil society also masks significant differences between groups, such as whether they come from the global North or South.

Technology and Governance

Given the close relationship between globalization and technological innovation, research has also examined how new technologies will effect our notions of democracy and citizenship. On the surface, it may seem that these technologies would allow for greater information availability allowing the oppressed to rise up against authoritarian governments as well as allowing the disadvantaged to participate on a more equal footing in advanced industrial democracies. Recent scholarship, however, has taken issue with the assumption that these technologies are liberating. Some have pointed out that technologies make surveillance and control easier.[37] What is more, even within the global North, access to digital technology remains highly uneven, and is becoming more so.[38] In addition, the use of technology may run the risk of destroying social capital, which many see as a vital component of a vibrant democracy.[39] Some argue that democracy requires shared experiences and, as the Internet allows us to become increasingly atomized, this will be lost. In fact, the Internet, and the proliferation of media in general, stifles debate by making it easy to customize the information we receive to our tastes, thereby making it easier to avoid views in opposition to our own.[40]

Cultural Globalization

Through the global media and communications technologies, virtually everyone on earth is exposed to foreign ideas and practices. Some argue that the scale of global communication and migration has begun to break down national identities .[41] The emergence of NGOs and global social movements as important political actors provide further evidence for a new culture of global civil society.[42]

For many, cultural globalization means Westernization or Americanization. An important distinction concerning today's cultural globalization is that it is largely driven by corporations, rather than countries. As such, one of the central concerns is the spread of consumer culture.[43] For many critics, non-Western culture and practices are at risk of being overwhelmed by homogenizing "McDonaldization".

Skeptics contend that the erosion of culture has been overstated. They point to evidence that local culture remains strong.[44] Cultural interactions have taken place for centuries so to argue non-Western cultures are somehow pristine is naive. In a normative sense, the cultural degradation argument dismisses the ability of non-Western people to control their destiny and incorporate those attributes they may find useful. What is more, some argue that national identities are founded on real differences that have continued salience.[45]

Other skeptics point to the growth of ethnic and nationalist movements in the post-Cold War world as evidence that these sources of identity remain strong. Intense interaction may make people more cognizant of difference and lead to conflict.[46] Information technology may, in fact, intensify traditional identities.[47] Cultural globalization involves processes of unequal power, which brings traditions and identities into question. Where ethnic and religious groups feel threatened by globalization, there is the potential for conflict.[ 48]

This discontent has gained renewed attention as some see globalization and modernity as a motivation for September 11.[49] Since then, there has been increasing attention to Islamic fundamentalism. For some, the conflict is a long historical one between Muslim and Christian civilizations.[50] As such, cultural differences are deemed to be highly resistant to change and increased interaction will produce conflict. Others see a more complex phenomenon. In the last twenty-five years, fundamentalist movements have emerged within virtually all of the world's major religions indicating a broader unease with the forces of globalization and modernity.[51]

Migration is a significant aspect of globalization that has not only economic but also social and cultural effects. While migration is not unique to the present age, communication and transportation technologies allow migrants a greater opportunity to maintain links with their homelands. More porous borders raise questions about notions of citizenship and identity. While challenges to national identity may come from supranational entities such as the European Union, globalization at the same time may facilitate the triggering of more local, particularistic identities.

There is some disagreement on where this is all going and whether globalization could come to an end. Clearly the openness and interconnectedness that emerged in the late 1800s was not permanent. The 1930s saw the major powers carving out spheres of influence and blocking out others. From a broader historical perspective, however, that may have been a hiccup. Whereas before the end of the American Civil War it took months to go by ship from one coast of the US to the other, the transcontinental railroad cut the trip to a week by 1870 and today it is a matter of a few hours by plane. There was some discussion after 9/11 whether the need for security would bring an end to the era of globalization. In some areas, such as educational exchanges, there has been an impact. Overall, however, the flow of goods, people, and messages of peace and war continue unabated some four years later. In many respects, therefore, globalization is not going away. The challenge for humanity, then, is to direct these forces in peaceful and beneficial ways.

Updated Additional Resources

[1] For a range of characterizations, see Giddens, A. 2000. Runaway World: How Globalization is Reshaping Our Lives . New York.; Rosenau, J.N. 1990. Turbulence in World Politics . Brighton: Harvester Wheatsheaf.; Robertson, R. 1992. Globalization: Social Theory and Global Culture . London: Sage.; Scholte, J.A. 2005. Globalization: A Critical Introduction . Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave Macmillan.; Z?rn, M. 1995. The Challenge of Globalization and Individualization. In H.H. Holm and G. Sorensen. eds. Whose World Order? Boulder: Westview Press.; Albrow, M. 1996. The Global Age . Stanford: Stanford University Press.; Kofman, E. and Youngs, G. eds. 1996. Globalization: Theory and Practice . London: Pinter.; Held, D., McGrew, A., Goldblatt, D., and Perraton, J. 1999. Global Transformations: Politics, Economics and Culture . Cambridge: Polity Press.

[2] See, for example Held, D. and McGrew, A. 2000. The Great Globalization Debate. In D. Held and A. McGrew. The Global Transformations Reader: An Introduction to the Globalization Debate . Cambridge: Polity Press.; Mittelman, J.H. 2002. Globalization as an Ascendant Paradigm? International Studies Perspectives . 3(1) (February).

[3] On economic interconnectedness in historical perspective, see Jones, R.J.B. 1995. Globalization and Interdependence in the International Political Economy . London: Frances Pinter.; Hirst, P. 1997. The Global Economy: Myths and Realities. International Affairs . 73(3) (July).

[4] Geyer, M. and Bright, C. 1995. World History in a Global Age. American Historical Review . 100(4).; Castells, M. 1996. The Rise of the Network Society . Oxford: Blackwell.; Dicken, P. 1998. Global Shift 3 rd edition. New York: The Guilford Press.

[5] Fernandez-Armesto, F. 1995. Millennium . London: Bantam.; Geyer, M. and Bright, C. 1995. World History in a Global Age. American Historical Review . 100(4).; Zeiler, T. W. 2001. Just Do It! Globalization for Diplomatic Historians. Diplomatic History 25 (4): 529-551.

[6] Harvey, D. 1989. The Condition of Postmodernity . Oxford: Blackwell.; Robertson, R. 1992. Globalization: Social Theory and Global Culture . London: Sage.; Barber, B. 1995. Jihad vs. MacWorld: How Globalism and Tribalism are Reshaping the World . New York.

[7] Fukuyama, F. 1989. The End of History? The National Interest. 16(Summer).; Friedman, T. 1999. The Lexus and the Olive Tree . New York, Anchor.; Giddens, A. 2000. Runaway World: How Globalization is Reshaping Our Lives . New York.

[8] Huntington, S. P. 1996. The Clash of Civilizations: Remaking of World Order . New York: Touchstone.; Kaplan, R.D. 2001. The Coming Anarchy: Shattering the Dreams of the Post Cold War . New York: Vintage Books.; Rodrik, D. 1997. Has Globalization Gone Too Far? Washington DC: Institute for International Economics.; Gray, J. 1998. False Dawn: The Delusions of Global Capitalism . New York: The New Press.; Herod, A., Tuathail, G.O. and Roberts, S.M. eds. 1998. Unruly World? Globalization, Governance and Geography . London: Routledge.; Hurrell, A and Woods, N. eds. 1999. Inequality, Globalization, and World Politics . Oxford University Press.; Mittelman, J. H. 2000. The Globalization Syndrome: Transformations and Resistance . Princeton: Princeton University Press.

[9] Social Science Research Council. 2001. Essays in Response to September 11. ; Friedman, T. and Kaplan, R. 2002. States of Discord: A Globalization Debate. Foreign Policy . March/April. pp. 64-70.; Held, D. and Hirst, P. 2002. Globalisation After 11 September: The Argument of Our Time. Open Democracy Dialogue .

[10] Kothari, R. 1997. Globalization: A World Adrift. Alternatives . 22: 227-267.; Rodrik, D. 1997. Has Globalization Gone Too Far? Washington DC: Institute for International Economics.; Sassen, S. 1998. Globalization and Its Discontents . New York: The New Press.; Mittelman, J. H. 2000. The Globalization Syndrome: Transformations and Resistance . Princeton: Princeton University Press.

[11] O'Brien, R. 1992. The End of Geography: Global Financial Integration . London: Pinter.; Altvater, E. and Mahnkopf, B. 1997. The World Market Unbound. Review of International Political Economy . 4(3).; Greider, W. 1997. One World, Ready or Not: The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism . New York: Simon and Schuster.; Rodrik, D. 1997. Has Globalization Gone Too Far? Washington DC: Institute for International Economics.; Dicken, P. 1998. Global Shift 3 rd edition. New York: The Guilford Press.

[12] Castells, M. 1996. The Rise of the Network Society . Oxford: Blackwell.; Dicken, P. 1998. Global Shift 3 rd edition. New York: The Guilford Press.; Dicken, P. 1998. Global Shift 3 rd edition. New York: The Guilford Press.

[13] Amin, S. 1997. Capitalism in the Age of Globalization . London: Zed Press.; Castells, M. 1996. The Rise of the Network Society . Oxford: Blackwell.; Dicken, P. 1998. Global Shift 3 rd edition. New York: The Guilford Press.; Hoogvelt, A. 1997. Globalization and the Postcolonial World: The New Political Economy of Development . London: Macmillan.; Johnston, R.J., Taylor, P.J. and Watts, M.J. eds. 1995. Geographies of Global Change . Oxford: Blackwell.; Mittelman, J. H. 2000. The Globalization Syndrome: Transformations and Resistance . Princeton: Princeton University Press.; Rodrik, D. 1997. Has Globalization Gone Too Far? Washington DC: Institute for International Economics.

[14] Dicken, P. 1998. Global Shift 3 rd edition. New York: The Guilford Press.; Dickson, A. 1997. Development and International Relations . Cambridge: Polity Press.; Frank, A.G. 1998. Re-Orient: Global Economy in the Asian Age . New York: University of California Press.; Geyer, M. and Bright, C. 1995. World History in a Global Age. American Historical Review . 100(4).

[15] Jones, R.J.B. 1995. Globalization and Interdependence in the International Political Economy. London: Frances Pinter.; Garrett, G. 1998. Global Markets and National Politics: Collision Course or Virtuous Circle? International Organization. 52(4): 787-824.

[16] Jones, R.J.B. 1995. Globalization and Interdependence in the International Political Economy. London: Frances Pinter.; Dicken, P. 1998. Global Shift 3 rd edition. New York: The Guilford Press.

[17] Callinicos, A. et al. 1994. Marxism and the New Imperialism . London: Blackwell.; Ruidrok, W. and Tulder, R.V. 1995. The Logic of International Restructuring . London: Routledge.; Boyer, R. and Drache, D. eds. 1996. States against Markets: The Limits of Globalization . London: Routledge.; Hirst, P. and Thompson, G. 1999. Globalization in Question , 2 nd edition. Cambridge: Polity Press.; Chan, S. and Scarritt, J.R. 2002. Globalization, Soft Hegemony, and Democratization: Their Sources and Effects. In S. Chan and J.R. Scarritt. eds. Coping with Globalization. London: Frank Cass.

[18] Ruidrok, W. and Tulder, R.V. 1995. The Logic of International Restructuring . London: Routledge.; Doremus, P.N. et. al. 1998 The Myth of the Global Corporation. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

[19] Krugman, P. and Venables, A. 1995. Globalization and the Inequality of Nations. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 110(4).; Rodrik, D. 1997. Has Globalization Gone Too Far? Washington DC: Institute for International Economics.; Burtless, R., Lawrence, R. Litan, R and Shapiro, R. 1998. Globaphobia . Washington DC: Brookings.; Dicken, P. 1998. Global Shift 3 rd edition. New York: The Guilford Press.; Mahler, V., Jesuit, D.K. and Roscoe, D.D. 1999. Exploring the Impact of Trade and Investment on Income Inequality. Comparative Political Studies. 32(3).

[20] Ohmae, K. 1990. The Borderless World . London: Collins.; Ohmae, K. 1995. The End of the Nation State . New York: Free Press.; Dollar, D., and Kraay, A. n.d. Growth Is Good for the Poor. Manuscript. World Bank.

[21] Beetham, D. 1995. What Future for Economic and Social Rights? Political Studies . 48 (special issue).; Commission on Global Governance. 1995. Our Global Neighborhood . Oxford: Oxford University Press.; Bradshaw, Y. W. and Wallace, M. 1996. Global Inequalities . Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.; Hoogvelt, A. 1997. Globalization and the Postcolonial World: The New Political Economy of Development . London: Macmillan.; UNDP. 1999. Globalization With a Human Face: Human Development Report 1999 . New York: Oxford University Press.

[22] Gowa, J., and E. D. Mansfield. 1993. Power-Politics and International-Trade. American Political Science Review 87 (2):408-420.; Mansfield, E. D., and J. C. Pevehouse. 2000. Trade blocs, trade flows, and international conflict. International Organization 54 (4):775-808.; Oneal, J. R., and B. M. Russett. 1997. The classical liberals were right: Democracy, interdependence, and conflict, 1950-1985. International Studies Quarterly 41 (2):267-293.

[23] Barbieri, K. 1996. Economic interdependence: A path to peace or a source of interstate conflict? Journal of Peace Research 33 (1):29-49.

[24] Korten, D. 1996. When Corporations Rule the World. Bloomfield CT: Kumarian Press.; Khor, M. 1999. Rethinking Globalization: Critical Issues and Policy Choices . New York: Zed Books.

[25] Mittelman, J. H. 2000. The Globalization Syndrome: Transformations and Resistance . Princeton: Princeton University Press.

[26] Bhagwati, J. 2002. Coping with Antiglobalization. Foreign Affairs. 81(1) (January/February): 2-7.; Graham, E. M. 2000. Fighting the Wrong Enemy: Antiglobal Activists and MultinationalEnterprises . Washington: Institute for International Economics.

[27] Poggi, G. 1978. The Development of the Modern State: A Sociological Introduction . Stanford: Stanford University Press. ; Held, D. 1995. Democracy and the Global Order: From the Modern State to Cosmopolitan Governance . Stanford: Stanford University Press.

[28] Krasner, S. 1995. Compromising Westphalia. International Security . 20(3): 472-96.

[29] Giddens, A. 2000. Runaway World: How Globalization is Reshaping Our Lives. New York.; Z?rn, M. 1995. The Challenge of Globalization and Individualization. In H.H. Holm and G. Sorensen. eds. Whose World Order? Boulder: Westview Press.

[30] Amin, S. 1996. The Challenge of Globalization. Review of International Political Economy . 2.

[31] Gill, S. 1995. Globalization, Market Civilization and Disciplinary Neoliberalism. Millennium . 24(3).; Strange, S. 1996. The Retreat of the State . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.; Amin, S. 1997. Capitalism in the Age of Globalization . London: Zed Press.; Luttwak, E. 1999. Turbo-Capitalism . New York: Basic Books.

[32] Frieden, J. 1991. Invested Interests: The Politics of National Economic Policies in a World of Global Finance. International Organization . 45(4). ; Garrett, G. and Lange, P. 1991. Political Responses to Interdependence: What's "Left" for the Left? International Organization . 45(4). ; Scholte, J.A. 1997. Global Capitalism and the State. International Affairs. 73(3): 427-452. ; Gray, J. 1998. False Dawn: The Delusions of Global Capitalism . New York: The New Press.

[33] Rosenau, J.N. 1990. Turbulence in World Politics . Brighton: Harvester Wheatsheaf.; Shaw, M. 1994. Global Society and International Relations . Cambridge: Polity Press.; Cortell, A.P. and Davies, J.W. 1996. How Do International Institutions Matter? The Domestic Impact of International Rules and Norms. International Studies Quarterly . 40.; Milner, H.V. 1997. Interests, Institutions and Information: Domestic Politics and International Relations . Princeton: Princeton University Press.; Herod, A., Tuathail, G.O. and Roberts, S.M. eds. 1998. Unruly World? Globalization, Governance and Geography . London: Routledge.

[34] Meyer, J.W., Boli, J., Thomas, G.M., and Ramirez, F.O. 1997. World Society and the Nation-State. American Journal of Sociology . 103(1): 144-81. ; O'Brien, R., Goetz, A.M., Scholte, J.A., and Williams, M. 2000. Contesting Global Governance: Multilateral Institutions and Global Social Movements. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

[35] Ekins, P. 1992. A New World Order: Grassroots Movements for Global Change. London: Routledge.; Burbach, R., N?Zez, O. and Kagarlitsky, B. 1997. Globalization and Its Discontents . London: Pluto Press.

[36] Bohman, J. 1999. International Regimes and Democratic Governance: Political Equality and Influence in Global Institutions. International Affairs. 75(3):499-513. ; G?rg, C., and Hirsch, J. 1998. Is International Democracy Possible? Review of International Political Economy. 5(4): 585-615.

[37] Barney, D. 2000. Prometheus Wired: The Hope for Democracy in the Age of Network Technology . Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

[38] Wilhelm, A. G. 2000. Democracy in the Digital Age: Challenges to Political Life in Cyberspace. New York: Routledge.

[39] Putnam, R. 1994. Making Democracy Work. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

[40] Sunstein, C. 2001. Princeton: Princeton University Press.; Wilhelm, A. G. 2000. Democracy in the Digital Age: Challenges to Political Life in Cyberspace. New York: Routledge.

[41] Rheingold, H. 1995. The Virtual Community . London: Mandarin.

[42] Ekins, P. 1992. A New World Order: Grassroots Movements for Global Change. London: Routledge.; Falk, R. 1995. On Humane Governance: Toward a new Global Politics . Cambridge: Polity Press.; Kaldor, M. 1998. New and Old Wars . Cambridge: Polity Press.; Boli, J. and Thomas, G.M. eds. 1999. Constructing World Culture: International Nongovernmental Organizations Since 1875 . Stanford: Stanford University Press.

[43] Klein, N. 1999. No Logo: Money, Marketing, and the Growing Anti-Corporate Movement . New York: Picador USA.

[44] Appadurai, A. 1990. Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy. Theory, Culture & Society . 7: 295-310.; Liebes, T. and Katz, E. 1993. The Export of Meaning: Cross-Cultural Readings of Dallas . Cambridge: Polity Press.; Thompson, J.B. 1995. The Media and Modernity . Cambridge: Polity Press.

[45] Smith, A.D. 1990. Towards a Global Culture? In M. Featherstone. ed. Global Culture: Nationalism, Globalization, and Modernity . London: Sage.; Hall, S. 1992. The Question of Cultural Identity. In S. Hall, D. Held, and A. McGrew. eds. Modernity and its Futures . Cambridge: Polity Press.

[46] Robins, K. 1991. Tradition and Translation. In J. Corner and S. Harvey. eds. Enterprise and Heritage: Crosscurrents of National Politics . London: Routledge.; Massey, D. and Jess, P. eds. 1995. A Place in the World? Culture, Places and Globalization . Oxford: Oxford University Press.

[47] Smith, A.D. 1990. Towards a Global Culture? In M. Featherstone. ed. Global Culture: Nationalism, Globalization, and Modernity . London: Sage.

[48] Thompson, J.B. 1995. The Media and Modernity . Cambridge: Polity Press.; Robins, K. 1997. What in the World's Going On? In P. du Gay. ed. Production of Culture/Cultures of Production . London: Sage.;[xlviii] Kepel, G. 1994. The Revenge of God : the Resurgence of Islam, Christianity and Judaism in the modern world. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press.; Mittelman, J.H. ed. 1996. Globalization: Critical Reflections . Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers.; Castells, M. 1997. The Power of Identity . Oxford: Blackwell.; Tibi, B. 1998. The Challenge of Fundamentalism: Political Islam and the New World Disorder . Berkeley: University of California Press.

[49] Fukuyama, F. 2001. Their Target: The Modern World. Newsweek . 138(25) (Dec 17): 42-48.; Lewis, B. 2002. What Went Wrong? Western Impact and Middle Eastern Response. New York: Oxford University Press.

[50] Huntington, S. P. 1996. The Clash of Civilizations: Remaking of World Order. New York: Touchstone.; Lewis, B. 2001. The Revolt of Islam. The New Yorker . November 19: 50-62.; Lewis, B. 2002. What Went Wrong? Western Impact and Middle Eastern Response. New York: Oxford University Press.

[51] Kepel, G. 1994. The Revenge of God : the Resurgence of Islam, Christianity and Judaism in the modern world. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press.; Naipaul, V. S. 1998. Beyond Belief: Islamic Excursions Among the Converted Peoples . New York: Vintage Book.; Said, E. W. 2001. The Clash of Ignorance. The Nation. October 22.; Willis, E. 2001. Bringing the Holy War Home. The Nation. December 17.

Use the following to cite this article: Brahm, Eric. "Globalization." Beyond Intractability . Eds. Guy Burgess and Heidi Burgess. Conflict Information Consortium, University of Colorado, Boulder. Posted: July 2005 < >.

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Globalization Essay

In this Globalization Essay , we had discussed types of globalization, its advantages, disadvantages & much more.

Globalization is the process by which businessmen take their business to the international level.

With this, business increases from one country to many countries, so that that business will get the benefit of international technology.

Globalization Essay 100 words:

Globalization generally means expanding the service sector of your business to other countries.

If a business takes its work internationally and establishes it in another nation, it requires huge international investment, however, this has the advantage of the excursion.

This greatly increases the customers of a business and also helps the business to reduce expenses if it moves to a country where production costs are low.

In the last decade, globalization has strengthened and India has come to thousands of foreign companies.

This has led to increased competition in Indian businesses and with this, the number of choices of customers in India has increased.

While on the one hand, it has given customers options, on the other hand, it has increased the competitiveness of businesses.

Essay on Globalization 150 words:

In today’s era, businesses are growing rapidly and they are not limited to one country and they are reaching many countries.

Making a presence in more than one country of business is called globalization, it means expanding the service sector of your business to other countries.

If a business takes its work internationally and establishes it in another nation, it requires huge international investment; globalization impacts a business or company in many ways.

The most important thing it makes more customers of a business because it can deliver products to other countries as well as to their country.

With this, if one sets up a business in countries like China, then there is an advantage of the cheap labour rate and it reduces the cost of production. Hence globalization is beneficial for business.

Globalization Essay 200 words:

When we take an object to the whole world, it is called the globalization of that object.

We can also call it an independent and interconnected market, free from time zone and national territory.

For example, Domino’s Pizza in most countries of the world today is a living example of globalization.

It started with one country and now it is in many countries; a business desperately needs a better strategy to grow on such a large scale.

Although it is difficult to determine whether globalization is beneficial or harmful for a decade.

If we see the benefits, then this gives new opportunities to the business and with this, the customers of a country have more options.

Along with this, if one of its countries has losses, then we see that due to the arrival of international business into a country.

The competition of the businesses of that country increases, which affects their revenue; thus, globalization is thus beneficial and harmful to the country.

Essay on Globalization 250 words:

Globalization has occurred very rapidly in the last few decades resulting in economic, social, political and cultural integration around the world through advancement in technologies, telecommunications, transportation, etc.

Although it has affected human life in both positive and negative ways; its negative effects need to be addressed accordingly.

Globalization has contributed greatly to economies around the world in many positive ways.

An incredible advancement in science and technologies has given businesses an amazing opportunity to spread easily even outside the territorial boundaries.

Due to globalization itself, there has been a huge economic growth of companies.

They have been more efficient and thus have given birth to a more competitive world, competition in quality of products, services etc. has resulted in growth.

Successful companies in developed countries are setting up their overseas branches to gain locally through lower-cost labour than their home countries.

Such business activities are employing the people of developing or poor countries and thus paving the way forward.

Along with the positive aspects of globalization, the negative aspects are also not forgettable.

There has been a risk of epidemiological diseases through transport from one country to another; however, the government of all countries has had proper control over globalization to minimize its negative effects on human life.

Globalization Essay 300 words:

Globalization is a process of spreading science, technology, business etc. through transport, communication and trade.

Globalization has also affected almost all countries worldwide socially, economically, politically and psychologically.

Globalization is a term that refers to the continued integration and interdependence of countries in the field of rapid trade and technologies.

 The impact of globalization has been seen on tradition, environment, culture, security, lifestyle and ideas.

There are many factors influencing globalization trends worldwide.

The reason for the boom in globalization is the demand of people, free-trade activities, acceptance of markets worldwide, emerging new technologies, new research in science, etc., because globalization has a huge negative impact on the environment and has given rise to various environment.

All the growing environmental issues like water pollution, deforestation, air pollution, soil pollution, pollution of water resources, climate change, biodiversity loss, etc. need to be resolved by international efforts on an urgent basis otherwise they will one day in the future but can end the existence of life.

The Apple Company has also aimed to manufacture environmentally friendly products to reduce the negative effects of globalization and increase the positive effects.

Problems like deforestation are increasing due to the increasing demands of the ever-increasing population and the environmental level is falling.

In the last years, about half of the useful forests have been cut. Therefore globalization needs to be brought under control to reduce its negative effects.

Essay on Globalization 1000 Words:

Globalization is mainly concerned with world marketization which signifies the expansion of business opportunities.

In globalization, the mutual dependence between world markets arises because trade leads to exploitation of the conditions of profit rather than bounding the borders of the country.

For this purpose, the globalization of the world through information and transport means is globalization.

In such systems, open economies are born, which are free from restrictions and in which free trade takes place. Thus the place of multinational companies or rules becomes important in globalization.

Globalization refers to linking the economy of a country with the economies of other countries of the world so that business activities can expand globally and develop the competitiveness of countries.

Thus, globalization is also seen as internationalization. In other words, globalization means integrating the country’s economy with the world’s economy.

Definitions of Globalization:

Globalization has been defined by various economists as follows:

According to Oscar Lange , “The future of economic development of Least Developed Countries in modern times depends mainly on international cooperation.”

Pro. According to Deepak Nayyar , “Globalization is the expansion of economic activity beyond the political boundaries of a country.”

Pro. N. In the words of Vaghul , “The term globalization refers to the rapid expansion of the market sector, which has worldwide reach.”

According to John Naswitt and Portacia Aberdeen , “It should be seen as a world in which all countries’ trade is moving towards one country.” In this, the whole world is an economy and a market. “

The above definitions lead to the conclusion that “Globalization is the process in which the economy of a country is integrated with the economy of the whole world.

So that the whole world can act as a single economy and a single market and in which borderless internationalization Mutual exchange of individuals, capital, technical goods, information and knowledge can be facilitated for practices.

Globalization is also called universalization, globalization and international names. Also, read Globalization Essay FAQ.

Needs of Globalization:

Globalization is needed for the following reasons:

Globalization is a process of homogeneity and symmetry, in which the whole world folds together.

For the rapid development of the economy, a policy of globalization was adopted.

Globalization is the association of a nation’s industries with international regulations or multinational corporations that deal with goods and services outside other countries.

The various nations of the world satisfy their needs by purchasing and selling goods and services through the relative powers of demand and supply of market mechanism with cooperation and goodwill.

34 industries were covered under this policy. Under the industrial policy, foreign capital investment up to 51% was allowed in high priority industries.

The policy of globalization was confined to the basic sectors like electricity, coal, petroleum required for the manufacture of foreign advanced technology and industrial structure of the nation.

In cases where foreign capital will be available for machines, they will be allowed to set up industries automatically.

The Foreign Exchange Regulation Act was also revised. Also, read Globalization Essay Conclusion.

At present, other private companies are also moving towards industrial worldwide by setting up units abroad.

Videocon, Onida, Godrej and B.C. P.L. Companies like Japan, Germany, Germany and Italy, with the help of multinational companies, are making huge profits by producing advanced items.

Under this policy, machines producing less than 12 crores or 25% of the total capital can be imported without prior permission.

Many incentives and facilities were given to the overseas Indians for capital investment. Indian companies have been allowed to issue euro issues.

 In the direction of globalization, state-owned fertilizer company Krishak Bharatiya Cooperative Ltd. The government has granted permission to acquire and operate a phosphate fertilizer factory in Florida, USA.

Features or Characteristics of Globalization:

In this, efforts are made to minimize trade barriers globally so that goods and services can move freely and smoothly between the two nations.

Globalization gives rise to the evolving nature of industrial organizations.

Developed nations prefer to invest their huge funds in developing nations for interest rate benefits so that they can get the benefit of advanced rates.

In national and international markets, an effort is made to create such an environment that all countries can take advantage of advanced technology by the free flow of information and technology between different nations.

Capital is the soul of business organizations. Under globalization, there is a free flow of capital between the various contracting nations, so that the creation of capital is possible.

Globalization also promotes intellectual labour and wealth, that is, it is possible to freely move the working class and personnel from one nation to another.

As a result of globalization, the relaxation on the restrictions on international economic practices increases gradually, leading to a gradual increase in international trade.

The globalization results in allocation and utilization of resources all over the world based on market need and priority, which makes the underdeveloped and developing nations quick to achieve material and human resources which were not so easy in the past.

Effects of Globalization:

The impact of the world economy is being experienced in economies of different countries.

The industry and trade of each country are affected by the changes taking place in other parts of the world.

Modern economies are open economies and business is gaining global status. Thus we see that many multinational companies are operating in different countries.

International ventures are also seen, Doordarshan’s network is used for global marketing.

International organizations like the International Monetary Fund, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the World Trade Organization have been established.

All this shows that the effect of globalization or globalization is showing in every place.

In short, the effects of globalization can be explained as follows:

Development of Social Consciousness:

The spread of education has influenced people’s thinking. Liberal ideas are being replaced by conservative ideas.

The standard of living has improved and the lifestyle changes are visible. The world has been reduced in size through advanced means of communication.

The thinking and way of life of the developed countries are being followed by the people of other countries.

Expectations from the business are increasing. Earlier, they were satisfied with what the industry provided to the people, but now they want good quality goods at reasonable prices.

Global competition has created a situation where only those commercial ventures will survive, which can produce goods and services according to the satisfaction of consumers.

People also want to see the business become socially responsive. Control of pollution by industrial units is also an area in which business has to play an important role. Thus, the globalization of business has given rise to a new type of social consciousness in the society.

Technology Changes:

Technology changes are taking place in the world at a very fast pace. Industrial units are manufacturing new and better products every day.

Advanced methods of telecommunications and transport have revolutionized world marketing. The consumer has now become so conscious that he wants to get the best products every day.

Companies are spending a lot of money on research and development, thus rapid technology changes have created a global market for products.

Global Form of Business:

Modern business has become global by nature. Speciality is found in factory items, these goods are produced where there is competition for production costs.

Such items are exported to other countries, Items that cannot be produced frugally are imported from outside.

A large number of multinational companies have entered India, which also uses the production facilities available in India to export goods from different countries.

Thus, Indian business is influenced by global economic trends. Also, read Globalization Essay FAQ.

Difficulties associated with Globalization:

Some of the difficulties in the path of globalization can be mentioned as follows:

Unequal Competition:

Globalization has given rise to unequal competition. It is a competition between ‘powerful multinational corporations’ and ‘weak (and relatively small) Indian enterprises’.

India’s large industrial units are also much smaller and dwarf than foreign multinationals, and some of them have been digested by multinationals and some are holding their breath waiting for the end of their existence.

As a Member of Parliament of West Bengal has stated, “Universalization of India means the entry of a mouse into the herd of elephants” (Integrating a Mouse into a Herd of Elephants).

According to Baldev Raj Nayyar, the main reasons for the unequal competition are:

(a) Indian enterprises are much smaller in size than multinational corporations.

(b) The cost of capital for Indian enterprises is much higher than that of multinational corporations.

(c) For four decades before 1991, the Indian corporate sector functioned in a very protectionist environment.

(d) Many goods produced in the country are taxed at very high and indirect levels.

(e) Indian enterprises still cling to earlier regulations.

(f) In some areas, the policies of the Government of India have openly sided with multinational corporations.

They are given exemptions in taxes which are not available to Indian entrepreneurs;

Counter Guarantee has been provided for their projects in the power sector, whereas Indian entrepreneurs have not been given this facility.

Growing Protectionism Abroad:

Recent years have seen significant, qualitative changes in the international economic environment.

When industrialized countries were developing at a rapid pace, these countries were admirers of free trade, but in the last few years.

Since the phase of development has slowed down here, these countries have started taking the cover of the policy of conservation.

Globalization Essay example:

(a) When Indian skirts (lingerie) started to become very popular in the United States, the misconception was spread that these pens were made from flammable material.

(b) Recently, the European Union countries have imposed anti-dumping duty on Indian textile exports.

(c) Developed countries, especially the United States, have raised the issue of Labor Standards to reduce the export of carpets originating from India.

Formation of Regional Trading Blocs:

The basic assumption of globalization is that there will be no restriction on the flow of goods, services and capital in all countries.

On the contrary, all countries are tying themselves into regional trade groups and trade groups to increase the capacity of export and international competition.

Let’s assume the key: Currently, there are more than 15 trading groups. The establishment of these groups stops the process of free competition.

Need to Stimulate Technical Progress:

It is necessary for globalization that developed countries with full determination and loyalty bring revolutionary changes in the production technologies used in developing countries.

So that the benefits of globalization can be given to the developing countries and the policy of globalization can be sustainable.

Limited Financial Resources:

To be able to compete in the international market, a large amount of capital will be needed to improve the quality of goods and increase production, but there is a lack of capital in developing countries.

As a result, these countries have to go to international institutions such as the World Bank and Monetary Fund to provide financial resources, which provide financial resources on inappropriate terms.

Entry in Unwanted Area:

Under the globalization policy, multinational companies are entering more and more consumer sector and service sector which is not fair.

The assurance of a guaranteed rate of 16 to 18% on the appropriation of economic infrastructure is also unfair.

Similarly, the natural consequence of opening the insurance sector to foreign companies will be that Indian savings will be even lower.

Other Problems:

(a) Proper environment requirement:

Structural reforms in the country’s economy have not been done completely because the countries that have adopted globalization have created an environment for them in the past, as well as the pace of our country’s free-market, has been slow.

(b) Adverse status:

America is pressuring India to accept the concept of ‘Special 301’ and ‘Intellectual Property’ rights.

In such a situation, if we accept globalization, then our economy will go to the hands of multinational companies and if we reject, India will face many problems in globalization.

(c) The fear among workers:

Indian workers believe that the installation of modern machines in the country will require fewer workers, as well as layoffs in factories and they, will be directly affected.

Suggestions regarding globalization:

In the context of the Indian economy, the following are some major suggestions to speed up the process of globalization:

Improvement in Competitiveness of Indian Producers:

To achieve success in the world market, the most important thing is that we should improve our competitiveness.

To improve competitiveness it is necessary to:

(a) The rapid increase in productivity

(b) Improvement in quality of goods

(c) Development of developed production techniques

(d) Organizational restructuring of Indian companies.

It is worth mentioning that the criterion of the efficiency of the company should be to consider the efficiency and productivity of the companies working at the international level and make all efforts to achieve that level.

MNC s from Alliance:

A large number of MNC s are entering India. MNC s have a relatively high financial capacity, business experience and skills.

Therefore, it is in the mutual interest of MNC s and domestic companies to tie up in mutual alliances.

Self-Sufficiency in Technology:

Developing countries like India will get the benefit of globalization only when they use the latest technology.

Facing International Protectionism:

To deal with international protectionism, on the one hand, we have to increase the participation of foreigners in home appliances.

Foreign subcontractors pressurize their governments against the adoption of protection policy and on the other hand, we have to develop domestic brands in foreign markets. So that foreign buyers are eager to buy our products.

Modernization of Agriculture at Small Sector:

Since India is an agrarian country, participation in the globalization process of the Indian economy will be futile unless agriculture and small sector contribute to this effort.

Therefore, to improve the agriculture sector it is necessary to:

(a) All production activities related to agriculture, which include everything from sowing seeds to the sale of agricultural produce, will have to be worn with a professional dress.

(b) The overheads related to agriculture have to be developed.

(c) There is an urgent need for expansion of research and development in the agricultural sector so that such products can be manufactured which can meet the level of international quality.

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Although our economy has moved in the direction of globalization, there is doubt in the success of the efforts made in this direction.

At this time neither the international environment is suitable nor are our internal economic and social conditions ready.

The country is becoming agreed that the policy of selective globalization should be adopted instead of blind globalization.

There have been some difficulties in India with the processes of domestic liberalization and external liberalization going on simultaneously.

We can make the economy more competitive and more efficient by harmonizing modernization, human development and social justice.

Other countries first strengthened domestic liberalization and strengthened and enabled their economy and later adopted the path of external liberalization.

Due to time constraints, we have to work on both fronts simultaneously to advance in the world competition.

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  • Essay On Globalisation

Globalisation Essay

500+ words essay on globalisation.

Globalisation can be defined as a process of integration of the Indian economy with the world economy. Globalisation has been taking place for the past hundred years, but it has sped up enormously over the last half-century. It has increased the production and exchange of goods and services. Globalisation is a positive outcome of privatisation and liberalisation. Globalisation is primarily an economic process of interaction and integration associated with social and cultural aspects. It is said to be an outcome of different policies to transform the world towards greater interdependence and integration. To explain, in other words, Globalisation is a concept or method of interaction and union among people, corporations, and governments universally.

The top five types of globalisation are:

1. Cultural globalisation

2. Economic globalisation

3. Technological globalisation

4. Political globalisation

5. Financial globalisation

Impact of Globalisation on the Indian Economy

After urbanisation and globalisation, we can witness a drastic change in the Indian economy. The government-administered and established economic policies are imperative in planning income, investment, savings, and employment. These economic policies directly influence while framing the basic outline of the Indian economy.

Indian society is critically impacted by cross-culture due to globalisation, and it brought changes in different aspects of the country in terms of political, cultural, economic and social.

However, the main factor is economic unification which contributes maximum to a country’s economy into an international economy.

Advantages of Globalisation

Labour access: Due to globalisation, nations can now access a broader labour pool. If there is any shortage of knowledgeable workers in any developing nation, they can import labour from other countries. On the other hand, wealthier countries get an opportunity to outsource their low-skill work to developing nations with a low cost of living to reduce the cost of goods sold and move those savings to the customers.

High standard of living: After Globalisation, the Indian economy and the standard of living have increased. The change can be observed in the purchasing behaviour of an individual, especially those associated with foreign companies. Hence, most cities are upgraded with a better standard of living and business development.

Resource Access : The primary reason for trade is to gain access to the resources of other countries. It would have been impossible to produce or manufacture luxurious goods if the flow of resources across countries was not permissible—for example, Smartphones.

Impact of Globalisation

Globalisation in terms of economy is associated with the development of capitalism. The introduction of Globalisation has developed economic freedom and increased the living standard worldwide. It has also fastened up the process of offshoring and outsourcing. Due to outsourcing, transnational companies got an opportunity to exploit medium and small-sized enterprises intensively at a low price worldwide. As a kind of economic venture, outsourcing has increased, in recent times, because of the increase in quick methods of communication, especially the growth of information technology (IT).

Privatization of public utilities and goods, such as security, health, etc., are also impacted by Globalisation. Other goods, such as medicines or seeds, are considered economic goods and have been integrated into recent trade agreements.

This essay on Globalisation will help students to understand the concept more accurately. Students can also visit our BYJU’S website to get more CBSE Essays , question papers, sample papers, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions on Globalisation Essay

What are the benefits of globalisation.

Globalisation gives countries access to foreign cultures and technological innovation from more advanced countries. It provides improved living standards to people. The global exposure it gives has resulted in the emergence of new talent in multiple fields.

What are the main elements of globalisation?

Principle elements of globalisation are international trade, foreign investment, capital market flows, labour migration, and diffusion of technology.

What are the different types of globalisation?

Political, economic and cultural globalisation are the main types of globalisation.

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Earth Day: What is it, when is it and why is it important?

Earth Day takes place on 22 April each year

Earth Day takes place on 22 April each year. Image:  UNSPLASH/Markus Spiske

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globalization essay

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This article was last updated on 11 April 2024. It was originally published on 19 April 2022.

  • Earth Day takes place every year on 22 April and is one of the biggest environmental protest movements on the planet.
  • The theme of Earth Day this year is 'Planet vs. Plastics' - campaigners are calling for a 60% reduction in the production of plastics by 2040.
  • The World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report 2024 finds that environmental risks make up half of the top 10 risks over the next 10 years.

“Good evening, a unique day in American history is ending. A day set aside for a nationwide outpouring of mankind seeking its own survival.”

Those were the words of US TV presenter Walter Cronkite as he described the aftermath of the first Earth Day back in 1970.

Here’s what you need to know about Earth Day in 2024.

What is Earth Day and what is the theme in 2024?

Earth Day is an international day devoted to our planet. It draws attention to the environment and promotes conservation and sustainability. Each year on 22 April, around 1 billion people around the world take action to raise awareness of the climate crisis and bring about behavioural change to protect the environment.

Participation in Earth Day can take many forms, including small home or classroom projects like planting a herb garden or picking up litter. People also volunteer to plant trees, join other ecological initiatives or take part in street protests about climate change and environmental degradation.

Official Earth Day campaigns and projects aim to increase environmental literacy and bring together like-minded people or groups to address issues such as deforestation, biodiversity loss and other challenges .

The global theme for this year's Earth Day is ' Planet vs. Plastics ', which recognizes the threat plastics pose to human health and with campaigners demanding a 60% reduction in the production of plastics by 2040.

From 23 to 29 April 2024, governments and NGOs from around the world will gather in Ottawa to continue negotiating the terms of the United Nations Global Plastic Treaty .

How did Earth Day begin?

Millions of people took to the streets of US cities and towns on 22 April 1970 in mass protests over the damage being done to the planet and its resources. Amid the demonstrations, protesters brought New York City’s usually bustling Fifth Avenue to a halt, while students in Boston held a “die-in” at Logan Airport. The environmental impact of the post-war consumer boom was beginning to be felt at that time. Oil spills, factory pollution and other ecological threats were on the rise, with little if any legislation in place to prevent them.

Earth Day has become a global environmental protest movement.

The protests brought together people from all walks of American life – accounting for about 10% of the US population – to demonstrate and voice their demands for sustainable change. The Earth Day website calls it the birth of the modern environmental movement.

What led to the street protests in 1970?

Concerned about increasing levels of unchecked environmental destruction, Junior Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin suggested a series of “teach-ins” on university campuses across the US in 1969 to raise awareness of environmental threats. Nelson was joined by Congressman Pete McCloskey and activist Denis Hayes to organize the teach-ins, but the group soon recognized an opportunity to broaden the event’s appeal beyond student populations.

The newly named Earth Day protest events attracted national media attention and support from around 20 million Americans across age and political spectrums, occupations and income groups.

What did the protests achieve?

The Earth Day demonstrations left an indelible mark on US policy. By the end of 1970, the US Environmental Protection Agency came into being and a stream of laws followed to help protect the environment . These included the National Environmental Education Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act and the Clean Air Act. Further legislation was soon introduced to protect water quality and endangered species, and to control the use of harmful chemicals and pesticides.

When did Earth Day go global?

Earth Day went beyond the US in 1990. Around 200 million people from 141 countries joined efforts to boost recycling around the world that year, paving the way for the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Climate change poses an urgent threat demanding decisive action. Communities around the world are already experiencing increased climate impacts, from droughts to floods to rising seas. The World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report continues to rank these environmental threats at the top of the list.

To limit global temperature rise to well below 2°C and as close as possible to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, it is essential that businesses, policy-makers, and civil society advance comprehensive near- and long-term climate actions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change.

The World Economic Forum's Climate Initiative supports the scaling and acceleration of global climate action through public and private-sector collaboration. The Initiative works across several workstreams to develop and implement inclusive and ambitious solutions.

This includes the Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders, a global network of business leaders from various industries developing cost-effective solutions to transitioning to a low-carbon, climate-resilient economy. CEOs use their position and influence with policy-makers and corporate partners to accelerate the transition and realize the economic benefits of delivering a safer climate.

Contact us to get involved.

This “Earth Summit”, as it became known, led to the formation of the UN Convention on Climate Change and the UN Convention on Biological Diversity , along with the Commission on Sustainable Development to monitor and report on the implementation of Earth Summit agreements.

And as citizens were increasingly concerned with corporate impacts on the natural environment, big and small businesses started to feel the pressure to consider sustainability in their practice.

Have you read?

Is climate inaction a human rights violation, how earth observation from space helps advance climate change research, why is earth day important today.

As the millennium loomed, the Earth Day movement turned its attention to the growing reality of the impending climate crisis with a clear message for world leaders and business: urgent action is needed to address global warming.

It’s a message that is even more relevant today. The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change states that without further immediate action to curb greenhouse gas emissions, the world is on course for temperatures 3.2°C above pre-industrial levels by 2100. This level of warming would be catastrophic for the planet and all life on it, including humans.

The year 2023 was the hottest ever recorded .

The World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report 2024 finds that environmental risks make up half of the top 10 risks over the next 10 years, with extreme weather events, critical change to Earth's systems, biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse being the top three.

Global risks ranked by severity over the short and long term

Nature is our biggest ally in fighting the climate crisis and has slowed global warming by absorbing 54% of human-related carbon dioxide emissions over the past 10 years. Yet, we are losing animals, marine species, plants, and insects at an unprecedented rate, not seen in 10 million years . Threats from human activity for food production and ocean use, infrastructure, energy and mining endanger around 80% of all threatened or near-threatened species .

Earth Day has become a leading light in the fight to combat climate change and nature loss. As we celebrate its 54th anniversary, we must make use of this truly global movement to act, as citizens and governments, as consumers and businesses, and as individuals and communities. Our survival could well depend on it.

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World Economic Forum articles may be republished in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License, and in accordance with our Terms of Use.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author alone and not the World Economic Forum.

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Proposed Test Method for Brake Pad Lining Robustness in Cold Conditions 2024-01-5049

With globalization, vehicles are sold across the world throughout different markets and their automotive brake systems must function across a range of environmental conditions. Currently, there is no current standardized test that analyzes brake pads’ robustness against severe cold and humid environmental conditions. The purpose of this proposed test method is to validate brake system performance under severe cold conditions, comparing the results with ambient conditions to evaluate varying lining materials’ functional robustness. The goal of this paper is to aid in setting a standardized process and procedure for the testing of automotive brakes’ environmental robustness. Seven candidate friction materials were selected for analysis. The friction materials are kept confidential. Design of experiment (DOE) techniques were used to create a full-factorial test plan that covered all combinations of parameters. The test script involves brake applications at 5, 10, 15, and 20 bar, at both ambient/non-humid and cold/humid conditions. Each brake application collects the stop time and coefficient of friction (COF) values throughout the stop. Failure modes are subjectively long braking times and failed brakes. The test results verify that brake pad effectiveness is dependent on friction lining, braking pressure, and environmental conditions. Other than at the lowest tested braking pressure, the COFs appear to be consistent across the tested braking pressures. Each material was evaluated for robustness against cold conditions by calculating their signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio, a common method used during design for six sigma (DFSS) robust optimization analysis. The braking time S/N is calculated using smaller the better (STB) analysis, whereas the COF S/N is calculated using the larger the better (LTB) analysis. Using the S/N ratio, it can easily be determined which brake pad friction lining material is the most robust against environmental conditions. Friction designation A was consistently calculated to be the most robust friction material against the cold environmental conditions. All friction linings had extended stopping times in cold conditions when compared to ambient conditions. In some cases, the lining materials reached critical failure in severe cold environments. Additionally, the collected friction values gave insight into potential extreme pad wear rates.


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    Globalization essay topics may include: Positive and negative effects of globalization. The correlation between globalization and democratization: The perspective of developing countries. The link between globalization and economics. The effect of globalization on the world's political realm.

  7. Globalization Essays

    Find essays on globalization from various perspectives, such as economics, culture, politics, and environment. Browse 107 samples of paper pros and cons, importance, topics, and conclusions on globalization.

  8. Globalization Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

    51 essay samples found. Globalization refers to the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale. Essays on globalization could explore its economic, political, and cultural dimensions, analyzing its impact on trade, communication, and societal norms.

  9. The State of Globalization in 2021

    How has Covid-19 affected globalization? This article analyzes the data and argues that cross-border flows have largely recovered or grown, despite the pandemic. It also discusses the implications for global business strategy and management.

  10. Globalization, de-globalization, and re-globalization: Some historical

    In this essay, I provide some historical context to the recent era of "hyper-globalization." I then present multiple factors—economic, social, political, technological, and governance-related—that collectively explain why globalization has peaked and is on the retreat.

  11. Globalization: The Concept, Causes, and Consequences

    A speech by John Williamson, former World Bank chief economist, on the meaning, causes, and effects of globalization. He argues that globalization is driven by technological progress and has positive impacts on trade, investment, and ideas, but also challenges for migration and culture.

  12. Globalisation Essay for Students in English

    Learn about globalisation, the integration of economies and societies through the flow of various factors. Explore the history, advantages and disadvantages of globalisation, and its impact in India.

  13. Essay on Globalisation: 8 Selected Essays on Globalisation

    List of Essays on Globalisation Essay on Globalisation - Definition, Existence and Impact (Essay 1 - 250 Words) The word 'Globalization' is often heard in the business world, in corporate meetings, in trade markets, at international conferences, in schools, colleges and many other places.

  14. READ: Introduction to Globalization (article)

    Globalization has touched all aspects of human existence. In the modern era, voluntary migration as well as forced migration have resulted in a diverse human population in many parts of the world. America, which is often called a "melting pot", is a prime example of how the mass movement of people has shaped the modern world.

  15. Globalization Essay

    Globalization, according to the Global Workforce Project (2015), "Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture,

  16. Essay on Globalisation: Samples in 100, 150 and 200 Words

    Learn what globalisation is and how it came into existence with this blog. Find essay samples on globalisation in different word limits and explore its economic, cultural and social impacts.

  17. Globalization as a positive factor

    Through globalization, nations have been able to realize many benefits associated with the globalization of the economy. The essay therefore explains the importance of globalization, the economic impact on individuals and countries and how the international security system has been affected as well as the factors that have supported the growth of globalization.

  18. The Effects of Globalization: A Comprehensive Analysis: Free Essay

    Globalization essay Introduction to the topic. To start with, globalization means transcending national borders and cultures by spreading products, technology, information and jobs. Economically, it describes the interdependence of free trade - fostered nations around the globe. The motives of globalization are both idealistic and opportunistic ...

  19. Globalization Essay

    Find out what globalisation means and how it affects various aspects of society, economy, and culture. Read sample essays on globalisation for different word limits and levels of understanding.

  20. Globalization: Advantages and Disadvantages Essay

    The disadvantages of globalization are that it causes the transfer of jobs from developed to lower-cost countries, a decrease in the national intellectual potential, the exploitation of labor, and a security deficit. Moreover, globalization leads to ecological deficiency (Ramsfield, Bentz, Faccoli, Jactel, & Brockerhoff, 2016).

  21. Globalization

    By Eric Brahm July 2005 Globalization is perhaps the central concept of our age. Yet, a single definition of globalization does not exist either among academics[1] or in everyday conversation. There is also a lack of consensus as to whether or not globalization is a useful concept to portray current events.[2] While most conceptions focus on different aspects of growing interdependence be it ...

  22. Globalization Essay

    Learn what globalization means, how it affects different aspects of life, and what are its advantages and disadvantages. Read various essays on globalization with examples, facts, and opinions.

  23. Globalisation Essay for Students in English

    Globalisation Essay: The Essay on Globalisation is essential from an exam perspective. It also explains the correct method of writing an essay. Globalisation can be defined as a process of integration of the Indian economy with the world economy.

  24. Earth Day: What is it, when is it and why is it important?

    Millions of people took to the streets of US cities and towns on 22 April 1970 in mass protests over the damage being done to the planet and its resources. Amid the demonstrations, protesters brought New York City's usually bustling Fifth Avenue to a halt, while students in Boston held a "die-in" at Logan Airport.

  25. Proposed Test Method for Brake Pad Lining Robustness in Cold Conditions

    With globalization, vehicles are sold across the world throughout different markets and their automotive brake systems must function across a range of environmental conditions. Currently, there is no current standardized test that analyzes ... Special Offer: Download multiple Technical Papers each year? TechSelect is a cost-effective ...