State of Survival


Progressing in State of Survival will automatically bring more troops to your settlement. Becca and Sarge are already too busy, so we need to build an effective management team to deal with the increasing numbers. The settlement has set up several roles for capable heroes to serve, which will promote growth. A brand new “Hero Assignment” feature is now available. Heroes can be assigned to different “slots”, allowing them to perform their respective duties and provide additional bonuses to your troops. The time has come to show your talent, assign your heroes to the best places!

◆How to access the Feature?

By going inside your settlement and clicking on your Headquarter (HQ).

◆Hero Appointment Interface:

◆Three Categories in the Hero Appointment:

1Armchair Strategist

2Flag Bearer

◆Now is the time to show your mastery of management by appointing Heroes to the right Position:

There are currently three Positions in the “Hero Service Center”: Armchair Strategist, Flag Bearer, and Vanguard. Three types of “Slots” are subdivided under each Position: Infantry, Rider, and Hunter. Each slot can be held by the corresponding hero of the three troop types. If all three Slots are corresponding to a position: have a hero serving in them, there will be an additional position buff. Assigning heroes to the corresponding Slots can provide additional bonuses to all troops.

Note: The level of stat bonus is only related to the hero's “military rank”. The rarity of the hero does not affect the stat bonus. Assign a max-level hero to the corresponding Slot to get immediate stat bonuses!

◆“Global Bonuses”

1“Slot Bonuses”:

“Slot Bonuses” will be determined by both the “Hero Rank” and the “Enhancement Level”, they Include:

•“Infantry Attack / Defense”

•“Hunter Attack / Defense”

•“Rider Attack / Defense”

Let's explain this a bit further

A.“Hero Rank” - (Per one appointed hero)

The higher the “Hero Rank”, the greater the bonuses.

“Hero Rank”→“Appointment Bonus”

“Captain” →Attack 5%

“Major” → Defense 5%

“Lieutenant Colonel” → Attack 5%

“Colonel”→Defense 5%

B.Enhancement Level (Per the enhancement of one appointed hero)

“Enhancement Level”→“Enhancement Bonuses”

Lv. 1-10 → Attack % per level

Lv. 10 → Defense10%

Lv. 11-20→Attack % per level

Lv. 20→Defense 10%

Lv. 21-30→Attack % per level

Lv. 30D→efense 10%

Lv. 31-40→Attack % per level

Lv. 40→Defense 10%

2“Position Bonuses”:

The “Position Bonuses” will open once all 3 heroes in each category reach lv. 20

Preview of what it pertains:

Levels → “Position Bonuses

Category: “Armchair Strategist”

R1 → “Hunter Health”12.00%

R2 → “Rider Health”12.00%

R3 → “Infantry Health”12.00%

Category: “Flag Bearer”

R1 → “Rally Infantry Damage”13.50%

R2 → “Rally Rider Damage”13.50%

R3 → “Rally Hunter Damage”13.50%

Category: “Vanguard”

R1 → “Infantry Lethality”12.00%

R2 → “Rider Lethality”12.00%

R3 → “Hunter Lethality”12.00%

◆Items Needed for the Feature:

•“Command Manual”

•“Service Badges”

Items can be found through the following:

1“Flash Duels”

2“Rallying Infected Fiends”

Note: Events to obtain the items might also be available

Appointment Interface

Enhancement Interface

Infected Fiend Interface


1“Flag Bearer” and “Vanguard” have time restrictions to be unlocked

2 You can replace heroes appointed without any additional Items.

hero assignment state of survival


  1. State of Survival

    Hero Appointment:Guidance from player. Progressing in State of Survival will automatically bring more troops to your settlement. Becca and Sarge are already too busy, so we need to build an effective management team to deal with the increasing numbers. The settlement has set up several roles for capable heroes to serve, which will promote growth.

  2. Step by Step Roadmap for Hero appointment : r/State_of_Survival

    State_of_Survival. State of Survival. Make friends and fight with other survivors. Resources are scarce and you must salvage what you can from the carcass of society. Do whatever it takes to survive. It won’t be easy. Make your own rules. 6.5K Members. 7 Online.

  3. Hero Appointment Guide

    A new feature is being tested in PTR along with Flash Duels. Do you think this is worth the spending? How much do you think will it cost?TIMESTAMP:00:00 Intr...