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'essayer' conjugation table in French

Past participle, present perfect, conditional, past historic, future perfect, past anterior, conditional perfect, subjunctive.

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French Conjugation

  • Essayer conjugation table
  • Essayer conjugation rules
  • Essayer synonyms

Essayer french definition

Essayer conjugation in all forms, essayer conjugation in all tenses.

  • Essayer : verbs with similar conjugation
  • Essayer conjugation in indicative
  • Essayer conjugation in present indicative
  • Essayer conjugation in present perfect indicative
  • Essayer conjugation in imperfect indicative
  • Essayer conjugation in pluperfect indicative
  • Essayer conjugation in simple past indicative
  • Essayer conjugation in past perfect indicative
  • Essayer conjugation in simple future indicative
  • Essayer conjugation in future perfect indicative
  • Essayer conjugation in subjunctive
  • Essayer conjugation in present subjunctive
  • Essayer conjugation in past subjunctive
  • Essayer conjugation in imperfect subjunctive
  • Essayer conjugation in pluperfect subjunctive
  • Essayer conjugation in conditional
  • Essayer conjugation in present conditional
  • Essayer conjugation in past conditional
  • Essayer conjugation in imperative
  • Essayer conjugation in present imperative
  • Essayer conjugation in past imperative
  • Infinitive of french verb Essayer
  • Present infinitive of french verb Essayer
  • Past infinitive of french verb Essayer
  • Participle of french verb essayer
  • Present participle of french verb essayer
  • Past participle of french verb essayer
  • Gerundive of french verb essayer
  • Present gerundive of french verb essayer
  • Past gerundive of french verb essayer

Common french verbs

  • French Conjugation Rules
  • French Tenses
  • French Verbs

French Auxiliaries Verbs

  • French First Group Verbs
  • French Second Group Verbs
  • French Third Group Verbs
  • Most Common French Verbs
  • Avoir conjugation
  • ĂŠtre conjugation
  • Aimer conjugation
  • Manger conjugation
  • Finir conjugation
  • Partir conjugation
  • Aller conjugation
  • Faire conjugation
  • Dire conjugation
  • Lire conjugation
  • Voir conjugation
  • Venir conjugation
  • Pouvoir conjugation
  • Prendre conjugation
  • Vouloir conjugation
  • Devoir conjugation
  • Savoir conjugation
  • Mettre conjugation
  • Present Indicative
  • Imperfect Indicative
  • Simple Past Indicative
  • Simple Future Indicative
  • Present Perfect Indicative
  • Pluperfect Indicative
  • Past Perfect Indicative
  • Future Perfect Indicative
  • Present Subjunctive
  • Past Subjunctive
  • Imperfect Subjunctive
  • Pluperfect Subjunctive
  • Present Conditional
  • Past Conditional
  • Present Imperative
  • Past Imperative
  • French Conjugation
  • Essayer conjugation

Conjugation of french verb essayer

Present perfect, simple past, past perfect, simple future, future perfect, subjunctive, conditional, essayer french verb, conjugation rules, reflexive form:, negative form:, interrogative form:.

  • Essayer french verb conjugation rules

Essayer french synonyms

  • Essayer similar verbs conjugation

This is the list of essayer french verb synonyms :

Active voice conjugation

Passive voice conjugation, reflexive form conjugation, similar verbs conjugation.

Here is the full list of verbs sharing the same verb conjugation :

List of verbs used as patterns in french conjugation:

Most common first group verbs

Most common second group verbs, most common third group verbs.

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  • Essayer Conjugation

Essayer to try, to attempt

Essayer - indicative, essayer - perfect, essayer - subjunctive, essayer - conditional, essayer - imperative (commands).

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How to conjugate "essayer" in French?

French "essayer" conjugation, full conjugation of "essayer", translations for "essayer", indicatif présent, indicatif passé composé, indicatif imparfait, indicatif plus-que-parfait, indicatif passé simple, indicatif passé antérieur, indicatif futur, indicatif futur antérieur, subjonctif présent, subjonctif passé, subjonctif imparfait, subjonctif plus-que-parfait, conditionnel, conditionnel présent, conditionnel passé.

Translations (English) for "essayer"

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French verb 'essayer' conjugated.

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Essayer (to try) conjugation

Conjugation of essayer, examples of essayer, more french verbs, similar but longer, other french verbs with the meaning similar to 'try':, 'try' in different languages.


Essayer Meaning & Translation – To try in French

By: Author David Issokson

Posted on Published: January 7, 2024  - Last updated: January 22, 2024

Essayer Meaning & Translation – To try in French

In today’s lesson we’ll have a look at the verb essayer , which means “to try”. For example, j’essaie d’apprendre le français (I try to learn French). Let’s jump right into the lesson!

Essayer - to try in French

Essayer Meaning & Translation

Word origin.

According to Wiktionary.org , the French verb essayer is related to the noun essai (try, attempt), which comes from the Latin verb exigere (to judge, examine, weigh) and noun exagium (weight, balance).

Present tense conjugation

Essayer is a regular ER verb. This means that its endings are the same as all other French regular ER verbs when conjugated in the present tense. Essayer has two accepted spelling patterns in the present tense. The pronunciations are the exact same.

J’essaie I try Tu essaies You try (singular, informal) Il, elle essaie He, she tries Nous essayons We try Vous essayez You try (plural, formal) Ils, elles essaient They try

J’essaye I try Tu essayes You try (singular, informal) Il, elle essaye He, she tries Nous essayons We try Vous essayez You try (plural, formal) Ils, elles essayent They try

Example sentences

In our first example sentence, essayer is simply “to try”. This example uses the word jamais (never), which we cover in our French negations lesson .

Si tu n’essaies pas, tu ne réussiras jamais.

If you don’ try, you’ll never succeed.

Essayer de + infinitive

In these two example sentnces, essayer de + infinitive means “to try to do something”.

J’essaie de chanter la chanson mais c’est très difficile.

I try to sing the song but it’s very difficult.

Je vais essayer de terminer mon projet avant demain.

I’ll try to finish my project before tomorrow

Essayer + noun

In the next two examples, essayer is followed by a noun, meaning “to try something”. Essayer can also translate to “to test”. Hence, “I test the skis” could also work as a translation for this next sentence.

The les in this example sentence is a direct object pronoun, meaning “them”. This post on our site covers object pronouns in depth.

J’essaie les nouveaux skis avant de les acheter.

I try the new skies before buying them.

Nous allons essayer le nouveau restaurant ce soir.

We are going to try the new restaurant tonight.

In French, the noun essai transaltes to “try” or “attempt” and is the origin of the English word “essay”.

Il a réussi son examen au troisième essai.

He passed the exam after the third try.

Et voilà ! You now know how to use essayer in French! Now check out our other lessons covering the verbs quitter (to leave) , bosser (to work hard) and ranger (to tidy, put away) .

Essayer = to try in French

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language enthusiast. His head is swimming with words and sounds as he speaks over six languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private online lessons. When procrastinating working on his site, FrenchLearner.com, David enjoys his time skiing and hiking in Teton Valley, Idaho.

See all posts by David Issokson

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Apprends le Français is a free online learning platform for anyone who wants to master the French language. This unique resource is distinguished by its extensive collection of grammar exercises, designed to suit all levels of proficiency. New exercises are added every day, guaranteeing a fresh and dynamic learning experience. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to perfect your French skills, Apprends le Français offers a complete and engaging learning environment.

The platform offers exercises divided into three levels of difficulty: beginner, intermediate and advanced. This structuring allows learners to progress at their own pace, tackling increasingly complex concepts as they gain confidence and competence. Whether you’re a complete beginner looking to understand the basics of French grammar, or an advanced learner aiming to hone your language skills, Apprends le Français adapts to your needs and skill level.

A particularly practical feature of Apprends le Français is the ability to save completed exercises in your personal account. This feature makes it easy for users to track their progress, review previously learned concepts and pick up where they left off. This personalized approach to learning makes the experience not only more effective but also extremely flexible, adapting perfectly to users’ busy schedules and varied learning styles. With Apprends le Français , you have access to a complete and accessible French language learning tool, perfect for enriching your language skills at your own pace.

Learning French can be a rewarding adventure, and Apprendre le Français offers you a step-by-step guide to mastering this beautiful language. Here’s a simplified overview of how you can make progress:

  • Discovery and Fundamentals : Start by familiarizing yourself with the French alphabet and sounds. Learn basic greetings, numbers and simple phrases. Use the interactive exercises on Apprendre le Français to reinforce this basic knowledge.
  • Grammar and Vocabulary : Move on to learning basic grammatical structure, such as articles, adjectives and simple verb tenses. Enrich your vocabulary by exploring common themes such as family, hobbies and food. Our exercises guide you through these concepts in a fun and effective way.
  • Practice Listening and Pronunciation : Listen to native speakers to improve your listening comprehension. Practice your pronunciation by repeating after the recordings and taking part in listening and rehearsal exercises on our platform.
  • Reading and writing : Start reading simple French texts, such as blog articles, short stories or dialogues. Write short texts, such as descriptions or short stories, using the vocabulary and grammar you’ve learned.
  • Conversation and Advanced Use : Engage in simple conversations. On Apprendre le Français , take part in dialogue exercises and interactive activities to improve your conversational skills. Gradually introduce more complex grammatical concepts and a richer vocabulary.
  • Immersion and Culture : Immerse yourself in French culture through films, music and books. Participate in French forums or discussion groups to improve your comprehension and expression.

By following these steps, Apprendre le Français guides you through a structured and comprehensive learning path, helping you to acquire and perfect your French skills in a progressive and coherent way.

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I’m learning French

We are a platform designed to accompany you at every stage of your French language learning journey. Let’s start by exploring how you can get started learning French grammar, using our free exercises and guides every step of the way.

Learning French grammar starts with understanding the basics. On J’apprends le Français, beginners will find a series of intuitive exercises and explanatory guides detailing basic grammatical rules, such as genders, numbers, conjugating verbs in the present tense, and forming simple sentences. These resources are designed to introduce you gradually to the fascinating world of the French language, making learning both simple and exciting.

As you progress, J’apprends le Français offers more complex exercises and in-depth guides to help you master the trickier aspects of French grammar. This includes compound tenses, tense concordance, the subtleties of prepositions , and the use of the conditional and subjunctive modes. Our exercises are regularly updated to ensure they remain relevant and useful for your learning. What’s more, they are classified by difficulty level, allowing you to choose the ones that best match your current level.

Finally, for advanced learners, J’apprends le Français offers grammar challenges designed to fine-tune your mastery of the language. These exercises focus on the nuances and complexities of French grammar, preparing you to use the language in more sophisticated and professional contexts. In addition to the exercises, detailed guides provide in-depth explanations and practical examples to help you understand and integrate these advanced concepts into your everyday use of French.

In short, whether you’re just starting out on your language journey or looking to perfect your French skills, J’apprends le Français offers you all the tools you need to make effective, step-by-step progress in your learning of French grammar.

How do I start learning French?

To begin learning French, start with the basics: literacy and pronunciation. Listen to French audio content on a regular basis, such as podcasts or songs, and practice with educational apps. Immerse yourself in the language with films and simple books. Join a beginner’s course or find a language partner for regular speaking practice.

What’s the best site for learning French?

Answer: To learn French effectively online, Babbel is often ranked as the best platform thanks to its personalized, interactive lessons. Her approach is comprehensive, combining grammar, vocabulary and conversation. Babbel stands out for its emphasis on real conversations and hands-on learning.

Where can I find French exercises?

To find French exercises online, explore educational sites such as apprends.fr. Take advantage of free resources such as La Maison Lumni for middle school courses, educational games on CCDMD, as well as interactive quizzes on TV5 Monde and Ortholud to perfect your mastery of the French language.

How can I learn French for free?

To learn French for free, use apps like Duolingo or Babbel, which offer lessons for all levels, from beginner to expert. In addition, platforms such as OpenClassrooms and France Université Numérique offer MOOCs in French free of charge. Commit to daily practices for constant progress.

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Verb conjugation of "essayer" in French

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French verb conjugation, irregular verbs

Verb of the day:

Most popular verbs

French Conjugation

In French, you can type in infinitive forms such as " manger ", " partir " ... but also conjugated forms (" mis ", " disait ", " rompu "). The conjugator recognizes reflexive verbs (" s'Ă©mouvoir ", " se laver ") and negative verbs (" ne pas pouvoir "), as well as verbal forms with "y" and "en": en prendre , s'en aller , y aller , s'y voir .

The conjugator uses conjugation rules for: the verb , the auxiliaries , the groups and the models . You can click on the corresponding section to learn more.

The conjugator allows you to conjugate any verb as long as it corresponds to an existing conjugation model. They may be imaginary verbs, they may contain spelling mistakes or often be buzz verbs or anglicisms, not yet aggregated to our conjugation tables like déradicaliser, écoresponsabiliser .

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Conjugate verbs in English , French , Spanish , German , Italian , Hebrew , Russian , Arabic , Japanese , Portuguese with Reverso Conjugator. Learn conjugation rules and consult the list of conjugation models. Translate verbs in context or find their definition.

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Subjunctive of the French verb essayer

How to conjugate verbs in French grammar

Overview of french tenses.

The table below presents an overview of the different tenses in French grammar . It explains how to use these tenses and how to conjugate them for regular and irregular verbs . To learn more about a particular tense or to do practice exercises, click on the name of the tense to go to its designated page.

To conjugate any French verb in all tenses, go to Lingolia’s verb conjugator .

* Most ir -verbs are conjugated like finir . Choisir , réagir , réfléchir and réussir belong to this group. Here we add an - iss - to the word stem in the plural forms.

** Most ir -verbs that are not conjugated like finir , are conjugated like dormir . Mentir , partir and sentir are part of this group. We don't add - iss - to form the plural.

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How to Conjugate "Espérer"

Have "Hope" That You'll Learn These French Verb Conjugations

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When you want to say "to hope" in French, use the verb  espérer . In order to transform it to a specific tense, such as "hoped" or "hoping," you will need to conjugate it. This one is a bit of a challenge, but a quick lesson will run you through the simplest and most useful verb forms.

Conjugating the French Verb  Espérer

French verb conjugations are more complicated than they are in English. Where English uses just a few endings like -ing or -ed, French requires a new infinitive ending for every subject pronoun as well as every tense of the verb. This means that we have more words to commit to memory.

EspĂ©rer  is a  stem-changing verb  and it follows the rules of most verbs that end with - e_er . In general, you should look out for the forms in which the acute Ă© changes to the grave è. At the same time, in the future tense, either accented 'E' can be used.

Other than that minor (but important) spelling change,  espĂ©rer  uses the same endings as regular -ER verbs . Simply match the subject pronoun with the appropriate tense in this table to study these forms. For instance, "I hope" is " j'espère " while "we will hope" can be either " nous espĂ©rerons " or " nous espèrerons ."

The Present Participle of  Espérer

To form the  present participle  of espĂ©rer,  add - ant  to the verb stem. This creates the word  espĂ©rant , which can be useful beyond a verb. In some circumstances, it becomes an adjective, gerund, or noun.

The Past Participle and Passé Composé

Besides the imperfect, you can also use the  passĂ© composĂ©  to express the past tense "hoped" in French. When doing so, conjugate the  auxiliary verb   avoir , then add the  past participle   espĂ©rĂ© . As an example, "I hoped" is " j'ai espĂ©rĂ© " while "we hoped" is " nous avons espĂ©rĂ© ."

More Simple  Espérer  Conjugations

While those are the most important conjugations of espĂ©rer  to memorize, you may find a few more helpful as well. For instance, when the verb's action is questionable, either the subjunctive verb mood or the conditional form may be appropriate.

If you read a lot of French, it's likely that you will encounter either the passé simple or the imperfect subjunctive . These are common in literature and it's a good idea to be able to recognize them.

The imperative verb form is used to form quick and often assertive statements or exclamations. When using this one, skip the subject pronoun. Rather than saying " tu espère ," use " espère " alone.

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  • How to Conjugate "Mener" (to Lead)
  • How to Conjugate "Lever" in French
  • How to Conjugate 'ComplĂ©ter,' to Complete
  • How to Conjugate "Enlever" (to Remove, Take Off)
  • How to Conjugate "InquiĂ©ter" (to Worry) in French
  • How to Conjugate "Emmener" (to Take)
  • What Is the Conjugation for "AccĂ©der" (to Reach, to Attain)
  • How to Conjugate "RĂ©pĂ©ter" (to Repeat) in French
  • How to Conjugate "Comporter" (to Consist of, Include, Comprise)
  • How to Conjugate the French Verb "Nettoyer"
  • How to Conjugate "Essuyer" (to Wipe)
  • How to Conjugate "Inclure" (to Include) in French
  • How to Conjugate "Confier" (to Confide) in French
  • How to Conjugate "Appuyer" (to Support or to Lean On)
  • How to Conjugate "Marcher" (to Walk; to Function, Work)


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  5. Essayer Conjugation French Futur Simple

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  6. Essayer Conjugation Chart

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  1. Conjugation verb essayer in French

    Conjugate the French verb essayer in all tenses: future, participle, present, indicative, subjunctive. Irregular verbs, auxiliary verbs, conjugation rules and conjugation models in French verb conjugation. Translate essayer in context, with examples of use and definition.

  2. Simple "Essayer" (to Try) French Verb Conjugations

    Conjugating the French Verb Essayer . Essayer is an optional stem-changing verb. Typically with verbs that end in - yer, the 'Y' has to change to an 'I' in certain forms. The rules are a little more casual with essayer as you'll see in the table. When there are two forms of the conjugation, you can use either. The stem of essayer is essay -.

  3. Essayer

    Simple and compound conjugations for the French verb essayer. - Lawless French. French lessons and language tools from Laura K Lawless. FAQ; 🇨🇦 Find a Tutor ... » Verb Conjugations. Essayer - to try. French Verb Conjugations : Present: Imperfect: Future: Conditional: Subjunctive:

  4. ESSAYER conjugation table

    French Conjugations. French Sentences. English ⇄ German. English-German Dictionary. German-English Dictionary. Easy Learning German Grammar. German Conjugations. ... 'essayer' conjugation table in French Go to the definition page of essayer. Indicative Subjunctive Imperative. Infinitive essayer.

  5. Essayer : Conjugation of french verb essayer

    Essayer belong to the 1 st group. Essayer is a very common french verb. Essayer is conjugated the same way that verbs that end in : -ayer. Essayer is conjugated with auxiliary avoir. Essayer verb is direct transitive. French verb essayer can be conjugated in the reflexive form: S'essayer.

  6. Essayer (to try) in 5 Main French Tenses

    Alexa teaches you how to conjugate the French verb ESSAYER (to try) in 5 main French tenses.-----RECOMMENDED PLAYLIS...

  7. Conjugation of the French verb essayer

    A list of the common conjugations for the French verb essayer, along with their English translations. This is a literary tense, i.e. a tense used in writing, in everyday speech the Passé Composé is used to refer to past actions. The French Future Perfect or Futur antérieur is made with the future tense of avoir or être and the past ...

  8. Essayer Conjugations In All French Verb Forms

    Présent. (tu) essaye. (tu) essaie. (nous) essayons. (vous) essayez. Quiz. French verb ESSAYER conjugated in all forms, with full audio, irregular highlighting, negative forms, and the English translation for all forms.

  9. Conjugate "essayer"

    'essayer' conjugation - French verbs conjugated in all tenses with the bab.la verb conjugator. bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar share

  10. French verb 'essayer' conjugated

    French: essayer French verb 'essayer' conjugated. Cite this page | Conjugate another French verb | Conjugate another French verb

  11. Essayer conjugation in French in all forms

    Example in French Translation in English! - Je dois essayer d'inverser le processus. - I have to try to reverse the process." - Ils vont essayer de se débarrasser de toi. - They'll try to get rid of you." essayer, c'est savoir et ne pas essayer, c'est essayer de ne pas savoir. ""trying is knowing and not trying is trying not to know."

  12. Essayer Meaning & Translation

    Essayer Meaning & Translation Word origin. According to Wiktionary.org, the French verb essayer is related to the noun essai (try, attempt), which comes from the Latin verb exigere (to judge, examine, weigh) and noun exagium (weight, balance).. Present tense conjugation. Essayer is a regular ER verb.This means that its endings are the same as all other French regular ER verbs when conjugated ...

  13. Essayer conjugation, learn French conjugations

    Conjugate the French verb Essayer in all tenses. Futur antérieur, Futur simple, Imparfait, Passé antérieur,, Passé composé, Passé simple, Plus que parfait ...

  14. Francisez

    Enter ANY French verb on Francisez to instantly view its conjugations. Francisez is all you need. Learn irregularities, find verb lists and so much more.

  15. Verb conjugation of "essayer" in French

    Subjonctif Plus-que-parfait. essaierais. essaierais. essaierait. essaierions. essaieriez. essaieraient. Conditionnel Passé. In life you have to decide what is best for you.

  16. How to conjugate Essayer (to try ) in Participe passé tense

    The conjugations for Essayer (to try ) in Participe passé are=====j'essayéTu essayésIl essayéeNous essayéesVous nullIls null🇫🇷 Master French...

  17. Essayer: j'essaie, or j'essaye?

    The pronunciation is slightly different though: "j'essaye" would sound at the end like "pareil", whereas "j'essaie" would sound like "sait". I am not aware that one pronunciation or the other would have this or that connotation. It is even possible for native speakers to use both in the same conversation. Share. Improve this answer.

  18. Imperfect of the French verb essayer

    The imperfect tense conjugations for the French verb essayer, along with their English translations. essayer is a regular verb. Verb phrases. Imperfect Scored; j'essayais: I was trying: tu essayais: you were trying: il essayait: he was trying: elle essayait: she was trying: nous essayions: we were trying: vous essayiez:

  19. French verb conjugation, irregular verbs

    French conjugation: the best way to learn how to conjugate a French verb. Write the infinitive or a conjugated form and the French Conjugator will provide you a list of all the verb tenses and persons: future, participle, present, subjunctive, auxiliary verb. Translate a French verb in context, with examples of use and see its definition.

  20. Subjunctive of the French verb essayer

    The subjunctive tense conjugations for the French verb <i>essayer</i>, along with their English translations.

  21. How to conjugate verbs in French grammar

    To conjugate any French verb in all tenses, go to Lingolia's verb conjugator. * Most ir -verbs are conjugated like finir. Choisir, réagir, réfléchir and réussir belong to this group. Here we add an - iss - to the word stem in the plural forms. ** Most ir -verbs that are not conjugated like finir, are conjugated like dormir.

  22. Essuyer

    Simple and compound conjugations for the French verb essuyer. - Lawless French. French lessons and language tools from Laura K Lawless. FAQ; 🇨🇦 Find a Tutor ... French Verb Conjugations : Present: Imperfect: Future: Conditional: Subjunctive: Imperfect subj. j' ...

  23. How Is "Espérer" Conjugated in French?

    The imperative verb form is used to form quick and often assertive statements or exclamations. When using this one, skip the subject pronoun. Rather than saying " tu espère ," use " espère " alone. In order to say "to hope" in French, use the verb "espérer." This is a stem-changing verb and we have the trick to remembering the conjugation.