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Ditch the slides: deliver great presentations without powerpoint.

  • Written by Colin James
  • Last Updated December 2, 2023

man presenting with paper board


Have you ever sat through a boring presentation? I’m going to guess your answer is “yes”. Invariably, when we ask this question to our program participants, all hands go up.

Think back to those presentations. I’m willing to bet there was a common element: a deck of densely packed  PowerPoint slides  behind the speaker.

Now, I don’t know about you, but as soon as I see slides like this in a presentation, my attention immediately starts to wane. You would think that visual information, graphics and graphs would enliven and enrich a presentation. But it’s not the software itself that’s the problem – it’s how it’s being used.

So how can we communicate more effectively –  without relying heavily on PowerPoint ?

In part one of our two-part video series  Presenting Without Slides,  I talk about why PowerPoint is such a presentation killer, and how to reframe your approach to using slide deck software in a way that is more  engaging to your audience .

How to Present Without Powerpoint

01. only use slides if they add value to your presentation.

For tens of thousands of years, humans have demonstrated effective communication without PowerPoint. Global businesses have been built, wars won and lost, worlds ‘discovered’ and centuries of learning compiled and shared without the use of PowerPoint. Projected imagery itself is, of course, a modern invention.

And while there is value in visual aids, we need to start thinking of ourselves as communicators first.

If the PowerPoint deck communicates the message or is used to simply format content ideas, then hand it out for people to read and follow it with a Q&A. Presenting is foremost a spoken, auditory experience with the visuals providing support and value.

Each slide needs to be rigorously and brutally assessed with this question: “How does this slide enrich, deepen or support the message?”

While stepping away from PowerPoint might seem daunting, numerous engaging visual aids can captivate your audience. Consider utilizing:

Whiteboards or Flip Charts: Engage your audience by sketching diagrams, mind maps, or key points as you speak. This interactive approach allows for real-time interaction and visual learning.

Props and Objects: Incorporate relevant props or physical objects related to your topic. For instance, if discussing teamwork, use a puzzle or rope to illustrate your point visually.

Handouts or Infographics: Prepare concise handouts or visually appealing infographics that complement your verbal presentation. These can be distributed before or after your talk to reinforce key information.

02. Be Confident Presenting Without Props

Imagine you walk into the room – no PowerPoint presentation behind you, no notes, no visual aids, no clicker in hand. You simply stand there in front of your audience and speak with zest and authenticity.

If you do this, you convey to your audience the  quality of authority . You’re saying, “I am confident enough to stand before you without the props to help me, because I am enough. What I have to share and say is enough value in and of itself.”

When you own the space, you become the powerful communicator.

Ask yourself, “If the projector exploded, or the whiteboard magically melted, could I still deliver the outcome? Would I have enough confidence in myself to articulate and convey my messages in a manner that engages and enriches my audience – and deepens their ability to apply what I have presented?”

Your answer must be “Yes!” It’s that simple. And that challenging.

Don’t believe me? Well, why not try it for yourself?

If you do get stuck try encouraging audience participation to create an immersive experience and take some the pressure off you.

These could include:

Group Activities or Exercises: Break your presentation into segments where the audience collaborates in small group discussions, activities, or problem-solving exercises. This fosters active engagement and reinforces learning.

Q&A and Discussion: Allocate time for open discussions, allowing attendees to ask questions or share opinions. This promotes dialogue and deeper understanding while keeping the presentation dynamic.

03. See Yourself as a Visual Aid

The third step to avoiding a dreary presentation is to think of yourself as a visual aid. Yes – you are the reference point! The other stuff you bring into the room is just collateral that either supports or distracts from what you have to say.

Your physiology, gestures and voice can create interest, intrigue, imagery and emphasis.

Your presence on stage is a significant visual aid itself. Consider these tips:

Body Language and Delivery: Use expressive gestures, varying tones, and impactful body language to emphasize key points. Your physical presence and energy level play a crucial role in engaging your audience.

Eye Contact and Connection: Establishing eye contact and connecting with your audience builds rapport and ensures their attention remains focused on your message.

Examples of Successful PowerPoint-Free Presentations

TED Talks: Many TED speakers deliver powerful presentations without relying heavily on slides. They use storytelling, props, and personal anecdotes to convey their messages effectively.

Live Demonstrations: Tech companies often showcase product features or concepts through live demonstrations instead of slides. These real-time examples create an engaging experience for the audience.

Remember, effective presentations rely on your confidence, communication skills, and ability to connect with your audience. PowerPoint is just one tool among many for communication. By exploring alternative methods, you can create impactful presentations that resonate long after the session ends.

Don’t shy away from experimenting with different presentation styles and tools to find what works best for you and your audience. It’s about delivering a memorable experience that leaves a lasting impression!

If you don’t feel quite up to it yet, don’t worry – we’ve got just the thing to help.

Join us at our next Public Speaking Workshop. Break the shackles of nerves and learn how to build and deliver engaging presentations to amplify your audience experience.

No more hiding behind PowerPoint slides – remember, it’s your message (and how you deliver it) that will make you a star!

how to give a presentation without powerpoint

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Creative Presentation Ideas Without PowerPoint: 7 Unique Ways to Engage Your Audience


Are you in a creative rut when it comes to making presentations and engaging your audience? Have you found yourself relying too much on good ol’ PowerPoint and need a breath of fresh air? We have the ultimate answer to your woes – 7 unique ways to present your subject without PowerPoint! These top 7 suggestions guarantee to get your audiences’ attention, keep them engaged, and make them beg for more. From utilizing props and infographics to interactive activities and storytelling, you’ll be able to find the method that works best for you. And they all come without having to use PowerPoint! So Read on to discover the secrets behind our top 7 creative presentation ideas without PowerPoint, and how you can make your next presentation a smashing success!

Quick Breakdown

There are many creative ways to present information without using PowerPoint, such as creating a hands-on demonstration , using scanned images with voiceover narration, or making a video. You can also use posters, flipcharts , props, and other visuals to help engage your audience.

Explaining Concepts with Storytelling

Storytelling can be a powerful way to explore complex concepts and engage with audiences. Using stories to explain ideas encourages critical thinking, increases audience engagement, and gives meaning to abstract topics. Unlike the structure of PowerPoint slides, storytelling allows for organic dialogue between presenter and audience, creating an environment where both are actively involved in exploring concepts. Furthermore, by using a narrative approach to present information, ideas become easier to remember as they are given much-needed context. Arguments against using stories as a means of communication focus on its relative unstructured nature and the lack of advantages that tangible visuals provide. Others find it difficult to measure engagement when using stories as opposed to traditional PowerPoint slides or other visual aids . However, the most effective storytellers understand how to use emotion, tension, humor, surprise, and suspense to narrate concrete arguments that will stay with their audiences long after their presentations have ended. Storytelling is one of the oldest forms of interpersonal communication; it’s no wonder the listener’s attention is captured from start to finish. By creatively utilizing this ancient technique in combination with modern teaching practices, presenters can captivate their audiences with gripping narratives about important topics. Such engagement not only encourages comprehension but also sparks curiosity and debate among listeners. With so much potential for success, explain concepts with storytelling has become increasingly popular in business settings and other professional environments. Ready to take your presentation skills up a notch? By engaging audiences with interactivity you can ensure that your audience members leave with a full understanding of the concept you were trying share while having a great time doing it!

Engaging Audiences with Interactivity

Interactivity is a great tool for engaging (and not boring) audiences in a presentation. Interactivity can come in many forms and can be tailored to the subject matter, needs of the presenter, and objectives of the audience. Depending on the environment and resources available, there are several ways to introduce interactive elements into presentations. Two popular types of interactivity that can be used are Q&A sessions and polling or surveys . Q&A sessions can be structured by designating time at the end of the presentation or set up as an ongoing part of the presentation. This allows the presenter to quickly address questions from the audience while also staying on topic and providing additional clarity when necessary. Polling or surveys are great for getting more in-depth opinions from participants on a specific topic, helping to provide further context around various aspects of presentation topics . Another method for introducing interactivity is game-based activities. This could include quizzes, challenges, puzzles, scavenger hunts, and other types of games depending on the objectives. Games are often a great way to get people engaged with one another as well as pique interest in the content presented. It’s important to carefully consider whether this type of activity is appropriate for your particular situation prior to implementing it into a presentation. Overall, there is no single best way to incorporate interactivity into your presentation but it is a powerful tool that can help make it successful if used correctly. It’s important to understand how certain interactive elements might affect your message by building in enough time for feedback and thorough responses if needed. With careful planning and consideration for all audiences involved, you can craft engaging presentations without relying on PowerPoint alone. Next we will look at how using an interactive whiteboard is another great alternative for presenting without PowerPoint.

Interactive Whiteboard

Interactive whiteboard technologies offer content-rich, audience-engaging presentations without the same level of formality as PowerPoint. With an interactive whiteboard, you can tap into a wide variety of multimedia content that encourages audience engagement and creativity while reducing any text-heavy messages. A well-made and engaging presentation on an interactive whiteboard can provide students or trainees with an immersive experience, allowing them to visualize and understand complex topics in ways that are not possible with traditional paper-based materials. From the point of view of traditional powerpoint presentations, one advantage of an interactive whiteboard is the fact that the audience can actively participate in the process by sharing their thoughts or responses via either verbal discussion, written comments, or drawings in real time. Other benefits include simple navigation and navigation tools for finding specific parts or pages within a presentation. Additionally, sound effects like music or videos may also be included to make the presentation more attention-grabbing and creative. A disadvantage is that interactive whiteboard systems are typically more expensive than traditional PowerPoint software. Moreover, they often require additional hardware such as a projector or other devices needed to connect it to media sources such as computers and tablets. Furthermore, without technical support assistance at hand, it can be difficult for those who are unfamiliar with this technology to operate the interactive board effectively. Therefore, it is important to take into consideration these potential cons before planning a presentation on an interactive whiteboard system. Overall, when used responsibly and creatively, an interactive whiteboard provides a captivating alternative to PowerPoint presentations without diminishing its educational value and potential effectiveness in communicating key messages and ideas to your target audience. As the next section will discuss further, adding hands-on activities to your presentation is another way create impactful and engaging experiences for your attendees.

Hands-On Activities

Hands-on activities evoke a sense of participation and engagement that can be just as powerful as engaging with a PowerPoint presentation. However, they work best with smaller audiences where the participants are able to get up close to the facilitator and interact with one another. Depending on the type of message you’re trying to convey, different types of hands-on activities may be suitable. For example, if you want to capture creative ideas in a group setting, an exercise such as “speed sketching” could be conducted. Everyone in the group would have to collaboratively draw a set concept or idea in five minutes or less . Alternatively, if you’re trying to inspire people about a specific topic, physical representation will help them retain more information and give them a better understanding of complex topics . More traditional activities such as panel discussions and debates are also great options for fostering an interactive environment amongst any audience. Leading into the next section: Illustrating ideas with multimedia has been tried and tested by many businesses and organizations for its ability to effectively engage larger audiences who may have varying interests or perspectives on the topic being presented.

Illustrating Ideas with Multimedia

When it comes to creative presentation ideas without PowerPoint, leveraging multimedia to illustrate ideas can be an effective method of bringing the audience into an experience and capturing their attention. Multimedia elements such as images, videos, audio clips, and even live web streams can help bring the presentation to life and add a “wow” factor that PowerPoint cannot provide. Not only can visuals help encourage engagement, but this type of multimedia also helps break up the monotony associated with lecturing for long periods of time. By introducing multimedia elements during a presentation, audiences will find this type of approach to be interesting and memorable. Using multimedia for presentations can also add to the impact of narrative content. Rather than just reading from a script or speaking from memory, adding visuals or sound effects can make stories more captivating while strengthening an argument. That said, it’s important to remember there are drawbacks associated with multimedia elements. If not used sparingly, they can quickly become too distracting or take away from the message you’re trying to convey. Ensuring multimedia adds value instead of detracts from your talk is key when leveraging multimedia in creative presentations. Finally, leveraging multi-media is only one side of incorporating creative techniques into a presentation — performance demonstrations are another great way to engage an audience. In the next section we’ll look at how you can use props and physical demonstrations to capture the audience’s attention and create a lasting impression.

  • According to a 2004 study , PowerPoint is just presentation technology’s latest iteration and will eventually be replaced by something else.

Performance Demonstrations

Performance Demonstrations are a great way to keep your audience engaged and excited about your presentation. Whether you decide to show off a skill you possess or hire an expert in their field, an engaging, “real performance” is sure to leave a lasting impression on your audience. The advantages of performing a demonstration are that it keeps the audience focused, provides an interactive element to the presentation and makes for a more creative form of communication. Additionally, it allows the presenter to explain some abstract ideas in concrete terms. For example, when explaining aerodynamics, if you have an expert mathematician available, they could use calculus to calculate air resistance and lift force while teaching the audience a physical demonstration. On the other hand, there are potential downsides when incorporating performance demonstrations into your presentation. Not everyone will understand the topic presented; visual learners may comprehend more easily than those with auditory learning styles and vice-versa. Additionally, performance demonstrations run the risk of not being done effectively causing confusion instead of clarity during the presentation. Regardless of these drawbacks, if done correctly, performance demonstrations can be a great way to engage any audience. Following this section about Performance Demonstrations we will explore how Presenters can use Physical Objects as another unique way to capture an audience’s attention and lead them through their message without PowerPoint.

Present Ideas Using Physical Objects

Using physical objects to convey a message can be an effective and creative means to engage an audience. By incorporating tangible elements, such as props, displays, and other materials, presenters can physically demonstrate a concept or idea in a way that captures attention and encourages interaction. Additionally, physical objects can enable the audience to have both tactile interaction as well as visual stimulation. This can help to keep individuals focused on the presentation and more likely to remember what is being said. For example, while explaining increasing sales numbers over time, a presenter may use a graph written on a whiteboard with colored markers. As each section of the graph is explained, the presenter can point to sections of the board with the markers to emphasize certain points or data points. This allows for visual tracking of progress on the graph, as well as directing attention away from other slides or topics being discussed. Furthermore, using physical markers instead of electronic slides gives the audience something tangible with which to interact and remember. Physical objects may also be used as props for storytelling or examples within a presentation. However, this approach can prove difficult if not done correctly due to unexpected issues with transport or storage of materials. If not managed properly ahead of time, these unforeseen problems can have an impact on the quality of the presentation and its potential success. For this reason it is important to weigh all options carefully before selecting any physical props for incorporation into the presentation.

Visual Props

Visual props are a great way to engage audiences and create interesting presentations. These props can include items such as whiteboards and markers, storyboards, sculptures, or even art installations. Visual props can be used to illustrate complex concepts, break up information into more concentrated bits, and make your audience feel like they are actively participating in the presentation. On one hand, visual props might help enhance rather than dominate a presentation. Rather than simply showing an audience slides of written words on a screen and speaking over them, visual props may allow the presenter to incorporate elements of drama and interaction with the audience. For example, depending on the type of prop you choose, viewers may be encouraged to ask questions or share their experiences in relation to what is being presented. On the other hand, using too many props can become overwhelming for an audience and detract from the larger message you want to convey. Additionally, if your chosen prop is too heavy or bulky it can become difficult for a presenter to move around while speaking over them. It is important to focus on how much of your prop should be seen and how much of it should remain behind-the-scenes or in storage during a presentation so that it has maximum impact if needed but also won’t distract from the topic at hand. Overall, visual props provide an effective way to engage viewers in a presentation without the use of PowerPoint. With thoughtful planning, visuals can be used in strategic ways that emphasize key points and foster a greater understanding rather than being distracting or overwhelming to your audience. In order to reach your audience with flashcards – the next step after incorporating visual props – additional considerations have to be taken regarding content selection as well as readability and accessibility.

Reaching the Audience with Flashcards

Using flashcards is a great way to engage an audience and make sure information is retained. This can be done before your presentation, during question and answer, or at the end as a review for what has been discussed. Flashcards are especially helpful for presentations that include a lot of facts and/or data, as they allow individuals to easily retain information without relying on taking notes. Moreover, flashcards can be used in creative ways to keep an audience’s attention. For example, a presenter can set up different stations throughout the room that have cards which can be collected during the presentation. Additionally, they can be used as an interactive prop to illustrate points or ask questions to audience members. Finally, they can be used as part of a game or challenge to test how well attendees absorbed the content. The downside is that using flashcards can take up considerable time depending on the size of the audience and it must be incorporated correctly into the flow of the presentation to avoid disruption. Additionally, it may not be effective if you are presenting topics with limited supporting numbers or facts. That being said, incorporating flashcards into an engaging presentation when done properly adds excitement and encourages participation among attendees. As mentioned previously, there are many different ways to creatively engage your audience without having to rely on tools like PowerPoint. However, having a few final tips will help make sure your unique presentation goes off without a hitch so let’s discuss that in the following section: A Few Final Tips on Creative Presentations.

A Few Final Tips on Creative Presentations

Creating a successful and engaging presentation without PowerPoint can be difficult. Apart from frameworking it differently and using alternative tools, there are a few time-tested approaches that could help you create powerful presentations. Here are a few tips to consider when creating creative presentations without PowerPoint. 1. Develop Your Story: Whether it’s one of your own experiences or craft an interesting case study for the audience to learn from, using the story format allows for naturally captivating presentation. By starting with a hook and weaving through historical perspectives and facts, you can make sure your presentation will be more memorable and enjoyable for the audience. 2. Have Fun With It: When developing your presentation without PowerPoint, it’s essential that your main focus is getting the information across in an easy-to-understand yet engaging way. Having fun while delivering the content will make it easier for audience members of all age ranges to remember what they were taught. 3. Enrich with Visuals: A presentation isn’t complete if there aren’t visuals to enhance the delivery of your message or topic. Tools like Prezi and PowToon are great alternatives to PowerPoint that you can use if you want to add visual appeal to your next presentation; similarly, incorporating images or art into your slides will guarantee attendees understand essential points they need to take away from your content delivery process. 4. Set Your Audience Expectations: Prepare a clear plan before presenting so that every component found within each slide is communicated effectively and thoroughly explained during the talk; also tell your audience exactly what you should expect from them as well – is there a question and answer session ? Do they have an activity or assignment to complete by the end? By providing these expectations ahead of time, navigating through the material will appear much easier both visually and mentally. 5. Practice & Rehearse: No matter how great of an idea you come up with, if you don’t practice it beforehand then it won’t go over as smoothly as intended. Make sure you’re well rehearsed on all topics covered within the presentation so that no questions go unheard due to memory recall issues caused by stress in public speaking contexts; additionally, rehearsing frequently also allows for polish lines that add even more flavor to any speech! When crafting a creative presentation without PowerPoint, following these top tips helps ensure success in each delivery. As long as thought is put into their approach beforehand, practically anyone can develop an effective method for teaching others without relying solely on slideshows generated through computer software programs like Microsoft Office Suite products!

Responses to Frequently Asked Questions

What are the advantages of using alternative presentation ideas without powerpoint.

The advantages of using alternative presentation ideas without Powerpoint are plentiful. For starters, they allow speakers to be more creative and expressive since they don’t need to limit themselves to text-based slides and static visuals. Additionally, these alternatives can be especially effective for highly interactive or participatory presentations. For example, having audience members take part in activities such as role playing, group exercises and simulations can help create an engaging dynamic and offer a much more immersive experience than a traditional powerpoint presentation. Finally, alternative presentation ideas allow the speaker to use a wide range of media formats including videos, visuals, music and sound effects to present their message in a compelling way. These elements can create emotional connections with the audience that are unlikely to be achieved through static “bulleted text” slides.

How can I make an effective presentation without Powerpoint?

Making an effective presentation without Powerpoint can be achieved by leveraging various creative techniques. Firstly, it is important to know your audience and the message which you are trying to convey. When beginning a presentation without Powerpoint, it is beneficial to start strong with a short introduction of yourself and the topic. This will help the audience to more easily relate to what you are sharing. Secondly, using hands-on activities such as demonstrations or simulations are powerful teaching tools that could help to engage your audience in the presentation. You may also consider using props, videos/animations or storytelling techniques as they can draw in an audience and bring to life the subject matter. Thirdly, focus on keeping your audience well informed throughout the duration of the presentation by strategically placing breaks or visual cues. This can make the content easier to digest, in addition to lightening up any dull sections with humour or anecdotes. Lastly, end on a strong note and ensure that there is closure after delivering your message. Acknowledging any questions from the audience, a summary of what was discussed and thanking them for attending will help round off a successful presentation without Powerpoint.

What are some creative presentation formats that do not require Powerpoint?

Creative presentation formats that do not require Powerpoint include: 1. Storytelling – Use stories to bring your message to life and engage your audience. Telling an interesting, engrossing, or even personal story can be a great way to capture and retain the attention of your audience. 2. Role Play – An interactive way to demonstrate a concept is by having people act out scenarios related to the topic at hand. Whether it’s two people performing a skit or a large group of volunteers playing characters in a scene, role play can make abstract concepts concrete while providing a visual aid for the rest of your audience to latch onto. 3. Visual Presentations – One of the most common forms of presentations rely on visuals such as diagrams, maps, charts, etc., rather than words. Incorporating some visual elements will make it easier for people to understand certain key points in your discussion as well as help you keep your audience engaged during long sections of speech. 4. Demonstration – Show don’t tell is an old adage that applies when presenting without Powerpoint. You might prefer to use the time allotted for interactive demonstrations either in person or video clips that show the product or service in action. 5. Workshops – Teaching your audience a new skill or practice can be incredibly engaging while managing to educate them along the way as well. Setting up guided workshops with activities designed around group dynamics can also be highly effective in terms of creating lasting engagement with everyone present.

Scott Berkun

How to present well without slides.

If you were having an important conversation with a friend at a restaurant, would you pull out a projector and put your slides on the wall? They’d think you were crazy as would the people at other tables. Rather that look into your eyes or give full attention to your words, your friend would have their minds divided between you and the images you were showing simultaneously.

Which raises the question: why use presentation slides at all? Most important conversations you will have in your lifetime happen without slides. And ask anyone who works in media: if the power went out and they could only show your slides or broadcast your voice, they’d go with your voice. Your voice, what you say and how you say it, is the most important thing. If you listen to This American Life or The Moth , it’s clear how powerful a speaker can be with their voice alone.

Look at any list of the best speeches of all time  and you won’t find a single use of slides or other props. Of course slides and presentation software hadn’t been invented then so it’s unfair to make a direct comparison (For fun  see The Gettysburg Address as a bad Powerpoint deck ). Yet the question is easy to ask: would these speeches have been better if they were narrated over slides?

In many cases, no. You’d have to listen carefully to figure out when ideas would be better presented visually rather than with words alone, which is the secret for thinking about your own presentations: when do you truly need a visual image to express an idea? And when would it be better simply letting your voices tell the story?

Speaking without slides seems more challenging because:

  • You feel naked without the familiar crutch of slides behind you
  • It may require a different way to prepare
  • It demands more thinking and refinement of your ideas

Speaking without slides is often better because:

  • Audiences grant you more attention and authority over the room
  • You have no fear of slide or A/V malfunctions
  • You can never become a slave to your slides
  • It forces you to clarify and improve your ideas, making you a better speaker

But slides do have some advantages, including:

  • Some concepts are best expressed visually
  • They can serve as a handout (but true handouts work better than slideuments )

When is it best to speak without slides?

If I’m asked to speak for 20 minutes or less I often go without slides. More than 20 minutes and the dynamics of attention are more complex and I typically use slides, though less than many speakers do. I give the same advice to others: the shorter the talk, the simpler your presentation should be.

How to prepare a slide-free presentation

In Chapter 5 of Confessions of a Public Speaker (“Do Not Eat The Microphone”) I provide a simple, well-tested method for preparing talks of any kind.  In short it looks like this:

  • Take a strong position in the title
  • Think carefully about your specific audience (why are they here? what do they already know?)
  • Make your 4 or 5 major points concisely (from a draft outline of 10 or 12 points)
  • Practice making your points without a single slide.
  • Revise #3 and repeat #4 until done.

This approach works with or without slides, but in all cases it forces you to develop your ideas into a solid outline and practice delivering it before you’d even consider making a slide . If you want to go entirely without slides, you’re already prepared for that. And if you decide as you revise that you need slides to best make your points, then add them, but only after you’ve proven their necessity by trying to present without them.

If you want your ideas to take center stage, the slides should come late in the process so that they are used only to support what you’re saying, rather than the other way around. Even if you are a visual thinker and need something to look at to develop your ideas, develop your ideas and rehearse assuming the slide deck is scaffolding you will remove . Don’t fall into the trap of polishing your slides and tweaking fonts when you should be revising your thoughts and practicing how you’re going to express them.

Given a choice between a great talk with lousy slides, and a lousy talk with great slides, what do you think most audiences would choose? Prepare accordingly.

What do you put on the screen if presenting at a slide-dominant event?

I simply put together a slide with my name, the title of the talk and the basic contact information I want to provide. There’s an argument that only having a single slide does far more to make you accessible to an audience interested in your work as the way to contact you is visible the entire time you’re speaking, instead of just at the end. Here are two examples from two different events:


How do you get over the fear of forgetting something?

Many speakers use slides to mitigate fear. Slides used for this reason often come at the audience’s expense. It’s common to see speakers reading their own slides, or facing their slides as they present, clear signs they made their slides first, rather than constructing the presentation first and using slides to support their thoughts. Slides should be for the audience, not for you.

If you work hard to have clear points, and you practice it’s unlikely you’ll forget anything important. Even if you did forget something, only you will know. Since there are no slides, as the speaker only you know what you planned to say. You could skip an entire point or express it in a completely different way than you intended and no one will know but you.  Slides can lock you in and if you are a true expert on the subject you’re speaking about you may find advantages in flexibility.

The notecard

When I speak without slides I usually have one small piece of paper listing my 5 main points. For my recent keynote at Warm Gun 2013 on The Dangers of Faith in Data , here’s what I brought with me on stage:


This notecard is short and simple. Since I’ve thought hard about this topic and have practiced the talk, all that I need the notecard to do is remind me of the next point, and the overall structure. I cheated on #5 as it has sub-bullets, but I simply found while practicing I couldn’t recall all three, so I wrote them down. Churchill and some other famous speakers used similar lightweight systems for their speeches.

You can see the notecard on the conveniently transparent lectern:


What about the handout problem?

If I prepare my talk as described above, it’s easy to write up a blog post with the same structure.

Here’s the blog post, titled The Dangers of Faith In Data , which I wrote in less than an hour while the ideas were still fresh in my mind.

Watch the actual talk based on the above

Now that you know how I prepared and practiced, you can watch the actual talk and judge for yourself. You’ll see me look down at the notecard,  but it’s typically while I’m silent and trying to let the audience digest what I just said, while I collect myself to lead into the next thought.

Free Checklist For Great Talks (with or without slides)

You can download a handy, comprehensive, printable checklist for giving great presentations here  (PDF) based on the bestseller  Confessions of a Public Speaker .

13 Responses to “How to present well without slides”

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In the case of scientific seminar talks given to expert audiences, the slides are used to show actual data. So we have no choice but to use slides and make them the focus of the presentation. Although there is a special form of slideless presentation called a “chalk talk”, which entails explaining scientific shit using only a chalkboard, and usually with intensive audience participation: ongoing chiming in with questions, comments, and criticisms. The idea is that a chalk talk reveals whether someone can think on their feet without the crutch of slides, and they are used as an interviewing tool.

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I love this! I’ve been doing this for years successfully. Even won an award. I’m glad I’m not alone!

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For longer talks (more than 15 minutes) I like to have LOTS of notes when I speak, mostly to keep from getting ahead of myself; I also like to have those notes large enough to read from 10 feet away, so I can move around. “Presenter mode” with the notes section just doesn’t cut it, so I carry two laptops and write two sets of slides. One set is my speaking notes: very dense, lots of words, 100% inappropriate for showing to anyone but myself. The other set is what I show the audience: pictures, graphs, or just a few words to reinforce my point; often these slides will be repeated multiple times in a row so even though I’m clicking through them at a pretty fast clip, the audience sees a new slide only every 1-3 minutes.

The “secret” is to have exactly the same number of slides in each deck, and to have two receivers listening to a single “clicker.” I get as many notes as I want, in nice big fonts with plenty of color; the audience gets a very different “show”; everyone is happy.

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Thanks for sharing your method – I hadn’t heard of anyone who makes two sets of slides before.

I’ve found that from speaking so often and experimenting that the less materials I depend on while I’m speaking, the more comfortable I am, not less. But everyone is different of course.

Yes, absolutely. Back when I was doing full-time technical training I practically knew the material by heart. These days, however, I give maybe five presentations a year, only two of which are usually the same talk. Some I’ve done before but often as long as a year ago (and by then I’ve usually updated the material), but the rest are new “this time” and will likely never be given again. Also, most of my “presentations” are actually half-day tutorials, which means about three hours worth of material; I simply can’t remember that much unless I’m teaching it several times per month.

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My formal presentations always include slides because I’m talking about a visual subject, but it is ALL visual: no text, and certainly no bullet points (my personal pet peeve). It’s nice to know that I can give a presentation without them too, because any day I can literally be stopped in the hallway and told that there’s a tour group coming through and I need to give a talk *now*. It took me a while to get to that place, but knowing your subject inside and out and having a crazy passion about it helps.

I have to give props to Toastmasters too. I used to have a deathly fear of public speaking, but that environment really helped. Plus, it was all talk, no slides!

Makes sense to me. There are certainly plenty of situations where slides are essential. An artist talking about their work is one of many.

[…] E început de an, deci probabil toți discutăm o strategie, un buget sau planuri pentru 2014. Ce facem când trebuie să prezentăm ceva fără ajutorul unui suport grafic? Scott Berkun, autorul Confesiunile unui vorbitor public ne oferă câteva sfaturi pentru prezentări memorabile. […]

[…] How To Present Well Without Slides […]

[…] Interesting post by Scott Berkun on not using a presentation tool. […]

[…] Secret: Presentation expert Scott Berkun writes out his 3-5 main points on an index card and keeps it in his back pocket when he speaks. […]

[…] How to present well without slides (by Scott Berkun) […]

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How to Deliver a Memorable Presentation without Powerpoint

Yes, you CAN deliver a memorable presentation without PowerPoint!

But will you be memorable?


People spend far too much time preparing PowerPoint or Prezi slides for a presentation and not enough time thinking about how to influence audiences, so today we want to give you some tips on how you can deliver a memorable presentation without PowerPoint.

Your slides are an aid to your presentation, but they’re not the presentation itself.  The more you stand side-on to an audience reading from them, the more likely you are to have zero impact.

Yes, you’ll survive.  And yes, everyone will tell you were great! (No-one will want to hurt your feelings).  But no-one will remember a thing you said.

Here’s another way.

Ask yourself what you want your audience to think, feel, do or believe?  Are you there to educate?  To motivate?  To entertain? Your presentation needs a purpose.  And the answer to this question gives your presentation its shape.

Once you’ve answered that question, the opening line of your presentation becomes obvious. For example:

“Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. My aim today is to inspire you to quit your very safe day job and pursue your dream of owning your own business.”

You’ve told them exactly why you are there and what you plan to achieve. This gives them a clear direction, and something to look forward to!

Now you’ve got their attention, take them on a journey.

Think of one, two or three reasons –  no more – why people should do just that: quit their day job and start a business.  These reasons will become the key messages you want the audience to remember.

My own three reasons for owning a PR consultancy are these – autonomy, job satisfaction and financial freedom.

So here’s your presentation so far.

“Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, my aim today is to inspire you to quit your very safe day job and pursue your dream of owning your own business. I know you’ve got a dream like this. Now there are three reasons why everyone should live life without a safety net and pursue this dream.  The first is autonomy – having complete control over your own life. Imagine that. The second is job satisfaction.  Having your clients hug you, when they adapt your ideas and it changes their lives.  I can tell you, that’s a great feeling. And the third is financial freedom.  No longer just working for wages, but tasting some profit as well.”

That’s the introduction to your presentation.  You’re sixty seconds in, no Power Point in sight.  And you have the attention of the entire room.  They’re open to the proposition you’re making, and ready to go on a journey.

Your introduction gives you the structure for your presentation.  Stay with what you’ve promised and don’t introduce any other themes.  You stated your purpose and key messages in the introduction. Now repeat those messages and elaborate on them. Use the same order as in the introduction.

Illustrate your key messages with personal stories or real industry case studies.  The more personal and emotional the better.  You won’t need Power Point, you won’t need notes and what you say will be unforgettable.

Here’s how you might unpack the first key message in your presentation.

“The first reason you should quit your very safe day job and pursue your dream of owning your own business is autonomy.  If you’re a natural boss, who has been masquerading as an employee for twenty years, business ownership is for you.  If you’re a parent who regrets missing out on limitless precious moments with your children, the autonomy of business ownership is for you.  My drive to starting my own PR firm was a combination of these.  I’ve always been the dad who purposely worked 5.00am starts in the newsroom so I could be there when my kids got home.  I’ve never been able to understand the kind of reasoning that puts children as top priority in theory, but not in practice.  I came from a small business family, and I’ve  watched them make a success of things while I’ve been toiling away at the ABC.  Not long ago, I decided it was time for a change.”

My presentations continue with the rest of my story. I highlight the autonomy I’ve enjoyed since leaving news reporting.  How I’ve lost weight and felt better. The better work/life balance I’ve had, and quality time with my children.

Then I stay with the structure, deliver my second key message and illustrate that with a personal story. Likewise for the third key message.

Finally, I summarise and round things off.  A good conclusion is simply the introduction restated. Don’t be afraid to use the same phrasing. It reaffirms your message.

“ So in conclusion my aim here today was to inspire you to quit your very safe day job and pursue your dream of owning your own business.  How did I go?  Hands up If I’ve got you thinking. Now there’s three reasons why everyone should live life without a safety net and pursue this dream.  The first is autonomy.  Having complete control over your own life – imagine that.  The second is job satisfaction.  Having your clients hug you, when they adapt your ideas and it changes their lives.  And the third is financial freedom.  No longer just working for wages, but tasting some profit as well. Thanks for having me.”

Stand back and enjoy the applause.

No power point, no notes, just a purpose and three key messages illustrated with personal examples.

You’ll notice that there is a lot of repetition.  This is what helps your audience to remember what you say. Reaffirming things helps them resonate.  Give them the same messages at the start, in the middle and at the end.

Make it emotional, tell stories and you will never be forgotten.

At Good Talent Media, we want you to be memorable in the boardroom for all of the RIGHT reasons.  You can find out more about our presentation training services here .

If you’ve got some presentation stories to share, leave us a comment.  Maybe it was a memorable presentation for all the wrong reasons.

Tony Nicholls

Tony Nicholls

Founder and Director of Good Talent Media

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7 Tips for presentation with and without PowerPoint slides

  • Planning Tools
  • plavis GmbH
  • last updated: 18. January 2023

We show you how to present correctly

successful presentation of a project in factory planning with planning software

Stuffed PowerPoint, Prezi or Google slides, overwhelmed listeners and presentations where hardly anyone can tell what it was all about afterwards. Unfortunately, this is the daily routine in many meeting rooms. We provide you with presentation techniques that will help you present your work properly and inspire your audience. The seventh tip at the end of this article, may even be the alternative to slides in your presentation for you.

  • Bad presentations are not the exception, but the rule
  • If the audience is overwhelmed, the information falls by the wayside
  • Through targeted reduction you make it easy for your listeners

Again and again, we have to present interim results of our work, ideas or new knowledge. That’s reason enough to get to grips with modern presentation techniques. We will therefore show you tips for your presentation that will not only help you give better talks, but also inspire your listeners! The principle is very simple: make it as easy as possible for your audience. Because at its core, it’s always about not overwhelming your audience.

1. One statement per slide

A common mistake is overloaded PowerPoint slides. The result is too much text across too many topics. Yet the opposite is better. This is because your audience is only capable of dealing with one statement at a time. Focus on one keyword or question and your audience will focus on your slide. After all, a PowerPoint presentation is not a handout, even you can create one with it.

2. Do not overload the head

Every member of the audience must be able to absorb the information on your slides. He does that in his working memory. This is something like short-term memory, except that the content can also be processed at the same time. However, there is one limitation: you can either listen or read. So if there are whole paragraphs on your slide and you are narrating in the meantime, your listeners have to decide between listening and reading. You can’t do both at the same time. So limit your PowerPoint content to a little text, preferably only keywords, and create a good, understandable image. If you use a self-explanatory video, just keep quiet until the video stops. Tell your audience the rest but never both at the same time.

3. The more important, the bigger

Most PowerPoint slides have one thing in common: big headline, small text. However, since our attention is focused on the largest object first, everyone focuses on the headline first. But that doesn’t contain the message of the slide. Therefore, it makes sense to make important elements larger than the less important ones. Create consciously focus points with bigger text.

4. Contrast draws the focus

In addition to size, contrast also determines what the audience focuses on. Conversely, this also means that if the elements do not stand out from each other, the viewer’s eye will wander aimlessly across the slide. Therefore, provide the element you are talking about with the strongest contrast. For example, change the font color of the words in a bulleted list of your PowerPoint. The keyword you are talking about is clearly visible, all others are grayed out. Or create highlights for individual parts of a PowerPoint graphic one at a time. This way your audience can follow you step by step.

5. Black background for relaxed eyes

We are used to slides always having a bright white background, but this is not a law of nature. A black basic layout for slides is much more relaxing for the eyes. Plus, you don’t have to fight your presentation for the audience’s attention. After all, the slides are only a tool of your presentation and you as the presenter are the focus of attention.

6. Use objects sparingly

It’s not the number of slides that is one of the big problems with bad presentations, but the number of objects on each slide. From the headline to the page number, everything gradually grabs the attention of the audience. The more different objects a brain has to grasp, the busier it gets and the more it can’t listen to you. Therefore, limit yourself to a maximum of 6 objects and only fade in those elements that are important for the context of your presentation. Avoid cluttered slides and create a clean and professional-looking presentation. Be sure to avoid animations or videos that are constantly repeating in a loop, such as spinning logos. This equals a hypnotic distraction for your audience. 🙂

7. Can you do without PowerPoint slides?

Creating an interactive presentation is especially for factory planning a possibility to turn the audience into participants and to raise the common understanding of your work to a new level. Question yourself, does your next meeting even need PowerPoint slides? Or does your planning software already offer great ways to directly visualize metrics and the 3D layout of the factory similar to an easy-to-grasp video? There are always PowerPoint alternatives that might be a better fit for your content to be presented. If this topic interests you, take a look at the following blog articles:

5 ideas to make your project presentation more successful

3 ideas on how to convince with your planning concept!

What does an easy-to-use VR app for factory planning look like?

Your audience will thank you

Presenting properly is not a matter of impressive animations or stunning graphics. It’s about your audience being able to follow you as easily as possible. With our presentation techniques, you can make your message resonate with your audience and, most importantly, stick. This way you communicate better what you do and what you can do. Try it out right away.

And if you don’t want to miss any more articles from us, sign up for our blog news here!

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How do I do a PowerPoint presentation without PowerPoint available?

I often use PowerPoint for presentations. Confronted with such disadvantage: PowerPoint is not installed on each computer. Advise me an alternative solution, as you can get without having to install PowerPoint, and is it possible?

  • microsoft-powerpoint
  • presentations

Tamara Wijsman's user avatar

  • Do you send the presentation on CD or other media and need for it to be self running, or will you be there to set things up and run the presentation? What version of PowerPoint do you need to support, and what features do you use (for example, links to external files, links to the net, movies, sounds, etc)? –  Steve Rindsberg Nov 15, 2011 at 15:45

8 Answers 8

  • export the presentation from PowerPoint to a self contained presentation
  • use Google docs
  • use a tool like Prezi ( my recommendation, never looked back to PowerPoint)

Nasreddine's user avatar

Microsoft provides PowerPoint Viewer free of charge. It won't allow you to modify PowerPoint presentations, but it will allow you to play them. I don't think there's a portable version that can be run from a thumb drive, but it's a small install for computers that don't have the full Office treatment.

MBraedley's user avatar

  • 1 Unfortunately, PowerPoint Viewer has been retired. –  Adam J Limbert Oct 8, 2018 at 8:57
  • I wrote a website with a script catching pressed key. (Browser in fullscreen mode)
  • I often simply use PDF files
  • You can take a PPT viewer with you (portable version, no installation required)

Smamatti's user avatar

You can use Windows Live Webapps.

You can also use the Broadcast feature which allows all your users to watch the same slideshow.

You send a link to your users and they can all watch your slideshow. You can control which slide they see from inside Powerpoint.

surfasb's user avatar

As far as I know, PowerPoint is able to produce a standalone .exe file that plays your slideshow. I guess that would be a suitable solution for almost any computer, because you do not need to install anything and you do not need any user privileges at all. Unfortunately I do not have MS Office on my own, but I guess you should find the option to do that on "export" or "save as". I also heard the it is possible to export the slideshow as flash (.swf) file (I know for sure in LibreOffice) which would be a possibility, too because most systems nowadays have an internet browser with installed flash player.

Michael K's user avatar

  • PowerPoint isn't able to produce a standalone EXE. While it can't export Flash on its own, there are add-ins that will convert PPT to Flash. –  Steve Rindsberg Nov 15, 2011 at 15:43
  • I am pretty sure that I used that feature a few years ago, it may be that it was only in a very old office version. Exporting as flash, like I said can be done in LibreOffice. It is one additional tool, but using a tool or using a plugin is mostly not a very big difference. –  Michael K Nov 15, 2011 at 15:45
  • I'm guessing you may've used something like this: (not exactly built into PPT but semi-close). Subject to the limitations of the viewer, it'd work nicely for many uses, but wouldn't work with the 2010 viewer, in case that's a necessity. –  Steve Rindsberg Nov 15, 2011 at 15:57

Here are your options:

  • If you need the exact fidelity (animations & graphics) of your PPT but without the ability for the recipient to edit it, go for File > Export > Video (4k)
  • If you don't need animations to be preserved but everything else should be as is and the recipient shouldn't be able to edit, go for File > Export > PDF
  • If you need the recipient to edit / control the presentation with their device try the PowerPoint Web App which is free.
  • If the recipient isn't well versed with Powerpoint but they'd still like to edit the file, convert it to Google slides .

Gaurav Ramanan's user avatar

GoogleDocs has a presentation tool.

McKay's user avatar

You can view a presentation without PowerPoint using PowerPoint Online or Office mobile apps . PowerPoint Viewer has been retired. For more information, see View a presentation without PowerPoint .

Adam J Limbert's user avatar

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how to give a presentation without powerpoint

how to give a presentation without powerpoint

5 Free Alternatives To Microsoft PowerPoint

M icrosoft PowerPoint has always been the default choice for creating professional meeting briefs or fun little project demonstrations in schools. Its inclusion as a free service for students or working professionals makes it a no-brainer to use. However, for the general public, it can get quite expensive to pay for a subscription just to be able to create simple presentation slides. Although you can subscribe to Microsoft's Office Suite and get more bang for your buck, the pricing still doesn't hit the affordable range for most. 

Fortunately, completion has been growing, and a sea of strong contenders offer similar services to PowerPoint. After considering feature sets, here are five of the best free alternatives to Microsoft PowerPoint. At the end of the article, you can find a detailed explanation of why we've chosen the services, alongside useful comparisons that may help you make your decision easier.

Read more: The 20 Best Mac Apps That Will Improve Your Apple Experience

When it comes to productivity apps, Zoho makes some of the better ones in the market. Zoho Sheet, for example, is one of the best Microsoft Excel alternatives out there  —  owing to its extensive product catalog, there is a great way to view and edit presentations. The aptly named Zoho Show lets you design and demonstrate professional-looking slides, all without having to download the program.

Zoho takes a minimal approach to most of its services, and its PowerPoint application is no different. You'll find that most menus are contextually aware of what tasks you're currently performing, which helps keep unnecessary tools out of the way and bring the important ones in focus. There is also a huge library of customizable templates you can choose from, making it easier to kickstart your presentation work. 

Zoho Show is completely free to use for individuals and offers unlimited cloud storage. No features are locked behind a paywall, and rest assured, you can fully rely on this online presentation-making tool for all your needs, be it for school or work. 

Canva is a service that can easily climb up to becoming everyone's favorite once they start using it. While most applaud it for its graphic designing prowess, there are many other things Canva can do that you probably aren't aware of . Among them is the ability to craft beautiful slides for your presentations and projects. 

By creating a free account, you can access thousands of templates on Canva. You can filter these by use case—maybe you need one for a professional business briefing or a casual one explaining why your pet dog is the best canine. There is a whole section of ready-to-use templates dedicated to mobile-friendly viewing as well, which is something you don't usually find to be as accessible with other tools. 

Like most presentation apps, Canva lets you collaborate with your team members and work across devices seamlessly. The Canva app for mobile also lets you control your slides remotely during your presentation. Some menus also feature AI-featured tools to add one-click enhancements to your slides -- unfortunately, these are locked behind premium subscription tiers. However, for the cent percent of the population, Canva can be used without spending a dime to meet a plethora of creative needs. 

Apple takes great pride in developing in-house solutions to meet every user requirement. While most of its products dominate the competition in popularity, the same cannot be said for Keynote , the company's version of Microsoft PowerPoint. The program was first released in 2003 with macOS Big Sur and has largely remained one of those icons you glance over and forget about. 

However, recent versions of Keynote have made it a compelling alternative to PowerPoint. Not only is it pre-installed on every Apple device, including your iPhone, but it also works best with the iPad touchscreen. Keynote has a largely clean and professional approach to the built-in templates, but nothing is stopping you from going creative. Animations are one of Keynote's strongest suits, allowing you to create near cinematic-looking presentations with just a few clicks. 

While you can still use Apple Keynote through iCloud on Windows devices, this alternative is clearly meant for people surrounded by the walled garden of Apple technology. It makes use of features like AirDrop, Live Photos, and VoiceOver  — all of which are technologies available across Apple devices. Using Apple Keynote is completely free, and the app has easy exporting tools that make working with Microsoft PowerPoint less of a hassle.

WPS Presentation

WPS Office makes some of the best solutions for creating and editing documents on smartphones , but their service offerings extend to Windows, macOS, and even Linux. WPS Presentation is perhaps the closest you'll get to Microsoft PowerPoint in terms of the user interface and how most tools are bundled in familiar locations.

This PowerPoint app offers real-time collaboration where you can invite your team members and work on the same document remotely. Like most collaboration tools, users can leave comments to suggest changes or add information for other people on the team.

WPS Presentation is not the only free product; you can utilize every app in the WPS Office suite. Unlike most competitors, you don't need to download or use a separate mini-app to make presentations. WPS Office has a document editor, PowerPoint creator, spreadsheet manager, and other tools all within its umbrella. Premium plans for this service exist, but they mostly cater to unlocking features for editing PDFs. 

Google Slides

As a netizen, you most likely already have a Google account. Not only is it required to make any meaningful use of your Android phone, but popular services that we take for granted, like Gmail and Drive, all fall under Google's umbrella. One such free service that the tech giant has at its disposal is Google Slides . While the barebones UI might seem lackluster at first, Slides has nearly the same level of functionality as Microsoft PowerPoint and can even be supercharged by add-ons. 

All of Google's workspace apps, such as Docs, Sheets, and Slides, provide an intuitive way to work in a team. You can add comments, use annotations, and share the presentation with limited access to others. You can use one of the many predesigned Google Slides templates for simple presentations , or browse for templates that cater to specific needs. Being part of a bigger service catalog has its obvious advantages, such as seamless integration with Google Meet, Gmail, and other products from Google that you already use. 

We recommend Google Slides to anyone who needs to create and edit PowerPoint presentations on the go and can't be bothered with working in a complicated environment. The service is also available as an app for Android and iOS, and you can export your presentations in a wide range of formats, including PPT, PDF, or PNG for individual slides. 

To Pay Or Not To Pay?

You'll notice that all the services we've mentioned on this list are free to use. In fact, you can use Office 365 apps online for free   — including PowerPoint, which makes purchasing a standalone subscription to the Microsoft PowerPoint app quite redundant. However, nearly every free alternative here short of Keynote also offers premium plans, but should you consider buying one?

For the vast majority of people who are looking for a robust software to create, edit, and share presentations with  —  these free options deliver exceptionally well in every aspect. Some apps like Google Slides and Apple Keynote let you work in smaller teams with the free tier as well. Apps like WPS Office and Canva tend to lock new and exciting features like AI tools behind a paywall, and while these are nice to have, you definitely can do without them. 

If you're looking for a presentation tool for a company with multiple people, you can scale up using any of the alternatives mentioned on this list. Both Google Workspace and Zoho offer reliable and enterprise-level plans you can upgrade to. For everyone else  — enjoy creating and demonstrating your PowerPoint presentations for free.

Read the original article on SlashGear .

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How to Make PowerPoint Notes Invisible While Presenting

Making PowerPoint notes invisible during a presentation is a straightforward process. Simply use the Presenter View option, which shows your notes on your screen but not on the audience’s view. With a few clicks, you can deliver a seamless presentation without your notes being visible to everyone.

After completing this action, you will be able to present your PowerPoint slides without the audience seeing your personal notes, creating a more professional and clean presentation.


Imagine you’re giving a big presentation. Your slides are perfect, but you’re a bit nervous and could use some notes to keep you on track. The last thing you want is for your audience to see these notes, distracting from the impact of your slides. That’s where the ability to make PowerPoint notes invisible during a presentation comes in handy.

PowerPoint is an incredibly powerful tool for creating compelling presentations. Whether you’re a student, a business professional, or a lecturer, mastering PowerPoint is a valuable skill. One of the lesser-known features of PowerPoint is the ability to keep your speaker notes private while presenting. This feature is particularly important for anyone who relies on cues or additional information to deliver their presentation smoothly. It’s a simple trick that can make a big difference in how confidently you present your information.

Step by Step Tutorial on Making PowerPoint Notes Invisible

Before getting into the steps, it’s important to understand what we’re aiming for. By following these steps, you will be able to view your notes on your computer while only the slides are displayed to your audience. This allows you to reference your notes discreetly during your presentation.

Step 1: Set Up Multiple Monitors

Ensure that you have a second monitor or projector connected to your computer.

Having a second monitor or projector connected is essential for using Presenter View. This allows you to view your notes on one screen while the audience sees only the presentation on the other.

Step 2: Enable Presenter View

In PowerPoint, click on the ‘Slide Show’ tab and check the ‘Use Presenter View’ box.

Enabling Presenter View is the key action that hides your notes from the audience. This option is usually found in the ‘Monitors’ group on the ‘Slide Show’ tab.

Step 3: Start Your Slide Show

Start your slide show as you normally would, and your notes will be visible only to you.

Once Presenter View is enabled and you start your slide show, you’ll see your notes on your screen, while the audience will see only the slides.

Having your notes hidden from the audience helps maintain the focus on the content of your slides, rather than on your personal cues. This contributes to a more professional appearance and can help you make a better impression.

Knowing that you can reference your notes without the audience seeing them can be a significant confidence booster. This safety net allows you to focus on delivering your message rather than memorizing it.

With Presenter View, not only can you see your current slide’s notes, but you also get a preview of upcoming slides. This flexibility can be a game-changer, allowing you to better plan your transitions and manage your presentation’s pace.

One significant limitation is the need for additional equipment. Without a second monitor or projector, you won’t be able to use Presenter View.

Technical issues can also pose a problem, such as when the second screen isn’t immediately recognized by your computer, which could cause delays or disruptions to your presentation.

For those who are not tech-savvy, using Presenter View may require a bit of a learning curve. Becoming comfortable with this feature can take some practice.

Additional Information

When preparing for a presentation, there are a few extra tips you might find useful. First, rehearse with Presenter View ahead of time to become comfortable with toggling between your notes and the slides. Familiarize yourself with the controls, so you don’t fumble during the actual presentation.

Another tip is to keep your notes concise. Since you’ll be the only one seeing them, it might be tempting to write down everything, but this can be counterproductive. Short, keyword-based notes are generally more helpful than lengthy paragraphs.

Also, always have a backup plan. Technology can be unpredictable, so be prepared to give your presentation without your notes being visible on your screen. This could mean having a printout of your notes or being familiar enough with your material that you can present without them.

Finally, remember to engage with your audience. While it’s great to have notes, don’t become so reliant on them that you fail to make eye contact and connect with your audience. Presenter View is just a tool to aid you, not a crutch to lean on.

  • Connect a second monitor or projector.
  • Check the ‘Use Presenter View’ box in PowerPoint.
  • Start your slide show to view notes on your screen and slides on the audience’s screen.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is presenter view.

Presenter View is a PowerPoint feature that allows you to view your notes on your screen while the audience sees only the presentation slides.

Can I use Presenter View without a second monitor?

No, Presenter View requires a second monitor or projector to function correctly.

How can I ensure my notes are completely invisible to the audience?

By using Presenter View and making sure your laptop is not mirrored on the projector or second screen.

What should I do if my computer doesn’t recognize the second monitor?

Check your connection and make sure that you have the correct display settings on your computer.

Can I still see the next slide in Presenter View?

Yes, Presenter View allows you to see not only your notes but also a preview of the upcoming slide.

In conclusion, making PowerPoint notes invisible during a presentation is a nifty trick that can make a significant difference in your delivery. It allows for a more professional appearance and can help boost your confidence as a speaker. By following the steps outlined, you’ll be able to leverage the power of Presenter View to keep your notes private while still engaging your audience with a polished presentation.

Always remember to practice ahead of time, keep your notes concise, and, most importantly, ensure that you’re prepared for any technical hiccups that might arise. Good luck with your presentations, and may your PowerPoint notes always remain invisible to your audience!

Matthew Burleigh Solve Your Tech

Matthew Burleigh has been writing tech tutorials since 2008. His writing has appeared on dozens of different websites and been read over 50 million times.

After receiving his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science he spent several years working in IT management for small businesses. However, he now works full time writing content online and creating websites.

His main writing topics include iPhones, Microsoft Office, Google Apps, Android, and Photoshop, but he has also written about many other tech topics as well.

Read his full bio here.

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How to Give a Presentation

Last Updated: October 4, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Patrick Muñoz . Patrick is an internationally recognized Voice & Speech Coach, focusing on public speaking, vocal power, accent and dialects, accent reduction, voiceover, acting and speech therapy. He has worked with clients such as Penelope Cruz, Eva Longoria, and Roselyn Sanchez. He was voted LA's Favorite Voice and Dialect Coach by BACKSTAGE, is the voice and speech coach for Disney and Turner Classic Movies, and is a member of Voice and Speech Trainers Association. There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 526,272 times.

Giving a presentation terrifies most of us, especially when talking before a crowd of people about an unfamiliar topic. Never fear! There are ways to make a good presentation. The more presentations you do, the easier they will become!

Preparing For the Presentation

Step 1 Focus your presentation.

  • It's best to have 1 main thesis statement or overarching theme and 3 main points that back-up or flesh-out your main theme. Any more than that and your audience is going to start losing interest. This means that any facts and information that are a part of your presentation should back up these 3 main points and overarching theme.
  • For example: If you're giving a presentation about 17th century alchemy, bringing up the history of alchemy is fine (and probably necessary), but don't mire your audience in its history instead of focusing alchemy in the 17th century. Your 3 points could be something like "alchemy in public opinion," "famous 17th century alchemists," and "the legacy of 17th century alchemy."

Step 2 Less is more.

  • Pick your very best supporting facts, information, or quotes for your presentation. Don't bury your audience in information.

Step 3 Decide whether to use media or not.

  • Make sure you're using media to enhance your presentation and not to drown it out. The presentation is key. Anything else is just accessorizing.
  • For example: to get back to 17th century alchemy, to back up your information about alchemy in the public opinion, you might want to show images from public pamphlets about the dangers of alchemy and see what people of the time period had to say about it and see what the more famous alchemists had to say about it.
  • Also, you want to make sure that you pick a medium that you are comfortable in and thorough in knowledge. If you don't know a thing about PowerPoint, maybe consider writing your main points on a white board, or passing out handouts with your main points and evidence on them. [3] X Research source

Step 4 Practice.

  • A good tip is to film yourself or audiotape of yourself giving your practice presentation so you can see what distracting verbal and physical tics you have, so that you can work on eliminating them before the presentation itself. (Verbs tics would be things like "um..." and "uh..." and using "like" inappropriately; physical tics are things like shifting your weight from foot to foot or messing with your hair.) To stop yourself from saying "um" or other unwanted tics, be aware you're doing it first, then speak more slowly and deliberately. Breathe deeply and feel free to pause and appreciate the silence. These will all help you to have mastery over your tics.
  • Just remember that rehearsals usually run about 20% shorter than your actual presentation, so take that into account if you're running on a time limit.

Step 5 Visualize success.

  • For example, if you aren't comfortable wearing heels, don't wear them just for the presentation. You'll be distracted by your discomfort and that will come across in the presentation. There are plenty of good shoe choices that have no or a low heel.
  • Clean, nice slacks or a skirt and nice, button-down shirt in neutral colors are always good choices for presentation wear. You also don't particularly want your clothing choice to distract from the presentation, so perhaps avoid that brilliant hot pink shirt.

Giving the Presentation

Step 1 Deal with the jitters.

  • Before the presentation, clench and unclench your hands several times to deal with the adrenaline and then take 3 deep, slow breaths.
  • Call up a smile, even if you feel like hurling. You can trick your brain into thinking that you're less anxious than you actually are and you'll also be able to hide your nervousness from your audience.

Step 2 Engage the audience.

  • Make eye contact with your audience. Don't stare at one particular person, but section up the room and make eye contact with someone in each section on a rotational basis.
  • Have a big, welcoming smile on your face, with lots of energy, so you start out from a strong and engaging place.
  • Ask questions of your audience and take questions during your presentation. This will make it more of a conversation and therefore more interesting.
  • Tell an amusing anecdote to illustrate your point. From the above examples about 17th century alchemy, you could find an amusing alchemical anecdote from the time period, or you could talk about your own forays into alchemy.

Step 3 Give an engaging performance.

  • Move around, but make your movements deliberate. Don't nervously shift your feet (in fact, it's a good idea to imagine that your feet are nailed to the floor except for those times you deliberately choose to move).
  • Use your vocal inflections to create a more dynamic presentation. Vary your voice as you're talking. Nobody ( ever ) wants to sit there and listen to someone drone on and on in dull monotone, no matter how interesting the material (think Professor Binns from Harry Potter; that's what you don't want).
  • Try to create a balance between rehearsed and spontaneous. Spontaneous, on the spot, movement and asides can be great as long as you are really comfortable, otherwise they can sidetrack your presentation and make it rambling. Mess around with spontaneous and rehearsed when you're practicing and you'll get a feel for it.

Step 4 Treat your presentation as a story.

  • Quickly introduce your topic and don't assume that your audience is familiar with all the terms, especially if your topic is one that isn't widely known.
  • Figuring out why you want (or have to) give this presentation will help you work with an overarching story/theme. Maybe you want to pass the class. Maybe you're convincing people to give you money or join you in a philanthropic endeavor or act for a social or political reason. Channel that desire into your presentation. You're answering the question of why they would want to pass you or why they would want to fund you. That's the story you're telling.

Step 5 Talk more slowly.

  • Make use of pauses, and learn to be comfortable with silences. Silence can be a powerful presentation tool and gives you a chance to take a moment to recompose. By taking pauses, you can slow down your breathing and be more deliberate in your speech, avoiding speaking too quickly.
  • Have water with you and take a sip when you feel you're going too fast.
  • If you have a friend in the class or meeting, arrange with them beforehand that they will let you know with a signal whether you're talking too quickly. Look over their way occasionally and check your progress.
  • If you find that you're running out of time and you haven't finished, simply drop or summarize your leftover material. Acknowledge the leftover material as something that can be discussed later or in the Q&A.

Step 6 Have a killer closing.

  • Make it clear what the listeners now know and why it is important that they have this new information.
  • Conclude with examples or stories about your main point and take home message. You might want a slide which summarizes your presentation. For example, you might conclude with a story about the nature of alchemy in the modern era (perhaps in a film) to show its malleable nature.

What Is The Best Way To Start a Presentation?

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Have a short Q&A session at the end of each subtopic. Q&A sessions will improve audience engagement. It also acts as a welcome break for audience in case of long presentation. For this though, you will need to know the subject you choose well. Make sure you understand and have more than just the basic knowledge about the topic you choose. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • Use pictures or visuals. Pictures and visuals show that you know what you're talking about, and it gives the audience a picture of what you're talking about. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Try to have a "leave behind" message, something that your audience can take away that reminds them about your presentation, like a flyer or a book, for example. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

Tips from our Readers

  • Use pictures! A good way to use pictures is through PowerPoint. If you don't have PowerPoint, you can print the pictures onto a board (paper, card board, or larger paper).
  • Don't be nervous. Practice and do just like you did in practice. If you are nervous, the audience will know.
  • Try to do some hand jesters. Speak loud and clear. Make eye contact with them. Be confident.
  • Let the audience have an opportunity to interact with you.

how to give a presentation without powerpoint

  • Don't make your speech too long, unless it is really good, and you have to have done speeches for a long time to have them be that good and long. Stick to short and sweet. Thanks Helpful 49 Not Helpful 11
  • Don't put off work to the last minute. Then your work will be most likely sloppy. If you do well under pressure, do your project a bit at a time and maybe it will get done. Or, try doing it all at the beginning, so then you have the whole rest of the time to play or check your assignment. Thanks Helpful 35 Not Helpful 16
  • Jokes are usually not okay, especially in a professional setting. A light hearted comment is fine, but don't make it seem like a comedy show. Thanks Helpful 11 Not Helpful 3
  • If you speak in a too fast/slow or monotone voice, people will not want to hear you! Aim for a conversation voice (but slightly louder) with natural pauses (commas and periods). Develop a tone depending on what you're talking about. It's more interesting and engaging to hear someone speak in a serious tone rather than a monotone when speaking about world hunger. Thanks Helpful 7 Not Helpful 2
  • If you suffer from twitchy fingers, be mindful to move your hands during your presentation only when necessary, or the audience may notice and feel you are unprepared. Thanks Helpful 8 Not Helpful 3

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About This Article

Patrick Muñoz

Before you give a presentation, spend some time crafting what you will say. Most presentations should center on a thesis, or main idea, and contain about 3 supporting points. Cutting unnecessary content will ensure your presentation is impactful. Once your presentation is done, practice delivering it in front of a mirror or while recording yourself so you can identify and correct any issues. To calm your nerves before you present, try clenching your fists a few times and taking several deep breaths. For more advice about giving presentations, like whether to use visual aides, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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View a presentation without PowerPoint

If you don't have PowerPoint installed on your computer, you can still open and view presentations by using PowerPoint for the web or PowerPoint on your mobile device.

Use PowerPoint in a web browser

If you have a Microsoft account (,,, or a Microsoft 365 work or school account, you can view and edit a presentation for free in a web browser. Save the file to OneDrive or Dropbox and use PowerPoint for the web to open it.

If you don't already have a Microsoft account, you can create one for free .

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The free mobile versions of PowerPoint let you open presentations on your smartphone or tablet:

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PowerPoint Viewer was retired on April 30, 2018. It's no longer available for download.


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How to Make a “Good” Presentation “Great”

  • Guy Kawasaki

how to give a presentation without powerpoint

Remember: Less is more.

A strong presentation is so much more than information pasted onto a series of slides with fancy backgrounds. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others. Here are some unique elements that make a presentation stand out.

  • Fonts: Sans Serif fonts such as Helvetica or Arial are preferred for their clean lines, which make them easy to digest at various sizes and distances. Limit the number of font styles to two: one for headings and another for body text, to avoid visual confusion or distractions.
  • Colors: Colors can evoke emotions and highlight critical points, but their overuse can lead to a cluttered and confusing presentation. A limited palette of two to three main colors, complemented by a simple background, can help you draw attention to key elements without overwhelming the audience.
  • Pictures: Pictures can communicate complex ideas quickly and memorably but choosing the right images is key. Images or pictures should be big (perhaps 20-25% of the page), bold, and have a clear purpose that complements the slide’s text.
  • Layout: Don’t overcrowd your slides with too much information. When in doubt, adhere to the principle of simplicity, and aim for a clean and uncluttered layout with plenty of white space around text and images. Think phrases and bullets, not sentences.

As an intern or early career professional, chances are that you’ll be tasked with making or giving a presentation in the near future. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others.

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  • Guy Kawasaki is the chief evangelist at Canva and was the former chief evangelist at Apple. Guy is the author of 16 books including Think Remarkable : 9 Paths to Transform Your Life and Make a Difference.

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How to Give an Effective Presentation Without Technology

Hrideep barot.

  • Presentation , Public Speaking

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Would you use a projector to display your slides during a crucial conversation with a friend in a restaurant? Both they and the diners at the other tables would consider you to be insane. Your friend wouldn’t be able to focus on you or listen to you fully since their thoughts would be split between you and the pictures you were displaying. Hence, it is important to give a presentation without technology.

Consequently, the question of why utilise technology in presentations at all is raised. The majority of significant talks that you will ever have to take place without technology.

You won’t find a single usage of slides or other props on any ranking of the greatest speeches ever given. Of course, slides and presentation tools weren’t available back then, so a straight comparison would be unfair. However, it is simple to wonder if these talks would have been superior if they had been narrated over slides.

No, in many instances. The key to considering your own presentations is to ask yourself when a visual image is actually necessary to convey an idea. And when would it be preferable to just let your vocals tell the tale? To answer these questions, you’d need to pay close attention to the speaker.

Purpose of using technology in presentations 

A lot of lecturers utilise slides to allay audience fears. Slides used for this purpose frequently cost the audience money. Speakers frequently read from or face their own slides while giving presentations, which is a sign they made the slides first rather than building the presentation first and using the slides to support it. The audience, not you, should be the focus of your slides.

presentation without technology

It is unlikely that you will forget anything crucial if you make an effort to have concise arguments and if you rehearse. If you did forget something, only you will be able to recall it. Because there aren’t any slides, only you, the speaker, are aware of what you had meant to say. No one except you will be aware if you miss a whole subject or present it entirely differently than you intended. Slides can lock you in, and if you are a true authority on the subject you are discussing, flexibility may be advantageous.

Presentations with or without technology?

Read this article for more useful insights: Wondering why PowerPoint presentations are called decks? (Now you know)

Ways to give a presentation without technology 

1. employ your audience .

Including your audience directly in your presentation is the best approach to engage them and get their attention. Ask genuine questions instead of rhetorical ones, and then wait for genuine responses. Re-ask if they don’t. Alternately, think of new ways to engage your audience.

In related news, be aware of your audience. Although you likely already know that you should adjust your presentations a little bit depending on the audience, we urge you to take it a step further. Exist any anecdotes or instances that you could modify according to the audience? What level or style of comedy will be acceptable to your audience?

Inquire about their experiences in relation to the subject at hand. You can poll the entire audience or just a few volunteers.


Divide the audience into smaller groups and invite each group to address a challenge, a question, or a problem that you have posed. After that, ask them to update the entire group.

Play a topic-related game with the audience. Gift rewards. Audiences enjoy the rivalry. Just be careful not to make the tests or prizes overly challenging or prohibitively expensive. Car giveaways are exclusive to Oprah.


Encourage the audience to create new plans, products, or ideas. Provide kids with as much paper, sticky notes, ipads, or other playthings as you have on hand.

2. Never be afraid of humour

Many customers come to us because they want to make their presentations memorable and funny but are worried that they won’t be able to. They say, “Oh, I’m not humorous.” I couldn’t pull that off since I’m not an actress.

To begin with, you can! Most people are unaware that adding humour does not necessitate practising your stand-up routine, which even we find daunting. There are several methods to inject comedy while entirely relieving yourself of the burden.

3. Projections should only be used when necessary

There are simply too many presentations that use slides in exactly the same manner as everyone else. Can you project somewhere different from the previous presenter’s screen? Would it be possible to add some humorous timing to your slide show? Often, you can tell your narrative just as well without using a slide at all—just your voice and presence. John Barton, a Shakespearean expert and theatrical director, performs over 100 Knights of the Round Table readings in front of a live audience while describing each knight’s personality through his tone of voice and behaviour. At least once during your presentation, set a challenge for yourself to communicate without the use of technology.

think ideas for a presentation without technology

4. Spend time thinking about ideas

It is not always right to expect to suddenly become inspired. Never depend on it.

While some of us are more fortunate than others, most “luck” is a result of skill and effort. The same is true of creativity. It takes time to develop ideas, especially ones that work. It might be necessary to set aside an additional hour or three to design the creative twist for your presentation. Don’t be sorry for it! The truth is that exceptional presenters are already doing it; you simply aren’t aware of it, and therefore nobody will ever know.

Take some time to come up with as many unique ideas as you can. Act right away. List everything. Discuss and revise your ideas. Consider “what ifs”.

5. Make use of props

In a world of cubicles, most employees experience sensory deprivation from 9 to 5. The sound of computers and air conditioning. The murmurs of coworkers talking among themselves. The cube farm’s beige walls. A fluorescent light source. Amazingly, anyone can stay awake. So give the audience something tangible. Show them a prototype rather than a slide with a description of that new product. Then pass it on. Embrace the audience’s physicality.

use props

6. Employ a flip chart

Create any necessary visuals in front of the audience. Technology is not necessary. Just your arm and a magic marker. Whereas a slide does not, the act of producing engages the audience.

Final words 

Every day, there are thousands of presentations made all around the world. The majority of them utilise technological tools such as PowerPoint poorly as speaker notes, packing each screen with more text and numbers than anyone can possibly read.

For their unfortunate spectators, the outcomes are predictable dull—no, excruciating. That is extreme human suffering.

The good news is that there are alternatives to such technological tools which you may use to improve the world. There are alternatives to boring slides that can effectively convey your views and make your presentations more engaging without exerting much more effort.

Hrideep Barot

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    How to Present Without Powerpoint. 01. Only Use Slides if They Add Value to Your Presentation. For tens of thousands of years, humans have demonstrated effective communication without PowerPoint. Global businesses have been built, wars won and lost, worlds 'discovered' and centuries of learning compiled and shared without the use of PowerPoint.

  4. Creative Presentation Ideas Without PowerPoint: 7 Unique Ways to Engage

    Creative presentation formats that do not require Powerpoint include: 1. Storytelling - Use stories to bring your message to life and engage your audience. Telling an interesting, engrossing, or even personal story can be a great way to capture and retain the attention of your audience. 2.

  5. How to present well without slides

    Speaking without slides is often better because: Audiences grant you more attention and authority over the room. You have no fear of slide or A/V malfunctions. You can never become a slave to your slides. It forces you to clarify and improve your ideas, making you a better speaker. But slides do have some advantages, including:

  6. How to Deliver a Memorable Presentation without Powerpoint

    Now there are three reasons why everyone should live life without a safety net and pursue this dream. The first is autonomy - having complete control over your own life. Imagine that. The second is job satisfaction. Having your clients hug you, when they adapt your ideas and it changes their lives.

  7. Online PPT Maker

    Making a presentation without PowerPoint is easy. Many people choose from various presentation software alternatives. Simply use any software or tool that lets you create, edit and arrange slides. One advantage of these tools is the capability to integrate more from your cloud storage services and social media feeds this way.

  8. Create a creative presentation without PowerPoint

    Split the Creation Process of your presentation into 3 steps: Preparation: starting point, data collection, and overview. Design and content: contents and container must go together. Presentation: you are in the spotlight…. Your time is now! We could say that a presentation is nothing more than a social event.

  9. Creative Presentation Your Without PowerPoint: 7 Unique Ways to

    So Read with at discover one secrets behind their top 7 creative presentation ideas without PowerPoint, additionally how you can make your view presentation a smashing success! Quick Breakdown There are countless creative ways for present information without uses PowerPoint, such as creating a hands-on demonstration , using scanned images with ...

  10. Make a Better Presentation Without PowerPoint (+Top Alternatives)

    The main goal of any good presentation is to engage respective audience. If you'll exist giving a presentation, first consider using one or more of these creative presentation ideas without PowerPoint otherwise the need for other software: 17 amusement presentation ideas (with video!) to wo your audience. Props. Show press Tell isn't just for ...

  11. 5 Ways to Give a Presentation That No One Will Ever Forget

    1. Use Your Audience. There's no better way to wake up your audience and keep them engaged than to literally use them in your presentation. Don't ask rhetorical questions; ask actual questions, and wait for people to really answer you. If they don't, ask again.

  12. What It Takes to Give a Great Presentation

    Here are a few tips for business professionals who want to move from being good speakers to great ones: be concise (the fewer words, the better); never use bullet points (photos and images paired ...

  13. 9 Best PowerPoint Alternatives in 2024 (Powered by AI)

    5. Canva. Canva is a user-friendly graphic design platform that empowers anyone to create professional-looking presentations, social media graphics, documents, and more. It boasts a vast library of free and premium templates, stock photos, illustrations, and icons, eliminating the need for design expertise.

  14. Build a presentation in minutes without PowerPoint

    How to create your presentation without Powerpoint. Start a new presentation - Sign up or log into your Mentimeter account. Begin with the Content Slides to create the title page and intro to your presentation. The Bullet Slide is great to highlight the most important information and help users retain info. Use the new Layout options to decide ...

  15. 7 Tips for presentation with and without PowerPoint slides

    1. One statement per slide. A common mistake is overloaded PowerPoint slides. The result is too much text across too many topics. Yet the opposite is better. This is because your audience is only capable of dealing with one statement at a time. Focus on one keyword or question and your audience will focus on your slide.

  16. How do I do a PowerPoint presentation without PowerPoint available

    1. Here are your options: If you need the exact fidelity (animations & graphics) of your PPT but without the ability for the recipient to edit it, go for File > Export > Video (4k) If you don't need animations to be preserved but everything else should be as is and the recipient shouldn't be able to edit, go for File > Export > PDF. If you need ...

  17. How to Give a Killer Presentation

    Frame your story (figure out where to start and where to end). Plan your delivery (decide whether to memorize your speech word for word or develop bullet points and then rehearse it—over and ...

  18. 5 Free Alternatives To Microsoft PowerPoint

    Using Apple Keynote. is completely free, and the app has easy exporting tools that make working with Microsoft PowerPoint less of a hassle. WPS Presentation. WPS Presentation app on different ...

  19. How to Make PowerPoint Notes Invisible While Presenting

    Step 2: Enable Presenter View. In PowerPoint, click on the 'Slide Show' tab and check the 'Use Presenter View' box. Enabling Presenter View is the key action that hides your notes from the audience. This option is usually found in the 'Monitors' group on the 'Slide Show' tab.

  20. Tips for creating and delivering an effective presentation

    Tips for creating an effective presentation. Tip. Details. Choose a font style that your audience can read from a distance. Choosing a simple font style, such as Arial or Calibri, helps to get your message across. Avoid very thin or decorative fonts that might impair readability, especially at small sizes. Choose a font size that your audience ...

  21. How to Give a Presentation: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

    Focus your presentation. Having a long, rambling presentation that is hard to follow is not going to win you any audience interest. You need to make sure that your presentation is clear and focused and that any asides you throw into it are there to back up the main point. It's best to have 1 main thesis statement or overarching theme and 3 main points that back-up or flesh-out your main theme ...

  22. View a presentation without PowerPoint

    Use PowerPoint in a web browser. If you have a Microsoft account (,,, or a Microsoft 365 work or school account, you can view and edit a presentation for free in a web browser. Save the file to OneDrive or Dropbox and use PowerPoint for the web to open it. If you don't already have a Microsoft account ...

  23. How to Make a "Good" Presentation "Great"

    When in doubt, adhere to the principle of simplicity, and aim for a clean and uncluttered layout with plenty of white space around text and images. Think phrases and bullets, not sentences. As an ...

  24. How to Give an Effective Presentation Without Technology

    Ways to give a presentation without technology. 1. Employ Your Audience. Including your audience directly in your presentation is the best approach to engage them and get their attention. Ask genuine questions instead of rhetorical ones, and then wait for genuine responses. Re-ask if they don't.

  25. How to Make & Give Great PowerPoint Presentations (In 5 Simple Steps)

    To change your PowerPoint theme, navigate to the Design tab on PowerPoint's ribbon. Click the drop-down arrow. Choose one of the thumbnails to change your PowerPoint theme to the best one for your presentation. Change theme designs in PowerPoint. Using themes and adding your content goes hand-in-hand.

  26. How to Give a Good Presentation—Without Anxiety or Being Nervous

    Pause to give them time to consider what you said and to give yourself time to gather your thoughts and tackle your next point. 4. Prepare Your PowerPoint Early. Whether you're presenting before an audience at a conference, or before a prospective client, you're likely to use visual aids such as a PowerPoint during your presentation.

  27. Easy MS PowerPoint slide animations for impressive presentations

    Select the Object You Want to Animate Click on the text box, image, shape, or chart you wish to animate. Access the Animation Tab Navigate to the 'Animations' tab in the PowerPoint ribbon to ...

  28. How to Use PowerPoint (Ultimate Tutorial Guide)

    Learn how to use PowerPoint better, from setting up your slide designs to working with text, images, video, charts, multi-media, and more. Discover how to work with PowerPoint's core presentation tools to make great presentations quickly, while maximizing your presentation design workflow. If you only have a few minutes to spare, then be sure ...