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Essays About Responsibility: Top 12 Examples and Prompts

We can’t take on the challenge of life without responsibility; If you are writing essays about responsibility, discover our guide below.

The word responsibility describes the state of being accountable for our actions and is one of the main elements that make us human. We are not born with it; instead, it is something to be exercised and improved on over time.

It has often been said that with power or freedom comes responsibility, which could not be more truthful. Each of us is gifted with the ability to make choices, and we are considered superior to all other living things on this planet. However, we have to make informed choices and be responsible for our actions, whether to ourselves, the people around us, and our environment.

5 Top Essay Examples

1. the value of responsibility by simon baker, 2. freedom is not the lack of constraint, but the exercise of responsibility by beulah west, 3. why responsibility is so important by steve rose.

  • 4.  The Beneifts of Being Responsible by Frank Terzo
  • 5. ​​What It’s like to Feel Responsible for Everything by Duncan Riach

1. The Importance of Responsibility

2. dealing with false responsibility, 3. freedom and responsibility, 4. what is social responsibility, 5. what are your responsibilities, 6. responsibility as a component of success, 7. a time you acted responsibly.

“It’s easy for us to become blinkered or out-of-touch when we’re constantly working with our heads down. Although meeting our commitments is hugely important we bear another responsibility, that is to invest in ourselves and in each other. When we can free our imagination and refresh our minds, we restore perspective and reduce stress. We find time and space to explore new ways to collaborate, be creative and enjoy ourselves to the benefit of our mission.”

Baker writes about why he thinks responsibility is important and discusses factors related to responsibility, namely trust, personal choice, and freedom. A feeling of trust allows you to be more comfortable accepting responsibility, while responsibility allows us to maximize personal choice and freedom. Most importantly, bearing responsibility means freeing our minds, enjoying life, and coming up with great ideas. 

“A lack of constraint means that you can not do everything that you want. In a perfect world this would be fine, but we don’t live in a perfect world. However everyone’s view of a perfect world is different, if this coincides with the law and you are happy, then you can be free still living under laws and legislations. If you believe that freedom is making your own choices then the only way that we can be “free” is if society does not exist.”

West discusses how just as personal freedom is vital to a healthy society, so is accountability for our actions. Freedom also has a negative side; it can be described as a lack of constraint in our choices. Without constraint, our actions may hurt others or even ourselves. Therefore, it must come with the responsibility to make these choices from a more thoughtful, educated perspective. 

You might also be interested in our list of essays about effective leadership . You can also check out these articles and essays about attitude .

“Taking responsibility creates long term resilience and a sense of purpose. This sense of purpose can be fostered by taking responsibility for one’s self by engaging in self-care. Responsibility can also be developed on a familial and societal level, offering a sense of purpose proportional to your ability to contribute your unique abilities.”

Rose explores the importance of being responsible for one’s health. It gives us a sense of purpose and helps us build resilience; however, we must first be responsible for ourselves by practicing self-care. This includes resting, exercising, taking breaks, and going to the doctor if something is bothering us. This makes us more responsible for the people around us, allowing us to perform different societal roles. You might be inspired by these essays about success and essays about overcoming challenges .

4.   The Beneifts of Being Responsible by Frank Terzo

“If we take care of our commitments, even if it something we might like to ignore, we feel better about ourselves. Each step we take towards being responsible and productive helps to raise our self-esteem and our relationships with friends, family and co-workers improve ten-fold. Being responsible pays big dividends – we have much less stress and chaos in our lives and we gain the respect of others.”

In this short essay, Terzo provides insight into the many benefits responsibility can provide you with. We must always be responsible, even if we might not feel like it, because it can improve our productivity, self-esteem, relationships with others, and overall peace. Though it might not always be easy, responsibility is key to achieving a happy life. 

5. ​​ What It’s like to Feel Responsible for Everything by Duncan Riach

“I hold responsibility when others are not taking responsibility. I was holding all of the responsibility, guilt, and shame that Billy McFarland was disowning. It’s a survival mechanism that I developed when I was a child. I had a step-father who was some form of psychopath or malignant narcissist, a person who was completely out of control and completely irresponsible. The only way that I could feel safe in that environment was to try to hold the responsibility myself.”

Riach reflects on a habit by which he constantly felt responsible for things out of his control, things as minor as events he saw on television. He developed this habit due to his upbringing- his childhood and family life were less than ideal. He is fully aware of his problem but still struggles with it. His case is an excellent example of false responsibility. 

6 Writing Prompts on Essays About Responsibility

Responsibility is, without a doubt, essential, but how important is it really? Reflect on the meaning of responsibility and explain its importance. Discuss this from a practical and personal standpoint; combine personal experience and research as the basis for your points. 

False responsibility is an attitude by which one feels responsible for things they are not. This is a widespread issue that encompasses everyone, from humble workers to some of the most influential people in the world. For your essay, research this phenomenon, then define it and explain why it occurs. Give suggestions on how one can identify false responsibility and work to stop feeling that way. 

The topics of freedom and personal responsibility are deeply intertwined; for freedom to work correctly, there must be a certain level of responsibility instilled in people so society can function correctly. In your essay, discuss these two concepts and their connection. Do proper research on this topic, then conclude this issue: are we responsible enough to be given total freedom? You may also link this to topics such as the law and regulations. You might be inspired by these essays about goals .

What is social responsibility?

Social Responsibility seems straightforward and self-defining, but it is broad, especially with society putting a higher value on awareness, community, and social justice. Research this term and its history and discuss it in your essay; define and explain it, then describe what it means. 

Whether in your studies or at work, as a family member, friend, or even a member of society, we have a unique set of responsibilities that vary depending on the person. Reflect on the different roles you play in life and decide what your responsibilities are. Briefly describe each one and explain how you fulfill these responsibilities. You can also check out these essays about conflict .

Responsibility as a component of success

This value is important because it is present in all successful individuals. Based on your opinions and research, discuss the relationship between responsibility, success, and some other factors or traits that influence success. Give examples of successful people who have shown responsibility, such as government officials, celebrities, and business leaders. 

When we are responsible, we are pretty proud of ourselves most of the time. Think of an experience you are most proud of in which you acted responsibly. Retell the story, reflect on how you felt, and explain why it is important- be as detailed as possible. Or, you may opt to do the opposite, telling the story of a time you did not show responsibility and thinking of what you would do if given a chance to repeat it. 

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5 Ways to Take Responsibility For Your Actions (& Why It Matters!)

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Updated on October 15, 2023

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  • Taking responsibility involves acknowledging and positively altering controllable life aspects.
  • Accepting responsibility enhances mental health and strengthens relationships.
  • Implementing strategies like avoiding blame and practicing self-compassion facilitates responsibility-taking.

Life can be stressful and unpredictable, and sometimes it is easier to shy away from taking responsibility for our actions. That’s because accepting responsibility for our actions is often hard. It is common to avoid responsibility for short-term relief from negative emotions, but the long-term consequences can be significant.

Though it is no easy feat, taking responsibility for your actions can be empowering and have significant positive impacts on your life. To name a few benefits, it can improve your relationships, enhance your ability to learn, and lead to you feeling more in control of your life.

In this article, I will share what it means to take responsibility for your actions, why it is crucial to do so, and some helpful tips to execute.

What does it mean to take responsibility for your actions?

1. it improves your mental health, 2. it strengthens your relationships, 3. it increases your ability to learn, 4. you’ll gain a higher internal locus of control, 1. stop blaming other people, 2. stop making excuses, 3. accept negative emotions, 4. act, don’t react, 5. practice self-compassion, wrapping up.

Taking responsibility for your actions means you recognize the areas of your life that you can control and make positive changes to . It also means accepting and moving past the things you cannot control, without placing blame or excuses. Sometimes when we make a mistake, it can be difficult to own up to it and take actionable steps to resolve it. Our first reaction may be to deflect blame onto others or make excuses for the situation.

Taking responsibility for your actions empowers you to have the agency to influence your life. You are not just reacting to situations, rather you get to choose how to respond to them.

When you take responsibility for your actions you first acknowledge the issue, whether it is a mistake you made or something in your life you would like to change.

Then, you recognize what role you play in the situation, including what aspects are within your control, as well as the things you cannot change. Lastly, you implement an action plan to resolve the issue and limit the chances of it happening again in the future.

💡 By the way : Do you find it hard to be happy and in control of your life? It may not be your fault. To help you feel better, we’ve condensed the information of 100’s of articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet to help you be more in control. 👇

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Why is it important to take responsibility for your actions?

Taking responsibility for your actions has many benefits, even though it may be hard to do so. Here are 4 of the biggest benefits you’ll get from taking responsibility for your own actions:

Studies show that “Developing personal responsibility positively contributes to one’s well-being, self-esteem, and psychological health by empowering individuals to take ownership over behaviors and actions”.

When you take responsibility for your actions you feel a sense of control, rather than feeling like a victim of circumstance .

Taking responsibility for your actions involves taking an active role in problem-solving, rather than waiting or hoping situations will resolve on their own. When it comes to mental health and wellness, it is evident that there will be environmental factors that play a significant role that are beyond our control.

However, there will also be factors that you can change.

For example, say you are struggling with anxiety and want to take responsibility to improve your mental health. You can seek professional support such as therapy or consult with your general practitioner. You can explore what coping strategies work for you, such as breathing, meditation , exercise, caring for a pet, or spending time with loved ones. Alternatively, you can also try to develop a better understanding of your triggers.

All of these things are within your control and will likely lead to improved symptoms over time.

Think about your own personal relationships. If you have a friend who does not take responsibility for their actions, places blame on others, and is constantly coming up with excuses for their actions, is this someone you would want to surround yourself with? The likely answer is no. You may view this individual as unreliable, untrustworthy, and immature.

Taking responsibility for your actions plays a key role in relationships. When you do this, you demonstrate to your partner, friend, or family member that you are mature and willing to be honest and vulnerable.

This in turn establishes an environment where the other individual feels safe to be vulnerable and authentic, leading to relationships characterized by trust, openness, and transparency.

The relationship between personal responsibility and learning ability has been studied extensively.

Research shows that being responsible for one’s own learning is essential for academic, personal, and professional growth and success. Taking responsibility in the context of study and learning means that the student recognizes that they play an active role in their learning and that their actions directly affect their peers. 

The ability to be a strong learner means going beyond what is provided to you and passively receiving the knowledge that is taught. Rather, a strong learner takes responsibility for their learning by having a vested interest and putting effort and engagement into their studies.

Internal locus of control is a psychological term that means that a person believes they have a sense of control in their life, rather than their life being controlled by external factors.

If you have a higher internal locus of control, you are more likely to attribute your success (and failures) as being a result of your own actions. If you have a higher external locus of control, you may believe that your life is not within your control, and that any success or failure you experience is attributed to luck or fate.

For example, let’s say there is a big exam coming up at school. An individual with a higher internal locus of control may believe that the exam results will reflect the amount of studying and preparation done, therefore they will study extra harder. On the other hand, an individual with a higher external locus of control may believe that studying is a waste of time, as the result of the exam is not within their control and is solely based on the bias of the teacher. Who do you think will be more successful in this situation?

People with an internal locus of control take responsibility for their actions as they recognize the aspects of their life that they can influence, and act accordingly.

Studies show that individuals with a greater internal locus of control have higher self-confidence and are more resistant to stress.

5 tips for taking responsibility for your actions

So as it turns out, there are many reasons to take responsibility for your actions. But how do you actually do so? Here are 5 tips that will help you take responsibility.

Blame is a defense mechanism. It is easier to blame others when things go wrong, or when a mistake is made rather than taking full responsibility for your actions. Just because it is easier does not mean that it is right, or that it will benefit you in the long term.

In the moment, shifting the blame may alleviate some stress and negative emotions. However, it will not resolve the issue and will likely leave you feeling guilty and emotionally drained.

 It is not fair to yourself, nor is it fair to the person being wrongly blamed. Additionally, when you blame others you risk losing valuable friendships, relationships, or jobs. People may lose trust and respect for you, leaving you feeling lonely.

In the moment it can be scary to accept responsibility and take actionable steps towards change. Reminding yourself that it is the right thing to do and that it will benefit you in the long term may help you to resist playing the ‘blame game’ and take responsibility for your actions.

Sometimes we make excuses to rationalize why we didn’t take responsibility for our actions or to avoid situations that are difficult or uncomfortable. Making excuses is like taking the easy way out. Rather than admitting fault or mistakes, we make excuses to rationalize actions, even if they may be wrong. 

For example, perhaps you were not able to finish a school assignment by the deadline. Instead of blaming the teacher for making the deadline too soon, consider the factors in your control. You could have started the assignment early enough to complete it on time, or sought out support, whether it is from a peer or teacher to assist you in completing the task.

It can be tempting to make excuses to justify our behavior, however, it is not productive, and will not benefit you in the long term. 

It is inevitable that you will experience negative emotions in your life. Taking responsibility for your actions can bring up feelings of discomfort, fear, and shame. These emotions can be difficult to cope with, but it is important to accept them in order to move forward . 

Practicing mindfulness can help you to sit with negative emotions rather than trying to run away from them. Avoiding negative emotions and discomfort only perpetuates it in the long term and makes it more difficult to take responsibility for our actions and move forward.

Try some of these tips to implement mindfulness during times when negative emotions are present.

When mistakes or uncomfortable situations happen, it is common for our first instinct to be defensiveness. As mentioned earlier, sometimes it is easier to deflect blame, make excuses, or run away from negative emotions. When we react to situations without thinking it through, it is likely that the response will be defensive, without resolving the issue.

It is important to take a step back and act on the situation in a way that is calm and impactful. It can be difficult to have a calm perspective during the heat of the moment, but there are some things you can do to bring yourself to a calm place, so you can move forward:

  • Perform a breathing exercise.
  • Go for a quick walk ( this article really explains how powerful this tactic really is! ).
  • Call a friend to talk about the situation.

Once you are in a state where you are acting and not reacting, you are better able to make informed and rational decisions in order to rectify the situation.

Like all humans we make mistakes, go through difficult times, and sometimes act in ways we later wish we hadn’t. Everyone experiences this and no one is perfect! Though it is important to take responsibility for our actions and make things right, it is equally as important to be kind to yourself .

For example, say you reacted badly and said hurtful things to a close friend during an argument, and now you’re beating yourself up about it. You may be ruminating over the conversation, thinking about the things you said, or should have said, and telling yourself that you are a bad person who doesn’t deserve friendship.

These negative thoughts and feelings are natural and valid, but they do not help the situation, and they do not leave room for self-compassion.

Imagine a friend came to you with the same situation. What would you tell them? You would probably show them compassion and say something like “That sounds like a difficult situation, and I can see that you are not happy with how you responded. Remember that everyone makes mistakes, and it will get better. What do you think you can do to fix the situation?”

Taking an approach like this allows you to forgive yourself , and show yourself kindness , while still holding yourself accountable and taking responsibility for your actions.

💡 By the way : If you want to start feeling better and more productive, I’ve condensed the information of 100’s of our articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet here. 👇

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Thrive under stress and crush your goals with these 10 unique tips for your mental health.

Taking responsibility for your actions is rarely easy, but it is worth it. The benefits of taking responsibility outweigh the discomfort that comes with it. Mistakes are human, tough situations are unavoidable, and there will always be factors outside of our control. It is how we respond to them that is important.

Do you find it hard to take responsibility for your own actions? Or do you feel like a victim of circumstance more often than not? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Jessie Faber portrait

Writer, athlete, social worker, and professional thrift shopper. Born in Canada, but currently living my dream playing professional soccer in Greece. Passionate about mental health advocacy, sewing, singing, and playing guitar.

14 thoughts on “5 Ways to Take Responsibility For Your Actions (& Why It Matters!)”

I have a huge problem facing conflict with my type A wife, so I lie to avoid the confrontational arguments that revolve around my lies related to money. This was helpful. Thank you

This was interesting Unfortunately it doesn’t help my problem Like I’m explaining my actions not making excuses but all people see are excuses If they could see my facial expressions maybe they see I’m actually remorsful And people tell me taking responsibility is to drown in self pity

How do you get over trauma of gaslighting which effects how you take responsibility How do I overcome that opstical?

Thanks for sharing. In this case, it may be worth exploring the idea of letting go of certain “friends”. Here’s one of our articles about this topic that contains more information.

Yes I have a habit of blaming others instead of taking responsibility for my actions. I guess I don’t let being embarrassed or think I will be embarrassed.

Thanks for this beautiful article. I feel like a victim of circumstances more often instead of taking responsibility of my actions.

I have a friend who simply won’t accept responsibility for saying hurtful things to me and gets angry at me whenever I’m upset about what he did. I am sick of resolving his problem for him constantly and always absorbing his negative behavior. I care about the friendship and I always resolve problems between us on my own while he sees it like I’m at fault and he furthermore argues that he is not doing this. It is too much for me to struggle with any longer. I need him to read this article desperately! How can I get him to read this and understand that he needs to do these things in the article? I’m afraid he’s going to reject reading this no matter how I present it to him… Thanks for writing this article

Thanks for sharing this with us. If I were you, I would say try to be assertive:

“Hey, I really value our friendship, but I’m starting to realize that hurtful comments are impacting me more and more. In order for our friendship to continue, I want you to realize that your actions have an impact on me, and that I think this article (link) might be helpful to help us move on from this situation.”

Good luck and thanks for sharing!

Thank you Hugo! I will try this.

You’re article on taking responsibility for your action was something a friend pointed out to me and start researching this topic. Talking with someone makes me feel connected and inspired

That’s great! Thanks for sharing, Susan. 🙂

In any negative situation I get very defensive and start playing the blame game. I know I need to take responsibility for my own actions because they are mine and no one else’s. No one made me do anything. I choose to do it. The outcome hasn’t been good and I’m working on making that difference within myself.

That is so great to hear, Brandi. Glad you found our article helpful!

All the best,

Hey hi, i feel difficult to take responsibility for my actions. Instead i start being defensive. I try to prove my point to others.

Thanks Srina, we don’t have an article about how to be less defensive, but I’ve just added it to our content calendar based on your kind comment! I really appreciate it!

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My Personal Responsibility: Taking Responsibility For Your Actions

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Personal Responsibility Essay

Looking for an essay on personal responsibility as a student or an office worker? Or want to know more about the importance of being a responsible person? Find here a free short personal responsibility essay to get inspired!

Thesis Statement


  • Importance of Personal Responsibility
  • Personal Responsibility Strategies

Personal responsibility results to increase in the rate of success and decrease in examination cheating among the students in schools.

The word personal responsibility is the self-awareness of a person towards success of one’s life. It is also being aware of the initial goal of one’s life hence doing everything towards one’s own progress, to attain ones initial plan. Different people can define personal responsibility differently but one of the major definitions is that it is an attempt to use your own effort to be successful in everything.

The responsible person is the one who can make decisions and face the consequences of those decisions without complaining. One is responsible in life if he or she can be able to progress in life by abstaining anything, which might not be useful. Making such decisions need a strong person whose focus is purely in God and his ability to work in life without affecting anyone around negatively (Reiss, 2010).

The main aim of personal responsibility is to be able to show forth and even express the inner most beauty in visible ways, by responding to the issues of life and express your genuine love towards yourself and other people. The main aim of one’s personal responsibility is to ensure that the environment can also benefit from the gift of your appearance in that particular place or the society.

Making ones personal responsibility relies mainly on the people who want to ensure total success in everything they are doing. It also takes one’s self to be able to motivate own self to pursue a goal that seems difficult for people or even which people might neglect due to the vices that they are doing.

Importance of Personal Responsibility for a Student

There is correlation between personal responsibility of the student and their success in college. This relationship exists because personal responsibility directly affects issues that are pertinent to one’s life such as family, education, relationships as well as physical and spiritual well-being of an individual. Personal responsibility determines the success of the student in college for a number of reasons (Chester, 2008).

The first reason is self-discipline or self-control. Personal responsibility is the ability to be in control of one’s life in terms of emotions and actions. Students who do not have personal responsibility concerning their lives are prone to influences of doing what others are doing without proper reasons because they simply shift the blame on others when things do not go as they were expected. This lack of self-control comes about because any individual without a sense of personal responsibility will always be irresponsible.

A student without personal responsibility will blame the lecturer for failing in the exam. On the other hand, a student who has personal responsibility will not blame the lecture for the failure rather the student will critically analyze the reasons behind his failure and decide that they have a responsibility to pass. This explains why students who have a sense of personal responsibility have higher scores than those without personal responsibility (Bourbon, 1994).

Students who know that their actions affect others are also sensitive to the needs of others. They know when they have hurt someone and they are quick to apologize. If they wrong a teacher, they are likely to apologize. This endears them to both their fellow students and to their teachers.

This harmonious coexistence with others because of taking personal responsibility creates inner peace and concentration required by the mind for study purposes. Therefore, a student who has personal responsibility is likely to understand concepts better than a student who is at loggerheads with everyone (Chester, 2008).

Peer pressure as a factor that wields huge influence on the college students seems not to have a major effect on students who have a sense of responsibility. Personal responsibility dictates that one’s actions have consequences even when acted in a group setting.

Drug abuse, which often starts in a group setting, is not likely to affect a student who has a personal responsibility over his or her actions. This means that students who are personally responsible for their lives are unlikely to be involved in drug abuse, which negatively affects one academic performance (Chester, 2008).

The other factor that makes the student who takes personal responsibility to succeed in college more than those who do not take personal responsibility is that they do not allow circumstances to hinder their progress in life. They have a high sense of self-esteem or self worth, which makes them to confront issues critically rather than emotionally.

Students who feel that they are not in control pity themselves when they have issues to deal with in their lives thus affecting their physical health negatively. This may lead to absenteeism from classes and even suicidal cases (Chester, 2008).

Students who are aware of the word personal responsibility also manage to delay gratification. Delay of gratification is simply the ability to deny oneself pleasure in pursuit of a particular goal.

Personal responsibility enables the student to stick out or to persevere in pursuit of academic excellence thereby delaying the enjoyment of pleasures, which may affect the concentration, or peace of mind in pursuit of excellence.

They delay gratification of pleasures such as drug use, sexual relationships, and hooliganism known to affect student’s academic performance (Bourbon, 1994).

Personal Responsibility Strategies for Success

As a student, one should ensure that all the work given does not go to waste by ensuring that all people around do not copy the assignments but rather do their own work as commanded by the lecturers or professors. Copying of other student’s work robs the student competency and the necessary self-confidence required at work as well as circumstances outside college.

This will be a great stride in personal responsibility by personally handling one assignment, as it will give the student a chance to have mastery of the topic in an honest manner.

One should also ensure that the area surrounding the school is always clean and ready for use by anyone who wants to learn and all students can breathe the right air as required by the education policies. Commitment to the environment is imperative in promoting personal responsibility not only over oneself but also on the environment at large (Bourbon, 1994).

Personal timetable that will assist to manage time during study hours and to reduce time wastage during other activities is very important. One should also ensure timely completion of the school projects to avoid being at loggerheads with the lecturers.

This is because the recognition that time is a resource, it is precious, and it is out of order to waste it is the beginning of personal development (Bourbon, 1994).

There is a need to ensure that the people around are able to learn about self-responsibility and its advantages by setting a good example to them. This is because personal responsibility involves having responsibility on not only ones actions but also reviewing ones plans and goals all the time for better performance.

Goal setting enables one to review their personal progress. Goals also provide a sense of purpose to a student as they focus on ones actions and activities towards one major goal. One should break down those goals into daily goals, monthly goals and yearly goals.

Personal responsibility is an important aspect of human life. It is even more important when the student learns personal responsibility early in life. The apathy, accidents, and laziness, which lead to lower standards of living, are preventable if the students learn early in life to exercise responsibility over their own lives.

The world would certainly be a better place if the blame games stopped and people took responsibility over their actions. This change can start from the school especially if teachers take as their responsibility to instill a culture of taking responsibility among students.

Performance of college students therefore directly relates to the student’s ability to take personal responsibility over their lives. Although there is no direct correlation between college grades and success in life, there is direct correlation between the ability to take responsibility in life and to succeed elsewhere.

One of the best environments to nurture personal responsibility in one’s life is in college and students in college should take it upon themselves to ensure that they not only score better grades in life but they have also mastered the art of self responsibility which will propel them to higher heights of life.

Bourbon, T. (1994). Discipline at home and at school . New York: Brandt.

This book is about Perceptual control theory PCT on how perceptions determine actions. This theory looks into what happens in the classroom and how teachers try to bring in discipline to the students based on their perceptions.

The student on the other hand has his or her perceptions about what discipline is. This book looks into human behavioral system on how perceptions affect habit and performance of students in the classroom. Thomas Walter Bourbon is a retired professor of psychology who focused his study on physiology and human perceptions.

He has worked with medical research institutions to develop the perceptual control theory into an alternative science. He is now a consultant with various schools and colleges on how they may apply the perception control theory to deal with behavioral problems in school, homes, and in clinical settings.

Chester, C. (2008). Building classroom discipline. Boston: Pearson Education.

This book is indeed helpful to teachers who wish to understand how to model discipline in their classrooms. It looks into the various ways and models of doing this in a way that involves the student.

It shows the impact of discipline on students and how to motivate students in self-responsibility. It also delves into the new ways and trends in the application of classroom discipline. This book is helpful to beginner teachers and teachers in colleges in handling adult students.

Charles Chester the author of the book is a professor in San Diego University and he has many awards accorded to him due to his contribution in the field of classroom discipline. Due to his wealth of experience in classroom, teaching his work is worth of study.

Reiss, S. (2010). What happened to personal responsibility? Chicago, Journal of Psychology (8).

This journal article is a critique on the education system as well as the society as a whole for their failure to instill personal responsibility in the life of students.

Institutions are the ones blamed for individual failures. The author gives an example where if a student fails in the exam or caught cheating in national exams, it is not the student who is to blame but the education system. This kind of attitude irks the author as he questions the kind of society, which we are building without taking responsibility for the consequences of one’s actions.

Steven Reiss is a contributor and a commentator on social issues in the Journal of Psychology today. He teaches psychology in Ohio State University. His research on human motivation makes his work on issues of discipline and personal responsibility authentic.

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Responsibility — Make the Right Choice: Intentions and Responsibility for Actions


Make The Right Choice: Intentions and Responsibility for Actions

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Published: Jul 17, 2018

Words: 817 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

Works Cited

  • Bandura, A. (2006). Toward a Psychology of Human Agency. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 1(2), 164-180.
  • Gollwitzer, P. M. (2012). Mindset Theory of Action Phases. In P. A. M. Van Lange, A. W. Kruglanski, & E. T. Higgins (Eds.), Handbook of Theories of Social Psychology: Volume One (pp. 526-545). SAGE Publications.
  • Jones, E. E., & Davis, K. E. (1965). From Acts to Dispositions: The Attribution Process in Person Perception. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 2, 219-266.
  • Lerner, M. J. (1980). The Belief in a Just World: A Fundamental Delusion. Springer.
  • Mischel, W. (1968). Personality and Assessment. Wiley.
  • Nadelhoffer, T. (2006). On Praise, Side Effects, and Implicit Attitudes. Journal of Ethics, 10(3), 297-308.
  • Pettit, P., & Smith, M. (2001). Freedom in Belief and Desire. Journal of Philosophy, 98(1), 5-25.
  • Ross, L. (1977). The Intuitive Psychologist and His Shortcomings: Distortions in the Attribution Process. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 10, 173-220.
  • Turiel, E. (1983). The Development of Social Knowledge: Morality and Convention. Cambridge University Press.
  • Weiner, B. (1985). An Attributional Theory of Achievement Motivation and Emotion. Psychological Review, 92(4), 548-573.

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i am responsible for my actions essay


Taking Responsibility for Your Actions: The Ultimate Guide

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In today’s fast-paced world, taking responsibility for our actions is a crucial skill often overlooked. Embracing personal responsibility directly impacts various aspects of our lives – relationships, career growth, and overall well-being.

Yet many people find it challenging to hold themselves accountable and avoid falling into the trap of victim mentality or blame game. As JK Rowling once said, “There is an expiry date on blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction; the moment you are old enough to take the wheel..”, emphasizing that we need to own up to our choices and behaviors.

In this insightful blog post, we will explore steps you can take toward owning your actions and developing a positive attitude toward accountability.

Understanding Personal Responsibility

Taking personal responsibility means acknowledging your role in every situation and recognizing the impact of your actions on yourself and those around you.

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The Definition Of Personal Responsibility

Personal responsibility , at its core, is about taking full ownership of your actions, decisions, and thoughts. It signifies that you understand the consequences of your choices and are willing to accept them without placing blame on external factors or other people.

For example, consider a situation where you have missed a deadline for an important project at work.

By embracing personal responsibility, we empower ourselves to learn from our mistakes and cultivate a positive attitude toward growth and self-improvement . This mindset enables us to take control of our lives and become active participants rather than passive victims of circumstances.

Not only does this approach lead to greater success in our professional endeavors but also fosters healthier relationships with others based on trust and accountability.

Taking responsibility for your actions means realizing that you have a part to play in every situation or experience.

Why Taking Responsibility Is Important

Taking responsibility for your actions is crucial for several reasons. First and foremost, it plays an essential role in personal growth and development. When we own up to our mistakes, decisions, and behaviors, we cultivate a sense of control over our lives that empowers us to make better choices in the future.

Another key aspect of embracing personal responsibility is its impact on our relationships with others – be it romantic partners, friends, family members, or colleagues at work.

By being accountable for our actions, we foster trust and respect among those around us , which are vital components of healthy relationships.

Moreover, accepting responsibility paves the way toward productive learning experiences as well as emotional maturity by helping us confront negative emotions such as shame or guilt rather than avoid them by making excuses or blaming others unnecessarily.

Taking Responsibility for Your Actions – 7 Steps

To take responsibility for your actions, it’s important to recognize the consequences of your actions:

1. Recognize The Consequences Of Your Actions

Recognizing the consequences of your actions is a crucial step in taking personal responsibility . By doing so, you are better able to understand the impact of your decisions and make improvements moving forward. Let’s explore a table that breaks down how to identify and evaluate the consequences of your actions.

By examining the consequences of your actions, you can learn to make better choices and take full responsibility for the outcomes, both good and bad.

2. Avoiding Blaming Others Or Making Excuses

One of the most important steps in taking responsibility for your actions is to stop blaming others or making excuses. It’s easy to blame external factors like a difficult boss, a demanding workload, or even the weather.

Instead of placing blame on others, it’s essential to focus on what you can control: your behavior and response to situations. This means acknowledging when you’ve made mistakes and taking steps towards self-improvement.

For example, if you missed an important deadline at work due to poor time management skills, don’t make excuses about unforeseen circumstances; own up to your mistake and develop a plan for improvement moving forward.

3. Be Accountable And Follow Through On Commitments

Being accountable for your actions is all about owning up to the choices you make and being willing to face the consequences, whether they are good or bad. And one of the crucial steps toward personal accountability is following through on commitments.

This applies not just in professional settings but in personal life as well – committing to meeting a friend for dinner or completing a task at home can seem like small things, but following through consistently builds trust and credibility with others around us.

It also helps build self-discipline, which is an essential skill when it comes to taking responsibility for our lives.

Follow-through on commitments is an essential part of taking responsibility.

4. Learn From Your Mistakes

Learning from your mistakes is an essential part of taking responsibility for your actions. Here are some steps to help you learn from your mistakes:

  • Analyze the situation: Take time to reflect on what happened and try to pinpoint where things went wrong.
  • Identify the mistake: Be honest with yourself about your role in the situation and take ownership of your mistakes.
  • Take responsibility: Admit to yourself and others that you made a mistake and apologize if necessary.
  • Understand the consequences: Consider how your actions affected yourself and others, and think about how you can make things right.
  • Develop a plan for improvement: Figure out what you need to do differently in order to avoid making the same mistake again in the future.
  • Seek feedback and guidance: Ask for input from others who may have more experience or knowledge about the situation, as their insights can be instrumental in helping you learn from your mistakes.

Remember that learning from mistakes is an ongoing process, and it requires patience, self-compassion, and a commitment to growth. By taking responsibility for your actions and actively working to improve yourself, you can move forward with confidence and self-awareness.

5. Apologize And Make Restitution

Accepting responsibility for your actions involves not only acknowledging the wrongdoings but also offering a genuine apology and making restitution. To help you through this process, I’ve created a table below to guide you step by step:

By following these steps, you’re not only taking responsibility for your actions and making amends but also actively working towards personal growth and improvement . Remember, everyone makes mistakes, but it’s how we deal with them that defines our character.

6. Develop A Plan For Improvement

One of the most important steps in taking responsibility for your actions is developing a plan for improvement. Here are some tips for creating an effective improvement plan:

  • Identify the specific behavior or action you want to improve.
  • Set a goal for how you want to improve this behavior or action.
  • Break down the goal into small, achievable steps.
  • Create a timeline for when you want to complete each step.
  • Hold yourself accountable by tracking your progress and adjusting your plan as needed.
  • Seek feedback from others to help you stay on track and make adjustments as necessary.

Taking Responsibility for Your Actions 1

Remember that taking responsibility for your actions requires ongoing effort and dedication. By developing a solid plan for improvement, you can take ownership of your actions and work towards becoming the best version of yourself.

7. Seek Feedback And Guidance

As I continue to work on taking personal responsibility for my actions, seeking feedback and guidance has proven to be incredibly helpful. It can be challenging to receive criticism or advice from others, but it ultimately allows me to grow and improve in various aspects of my life.

One example is in the workplace; asking a manager or colleague for their thoughts on a project or presentation can help me identify areas where I can improve. Similarly, receiving guidance from a mentor or coach outside of work can provide valuable insight into personal growth areas such as communication skills or time management.

When you take ownership of your actions and choices, the weight falls off your shoulders, and you feel more empowered and in control.

1. What does it mean to take responsibility for your actions?

Taking responsibility for your actions means accepting and acknowledging the consequences of your choices and behaviors, both positive and negative. It involves being accountable for your mistakes, apologizing when necessary, and making efforts to rectify any harm caused by your actions.

2. Why is taking responsibility for your actions important?

Taking responsibility for your actions is vital because it helps build trust with others, promote personal growth and development, and enhance empathy and respect towards oneself and others while also promoting a sense of maturity and respect associated with owning up to mistakes in public settings like school/workplace making you stand out as an authentic leader.

3. How can one learn to take more accountability in life?

To become more accountable in life, start by evaluating past experiences involving poor judgment or decision-making skills that may have negatively impacted yourself or the people around you. Learning from these situations can help identify patterns or triggers which lead down unproductive paths while developing coping mechanisms over time through consistently habitually performing ethical decision-making practices, ultimately leading to better overall results.

4. What are some common barriers that prevent people from taking responsibility?

Common barriers preventing individuals from taking responsibility include:

  • Fear – whether its a lack of confidence in abilities/decision-making
  • Shame – feeling embarrassed about failure or perceived weaknesses
  • Denial – not wanting to acknowledge errors due to reluctance associated with loss of control/privileges
  • Victimhood mentality – wherein they’re constantly blaming external factors instead looking inward and understanding their own role contributing to damages done rather than growing from them, turning negatives into positives within relativistic contexts.

Final Thoughts

Taking responsibility for your actions is not always an easy task, but it is a necessary one if you want to improve yourself and your relationships. By recognizing the consequences of your actions, avoiding blame and excuses, and following through on commitments , you can become more accountable and mature in handling life situations.

Remember that taking ownership of your choices and behaviors will bring positive change to all aspects of your life – personal or professional.

I wish you the best! Fabian.

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Hey there! I'm Fabian, your go-to guy for all things self-improvement! I'm wildly passionate about helping people unleash their true potential and unlock their greatest selves. An avid reader, constant learner, and lover of all challenges, I'm on a relentless quest to level up in every aspect of life. Join me on this incredible journey, and together, we'll create the extraordinary lives we deserve!

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Responsible Person and Their Traits

Responsibility can be determined in a variety of ways, depending on the views of a person. As far as I am convinced, being responsible means being aware of the future outcomes of your current choices. My responsibility covers my words and actions in my personal sphere, as well as in the sphere of my civil duties, such as voting and preserving the environment. I am responsible for what I say and what I do, for this my free choice, and I can control this; I am not responsible for the reaction of others since I have no control over it.

To my opinion, being a responsible person is understanding the future impact of your current choices. Responsibility, like any other complicated issue, can be perceived and defined in different ways. Some people believe that they are responsible to God; hence responsibility means obedience to Him and willingness to take either punishment or reward for their actions. Others consider themselves a part of some group or system (family, government, etc.), and for them, to be responsible means to fulfill the duties that they bear as a part of that system or group. For me, being a responsible person means understanding that a choice one makes right now will have implications for future, and considering that fact before undertaking any actions. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, “In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility” (Roosevelt 11).

I am utterly convinced that, while I must feel responsible for my own actions and words, the reaction of others to those actions and words is not my responsibility . People perceive things that happen to them in such a variety of ways that there is no possibility for me to predict their reaction; therefore, I cannot be responsible for it. For instance, I am responsible for what I say to a person, and my responsibility is to make my speech clear and polite. However, if that person listened to me absentmindedly and understood me incorrectly because of that, I am not responsible for this. When the specific experience of that person makes my speech offensive to them, it is not my responsibility either, even if I apologize out of politeness or pity.

My responsibility does transcend the borders of my immediate environment such as family or school, for civil duties are included in the things I am responsible for . In fact, civil duties are the kind of things that I take even more seriously than my personal duties. It is my civil duty to make a right choice during elections, and it is more important than the choices related to my personal life since it affects the life of other people, including future generations. As for the latter, it is my responsibility to preserve the environment, consume the resources without wasting them, and take care of nature, thus making the life better for the future people, who will inherit this world.

To conclude, my definition of responsibility is being ready to the future results of the choices you make. I am responsible for my words and actions in both personal and public spheres. However, I am not responsible for the reaction of others to my actions and words since I cannot control it.

Works Cited

Roosevelt, Eleanor. You Learn by Living: Eleven Keys for More Fulfilling Life . Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press, 1960. Print.

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How to write a compelling responsibility essay the right way.

February 6, 2020

I’m sure this is a word you’ve heard since your childhood, responsibility. Your parents, teachers, neighbors, and even the famous high school and college motivational speakers have talked to you about this.

What does responsibility mean to you? I remember my mother telling me, “Son if you are not responsible now, you might never get a wife. And remember, I want grandchildren!” So I have been trying to maintain a sense of responsibility so that I don’t miss out on a wife and deny my mum the golden opportunity of having grandchildren.

responsibility essay

That aside, let’s get down to why we are here, writing a responsibility essay.

What is a Responsibility Essay?

The word responsibility in itself is a one-sentence definition. It implies a state of having an obligation to deal with something.

A responsibility essay is, therefore, one that shows a person’s grasp of the outcome, which can be caused by his/her actions. In a broad sense, it means that there is a situation at hand, and how it is going to be handled by the person is critical to the final results.

No one is born with this sense of responsibility. It is a value that is cultivated over time by learning either directly or indirectly from others. A mother has a duty of taking care of the baby until a certain age, so does a president has responsibility for a nation.

Responsibility essay assignments for students hardly miss because this is a practical aspect of life.

Writing Ideas on a Responsibility Essay

Are you there stranded on where to begin your 1000 word essay on responsibility? Well, here are some great ideas that you can borrow from for starters:

  • Primary responsibilities: You can write about what you are tasked with daily, and you are getting along with those responsibilities.
  • Social responsibility: Talk about society’s rights and how they relate to their duty. Is there a conflict between the two?
  • Power and responsibility: Is it true that those in power are the ones mandated with greater responsibilities than the others in society?
  • Why is it hard to take it? Here you can delve into the issue of why people do not want to take responsibility for their actions. For instance, a man who impregnates a lady and refuses to own up, thus running away and leaving the lady to fend for herself and the child.

I would not be doing justice if I left this section without quoting the famous Peter Parker’s Principle, “with great power, comes great responsibility.” For those who may not be familiar with that, watch Spider-Man, the movie.

A personal responsibility essay is the cheapest to write. I mean, isn’t there a time you were tasked with watching over your siblings, being the captain of a class, or even tending your flock back in the ranch? All that was responsible, and, in your essay, show whether you were good or bad at it, or sooner if you enjoyed working at it.

You can also show in your essay on why responsibility is essential. If you were looking after your little sister and out of your irresponsibility, she slipped into the kitchen and caused a fire, doesn’t that tell you why you need to be responsible?

If your niche is on leadership, then you can write an essay on responsibility and accountability. Show why the leaders need to be transparent in their undertakings and why it is essential to the citizens at large.

For every successful writer, you need to have an outline . A responsibility paper outline will help you achieve the following:

  • Know if your thoughts are well interconnected
  • Point out potholes in your essay
  • Come up with a clear and precise sequence of ideas
  • To determine if the sufficiency of the evidence at hand.

Such will save you the agony of taking a lot of time to write your responsibility. The subsequent speech on responsibility will, therefore, be precise and complete, and perhaps compete for audience with Obama’s speeches.

And if that’s not enough, let us look at some topics you can use for your next essay about responsibility.

Top 10 Winning Topic Ideas for a Responsibility Essay

These topics will act as an icebreaker to stir you up for more great ideas that you can write about from today.

Are you ready for this? Here we go!

  • With high power, comes great responsibility (I wouldn’t miss starting with this)
  • What is the importance of being responsible?
  • At what age can someone be considered responsible enough?
  • Leadership and responsibility
  • Personal responsibility in college
  • Is responsibility an obligation to oneself?
  • Personal responsibility and academic success
  • Responsibility gun control
  • Legal and ethical implications of irresponsibility
  • Social responsibility and reduction of crime rate
  • Responsible parenting
  • Am I good at fulfilling my obligations?
  • Rights versus responsibilities
  • To be or not to be responsible
  • Accountability starts with me!

Crafting Great Responsibility Essay

Well, I guess that is enough to get you started and improve your grades, especially in essay writing. Why don’t you choose one of the topics and craft an essay now?

Do you still have a problem with any of your college assignments or running out of time? Our best writers are just a click of a button away waiting to offer you that professional writing help.

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What Does It Mean to Take Responsibility for Your Actions At Work?

Picture of Michelle Bennett

Today’s workplace is arguably more interconnected than ever. What you do may not only affect your own productivity, performance, and success, but your coworkers, teammates, bosses, customers, and so forth. For this reason, it is imperative that you take responsibility for your actions and maintain a high level of personal accountability even in the face of failure. 

Is it easy to do? Of course not. 

Is it worth it? Absolutely. 

In the following article, you will find what it means to take responsibility for your actions, examples of taking responsibility at work, and the key factors that impact one’s likelihood of doing so. 

Manage your time, productivity, and results better with the Self-Management  Workbook.

What Does It Mean To Take Responsibility for Your Actions?

Taking responsibility for your actions requires the realization that you play a part in every situation or experience and, therefore, have some degree of responsibility over the outcomes or consequences. You may have heard it referred to as taking accountability. It means that your first reaction when a mistake is made or a conflict arises isn’t to blame others, make excuses, twist the facts, or flat-out lie. Instead, you swiftly acknowledge there is a problem, identify your role in it, and implement an action plan to minimize (or entirely eliminate) the chances of it happening again.

Examples of Taking Responsibility for Your Actions

As one Forbes author pointed out, someone who takes responsibility for their actions is an accountable individual. Here is what that may look like in action on the job:

  • You recognize and own up to your part of what is occurring
  • If your message is hurtful to someone, you are willing to examine how your communication may have been damaging
  • You don't blame others when you're at fault
  • You don't make excuses for why things are happening
  • You don't pawn off all the responsibility (or all the failure) onto your team or subordinate
  • If you continually miss deadlines or essential project parameters, you don't pretend that it is all out of your control
  • If your employee or team is failing, you don't stick your head in the sand and stay in denial - you proactively do something about it
  • If your relationships are faltering, you’re open to seeing how you’re contributing to (and even exacerbating) the challenges and conflict

What Makes Someone Take Responsibility for Their Actions?

As Martin Luther King Jr. stated in a 1953 radio address, “One of the most common tendencies of human nature is that of placing responsibility on some external agency for mistakes we have made. We are forever attempting to find some scapegoat on which we cast responsibility for our actions.”

So, what exactly would make someone take responsibility for their actions at work? In an article for Berkley’s Greater Good Magazine that cross-referenced a number of studies, it was found that “when you believe that your behavior can change, you are more likely to be willing to admit responsibility. A big reason why you are able to admit fault is that you recognize that once you admit what you have done wrong, you can work to make it better, and so you are not threatened by admitting mistakes. People who do not believe that they can change are stressed by admitting their mistakes because they believe that those mistakes say something fundamental about who they are as a person.”

This highlights the importance of non-judgemental team culture and a relationship of trust with one’s direct leader when it comes to taking responsibility for your actions. If those things do not exist, it is not surprising that you are stressed, anxious, or fearful of taking responsibility for your actions as you assume ridicule, hostility, or even disciplinary action will follow. On the other hand, when your team’s culture is non-judgemental and everyone, including your leader, has your best interests at heart, taking responsibility for your actions actually becomes a valuable learning experience that you can move on from.

It is never easy to take responsibility for your actions, especially when those actions have consequences. But rest assured; it is worth it! As the bestselling author John C. Maxwell once said, “People who blame others for their failures never overcome them. They simply move from problem to problem. To reach your potential, you must continually improve yourself, and you can't do that if you don't take responsibility for your actions and learn from your mistakes.” 

The Self-Management Workbook for Ambitious Professionals

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We all know how stressful life can get, and how quickly things can get a little bit… out of control! It’s so easy to  blame things on other people , or on the circumstances around you.

Stepping up and taking responsibility for what’s going on in your life is one of the most important things you will ever do – and one of the best.

When you own what’s happening in your life, you can really start to shape your future.

Speak to an accredited and experienced therapist if you struggle to take responsibility for your actions or your life. You may want to try speaking to one via for quality care at its most convenient.

What Does It Mean To Take Responsibility For Your Actions?

Essentially, this means acknowledging the role you play in your own life – the good bits  and  the bad bits.

Rather than looking around for someone or something else to blame, you must accept that you are in charge of what is going on.

Sure, other people and factors have an influence, but you are responsible for your own actions and anything that happens within the boundaries of your control.

This means  apologizing when you have done something wrong , or at least acknowledging why someone may be expecting an apology from you!

It means accepting that your own actions may have led you to the situation you’re in now, whether you like it or not.

The good news is that it also means celebrating yourself when you do something great. Own that amazing presentation you did at work and take responsibility and credit for the hard work you put into it.  Be proud of yourself  when you succeed at something.

So it’s not all doom and gloom. Acknowledging your actions can also mean giving yourself the respect you deserve.

We’ve all heard various quotes about being responsible for your own happiness, and there is so much truth in this.

By stepping up and accepting that your actions have consequences, you can find ways to make those consequences positive.

By realizing that you are in charge of your own life, you’ll find it much easier to start creating – and maintaining – your own happiness.

Why Is It Important To Be Accountable?

Accountability is crucial to having a good relationship with people around you, as well as with yourself.

Colleagues, for example, don’t want to work alongside someone who cannot  take constructive feedback . They want to work with someone who is aware of their limitations as well as their strengths and who isn’t afraid to respond to others’ opinions and change things up if needed.

Friends and family members tend to give a lot more slack than work associates do, but that doesn’t mean they’ll let you coast along forever.

They’ll be willing to let a few things slide, to let you grow into yourself and not take full responsibility for everything all of the time. That said, there are limits!

At some point, the loved ones in your life will expect you to step up and be accountable.

Intimate relationships work the same way – equality is important in every relationship, so accepting responsibility is crucial to maintaining these bonds.

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11 Ways To Start Taking Responsibility

Now that you know how important it is for you to take responsibility for your actions and your life, how do you achieve this?

Well, you can…

1. Stop Blaming Others

For one, it gets boring very quickly! Even people who adore you will get bored of you constantly blaming others for things that are within your control.

Secondly, it’s exhausting for you. Shifting the blame makes you  feel  shifty a lot of the time, right? We often know when we’re pushing the blame onto someone else and it can leave us  feeling pretty guilty  and drained. It’s unfair on the other person you’re blaming things on, and it’s also unfair on you.

2. Stop Making Excuses

Much like blaming other people, making excuses allows you to shirk responsibility for how a situation has turned out.

Of course there are things that are out of your control, but there is a lot that is within your control too.

Maybe you’re late to meet a friend for dinner. Instead of bemoaning the traffic on your journey, just be honest and say that you didn’t leave enough time or factor in the rush hour jams.

And to avoid having to make excuses in the first place, think of ways that you can build contingency into your plans.

Ask how you can be prepared for things to go awry. What is your plan B? What can you do to avoid inconveniencing others?

3. Stop Bemoaning Your Situation

Sure, your life may suck in some ways, but if all you ever do is talk about how much it sucks, nothing much is going to change.

Again, not everything is within your control, but where you do have control, you must be willing to take it.

Moaning about your situation is often the same as waving a white flag and accepting it as permanent and insurmountable.

You have more power than you realize.

4. Follow Through On Promises And Commitments

Did you say you would do something?

Then do it.

Be someone who is true to their word and whose promises mean something.

Sure, if something pressing comes up, you can explain to the other person why you are unable to do whatever it is you said you’d do.

But these times should be few and far between and the reasons for them must be genuine and important.

That means you can’t cancel dinner plans because you had a crumby day at work. The world should not come to a standstill so easily.

Part of this is knowing when not to make firm commitments or promises that you know you will not be able to keep.

Be a realist and only say that you’ll do something if you really want to or intend to do it.

5. Know What You Really Want In Life

A big part of taking responsibility for your life is knowing what sort of life you wish to lead.

Sure, that can be hard to figure out at times, but it is a process that you should try to stick with and go through as many times as is necessary for you to form concrete and realistic aims for your life.

6. Take Action

Once you know what you want in life, you can do things that bring you closer to that point.

The first 3 points above – blaming others, making excuses, and bemoaning your situation – all have one thing in common: they don’t require any action.

Instead, if you have done something, failed to do something, or are just drifting through life, your next action is all important.

Do you need to rectify a mistake? Do you need to apologize for not doing something? Do you need to set a course and do things to grow in life?

Taking action is pivotal in embracing your responsibilities to life.

7. Forgive Yourself When Things Go Wrong

You’re not perfect and you will make mistakes.

While it is important that you own up to these mistakes, it is equally as important to forgive yourself for them.

No human is infallible – we all make mistakes. But how you deal with them emotionally is important.

Be gentle with yourself and know that mistakes don’t make you a bad person. In fact, mistakes are lessons that make you a better person going forward – IF you learn from them.

8. Break Your Bad Habit

Know that avoiding responsibility is as much a habit as it is a conscious decision. It is a mindset that you create and strengthen through repeated execution.

This can lead to accidentally pushing away the people you care about. You might accidentally blame something on a loved one because you’re so used to pushing away responsibility. This can really damage the relationships in your life.

It’s important to remember that each small shirk of responsibility builds up and can cause problems later along the line.

But, breaking the habit begins with identifying and accepting it for what it is. Once you do this, you’ll become more aware – more conscious – of when you are doing it. And this gives you the power to stop before you pull that verbal (or mental) trigger.

9. Put It On Paper

It might help if you start writing things down.

Our thoughts and feelings can get very messy and overwhelming, so it becomes really hard to process what’s really going on. Sometimes, we don’t even realize that we’re not taking responsibility for our actions because we’re not fully aware of what’s happening.

If this sounds familiar, it’s time to get a new process in place.

Write down how you feel about certain events or people. That group work project that didn’t go to plan? Write down the part you played in it and consider, objectively, how well you did.

If you can genuinely say that your contributions were faultless, well done. If not, and you’re an actual human being(!), consider the ways you could have helped out more or gone further.

By seeing these ideas written down, you’ll realize in your own safe space that you’ve got room to grow.

Constructive feedback from others can feel like a slap in the face, however well-intentioned it may be. By seeing things you’ve observed about yourself, you’ll feel more comfortable accepting feedback and will learn to own your behavior.

10. Identify Triggers For Your Denial

What situations are most likely to result in you running from your responsibilities?

Are there areas of your life where you often resort to the blame, excuses, or moaning mentioned above?

If you can identify the situations in which refuse to be held accountable for your actions, you can find ways to think differently about them.

Perhaps there are certain people with whom you cannot accept any blame because doing so makes you feel inferior or incompetent.

Whatever the case, knowing when, where, and why you refuse to take responsibility for your life and actions is an important step in addressing this issue.

11. Recognize Your Choices

Life is full of choices. Moments when we can take one path or another.

Some choices are big. Others are small. But it is important to recognize that you make the choice one way or another.

Identifying bad choices you have made is not an easy thing to do. No one wants to admit that there was a better option that they did not take.

But accepting that the choice has already been made and cannot be unmade goes a long way in coming to terms with it.

And you have choices in front of you now. You can choose a path that can help rectify a bad situation, or you can choose a path that involves burying your head in the sand and denying responsibility.

Which will you choose?

Why Should You Do This And What Are The Benefits?

By accepting responsibility for the things you can control, you’ll feel more positive about your life in general.

Avoiding accountability can make us feel frustrated and more than a little guilty.

By acknowledging what we’re doing, we can lift those negative feelings away. Sure, we may still feel bad for accepting that we’ve not done our best, but at least we have a level of awareness and want to work toward bettering ourselves.

This positive attitude is proactive and will make you feel so much better about other aspects of your life, too. By getting into better habits, you’ll form a better mindset.

You’ll feel good about things and more confident in what you’re doing, which can lead to better results – a win-win situation!

By being responsible, you’re showing that you have respect for yourself and others. This can really help improve your relationships at work, as well as with your family, friends, and partner.

You’ll benefit so much from stepping up and owning your behavior and you’ll gain a lot of other people’s respect along the way.

So, really, what’s stopping you?

Sure, it can feel quite scary and intimidating at first, but you’ll be amazed at how quickly your mindset and behavior shift.

We’re not saying that you have to suddenly apologize for everything and constantly feel guilty and downtrodden! Just accept that you’re human and you’re never going to be ‘perfect’ in your own eyes.

By acknowledging what you’re doing and how you’re behaving, you can start to shape your life for the better. Accept yourself for who you are and find ways to make yourself feel better along the way.

Still not sure how to take responsibility for your actions? Is this causing problems in your life?

Talk to a therapist about it.

Why? Because they are trained to help people in situations like yours.

They can help you to feel more comfortable owning your mistakes and dealing with the consequences of your actions instead of shirking your responsibility. is a website where you can connect with a therapist via phone, video, or instant message.

You might not think your problems are big enough to warrant professional therapy but please don’t do yourself that disservice.

Nothing is insignificant if it is affecting your mental well-being.

Too many people try to muddle through and do their best to overcome issues that they never really get to grips with. If it’s at all possible in your circumstances, therapy is 100% the best way forward.

Online therapy is actually a good option for many people. It’s more convenient than in-person therapy and is more affordable in a lot of cases.

And you get access to the same level of qualified and experienced professional.

Here’s that link again if you’d like to learn more about the service provide and the process of getting started.

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About The Author

i am responsible for my actions essay

Lucy is a travel and wellness writer currently based in Gili Air, a tiny Indonesian island. After over a year of traveling, she’s settled in paradise and spends her days wandering around barefoot, practicing yoga and exploring new ways to work on her wellbeing.

Carrie Caudill Ph.D., LPC

Your Well-Being Is Your Responsibility

Learn to recognize your unique needs and care for them well..

Posted January 21, 2022 | Reviewed by Devon Frye

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  • The word "soul," in a psychological context, can be used to refers to each individual's unique, nuanced, and highly complex way of being.
  • Our legitimate needs are often ignored because we focus instead on caring for and pleasing others.
  • Pain, discomfort, and chronic stress are often signals of our "soul's" unmet needs.
  • Each of us has the capacity to learn our needs, listen to our "soul signals," and care consistently and generously for our whole being.

Carrie Caudill

There is only one you. You have been entrusted with the marvelous (yet frequently arduous) privilege of caring well for your whole being. You can do this through what I call "stewarding your soul" and learning to recognize its signals.

"Soul" may seem an incongruous term in a science-based context. However, I don't mean it in a religious sense. The roots of the word "psychology" are derived from the Greek word psyche , translated variously as "life," "self," and "soul"—making psychology literally the "study of the soul." Soul, in this context, thus refers to your unique, nuanced, and highly complex way of being.

What, then, does it mean to be a steward of your soul? A steward is “a person whose responsibility it is to take care of something,” per the Oxford Dictionary definition. You, in other words, are entrusted to care for your being.

Initially, it may feel overwhelming to realize that you're solely responsible for your health, your mindset, and your needs. And in some ways, it is—it’s an arduous privilege to care well for your whole being. As a complex, multitude-containing person with biological, emotional, psychological, spiritual , and relational needs, there is effort required in existing well. But with gentleness and with self-respect, you can learn to care for all of who you are and entrust yourself with your care.

As a child, you were dependent on others for physical survival and their interpretation of your meta-needs. Even with the best of parents and caregivers, there were likely some bumbling attempts to provide for your whole being. Perhaps your parent saw your need for affection as weak, and your emotional need was disregarded and buried as a result. With abusive or neglectful caregivers, it's likely that even more needs went unmet.

Yet regardless of your past, today your needs can be met by you. With intentional time and practice as a curious and capable adult, you can learn how to understand yourself and take ownership of your care. In other words, you can "steward your soul."

Why We Disregard Our Own Needs

As a practicing therapist and introspective examiner of my nature, I am aware of how easy it is to disregard your own wellbeing. Often, our legitimate needs are ignored thanks to faulty logic that tells us to care for and please others first.

I, for example, have learned that I need frequent movement. My physical body has limits on how long it can sit, yet I often bargain with or neglect that need: “Do I really need a lunch break?” Or “Should I give my lunch break to this client who seems to be struggling?” Pain, discomfort, and chronic stress are often signals of this unmet need.

On other occasions, I find myself annoyed at being entrapped in several lengthy and unproductive conversations with colleagues. My frustration in those moments was a signal: How am I denying and neglecting my own needs? Upon reflection, I realized that I had minimized my own emotional or spiritual needs that week. My prayer and meditation times were skipped. To counter an I’m-so-behind-at-work feeling, I canceled a coffee break with a trusted friend. To appear caring to others, I neglected my "soul."

Research supports this conclusion. Studies have affirmed that boundary setting in work-life demands increases overall psychological wellbeing, whereas poor work boundaries correlate with poorer mental health.

How You Can Guard Your Well-Being

To "steward your soul," you need time in your day to listen to and become acquainted with your needs—specific, protected time set aside for gentle self-curiosity of your hopes and desires as well as a tender-hearted exploration about the pains and discomforts you suffered throughout the day.

To do this, start by exploring (perhaps by writing your answers in a journal) questions like, “Why did that statement hurt me?” or “Why was my irritation so strong when she made that comment?” A quick daily check-in with the moments of peace and joy, along with the twinges of pain or fear , will reveal much about your deepest needs. This ritual of a "daily examen" is a part of some faith traditions, but it need not be connected to a particular religious faith. Rather, this daily "soul examination" gives you permission to learn what your needs are, as well as a method to do so.

Next, it takes time to restructure your world to care well for yourself and the needs that you may have overlooked. To begin, start by setting small, flexible goals and boundaries to progressively build a life that supports your well-being needs.

In my own life, for example, I've identified some personal, regular needs that may be unique to me but that are necessary for my wellbeing. Things like spiritual solitude, regular exercise, and even giving myself permission to run five minutes late to a client session if I need to use the bathroom are components of my own "soul stewardship." (As one therapist joked in the stalls, “Potty breaks are self-care.” Humorous, but revealing.) My needs will not be met without my recognition and ownership of these needs.

i am responsible for my actions essay

When establishing new boundaries, it can be helpful to establish an affirmation or mantra, like “My needs matter.” Then, when enacting the new boundary, internally rehearse the affirmation and visualize enacting the boundary. Research supports this: A 24-year meta-analysis concluded that mentally visualizing a new task increases the desired gain (although success rates vary by individual).

When I committed to caring for my physical being by allowing myself to sometimes run a few minutes late to a client session, for example, I experienced tension. I had to internally verbalize my affirmation: “My needs matter too.” Within a short period, this mental rehearsal and consistent practice built acceptance of this need, and I experienced greater wellbeing throughout my therapy days.

You can learn your needs, listen to your "soul signals," and care consistently and generously for your whole being. Future articles in this blog will discuss more specifically how to understand your unique needs and steward your time, body, energy, and emotions. In the meantime, affirm the importance of taking care of yourself and your unique needs. Give yourself space and time to learn from your "soul signals" on how to identify unmet needs. And lastly, commit to caring for yourself well.

Begin today stewarding yourself as if you matter.

Carrie Caudill Ph.D., LPC

Carrie Caudill, Ph.D., LPC , is an Associate Professor of psychology at Newberry College and practicing therapist.

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How to Write Catchy Responsibility Essays in 2023

responsibility essays

Writing great responsibility essays and getting them to read and rank is not easy. Here are top-notch tricks to help you achieve these two.

What is a Responsibility Essay?

Responsibility entails our ability to make decisions that serve our interests as well as those of others.

Therefore, an essay on responsibility has the following crucial aspects:

An in-depth understanding of trust in life The critical consequences related to it Factors that lead to its recognition in the society

Most students find essays on responsibility a hard nut to crack, which should not be the case. Read on to find out how you can craft a masterpiece responsibility essay for your assignment.

How to Write Essays About Responsibility: Structure

Now, to beat the rest of your classmates and stand a chance of attaining an A+, you have to master the secret ingredients behind all this. Keep your eyes peeled.

Before you embark on writing, a persuasive outline would correctly set the pace for you. What should your framework entail?

  • Identify a Thematic Area of Interest on Responsibility

It contains the title and, subsequently, the basis of your thesis statement. Such should be a topic that interests you (and your readers) so that you can write it with a smile.

The topic should be:

  • Relevant to your readers
  • One that you can research on
  • Precise and appealing to anyone who comes around it

For instance, if your focus is on personal responsibility essays, you can choose from the following topics:

  • Maturity and personal responsibility
  • How to deal with obligations systematically
  • Personal responsibility and blame on oneself
  • Personal responsibility plays a significant role in college

From these topics, you can then derive an A-grade thesis statement that will be the rest of your essay’s driving force. Here is an example:

  • Personal responsibility is the hallmark of maturity. Here is why it is so.

There are many other ideas that you can use to start your responsibility essay to win the hearts of your readers.

  • Determine the Different Sub-categories to Support Your Major Idea

After having your topic and thesis statement, here comes the heart of the matter, the body. You will need to support your claims with relevant examples, facts, and statistics.

Let us see great prompts that you can use for the following types of essays:

Age of Responsibility Essays

In such kinds of essays, your body should answer the following questions:

  • What is the age of responsibility, and who determines it?
  • Why that age bracket is considered responsible
  • Are there any psychological factors related to that age?

Social Responsibility Essays

One can tackle this type of essay with the following questions in mind:

  • What if all the members of the society were responsible?
  • What are some of the problems, challenges, and conflicts in society?
  • Are people relying much on rights and neglecting responsibilities?
  • What are the impacts of such a trait?
  • How can we all work towards social responsibility?

Essays on Responsibility and Accountability

Use the following thoughts to write your essay body:

  • Who should hold people responsible?
  • How does someone learn to be accountable?
  • Do you think you people are responsible without someone else over them?
  • What is the relationship between responsibility and accountability?
  • Can an irresponsible person be liable?

Essays on Power and Responsibility

Liven up your body with some of the ideas listed below:

  • Does vast power come with great responsibility?
  • What should happen to irresponsible leaders?
  • Are the citizens to blame for irresponsible leaders?
  • How to attain responsible leadership in society

Remember that the body should present your arguments in a clear, persuasive, and amusing manner. The reader should get all his questions answered in the body.

  • Summarize With a Logical Conclusion

If asked, a majority of students would tell you that the conclusion is not that important. However, contrary to that popular belief, the end is as important as the title, intro, and body.

The responsibility essays for students should:

  • Be brief and to the point
  • Not be a repetition of the points discussed in the body
  • Have a call to action (asking the readers to be responsible either at an individual or corporate level)

Essays on personal responsibility are the cheapest to write since you can easily relate them with your own life. Therefore, take caution so as not to be emotional or add your feelings to the paper.

Personal Responsibility Essay Sample The KQ I find the most intuitive in ethical decision making is the “outcomes”. I consider this the key question to be my most important guide to the ethical decision making because actions have consequences and those consequences are not only limited to the person initiating the action but also other people. When we consider the potential outcomes of an action for different stakeholder groups including us, we can make the decisions that will advance the overall interests of all the stakeholders involved. This approach also ensures we do not only consider personal interests but can act in a selfless manner. I believe this approach also serves as a useful guide when making the laws and rules that govern the conduct of communities as well the greater society. I have been influenced to take this approach because I care about the social issues that affect the modern society and such issues include climate change, equal rights for women, and equal rights for minority groups. There are some of these issues that do not personal affect me yet I care about them because they affect many of the people I know and care about and they will also affect many of the people who have yet to be born. I believe I am part of the society and have benefitted from the investments the society has made in me. Thus, it is only fair for me to evaluate the merits of issues on the basis of their outcomes for the different stakeholder groups. I believe this approach also explains some of the laws that make our society better. For example, the current laws do not allow citizens to drive while under the influence of alcohol. This is because the potential outcomes of such an action also involve people other than the driver. In addition, the potential costs of such a conduct far outweigh any potential benefits. When we consider the outcomes of an action for all the potential stakeholders, we make decisions whose benefits are more likely to outweigh the potential costs. This approach also increases the probability of people acting in a selfless manner.

From the discussion above, any student can now be able to develop a thrilling and top-grade responsibility essay.

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How to be a Responsible Adult

How to be a Responsible Adult

It’s time to take responsibility for your own successes and failures, and accept there is no one else to blame or pass the buck onto but YOU.

The truth is, assuming you are an adult, you are responsible for how you feel at every moment.  We are in charge of how we think. And thus, since we know that our thoughts trigger our feelings, we are in charge of how we feel. Ultimately, how we think and feel leads to a result. 

So, if you are not seeing what you want in your life, and in your business, you need to shift your mindset so that you can take responsibility and become a responsible adult .

Step into emotional adulthood

When we’re functioning as emotional children, we are blaming other people for how we feel, for how we act, and for the results that we’re getting in our life. 

I always refer to tennis since I have watched my son play a lot of tennis matches in my day. My son would sometimes say that his opponent was making bad calls. “That’s why I lost.” Or “he was acting strange, he was doing things and walking slowly or looking at the ball in a weird way. And that is why I lost.” 

No, the reason you’re feeling crappy right now, the reason you lost is that you didn’t win enough points.

It is not the opponent’s fault. It’s not the opponents’ responsibility. It’s yours. Nobody holds our hand and takes us from this emotional childhood into emotional adulthood. 

Our brains don’t fully develop until age twenty-five. But when you’re an adult, you have the brain function, and the processes to be able to understand what you’re thinking.

As children, we don’t have this capacity. In fact, we think that everything is going on in our life because of other things . We think other things , the world at large, is causing our feelings. And this is perpetuated really by how most of us were raised. 

We’re made to apologize. I’m not saying it is a bad thing, apologizing isn’t a bad thing, but when we apologize, we take responsibility for someone else’s feelings and ultimately, it’s pretty disempowering. 

It’s so ingrained, though, this emotional childhood, that we don’t even realize that we teach each other that other people are responsible for how we feel. It’s the most disempowering thing that we can do, not only for our children but especially for ourselves as adults. 

So take my hand, and let’s learn together how to become a responsible adult.

Mindset shifts to OWN your life and your business results

Emotional adulthood is when we decide to take full responsibility for every single thing we feel, no matter what someone else does or doesn’t do. If you are ready to take responsibility for your own success and failures…

#1 Observe your actions

Write down some examples of where you are acting like an emotional child, where you are blaming in your life, and where you are not taking responsibility. Where do you feel entitled to something you haven’t earned? That is when you’re in that place of not taking responsibility for your actions and thinking that they should just happen and that you are entitled to them. 

Being an adult does require more effort and it requires a lot more responsibility (and you will need to become more mature! ) . But it is worth it. It’s so worth taking that step into managing our own lives in our own minds so we aren’t dependent on other people. Ultimately, we get the results we want. 

#2 Stop playing the blame game

When we feel a certain way that we don’t want to be feeling, we too often point the finger…Blaming a situation, a person, or a circumstance for our problems, our actions, and our result. 

It’s blaming vs responsibility. Children don’t have the capacity to make this distinction. And there really are so many emotional children out there who are functioning as adults. The problem with it is that the most disempowering thing that we can do is to keep ourselves in a space of emotional childhood and blame. 

When you recognize when you are blaming and take responsibility , you become more mature and become a responsible adult !  

#3 Stop whining

Emotional childhood is that we want others to take care of our needs. We want others to figure things out for us, to do things for us. And if we don’t get what we want, our response is to throw a fit or have a temper tantrum. 

Emotional childhood is making our needs the responsibility of someone else, recognizing or believing that we can’t or don’t have the ability to take care of ourselves.  

When we are an emotional adult, we take care of our own needs. We make ourselves responsible for handling our own needs. We do things for ourselves and figure things out for ourselves. And if we don’t get what we want, we let it go or do something to change it.

#4 Get in the driver’s seat

It’s fascinating to see people, especially women, take emotional childhood to the ultimate level and want other people to take responsibility for us and take care of us financially. 

Some women completely abdicate responsibility not just for their feelings, but for their financial results, and for their life. And they let someone else take care of those things in a way that doesn’t make them feel good. They don’t even like how it feels to have someone else take care of them or pay for everything. 

When you are in a place of disempowerment when you’re in a place where you feel like you don’t have control over your emotional life, you give that responsibility to someone else.   When we go to the place of really expecting that we will control our own minds, we will control our own feelings.

#5 Be accountable

Ask yourself, do you want to spend your time and energy trying to make you happy because you’re trying to manage your own emotional life? I hope you said yes to that. Delegating that responsibility to even someone that you love can affect that relationship in a really deep and painful way. The best relationships are when two people come together and say, I’m going to meet my needs, you meet your needs, and then we can just come together and have a good time.

If and when you’re in emotional adulthood, you take responsibility for how you feel and you make choices for how you show up. You end up so much more empowered and you get to be the person you want to be instead of being in this default emotional childhood space. 

The takeaway

So you wanted to know how to be a responsible adult …The bottom line is that it takes work but the payoff is high! Emotional adulthood says “I’m responsible for my happiness, I’m also responsible for my unhappiness, and I’m responsible if my feelings get hurt. I’m responsible for my thoughts, my feelings, my actions, and ultimately my results.” 

People will sometimes ask, “if you’re only responsible for how you feel, then doesn’t that relinquish or take away responsibility for how you treat other people? Does that mean that you can do whatever you want and not worry about the other person’s feelings?” 

No. When you are acting from a place of emotional adulthood, you are acting in the best way. You’re acting like your best self. You don’t act in a way that’s mean to other people. You don’t act in a way that’s cruel because you’re acting from a place of trying to get them to behave in a way so that you can feel better. You’re not trying to manipulate their behavior. 

This does not mean that you’re not going to take action that is sometimes going to be something you regret or as you reflect, you realize that maybe that was not the best choice. It doesn’t mean that you don’t apologize. It doesn’t mean that you don’t take responsibility for how you treat another person.

Even if you’re not responsible for how they feel, you are responsible for how you behave and the words that come out of your mouth, or what you type into the email. This is really important to understand, It’s really important when you’re learning the mindset shifts to become a responsible adult. 

By taking control of your mind – you create your feelings, which in turn drive your actions that determine your results – you create change. I’m going to tell you a lot more about this in the coming months. Subscribe to my newsletter to have them delivered to your inbox!

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I'm Andrea Liebross.

I am the big thinking expert for high-achieving women entrepreneurs. I help these bold, ambitious women make the shift from thinking small and feeling overwhelmed in business and life to getting the clarity, confidence and freedom they crave. I believe that the secret sauce to thinking big and creating big results (that you’re worthy and capable of) has just two ingredients – solid systems and the right (big) mindset. I am the author of best seller She Thinks Big: The Entrepreneurial Woman’s Guide to Moving Past the Messy Middle and Into the Extraordinary and host of the Time to Level Up podcast.

You're Responsible for Your Own Happiness

You're Responsible for Your Own Happiness


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