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Colleen Hoover

310 pages, Paperback

First published November 10, 2015

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Profile Image for Whitney Atkinson.

“If she’s not careful, I might just fall in love with her. Tonight.”
Fallon meets Ben, an aspiring novelist, the day before her scheduled cross-country move. Their untimely attraction leads them to spend Fallon’s last day in L.A. together, and her eventful life becomes the creative inspiration Ben has always sought for his novel. Over time and amidst the various relationships and tribulations of their own separate lives, they continue to meet on the same date every year. Until one day Fallon becomes unsure if Ben has been telling her the truth or fabricating a perfect reality for the sake of the ultimate plot twist…
“You can’t leave yet. I’m not finished falling in love with you.”
“She’s the only one I want with me today, and here she is. Just for me. Because she missed me. If she’s not careful, I just might beg her to stay. For good.”
“This is real life, and in the real world you have to bust your ass for the happy ever after… When you find love, you take it. You grab it with both hands and you do everything in your power not to let it go.”
“I think about you every second of every day and I don’t know how to get over you,” she says. “Don’t,” I beg her. “Please don’t get over me.”

november 9 book review

“Why would a girl care to find herself when she’ll never be able to make herself feel as good as a guy can?”
I shove the dress back at him. “I don’t want to wear that, I want to wear this.” “No,” he says. “I’m paying for dinner, so I get to choose what to stare at while we eat.”
“Baby,” he says, his lips forming a smile. “You have already made this the best I’ve ever had, and I’m not even inside you yet.”
“Fallon,” he whispers, dragging his lips slowly across mine. “Thank you for this beautiful gift.”

Profile Image for Sophie.

" It doesn’t matter that Fallon left such a big hole in my heart, I couldn’t help it if someone else found their way in. It doesn’t matter that Jordyn and I were both destroyed after the death of Kyle. It doesn’t matter that things didn’t progress between us until well after Oliver was born. It doesn’t matter that I’ll never feel the same connection with Jordyn that I had with Fallon, but Oliver makes up for anything our relationship lacks. The only thing that matters to Fallon is the unexpected twist in our story. One neither of us saw coming. One neither of us even wanted. And one she’s partly responsible for..."
"She has no idea that Jordyn was there for me when she wasn’t. I was there for Jordyn when Kyle wasn’t. And after losing two people we both loved, only later to be united with Oliver . . . it wasn’t something we planned. I’m not even sure I wanted it. But it happened, and now I’m the only father Oliver knows."

Profile Image for zoii.

Suspension of disbelief or willing suspension of disbelief is a term coined in 1817 by the poet and aesthetic philosopher Samuel Taylor Coleridge, who suggested that if a writer could infuse a "human interest and a semblance of truth" into a fantastic tale, the reader would suspend judgement concerning the implausibility of the narrative. Suspension of disbelief often applies to fictional works of the action, comedy, fantasy, and horror genres. Cognitive estrangement in fiction involves using a person's ignorance or lack of knowledge to promote suspension of disbelief.

Profile Image for Nereyda (Nick & Nereyda's Infinite Booklist).

"Baby," he says, his lips forming a smile. "You already made this the best sex I've had , and I'm not even inside you yet."
"Fallon," he whispers, dragging his lips slowly across mine. "Thank you for this beautiful gift."
It felt as if the second we joined together, a tiny piece of our souls got confused and a piece of his fell into me and a piece of mine fell into him.
I just know that there is no way I can tell him goodbye after this. It'll tear me apart, way worse than last year. I can't go another day without him being a part of my everyday life. Not after this.
"You know how much I dislike insta-love." "Oh, it was still insta-love," I tell her. "But ours is legit."
"It's a little bit like Sleepless In Seattle'" Tate says. I immediately shake my head. "It's nothing like that. They only agreed to meet once." "True. I's like One Day, then. That movie with Anne Hathaway?" Again, I dismiss her comparison. "That just focuses on one particular day every year, but the two people still interact throughout the year like normal. Fallon and I have no contact." I don't know why I'm being so defensive. I think writers just naturally become defensive when their ideas are compared to other ideas, even if it's done innocently. But mine and Fallon's story is one-of-a-kind, and I feel somewhat protective of it.
"And no matter who is at fault for that, whether it's mine for walking away last year or yours for not knowing I did it for your own good, none of it changes things."
I know this will be difficult for you to deal with, so I've tried to make it as easy as possible. Someone will need to clean up after they take my body, so I've left a card on the kitchen counter for who you should call. There's plenty of cash in my purse. I've left it in the kitchen, on the counter.'


“my eyes fall to the dress first. i have to give myself props for picking that one out. there’s just enough showing at her neckline to keep me good and happy.”
“But if we’re just going to sit here and stare at each other, it’d be nice if she were showing a little cleavage, instead of wearing this long-sleeved shirt that leaves everything to the imagination. It’s pushing eighty degrees outside. She should be in something a lot less . . . convent-inspired.”
“And of course, this thought leads me to her breasts again. Are they scarred, too? How much of her body is actually affected? I begin to mentally undress her, and not in a sexual way. I’m just curious. Really curious, because I can’t stop staring at her, and that’s not like me.”
“I’m trying. Ask me again.”
“What’s your favorite food?” “Pad Thai,” he says. “Yours?” “Sushi. They’re almost the same thing.” “Not even close,” he says. “They’re both Asian food. What’s your favorite movie?”

Profile Image for Amy | Foxy Blogs.

“I’ve never wanted to use physical force on a girl before, but I want to push her to the ground and hold her there until the cab drives away.” ━━━━━━━━━━━ ♡ ━━━━━━━━━
➥ Ben (H) is actually disgusting. I cannot believe people like him 😭😭. He is a man with a saviour complex, he's objectifying, he's just the epitome of the reason why I'm afraid of and usually dislike men. ➥ Fallon (h) was just kind of bland from what I read, and so fucking insecure, oh my god, enough.
He’s already staring at me again. The same smile he shot at me earlier is still affixed to his face, but this time I don’t look away from him. In fact, my eyes don’t leave his as he makes his way to our booth. Before I can react, he’s sliding into the seat with me. Holy shit. What is he doing? “Sorry I’m late, babe,” he says, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. He just called me babe. This random dude just put his arm around me and called me babe. What the hell is going on? I glance at my father, thinking he’s in on this somehow, but he’s looking at the stranger next to me with even more confusion than I probably am. I stiffen beneath the guy’s arm when I feel his lips press against the side of my head. “Damn L.A. traffic,” he mutters. Random Dude just put his lips in my hair. What. Is going. On. The guy reaches across the table for my father’s hand. “I’m Ben,” he says. “Benton James Kessler. Your daughter’s boyfriend.” Your daughter’s . . . what?
I wish I could say I’m mentally preparing a brilliant apology, but I’m not. I seem to have a one-track mind, and that track leads straight to the two things I shouldn’t even be thinking about right now. Her boobs. Both of them. I know. I’m pathetic. But if we’re just going to sit here and stare at each other, it’d be nice if she were showing a little cleavage, instead of wearing this long-sleeved shirt that leaves everything to the imagination. It’s pushing eighty degrees outside. She should be in something a lot less . . . conventinspired.
A couple seated a few tables over stands up and begins to walk past us, toward the exit. I notice Fallon tilts her head away from them and lets her hair fall in front of her face like a protective shield. I don’t even think she realizes she’s doing it. It seems like such a natural reaction for her to try and cover up what she sees as flaws. That’s probably why she’s wearing the long-sleeved shirt. It shields everyone from seeing what’s beneath it. And of course, this thought leads me to her breasts again. Are they scarred, too? How much of her body is actually affected? I begin to mentally undress her, and not in a sexual way. I’m just curious. Really curious, because I can’t stop staring at her, and that’s not like me. My mother raised me with more tact than this, but what my mother failed to teach me is that there would be girls like this one who would test those manners merely by existing.
"I've never had a fake boyfriend before," she says. “I’ve never had a real boyfriend before,” I reply. Her eyes shift to my hair. “Believe me, that’s obvious. No gay man I know would have left the house looking like you do right now.”
I wasn’t expecting this today of all days. To be sitting across from this girl, watching her lick ice cream off her lips and having to swallow air just to make sure I’m still breathing.
She sighs. Again. I don’t think I’ve ever made a girl sigh this much in such a short amount of time. And they aren’t the kind of sighs that make a guy feel good about his skills. They’re the kind of sighs that make him wonder what the hell he’s doing wrong.
I lean forward to toss my container into the trash can behind her. It’s the closest I’ve come to her since we were sitting in the booth together. Her entire body stiffens with my proximity. Rather than pull back right away, I look her directly in the eye before focusing on her mouth. “That’s what boyfriends are for,” I say as I slowly back away from her.
Now I’m the one releasing a heavy sigh. “You want to know what I thought when I saw you for the first time?” She tilts her head. “When you saw me for the first time? You mean as in one whole hour ago?” I ignore her cynicism and continue. “The first time you walked past me— before I interrupted your lunch date with your father—I stared at your ass the whole time you were stomping away. And I couldn’t help but wonder what kind of panties you had on. That’s all I thought about the entire time you were in the restroom. Were you a thong girl? Were you going commando? Because I didn’t see an outline in your jeans that hinted you were wearing normal panties. “Before you returned from the bathroom, I started to get this panicked feeling in my stomach, because I wasn’t sure if I wanted to see your face. I had been listening in on your conversation and already knew I was drawn to your personality. But what about your face? People say not to judge a book by its cover, but what if you somehow read the inside of the book without seeing the cover first? And what if you really liked what was inside that book? Of course when you go to close the book and are about to see the cover for the first time, you hope it’s something you’ll find attractive. Because who wants an incredibly written book sitting on their bookshelf if they have to stare at a shitty cover?”
“You were almost to my booth at this point and that’s when my eyes fell to your cheek. To your neck. I saw the scars for the first time, and just as I noticed them, you darted your eyes to the floor and let your hair cover most of your face. And you know what I thought in that moment, Fallon?” Her eyes flick up to meet mine and I can tell she doesn’t really want me to say it. She thinks she knows exactly what I thought in that moment, but she has no idea. “I was so relieved,” I tell her. “Because I could tell with that one simple movement that you were really insecure. And I realized—since you obviously had no idea how fucking beautiful you were—that I just might actually have a chance with you. And so I smiled. Because I was hoping if I played my cards right—I might get to find out exactly what kind of panties you were wearing under those jeans. ”
“We’ll be in my room,” I say casually. Ben gives them a quick wave and then removes his arm from around my shoulders, sliding his fingers through mine. “Nice to meet you both.” He points down the hall. “I’m gonna follow Fallon to her room now so I can see what kind of panties she has on.”
“You’re a reader?” he asks. I look over my shoulder and he’s fingering the books on my shelves. “I love to read. You should hurry up and write a book, because it’s already on my TBR pile.” “Your TBR pile?” “To be read pile,” I clarify.
He smiles at me from his position on the bed, and the sight of him sitting there makes my cheeks feel all hot and bothered. I suddenly want to beg him to roll around on my sheets so I can smell him when I fall asleep tonight. But then I remember I won’t be sleeping on them tonight because I’ll be on a flight to New York. I turn around and face my closet again so he doesn’t see the flushed look on my face. He laughs quietly. “You were just thinking dirty thoughts.” “Was not,” I quip. “Fallon, we’ve been dating for two hours now. I can read you like a book, and right now I do believe that book is full of erotica.”
He grins and then peeks over my shoulder at the drawer I’m rifling through. “Is that your panty drawer?” He reaches around and grabs a pair. I pull them out of his hand and toss them toward my suitcase. “Hands off,” I tell him. He walks around me and leans his elbow against the dresser. “If you’re packing underwear, that means you don’t go commando. So by process of elimination, I’ve figured out that you’re currently wearing a thong. Now I just have to find out what color it is.” I toss the contents of my drawer toward my suitcase. “It takes a lot more than smooth talk to get me down to my panties, Ben the Writer.” He grins. “Oh yeah? Like what? A fancy dinner?” He pushes off the dresser and stands up straight, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “Because it just so happens I have reservations at the Chateau Marmont tonight at seven.”
I shake my head and grab the dress from him, hanging it back in its spot. I grab one of the few long-sleeved dresses I own and I pull it off the hanger. “I like this one.” His eyes fall to the dress he initially picked out and he pulls it off the hanger and shoves it at me. “But I want you to wear this one.” I shove the dress back at him. “I don’t want to wear that, I want to wear this.” “No,” he says. “I’m paying for dinner, so I get to choose what to stare at while we eat.”
"Please don’t ask me again to wear that dress, because I’m much more relaxed in clothes that don’t show too much skin. I don’t like making people uncomfortable, and if I wore something like that, they would feel weird looking at me.” Ben’s jaw tenses and he looks away from me, down at the dress in his hands. “Okay,” he says simply, dropping the dress to the floor. Finally. “But it’s your own fault people feel uncomfortable looking at you.” I don’t even hide my gasp. It’s the first thing he’s said to me all day that’s made me feel like I was being spoken to by my father. I’m not gonna lie. It hurts. My throat feels like it’s swelling shut, so I clear it. “That wasn’t very nice,” I say quietly. Ben takes a step closer to me. My closet is small enough as it is. I certainly don’t need him standing even closer. Especially after saying something as hurtful as he just did. “It’s the truth,” he says.
“And your lips. Men stare at them because they want to know what they taste like, and women stare at them out of jealousy because if they had lips the color of yours, they’d never have to buy lipstick again.”
This is going too far. Too far, too far, too far, but all I can do is suck in a wild breath and let his fingers pop open the button on my jeans, because as much as I wish he would stop, I get the feeling he’s not undressing me for pleasure. I’m not sure what he’s doing, but I’m too immobile to ask.
“Fucking beautiful,” he says with a slow grin. “And red.” Red? I look down at the dress, but it’s definitely black. “Your panties,” he says as clarification. “They’re red.”
“That’s a record,” Ben says, pulling me away from his chest so he can look down at me. “Made my girlfriend cry less than three hours into our relationship.”
He shuts the door, but I can still hear what he says to Amber and Glenn as soon as he walks into the living room. “They’re red! Her panties are red!”
━━━━━━━━━━━ ♡ ━━━━━━━━━

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And somehow, with the way he’s looking down at me, I even believe I’m beautiful.

november 9 book review

I laugh again, and then I press my face to his chest and hug him back, because why couldn’t he have been there the second I woke up in the hospital two years ago? Why did I have to go two whole years before finally being given the tiniest bit of confidence?

november 9 book review

“You wear your hair like you do because you don’t want people to see too much of you. You wear long sleeves and collared shirts because you think it helps. But it doesn’t.”

november 9 book review

“ I don’t want to be your first, Fallon. I want to be your last. ”

november 9 book review

“ Baby, ” he says, his lips forming a smile. “ You have already made this the best sex I’ve ever had, and I’m not even inside you yet. ”

november 9 book review

“ Does she know, Ben? Does she have any idea that you’re the one who started that fire? That you’re the reason she almost died? ”

november 9 book review

I make a new pile with the pages I’ve already read. I stare down at the manuscript in disbelief. I know I should be angry that he’s lied to me for so long, but being in his head is somehow justifying his behavior to me. And not only that, but it’s also justifying my father ’s behavior.

november 9 book review

We were drawn to each other. We made each other happy. And I know without a doubt there were several times during the past few years that we were madly in love with each other at the same time. Not everyone experiences that Fallon, and I’d be lying if I said I regretted it.
I should have given you the chance to explain it then. If I had just listened to you, then we could have avoided an entire year of heartache. So for that.... I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. And I hope you can forgive me.”

november 9 book review

“When I woke up this morning, I thought today was going to be one of the toughest days I’ve had in two years. Who knew the anniversary of the worst day of my life might possibly end on a good note.”
"November 9th or nothing.”
“When you find love, you take it. You grab it with both hands and you do everything in your power not to let it go. You can’t just walk away from it and expect it to linger until you’re ready for it.”

Profile Image for Luna 🫶🏻.

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November 9 Book Review

A captivating tale of love and second chances.

november 9 book review

  • Author: Colleen Hoover
  • Originally published: November 10, 2015
  • Page Count: 310 Paperback
  • Genre: Romance , Fiction , Contemporary

november 9 book review

Step into a world of heartfelt emotions and unexpected twists as we dive into the captivating pages of ‘November 9,’ a mesmerizing novel penned by the talented wordsmith Colleen Hoover. Renowned for her gripping storytelling and evocative prose, Hoover takes us on an unforgettable journey through the genre of contemporary romance. As readers, we find ourselves immersed in a tale that explores love, loss, and the power of second chances. 

Prepare to be spellbound as we delve into the beautifully crafted narrative, leaving you yearning for more page-turning moments. Join me as we unravel the secrets and unmask the vulnerabilities in ‘November 9’ that will keep you hooked from the very first line to the last.

Table of Contents

In the enchanting novel ‘November 9′ by Colleen Hoover, we embark on a poignant journey that revolves around the lives of Fallon and Ben. Set against the backdrop of Los Angeles, the story unfolds on the fateful day of November 9th when these two strangers’ paths unexpectedly intersect. 

Fallon, a talented aspiring actress, bears the scars of a tragic incident that altered the course of her life. Determined to focus on her career and rebuild her shattered confidence, she crosses paths with Ben, a brooding and passionate writer. Drawn to each other’s magnetic presence, they strike an extraordinary pact—to meet only on November 9th for the next five years, without any contact in between. This arrangement sets the stage for a series of heartrending encounters, each unveiling a new layer of their complex personalities and deepening the bond between them. As the years pass, the dynamics between Fallon and Ben intensify, blurring the line between reality and fiction. Against the backdrop of their individual dreams and aspirations, the book navigates the realms of love, loss, and the profound impact one person can have on another.

Colleen Hoover’s masterful storytelling effortlessly captures the emotions and vulnerability of the characters, immersing readers in a world where serendipity and destiny collide. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions as ‘November 9’ takes you on a gripping journey of self-discovery, forgiveness, and the enduring power of love.

Writing Style and Narrative

Colleen Hoover’s writing style in ‘November 9′ is a literary tour de force that leaves an indelible mark on the reader’s heart. With an uncanny ability to evoke raw emotions, Hoover’s words dance off the page, immersing us in the intricate tapestry of Fallon and Ben’s lives. Her prose is beautifully lyrical, painting vivid scenes that effortlessly transport us from the bustling streets of Los Angeles to the intimate corners of the characters’ hearts.

The narrative structure of the book adds a layer of intrigue and anticipation, propelling the story forward with each passing year. Divided into five distinct sections, each representing a November 9th encounter, the book ingeniously captures the evolution of Fallon and Ben’s relationship. This structure creates a sense of anticipation and keeps readers eagerly flipping pages, craving the next installment of their emotional journey.

Hoover’s impeccable pacing is another standout aspect of the book. She expertly balances moments of quiet introspection with heart-pounding revelations, leaving readers on the edge of their seats. The gradual unraveling of the characters’ pasts and the gradual deepening of their connection adds depth and complexity to the narrative, ensuring an engrossing and satisfying reading experience.

One notable literary device employed by Hoover is the use of dual perspectives. Alternating between Fallon and Ben’s point of view, we gain intimate access to their thoughts, fears, and desires. This technique enhances our understanding of their motivations, making their actions and choices all the more impactful. Hoover’s ability to seamlessly weave these perspectives together creates a rich and multi-dimensional story that resonates with authenticity.

Additionally, Hoover masterfully employs symbolism throughout ‘November 9.’ From recurring motifs to poignant objects, these symbolic elements add layers of meaning and depth to the narrative, inviting readers to delve deeper into the characters’ inner worlds.

In summary, Colleen Hoover’s writing style in this book is a literary masterpiece. Through her evocative prose, skillful narrative structure, and expert pacing, she creates an immersive reading experience that lingers long after the final page. Her use of dual perspectives and thoughtful employment of literary devices further elevate the story, making ‘November 9’ an unforgettable exploration of love, fate, and the power of human connection.

Character Development

The main characters in ‘November 9’ are intricately crafted, breathing life and depth into the pages of the novel. Colleen Hoover skillfully portrays Fallon and Ben as multi-faceted individuals, each carrying their own burdens and aspirations.

Fallon, the aspiring actress scarred by a traumatic incident, undergoes a remarkable transformation throughout the story. Initially guarded and hesitant to embrace vulnerability, she gradually finds her voice and rekindles her passion for life. Hoover delves deep into Fallon’s emotions, unraveling her fears, dreams, and insecurities. As readers, we witness her journey of self-discovery, cheering her on as she confronts her past and learns to embrace the present.

Ben, the brooding writer harboring his own secrets, undergoes a parallel transformation alongside Fallon. His layers are peeled back gradually, revealing a complex and wounded soul. Hoover masterfully explores Ben’s internal struggles, exploring the depths of his pain and exploring his capacity to love and be loved. Through the ups and downs of their relationship, readers become emotionally invested in Ben’s growth, empathizing with his vulnerabilities and celebrating his moments of triumph.

The readers’ emotional connection with the characters is a testament to Hoover’s remarkable storytelling. Through her vivid descriptions and relatable portrayals, she creates characters that resonate deeply. We laugh with them, cry with them, and experience their highs and lows as if they were our own. Fallon and Ben become more than just fictional figures; they become friends, confidantes, and reflections of our own personal journeys. The emotional investment in their story is a testament to Hoover’s ability to capture the human experience and touch our hearts.

As the characters evolve, readers witness their growth and development, which adds a layer of authenticity and relatability to the narrative. We see them confront their fears, confront their pasts, and make choices that shape their futures. It is through this growth that we are reminded of our own capacity for resilience and personal transformation.

In summary, the main characters in ‘November 9’ are masterfully crafted, with depth and complexity that captivate readers from the start. Fallon and Ben’s growth throughout the story resonates with us on a deep emotional level, drawing us into their lives and making us emotionally invested in their journey. Colleen Hoover’s ability to create such relatable and authentic characters is a testament to her storytelling prowess and makes ‘November 9’ a truly memorable reading experience.

Plot Twists and Surprises (Without Spoilers)

One of the remarkable strengths of ‘November 9’ lies in its ability to captivate readers with its skillful deployment of plot twists and surprises. Colleen Hoover effortlessly keeps us engaged and guessing, eagerly turning the pages to uncover the next unexpected turn.

Throughout the narrative, Hoover expertly plants seeds of anticipation, luring us into a web of intrigue. Just when we think we have the story figured out, the plot takes an unexpected detour, leaving us breathless and craving more. Each twist and surprise is meticulously crafted, ensuring that the reader remains on the edge of their seat, eagerly awaiting the next revelation.

Hoover’s skill in creating suspense is second to none. She seamlessly weaves together layers of mystery and tension, building an atmosphere that crackles with anticipation. The pacing of the story, combined with carefully placed clues and subtle foreshadowing, creates a sense of unease and curiosity. As readers, we become engrossed in the puzzle of ‘November 9,’ trying to piece together the intricacies of the characters’ lives and the outcome of their fateful encounters.

What sets Hoover apart is her ability to maintain intrigue throughout the entire story. Just when we think we’ve unraveled the secrets, she surprises us yet again, introducing new elements that challenge our assumptions and deepen our emotional investment. The author’s impeccable timing and expertly crafted revelations ensure that the book remains a page-turner until the very end.

Without revealing any spoilers, it’s safe to say that ‘November 9’ is a treasure trove of unexpected twists and surprises. The story takes unexpected turns that will leave you gasping in disbelief and eagerly seeking answers. Hoover’s ability to subvert expectations and deliver surprises that resonate with the overall narrative is a testament to her mastery as a storyteller.

In summary, ‘November 9’ is a masterclass in plot twists and surprises. Colleen Hoover’s ability to keep readers engaged, guessing, and on the edge of their seats is truly commendable. Her skill in creating suspense and maintaining intrigue throughout the narrative is a testament to her storytelling prowess, ensuring that readers are rewarded with a thrilling and captivating reading experience.

Reader Experience and Impact

From the moment I delved into the pages of this book,’ I was completely enthralled by the story’s emotional depth and its lasting impact. Colleen Hoover’s storytelling prowess and her ability to craft characters that resonate on a profound level left an indelible mark on me as a reader.

The story evoked a myriad of emotions within me, from heartache to joy, from longing to hope. I found myself fully immersed in Fallon and Ben’s journey, rooting for their happiness and holding my breath as they navigated the complexities of their relationship. The genuine moments of connection, the raw vulnerability, and the heartfelt dialogue created an emotional experience that stayed with me long after I turned the final page.

What struck me most was the lasting impact of ‘November 9.’ It’s the kind of book that lingers in your thoughts, making you reflect on the power of human connection and the importance of seizing second chances. The themes of love, self-discovery, and personal growth resonated deeply, reminding me of the profound ways in which relationships can shape our lives.

The target audience who would likely enjoy this book’ is broad, as it has elements that appeal to various readers. Fans of contemporary romance will find themselves swept away by the heartfelt love story and the emotional journey of the characters. Those who appreciate character-driven narratives and rich emotional depth will be drawn to the complex portrayals of Fallon and Ben. Additionally, individuals who enjoy stories that balance moments of heartache with moments of hope and redemption will find this book to be a deeply satisfying read.

In summary, my reader experience with ‘November 9’ was profound and impactful. Colleen Hoover’s ability to evoke genuine emotions, coupled with the lasting impression of the story, left me in awe. Whether you’re a fan of romance, yearn for characters who feel like friends, or seek a thought-provoking exploration of love and second chances, ‘November 9’ is a book that will leave an indelible mark on your heart.

Room for Improvement

While ‘November 9’ is an engaging and emotionally charged novel, there are a few areas where some readers may have found room for improvement. It’s essential to note that these aspects are subjective and may not diminish the overall reading experience for everyone.

Firstly, some readers may have found certain plot developments to be predictable or expected. While the book does contain surprises and twists, there were instances where the direction of the story could be anticipated. However, it’s worth mentioning that the strength of ‘November 9’ lies not solely in shocking plot twists but rather in the profound emotional journey of the characters.

Additionally, a few readers may have desired more in-depth exploration of secondary characters. While Fallon and Ben are beautifully fleshed out, some of the supporting characters could have benefited from further development and backstory. This additional depth could have enriched the overall narrative and provided a more comprehensive understanding of their motivations and impact on the main characters.

Furthermore, a small number of readers may have felt that the pacing in certain sections could have been more balanced. The story fluctuates between moments of quiet introspection and intense drama, which may result in a slight unevenness for some readers. However, it’s important to note that this aspect of pacing can also be attributed to the emotional rollercoaster that Fallon and Ben experience throughout their journey.

Despite these minor considerations, it’s important to highlight that ‘November 9’ remains a compelling and emotionally resonant novel that captivates readers. Colleen Hoover’s ability to craft relatable characters and weave a poignant love story far outweighs any potential areas for improvement.

Remember, it’s subjective whether these aspects are seen as drawbacks or opportunities for growth. It’s crucial to approach these points with respect for the author’s creative choices and to acknowledge that different readers may have varying perspectives on them.

In summary, while ‘November 9’ may have some aspects that some readers could perceive as opportunities for improvement, the emotional depth and captivating storytelling shine through, making it a highly enjoyable and moving read.

Our Final Thoughts

In conclusion, ‘November 9’ by Colleen Hoover is a captivating and emotionally charged novel that leaves a lasting impact on its readers. With beautifully crafted characters and a poignant love story at its core, the book effortlessly draws you into the lives of Fallon and Ben, taking you on an unforgettable journey of self-discovery, forgiveness, and the enduring power of love. Hoover’s evocative writing style, skillful plot twists, and the depth of emotional connection she creates between the reader and the characters are among the book’s greatest strengths.

The unique narrative structure and expert pacing keep you engaged from start to finish, eagerly turning the pages in anticipation of the next surprising revelation. If you’re a fan of contemporary romance, character-driven narratives, and stories that explore the complexities of human relationships, ‘November 9’ is a must-read. Prepare to be swept away by Hoover’s masterful storytelling and to embark on an emotional rollercoaster that will leave you both breathless and profoundly moved. Don’t miss the chance to experience the magic of ‘November 9’ for yourself and discover why it has touched the hearts of countless readers.

About the Author

Colleen Hoover, a renowned contemporary romance author, is a literary powerhouse whose storytelling prowess has touched the hearts of readers worldwide. With an evocative writing style and a talent for crafting relatable characters, Hoover has captivated audiences with emotionally charged novels like ‘ Ugly Love ‘, ‘ It Starts With Us ‘ and ‘Confess’ that explore themes of love, resilience, and personal growth. Her ability to weave captivating narratives and create thought-provoking plots has earned her a dedicated fan base. With multiple bestsellers to her name, Colleen Hoover continues to be a beloved figure in the world of romance fiction, enchanting readers with her enchanting tales of love and life’s complexities.

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Heidi Dischler

Heidi Dischler

Book review: november 9 by colleen hoover.

Have you ever wanted a book to rip your heart out but still make you so happy in all the right ways? In my book review for November 9 by Colleen Hoover, I’ll go over everything that makes this book perfect for any romance and drama lovers. 

Book Information

Fallon has been trying to recover from the accident that not only took her career but took her confidence as well. November 9 th is how she remembers the fire that scarred 30% of her body. It’s how she remembers that it was her dad’s fault and that he escaped without even remembering that she was still in the building. But November 9 th is also the day that she meets Ben, an aspiring writer who makes her feel as if she can find her confidence again. When they agree to meet every year on November 9 th , Fallon discovers that maybe she can heal and find out how to not only love Ben but to love herself.

November 9: A Novel

Review | Heidi Dischler

Colleen Hoover has delivered many of my favorite romance novels. Ugly Love , Confess , and It Ends with Us are at the top of that list, but November 9 just earned its spot in my top favorite CoHo books. It is a beautifully written story about finding your confidence, loving yourself, and learning how to forgive. The characters are phenomenal as always and the plot is even better. If you love romance novels, this is sure to be one of your favorites.

One of the things that I’d like to mention is that there are huge time jumps between each November 9. You don’t learn anything about the characters between those times until they meet up again, which is obviously one of the things that makes this book so spectacular.

Spoilers ahead.

I seriously admire Colleen Hoover for the plot twist she delivered so expertly in this book. There were subtle hints—and I mean subtle —that led to the conclusion of this book. The idea that Ben had caused the fire that hurt Fallon was put in such a way that it was believable and not just added for the shock factor. It was a part of the whole story and the way it was tied in was beautiful. The emotions, actions, and dialogue of the characters at this point made everything so real that I came close to crying a few times (which, by the way, never happens for me). It also reminded me a lot of the plot twist I have in my own novel, Words We Never Say . Check it out if you liked this book ;).

Overall, I this book far exceeded my expectations and I’m getting very depressed that I don’t have a lot of Colleen Hoover books left to read. At least they’re developing movies for some of her best novels ( like It Ends with Us ). Colleen Hoover has got to be my favorite romance author, and you can’t convince me that there is anyone better.

Source: Audiobook from Audible

“Not the end. Far from it.”

– colleen hoover, november 9, leave a reply cancel reply.

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November 9 by Colleen Hoover – A book review

November 9 by Colleen Hoover book review Featured

I rarely write about books that didn’t work out well for me, especially if it were a hyped one. But then I come across a book that everyone raved about and I could not not rant about it. So here is my book review on November 9 by Colleen Hoover.

About November 9

November 9 by Colleen Hoover book review cover

Book Name: November 9

Author: Colleen Hoover

Genre: Fiction –  Romance ,  Young adult

Characters: Fallon O’ Neil, Benton(Ben) Kessler, Jordyn

Setting:  Los Angeles , California ,  The USA

Plot Summary of November 9

On November 9, Ben and Fallon meet at a restaurant and they have an instant connection. Ben is an aspiring writer and Fallon an actress and an avid reader.

But Fallon is moving across the country the next day and also she feels she will not be ready for a serious relationship for the next 5 years (until she turns 23).

So they decide to go on with their lives and date other people but only meet each other every year on November 9. And they would have no more contact with each other other than that one day of a year.

But do their attraction stand strong with just that one in 365 days? You will have to read November 9 by Colleen Hoover to know more.

Book review of November 9

The plot immediately reminded me of One Day (and one of the character mentions it even), but I have tried to overlook that while reviewing.

The book follows the time that the duo spend together, year after year and we get an alternating POV for both characters of the same date. We do not hear more about the characters’ lives apart from that.

November 9 was my first book by Colleen Hoover, an author I had been meaning to read for a long time and my expectations were quite high.

True to her fame, CoHo’s writing hooked me right at the first chapter and the banter between the characters worked out mostly. The characters Ben and Fallon were fleshed out well.

And honestly that is all that I could muster to speak in the pro section.

“Why would a girl care to find herself when she’ll never be able to make herself feel as good as a guy can?”

I understand the heat of the moment and all, but I think this quote from the book made double take. I understand that Fallon is insecure about herself and is generally melodramatic but this is NOT OKAY at all.

I hated how Ben consistently disregarded Fallon’s consent, objectified her, stalked her and ordered her around. And Fallon’s father is not a saint either. To make matters worse, she forgives both of them instantly and starts a good relationship with them at the end . Well why did I even read it?

Also what is with Ben’s obsession about Fallon’s scars sexually? Especially, after knowing his secret (that he was the one who started the fire (intentionally) which left her scarred and disfigured and he knew who she was the whole time) his behavior was just disgusting.

What worked for me

  • I loved Colleen Hoover’s writing and the banter kept me going and hooked.
  • Though the plot seemed similar to One day, it takes a different turn once you get over it.

What may have been better

  • BEN! I wish influential and best selling authors like Colleen Hoover would pay more attention to their characters and what they do.
  • I disliked that Fallon forgave her father too easily.

Content warning

Male ignoring non consent, arson, parent suicide,

Bottom line

November 9 by Colleen Hoover was a well written contemporary New age romance. While it seems to have some HUGE red flags, you can still pick a copy based on the other 4+ star ratings on Goodreads.

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How did you like November 9 by Colleen Hoover? Did you have these issues with the characters or is it just me? Should I read other books by the author before I give up? Let us talk.

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Georgia Rose

Yes, I can highly recommend Verity by Colleen Hoover. I loved it!


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Gayathri has been reviewing books since 2010. When she is not reading books or creating online content, she works as a writer and a digital marketer. Head over to meet me!

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November 9 by Colleen Hoover book review

Book Review: November 9 by Colleen Hoover

Let’s talk about NOVEMBER 9 by Colleen Hoover ! This is another one of those books that I picked up purely because of the hype on Bookstagram and BookTok. November 9 is on all of the CoHo lists and seems to be a 5 star for nearly everyone … and I’m thrilled to say I was no different! But why did I give it 5 stars? Was it just because of the hype? Or was there another reason I flew through this book in under 24 hours?

Did I play into the hype? Why 5 stars?

November 9 by Colleen Hoover book review

I went into NOVEMBER 9 completely blind. Like I said, it was one of those books that everybody on Bookstagram and BookTok has been reading so I borrowed it from my library to see what all the fuss was about. I don’t think I really expected to get drawn into this book the way I did. I started it on a Saturday afternoon and was done by Sunday (a rare thing in my house). Hoover expertly wrapped me up in the lives of her characters, even though I only got to see them on one day each year … November 9th.

The premise of NOVEMBER 9 was very intriguing to me as I started to read. Fallon doesn’t believe you can fall in love before you’re 23 so they agree to meet each year on the same day. Every other day of the year, no contact. And Ben will chronicle their “love story” into a novel. I loved that idea! And it was so addicting to watch this story unfold.

It fascinated me how much could happen in the span of just a year, when all you get to see is one day. Births, deaths, and even new romances. Hoover worked tragedy and happiness into each and every page, leaving me captivated.

I adore dual POVs!

Dual (or even multi) POVs are my weakness. I love a story that puts you inside the heads of more than one character. Reading this story from both Fallon and Ben’s perspective made all the difference. Especially once you get to the end and big secrets start coming out. Ben’s attraction to Fallon is so strong and it was easy to tell that Fallon’s attraction to him was just as strong, even though she had her 5-year rule.

On a similar note, I was worried that the characters would fall flat with the timeline jumping a year ahead each time. But that wasn’t the case. I could understand where Fallon’s insecurities about her scars came from and there was enough mystery with Ben that the shocking moments were very effective.

“You can’t leave yet. I’m not finished falling in love with you.”

The “ugly-cry factor”.

That’s my qualification for 5 stars in a romance. NOVEMBER 9 had me sobbing like a child. My heart broke for Fallon and Ben because so much of this book is the turmoil of will they or won’t they end up together. I saw all the Bookstagram posts claiming this book would give you the ugly cry factor and Hoover did not disappoint.

A Summary of NOVEMBER 9

NOVEMBER 9 by Colleen Hoover is the story of Fallon , a young former actress who is moving to New York, and Ben , an aspiring novelist living in LA. They spend Fallon’s last day in LA together and it inspires Ben to write a book about them and their love story. For the next five years, they agree to meet on November 9th but to block each other on social media and not exchange any forms of contact for the rest of the year. They encourage each other to date other people and Ben helps Fallon regain some of the confidence she lost in the horrible fire that scarred part of her body. As secrets are revealed, the reader has to wonder if their relationship will survive until the end of 5 years and what will happen to Ben’s novel if their love dies?

>>> CLICK to read the full synopsis on Goodreads <<<

Looking for more romance recommendations? Check out some of my other favorites !

I would highly recommend november 9 by colleen hoover to all coho fans and those who love emotional stories that suck you in and sometimes break your heart..

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November 9 Summary and Review (Non-spoiler & Spoiler)

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In this November 9 summary and review guide, you’ll get to read a non-spoiler and spoiler summary of the book, my personal thoughts on the book, favourite quotes, books like November 9 and more!

I decided to read November 9 by Colleen Hoover because this book’s plot stood out to me compared to ther rest of Colleen Hoover’s books. 

Two characters, vow to meet each other at the same time, same date, for the next 6 years.

Plus, I read this book just in time to review it before November 9!

Read more on Colleen Hoover:

  • November 9 Book Club Questions & Discussion Guide
  • Colleen Hoover Books In Order (Masterlist & Mindmap)
  • 22 Books Like It Ends With Us By Colleen Hoover
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November 9 Summary (Non-Spoiler)

november 9 summary

November 9 by Colleen Hoover follows two teenagers, Fallon O’Neil and Benton (Ben) James Kessler.

Fallon used to be a teen actress, until one day an unfortunate fire causes her face and body to be scarred, limiting her opportunities in the acting world. Ben is an aspiring writer in college who hopes to one day publish a book.

The two of them meet at a restaurant on November 9 and swear to meet again every year for the next 6 years until they’re both 23.

They are undeniably attracted to each other. Every year they meet on the same day, same time and same place until they eventually fall in love with each other.

However, things get messy when Fallon discovers a secret Ben has been hiding from her.

November 9 Book Age Rating

18 and up. There are open-door steamy romance scenes that’s suitable for adult romance readers. ⅘ spice level.

November 9 Trigger Warnings

  • Death of a loved one

November 9 Characters

Here is a list of characters in November 9 by Colleen Hoover:

  • Fallon O’Neil (teen actress)
  • Benton (Ben) James Kessler (aspiring writer)
  • Donovan O’Neil (Fallon’s father)
  • Amber (Fallon’s friend)
  • Ian (Ben’s brother)
  • Kyle (Ben’s brother)
  • Jordyn (Kyle’s wife)
  • Oliver (Kyle & Jordyn’s child)

November 9 Summary (Spoiler)

November 9 by Colleen Hoover is broken down into 6 November 9ths. In this book summary, we’ll go through all of them.

First November 9th

We meet Fallon O’Neil, waiting for her insensitive father (Donovan O’Neil, a famous actor) at a restaurant.

In the first November 9th, we learn what happened to Fallon on the date of November 9, two years ago. She was staying over at her father’s place.

When a fire started, Fallon was rescued but had to undergo critical surgery as most of the left-side of her face and body had serious burns from the fire.  

Fast forward two years later, the fire has destroyed her confidence and her acting career. There are scars from the left side of her face that goes all the way down the left-side of her body.

Fallon’s father was being insensitive at the restaurant, telling her that she should give up acting. Ben is seated behind them and overhears the whole conversation. 

He decides to come to her rescue and pretends to be her boyfriend in front of her father. He thinks she is beautiful and wants Fallon to be more confident in herself.

That night, they become friends, but Fallon needs to leave for New York. Ben and Fallon make a promise to meet each other every year at the same time, same date and same place. 

Ben also thinks that this will be a great opportunity to write a book about them, titled “November 9”.

Second November 9th

In the second November 9th, Ben gets a random phone call and it’s Fallon. She explains how her flight was delayed and she was afraid she won’t make it in time to the restaurant. 

Ben is glad that Fallon is late instead of standing him up, he suggests she takes a cab to his home instead of the restaurant from the airport.

Fallon gets to meet Ben’s family.  

She meets his two brothers – Ian and Kyle. She also meets Jordyn, Kyle’s fiance. The two of them catch up on each other’s lives. Ben has read many romance novels upon Fallon’s request and Fallon has attended acting auditions as per Ben’s request.

The two of them get intimate with each other. Ben helps Fallon love herself, including her scars.

Third November 9th

On the third November 9th, Fallon gets a phone call from Ben. He isn’t going to make it because his brother, Kyle has died in a car accident .

Fallon decides to visit Ben at his home instead, and Ben could not be more glad. Ben finally is able to cry and mourn over his dead brother. We also learn that Jordyn, Kyle’s wife is pregnant and due in a couple of months. 

Fallon and Ben are hopelessly in love with each other. Ben wants to move to New York to be with her and Fallon wants the same too. So they decide to end this November 9 arrangement.

However, Fallon learns from Jordyn that Ben has secured a literary agent for his book about them. Because of this, Fallon feels that Ben should stay back in LA and continue writing the book. This means they’ll only get to meet once a year for the next couple of years.

Ben gets upset about this. Fallon leaves for New York on a bad note, unsure if Ben will meet her next year on the same day and time.

Fourth November 9th 

Fallon waits for Ben at the restaurant, hoping he’ll show up. She is not sure how he feels about her since they ended up on a bad note before she left for New York.

Ben shows up, with a little boy – Oliver, Jordyn’s and Kyle’s son. He explains to Fallon that he and Jordyn are in a relationship. 

Fallon is devastated and leaves the restaurant. She tells him that she will not show up next year on the same date. As soon as Ben realizes what he has lost, he knows, he made the wrong decision being together with Jordyn.

Fifth November 9th

On the 5th November 9th, Fallon is sulking about not meeting Ben. To take her mind off things, Amber, her friend invites her on a double date to the club.

At the club, she bumps into Ben and the two clear the air. Soon, they head back to Ben’s place and get intimate with each other.

The next morning, Fallon finds the manuscript Ben has been working on. She learns that it is Ben who started the fire that Fallon was involved in.

She leaves without giving Ben an opportunity to explain. She decides to put an end to this arrangement and never meet again.

Sixth November 9th

On the final November 9th, Fallon couldn’t feel any worse. All she wants to do is sleep for as long as she can till it becomes November 10th.

At midnight, she receives a package at the front of the door, containing the rest of the manuscript. She decides to ignore it and go to bed.

The next morning, she finds her mother sobbing on the sofa after reading the manuscript. Her mother tells her to read it to know the truth about the night of the fire.

Fallon proceeds to read four chapters from Ben’s manuscript.

November 9 Book Ending

Note: Spoiler Alert!

At the end of November 9, we discover that Ben is the one who started the fire. Ben was upset on November 9 after finding his mother’s dead body and assumed the reason for her death is her lover, Donovan O’Neill (Fallon’s father). Because he was upset, he set Donovan’s car on fire which eventually spread to the house Fallon was sleeping in.

Ben never meant to set fire to Donovan’s house, but the fire spread and it was too late. He felt responsible for what has happened to Fallon. 

Two years later, on November 9th, he finds Donovan at his mother’s grave. He decides to follow him and eventually reaches a restaurant where Fallon was waiting for her father. Out of guilt, Ben starts befriending Fallon at the restaurant, and that is where it all started, on November 9th.

Fallon learns all of this by reading Ben’s manuscript titled “November 9”. After learning about the painful series of events Ben had to endure, she decides to forgive him. 

In the last chapter, she gets a tattoo to commemorate their love (just like Ben did on the second November 9th meet-up) and meets him at the restaurant. 

November 9 Book Review: My Thoughts

I loved the premise of November 9. Two strangers who are instantly drawn to each other, plan to meet up on the same day and time for the next six years.

I picked this book up because it sounded different when compared to all Colleen Hoover books.

Unfortunately, the rest that follows in this book is not my cup of tea. I was not a fan of how the story progressed and especially was displeased with Ben’s secret.

Colleen Hoover tends to write love stories that have to revolve around trauma, death, and pain for it to be a memorable love story. I noticed this pattern from most of her books I’ve read and I’m not a fan of it.

In my opinion, Ben was forgiven by Fallon too easily. I also felt he was a pervert, definitely not a romantic.

I don’t recommend this book, but I know many people who love it. If you’re still in doubt if you should pick this book up or not, read the book summary above!

November 9 Quotes

My favourite quotes while reading November 9:

“You can’t leave yet. I’m not finished falling in love with you.” Colleen Hoover (November 9)
“It took four years for me to fall in love with him. It only took four pages to stop.” Colleen Hoover (November 9)
“Goals are achieved through discomfort and hard work. They aren’t achieved when you hide out in a place where you’re nice and cozy. Colleen Hoover (November 9)
“In her darkness, she is silent. In my darkness, she screams.” Colleen Hoover (November 9)
“If she’s not careful, I might just fall in love with her. Tonight.” Colleen Hoover (November 9)

FAQ: November 9

Does november 9 have a good ending.

Yes, there is a happy ending. Fallon and Ben do end up together.

Does Fallon Forgive Ben In November 9?

Yes. Fallon forgives him in the last few pages. She gets a tattoo to commemorate their love and meets him a few minutes before November 9th ends.

Why Did Ben Set The Fire?

Ben assumed that his mother’s suicide was because of her lover, Donovan (Fallon’s father). Ben got upset and burned his car but did not expect the fire to spread to the house Fallon was sleeping in.

Is There A Sequel To November 9?

No. There is no sequel to November 9.

How Old Are The Characters In November 9?

Fallon and Ben are both 18 when they first meet and continue to meet each other every year will age 23.

Is November 9 A Spicy Book?

Yes. It is rated ⅘ for spice level. It is meant for 18 and up readers.

Wrap Up: November 9 Summary & Review

I hope this summary and review of November 9 has been helpful to you.

Here are a few places where you can get November 9 from:

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Hi there, i'm Sonia. The founder and author at Brewing Writer, a blog that features detailed book reviews, bookstagram tips, book blogging tips, thoughtfully curated book lists (which my readers love!) and cozy aesthetic photography that’ll make you crave a cup of coffee and a good book.

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Summary and Study Guide

November 9 is a novel by bestselling author Colleen Hoover. Published in 2015 by Atria, this novel follows the unusual love story between Fallon O’Neil and Ben Kessler. After meeting by chance, these two strangers agree to meet once a year in an experiment that fills their lives with a confidence they both lack—and a novel-in-progress written by Ben. Tragedy and an unspoken truth threaten to tear them apart, but the experiment results in a manuscript that heals them both.

This guide is based on the Atria e-book edition (2015).

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Content Warning: November 9 contains mentions of suicide.

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On the second anniversary of the fire that left her scarred, an angry 18-year-old Fallon O’Neil meets her father, former actor Donovan O’Neil , for lunch. Fallon tells her father that she plans to move to New York that evening in order to pursue an acting career on Broadway. Fallon’s father tells her that her opportunity to be an actor died after the fire (which he takes responsibility for) and that she should pursue another career. Reacting to the cruelty of his words, a young man in a neighboring booth slides next to Fallon and claims to be her boyfriend. He tells Fallon’s father that there are plenty of actors with physical injuries who have found success in Hollywood and that there is no reason to discourage Fallon. The young man then insults Fallon’s father, causing him to abruptly leave the restaurant.

Fallon and this young man, Benton “Ben” James Kessler , have dessert together and discuss why he pretended to be her boyfriend. Fallon finds Ben entertaining, so she invites him back to her apartment to help her finish packing. She introduces him to her best friend, Amber, and Amber’s boyfriend, Glenn. Fallon and Ben go into her bedroom, and the latter makes a reservation at a fancy restaurant. Ben picks out a dress for Fallon to wear, but she doesn’t like that it shows off her scars . He looks at her scars and tells her that she’s beautiful; no one has ever told her this before. Ben goes home to get ready for dinner and returns an hour early. He and Fallon lay on her bed, and he tells her that he likes the feel of her scars. They fall asleep and miss their dinner.

Fallon and Ben kiss and talk about the future. Following Fallon’s mother’s advice about not getting serious about someone until she is 23, they decide to meet at a set restaurant at the same time each year for 5 years (November 9th). They block each other on social media and do not give each other their phone numbers; they also give each other homework. Fallon is instructed to kiss four boys and go to one audition a week, while Ben is instructed to read five specific romance novels to prepare him for writing a novel based on their relationship.

The following year, Fallon’s plane is late, but she and Ben meet up at the latter’s house. Fallon meets Ben’s two older brothers, Ian and Kyle, and Jordyn, Kyle’s fiancée. Kyle and Jordyn’s wedding is a week away, and the latter is in distress; the former seems to be struggling as well, as Fallon witnesses him hit Ben. Fallon and Ben end up on the beach; Ben takes Fallon with him to get a tattoo on his wrist. When it’s time for Fallon to catch her flight, Ben drives her to the airport. She is surprised when he boards the plane just to give her homework to reconnect with her father.

A year later, Fallon is waiting for Ben in New York when he calls the café where she waits (as they don’t have each other’s phone numbers) and tells her that Kyle was killed in a car accident and he cannot come. She goes to him instead and offers support in his grief. They become intimate and decide to end the experiment to be together. However, when Fallon learns that Jordyn will be remaining in the house and needs Ben to help her with her unborn baby, she decides to leave and renews their experiment, breaking Ben’s heart.

Fallon moves back to Los Angeles and is waiting for Ben at their restaurant, excited to tell him about the move. Ben shows up with his nephew, 10-month old Oliver, and lets it slip that he and Jordyn have become a couple. Fallon is visibly heartbroken and tells Ben that their experiment is over.

The next year, Fallon goes out with her friends and a boy she’s been seeing in order to forget Ben. However, Ben shows up at the club where the group is. He begs Fallon to come home with him so he can explain his situation to her. She initially refuses, but when things go sour with her date, she agrees. Ben explains that his relationship with Jordyn is over; he and Fallon become intimate. Early in the morning, Fallon wakes and is hungry, so she searches for a shirt to wear while she eats. She goes into Ben’s closet and finds his manuscript. Curious about the day Kyle hit Ben, she takes the manuscript into the kitchen to read it. Fallon is shocked when she reads Kyle’s claim that Ben started the fire that caused her scars.

Believing that Ben might have added this twist to make the plot fictional, Fallon flips to the prologue and reads that the death of Ben’s mother is somehow connected to the fire (they happened on the same November 9th). She becomes upset and refuses to listen to Ben when he wakes and tells her there is an explanation. He tries to get her to take the manuscript with her, but she refuses.

A year passes, and Fallon has found it impossible to forget Ben. On November 9th, she plans to spend the day alone. However, Ben leaves a copy of his manuscript on her front doorstep. Fallon’s mother reads it the next morning and insists that Fallon read it. She does and learns that Ben was only 16 when he found his mother’s body after she died by suicide. Believing that Fallon’s father, Donovan O’Neil, was responsible for his mother’s suicide, Ben went to his house and lit his classic car on fire; he didn’t mean for the fire to spread. Ben’s confession makes Fallon see the events of that night in a new, non-malicious light. She goes to meet him at the restaurant, and they pledge their love to each other.

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Fallon meets Ben, an aspiring novelist, the day of her scheduled cross-country move. Their untimely attraction leads them to spend Fallon’s last day in L.A. together, and her eventful life becomes the creative inspiration Ben has always sought for his novel. Over time and amidst the various relationships and tribulations of their own separate lives, they continue to meet on the same date every year. Until one day Fallon becomes unsure if Ben has been telling her the truth or fabricating a perfect reality for the sake of the ultimate plot twist.

Can Ben’s relationship with Fallon—and simultaneously his novel—be considered a love story if it ends in heartbreak?

BOOK REVIEW: November 9

Colleen hoover.

november 9 book review

“It took four years for me to finally fall completely in love with him. It only took four pages to stop.”

There’s a very rare feeling I get every time I open a Colleen Hoover book, a cross between trepidation and elation, because I know she is not only going to run my heart over with the plotline itself, but also blow my mind with its uniqueness. And once more, she did just that. In her true fashion, Ms Hoover has given us another terrific page-turner, a multifaceted storyline built entirely on the evolving relationship between its two charismatic key players, and the fated ties binding them to each other. Through engaging dialogues, quirky character traits, and this author’s signature humour, we are given yet another tremendous love story that is written in the stars, moving and captivating, incredibly original as always, and a most definite must-read.

“You think we’ll ever see each other again?” “I hope so. I would be lying if I said I’m not already plotting to hunt you down when you’re twenty-three. But five years is a long time, Fallon. Who knows what could happen between now and then. Hell, I didn’t even have hair on my nuts five years ago.”

From the moment Fallon O’Neil and Benton James Kessler’s eyes met in a busy LA restaurant, they knew nothing would be the same again. A former teen actress whose acting career came to a standstill when she was sixteen years old due to an accident that left her scarred and emotionally broken, Fallon meets aspiring writer Benton on the eve of a cross-country move that is meant to give her back control over her own life, and a chance to follow her dreams once more. But one smile is all it takes for Benton to pull Fallon from the shadows in which she’s been hiding for the past two years, and only a handful of hours in each other’s company to turn the anniversary of the worst day of her life into a day she will look forward to for years to come. They part ways agreeing to meet up for the next five years on the same day, with no contact whatsoever in between, promising to each other they’d live their lives to the fullest, experiencing everything they should be experiencing at their age, but sharing that one day a year with one another until they both turn twenty-three.

“We’re only eighteen. I’m moving to New York. We barely know each other. And I promised my mother I wouldn’t fall in love with anyone until I’m twenty-three.”

So year after year, they meet on the same day, each year life changing them a little bit more, but their bond only grows stronger and stronger, making it harder and harder to say goodbye to one another each time. Their every reunion spurs them to work on themselves when they are apart, giving them the strength to face whatever life throws their way, and the confidence to become better people. They see past every mask, every act of bravado, every insecurity they each hide from the rest of the world, becoming each other’s refuge and greatest source of courage…as well as heartbreak.

“I thought I was tougher than a word. But I just discovered that having to say goodbye to you is one of the hardest things to do.”

But some stories end where they should have begun, as this is a story as much of happenstance as it is of life’s grand design, and from the moment Fallon and Benton’s lives cross paths, their fates are set in stone. It’s a love story born out of tragedy, a story of hope born out of pain, a story of forgiveness born out of pure, unadulterated love. By perfectly pacing each second of this riveting tale, Ms Hoover is not only allowing us to fall in live with these characters slowly and organically, but also to entertain a thousand different scenarios in our heads before the truth is finally unveiled, keeping us glued to the pages with the sheer charm of her distinctive prose. I loved the twists and turns in the end, the way all the puzzle pieces suddenly come together and shed a new light on everything. I had a small and very personal resistance to frequent mentions of literary devices in order to highlight their very lack of in this story, as amusing as they were on occasion, but not enough to pull me entirely out of the storyline or even distract me from the scene at hand. I have no doubt whatsoever that this will be another huge hit for an author who keeps delivering fresh, exceptionally written stories that never fail to dazzle.

“You’ll never be able to find yourself if you’re lost in someone else.”

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65 comments hide comments.

I love your review. This story sounds very interesting, yet heartbreaking. Just like any other Colleen Hoover book. Sometimes I put off reading them, because I know I will be put through the ringer. But, I am always glad when I do. Thanks for another beautilfully written review.

Thank you for reading it!! xx

As always I love your reviews they catch me evey time?

Love this and all your reviews! Patiently waiting for this book! :) can’t wait!

Love the review, and I know I’ll love the book (Colleen hasn’t written a bad one yet). It definitely sounds like one of her more emotional ones. She’s my favorite author and I’m always anxious for her next release. Thanks!

Love this review! Makes me even more anxious to read!!!

Great review! I can’t wait to get my hands on this book. ❤

Awesome review Natasha, I can’t wait to read November 9!

Love how you review books – your words are amazing. It always makes me want to read the book! I’m a huge fan of CoHo and have read every book that she has written and published and I must say that by how described what you felt reading November 9 – this is how I feel when I read any book by CoHo…

I cannot wait for November 9!!! Great review!

Good review! Can’t wait to read her new book ?

Love the review. I am dying to read this :)

Love the review , can’t wait for the book :)

Thanks for the review. I’m so excited for another CoHo novel!!

Looove your review! Can’t wait!! :D

Great Review! I cannot wait for this book!!<3

If I didn’t want to read this before your review, I most definitely would now!

Amazing review! Can’t wait to be able to read this!! So excited!

Can’t wait for this book!

I can’t wait to read this one! Thanks,!

Awesome Review! I can’t wait to read it! Thanks for sharing! :)

Can’t wait for this one

Makes me want to read this even more!!! Great Review!!!

OMG!! Sounds amazing!! I can’t wait to read it!!!

Great review

I am sooo excited to read November 9. Thank you. Love this.

Love this! Can’t wait to read this!

Love your review! Thanks so much for the giveaway!!

Wow! This review makes me want to grab the book and lock my room.

I can’t wait to read this book! Fell in love with Colleen Hoover after reading Slammed☺️

Great review!

Great review. This book sounds so good.

What an amazing review! I’m already soo nervous to read this book :)

I cannot wait for this book!!!

I can’t wait for this :)

i love Colleen Hoover .thanks for the chance

Ugh, I so can’t wait to read it!

Can`t wait to read it. I love her books!

Stunning review! I can’t wait to read this book!!! :)

Really liked your review, I enjoy Hoover’s books so hopefully, this will be the one to blow me off my feet. Thank you for the generous giveaway! :D

I can’t wait to read this book :)))))

Beautiful Review!!! Thanks so much for the chance!

Great review. ? Collen Hoover!

Can not wait for this!

Great review! Can’t wait to read it!

Can’t wait to read it! Your reviews always make me extra antsy to read the book!

Great review! I love all things Colleen Hoover and can hardly wait! <3

Can not wait to read in!!!!

What a lovely and honest review. I have to agree with Marcy Meyer. I don’t necessary read a lot of reviews before starting a book, no need if its written by Colleen anyways! Because I am always afraid to learn a little too much about the plot and it might kill my curriousity. But when it comes to your recommendations you never disappointed! Keep up the good work! <3

Your review makes me want to read this book right away!

Great review!! Can’t wait to read this!

OMG :( I was in the verge of tears when I finish your beautiful review. I know this book will have me crying like all her precious books. Thank you so much for the giveaway <3

I loved your review so much! It made me want to read this so much more than I already did, and that’s a lot considering I love Colleen Hoover’s books! It sounds so captivating. I can’t wait to read this one! Thank you for another amazing review! :)

I can’t wait to read it!

Looking forward to this book! Love Colleen Hoover!

Thanks for the review! Can’t wait!

Thank you for the review and the chance to’s CoHo, I’ll love it.

Can’t wait to read!!

I can feel the same every time I’m starting a colleen hoover book. i want to share the sentiment as yours and this is my chance. thank you and your review makes me giddy right now!!! :D

Thank you for your review. I can’t wait to get my hands on November 9!!!

It sounds absolutely fabulous! I love when an author can create that many feelings before you have even opened up a book! I can’t wait to read this book!

I love your review!!!

You make me want to read books even more. This is a great review!!! Can’t wait to read this book. Hope Ben doesn’t break my heart.

Great review! I can’t wait to read November 9!!

Anxiously waiting for this! ?

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Chapter Break

Book Review – November 9

Posted August 6, 2018 by Lynn in Reviews / 5 Comments

november 9 book review

Beloved #1 New York Times bestselling author Colleen Hoover returns with an unforgettable love story between a writer and his unexpected muse.Fallon meets Ben, an aspiring novelist, the day before her scheduled cross-country move. Their untimely attraction leads them to spend Fallon’s last day in L.A. together, and her eventful life becomes the creative inspiration Ben has always sought for his novel. Over time and amidst the various relationships and tribulations of their own separate lives, they continue to meet on the same date every year. Until one day Fallon becomes unsure if Ben has been telling her the truth or fabricating a perfect reality for the sake of the ultimate plot twist. Can Ben’s relationship with Fallon—and simultaneously his novel—be considered a love story if it ends in heartbreak?

Julie Review Avatar

If you want to read a book that will destroy you from the inside out, read November 9. 

But really, there was so much right and oh so much wrong with this book.

I LOVED the banter. I loved the dialogue – COHO is the best with dialogue! I loved that the book is a book within a book. I loved that the characters talked so much about book boyfriends and rating kisses, and instalove, and audiobook narrations! I thoroughly enjoyed them laughing at themselves for their instalove.

I loved that they were both supporting each other and pulling themselves and each other out of their insecurities to pursue their dreams.

The book though got dark and ugly and awful and just WTF-y. Like seriously, by the end I wanted to punch them both in the face. Hard. It’s a lot effed up, it’s a little bit stalkery, it’s got triggers out the wazoo, but in the end, it is satisfying.

november 9 book review

Colleen Hoover must be one of those authors who thrives on the tears of their readers. That’s the only way to explain the emotional turmoil of reading one of her books. One a scale of Hopeless (LOVED) to Ugly Love (LOATHED), November 9 falls somewhere in the middle Definitely didn’t love it or loathe it. I also made it through without crying at my desk. So bonus for me!

Loads of clever quips and comments. I totally agree with Julie’s comments about great dialogue. Especially love the comment by Fallon’s father degrading her for narrating audiobooks. While I’m listing to an audio book. At the beginning, I started thinking to myself, wait, is this a happy romance by CoHo? Does she even write that kind of romance? Oh no, she does not. There is definitely the foreboding feeling that this romance is not going to go well. And indeed, it does not.

I like the premise of only seeing the characters when they meet each year on November 9. I also really like how we get both points of views, especially towards the end. Overall, a satisfying, if emotional, read. I liked it. Probably more than Julie.

november 9 book review

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5 responses to “ Book Review – November 9 ”

[…] and I recently read November 9 together. It’s always great when we read together! I can say that one of the aspects of CoHo […]

This sounds intriguing. I am curious about what happens- though it sounds like a lot of crazy stuff happens at the end. Thanks for sharing. ?

Definitely crazy at the end, Stephanie! But I think completely worth it.

LOL Yeah, I think CoHo definitely excels at emotional exhaustion. 🙂 But I just love her books anyway. I’m happy to see this one was a good read for you both even if neither of you LOVED it. I’m feeling a CoHo binge coming on…. 😉

CoHo does have a new book out, Brandee, if you’ve already read this one.

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November 9 Book Review: An Amazing Love Story

Colleen Hoover is a New York Times bestselling author who has made a name for herself in the world of contemporary romance novels. In her book “November 9,” Hoover tells the story of two young adults who meet on the same day every year, November 9th, for five years. The book explores their relationship and the challenges they face as they navigate their feelings for each other.

Plot Overview of this Unforgettable Love Story

“November 9” by Colleen Hoover is a captivating contemporary romance novel that tells the story of Fallon and Ben, two characters whose lives are scheduled to go in opposite directions.

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Fallon Meets Ben

Fallon, a young woman with a busy schedule, is an aspiring actress who meets Ben, an unexpected muse, on the eve of her scheduled cross-country move. Despite knowing that their time together is limited, they decide to spend one day together in Los Angeles and feel an instant connection. As they part ways, they agree to meet on November 9th every year for the next five years, but are separated by their eventful lives and must navigate their own challenges.

sad woman, self esteem, doubt

Fallon struggles with self-doubt and a traumatic event from her past that has left her feeling insecure about her looks and talent. Meanwhile, Ben’s mysterious past and his decision to keep it a secret from Fallon add to the tension between them. However, each year as they reunite, their love grows stronger, and they find themselves opening up to each other in new ways.

Creative Inspiration Ben

Ben serves as a source of creative inspiration for Fallon, a struggling actress. Despite initially keeping his past a secret from Fallon, Ben eventually opens up to her and shares his experiences as a writer. As Fallon begins to pursue her dreams with renewed confidence, Ben continues to encourage her and offer valuable feedback on her work.

lightbulb, idea, creativity

Ben’s ability to inspire and support Fallon in her creative pursuits is a testament to the power of a strong and healthy relationship. The dynamic between the two characters is a reminder that love is not just about physical attraction or romantic gestures but also about the ability to encourage and uplift one another.

Overall, Ben serves as a reminder that true love is not just about finding someone who makes us happy but also about finding someone who brings out the best in us and helps us reach our full potential.

Twist & Turns

Colleen Hoover’s story is full of unexpected twists and turns, culminating in an ultimate plot twist that will leave readers stunned. With well-developed characters and beautiful writing, “November 9” is a powerful exploration of love, loss, and self-discovery.

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The novel is a testament to the complexity of relationships, the importance of communication, and the way that life can surprise us when we least expect it. Hoover’s writing style is engaging and accessible, making “November 9” a perfect choice for readers of all ages. The novel speaks to the universal human experience of love and the way that it can impact our lives in unexpected ways.

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As a bestselling author, Hoover has a proven track record of captivating readers with her stories, and “November 9” is no exception. The characters are well-crafted and relatable, and their struggles with self-doubt and fear will resonate with many readers.

Overall, “November 9” is a must-read for book nerds and fans of contemporary romance novels. The novel is a beautiful and poignant exploration of love, loss, and the way that our lives can change in an instant. With its well-crafted characters, unexpected plot twists, and powerful message, “November 9” is a novel that readers won’t soon forget.

Writing Style and Themes

One of the things that stands out about “November 9” is the author’s writing style. Hoover’s prose is engaging and flows well, and she has a way of making you care about the characters and their story. Her use of descriptive language is particularly effective when describing the characters’ emotions and thoughts.

writing, writer, notes

The book explores several themes, including love, loss, and self-discovery. One of the key themes is the idea of letting go of the past and moving on. Both Fallon and Ben have experienced trauma in their lives, and they must learn to confront and deal with their past in order to move forward. Another theme is the idea of taking risks and putting yourself out there, even when it’s scary.

couple, hands, tattoos

Characters and Relationships

Fallon and Ben are complex and well-developed characters, and their relationship is the heart of the story. Fallon is a strong-willed and independent woman who is trying to figure out who she is in the aftermath of her accident. Ben is a caring and sensitive man who is struggling to make his mark as a writer.

They have an instant connection, but their relationship is far from perfect. They face challenges such as distance, misunderstandings, and personal demons, and they must work hard to overcome them.

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The chemistry between Fallon and Ben is palpable, and the author does an excellent job of conveying their feelings for each other. Their conversations are witty and engaging, and you can’t help but root for them as they navigate the ups and downs of their relationship. The supporting characters, such as Fallon’s father and Ben’s best friend, are also well-written and add depth to the story.

website, rating, content

Overall Thoughts and Recommendation

“November 9” is a captivating love story that will keep you engaged from start to finish. The writing is excellent, and the themes explored in the book are relatable and thought-provoking. The characters are well-developed and easy to root for, and their relationship is both sweet and complex.

One of the things I appreciated about this book is that it doesn’t shy away from difficult topics such as trauma and loss. The author handles these themes with sensitivity and care and doesn’t offer easy solutions or tidy endings. This makes the book feel more authentic and true to life.

Overall, I would highly recommend “November 9” to anyone who enjoys contemporary romance novels. It’s a well-written and engaging book that will keep you hooked until the very end. Colleen Hoover has once again delivered a memorable and emotional story that will leave you thinking about it long after you finish reading. “ Reminder of Him ” is another more recent love story by Colleen Hoover, which I have also reviewed and enjoyed reading.

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Criticisms by Other Readers

In terms of criticisms, some readers may find the story to be a bit predictable. While there are certainly twists and turns throughout the book, the overall arc of the story is fairly predictable.

Additionally, some readers may find the five-year time frame of the book to be a bit too restrictive. While it’s certainly interesting to see how Fallon and Ben’s relationship changes over the course of five years, some readers may feel that the story would have been more compelling with a longer time frame.

Despite these criticisms, I still believe that “November 9” is a fantastic book that is well worth reading. It’s a beautifully written story about love, loss, and self-discovery that will resonate with readers of all ages. The characters are well-developed and likable, and their relationship is both sweet and complex. If you’re looking for a well-written and engaging contemporary romance novel, then “November 9” is definitely worth checking out.

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About Colleen Hoover

Colleen Hoover is a New York Times bestselling author known for her captivating and emotional contemporary romance novels. She has written numerous books that have resonated with readers all around the world, including “Slammed,” “It Ends With Us,” and “November 9.”

Hoover has a unique writing style that combines relatable characters with thought-provoking themes, and her ability to convey complex emotions and relationships has made her a favorite among romance readers.

In addition to her writing, Hoover is also a dedicated advocate for diversity and inclusivity in the publishing industry. Her work has earned her numerous accolades, including the Goodreads Choice Award for Best Romance in 2016 and 2018.

In conclusion, “November 9” is a captivating love story that is sure to leave you with a range of emotions. The writing is excellent, the characters are well-developed, and the themes explored in the book are both relatable and thought-provoking. While the story may be predictable at times, and the five-year time frame may be a bit restrictive, these criticisms are minor in the grand scheme of things.

Overall, I highly recommend “November 9” to anyone who enjoys contemporary romance novels. It’s a beautifully written and emotional story that will stay with you long after you’ve finished reading.

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  • Language English
  • Dimensions 29.25 x 6.02 x 9.21 inches
  • ISBN-10 1398529427
  • ISBN-13 978-1398529427
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  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1398529427
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1398529427
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 13.7 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 29.25 x 6.02 x 9.21 inches
  • #909,105 in Romance (Books)

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  1. November 9

    november 9 book review

  2. November 9 Book Review

    november 9 book review

  3. BOOK REVIEW: November 9 by Colleen Hoover

    november 9 book review

  4. November 9 by Colleen Hoover PDF Download

    november 9 book review

  5. Intense Romance in November 9

    november 9 book review

  6. November 9 by Colleen Hoover

    november 9 book review


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  2. November 9 by Colleen Hoover l SPOILER FREE book review

  3. HANDWRITING CHECK 🥺🫣🫶🌸 #writing #handwriting #lettering #art

  4. HANDWRITING CHECK :) #lettering #art #explorepage

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  6. November 9 by Colleen Hoover full book summary in hindi


  1. November 9 by Colleen Hoover

    Beloved #1 New York Times bestselling author Colleen Hoover returns with an unforgettable love story between a writer and his unexpected muse. Fallon meets Ben, an aspiring novelist, the day before her scheduled cross-country move. Their untimely attraction leads them to spend Fallon's last day in L.A. together, and her eventful life becomes ...

  2. November 9 Book Review

    A Captivating Tale of Love and Second Chances Author: Colleen Hoover Originally published: November 10, 2015 Page Count: 310 Paperback Genre: Romance, Fiction, Contemporary Step into a world of heartfelt emotions and unexpected twists as we dive into the captivating pages of 'November 9,' a mesmerizing novel penned by the talented wordsmith Colleen Hoover. Renowned

  3. Book Review: November 9 by Colleen Hoover

    Review | Heidi Dischler. Colleen Hoover has delivered many of my favorite romance novels. Ugly Love, Confess, and It Ends with Us are at the top of that list, but November 9 just earned its spot in my top favorite CoHo books. It is a beautifully written story about finding your confidence, loving yourself, and learning how to forgive.

  4. Customer reviews: November 9: A Novel

    Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for November 9: A Novel at Read honest and unbiased product ... friendship, heartache, and a new found sense of hope, absolution, finding oneself, and an epic book-worthy love. November 9 was a book that consumed you, stripped you naked and left you feeling raw, exposed and vulnerable ...

  5. Colleen Hoover's November 9: Summary (With Ending)

    Quick Details. Age Rating: The age rating for November 9 by Colleen Hoover is Mature Adults ages 17+, as it contains sexual content, as well as drugs, alcohol, tragic deaths, and other adult themes. It is one of the most spicy Colleen Hoover books.; Trigger Warnings: suicide, car accident, arson, physical scars, grief, and more November 9 by author Colleen Hoover follows Fallon and Ben, who ...

  6. November 9 by Colleen Hoover

    Book review of November 9. The plot immediately reminded me of One Day (and one of the character mentions it even), but I have tried to overlook that while reviewing. The book follows the time that the duo spend together, year after year and we get an alternating POV for both characters of the same date. We do not hear more about the characters ...

  7. Book Review: November 9 by Colleen Hoover

    November 9th. The premise of NOVEMBER 9 was very intriguing to me as I started to read. Fallon doesn't believe you can fall in love before you're 23 so they agree to meet each year on the same day. Every other day of the year, no contact. And Ben will chronicle their "love story" into a novel.

  8. Review: November 9 by Colleen Hoover

    Publisher: Atria Books Published: November 10, 2015 Source: ARC Paperback via Publisher Summary: Beloved #1 New York Times bestselling author Colleen Hoover returns with an unforgettable love story between a writer and his unexpected muse.. Fallon meets Ben, an aspiring novelist, the day before her scheduled cross-country move. Their untimely attraction leads them to spend Fallon's last day ...

  9. November 9: A Novel

    Books. November 9: A Novel. Colleen Hoover. Simon and Schuster, Nov 10, 2015 - Fiction - 320 pages. Beloved #1 New York Times bestselling author of It Starts with Us, It Ends with Us, and All Your Perfects returns with an unforgettable love story between a writer and his unexpected muse. Fallon meets Ben, an aspiring novelist, the day before ...

  10. November 9: A Novel: Hoover, Colleen: 9781501110344: Books

    Dimensions. 5.31 x 0.7 x 8.25 inches. ISBN-10. 1501110349. ISBN-13. 978-1501110344. See all details. "Layla" by Colleen Hoover for $7.19. From #1 New York Times bestselling author Colleen Hoover comes a novel that explores life after tragedy and the enduring spirit of love. | Learn more.

  11. November 9 Summary and Review (Non-spoiler & Spoiler)

    November 9 by Colleen Hoover follows two teenagers, Fallon O'Neil and Benton (Ben) James Kessler.. Fallon used to be a teen actress, until one day an unfortunate fire causes her face and body to be scarred, limiting her opportunities in the acting world. Ben is an aspiring writer in college who hopes to one day publish a book. The two of them meet at a restaurant on November 9 and swear to ...

  12. REVIEW: "November 9" by Colleen Hoover

    And this means that our protagonists aren't alone. And, maybe if they aren't alone, we, as readers, aren't alone. I cannot in good conscience conclude my discussion of the strengths of this book without also mentioning the twist. As I have come to learn, Colleen Hoover books contain twists. And I fucking love them.

  13. November 9 Summary and Study Guide

    November 9 is a novel by bestselling author Colleen Hoover. Published in 2015 by Atria, this novel follows the unusual love story between Fallon O'Neil and Ben Kessler. After meeting by chance, these two strangers agree to meet once a year in an experiment that fills their lives with a confidence they both lack—and a novel-in-progress written by Ben.

  14. Book Review: 'November 9' by Colleen Hoover

    Book Review. Colleen Hoover's "November 9" is an emotionally charged roller coaster that takes readers on a gripping journey of love, loss, and self-discovery.Known for her ability to craft compelling narratives, Hoover once again delivers a captivating story that explores the complexities of relationships and the profound impact they can have on one's life.

  15. BOOK REVIEW: November 9 by Colleen Hoover

    BOOK REVIEW: November 9 by Colleen Hoover : Natasha is a Book Junkie. CATEGORIES: Book Review, Colleen Hoover, Standalone. Fallon meets Ben, an aspiring novelist, the day of her scheduled cross-country move. Their untimely attraction leads them to spend Fallon's last day in L.A. together, and her eventful life becomes the creative inspiration ...

  16. November 9: A Novel Kindle Edition

    November 9: A Novel. Kindle Edition. by Colleen Hoover (Author) Format: Kindle Edition. 75,440. Best of #BookTok. See all formats and editions. Beloved #1 New York Times bestselling author of All Your Perfects returns with an unforgettable love story between a writer and his unexpected muse. Fallon meets Ben, an aspiring novelist, the day ...

  17. November 9 by Colleen Hoover

    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

  18. Customer reviews: November 9: A Novel

    Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for November 9: A Novel at Read honest and unbiased product ... friendship, heartache, and a new found sense of hope, absolution, finding oneself, and an epic book-worthy love. November 9 was a book that consumed you, stripped you naked and left you feeling raw, exposed and vulnerable ...

  19. Book Review

    November 9 by Colleen Hoover Narrator: Angela Goethals, Zachary Webber Published by Simon and Schuster on November 10th 2015 Length: 9 hours 46 minutes Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance Pages: 320 Format: Audiobook Goodreads. Beloved #1 New York Times bestselling author Colleen Hoover returns with an unforgettable love story between a ...

  20. BOOK REVIEW: November 9 by Colleen Hoover

    Full book review of November 9 by Colleen Hoover.Follow along with my virtual book club on IG: IG: https:...

  21. November 9: Hoover, Colleen, Webber, Zachary, Goethals, Angela

    November 9. Audio CD - Unabridged, April 9, 2019. by Colleen Hoover (Author), Zachary Webber (Reader), Angela Goethals (Reader) 75,091. Best of #BookTok. See all formats and editions. Beloved #1 New York Times bestselling author Colleen Hoover returns with an unforgettable love story between a writer and his unexpected muse.Fallon meets Ben ...

  22. November 9 Book Review: An Amazing Love Story

    With well-developed characters and beautiful writing, "November 9" is a powerful exploration of love, loss, and self-discovery. The novel is a testament to the complexity of relationships, the importance of communication, and the way that life can surprise us when we least expect it. Hoover's writing style is engaging and accessible ...

  23. November 9

    November 9 - Special Edition. Paperback. by Colleen Hoover (Author) 4.7 75,557 ratings. Best of #BookTok. See all formats and editions. Beloved #1 New York Times bestselling author Colleen Hoover returns with an unforgettable love story between a writer and his unexpected muse. Fallon meets Ben, an aspiring novelist, the day before her ...