
Flocabulary Answers Key 2024 [FREE Access]

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As mentioned, you are free to see the quiz answers we revealed below.

Marie Curie & Determination

Scientific method, scientific inquiry, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, space rocks, land biomes, types of rocks, earthquakes, the water cycle, earth’s history.

  • Solar System

Current Electricity

Heat transfer, mass, volume & density, electromagnetic spectrum, chemical reactions, atoms & elements, states of matter, carbon free energy, simple machines, space exploration, the fertile crescent, ancient greece, ancient egypt, the renaissance, the french revolution, imperialism, modern china, american revolution, the declaration, a more perfect union, world war 1, world war 2, harlem renaissance, civil rights, political parties, veterans day, economic systems, what is history, math properties, gcf & lcm, order of operations, adding integers, subtracting integers, expressions, inequalities, linear equations, mean, median & mode, box & whisker plots, scatter plots, topic sentences, compare and contrast, opinion writing, text structure, paraphrasing, transitions, summarizing, personification, what is poetry, figurative language, word choice, test-taking vocabulary, plot elements, theme in literature, sentence fragments, run-on sentences, misplaced modifiers, active & passive voice, commonly confused words, complex sentences, parts of speech, simple and compound sentences, public speaking, shakespeare, huckleberry finn, perspectives on race, goal setting, paying for college, about flocabulary, flocabulary answers key – trending quiz topics covered.

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For your convenience, we divided answers into different topics and sub-topics to make it easier for you. Also, please note that we will be covering answers for Grade 5 to Grade 12 because we all know Grade K to Grade 4 quizzes can be answered easily. But don’t worry, a few hard topics are covered by our team.

Flocabulary Answer Key

Flocabulary Answer Key – SCIENCE

Science >> scientific practices.

Find the topics below to get exclusive answers:

Below you can find  Flocabulary Marie Curie & Determination quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Where was Marie Curie born?… Ans: Warsaw Q.2. Where did Curie study in Paris?… Ans: Sorbonne University Q.3. Curie earned a doctorate degree in… Ans: chemistry Q.4. Why did Curie change her first name from Maria to Marie?… Ans: to sound more French Q.5 . What science term did Curie invent?… Ans: radioactivity Q.6. How many Nobel Prizes did Curie win?… Ans: two Q.7. Which of these elements was not found by Curie to be radioactive?… Ans: scandium Q.8 . True or False: Curie was Sorbonne’s first female professor… Ans: True Q.9. How did Curie help soldiers during World War I?… Ans: by providing x-rays on the field Q.10. What was the cause of Marie Curie’s death?… Ans: Radiation exposure

Click the below button to find both “Quiz” answer key and answers for “Read and Respond” section:

Below you can find the Flocabulary Science Inquiry quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which of the following describes a scientific process?… Ans: Pedro plants a sapling in his front yard. He observes and measures it each day. Using his observations, he hypothesizes that the leaves grow most in the spring. Q.2. On which of the following could a scientific claim be based?… Ans: experiments and studies Q.3. Sandra claims that invisible fairies live above the clouds where no one can see, hear or feel them. Which of the following is true?… Ans: Sandra’s claim is not scientific because it is not testable. Q.4. Which of the following describes empirical evidence?… Ans: Dogs have two eyes and two ears Q.5. Which of the following describes a scientific law?… Ans: Any two objects in the universe attract each other with a force called gravity. Q.6. A scientific theory is a… Ans: Well-tested explanation for a wide range of observations or experimental results. Q.7 . Which of the following would be a scientific theory?… Ans: an explanation of why global temperatures are rising. Q.8. Which of the following describes the relationship between scientific theories and scientific laws?… Ans: A law can describe a phenomenon, and a theory can give a possible explanation for it. Q.9. True or false: scientific theories and models cannot be modified… Ans: False Q.10. Which of the following is an example of pseudoscience?… Ans: A claim that pretends to be scientific but has not actually been tested.

Science >> Life Science

Below you can find the Flocabulary Nutrition quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. The key to good nutrition is… Ans: balancing different kinds of food. Q.2. Which of these is not a macronutrient?… Ans: vitamins Q.3. Carbohydrates give your body… Ans: good energy. Q.4. Which of these is a good source of protein?… Ans: beans Q.5. True or False: Fat is an important part of our diets…. Ans: True Q.6. Which of these is not a good source of fat?… Ans: rice Q.7. Vitamins and minerals are both… Ans: small compounds. Q.8. Which of these nutrients helps muscles grow strong?… Ans: iron Q.9. Most of what we drink should be… Ans: water Q.10. In which nutrient group would you find sugary sweets?… Ans: carbohydrates

Below you can find the Flocabulary Ecosystems quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What is the correct order for this food chain?… Ans: grass, antelope, lion Q.2. Which shows the correct path of how energy flows in a food chain?… Ans: producer, consumer, predator, decomposer Q.3. Which event might disrupt a stable ecosystem?… Ans: An invasive species enter the environment. Q.4 . The relationship between a carnivore and an herbivore can be stated as… Ans: predator and prey Q.5. Which is an example of a parasite and host relationship?… Ans: a tapeworm and a human Q.6. An ecosystem is defined as… Ans: a group of organisms and the habitat they share. Q.7. Carrying capacity is… Ans: the number of organisms an ecosystem can support. Q.8. Photosynthesis is a process that… Ans: green plants use to produce food. Q.9. What is a scavenger?… Ans: an organism that feeds on dead matter Q.10. What do decomposers leave behind after getting their energy?… Ans: elements like carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus

Below you can find the Flocabulary Photosynthesis quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Photosynthesis occurs inside of which organelle?… Ans: chloroplasts Q.2. Which of the following is converted into chemical energy during photosynthesis?… Ans: light energy Q.3. Photosynthesis occurs… Ans: in the cells of autotrophs. Q.4. How do plants get the carbon dioxide they need for photosynthesis?… Ans: Carbon dioxide enters their leaves from the atmosphere. Q.5. In addition to carbon dioxide, __ is a reactant of photosynthesis… Ans: water Q.6. What do plants do with most of the oxygen produced in photosynthesis?… Ans: They release most of the oxygen into the atmosphere. Q.7. Why is photosynthesis important to plants?… Ans: It produces a simple sugar they need for cellular respiration. Q.8. Photosynthesis is important to animals because… Ans: oxygen, which animals breathe, is released as a byproduct. Q.9. Animals, including humans… Ans: get glucose from the food they eat. Q.10. True or false: Photosynthesis is an important part of the carbon cycle… Ans: True

Below you can find the Flocabulary Evolution quiz answer key for free:

Q1. The British naturalist Charles Darwin developed a theory after observing species in the Galapagos Islands. What is the name of this theory?… Ans: Theory of Evolution. Q2. Natural selection means… Ans: individuals that fit best into their environment survive to pass on their genes while individuals that are less fit die out. Q3. A mutation… Ans: is a random change in a cell’s DNA. Q4. Severe or sudden changes in Earth’s atmosphere can cause entire species of animals to die. When all of the members of species die out, it is called… Ans: extinction. Q5. New forms of drug-resistant bacteria can evolve quickly because… Ans: When a drug kills most of the bacteria, the ones left to breed are those that have a natural resistance to the drug. Q6. Evolution explains how Earth’s present-day species developed from earlier species through… Ans: natural selection. Q7. Genes are strands of __ found on chromosomes in the nucleus of a living cell… Ans: DNA Q8. A species has a better chance of surviving if it has greater variation in its… Ans: genes. Q9. All of the following provide evidence for evolution except… Ans: sexual reproduction Q10. What increases the chances that a trait will be passed on to offspring?… Ans: if the trait helps the organism compete for resources

Science >> Earth & Space Science

Below you can find the Flocabulary Space Rocks quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which of the following is not a space rock?… Ans: A Star Q.2. True or False: Asteroids orbit the sun… Ans: True Q.3. Which of the following space rocks is most likely to leave a huge crater if it hits the Earth?… Ans: An Asteroid Q.4. Which of the following space rocks is mostly made of ice, gas, and dust?… Ans: A Comet Q.5. What generally happens when a comet nears the sun?… Ans: Its gas burns up Q.6. How are meteoroids different from asteroids?… Ans: Meteoroids are smaller than asteroids. Q.7. What generally happens when a meteoroid reaches Earth’s atmosphere?… Ans: It catches fire and burns up. Q.8. The flash of light from a meteoroid falling through Earth’s atmosphere is called a… Ans: meteor. Q.9. A small space rock that falls to the ground on Earth is called a… Ans: meteorite Q.10. True or False: Meteorites are far too big to hold in your hand… Ans: False

Below you can find the Flocabulary Tornadoes quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which of the following best describes the shape of a tornado?… Ans: Funnel Q.2. Most tornadoes last about … Ans: 10 minutes Q.3. True or False: Scientists aren’t totally sure how tornadoes end… Ans: True Q.4. Which of the following is used to measure the intensity of tornadoes?… Ans: Fujita scale Q.5. In the United States, tornadoes are most frequent in a region known as … Ans: Tornado Alley Q.6. Tornadoes form when a warm and a cool collide, forming a thunderstorm called a supercell… Ans: Air mass Q.7. Winds blowing in opposite directions form a cylinder that might get tipped up by a supercell’s … Ans: updraft Q.8. What is the spinning cylinder called when it is tipped up?… Ans: Mesocyclone Q.9. True or False: A tornado is pulled to the ground by a downdraft, rain, or hail… Ans: True Q.10. Which of the following is the safest place to be during a tornado?… Ans: A basement with no windows

Below you can find the Flocabulary Deserts quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. The ecosystems in a biome generally share the same… Ans: Climate Q.2. Deserts are best known for being… Ans: Dry Q.3. In a desert, evaporation is more than precipitation… Ans: Greater Q.4. Deserts are commonly found around degrees of latitude… Ans: 30 Q.5. True or False: Deserts can be very cold… Ans: True Q.6. Which of these adaptations helps cacti hold on to water?… Ans: sprawling roots Q.7. How do most desert animals conserve water?… Ans: by resting during the day Q.8. Sandgrouses can store water in their… Ans: Feathers Q.9. How have deserts been changing in recent years?… Ans: They are growing quickly. Q.10. Which of these is an effect of desertification?… Ans: Loss of fertile land to farm.

Below you can find the Flocabulary Earthquakes quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which of these is not one of Earth’s layers?… Ans: epicenter Q.2. The churning movement of the mantle is due to… Ans: convection currents Q.3. Which of these best describes convection currents?… Ans: slow-moving Q.4. Which of these most resembles Earth’s division into tectonic plates?… Ans: A cracked eggshell Q.5. The area on the fault line where an earthquake’s energy is first released is called the… Ans: Hypocenter Q.6. What can a seismogram tell us about an earthquake?… Ans: How big the seismic waves are. Q.7. On the Moment Magnitude Scale, a major earthquake usually measures __ or higher… Ans: 7 Q.8. While it is impossible to predict an earthquake, they typically occur near… Ans: Both A & B Q.9. What is the Ring of Fire?… Ans: The area around the Pacific Ocean where many earthquakes occur. Q.10. True or False: Aftershocks can last for years after an earthquake… Ans: True

Below you can find the Flocabulary The Water Cycle quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. True or False: The total amount of water on Earth is constantly changing… Ans: False Q.2. Which of the following describes condensation?… Ans: Water in the air cools down and forms droplets. Q.3. Which of the following describes evaporation?… Ans: Water turns into steam or vapor and rises into the air. Q.4. What happens after condensation to cause precipitation?… Ans: Clouds fill with moisture and get too heavy. Q.5. True or False: When it rains, all of the water is absorbed back into the ground… Ans: False Q.6. Which of the following is a type of precipitation?… Ans: All of the above. Q.7. What is runoff?… Ans: The excess water that isn’t absorbed into the ground after it rains. Q.8. What makes water move through the water cycle?… Ans: The sun Q.9. What part of the water cycle do the raindrops represent?… Ans: Precipitation Q.10. Where does runoff end up?… Ans: All of the above

Below you can find the Flocabulary Earth’s History quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. How do sedimentary rocks form on Earth’s surface?… Ans: In horizontal layers Q.2. What are strata?… Ans: Rock layers Q.3. What is normally found at the lowest stratum?… Ans: The oldest rock. Q.4. Stratigraphy is the study of… Ans: Rock layers Q.5. Which of the following is not a unit of geologic time?… Ans: Millennium Q.6. Which of the following describes the relative age of someone or something?… Ans: Kaitlyn is younger than Dillon. Q.7. True or false: Sometimes older rocks end up on top of younger rocks?… Ans: True Q.8. Using a substance’s rate of decay to determine its age is an example of… Ans: Absolute dating Q . 9. What happened during the Cambrian explosion?… Ans: Many animals first appeared. Q.10. Which of the following rock layers contains the youngest fossils?… Ans: A

S olar System

Below you can find the Flocabulary Weather quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What is the order of the events for the water cycle on a typical warm day?… Ans: evaporation, condensation, precipitation Q.2. Water located in wells underground is… Ans: ground water. Q.3. The lowest level of the atmosphere is the… Ans: troposphere. Q.4. The oceans, lakes, and rivers that cover 75% of Earth’s surface are called the… Ans: Hydrosphere Q.5. The ozone layer is located in the… Ans: stratosphere Q.6. A large body of air that has similar pressure, temperature, and atmospheric conditions is called a(n)… Ans: Air mass. Q.7. The name of the narrow belt of high-speed wind in the stratosphere is the… Ans: Jet stream Q.8. The leading edge where one weather system meets another is called a(n)… Ans: Weather front Q.9. The transfer of heat energy by the circulation of warm air is called… Ans: thermal convection. Q.10. Which is a major cause of global warming?… Ans: The greenhouse effect

Science >> Physical Science

Below you can find the Flocabulary Matter quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which one of the following is a solid?… Ans: Cheese Q.2. Which of the following is a property of a liquid?… Ans: It takes the shape of the container you choose. Q.3. What does all matter have?… Ans: Mass. Q.4. Atoms of a __ move around the most… Ans: Gas Q.5. Which of the following is a true statement?… Ans: Atoms in liquids are farther apart than in solids. Q.6. Which form of matter does not take the shape of a container you put it in?… Ans: Solid. Q.7. Which form of matter has no definite shape, form or volume?… Ans: Gas Q.8. What would cause a liquid to turn into a solid?… Ans: cooling it until it freezes Q.9. In the image below, what is the heat from the stove doing?… Ans: Giving energy to the atoms in the water Q.10. When a liquid becomes solid, the atoms in the solid usually… Ans: Are closer together than they were before.

Below you can find the Flocabulary Gravity quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What two things does gravity depend on?… Ans: Mass and distance Q.2. What does the force of gravity do to objects?… Ans: It pulls them together. Q.3 . How does gravity on Earth compare to gravity on the moon?… Ans: There is more gravity on Earth. Q.4. Sir Isaac Newton came up with a theory about __ in 1687… Ans: Gravity Q.5. What does the word mass mean?… Ans: The amount of matter in something. Q.6. True or False: Objects that have more mass also have more gravity… Ans: True Q.7. Why would it be harder to jump on the planet Jupiter than on Earth?… Ans: The gravity on Jupiter is stronger than on Earth. Q.8. Which of the following is NOT a true statement?… Ans: Earth’s gravity keeps all the planets spinning around the sun. Q.9. Based on the picture, would Man A or Man B have more gravity?… Ans: Man B Q.10. Imagine you throw a baseball on Earth. Then, you travel to a planet with less gravity than Earth and throw the same baseball there. Which of the following would be true?… Ans: The baseball would go farther on the other planet.

Below you can find the Flocabulary Heat Transfer quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. There are _ different methods of heat transfer… Ans: Three Q.2. Conduction is the transfer of heat through… Ans: Direct contact. Q.3. If you pour hot soup into a bowl, and the bowl stays cool to the touch, you can assume that… Ans: The bowl is a good insulator of heat. Q.4. The process by which heat moves through air or liquid is called… Ans: Convection Q.5. Which method of heat transfer can occur in empty space?… Ans: Radiation Q.6. A good conductor of heat… Ans: Let heat moves through it easily. Q.7. Which of the following is the best example of a heat insulator?… Ans: A pair of wool gloves. Q.8. Which of the following is the best example of a heat conductor?… Ans: A metal frying pan Q.9. What is another name for heat?… Ans: Thermal energy. Q.10. Which of these is the best example of heat transfer through radiation?… Ans: Warming up leftover pasta in the microwave

Below you can find the Flocabulary Electromagnetic Spectrum quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What must be true if a wave’s wavelength is short?… Ans: Its frequency is high. Q.2. What is one-way radio waves are used?… Ans: To carry signals for televisions. Q.3. How do microwaves help heat frozen food?… Ans: The waves are absorbed by water in food. Q.4. How can humans detect infrared waves?… Ans: They feel them as heat. Q.5. True or false: Electromagnetic radiation cannot travel through a vacuum… Ans: False Q.6. How fast do electromagnetic waves travel?… Ans: At the speed of light. Q.7. Which color has the shortest wavelength in the visible spectrum?… Ans: Violet. Q.8. Which of the following can block some UV rays?… Ans: The ozone layer Q.9. Which type of electromagnetic radiation carries the most energy and has the highest frequency?… Ans: Gamma rays Q.10. Which types of electromagnetic radiation might a doctor use to treat patients?… Ans: x-rays and gamma rays

Below you can find the Flocabulary Chemical Reactions quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What happens in a chemical reaction?… Ans: Substances interact to form one or more new substances. Q.2. The reactants are… Ans: The substances present when the reactions begins. Q.3. In a synthesis reaction, the elements Fe and S might react to form which of the following?… Ans: FeS Q.4. In a decomposition reaction, NaCl might form which of the following?… Ans: Na and Cl Q.5. In a chemical reaction, what happens to the total number of each type of atom?… Ans: The total number of each type of atom always stays the same. Q.6. Identify the product(s) of the following reaction: H2CO3->H2O+CO2… Ans: H2O and CO2 Q.7. In a science experiment, Marisa concludes that no chemical reaction has occurred. What evidence would support this conclusion?… Ans: No new substance was formed. Q.8. In a science experiment, Javi concludes that a chemical reaction has occurred. What evidence would support this conclusion?… Ans: A substance’s color and odor changed. Q.9. In a science lab, burning steel wool creates only iron oxide. What must be true?… Ans: The reaction of burning steel wool always creates iron oxide. Q.10. True or false: In a chemical reaction, atoms of elements cannot be present in the products if they were not present in the reactants… Ans: True

Science >> Technology & Engineering

Below you can find the Flocabulary Carbon Free Energy quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which of the following is true about CO2?… Ans: It is a greenhouse gas. Q.2. Which of the following can be a result of increased greenhouse gas emissions?… Ans: All of the above. Q.3. Who will be hit the hardest by climate change?… Ans: the poorest nations Q.4. By the year 2050, global food demand is expected to… Ans: Increase Q.5. True or False: All forms of energy emit carbon dioxide… Ans: False Q.6. What do we need to do to get CO2 emissions all the way to zero?… Ans: develop new technologies, ideas and advances. Q.7. Current wind, solar, nuclear and hydroelectric energy technologies … Ans: don’t have the efficiency and scale we need Q.8. What do scientists think artificial photosynthesis could do?… Ans: split water molecules to make fuel like a plant. Q.9. What is solar paint?… Ans: material like solar panels that could be painted on roofs or walls. Q.10. What could we put high in the air to create energy?… Ans: wind turbines

Below you can find the Flocabulary Simple Machines quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What do all simple machines have in common?… Ans: All of the above. Q.2. When you use a simple machine to do work, __ … Ans: distance increases and force decreases. Q.3. Genesis is moving a box of books into her treehouse. How will the amount of work change if she uses an inclined plane to get to the treehouse?… Ans: The amount of work will not change when she uses the inclined plane. Q.4. What might an inclined plane be used for?… Ans: raising and lowering objects Q.5. Which simple machine would be most helpful for cutting fruit?… Ans: a wedge Q.6. A screw could best be used for which of the following tasks?… Ans: holding two pieces of wood together. Q.7. Which of the following is an example of a lever being used to do work?… Ans: A woman uses a crowbar, a stick that can be moved back and forth to raise the lid on a box. Q.8. Which of the following is an example of a wheel and axle being used to do work?… Ans: A boy rolls down the street on roller skates. Q.9. Which of the following is an example of a pulley being used to do work?… Ans: lowering the blinds of a window by pulling a rope attached to a wheel Q.10. Which of the following is an example of a compound machine?… Ans: A wheel, lever and wedge that, used together, open a can

Below you can find the Flocabulary Space Exploration quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. After World War II, the US was locked in a space race with… Ans: the Soviet Union. Q.2. In which mission did the US first land a man on the moon?… Ans: Apollo 11 Q.3. What did space scientists find on Mars?… Ans: a frozen lake Q.4. Which of the following is true about the International Space Station?… Ans: It was built from separate parts sent to space. Q.5. Astronauts go to live on the International Space Station for a period of month(s)…. Ans: Six Q.6. True or False: The force of gravity on the ISS is about equal to the force of gravity on Earth…. Ans: False Q.7. Which of these happens to astronauts in space without the pull of gravity?… Ans: Their vertebrae spread out. Q.8. On average, astronauts grow percent in space… Ans: Three Q.9. Which of these do engineers do to assist space travel?… Ans: all of the above Q.10. NASA’s goal is to get humans to walk on Mars by which year?… Ans: 2030

Flocabulary Answers Key – SOCIAL STUDIES

Social studies >> ancient world history.

Below you can find the Flocabulary The Fertile Crescent quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. The fertile crescent got its name because… Ans: it’s a land of rich soil that’s ideal for agriculture. Q.2. Hammurabi’s Code is a famous system of laws because it… Ans: is thought to be one of the earliest written sets of laws. Q.3. The Tigris and Euphrates are… Ans: rivers that were important to ancient civilizations in Mesopotamia. Q.4. Gilgamesh may be the world’s most famous Sumerian leader because he… Ans: had his adventures written in long poems. Q.5. Which of these people was said to have built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?… Ans: Nebuchadnezzar Q.6. The Hebrews were unlike other cultures at the time because they… Ans: believed in a single god. Q.7. Sumerian farmers built canals to… Ans: prevent rivers from flooding and move water where they needed it. Q.8. What was a city-state?… Ans: a city that had its own ruler and government much like states today Q.9. The Sumerians mainly used cuneiform to… Ans: keep track of taxes and government issues. Q.10. The first gold coins were issued by… Ans: the Lydians.

Below you can find the Flocabulary Ancient Greece quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which of the following is a   true statement?… Ans: Greek city-states were surrounded by walls and originally built for protection. Q.2. The Athenians were known for ________… Ans: their vibrant art and culture Q.3. Socrates taught his students by ________… Ans: asking a lot of questions Q.4. In the early democracy of Athens, citizens were ________… Ans: expected to participate in their government Q.5. Who was Plato’s most famous student?… Ans: Aristotle Q . 6. The Odyssey is a Greek epic because it is ________… Ans: a long poem about a great hero and his travels Q.7. The Parthenon was ________… Ans: a famous temple dedicated to Athena Q.8. Which of the following is a false statement?… Ans: Alexander the Great wrote  The Republic,  a book about the best form of government. Q.9. Mount Olympus was ________… Ans: believed to be where the Greek gods lived Q.10. What was an agora?… Ans: The marketplace where residents could shop, trade and gossip

Social Studies >> Modern World History

Below you can find the Flocabulary Imperialism quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. During which century did the age of imperialism begin?… Ans: 1800s Q.2. What does the phrase “the white man’s burden” refer to?… Ans: the Europeans’ belief that they had a mission to civilize people of color Q.3. What was the name of the theory that applied natural selection to civilized society?… Ans: social Darwinism Q.4. What was the result of the Sepoy Mutiny?… Ans: The British government gained control of India. Q.5. Why hadn’t conquistadors conquered Africa during the Age of Exploration?… Ans: They didn’t have the drugs needed to fight malaria. Q.6. Which two African countries remained independent during the scramble for Africa?… Ans: Ethiopia and Liberia Q.7. How did Cecil Rhodes affect the map of Africa during the age of imperialism?… Ans: He named two countries after himself. Q.8. Who successfully led an African tribe’s fight against British colonizers?… Ans: Shaka Zulu Q.9. Which of the following was NOT an effect of the Boer War?… Ans: Black South Africans immediately gained equal rights. Q.10. Why did the French originally enter Vietnam?… Ans: to spread Christianity

Below you can find the Flocabulary Modern China quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What was the last dynasty of China?… Ans: Qing Q.2. What was a flaw in the Chinese civil service tests?… Ans: Wealthy people could bribe test examiners to get better jobs. Q.3. What drug caused significant addiction problems in China?… Ans: Opium Q.4. How was Mao Zedong’s interpretation of communism different from that of the Soviet Union?… Ans: The Soviets were focused on the worker, while Mao was focused on the peasants. Q.5. Which of the following is an example of Mao’s cult of personality?… Ans: large posters of Mao’s face Q.6. Why was Chairman Mao’s approach to steel production in the Great Leap Forward misguided?… Ans: Steel melted at home wasn’t usable, and the people destroyed necessary farm equipment. Q.7. What was Mao’s aim during the Cultural Revolution?… Ans: to force people to share his communist values Q.8. Why did people protest in Tiananmen Square in 1989?… Ans: to reform the economy and government Q.9. The “great firewall” of China refers to… Ans: internet censorship Q.10. What is one way that Mao’s rule of China has influenced present-day China?… Ans: China is still officially communist.

Social Studies >> US History

Below you can find the Flocabulary World War 1 quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Why was World War I called the “Great War” when it was happening?… Ans: Many people died, and it was the largest war in history because World War II hadn’t happened yet. Q.2. Which of the following is the best example of imperialism?… Ans: England and Germany competing for colonies Q.3. Which of the following is the best example of militarism?… Ans: England building a powerful navy Q.4. Which of the following was one of four main causes of World War I?… Ans: alliances Q.5. Countries used propaganda to… Ans: sell the war and encourage men to enlist. Q.6. What was the name of the new style of warfare during World War I?…. Ans: trench warfare Q.7. What is one thing that happens during “total war”?… Ans: Families ration their food supplies. Q.8. Which of the following did armies use for the first time during World War I?… Ans: submarines and tanks Q.9. Which treaty ended World War I?… Ans: The Treaty of Versailles Q.10. Which country suffered the most and was “shackled” from the treaty that ended World War I?… Ans: Germany

Below you can find the Flocabulary World War 2 quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which of the following is a characteristic of fascism?… Ans: all of the above Q.2. In the decade leading up to WWII, America ________… Ans: was trying to recover from the Great Depression Q. 3. How did Adolf Hitler win the support of the German people?… Ans: He blamed groups like the Jews for Germany’s economic and social problems. Q.4. What event directly caused the United States to join WWII?… Ans: the bombing of Pearl Harbor Q.5. What happened on D-Day?…. Ans: Efforts to liberate France and Italy from Germany’s control began. Q.6. Which of the following was a reason that Truman decided to drop atomic bombs on Japan?… Ans: An invasion of Japan could have cost up to 1 million American soldier lives. Q.7. Which famous historical figure first told President Roosevelt about the possibility of creating an atomic bomb?… Ans: Albert Einstein Q.8. What was the major decision that President Truman faced in 1945?… Ans: whether to drop atomic bombs on Japan Q.9. What happened in late April and early May of 1945?… Ans: Germany surrendered, and Hitler committed suicide. Q.10. What was the purpose of the original concentration camps built in the early 1930s?… Ans: to imprison groups like Jews, gypsies and gay people and have them perform slave labor

Below you can find the Flocabulary Harlem Renaissance quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. The Harlem Renaissance was… Ans: a cultural and artistic movement of the 1920s and 30s, led by African-Americans. Q.2. During the Great Migration, African-Americans… Ans: moved north seeking job opportunities and an escape from racial terrorism. Q.3. Which of the following was a significant part of the Harlem Renaissance?… Ans: new ideas about blackness in America Q.4. W.E.B. DuBois’ theory of double consciousness describes the… Ans: split between black identity and American identity. Q.5. Marcus Garvey encouraged African-Americans to… Ans: migrate to Africa. Q.6. The word “renaissance” refers to a… Ans: rebirth. Q.7. During the Harlem Renaissance, many African-Americans… Ans: redefined their identities through art. Q.8. The musical Shuffle Along was significant because it was… Ans: written, produced and performed by African-Americans. Q.9. Writers like Zora Neale Hurston and Claude McKay often explored themes of… Ans: race and racism. Q.10. Which of these best describes the meaning of Langston Hughes’ “Dreams”?… Ans: Life is meaningless without dreams.

Click the below button to find both the “Quiz” answer key and answers for “Read and Respond” section:

Social Studies >> Civics

Social studies >> geography, social studies >> holidays, social studies >> economics.

Below you can find the Flocabulary GDP quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. The gross domestic product is equal to the total ________ of a nation… Ans: goods and services Q.2. What is an example of a good and/or service?… Ans: paying a repairman to fix your bike Q.3. Whose spending is included in GDP?… Ans: all of the above Q.4. Net exports is equal to ________ minus imports… Ans: exports Q.5. When is GDP measured?… Ans: yearly and quarterly Q.6. What does nominal GDP mean?… Ans: GDP is calculated using current prices. Q.7. What does real GDP mean?… Ans: GDP is calculated taking inflation into account. Q.8. If China’s GDP was 10 trillion and its population 1.4 billion in 2014, what is the correct way to solve for China’s GDP per capita?… Ans: 10 trillion divided by 1.4 billion Q.9. In 2014, America’s GDP was ________ trillion… Ans: 17 Q.10. True or false: A fall in per capita GDP means economic growth and productivity?… Ans: False

Social Studies >> Historical Practices

Below you can find the Flocabulary Math What Is History quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What is another term for a document created at the time of or by a person who was present at a historical event?… Ans: primary source Q.2. How could you use the above source in your research?… Ans: as a secondary source that gives background on Pocahontas’s visit to England Q.3. Referring to the excerpt from  The Great Rogue: A Biography of Captain John Smith , which of the following is a theory that Paul Lewis has come up with about Pocahontas?… Ans: Many people would probably have ignored her if she wasn’t a Christian. Q.4. Which of the following is true of Sam Drowne’s and Thomas Preston’s accounts of March 5, 1770?… Ans: They agree the British soldiers shot colonists, but disagree about why they fired. Q.5. What is one reason why Thomas Preston’s account might not be reliable?… Ans: Preston was in jail and trying to clear his name. Q.6. Based on the passage, what kind of source does it represent?… Ans: primary source Q.7. Referring to the excerpt from a letter by jailed Freedom Rider, who is the letter’s audience?… Ans: the author’s parents Q.8. Providing context for an event involves… Ans: giving background information about what else was happening at the time. Q.9. The lyric “Historians research more than just the word of one / To learn all sides of history” most closely means that… Ans: historians use multiple accounts to get the fullest picture of events. Q.10. Which of the following examples illustrates how the past helps us make sense of the present or future?… Ans: Carolina researches zoning laws and immigration history, which helps her better understand why her neighborhood is mostly Puerto Rican.

Flocabulary Answers Key – MATH

Math >> numbers & operations.

Below you can find the Flocabulary Math Properties quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which property can you use to solve the following expression?5(6 + 9)?… Ans: distributive Q.2. The commutative property can be expressed as… Ans: A + B = B + A Q.3. What is another way of writing the following expression?4 + 5 + 2… Ans: (4 + 5) + 2 Q.4. If both addition and multiplication are used in a single expression, then the _ property might apply… Ans: distributive Q.5. Which properties could you use to solve the following expression?3 + 7 + 2 + 5 + 9… Ans: associative and commutative Q.6. The associative property works with expressions that use… Ans: multiplication and addition. Q.7. What is another way of writing the following expression?3(7 + 4)… Ans: (3 × 7) + (3 × 4) Q.8. The associative property states that you can… Ans: group terms using parentheses to add or multiply. Q.9. Which of the following is equal to the expression 6(11 + 3)?… Ans: 6 × 14 Q.10. The commutative property does not apply to which of the following operations?… Ans: division and subtraction

Below you can find the Flocabulary GCF & LCM quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. The GCF of two whole numbers is the … Ans: largest whole number that divides evenly into both numbers Q.2. What is the name for the smallest multiple that two whole numbers share?… Ans: least common multiple Q.3. Least common multiples are most helpful for … Ans: adding and subtracting fractions Q.4. Using the greatest common factor, reduce the fraction 15/20 to its simplest form… Ans: 3/4 Q.5. What is the GCF of 12 and 30?… Ans: 6 Q.6. What is the GCF of 8 and 24?… Ans: 8 Q.7. Using the greatest common factor, reduce the fraction 32/48 to its simplest form… Ans: 2/3 Q.8. What is the LCM of 3 and 6?… Ans: 6 Q.9. What is the LCM of 4 and 14?… Ans: 28 Q.10. What is the LCM of 9 and 15?… Ans: 45

Below you can find the Flocabulary Order of Operations quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What is the correct order of operations?… Ans: parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction Q.2. If your expression contains square roots, during which step of PEMDAS do you solve them?… Ans: exponents Q.3. True or False: If your expression contains more than one set of parentheses, you should evaluate all of them before doing anything else… Ans: True Q.4. Which steps of PEMDAS would you need to use to evaluate the following expression?… Ans: parentheses, exponents, multiplication, subtraction Q.5. If you were evaluating the expression (20-2…, what would you do first?… Ans: D Q.6. True or False: If there are multiple operations inside parentheses, you do not need to complete these in the order of PEMDAS…. Ans: False Q.7. Evaluate 36-(12÷2)square… Ans: 0 Q.8. Evaluate 2square⋅(45÷9)-3… Ans: 17 Q.9. Evaluate 3square⋅(4÷2)-1+(2⋅3)… Ans: 23 Q.10. Evaluate (14-2)÷3⋅(2⋅3)-2square… Ans: 20

Below you can find the Flocabulary Adding Integers quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What is absolute value?… Ans: a number’s distance from zero Q.2. How can you find the sum of integers with the same sign?… Ans: add their absolute values and keep the sign of the integers Q.3. Which equation is shown on the number line below?… Ans: 4 + (-8) = -4 Q.4. To show -1 + (-6) on the number line, which directions would you move?… Ans: left one unit, then left another six units Q.5. How could you add -13 + 10?… Ans: Subtract 13 – 10, and keep the negative sign from the -13. Q.6. Find the sum: -11 + (-8) = … Ans: -19 Q.7. Find the sum: 16 + (-7) = … Ans: 9 Q.8. Find the sum: -12 + (-4) = … Ans: -16 Q.9. Find the sum: -5 + 13 = … Ans: 8 Q.10. Find the sum: -9 + (-4) = … Ans: -13

Below you can find the Flocabulary Subtracting Integers quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. The sum of any integer and its additive inverse is __ … Ans: 0 Q.2. Which equation is modeled on the number line below?… Ans: -6 – 26−2 = -8 Q.3. Which equation is modeled on the number line?… Ans: -7 -− (-10) = 3 Q.4. How can you rewrite 12 -− (-5) as an addition problem?… Ans: 12 + 5 Q.5. How can you rewrite -8 -− 10 as an addition problem?… Ans: -8 + (-10) Q.6. Find the difference: -11 -− 5 = … Ans: -16 Q.7. Find the difference: 25 -− (-3) = … Ans: 28 Q.8. Find the difference: -7 -− (-2) = … Ans: -5 Q.9. Find the difference: 4 -− 15 = … Ans: -11 Q.10. Find the difference: 6 -− (-9) = … Ans: 15

Math >> Expressions & Equations

Below you can find the Flocabulary Expressions quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which of these is a mathematical expression?… Ans: 4 – 3r Q.2. Identify the variable(s) in the expression below: 5 + 12w… Ans: w Q.3. Identify the coefficient(s) of the variable in the expression below: 25 – 6z… Ans: 6 Q.4. What is y – 1 when y = 4?… Ans: 3 Q.5. What is 3z + 2 when z = 2?… Ans: 8 Q . 6. What is 2x + 2 when x = 0?… Ans: 2 Q.7. Which expression means “y more than seven”?… Ans: y+7 Q.8. 14 + w is the same as which expression?… Ans: w+14 Q.9. On Saturdays, Jasmyn works three hours more than Eve. Which expression represents how many hours Jasmyn works on Saturdays? … Ans: e+3 Q.10. Hugh says that “one less than four times a number” can be written as two expressions: 1 – 4n and 4n – 1. Why is Hugh incorrect? … Ans: because subtraction is not commutative

Below you can find the Flocabulary Equations quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which of these is not part of an algebraic equation?… Ans: an inequality sign Q.2. When you isolate the variable, the goal is to get the variable… Ans: by itself on one side of the equal sign and a value on the other. Q.3. Use _ to isolate the variable.… Ans: inverse operations Q.4. Which of these is not an equation?… Ans: 43(4x + 7y) Q.5. What number does b stand for in this equation?3b = 12… Ans: 4 Q.6. What number does y stand for in this equation?2y – 7 = 35… Ans: 21 Q.7. What number does x stand for in this equation?-7x + 6= 27… Ans: -3 Q.8. What happens to the order of operations when you’re solving a two-step equation?… Ans: It reverses, so addition and subtraction come before multiplication and division. Q.9. What is the first step to solving this equation?-5c + 6 = -4 … Ans: Subtract 6 from both sides. Q.10. What is the second step to solving this equation?9x – 23 = 49 … Ans: Divide both sides by 9.

Below you can find the Flocabulary Inequalities quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. There are _ signs that can be used to mark an inequality… Ans: four Q.2. ≤ means… Ans: less than or equal to. Q.3. What does it mean to isolate the variable?… Ans: Get the variable by itself on one side of the inequality sign. Q.4. How do you isolate the variable in an inequality?… Ans: Use inverse operations. Q.5. Which of the following is not an inequality?… Ans: 18x + 9y Q.6. If you multiply or divide both sides of an inequality by a negative number, you must __ the inequality sign… Ans: reverse Q.7. Which of the following could be true if x < 45?… Ans: x = 44 Q.8. Which of the following could be true if y ≤ -75?… Ans: y = -75 Q.9. How would you graph x > 0 on a number line? … Ans: Draw an open circle over 0, and shade the arrow to the right. Q.10. A solution set always includes… Ans: all the numbers that make the inequality true.

Below you can find the Flocabulary Functions quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. How many outputs are there for each input in a function?… Ans: 1 Q.2. In the function f(x) = 3x + 2, f(5) = ________… Ans: 17 Q.3. Which of the following is true?… Ans: All functions are relations, but not all relations are functions. Q.4. Which of the following sets of ordered pairs is a function?… Ans: {(1, 5), (2, 6), (4, 5)} Q.5 . Which of the following graphs represents a function?… Ans: A Q.6. Which of the following is not an ordered pair from the function f(x) = 5x – 6?… Ans: (4, 10) Q.7. Which of the following sentences does  not  represent a function?… Ans: Timon chewed six gumballs in two hours today and six gumballs in three hours yesterday. Q.8. Which of the following is a way you can express a function?… Ans: All of the above Q.9. What is the test that you can do to tell if a graph represents a function?… Ans: The vertical line test Q.10. f(x) = 4x + 3. f(5) = 23. Which number is the input?… Ans: 5

Math >> Statistics & Probability

Below you can find the Flocabulary Mean, Median & Mode quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What does the mean represent in a set of numbers?… Ans: the average number Q.2. What does the median represent in a set of numbers?… Ans: the number that represents the middle value in the set of numbers Q.3. What does the mode represent in a set of numbers?… Ans: the number that appears most often Q.4. True or False: The mean and the average are the same numbers… Ans: True Q.5. If you take 5 quizzes & get scores of 95%, 95%, 80%, 85%, & 75%, how would you find your mean quiz score?… Ans: Add all the scores together & divide by the number of scores Q.6. How do you find the median of the set of numbers that are not listed in order, like 1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 3, 6, 7, 8?… Ans: Rewrite the numbers in order from lowest to highest first, then find the number in the middle. Q.7. What is the mode of 3, 3, 4, 5, 10?… Ans: 3 Q.8. What is the median of 0, 1, 2, 6, 6?… Ans: 2 Q.9. Your basketball team plays 5 games. Your team scores 10 points in the first game, 3 points in the second game, 2 points in the third game, 5 points in the fourth game, & 0 points in the fifth game. What was the mean number of points your team scored for all 5 games?… Ans: 4 points Q.10. A play has 7 people of all different ages: 10, 10, 12, 14, 22, 13, and 24. What is the median age of participants in the play?… Ans: 13

Math >> Geometry & Measurement

Below you can find the Flocabulary Box & Whisker Plots quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. The median is the ________ of a set of data… Ans: middle number Q.2. The smallest number in a data set is called the… Ans: minimum Q.3. In the song, 25 percent of the class weighed less than 6 pounds, 1 ounce at birth. 6 pounds, 1 ounce is the… Ans: lower quartile Q.4. In the song, 7 pounds, 5 ounces was the median weight of the students at birth. Which of these is correct?… Ans: Half the students weighed less than 7 pounds, 5 ounces, and half the students weighed more. Q.5. In the song, the heaviest baby weighed 10 pounds at birth. 10 pounds is the… Ans: maximum. Q.6. What does the interquartile range represent?… Ans: the middle 50 percent of the data Q.7. What is the function of the “whiskers” in a box and whisker plot?… Ans: They link the interquartile range to the minimum and maximum. Q.8. What is the minimum of the following set of data?… Ans: 5.2 Q.9. What is the median of the following set of data?… Ans: 0.5 Q.10. What is the maximum of the following set of data?… Ans: 1.6

Below you can find the Flocabulary Scatter Plots quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Data with two variables is called… Ans: bivariate data. Q.2. True or False: In a scatter plot, both variables are plotted along the x-axis… Ans: False Q.3. Which of the following best describes an outlier?… Ans: A value that is much larger or smaller than most other values. Q.4. True or False: A line of best fit is always an estimate and cannot be calculated… Ans: False Q.5. Which of the following best describes a negative linear association?… Ans: As one variable decreases, the other increases. Q.6. Which of the following best describes the relationship between the variables shown on this scatter plot?… Ans: strong, positive linear association Q.7. Which of the following best describes the relationship between the variables shown on this scatter plot?… Ans: weak, negative linear association Q.8. Which of the following best describes the relationship between the variables shown on this scatter plot?… Ans: no association Q.9. Which of the following scatter plots shows a strong, negative linear association between variables?… Ans: A Q.10. Which of the following scatter plots shows a weak, positive linear association between variables?… Ans: D

Math >>Ratios & Proportional Relationships

Below you can find the Flocabulary Percents quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What percent of the grid is shaded?… Ans: 60% Q.2. What is 1/4 as a percent?… Ans: 25% Q.3. At a clothing store, 15% of the dresses are blue. Which decimal is equivalent to 15%?… Ans: .15 Q.4. Choose the value that makes the statement true… Ans: 60 Q.5. Lakshmi planted 20 begonias, but her neighbor’s dog ate 7 of them. What percent of the begonias did the dog eat?… Ans: 35% Q.6. A baseball team played 25 games and won 10 of them. What percent of the games did they win?… Ans: 40% Q.7. Gabrielle took a Spanish test with 50 questions and answered 44 of them correctly. What percent of the questions did Gabrielle answer correctly?… Ans: 88% Q.8. 60% of a museum’s fossils are from the Jurassic Period. If the number of fossils from the Jurassic period is 15, what is the total number of fossils at the museum?… Ans: 25 Q.9. In a survey, 75% of respondents said that they watch TV for one hour each day. If 30 respondents said they watch TV for one hour each day, how many respondents took the survey in total?… Ans: 40 Q.10. Cam has a collection of ceramic chickens. 10% of the chickens were given to him as gifts, & he bought the rest himself. If 11 chickens were given to him as gifts, how many chickens does he have in total?… Ans: 110

Flocabulary Answers Key – LANGUAGE ARTS

Language arts >> reading & writing.

Below you can find the Flocabulary Topic Sentences quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. A paragraph is a group of sentences that are about the same … Ans: topic Q.2. What does the topic sentence of a paragraph tell you?… Ans: The main idea of the paragraph Q.3. The topic sentence is the sentence of a paragraph… Ans: first Q.4. What do supporting details do?… Ans: Prove why the main idea is true Q.5. Which of these is most likely a topic sentence?… Ans: Out of all the pizza toppings, pepperoni is the best. Q.6. Which question would be most helpful when writing a topic sentence?… Ans: What is the main thing I want to say about the topic? Q.7. The topic sentence of a paragraph is “Adaptations help animals and plants survive in their environments.” Which of these details best supports the topic sentence?… Ans: Grasshoppers adapted to be bright green so they could blend in with grass. Q.8. The supporting details of a paragraph include “We have lots of energy in the morning,” and “Breakfast foods—like eggs, pancakes, and granola—are delicious.” Which of these is most likely the topic sentence of the paragraph?… Ans: Morning is the best time of day. Q.9. The supporting details of a paragraph include “Fossilized footprints help us understand an animal’s size and weight,” and “Fossilized teeth can give us hints about an animal’s diet.” Which of these is most likely the topic sentence of the paragraph?… Ans: Fossils help us learn more about animals and plants that lived on Earth many years ago. Q.10. Which of these is in the correct order for writing a paragraph?… Ans: Topic sentence, detail sentences, closing sentence

Below you can find the Flocabulary Opinion Writing quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Something that’s true for you but not for everyone is called a(n)… Ans: opinion. Q.2. True or False: You don’t need to use any facts in an opinion piece… Ans: False Q.3. Read the following sentences: I love a warm cookie and a cold glass of milk. Chocolate chip cookies melt when they’re warm and are easy to make. What is this introduction missing?… Ans: a strong statement of opinion Q.4. Which of these does not introduce an opinion?… Ans: “According to the dictionary…” Q.5. The topic of your opinion piece is the… Ans: opinion you are arguing. Q.6. Which of these adjectives could you use to show an opinion?… Ans: worst Q.7. Lucinda is writing an opinion piece about why horses are the best animals. Which of the following could she use to support her opinion?… Ans: all of the above Q.8. ___________ are always true… Ans: Facts Q.9. Read the following sentence: In conclusion, I think that recycling is the most important thing to do for our planet. What can the author of this essay do to improve his or her conclusion?… Ans: Restate some of the supporting reasons. Q.10. Which of the following is a list of all the things you should do when writing an opinion piece?… Ans: State your opinion clearly, support your opinion with facts and reasons, restate your opinion and reasons to conclude.

Below you can find the Flocabulary Characters quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What are traits?… Ans: descriptive adjectives that tell you what a character is like Q.2. What can you use to figure out what a character’s traits are?… Ans: All of the above Q.3. True or False: Characters can only be humans… Ans: False Q.4. An author writes, “The girl was very patient.” This is an example of … Ans: the author telling you directly what a character is like Q.5. An author reveals that a character is courageous through the character’s words, actions and thoughts. This is an example of … Ans: the author showing you indirectly what a character is like Q.6. A character, Nicki, is friendly. The author shows this by having Nicki sit down at a lunch table with a group of kids she doesn’t know and introduce herself. What is the author using to show Nicki’s trait?… Ans: Nicki’s actions Q.7. A character, Flora, goes on a field trip to an amusement park. She tells her teacher she’s scared to go on the roller coasters. “No way I’m going on those!” she thinks. Flora’s classmates comment on how she’s shaking and looks pale. Based on this evidence, one trait that describes Flora is … Ans: cowardly Q.8. A character, Vishal, wants to be the president of the fourth-grade class. He runs in the election and wins. He says, “Not only am I going to lead the fourth grade, I’m going to be president of the United States one day!” Based on this evidence, one trait that describes Vishal is … Ans: ambitious Q.9. Read the following sentences from a story. Choose the character trait that best describes Grandpa… Ans: wise Q.10. What evidence can you use to support the fact that Carson is “respectful”?… Ans: Carson followed his sister’s rules and didn’t go in her room.

Below you can find the Flocabulary Paraphrasing quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What is a paraphrase?… Ans: a restatement of the information in a text Q.2. Which of these is not a reason why you might paraphrase a text?… Ans: You need a one-sentence explanation of what you read. Q.3. What should you do while reading a text that you’re going to paraphrase later?… Ans: look up unfamiliar words in the dictionary Q.4. A paraphrase should include… Ans: the main idea and the supporting details. Q.5. True or False: A paraphrase is about the same length as the original text… Ans: True Q.6. Which of these should not be changed when writing a paraphrase?… Ans: all of the above Q.7. True or False: You can paraphrase a text just by swapping out a couple of words… Ans: False Q.8. Which of these is plagiarism?… Ans: presenting someone else’s ideas as your own Q.9. Which of these is a way to give credit to your sources?… Ans: including bibliography or works cited Q.10. A successful paraphrase… Ans: uses different wording from the original text, but includes the same information.

Language Arts >> Grammar

Below you can find the Flocabulary Sentence Fragments quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. A sentence must express a complete thought and include a… Ans: subject and a predicate. Q.2. Which of these is a sentence fragment?… Ans: Went to the store for bread and milk Q.3. Which of these is the subject of the sentence above?… Ans: you Q.4. Which of these is the verb in the sentence above?… Ans: barked Q.5. Which of the following would you add to make the sentence fragment above a complete sentence?… Ans: a subject Q.6. Which of the following would you add to make the sentence fragment above a complete sentence?… Ans: a predicate Q.7. Which of these has a subject and verb but is a type of sentence fragment?… Ans: dependent clause Q.8. Which of these is  not  a dependent clause?… Ans: She slept until noon Q.9. Which of these is a complete sentence?… Ans: Sarai swam in the pool Q.10. Which of these is a complete sentence?… Ans: Gymnastics is my favorite sport

Below you can find the Flocabulary Misplaced Modifiers quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which of these is considered a modifier?… Ans: adjective Q.2. True or False: A modifier can be more than one word… Ans: True Q.3. Read the following sentence. Which of these is the modifier in the sentence? My favorite class is social studies because I like to read about events throughout history… Ans: favorite. Q.4. Read the following sentence. Which of these is the modifier in the sentence? The tourist excitedly snapped pictures of the ocean… Ans: excitedly Q.5. Read the following sentence. Which word does “accidentally” modify? Theo accidentally told Kate about her upcoming surprise party…. Ans: told Q.6. Read the following sentence. Which word does “having finished the test” modify? Having finished the test, Kenez turned his paper over and fell asleep… Ans: Kenez Q.7. Which of these best describes a misplaced modifier?… Ans: a modifier that modifies a word it is not next to Q.8. Which of these best describes a dangling modifier?… Ans: a modifier that modifies a word that is not in the sentence Q.9. Read the following sentence. Does it contain a misplaced modifier or a dangling modifier? Running on the track, a soccer ball hit her head…. Ans: dangling modifier Q.10. Read the following sentence. Does it contain a misplaced modifier or a dangling modifier? I made cookies for Nicky with extra chocolate chips…. Ans: misplaced modifier

Below you can find the Flocabulary Active & Passive Voice quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which sentence is in active voice?… Ans: The guests left the party by 8 pm. Q.2. Which sentence is in active voice?… Ans: The principal saw the boy pulling on his loose tooth. Q.3. Which voice allows writers to use varied and strong verbs in sentences?… Ans: active voice Q.4. Which voice always includes a form of the verb “to be”?… Ans: passive voice Q.5. Which sentence is in active voice?… Ans: Karen sang a sweet melody. Q.6. Which sentence is in passive voice?… Ans: The coffee was made by Sandy. Q.7. Which of the following revisions would you make to keep the meaning of the sentence and use the active voice? The difficult sonata was played by a talented pianist… Ans: The talented pianist played the difficult sonata. Q.8. Which of the following revisions would you make to keep the meaning of the sentence and use the active voice? The green dress was worn by Sarah… Ans: Sarah wore the green dress. Q.9. Which of the following revisions would you make to keep the meaning of the sentence and use the active voice? The winning goal for the Tigers was scored by Sean…. Ans: Sean scored the winning goal for the Tigers. Q.10. Which of the following revisions would you make to keep the meaning of the sentence and use the active voice? The race was won… Ans: Someone won the race

Below you can find the Flocabulary Commonly Confused Words quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. I told my school that I was going to be absent on Friday… Ans: principal Q.2. We were going to visit our aunt, our uncle and our newborn cousin, … Ans: too Q.3. My aunt and uncle had sent the birth announcement in beautiful blue … Ans: stationery Q.4. I was so excited about the trip that I quickly a bunch of clothes in my suitcase… Ans: threw Q.5 . It was even more exciting when I found out that I was getting a dog for Hanukkah… Ans: than Q.6. baby’s name is Fred. I’m going to call him Freddy… Ans: Their Q.7. When we got to the hospital, my uncle us to the nursery to see Freddy… Ans: led Q.8. We wouldn’t have been able to it if we hadn’t gotten to see our new cousin… Ans: bear Q.9. Seeing our new baby cousin had a strong on my brother, and he started to cry… Ans: effect Q.10. When I look back on my, I’ll always remember that trip we took to go see Freddy… Ans: past

Below you can find the Flocabulary Simple and Compound Sentences quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. A simple sentence must form a complete thought. What else do you need to make a simple sentence?… Ans: a subject, a verb, a capital letter for the beginning, and a punctuation mark for the end Q.2. What do we call an action word like “run”?… Ans: a verb Q.3. Read the sentence below. What is the subject of the sentence? Sammy skated to the park… Ans: Sammy Q.4. Which of these is a simple sentence?… Ans: I voted for the class president. Q.5. Read the group of words below. What would you have to add to it to make it a simple sentence? got a pet turtle… Ans: a subject Q.6. What do you use to join two simple sentences to make a compound sentence?… Ans: a comma and a conjunction Q.7. Read the compound sentence below. What is the conjunction? Penguins can’t fly, but they can walk on the ground… Ans: but Q.8. Which of these is a compound sentence?… Ans: I liked visiting New York, but I don’t want to live there. Q.9. Read the two simple sentences below. Choose the compound sentence that joins them with the right punctuation. She’ll learn to play the piano. She’ll learn to play the trumpet… Ans: She’ll learn to play the piano, or she’ll learn to play the trumpet. Q.10. Read the group of words below. How could you change it to make it a compound sentence? It’s cold in the winter, it’s hot in the summer… Ans: add the word “and” after the comma.

Language Arts >> Research & Study Skills

Below you can find the Flocabulary Public Speaking quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. When you’re giving a speech, how can you check to make sure your ideas are landing?… Ans: by making eye contact Q.2. What is an example of something you’d do during the research phase of the speech-writing process?… Ans: conduct a first-person interview Q.3. Why is it good to use visual aids in a speech?… Ans: to support what you’re saying Q.4. What is the best reason for repeating a phrase in your speech?… Ans: It keeps your audience focused Q.5. When giving a speech, it’s important to speak and … Ans: clearly, loudly Q.6. Evan is writing a speech about Australia for second graders. All of the following would be good for him to include except:… Ans: advanced vocabulary words about Australian wildlife Q.7. Hyun is writing a speech about the negative health effects of eating too much fast food. Which of the following would be the best visual aid for him to use?… Ans: a graph showing that the more fast food people eat, the more likely they are to have a heart attack Q.8. Janae is writing a speech about the importance of music education. All of the following would be good points for her to write on note cards except:… Ans: the names of the members of her favorite singing group Q.9. Lila is giving a speech about the water cycle to people who don’t know much about it. She wants to include the following three points. What would be the best order for Lila to put these in her speech?… Ans: B, C, A Q.10. Sam is writing a speech about why his grandparents immigrated to the US from Russia. Choose the best information that Sam could use to end his speech… Ans: his strongest point about opportunities available to immigrants in the US

Language Arts >> Literature

Below you can find the Flocabulary Huckleberry Finn quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Who is Jim?… Ans: a runaway slave Q.2. Why did Huck’s father show up?… Ans: He heard Huck had struck it rich. Q.3. From whose point of view is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn told?… Ans: It is a first-person account told by Huckleberry Finn. Q.4. Which character represents the worst of Southern white society?… Ans: Pap Q.5. What was the main reason that Jim escapes from Miss Watson?… Ans: He is about to be sold. Q.6. What real-life events likely provided the model for the Grangerfords?… Ans: the feud between the Hatfields and McCoys Q.7. Read the following sentence. By telling Huck to be respectable, Tom means that he should try to be .”But Tom said live respectable-like up there with the widow”… Ans: good Q.8. Huck and Jim leave the island on a raft after … Ans: they learn of a plan to catch Jim Q.9. Why does Huck smear pig blood in the cabin where he stayed?… Ans: He wants his father to think that he is dead. Q.10. How does Jim gain his freedom?… Ans: He is freed by Miss Watson’s will when she died.

Flocabulary Answers Key – LIFE SKILLS

Life skills >> social & emotional learning.

Below you can find the Flocabulary Perspectives On Race quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. True or False: You can’t tell what a person’s interests are from their physical appearance… Ans: True Q.2. Race is a concept that has most often been used to… Ans: keep groups of people separate. Q.3. Which of these is an example of labeling someone?… Ans: Stephanie calls her classmate Sasha a nerd. Q.4. A large social idea created from other smaller ideas is called a(n)… Ans: Construct Q.5. When Blimes talks about privilege, she is…. Ans: acknowledging the advantages she has had because she is white. Q.6. When a group of people is treated unfairly by those in power, it is known as…. Ans: Oppression Q.7. Systematic oppression means that people are oppressed… Ans: Methodically by social institutions like the education, justice and healthcare systems. Q.8. A person’s creed is their… Ans: Three Q.9. Which of these phrases is the most similar to “keep things in perspective”?… Ans: “See the big picture.” Q.10. Which of these characteristics is most often associated with race?… Ans: skin color

Below you can find the Flocabulary Bullying quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which of the following is an example of physical bullying?… Ans: pushing someone over Q.2. Which of the following is an example of cyberbullying?… Ans: posting a put down about someone online Q.3. After school, Viv approaches Leticia and says, “Where did you get that sweatshirt? The dumpster?” This is an example of … Ans: verbal bullying Q.4. Tucker spreads a rumor that Jasmine never takes showers. This is an example of … Ans: social bullying Q.5. True or False: If someone says, “Can’t you take a joke?” after bullying a peer, that undoes the bullying… Ans: False Q.6. What makes cyberbullying different from other kinds of bullying?… Ans: All of the above Q.7. Jana and a few of her friends start teasing Edwin for being overweight. Kayla is standing nearby. She hears what’s going on, but she doesn’t say anything. In this situation, Kayla is a __ … Ans: bystander Q.8. If you witness someone getting bullied, what is a helpful thing to do?… Ans: inform an adult Q.9. Marco is bullying Jonah. Marco says, “How does it feel to be a loser?” What is an example of a neutral comeback Jonah could say in response?… Ans: “It feels fine, thanks.” Q.10. Kim is a bystander who sees Devon getting teased by Justin. All of the following would be helpful things for Kim to do except:… Ans: physically bullying Justin

Below you can find the Flocabulary Activism quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Activists can be… Ans: all of the above. Q.2. During Bali’s “trash season,”… Ans: ocean tides push trash to the shores. Q.3. Melati and Isabel started Bye Bye Plastic Bags by organizing beach cleanups and a petition. When these tactics didn’t work, they… Ans: decided to go on a hunger strike. Q.4. As a result of Melati and Isabel’s work, Bali has decided to… Ans: be plastic bag-free by 2018. Q.5. Which statement would Melati and Isabel most likely agree with?… Ans: Young people are capable of making a difference. Q.6. Which of the following is an example of a boycott?… Ans: refusing to shop at a store that treats its workers badly Q.7. Which of the following is an example of civil disobedience?… Ans: Susan B. Anthony casting a ballot before women had the legal right to vote in the US Q.8. Receiving signatures on a petition… Ans: proves that a cause has support. Q.9. Activists often join organizations in order to… Ans: work with people who have similar goals. Q.10. Civil disobedience is usually characterized as… Ans: peaceful and nonviolent.

Life Skills >> Health & Wellness

Below you can find the Flocabulary Viruses quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Viruses are usually considered… Ans: nonliving. Q.2. Which of these is true?… Ans: Viruses need a host to survive. Q.3. Viruses are inside a protein shell… Ans: genomes Q.4. True or False: All viruses look the same…. Ans: False Q.5. Would a doctor prescribe an antibiotic if you have a virus?… Ans: No — antibiotics are designed to work on bacteria, not viruses. Q.6. Which of these is true about immunity?… Ans: Antibodies protect us from getting the exact same virus twice. Q.7. What is the first step of a virus’s life cycle?… Ans: attaching to a host Q.8. When viruses replicate, they… Ans: make copies of themselves. Q.9. are viruses that target bacteria… Ans: Bacteriophages Q.10. Thanks to vaccines, the __ virus has been eradicated…. Ans: smallpox

Life Skills >> Financial Literacy

Below you can find the Flocabulary Goal Setting quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which is the best way to achieve a large goal, such as becoming wealthy?… Ans: Break it down into smaller goals. Q.2. Ramon dreams about becoming a vet. Which of the following would be the best way to make his goal actionable?… Ans: signing up for an animal biology class Q.3. “I want to be really successful.” This is an example of a goal that is:… Ans: neither specific nor actionable. Q.4. Why are deadlines helpful when you make your plan?… Ans: Deadlines help you stick to your plan. Q.5. What is the main purpose of the SMART approach to goal-setting?… Ans: to help you set a plan for accomplishing your goals Q.6. Painting your room is an example of a … Ans: short-term goal Q.7. What does the “T” stand for in the SMART acronym for goal setting?… Ans: timely Q.8. Grades on a report card or the amount of money in a savings account are both strategies that fall under which element of SMART goal setting?… Ans: measurable Q.9. The 5 Ws are most helpful in making a goal-setting plan more … Ans: specific Q.10. A moderate-term goal is one that you hope to accomplish in what time period?… Ans: one to five years

Below you can find the Flocabulary Banking quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. Which of the following is a false statement?… Ans: If your bank goes out of business, you lose your money. Q.2. The amount of money you need to maintain in your account to avoid a fee is the … Ans: minimum balance Q.3. A credit union is different from a bank mainly because … Ans: credit unions invest in the community and often offer classes on opening businesses and managing debt Q.4. Which of the following is a way your bank can make money?… Ans: all of the above Q.5. Which of the following is a false statement?… Ans: A debit card can be used to pay for a purchase if your checking account is empty. Q.6. Gustavo writes a check to his landlord for $450, but he only has $300 in his checking account. What will happen?… Ans: The check will bounce, or fail to process. Q.7. Sylvia deposits $50 into a savings account with a 2% interest rate. Using the formula for simple interest, how much will she have in the account in 5 years?… Ans: $55.00 Q.8. Once a month, Eddie cashes his paycheck at a check cashing service that charges a 1% fee. If Eddie gets paid $500 per month, which of the following will be true?… Ans: Eddie pays $5 in fees every month. Q.9. Brendan has $200 in a savings account with a 1% interest rate. Using the formula for simple interest, how much will he earn in interest after 7 years?… Ans: $14 Q.10. Josie has $100 in a savings account with a 2% interest rate. Using the formula for simple interest, how much will she earn in interest after 7 years?… Ans: $14

Below you can find the Flocabulary Paying For College quiz answer key for free:

Q.1. What is the main purpose of the FAFSA?… Ans: It helps the government and colleges determine the level of aid for which you qualify. Q.2. Which is a potential advantage of community colleges over private colleges and state universities?… Ans: They are less expensive. Q.3. An academic scholarship is an example of… Ans: merit-based financial aid Q.4. When do you usually have to begin paying back federal loans?… Ans: within six months of graduation Q.5. When you start paying back loans, what’s the first thing you should pay?… Ans: the principal Q.6. Which of the following is true?… Ans: TState schools usually charge lower tuition for students living in the state. Q.7. Marta wants to go to college, but she’s concerned about the cost. Which option would you recommend?… Ans: taking out a federal loan and attending a state college Q.8. One advantage of federal loans over bank loans is that federal loans… Ans: have a fixed interest rate. Q.9. The US Department of Education’s Pell Grant is an example of … Ans: need-based financial aid Q.10. The federal government offers subsidized loans to students with ______… Ans: financial need

Flocabulary is a website that provides educational hip-hop songs, videos, and activities for K-12 online learning. The site was founded in 2004 by Alex Rappaport in Brooklyn, NY, USA. Flocabulary’s mission is to “teach academic and life skills through hip-hop music.”

Flocabulary’s songs and videos are used by schools and organizations across the country to supplement instruction and help students learn. The website has a library of over 500 songs and videos, covering a range of topics from math to science to social studies.

In addition to the educational content, Flocabulary also offers a number of resources for educators, including lesson plans, classroom activities, and professional development tools.

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13 thoughts on “Flocabulary Answers Key 2024 [FREE Access]”

Thanks for your time in bringing all the important Flocabulary topics answers.

Hope you got what you are looking for…

Great content. Thanks for your time.

Really helpful!

Good to hear that bud!

Hey, thanks for the answers.

Its really helpful for parents like me.

Cheers Marrie

Thank you so much you have helped me to find answers.

Keep up the good work

Good to hear that.

very helpful I have been using AnswerKeyFinder for like 3 months good job

Good to hear that!

Really great answers

can you do Stem flocab

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Flocabulary: Plagiarism

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Plagiarism is

quoting a source without citing it.

stealing someone's intellectual property.

passing off other people's work as your own.

all of the above.

Something that's common knowledge is

learned only through research.

known by most people.

not widely known.

not a true fact.

True or False : There are not usually serious consequences for plagiarism.

When you use an author's exact words in your paper, those words are called a


To put a quote into your paper, you need

a citation only.

quotation marks only.

quotation marks and a citation.

neither quotation marks nor a citation.

Which of the following is NOT considered plagiarizing?

asking your friend to give you an old paper he wrote so that you can copy it

paraphrasing an author's ideas without giving them proper credit

copying and pasting passages from online sources into your paper

asking your brother to proofread your paper for you

If you plagiarize, it damages your


academic intergrity.

intellectual property.

common knowledge.

One way to avoid plagiarizing is to

always write down where your information comes from.

paraphrase while looking directly at the original source.

put direct quotes into your notes without quotation marks.

quote a paper you wrote previously in the paper you are writing now.

True or False : Buying a paper on the internet is the only kind of plagiarism.

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Spider-Man: No Way Home  Is Aggressively Mediocre

Portrait of Bilge Ebiri

The one good idea that the Tom Holland–starring Spider-Man films had was a simple, obvious one: They really did make Peter Parker a kid. Tobey Maguire had been 27 at the time of his first turn as the high-school-age superhero, while Andrew Garfield had been 29. It’s not so much that those actors were too old for the material; it’s that the material could never fully utilize the character’s youth and inexperience because we as humans have a visceral resistance to watching people who clearly aren’t kids making childish decisions. Holland, by contrast, was 21 when Spider-Man: Homecoming premiered in 2017, and he looked even younger. As a result, the filmmakers for this latest Spidey cycle, including director Jon Watts and screenwriters Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers, have been able to sell us on some of Peter’s dodgier choices. They’ve also managed to mine the age gap between him and other characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe for humor as well as one meme-worthy moment of genuine pathos. (“Mr. Stark, I don’t feel so good.”)

But in most other respects, Watts’s Spider-Man films have been black holes of imagination. (The first entry featured a huge set piece at the Washington Monument — an inspired idea on paper — and did absolutely nothing interesting with it. The setting might as well have been an office building in suburban Atlanta. It probably was at some point.) This is a particular shame when it comes to Spider-Man, since previous attempts at the character, even at their worst, have often been visually spectacular. It does take a unique brand of corporate cynicism to drain any and all grandeur from the sight of Spidey swinging through the canyons of Manhattan; trapping the most cinematic of all superheroes in nondescript swirls of CGI sludge feels like its own act of villainy.

In other respects, too, these movies’ Spider shtick is starting to get old. They continue to treat Peter Parker as a child, and the ultrabuff, grown-up Holland now looks increasingly out of place. The new film begins with Peter Parker unmasked and publicly castigated and shamed for killing the previous entry’s villain, Mysterio. Among the real-life consequences of Parker’s cancellation is MIT’s rejection of his and his friends MJ (Zendaya) and Ned’s (Jacob Batalon) college applications. Determined to fix this problem, Parker goes to Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) and asks him — I am not making this up — to cast a spell making the rest of the world forget that Peter Parker is Spider-Man so that his friends can get into the college of their choice. And Doctor Strange — again, I am not making this up — agrees to do so. Holland is a fine actor, but I’m not sure any actor could survive the sheer idiocy of this character’s decisions here. Peter might be a teenager, but I don’t recall him ever being this stupid, either in the comics or the movies. Anyway, hocus-pocus, things go wrong, portal into other dimensions, flashing lights, blah, blah, blah. The magic goes awry, and Potter Peter finds himself face-to-face with a whole new set of problems. It’s all so pro forma that even Cumberbatch’s Strange, called on to convey rage at how his young colleague’s dumb request has prompted him to tear a hole in the fabric of the universe, merely musters some mild annoyance.

The initial big revelations of the new film have already been shown in trailers, so I’ll discuss those first. When Strange’s magic opens a gateway to different realities, once-dead villains from previous Spidey movies suddenly return, including Spider-Man ’s Norman Osborn, a.k.a. the Green Goblin (Willem Dafoe), Spider-Man 2 ’s Otto Octavius (Alfred Molina), and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 ’s Electro (Jamie Foxx). Again, a potentially promising idea. And judging from the cheers these veteran bad guys’ mere emergence got at my screening, perhaps it was of secondary importance that they be given, you know, something interesting to do . But aside from Dafoe, who once again gets to have some modest fun with his character’s divided self, there’s not much going on here. Why bring back an actor like Molina, who brought so much heartbreak and sneering rage to Doc Ock in Spider-Man 2 , only to give him no sense of inner life or any good lines? The same goes for Foxx’s Electro, whose transformation from oddball engineer to blustery supervillain in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was one of that (admittedly dreadful) film’s few highlights. Here, he’s just a tired wisecrack machine. That the action scenes involving these characters are so insipid just adds insult to injury: Watching Doctor Octopus dutifully toss weightless, computer-generated concrete pipes at our hero, it’s hard not to think back on Sam Raimi’s eye-poppingly imaginative action sequences in Spider-Man 2 featuring these same two characters and maybe even shed a tear for what has been lost.

It’s not just the action and the magic that flop. Even the film’s more intimate moments fall flat. One early domestic comedy scene involving Peter, MJ, Aunt May (Marisa Tomei, mostly wasted here), and Happy Hogan (Jon Favreau) has the camera whip-panning and roaming the spaces of their apartment in a pastiche of handheld indie filmmaking, but none of the humor feels organic or earned or even all that funny. It doesn’t build or make any emotional sense. Like almost everything else in the movie, it’s just another put-on. Making Peter more of a child does allow you to play up his sincerity and naïveté, which should ideally be a breath of fresh air in a universe filled with cynical, world-weary superheroes. But for all their alleged earnestness, these last three Spider-Man films have never had any kind of identity to call their own.

And now for the heavy spoilers, which I’m not supposed to talk about … but forgive me, it’s impossible to discuss this picture’s highs and lows without doing so. So, fair warning. Seriously.

Here, I’ll even give you an extra paragraph break to click away before finding out what happens next in the movie. (Even if it’s destined to become common knowledge within a few days.)

As the infinitely superior Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse already taught us, opening up doors to the metaverse means that you might also discover other iterations of Spider-Man. So sure enough, Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire return to the franchise that once helped make them stars, and the three Peters Parker now work together to try and handle this cavalcade of villains. And a film that was already engorged with fan service positively erupts with it.

That’s not such a bad thing, at least at first. It’s certainly nice to see Maguire again, and Garfield is a genuine delight. The latter’s previous turn as Spidey was a wildly uneven one. His slightly hapless, rom-com variation on Peter Parker made the first outing quite fun, but by the second entry, he had become twitchy, whiny, annoying. Here, almost as if he’s been given a second chance (a running theme in the film), he gets the goofiness just right. A scene where the denizens of this world ask Garfield’s Parker to prove he has Spider powers offers a charming bit of slapstick, and his uncertainty and insecurity pop up at opportune moments during the big climax. But this also reveals a bigger problem. Because as we watch Garfield act literal circles around everybody else, we are reminded of how lifeless and wanting the rest of the picture is. It’s like getting a new pair of glasses and realizing that your world has been a blur for the past few months. Except that whenever Garfield is off the screen, you’re forced to put your old glasses back on, which just makes everything look that much worse.

The Tom Holland Spider-Man films have been so eager to please that one does feel like a bit of a crank criticizing them. Nobody should enjoy kicking puppies. At the same time, along with the oft-rebooted Batman , Spider-Man is the one superhero franchise for which we do have proofs of concept for different approaches. And while the previous Holland films have been mediocre in modest ways, No Way Home feels downright aggressive in its mediocrity, bringing back better actors from better movies and calling back to an endlessly inventive and moving masterpiece like Spider-Verse . Is it an attempt to try and gain residual luster from associating with better work? Or is it something more cynical, an attempt to bring that better work under the big tent of its blandness? If I didn’t know any better, I’d think that No Way Home was trying to make us forget that a better Spider-Man movie is possible.

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Madame Web Is One of the Worst Superhero Movies in Years—and One of the Most Enjoyable

The superhero genre just got its first camp classic..

If Marvel is the Coke of superhero movies and DC is the Pepsi, Sony is the RC Cola, a passable substitute when they’re out of what you really want. Although the studio has had the rights to Spider-Man, one of the most iconic characters in comic-book history, since the end of the 1990s, it spent much of the 2010s struggling to convert that prize property into a watchable movie, let alone an expandable franchise. After Sony struck a deal to incorporate Spidey into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and especially after it cast the buoyant Tom Holland, the character’s fortunes soared. (2021’s Spider-Man: No Way Home is the seventh-highest-grossing movie of all time.) But the studio was left in a peculiar position, owning both Spider-Man and the 60-plus years’ worth of secondary characters that have populated his world but unable to use them in the same movies. The result, beginning with 2018’s Venom , has been a singularly strange series of films that take place in a world built around a figure whose name cannot be uttered within it, like a production of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead where no one thought to check in advance who owned the rights to Hamlet .

While the previous DC Universe has wound down in preparation for next year’s Superman-led reboot and Marvel has kicked all but one of its movies into 2025 as the company tries to reverse its precipitous loss of audiences , Sony has three comic-book movies on tap between now and November, claiming for itself the lowest point in the genre’s fortunes since at least 2007. RC Colas for everyone!

The first of those is Madame Web , and boy, it is a doozy. Its mockable, memeable trailer had prepared me for the worst, and on that level, at least, it did not disappoint. Directed by S.J. Clarkson and starring Dakota Johnson as Cassandra Webb, a paramedic who gains the ability to see the future after a drowning accident, the movie is marginally competent at its best, and at its worst, it’s an incoherent mishmash populated by slumming movie stars who make little effort to disguise the dawning realization that they’ve made a terrible mistake. It’s a travesty, a disaster, a blight on the history of superheroes and cinema itself. I enjoyed the hell out of it.

For as often as movie critics are accused of having rarified taste, of just not liking anything, the opposite can also be true. Seeing hundreds of movies a year for years on end can lead to a condition where you place too much value on novelty, and even a minor twist on a worn-out formula feels like a life raft in a sea of sameness. It shouldn’t be a big deal, or even particularly noteworthy, that Madame Web takes place in a version of New York that actually feels like New York, or that its action sequences are spatially coherent and largely free of computer-generated murk. But by the recent standards of the genre, even its occasional jankiness comes as a pleasant change of pace. It’s the kind of superhero movie they made before superhero movies were all they made, disreputable and messy and kind of a hoot.

To be clear: Madame Web is bad. Really bad. As in, most of the main villain’s dialogue seems to have been dubbed by an actor who doesn’t particularly sound like him. Johnson may not mouth the now-infamous line from the trailer about how her mother was in the Amazon researching spiders right before she died, but she does pull out a valise crammed with her mother’s old notebooks and murmur, “Hope the spiders were worth it, Mom.”

Just as the dire and humorless Morbius ended with the promise of a team-up between Jared Leto’s living vampire and Michael Keaton’s Vulture (ported in, for reasons never to be explained, from the universe of Spider-Man: Homecoming ) and Venom 2 ended with Tom Hardy’s Eddie Brock getting zapped into the MCU to set up a crossover that seems unlikely to ever happen, so Madame Web is infused with the promise that the next movie will be the good one. In the movie that actually exists, Cassie is tasked with saving three teenage girls (played by Sydney Sweeney, Celeste O’Connor, and Isabela Merced) from being murdered by Ezekiel Sims (Tahar Rahim), whose own visions of the future show the girls’ grown-up versions killing him. Like Cassie, Ezekiel has gained powers from the bite of a Peruvian arachnid worshipped by a tribe known as Las Arañas, which the movie helpfully and non-litigiously translates as the Spider-People. (Naturally, some of those people are indeed -Men.) In both Cassie’s and Ezekiel’s visions, the three girls grow up to be various versions of a crime-fighting webslinger, one with mechanical legs protruding from her back, another whose wrists shoot meshes of electricity, but these glimpses of the future are so vague and hazy you have to indulge in some post-film Googling to figure out whom they’re meant to be playing (briefly: two Spider-Women and a Spider-Girl). You can only imagine the buzzy young actresses’ agents informing them they’ve been cast to play a superhero, only for them to later realize they spent 90 percent of the movie flouncing around in schoolgirl uniforms and getting their necks broken. Johnson, for her part, infects every scene with a dry sense of remove, as if she can’t believe she’s doing this either.

So many superhero movies, even the decent ones, approach audiences as if they’re directives issued from command central: You watch because you have no choice not to. But there’s no cost to missing Madame Web , except for passing up a hilarious couple of hours in a theater. The mainline MCU movies are self-conscious to a fault, full of quips and winks, but Madame Web is thoroughly un-self-aware, the rare modern movie that achieves the status of pure camp without meaning to. It might not be the kind of fun its makers intended it to be, but that doesn’t make it any less of a good time.

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'Spider-Man: No Way Home' is 'emotionally riveting,' 'a celebration of Spidey fandom,' critics say


  • Critics have favorably reviewed Tom Holland's third solo Spider-Man film, calling it a "celebration of Spidey fandom."
  • "Spider-Man: No Way Home" currently holds a 95% "Fresh" rating on Rotten Tomatoes from 152 reviews.
  • The latest Marvel Cinematic Universe film arrives in theaters Friday.

In this article

For months, fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe of speculated, theorized and freeze-framed trailers to figure out what happens in "Spider-Man: No Way Home." On Friday, they find out what predictions were correct and, hopefully, encounter some surprises.

Co-producers Sony and Disney have been tight-lipped about much of the film, offering critics just 40 minutes to review for its cast junkets before they showed the movie in its entirety for the press on Dec. 13.

Reviewers have set their own rules on what constitutes a spoiler, with some opting to only discuss characters or plot points made public in trailers while others have decided to confirm or dispel the rumors that have plagued the internet since fans first got a glimpse of a video teaser for "No Way Home."

It's probably not a spoiler to tell you that critics have, generally, reacted favorably to Tom Holland's third solo Spider-Man film, as the film currently holds a 95% "Fresh" rating on Rotten Tomatoes from 152 reviews.

Still, if you don't want to know any more than that, now would be a good time to stop reading. While CNBC will not disclose major spoilers for "No Way Home," this review charts the general storyline and gives a cross section of critical reactions to the film.

Holland has been praised for his performance as Peter Parker, a role he breathed new life into back in 2016. Holland has portrayed Spider-Man in six MCU films, but this particular performance is a standout for the young actor.

"Spider-Man: No Way Home" picks up moments after the ending of 2019's "Spider-Man: Far From Home." Outed to the public as Spider-Man, Peter Parker must grapple with the repercussions of his deadly fight with Mysterio and how his newly unveiled secret identity affects those he loves most.

Cleared of any legal charges, Parker returns to school to finish his senior year under the scrutiny of his peers and the media. The scandal has tarnished his reputation and that of his girlfriend MJ (Zendaya) and best friend Ned (Jacob Batalon), as all three of them fail to get into the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, because of their association with Spider-Man.

Frustrated, Parker enlists the help of Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) to cast a spell to make the entire world forget that he is Spider-Man. However, the spell goes awry when Parker tries to amend it to ensure his friends and family would still remember him.

The multiverse cracks open, unleashing villains from Sony's previous two Spider-Man series including The Green Goblin, Doc Ock and Electro.

While the film packs a lot into its two-and-a-half hour length, critics noted that screenwriters Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers still managed to strike a balance between Parker's personal struggles and the looming threat posed by the multiverse villains.

Here's what critics thought of "Spider-Man: No Way Home" ahead of its theatrical debut on Friday:

Kristy Puchko, Mashable

"The character combinations here are absolutely wild," Kristy Puchko wrote in her review of "No Way Home" for Mashable.

It's a long-running joke that Spider-Man movies have often crammed in too many villains, but "Spider-Man: No Way Home" manages to use its influx of foes to its advantage. Puchko noted that because previous films have told these villains backstories and laid out their motivations, little exposition is needed to explain who they are or why they are doing what they are doing.

Puchko, like other critics, pointed to Alfred Molina, who reprises his role as Doctor Otto Octavius, aka Doc Ock, as well as Willem Dafoe, back as Green Goblin, for lending particular gravitas to the film. Both actors appeared in director Sam Raimi's Spider-Man franchise nearly two decades ago.

"Some might see its cross-movie webbing as too chaotic, too fan-servicey, or just generally too much," Puchko said. "Personally, having rewatched all of the previous movies recently, I was in awe of how [director Jon Watts] and his team weaved such different styles and textures together to express common themes and a familiar yet fresh tale of what it means to be a hero who is hurting."

"These elements play together in a dizzying ballet of action and emotion, bolstered by impeccable visual effects and an all-star cast eager to sink their teeth into these juicy collisions," Puchko wrote. "And it all hits hard, perhaps all the more because this reboot has been the most joyful of the three. So be warned: 'Spider-Man: No Way Home'   will mess you up. It's not only an enthralling thrill ride, not only a celebration of Spidey fandom, not only a rousing adventure, but also an emotionally riveting drama that doesn't pull its punches."

Read the full review from Mashable.

Matt Singer, ScreenCrush

While there are times that "No Way Home" feels cluttered, "the filmmakers really understand Spider-Man," wrote Matt Singer in his review for ScreenCrush.

"'No Way Home' understands that the key to Spider-Man's appeal is not his amazing powers or cool costume, or that he's a shy nerd who blossoms into a hard-bodied heartthrob after a radioactive spider bite. We like Spider-Man because he's a screwup," he wrote. "Peter Parker fails — repeatedly."

The MCU's Spider-Man has always had a level of naivete, perhaps because he is the youngest iteration of the character in recent reboots that has placed him in precarious positions. His charm, wit and heart are often what help him maneuver through these situations.

"No other superhero has this many defeats, blunders and outright fiascos to his name," he continued. "Superman always saves the day. Spider-Man usually does too — but often at a terrible personal cost."

It's those flaws that allows this comic book character to continue to resonate with fans 60 years after his debut, Singer says. In "No Way Home," Parker makes many mistakes, but he never stops trying to fix them.

"'No Way Home,' with its use of the old characters from previous Spider-Man movies, really gets that idea," he said. "Power and responsibility are important. Seeing something through after you mess it up? That's the mark of a genuine hero."

Read the full review from ScreenCrush.

Leah Greenblatt, Entertainment Weekly

"The first chunk of 'No Way Home'   feels noticeably less cohesive than the ones before it," wrote Leah Greenblatt in her review for Entertainment Weekly. "[It's] a hectic collision of convenient plot points and winky one-liners pinging off every available surface while the script scrambles to find its footing."

Still, the movie eventually finds a way to bridge all of those "multiplicities," as Greenblatt calls them. Much of that happens later in the film and can't be thoroughly discussed in a non-spoiler review.

"So it's safer maybe just to say that what seems at first like pure fan service turns out to be some of the best and by far the most meta stuff Marvel has done, tender and funny and a little bit devastating," she said.

Read the full review from Entertainment Weekly.

Justin Chang, The Los Angeles Times

Two years ago fans were uncertain if Spider-Man would remain part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But "Spider-Man: No Way Home" manages to celebrate what Sony brought to the table in the early 2000s with its two previous Spider-Man film series as well as catapult the MCU forward, Justin Chang says in his review.

"It's rare to see such surreally elaborate narrative gymnastics arise from what is basically a long-running game of corporate tug-of-war," Chang said.

"Without saying too much — OK, without saying anything at all — three parallel Spider-Man universes that once were forced to stand apart now get to belatedly salute each other, in a warm, even reconciliatory spirit," he said.

Chang praised Holland's performance, as well. As the third actor to don the Spidey suit in two decades, he has thrived in making the character stand out from those before him.

"Like his predecessors, he's an enormously likable screen presence, which has been crucial to making this third go-round with Spider-Man feel like more than just another retread," Chang wrote. "That's no small thing, since every Spidey cycle must essentially trace the same arc, hit the same beats and rites of passage: the loneliness and isolation of superheroism, the all-too-relatable challenges of 'teenagerdom,' the bittersweet ache of young love, the pain of sudden, irreversible loss."

Read the full review from The Los Angeles Times.

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Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse review – a dizzying, dazzling sequel

The first Miles Morales animation was a sensation, but this second film, with fresh characters, writers and energy, goes above and beyond

I s it possible to equal a film as boundlessly inventive, stylistically bold and effortlessly cool as Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse ? Could a sequel ever match that film’s freshness, energy and visual verve? The answer, it seems, is an emphatic yes. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is sublime. There’s not a frame of this rich, kaleidoscopically detailed animation that isn’t dazzling. It takes the basic themes of the first film – adolescent isolation, communication breakdown, the messy, stressful business of growing, of finding your people – and builds whole worlds with them. It’s a dizzying onslaught of ideas and graphic references. It has heart. It even has a font gag.

In the film-making team and in the story there’s a pleasing combination of original talent and fresh blood. Phil Lord and Christopher Miller return as writers and producers, but there’s a new directing team that includes Kemp Powers (Pixar’s Soul ). Once again, the story focuses on the bond between fellow Spider-people Miles Morales (Shameik Moore) and Gwen Stacy (Hailee Steinfeld). But there is a host of new characters, each with their own distinctive look, including Hobie (Daniel Kaluuya), a spider-punk anarchist, drawn with a graphic style that borrows from Jamie Reid’s Sex Pistols aesthetic and Jamie Hewlett’s Gorillaz.

It’s densely plotted, almost overwhelming at times; Daniel Pemberton’s score is an Escher staircase of anxiety. But the soul of the film lies in the tiny human details: like the way Miles, about to gain access to an inner Spider-circle, bounces lightly on his toes – still, at heart, an excited kid waiting for a treat.

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Spider-Man Review


14 Jun 2002

121 minutes

With a $100 million-plus budget and a comic book legend comes great responsibility, and Sam Raimi has not fumbled. A perfect melding of director and subject, this supremely entertaining take on the worldwide web-slinger pulls off the nifty trick of satisfying the fanboy geeks, the Raimi freaks, and the movie thrill-seeker in one sublime swoop.

Outstripping last summer’s blockbusters, what’s great about Spider-Man is its ability to hold onto seemingly obsolete values — characters you can root for, plotting that makes sense — while still delivering maximum bang for the buck.

In a leisurely opening more reminiscent of Superman than anything by Simon West, Raimi sketches Peter Parker’s geek credentials with telling character beats. Once the spider skills have been acquired — Maguire brings an endearing goofiness to his first attempts at web-slinging — the script (although lacking trademark Spidey oneliners) strikes a streamlined simplicity: it’s Spidey vs. Green Goblin. No masterplans to freeze the city, just showdown after beautiful showdown.

Amid all the comic book action, however, Raimi preserves Spider-Man ’s (both character and movie) humanity. Maguire effortlessly makes the transition from alpha-nerd to action man with skill and aplomb; playing niftily on his indie film persona, he invests Peter with a winning warmth while remaining believable as someone uneasy in the confines of his own skin.

His relationship with small town love Mary Jane (Dunst, appealing in a poorly-conceived role) is sweet and endearing, adding an emotional element missing from many blockbusters. Staying the right side of hammy, Dafoe is brooding with intensity as mad scientist Norman Osborn, and brimming with evil glee as his alter-ego, Green Goblin.

If occasionally a dodgy CGI shot slips through the net, the realisation of Spider-Man cavorting through a bustling metropolis, barely in control of his own trajectory, is a spandex ballet so exuberant and damn-right cool that it doesn’t matter.

Be it the sight of Spidey swinging round flagpoles or landing on balconies, exhilaration outstrips execution to make neck hairs stand to attention.

For all Spider-Man ’s reputation as the gaudy, sunny side of superherodom, Raimi manages to syringe some darkness into the mix. There’s the genuinely unnerving moment when Norman, taunted by the Goblin’s cackles, goes searching for the source, only to be confronted by his own face in the mirror.

Or the fantastic image of Parker’s face glimpsed through the ripped Spider-Man ’s mask, capturing the warped duality of the character. And the final Spidey/ Goblin showdown has a stylised brutality that’s more punishing than any cert. 12 has the right to be.

Despite a below-par Danny Elfman score, Raimi’s direction is marked by a craftsmanship that befits blockbuster prestige but still retains his unique sensibility. When the genetically-modified spider bites into Parker, the camera is total Raimi with its twists and spirals.

Even more impressive, an impressionistic montage depicting Parker dreaming up the Spidey suit and the Matrix -esque portrayal of his emerging spider-sense rank among cinema’s greatest renderings of purely comic book conceits. Much like the movie itself.

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Movie Review: Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)

  • Vincent Gaine

Movie Reviews

  • --> July 16, 2019

Two teenagers walk along the Charles Bridge in Prague, and as they do so their fingers brush and they nearly take hold of each other’s hands. Nearly, but not quite, as teen awkwardness gets in the way and they lack the maturity to express themselves. This is a tiny moment in Spider-Man: Far From Home , but one that speaks volumes. It speaks of the mutual attraction and nervousness of Peter Parker (Tom Holland, “ The Lost City of Z ”) and MJ (Zendaya, “ The Greatest Showman ”), the needs of an audience to be simultaneously teased and rewarded, and the close attention to detail of director Jon Watts. For amongst the enormous spectacle, scenery-chewing performances and great responsibility that comes with the great power (see what we did there?) of continuing the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) after the behemoth of “ Avengers: Endgame ,” Spider-Man: Far From Home is at heart a coming of age film. Peter and MJ, along with schoolmates Ned Leeds (Jacob Batalon, “ Blood Fest ”) Betty Brant (Angourie Rice, “ The Nice Guys ”) Flash Thompson (Tony Revolori, “ The 5th Wave ”) and others, are high schoolers developing and maturing in terms of their feelings towards each other, articulation and expression, and how they relate to the wider world.

The development of teenagers is deftly intertwined with themes of legacy and memory, an intertwining announced from the beginning of the film. As the Marvel Studios logo appears, Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You” plays over the history of this franchise, a recollection that continues with a student-made video of the Avengers lost in “ Avengers: Infinity War ” and “Avengers: Endgame.” This video is part of a high school broadcast, the hosts of which amusingly keep missing camera cues, looking in the wrong direction but nonetheless persevering with their report on the “Blip,” a name given to the five years between the Snaps of Thanos and Tony Stark. From here, the film shifts into a road trip narrative, a familiar structure that allows screenwriters Erik Sommers and Chris McKenna to chart the development of their young characters. Alongside these coming of age dramas, Peter is (reluctantly) recruited by Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson, “ Glass ”) and Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders, “ Literally, Right Before Aaron ”) to face the new threat of the Elementals, joined by new ally Mysterio/Quentin Beck (Jake Gyllenhaal, “ The Sisters Brothers ”).

Along the journey, Spider-Man: Far From Home offers familiar features of the MCU, including dazzling set pieces and spectacle, winning humor and returning characters. However, Watts also gives the film its own identity and offers many surprises, perhaps appropriately for a film highly concerned with deception. Unusually within the MCU, Peter is desperate to maintain his secret identity from his friends, despite Ned, his Aunt May (Marisa Tomei, “ Love the Coopers ”), Happy Hogan (Jon Favreau, “ Chef ”) as well as Fury and Hill’s team knowing all about him. Tom Holland cements his status as the finest Peter Parker/Spider-Man to date, as Peter’s desperate need to conceal his identity from his schoolmates, while also trying to get closer to MJ and combat the Elementals, allows for much embarrassment and sometimes face-palm moments of “Why did you do that?!” Holland is endearing, sometimes irritating but always relatable, as he balances the transition from naive child to heir apparent to Iron Man. Zendaya also excels, making MJ her own character, her sarcasm and dark humor very different from Kirsten Dunst’s perky incarnation. Comedy props also go to Martin Starr (“ Veronica Mars ”) and J.B. Smoove (“ Barbershop: The Next Cut ”) as the hapless teachers/chaperones, whose obliviousness and resignation to the increasing absurdity of the trip are a source of much amusement.

The regular references to Stark, as well as the presence of Fury, Hill and Hogan, emphasize the theme of legacy. Flashbacks retcon events of the original “ Iron Man ” as well as “ Captain America: Civil War ” and “ Spider-Man: Homecoming .” In one brilliant sequence, Peter designs and builds new devices with holographic imaging in what can be best described as full on “Stark Mode.” Meanwhile, the action sequences are as exhilarating as ever, with Spider-Man and Mysterio battling the Elementals that make for imposing and menacing enemies (or do they?). In addition, the film builds on a trope made familiar in Sam Raimi’s trilogy: Spider-Man swinging between buildings at great speed. This has long been one of the most exhilarating aspects of Spider-Man, and this time we get to join him hurtling through mid-air and dropping from one web line to another. Blockbuster cinema is sometimes compared to roller-coasters, and Watts, his director of photography Matthew J. Lloyd and the effects teams earn that comparison with some utterly breath-taking moments.

Amidst all the comedy and action, the film also demonstrates a development in terms of representation. The road trip around Europe allows for a cosmopolitan array of different locations, including the aforementioned Prague as well as Venice, Paris, Berlin and London. Interestingly, there is little depiction of local people in these cities, which allows the film to avoid national stereotypes or eroticized exoticism, although there is scant regard for architecture and monuments. More pleasingly, the school party is noticeably multi-racial. Two interracial relationships appear, as do various cultural signifiers among the teenagers. Beautifully, this progressive representation is not emphasized, but appears as something completely normal, as of course it is. There is a great irony that a diverse backdrop is simultaneously remarkable and normal, even while the extraordinary super-powered events occupy the foreground.

Overall, Spider-Man: Far From Home is a great coda to “Avengers: Endgame,” while continuing Disney’s pattern of diversity. It lacks the epic scale of its predecessor as well as the adventurousness of “Avengers: Infinity War,” but in terms of character, action and continuing this ongoing legacy, the Avengers are in good hands.

Tagged: comic book adaptation , Europe , London , sequel , superhero , teenager , villain

The Critical Movie Critics

Dr. Vincent M. Gaine is a film and television researcher. His first book, Existentialism and Social Engagement in the Films of Michael Mann was published by Palgrave MacMillan in 2011. His work on film and media has been published in Cinema Journal and The Journal of Technology , Theology and Religion , as well as edited collections including The 21st Century Superhero and The Directory of World Cinema .

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Spider-Man: No Way Home Movie Analysis Essay Sample

The roar from the crowd was deafening on opening night of “Spider-Man: No Way Home” as audiences tried to fathom what we were seeing. Cheers, profanities, and gasps filled the air, along with the muted sounds of tears rolling down cheeks. Marvel superfans and casual viewers alike sat stunned in their seats while the movie continued on with its impressive effects, heartbreaking plot points, and altogether excitement at every turn.

We can’t talk about this movie without addressing the return of Spider-Man veterans Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield, who were incorporated into the movie quite seamlessly. Despite continued denial of their involvement, both actors reappeared on screen, and not just for small cameos. They built a lovely relationship with Peter Parker – that is, Tom Holland’s version – and became mentors to him, aiding in both his physical and emotional battles. Maguire and Garfield’s characters also developed a mutual respect and camaraderie with each other, even sharing a few good quips. The three’s dynamic was well done in that it was heartwarming without being overly cliche. They bonded over their shared pain and humored the audience with references to their respective movies.

I could easily see that the people behind this project knew what fans wanted. Along with the aforementioned moments, the particular parallel between Garfield’s portrayal of Peter being unable to save girlfriend Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone) in 2014’s “The Amazing Spider-Man 2,” and rescuing MJ in “No Way Home” was not lost on viewers. We gasped and cried along with this Spider-Man as he realized he had succeeded where he once failed.

Along with these heroes came villains Green Goblin (Willem Dafoe), Electro (Jamie Foxx), Lizard (Rhys Ifans), Doc Ock (Alfred Molina), and Sandman (Thomas Haden Church), all of whom were plucked from moments before their respective deaths in their universes and transported to ours. Though there were evidently a lot of characters and opportunities packed into the film, the pacing was good and everything was adequately spaced so that audiences were always captivated without being overwhelmed. One villain who stuck out to me was the Green Goblin. Willem Dafoe topped his original 2002 performance, delivering a frighteningly unhinged Norman Osborn that laughed in the face of death and seamlessly switched between personalities.

Something especially impressive regarding “No Way Home” was the visual effects. The way they were able to combine the mind-bending imagery of “Dr. Strange” with the traditional fight sequences we’d expect from a Spider-Man film, as well as the looks of each individual villain’s powers was astounding. The VFX team truly deserves so much credit for managing to adapt these 2000s and 2010s practical effects to the 2021 screen without making them look out of place within the newer technology, nor striving too far away from their original designs.

The storyline itself was well-written, incorporating a multitude of other characters while still focusing on Tom Holland’s Peter and his life, with the normal college admissions, friendships, and relationships that come with being a high school senior. The ending rounded out his character well, leaving room for more movies revolving around his new life and the introduction of new characters while also providing a nice closing point for this trilogy.

A downfall of this movie packing so much into its two-and-a-half-hour run time was that the writers were forced to sideline Dr. Strange for much of the film. While I agree that with him there would have been too many levels of conflict in the second half, it is unrealistic for a character of his skill to be rendered incapable how he was.

Another critique of the film is the sequencing of scenes, which at times gave viewers emotional whiplash. For instance, Aunt May’s death scene was followed immediately by Garfield and Maguire’s entrances. While this kept the pacing on track to include everything audiences wanted, it was a large emotional jump from despair and a sorrowful deja vu moment for audiences to inane excitement and applause.

None of this is to say that “Spider-Man: No Way Home” is a bad movie or underdelivered in any aspect – it was all audiences hoped for and more, an “Endgame”-level film with enough surprises to keep even those who have done deep dives into the leaks on the edge of their seats.

If Garfield and Maguire’s appearances weren’t enough, the film includes a cameo by Charlie Cox’s Daredevil, who had not been confirmed as part of the MCU since his show came out, as well as other characters in the post credit scenes. The first featured Eddie Brock and Venom, a continuation of them being teased in the post credit scene of “Venom: Let There Be Carnage” from October earlier this year. It was a humorous scene, but a bit disappointing. While I’m glad the Venom symbiote was left in this universe for Peter or someone else to find, I would’ve loved for Eddie to stay in the MCU and interact with other characters. However, the “Venom” franchise is one that doesn’t take themselves too seriously so it did not come completely unexpected.

The second scene, a full teaser for “Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness,” exceeded expectations. With the return of Baron Mordo of the first “Dr. Strange” film and Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch, as well as a mysterious Dr. Strange doppelganger (a possible connection to the “What If…?” animated series) and young hero America Chavez’s first on-screen appearance, fans left the theater with much to speculate about. 

Overall, this film soared above viewer expectations and delivered a visually pleasing film full of twists and history-making scenes alongside a heart wrenching storyline that left viewers stunned. “Spider-Man: No Way Home” is a must-see for Marvel fans or anyone looking for an interesting, emotional, and jam-packed movie. While nothing will beat the excitement of watching it for the first time in theaters, I’d gladly rewatch “No Way Home” again and again.

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Monju 78 days ago

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rishitborra 124 330 days ago

After listening and watching to movie leaks I've excited. But after watching the same on screen made me a bit strain and routine... So be far from leaks in social media. Except all this the movie has great emotional and surprising ending...Greatest post credit scene in marvel history....

null 383 days ago

Aayush zajam 95 413 days ago.

spiderman is spiderman

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Common sense media reviewers.

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Fun movie, but may be too intense for younger kids.

Spider-Man Poster Image

A Lot or a Little?

What you will—and won't—find in this movie.

Core messages about empathy and responsibility are

Peter Parker is one of the comic book world's more

Lots of cartoon violence, with fight scenes (some

Passionate kissing. MJ wears a clingy wet T-shirt

"Ass," "damn," and one "s--tty."

Tie-in to vast quantities of related merchandise.

Parents need to know that Spider-Man 's PG-13 rating comes from a couple of swear words, a clingy wet T-shirt, and -- particularly -- a great deal of comic book-style violence. It can get very intense and includes not just fires and explosions, but people getting vaporized, shot (off-camera), and impaled…

Positive Messages

Core messages about empathy and responsibility are strong. "With great power comes great responsibility" is the lesson learned here as a new hero is born. Other themes include integrity, self-control, perseverance, and courage.

Positive Role Models

Peter Parker is one of the comic book world's more thoughtful heroes. He's all about saving people who are in trouble and learns important lessons about responsibility. On the other hand, he blames himself for one of the movie's sadder moments. The main villain is deceitful and conflicted, but wants the best for his son.

Violence & Scariness

Lots of cartoon violence, with fight scenes (some intense), fires, explosions and people getting vaporized, shot (off-camera), and in one case, impaled. A group of schoolchildren is in peril; and parents emotionally abuse their children.

Did you know you can flag iffy content? Adjust limits for Violence & Scariness in your kid's entertainment guide.

Sex, Romance & Nudity

Passionate kissing. MJ wears a clingy wet T-shirt in one scene.

Did you know you can flag iffy content? Adjust limits for Sex, Romance & Nudity in your kid's entertainment guide.

Did you know you can flag iffy content? Adjust limits for Language in your kid's entertainment guide.

Products & Purchases

Parents need to know.

Parents need to know that Spider-Man 's PG-13 rating comes from a couple of swear words, a clingy wet T-shirt, and -- particularly -- a great deal of comic book-style violence. It can get very intense and includes not just fires and explosions, but people getting vaporized, shot (off-camera), and impaled. Characters lose people close to them; a group of schoolchildren is in peril; and parents emotionally abuse their children. But the movie's core messages about empathy and responsibility are strong, and Peter Parker is one of the comic book world's more thoughtful heroes. To stay in the loop on more movies like this, you can sign up for weekly Family Movie Night emails .

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Community Reviews

  • Parents say (71)
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Based on 71 parent reviews

Common Sense missed a spot

Great film with positive message, but has scary scenes and suggestive themes, what's the story.

In SPIDER-MAN, Toby Maguire stars as Peter Parker, a brilliant and sensitive high school student who's so deeply in love with his next-door neighbor Mary Jane ( Kirsten Dunst ) that he can barely bring himself to say hello to her. On a school field trip, he's bitten by a genetically engineered spider; the next morning he wakes up with some distinctly arachnid-like qualities: He can see without his glasses, climb walls, eject webbing with the swinging power of rope and the strength of steel, and anticipate danger. Peter plays around with his newfound superpowers but quickly learns that power comes with great responsibility. Great risk comes as well: Everyone Peter cares about is put in danger because of who he is. Meanwhile, Peter's best friend's father, industrialist Norman Osborn ( Willem Dafoe ), has decided to try out his company's new product on himself. He, too, develops extraordinary power -- and a mad fury. His new alter ego is dubbed the Green Goblin for his bizarre armor-like covering.

Is It Any Good?

Maguire is just right as Peter, the supporting cast is great, and the script is excellent, striking just the right note of respect and affection for the source material. Spider-Man has a contemporary feel without being showily post-modern or ironic. The special effects are thrilling. New York City is brilliantly stylized. Peter's relationship with MJ is sweetly romantic. The movie's weakest point is that it fails in the single most important requirement for a comic book-based movie: The villain isn't unforgettably crazy or evil or larger-than-life. Dafoe is a brilliant actor, but the part of Osborn/Green just isn't interesting enough to be truly scary.

Parents who are struggling with whether this movie is appropriate for kids under 13 should know that it's at about the same level as the X-Men movies. Keep in mind that just because kids can repeat after you that "it's only pretend" doesn't mean that they fully understand what that means until they're 10 or even older. Some kids may see the movie and appear to have no problems with it but later act out in other ways. Be watchful for kids who respond by desensitizing themselves to violence or re-enacting it.

Talk to Your Kids About ...

Families can talk about Uncle Ben's influence on Peter Parker in Spider-Man . What role does he play in Peter's life?

What does "with great power comes great responsibility" mean? Can you think of other superhero movies that tackle that theme?

Also, do you agree that people "love to see a hero fail"?

How do you think this live-action film compares with Spider-Man comics or the other Spider-Man films ?

How do the characters in Spider-Man demonstrate self-control , integrity , and empathy ? What about perseverance and courage ? Why are these important character strengths ?

Movie Details

  • In theaters : May 3, 2002
  • On DVD or streaming : November 1, 2002
  • Cast : Kirsten Dunst , Tobey Maguire , Willem Dafoe
  • Director : Sam Raimi
  • Inclusion Information : Female actors
  • Studio : Columbia Tristar
  • Genre : Action/Adventure
  • Topics : Superheroes , Adventures , Great Boy Role Models
  • Character Strengths : Courage , Empathy , Integrity , Perseverance , Self-control
  • Run time : 121 minutes
  • MPAA rating : PG-13
  • MPAA explanation : violence.
  • Last updated : February 7, 2024

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Spider-Man Movie Review

Updated 10 August 2022

Subject Movies

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Category Entertainment

Topic Movie Analysis ,  Movie Review ,  Movie Summary ,  Spiderman

This Spider-Man movie review will discuss the positive and negative aspects of the film. We will focus on the role of Tom Holland's Spider-Man, the new villains, positive themes, and Action sequences. To get a better understanding of the movie, we will look at some of the most notable aspects of Spider-Man: Homecoming. The film was released on July 7th and received maximum applause in its opening scene. The audience roared for the supervillains, drowning out the opening dialogues. Tom Holland's Spider-Man Is Tom Holland's Spider-Man movie worthy of the hype? This review will give you my opinion about the film. I think Tom Holland's Spider-Man is one of the best superhero movies in recent history. He plays the web-slinger in an emotionally compelling way. And if you love the comic book series, you'll love Tom Holland as the web-slinger. Tom Holland is a joy to watch in any of the upcoming Marvel movies. Spider-Man is a beloved superhero, but his real identity remains a mystery, even in the most recent film. The story starts with Peter Parker, played by Holland, and J.K. Simmons' J. Jonah Jameson. Jameson is a renowned newshound and Public Enemy No. 1, and his relationship with Peter Parker and the rest of the Spider-Man gang is quite interesting. Mary Jane The Mary Jane in Spiderman is Peter Parker's girlfriend. She is about to get married to John Jameson but secretly longs to have a relationship with Peter. The movie is a good example of what friendship can do for the soul. Mary Jane has an incredibly powerful role and is a good example of how friendship can be the purest form of love. This review will give you an in-depth analysis of Mary Jane in Spiderman. After the events of Spider-Man 3, Tobey Maguire requested that no details be included about the relationship between Mary Jane and Peter Parker. The movie hints that Mary Jane and Peter have reconciled, but it doesn't go into their relationship status fourteen years later. Regardless, Mary Jane and Peter Parker's chemistry in this movie is top-notch. If you haven't seen Spider-Man, don't miss this new installment of the lovable superhero. Action sequences While there are several action sequences in the Spider-Man franchise, this latest one is particularly impressive. Director Sam Raimi reimagines the classic comic book hero with two epic action sequences. Tobey Maguire and Alfred Molina work closely together to create the sequences. They begin work on these action sequences years before they are filmed and continue throughout the production. As a result, you will be able to enjoy the movie as a whole before you see the final product. The first action sequence features a back-and-forth sequence between Peter Parker and the evil Green Goblin. Spider-Man's web-slinging powers allow him to stop a train. This fight is so intense, it rivals Sam Raimi's Evil Dead. The shock factor is the death of the Goblin, which is a memorable scene. The movie also starred a cameo from Marvel's Generalissimo, Stan Lee, who is completely oblivious to the chaos. Positive themes The positive themes of Spider-Man are abundant throughout the film. These themes include social responsibility, single-mindedness, and a sense of honor. They also highlight the contrast between loving family relationships and destructive ones. The film also draws a clear line between good and evil, with Spider-Man often falling on the right side of the line. What's more, the movie also features a surprisingly strong female lead, Mary Jane.

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Interestingly, the film's themes aren't exactly confined to the positive, as the negative ones dominate. For example, the love theme, though central to the film, isn't given its own long suite. Despite its importance, it is only incorporated sparingly in the film. One of the best pieces of the score, Still Crazy, combines strings and mournful electronics to create an epic piece.

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Home / Essay Samples / Entertainment / Movies / Film Analysis

Review and Critique of the Movie Spider-Man

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Film Analysis , Movie Review , Spiderman

  • Words: 837 (2 pages)

Review And Critique Of The Movie Spider-Man

Please note! This essay has been submitted by a student.

Table of Contents

Introduction, character development and conflict in spider-man, setting of the movie, spider-man, main critiques of the film, spider-man.

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Tv/streaming, collections, great movies, chaz's journal, contributors, spider-man: into the spider-verse.

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“Mom, can we go see ‘Into the Spider-Verse,’ again?” my nine-year-old son asked me as I was tucking him in to bed the other night. And I was happy to hear his request. I’d been thinking about how much I wanted to revisit the film for days after the screening we’d attended, myself—not only because it’s such a pure blast of creative joy, but also because there’s so much going on that a viewer couldn’t possibly catch it all the first time around.

It’s only fitting that my kid would be thinking about “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” as he was drifting off to sleep. As rooted in a vividly specific, recognizable New York as it is, and as closely as it hews to comic-book imagery and structure within its animated format as it does, “Spider-Verse” has a wonderfully trippy, dreamlike quality about it. And that’s not just because it features a wisecracking pig in a Spider-Man get-up named Peter Porker, the kind of character you might conjure in your subconscious after eating too much barbecue and taking a shot of Nyquil before bed.

It would seem like an impossible feat, but somehow, directors Bob Persichetti , Peter Ramsey , and Rodney Rothman have breathed thrilling new life into the comic book movie. The way they play with tone, form and texture is constantly inventive and giddily alive. Given that we get a handful of Marvel films every year—and we’ve certainly had no shortage of movies featuring Spider-Man among them, either as a main character or as part of an assembled ensemble—the idea of yet another might sound like overkill or worse: a shameless cash grab.

But “Into the Spider-Verse” is after something different, both in its storytelling and in its stakes. And it knows that you know all the various incarnations of this character, and might even be tired of them yourself. The screenplay comes from Rothman and Phil Lord —one half of the brilliant team behind “The LEGO Movie” (alongside Christopher Miller ), which also played in myriad meta ways with the audience’s knowledge about and expectations of ubiquitous pop-culture characters. It features plenty of fourth-wall breaking and self-aware narration, both of which might seem like trite crutches in less clever hands. These are comic-book characters that know they’re comic-book characters, which in no way diminishes the excitement of their adventures. On the contrary, this device welcomes us even more powerfully into their world.

It helps hugely that “Into the Spider-Verse” features a tremendous cast of voice actors to bring these characters to life. They hit the humorous beats with superb timing and élan, but they also find the humanity and pathos within their adventures to give the story dramatic heft. Familiarity with this parallel universe of Spider-Man characters isn’t necessarily a must. I didn’t really know any of them going into it, and I had a blast, but my son had seen them in various TV shows he’s watched and video games he’s played, which added a level of excitement with the introduction of each one.

At their center is Miles Morales (voiced with heart and smarts by “ Dope ” star Shameik Moore ), an ordinary Brooklyn teenager who undergoes an extraordinary transformation when he gets bitten by a radioactive spider. The streets and brownstones, cabs and subways of his daily life have a detailed, tactile realism about them, but also the heightened aesthetic of a comic book come to life, complete with panels and dialogue bubbles. It’s simply gorgeous.

As was the case with his Queens counterpart, Peter B. Parker ( Jake Johnson ), the newfound powers Miles discovers are simultaneously terrifying and exhilarating. These characters, and the various others we meet in the Spider-Verse, introduce themselves in cheeky fashion, going through the familiar steps of their own respective spider bites in playful, knowing ways. The high-energy repetition of this well-worn origin story, in all its wild permutations, is a consistent source of laughs.

Whereas Miles is young, eager and full of promise, the version of Peter Parker he eventually encounters is middle-aged, jaded and paunchy. It’s an inspired new angle into this iconic superhero, and Johnson finds just the right combination of sarcasm and sadness in his reluctant mentor figure.

But wait, there’s more—so much more. Because Miles and Peter aren’t the only Spider-men out there. When megalomaniacal crime lord Wilson Fisk ( Liev Schreiber ) builds a super collider that tears a hole in the time-space continuum—or something—various Spider-beings from other dimensions come tumbling out. They include the elegant and acrobatic Gwen Stacy/Spider-Woman ( Hailee Steinfeld ), who poses as a student at Miles’ school; Nicolas Cage ’s Spider-Noir, a black-and-white, hard-boiled detective; the anime-inspired Penni Parker ( Kimiko Glenn ), who fights crime with the help of her friendly robot; and the aforementioned Peter Porker, a.k.a. Spider-Ham (a perfectly cast John Mulaney ), who steals his every scene.

Previously, we’d already met another more traditional Spider-Man within Miles’ timeline, voiced by Chris Pine . And among the other characters we’re familiar with, we see Peter’s longtime love, Mary Jane ( Zoe Kravitz ); his reliable Aunt May ( Lily Tomlin ); and legendary nemeses including Doc Ock ( Kathryn Hahn , in a great bit of gender-bending casting). The always-excellent Brian Tyree Henry and Mahershala Ali respectively portray Miles’ father and uncle: two very different figures who have had an enormous influence on the intelligent, resourceful young man Miles has become. Luna Lauren Velez voices his warmly supportive mom, Rio.

Yes, it’s dizzying, and that’s part of the fun. But the characters are drawn so distinctly that they’re always compelling. And we come to care about them because they’re not cogs in a massive machinery where the fate of the entire universe hangs in the balance, as is so often the case in behemoth comic-book blockbusters. More intimately, their individual worlds are at stake, and the possibility that these characters will never be able to go back to the dimensions they call home. They fear being stuck in the purgatory of a madman’s making, an understandable cause for existential dread.

They all bounce beautifully off each other as they banter, draw from their strengths and learn to work together. It’s pretty linear from a narrative perspective, for a while. But then the climax unfolds, in which they fight for survival and a return to their own realms, rendered as a psychedelic explosion of color and style. What’s amazing is that this lengthy sequence is never hard to follow. We’re with it every breathless step of the way, which can’t always be said for live-action, CGI extravaganzas of this ilk.

So yes, we can see it again. And we will. And we’ll stay all the way through the credits again—and you should, too.

Christy Lemire

Christy Lemire

Christy Lemire is a longtime film critic who has written for since 2013. Before that, she was the film critic for The Associated Press for nearly 15 years and co-hosted the public television series "Ebert Presents At the Movies" opposite Ignatiy Vishnevetsky, with Roger Ebert serving as managing editor. Read her answers to our Movie Love Questionnaire here .

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Film credits.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse movie poster

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)

117 minutes

Shameik Moore as Miles Morales / Spider-Man (voice)

Jake Johnson as Peter Parker / Spider-Man (voice)

Hailee Steinfeld as Gwen Stacy / Spider-Gwen (voice)

Nicolas Cage as Peter Parker / Spider-Man Noir (voice)

John Mulaney as Peter Porker / Spider-Ham (voice)

Mahershala Ali as Aaron Davis / Prowler (voice)

Liev Schreiber as Wilson Fisk / Kingpin (voice)

Oscar Isaac as Miguel O'Hara / Spider-Man 2099 (voice)

Chris Pine as Peter Parker / Spider-Man (voice)

Jorma Taccone as Norman Osborn / Green Goblin (voice)

Zoë Kravitz as Mary-Jane Watson (voice)

Kathryn Hahn as Olivia Octavius / Doc Ock (voice)

Brian Tyree Henry as Jefferson Davis (voice)

Lily Tomlin as Aunt May (voice)

Lake Bell as Vanessa Fisk (voice)

Stan Lee as Costume Shop Owner (voice)

  • Bob Persichetti
  • Peter Ramsey
  • Rodney Rothman
  • Christopher Miller
  • Steve Ditko
  • Alex Hirsch
  • Daniel Pemberton

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Bob Marley Film Has a Strong Start, but ‘Madame Web’ Unravels

“One Love” landed in what has become a box office sweet spot — stories that feel both nostalgic and new — while the Spider-Man spinoff is another sign that the comics-character boom is over.

A scene from "Bob Marley: One Love," with Marley hugging two children and two other children smiling at him. They're standing by a gray car.

By Brooks Barnes

The sleepy United States box office finally lifted its eyelids over the holiday weekend. “Bob Marley: One Love,” a feel-good musical biopic, was on track to take in $33.2 million from Friday through Monday, for a strong total of roughly $51 million since opening on Valentine’s Day, according to Paramount Pictures.

“Excuse me while I light my spliff,” read a celebratory post on the official X account for Marley, who died in 1981.

“One Love,” which cost about $70 million to make, landed in what has emerged over the last year as a box office sweet spot — stories that feel both nostalgic and new — allowing it to overcome weak reviews , box office analysts said. (Marley has never before been the subject of a big-screen musical biopic.)

But the movie business, for the most part, was anything but euphoric. The weekend’s other new wide-release movie, “ Madame Web ,” based on a minor character from the Spider-Man comics, added to what has recently been a clear message from ticket buyers: The comics-character boom is over. “Madame Web” was on track to sell $17.6 million in tickets from Friday through Monday, for a total of $25.8 million since arriving on Valentine’s Day, according to Sony Pictures.

Ticket sales for “Madame Web” were among the lowest ever for a superhero movie — a genre that, for decades, has been one of Hollywood’s most reliable moneymakers. To compare, “Elektra,” considered a hall-of-fame superhero misfire, collected $12.8 million over its first three days in 2005, or about $21 million in today’s dollars.

It’s not that superhero movies are finished. Rather, “the superhero universe is no longer expanding,” said David A. Gross, a film consultant who publishes a newsletter on box office numbers. The most popular characters will continue to attract audiences, he said, pointing to early interest in “Deadpool & Wolverine,” a coming superhero sequel from Marvel Studios. The first “Deadpool & Wolverine” trailer, released during the Super Bowl, generated more than 365 million views online in its first 24 hours, setting a record .

“Madame Web” received disastrous reviews ; one critic called it the “Cats” of superhero movies. The film, directed by S.J. Clarkson, whose previous experience was mostly in television, and starring an all-female ensemble led by Dakota Johnson, was also undercut by some of the same misogyny that thwarted female-oriented films like “The Marvels” and “Ghostbusters” (2016). Social media users and some movie sites reveled in slashing apart “Madame Web” in general and Ms. Johnson in particular .

In financial terms, it was not a catastrophe for Sony — not compared with “The Marvels,” which cost Disney an estimated $220 million to make and collected only $200 million worldwide last year. (Studios receive about 50 percent of ticket sales, with theaters keeping the balance.) “Madame Web,” intended as a thriller for young women, cost about $80 million to make, partly because it did not rely on lavish visual effects. (Her only superpower is clairvoyance.)

“Madame Web” collected an additional $26 million in partial international release over the weekend.

“Bob Marley: One Love,” directed by Reinaldo Marcus Green (“King Richard”) and starring Kingsley Ben-Adir, sold about $29 million in tickets overseas, where it was also playing in partial release.

Theaters have been ghost towns on some weekends this year, a result of big-budget movies like “Argyle” that failed to entice ticket buyers, Oscar-oriented art films that have not crossed over to the mainstream and fewer wide releases. For the year so far, theaters in the United States and Canada have sold about $764 million in tickets, down 15 percent from the same period last year, according to Comscore, which compiles box office data.

The slowdown was particularly pronounced on Super Bowl weekend, when domestic theaters collected just $38.9 million, the worst result for a Super Bowl weekend — excluding the pandemic year of 2021 — since at least the mid-1980s, when comprehensive box office records began to be compiled, according to Comscore.

Several big movies, including “Dune: Part Two,” will arrive in the weeks ahead. But the box office is expected to continue to struggle, partly because studios pushed several films off the March release calendar as a result of the union strikes that shut down production for much of last year. “Disney’s Snow White,” for instance, was once set to arrive on March 22. Citing production delays, Disney bumped it to March 2025.

“This isn’t another industry existential crisis — we had those and we’re past them,” Mr. Gross said. “Moviegoing has proven itself during the last couple of years. This is a release schedule, product-driven problem that will take some time to fix.”

Brooks Barnes covers all things Hollywood. He joined The New York Times in 2007 and previously worked at The Wall Street Journal. More about Brooks Barnes

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Screen Rant

Madame web box office suffers huge second weekend drop (but is it sony spider-man universe's worst).

The new Sony Spider-Man Universe movie Madame Web, starring Dakota Johnson, suffers a significant week 2 drop at the domestic box office.

  • Madame Web experienced a steep 64% drop at the domestic box office in its second weekend.
  • The movie is projected to only reach $35 million domestically by the end of the weekend, far from its $80 million budget.
  • This week 2 drop is nevertheless not the lowest of the Sony Spider-Man franchise.

Madame Web has suffered a significant week 2 drop at the box office. The superhero feature, which stars Dakota Johnson as clairvoyant paramedic Cassie Webb, is the latest installment in Sony's Spider-Man Universe, which includes the popular Venom movies and the infamous critical flop Morbius . The movie opened midweek over the Valentine's Day holiday, earning a 3-day opening weekend total of $15.3 million, though even if its head start is included, its 6-day total still marked the lowest opening gross for the entire franchise.

Per Deadline , the Madame Web box office has dropped from second to fourth place on the domestic chart in its second weekend with a projected 3-day gross of $5.56 million. The movie's cumulative domestic total is estimated to reach $35 million by the end of Sunday, a total that pales in comparison to its reported $80 million budget, a cost which means that it will likely have to earn at least $160 million in order to hit the break-even point. This also marks a significant 64% drop from the movie's opening weekend.

How Madame Web's Week 2 Drop Compares to the Rest of the Sony Spider-Man Universe

A 64% drop is not a very good result for any blockbuster title, let alone one with such a big budget. However, the Madame Web release actually had the second-best drop of Sony's Spider-Man Universe so far , which is currently a four-movie franchise with two additional movies ( Kraven the Hunter and Venom 3 ) set to premiere before the end of the year. Below, check out how the new movie's drop compares to the previous installments in the franchise:

Madame Web 's week 2 drop was slightly better than Venom: Let There Be Carnage , which turned out a significantly lower gross than the previous installment in the Venom subfranchise. However, because its opening weekend was so much higher, Venom 2 's second-weekend gross of $31.8 million was still considerably above the new movie's scant $5.56 million take. The same is true of Morbius , which had a second-weekend haul of $10.2 million despite a catastrophic, franchise-worst second-weekend drop.

This spells bad news for the Madame Web movie . The title is still struggling to pass the $100 million milestone worldwide, let alone the $160 million threshold it likely needs to hit in order to end up in the black. With big blockbuster titles coming throughout March, including Dune: Part Two , Kung Fu Panda 4 , and Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire , it seems unlikely that the movie will be able to stand up to the competition and earn its money back.

Source: Deadline

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movie review essay spiderman

Sony’s Newest Spider-Man Movie Proves A Controversial Spider-Verse Villain Right

Warning! This article contains spoilers for Madame Web

  • Madame Web highlights the importance of tragedy in Spider-Man's journey, suggesting that certain events are necessary for his development.
  • Cassie's detached humor about future tragedies supports that she's accepted the idea of "canon events" in the lives of every Spider-Man.
  • Madame Web and Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse imply that tragic events, such as the death of father figures, are crucial for Spider-Man's growth and that he wouldn't reach his potential without them.

Sony's latest Marvel movie, Madame Web , seems to indirectly support the controversial views of a Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse antagonist, Spider-Man 2099. Taking place back in the early 2000s, Madame Web understandably lacks any tangible connections to Venom , Venom: Let There Be Carnage, Morbiu s , or any other superhero movies. However, the very concept of Cassie Webb existing with the powers that she has and the relationships she's shown to be a part of have tragic implications for the future of Sony's Spider-Man Universe if she ends up crossing over into other projects.

Madame Web Seems To Understand The Importance Of Tragedy For Spider-Man

There are a lot of strange lines of dialogue in Madame Web , but perhaps the most bizarre comes near the end of the movie. Mary Parker finally has her baby - Peter. The three will-be Spider-Women under Cassie's tutelage explain that Ben is excited to be an uncle because it comes with " all of the fun stuff; none of the responsibility. " Cassie smirks and replies, " That's what he thinks ." On the surface, it's meant as a quick joke about Cassie now effortlessly seeing the future. However, it's absolutely horrendous when thought about at any length.

10 Moments That Almost Made Madame Web Work (& What Went Wrong With Them)

For reasons unknown, Cassie is making a joke about Ben's brother and his wife dying while Peter is young and Ben and May adopting him, ruining the " none of the responsibility " part of his statement. Given she can see that, she can also likely see that her close friend a co-worker, Ben, will tragically die to inspire Peter to be Spider-Man. The fact that she's smiling seems incredibly out of place, but it also seems to support the fact that she knows these things need to - and therefore will - happen . It's a sentiment not dissimilar from Miguel's "canon events."

Why Madame Web's Awkward Joke Supports The Idea Of Canon Events

The only explanation that makes any sense as to why Cassie Web would find Ben's necessary adoption of his nephew funny is if she's been detached from the present and her current relationships and strictly sees time as a concurrent past, present, and future. Only then could she potentially see and accept Ben's (and Mary and Richard Parker's) deaths without a grieving period and focus on the incredibly good Peter will someday do for the world as Spider-Man. Madame Web proves that Cassie can change the future, so if she was going to do so, she wouldn't make her comment.

Madame Web Review: Sony's New Spider-Man Universe Movie Is A Horrible, Cheap Imitation

Again, the only explanation for not saving Ben, Mary, and Richard, the first of whom is a close friend and the second of whom is at least an acquaintance, is that Cassie accepts that their deaths are necessary for Peter to reach his potential and, in turn, save far more lives than the three his journey costs. This is exactly the idea held by Across the Spider-Verse 's Miguel O'Hara, who believes certain "canon events" must happen in the lives of every Spider-Man .

The necessary death of a father figure is a specific point of contention that Miles Morales plans to fight, but it seems Cassie agrees. Of course, nobody in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse can see the future, so there's no way to know for sure if Miguel is right. Cassie seems to offer confirmation that, at least to a degree, tragedy is an important part of Spider-Man's journey. The alternative is that she really finds the deaths of her friends amusing, which seems a big far-fetched even for the often-confusing Madame Web .

More information on canon events will be revealed in the upcoming Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse , which currently does not have a release date.

Director S.J. Clarkson

Release Date February 14, 2024

Writers Kerem Sanga, Burk Sharpless, Matt Sazama

Cast Isabela Merced, Sydney Sweeney, Emma Roberts, Dakota Johnson, Adam Scott

Rating PG-13

Runtime 114 Minutes

Kraven the hunter.

Sony’s Newest Spider-Man Movie Proves A Controversial Spider-Verse Villain Right

Madame Web Hits Record Low for Sony Spider-Man Movies at the Box Office

The first marvel-based movie to not open at number one in nearly a decade..

Adele Ankers-Range Avatar

Madame Web has struggled to ensnare audiences for its opening weekend at the box office, hitting a record low in the Sony Spider-Man Universe.

Sony's latest superhero film grossed $17.6 million in the U.S. during its 3-day opening weekend and $25.8 million during a six-day period, per Variety , leading to the worst opening for any Spider-Man Universe movie, including the critically-panned vampire flick Morbius, which made $39.1 million in its three-day debut in 2022.

17 Movie Trailers That Lied to Us

Whether it’s featuring characters not in the final product or conveniently disguising the fact that a movie is a musical, these are the trailers that blatantly lied to us. For shame!

Madame Web opened in second place behind Paramount's latest music biopic, Bob Marley: One Love , which earned $27.7 million in the U.S. during the 3-day weekend and $51 million during its six-day stretch. It added $29 million overseas, while Madame Web launched internationally with $25.7 million at the box office.

After failing to reach the top spot, Madame Web claimed another unwanted title as it became the first Marvel-based movie since Fox's Fantastic Four reboot to not open at number one. That film, stylized as Fant4stic, opened with $26.2 million in the U.S. when it hit theaters in 2015, putting it behind Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation.

Dakota Johnson's titular superhero in Madame Web has the power to see the future and to change it, but even she might have been caught off guard by the movie's disappointing box office debut. However, the actress did admit that "drastic changes" were made to the script , and she had concerns over certain scenes .

Madame Web currently has a Rotten Tomatoes critics score of 13%, with IGN's review calling it "mediocre," noting that it "fails the talent and the future of its onscreen Spider-Women" with "extraneous characters, basic archetypes, and generic dialogue", but who knows what the future holds for the teen thriller .

Adele Ankers-Range is a freelance entertainment writer for IGN. You can follow her on X/Twitter @AdeleAnkers.

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Madame Web

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(2021's Spider-Man: No Way Home is the seventh-highest-grossing movie of all time.) But the studio was left in a peculiar position, owning both Spider-Man and the 60-plus years' worth of ...

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Key Points. Critics have favorably reviewed Tom Holland's third solo Spider-Man film, calling it a "celebration of Spidey fandom.". "Spider-Man: No Way Home" currently holds a 95% ...

The actress stars as a clairvoyant in the latest entry to the Spider-Man franchise, using her charm to rise above this flat, predictable movie. Share full article Dakota Johnson, left, as Madame Web.

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This version of Peter Parker is less cocky than the prior incarnations of recent years. He is also rather whiny a lot of the time. The Peter Parker I grew up with was agonizingly tetchy, but he didn't hunch over like a weasel whenever he had to get out of a social situation to go fight crime.

Our review: Parents say ( 57 ): Kids say ( 208 ): Simultaneously humorous and heartfelt, entertaining and angsty, this action-packed sequel is an exploration of Peter Parker's grief and moving on in a post- Endgame world. The movie focuses on 16-year-old Peter's ongoing struggle to figure out his place as either the "friendly neighborhood ...

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Sony's stewardship of Spider-Man has produced underwhelming spinoffs from that universe, from "Venom" (not good, but successful) to "Morbius" (not good, and RIP). In terms of stand-alone ...

None of this is to say that "Spider-Man: No Way Home" is a bad movie or underdelivered in any aspect - it was all audiences hoped for and more, an "Endgame"-level film with enough surprises to keep even those who have done deep dives into the leaks on the edge of their seats.

4.8/5 Avg. Users' Rating 0/5 Rate Movie Synopsis Undoubtedly the most crowd-pleasing Spider-Man film of all time, 'No Way Home' is a celebration of your friendly neighbourhood Avenger. Read More Cast & Crew Jon Watts Director Alfred Molina Actor Zendaya Actor Tom Holland Actor Willem Dafoe Actor Marisa Tomei Actor Angourie Rice Actor

Our review: Parents say ( 71 ): Kids say ( 243 ): Maguire is just right as Peter, the supporting cast is great, and the script is excellent, striking just the right note of respect and affection for the source material. Spider-Man has a contemporary feel without being showily post-modern or ironic. The special effects are thrilling.

Updated 10 August 2022 Subject Movies Downloads 29 Category Entertainment Topic Movie Analysis , Movie Review , Movie Summary , Spiderman This sample was provided by a student, not a professional writer. Anyone has access to our essays, so likely it was already used by other students. Do not take a risk and order a custom paper from an expert.

Essay on 'Spider-Man 2': Movie Review Cite This Essay Download There's another superhero sequel. Hollywood is yet again doing what it does best, overproducing films within a certain genre, cranking them out in record numbers, and consequently tarnishing the integrity of not just one, but all.

Review and Critique of the Movie Spider-Man Essay details Category: Entertainment Subcategory: Movies Topic: Film Analysis, Movie Review, Spiderman Words: 837 (2 pages) Download Please note! This essay has been submitted by a student. Table of Contents Introduction

To get a little pretentious about this latest ultra-silly Sony Marvel movie, Susan Sontag would have loved "Madame Web." Or maybe she would have found it offensive, but either way, it ...

7 Introduction Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man is a goofy, heartfelt glimpse into the life of Peter Parker that I believe any person could find entertaining. The movie, directed by Sam Raimi, aims to provide a glimpse into the life of Peter Parker in the real world as compared to Stan Lee's comics.

They fear being stuck in the purgatory of a madman's making, an understandable cause for existential dread. They all bounce beautifully off each other as they banter, draw from their strengths and learn to work together. It's pretty linear from a narrative perspective, for a while.

The weekend's other new wide-release movie, "Madame Web," based on a minor character from the Spider-Man comics, added to what has recently been a clear message from ticket buyers: The ...

Peter Parker ( Tobey Maguire), A geeky high school student, living with this Aunt Mary ( Rosemary Harris) and his Uncle Ben ( Cliff Robertson) after the sudden death of his parents from when he was young. His Best friend Harry Osborne (James Franco) the father of Norman Osborne (William Dafoe) a Machiavellian technology tycoon.

Madame Web has suffered a significant week 2 drop at the box office. The superhero feature, which stars Dakota Johnson as clairvoyant paramedic Cassie Webb, is the latest installment in Sony's Spider-Man Universe, which includes the popular Venom movies and the infamous critical flop Morbius.The movie opened midweek over the Valentine's Day holiday, earning a 3-day opening weekend total of $15 ...

Published: Nov 22, 2018 The last film I saw was Spider-Man and I really enjoyed it. The movie was about a young man who gets bitten by a radioactive spider and turns into a web-spinning superhero, doing his best to save a city from the charge of evil, while also trying to impress the girl next door.

Sony's latest Marvel movie, Madame Web, seems to indirectly support the controversial views of a Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse antagonist, Spider-Man 2099. Taking place back in the early ...

Madame Web has struggled to ensnare audiences for its opening weekend at the box office, hitting a record low in the Sony Spider-Man Universe.. Sony's latest superhero film grossed $17.6 million ...

The Flocabulary Blog

10 Instructional strategies to teach reading comprehension

  • February 6, 2024

Darri Stephens

  • Education Tips & Tricks , Implementation , Lessons and Ideas

One of the first pieces of advice a teacher will tell a parent is to read to your child; read early and often. This tip is fundamental to helping them develop a love of reading and an understanding of print concepts. Even before kids can read on their own, they can appreciate the art of storytelling. They can also gain familiarity with print concepts: knowing how to hold a book and turn a page, and learning how to read left to right.

Later, as they develop their decoding skills, they will begin extracting or deducing meaning from the written word. Reading comprehension skills require the reader and listener to not just decode the words, but understand the meaning of those words. These skills include recalling details, analyzing information, making inferences, making connections, and drawing conclusions. Early on, emergent readers begin to understand that words and pictures hold meaning; how those meanings come together are the elements of reading comprehension. Many educators ponder how best to teach reading comprehension so students develop strong literacy skills.

What are the levels of reading comprehension?

When diving into the Science of Reading (SOR) , don’t neglect how to teach reading comprehension in favor of just cementing phonemic awareness and fluency skills. On average, 25% of early elementary students struggle with reading comprehension . Chall (1996 ) describes how reading comprehension is woven throughout the six stages of reading development—Stages 0-5: Pre-reading, Initial reading, Confirmation and fluency, Reading for learning the new, Multiple viewpoints, Construction and reconstruction. In general, it is helpful to consider how to move students from “learning to read” (print concepts, phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, phonics) to “reading to learn” (background knowledge, comprehension). Whatever your approach, the dynamic and complex process of learning to read requires an intricate web of skill development.

Chall's Stages of Reading Development graphic

Reading comprehension lessons, videos, and activities on Flocabulary

When teaching reading, reading comprehension is core and key to literacy skills as they span all curricular areas—from stories in English Language Arts (ELA) to informational texts in science and history to word problems in math, just to name a few applications. Flocabulary’s 1,300+ video-based lessons with activities support vocabulary acquisition and comprehension skills across K-12 subjects. These high-quality videos captivate students and create an impactful and memorable learning experience by harnessing the power of hip-hop music, visual art, storytelling, humor, drama, and poetry. Each video-based lesson includes a suite of instructional activities that provide additional practice at varying levels of rigor to scaffold instruction.

Here’s an example of the type of videos you can find on Flocabulary!

There are many methods of teaching reading comprehension. It’s essential for ELA teachers to tackle reading comprehension strategies head-on while reiterating and reinforcing them. Keep reading to explore instructional strategies for reading comprehension using impactful tools like Flocabulary.

New to Flocabulary? Teachers can sign up for a trial to access our lesson videos and assessment activities. Administrators can get in touch with us to learn more about unlocking the full power of Flocabulary through Flocabulary Plus .

10 Instructional strategies for teaching reading comprehension

1. preview stories and make predictions.

Before reading a new story, do a quick picture walk to see how students use the illustrations to make predictions about the plot line. Even if their predictions are not correct, they will be making real-world connections to their prior knowledge and personal experiences, and they will be comparing and contrasting the story to their own knowledge and experience from that point on.

Consider exploring the many stories within Flocabulary’s Literature Videos & Lessons library that you can engage with as a class. You can also share the lesson as personalized content for individual students.

Literature Flocabulary video lesson library

2. Devote time to reading aloud

Read aloud, full stop. First, make sure you read aloud often to your students, regardless of their age, for reading instruction. Model the sounds, the structure, and the cadence of storytelling. Then, encourage students to read aloud to you, to each other, and to younger grades. Reading aloud requires readers to slow down and digest what is being said. When kids can read aloud well, such skills underscore that they understand what is being said or described using letters and sounds. Plus, when they can add inflection to their reading, they are following cues given by the text’s sentence structure and use of punctuation.

Flocabulary’s lessons engage readers of all skill levels with the rich audio tracks’ rhythmic structure and rhyming verse. Such play with words disrupts an expected sentence structure and helps readers develop figurative language skills (when words have layers of meaning beyond the literal). Flocabulary’s Lyric Lab is an academic rhyme-writing activity that deepens students’ vocabulary and writing skills. Students can lean on the built-in rhyme generator for extended word play.

You can also help students practice reading by enabling Immersive Reader, which includes a read-aloud functionality. Students can click on the Immersive Reader button to have questions, passages, and answers read aloud to them.

3. Help identify just-right books

Teach your student how to identify books that are at their reading level. Everyone loves a challenge, but too much of a challenge can frustrate and deter emergent readers. This is especially important when teaching reading comprehension to students with learning difficulties. Model how to read the first page of a book and use the five-finger rule: The reader should count no more than five unknown words. Too many stumbles or interruptions will break the flow of meaning for struggling readers. You can use Fontes and Penell’s reading levels to label or group your classroom’s library books. Students will be proud of the progress they make throughout the year.

With just-right books and developmentally appropriate content, students can begin to cement fundamental skills around recalling key ideas and details, analyzing craft and structure, and integrating knowledge and ideas. Create a Flocabulary Mix lesson by combining a skill with a video text for some targeted practice.

*Flocabulary Mix is only available to users with a Flocabulary Plus subscription.

4. Expand your classroom library

Expose your readers to various genres of literature—from fiction (like fantasy) to poetry (whether rhyming or free verse) to nonfiction and expository text. Help your students begin to develop a personalized love of reading, whether that be for the spine-tingling descriptions of a mystery, the lyrical verse of a sonnet, or the mind-blowing facts of history.

Flocabulary excels in storytelling through engaging video lessons that cover a diverse range of literary genres, ensuring students are exposed to a rich tapestry of literature while boosting their vocabulary, comprehension, and reading skills. Watching these videos during your reading comprehension lessons can help students understand the types of genres, authors, and plot lines that interest them.

Here are some Flocabulary lessons about genres to accompany your instructional strategies for reading:

Genres of Fiction lesson cover

  • Genres of Fiction : This song explores the genre of fiction and teaches the characteristics of its different subgenres.
  • Fiction vs. Nonfiction : This song teaches the difference between fiction and nonfiction and provides several examples for each.
  • What Is Drama? : This lesson teaches the parts of a play and what goes on onstage and behind the scenes. They’ll learn the elements of drama and the major differences between drama, stories, and poetry.
  • What is Poetry? : In this lesson, students learn what a poem is and see how poetic language can take us beyond literal meaning.

Encourage your students to reread stories again and again. This is the most essential and best way to teach reading comprehension. Such practice will help increase fluency. With familiarity, they can begin to focus on nuances such as tone when reading dialogue, or expression when interpreting more sophisticated punctuation. When a child can read with appropriate intonation, it often highlights how well they are comprehending what they are reading. Students will gain confidence each time they reread, and they will enjoy the rigor as well as the fun .

6. Model how to visualize meaning

Practice with your students how to visualize what is represented by the written word. Use descriptive text to encourage your students to use their “mind’s eye” to picture the meaning behind the words. You can use graphic organizers to help them strengthen different learning styles.

If you’re using a Flocabulary lesson, have students complete the Vocab Cards activity portion of the lesson sequence. These cards will include vocabulary words from the video. Students will read the definition and can then write a sentence and draw an image to describe the word. You could also play the song from the Lyrics page, which is audio and lyrics only, and have students draw what they see with their “mind’s eye.” Then, play it again with the video on for students to compare what they visualized to what the Flocabulary team created.

7. Sequence events

To assess how well students comprehend a story, have them summarize the main events and put the plot’s key details into chronological order. You can start with a simple beginning, middle, and end sequence and then evolve into asking for more specifics about the story’s conflicts. Sequencing events challenges one’s ability to recall as well as one’s ability to comprehend.

Here are some Flocabulary lessons you can use to teach this skill and strengthen students’ reading ability:

Main Idea video lesson

  • Sequence : In this lesson, students will learn to identify the sequence of events in fiction and nonfiction text.
  • Main Idea : This song teaches students how to identify the subject, main idea, and details of a passage.
  • Characters : This video teaches how to identify a character’s traits using their words, actions, thoughts, and feelings and the reactions of other characters.
  • Five Elements of a Story : This song covers the five main elements of a story: setting, plot, characters, conflict, and theme.
  • Plot Elements: This song teaches students how to identify the plot elements of a story, including the introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and conclusion.

8. Lean on graphic organizers

Help your students make sense of the story by compartmentalizing the information into a visual format. There are so many to pick from or create! Graphic organizers can support readers in articulating their thought processes. Students can use graphic organizers to categorize information and fit ideas together. Concept maps, storyboards, Venn diagrams, K-W-L charts, and idea webs are all examples of graphic organizers that can be used across the curriculum for teaching kids.

If you’re searching for bite-sized videos to have students watch to complete their graphic organizers, Flocabulary also offers Nearpod Original videos . Nearpod Original videos are animated or hosted explanatory videos covering various topics and skills, which are perfect to use as support for your instructional strategies for reading.

Reading & Writing Nearpod Originals video lessons

*Nearpod Originals are only available to users with a Flocabulary Plus subscription.

9. Ask questions, lots of questions!

Ask a range of questions across the levels of Bloom’s taxonomy to build higher-order thinking skills. You can start with a simple recall of details and work up to asking students to summarize the text’s main idea. Encourage them to ask meaningful questions of one another to assess their understanding of the story’s elements: characters, setting, and plot. They can close-read the text and reread it for specific information or evidence. You also can challenge them to not only retell a story in their own words but to create a new ending to a familiar story ( fairy tales work well) when answering questions.  

Explore Flocabulary’s Read & Respond, an activity in every Flocabulary lesson that provides short reading passages with practice multiple-choice questions that mirror the format of high-stakes tests. The Quiz activity of the lesson sequence also asks students multiple-choice questions about the lesson content. Break It Down is ideal for teaching students comprehension, including multiple-choice and open-ended questions, and allowing students to find evidence from the video to support their answers.

Vocabulary Word Up Orange Read and Respond activity

*Break It Down is only available to users with a Flocabulary Plus subscription.

10. Develop a love of storytelling

Encourage book knowledge by familiarizing students with how a book works, from the title page to the final “THE END.” Pepper your readers with questions about the process of reading: What do they predict? Which parts do they enjoy? Which words befuddle them? How would they have written elements differently? Similarly, introduce them to the structure of a story—from the basics of a beginning, middle, and end to the more sophisticated story arc of conflicts, climax, and resolution. When teaching kids, help deconstruct books so they build a love of reading.

Here are some original short fiction stories told through Flocabulary Mix Texts* that are only available on Flocabulary:

  • Dumplings : Yoojin finds a surprise in her lunch box.
  • When Pigs Fly : The main character is on a mission to make his next-door neighbor’s pig fly.
  • The Teachers’ Lounge : Students have theories about what goes on in the teachers’ lounge. It’s all a mystery until one of them gets a chance to go inside and check it out. 
  • Pit : When Max discovers a cryptic message from his best friend, he realizes that things are not always what they seem to be.

Start using Flocabulary to teach reading comprehension

The science of reading takes into account decades of research. This research continues to contribute to strengthening instructional strategies for reading that will help develop strong readers. While books are essential, there are other ways to instill a love of reading, as showcased by Flocabulary’s vast and diverse library of video lessons. Reading comprehension is fundamental not only to literacy success but to school success.

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Darri Stephens is a dedicated LX (learning experience) designer, passionate about creating quality content and programs for kids, families, and educators. With MAs in Education from both Harvard and Stanford, and work experience at best-in-class ed tech organizations including Wonder Workshop, Nickelodeon, and Common Sense Education, she is steeped in the design thinking process and committed to agile and iterative project management, which has resulted in multi-award-winning programs and products.

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  1. Flocabulary Paraphrasing

    30 seconds. 1 pt. A successful paraphrase. copies the original text word for word. is similar to the original text but swaps out few words. uses different wording from the original text, and also includes new and different information. uses different wording from the original text, but includes the same information. Answer choices.

  2. Flocabulary Answers Key 2024 [FREE Access]

    Scatter Plots. Below you can find the Flocabulary Scatter Plots quiz answer key for free: Q.1. Data with two variables is called…. Ans: bivariate data. Q.2. True or False: In a scatter plot, both variables are plotted along the x-axis…. Ans: False. Q.3.

  3. Flocabulary- Paraphrasing Flashcards

    the central idea in a story or text; what a text is mostly about. paraphrase. to restate a spoken or written passage using different words. Plagiarize. to wrongfully and deliberately claim someone else's ideas or words as your own. synonym. a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word.

  4. Paraphrasing Flocabulary Flashcards

    paraphrasing. to restate a spoken or written passage using different words. plagriarize. to wrongfully and deliberately claim someone else's ideas or words as your own. synonym. a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word. works cited. a list of sources that you quoted or mentioned in a paper you wrote. Study with Quizlet ...

  5. Paraphrasing

    Paraphrasing is a way of putting the information you read in your own words. It helps us learn and remember the main idea and supporting details. It's also a great way to include information in an essay or research paper. In this lesson, students will learn how to paraphrase and why it's an important skill. Learn how to paraphrase ...

  6. Flocabulary: Plagiarism

    Flocabulary: Plagiarism quiz for 4th grade students. Find other quizzes for English and more on Quizizz for free! ... paraphrasing an author's ideas without giving them proper credit. ... Answer choices . Tags . Answer choices . Tags . Explore all questions with a free account.

  7. Active Listening

    A. nodding and trying to put himself in her shoes. C. sitting up straight. A. paraphrasing, or summarizing what someone has said. D. asking a follow-up question. 4 of 10. Term. True or False: If you're facing the person speaking, you're always actively listening. B. False. D. asking a follow-up question.

  8. Flocabulary Quiz Flashcards

    Flocabulary Quiz. Share. Students also viewed. The ransom of the red cheif 6. 16 terms. chloeminton16. Preview. Chapter 7 Vocabulary. 19 terms. chooks213. Preview. October Vocabulary. Teacher 8 terms. mrhaas8. Preview. Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student Chapter 5 Sections 11-15. 48 terms. DennisKoun. Preview. The Bees Extract.

  9. Using the Quiz

    Each quiz has 10 multiple-choice questions, with the exception of the Word Up vocabulary quizzes for grades 6-8 which have 20 questions. You can find the Quiz by clicking on the link to the left of the video. Once the Quiz opens, the first question will appear along with the answer choices. Questions and answers can be read independently, or ...

  10. Using the Flocabulary Activities (Students)

    Each quiz has 10 multiple-choice questions, except for the Word Up vocabulary quizzes for grades 6-8 which have 20 questions. If your teacher assigns the Quiz activity, y ou can find the Quiz by clicking on the link to the left of the video. Once the Quiz opens, the first question will appear along with the answer choices.

  11. flocabulary paraphrasing quiz answers

    Flocabulary is a learning program for all grades that uses educational hip-hop music to engage students and increase achievement across the curriculum.... Flocabulary (sign language for answers to questions).... Mathematics vision project quiz test answer, Who are small farmers Class 9... de vectores mandalas | …, Paraphrasing and summarizing ...

  12. Flocabulary

    a small part of something or a specific fact or piece of information. evidence. the facts that prove or disprove something. paragraph. a section of writing that contains sentences about the same topic; always begins on a new line and is often indented. support. to give evidence. topic sentence. the sentence that states the main idea of a text ...

  13. Flocabulary Paraphrasing

    Flocabulary Paraphrasing quiz for 3rd grade students. Find other quizzes for English and more on Quizizz for free! ... Show Answers. See Preview. 1. Multiple Choice. Edit. 30 seconds. 1 pt. What is a paraphrase? a restatement of the information in a text. a persuasive argument about the information in a text .

  14. Read & Respond Now Provides Instant Feedback ...

    When students can get instant feedback, not just that they were correct but also why they were correct, it both helps them articulate their rationale for their answer and further motivates their investment in the content.. This new addition to Read & Respond also provides the perfect opportunity for students to experience the higher-order thinking skills that are essential to the 21st century ...

  15. Paraphrasing

    Learn how to paraphrase information with Flocabulary's educational hip-hop video and lesson resources.

  16. 10 Instructional strategies to teach reading comprehension

    2. Devote time to reading aloud. Read aloud, full stop. First, make sure you read aloud often to your students, regardless of their age, for reading instruction. Model the sounds, the structure, and the cadence of storytelling. Then, encourage students to read aloud to you, to each other, and to younger grades.

  17. Test-Taking Vocabulary--Flocabulary

    Test-Taking Vocabulary--Flocabulary quiz for KG students. Find other quizzes for English and more on Quizizz for free! ... explain why all of the other answers are incorrect. evaluate. 20. Multiple Choice. Edit. 1 minute. 1 pt. Infer: ... Paraphrasing Challenge 2K plays 12th - University 20 Qs . The Writing Process 2.5K plays 8th

  18. Flocabulary

    3. Multiple Choice. In the essay, each body paragraph should have a ________. 4. Multiple Choice. True or False: The introduction of a five paragraph essay should describe each of your points in great detail. 5. Multiple Choice. Below is the second paragraph from a five paragraph essay about sloths.

  19. Using the Read & Respond

    You can find the Read & Respond activity by clicking on the link to the left of the video. A short passage will appear for each question followed by a multiple choice question. Students can read the passage independently or use the Microsoft Immersive Reader Integration for reading support. Once an answer is selected, students must confirm ...

  20. Flocabulary

    Lyrics. Paraphrasing is a way of putting the information you read in your own words. It helps us learn and remember the main idea and supporting details. It's also a great way to include information in an essay or research paper. In this lesson, students will learn how to paraphrase and why it's an important skill.

  21. Flashcards Active Listening

    Active Listening - FLocabulary - Quiz - Answers. Log in. Sign up. Get a hint. Which of the following is a sign of active listening? Click the card to flip. A. paraphrasing, or summarizing what someone has said ...

  22. Flocabulary-We innovate

    Flocabulary-We innovate quiz for 6th grade students. Find other quizzes for English and more on Quizizz for free! ... Paraphrase . Persecute. 8. Multiple Choice. Edit. 30 seconds. 1 pt. Who is the most eligible to be a teacher? A runner. A person with a degree. An artist. None of the above. Answer choices . Tags . Answer choices . Tags ...

  23. We Innovate

    Discuss. This song includes sixth grade vocabulary words that students are likely to encounter on state tests. It teaches the following words: appeal, diminish, efficient, eligible, innovation, mere, omniscient, originate, paraphrase, persecute, prosper, reinforce, remorse, rigorous and supplement. In this song, the creators of Flocabulary ...