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Personal Learning Style

Updated 26 October 2022

Subject Learning ,  News media

Downloads 32

Category Education ,  Sociology

Topic Learning Styles ,  Media

I examine better through interaction with the learn about or instruction material, as well as through audio-visual media.

In addition, extraordinary circumstances or environments present different challenges for me and will inform my choice, or even preference of learning environment. Consequently, I consider myself adaptable to different gaining knowledge of styles, although some are dominant.

Different individuals exhibit choice for varied learning styles and strategies.

This is due to the fact different strategies offer unique results for different students. In addition, some strategies show more effortless to me when compared to others. I have realized that there are numerous learning styles, with different benefits and demerits. For instance, visual learners display a capability to learn better through images, while aural learners learn better by listening to sounds and music. Verbal learners prefer speech and writing, while physical learners, like me, prefer learning activities that involve hands-on or interactive sessions. Furthermore, from a social perspective, there are learners who fare better in group settings and there are learners who flourish through self-study.

Learning Style

I am a physical learner. I learn concepts better through application. For instance, after a lesson, I have to look for situations in the course of my daily life and attempt to draw conclusions and analyse situations based on what I have learnt. I have also realised that I enjoy field excursions very much and will grasp concepts explained in the course of an excursion, without the need to read additional written material. Having one-on-one interactions with instructors, where I have a chance to ask questions and receive immediate feedback is also beneficial. Any information that I obtain from practical or interactive sessions often sticks to my mind, compared to information that I read from a book.

Strengths and Study Skills

The strengths I have, which are associated with my learning style, include the capacity to acquire a lot of information in practical settings. In addition, when I encounter a problem, I am able to solve it intuitively, even when I have not had prior access to instructional material. In addition, after I participate in a physical or practical learning activity, I am able to remember the lessons learned over a very long period. Interacting with physical objects or being present in actual or simulated situations seems to reinforce my information acquisition processes. Again, after physically participating in an activity, I will not encounter much difficulty if I need to carry out a related task in the future.

I have also found out that I learn better on my own compared to in group settings. Learning and exploring knowledge on my own offers me an opportunity to draw relationships among different pieces of information without interruption. On the other hand, if I am learning in a group environment, waiting for every member to participate or provide their input is interruptive. In addition, although giving each member of the group a chance to contribute may offer different insights to a problem, the interruptive nature of most group discussion activities makes me lose concentration quickly. Working in a group setting seems to interfere with my train of thought.

Weaknesses of my Learning Style

Since I learn better through physical engagement, I find it difficult to sit still in lectures. Even though I might not fidget, my mind wanders a lot if the mode of instruction in majorly a lecture. This implies that I have a relatively short attention span and cannot concentrate for a long time. I am easily distracted. Moreover, I have difficulty quietly sitting down and reading notes. Sometimes, I might find it very boring. I am likely to lose concentration soon after beginning reading notes. Settling down to read lengthy notes takes a while. A physical, or kinaesthetic learning style, is more beneficial in practical learning environments. However, most learning activities or environments focus on verbal learning styles, including writing, speaking, and mostly reading. Although verbal learning strategies may not be as enjoyable or as effortless as physical learning styles, it is still critical for me for me to find ways of enhancing my verbal learning skills.

Enhancing Learning Style and Study Skills

In order to improve the effectiveness of my learning activities when I am reading literature or written notes, doing so while standing or walking back and forth, as I read loudly could improve my comprehension and information retention. This is because sitting still on a desk can feel monotonous after a short while. Reading loudly or when moving back and forth, for example, while rocking, could make a learning or reading session feel interactive or more engaging. In addition, taking regular short breaks of between 8 to 10 minutes could enhance my learning activities, particularly when reading written material. Short breaks will offer an opportunity to take a rest and resume learning while rejuvenated.

Since I prefer interactive sessions to quiet study time, in order to make my quiet study time more effective, I have to plan my quiet study sessions at regular times and stick to them. Planning for quite time encourages me to anticipate study time and to be ready with the required material. It also encourages me to prepare myself psychologically for a quiet session with minimal interruptions or distractions from friends and family members. Planning could enhance my ability to concentrate over longer periods, even with regular breaks.

In order to increase my engagement with material that an instructor is presenting in class, I could read or explore material before it is presented in class. This would make it easier to comprehend any difficult concepts and keep me hooked on the instructor, considering I possess prior knowledge. Reading material beforehand will also ensure that I am interested in the material as the instructor presents it in class. Moreover, I will be more attentive as I make comparisons with what I had encountered in my exploratory studies. This will increase my attention span, while increasing my ability to memorise the information. Studying beforehand is a strategy that could increase my interest and improve my engagement with both the material and the instructor.

Learning styles vary from one individual to another. In my case, learning styles that offer opportunities for hands-on experience prove more fulfilling and hold my attention. Practical sessions or field excursions provide me with an opportunity to experience first-hand, the study material, and I am able to commit it to memory easily. On the other hand, verbal learning styles that involve reading, writing, and lectures might not be as effective for me. Nevertheless, there are numerous strategies that I could adopt to enhance my learning effectiveness in cases where I have to learn through verbal styles. These include, taking regular breaks, reading aloud while moving around, and reading material before an instructor introduces it in class. The learning style activities have not only enabled me to learn about my most effective learning style, but also showed me how I can enhance the positive features of my study skills and how I can minimize the weaknesses. I also have an opportunity to improve the effectiveness of my learning activities by adopting the strengths of other learning styles.

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Example Of Essay On Learning Styles Inventory

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Influence , Teaching , Psychology , Students , Strategy , Brain , Experience , Learning

Words: 1500

Published: 12/29/2019


Learning Styles Inventory

This paper will discuss why learning styles are better interpreted as learning preferences. It will also describe an instructional model related to my personal learning style. In addition, it will discuss how an educator’s personal learning styles and preferences influence the teaching strategies used in the development and implementation of a course, and finally, how personal learning styles influence the development of an educational program. Discuss how Learning Styles may be better Interpreted as Learning Preferences Various definitions of learning styles have been advanced. Many of these definitions contain a common theme that is; a personal learning style is an individual’s consistent way of or approach of receiving and responding to stimuli in the learning context. From these conceptualizations of learning styles, it emerges that learning styles concern themselves with how learners prefer to learn rather than what they learn. A host of studies have also established that matching instructional strategies, methods, and contexts to the nature of a subject improves the learning outcomes of all students regardless of their individual learning styles. For instance, a study by Constantinidou and Baker (2002 as cited in Coffield et al., 2004) established that visual presentation of learning contents was advantageous for all students who participated in the study irrespective of whether they had a low or high preference for visual images. In addition, findings from group analysis often suggest that learning styles are not very important. Analysis of individuals, on the other hand, often concludes that learning styles are important determinants of whether a person learns or does not learn. In essence, therefore, since they are concerned with the how of learning and they are individualistic, learning styles are more of learning preferences (Coffield et al., 2004).

Discussion of an Instructional Model

Kolb’s experiential theoretical framework is the model that closely matches my learning style. This is because it offers a framework for selecting and arranging learning activities in a sequential and logical manner which are key attributes of my learning style. In addition, it also emphasizes on learning through reflective observation and abstract conceptualization. These two methods require students to invoke certain abilities and are the two main ways through which I learn best (Armstrong & Parsa-Parsi, 2005). Kolb’s (1976) theory holds that individuals learn through the transformation of experiences. He conceptualized learning from experience in form of four components. Each of these components requires students to utilize certain abilities. Concrete experience hinges on the willingness of the learner to experience new things. Reflective observation, on the other hand, requires the ability to view experiences from a number of perspectives in order to establish meaning. Abstract conceptualization draws on one’s capability to analyze and integrate new concepts and ideas, and make logical conclusions via reflective consideration of new experiences. Active experimentation requires students to put what they have learnt into practice, solve problems, and make decisions. This ultimately leads to new concrete experiences. Kolb incorporated these abilities into stages of a cyclical process termed the experiential learning cycle. In an ideal learning situation, students start with a concrete experience. They reflect on this experience and view it from different perspectives. They then compare it with existing theories and come up with concepts that integrate their opinions/views into rational theories. After this, they actively test their theories and use them as guides in decision making and problem solving. The successful abstraction of a concrete experience motivates them to undertake new experiences (Armstrong & Parsa-Parsi, 2005). In this cycle, each of the four components involve a distinctive learning process: experiencing (concrete experience), examining (reflective observation), explaining (abstract conceptualization), and applying (active experimentation). This learning cycle can also be understood in the context of grasping and transforming experiences. Grasping in the cycle is represented by experiencing and explaining, whilst the transforming aspect of the cycle is represented by examining and applying (Armstrong & Parsa-Parsi, 2005). The strength of Kolb’s model is that it focuses on cognitive aspects of learning and a variety of commonly used instructional strategies and activities support the different phases of the cycle. The focus on cognition matches my learning style. Another key strength of the model is that it accommodates students with different learning styles. The latter strength fits my perceived strengths because I prefer to learn though reflective observation and abstract conceptualization (Yildirim & Ozkahraman, 2012). Additionally, it facilitates learning through exploration. Most importantly though is the fact that it satisfies a number of principles of adult learning like learning through experience, participatory learning, and learning via cycles of action and reflection (Shreeve, 2008). Based on the results of the multiple Intelligence Survey, I learn best by rationalization and conceptualization of concepts. Logical organization of information also enhances my understanding of new concepts. I am also good at noticing patterns and I have a near average interpersonal orientation. The results of my visual and auditory aspects indicate that I am not so good at learning through listening or visualization. The results of my kinesthetic strength suggest that I have a near average orientation for learning through experimentation.

Influence of Educators Personal Learning Styles on the Teaching and Learning Strategies used in the Development and Implementation of Course

Educators tend to employ instructional strategies they are most comfortable with or those they believe are more effective. Findings from empirical researches that have focused on the cognitive styles of teachers suggest that they select instructional methods consistent with their individual learning styles. Cognitive styles are composite components of personal learning styles. This is because cognitive styles influence a person’s preferences, motivation, and personality. As such, they affect how instructors and educators teach as opposed to how they effectively teach. An individual’s cognitive style motivated teaching adapts a ‘format preference’ with distinctive qualities. The educators’ cognitive styles also influence their instructional behaviors. For instance, whether they are content or inter-person oriented, they like to lecture, or use approaches that foster active student participation. Lastly, cognitive style influence how instructors respond to student answers that is, whether they give students ample time to respond, provide cues, encourage conclusion to correct answers, evaluate student answers, disapprove incorrect ones, or overlook correct ones (Bastable et al., 2011, pp. 466-469).

Influence of Personal Learning Styles and Preferences on the Development of an Educational Program

Curriculum developers appreciate that every individual learns in his/her own unique way. Therefore, when developing educational programs, they in addition to coming up with the content and goals of a curriculum, plan and incorporate instruction activities and strategies that promote the learning of students with different learning styles. Curriculum designers, therefore, have the daunting task of coming up with teaching strategies and methods that enable students to work in their individual learning styles (Armstrong & Parsa-Parsi, 2005). On the other hand, just as teachers personal learning styles influence their instructional methods, it can be argued that the personal learning styles of curriculum developers affect the way they design educational programs. This theory gains more validity if one considers the facts that personal learning styles reflect the past experiences of an individual such as their educational preparation, environmental expectations, personality traits, and the way they process information.

In summary, personal learning styles are more akin to personal preferences because they reflect how a specific individual likes to learn. Kolb’s experiential instructional model closely matches my learning style especially because it emphasizes on the cognitive domain of learning. The personal learning styles of educators are dictated in part by their cognitive styles which also influence their instructional behaviors and the teaching strategies they adopt. Lastly, curriculum planners and designers take into consideration the fact that learners have different learning styles by incorporating instructional methods and activities that cater for the learning needs of different learners.

Armstrong, E., & Parsa-Parsi, R. (2005). How can physicians’ learning styles drive educational planning? Acad. Med., 80, 680-684. Retrieved from http://casemed.case.edu/curricularaffairs/scholars/2005- 06Archives/Session4/How%20Can%20MD%20Learning%20Styles%20Drive%20Ed%2 0Plng%20Armstrong%202005.pdf Bastable, S., Gramet, P., Jacobs, K., & Sopczyk, D. (2011). Health professional as educator: Principles of teaching and learning. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Barlett Learning. Coffield, F., Moseley, D., Hall, E., & Ecclestone, K. (2004). Learning styles and pedagogy in post-16 learning: A systematic and critical review. London, UK: Learning and Skills Research Centre. Shreeve, M. C. (2008). Beyond the didactic classroom: Educational models that encourage active student involvement in learning. The Journal of Chiropractic Education, 22(1), 23-28. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2384190/ Yildirim, B., & Ozkahraman, S. (2011). Critical thinking in nursing and learning styles.

International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(18), 127-133.


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Learning Styles Essay

Education is important. Learning is important. But what’s the best way to learn? That’s where learning styles come in.

There are three main learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. And each person tends to have a preferred learning style. Some people may even use a combination of all three learning styles.

Visual learners prefer to learn by seeing information. This could mean reading texts or watching videos. Auditory learners prefer to learn by hearing information. This could mean listening to lectures or taking part in conversations. Kinesthetic learners prefer to learn by doing things. This could mean participating in hands-on activities or simulations.

It might be difficult to learn for some. If you don’t understand how you learn and absorb information, that may be the case. Fortunately, contemporary educators are becoming more aware of their students’ learning styles and are able to adapt to meet them.

In this learning styles essay, we’ll look at the definition of learning styles and how educators can use them to benefit their students.

Most people learn using a combination of all three methods, but everyone has a preference for one particular style. The VARK model is a widely used way of determining an individual’s preferred learning style. This model identifies four main types of learners:

– Visual (V): These learners prefer to learn through seeing information, whether that be in the form of pictures, diagrams, or other visual aids.

– Auditory (A): Auditory learners take in information best when they can hear it. They often benefit from listening to lectures or recordings, or engaging in discussions.

– Reading/Writing (R): These learners prefer to learn through reading and writing. They often take extensive notes and like to have information in a written format.

– Kinesthetic (K): Kinesthetic learners prefer to learn through hands-on experience. They often benefit from activities, experiments, or other forms of active learning.

It’s important to note that everyone has a preferred learning style, but that doesn’t mean that other styles are ineffective for them. In fact, many people learn best when they combine all three methods. However, by understanding your preferred learning style, you can tailor your education to fit your needs and maximize your learning potential.

Some people may not be aware of their learning style category, and there are online surveys that can reveal their learning style strengths. I just took one myself, and my results are as follows; Visual: 7 Aural: 9 Read/Write: 4 Kinesthetic: 9. This basically implies that I am a good listener and hands-on learner. The survey also offered me with some educational options to help me improve my knowledge.

I now know that I should avoid long lectures, try to study in short spurts and take time for breaks, make use of post-it notes, and highlight key points. I also should focus on the main ideas and make connections to better understand the material. Breaking down the information and organizing it will help me process and learn the information quicker (Dunn & Dunn, 1993).

Take notes and record are my first methods of studying in class. In class, I frequently write down anything of key interest to the lectures. It may be beneficial when I can’t remember something. Take notes might help me improve my listening and writing abilities since I have to type and listen at the same time. Because we wrote it down, it will take longer for us to memorize it since we remembered it once and then read it again when we studied it.

I also use study groups as a method to study. It is more beneficial when it comes to studying for exams or understanding assignments. In a study group, we would discuss the concepts and try to explain it to each other in our own words. This helped me understand the material better since I had to explain it in simpler terms. It also helped me catch up on anything I missed in class. Study groups are a great way to improve your communication skills and socialize with others who are in your classes.

My last method of studying is by myself at home or in the library. I usually read over my notes and try to memorize them as best as I can. I also like to make flashcards to help me remember key terms or definitions. This method is more beneficial for me when I have to memorize a lot of information for exams. It is also good for when I want to focus on one particular subject.

I think that each learning style has its own benefits and drawbacks. It is important to find the right mix of methods that work best for you. Personally, I like to use a combination of all three methods depending on the situation.

Then there’s the subject of your record; I believe it’s accurate to say that we had a discussion, but then again – maybe not. Obviously, if you’re recording in class, this takes away the advantage of being able to eavesdrop on other students’ conversations. The fact that you may listen to them at any time, even while sleeping, is another feature I appreciate about them.

There are different ways of learning and people have their own preferences on how they want to learn new information. Some people learn better by listening to audio recordings, others prefer reading texts, and others prefer seeing visuals. This is what is known as learning styles.

Different learning styles require different approaches in order for the information to be effectively absorbed. For example, someone who prefers visual learning might benefit from using things like flashcards or diagrams when trying to memorize new information. Someone who prefers auditory learning might find it helpful to listen to audio recordings or have someone read aloud to them. And someone who prefers kinesthetic learning might find it helpful to physically write out information or act out scenarios.

It’s important to note that everyone has a preference for one particular learning style, but that doesn’t mean that other styles can’t be effective. It’s also important to keep in mind that different situations might call for different learning styles. For example, you might prefer visual learning when you’re trying to memorize new vocabulary words, but auditory learning might be more effective when you’re trying to understand a new concept in math.

The most important thing is to experiment with different approaches and find what works best for you. There is no “right” way to learn, so don’t be afraid to mix things up and try something new!

Remember, there’s no such thing as a superior learning style; each has benefits and drawbacks depending on your goals. And I just gave you some pointers in my own words to assist you. You may develop your own style to make studying easier and more enjoyable by adapting what you want to learn to your learning style.

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Personal Statement on My Most Effective Learning Style

A learning style is a different way a person perceives and processes information. Understanding their learning mode allows one to incorporate their learning style with other methodologies and acknowledge how and when to use it. Each one of us has different ways of learning and comprehending. If I need to teach myself, the technique I first take and follow is visual. I like to see things and learn because the best way to educate myself is by looking at things. It is a more uncomplicated form of learning as I can observe things through whiteboards, images, and pictures, which help me, realize a particular concept.

The virtual learning method works for us humans as we can remember what we see that lasts for a while in our memory. The plan is affordable compared to buying books as it just requires an internet connection and a laptop or computer. For instance, when a teacher demonstrates a concept using an image, the skills and knowledge one acquires from them are retained for a long time. Visual learning is practical and essential as it increases our understanding of a particular concept. In addition, it is easier to capture information through images than texts and lectures, which can be monotonous and boring. The visual method works every other time for me, as through lectures notes and handouts in class, I can create charts and graphs while the facilitator is teaching. Thus I believe my mode of learning is the best to use when studying.

The method is successful for me to better understand and retain information by associating concepts, words, and ideas with images. Through the use of this method, I have found learning to be more exciting and captivating. Visual learning is a better learning tool as compared to reading. It has improved my learning capacity as I do not depend on a facilitator to teach a topic presented through a video. The method has also helped improve my interaction with the teachers, which has eased my learning experience. When analyzing the subject, complex issues such as math have become easy and understandable through graphs, charts, and images.

It has also improved my brain retention power as it’s easy for me to remember, which has reflected in my results as my grades have improved. The method is fascinating; thus, I find it a motivational tool to study, saving me from distraction and helping me remain focused. There is various significance associated with the method; thus, I will advise a person searching for a methodology for learning to apply the virtual learning method.

To truly master the academic material, I have taken responsibility for my learning. Whereby I set the pace in my education where if I fail, I take the opportunity to go back, rethink a new strategy in learning, set new goals, and try again. The second form of initiative I have taken is using technological sites to gather research and analyze instead of relying on the teacher for the basic knowledge. Despite being able to master academic concepts on my own, I need support to achieve higher goals. If teachers could take the initiative of adopting active learning in institutions, such a measure can be effective.

When the knowledge is passive, it tends to be boring; hence, many students are in class but are not concentrating. Instead, institutions should apply an active learning model where students are engaged in classrooms like the lessons are more skill-oriented than reading books. A new adaption of the new system that is not monotonous is rigid for an institution where learning will be more enjoyable. Moreover, the grading design should be rethought as it should not measure what students can accomplish; keen interest should be on person capabilities and interests.

I became aware of my preference of active learning after receiving experience of working as a tutor in Muslim American Society organization. I used to tutor 5 children of different ages in the development of reading and writing skills. It was then that I saw a correlation between their engagement and the outcome of the tutoring session. Hence, I tried to focus on engaging skill-building activities because I did not want to waste anyone’s time. When the tasks were creative and fun, the student’s progress increased and was clearly evident within months of tutoring. Therefore, I apply this strategy to my learning process by mixing routine tasks with creative activities.

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IvyPanda. (2023, November 23). Personal Statement on My Most Effective Learning Style. https://ivypanda.com/essays/personal-statement-on-my-most-effective-learning-style/

"Personal Statement on My Most Effective Learning Style." IvyPanda , 23 Nov. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/personal-statement-on-my-most-effective-learning-style/.

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Personal Statement on My Most Effective Learning Style'. 23 November.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Personal Statement on My Most Effective Learning Style." November 23, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/personal-statement-on-my-most-effective-learning-style/.

1. IvyPanda . "Personal Statement on My Most Effective Learning Style." November 23, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/personal-statement-on-my-most-effective-learning-style/.


IvyPanda . "Personal Statement on My Most Effective Learning Style." November 23, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/personal-statement-on-my-most-effective-learning-style/.

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Personal Learning Style - Essay Example

Personal Learning Style

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personal learning style essay


Personal Learning Style and Recommended Strategies

My learning style, learning strategies, recommended strategies, importance of learning styles awareness.

Modern society introduces numerous requirements to a person for him/her to become successful and build a career. It comes from the increased sophistication of processes and multiple sources of data available for individuals. In this regard, knowledge becomes the central resource of the modern world. It also means the increased importance of education as one of the aspects essential for the efficient acquisition of data, its management, and processing.

That is why there are numerous attempts to improve the quality and outcomes of education via the use of the most effective strategies to provide information and guarantee its improved comprehension. However, every individual has his/her own peculiarities that precondition the choice of the ways to work with sets of data and acquire knowledge. These unique features also determine a particular learning style of a person. The importance of its correct understanding helps to increase the efficiency of studying. For this reason, tools like VARK Questionnaire acquire the top priority.

Nevertheless, using the given tool, I managed to determine that my learning style is a read/write one. There are several factors that should be provided regarding this statement. First, it means that the printed word becomes the central way to convey and receive information (“Read/write strategies,” n.d.). Individuals adhering to this learning style benefit from using notes and specific lists to structure information and improve its understanding. Second, this style means that single lecturing might be inefficient as students with this feature prefer some printed pieces of data and visual recordings that could be investigated and remembered (“Read/write learning style,” n.d.).

It also means that while writing some information down, a person memorizes it and contributes to better learning outcomes (Davison, n.d.). Another important peculiarity of this style is that students who have this unique feature would rather prefer to read recordings, books, and other literature devoted to the investigated issue on their own instead of listening to people talking about it (Davison, n.d.). It is preconditioned by the way their brains work and process pieces of data. Finally, learners with the read/write learning style always read supplementary information about the topic to attain an improved understanding of the basic concerns and ensure that no gaps in knowledge remain.

Resting on my own experience, I should say that these peculiarities of the learning style precondition the choice of learning strategies and methods to understand information. Traditionally, I use several strategies in my studying. First, I always take notes during classes as they are central for the improved comprehension of issues explained by a lecturer. Additionally, while making notes, I remember data. These recordings will also be helpful while preparing for some exam, meeting, seminar, or report as usual; I read all my notes to refresh memory and ensure that all critical facts are considered. Moreover, there is another learning strategy explored by me.

I read numerous books devoted to the issue under investigation. I think that reading is the best way to acquire knowledge as you can cogitate about all information presented in a source, analyze it, and attain an enhanced understanding. While reading, I also make notes to write down the most important facts. Due to this approach, I can easily refresh my knowledge about a certain event by using all my summaries. Finally, I might create graphs to arrange sets of data in a particular way to trace a particular logic in relations between some issues and causes.

The given strategies coincide with those suggested after the VARK questionnaire. Regarding the fact that my learning style is read/write, the identified approaches to processing information include the creation of lists, glossaries, and specific headings (“Read/write strategies,” n.d.). These might help in the process of studying to take in the information and use it in different situations. Additionally, it is recommended to write out words, terms, important definitions, etc., numerous times to ensure that they are remembered appropriately.

The same deals with the preparation for exams as reading/write style presuppose the creation of specific charts, hierarchies, etc. (Read/write strategies,” n.d.). In general, I should say that these recommendations could be applied to me as I often utilize the same methods while learning new facts and preparing for responsible meetings or exams. That is why these recommendations could be considered as useful, as resting on my own experience I am sure that they will obviously help students with the same learning style.

Altogether, I am sure that the awareness of individual learning styles, preferences, and strategies is crucial for teaching and learning. First, educators should use it to attain an improved understanding of the issues they present and ensure that all learners can analyze and comprehend them. Second, using the most efficient methods regarding their learning preferences, students will be able to achieve their goals and avoid unnecessary efforts and attempts to understand pieces of data using ways unusual for them (Davison, n.d.). In such a way, it is fundamental to use tools such as the VARK questionnaire to determine leading learning preferences and attain better results by providing material in the most appropriate ways.

Davison, L. (n.d.). How to study if you’re a reading/writing learner . Web.

Read/write learning style . (n.d.). 

Read/write strategies . (n.d.). 

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