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phd thesis jury members

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Defense Procedure

In accordance with the decree of May 25, 2016 establishing a national framework in France for the education and conditions leading to a French PhD diploma, and in order to guarantee the independence of the juries required for the evaluation of a thesis, the PSL Doctoral College has, at its meeting of March 7, 2018, decided on the following modalities.

Authorization for an Oral Defense   (Article 17)

Authorization for a dissertation defense is granted by the head of the institution, who is advised by the director of the doctoral school based on a recommendation from the dissertation supervisor.

The doctoral candidate’s work is first examined by at least two committee members HDR or comparable ,  appointed by the head of the institution, based on a recommendation from the director of the doctoral school, who is advised by the dissertation supervisor. For work that involves people from the business sphere rather than academia, a third committee member, recognized for his or her expertise in the field, may be appointed based on a recommendation by the director of the doctoral school, who is advised by the dissertation supervisor.

The committee members must be external members of the Doctoral School and the PSL University (except derogation if the disciplinary field or the contents of the works don’t allow it) and have no implication in the work of the thesis.

The committee members submit a written report on the presented work at least 14 days before the schedule date of the oral defense. Authorization for a defense is granted based on the reports, which are communicated to the jury and the candidate before the defense.

Thesis writing language

The writing language of the thesis must comply with Article L121-3 of the Education Code , relating to the use of the French language.

Given the growing number of non-French speaking PhD students and the internationalization of thesis juries, the use of the English language is accepted under reserve of:

  • authorization by the Director of the Institution after opinion of the Director of the Doctoral School and on proposal of the thesis director.
  • provide a substantial summary in French of each chapter of the thesis

Oral Defense Jury Members   (Article 18)

For each dissertation, the jury is appointed by the head of the institution, who is advised by the director of the candidate’s doctoral school and the dissertation supervisor. The jury is composed of between 4 and 8 members including:

  • the candidate’s dissertation supervisor
  • At least half of French or foreign personalities, external to the doctoral school and the PSL University, chosen because of their scientific competence
  • half of the jury must be made up of professors (or comparable experts as defined by the conditions for appointing members of the French national council of universities), or of faculty members of equivalent rank not employed by the French ministry for higher education.
  • It must include a balanced representation of men and women.
  • One of the members of the jury must be a researcher of PSL, holder of the HDR.
  • At least half of the members of the jury must not have taken part in the thesis work.

The chairman of the jury must be a professor or comparable. The dissertation supervisor participates on the jury and attends the deliberations but does not take part in the decision. S/he may not chair the jury.

Personalities can participate as guest members (maximum two). A member invites a seat during the defense but does not sign the documents relating to the defense and is not considered as an examiner.

Cases of cotutelles: if specific provisions have been specified in the cotutelle agreement, attach a copy of the agreement when submitting a jury proposal.

Dissertation Defense   (article 19)

A defense is public unless a special waiver is granted by the head of the institution, if the dissertation topic is established to be of a confidential nature. After deliberating, the jury decides whether to pass the candidate or adjourn. In special cases, with the exception of the chairman, members of the jury may participate in the defense via videoconferencing or electronic communications that allow them to be identified and to participate effectively in collective deliberations.

The chairman signs the defense report , which is countersigned by all members of the jury present at the defense. The defense report is sent to the doctoral candidate within a month following the defense. The chairman advises on whether the dissertation can be published as is or after corrections.

Dissertation Publication   (Articles 24 and 25)

If the dissertation was filed electronically in the STAR application (for electronic dissertations, archiving, and research) implemented by ABES and CINES, doctoral candidates must comply with PSL’s rules on electronic dissertation publication.

For dissertations managed on the ADUM (PhD Connect) platform, the process is as follows: Once the defense date is on record, an initial electronic filing must be made within the following time frames:

  • No later than 1 month before the defense date: Required 1st filing
  • No later than 3 months after the defense date: Required 2nd filing

The supervisory team is responsible for ensuring that these deadlines are met and that the documents filed meet the requirements (cover template, abstracts on the back cover, dissertation title, jury members, Cotutelle notice, etc.).

The front and back pages of dissertations must reflect the PSL style guide. Generic templates are available in the Resources space , to be filled out under the authority of the dissertation service at the institution where the dissertation is prepared.

Vigilance is recommended if a confidentiality clause applies to the doctoral dissertation: the confidentiality notice and the end date must appear on the cover of the dissertation.

Unless there is a confidentiality clause, the institution hosting the defense shall provide access to the dissertation internally and within the university community. Online publication of the dissertation beyond this scope is subject to permission from its author, assuming there is no confidentiality clause.

Award of Degree

A diploma is awarded by the institution in charge of the defense once the final version of the manuscript has been filed in STAR, providing that the documents related to the defense and publication of the dissertation have been submitted to the dissertation service at the institution in charge of the defense. The new PhD has a maximum of 3 months after the defense to close his or her dossier.

The degree awarded is a PhD from Université PSL , prepared at [the institution where the dissertation was prepared].

The PhD diploma is signed by the President of PSL and by the Rector of academic region, chancellor of universities.

Practical Information

For practical information specific to the institution where you are preparing your dissertation, contact:

The service in charge of academics for doctoral candidates at the dissertation preparation institution in charge of your administrative requirements.

Unless administrative management responsibilities have been delegated, the head of the institution at which a dissertation is prepared is in charge of authorizing a dissertation defense, appointing committee members, appointing the jury, confirming the award of a degree, and the dissertation publication contract.

PSL PhD brochure

phd thesis jury members

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Appointment of rapporteurs and jury

  • Calendar of the Committee on theses
  • Authorization of defense
  • Electronic submission of the thesis
  • 1st and 4th cover page of the thesis
  • After the defense
  • Erasmus Mobility +
  • Thesis prize
  • Soutenance HDR
  • Pour une demande de contrat doctoral
  • Pour l'inscription
  • For a derogatory registration
  • Pour la convention de formation
  • Pour la demande de subvention des doctorants
  • Pour le comité de suivi
  • Pour la soutenance de thèse

The doctoral student verifies that he fulfills all the conditions to support and that the ED secretariat has all the information on this subject.

The thesis director proposes to the university president via the doctoral training department two HDR rapporteurs and a jury. Rapporteurs must be external to the university and the doctoral school; they must not be involved in the candidate's work. The proposal is made using the standard form word . This form must be completed imperatively in digital version.

The PhD student attaches the thesis summary (4 pages excluding figures (7 pages maximum)) obligatorily in French followed by a list of articles and papers at congress (with title and name of the authors) in electronic version  to the secretariat of the Doctoral School (email: [email protected] ) according to the abstract template ( strictly follow the instructions given in the template ). The doctoral student must in person at least have made a communication - oral or poster - to a congress or a symposium, national or international. A reporter must have his HDR in France. In the case of a foreigner, you must refer to the attached table and take the PR column (please send us his updated CV).

Moreover, a novelty for 2020 for doctoral students who want to write or/and defend in English, the document "request for authorization to write the thesis manuscript and/or defense in English ( Word or PDF )" must be attached obligatorily with the jury proposal and the abstract.

These documents are sent early enough so that the appointment of the jury by the president of the university can take place at least two months before the date envisaged for the defense. The thesis summary is distributed to all members of the ED who are authorized to conduct research.

The Thesis Committee of the ED examines the rapporteur and jury proposal at one of its five annual meetings and gives an opinion. If necessary, details or modifications are requested.

Important : Only proposals for doctoral students who have met the conditions for support set by the ED will be dealt with by the commission. The president of the university appoints the jury.

Composition of the jury

The composition of the jury has 4 to 8 members, according to the following distribution :

  • at least half of the jury must be composed of professors or similar
  • half of the jury must be composed of personalities from outside the research unit, the doctoral college of site, namely outside the Doctoral School of the candidate and all the institutions (University of Strasbourg and University of Haute-Alsace )
  • to the extent possible, the jury must allow a balanced representation of women and men
  • potential invited members (in very limited numbers) are not officially part of the jury. la moitié du jury au moins doit être composée de professeurs ou assimilés

The thesis director can be part of the jury, but he can not preside over it. The president of the jury is appointed by the jury members among them; he must be a teacher or assimilated. A rapporteur may be chairman of a jury unless he is emeritus. An emeritus may be rapporteur if his emeritus is still valid. He can not preside over a thesis jury.   Scientists invited to the defense : limitation to ONE invitation max. by defense (decision of the council of the College of ED of November 16, 2011). The visiting scientist is not a member of the jury. Consequently, he does not take part in the jury's deliberations or sign the minutes of the defense. If one wishes to make his name appear on the cover of the thesis, it must be in a section clearly separated from that of the members of the jury: to make a section "Jury" and a heading "Guest".

Proposal for reimbursement : defense jury

The Scientific Council of February 8, 2012 has completed the proposals of the Scienfic Council of February 4, 2009 concerning the assumption of expenses related to the organization of thesis defense juries and HDR.

Amount of lump sum refunds  : (CS of 4/02/2009)

Dsciplinary sections 3 and 4 :       450 € per jury

(Science and Technology, Health)

Cotutelles all sectors :               900€ per jury

International co-management : 900 € per jury (CS of 8/02/2012) (subject to declaration before the 2nd doctoral regristration)

Procedure for the reimbursement of jury costs :

  • Lump sum reimbursements are granted only for candidates (doctoral students and HDR) belonging to research units attached to the University of Strasbourg .
  • Financial support for the costs of organizing a jury is made on the budget lines of the applicant's research unit.
  • The lump sum repayments mainly concern transport and accommodation expenses related to the organization of the defenses.
  • The expenses of mouth (invoices of restaurant) will not be able to exceed 1/3 of the fixed price.
  • Reimbursement is made on written request (using a form and a budget notification form) to the Research Directorate - Research Finance Department [email protected] (if applicable, accompanied by proof of expenditure).
  • The refund will not exceed the packages listed above.
  • Requests for reimbursement should be made, as far as possible, during the budget year corresponding to the defense date.
  • Applications sent to the Research Directorate beyond November 15th will be reimbursed for the following fiscal year.

These provisions take effect as from 1 March 2012 and concern juries organized from that date.

Soutenance par visioconférence

2 mois avant la soutenance et au moment du dépôt du jury :

Lors du dépôt de la désignation du jury, le/la directeur.rice de thèse présente le formulaire de demande d'autorisation de la mise en place d’une soutenance de thèse avec des membres du jury présents par visioconférence au Collège doctoral. Cette demande doit obligatoirement parvenir avant la date de soutenance prévue.

Une semaine avant la soutenance :

Le/la directeur.rice de thèse adresse les informations techniques utiles à la visioconférence à tous les membres du jury concernés. Les membres en visioconférence envoient au Collège doctoral et au directeur.rice de thèse une délégation de signature en faveur du président du jury pour la signature du Procès Verbal. Ces délégations doivent être remises au Président du jury par le directeur de thèse au début de la soutenance.

Deux jours avant la soutenance : 

Le/la doctorant(e) envoie à tout membre du jury utilisant la visioconférence :

- un texte finalisé de la présentation ou son PPT ;

- l’éventuelle liste des errata du manuscrit déposé.

Il est nécessaire que les diapositives de la présentation PPT soient numérotées, car en cas de défaillance du système de visioconférence en cours de soutenance, tout membre du jury à distance doit pouvoir suivre la présentation sur son ordinateur tout en écoutant la soutenance orale par téléphone.

Le jour de la soutenance  :

La pré-réunion du jury, la soutenance et les délibérations du jury ont lieu dans la salle prévue pour la visioconférence. Le public et le/la doctorant(e) ne sont admis dans la salle que pendant la soutenance elle-même.

Les règles générales de fonctionnement des soutenances de thèse sont dans leurs totalités applicables aux soutenances avec visioconférence.

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  • Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
  • Start a PhD

Apply for PhD Defense

To defend your PhD dissertation, take the following steps:

1. Registering for the doctoral exam

For the submission of your PhD dissertation the faculty uses a new online submission platform:

  • Browse to Plato ( )
  • Fill out the general information regarding your PhD
  • Check your doctoral title + your promoters in plato

If your promoters have changed or you want to obtain a different doctoral title, please hand in the forms before the deadline. Forms can be found on  Changes in PhD — Faculty of Bioscience Engineering — Ghent University (

  • Enlist the jury members of your exam committee.  Check the faculty regulations concerning the composition of the examination board.
  • Add the expertises of the examination committee.

A PhD candidate can only be admitted to the doctoral examination if following internal condition is fulfilled: either 1) being first or second author of an accepted publication in a journal referenced in the Web of Science (A1 publication: research article or review), 2) being inventor, holder or applicant of a patent application or of a granted patent. This research article, review or patent should be linked to the doctoral research. The article needs at least to be in the stage of acceptance; if not yet published, proof of acceptance has to be provided.

  • Fix date of the internal defense before the faculty board, so the manuscript and evaluation forms can be sent to all jury members after the faculty board.
  • Sign the application digitally
  • All promoters need to digitally sign the application before the deadline (1 week before the meeting of the doctoral commission)
  • Make sure you respect the deadlines for submitting this information (see table below) in order for the student administration to timely prepare the agenda for the faculty board meeting. Too late submissions will be handled a month later.
  • Upload your CV and write down a short Dutch summary

2. Submit your dissertation

  • At the latest 1 day before the Faculty Doctoral Commission meets (see deadlines below), you have to upload a pdf of your doctoral dissertation + your cv in Plato
  • For the PhD manuscript of the internal defense, please include line numbers on each page. This will facilitate jury members to more easily refer to specific sentences when having comments or questions.
  • After the faculty board : ask if the chair + members of the examination committee need a  hard copy of your PhD  (not necessary to hand in a copy of your PhD at the Faculty Student Administration anymore)
  • Check the deadline to submit documents for the Faculty Board .

3. Internal defense

Counting from the day of the Faculty Board meeting , your PhD examination committee will have at least 30 calendar days to evaluate your dissertation.

Jury members will upload evaluation forms through the Plato platform.

One week before the internal defense, the online Plato Platform will send you the reports of the jury members.

  • Prepare your internal defense based on the review reports
  • The internal defense (3 hours) is dedicated to assessing the originality of your research, to evaluate your knowledge, to clarify technical aspects and to come to a general appreciation of your PhD research and you as a PhD candidate. 
  • The internal exam results in 3 possible outcomes: 
  • Admission to public defense (no changes or minor changes requested) within 60 days after internal defense
  • Admission to public defense, provided that specific changes are performed in the manuscript. You should be able to perform those changes within a reasonable amount of time: at least 1 month, maximally 3 months. The examination committee needs to re-assess the modified manuscript and give final green light for admission to the public defense.
  • No admission to the public defense. Resubmission of a new version of the PhD needs to wait for at least a year. This decision is in principle only taken if the candidate was given a Decision 2 (major revision) in a previous examination committee meeting.

What's next?

The Faculty Student Administration keeps you updated about what to do after the Internal defense,

  • Registration
  • PhD opportunities
  • Application form
  • PhD student recruitment policy
  • 1st year enrolment
  • Co-supervision
  • Individual Follow-up Committee (IFC)
  • Enrolment renewal
  • Thesis defence
  • Doctoral charter
  • List of research teams (New window)
  • Course list
  • Course feedback
  • Presentation
  • Management and Organization
  • Graduate School board
  • Training policy
  • Scientific policy
  • Regulatory texts

Forms (word doc):

  • Request for a reviewer without HDR
  • Confidentiality agreement by a jury member or participant of a thesis defense
  • Jury proxi form
  • Proposal for a PhD thesis prize/award

Information (pdf):

  • Decree from May 25th, 2016
  • Avis du Jury instructions
  • Composition of the Reviewers and the Jury
  • Difference between confidentiality and embargo
  • Procedure for defence with broadcasting
  • Graduate school board documents
  • Presentations
  • Practical documents
  • Useful links
  • Online forms

Procedure for the defence

Main steps of the defence:.

  • The procedures must be initiated at least 10 weeks before the defence and will be carried out exclusively via the ADUM platform;
  • Check on ADUM that the mandatory training hours are validated: "training in scientific ethics"; "thesis submission", and for contractual doctoral student with teaching assignment, pedagogical training;
  • When received, if the reviewers reports are positive, the process of PhD defense managed by the University is launched;
  • If the University authorises the defense, the PhD defense documents will be available in ADUM;
  • The completed defence documents must be returned BY E-MAIL to the Graduate School (ED) secretariat ( [email protected] ) within 2 weeks after the defence;
  • The proposal of the student for the PhD PRIZE/AWARD must be mentioned in the defence report;
  • Possible corrections of the manuscript according to the recommendations of the thesis jury.

At least 10 weeks before the probable date of defence (and at least 8 weeks before):

Appointment of reviewers and jury.

Special case: in case of writing and/or defending in a non-French language, the cover page, the thesis title, the key words must be translated into French and the main part must be summarized in French with minimum 1700 prints.

Important: If the applicant cannot provide a first author publication, the PhD supervisor will have to justify the reason when submitting his opinion on the request for authorisation of defence via ADUM (use: "your possible observations").

Rules for the appointment of the Reviewers and the Jury:

Reference Université Côte d'Azur document (effective 1 January 2023)

  • The Jury is composed of between 4 and 8 members with, if possible, a composition close to parity between men and women.
  • At least half of the members of the jury must be French or foreign personalities from outside the Graduate School and the doctoral student's university , chosen for their scientific or professional competence in the field of research concerned.
  • External members must belong to different laboratories and institutions.
  • An external co-supervisor, because of his or her involvement in the thesis, is considered an internal member and does not participate in the decision if he or she is a member of the jury.
  • And at least half of the members are of rank A (professors, research directors, professors from foreign institutions, etc.)
  • The PhD supervisor (or at least one of the supervisors in the case of co-supervision) must participate in the jury. He/she is a member of the defence jury, counts among the local members and his/her name appears on the diploma. He/she attends the debates but does not take part in the final decision. He therefore signs the defence report, but not the defence statement (“Procès-verbal de soutenance”).
  • The reviewers must be selected based on their qualifications. To avoid a conflict of interest, they may not have co-authored a publication with the PhD supervisor or the applicant, which would invalidate the jury.
  • The two reviewers must be qualified to supervise research, with the HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) diploma, or of equivalent rank. They must also be in practice. The two reviewers must be outside the Graduate School and the doctoral student's university (except in very exceptional cases , if the disciplinary field or the content of the work does not allow it). They may belong to foreign higher education or research institutions or other foreign organisations. The referees must belong to different laboratories and institutions. Members of the IFC cannot be thesis referees. In the case of work involving persons from the socio-economic world who do not belong to the academic world, a third reviewer, recognised for his or her competence in the field, may be appointed.

Special case: request for a reviewer without an HDR diploma Fill in the derogation request form and provide the requested documents. The application must be submitted to the Université Côte d'Azur Administrative Council for authorisation.

  • A Professor Emeritus does not count as an active Professor; he/she cannot be a thesis director, nor the President of the Jury but may, on the basis of his/her HDR diploma, be referee. The number of emeritus professors does not exceed 25% of the members of the jury.
  • An invited member is not officially part of a jury and therefore does not appear in any official document of the defense.

Important: The ED secretariat must be notified of changes in the jury composition. The absence of one or several jury members must be justified. Two cases: The Jury remains in conformity with the decree of May 25, 2016: in this case, it will be sufficient to modify the composition of the defense jury. The jury no longer complies with the decree of May 25, 2016 (for example, the number of members from outside the Graduate School and the doctoral student's university is less than half of the total number of members,...): in this case, the defense can only take place IF AND ONLY IF the compliance of the jury is restored, and this even if the absence of a member is only known on the day of the defence. If no solution is found, the defense must be postponed, or it will be cancelled.

Special cases:

  • Confidential thesis - Embargo / Defence behind closed doors: In the case of a confidential thesis, indicate on ADUM "yes" in "Confidential thesis requested" and fill out the justification request. The confidentiality declared by the President of the University to respect the rights of the industrial property is distinct from the embargo on diffusion on the Internet which is the choise of the sole author. Difference between CONFIDENTIALITY and EMBARGO   According to the decree from May 25, 2016, the president of the University can in exceptional cases decide against a public thesis defense and allow a defense behind closed doors if the thesis project is proven of a confidential nature.   Alternatively, a standard agreement of confidentiality ( Confidentiality agreement by a jury member or participant of a thesis defense ) can be used to guarantee the confidential nature of the results with respect to jury members (or reviewers) (to be returned to the ED secretariat: [email protected] at the latest after the defence together with the completed defence documents). In addition to this agreement, measures need to be taken to ensure the confidentiality at the start of any collaboration with any third party, public or private, who will become aware of the project and results during the PhD.
  • Defense with videoconference: Decree from October 2020 Exceptional procedure for thesis or HDR defence - November 3, 2020   The members of the videoconference jury must be indicated on ADUM in the box provided for this purpose (videoconference request: indicate "yes"). They must fill in the: Jury proxy form for delegation of signature to the President (to be returned to the ED secretariat: [email protected] at the latest after the defence together with the completed defence documents). Recommendation: the president of the jury must be present at the thesis defence location.
  • External members are considered to be members outside the institutions bound by the cotutelle agreement.
  • At least 2 rapporteurs must be external to the institutions bound by the cotutelle agreement.
  • The composition of the jury must be balanced between the partner institutions.
  • A minimum of 50% of the members must be of rank A (professors, research directors, professors from foreign institutions, etc.)

At least 8 weeks (minimum on ADUM) before the probable date of defence:

Deposit of the manuscript on adum.

The doctoral student deposits the manuscript of his/her thesis on ADUM which will automatically be sent to the designated reviewers as well as to the University Library which checks the conformity of the electronic deposit. The reviewers then have 5 weeks to establish their report and deposit it on ADUM, at the latest 14 days before the date of the defense, under penalty of cancellation of the defence.

Few days before defence:

If the reviewer reports are positive and the electronic deposit is in conformity, the ED Director and the Presidency of the University decide on the authorization of defence.

The doctoral student will find in his (her) workspace on ADUM:

  • the order of defense signed by the Presidency of the University
  • the reports of the reviewers (a copy of each report is sent by e-mail to all the members of the jury)
  • the "Procès-Verbal" of the defence
  • the Defense Report
  • the form « Avis du jury sur l'archivage et la diffusion de la thèse » (Opinion of the jury on the archiving and distribution of the thesis)

One week before the thesis defence, the applicant must email the announcement of the defence of thesis to the ED secretariat. The ED secretariat also needs to email to the applicant a form concerning his/her future after the PhD.

Defence, deliberation and the oath of scientific integrity:

The President of the jury (rank A or equivalent) is elected by the members of the jury before the defense.

At the end of the defence and in case of admission, the newly awarded PhD takes an oath, individually, committing himself to respect the principles and requirements of scientific integrity in his further professional career, whatever the sector or field of activity.

The doctoral oath relating to scientific integrity is as follows:

"In the presence of my peers. Having completed my doctorate in [xxx], and having thus practised, in my quest for knowledge, the exercise of demanding scientific research, cultivating intellectual rigour, ethical reflexivity and respect for the principles of scientific integrity, I undertake, insofar as it depends on me, in the continuation of my professional career, whatever the sector or field of activity, to maintain integrity in my relationship to knowledge, my methods and my results."

After the deliberation:

  • the members of the jury sign the "Procès-Verbal" of the defence, except for the PhD supervisor(s) .
  • the members of the jury write in French and sign the Defence Report as well as the PhD supervisor(s). It will be mentioned in the Defense Report if the thesis is proposed for the PhD PRIZE/AWARD , which rewards each year the best thesis of the Life and Health Sciences ED of the Université Côte d'Azur. In the positive case, the student is informed and must send by e-mail to the ED secretariat his thesis for its future evaluation by the members of the Doctoral School Council. Likewise, the reviewers must complete and return to the ED secretariat: [email protected] the thesis proposal form
  • the President of the jury completes, signs and notes his name on the Avis du jury sur l'archivage et la diffusion de la thèse , see Avis du jury instructions .

Within two weeks after the defense, the President of the jury sends to the ED secretariat by e-mail to [email protected] :

  • the "Procès-Verbal" of the defence (and possibly the proxies of the members in videoconference, confidentiality agreements ...)
  • the form « Avis du jury sur l’archivage et la diffusion de la thèse »

Note: The statement of the jury regarding the archiving and the distribution of the thesis mentioned:

  • the thesis manuscript can be archived and distributed without modifications or after minor corrections suggested by the jury, within three months after the defence date (after this period, the legal version is the registered version before the defense)
  • the thesis manuscript can be archived and distributed after major corrections, within three months after the defence date


  • After reception of the defense documents completed by the President of the jury, the ED secretariat can edit an Attestation de Réussite (certificate of success) , transmitted to the newly awarded PhD by e-mail.
  • The ED secretariat also requests the edition of the PhD diploma, which the newly awarded PhD will be able to obtain from the Scolarité des Sciences, within three months after the defense. Contact: [email protected]

Textes de Référence : Arrêté du 25 mai 2016

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direct access

phd thesis jury members

Published on 06/07/2022

Composition of the jury

The composition of a doctoral thesis jury must imperatively respect the provisions of the decree of May 25, 2016 (articles 18 and 19) and the rules of the ED PHF:

  • The jury must include 4 to 8 members.
  • The rapporteurs must imperatively be Habilités à Diriger des Recherches or belong to one of the categories mentioned in 1° and 2° of article 16 of the decree of May 25, 2016. - Please pay attention to the titles and grades of the foreign rapporteurs likely to participate in the jury. A CV must be systematically provided for foreign rapporteurs. - In the case of work involving people from the socio-economic world who do not belong to the academic world, a third reporter, recognized for his or her expertise in the field, may be appointed on the proposal of the director of the doctoral school, after advice from the thesis director.
  • The rapporteurs are external to the ED PHF, UPHF, INSA HdF and ICL and have no involvement in the work of the doctoral student and the supervising team during the thesis.
  • At least 50% of the jury is composed of University Professors or equivalent (in accordance with the Ministry's list and Article 18 of the Order of May 25, 2016). - Attention to the titles and grades of foreign examiners likely to participate in the jury.
  • A balanced representation of women and men must be ensured. The concept of balance will be based on the reality of the gender distribution in each field. At least one member of each gender is required for a jury with 4-6 members and at least 2 for a jury with 7-8 members.
  • At least 50% of the jury is composed of members from outside the ED PHF, UPHF, INSA HdF and ICL.
  • A member from outside the ED PHF, UPHF, INSA HdF and ICL who has funded the thesis or published with the doctoral student will be considered on the same basis as the thesis supervisors.

Notes on jury composition

Note 1 : to be an examining member of a doctoral dissertation jury, one must hold the PhD. If this is not the case, it will be appropriate to request authorization from the UPHF research commission for the personality to be an examining member. If it is not possible to obtain the status of examiner, it is also possible to have the prospective personality participate as an "invited" member. An invited member sits in on the defense but does not have the right to vote and does not sign the documents relating to the defense. He/she is not counted as an examining member. For a jury with up to 6 members, the number of guest is limited to 2 and to 3 for a jury with 7 or 8 members.

Note 2  : it is advisable to ensure the conformity of the jury's constitution during the defense, i.e. that the members sitting on the jury are indeed those officially designated prior to the defense by the head of the institution issuing the diploma in order to avoid any administrative appeal that would jeopardize, in the end, the issuing of the diploma.

Precisions in the composition of cotutelle thesis juries

  • According to Article 7 of the Order of May 25, 2016, the principles governing the constitution of the jury must be specified by the cotutelle agreement between a French institution and a partner institution. The basic principle is the respect of a balanced proportion of members, from each institution, appointed jointly by the contracting institutions.
  •   It must include personalities from outside these institutions and the total number cannot exceed 8 (4 to 8 members). The half of the jury designated by the French institution must be specified.
  •  The two rapporteurs need not be members of the half of the jury designated by the French institution. The rapporteurs are external to the ED PHF, UPHF, INSA HdF and ICL and to the partner institution. Rapporteurs hold an HDR or equivalent, they have no involvement in the work of the PhD student and the supervising team during the thesis.
  •  In the absence of explicit precision in the cotutelle agreement, the ED will apply the spirit of the decree of May 25, 2016 on doctoral training on the half of the jury designated by the French institution. This " half jury" will then include 2 to 4 members (at least 50% professors or assimilated, at least 50% of members from outside the ED PHF, UPHF, INSA HdF and ICL and the partner institution and at least one member of each gender).

NB: changes are likely to be made for the 2021-2022 academic year.

phd thesis jury members

Administrative and regulatory texts

PhD Thesis Jury Declaration and Dissertation Defense Dates

Dear PhD Students,

To be accounted as a 2013-2014 Spring Semester Graduate;

August, 06 th , 2014:  Last Day of PhD Dissertation Defense for All Graduates

Graduates who wish to participate to the commencement ceremony;

May, 16 th , 2014:  Last Day of PhD Dissertation Defense for All Graduates

Please declare your jury members to us via e-mail  1 MONTH  before your Thesis Defense date. For Example; if your thesis defense is on May 09 th , you should declare your jury members no later than April, 09 th .

According to Instruction Letter for Graduate Programs Article 42 - 2;

      * The Thesis Jury consists of  5 faculty members;

      * Three of which are the faculty members of the Thesis Committee,

      * At least one jury member should be in  another field at SU Faculty  or in  other institutions of higher education faculties.

Not: Please declare your jury members with their titles. Especially for the jury members who are from other institutions, please inform their titles, institution name and programs.


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  1. thesis

    But, for a Master's level thesis you should understand most of it, at least in general. Read the thesis and do a mark-up as you go. Work from a paper copy if possible. Be sure to mark things that you don't understand unless that amounts to nearly everything. Marking grammar etc is also helpful.

  2. phd

    Practically, you may have limited options. At the very least, you should weigh 1, 2, and 3, and estimate how you think each candidate will contribute in each area. Only one thing I would add to this excellent answer: At least one committee member should take you out of your professional comfort zone.

  3. PDF Guide to the Doctoral defence

    Deadline: three months before the defence. The first step is to set up the Jury and find a date for the defence that suits everyone. Please note that the majority of doctoral defences in France take place between the beginning of October and mid-December, and potential Jury members are in great demand.

  4. Dissertation Defense

    Dissertation Defense (article 19) A defense is public unless a special waiver is granted by the head of the institution, if the dissertation topic is established to be of a confidential nature. After deliberating, the jury decides whether to pass the candidate or adjourn. In special cases, with the exception of the chairman, members of the jury ...

  5. FAQ End of thesis ‒ Doctorate ‐ EPFL

    Jury members (president, director, co-director, examiners) ... Information on plagiarism for PhD students. You and your thesis directors are both provided with access to iThenticate, which is a tool that highlights any sentences and paragraphs in your documents (scientific reports, thesis) that are also found in other online documents. ...

  6. Appointment of rapporteurs and jury

    The thesis director can be part of the jury, but he can not preside over it. The president of the jury is appointed by the jury members among them; he must be a teacher or assimilated. A rapporteur may be chairman of a jury unless he is emeritus. An emeritus may be rapporteur if his emeritus is still valid. He can not preside over a thesis jury.

  7. PDF Guide for Doctoral Dissertation Jury Members

    The Chair of the Jury acts as a coordinator between the student, the other members of the jury, the supervisors and co-supervisors, and the Department Chair. The Chair also acts as a liaison between jury members and the Registrar's Office. The Jury Chair is an evaluating member of the dissertation jury. The Chair's report is placed

  8. Ph.D. Thesis Submission and Defence Procedures

    After the submission of the thesis the external jury members will receive a copy of the thesis, an examiner's report form and a copy of the thesis guidelines, and they are expected to read and evaluate the thesis and send their report to the administrative assistant within 2 months (3 months if in summer). The reports will state whether the ...

  9. A Procedure for Managing Conflict of Interest When Forming Thesis Juries

    the other members of the jury, such as the internal member (in the cases of a PhD), the President and the Dean's Representative (PhD). Note that the following list is aimed at helping to ...

  10. The Thesis Defense

    The thesis jury is appointed by the principal after consultation with the doctoral school director and the thesis supervisor. The number of jury members is between four and eight. At least half of its members are French or foreign personalities, from outside the doctoral school and the PhD student's registration establishment, chosen for their ...

  11. Composition of the Examination Committee

    The Examination Committee needs to be approved (and a chair assigned) before you submit the first version of the PhD thesis. Take into account that after you have submitted the proposal of the composition of your Examination Committee, it can take some time before the composition is approved. ... In order for the jury members to have sufficient ...

  12. How to greet the audience at the beginning of a PhD defense talk

    In my graduate (US mathematics) department, the custom was for the thesis advisor to introduce the speaker as we usually do for invited speakers at seminars/colloquia (something like 'I am pleased/delighted to introduce Harry Potter who will be defending his thesis "Horcruxes and how to find them"'), following which the speaker usually thanks the advisor for the introduction, possibly thanks ...

  13. Defences

    Submitting your PhD thesis . When it is time to submit your PhD thesis, you must use the form 'digital submission of PhD thesis'. ... Immediately afterwards, the jury members deliberate and announce their decision. PhD defences. 29/03-2024. PhD defence. Towards uncharted territories: High-performance and high-bandwidth ringmap-based delta-sigma ...

  14. PhD thesis defence committee member (Jury de thèse)

    Each PhD committee member receives the PhD thesis manuscript (after being revised and improved according to the reviewer's comments) in advance of the defence. They also receive the reviewers' reports on the thesis manuscript (these are sent by the doctoral school). Very minor modifications (typos, updated references, small technical fixes ...

  15. PDF Guidelines for the Ph.D. thesis procedure

    Thesis Co-Director, as well as a Faculty professor - generally presiding over the Commission) is proposed by the Thesis Director and appointed by the Graduate Studies Committee. Subsequently, the thesis is sent by the doctoral college office to the two external jury members in electronic form (and if requested in paper form). Jury members have

  16. Apply for PhD Defense

    Counting from the day of the Faculty Board meeting, your PhD examination committee will have at least 30 calendar days to evaluate your dissertation. Jury members will upload evaluation forms through the Plato platform. One week before the internal defense, the online Plato Platform will send you the reports of the jury members.

  17. ED85: Thesis defence procedure

    the members of the jury write in French and sign the Defence Report as well as the PhD supervisor(s). It will be mentioned in the Defense Report if the thesis is proposed for the PhD PRIZE/AWARD , which rewards each year the best thesis of the Life and Health Sciences ED of the Université Côte d'Azur.

  18. The Jury

    The composition of a doctoral thesis jury must imperatively respect the provisions of the decree of May 25, 2016 (articles 18 and 19) and the rules of the ED PHF: ... to be an examining member of a doctoral dissertation jury, one must hold the PhD. If this is not the case, it will be appropriate to request authorization from the UPHF research ...

  19. Updated: 10/14/2021

    7. If the thesis supervisor or co-supervisor is a member of the thesis jury, they are considered as local members of the jury. 8. A thesis co-supervisor (5) affiliated with an organization outside the Grenoble site and the doctoral school may be a member of the thesis jury. They are considered as local members of the jury. 9.

  20. Is it correct protocol to thank your committee members in a PhD

    As others have mentioned the thesis acknowledgments are yours alone and should not have any bearing (or relationship) to the actual content of the thesis. After all the comments and corrections were received and dealt with, I added the acknowledgments to the document - my committee saw them in the final copy I gave them on the day of my defense.

  21. PhD Thesis Jury Declaration and Dissertation Defense Dates

    May, 16 th, 2014: Last Day of PhD Dissertation Defense for All Graduates. Please declare your jury members to us via e-mail 1 MONTH before your Thesis Defense date. For Example; if your thesis defense is on May 09 th, you should declare your jury members no later than April, 09 th. According to Instruction Letter for Graduate Programs Article ...

  22. Jury and thesis defense: rules and recommendations

    II. Rules for thesis defense jury composition Members 1. The jury must consist of at least 4 members and no more than 8 (including the thesis supervisor). At least half of the jury members must come from outside the PhD student's institution, the affiliated organizations, the research unit in which the doctorate was studied and the doctoral