Ensuring Quality Education


UNESCO believes that education is a human right for all throughout life and that access must be matched by quality. The Organization is the only United Nations agency with a mandate to cover all aspects of education. It has been entrusted to lead the Global Education 2030 Agenda through Sustainable Development Goal 4.

UNESCO Office in Tashkent with its national partners implements a number of programmes and projects in areas of quality of education, improving curricula and supporting teacher training and the development of teaching materials, inclusive life-learning for all. UNESCO actively cooperates with the Ministries of Education (Ministry of preschool and school education, Ministry of higher education, science and innovation).

UNESCO works with schools to promote the ideals of UNESCO valuing rights and dignity, gender equality, social progress, freedom, justice and democracy, respect for diversity and international solidarity. The UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet) connects more than 12,000 schools in 182 countries, more than 45 schools in Uzbekistan are connected to this network and implement concrete actions in three priorities: education for sustainable development, global citizenship education and inter-cultural and heritage learning.

UNESCO also cooperates with educational institutions and universities around the world. UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks involves over 850 institutions in 117 countries, promotes international inter-university cooperation and networking to enhance institutional capacities through knowledge sharing and collaborative work. Eight UNESCO Chairs at seven universities in Uzbekistan are connected to global network to pool their resources, both human and material, to address pressing challenges and contribute to the development of their societies.

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Assessing Your School’s Mission and Vision

When a school’s mission and vision statements are not aligned with daily instructional practices, figuring out why should be a priority.

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It’s no secret that when a principal takes a long look at the myriad of things and tasks to check off daily, weekly, and monthly, there are competing priorities that vie for their attention. In my experience as a school leader and mentor, one task that often gets overlooked is thoroughly examining the school’s mission and vision statements. In my mentoring, I often listen to what frustrates leaders, and one of the first questions I ask is about the school’s mission and vision. How many words on this document truly reflect the students’ lived experiences, and how many practices are the actual products that educators deliver to students?

Many administrators don’t put a lot of stock or thought into the mission; in some cases, they inherited these documents and never sought to review them.

Missions and visions should not be a collection of the most relevant educational terms of the day; if those words are not actualized through the pointed and intentional actions of the staff and monitored for impact by the school leader, then the words on those documents are no more valuable than “smart graffiti” on the walls of your school. Nice to look at, but ultimately insignificant to the operations and culture of the school.

Smart graffiti embodies what usually serves as a land mine for school leaders. The term reflects a lack of clarity for staff. Someone said that you should do these things and have them, so you do without knowing the “why” behind them.

When new school leaders start work, often what is already “in place” does not seem as urgent as what needs to be done. I once was in the chair responsible for changing around a place where “teaching and learning” was the edict, but in actuality, it was not the priority.

When my year-one principal coach suggested I work on mission and vision first, I was thinking about the behavior, the instruction, and the parents. However, my coach was exactly right; the mission is what should be upheld in a productive learning organization. That is where I, as a mentor, begin all of my work with new principals. Without a coherent and understood direction via the mission, there will be misdirection at best and at worst, chaos.

5 Steps to Improve Smart Graffiti Mission Statements

1. Conduct a thorough audit of the action words: The creators often have well-meaning lofty goals in crafting a mission and pack on the most ambitious educational jargon. In the reality of day-to-day instruction, there may not be any evidence that these goals or practices are happening.

A leader and their team of teachers and students can sift through each line and identify the highest-leverage practices and objectives in their documents. From this, a list of “look-fors” should allow a team to examine the school’s practices to determine what transpires daily for teachers and students.

2. Set up a diverse team of stakeholders: Have the team conduct a no-nonsense analysis of whether what the mission said it would do for students is true. This approach is needed because often, as educators, we rely upon context to blanket and shield our ego and passion from the stark reality that things are not what we said they were. In my practice, I often lead with a yes-or-no approach to what I see. The data collected from a walk-through will provide an honest look at the experiences of students and teachers formed via instruction and practices in the building.

3. Destroy and rebuild: As your team sits down to sift through the data collected, if the words in the document do not match the experiences, decide which areas are worth strengthening, adjusting, or removing as a team. Examining and adjusting is another important step because honesty will strengthen the relationship between the leadership, staff, and students if they are included in this process. The results should be shared with the entire school community.

4. Get everyone involved in finding solutions: This share-out time is a major opportunity for collective action and shared responsibility where honesty about what transpires can galvanize or fracture relations with your staff.

Galvanization can transpire if the school community reflects honestly on your operations and how they adhere to the words in the mission and vision. Conversely, fracture can occur if blame is levied solely on the teaching staff as to “why” the words do not match the lived experience. It will need skill and a leader to be the person who takes responsibility for not helping to adequately set the conditions for learning.

5. Set the conditions for change: By this stage, you have shared, pinpointed, and strategized. Now, you have to support the creation of a new doctrine for how students learn best under your leadership through being laser-focused on clarity, expectations, and, most important, how the capacity of every stakeholder will be built to bring these new expectations to life. Nothing amazing happens in a school by accident; leaders must develop and support these expectations. Simply placing some smart graffiti on the walls that tells teachers what they should be doing in service of children and walking away is not leadership; it’s a recipe for confusion.

I ask principals all the time, who is your ideal student? If students go through their full life cycle in your ideal learning environment, who would they be as learners and citizens? What would they be able to produce? What would they be prepared to do upon graduation and afterward? That is your vision; the mission is how they will arrive there. For you as a newer principal, it’s imperative that before you start to “fix” what you believe is holding your school back, you ensure that what the school says is its mission is, in fact, what it produces.

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VVOB’s Definition of Quality Education

"A good quality education is one that provides all learners with capabilities they require to become economically productive, develop sustainable livelihoods, contribute to peaceful and democratic societies and enhance individual well-being. The learning outcomes that are required vary according to context but at the end of the basic education cycle must include threshold levels of literacy and numeracy, basic scientific knowledge and life skills including awareness and prevention of disease. Capacity development to improve the quality of teachers and other education stakeholders is crucial throughout this process."

Six Crucial Dimensions of Quality Education

VVOB believes that education leads to empowerment : a process of strengthening individuals, organisations and communities so they get more control over their own situations and environments. Quality education is a crucial factor in combating poverty and inequality in society. In quality education , VVOB distinguishes six dimensions that all interventions of the organisation need to meet.

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Crafting an effective mission statement for schools: a comprehensive guide.

In today's competitive educational landscape, having a clear and effective mission statement for schools is essential. A well-crafted mission statement not only defines the purpose and objectives of a school but also serves as a guiding light for its students, staff, and community. This comprehensive guide will take you through the process of crafting effective mission statements for schools, providing you with the tools, resources, and inspiring examples you need to create a mission statement that truly resonates.

Effective Mission Statement For Schools

Defining the Purpose: School Mission Statement Objectives

Before diving into the process of crafting a mission statement, it's crucial to understand the key objectives that should be included in a school's mission statement. These objectives will serve as the foundation upon which you build a compelling and meaningful statement.

A school's mission statement is more than just a few words on a page. It is a powerful declaration of the school's purpose, values, and goals. It is a guiding light that shapes the institution's identity and influences every aspect of its operations.

Key Objectives to Include in Your School Mission Statement

When developing a mission statement, it's important to consider the unique qualities and goals of your school. Key objectives that should be included in a school mission statement may vary, but some common themes include:

  • Providing a quality education that prepares students for the future: A school's primary objective is to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and competencies they need to succeed in their academic and professional lives. This objective emphasizes the importance of a rigorous curriculum, qualified teachers, and innovative teaching methods.
  • Fostering a safe and inclusive learning environment: A school should strive to create a nurturing and supportive environment where every student feels valued, respected, and safe. This objective highlights the importance of promoting diversity, inclusivity, and equality among students and staff.
  • Cultivating academic excellence and critical thinking skills: A school should aim to foster a culture of academic excellence, encouraging students to strive for their personal best. This objective emphasizes the importance of challenging students intellectually, promoting curiosity, and developing critical thinking skills.
  • Promoting social and emotional development: Education is not just about academics; it is also about nurturing the holistic development of students. This objective underscores the importance of supporting students' social and emotional well-being, fostering empathy, resilience, and self-awareness.
  • Emphasizing the importance of community and civic engagement: A school should instill in its students a sense of responsibility towards their community and society. This objective highlights the importance of encouraging students to actively participate in community service, volunteerism, and civic engagement.

By incorporating these key objectives into your effective mission statement, you can create a clear and focused message that reflects the values and aspirations of your school. A well-crafted mission statement will not only inspire and guide the school community but also attract like-minded individuals who share the same educational vision.

quality education mission statement

Crafting an Effective School Mission Statement

Now that you understand the purpose and objectives of an effective mission statement for schools, it's time to dive into the process of crafting one. Crafting an effective mission statement requires thoughtful consideration and a deep understanding of your school's identity and values.

When it comes to crafting a compelling mission statement, there are several steps you can follow to ensure that it captures the essence of your school. Let's take a closer look at each step:

Step 1: Define your school's unique qualities and strengths

Every school has its own unique qualities and strengths that set it apart from others. Take the time to identify what makes your school special. Is it a strong focus on STEM education ? A commitment to fostering creativity and innovation? By understanding and articulating these qualities, you can start to shape your mission statement.

Step 2: Identify your school's core values and beliefs

Core values and beliefs are the guiding principles that drive your school's actions and decisions. Reflect on what your school stands for and what it believes in. Is it a dedication to inclusivity and diversity? A commitment to academic excellence? These core values and beliefs should be at the heart of your mission statement.

Step 3: Consider the needs and aspirations of your students, staff, and community

A mission statement should not only reflect the values and qualities of your school but also address the needs and aspirations of those it serves. Consider the desires and goals of your students, staff, and community members. What do they hope to achieve through their association with your school? Incorporating these aspirations into your mission statement will make it more meaningful and relevant.

Step 4: Articulate your school's vision for the future

A mission statement should not only capture the present state of your school but also provide a glimpse into its future. Think about where you envision your school heading in the years to come. What are your aspirations and goals for growth and improvement? By articulating your school's vision, you can inspire others and create a sense of purpose.

Step 5: Draft a mission statement that incorporates your findings

With a clear understanding of your school's unique qualities, core values, community needs, and future vision, it's time to put pen to paper. Start drafting your mission statement, ensuring that it incorporates all the elements you have identified. Be concise, yet comprehensive, in your wording.

Step 6: Solicit feedback from stakeholders and make revisions as necessary

Once you have a draft of your mission statement, it's important to gather feedback from various stakeholders. This includes students, parents, teachers, and community members. Their input will provide valuable insights and perspectives that can help refine your mission statement. Be open to suggestions and willing to make revisions as necessary.

Step 7: Finalize your mission statement and communicate it effectively

After incorporating feedback and making revisions, it's time to finalize your mission statement. Ensure that it accurately reflects your school's identity, values, and aspirations. Once finalized, communicate it effectively to all stakeholders. This includes prominently displaying it on your school's website , sharing it in newsletters, and discussing it during parent and community meetings.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can ensure that your mission statement accurately reflects the unique qualities and goals of your school. Remember, a well-crafted mission statement can serve as a guiding light, inspiring and uniting all members of your school community towards a common purpose.

Unlocking Creativity: Mission Statement Generators and Templates

Crafting a mission statement from scratch can be a daunting task. Fortunately, there are resources available to help spark your creativity and streamline the process. Mission statement generators and templates can provide you with a starting point and help you structure your thoughts.

Tools and Resources to Help You Create a Unique Mission Statement

When searching for mission statement generators and templates, consider the following resources:

  • Online Mission Statement Generators: These tools provide a guided approach to crafting a mission statement tailored to your school's specific needs.
  • Sample Mission Statements: Studying examples of well-crafted mission statements can help inspire and inform your own statement.
  • Mission Statement Templates: Templates offer a framework that can be customized to fit your school's unique characteristics.

By leveraging these tools and resources, you can unlock your creativity and create a mission statement that truly reflects the essence of your school.

Inspiring Examples: Mission Statements for Elementary Schools

Mission statements for elementary schools should reflect the unique needs and educational approach of young students. Here are 10 engaging mission statements for elementary education that can serve as inspiration:

  • Example 1: "Our mission is to inspire a lifelong love of learning and nurture each child's natural curiosity."
  • Example 2: "We are committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment where every student can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally."
  • Example 3: "Our school community values respect, kindness, and a growth mindset, empowering students to reach their full potential."
  • Example 4: "We believe in fostering creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration to prepare our students for success in an ever-changing world."
  • Example 5: "Our mission is to ignite a passion for learning, cultivate a strong foundation of knowledge, and foster a sense of responsibility in our students."
  • Example 6: "We are dedicated to providing a well-rounded education that embraces the whole child, fostering their intellectual, emotional, and physical growth."
  • Example 7: "Our school community celebrates diversity, promotes empathy, and empowers students to make a positive impact on the world."
  • Example 8: "We strive to instill a love of learning, a sense of resilience, and a commitment to excellence in each and every student."
  • Example 9: "Our mission is to cultivate a nurturing and joyful learning environment where every child feels valued, supported, and inspired."
  • Example 10: "We are dedicated to equipping our students with the knowledge, skills, and values they need to become compassionate global citizens."

These inspiring mission statements can serve as a starting point for crafting a compelling statement that captures the essence of your elementary school.

quality education mission statement

Guiding the Transition: Mission Statements for Middle Schools

Middle school is a critical time of transition for students, and a well-crafted mission statement can help guide their educational journey. Here are examples of mission statements that capture the middle school experience:

  • Example 1: "Our mission is to provide a supportive and challenging learning environment that empowers middle school students to excel academically and personally."
  • Example 2: "We are committed to fostering a sense of belonging, promoting self-discovery, and preparing students for success in high school and beyond."
  • Example 3: "Our school community values curiosity, collaboration, and resilience, empowering middle school students to become lifelong learners."
  • Example 4: "We believe in nurturing the unique talents and abilities of each student, promoting self-confidence and a love of learning."

These mission statements can serve as a guide when crafting your own statement for a middle school, incorporating the unique challenges and opportunities that this transitional stage presents.

Shaping the Future: Mission Statements for High Schools

High school is a formative period in a student's life, where they prepare for higher education and future careers. Here are examples of inspiring mission statements that reflect the goals of high school education:

  • Example 1: "Our mission is to ignite a passion for lifelong learning, empower students to think critically, and prepare them for a successful future."
  • Example 2: "We are dedicated to fostering a love of knowledge, promoting academic excellence, and cultivating leadership skills in our high school students."
  • Example 3: "Our school community values integrity, diversity, and personal growth, equipping students with the skills and values they need to thrive in the 21st century."
  • Example 4: "We believe in providing a well-rounded education that prepares students for the challenges and opportunities of a rapidly changing world."

These mission statements reflect the goals and aspirations of a high school education, emphasizing the importance of academic excellence, personal growth, and preparing students for future success.

Crafting a compelling mission statement is a powerful way to communicate the values and goals of your school. By defining the purpose, understanding the key objectives, and following a step-by-step guide, you can create a mission statement that inspires and guides your entire school community. Unlock your creativity by using mission statement generators and templates, and find inspiration in the examples provided for elementary, middle, and high schools. Implementing a well-crafted mission statement can have a profound impact on your school's culture and ensure a bright future for your students.

quality education mission statement

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How to Make Mission Matter at Your School

  • Posted September 8, 2022
  • By Danny Mucinskas and Shelby Clark
  • Global Education
  • K-12 School Leadership
  • K-12 System Leadership
  • Organizational Change

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School mission statements today are pervasive. Effective school missions can communicate a vision and unify people around common goals, especially when systematically implemented. However, some missions may not even be known or observed by school stakeholders and become mere slogans. Therefore, while most schools have a mission statement, only some schools may be categorized as “mission-driven” institutions that specifically endorse and intentionally organize pedagogy to focus on specific philanthropic, civic, and/or community-based values and involvement.

Over the past several years, our team at The Good Project investigated the educational practices and outcomes of a set of mission-driven, diverse, and globally located international schools. Our primary partners in this research were the United World Colleges (UWC), a network of 18 schools that foreground student diversity and social impact. UWC’s mission is “to unite people, nations, and cultures for peace and a sustainable future.” We set out to learn whether these schools and 13 others (which remain anonymous) around the world were actually achieving their aims.

We collected thousands of student and alumni surveys, conducted hundreds of in-depth interviews, and carried out observations at more than a dozen UWC schools. When we analyzed our data, summarized in a report available here , we discovered trends relevant not only to the participating schools, but also for anyone interested in creating a school or a curriculum that is mission based, including parents and teachers

Below are implications from our work regarding how to make a mission a powerful force for teaching, learning, and change.

1)  Does your school have a unified idea of your mission? When school mission statements are clearly stated, focused, and understood by school stakeholders, they have the power to unify people around a common idea. We saw in our study of UWC that the mission statement was interpreted in a variety of manners: different elements of the mission (such as sustainability or peace) were foregrounded to different degrees depending on school context and personal preferences. For mission-driven schools that seek to effect social change, it is important for people to share a unified understanding of the meaning of the mission; what it looks like in practice; and the steps that can lead to its fulfillment.  

For example, if your school’s mission is “A cleaner world for all,” some questions to ask would include: What does this mean to the different stakeholders in your institution? Does it mean simply recycling every day, or does it mean protesting for climate change (or neither)? Could “cleaner” mean cleaner morals or character to some people? A common understanding of an institutional mission and how it can be embodied can have a trickle-down effect throughout an organization by uniting people at all levels in common purpose. 

Consider as well: 

  • How are conversations about the mission happening at your school? 
  • What messages are students receiving about the mission explicitly and implicitly? 
  • What parallel visions of the missions might exist? 
  • What steps are you taking to align all the stakeholders at your school around the mission? What can you to bring about better alignment?

2)  What type of citizen do you hope your school is fostering? Once you’ve agreed on what your mission statement means for your school, ask yourself: What type of message does your school’s mission send about how students are meant to be as citizens in the world? Throughout our study, we asked participants questions like, “What does making an impact mean to you?” and “What does it mean to make a difference in the world?” Interviewees were asked to rank four different profiles regarding who was making the “most” impact keeping the UWC mission in mind.

What did we find? Overall, there was not a singular aligned vision across the UWC movement, or even within particular schools, about what it means to “make a difference.” Many participants in our study were relativistic in their thinking about impact, wanting to reserve judgment about whether any one type of action or type of career or action was right or wrong, or impactful or not impactful in positive ways for the world. For example, is an investment banker making a difference in positive or negative ways? What about compared to a nonprofit worker or parent? 

There is nothing inherently wrong with people having different ideas about how to make a difference in the world . One might argue that we need these divergent means of impact to tackle real-world problems. However, if educational institutions are dedicated to having their students make social impact, it is necessary that they have a defined understanding of their desired impact.

Alternatively, as Walden University did when confronted with the fact that they did not know how to define the idea of “positive social change” in their mission, schools might create functional models of changemaking that students should embody in order to be agents of social change, such as cognitive and practical skills as well as values and ethics.

In thinking about these questions, consider: 

  • How large of an effect do you expect your students’ impact to have? Should they affect society as a whole? Or maybe just their local community? Or perhaps just their family? 
  • Are there certain topics they should focus their changemaking efforts on? Take the school above with their environmental mission– perhaps the students should focus their efforts solely on sustainability. 
  • What methods of change should your students use? Maybe your school focuses entirely on social entrepreneurship. Or instead, you’d rather your students learned how to advocate through protesting and political change. 
  • How should your students' changemaking efforts address issues of justice ? Do you think that your students should focus on the root causes of issues, or that they should address more pressing or symptomatic issues? 

3)  How does the mission translate to pedagogical practice? Our research displayed that, once a strong mission and associated conception of how the mission is shaping students has been established, it’s crucial to embed these ideas into the pedagogy and educational practices being offered by the school. In the schools we worked with, many of which were focused on developing intercultural understanding and fostering social impact, mission-aligned activities included:

  • Volunteer and community service programs in which students got to experience collaborating with community stakeholders.
  • At UWC schools, project weeks, in which students designed a week-long learning experience away from the school that required problem-solving, often involving travel to a new location.
  • Extra-academic activities, including student-run conferences and clubs focused on mission-aligned topics like sustainability and peace building.
  • Academic environments, most often courses like global politics, history, economics, and literature, that permitted conversations about school mission.

Throughout these activities, we saw that when students were afforded opportunities to bring their perspectives to the fore, and to feel autonomy and agency in the learning process, students learned more and developed skills and dispositions such as open-mindedness and greater confidence.

At your school, consider questions like:

  • Where in the day are students most likely to experience the mission in action?
  • How can the mission be embedded into environments that give students the chance to exercise autonomy?
  • To what degree are our educational programs aligned with the mission we want to achieve?

While many schools today have mission statements, we hope that the themes and questions we have explored here can help to bring about greater mission clarity and implementation for institutions of learning.

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Do You Know Your School’s Vision? Tips on Making a Meaningful Mission Statement


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Here’s a challenge for you: Without looking, write down the vision of your school or district. You may not be able to write it down verbatim, but can you at least identify and articulate the main points in your own words?

My principal and I gave this challenge to a group of educators at a conference last summer in a session we taught on how to make meaningful change in your own school. Of the approximately 200 educators from across the country who attended our session, less than 10 percent could confidently meet this challenge.

But what we found to be even more alarming was the general agreement that many of the official vision statements were relatively meaningless. They were full of broad and ambiguous statements that were great for hanging on the wall, but pretty ineffective in terms of motivating people to strive for a common goal of excellence. Here’s one such example: “To create 21st-century learners through the development and delivery of a diverse set of strategic teaching and learning strategies in a way that is targeted to enhance the individual growth pathway for each learner so that learning outcomes are maximized for the long-term benefit of the communities we serve.” While this type of vision statement might win an eduspeak award, it certainly doesn’t elicit inspiration and a common purpose.

If you spend time researching the fundamental ingredients of any successful organization, whether it’s a business, a nonprofit, or a school, one thing that immediately becomes apparent is a deeply ingrained shared vision. A few examples:

• Habitat for Humanity: “A world where everyone has a decent place to live.” • Disney: “To make people happy.” • Google: “To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” • Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District (Ohio): “Preparing All Students for Success in A Global Economy (P.A.S.S.A.G.E.)”

Not only do each of these examples contain details about the future state the organization can have on the world, but each is also clear and concise enough that everyone in these organizations can use the statement to help focus their work on achieving that envisioned future state. Simply put, words have power. And a powerful vision statement is one that gives everyone in the organization a vivid sense of purpose in the work they do. This is why, in my view, any school or district that is really serious about changing the status quo for its students has to start with a thorough evaluation of its core beliefs and how those may be articulated in a clear mission and vision statement.

But as powerful as words may be, they will remain only words unless they embody the actions of every stakeholder who belongs to the learning community, especially the students. So my second challenge is for you to ask yourself the following question: Does your vision pass the red face test? In other words, if you gave your vision to an outside observer and asked her to tour your school for a day, could she identify examples that match the words in the statement to the actions of members of your learning community? Or would she come up blank, leaving you embarrassed with a red face?

If you pass this test, then you are indeed on the way to creating a culture of shared purpose—a culture where common goals and common language can be the catalyst that closes the gap between the current reality for the school and the future state all stakeholders desire.

If you spend time researching the fundamental ingredients of any successful organization, one thing that immediately becomes apparent is a deeply ingrained shared vision."

I believe organizations that fail to recognize the essential nature of a shared vision are doomed to remain stuck in the status quo. Leaders of such organizations may try to demand excellence through policy, procedures, or mandates, but unless there is an inherent buy-in throughout all aspects of the organization, such excellence will be fleeting. Think of an example of a top-down mandate that, while well intentioned, was ultimately ineffective. Whether originating from the government, district leadership, or a school administrator, imposing one-size-fits-all conditions on an organization often ignores the true capacity of that organization: its people.

Simply put, excellence comes not from silver bullets, but from sharing a passion for a common goal and taking advantage of the ideas and input of the people doing the work to achieve that common goal. Schools that have successfully embarked on journeys toward educational excellence are the ones that have smartly aligned all stakeholders —parents, teachers, administrators, community members, and students—to a shared purpose and then relentlessly enabled conditions for open, candid collaboration to drive innovation.

In the book Collective Genius: The Art and Practice of Leading Innovation , the authors state that purpose is often misunderstood. They write, “It’s not what a group does, but why it does what it does … the question every group should ask itself: If we disappeared today, how would the world be different tomorrow?” If we enable educators to truly find their purpose in the work they do—i.e. their True North —with structures that help them connect that purpose with a larger organization-wide goal, then we have created a potent tool for driving innovative change that our students and communities deserve.

While it may be a naive oversimplification, I honestly believe that a shared vision is the primary ingredient in the secret sauce to drive innovation in our schools. If what you do is clearly aligned with your inner purpose, then you will be passionate about the work you do. You will eagerly collaborate with others, you will find ways to share ideas and resources to help yourself and others reach your common goals, and you will have a relentless focus on continuous improvement and innovation.

What if this common purpose, articulated in a genuine shared vision, was the ethos of every school? I believe it can be. Who’s up for the challenge?

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Quality education an ‘essential pillar’ of a better future, says UN chief

UN Secretary-General António Guterres (file photo).

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Education is an “essential pillar” to achieving the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, UN chief António Guterres told an audience on Tuesday at the Paris headquarters of UNESCO, the UN Educational, Scientific and Culture Organization, ahead of the agency’s General Conference .

We must ensure universal access to basic education for every child, everywhere. Tijjani Muhammad-Bande, President, UN General Assembly

Mr. Guterres, who noted that one-fifth of young people are out of work, lack education or adequate training, praised UNESCO ’s fundamental role in coordinating and monitoring global efforts, such as the agency’s initiative on the future of education.

The theme was taken up by Tijjani Muhammad-Bande, President of the UN General Assembly, in his opening remarks to a ministerial meeting on education at the Conference.

Mr. Muhammad-Bande referred to estimates showing that some 265 million children are out of school. The number is projected to fall to 220 million over the next decade, but he declared that the illiteracy figures forecast for 2030 remain a scandal: “We must remove all barriers to education. We must ensure, at a minimum, universal access to basic education for every child, everywhere.”

He also highlighted the importance of educating children effectively, and equipping them with the necessary analytical and critical thinking abilities, in “an ever-changing and more complex world”.

Recalling his former experience as an educator in his home country of Nigeria, Mr. Muhammad-Bande called for more efforts to ensure that teachers are adequately qualified, because “no educational system can rise above the quality of its teachers”.

We must treat young people not as subjects to be protected, but as powerful agents for change.I was very pleased to meet a few of these changemakers at @UNESCO this morning. pic.twitter.com/DjgZP0jNh9 António Guterres, UN Secretary-General antonioguterres

Other important measures cited by the General Assembly President include strong curricula that fully integrate Information and Communications Technology (ICT); ensuring that girls complete at least 12 years of education (which, according to the World Bank, would add some $30 trillion to the global economy); and the effective monitoring and evaluation of learning.

Mr. Muhammad-Bande called on nations to meet their commitments to education spending, and for donor countries to increase international aid directed towards education.

‘Powerful agents of change’

As well as the difficulties in accessing quality education, Mr. Guterres also outlined several other challenges faced by young people: the fact that millions of girls become mothers while they are still children; that one quarter are affected by violence or conflict; and that online bullying and harassment are adding to high levels of stress, which see some 67,000 adolescents die from suicide or self-harm every year.

World leaders, and others who wield power, he continued, must treat young people not as subjects to be protected, but as powerful agents for change, and the role of the powerful is not to solve the enormous challenges faced by young people, but rather to give them the tools to tackle their problems.

Mr Guterres underscored the importance of bringing young people to the table as key partners, and praised UNESCO’s efforts to include their voices, which include holding a major event at the General Conference, and the Youth Forum .

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79 Examples of School Vision and Mission Statements

school vision and mission statements

School vision statements outline a school’s values and objectives. They provide parents and the community a brief but clear overview of the overall ethos of the school. On the other hand, school mission statements explain what the school is currently doing to achieve its vision. Schools need both vision and mission statements to show their community what their values and beliefs are.

Importance of Vision and Mission Statements in Schools

Statements of a school’s vision and mission are important for keeping a school focused on its core purpose. The statements can act as a guiding north star for school administrators who aim to make decisions that live up to the statements. They are also important because they are documents that parents use to see whether the school meets their family’s values.

Common Words in Vision Statements

The most common words in school vision and mission statements are:

Read below for our full list of the best school statements from around the web.

Related Post: A List of Education Slogans and Mottoes

Best Preschool Mission & Vision Statements

  • We foster our students’ love for learning, encourage them to try new and exciting things, and give them a solid foundation to build on.
  • Our vision is to develop well rounded, confident and responsible individuals who aspire to achieve their full potential. We will do this by providing a welcoming, happy, safe, and supportive learning environment in which everyone is equal and all achievements are celebrated.
  • We believe that a happy child is a successful one. We are committed to providing a positive, safe and stimulating environment for children to learn, where all are valued. We intend that all children should enjoy their learning, achieve their potential and become independent life-long learners.
  • Our early learning center exists to provide a safe, developmentally, inclusive environment for toddlers, preschool, kindergarten and school age children.
Our focus is to provide a stimulating early learning and child care experience which promotes each child’s social/emotional, physical and cognitive development.
  • Our goal is to support and nurture the children’s and our own natural desire to be life-long learners. We are committed to the families we serve, providing support and encouragement.
  • Our Vision is a community where all children feel loved, respected and encouraged to develop to their fullest potential.
  • Our Mission is to provide high quality education and childcare in a safe, respectful and inclusive environment that builds a foundation for life-long learning.
  • We aim to provide a safe learning environment with a welcoming atmosphere which creates a sense of belonging amongst the families. We maintain an inclusive environment which acknowledges and respects children from diverse family and cultural backgrounds.
Our Kindergarten provides a safe, developmentally appropriate, nurturing environment that promotes social, emotional, cognitive and physical growth, as well as a positive self-image and a love of learning. T
  • Our goal is to build skills that set children up for success in kindergarten and beyond.
  • Our vision is for each child to develop a curiosity of learning, discover their interests and grow in their love of learning. We also desire to have strong families through parent support/fellowship and skills training.
  • We aim to offer a safe, happy place where everyone is known and valued, and where differing needs are acknowledged, accepted and met
  • We aim to encourage each child to be independent and develop a sense of responsibility for themselves and respect for others in the environment
Our mission is to lead and support the early learning community in building the best foundation for children birth to five.
  • Our Kindergarten aims to provide a meaningful child centered, play based curriculum that builds life skills, independence, confidence and resilience to support each child in achieving their potential and to make a smooth transition to school and society itself.
  • Our mission is to work together to build a safe, respectful and nurturing environment focused on maximizing each child’s sense of wellbeing and acquisition of skills for life and learning.
  • Our mission is to provide exceptional care to children while fostering each child’s intellectual, social, physical and moral development in an academic-rich environment.

Related Post: 5 Early Childhood Philosophies Compared

Best Primary and Elementary School Vision & Mission Statements

  • Our goal as a school is to equip our young people with the skills and mindset to thrive and then take on the world.
  • We foster an enthusiastic, creative community of learners prepared to continue their intellectual, emotional, and physical development.
  • To educate all students to the highest levels of academic achievement , to enable them to reach and expand their potential, and to prepare them to become productive, responsible, ethical, creative and compassionate members of society.
Our vision is to prepare young women to pursue their aspirations and contribute to the world.
  • We strive to consciously create an environment of respect and inclusion and to support ethnic, racial, religious and socio-economic diversity among all the constituencies of the school.
  • We strive to support this environment by building a more inclusive curriculum, addressing a range of learning styles, offering a wide array of diversity efforts and programs, and by participating in the wider community.
  • Our school empowers all students to embrace learning, achieve their personal best and build their emotional, social and physical well-being.
Our vision is to empower students to acquire, demonstrate, articulate and value knowledge and skills that will support them, as life-long learners, to participate in and contribute to the global world and practise the core values of the school : respect, tolerance & inclusion, and excellence.
  • We believe that education should take place in a fully inclusive environment with equal opportunities for all and that all children should learn to value religious and cultural differences. Our school strives to be at the centre of the local community with positive and effective links to the wider and global communities.
  • Our statement “DREAM, BELIEVE, ACHIEVE” reflects our understanding and beliefs. We aim to ensure that the children at our school are provided with high-quality learning experiences based on a broad and balanced curriculum.

Related Post: Childcare Mission Statement Examples

Best High School Mission & Vision Statements

  • Our vision is to forge strong, positive connections with students so they can achieve independence, build confidence, and gain academic knowledge.
  • We aim to develop well-rounded and thoughtful students prepared to cope with a changing post-modern and globalized world.
We strive to provide our graduates with an academic foundation that will enable them to gain admission to the colleges or universities of their choice as well as to succeed in those institutions.
  • We are committed to recognizing the importance of communication and to encouraging dialogue among all constituencies; to promoting intellectual and social growth and development within the school community; to providing a safe, supportive setting so that students have the opportunity to explore and to clarify their own beliefs and values, to take risks, and to think and speak for themselves; and to recognizing and responding to individual and institutional prejudices, both overt and subtle, based on gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, and physical and mental ability.
  • Our vision is to prepare and motivate our students for a rapidly changing world by instilling in them critical thinking skills , a global perspective, and a respect for core values of honesty, loyalty, perseverance, and compassion. Students will have success for today and be prepared for tomorrow.
  • Our mission is to provide a safe haven where everyone is valued and respected. All staff members, in partnership with parents and families are fully committed to students’ college and career readiness. Students are empowered to meet current and future challenges to develop social awareness, civic responsibility, and personal growth.
We are dedicated to a continuing tradition of excellence in an ever-changing world. Within a safe and supportive environment, we provide a relevant, high-quality education and prepare our diverse student body for future endeavors. We honor achievement and promote pride in ourselves, in our school, and in our community.
  • We strive to prepare all students to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens ready to meet the challenges of the future. In partnership with families and community, our goal is to create relevant learning opportunities for students — both inside and outside the classroom — that help them develop the knowledge, critical thinking skills, and character necessary to succeed in a technologically advanced world.
  • Our High School is a student-centered organization delivering excellence in education. Our team is committed to our students, our communities, and each other. We believe that our cohesion and morale help us to achieve excellence in our school. Our commitment to our students and our dedication to impacting their education through innovative methods makes us unique.
  • Graduates will be motivated life-long learners and productive global citizens.
Cultivating excellence in every student.
  • Our school’s vision is to provide student-centered educational programs that challenge all students to perform at their highest potential.
  • Our school prepares students for success in the 21st century by engaging them in rigorous and relevant learning opportunities that promote academic, physical, and emotional growth.
  • Our school creates a pathway to assist students in achieving their educational and personal goals leading to a fulfilling future within the greater community.
Our school will continue to create a safe, effective learning environment that enables each individual to reach his or her greatest potential through ample opportunities to excel.
  • Our school will foster an environment to nurture individuals academically, socially, and emotionally so that they are equipped to tackle academic challenges and become productive members of society.

Related Post: Library Mission Statement Examples

Best Christian School Vision & Mission Statements

  • Our Christian School believes that each child is a treasure, bearing God’s image. We seek to partner with Christian families who are committed to our vision and mission.
  • Vision is the insight God provides to instruct and direct the path of an organization. Our Vision Statement is as follows: Our school will be known as a diverse Christian community which, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, provides families with Christ-centred education through dynamic programming, dedicated professional staff, in facilities most conducive to learning, in order to develop responsible servants in God’s world.
  • Our Mission is as follows: To provide a Christ-centered, high quality education and to work in unison with the home and local church to nurture our students’ intellectual, spiritual, social, emotional, and physical growth to prepare them for responsible service in the kingdom of God.
It is the vision of Our Christian Academy to engage students in a quality Christ-centered education that equips and challenges them to reach their unique potential spiritually, academically, socially, and physically.
  • We endeavor to foster a nurturing, mutually supportive school community of students who enthusiastically pursue learning and Christian character, parents who wholeheartedly support the school’s mission, Bible believing churches who actively reinforce a biblical worldview, and qualified, caring Christian faculty and staff who sacrificially invest in the lives of students.
  • To engage and educate young people to know Christ and be equipped to impact the world for God’s Kingdom.
  • To capture and equip the hearts, minds and energies of young people for the sake of knowing Christ, and unleash them to engage the world they live in and make an impact in it according to God’s principles and power.
The mission of our Christian School is to transform this generation through sound academic education with a distinct Christian worldview. We are committed to transferring our passion for serving Christ to our students for their benefit and for the glory of God.
  • The vision of our Christian School is to provide a comprehensive educational facility that will accommodate a life-developing curriculum and graduate students who express a passionate faith, a biblical world view philosophy and are practitioners of true Christianity.
  • Our Christian School seeks to provide an excellent educational experience from a biblical worldview in order to produce the next generation of well-rounded servant leaders.
  • Our Christian School will be a compassionate community where knowledge is pursued with excellence, where faith is rooted in Christ, and where character is exemplified through service. We are dedicated to creating a caring and nurturing environment, producing life-long learners, creating disciples of Christ, and enriching students’ lives.
Our Christian School is a loving community that spiritually and academically equips, challenges, and inspires students to impact their world for Christ.
  • Our Christian School will be grounded in God’s Word and challenged to achieve academic excellence as they prepare to use their gifts and abilities effectively to follow God’s plan for their lives.
  • Our Christian Academy works together with parents and their local church to provide a Christ-centered spiritual, academic, and physical foundation. Our goal is a nurturing environment that produces godly citizens who will be a transforming influence in the world.
  • To form a partnership with believing parents in order to establish their children with a total biblical worldview.
To help train up a generation of godly leaders who love learning and are sought after for their wisdom.
  • To prepare students spiritually, academically, and in accordance with their God-given potential, enabling them to handle the rigors of life with courage.
  • Our mission is to build a Christ-centered school to equip students to be Christ-honoring critical thinkers, clear communicators, and compassionate leaders, through the pursuit of academic excellence, in the tradition of classical Christian education.
  • Our vision is be recognized as the leading Christian School in the Kansas City area, preparing students for a love of learning and service, to the glory of God.

Related Post: Classroom Vision and Mission Statements

Best College and University Vision & Mission Statements

  • Our university aspires to be a national leader in developing educated contributors, career-ready learners, and global citizens, and in generating meaningful, high-impact scholarship.
  • Pursuing enlightenment and creativity.
  • To create a transformative educational experience for students focused on deep disciplinary knowledge; problem solving; leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills; and personal health and well-being.
Learning. Discovery. Engagement.
  • The university aspires to be known for its excellence in teaching, intensive research, effective public service and community engagement. The university prepares diverse and competitive graduates for success in a global, interdependent society.
  • We aspire to be the exemplary comprehensive research university for the 21st century.
  • To impact society in a transformative way — regionally, nationally, and globally — by engaging with partners outside the traditional borders of the university campus.
To contribute to society through the pursuit of education, learning and research at the highest international levels of excellence.
  • To educate the citizens and citizen-leaders for our society. We do this through our commitment to the transformative power of a liberal arts and sciences education.
  • We will have a transformative impact on society through continual innovation in education, research, creativity, and entrepreneurship
  • Educating students to the benefit of all.
  • To recruit and develop the world’s most promising students and most outstanding staff and be a truly global university benefiting society as a whole.
The University will become a national leader in collaborative career-focused liberal arts education and will equip its graduates to visualize and achieve excellence in a dynamic global community.
  • To be dedicated to the advancement of learning and ennoblement of life.
  • To promote learning by engaging with students in advancing scholarly inquiry, cultivating critical and creative thought, and generating knowledge. Our active partnerships with local and global communities contribute to a sustainable common good .
  • We will continue to frame and solve the greatest challenges of the future.

Read More University Mission Statement Examples Here.

Vision and mission statements tend to explore themes that are important to a school’s community. They also focus on the age of students. Preschool vision statements tend to explore themes of safety, development and love. High School vision statements are about preparing students for the world. Universities tend to focus on inspiring future leaders.


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

  • Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd/ 5 Top Tips for Succeeding at University
  • Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd/ 50 Durable Goods Examples
  • Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd/ 100 Consumer Goods Examples
  • Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd/ 30 Globalization Pros and Cons

3 thoughts on “79 Examples of School Vision and Mission Statements”

' src=

Wow, Very interesting and achievable visions and missions.

' src=

I am highlighting a few statements and citing your website in my book, The Technology-ready School Administrator, for publication in January, 2024. Thanks for wonderful information.

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Thank you for your insightful words.

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UNICEF Data : Monitoring the situation of children and women

quality education mission statement


Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Goal 4 aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.  This goal supports the reduction of disparities and inequities in education, both in terms of access and quality. It recognizes the need to provide quality education for all, and most especially vulnerable populations, including poor children, children living in rural areas, persons with disabilities, indigenous people and refugee children.

This goal is of critical importance because of its transformative effects on the other SDGs. Sustainable development hinges on every child receiving a quality education. When children are offered the tools to develop to their full potential, they become productive adults ready to give back to their communities and break the cycle of poverty. Education enables upward socioeconomic mobility.

Significant progress was achieved during the last decade in increasing access to education and school enrolment rates at all levels, particularly for girls. Despite these gains, about 260 million children were out of school in 2018, nearly one fifth of the global population in that age group. Furthermore, more than half of all children and adolescents worldwide are failing to meet minimum proficiency standards in reading and mathematics.

UNICEF’s contribution towards reaching this goal centres on equity and inclusion to provide all children with quality learning opportunities and skills development programmes, from early childhood through adolescence. UNICEF works with governments worldwide to raise the quality and inclusiveness of schools.  

UNICEF is custodian for global monitoring of Indicator 4.2.1 Percentage of children (aged 24–59 months) developmentally on track in at least 3 of the 4 following domains: literacy-numeracy, physical, socio-emotional and learning.

Child-related SDG indicators

Target 4.1 by 2030, ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes.

Proportion of children and young people: (a) in grades 2/3; (b) at the end of primary; and (c) at the end of lower secondary achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in (i) reading and (ii) mathematics, by sex

  • Indicator definition
  • Computation method
  • Comments & limitations

Explore the data

The indicator aims to measure the percentage of children and young people who have achieved the minimum learning outcomes in reading and mathematics during or at the end of the relevant stages of education.

The higher the figure, the higher the proportion of children and/or young people reaching at least minimum proficiency in the respective domain (reading or mathematic) with the limitations indicated under the “Comments and limitations” section.

The indicator is also a direct measure of the learning outcomes achieved in the two subject areas at the end of the relevant stages of education. The three measurement points will have their own established minimum standard. There is only one threshold that divides students into above and below minimum:

Below minimum refers to the proportion or percentage of students who do not achieve a minimum standard as set up by countries according to the globally-defined minimum competencies.

Above minimum refers to the proportion or percentage of students who have achieved the minimum standards. Due to heterogeneity of performance levels set by national and cross-national assessments, these performance levels will have to be mapped to the globally-defined minimum performance levels. Once the performance levels are mapped, the global education community will be able to identify for each country the proportion or percentage of children who achieved minimum standards.

(a) Minimum proficiency level (MPL) is the benchmark of basic knowledge in a domain (mathematics, reading, etc.) measured through learning assessments. In September 2018, an agreement was reached on a verbal definition of the global minimum proficiency level of reference for each of the areas and domains of Indicator 4.1.1 as described in the document entitled: Minimum Proficiency Levels (MPLs): Outcomes of the consensus building meeting ( http://gaml.uis.unesco.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2019/02/MPLs_revised_doc_20190204.docx ).

Minimum proficiency levels (MPLs) defined by each learning assessment to ensure comparability across learning assessments; a verbal definition of MPL for each domain and levels between cross-national assessments (CNAs) were established by conducting an analysis of the performance level descriptors, the descriptions of the performance levels to express the knowledge and skills required to achieve each performance level by domain, of cross-national, regional and community-led tests in reading and mathematics. The analysis was led and completed by the UIS and a consensus among experts on the proposed methodology was deemed adequate and pragmatic.

The global MPL definitions for the domains of reading and mathematics are presented here (insert link)

The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) reading test has six proficiency levels, of which Level 2 is described as the minimum proficiency level. In Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), there are four proficiency levels: Low, Intermediate, High and Advanced. Students reaching the Intermediate benchmark are able to apply basic knowledge in a variety of situations, similar to the idea of minimum proficiency. Currently, there are no common standards validated by the international community or countries. The indicator shows data published by each of the agencies and organizations specialised in cross-national learning assessments.

Minimum proficiency levels defined by each learning assessment

(a) The number of children and/or young people at the relevant stage of education n in year t achieving at least the pre-defined proficiency level in subject s expressed as a percentage of the number of children and/or young people at stage of education n, in year t, in any proficiency level in subjects.

Harmonize various data sources To address the challenges posed by the limited capacity of some countries to implement cross- national, regional and national assessments, actions have been taken by the UIS and its partners. The strategies are used according to its level of precision and following a reporting protocol ( http://gaml.uis.unesco.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2019/05/GAML6-WD-2-Protocol-for-reporting-4.1.1_v1.pdf ) that includes the national assessments under specific circumstances.

Out-of-school children In 2016, 263 million children, adolescents and youth were out of school, representing nearly one-fifth of the global population of this age group. 63 million, or 24% of the total, are children of primary school age (typically 6 to 11 years old); 61 million, or 23% of the total, are adolescents of lower secondary school age (typically 12 to 14 years old); and 139 million, or 53% of the total, are youth of upper secondary school age (about 15 to 17 years old). Not all these kids will be permanently outside school, some will re-join the educational system and, eventually, complete late, while some of them will enter late. The quantity varies per country and region and demands some adjustment in the estimate of Indicator 4.1.1. There is currently a discussion on how to implement these adjustments to reflect all the population. In 2017, the UIS proposed to make adjustments using the out-of-school children and the completion rates.( http://uis.unesco.org/en/blog/helping-countries-improve-their-data-out-school-children ) and the completion rates.

Minimum proficiency formula

Learning outcomes from cross-national learning assessment are directly comparable for all countries which participated in the same cross-national learning assessments. However, these outcomes are not comparable across different cross-national learning assessments or with national learning assessments. A level of comparability of learning outcomes across assessments could be achieved by using different methodologies, each with varying standard errors. The period of 2020-2021 will shed light on the standard errors’ size for these methodologies.

The comparability of learning outcomes over time has additional complications, which require, ideally, to design and implement a set of comparable items as anchors in advance. Methodological developments are underway to address comparability of assessments outcomes over time.

While data from many national assessments are available now, every country sets its own standards so the performance levels might not be comparable. One option is to link existing regional assessments based on a common framework. Furthermore, assessments are typically administered within school systems, the current indicators cover only those in school and the proportion of in-school target populations might vary from country to country due to varied out-of-school children populations. Assessing competencies of children and young people who are out of school would require household-based surveys. Assessing children in households is under consideration but may be very costly and difficult to administer and unlikely to be available on the scale needed within the next 3-5 years. Finally, the calculation of this indicator requires specific information on the ages of children participating in assessments to create globally-comparable data. The ages of children reported by the head of the household might not be consistent and reliable so the calculation of the indicator may be even more challenging. Due to the complication in assessing out-of-school children and the main focus on improving education system, the UIS is taking a stepping stone approach. It will concentrate on assessing children in school in the medium term, where much data are available, then develop more coherent implementation plan to assess out-of-school children in the longer term.

Click on the button below to explore the data behind this indicator.

Completion rate (primary education, lower secondary education, upper secondary education)

A completion rate of 100% indicates that all children and adolescents have completed a level of education by the time they are 3 to 5 years older than the official age of entry into the last grade of that level of education. A low completion rate indicates low or delayed entry into a given level of education, high drop-out, high repetition, late completion, or a combination of these factors.

Percentage of a cohort of children or young people aged 3-5 years above the intended age for the last grade of each level of education who have completed that grade.

The intended age for the last grade of each level of education is the age at which pupils would enter the grade if they had started school at the official primary entrance age, had studied full-time and had progressed without repeating or skipping a grade.

For example, if the official age of entry into primary education is 6 years, and if primary education has 6 grades, the intended age for the last grade of primary education is 11 years. In this case, 14-16 years (11 + 3 = 14 and 11 + 5 = 16) would be the reference age group for calculation of the primary completion rate.

The number of persons in the relevant age group who have completed the last grade of a given level of education is divided by the total population (in the survey sample) of the same age group.

Completion rate computation method

The age group 3-5 years above the official age of entry into the last grade for a given level of education was selected for the calculation of the completion rate to allow for some delayed entry or repetition. In countries where entry can occur very late or where repetition is common, some children or adolescents in the age group examined may still attend school and the eventual rate of completion may therefore be underestimated.

The indicator is calculated from household survey data and is subject to time lag in the availability of data. When multiple surveys are available, they may provide conflicting information due to the possible presence of sampling and non-sampling errors in survey data. The Technical Cooperation Group on the Indicators for SDG 4 – Education 2030 (TCG) has requested a refinement of the methodology to model completion rate estimates, following an approach similar to that used for the estimation of child mortality rates. The model would ensure that common challenges with household survey data, such as timeliness and sampling or non-sampling errors are addressed to provide up-to-date and more robust data.

TARGET 4.2 By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary education

Proportion of children aged 24-59 months of age who are developmentally on track in health, learning and psychosocial well-being, by sex.

Early childhood development (ECD) sets the stage for life-long thriving. Investing in ECD is one of the most critical and cost-effective investments a country can make to improve adult health, education and productivity in order to build human capital and promote sustainable development. ECD is equity from the start and provides a good indication of national development. Efforts to improve ECD can bring about human, social and economic improvements for both individuals and societies.

The recommended measure for SDG 4.2.1 is the Early Childhood Development Index 2030 (ECDI2030) which is a 20-item instrument to measure developmental outcomes among children aged 24 to 59 months in population-based surveys. The indicator derived from the ECDI2030 is the proportion of children aged 24 to 59 months who have achieved the minimum number of milestones expected for their age group, defined as follows:

– Children age 24 to 29 months are classified as developmentally on-track if they have achieved at least 7 milestones – Children age 30 to 35 months are classified as developmentally on-track if they have achieved at least 9 milestones – Children age 36 to 41 months are classified as developmentally on-track if they have achieved at least 11 milestones – Children age 42 to 47 months are classified as developmentally on-track if they have achieved at least 13 milestones – Children age 48 to 59 months are classified as developmentally on-track if they have achieved at least 15 milestones

SDG indicator 4.2.1 is intended to capture the multidimensional and holistic nature of early childhood development. For this reason, the indicator is not intended to be disaggregated by domains since development in all areas (health, learning and psychosocial wellbeing) are interconnected and overlapping, particularly among young children. The indicator is intended to produce a single summary score to indicate the proportion of children considered to be developmentally on track.

The domains included in the indicator for SDG indicator 4.2.1 include the following concepts:

Health: gross motor development, fine motor development and self-care Learning: expressive language, literacy, numeracy, pre-writing, and executive functioning Psychosocial well-being: emotional skills, social skills, internalizing behavior, and externalizing behavior

The number of children aged 24 to 59 months who are developmentally on track in health, learning and psychosocial well-being divided by the total number of children aged 24 to 59 months in the population multiplied by 100.

SDG 4.2.1 was initially classified as Tier 3 and was upgraded to Tier 2 in 2019; additionally, changes to the indicator were made during the 2020 comprehensive review. In light of this and given that the ECDI2030 was officially released in March 2020, it will take some time for country uptake and implementation of the new measure and for data to become available from a sufficiently large enough number of countries. Therefore, in the meantime, a proxy indicator (children aged 36-59 months who are developmentally ontrack in at least three of the following four domains: literacy-numeracy, physical, social-emotional and learning) will be used to report on 4.2.1, when relevant. This proxy indicator has been used for global SDG reporting since 2015 but is not fully aligned with the definition and age group covered by the SDG indicator formulation. When the proxy indicator is used for SDG reporting on 4.2.1 for a country, it will be footnoted as such in the global SDG database.

Click on the button below to explore the data behind this indicator’s proxy; Children aged 36-59 months who are developmentally ontrack in at least three of the following four domains: literacy-numeracy, physical, social-emotional and learning . For more information about this proxy indicator, please see “Comments and Limitations”

Adjusted net attendance rate, one year before the official primary entry age

The indicator measures children’s exposure to organized learning activities in the year prior to the official age to start of primary school as a representation of access to quality early childhood care and pre-primary education. One year prior to the start of primary school is selected for international comparison. A high value of the indicator shows a high degree of participation in organized learning immediately before the official entrance age to primary education.

The participation rate in organized learning (one year before the official primary entry age), by sex as defined as the percentage of children in the given age range who participate in one or more organized learning programme, including programmes which offer a combination of education and care. Participation in early childhood and in primary education are both included. The age range will vary by country depending on the official age for entry to primary education.

An organized learning programme is one which consists of a coherent set or sequence of educational activities designed with the intention of achieving pre-determined learning outcomes or the accomplishment of a specific set of educational tasks. Early childhood and primary education programmes are examples of organized learning programmes.

Early childhood and primary education are defined in the 2011 revision of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 2011). Early childhood education is typically designed with a holistic approach to support children’s early cognitive, physical, social and emotional development and to introduce young children to organized instruction outside the family context. Primary education offers learning and educational activities designed to provide students with fundamental skills in reading, writing and mathematics and establish a solid foundation for learning and understanding core areas of knowledge and personal development. It focuses on learning at a basic level of complexity with little, if any, specialisation.

The official primary entry age is the age at which children are obliged to start primary education according to national legislation or policies. Where more than one age is specified, for example, in different parts of a country, the most common official entry age (i.e. the age at which most children in the country are expected to start primary) is used for the calculation of this indicator at the global level.

The number of children in the relevant age group who participate in an organized learning programme is expressed as a percentage of the total population in the same age range. From household surveys, both enrolments and population are collected at the same time.

4.2.2 computation method formula

Participation in learning programmes in the early years is not full time for many children, meaning that exposure to learning environments outside of the home will vary in intensity. The indicator measures the percentage of children who are exposed to organized learning but not the intensity of the programme, which limits the ability to draw conclusions on the extent to which this target is being achieved. More work is needed to ensure that the definition of learning programmes is consistent across various surveys and defined in a manner that is easily understood by survey respondents, ideally with complementary information collected on the amount of time children spend in learning programmes.

TARGET 4.a Build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive and provide safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all

Proportion of schools offering basic services, by type of service.

This indicator measures the presence of basic services and facilities in school that are necessary to ensure a safe and effective learning environment for all students. A high value indicates that schools have good access to the relevant services and facilities. Ideally each school should have access to all these services and facilities.

The percentage of schools by level of education (primary education) with access to the given facility or service

Electricity: Regularly and readily available sources of power (e.g. grid/mains connection, wind, water, solar and fuel-powered generator, etc.) that enable the adequate and sustainable use of ICT infrastructure for educational purposes.

Internet for pedagogical purposes: Internet that is available for enhancing teaching and learning and is accessible by pupils. Internet is defined as a worldwide interconnected computer network, which provides pupils access to a number of communication services including the World Wide Web and carries e-mail, news, entertainment and data files, irrespective of the device used (i.e. not assumed to be only via a computer) and thus can also be accessed by mobile telephone, tablet, PDA, games machine, digital TV etc.). Access can be via a fixed narrowband, fixed broadband, or via mobile network.

Computers for pedagogical use: Use of computers to support course delivery or independent teaching and learning needs. This may include activities using computers or the Internet to meet information needs for research purposes; develop presentations; perform hands-on exercises and experiments; share information; and participate in online discussion forums for educational purposes. A computer is a programmable electronic device that can store, retrieve and process data, as well as share information in a highly-structured manner. It performs high-speed mathematical or logical operations according to a set of instructions or algorithms.

Computers include the following types: -A desktop computer usually remains fixed in one place; normally the user is placed in front of it, behind the keyboard; – A laptop computer is small enough to carry and usually enables the same tasks as a desktop computer; it includes notebooks and netbooks but does not include tablets and similar handheld devices; and – A tablet (or similar handheld computer) is a computer that is integrated into a flat touch screen, operated by touching the screen rather than using a physical keyboard.

Adapted infrastructure is defined as any built environment related to education facilities that are accessible to all users, including those with different types of disability, to be able to gain access to use and exit from them. Accessibility includes ease of independent approach, entry, evacuation and/or use of a building and its services and facilities (such as water and sanitation), by all of the building’s potential users with an assurance of individual health, safety and welfare during the course of those activities.

Adapted materials include learning materials and assistive products that enable students and teachers with disabilities/functioning limitations to access learning and to participate fully in the school environment.

Accessible learning materials include textbooks, instructional materials, assessments and other materials that are available and provided in appropriate formats such as audio, braille, sign language and simplified formats that can be used by students and teachers with disabilities/functioning limitations.

Basic drinking water is defined as a functional drinking water source (MDG ‘improved’ categories) on or near the premises and water points accessible to all users during school hours.

Basic sanitation facilities are defined as functional sanitation facilities (MDG ‘improved’ categories) separated for males and females on or near the premises.

Basic handwashing facilities are defined as functional handwashing facilities, with soap and water available to all girls and boys.

The number of schools in a given level of education with access to the relevant facilities is expressed as a percentage of all schools at that level of education.

4.a.1 indicator formula

The indicator measures the existence in schools of the given service or facility but not its quality or operational state.

For every child to learn, UNICEF has eight key asks of governments:

  • A demonstration of how the SDG 4 global ambitions are being nationalized into plans, policies, budgets, data collection efforts and reports.
  • A renewed commitment to education to recover learning losses and manage impacts of COVID-19.
  • The implementation and scaling of digital learning solutions and innovations to reimagine education.
  • Attention to skills development should be a core component to education.
  • Focus to provide quality education to the most vulnerable – including girls, children affected by conflict and crisis, children with disabilities, refugees and displaced children.
  • A continued commitment to improving access to pre-primary, primary and secondary education for all, including for children from minority groups and those with disabilities.
  • A renewed focus on learning outcomes and their enablers, including learning in safe and adequate environments, support by well-trained teachers and structured content.
  • The implementation of SDG-focused learning throughout schools to raise awareness and inspire positive action.

Learn more about  UNICEF’s key asks for implementing Goal 4

See more Sustainable Development Goals












How to Write School Mission and Vision Statements

A teacher working with their student in a 3D printing lab

Cultivating a sense of shared educational values, goals, and ideals for a school is one of the primary ways that leaders can inspire positive outcomes in their institutions. In fact, research shows that a positive school culture—defined as the collective values and beliefs of a school’s staff—can:

  • Increase attendance rates and academic achievement
  • Elevate school morale significantly
  • Improve staff wellbeing
  • Reduce aggressive behavior in students
  • Lessen teacher turnover

One way that educational leaders can establish and encourage a positive culture that benefits everyone on campus is by creating well-written school mission and vision statements. Such statements set the tone for staff and students alike, making the purpose of the school clear and inspiring everyone to join together in realizing it. Learning how to write school mission and vision statements is an important step for educators who want to lead their institutions to succeed.

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Why School Mission and Vision Statements Matter

Mission and vision statements help to set the course for a school. These statements communicate core educational values, speak to the culture of the institution, and provide faculty, staff, students, and community members with ideals to reach for in participation with the school. 

In addition to communicating what is important to a school, mission and vision statements can also be useful for creating unity on campus. A clear mission and vision statement communicate to everyone involved at the school what they are collectively aspiring to attain. When individuals share a purpose, they may be more likely to trust one another, engage in collaboration, and have a positive experience in the school setting. 

When it comes to teachers, in particular, mission and vision statements can be effective in a few ways. First, being aligned on a mission and vision can help prospective candidates and hirers determine if a teacher is a good fit for the school. Additionally, teachers—who are often overwhelmed and overworked—can look to their school’s mission or vision statement for guidance in prioritizing their tasks and setting their focus when many things call for their attention at once. Finally, teachers can benefit from strong school mission and vision statements when it comes to their relationships with fellow teachers as well as with students, as the common language and purpose of the statements provide common ground for those relationships. 

Students may experience several key benefits of school mission and vision statements, too. The Values Education Good Practice Schools Project found that well-written vision statements can improve student-teacher relationships. The project also discovered that students in schools with good vision statements that truly impacted the day-to-day culture of the school enjoyed more calm and focused class activities. Lastly, students were more empowered to develop self-regulation and self-management skills in schools with strong vision statements. 

What Are the Differences between Mission and Vision?

While school mission and vision statements have some overlap, there are a few key distinctions between the two. 

The primary difference between a mission statement and a vision statement is that a mission statement describes the school’s current and/or founding identity and the key values that characterize the school as it is in the present. A vision statement, on the other hand, looks forward to the future. Oftentimes, a mission statement will begin with a phrase like “[School name] is…” while a vision statement might begin with “[School name] will be known for…”

In other words, a mission statement is largely a definition of the school, answering questions like:

  • What is important to this school? 
  • How does this school seek to reach its objectives?
  • What are the fundamental traits, cultural influences, or beliefs of this school?

A vision statement, on the other hand, answers questions such ask:

  • What does this school aspire to accomplish in the years to come? 
  • What does the school want to become known for doing?
  • How would this school define future success?

While school mission and vision statements will likely arise from the same core values, they serve two different purposes. The mission statement speaks to the school’s operations in the present. The vision statement speaks to the school’s hopes and intentions for the future. 

Who Should Be Involved in Writing and Approving School Mission and Vision Statements? What Is the Process Like?

Experts agree that gathering insight from a diverse population can help create the best school mission and vision statements. By including various groups of people connected to the school—including teachers, students, administration, parents, and community members—education leaders can ensure that they are gathering as comprehensive of a perspective as possible. While it’s important to hear from a variety of people, education leaders should take care not to grow the group too large, as it could become difficult to find consensus or be productive.

Once a group has been established, discussion can begin. Educational values are a good place to start. Through data, anecdotes, and personal perspectives, group members can share their perceptions of the school’s current values or the values that should be prioritized. Identifying strengths and opportunities for growth can be insightful as well. 

From there, the group members can discuss what their hopes are for the future of the school. What outcomes might the school’s educational values help produce? What does the school want to be known for in 5, 10, or 20 years? What are the school’s current priorities, and how might they be reordered for greater success? 

Once a group has gathered, identified the school’s values, and discussed hopes for the future, then it is time to write the first draft. 

How to Write a Mission Statement

At this point in the process, it is likely that there could be several pages of notes filled with ideas, values, and hopes for the future that the group has produced. This is exactly what is needed in order to write a mission statement, but condensing the content into a succinct sentence or paragraph may feel daunting.

Reading the mission statements of other schools and organizations may be helpful at this stage. Consider, for example, the Marymount University mission statement:

Marymount is a comprehensive Catholic university, guided by the traditions of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary, that emphasizes intellectual curiosity, service to others, and a global perspective. A Marymount education is grounded in the liberal arts, promotes career preparation, and provides opportunities for personal and professional growth. A student‐centered learning community that values diversity and focuses on the education of the whole person, Marymount guides the intellectual, ethical, and spiritual development of each individual.

Notice that this mission statement fulfills several key objectives:

  • Communicates a value system (Catholic)
  • Sets priorities (intellectual curiosity, service, global perspective)
  • Establishes an educational framework (liberal arts)
  • Describes the community (student-centered, diverse, holistic)

At the elementary school level, a mission statement may read something like:

Our school fosters a love of lifelong learning by guiding each student to build foundational academic skills that will contribute to their ongoing success and by encouraging creative collaboration in an inclusive environment.

This statement makes clear that the school values the love of learning, basic skill development, and cultivating a positive community. 

How to Write a Vision Statement 

School vision statements should align with the values communicated in school mission statements, but they need to communicate forward thinking as well. The Marymount University vision statement reads:

Marymount, a leading Catholic university, will be nationally recognized for innovation and commitment to student success, alumni achievement, and faculty and staff excellence.

This statement:

  • Succinctly describes the school (a leading Catholic university)
  • Sets the scope for success (national) 
  • Establishes goals to attain (recognition in student success, alumni achievement, faculty and staff excellence) 

A high school vision statement may read something like:

Our school will develop critical thinkers who model an inclusive spirit and graduate prepared for success in a profession or higher education.

This statement communicates that critical thinking and inclusivity are prioritized educational values at the school and that employability and admission to college are the standards for success.

Lead in Education with Vision and Values

Do you want to develop a school mission statement that clearly communicates the educational values of the institution you lead? Are you interested in setting academic standards, establishing a campus culture, and doing the work to produce positive future outcomes as an education leader? If so, the Marymount University Online Doctorate in Education program can help you reach your professional goals.

Created for working professionals, Marymount’s flexible online Ed.D. allows students to personalize their coursework according to their vocational goals. Students in the program cite many personal benefits , including building relationships with fellow students and faculty members, honing their project completion skills, and improving their research abilities. 

Student Alexander Gagnet says, “What I love best about the program is the care and attention the faculty put into the success of all the students. You really feel wanted and appreciated for your hard work and effort.” 

Students also appreciate the way that the program allows them to meet their personal and professional obligations while in school. 

“Not to be ignored is the fact that the online program allows you to be who you are AND be a student,” explains Marie Gemelli-Carroll . “It is a key benefit to be able to do classwork on your own time as long as you meet the assigned deadlines.”

Are you ready to further your career by earning a doctorate in education? Marymount University’s online Ed.D. features a practical curriculum and is a top program choice that will prepare you to lead positive change in education. Click here to connect with an enrollment advisor . 

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  • What is Quality Education?

The word education goes beyond simply “schooling.”

Quality education.

is a process rather than an outcome, and acts as an apprenticeship for democracy; it considers students, teachers, environment, pedagogy, and assessment simultaneously, planning for supportive relational connections between and among each element.

is equitable, ensuring that each student gets what s/he needs with respect to who and where they are (gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and geographic location) and respect for where they want to go, and how they want to get there.

is multi-faceted and interdisciplinary whenever possible, rather than being chunked and siloed into separate subject areas. Quality education

assesses competence in life skills as well as academic skills, and most critically, identifies competence based on a range of evidence in different contexts over time.


When EdVisions speaks of quality education we are speaking of authentic learning. EdVisions believes that authentic learning captures each student’s unique identity, interests, aptitudes, strengths, and learning gaps. Learning to learn is a lifelong process as experiences broaden and minds expand. What happens in school is a small chunk of everyone’s life.


EdVisions believes that we must ensure that time in school is worthwhile, connected to life outside of school, and preparing and empowering learners to be happy, healthy, engaged and contributing members of a diverse society both now and in the future.

Because a whole lot of learning takes place outside of school, educators must help students to discover how to learn. Curriculum that springs from the whole child is expansive–helping students make connections between and among experiences and the different communities with which they engage.

Quality education considers and assesses the processes of learning as well as the knowledge and content. It is important to pay attention to not just “what” students know and are able to do, but also to their understanding of “how” they learned what they know, and “why” it is important. It is our aim to assist educators in developing lifelong learners.

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Mission, Vision, and Values

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California State University, Dominguez Hills provides transformational educational experiences grounded in culturally sustaining practices, innovative research, creative activity, and community engagement for undergraduate and graduate students.

Strategically located in Carson in response to the 1965 Watts Rebellion, CSUDH was designed to bring educational opportunities to underserved communities in South Los Angeles. CSUDH sustains its commitment to social, environmental, and educational justice by providing a high-quality education that leads to personal and professional success, economic and social mobility, and mutually beneficial and reciprocal relationships with the surrounding communities and the local K-12 and community college systems.

CSUDH will be a model urban university responsive to and engaged as partners in addressing the most pressing challenges in our local and global communities. To do this, we will create a campus where:

  • Students experience an equitable education that builds upon their strengths to foster critical inquiry, career readiness, and a passion for lifelong learning.
  • Students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the community collaborate to create dynamic cocurricular opportunities, a vibrant campus life, and lasting relationships.
  • Students, faculty, staff, and alumni engage in local partnerships for community-based development, business growth, and career opportunities.
  • Innovative and sustainable financial development and resource management ensure our self-determination as a university.
  • The campus as a whole commits to addressing issues of social, educational, and environmental justice through resource management, advocacy, research, teaching, and innovative practices.

Academic Excellence and Intellectual Curiosity.

We are a community of lifelong learners dedicated to discovery and personal growth and the ongoing development of skills and talents, cutting-edge research, and artistic contributions that serve to strengthen the cultures and communities of which we are all a part.

Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.

We are committed to addressing the historical injustices in education faced by marginalized students by working to provide all students with sufficient access to culturally sustaining programs, services, and resources.

We honor, prioritize, and value the diversity of perspectives and backgrounds of our students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community, whose equitable inclusion is fundamental to the success of our university.

We recognize that students are agents in their own education and have the right to have their voices heard, their experiences validated, their concerns addressed, and to be treated as partners in their educational experiences.


We recognize and live up to our responsibility to our campus community, and the community at large, through the sustainable and equitable stewardship of our natural, social, and economic resources.

Communication and Collaboration.

Through transparent communication, we actively seek and build strategic partnerships in order to facilitate student success and healthy communities.

Shared Governance.

We are committed to transparency, inclusion, joint decision making, and collaborative approaches in our daily operations and long-term planning.

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Our Mission and Strategic Direction

Group of young children holding hands outside.

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Download one of the PDF documents below to read about NAEYC's  Strategic Direction :

Vision Statement

Each and every child thrives and learns in a society dedicated to ensuring all children reach their full potential.

Mission Statement

NAEYC promotes high-quality early learning for each and every child, birth through age 8, by connecting practice, policy, and research. We advance a diverse, dynamic early childhood profession and support all who care for, educate, and work on behalf of young children.

Core Values

NAEYC’s core values reflect our belief that all children have the right to equitable learning opportunities, and that all early childhood educators have a professional obligation to advance equity. Our values uphold NAEYC’s approach as an employer, professional membership association, partner, and field leader. They are based on the principles of child development and learning and are further defined through NAEYC’s core position statements: Code of Ethical Conduct; Professional Standards and Competencies for Early Childhood Educators; Advancing Equity in Early Childhood Education; Developmentally Appropriate Practice; and Early Learning Program Accreditation Standards. We are propelled by our commitment to upend our own structural and organizational inequities, and to ensure our actions are grounded in our values. Our core values are:

We uphold these values and beliefs in all our interactions and initiatives:

  • Excellence and Innovation— We take risks, imagine new ways of working, and challenge existing assumptions, while remaining fiscally responsible and accountable to our mission and members.
  • Transparency— We act with openness and clarity.
  • Reflection— We consider multiple sources of evidence and diverse perspectives to review past performance, note progress and successes, and engage in continuous quality improvement.
  • Equity and Opportunity— We advocate for and establish policies, practices, and systems that promote full and inclusive participation. We confront biases that create barriers and limit the potential of children, families, and early childhood professionals.
  • Collaborative Relationships— We share leadership and responsibility in our work with others. We commit time and effort to ensure diverse participation and more effective outcomes. We act with integrity, respect, and trust.
  • Care and Commitment— We are dedicated to the well-being, belonging and connectedness of our staff, volunteers and members.

United Nations Sustainable Development Logo

Goal of the Month | February 2019: Quality Education

quality education mission statement

Launched by the United Nations in September 2018 by more than 30 founding media organizations – encompassing more than 100 media and entertainment outlets – the SDG Media Compact seeks to inspire media and entertainment companies around the world to leverage their resources and creative talent to advance the Sustainable Development Goals.

List of SDG Media Compact Members


quality education mission statement

Moreover, at least 260 million children and youth are out of school, many of them girls. If this trend continues, by 2030, more than 400 million children will have no basic primary education and 800 million young people will not have the skills needed to join the modern workforce.

Ahead of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science (11 February), this editorial package highlights Sustainable Development Goal 4 – Quality Education – with a special focus on gender and youth. It brings together the voices of education advocates, and the work of the UN System on promoting quality education everywhere.

Table of Contents

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

World Youth Report

Exclusive interviews

Stories of Impact

Upcoming events, sustainability at work, international day of women and girls in science – 11 february.

Science and gender equality are both vital for sustainable development. Yet women remain woefully under-represented in science, warns UN Secretary-General António Guterres , adding that the world cannot afford to miss out on the contributions of half our population. Our special overview marking the Day includes a video message from the Secretary-General as well as a joint statement from Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka , the Executive Director of UN Women, and Audrey Azoulay , the Director-General of UNESCO. We explore how many of the biggest problems may be unsolved because too many women and girls are being discouraged from the sciences , and shine the spotlight on female innovators and education advocates .

quality education mission statement

World Youth Report Launch, 20 February

The global economy may have started to recover but youth employment has only worsened in recent years, leaving an estimated 71 million young people unemployed, and millions of others in precarious or informal work.

Even with jobs, some 156 million young people in low- and middle-income countries continue to live in poverty. Young women, migrants, LGBTI youth and those with disabilities are particularly vulnerable.

The UN’s World Youth Report , launching 20 February, focuses on youth education and employment and explores the complex challenges facing the largest generation of youth the world has ever seen.

Media contact: Martin Samaan ( [email protected] )

quality education mission statement

Exclusive Interviews on Quality Education

Can we achieve universal education for all by 2030? How do we fund education, particularly in developing countries where the youth population is growing rapidly? Our education advocates discuss the importance of inclusive, affordable and accessible quality education.

quality education mission statement

Bonita Sharma UNESCO Female Champion

Amelie Jezabel Mariage photo

Amélie Jézabel Mariage UN Young Leader for the SDGs, and Co-founder of Aprendices Visuales

Madelle Khanga photo

Madelle Kangha  UN Young Leader for the SDGs and Founder of JumpStart Academy Africa

quality education mission statement

“Young people today in the school system… by the time they get into the workforce, they will be doing jobs that don’t exist today,“ warns Kriti Sharma , a Young Leader for the SDGs who founded the AI For Good organization in the UK to ensure that technology helps to create a better, fairer world. Listen to her views on ethical AI and the need to rethink how we educate and train young people to face the future of work.

quality education mission statement

Sustainable Food Initiative

School lunches in Germany are changing. From traditional meat-heavy meals, students are being served a more expansive selection of vegetarian options. The idea is simple: getting kids eat healthier and more sustainable meals while reducing carbon footprints of the schools’ food services.

quality education mission statement

Clean Energy Initiative

Martha Benavente, from Tucurú, a small municipality in Guatemala trained for six months to become a solar engineer. Now she can help light up her community with clean energy and start a lucrative business opportunity for a woman in a traditionally male-dominated field.

Educational Resources

Frieda is a children’s book that uses storytelling to help children understand the Sustainable Development Goals. With the power of storytelling, the book aims to teach life lessons, and make children feel like they are our greatest hope in achieving the SDGs. It is available in six languages – Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. Read more – and download the book – here .

SDG Book Club

Reading and learning are essential to children’s growth and development. As young people everywhere are critical to achieving the Goals, the SDG Book Club  encourages them to learn about the Goals in a fun and engaging way. It also helps them realize what actions they can take, empowering them to make a difference. The book selection for each goal will be announced monthly for seventeen months, starting with Goal 1 in April 2019 and ending with Goal 17 in September 2020. Sign up for notifications .

Thomas and Friends

Family life plays such an important role in helping young children learn to adapt in our rapidly changing world.  Thomas and Friends Life Lessons are easy and fun to follow and will help parents and teachers explore essential skills with their children that can enrich their critical thinking and communication approach. The lessons focus on six of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Download the Parent Tips  here  and for teachers, download the Teacher Tips  here .

Other Resources

Sustainable Development Goal 4 – Quality Education explained.

Jo Bourne, UNICEF’s Associate Director for Education, speaks about the importance of SDG 4: Quality Education

Meet Hussein, one of 98 per cent of refugee students at a public school in Rochester, and the teachers who learn from the refugee experience.

Thomas and Friends have partnered with the United Nations to teach children about the SDGs!

NOTE: If you are interested in using the multimedia resources, please contact [email protected] for the broadcast-quality version.

quality education mission statement

UN Member States and agencies, as well as representatives from civil society and the private sector will gather in New York for the UN Commission for Social Development to discuss ways of addressing inequalities and improving social inclusion through fiscal, wage and social protection policies.

21 February | International Mother Language Day

Every two weeks a language disappears taking with it an entire cultural and intellectual heritage. Nearly half of the world’s population does not have access to an education in a language they speak. On International Language, we celebrate the power of languages as instruments of preserving and developing our heritage.

28 February |  International Dialogue on Migration – Youth and Migration (IOM)

The propensity to migrate tends to be highest among young people. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) will organize a dialogue in New York to make sure young people’s voices and rights are heard and considered in global policy discussions on migration.

quality education mission statement

Global Compact Initiatives

Young SDG Innovators Programme provides workshops that guide future business leaders to innovate new business solutions to address global challenges. Join the conversation on social media using #youngSDGinnovators.

Principles for Responsible Management Education   the largest organised relationship between the United Nations and business schools, aiming to transform business and management education globally, while promoting awareness about the Sustainable Development Goals.

For more information, visit: https://www.unglobalcompact.org/participation/join

Goal of the Month – March Edition

quality education mission statement

December 2018: Climate | January 2019: Reduced Inequalities


Mission Statement for Education Industry

quality education mission statement

Immerse yourself in the world of education through our comprehensive guide, offering mission statement examples specific to the education industry. Here, you’ll gain insights into how successful educational institutions frame their purpose, ambition, and value proposition. This guide is a must-read for educators, administrators, and education leaders aiming to craft a compelling mission statement that effectively communicates their organization’s commitment to enriching lives through quality education. Discover how to write a mission statement that resonates with your stakeholders and aligns with your core educational values.

What is the Best Example of Education Industry Mission Statement?

One of the finest examples of an education industry mission statement comes from Harvard University: “To educate the citizens and citizen-leaders for our society. We do this through our commitment to the transformative power of a liberal arts and sciences education.”

Harvard’s mission statement succinctly communicates its commitment to the education of individuals who will make a difference in the world, embodying both their goal as an institution and the fundamental purpose of education itself. It exemplifies a commitment to empowering students, fostering leaders, and facilitating societal progress through education.

100 Mission Statements of Top Educational Brands / Institutions in the World

Dive into the educational philosophies of the globe’s leading institutions with our curated list of mission statements. These powerful declarations embody each institution’s commitment to educational excellence, societal transformation, and student empowerment, offering a unique glimpse into their values and vision for the future.

1. Harvard University: “To educate the citizens and citizen-leaders for our society. We do this through our commitment to the transformative power of a liberal arts and sciences education.”

2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): “To advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century.”

3. University of Cambridge: “To contribute to society through the pursuit of education, learning, and research at the highest international levels of excellence.”

4. Stanford University: “To create a culture of excellence and an inclusive community that values diversity and fosters collaboration, innovation, creativity, respect, and social responsibility.”

5. University of Oxford: “To lead in areas of national and global significance through the transformative power of education and research.”

6. California Institute of Technology (Caltech): “To expand human knowledge and benefit society through research integrated with education.”

7. University of Chicago: “To produce a caliber of teaching and research that regularly leads to advances in fields such as medicine, biology, physics, economics, critical theory, and public policy.”

8. Princeton University: “To serve humanity by educating leaders for a global society and advancing the frontiers of knowledge.”

9. Columbia University: “To transform the traditional learning experience and to enhance our understanding of the world, through the power of research, innovation, and discovery.”

10. Yale University: “To create, preserve, and disseminate knowledge, to educate leaders who will serve all sectors of society, and to encourage the search for truth, even when it leads in unexpected directions.”

11. University of California, Berkeley: “To provide leadership in teaching, research, and public service and to generate and disseminate knowledge, fostering creativity, and shaping the global future.”

12. University of Pennsylvania: “To advance the well-being of the people of the world, through the power of learning, innovation, and the promotion of health.”

13. University of Michigan: “To serve the people of Michigan and the world through preeminence in creating, communicating, preserving and applying knowledge, art, and academic values, and in developing leaders and citizens who will challenge the present and enrich the future.”

14. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich): “To provide a superior technical education that emphasizes the understanding and development of fundamental principles.”

15. University of Tokyo: “To contribute to global society through the pursuit of education, research, and public service, rooted in the spirit of liberal and practical education.”

16. University of Toronto: “To serve the public interest by advancing human potential and promoting a just society through education, scholarship, and engagement with our communities.”

17. Cornell University: “To discover, preserve, and disseminate knowledge; to educate the next generation of global citizens; and to promote a culture of broad inquiry throughout and beyond the Cornell community.”

18. University College London: “To empower our students and staff to work together to influence the world through impactful research, innovation, and education.”

19. Johns Hopkins University: “To educate our students and cultivate their capacity for lifelong learning, to foster independent and original research, and to bring the benefits of discovery to the world.”

20. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA): “To create, disseminate, preserve, and apply knowledge for the betterment of our global society.”

21. Peking University: “To strive for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge, and to foster talents with a harmonious integration of profound humanistic spirit, scientific spirit, and the spirit of seeking truth from facts.”

22. National University of Singapore: “To transform the way people think and do things through education, research and service, and create a better world for all.”

23. Tsinghua University: “To promote the development of science and technology for the benefit of mankind, and to cultivate future leaders who can change the world.”

24. Australian National University: “To be a world-leading university, recognised internationally for our distinctive contributions to society through the pursuit of knowledge, education, and research at the highest levels of excellence.”

25. Duke University: “To engage in erudition, research, teaching, and service that benefit society and contribute to the betterment of the human condition.”

26. University of British Columbia: “To inspire people, ideas, and actions for a better world.”

27. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill: “To be the nation’s leading public university by extending the frontiers of knowledge and creativity, nurturing a culture of discovery, and preparing students to become thoughtful, responsible citizens of the world.”

28. London School of Economics: “To provide the best means of learning about the social world, its basic structures, and the principles upon which it works.”

29. University of Melbourne: “To enrich our understanding of the world, foster a global community, advance health and wellbeing, and celebrate diversity.”

30. McGill University: “To provide our students with the best education available, create knowledge through research and scholarship, address important social issues, and strive for innovation in all that we do.”

31. University of Sydney: “To be a global leader in academic inquiry and education, and to empower our community to change the world around us.”

32. King’s College London: “To educate informed and critical thinkers who can shape society, and to investigate the most pressing questions of the twenty-first century.”

33. University of Pennsylvania: “To advance knowledge, to foster learning, to cultivate talent, and to galvanize the power of new thinking.”

34. University of Michigan: “To serve the people by creating and disseminating knowledge, fostering intellectual growth, and developing leaders who can make a positive difference in the world.”

35. Yale University: “To improve the world today and for future generations through outstanding research and scholarship, education, preservation, and practice.”

36. Princeton University: “To advance learning through scholarship, research, and teaching of unsurpassed quality, with an emphasis on undergraduate and doctoral education that is distinctive among the world’s great universities.”

37. University of Cambridge: “To contribute to society through the pursuit of education, learning, and research at the highest international levels of excellence.”

38. Oxford University: “To lead the world in research and education, and engage with society to transform the world for the better.”

39. Stanford University: “To become a purposeful university, driven by a spirit of innovation, entrepreneurship and public service.”

40. Massachusetts Institute of Technology: “To advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century.”

41. Harvard University: “To create knowledge, to open the minds of students to that knowledge, and to enable students to take best advantage of their educational opportunities.”

42. California Institute of Technology: “To expand human knowledge and benefit society through research integrated with education.”

43. University of Chicago: “To produce a caliber of teaching and research that regularly leads to advances in fields such as medicine, biology, physics, economics, critical theory, and the arts.”

44. Columbia University: “To engage with the world, through teaching and learning, to challenge ideas, reinvent understanding and contribute to society.”

45. University of California, Berkeley: “To distinguish itself as a leader in teaching, scholarship, and public service.”

46. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine: “To improve health and health equity in the UK and worldwide; working in partnership to achieve excellence in public and global health research, education and translation of knowledge into policy and practice.”

47. University of São Paulo: “To generate, disseminate, and apply innovative, integrated, interdisciplinary knowledge, placing science, art, and culture at the service of society.”

48. University of Edinburgh: “To create, share and apply knowledge in free and open intellectual inquiry and ensure our research, teaching and learning is accessible, inclusive and relevant.”

49. Karolinska Institute: “To improve human health through the pursuit of excellence in research, education, contributions to society, and clinical practice.”

50. University of Oslo: “To gain and disseminate knowledge and understanding for the benefit of humankind.”

51. University of Zurich: “To offer high-quality education, generate knowledge, and provide services that benefit society, science, and business.”

52. University of Paris: “To serve society as an international and interdisciplinary hub of knowledge, promoting innovation, creativity, and the cross-pollination of ideas.”

53. University of Hong Kong: “To nurture globally-minded graduates with an in-depth understanding of Asia, and to advance knowledge through research and scholarship in areas of world importance.”

54. University of Toronto: “Boundlessly curious and rigorously intellectual, we aim to redefine the role of a leading research university.”

55. University of Tokyo: “To cultivate global leaders with a broad perspective and creative vision, inquisitive minds and cultural sophistication along with a strong sense of social responsibility.”

56. University of Singapore: “To influence the future through nurturing talents, advancing knowledge and impacting society to create a better world.”

57. University of British Columbia: “Inspiring people, ideas and actions for a better world.”

58. The University of Adelaide: “To be consistently ranked in the top 1% of universities worldwide and a destination of choice for high-performing researchers, students, government and industry partners.”

59. University of Copenhagen: “To provide research and research-based teaching at the highest international level within all the main areas of science.”

60. University of Montreal: “To generate and transfer knowledge to train competent, responsible, and innovative individuals, to promote understanding, progress, and academic excellence.”

61. University of Vienna: “To promote a broad spectrum of research areas in a wide range of fields and disciplines, and to ensure the balanced development of these areas.”

62. University of Dublin: “To provide a liberal environment where independent thinking is highly valued and where staff and students are nurtured and empowered to achieve their potential and contribute to the benefit of society.”

63. University of Wisconsin-Madison: “To offer broad and balanced academic programs that are mutually reinforcing and emphasize high-quality and creative instruction at all levels.”

64. University of Washington: “To advance intellectual discovery and enrich the quality of life as the preeminent public research university in the state, nation, and world.”

65. Peking University: “To advance knowledge, to inspire students, and to promote the well-being of society.”

66. Seoul National University: “To create a vibrant intellectual community where students and scholars join together in building the future.”

67. Tsinghua University: “To cultivate innovative leaders and advance knowledge for humanity in the spirit of “self-discipline and social commitment.”

68. University of Illinois: “To enhance the lives of citizens in Illinois, across the nation, and around the world through leadership in learning, discovery, engagement, and economic development.”

69. University of Texas: “To transform lives for the benefit of society through the core values of learning, discovery, freedom, leadership, individual opportunity, and responsibility.”

70. Boston University: “To be the leading institution for the study, research, and teaching of all aspects of human culture and development.”

71. University of Zurich: “To offer high-quality education, generate knowledge, and provide services that benefit society, science, and business.”

72. University of Paris: “To serve society as an international and interdisciplinary hub of knowledge, promoting innovation, creativity, and the cross-pollination of ideas.”

73. University of Hong Kong: “To nurture globally-minded graduates with an in-depth understanding of Asia, and to advance knowledge through research and scholarship in areas of world importance.”

74. University of Toronto: “Boundlessly curious and rigorously intellectual, we aim to redefine the role of a leading research university.”

75. University of Tokyo: “To cultivate global leaders with a broad perspective and creative vision, inquisitive minds and cultural sophistication along with a strong sense of social responsibility.”

76. University of Singapore: “To influence the future through nurturing talents, advancing knowledge and impacting society to create a better world.”

77. University of British Columbia: “Inspiring people, ideas and actions for a better world.”

78. The University of Adelaide: “To be consistently ranked in the top 1% of universities worldwide and a destination of choice for high-performing researchers, students, government and industry partners.”

79. University of Copenhagen: “To provide research and research-based teaching at the highest international level within all the main areas of science.”

80. University of Montreal: “To generate and transfer knowledge to train competent, responsible, and innovative individuals, to promote understanding, progress, and academic excellence.”

81. University of Vienna: “To promote a broad spectrum of research areas in a wide range of fields and disciplines, and to ensure the balanced development of these areas.”

82. University of Dublin: “To provide a liberal environment where independent thinking is highly valued and where staff and students are nurtured and empowered to achieve their potential and contribute to the benefit of society.”

83. University of Wisconsin-Madison: “To offer broad and balanced academic programs that are mutually reinforcing and emphasize high-quality and creative instruction at all levels.”

84. University of Washington: “To advance intellectual discovery and enrich the quality of life as the preeminent public research university in the state, nation, and world.”

85. Peking University: “To advance knowledge, to inspire students, and to promote the well-being of society.”

86. Seoul National University: “To create a vibrant intellectual community where students and scholars join together in building the future.”

87. Tsinghua University: “To cultivate innovative leaders and advance knowledge for humanity in the spirit of “self-discipline and social commitment.”

88. University of Illinois: “To enhance the lives of citizens in Illinois, across the nation, and around the world through leadership in learning, discovery, engagement, and economic development.”

89. University of Texas: “To transform lives for the benefit of society through the core values of learning, discovery, freedom, leadership, individual opportunity, and responsibility.”

90. Boston University: “To be the leading institution for the study, research, and teaching of all aspects of human culture and development.”

91. Columbia University: “To advance knowledge and learning at the highest level and convey the products of its efforts to the world.”

92. Oxford University: “To lead the world in research and education by engaging with people and society, to bring benefits to all.”

93. Cambridge University: “To contribute to society through the pursuit of education, learning, and research at the highest international levels of excellence.”

94. University of California, Berkeley: “To generate, disseminate, and preserve knowledge and to serve our state and society through broadly accessible education.”

95. Cornell University: “To discover, preserve, and disseminate knowledge, to educate the next generation of global citizens, and to promote a culture of broad inquiry.”

96. Johns Hopkins University: “To educate our students and cultivate their capacity for lifelong learning, to foster independent and original research, and to bring the benefits of discovery to the world.”

97. Pennsylvania State University: “To foster excellence in teaching, research, and service, and to cultivate and inspire a diverse community of lifelong learners.”

98. Duke University: “To engage in the discovery, dissemination, and application of knowledge to better the future and fulfill the global societal need.”

99. Brown University: “To serve the community, the nation, and the world by discovering, communicating, and preserving knowledge and understanding in a spirit of free inquiry.”

100. University of Notre Dame: “To strive for preeminence as a Catholic university, to seek truth, and to nurture a culture of service in the common pursuit of human solidarity and the common good.”

100 Mission Statement Examples for Education Industry for you to Inspire and Copy

Mission Statement Examples for Education Industry

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Inspire your educational journey with this unique compilation of 100 mission statements. Each carefully crafted example resonates with the educational industry’s vibrant ethos, serving as a valuable resource for institutions striving for a profound and impactful mission.

  • “Nurturing the creators of tomorrow through comprehensive education and innovative thinking.”
  • “Igniting the light of knowledge, fostering intellectual growth, and shaping global citizens.”
  • “Empowering students with transformative learning experiences to shape the future of science and technology.”
  • “Molding well-rounded individuals by integrating holistic education with cultural, ethical, and global awareness.”
  • “Navigating students towards their goals through premier education and lifelong learning opportunities.”
  • “Sailing minds to distant shores of knowledge, creativity, and innovation.”
  • “Kindling young minds to explore, learn, and grow in an inclusive and nurturing environment.”
  • “Scaling the heights of academic excellence through critical thinking and creative problem-solving.”
  • “Promoting dynamic conversations that inspire innovation and drive the exchange of ideas.”
  • “Providing a panoramic view of education that inspires academic exploration and fosters personal growth.”
  • “Empowering students to build a better future through innovative education.”
  • “To provide an inclusive environment that fosters intellectual curiosity, creativity, and diversity.”
  • “Promoting an immersive learning experience to shape future global leaders.”
  • “Cultivating ethical and intellectual growth through a challenging curriculum.”
  • “Championing lifelong learning and responsible citizenship in a global society.”
  • “Committed to nurturing students’ abilities to think critically, communicate effectively, and contribute positively to society.”
  • “Guiding students to be responsible learners, ready to navigate their path in life.”
  • “Developing world-class scholars who will lead with integrity, innovate with determination, and impact the world.”
  • “Committed to fostering an academic environment that stimulates curiosity, discovery, and personal growth.”
  • “Fostering an inclusive community that champions high-quality education and promotes lifelong learning.”
  • “Building a foundation for lifelong learning and the development of intellectual curiosity.”
  • “To inspire learners to reach their full potential and contribute positively to society.”
  • “Committed to developing innovative thinkers who are dedicated to positive global impact.”
  • “Dedicated to providing a challenging and inclusive learning environment that fosters creativity and resilience.”
  • “Cultivating the leaders of tomorrow by fostering personal growth, innovation, and resilience.”
  • “Dedicated to fostering a diverse and inclusive learning environment that empowers students to achieve their goals.”
  • “Promoting the pursuit of knowledge and the development of innovative thinkers for a sustainable future.”
  • “Providing an environment that fosters personal and professional development, empowering students to excel.”
  • “Encouraging lifelong learning, critical thinking, and innovation as the foundations for a successful future.”
  • “Developing creative minds, fostering integrity, and promoting individual growth for a brighter future.”
  • “To create an intellectually stimulating environment that fosters student success and academic excellence.”
  • “Providing the tools and environment to develop innovative thinkers and compassionate leaders.”
  • “Driving change and impacting the future through high-quality education.”
  • “Committed to nurturing the whole student, preparing them for a life of passion and purpose.”
  • “Cultivating an inclusive environment that champions diversity, respect, and personal growth.”
  • “Inspiring students to excel acadically and socially, ready to positively contribute to the world.”
  • “Fostering a culture of excellence, curiosity, and respect, shaping well-rounded, lifelong learners.”
  • “Empowering students to create solutions to global challenges through quality education.”
  • “Providing an environment where curiosity is nurtured, intellect is engaged, and discovery is celebrated.”
  • “To challenge and inspire students to reach their fullest potential and make a difference in the world.”
  • “Dedicated to transforming lives and societies through high-quality education and innovative research.”
  • “Shaping future leaders through holistic education and the cultivation of critical thinking skills.”
  • “Committed to fostering intellectual growth, creativity, and integrity in an inclusive learning environment.”
  • “To inspire, engage and empower learners to lead with empathy and integrity.”
  • “Cultivating a vibrant learning community that prepares students to thrive in a dynamic world.”
  • “Providing transformative learning experiences that nurture the mind, body, and spirit.”
  • “Preparing students for a life of learning, leadership, and positive societal impact.”
  • “Driving academic excellence while cultivating leaders who change the world.”
  • “Championing intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and a passion for lifelong learning.”
  • “Dedicated to the development of intellectual curiosity, ethical character, and social responsibility.”
  • “Striving to deliver a broad-based education that fosters creativity, critical thinking, and global awareness.”
  • “To educate and inspire students to be responsible, productive citizens in a diverse and competitive world.”
  • “Committed to developing an educational environment that stimulates intellectual curiosity and personal growth.”
  • “Dedicated to fostering academic excellence, critical thinking, and societal contribution in all our students.”
  • “Creating lifelong learners equipped with the skills and knowledge to adapt and succeed in a changing world.”
  • “Inspiring curiosity, encouraging critical thinking, and empowering students to take ownership of their education.”
  • “Nurturing a culture of intellectual and personal growth, empowering students to lead positive change in the world.”
  • “Engaging learners in an environment that encourages exploration, creativity, and academic excellence.”
  • “To develop responsible global citizens through a comprehensive and well-rounded education.”
  • “Creating a stimulating learning environment that fosters innovation, critical thinking, and holistic development.”
  • “Dedicated to creating a vibrant and inclusive learning community committed to intellectual curiosity and personal growth.”
  • “Inspiring students to pursue lifelong learning, critical thinking, and responsible global citizenship.”
  • “To foster academic excellence, critical thinking, and personal growth in an inclusive and supportive learning environment.”
  • “Providing an environment where learners are empowered to achieve academic and personal success.”
  • “Developing engaged, empathetic learners who make a positive impact on the world.”
  • “To foster a culture of academic excellence, social responsibility, and innovative thinking in all our students.”
  • “Creating an educational environment that stimulates curiosity, fosters critical thinking, and encourages lifelong learning.”
  • “Providing students with a transformative education that equips them for a rapidly changing world.”
  • “Guiding learners to realize their full potential through a holistic and inclusive education.”
  • “Creating an environment of intellectual rigor and personal development, where learners become leaders.”
  • “Dedicated to fostering an environment that encourages personal growth, intellectual curiosity, and critical thinking.”
  • “Promoting a culture of academic excellence, ethical leadership, and social responsibility among students.”
  • “To prepare students for a lifetime of learning, leadership, and service in an ever-changing global society.”
  • “Creating an inclusive and innovative learning environment that fosters personal growth and intellectual curiosity.”
  • “Dedicated to fostering a passion for learning, critical thinking, and global citizenship in all students.”
  • “Striving to create a vibrant and inclusive learning community that inspires students to realize their full potential.”
  • “To educate and empower students to become compassionate leaders and lifelong learners.”
  • “Committed to fostering a culture of academic rigor, social responsibility, and innovative thinking.”
  • “Striving to create an environment that fosters intellectual growth, personal development, and global citizenship.”
  • “Providing a transformative education that prepares students for success in an increasingly interconnected world.”
  • “Dedicated to promoting intellectual growth, ethical leadership, and global citizenship among students.”
  • “Creating an inclusive learning community that nurtures curiosity, fosters critical thinking, and encourages personal growth.”
  • “To cultivate a learning environment that inspires students to become responsible global citizens and lifelong learners.”
  • “Striving to foster a culture of intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and social responsibility among our students.”
  • “Creating a vibrant learning community that fosters intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and societal contribution.”
  • “Dedicated to fostering a culture of academic rigor, innovative thinking, and ethical leadership among students.”
  • “To prepare students to lead and excel in an ever-changing world through our commitment to excellence in teaching, research, and service.”
  • “Promoting intellectual growth, ethical leadership, and global citizenship among our students.”
  • “Committed to creating a learning environment that fosters intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and social responsibility.”
  • “Creating a diverse and inclusive learning community that fosters intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and global citizenship.”
  • “Fostering a culture of intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and societal contribution among our students.”
  • “To develop future leaders who can drive change and solve the complex challenges of our world.”
  • “Promoting academic excellence, ethical leadership, and global citizenship among our students.”
  • “Dedicated to fostering a culture of intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and societal contribution.”
  • “Creating an inclusive and vibrant learning community that fosters intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and personal growth.”
  • “Committed to creating a diverse and inclusive learning environment that fosters intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and societal contribution.”
  • “Dedicated to fostering a culture of intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and societal contribution among our students.”
  • “Striving to create a diverse and inclusive learning community that fosters intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and societal contribution.”
  • “Dedicated to promoting intellectual growth, ethical leadership, and global citizenship among our students.”
  • “Committed to fostering a culture of intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and societal contribution among our students.”

Mission Statement Examples for School

Building the foundation for tomorrow’s leaders, our school cultivates an environment that fosters intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and social responsibility. See more Mission statement examples for schools

1. “To provide a safe, inclusive, and engaging environment where all students can learn, grow, and excel.” 2. “Fostering lifelong learning, promoting intellectual curiosity, and creating responsible global citizens.” 3. “To foster an environment of respect and understanding, inspiring students to reach their highest potential.” 4. “Encouraging every child to explore, learn and grow in a nurturing and diverse environment.” 5. “To cultivate a love for learning, inspire creativity, and prepare students for the opportunities of tomorrow.” 6. “Nurturing a culture of intellectual and personal growth, empowering students to lead positive change in the world.” 7. “To instill a love for learning, encourage creative thinking, and equip students with the skills necessary for success.” 8. “Creating an inclusive community of learners where every child can succeed and make a difference.” 9. “To provide a rigorous and enriching educational experience that prepares students for future success.” 10. “Empowering students to explore their passions, develop their talents, and become leaders in their communities.”

Mission Statement Examples for College

At the crossroads of innovation and tradition, our college seeks to create an academic community that promotes intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and civic responsibility.

1. “Promoting intellectual growth, leadership skills, and ethical awareness to prepare students for the complexities of today’s world.” 2. “To foster an environment that encourages academic excellence, innovative thinking, and social responsibility.” 3. “Creating a dynamic, inclusive academic community that fosters creativity, critical thinking, and lifelong learning.” 4. “To provide an enriching and challenging educational experience that prepares students for professional success and civic leadership.” 5. “Promoting intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and a commitment to lifelong learning and civic responsibility.” 6. “To create a transformative educational experience that prepares students for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.” 7. “Providing a diverse and inclusive environment that fosters intellectual growth, personal development, and social responsibility.” 8. “To educate and empower students to become compassionate leaders and lifelong learners.” 9. “Promoting academic excellence, leadership skills, and social responsibility among our students.” 10. “To foster an environment that encourages academic excellence, personal growth, and civic leadership.”

Mission Statement Examples for University

Dedicated to the creation, dissemination, and application of knowledge, our university prepares students to lead, innovate, and make a significant impact on the world.

1. “Creating a culture of academic rigor and innovation that prepares students to lead in a diverse and interconnected world.” 2. “To foster an environment of intellectual curiosity, ethical leadership, and societal contribution among our students.” 3. “Developing global leaders through a comprehensive and inclusive education that prepares students to thrive in an increasingly complex world.” 4. “To promote intellectual growth, ethical leadership, and societal contribution among our students.” 5. “Creating a diverse and inclusive academic community that fosters intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and societal contribution.” 6. “To cultivate a culture of intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and societal contribution among our students.” 7. “Creating an environment of academic excellence, personal growth, and social responsibility to prepare students for the opportunities of the future.” 8. “Promoting academic excellence, leadership skills, and social responsibility among our students.” 9. “To foster an environment that encourages academic excellence, personal growth, and societal contribution.” 10. “Providing a comprehensive and inclusive education that prepares students for the complexities of today’s world.”

Mission Statement Examples for Students

Cultivating the leaders of tomorrow, our mission is to foster an environment that inspires students to learn, grow, and make a meaningful impact on society. See mission statement examples for students

1. “To become lifelong learners who strive for excellence, contribute to their communities, and lead meaningful lives.” 2. “To learn, grow, and succeed in a supportive and inclusive environment.” 3. “Becoming global citizens who value learning, respect diversity, and contribute positively to society.” 4. “To pursue academic excellence, contribute to community, and become responsible leaders.” 5. “To become responsible learners who strive for excellence, make a positive impact on society, and lead fulfilling lives.” 6. “Learning to become responsible citizens who contribute positively to society and lead meaningful lives.” 7. “To become successful learners who respect diversity, contribute to their communities, and lead fulfilling lives.” 8. “Becoming responsible learners who value personal growth, community contribution, and lifelong learning.” 9. “To learn, grow, and succeed in a supportive and diverse environment.” 10. “Becoming lifelong learners who strive for excellence, contribute positively to society, and lead meaningful lives.”

Personal Mission Statement Examples for Students

As a student, my personal mission is to develop my knowledge, skills, and values to contribute to the betterment of society and lead a fulfilling life. These Personal mission statement examples for students will help achieving the student goals.

1. “To pursue academic excellence, contribute positively to my community, and lead a meaningful and fulfilling life.” 2. “To become a lifelong learner, make a positive impact on society, and lead

a fulfilling life.” 3. “My mission is to learn, grow, and succeed in order to contribute positively to society and lead a meaningful life.” 4. “To pursue academic excellence, contribute to my community, and become a responsible and ethical leader.” 5. “My mission is to learn and grow in order to contribute positively to my community and lead a fulfilling life.” 6. “To become a responsible learner, contribute positively to my community, and lead a meaningful life.” 7. “My mission is to pursue academic excellence, contribute to my community, and lead a meaningful and fulfilling life.” 8. “To learn, grow, and succeed in order to make a positive impact on society and lead a fulfilling life.” 9. “My mission is to become a lifelong learner, contribute positively to society, and lead a fulfilling life.” 10. “To pursue academic excellence, make a positive impact on society, and lead a fulfilling life.”

Mission Statement Examples for High School

Nurturing the next generation of leaders, our high school fosters an environment that promotes intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and social responsibility. See high school mission statements .

1. “To provide an enriching, challenging, and supportive learning environment that prepares students for future success.” 2. “Fostering a culture of lifelong learning, leadership skills, and social responsibility among our students.” 3. “To create a diverse and inclusive learning environment that fosters intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and social responsibility.” 4. “Promoting intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and a commitment to social responsibility among our students.” 5. “To foster an environment that encourages academic excellence, innovative thinking, and social responsibility.” 6. “Creating a learning community that values diversity, fosters intellectual growth, and prepares students for future success.” 7. “To cultivate a culture of intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and social responsibility among our students.” 8. “Promoting academic excellence, leadership skills, and social responsibility among our students.” 9. “To provide a rigorous, comprehensive education that prepares students for the opportunities of the future.” 10. “Creating a dynamic learning community that fosters intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and social responsibility.”

Mission Statement Examples for Primary School

Setting the foundation for lifelong learning, our primary school provides a nurturing and engaging environment where every child can thrive.

1. “To provide a nurturing, inclusive environment where all students can learn, grow, and excel.” 2. “Creating a learning community that values diversity, fosters curiosity, and encourages personal growth.” 3. “To inspire a love for learning, promote academic excellence, and encourage personal growth among our students.” 4. “Fostering a culture of respect, understanding, and a love for learning among our students.” 5. “To cultivate a love for learning, encourage creativity, and prepare students for the opportunities of the future.” 6. “Creating an inclusive community of learners where every child can thrive and make a difference.” 7. “To instill a love for learning, encourage creative thinking, and equip students with the skills necessary for success.” 8. “Fostering lifelong learning, promoting intellectual curiosity, and creating responsible global citizens.” 9. “To provide a safe, inclusive, and engaging environment where all students can learn, grow, and excel.” 10. “Inspiring every child to explore, learn, and grow in a nurturing and diverse environment.”

Mission Statement Examples for Middle School

At the cusp of transformation, our middle school aims to provide a supportive, engaging, and challenging environment that promotes academic excellence, personal growth, and social responsibility.

1. “To foster an environment that encourages academic excellence, innovative thinking, and social responsibility.” 2. “Creating a dynamic learning community that fosters intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and social responsibility.” 3. “To provide an enriching, challenging, and supportive learning environment that prepares students for future success.” 4. “Promoting academic excellence, leadership skills, and social responsibility among our students.” 5. “To cultivate a culture of intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and societal contribution among our students.” 6. “Creating a learning community that values diversity, fosters intellectual growth, and prepares students for future success.” 7. “Promoting intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and a commitment to social responsibility among our students.” 8. “To foster an environment that encourages academic excellence, personal growth, and societal contribution.” 9. “Providing a diverse and inclusive environment that fosters intellectual growth, personal development, and social responsibility.” 10. “To educate and empower students to become compassionate leaders and lifelong learners.”

Understanding the Importance of a Mission Statement in Education

A mission statement in education serves as a guiding star, delineating the core purpose, objectives, and values of an educational institution. It provides direction to the administration, faculty, students, and parents, forming the backbone of the institution’s culture and ethos. The mission statement is the institution’s pledge to its stakeholders, outlining its commitment to learning, growth, and success.

Key Elements of an Effective Educational Mission Statement

Crafting an effective mission statement for an educational institution involves a blend of aspiration and realism. It’s not merely about lofty goals but about achievable objectives that resonate with everyone connected to the institution. Key elements include:

Purpose and Goals: The mission statement should clearly articulate the institution’s primary purpose and its long-term educational goals. Values and Principles: The core values that the institution abides by and the principles it upholds must be central to the mission statement. Sense of Community: The mission statement should foster a sense of community and inclusivity, ensuring that everyone feels valued and part of the journey. Future Orientation: The mission statement should look ahead, reflecting the institution’s commitment to evolve with changing educational needs and societal trends.

Steps to Crafting an Education Industry Mission Statement

Creating an effective mission statement requires thoughtful deliberation and participation from key stakeholders. The process involves:

Assessment: Understand the current situation, strengths, weaknesses, and unique features of the institution. Identify Core Values: Identify the values and principles that lie at the heart of the institution’s philosophy and methodology. Set Goals: Define clear, concise, and achievable goals that align with the institution’s purpose and values. Stakeholder Participation: Engage faculty, staff, students, parents, and other stakeholders in the crafting process to ensure their commitment to the mission. Finalization and Communication: Finalize the mission statement and communicate it effectively to all stakeholders, making it an integral part of the institution’s identity.

Transforming an Educational Institution Through a Powerful Mission Statement

A mission statement has the power to effect a significant transformation in an educational institution. It can shift the institution’s focus, improve stakeholder involvement, and enhance performance outcomes.

Institutions that have adopted robust mission statements have seen marked improvements in their culture, with a greater emphasis on collective goals and shared values. They’ve reported increased student performance and satisfaction, more involved and committed faculty, and a stronger bond with parents and the community.

A powerful mission statement truly becomes the soul of the institution, guiding its every decision and permeating its every action. It sets the institution apart and paves the way for its growth, success, and reputation.


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The researcher observed a gap in terms of data available in an Indian context about the purpose of a mission statement in schools, the main components of these statements, the values promoted through these statements and the subsequent impact of these mission statements on teaching and learning activities in schools in India. The reason this study decided to select schools affiliated to the CBSE Board is because CBSE is an important national board of education in India and there is a presence of CBSE schools in almost every state in India (large population and wide representation). Another important reason is that every school affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education in India needs to upload their school Mission Statement to the CBSE website as per an academic circular released by the board on 4th March, 2016. This is a mandatory requirement for schools affiliated to the Board. Through the above methodology the dissertation study aims to analyse the mission statements of schools affiliated to the CBSE to understand components and values promoted by these statements, educator perceptions of these mission statements and its use in planning and implementation of teaching and learning activities. Building on the work done by educational researchers in various international contexts, this dissertation study will aim to create a local body of knowledge that will help administrators, school leaders and teachers in India to understand the value of mission statements in the planning and implementation of teaching and learning activities at their institution.

Anthony Ortega

New Horizons in Education

John Slate Ph. D.

Steven Stemler

Journal of Education & Social Policy

Kelly-Ann Allen , Dianne Vella-brodrick

Purpose: The vision or mission statement of a school outlines the school's purpose and defines the context, goals, and aspirations that govern the institution. Using vision and mission statements, the present descriptive research study investigated trends in Australian secondary schools' priorities. Research Methods: A stratified sample of secondary school vision and mission statements across 308 schools from government, independent, and Catholic sectors in Victoria, Australia, was analyzed using qualitative and quantitative approaches. Findings: Academic achievement was the most common theme, with school belonging and mental health promotion themes cited by over half of the schools. School belonging was emphasized more often by Catholic schools compared with independent and government schools, and by rural schools compared with urban schools. Implications: Australian schools are seemingly adopting a dual purpose: to be academic institutions and well-being enhancing institutions. Understanding the priorities of schools using vision and mission statements

Journal of Educational Change

Matthew Fifolt , Keith Gurley , Loucrecia Collins


Si be les declaracions de missio (DM) s’inclouen en les escoles sovint a causa de la politica de govern, la investigacio actual subratlla que els liders continuen subutilitzant-les. El present estudi qualitatiu fenomenologic explora la mesura en que les DM i el desenvolupament professional influeixen en la practica diaria de les escoles tant per als liders escolars com per al professorat. L’estudi es basa en entrevistes a sis persones que dirigeixen o ensenyen en dues escoles internacionals diferents. Els resultats proporcionen informacio valuosa sobre com els liders i el professorat experimenten les DM. L’article conclou amb una discussio sobre les possibles implicacions per als responsables de les politiques educatives que desitgen protagonitzar la cultura escolar i el desenvolupament professional.

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Changing Partisan Coalitions in a Politically Divided Nation

5. party identification among religious groups and religiously unaffiliated voters, table of contents.

  • What this report tells us – and what it doesn’t
  • Partisans and partisan leaners in the U.S. electorate
  • Party identification and ideology
  • Education and partisanship
  • Education, race and partisanship
  • Partisanship by race and gender
  • Partisanship across educational and gender groups by race and ethnicity
  • Gender and partisanship
  • Parents are more Republican than voters without children
  • Partisanship among men and women within age groups
  • Race, age and partisanship
  • The partisanship of generational cohorts
  • Religion, race and ethnicity, and partisanship
  • Party identification among atheists, agnostics and ‘nothing in particular’
  • Partisanship and religious service attendance
  • Partisanship by income groups
  • The relationship between income and partisanship differs by education
  • Union members remain more Democratic than Republican
  • Homeowners are more Republican than renters
  • Partisanship of military veterans
  • Demographic differences in partisanship by community type
  • Race and ethnicity
  • Age and the U.S. electorate
  • Education by race and ethnicity
  • Religious affiliation
  • Ideological composition of voters
  • Acknowledgments
  • Overview of survey methodologies
  • The 2023 American Trends Panel profile survey methodology
  • Measuring party identification across survey modes
  • Adjusting telephone survey trends
  • Appendix B: Religious category definitions
  • Appendix C: Age cohort definitions

The relationship between partisanship and voters’ religious affiliation continues to be strong – especially when it comes to whether they belong to any organized religion at all.

Bar charts showing party identification among religious groups and religiously unaffiliated registered voters in 2023. As they have for most of the past 15 years, a majority of Protestant registered voters (59%) associate with the GOP. And 52% of Catholic voters identify as Republicans or lean toward the Republican Party, compared with 44% who identify as Democrats or lean Democratic. Meanwhile, 69% of Jewish voters associate with the Democratic Party, as do 66% of Muslims. Democrats maintain a wide advantage among religiously unaffiliated voters.

The gap between voters who identify with an organized religion and those who do not has grown much wider in recent years.

Protestants mostly align with the Republican Party. Protestants remain the largest single religious group in the United States. As they have for most of the past 15 years, a majority of Protestant registered voters (59%) associate with the GOP, though as recently as 2009 they were split nearly equally between the two parties.

Partisan identity among Catholics had been closely divided, but the GOP now has a modest advantage among Catholics. About half of Catholic voters identify as Republicans or lean toward the Republican Party, compared with 44% who identify as Democrats or lean Democratic.

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints remain overwhelmingly Republican. Three-quarters of voters in this group, widely known as Mormons, identify as Republicans or lean Republican. Only about a quarter (23%) associate with the Democratic Party.

Trend charts over time showing that Protestants remain solidly Republican, and Catholics now tilt toward the GOP.

Jewish voters continue to mostly align with the Democrats. About seven-in-ten Jewish voters (69%) associate with the Democratic Party, while 29% affiliate with the Republican Party. The share of Jewish voters who align with the Democrats has increased 8 percentage points since 2020.

Muslims associate with Democrats over Republicans by a wide margin. Currently, 66% of Muslim voters say they are Democrats or independents who lean Democratic, compared with 32% who are Republicans or lean Republican. (Data for Muslim voters is not available for earlier years because of small sample sizes.)

Democrats maintain a wide advantage among religiously unaffiliated voters. Religious “nones” have become more Democratic over the past few decades as their size in the U.S. population overall and in the electorate has grown significantly. While 70% of religiously unaffiliated voters align with the Democratic Party, just 27% identify as Republicans or lean Republican.

Related: Religious “nones” in America: Who they are and what they believe

Over the past few decades, White evangelical Protestant voters have moved increasingly toward the GOP.

  • Today, 85% of White evangelical voters identify with or lean toward the GOP; just 14% align with the Democrats.

Trend charts over time showing how race, ethnicity and religious identification intersect with registered voters’ partisanship. Today, 85% of White evangelical voters identify with or lean toward the GOP; just 14% align with the Democrats. Over the past three decades, there has been a 20 point rise in the share of White evangelicals who associate with the GOP. 60% of Hispanic Catholic voters identify as Democrats or lean Democratic, but that share has declined over the past 15 years.

  • Over the past three decades, there has been a 20 percentage point rise in the share of White evangelicals who associate with the GOP – and a 20-point decline in the share identifying as or leaning Democratic. 

Over the past 15 years, the GOP also has made gains among White nonevangelical and White Catholic voters.

About six-in-ten White nonevangelicals (58%) and White Catholics (61%) align with the GOP.    Voters in both groups were equally divided between the two parties in 2009.

Partisanship among Hispanic voters varies widely among Catholics and Protestants.

  • 60% of Hispanic Catholic voters identify as Democrats or lean Democratic, but that share has declined over the past 15 years.
  • Hispanic Protestant voters are evenly divided: 49% associate with the Republican Party, while 45% identify as Democrats or lean Democratic.

A large majority of Black Protestants identify with the Democrats (84%), but that share is down 9 points from where it was 15 years ago (93%).

Atheists and agnostics, who make up relatively small shares of all religiously unaffiliated voters, are heavily Democratic.

Among those who identify their religion as “nothing in particular” – and who comprise a majority of all religious “nones” – Democrats hold a smaller advantage in party identification.

  • More than eight-in-ten atheists (84%) align with the Democratic Party, as do 78% of agnostics.
  • 62% of voters who describe themselves as “nothing in particular” identify as Democrats or lean Democratic, while 34% align with the GOP.

Trend charts over time showing that religiously unaffiliated registered voters are majority Democratic, especially those who identify as atheist or agnostic.

Voters who regularly attend religious services are more likely to identify with or lean toward the Republican Party than voters who attend less regularly.

Trend charts over time showing that Republicans hold a majority among registered voters who regularly attend religious services. Most less-frequent observers align with the Democratic Party.

In 2023, 62% of registered voters who attended religious services once a month or more aligned with Republicans, compared with 41% of those who attend services less often.

This pattern has been evident for many years. However, the share of voters who identify as Republicans or lean Republican has edged up in recent years.

For White, Hispanic and Asian voters, regular attendance at religious services is linked to an increase in association with the Republican Party.

However, this is not the case among Black voters.

Dot plot chart showing that across most Christian denominations, registered voters who attend religious services regularly are more likely than others to align with the GOP. However, this is not the case among Black voters. Only about one-in-ten Black voters who are regular attenders (13%) and a similar share (11%) of those who attend less often identify as Republicans or Republican leaners.

Only about one-in-ten Black voters who are regular attenders (13%) and a similar share (11%) of those who attend less often identify as Republicans or Republican leaners.

Higher GOP association among regular attenders of religious services is seen across most denominations.

For example, among Catholic voters who attend services monthly or more often, 61% identify as Republicans or lean toward the Republican Party.

Among less frequent attenders, 47% align with the GOP.

Black Protestants are an exception to this pattern: Black Protestant voters who attend religious services monthly or more often are no more likely to associate with the Republican Party than less frequent attenders.

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A rip current statement in effect for Coastal Broward and Coastal Miami Dade Regions

America’s child care crisis is holding back moms without college degrees.

Moriah Balingit And Sharon Lurye Of The Associated Press And Daniel Beekman Of The Seattle Times

Associated Press

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Adriane Burnett poses for a photo on Saturday, April 14, 2024 in Birmingham, Ala. Women's participation in the American workforce has reached a high point, but challenges around child care are holding back many working class parents. When women without college degrees face an interruption in child care arrangements whether it's at a relative's home, a preschool or a daycare center they are more likely to have to take unpaid time or to be forced to leave their jobs altogether, according to an Associated Press analysis. (AP Photo/Butch Dill)

AUBURN, Wash. – After a series of lower-paying jobs, Nicole Slemp finally landed one she loved. She was a secretary for Washington’s child services department, a job that came with her own cubicle, and she had a knack for working with families in difficult situations.

Slemp expected to return to work after having her son in August. But then she and her husband started looking for child care – and doing the math. The best option would cost about $2,000 a month, with a long wait list, and even the least expensive option around $1,600, still eating up most of Slemp’s salary. Her husband earns about $35 an hour at a hose distribution company. Between them, they earned too much to qualify for government help.

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“I really didn’t want to quit my job,” says Slemp, 33, who lives in a Seattle suburb. But, she says, she felt like she had no choice.

The dilemma is common in the United States, where high-quality child care programs are prohibitively expensive, government assistance is limited , and daycare openings are sometimes hard to find at all. In 2022, more than 1 in 10 young children had a parent who had to quit, turn down or drastically change a job in the previous year because of child care problems. And that burden falls most on mothers, who shoulder more child-rearing responsibilities and are far more likely to leave a job to care for kids .

Even so, women’s participation in the workforce has recovered from the pandemic , reaching historic highs in December 2023. But that masks a lingering crisis among women like Slemp who lack a college degree: The gap in employment rates between mothers who have a four-year degree and those who don’t has only grown.

For mothers without college degrees, a day without work is often a day without pay. They are less likely to have paid leave . And when they face an interruption in child care arrangements, an adult in the family is far more likely to take unpaid time off or to be forced to leave a job altogether, according to an analysis of Census survey data by The Associated Press in partnership with the Education Reporting Collaborative.

In interviews, mothers across the country shared how the seemingly endless search for child care, and its expense, left them feeling defeated. It pushed them off career tracks, robbed them of a sense of purpose, and put them in financial distress.

Women like Slemp challenge the image of the stay-at-home mom as an affluent woman with a high-earning partner, said Jessica Calarco, a sociologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

“The stay-at-home moms in this country are disproportionately mothers who’ve been pushed out of the workforce because they don’t make enough to make it work financially to pay for child care,” Calarco said.

Her own research indicates three-quarters of stay-at-home moms live in households with incomes less than $50,000, and half have household incomes of less than $25,000.

Still, the high cost of child care has upended the careers of even those with college degrees.

When Jane Roberts gave birth in November, she and her husband, both teachers, quickly realized sending baby Dennis to day care was out of the question. It was too costly, and they worried about finding a quality provider in their hometown of Pocatello, Idaho.

The school district has no paid medical or parental leave , so Roberts exhausted her sick leave and personal days to stay home with Dennis. In March, she returned to work and husband Mike took leave. By the end of the school year, they’ll have missed out on a combined nine weeks of pay. To make ends meet, they’ve borrowed money against Jane’s life insurance policy.

In the fall, Roberts won’t return to teaching. The decision was wrenching. “I’ve devoted my entire adult life to this profession,” she said.

For low- and middle-income women who do find child care, the expense can become overwhelming. The Department of Health and Human Services has defined “affordable” child care as an arrangement that costs no more than 7% of a household budget. But a Labor Department study found fewer than 50 American counties where a family earning the median household income could obtain child care at an “ affordable ” price.

There’s also a connection between the cost of child care and the number of mothers working: a 10% increase in the median price of child care was associated with a 1% drop in the maternal workforce , the Labor Department found.

In Birmingham, Alabama, single mother Adriane Burnett takes home about $2,800 a month as a customer service representative for a manufacturing company. She spends more than a third of that on care for her 3-year-old.

In October, that child aged out of a program that qualified the family of three for child care subsidies. So she took on more work, delivering food for DoorDash and Uber Eats. To make the deliveries possible, her 14-year-old has to babysit.

Even so, Burnett had to file for bankruptcy and forfeit her car because she was behind on payments. She is borrowing her father’s car to continue her delivery gigs. The financial stress and guilt over missing time with her kids have affected her health, Burnett said. She has had panic attacks and has fainted at work.

“My kids need me,” Burnett said, “but I also have to work.”

Even for parents who can afford child care, searching for it — and paying for it — consumes reams of time and energy.

When Daizha Rioland was five months pregnant with her first child, she posted in a Facebook group for Dallas moms that she was looking for child care. Several warned she was already behind if she wasn’t on any wait lists. Rioland, who has a bachelor’s degree and works in communications for a nonprofit, wanted a racially diverse program with a strong curriculum.

While her daughter remained on wait lists, Rioland’s parents stepped in to care for her. Finally, her daughter reached the top of a waiting list — at 18 months old. The tuition was so high she could only attend part-time. Rioland got her second daughter on waiting lists long before she was born, and she now attends a center Rioland trusts.

“I’ve grown up in Dallas. I see what happens when you’re not afforded the luxury of high-quality education,” said Rioland, who is Black. “For my daughters, that’s not going to be the case.”

Slemp still sometimes wonders how she ended up staying at home with her son – time she cherishes but also finds disorienting. She thought she was doing well. After stints at a water park and a call center, her state job seemed like a step toward financial stability. How could it be so hard to maintain her career, when everything seemed to be going right?

“Our country is doing nothing to try to help fill that gap ,” Slemp said. As a parent, “we’re supposed to keep the population going, and they’re not giving us a chance to provide for our kids to be able to do that.”

Carly Flandro of Idaho Education News, Valeria Olivares of The Dallas Morning News and Alaina Bookman of AL.com contributed to this report. Balingit reported from Washington, D.C., and Lurye from New Orleans.

The Associated Press’ education coverage receives financial support from multiple private foundations. AP is solely responsible for all content. Find AP’s standards for working with philanthropies, a list of supporters and funded coverage areas at AP.org .

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.


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