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  • Rabbit Essay


Essay on Rabbit

Found almost in all parts of the world, rabbits are animals that come under the class of mammals. They are considered extremely cute for their appearance. In a rabbit essay, it is important to mention that the most attractive thing about them is their soft body and behaviour. They are extremely careful animals and can sense danger easily. Read on to get more information on Rabbit.

Physical Features, Habits & Habitat - In An Essay on Rabbit

Rabbits are kept as pets by many. A rabbit essay should highlight that they are extremely loyal to their masters. This playful mammal is known to make a beautiful bond with their masters very quickly. Training rabbits is very easy. In a Rabbit essay in English, we should highlight that they love to play with toys when kept as pets.

Rabbits show signs of depression when confined in a small cage with no toys. They also are famous for hopping and exercising in order to stay fit and fine. There are 305 known species of domestic rabbits while 13 non-species of wild rabbits in the world.

In a rabbit essay in English, we should mention that rabbits are grazing animals. They love to feed on fresh carrots and other vegetables or fruits. They also graze on fresh green grass and vegetation.

In an essay on rabbits, we should highlight that they are very careful when they roam about in an open area. Rabbits are blessed with sharp vision and hearing. They can see and sense danger from a great distance. Rabbits have long ears. In a rabbit topic, it is important to highlight that their eyes can move 360 degrees in order to detect danger. They make holes in the ground and stay there to protect themselves from danger. When a predator chases them, they start running in a zigzag pattern to make the predator tired. These holes are called burrows.

Rabbits have thick fur on their body. The hind legs of rabbits are stronger and larger than their forelegs. They have two sets of incisors, one behind the other. Rabbits tend to lose their hair regularly and hence should be brushed and removed to avoid hairballs being formed in their stomach. The teeth and nails of rabbits never cease to grow and need to be trimmed in case you are domesticating them. They should be fed frequently.

In a rabbit essay in English, it is important to highlight that carnivorous and omnivorous animals are predators to rabbits. Foxes, snakes, bears, tigers, and lions are a few of the predators. Human beings also kill these animals for their flesh.

10 Lines on Rabbit in English

Rabbits usually prefer to live in groups. A group of rabbits is known as a warren. 

A male rabbit is called a buck. A female rabbit is called a doe. The young ones of the rabbit are called kittens. 

The gestation period of a female rabbit is about one month and they can give birth to about 12 kittens at a time. 

Rabbits are also known by the name of the ‘bunny’. 

The average lifespan of rabbits is up to 10 years. 

Rabbits are considered to be a symbol of fertility and rebirth. Hence, they are associated with spring and Easter and are known as Easter bunnies. 

In Japanese folklore, rabbits are considered to live on the moon making rice cakes!

Rabbits are extremely vulnerable animals. They need more attention than any other pets. 

Due to their soft and friendly nature, they make great companions for humans.

 Rabbits feed on hay/grass and other leafy vegetables. Root vegetables like carrots should be given to them in small quantities as they contain high sugar.

So, that’s all for an essay on rabbits. The soft, furry animal is only to be befriended and loved and not killed for meat.

Rabbit Essay for Kids - A Few Lines on Rabbit for Class 2

Rabbits also popularly known as bunnies are vulnerable, small mammals. They are often kept as pets but in that case, extreme care is needed for them. In a short essay on rabbits, it’s important to mention that they are herbivorous and usually feed on green grass and vegetation. Domesticated rabbits feed on vegetables and especially carrots.

They are found in almost all parts of the world except for Antarctica. They love to play with their masters and with toys. They show signs of depression when kept in captivity without toys. If we were to write five lines on rabbit in English we must mention that-

Rabbits are playful and very loyal to their masters.

They have a sharp sense of hearing and eyesight. 

They have long ears which can detect danger from a long distance. 

In the wild, rabbits dig holes called burrows in the ground and live inside them. 

Rabbits purr like cats when happy.

Rabbit And Its Habitat

Rabbits are little mammals with short, fluffy tails, whiskers, and long ears. There are over 30 species in the world, and while they exist in a variety of settings, they share many characteristics. Rabbits are known for their insatiable reproductive habits for good reason. They breed three to four times each year. Rabbits need a safe environment and protection from hazards, whether they live inside or outside the house. The milk of rabbits is highly nutritious and among the richest of all mammals. The young grow rapidly and most are weaned in about a month.

Physical Characteristics of Rabbits

Some rabbits are the size of a cat, while others can reach the size of a small child. Physically, all wild rabbits are similar. Their ears are long, their bodies are egg-shaped, and their hind legs are robust. They are prey animals, and their instincts are to recognise and flee danger before it notices them. Adults can be as small as 8 inches long and 4 kilograms heavy, or as large as 20 inches long and 2 kilograms heavy. Their colour is typically a blend of brown and grey tones.

Eating Habits of Rabbits

Rabbits eat only plants as they are herbivorous Blue. They have a plant-based diet and do not consume meat. Grass, clover, and cruciferous veggies like broccoli and Brussels sprouts make up part of their diet. Fruits, seeds, roots, buds, and tree bark are all eaten by these opportunistic eaters.

Social Behaviour of Rabbits

Rabbits can live in warrens, which are compact communities made up of multiple burrows. If a rabbit sees a predator close to its home base, it will stop and thump the ground with its hind leg, alerting the warren to the danger. They also reproduce at an astonishingly quick rate. Rabbits, without any type of predation or population control, can swiftly degrade their environment. At four to five weeks old, they are self-sufficient, and after two to three months, they are sexually mature.

Some Incredible Rabbit Facts!

 A rabbit can’t vomit, A rabbit can see nearly 360 degrees around him.

 Rabbits live in underground tunnels called warrens.

 Rabbits can jump nearly 10 feet in a long jump.

A rabbit’s teeth grow throughout its lifetime.

The kit is a baby rabbit, a doe is a female rabbit, and a buck is a male rabbit.

Rabbits are highly gregarious creatures that prefer to live in groups.

The teeth of a rabbit never stop growing.

When rabbits are joyful, they undertake an athletic leap known as a 'binky,' in which they twist and kick in mid-air.

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FAQs on Rabbit Essay

1. Why do rabbits dig holes for them?

Bunnies create sleeping holes in the ground. When it's time to hunt for food, they emerge from their snug burrows. For many rabbits, holes serve as safe havens. If a rabbit is afraid of a predator, he may retire to his burrow to avoid detection. Cats, owls, foxes, weasels, and even humans are some of the most common rabbit predators. Because rabbit burrows provide such a safe environment, mothers give birth to their young inside them and use them as dens.

2. How should be the rating area of rabbits?

It is recommended that the resting area be as large as feasible. At the very least big enough for your rabbit to lie down and stretch out in all directions comfortably high enough for it to stand up fully stretched on its back legs without its ears hitting the top long enough for it to walk around, feed, and drink.  A darkened sheltered area for sleeping away from the noise and another for eating/relaxing. The resting area should ideally be permanent.

3. What type of ventilation and temperature is required for pet rabbits?

Rabbits should be shielded from inclement weather, as well as direct sunshine and temperature changes. This includes your rabbit's dwelling quarters as well as his or her run. If there is ample ventilation outside, a cover, blanket, or piece of old carpet or other insulation material could provide additional protection on chilly nights. Indoors, a rabbit's living quarters should be in a cool environment, away from direct sunlight and draughts, as well as radiators (which can cause overheating in rabbits) and loud noises.

4. How do rabbits behave when they are in danger?

When a rabbit is in danger, it will use its shape to get away from it. This necessitates the animal sitting stationary at moments and running at other times. Whatever they chose is likely to alter as the rabbit is hunted, however, this is dependent on the animal's current needs.

When rabbits need to flee from predators, they hop by bounds, moving fast over terrain. When necessary, they can also freeze in place. This can lead to the chase failing and the animal being released for another day.

5. What kind of animal is a rabbit?

What you need to know is the rabbit species you're talking about. Depending on the rabbit you're talking about, it can belong to a variety of distinct species. The majority of rabbits are members of the Oryctolagus cuniculus genus, which includes most pet species as well as the European wild rabbit. To know more about this animal, visit Vedantu and find out what the experts have to say.

10 Lines on Rabbit

A rabbit is a small mammal with long ears which can be seen in the fields which are close to the jungle. Rabbits are found in different parts of the world. They live in burrows which are made inside the ground. During daytime they come on the ground to graze the grass and jump from one end to another. They are always alert from their predators while grazing in the field. When a predator chases a rabbit, it starts running in zig-zag pattern in order to make their predator tired.

Rabbits are also considered as good pets to humans just like cats and dogs. There is a perception that rabbits eat carrot but this is wrong, a rabbit mainly feeds grass, leaves and plants.

Ten Lines on Rabbit in English

We have provided 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on rabbit in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. After reading these lines you will know that what is a rabbit, how a rabbit looks, what a rabbit popularly called as, where the two eyes of rabbit are located, how many and in what condition legs of a rabbit have, what a rabbit eats, why rabbits are seen on the fields, how the eyes of rabbits work.

You can add these lines in your essays and paragraph writing in your exam as well as in the school competition. It will also enhance your knowledge on this small animal and the information can be used in putting on your notice board under the topic ‘Facts about Rabbit’, or to write short essay on rabbit, few lines on rabbit or simple sentences about rabbit etc. It could also be used if you have been given a topic to write essay on my favourite animal or my pet.

1) A rabbit is a small animal with long ears.

2) It is popularly called as “Bunny”.

3) The shape of a rabbit is like an egg with small neck and head.

4) Rabbits have thick fur on their skin.

5) Rabbits have two eyes on the side of their head.

6) Eyes of a rabbit are for safety which can move 360 degrees.

7) Rabbits have four short but powerful legs.

8) Rabbits can jump very far because of its legs.

9) Rabbit is a herbivores animal, it eats grass, leaves, fruits, vegetables etc.

10) Rabbits usually graze in the fields for long time.

10 Lines and Sentences on Rabbit

1) Rabbits are found in almost all parts of the world except Antarctica.

2) There are 50 different species of rabbits which are known to the world.

3) A male rabbit is called as a “buck” whereas “doe” is the female rabbit.

4) The offspring of a rabbit is called as a “kit”.

5) Generally, a female rabbit gives birth to 12 to 13 kits at a time.

6) Generally, the life of a rabbit is up to 10 to 13 years.

7) Rabbits depend upon their eyesight to detect its predators in the surrounding.

8) In order to protect themselves, rabbits dig burrows inside the ground.

9) Rabbits are very active from daytime to the evening.

10) Rabbits are best prey of most of the flesh-eating animals like cats, dogs, birds etc.

5 Lines on Rabbit

1)  Rabbit is an attractive and cute creature.

2) They have a soft and furry body.

3) They are of different colors.

4) They are small in size.

5) They live in burrows.

10 Lines on Rabbit

20 Lines on Rabbit

1) Rabbits are small animals belonging to the family Leporidae, which in Latin means – resembling hares.

2) All over the world there are 305 species of domestic rabbits and 13 species of wild rabbits.

3) Male rabbits are called “bucks”; females are called “Does” and the young ones are called “Kittens”.

4) Rabbits were considered rodents till the year 1912, after which they moved to order “Lagomorpha”.

5) Rabbits have been domesticated since long and kept as livestock for food and fur.

6) Various species of rabbits come in different sizes; from dwarf rabbits to giant sized rabbits.

7) A rabbit has the ability to swallow food and at the same time smell its predator through the nose.

8) Rabbits have two sets of incisor teeth; one behind the other.

9) Agility and speed are rabbit’s prime defenses against its predators.

10) The hind legs of rabbits are larger and have stronger muscles than their forelegs.

11) Rabbits are particularly clean animals and could be trained to respond to calls and sit on lap etc.

12) Rabbits can have multiple litters in a year with nine to ten kittens in every litter.

13) Rabbits are very specific about places and they have a particular, feeding, resting or bathroom place.

14) Rabbits are crepuscular, meaning they are more active at dusk and at dawn.

15) Rabbits lose their hairs regularly and must be brushed to avoid forming hair balls in their stomach.

16) Rabbits also show signs of boredom and depression when confined in a small cage with no toys.

17) Teeth and nails of a rabbit never cease to grow and must be cared for to avoid any complications.

18) Domesticated rabbits must be always kept inside in order to save them from preying predators.

19) Rabbits eat their own nutrients rich first droppings to meet their nutritional requirement.

20) Rabbits are herbivorous, having a plant based diet and do not eat meat at all.

Rabbits are very innocent animals and are very social also. They live in group and have a large family. Rabbit is a favourite and common prey for other predators like dogs, cats, birds, and other wild animals. Predators feel very easy to kill a rabbit and eat it but rabbits are fast and a clever runner which makes their hunting difficult. A cartoon series known as “Bugs Bunny” was made by “Warner Brothers” where “Bugs” is a character which is a rabbit and he is fond of eating carrots.

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Essay on Rabbit | My Pet Rabbit Essay in English for Students

January 3, 2021 by Sandeep

Essay on Rabbit: Bunnies are domestic animals reared on farms and found in forests. They dig small burrows in the ground to hide from their predators. They love to eat grasses and carrots. They have two eyes and ears, four legs, a tail and covered with soft fur type of hair all over the body. They appear in different colours such as black, brown and white apart from mixed varieties. They have a life span of 8 to 10 years.

Essay on Rabbit 200 Words in English

Below we have provided Rabbit Essay in English, suitable for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 school students.

“Animals are such agreeable friends- They ask no questions, they pass no criticisms.” ~ Eliot

Pets are a part of our everyday lives. They are an integral part of our families. They not only offer us their companionship but also provide us emotional support and strength. They bring joy and happiness to our lives, and we must treasure these adorable creatures.

Rabbit – My Favourite Pet

Out of all the animals, I am fascinated by rabbits. These small mammals having long ears are mostly seen hopping around the fields. There are numerous species of rabbits all across the world. Their thick fur makes them appear adorable.

Rabbits have always been good pets for humans. I have a pet rabbit named Luna. She is a white bunny who has light brown patches near her ears. She has blue eyes and a pink nose. Luna is a furball who loves to eat carrots. Her favourite spot to relax is in our garden.

My Pet Rabbit Essay

Luna loves to play with me. Whenever she sees me, she gets excited and runs around me. Sometimes, I take her to the nearby park. She races around the flower patch. Witnessing her enjoying in the park makes me so happy.

I never get lonely or bored around her. When I call her name, she responds funnily. All of my family members adore her. And she is my favourite pet in this entire world. I love Luna, and I look forward to creating many more happy memories with her.

Rabbits are amazing animals. Their crafty nature and innocent gestures are bound to draw everyone’s attention. We must ensure these wonderful beings stay in a safe and protected environment.

10 Lines on Rabbit in English

  • A rabbit is a small mammal.
  • It has long ears and big round eyes.
  • Rabbits are four-legged animals.
  • Their powerful legs enable them to jump very far.
  • They have thick fur on their skin.
  • Most of their species are found in South America.
  • They can be found in shades of white, black, or brown.
  • Rabbits are herbivores.
  • They eat grass, fruits, and leafy vegetables.
  • I have an adorable pet rabbit named Bunny.
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Rabbit Facts & Worksheets

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Table of Contents

Rabbits are mammals that belong to the Lagomorph order that also includes hares and pikas (Lagomorph means ‘hare-shaped’). There are over 45 different breeds of rabbits and one common misconception is that rabbits are rodents because they have incisor teeth that continually grow. Keep reading for more rabbit facts and information.

Facts about Rabbits

  • Rabbits are small mammals that belong to the family Leporidae .
  • Until 1912, rabbits and hares were formerly classified in the order Rodentia (rodent). They were then moved into a new order called Lagomorpha , which also includes pikas.
  • There are over 300 breeds of the domestic rabbit and 13 wild rabbit species, among which are seven types of a cottontail rabbit.
  • Rabbits are commonly called bunnies or bunny rabbits 
  • There are over 300 breeds of domestic rabbits.
  • Rabbits are a popular choice of pet for many families. They are regarded as highly intelligent, inquisitive animals. 
  • Rabbits can be called by other names. An old 18th century word for an adult rabbit is a coney. It is derived from the Dutch word for a rabbit, which is “konijn”.
  • An informal name for a rabbit is a bunny, and is most often used by small children.

Anatomy and Senses

  • Rabbits have large hind leg bones and strong leg muscles which give them speed and agility as defenses against predators. 
  • Rabbits use their strong claws for digging. They will also use their claws and teeth for defense against predators and when fighting with other rabbits.
  • Each front foot has four toes plus a dewclaw.
  • Each hind foot has four toes but no dewclaw.
  • Rabbit’s ears are typically long as they are primarily used to detect and avoid predators.
  • Rabbits wiggle their noses often, which not only helps to draw air in to fill the lungs but also helps them to differentiate the tiny trace of chemical molecules or pheromones in the air to detect danger, identify friends, or potential mates.
  • Because rabbits are vulnerable to predators, they have evolved so that their eyes sit wide and high in their skulls. This provides an almost 360-degree field of vision. There is a small blind spot at the bridge of the nose.
  • Rabbit’s teeth have open roots that enable them to grow constantly.

Diet and Digestion

  • Rabbits are herbivores that feed by grazing on grass and other leafy plants and flowers. 
  • Rabbits graze rapidly for roughly the first half-hour of a grazing period, followed by about half an hour of more selective feeding.
  • Their diet contains large amounts of cellulose from plant cells, which is hard to digest. 
  • Rabbits solve this problem through a form of hindgut fermentation.
  • They pass two distinct types of feces: hard droppings and soft black viscous pellets which are immediately eaten.
  • Rabbits eat their soft droppings again to digest their food further and extract sufficient nutrients.
  • Hard pellets are made up of hay-like fragments of plant cuticle and stalk, being the final waste product after the redigestion of soft pellets. 
  • These are only released outside the burrow and are not eaten again. 
  • Because rabbits cannot vomit, if buildup occurs in the intestines (due often to a diet with insufficient fiber), intestinal blockage can occur.


  • A female rabbit is called a doe, a male rabbit is called a buck, and baby rabbits are called kits.
  • A female rabbit generally reaches sexual maturity at 3 to 8 months old and can conceive at any time of the year for the duration of her life. 
  • A rabbit’s gestation period ranges from 28 to 36 days with an average period of 31 days. 
  • The size of a single litter can range from four to 12 kits allowing a female to deliver up to 60 new kits a year. 
  • After birth, the female can become pregnant again as early as the next day. This is because the act of mating causes the doe to release eggs, which will then be fertilized.
  • Rabbits are typically good mothers and look after their babies well. The babies burrow to the bottom of the nest where they spend a lot of time sleeping unless the doe wakes them up for feeding.
  • Baby rabbits will usually stay with their mother. They will nurse mill for four to eight weeks before weaning onto grass.

Rabbit Products and Uses

  • As livestock, rabbits are bred for their meat and fur.
  • The earliest breeds of rabbits were important sources of meat, and so became larger than wild rabbits.
  • Rabbit meat is sweet and lean and is considered one of the ultimate healthy foods as it is low in fat and cholesterol, as well as high in protein.
  • Rabbit fur, prized for its softness, can be found in a broad range of colors and patterns, as well as lengths. 
  • The Angora rabbit breed was developed for its long, silky fur, which is often hand-spun into yarn. 
  • Other domestic rabbit breeds have been developed primarily for the commercial fur trade.
  • In addition, rabbits are useful for their nitrogen-rich manure and their high-protein milk.
  • Rabbit hides can be crafted into hats, gloves, blankets and bedspreads, toys, pillow covers, baby booties, and more. 
  • It’s an exceptionally warm garment lining for people who spend long periods in intense cold, such as hunters, farmers, ranchers, and construction workers.

Rabbits and Humans

  • Rabbits are often used as a symbol of fertility or rebirth, as in spring, and have long been associated with Easter, as the Easter Bunny. 
  • Rabbit is, in many areas of the world, a part of daily life — like food, clothing, a companion, and a source of artistic inspiration.
  • In the Chinese New Year, the zodiacal rabbit is one of the twelve celestial animals in the  Chinese zodiac.
  • A rabbit’s foot is believed to bring good luck and protection. This belief is found in many parts of the world, with the earliest use being recorded in Europe c. 600 BC.
  • Rabbits with human characteristics have appeared both in film and literature, for example, in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Peter Rabbit stories written by Beatrix Potter, and Bugs Bunny cartoons.
  • Coney Island likely got its name from the fact that it used to have a big wild population of rabbits.

Rabbit Worksheets

This bundle contains 10 ready-to-use Rabbit Worksheets  that are perfect for students who want to learn more about Rabbits which are mammals that belong to the Lagomorph order that also includes hares and pikas.

Download includes the following worksheets

  • Rabbit Facts
  • Rabbit Monikers
  • The King of Rabbits
  • Rabbit Breeds
  • Long-Haired Bunny Match-up
  • Show Bunny Art
  • Bunny Folklore
  • Rabbit Warren
  • Rabbits are Crepuscular
  • Bunny Bookmark

Frequently Asked Questions

Are rabbits a good pet.

Rabbits are affectionate and social pets. They can be great house pets if you take the time to socialize them and learn about their basic body language. Rabbits do however require a lot more care than people typically expect.

What is unusual about rabbit teeth?

Rabbits’ teeth have a unique feature that enables them to grow constantly. The top front teeth can grow at a rate of 3mm a week.

Do rabbits eat their babies?

Rabbits can sometimes eat their own young. This is most likely to happen if a pet is feeling particularly anxious, lacks dietary protein, or has become excessively territorial.

Do rabbits play?

Rabbits perform an athletic leap, known as a ‘binky’ when they’re happy,  performing twists and kicks in mid-air.

What are rabbits famous for?

Rabbits are known for their insatiable reproductive habits. They breed three to four times each year because only about 15 percent of baby rabbits make it to their first birthday.

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Essay on My Pet Rabbit

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Pet Rabbit in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Pet Rabbit


I have a pet rabbit named Fluffy. He is white with long, soft fur and bright, twinkling eyes. Fluffy is not just a pet but a member of our family.

Fluffy’s Habits

Fluffy loves eating carrots and fresh vegetables. He is very playful and enjoys running around the garden. His favorite activity is hopping and digging holes.

Importance of Fluffy

Fluffy has taught me responsibility and compassion. Taking care of him requires time and patience. He has become my best friend, always there to cheer me up.

Having a pet rabbit is a joy. Fluffy brings happiness and love into our lives.

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250 Words Essay on My Pet Rabbit

My pet rabbit, affectionately named Thumper, is a critical part of my life, offering companionship and a unique perspective on the natural world. Thumper’s presence enriches my life in numerous ways, from the joy of his antics to the lessons he imparts about responsibility and empathy.

Physical Description

Thumper is a Netherland Dwarf rabbit, a breed known for its small size and distinctive features. His fur, a mesmerizing blend of white and grey, feels like a cloud under my fingers. His eyes, dark and inquisitive, are windows into a world that dances to a different rhythm than ours.

Behavior and Personality

Thumper’s behavior is a blend of curiosity and caution. He explores his surroundings with an insatiable curiosity, sniffing every corner and thumping his hind leg when something intrigues or frightens him. Despite his adventurous spirit, Thumper maintains a cautious demeanor, a testament to his species’ prey status in the wild.

Lessons Learned

Caring for Thumper has been a lesson in responsibility and empathy. The need to provide for his physical needs, such as food and shelter, has taught me the importance of consistency and commitment. Simultaneously, understanding his emotional needs has deepened my empathy, as I have learned to interpret his non-verbal cues and respond to his feelings.

In conclusion, Thumper, my pet rabbit, is more than just an animal companion. He is a teacher, a window into the natural world, and a constant reminder of the empathy and responsibility required to care for another life. The bond we share is a testament to the profound connections that can exist between humans and animals, transcending our differences and enriching our lives in the process.

500 Words Essay on My Pet Rabbit

Pets can play a significant role in our lives, offering companionship, love, and a sense of responsibility. Among the myriad of pets one could choose, rabbits hold a special place for their unique characteristics. My pet rabbit, Thumper, has become an integral part of my life, teaching me valuable lessons about care, empathy, and the complexity of animal behaviors.

The Arrival of Thumper

I was introduced to Thumper during my freshman year of college. The transition to college life was challenging, and Thumper served as an emotional anchor, providing stability and comfort. The process of adopting and acclimating Thumper to his new home was an enlightening experience. It taught me the importance of patience and understanding, as rabbits, like humans, need time to adapt to new environments.

Understanding Rabbit Behavior

Rabbits are complex creatures with a wide range of behaviors and emotions. They are prey animals and hence can be skittish and reserved. Thumper initially exhibited such traits. However, with time and consistent positive interactions, he became more comfortable and trusting. This transformation highlighted the importance of nurturing and positive reinforcement in shaping behavior, a principle that applies to humans as well.

The Importance of Responsibility

Owning a pet rabbit is not just about cuddling and playing. It comes with a significant amount of responsibility. Thumper requires a balanced diet of hay, fresh vegetables, and rabbit pellets. His living area needs regular cleaning, and his health requires constant monitoring. This responsibility has instilled in me a sense of accountability and time management, skills essential for my academic and personal life.

Thumper’s Impact on My Mental Health

Amid the stress of college life, Thumper’s presence has been a source of solace. Studies have shown that interacting with pets can reduce stress and anxiety. Thumper’s calm demeanor and playful antics provide a welcome distraction from academic pressures, promoting mental well-being. He serves as a reminder of the importance of taking time for relaxation and enjoyment amidst our busy schedules.

In conclusion, my pet rabbit Thumper has been more than just a companion. He has been a teacher, imparting lessons on responsibility, empathy, and the importance of mental health. The experience of caring for Thumper has enriched my college life, providing me with insights that extend beyond textbooks and classrooms. As I navigate through my academic journey, Thumper continues to be a source of joy and learning, embodying the profound impact that pets can have on our lives.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

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Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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Essay on My Pet-Rabbit

rabbit essay for grade 4

I have a pet rabbit. Her name is Bunny. She is very cute. She plays with me. She hopes when she is happy. We play a running race. She runs very fast and wins.

She loves to eat carrots. I keep her in a big and beautiful basket. Every morning when I get up, I run to the basket to greet my bunny. When I call her she shakes her ears and looks at me with her beautiful eyes. I love my pet rabbit very much.

Speech on: My Pet-Rabbit

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rabbit essay for grade 4

Essay: Rabbit & Tortoise

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Essay on Rabbit

A rabbit is a little mammal with protruding ears that is common in areas next to jungles. All around the world, rabbits can be found. They occupy underground burrows where they reside. They descend down to the ground during the day to jump from one end of the grass to the other and graze.  Even when they are grazing in the field, they are constantly on the lookout for predators. A rabbit will start sprinting in a zigzag manner while a predator is after it to exhaust the predator. Similar to cats and dogs, rabbits are regarded as good pets by humans. It’s a common misconception that rabbits consume carrots, but in reality, they primarily eat grass, leaves, and plants. Rabbits are little animals that can be found all over the planet, with the exception of Antarctica. Rabbits typically reside in big groups called “warrens” in underground burrows. Due to their gregarious nature, when they sense another rabbit thumping, they immediately jump. To keep themselves sanitary and free of illnesses, rabbits should be groomed every day. Care must be made to prevent any issues because a rabbit’s teeth and nails never stop growing. Rabbits have keen hearing and will also freeze when threatened. The terms “Bucks” and “Doe” are used to refer to male and female rabbits, respectively.

Essay on Tortoise

The tortoise is an animal that inhabits both land and water. There are around 225 different turtle species around the globe. The species of land and aquatic turtles are distinct from one another. In India, ponds and rivers are the main habitats for turtles. Large turtles can be found in the water. They are hard to distinguish on the ground because of their body, which resembles a stone. Turtles may move in and out of their long neck and four legs. Tortoises prefer to dwell in warm environments since they have chilly blood. They are members of the turtle family and are widespread around the world. With a lifespan of up to 100 to 150 years, turtles are the world’s longest-living mammals. Their habit of living on the ground is well known, and they are regarded to escape within their shells in the event of danger. Their origin can be identified by noticing the color of their shell.

Turtles spend most of their time in the water, whereas tortoises spend the majority of their time on land. Tortoises have an exoskeleton as well as an endoskeleton. The shells of tortoises situated in warm and hot climates are lighter. Tortoises situated in colder climates, on the other hand, have thicker, darker shells. Given their high tolerance for carbon dioxide, one of the remarkable facts about tortoises is that they exhale when they enter their shell. Since they have chilly blood, they want a warm setting. The tortoise’s rigid but sensitive shell allows it to feel every touch, rubbing, and scratch. Even when there is a male tortoise around, the female can still lay eggs.

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Synctech Learn: Helping Students in, Nibandh,10 lines essays

10 lines on Rabbit in English - Short essay on Rabbit - Few lines on Rabbit

Today, we are sharing ten lines essay on Rabbit . This article can help the students who are looking for information about Rabbit in English . This essay is very simple and easy to remember. The level of this essay is moderate so any students can write on this topic. This article is generally useful for class 1, class 2, and class 3 .

Few lines on Rabbit in English

10 lines on Rabbit in English

  • Rabbit is a herbivorous animal.
  • Rabbits are very agile.
  • Rabbits are found all over the world.
  • Rabbits mostly live in forests but they are also reared in homes.
  • The rabbit has four legs, two big ears, two big eyes, and a small tail.
  • Rabbits can hear even the smallest sound with the help of their big ears.
  • Their entire body is covered with soft hair.
  • There are many species of rabbit and it is found in different colors like white, brown, and black.
  • Their average age is ten years.
  • A female rabbit gives birth to 7 to 10 babies at a time.

rabbit essay for grade 4

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Poems: The Rabbit

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The first four lessons of the rabbit and the turtle get students creating language, writing sentences with that language, discovering parts of speech from their sentences, and then writing a story with the vocabulary the whole class has generated., these lessons are great for any teacher because they fill the hours the class is together with valuable activities. …, … the lessons:, to the teacher: click on any lesson to begin. each lesson has a pdf with all essential handouts and there are videos too of teacher talk and student activities. i hope these lessons are of use. enjoy: … …, … lesson one: using venn diagrams to create language, ….

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My Favourite Animal – 10 Lines, Short & Long Essay For Kids

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Key Points To Remember: Essay On ‘My Favourite Animal’ For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines: ‘my favourite animal’ in english, a paragraph on ‘my favourite animal’ for children, short essay on ‘my favourite animal: dog’ for kids, essay on ‘my favourite animal: cat’, essay on ‘my favourite animal: elephant’, essay on ‘my favourite animal: horse’, essay on ‘my favourite animal: cow’, essay on ‘my favourite animal: tiger’, what will your child learn from this essay.

Essay writing allows children to develop their creative thinking skills and express themselves better! It also helps them improve their writing skills by teaching them proper grammar and punctuation. This article explains how to write an essay on ‘my favourite animal’ for classes 1, 2, and 3. Children adore animals because they make excellent playmates. They, too, show their affection for children in various ways, making any child love them. You can use the suggestions to write an excellent ‘my favourite animal’ essay in English. Kids can talk about activities they like seeing their favourite animals doing and their physical attributes.

Essay writing is fun, but lack of knowledge of its structure and presentation may confuse the kids. All of us have a favourite animal, but the children may find it difficult to present it in words. If you’re stuck trying to figure out how to write this essay, you can follow the points mentioned below:

  • Start by giving a brief introduction about animals.
  • Mention your favourite animal and describe its features.
  • Give reasons as to why are they your favourite animal.
  • Conclude by giving a summary of the essay.

Children adore animals, and if they can, they bring them home as their pets. It is always a joy for the kids to write about their favourite animals they love dearly. Following are 10 lines that can act as a guide to writing an essay for classes 1 and 3 on the topic of ‘my favourite animal: dog’:

  • My favourite animal is a dog.
  • Dogs are the most loyal creatures.
  • I have a dog as my pet named Bruno.
  • He is a cute little white Pomeranian.
  • He is 2 years old, and we got him from a pet shop.
  • He is very playful and friendly.
  • After I return home from school, he runs toward me, wagging his tail.
  • He loves going on walks.
  • On Sundays and holidays, we play lots of games together.
  • He makes me happy.
  • I love Bruno a lot.

Many people love cats, so they are the most common pet in today’s household. If your kid has been asked to write a short paragraph on my ‘favourite animal: cat’, this essay will guide you:

For me, my favourite animal is the cat because they are so cute and make adorable pets. Bella is the name of my pet cat, and I love her white and black fur, small paws, tiny claws, and a cute little tail. Bella was a stray cat we adopted when she was just three months old. Bella does not want much attention, but she enjoys being around us. She enjoys all types of fish, and her favourite is tuna. She is either in bed or spends the entire day lying on the couch. Her way of expressing affection is unique.

Dogs are well-known for their loyalty, making them kids’ favourites. This short essay on the topic of my favourite animal dog will help children learn how to write an essay for class 3:

My favourite animal is a dog. Dogs are known for their friendliness and loyalty, and nothing can beat a dog’s devotion to their master. These are furry creatures found in various species, such as German shepherds, Pomeranians, Labradors, and others. Even I have a pet dog whose name is Rocky, and he is a German Shepherd with golden brown fur. He enjoys being around us and is extremely friendly. When I take him for a walk, that is his favourite time of day. He enjoys meeting new people and barks at other dogs he sees in the park. We adopted him when he was five months old and he is now four years old. He tries to keep us safe and never harms us.

Cats are small creatures that humans love. They come in a variety of colours, including white, black, and brown, and their small twinkling eyes make us adore them even more. Cats are known for their dislike of human contact, but they do show affection in other ways. Lucy is the name of my cat. She enjoys eating fish, meat, mashed eggs, and many other foods. When I get home from school, she rushes up to me and starts licking my hands. She recognises my sad mood and continues to sit beside me as if she is offering me support. We play on weekends and holidays, and she has a great time.

Elephants may appear to be enormous, but they are completely harmless. They have a playful nature; I have seen them in movies and videos splashing water from their trunks. The relationship between humans and elephants has been well known for a long time. Films have also been made about them, such as Haathi Mere Saathi. I have often seen the small and adorable baby elephants running around and playing in the zoo. Elephants eat plants, leaves, fruits, etc. Elephants are some of the most intelligent creatures on Earth.

Horses are extremely powerful and swift. Despite their thin legs, they are well-known for their running speed and are frequently used in horse races. Horses are obedient and friendly. Most of us have probably seen a horse in the hilly areas where they transport people from one location to another, and soldiers previously used them to fight in wars. Horses are herbivores that eat mostly grass. They can become extremely loyal to their master if properly trained. A horse’s average lifespan is 25-30 years. However, it may differ depending on their living circumstances. I once went to a horse race and witnessed them galloping with all their might. They are also among the most beautiful animals due to their silky hair and tails.

In an Indian household, the importance of a cow cannot be neglected. Cows have been given the status of mother and are referred to as “Gau Mata” in Hindi. A cow in the house is a common sight in rural areas. Many households rely on cows for a living. Cows produce milk, which is high in calcium and protein. Cow’s milk is used to make various dairy products such as cheese and yoghurt. Cows are herbivores that primarily eat grass, husk, vegetables, and grains. Cow dung is known for its antibacterial properties and is used as plant fertiliser. My grandparents’ house has four cows. I play with and feed them whenever I visit them on vacation. They are gentle creatures. I have fun spending time with them.

India’s national animal is the tiger. They are large cats that are mostly orange with black stripes. They are known for their strength and are associated with the Goddess Durga. They are carnivores that feed on small animals such as deer and antelopes. They are commonly referred to as man-eaters but do not unnecessarily prey on humans. Tigers are often hunted for their skin, nails and bones. During my summer vacations, I went to Sunderbans with my family, which is home to a variety of tigers. The Sundarban National Park and Tiger Reserve India aim to protect endangered species of tigers from extinction. The Indian government is also doing a lot to protect tigers!

Animals are a very important part of our surroundings, and this favourite animal essay will teach the children about them. They are innocent creatures who need love, and this essay might make the children more empathetic towards them. They will also learn about different animals and their features.

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Essay on My Favourite Animal – Cats, Dogs, Rabbit, Horses and Turtle

February 17, 2022 by Leya 8 Comments

Table of Contents

My Favourite Animal – Essay 1


Humans are fond of animals. With some of the significant dreams in life, owning a pet is also one. Pets are not only a sense of happiness, but they also prove to be a family member.

Though there are several dangerous species, humans adopt the ones that are among the least dangerous. People train their pets. The training is given by either the owner himself or someone virtuoso. It helps them to behave as similar to humans and even to be more familiar with human life.

Let us see some of my favorite animals. Those like the animals a lot, but dogs, rabbits, and horses are my favorite ones.

My Favourite Animal – Dogs

To start the list with the most common pet which I believe in. The dog comes first. Dogs are a sense of security and love for humans. Some people opt for dogs because of their wealthy lifestyle, some to increase their security. However, for some, it is the sense of love.

My favorite animal is a dog. I love dogs because they are very loyal. They have very soft skin, and I love to move my hand on their furry body.

I still remember the day when my father gifted me with a dog. It was my 10th birthday, and on that birthday, my father gave me such a precious gift.

I like to have fun with my dog. I usually play with him, and when I am sad, he sits by my side, and that makes me happy.

Dogs have a sense of love, are food friends, and are smart investigators. Investigation Department keeps Dogs as a security agent to find a critical solution to a problem. Dogs are too smart that they catch up the things very quickly.

Dogs with intelligent power are trained and used by the police and army to smell the traces of criminals and, in the investigation, work either indoor or outdoor.

Dogs are among those rare pets who do not care for their own life when serving their master. They are ready to die in a hard situation just to save their master’s life.

When we talk about the fooding habits of Dogs, they usually love to eat meat, fruits, fish, rice, bread, and other eatables.

All these capabilities of dogs make me love them so much.

My Favourite Animal – Rabbit

My favorite animal is Rabbit. Rabbits are so beautiful that people like to keep them as their pets. For some houses, Rabbits are the center of attraction.

They have long ears, soft furry body, and twitchy noses. Rabbits also love to chew on everything. With such smallmouth and their regular chewing habits, it seems even cuter.

Their favorite fruit includes fresh vegetables, grass, and some fruits like pineapple.

When we talk about their sleeping habits, Rabbits usually sleep during day and night and are awake at the time of dawn and dusk.

My Favourite Animal – Horses

Another capable animal who is always ready to take on the fear is Horse.

We often talk about dogs when it comes to training and security. However, Horses are also capable of helping humans in those tough times.

Though horses are not as intelligent, they are as fast as the wind, in some situations. People may ride on the back of horses either to cover a certain distance or to fulfill their habits.

I love horses because there is a real example of bravery. In past times, horses were used in battles to chase the enemy or to kill them.

On the other hand, horse riding is another luxury habit nowadays. People are fond of horse riding, and they even keep them as a pet at the homes.

Love for horses will never end because of its friendly nature. It is beneficial and useful to human society. Like all other big animals, i.e., camel and elephant, horses are also used t carry loads. Horses are beautiful and brilliant creatures. Their highly bushy tails always mesmerize everyone and is a center os attention.

Horses are of many colors like white, black, brown, golden, burgundy, or a mix of any two of these. It is a tall animal and comes under the mammal category.

If you own a horse, you will realize how quick this mammal is. Horses are very aware and alert of the surroundings. In addition, when we about its power, horses have a majesty body, which is so powerful that it can even break the door within seconds.

Horses are known around the world for their sharp memory and intelligent power. Along with being a smart animal, horses are a real example of calmness. They genuinely love peace and harmony.

You ever wondered how horses are too fast! The durable and long limbs of horses help them to speed up as fast as possible and to travel distance within a short period.  Because of their strength and endurance, they are used to fight wars. We can consider them as the right worriers.

They are considered as a symbol of royalty because of their beauty,

Along with their features, god also has provided them with an add on advantage of universal shoes. These shoes help them to run on any kind of surface, i.e., either uneven or plain.

To sum up, horses are fore – footed gentle domestic animal. They can be tamed easily with polite nature.

With thousands of species around the globe, these are few which can be trained and treated a friend. It is made possible just because of the nature and intelligence power of the animal.

Humans are considered as the wonderful creatures made by god. Animals also lie in the same bracket. When tamed and treated properly, both the humans and the animals could be of great use.

However, we should be well aware of these animals. This is true that they are helpful and friendly, but sometimes, because of diseases and disorders, they may harm their master. Though this is too rare to happen, the precautions taken in advance are of great importance.

Be aware and treat well! We have got wonderful gifts from god.

My Favourite Animal – Essay 2

Here is a collection of short essays on the topic – My Favourite Animal.

My favourite animal is dog. I like dogs because they are very loyal. I love to pet dogs and move my hand through their soft fur. A dog is a loving companion for life.

This is a picture of me with my pet dog Casper. I have great fun playing with him every day. My pet dog sits by my side when I am unhappy. He is the most precious gift I have received for my birthday.

My Favourite Animal - Dog

My favourite animal is cat. They are the cutest pets in the world! I love their wet noses and fluffy tails. The paws of cats are like soft cotton balls. Most of all, I like the fact that cats are always curious and distracted. This makes them very silly and funny at the same time.

My Favourite Animal - Cat

My favourite animal is a turtle. I have a pet turtle that lives in a terrarium at home. We change the water in the terrarium frequently, as this keeps my pet healthy. My turtle is always hungry and likes to eat the canned turtle food we buy for him. Watching him swim around in the terrarium is a very beautiful sight.

My Favourite Animal - Turtle

My favourite animal is rabbit. They have beautiful long ears, twitchy noses, and soft furry bodies. Rabbits love to chew on everything, and their favourite food includes grass, fresh vegetables, and fruits like pineapple. Rabbits usually sleep during the day and night. They are awake at dusk and dawn.

My Favourite Animal - Rabbit

My favourite animal is a horse. They are herbivorous animals that feed on hay, grass, herbs, and some vegetables. Horses can form friendships with humans, as they are social animals. They are known for their majestic movements and speed.

My Favourite Animal - Horse

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Reader Interactions

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January 11, 2021 at 11:34 pm

A horse doesn’t care how much you know until he knows how much you care. Put your hand on your horse and your heart in your hand

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Rabbit, Run John Updike

Rabbit, Run essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Rabbit, Run by John Updike.

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  • Study Guide
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Rabbit, Run Essays

Techniques of characterization in john updike's 'rabbit, run' daniel james wood, rabbit, run.

When Harry 'Rabbit' Angstrom returns to Brewer to seek the help of his old high school basketball coach Marty Tothero in John Updike's 'Rabbit Run,' a third-person narrator establishes the scene "Rabbit glances up hopefully at the third-story...

rabbit essay for grade 4


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  3. Rabbit essay in English/Essay on favourite animal /10 sentence about

    rabbit essay for grade 4

  4. 🐇My Pet

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    rabbit essay for grade 4

  6. 10 Lines on Rabbit Essay In English

    rabbit essay for grade 4


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  3. Reader Rabbit 2nd Grade Music: Dungeon Theme 1

  4. 10 lines about Rabbit / My favourite animal Rabbit #rabbit

  5. Rabbit Essay Writing In English || 10 Lines On Rabbit || Essay On My Favourite Animal

  6. खरगोश पर निबंध हिंदी में || essay on rabbit in Hindi


  1. Essay On Rabbit

    Rabbits often hop when they move from place to place. Rabbits can also run fast and jump very high when chased by predators. Rabbits are kept as pets by many people. Male rabbits are known as bucks, the female is called a doe, and the babies are called kits. Rabbits live in colonies called a warren.

  2. Rabbit Essay for Students in English

    Rabbits live in underground tunnels called warrens. Rabbits can jump nearly 10 feet in a long jump. A rabbit's teeth grow throughout its lifetime. The kit is a baby rabbit, a doe is a female rabbit, and a buck is a male rabbit. Rabbits are highly gregarious creatures that prefer to live in groups.

  3. 10 Lines on Rabbit for Children and Students of Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

    10 Lines on Rabbit. 1) A rabbit is a small animal with long ears. 2) It is popularly called as "Bunny". 3) The shape of a rabbit is like an egg with small neck and head. 4) Rabbits have thick fur on their skin. 5) Rabbits have two eyes on the side of their head. 6) Eyes of a rabbit are for safety which can move 360 degrees.

  4. My Pet Rabbit Essay For Kids From Class 2 to 5

    Essay on My Pet Rabbit From Classes 2nd to 5th. April 29, 2021. Essay on My Pet Rabbit will help students from class 3rd to 6th to learn in-depth details about rabbits; This is a chance for them to understand the pros and cons of having a pet rabbit. Not only kids and students, but also teachers would find this essay useful.

  5. Essay on Rabbit

    10 Lines on Rabbit in English. A rabbit is a small mammal. It has long ears and big round eyes. Rabbits are four-legged animals. Their powerful legs enable them to jump very far. They have thick fur on their skin. Most of their species are found in South America. They can be found in shades of white, black, or brown.

  6. 10 Lines on Rabbit for Students and Children in English

    10 Lines on Rabbit: Rabbits are small mammals that are found in different parts of the world. These mammals are found in 16 different colours with long ears. ... below-mentioned ten lines on Rabbit in English provide you with vital information to formulate paragraph writings and essays on this topic as well as a guide for competitive exams and ...

  7. Rabbit Facts & Worksheets

    This bundle contains 10 ready-to-use Rabbit Worksheets that are perfect for students who want to learn more about Rabbits which are mammals that belong to the Lagomorph order that also ... Grade 3 (ages 8-9) Grade 4 (ages 9-10) Grade 5 (ages 10-11) Grade 6 (ages 11-12) Addition; Numbers; Money; Times Tables; Technology. Transportation; Computer ...

  8. Essay on Rabbit

    Students are often asked to write an essay on Rabbit in their schools and colleges. And if you're also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic. Let's take a look… 100 Words Essay on Rabbit The Rabbit. Rabbits are small, furry animals known for their long ears and fast speed.

  9. Essay on My Pet Rabbit

    Students are often asked to write an essay on My Pet Rabbit in their schools and colleges. And if you're also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic. Let's take a look… 100 Words Essay on My Pet Rabbit Introduction. I have a pet rabbit named Fluffy.

  10. My Pet-Rabbit

    She hopes when she is happy. We play a running race. She runs very fast and wins. She loves to eat carrots. I keep her in a big and beautiful basket. Every morning when I get up, I run to the basket to greet my bunny. When I call her she shakes her ears and looks at me with her beautiful eyes. I love my pet rabbit very much.

  11. Rabbit Facts: Lesson for Kids

    True | False 7. Burrows serve as shelters and breeding spots for rabbits. True | False 8 . A female rabbit is called a buck, while a male rabbit is a doe. True | False 9. Rabbits are classified as ...

  12. Essay: Rabbit & Tortoise

    Essay on Rabbit. A rabbit is a little mammal with protruding ears that is common in areas next to jungles. All around the world, rabbits can be found. ... Essay for Grade 3, Essay for Grade 4, Essay for grade 5, essay writing, Learning Activities, Rabbit, Tortoise, writing essay. Related Articles. GK Quiz for Class 1. Q: How many months are ...

  13. 10 lines on Rabbit in English

    10 lines on Rabbit in English. Rabbit is a herbivorous animal. Rabbits are very agile. Rabbits are found all over the world. Rabbits mostly live in forests but they are also reared in homes. The rabbit has four legs, two big ears, two big eyes, and a small tail. Rabbits can hear even the smallest sound with the help of their big ears.

  14. Poems: The Rabbit

    In this language arts worksheet, your child will read the poem aloud and then answer questions about the poem's meaning and language. READING | GRADE: 4th. Print full size.

  15. PDF All About Rabbits

    A female rabbit is called a doe while a male rabbit is called a buck. Rabbits have lots of babies, which are called kits. Kits are born without fur and can't see. When the babies are 5 weeks old, they can live on their own. Rabbits can make their own families at 2 to 3 months old. Baby rabbits when they begin getting fur.

  16. The Rabbit and the Turtle: The First Four Lessons

    The first four lessons of the Rabbit and the Turtle get students creating language, writing sentences with that language, discovering parts of speech from their sentences, and then writing a story with the vocabulary the whole class has generated. These lessons are great for any teacher because they fill the hours the class is together with ...

  17. My Favourite Animal

    Following are 10 lines that can act as a guide to writing an essay for classes 1 and 3 on the topic of 'my favourite animal: dog': My favourite animal is a dog. Dogs are the most loyal creatures. I have a dog as my pet named Bruno. He is a cute little white Pomeranian.

  18. Rabbit, Run Essay Questions

    Rabbit, Run study guide contains a biography of John Updike, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. More books than SparkNotes.

  19. Essay on My Favourite Animal

    4) Rabbit. My favourite animal is rabbit. They have beautiful long ears, twitchy noses, and soft furry bodies. Rabbits love to chew on everything, and their favourite food includes grass, fresh vegetables, and fruits like pineapple. Rabbits usually sleep during the day and night. They are awake at dusk and dawn.

  20. The Rabbits Illustrations 1-5 Summary and Analysis

    The Rabbits Summary and Analysis of Illustrations 1-5. Summary. A picture book that pairs lines of text narration with intricate two-page illustrations, The Rabbits is narrated by a collective "we" narrator who tells the story from the perspective of Australia's indigenous marsupial population. The narrator begins the story by ...

  21. The Rabbits Essay

    The Rabbits is an award winning, children's book written by John Marsden and illustrated by Shaun Tan. Uncovering the history of colonisation in a rich allegorical fable using marsupials and rabbits as symbolic groups, along with simple and sparse dialect. Both the text and illustrations convey marsupials being invaded and colonized by foreign ...

  22. PDF Benchmark Literacy

    score; for example, a score in Grade 1 might be 7 points (out of 10); a score in Grade 5 might be 16 points (out of 20). 6. To score the writing prompt, read the student's essay or composition and compare it with the 4-point scoring rubric. Determine whether the composition should get 4 points, 3, 2, 1, or 0.

  23. Rabbit, Run Essays

    When Harry 'Rabbit' Angstrom returns to Brewer to seek the help of his old high school basketball coach Marty Tothero in John Updike's 'Rabbit Run,' a third-person narrator establishes the scene "Rabbit glances up hopefully at the third-story... Rabbit, Run essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students ...