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87+ ChatGPT Prompts for Thesis Writing

female writing her thesis paper

In the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), one transformative tool stands out for its potential in the realm of academic writing: ChatGPT, a language model developed by OpenAI. This AI assistant is becoming a valuable tool for many, particularly for those engaged in thesis writing.

Thesis writing, a crucial component of advanced academic degrees, is a demanding process that requires a significant amount of time, critical thinking, and research skills. Traditionally, writing a thesis is a solitary endeavor, often leading to situations where the writer feels stuck or overwhelmed. In recent years, however, AI technologies like ChatGPT have emerged as a potential ally in this process.

ChatGPT, leveraging its advanced language processing capabilities, can assist in multiple aspects of thesis writing. From generating research questions and exploring potential thesis topics to refining thesis statements and discussing research methodologies, this AI tool can provide an array of prompts to stimulate thought and facilitate the writing process.

This blog post aims to explore the role of ChatGPT in thesis writing, focusing on the potential prompts that can aid in various stages of the process. We'll dive into how these AI-powered prompts can provide valuable insights, guide your thought process, and ultimately help you produce a well-structured, insightful thesis.

Table of Contents

Understanding Thesis Writing

Thesis writing is an integral part of advanced academic study, typically required for the completion of a Master's or Ph.D. degree. It is a comprehensive document that presents the author's research and findings in a specified field of study. The primary goal of a thesis is to contribute original knowledge to the field.

Importance of a Well-Structured Thesis

A well-structured thesis serves as a demonstration of the author's competence in their field. It showcases their ability to conduct independent research, think critically, and communicate their ideas effectively. The clarity and coherence of the thesis structure directly impact the reader's understanding and the overall persuasiveness of the argument.

Common Challenges in Thesis Writing

Despite its importance, thesis writing can be a daunting task. Common challenges include finding a suitable topic, formulating a strong thesis statement, conducting a thorough literature review, choosing the appropriate methodology, analyzing data, and discussing the results. Additionally, maintaining academic integrity and a high standard of writing throughout the thesis can be a taxing endeavor.

Example Prompts:

What are some potential topics in the field of [insert field]?

How can I refine my thesis statement to be more clear and concise?

Can you help me summarize the key points from this research article?

What is the most suitable methodology for studying [insert research question]?

Can you assist me in interpreting these data findings?

How can I discuss the implications of my results effectively?

How can I ensure the academic integrity of my thesis?

The Concept of AI-Powered Prompts

AI-powered prompts are questions or statements designed to stimulate the AI to provide a specific type of response. These prompts act as inputs that guide the AI's response, allowing users to get the most out of the system. In the context of thesis writing, AI-powered prompts can be used to generate ideas, clarify concepts, assist in structuring arguments, and much more.

How AI-Powered Prompts Can Help in Thesis Writing

The use of AI-powered prompts in thesis writing can significantly streamline the process. They can assist in brainstorming research questions, forming a strong thesis statement, synthesizing literature, choosing appropriate methodologies, interpreting results, and more. ChatGPT can provide fresh perspectives, helping to overcome writer's block and stimulate creative thinking.

Advantages of Using ChatGPT Prompts

ChatGPT prompts offer several advantages for thesis writers. They can save time by providing instant responses, offer new perspectives on complex topics, help improve writing skills by providing examples of good writing, and serve as a tool for self-reflection, helping writers understand their own thoughts more clearly.

I'm having trouble coming up with a research question on [insert topic]. Can you suggest some possibilities?

How can I make my thesis statement stronger?

I need to summarize the main findings of these research papers. Can you help me synthesize them?

I'm unsure about the best methodology to use for my research. Can you provide some guidance?

I'm struggling to interpret these results. Can you provide some insights?

How can I improve the academic writing style in my thesis?

I'm facing writer's block. Can you provide some prompts to stimulate my thinking on [insert topic]?

Using ChatGPT for Thesis Brainstorming

ChatGPT can be an excellent tool for generating research questions. By providing insights or suggesting different angles on your chosen topic, ChatGPT can help you formulate specific, researchable questions. It can help stimulate your thinking, encourage creativity, and ensure your research questions are both innovative and relevant to your field of study.

Using ChatGPT to Explore Potential Thesis Topics

ChatGPT can also be a valuable asset when it comes to exploring potential thesis topics. By discussing various topics related to your field of study, ChatGPT can help you identify areas that interest you, are worth exploring, and have the potential to contribute to your field's body of knowledge.

Prompts for Brainstorming Different Angles on a Topic

Using prompts can help you explore different perspectives or angles on a topic, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of the subject. ChatGPT can assist you in thinking outside the box, pushing you to consider aspects of your topic that you might not have thought of on your own.

I am interested in the field of [insert field]. What are some current research trends or topics in this area?

I have a general idea about [insert topic]. Can we brainstorm some specific research questions related to this?

I am considering [insert topic] for my thesis. Can you suggest different perspectives or subtopics within this?

Can you help me explore the potential implications of [insert topic]?

How might [insert current event or trend] impact research in the field of [insert field]?

I want to explore the intersection of [insert two fields or topics]. Can you suggest some research questions at this intersection?

How can I approach the topic of [insert topic] from a [insert theoretical framework or perspective] perspective?

Using ChatGPT for Literature Review

The literature review is a critical part of thesis writing, requiring you to identify, evaluate, and synthesize previous research related to your topic. ChatGPT can be a valuable tool in this process, helping you understand complex studies, summarize key findings, and identify connections between different sources.

Prompts for Identifying Gaps in the Literature

Identifying gaps in the literature is crucial as it informs your research questions and contributes to the originality of your thesis. ChatGPT can assist in this task by helping you review the literature critically, pointing out areas that require further investigation.

Using ChatGPT to Explore Different Perspectives on a Topic

A comprehensive literature review should consider various perspectives on the topic. ChatGPT can aid in this by suggesting different viewpoints or theories that might not be immediately apparent, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of the topic.

Can you help me summarize the key findings of this study on [insert topic]?

What are the main theories or perspectives related to [insert topic]?

Are there any conflicting views or debates in the literature on [insert topic]?

Based on the current literature, what areas of [insert topic] seem to be under-researched?

Can you help me compare and contrast these two studies on [insert topic]?

How can I relate [insert study] to my own research on [insert topic]?

What are some potential implications of [insert study's findings] for future research on [insert topic]?

Using ChatGPT for Thesis Statements

A thesis statement is a concise summary of the main point or claim of your thesis. It serves as the roadmap for your paper, guiding your research and writing process. It should be clear, argumentative, and well-focused, encapsulating your thesis in one or two sentences.

How ChatGPT Can Help in Forming a Strong Thesis Statement

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool in crafting a strong thesis statement. By providing feedback or suggestions, it can help ensure your thesis statement is clear, specific, and aligned with your research objectives.

Prompts for Refining and Improving a Thesis Statement

A well-crafted thesis statement can make your research more focused and your arguments more persuasive. Using prompts can help you refine and improve your thesis statement, ensuring it effectively communicates the purpose of your research.

This is my current thesis statement: [insert thesis statement]. How can I make it more specific and argumentative?

Can you suggest a way to make my thesis statement more concise without losing its main point?

I'm having trouble formulating a thesis statement for my research on [insert topic]. Can you help?

Based on my research question on [insert question], what might be a good thesis statement?

How can I better align my thesis statement with my research objectives?

I want to express the idea of [insert idea] in my thesis statement. Can you help me phrase it?

Can you help me ensure that my thesis statement is debatable and not just stating a fact?

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Using ChatGPT for Research Methodology

A well-defined research methodology is crucial for the success of any thesis. It outlines the overall research design, including data collection and analysis methods, and ensures your research is systematic, valid, and reliable.

How ChatGPT Can Assist in Discussing Research Methodology

ChatGPT can assist in discussing research methodology by providing insights into different methodological approaches, helping you choose the most suitable methods for your research, and assisting in describing your methodology in a clear and coherent manner.

Prompts for Exploring Different Methodologies and Techniques

Different research questions require different methodologies. Using prompts, you can explore various methodological approaches with ChatGPT, ensuring you choose the most appropriate methods for your research question.

I'm studying [insert topic]. What would be an appropriate methodology for this kind of research?

Can you explain the differences between qualitative and quantitative research methods?

How can I effectively describe my data collection process in my methodology section?

I'm considering using [insert method] for my research. What are its advantages and disadvantages?

Can you suggest some data analysis techniques for [insert type of data]?

How can I ensure the reliability and validity of my research using [insert method]?

I'm having trouble explaining the rationale for my chosen methodology. Can you help me articulate it?

Using ChatGPT for Data Analysis and Results Interpretation

Data analysis and interpretation are crucial stages in thesis writing. They allow you to make sense of your data, draw meaningful conclusions, and relate your findings back to your research questions. A well-executed analysis can strengthen your arguments and make your thesis more compelling.

How ChatGPT Can Assist in Data Analysis and Interpretation

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool in data analysis and interpretation. It can help explain complex statistical concepts, assist in interpreting your results, and guide you in discussing the implications of your findings in the context of your research question and the existing literature.

Prompts for Data Analysis, Results Interpretation, and Discussion

Using prompts can help you navigate the challenging process of data analysis and interpretation. They can guide your thinking, help clarify your findings, and assist in discussing the implications of your results.

I'm having trouble interpreting these results. Can you help me understand what they might mean?

Can you explain the concept of [insert statistical concept] and how it applies to my data?

How can I discuss the implications of my findings in relation to my research question?

I've found a significant correlation between [insert variables]. How can I interpret this finding?

How can I relate my findings to the existing literature on [insert topic]?

I'm struggling with the statistical analysis of my data. Can you guide me through the process?

I've encountered some unexpected results in my data. How should I address this in my thesis?

Using ChatGPT for Thesis Conclusion

A strong conclusion is vital for wrapping up your thesis effectively. It should succinctly summarize your findings, discuss the implications of your research, and suggest directions for future research. A well-written conclusion leaves a lasting impression on your readers, underscoring the value and relevance of your research.

How ChatGPT Can Help in Crafting a Compelling Conclusion

ChatGPT can assist in crafting a compelling conclusion by providing suggestions on how to summarize your findings effectively, discuss their implications, and suggest future research directions. It can help ensure your conclusion is coherent, focused, and aligns with your research objectives.

Prompts for Writing a Strong Conclusion

Using prompts can help you craft a strong conclusion that effectively summarizes your thesis, highlights its contributions, and suggests areas for future research.

How can I effectively summarize my main findings in the conclusion?

Can you help me discuss the implications of my research for the field of [insert field]?

How can I address the limitations of my study in the conclusion?

Based on my findings, what might be some directions for future research on [insert topic]?

Can you help me highlight the contributions of my research to the existing literature on [insert topic]?

How can I ensure my conclusion aligns with my research objectives and thesis statement?

I want to end my thesis on a compelling note. Can you suggest a way to do this?

Using ChatGPT for Thesis Revision and Editing

Thesis revision and editing are crucial steps in the thesis writing process. They ensure your thesis is coherent, well-structured, and free of errors. A well-edited thesis communicates your ideas more effectively and presents your research in the best possible light.

How ChatGPT Can Assist in Thesis Revision and Editing

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool in the revision and editing process. It can help identify areas of your thesis that need improvement, provide suggestions on how to enhance the clarity and coherence of your writing, and assist in checking for grammatical errors and inconsistencies.

Prompts for Thesis Revision and Editing

Using prompts can help you make the most of ChatGPT's capabilities in the revision and editing process. They can guide you in enhancing the quality of your thesis, ensuring it is well-written, coherent, and error-free.

Can you help me improve the clarity and coherence of this paragraph?

I'm concerned this section of my thesis may be too verbose. Can you suggest a way to make it more concise?

Can you check this section for grammatical errors and inconsistencies?

This paragraph doesn't seem to flow well. Can you help me improve its transition and coherence?

Can you help me ensure that my thesis maintains a consistent tone and style throughout?

I'm unsure if this section aligns well with my thesis statement. Can you provide some feedback?

How can I improve the readability of my thesis?

More Great ChatGPT Prompts for Thesis Writing

In addition to the prompts listed in the specific sections above, there are many other ways you can leverage ChatGPT to facilitate your thesis writing process. Whether you need help brainstorming ideas, outlining your thesis, generating arguments, or polishing your writing, ChatGPT can provide valuable assistance. The following are some additional unique prompt ideas that you can use:

Can you help me brainstorm some potential research questions for my thesis on [insert topic]?

I'm stuck with writer's block. Can you suggest a way to proceed with this section?

Can you provide an outline for a thesis on [insert topic]?

How can I strengthen the argument in this paragraph?

Can you suggest some reputable sources for research on [insert topic]?

How can I make the introduction of my thesis more engaging?

Can you help me formulate a hypothesis for my research on [insert topic]?

I'm having trouble structuring my literature review. Can you provide some guidance?

How can I incorporate this feedback from my advisor into my thesis?

Can you help me paraphrase this passage to avoid plagiarism?

How can I improve the transition between these two sections of my thesis?

Can you help me create a compelling title for my thesis?

What would be a suitable research design for my study on [insert topic]?

How can I present these results in a clear and understandable way?

Can you help me write an abstract for my thesis?

I'm struggling with citing sources in APA style. Can you provide some guidance?

How can I discuss the ethical considerations of my research in my methodology section?

Can you help me write a strong opening sentence for this paragraph?

How can I address potential counterarguments to my thesis?

Can you help me write a dedication for my thesis?

I need to write a thank you note to my thesis advisor. Can you help?

How can I effectively discuss the limitations of my research in the conclusion?

Can you help me prepare a presentation of my thesis findings?

How can I make my thesis more accessible to a non-specialist audience?

I'm feeling overwhelmed by the thesis writing process. Can you provide some motivation or encouragement?

Thesis writing is a challenging process that involves many different tasks, from formulating a research question and reviewing the literature, to designing a methodology, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions. Fortunately, AI tools like ChatGPT can provide valuable assistance throughout this process.

By using the right prompts, you can leverage the capabilities of ChatGPT to help brainstorm ideas, clarify your thoughts, write more effectively, and ensure your thesis is well-structured and coherent. Whether you're stuck with writer's block, struggling to interpret your data, or simply need some motivation to keep going, ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can make the thesis writing process a little less daunting.

Remember, the key to using ChatGPT effectively is to ask the right questions. The prompts provided in this post are just starting points. Feel free to modify them to fit your specific needs, or come up with your own prompts based on the challenges you're facing.

Happy writing!

85+ ChatGPT Prompts for Graphic Designers

115+ ChatGPT Prompts for Google Ads

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About R.J. Adams

R.J. is an artificial intelligence aficionado, committed to demystifying the intricacies of this cutting-edge technology for enthusiasts and novices alike. Leveraging his comprehensive background in internet marketing, online tools, and communications, he continually ventures into the landscape of newly released AI tools, conducting thorough tests and analyses, as well as finding the best prompts to use on the latest AI tools. He can also solve Rubik's Cube in under 2 minutes.

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50 use cases of ChatGPT for research work


Folders and files, repository files navigation, how can i use chatgpt in my research work.

There are many ways you can use ChatGPT in your research work. In this repository, I've collected a list of 50 ways and examples of how you can use ChatGPT in your research work.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence language model that uses machine learning algorithms to generate human-like text. ChatGPT can be used to generate text in a variety of contexts, including answering questions, summarizing text, and generating new ideas.

What are ChatGPT Prompts?

ChatGPT is an AI language model that can generate human-like responses to prompts given to it. It is trained on a massive corpus of text data and can understand the context of a given prompt to generate relevant responses. By using ChatGPT prompts, you can generate topic ideas for your research paper based on keywords or subject areas.

Here are 50 examples of how ChatGPT can help your research.

  • Generate topic ideas based on keywords or subject areas
  • Provide guidance on conducting comprehensive literature reviews
  • Suggest appropriate research methodologies and data collection techniques
  • Help refine and narrow research questions and hypotheses
  • Provide feedback on the clarity, coherence, and organization of writing
  • Offer suggestions for improving writing style and tone
  • Help with developing introductions, conclusions, and thesis statements
  • Generate topic sentences and main points for paragraphs
  • Assist with formatting and citation style
  • Provide feedback on the validity and reliability of research findings
  • Suggest strategies for addressing research limitations and gaps
  • Provide guidance on analyzing and interpreting research data
  • Help with identifying and addressing potential ethical issues in research
  • Offer strategies for presenting research findings in a clear and concise manner
  • Assist with developing tables, graphs, and other visual aids
  • Provide feedback on the structure and clarity of arguments
  • Suggest strategies for improving the coherence and flow of writing
  • Help with proofreading and editing for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors
  • Provide recommendations for organizing and structuring the paper
  • Assist with integrating primary and secondary sources
  • Help with identifying and avoiding bias in research
  • Provide guidance on selecting appropriate research participants or samples
  • Assist with developing and refining research instruments (e.g. surveys, questionnaires)
  • Suggest effective strategies for analyzing qualitative and quantitative data
  • Provide guidance on data cleaning and preparation
  • Offer feedback on the relevance and significance of research findings
  • Suggest strategies for identifying and addressing potential confounding variables in research
  • Help with crafting compelling and engaging titles for research papers
  • Provide feedback on the appropriateness of research questions and hypotheses
  • Offer suggestions for developing effective and relevant research questions
  • Provide guidance on selecting appropriate research designs
  • Assist with developing and implementing research studies
  • Suggest effective strategies for collecting and analyzing data
  • Assist with identifying and avoiding common research pitfalls
  • Provide recommendations for writing and submitting research papers for publication
  • Help with navigating the peer review process
  • Offer feedback on the appropriateness of research results
  • Provide guidance on the process of interpreting research findings
  • Assist with developing and refining research theories and models
  • Suggest effective strategies for testing and refining research theories and models
  • Provide recommendations for presenting and disseminating research findings
  • Help with developing compelling and persuasive arguments in research papers
  • Offer suggestions for writing effective abstracts for research papers
  • Provide guidance on identifying and avoiding plagiarism in research papers
  • Suggest strategies for effectively communicating research findings to different audiences
  • Assist with identifying appropriate journals for publication
  • Provide feedback on the significance and contribution of research findings to the field
  • Help with addressing peer review feedback and revising research papers
  • Offer guidance on developing and refining research proposals
  • Provide recommendations for conducting ethical and rigorous research.

As always, if you have any suggestions or things you'd like to add, please let us know.

1. Generating Topic Ideas through ChatGPT Prompt

When it comes to writing a research paper, the first and foremost task is to find a topic that interests you and is relevant to your field of study. But sometimes, it can be challenging to come up with a research topic, especially if you're not sure where to start. That's where ChatGPT prompts come in handy. In this article, we'll explore how to use ChatGPT prompts to generate topic ideas based on keywords or subject areas.

How to Generate Topic Ideas using ChatGPT Prompts?

To generate topic ideas using ChatGPT prompts, follow these steps:

Identify the keywords or subject areas related to your research field.

Go to the ChatGPT website or use any other platform that offers similar features.

Enter your keywords or subject areas in the prompt box.

Click on the ""Generate"" button to get topic ideas related to your keywords or subject areas.

Review the generated responses and choose the ones that interest you the most.

Refine your topic ideas by adding or removing keywords and subject areas as needed.

Let's say you're a student studying psychology, and you're interested in researching the effects of social media on mental health. Here's how you can use ChatGPT prompts to generate topic ideas:

Keywords: social media, mental health, psychology.

Go to the ChatGPT website.

Enter the following prompt: ""Can you suggest research topics related to social media and mental health?""

Click on the ""Generate"" button.

ChatGPT generates several responses, such as:

  • The impact of social media on adolescent mental health
  • The role of social media in depression and anxiety
  • Social media addiction and its effects on mental health
  • The relationship between social media use and self-esteem
  • How social media can be used to improve mental health outcomes

Review the generated responses and choose the one that interests you the most.

Refine your topic idea by adding or removing keywords and subject areas as needed.

In conclusion, using ChatGPT prompts can be an effective way to generate research topic ideas based on keywords or subject areas. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can use ChatGPT prompts to find a topic that interests you and is relevant to your field of study.

2. Guidance on Conducting Comprehensive Literature Reviews

Conducting a comprehensive literature review is an essential part of any research paper writing process. It helps researchers to understand the current state of knowledge, identify research gaps, and develop a theoretical framework for their study. The following ChatGPT prompts can be used to achieve this task:

Prompt 1: Identify Relevant Keywords

The first step in conducting a comprehensive literature review is to identify relevant keywords that are related to your research topic. This prompt can be used to generate a list of potential keywords:

  • What are the main concepts or themes that relate to your research topic?
  • What synonyms or related terms can be used to describe these concepts or themes?
  • What are the common abbreviations or acronyms used in the field?

Example: If you are researching the impact of social media on mental health, the keywords could be social media, mental health, social networking sites, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, depression, anxiety, etc.

Prompt 2: Search for Relevant Literature

Once you have identified the keywords, the next step is to search for relevant literature using various databases such as Google Scholar, Scopus, PubMed, etc. This prompt can be used to refine your search strategy:

  • What are the most relevant databases for your research topic?
  • What search operators can be used to refine your search?
  • What are the inclusion and exclusion criteria for selecting the literature?

Example: If you want to search for literature on the impact of social media on mental health, you can use the following search strategy: ""social media AND mental health"" OR ""social networking sites AND depression"" OR ""Facebook AND anxiety.""

Prompt 3: Evaluate the Quality of Literature

It is essential to evaluate the quality of the literature before including it in your review. This prompt can be used to develop a systematic approach to evaluate the literature:

  • What are the criteria for evaluating the quality of literature?
  • What are the potential biases or limitations of the studies?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the studies?

Example: When evaluating the quality of literature on the impact of social media on mental health, you can use the following criteria: sample size, research design, measurement tools, statistical analysis, etc.

Prompt 4: Synthesize and Summarize the Literature

The final step in conducting a comprehensive literature review is to synthesize and summarize the literature. This prompt can be used to develop a framework for synthesizing and summarizing the literature:

  • What are the main findings of the studies?
  • What are the similarities and differences between the studies?
  • What are the research gaps and future directions?

Example: After synthesizing and summarizing the literature on the impact of social media on mental health, you can conclude that social media has both positive and negative effects on mental health, and more research is needed to understand the underlying mechanisms and moderators.

In conclusion, conducting a comprehensive literature review requires a systematic and structured approach. The ChatGPT prompts can be used to guide researchers in identifying relevant keywords, searching for relevant literature, evaluating the quality of literature, and synthesizing and summarizing the literature.

3. Suggesting Appropriate Research Methodologies and Data Collection Techniques

When it comes to writing a research paper, selecting the right research methodology and data collection techniques is crucial. The following ChatGPT prompts can help you in achieving this task:

ChatGPT Prompt 1: ""What are the best research methodologies for different types of research questions?""

Research methodologies are the procedures and techniques used to conduct research. Depending on the research question, different methodologies can be applied. Here are some examples:

  • Qualitative research: This methodology is used to explore and understand complex phenomena through in-depth analysis of data. Qualitative research is best suited for research questions that seek to understand the meaning, context, and experiences of individuals or groups. Examples of qualitative methods include interviews, focus groups, and case studies.
  • Quantitative research: This methodology is used to measure and quantify variables through statistical analysis. Quantitative research is best suited for research questions that seek to establish cause-and-effect relationships, test hypotheses, or generalize findings to a larger population. Examples of quantitative methods include surveys, experiments, and observational studies.
  • Mixed-methods research: This methodology combines both qualitative and quantitative methods to provide a more comprehensive understanding of a research question. Mixed-methods research is best suited for research questions that require both in-depth exploration and empirical validation. Examples of mixed-methods research include sequential explanatory design, concurrent triangulation design, and convergent design.

ChatGPT Prompt 2: ""What are the best data collection techniques for different types of data?""

Data collection techniques are the methods used to collect and record data. Depending on the type of data, different techniques can be applied. Here are some examples:

  • Survey: This technique involves collecting data from a sample of individuals through questionnaires or interviews. Surveys are best suited for collecting quantitative data on attitudes, opinions, and behaviors. Examples of surveys include online surveys, phone surveys, and in-person surveys.
  • Observation: This technique involves observing and recording data on behavior or phenomena in their natural settings. Observation is best suited for collecting qualitative data on behavior, social interactions, and environmental factors. Examples of observation include participant observation, non-participant observation, and structured observation.
  • Interview: This technique involves collecting data through face-to-face or phone conversations with individuals or groups. Interviews are best suited for collecting qualitative data on experiences, attitudes, and opinions. Examples of interviews include structured interviews, semi-structured interviews, and unstructured interviews.
  • Document analysis: This technique involves collecting data from written or electronic documents such as reports, articles, and social media posts. Document analysis is best suited for collecting qualitative data on policies, laws, and public opinion. Examples of document analysis include content analysis, discourse analysis, and narrative analysis.

In conclusion, selecting the appropriate research methodology and data collection techniques is crucial for conducting effective research. By using the above ChatGPT prompts, you can identify the best methodologies and techniques for your research question and data type.

4. Using ChatGPT to Refine and Narrow Research Questions and Hypotheses


Research papers require a clear and concise research question or hypothesis that guides the study. However, formulating a research question or hypothesis can be challenging, especially when the researcher is not sure where to start. In this paper, we will discuss how ChatGPT can be used to help refine and narrow research questions and hypotheses.

How to Use ChatGPT to Refine and Narrow Research Questions and Hypotheses

Start with a broad research question or hypothesis. Before using ChatGPT, it is important to have a general idea of the research question or hypothesis. This can be a broad question or hypothesis that needs to be refined and narrowed down.

Enter the research question or hypothesis into ChatGPT. Once you have a general idea of the research question or hypothesis, enter it into ChatGPT. ChatGPT will generate text that is related to the research question or hypothesis.

Read the generated text and identify key concepts. After ChatGPT generates text related to the research question or hypothesis, read the text and identify key concepts. These concepts can be used to refine and narrow down the research question or hypothesis.

Refine and narrow down the research question or hypothesis. Use the key concepts identified in the generated text to refine and narrow down the research question or hypothesis. This can be done by eliminating irrelevant information and focusing on the most important concepts.

Example of Using ChatGPT to Refine and Narrow Research Questions and Hypotheses

Suppose a researcher is interested in studying the impact of social media on mental health. The researcher has a general idea of the research question but is unsure how to refine and narrow it down. The researcher enters the following question into ChatGPT: ""How does social media impact mental health?""

ChatGPT generates the following text:

  • Social media can have both positive and negative effects on mental health.
  • Some studies have shown that social media use is associated with increased rates of depression and anxiety.
  • Other studies have found that social media use can have positive effects on mental health, such as increased social support and reduced feelings of loneliness.

The researcher reads the generated text and identifies the key concepts: positive and negative effects, depression and anxiety, increased social support, and reduced loneliness. The researcher uses these concepts to refine and narrow down the research question to: ""What are the positive and negative effects of social media on mental health, specifically in relation to depression, anxiety, social support, and loneliness?""

By using ChatGPT, the researcher was able to refine and narrow down the research question, making it more focused and specific.

5. Using ChatGPT Prompts for Providing Feedback on Writing Clarity, Coherence, and Organization

When it comes to writing research papers, clarity, coherence, and organization are crucial elements that can make or break the quality of the paper. As a reviewer, providing feedback on these aspects can help improve the overall quality of the paper. ChatGPT can be used to generate prompts that can help achieve this task.

For example, the following ChatGPT prompts can be used for providing feedback on writing clarity, coherence, and organization:

""Can you simplify the language used in the paper? Is there any jargon or technical terms that are not explained clearly?""

This prompt can help identify areas where the language used in the paper may be too complex or difficult to understand. It can also highlight instances where jargon or technical terms are not explained adequately, leading to confusion among readers.

""Is there a clear thesis statement in the paper? Does the rest of the paper support this statement?""

This prompt can help assess the overall coherence of the paper. It can help identify whether the thesis statement is clear and whether the rest of the paper supports this statement. If the thesis statement is unclear or unsupported, it can be challenging for readers to understand the main argument of the paper.

""Is there a logical flow of ideas in the paper? Are the paragraphs and sections well-organized?""

This prompt can help evaluate the organization of the paper. It can help identify areas where the ideas in the paper may not flow logically or where the paragraphs and sections may not be well-organized. This can make it challenging for readers to follow the argument and can lead to confusion.

""Are there any inconsistencies or contradictions in the paper? Are all the sources cited appropriately?""

This prompt can help identify any inconsistencies or contradictions in the paper. It can also help ensure that all the sources used in the paper are cited appropriately. Inconsistencies or contradictions can undermine the credibility of the paper, while incorrect or insufficient citations can lead to accusations of plagiarism.

Using ChatGPT prompts for providing feedback on writing clarity, coherence, and organization can help reviewers evaluate the quality of a research paper more objectively. It can also help authors identify areas for improvement and produce a more polished final product.

6. Suggestions for Improving Writing Style and Tone

Writing style and tone are crucial aspects that determine the overall quality of a research paper. It is important to ensure that the language used in the paper is clear, concise, and engaging to the readers. Here are some ChatGPT prompts that can be used to offer suggestions for improving writing style and tone in a research paper.

ChatGPT Prompts:

  • What are some common writing mistakes that can be avoided in a research paper?
  • How can the language used in the paper be made more engaging to the readers?
  • What are some effective ways to vary sentence structure and avoid repetition in the paper?
  • How can the tone of the paper be adjusted to suit the intended audience?
  • What are some ways to ensure that the language used in the paper is accessible to all readers?

Prompt: What are some common writing mistakes that can be avoided in a research paper?

There are several common writing mistakes that can be avoided in a research paper. These include:

  • Using passive voice: Using passive voice can make the language of the paper sound dull and unengaging. It is better to use active voice to make the writing more dynamic.
  • Overusing jargon: Using too much jargon can make the paper difficult to understand for readers who are not familiar with the field. It is important to strike a balance between using technical terms and making the language accessible to all readers.
  • Lack of clarity: Writing should be clear and concise to avoid confusion. Sentences should be well-structured and free from unnecessary words or phrases.
  • Repetition: Repetition can make the paper sound monotonous. It is important to vary sentence structure and use synonyms to avoid repetition.
  • Inconsistent tone: The tone of the paper should be consistent throughout. It is important to decide on the appropriate tone for the intended audience and maintain it throughout the paper.

By avoiding these common writing mistakes, the language of the research paper can be made more engaging and accessible to all readers.

7. Using ChatGPT Prompts to Develop Introductions, Conclusions, and Thesis Statements

When writing a research paper, it is essential to have a strong introduction, a clear thesis statement, and a convincing conclusion. These elements are what set the tone for your paper and convey the main idea of your research. ChatGPT prompts can help you develop these elements by providing you with ideas and guiding questions to include in your writing.


Introductions are meant to grab the reader's attention, provide background information, and present the thesis statement. Here are some ChatGPT prompts that can help you develop a strong introduction:

  • What is the significance of your research topic?
  • What inspired you to research this topic?
  • What is the current state of research on your topic?
  • What is the problem or gap in knowledge that your research aims to address?

Topic: The Effect of Social Media on Mental Health


Social media has become a ubiquitous part of modern life. It is a tool that is used for communication, socialization, and entertainment. However, the impact of social media on mental health has been a subject of debate in recent years. This research aims to explore the relationship between social media use and mental health and to identify the factors that contribute to this relationship. By understanding the impact of social media on mental health, we can develop strategies to mitigate the negative effects and promote positive mental health outcomes.

Thesis Statements

The thesis statement is the core of your research paper. It presents the main idea of your research and guides the reader through your argument. Here are some ChatGPT prompts that can help you develop a clear and concise thesis statement:

  • What is the main argument of your research?
  • What is the significance of your research?
  • What is the scope of your research?
  • What is the problem that your research aims to solve?

Thesis statement:

This research aims to explore the relationship between social media use and mental health and to identify the factors that contribute to this relationship. By examining the impact of social media on mental health, we can develop effective strategies to promote positive mental health outcomes.


Conclusions are meant to summarize the main points of your research and restate the thesis statement. They also provide a space for reflection and discussion of future research directions. Here are some ChatGPT prompts that can help you develop a strong conclusion:

  • What are the main findings of your research?
  • What are the implications of your research?
  • What are the limitations of your research?
  • What are the future research directions?


In conclusion, this research has shown that social media use has a significant impact on mental health. The findings suggest that social media use is associated with increased risk of depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems. However, the relationship between social media use and mental health is complex, and there are many factors that contribute to this relationship. Future research should focus on identifying these factors and developing strategies to mitigate the negative effects of social media on mental health.

8. Using ChatGPT prompts to generate topic sentences and main points for paragraphs

In research paper writing, generating topic sentences and main points for paragraphs is crucial for creating a clear and organized structure. One way to achieve this is by using ChatGPT prompts, which are pre-trained language models that can generate text based on a given prompt. Here's an example of how to use ChatGPT prompts for this task:

Step 1: Choose a prompt

Choose a prompt that is relevant to your research topic and can help you generate ideas for your paragraphs. For example:

  • ""What are the main causes of climate change?""
  • ""How has social media influenced political discourse in the 21st century?""
  • ""What are the benefits and drawbacks of online learning?""

Step 2: Generate text using ChatGPT

Use a ChatGPT tool, such as OpenAI's GPT-3 or Hugging Face's GPT-2, to generate text based on the prompt. For example, using the prompt ""What are the main causes of climate change?"", you could get the following text:

  • ""Climate change is caused by a variety of factors, including the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. These activities release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which trap heat and contribute to global warming. Other factors that contribute to climate change include agriculture, transportation, and waste management.""

Step 3: Extract topic sentences and main points

From the generated text, extract the topic sentences and main points that can be used for your paragraphs. For example:

  • Topic sentence: Climate change is caused by a variety of factors.
  • Burning of fossil fuels
  • Deforestation
  • Industrial processes
  • Greenhouse gases trap heat and contribute to global warming
  • Agriculture, transportation, and waste management also contribute to climate change.

Step 4: Use the topic sentences and main points in your paragraphs

Use the extracted topic sentences and main points to create clear and organized paragraphs in your research paper. For example:

Paragraph 1: Introduction to climate change

Paragraph 2: Greenhouse gases and global warming

  • Topic sentence: Greenhouse gases trap heat and contribute to global warming.
  • Explanation of greenhouse effect
  • Examples of greenhouse gases
  • Evidence of global warming

Paragraph 3: Other factors contributing to climate change

  • Topic sentence: Agriculture, transportation, and waste management also contribute to climate change.
  • Explanation of each factor
  • Examples of how they contribute to climate change
  • Possible solutions

Using ChatGPT prompts can be a useful tool for generating topic sentences and main points for your research paper paragraphs. By following the steps outlined above, you can create a clear and organized structure that effectively communicates your ideas to your readers.

9. Types of ChatGPT prompts for formatting and citation style

In academic writing, proper formatting and citation style are crucial aspects that help in ensuring the paper's clarity and credibility. Proper formatting and citation style help readers to locate and identify the sources used in the research paper. With the increasing number of citation styles and formatting requirements, it can be challenging for writers to keep up with the latest trends. Fortunately, ChatGPT prompts are a useful tool that can assist with formatting and citation style in research paper writing.

There are several types of ChatGPT prompts that can assist with formatting and citation style in research paper writing. These include:

1. Citation style prompts

Citation style prompts help writers format their citations according to the required citation style. For instance, if a writer is required to use the MLA citation style, they can use a ChatGPT prompt to generate a correct citation for a specific source.

Prompt: Generate a correct MLA citation for a book with the following details: Title: The Great Gatsby, Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald, Publisher: Scribner, Year of Publication: 1925.

Response: Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby . Scribner, 1925.

2. Formatting prompts

Formatting prompts help writers format their research papers according to specific guidelines. For instance, if a writer is required to use a specific font or margin size, they can use a ChatGPT prompt to generate the correct format.

Prompt: Generate a formatting prompt for a research paper that requires Times New Roman font, 12-point size, and one-inch margins.

Response: Set the font to Times New Roman, 12-point size. Set the margins to one inch on all sides.

3. Reference management prompts

Reference management prompts help writers manage their references by organizing them in a specific order, such as alphabetical or chronological order.

Prompt: Organize the references in the research paper in alphabetical order.

Response: Alphabetize the references in the research paper according to the author's last name.

In conclusion, ChatGPT prompts are a useful tool that can assist with formatting and citation style in research paper writing. Citation style prompts, formatting prompts, and reference management prompts are some of the prompts that can be used for this purpose. By using ChatGPT prompts, writers can save time and ensure that their research papers are formatted and cited correctly.

10. Using ChatGPT prompts to provide feedback on the validity and reliability of research findings

In academic research, it is essential to ensure that the findings presented are both valid and reliable. Validity refers to the accuracy of the research results and whether they measure what they claim to measure. Reliability, on the other hand, refers to the consistency of the research results when they are repeated or tested.

To provide feedback on the validity and reliability of research findings, ChatGPT prompts can be used. ChatGPT is an AI language model that can generate responses to various prompts. Here are some examples of ChatGPT prompts that can be used:

Prompt 1: Can you explain how the study’s design and methodology contribute to the validity of the results?

  • The study design and methodology should align with the research question and objectives.
  • The sample size should be representative of the population being studied.
  • The data collection methods should be reliable and valid.
  • The data analysis methods should be appropriate and rigorous.

Example response: The study design and methodology appear to be appropriate for the research question and objectives. The sample size is sufficient and representative of the population being studied. Both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods were used, which increases the validity of the results. The data analysis methods were rigorous, and the statistical tests used were appropriate for the data.

Prompt 2: How do you assess the reliability of the findings presented in the study?

  • The study should be replicable.
  • The data should be consistent across different measures and time points.
  • The research methods should be standardized.
  • The results should be consistent with previous research on the topic.

Example response: The study appears to be reliable based on the consistency of the data across different measures and time points. The research methods were standardized, and the results are consistent with previous research on the topic. However, the study could be improved by providing more detail on the replicability of the study, such as providing information on the inter-rater reliability of the data collection methods.

Prompt 3: Can you identify any potential threats to the validity or reliability of the study?

  • Threats to internal validity include confounding variables and selection bias.
  • Threats to external validity include the generalizability of the results to other populations or situations.
  • Threats to reliability include measurement error and inter-rater reliability.

Example response: One potential threat to the validity of the study is selection bias, as the sample was recruited through convenience sampling. There is also a risk of measurement error, as some of the data was self-reported. However, the study attempted to mitigate these threats by using standardized data collection methods and statistical analysis. The external validity of the study is limited due to the specific population being studied, which may limit the generalizability of the results to other situations or populations.

11. Strategies for Addressing Research Limitations and Gaps

Research limitations and gaps are a common issue in research studies. It is essential to identify and address these limitations and gaps to ensure the validity and reliability of the results. The following strategies can be used to address research limitations and gaps:

1. Acknowledge the limitations and gaps

It is essential to acknowledge the limitations and gaps in the research study. This will help to establish the scope of the study and the potential impact of the limitations and gaps on the results.

In a study on the effectiveness of a new teaching method, the researchers found that the sample size was small, which limited the generalizability of the results. The researchers acknowledged this limitation and highlighted the need for further research with larger sample sizes to validate the findings.

2. Provide alternative explanations

Another strategy for addressing research limitations and gaps is to provide alternative explanations for the results. This can help to mitigate the impact of the limitations and gaps on the validity of the results.

In a study on the impact of social media on mental health, the researchers found a correlation between social media use and depression. However, the researchers acknowledged that other factors, such as pre-existing mental health conditions, could also contribute to the results.

3. Conduct further research

Conducting further research is perhaps the most effective strategy for addressing research limitations and gaps. This can help to validate the findings and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the research topic.

In a study on the effectiveness of a new medication, the researchers found that the sample size was small, which limited the generalizability of the results. The researchers suggested conducting further research with a larger sample size to validate the findings.

4. Use multiple methods

Using multiple methods can help to address research limitations and gaps by providing a more comprehensive understanding of the research topic. This can help to mitigate the impact of the limitations and gaps on the validity of the results.

In a study on the impact of a new technology on productivity, the researchers used both quantitative and qualitative methods to gather data. This helped to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of the technology on productivity.

5. Collaborate with other researchers

Collaborating with other researchers can help to address research limitations and gaps by providing access to additional resources and expertise. This can help to validate the findings and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the research topic.

In a study on the impact of a new treatment on patient outcomes, the researchers collaborated with other researchers to gather data from multiple sites. This helped to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of the treatment on patient outcomes.

In conclusion, addressing research limitations and gaps is essential for ensuring the validity and reliability of the results. By acknowledging the limitations and gaps, providing alternative explanations, conducting further research, using multiple methods, and collaborating with other researchers, researchers can mitigate the impact of limitations and gaps on their research studies.

12. Guidance on Analyzing and Interpreting Research Data

Analyzing and interpreting research data is a crucial part of any research paper. It allows researchers to draw conclusions from their findings and communicate their results effectively. Here are some ChatGPT prompts that can help achieve this task:

Prompt 1: Exploring Data

This prompt can be used to analyze and explore data, which is the first step in data analysis. It helps researchers to identify patterns, trends, and relationships in their data. Here is an example:

Prompt: Use exploratory data analysis to identify patterns in the data.


  • Identify the variables in the data set.
  • Plot the data using different graphical techniques, such as histograms, scatter plots, and box plots.
  • Look for patterns, trends, and relationships in the data.
  • Use summary statistics, such as mean, median, and standard deviation, to describe the data.

Prompt 2: Hypothesis Testing

This prompt can be used to test hypotheses and draw conclusions from the data. It helps researchers to determine whether their findings are statistically significant and generalize to the population. Here is an example:

Prompt: Test the hypothesis that there is a significant difference in the mean scores of two groups.

  • Define the null and alternative hypotheses.
  • Select an appropriate test statistic, such as t-test or ANOVA.
  • Calculate the p-value and compare it to the significance level.
  • Interpret the results and draw conclusions.

Prompt 3: Regression Analysis

This prompt can be used to analyze the relationship between two or more variables. It helps researchers to determine the strength and direction of the relationship and make predictions based on the data. Here is an example:

Prompt: Conduct a regression analysis to determine the relationship between income and education level.

  • Identify the dependent and independent variables.
  • Select an appropriate regression model, such as linear regression or logistic regression.
  • Calculate the regression coefficients and interpret their meaning.
  • Evaluate the goodness of fit of the model, using measures such as R-squared and residual plots.
  • Use the model to make predictions and draw conclusions.

In conclusion, using ChatGPT prompts can help researchers to analyze and interpret their data effectively. By following these guidelines, researchers can ensure that their findings are accurate, reliable, and meaningful.

13. Using ChatGPT to Identify and Address Potential Ethical Issues in Research

Research is critical in gaining knowledge and driving progress in various fields. However, ethical issues can arise during the research process that may compromise the integrity of the study or harm the participants. Therefore, it is crucial to identify and address potential ethical issues in research to ensure that the study is conducted ethically.

Using ChatGPT to Identify Ethical Issues

ChatGPT is an AI language model that can be used to generate prompts to identify potential ethical issues in research. The following are some examples of ChatGPT prompts that can be used to identify ethical issues in research:

  • What are the potential consequences of the study on the participants?
  • How can the study be conducted in a way that respects the autonomy of the participants?
  • What are the potential conflicts of interest that may arise during the study?
  • How can the study be conducted in a way that protects the privacy and confidentiality of the participants?
  • What are the potential risks and benefits of the study, and how can they be addressed?

Using ChatGPT to Address Ethical Issues

Once potential ethical issues have been identified, ChatGPT can be used to generate prompts on how to address these issues. The following are some examples of ChatGPT prompts that can be used to address ethical issues in research:

  • How can the researchers obtain informed consent from the participants?
  • How can the researchers ensure that the study is conducted in a way that respects the cultural and social norms of the participants?
  • How can the researchers minimize the potential harm to the participants?
  • How can the researchers ensure that the study is conducted in a way that is transparent and accountable?
  • How can the researchers ensure that the data collected is accurate and reliable?

Suppose a researcher wants to conduct a study on the effects of a new drug on cancer patients. The following are some potential ethical issues that may arise:

  • The potential harm to the participants due to the side effects of the drug.
  • The potential conflict of interest due to the researcher's affiliation with the drug company that produces the drug.
  • The potential breach of confidentiality and privacy of the participants' medical records.
  • The potential bias in the data collected due to the researcher's preconceived notions about the drug's effectiveness.

To address these issues, the researcher can use ChatGPT to generate prompts on how to obtain informed consent from the participants, how to minimize harm, how to ensure transparency and accountability, and how to minimize bias in the data collected.

In conclusion, ChatGPT can be a useful tool in identifying and addressing potential ethical issues in research. By generating prompts, researchers can ensure that their studies are conducted ethically and with the utmost respect for the participants' autonomy and well-being.

14. Strategies for Presenting Research Findings in a Clear and Concise Manner

When it comes to presenting research findings, it is essential to present them in a way that is easy to understand and engaging for your audience. Here are some strategies to help you present your research findings in a clear and concise manner:

Use Visuals

Visuals can help you communicate complex information in a clear and concise manner. Consider using graphs, charts, and images to help illustrate your findings. Here are some tips for using visuals effectively:

  • Use simple and easy-to-understand graphics
  • Choose the right type of graphic for the data you want to present
  • Use color and contrast to highlight important points
  • Use labels and captions to provide context and clarity

Use Plain Language

Using plain language can help you communicate your research findings in a way that is easy for your audience to understand. Here are some tips for using plain language:

  • Avoid using jargon or technical terms that your audience may not be familiar with
  • Use short and simple sentences
  • Use active voice instead of passive voice
  • Break up long paragraphs into shorter ones

Focus on the Key Findings

When presenting your research findings, it is important to focus on the key findings. Here are some tips for focusing on the key findings:

  • Start with a clear and concise summary of your key findings
  • Highlight the most important findings using visuals or other tools
  • Avoid overwhelming your audience with too much information
  • Focus on what is most relevant to your audience

Tell a Story

Telling a story can help you engage your audience and make your research findings more memorable. Here are some tips for telling a story:

  • Start with a clear and compelling introduction that sets the stage for your research
  • Use examples or case studies to illustrate your key findings
  • Use anecdotes or personal stories to help your audience connect with your research
  • End with a clear and concise conclusion that summarizes your key findings

Suppose you are conducting research on the impact of social media on mental health. You have collected a significant amount of data and now need to present your findings to a group of mental health professionals.

To present your findings in a clear and concise manner, you could use the following strategies:

  • Use visuals such as graphs and charts to illustrate the data you have collected.
  • Use plain language to explain the findings in a way that is easy to understand.
  • Focus on the key findings, such as the correlation between social media use and depression.
  • Tell a story that highlights the impact of social media on mental health, using anecdotes or case studies to make your findings more memorable.

By using these strategies, you can present your research findings in a way that is clear, concise, and engaging for your audience.

15. ChatGPT Prompt for Developing Tables, Graphs, and Other Visual Aids in Research Paper Writing

Research papers often require the inclusion of tables, graphs, and other visual aids to present data and findings in a clear and concise manner. ChatGPT offers several prompts that can assist with the development of these visual aids, including:

Prompt 1: ""Can you provide examples of tables and graphs that are commonly used in research papers?""

This prompt can be used to help writers identify the types of tables and graphs that are most commonly used in research papers. Examples of tables and graphs that may be discussed include:

  • Bar graphs: used to compare data across categories
  • Line graphs: used to show trends over time
  • Scatter plots: used to show the relationship between two variables
  • Pie charts: used to show proportions of a whole
  • Tables: used to present data in an organized manner

Example response:

""Bar graphs are commonly used in research papers to compare data across categories. For example, if we were conducting a study on the effectiveness of different types of exercise on weight loss, we might use a bar graph to compare the average weight loss of participants who engaged in aerobic exercise, strength training, or a combination of both. Line graphs are often used to show trends over time, such as changes in a population's average income over a number of years. Scatter plots can be used to show the relationship between two variables, such as the relationship between a person's age and their level of education. Pie charts are commonly used to show proportions of a whole, such as the percentage of a company's revenue that comes from different product lines. Tables can be used to present data in an organized manner, such as a table that lists the demographic information of participants in a study.""

Prompt 2: ""Can you help me create a table/graph to present my data/findings?""

This prompt can be used to get assistance with creating a specific table or graph to present data or findings. The writer can provide the necessary information, such as the data to be included, the type of graph or table they need, and any formatting requirements.

""Sure, I can help you create a graph to present your findings. Can you tell me what type of data you have and what kind of graph you want to use? If you have data on the percentage of students who passed a test at different schools, a bar graph might be a good choice. You can have the schools listed on the x-axis and the percentage of students who passed the test listed on the y-axis. Alternatively, if you have data on the changes in temperature in different cities over time, a line graph might be a better choice. You can have the cities listed on the x-axis and the temperature listed on the y-axis, with different lines representing each city.""

Prompt 3: ""Can you provide feedback on my current table/graph and suggest improvements?""

This prompt can be used to get feedback on a table or graph that the writer has already created. The writer can provide the table or graph, and the ChatGPT can provide suggestions for improvements, such as changing the formatting or adding labels to make the data easier to understand.

""Thanks for sharing your graph with me. One suggestion I have is to add labels to the x- and y-axes to make it clear what the graph is showing. You might also want to change the color scheme to make it easier to read. Another suggestion is to add a title that summarizes the main point of the graph. For example, if your graph shows the relationship between age and income, your title could be 'Income by Age Group'.

16. Using ChatGPT to Achieve Better Research Paper Writing: Providing Feedback on Structure and Clarity of Arguments

One of the most essential aspects of writing a research paper is ensuring that the structure and arguments are clear and concise. To achieve this, feedback from peers and instructors is critical. However, getting feedback can be challenging, especially when dealing with complex topics and ideas. Fortunately, artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as ChatGPT can improve the writing process by providing useful feedback on the structure and clarity of arguments.

How can ChatGPT be used for providing feedback on the structure and clarity of arguments in research papers?

ChatGPT can provide feedback on the structure and clarity of arguments in research papers by analyzing the language used in the paper and evaluating its coherence, clarity, and logical flow. This can be done by inputting the paper into ChatGPT and analyzing the generated response. Here are some ways ChatGPT can be used to provide feedback on research paper structure and clarity:

1. Identifying unclear language

ChatGPT can identify unclear language by analyzing the text and suggesting alternative wordings, phrasings, or sentence structures. This can help improve the clarity of arguments in research papers.

2. Evaluating coherence and logical flow

ChatGPT can evaluate coherence and logical flow by analyzing the order of arguments, the use of transitional phrases, and the overall structure of the paper. It can suggest changes to improve the flow and ensure that the arguments are presented in a logical and coherent manner.

3. Checking for consistency

ChatGPT can check for consistency by analyzing the language used throughout the paper and identifying areas where the language is inconsistent or contradictory. It can suggest changes to ensure that the language used is consistent throughout the paper.

Let's say you are writing a research paper on the impact of social media on mental health. You have written the first draft of the paper, but you are not sure if the arguments are clear and well-structured. You can use ChatGPT to provide feedback on the structure and clarity of your arguments. Here is how:

  • Input the paper into ChatGPT.
  • Ask ChatGPT to evaluate the coherence and logical flow of the paper.
  • ChatGPT suggests reordering some of the arguments to improve the flow.
  • ChatGPT also suggests adding transitional phrases to improve the coherence of the paper.
  • Finally, ChatGPT suggests rewording some of the sentences to improve the clarity of the arguments.

With these suggestions from ChatGPT, you can go back and revise your paper to improve the structure and clarity of your arguments.

In conclusion, ChatGPT is a valuable tool for providing feedback on the structure and clarity of arguments in research papers. It can help writers improve the coherence, clarity, and logical flow of their writing, making their arguments more persuasive and effective.

17. Strategies for Improving Coherence and Flow in Writing

When writing a research paper, it's important to ensure that the writing is easy to follow and understand. One way to achieve this is by improving coherence and flow. Coherence refers to the logical connections between ideas, while flow refers to the smooth transition from one idea to the next. Here are some strategies for improving coherence and flow in writing:

1. Use Transitional Words and Phrases

Transitional words and phrases can help to connect ideas and improve the flow of writing. Examples include:

  • Furthermore
  • In addition
  • Nevertheless
  • Consequently
  • As a result

By using these transitions, the reader can follow the writer's train of thought and understand how different ideas relate to each other.

2. Use Topic Sentences

Topic sentences are a way to introduce the main idea of a paragraph. By including a clear and concise topic sentence, the reader can easily understand what the paragraph is about and how it relates to the overall argument.

""The prevalence of social media has led to a shift in the way that people communicate with each other. Specifically, social media has enabled people to connect with others who share similar interests, regardless of geographic location.""

3. Use Consistent Verb Tenses

Using consistent verb tenses can help to improve coherence in writing. When the verb tenses change unexpectedly, it can be confusing for the reader.

""The researchers conducted a survey and found that the majority of participants prefer coffee over tea. However, some participants reported that they drink tea more frequently than coffee.""

4. Use Parallel Structure

Parallel structure refers to using the same grammatical structure for similar ideas. This can help to improve coherence and make the writing easier to follow.

""The study found that participants who completed the intervention had lower levels of stress, were more physically active, and reported higher levels of life satisfaction than those who did not complete the intervention.""

5. Use Clear Pronoun References

Pronoun references can be confusing if it's not clear which noun they are referring to. To improve coherence, make sure that pronoun references are clear and unambiguous.

""The researchers conducted a study on the effects of caffeine on cognitive performance. They found that participants who consumed caffeine performed better on cognitive tasks than those who did not.""

By implementing these strategies, writers can improve the coherence and flow of their writing, making it easier for readers to follow their thought process and understand their argument.

18. Using ChatGPT for Proofreading and Editing Research Papers

As research paper writing is a complex and time-consuming process, it is common for writers to make grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. One way to overcome these challenges is by using ChatGPT to help proofread and edit research papers.

How can ChatGPT help with proofreading and editing?

ChatGPT can help in several ways with proofreading and editing research papers, including:

  • Providing suggestions for grammar and syntax errors, such as incorrect verb tense or sentence structure.
  • Offering alternatives for repetitive words or phrases.
  • Identifying and correcting spelling errors.
  • Providing recommendations for improving the readability and flow of the text.

Example of using ChatGPT for proofreading and editing

Here is an example of how ChatGPT can be used for proofreading and editing a research paper:

  • Copy and paste the text of the research paper into the ChatGPT platform.
  • Ask ChatGPT to proofread and edit the text.
  • Review the suggestions and edits provided by ChatGPT.
  • Make necessary changes to the research paper based on ChatGPT's recommendations.
  • Review the paper again to ensure that all errors have been corrected.

By using ChatGPT for proofreading and editing, researchers can improve the quality of their writing and save time in the editing process. However, it is important to note that ChatGPT is not perfect and may not catch all errors, so it is still essential to review the text manually.

19. Provide recommendations for organizing and structuring the paper

When writing a research paper, it is important to structure your content in a logical and clear manner. This helps to ensure that your readers can easily understand your message and follow your argument. Here are some ChatGPT prompts that can be used to check whether your paper is well-organized and structured:

1. Does the introduction clearly state the purpose of the paper?

  • The introduction should provide a clear and concise statement of the purpose of the paper.
  • It should explain why the research was conducted and what questions the paper aims to answer.

Example: ""The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of social media on mental health. Specifically, we aim to explore whether social media use is associated with increased levels of depression and anxiety.""

2. Are the main points of the paper presented in a logical order?

  • The main points of the paper should be presented in a logical order that makes sense to the reader.
  • You may want to use headings and subheadings to help you organize your content.

Example: ""The paper is organized as follows. First, we provide a review of the literature on social media use and mental health. Next, we describe the methods used in our study. Then, we present our findings and discuss their implications. Finally, we offer some recommendations for future research.""

3. Are the conclusions supported by the evidence presented in the paper?

  • The conclusions of the paper should be supported by the evidence presented in the paper.
  • You should provide a clear and concise summary of your findings, and explain how they relate to your research question.

Example: ""In conclusion, our study found that social media use is positively associated with symptoms of depression and anxiety. These findings support the need for further research into the potential negative effects of social media on mental health. We suggest that future studies should explore the mechanisms through which social media use may affect mental health, and consider interventions that may help to mitigate these effects.""

In summary, organizing and structuring a research paper is essential for ensuring that your message is clear and coherent. Using ChatGPT prompts can help you to check whether your paper is well-organized and structured, and provide recommendations for improvement.

20. Using ChatGPT Prompts to Assist with Integrating Primary and Secondary Sources in Research Paper Writing

Research paper writing is a complex process that involves the use of both primary and secondary sources to support claims and arguments. Integrating these sources can be challenging, especially for students who are still learning how to conduct research and write academic papers. One way to overcome this challenge is to use ChatGPT prompts, which are designed to help writers generate ideas and organize their thoughts. In this paper, we will explore how ChatGPT prompts can be used to assist with integrating primary and secondary sources in research paper writing.

How can ChatGPT prompts assist with integrating primary and secondary sources?

ChatGPT prompts can assist with integrating primary and secondary sources by helping the writer identify relevant sources, extract key information from those sources, and integrate that information into their own writing. For example, here are some ChatGPT prompts that could be used to assist with integrating primary and secondary sources:

Prompt 1: ""What are the main arguments or claims made by the primary source?""

  • This prompt can be used to help the writer identify the key arguments or claims made by a primary source. By focusing on the main arguments, the writer can more easily integrate the source into their own writing.

Prompt 2: ""What evidence does the secondary source provide to support the argument made by the primary source?""

  • This prompt can be used to help the writer identify the evidence provided by a secondary source that supports the argument made by a primary source. By connecting the evidence from the secondary source to the argument from the primary source, the writer can strengthen their own argument.

Prompt 3: ""How does the primary source relate to the broader topic or research question?""

  • This prompt can be used to help the writer contextualize the primary source within the broader topic or research question. By understanding how the primary source fits into the larger picture, the writer can more effectively integrate the source into their own writing.

Prompt 4: ""What are the limitations or weaknesses of the secondary source?""

  • This prompt can be used to help the writer identify the limitations or weaknesses of a secondary source. By being aware of the limitations, the writer can more effectively evaluate the source and integrate it into their own writing.

In conclusion, using ChatGPT prompts can be an effective way to assist with integrating primary and secondary sources in research paper writing. By using prompts to identify relevant sources, extract key information, and integrate that information into their own writing, writers can strengthen their arguments and produce more effective research papers. As AI technology continues to advance, we can expect to see more tools like ChatGPT that can assist with various aspects of the research and writing process.

21. Using ChatGPT to Help with Identifying and Avoiding Bias in Research

Research papers are essential in the field of academics and research. It is necessary to ensure that research is conducted fairly and objectively. Bias in research can lead to inaccurate findings and conclusions. In this paper, we will explore how ChatGPT can be used to help identify and avoid bias in research.

How Can ChatGPT Help Identify and Avoid Bias in Research?

Prompt 1: ""what are some common biases in research"".

ChatGPT can provide a list of common biases in research. This can help researchers to identify and avoid these biases in their own research. Some common biases in research include:

  • Confirmation bias: This is when a researcher only looks for evidence that confirms their hypothesis and ignores evidence that contradicts it.
  • Sampling bias: This is when a sample is not representative of the population being studied.
  • Publication bias: This is when studies with positive results are more likely to be published than studies with negative results.
  • Selection bias: This is when participants are not randomly selected and are instead handpicked by the researcher.
  • Reporting bias: This is when results are selectively reported, leaving out important information that could affect the conclusions drawn from the study.

Prompt 2: ""How can researchers avoid bias in their research?""

ChatGPT can provide a list of strategies that researchers can use to avoid bias in their research. Some strategies include:

  • Use random sampling techniques to select participants.
  • Use blind or double-blind study designs to reduce the impact of researcher bias.
  • Be aware of your own biases and work to mitigate them.
  • Use a control group to compare results.
  • Use multiple measures to assess the same construct.
  • Be transparent in reporting results, including negative results.

Suppose a researcher is conducting a study on the effectiveness of a new teaching method. They want to ensure that their research is not biased. The researcher can use ChatGPT to generate prompts such as ""What are some common biases in education research?"" and ""How can I avoid bias in my education research?"" to identify and avoid bias in their study. They may learn that confirmation bias is a common issue in education research and that they can mitigate it by being open-minded to all potential outcomes. They may also learn that using a blind study design can reduce the impact of their own biases.

Bias in research can have serious consequences, leading to inaccurate findings and conclusions. ChatGPT can be a useful tool for researchers to identify and avoid bias in their research. By generating prompts related to common biases and strategies to avoid them, researchers can conduct fair and objective research.

22. Selecting Appropriate Research Participants or Samples

Research design is the backbone of any research study. It is crucial to select the right participants or sample for research to gain valid and reliable results. The following ChatGPT prompts can be used to check whether the research study has selected appropriate research participants or samples:

ChatGPT Prompt 1: What is the sample size of the research study, and how was it determined?

The sample size of the research study should be appropriate to achieve the research objectives. The size of the sample depends on the following factors:

  • The research design
  • The level of significance (alpha)
  • The desired power of the test
  • The effect size
  • The sampling method

The sample size should be large enough to achieve the desired power of the test and small enough to reduce the cost and time of the research. The sample size can be determined by using statistical formulas, power analysis, or sampling tables.

Example: The research study aims to investigate the effect of a new teaching method on the academic performance of high school students. The sample size of the study is determined by using power analysis. The level of significance is set at 0.05, the power of the test is set at 0.8, and the effect size is set at 0.5. The sample size is calculated to be 64 students.

ChatGPT Prompt 2: Are the research participants representative of the population under study?

The research participants should be representative of the population under study to generalize the research findings. The representativeness of the sample depends on the sampling method and the sampling frame. The sampling method should be unbiased and random to avoid selection bias. The sampling frame should include all the elements of the population under study.

Example: The research study aims to investigate the attitudes of university students towards online learning. The sample is selected by using stratified random sampling. The sampling frame includes all the students enrolled in the university. The sample is stratified based on the faculty, and the participants are selected randomly from each stratum. The research participants are representative of the university population.

ChatGPT Prompt 3: Are the research participants willing and able to participate in the research study?

The research participants should be willing and able to participate in the research study to avoid non-response bias. The willingness of the participants can be ensured by obtaining informed consent and providing incentives. The ability of the participants to participate can be ensured by selecting participants who meet the eligibility criteria.

Example: The research study aims to investigate the health-related quality of life of cancer patients who are receiving chemotherapy. The sample is selected from the cancer registry of a hospital. The eligibility criteria include age, cancer type, and chemotherapy regimen. The participants are contacted by phone, and informed consent is obtained from them. The participants who are willing and able to participate are included in the study.

Selecting appropriate research participants or samples is crucial to achieving valid and reliable research results. The above ChatGPT prompts can be used to check whether the research study has selected appropriate research participants or samples. By considering these prompts, researchers can ensure that their research is rigorous and meaningful.

23. Using ChatGPT Prompts to Assist with Developing and Refining Research Instruments

When it comes to research paper writing, developing and refining research instruments such as surveys and questionnaires can be a challenging task. Fortunately, ChatGPT prompts can be a useful tool to help with this process. By using prompts from ChatGPT, researchers can get ideas and insights on how to create effective research instruments that will yield accurate and valuable data.

Example of ChatGPT Prompt for Developing a Survey

Let's say you are conducting research on customer satisfaction with a particular product or service. You want to create a survey that will help you gather data on what customers like and dislike about the product or service. To get ideas for questions to include in the survey, you can use ChatGPT prompts. Here's an example of a prompt you could use:

Prompt: ""What are some effective questions to include in a customer satisfaction survey?""

Based on this prompt, ChatGPT might generate the following responses:

  • ""How satisfied are you with the product/service overall?""
  • ""What aspects of the product/service do you find most appealing?""
  • ""What aspects of the product/service do you find least appealing?""
  • ""How likely are you to recommend the product/service to others?""
  • ""What improvements would you suggest for the product/service?""

Using these prompts, you can create a survey that is tailored to your research question and will yield valuable data.

Example of ChatGPT Prompt for Refining a Questionnaire

Let's say you are conducting research on the relationship between social media use and mental health. You have created a questionnaire that asks participants about their social media use and their mental health, but you're not sure if the questions are clear and effective. To get ideas for how to refine the questionnaire, you can use ChatGPT prompts. Here's an example of a prompt you could use:

Prompt: ""What are some effective ways to ask about social media use in a questionnaire?""

  • ""How many hours per day do you spend on social media?""
  • ""What social media platforms do you use most frequently?""
  • ""How often do you post on social media?""
  • ""Have you ever felt pressure to present a certain image on social media?""
  • ""Have you ever experienced cyberbullying on social media?""

Using these prompts, you can refine your questionnaire to ensure that it is clear and effective in gathering data on social media use and mental health.

Overall, ChatGPT prompts can be a valuable tool for researchers who are developing and refining research instruments. By using prompts to generate ideas and suggestions, researchers can create instruments that will yield accurate and valuable data.

24. Suggest effective strategies for analyzing qualitative and quantitative data

Analyzing qualitative and quantitative data is an essential step in research paper writing. Both types of data require different analytical strategies to extract meaningful insights. In this paper, we will discuss effective strategies for analyzing qualitative and quantitative data.

Analyzing Qualitative Data

Qualitative data is descriptive data that cannot be measured numerically. Analyzing qualitative data involves the following strategies:

  • Coding: This involves categorizing data into themes or patterns. The researcher identifies key concepts and assigns codes to them. This makes it easier to identify patterns and themes within the data.
  • Content Analysis: This involves analyzing the content of the data to identify themes, patterns, and meanings. The researcher reads and re-reads the data to identify the main ideas and themes.
  • Triangulation: This involves using multiple data sources to verify the findings. The researcher can use a combination of interviews, focus groups, and observations to gather data. This helps to ensure the validity and reliability of the findings.

Analyzing Quantitative Data

Quantitative data is numerical data that can be measured and analyzed statistically. Analyzing quantitative data involves the following strategies:

  • Descriptive Statistics: This involves summarizing and describing the data using measures such as mean, mode, and median. This helps to identify patterns and trends in the data.
  • Inferential Statistics: This involves using statistical tests to make inferences about the data. The researcher can use tests such as t-tests and ANOVA to test hypotheses and identify significant differences between groups.
  • Data Visualization: This involves using graphs and charts to present the data visually. This makes it easier to identify patterns and trends in the data.

ChatGPT Prompt Examples

Here are some examples of ChatGPT prompts that can be used to achieve the mission of suggesting effective strategies for analyzing qualitative and quantitative data:

  • What are some effective strategies for coding qualitative data?
  • How can content analysis be used to analyze qualitative data?
  • What is triangulation and how can it be used to ensure the validity and reliability of qualitative data?
  • What is descriptive statistics and how can it be used to analyze quantitative data?
  • How can inferential statistics be used to test hypotheses and identify significant differences between groups?
  • What are some effective ways to visualize quantitative data?"

25. Guidance on Data Cleaning and Preparation

Data cleaning and preparation is a crucial step in the research paper writing process. It involves transforming raw data into a format that is suitable for analysis. The goal of this process is to ensure that the data is accurate, complete, and consistent. In this paper, we will discuss the different types of ChatGPT prompts that can be used to achieve this mission.

Types of ChatGPT Prompts

1. prompt for identifying missing values.

One of the most common issues in data cleaning is missing values. These values can be identified using the following prompt:

List all the missing values in the dataset.

2. Prompt for handling missing values

Once missing values have been identified, they need to be handled appropriately. The following prompt can be used to guide this process:

What method should be used to handle missing values?

3. Prompt for identifying outliers

Outliers are data points that are significantly different from other data points in the dataset. They can be identified using the following prompt:

Identify all the outliers in the dataset.

4. Prompt for handling outliers

Outliers can be handled in different ways depending on the nature of the data. The following prompt can be used to guide this process:

What method should be used to handle outliers?

5. Prompt for identifying duplicates

Duplicates can occur when the same data is recorded multiple times in the dataset. They can be identified using the following prompt:

Identify all the duplicate data in the dataset.

6. Prompt for handling duplicates

Duplicate data can be handled in different ways depending on the nature of the data. The following prompt can be used to guide this process:

What method should be used to handle duplicate data?

Consider a research paper that analyzes the relationship between a student's GPA and their attendance. The dataset used in this study contains the following variables: student ID, GPA, attendance, gender, and age.

To clean and prepare this data, the following prompts can be used:

  • Prompt for identifying missing values: List all the missing values in the dataset.
  • Prompt for handling missing values: What method should be used to handle missing values?
  • Prompt for identifying outliers: Identify all the outliers in the dataset.
  • Prompt for handling outliers: What method should be used to handle outliers?
  • Prompt for identifying duplicates: Identify all the duplicate data in the dataset.
  • Prompt for handling duplicates: What method should be used to handle duplicate data?

By using these prompts, the researcher can ensure that the data is accurate, complete, and consistent, which will improve the quality of their analysis.

26. Using ChatGPT Prompts to Check Feedback on the Relevance and Significance of Research Findings

When conducting research, it is important to gather feedback on the relevance and significance of the findings. One effective way to do this is by using ChatGPT prompts. In this article, we will explore the types of prompts that can be used to accomplish this task.

Example of Research Summary Text

The research findings suggest that there is a significant correlation between regular exercise and improved mental health. The study involved 500 participants, all of whom engaged in some form of physical activity at least three times a week. The results showed that those who exercised regularly reported lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression compared to those who did not exercise.

ChatGPT Prompts

Here are some examples of prompts that can be used to check feedback from given summary text on the relevance and significance of the research findings:

  • What are your thoughts on the correlation between regular exercise and improved mental health from the given summary text?
  • Do you think the sample size of 500 participants is sufficient to draw valid conclusions from the given summary text?
  • How do you think these findings could impact public health policies related to physical activity from the given summary text?
  • Can you suggest any other factors that may influence the relationship between exercise and mental health from the given summary text?
  • Do you think these findings could be applicable to other populations, such as older adults or individuals with disabilities from the given summary text?
  • What implications do you think these findings have for mental health treatment and prevention from the given summary text?

Using ChatGPT prompts can be a useful way to gather feedback on the relevance and significance of research findings. By asking targeted questions, researchers can gain valuable insights into how their findings are perceived and how they can be applied to real-world situations.

27. Strategies for Identifying and Addressing Potential Confounding Variables in Research

Confounding variables are variables that can affect the outcome of a research study, but are not the variables of interest. They can lead to false conclusions and hinder the accuracy and validity of research findings. To identify and address potential confounding variables in research, the following strategies can be used:

1. Define the research question and hypothesis

  • Clearly define the research question and hypothesis to ensure that the variables of interest are identified and focused on in the study.
  • Identify potential confounding variables that may affect the outcome of the study.

2. Conduct a literature review

  • Review relevant literature to identify potential confounding variables that have been previously identified in similar studies.
  • Consider the methods used in these studies to address confounding variables.

3. Collect data on potential confounding variables

  • Collect data on potential confounding variables to determine their relationship with the variables of interest.
  • Use standardized measures and methods to ensure consistency and accuracy in data collection.

4. Analyze data for confounding variables

  • Use statistical methods to analyze the data and identify potential confounding variables.
  • Control for confounding variables by including them as covariates in the analysis or by stratifying the analysis to address their effects.

5. Address confounding variables in study design

  • Design the study to minimize the effects of potential confounding variables.
  • Use randomization, matching, or blocking to ensure that confounding variables are equally distributed among groups.
  • Use blinding and placebo controls to reduce bias.

By using these strategies, researchers can identify and address potential confounding variables in their studies, leading to more accurate and valid research findings.

Example ChatGPT prompts for identifying and addressing confounding variables in research:

  • What are some potential confounding variables that may affect the outcome of the study from the given summary text?
  • How can the study design be modified to control for potential confounding variables from the given summary text?
  • What statistical methods can be used to analyze the data for potential confounding variables from the given summary text?
  • Can the effects of confounding variables be controlled for by including them as covariates in the analysis or by stratifying the analysis from the given summary text?
  • How can blinding and placebo controls be used to reduce bias in the study from the given summary text?

28. How ChatGPT Prompts can Help with Crafting Compelling and Engaging Titles for Research Papers

The title of a research paper is the first thing that readers see, and it can have a significant impact on whether they decide to read the paper or not. Crafting a compelling and engaging title is essential for getting your research noticed and read by others. ChatGPT prompts can help researchers achieve this goal by providing a variety of prompts that can be used to generate creative and effective titles.

Example of ChatGPT Prompts for Title Generation

Here are some examples of ChatGPT prompts that can be used for crafting compelling and engaging titles for research papers:

  • Please rewrite the given candidate title with consideration "What is the most surprising finding from your research, and how can it change the way we think about the topic"?
  • Please rewrite the given candidate title with consideration "How can your research help solve a real-world problem, and what are the implications of your findings"?
  • Please rewrite the given candidate title with consideration "What are the most interesting or controversial aspects of your research, and how can you highlight these in your title"?
  • Please rewrite the given candidate title with consideration "What are the key takeaways from your research, and how can you turn these into a catchy and memorable title"?
  • Please rewrite the given candidate title with consideration "What are the most important unanswered questions in your field, and how can your research contribute to answering these questions"?

Benefits of Using ChatGPT Prompts for Title Generation

There are several benefits to using ChatGPT prompts for crafting compelling and engaging titles for research papers, including:

  • Increased creativity: ChatGPT prompts can help researchers think outside of the box and come up with new and innovative ideas for titles.
  • Improved clarity: ChatGPT prompts can help researchers clarify the key findings and implications of their research, which can be reflected in the title.
  • Enhanced memorability: ChatGPT prompts can help researchers come up with titles that are catchy and memorable, making their research more likely to be shared and cited by others.

Crafting compelling and engaging titles for research papers is essential for getting your research noticed and read by others. ChatGPT prompts can help researchers achieve this goal by providing a variety of prompts that can be used to generate creative and effective titles. By using ChatGPT prompts, researchers can increase their creativity, improve clarity, and enhance memorability, ultimately leading to greater impact and visibility for their research.

29. Using ChatGPT for Feedback on Research Questions and Hypotheses

In research paper writing, it is crucial to have appropriate research questions and hypotheses. These questions guide the research process and help researchers to achieve their objectives. However, it can be challenging to determine whether research questions and hypotheses are appropriate or not. In this use case, we will explore how ChatGPT can be used to provide feedback on the appropriateness of research questions and hypotheses.

Preparing to get feedback

To use ChatGPT for providing feedback on the appropriateness of research questions and hypotheses, follow these steps:

  • Prepare the research material: Collect the research abstract, research questions, and hypotheses you want to evaluate. Make sure the material is clearly presented and accessible for input.
  • Formulate a clear prompt: Create a concise and explicit prompt that instructs ChatGPT to provide feedback on the research questions and hypotheses. For example:
"Please evaluate the following research questions and hypotheses for their appropriateness, relevance, clarity, and alignment with the study's objectives. Offer suggestions for improvement, if necessary. Here are the research abstract, questions, and hypotheses: ..."
Then, insert the research abstract, questions, and hypotheses into the prompt.
  • Input the prompt into ChatGPT: Copy and paste your prompt into ChatGPT, and submit it for processing.
  • Review the response: Carefully review the generated response to ensure it addresses the appropriateness, relevance, clarity, and alignment of the research questions and hypotheses. Check whether the feedback is constructive and provides useful suggestions for improvement.
  • Refine the prompt, if necessary: If the initial response does not fully address your needs or requires more specific feedback, refine the prompt to better direct ChatGPT toward the desired outcome. You may need to do this iteratively to get the most helpful feedback.

Example 1: Review Research Questions and Hypotheses

Example 2: generate research question and hypotheses and request feedback, types of chatgpt prompts:.

Clarification Prompt: This type of prompt is used to seek clarification on unclear or ambiguous research questions and hypotheses. It is especially useful when the research questions and hypotheses are too broad or vague. For example, "Could you please clarify what you mean by 'effective communication' in your research question?"

Specificity Prompt: This type of prompt is used to encourage researchers to make their research questions and hypotheses more specific and focused. It is particularly useful when the research questions and hypotheses are too general or broad. For example, "Could you please provide more specific details on the age range of the participants in your study?"

Relevance Prompt: This type of prompt is used to assess the relevance of research questions and hypotheses to the research topic. It is especially useful when the research questions and hypotheses are not directly related to the research topic. For example, "How does your research question relate to the main research topic?"

Testability Prompt: This type of prompt is used to check the testability of research questions and hypotheses. It is particularly useful when the research questions and hypotheses are too vague or general. For example, "Can you provide a testable hypothesis for your research question?"

Significance Prompt: This type of prompt is used to assess the significance of research questions and hypotheses. It is especially useful when the research questions and hypotheses do not contribute significantly to the existing body of knowledge. For example, "How does your research question contribute to the existing body of knowledge?"

Get Additional Feedbacks

Researchers can additionally input their questions and comments into ChatGPT and receive feedback on the appropriateness of their questions and hypotheses. Here are some examples of prompts that can be used for feedback on research questions and hypotheses:

Prompts 1: Check the hypotheses' relevance to the research question

  • Can you explain what you mean by research question using research abstract?
  • How would you define key concept in the research question from research abstract?
  • Is the research question clear and concise from research abstract?

Prompts 2: Check the hypotheses' relevance to the research question

  • Do the hypotheses address the research question?
  • Are the hypotheses relevant to the study's aims and objectives?
  • Do the hypotheses align with the research gap?

Prompts 3: Evaluate the hypotheses' testability

  • Can the hypotheses be tested with the available data and research methods?
  • Are there any limitations to testing the hypotheses?
  • Can the hypotheses be modified to make them more testable?

Prompts 4: Evaluate weakness and potential

  • "What are the weaknesses of my research question/hypothesis?"
  • "What are the potential biases in my research question/hypothesis?"
  • "How can I improve my research question/hypothesis?"
  • "What are the gaps in my research question/hypothesis?"

30. Suggestions for Developing Effective and Relevant Research Questions

Research questions are the foundation of any research paper. They guide the research process, and the quality of the research questions directly affects the quality of the research. Therefore, it is essential to develop effective and relevant research questions to ensure that your research is meaningful and valuable. In this article, we will provide you with some suggestions for developing effective and relevant research questions.


1. choose a topic of interest.

The first step in developing effective and relevant research questions is to choose a topic that you are interested in. It is easier to develop research questions about a topic that you are passionate about. Also, choosing a topic that you are familiar with will help you to develop better research questions.

For example, if you are interested in the effects of social media on mental health, you can develop research questions such as:

  • What is the relationship between social media use and anxiety?
  • How does social media use affect depression among teenagers?

2. Define the Research Problem

Once you have chosen a topic, the next step is to define the research problem. The research problem is the gap or the knowledge that you want to explore in your research. Defining the research problem will help you to develop research questions that are relevant and meaningful.

For example, if your research problem is the lack of understanding of the impact of social media on mental health, you can develop research questions such as:

  • What are the positive and negative effects of social media on mental health?
  • How can social media be used to promote mental health?

3. Use a Question Stem

Using a question stem can help you to develop effective and relevant research questions. A question stem is a phrase or a sentence that starts with words such as "what," "how," "why," or "when." Using a question stem will help you to focus on a specific aspect of your research problem.

For example, if your research problem is the impact of social media on mental health, you can use the following question stems to develop research questions:

  • What are the effects of social media on mental health?
  • How does social media use affect mental health?
  • Why do people use social media, and what are the effects on mental health?

4. Consider the Research Design

The research design is the plan or the strategy that you will use to conduct your research. The research design will affect the research questions that you can develop. Therefore, it is essential to consider the research design when developing research questions.

For example, if you are planning to conduct a survey to explore the impact of social media on mental health, you can develop research questions such as:

  • What is the prevalence of social media use among teenagers, and how does it affect their mental health?
  • How do different social media platforms affect mental health differently?

Example of prompt use

31. guidance on selecting appropriate research designs.

Research is an essential aspect of research life, and it requires a proper plan to conduct it successfully. One of the critical components of research planning is selecting an appropriate research design. The research design is the blueprint for conducting the research, and it outlines the procedures, methods, and techniques that will be used to gather and analyze data. This guidance will provide the necessary information required to select appropriate research designs.

Understanding the Research Question

Before selecting a research design, you need to understand the research question. The research question will determine the type of research design you will use. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is the research question?
  • What is the purpose of the research?
  • What are the expected outcomes of the research?

Types of Research Designs

There are different types of research designs, and each design has its advantages and disadvantages. Consider the following research designs:

Experimental Research Design

Experimental research design is used to investigate the cause and effect relationship between variables. It involves manipulating the independent variable and observing the effect on the dependent variable.

Quasi-Experimental Research Design

Quasi-experimental research design is similar to experimental research design, but it lacks randomization. It is used when it is not possible to randomize participants.

Correlational Research Design

Correlational research design is used to investigate the relationship between two or more variables. It does not involve manipulation of variables.

Survey Research Design

Survey research design is used to collect data from a large sample of people. It involves using questionnaires or interviews to gather data.

Case Study Research Design

Case study research design is used to investigate a particular case or phenomenon. It involves in-depth analysis of a particular case.

Example of Prompt

Example and result.

Copyright (C) 2023, Prompted by Jonghong Jeon, Text Drafted by ChatGPT

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ChatGPT prompts to write a PhD Thesis

How to Use ChatGPT to Write Your PhD Thesis

Dr. Somasundaram R


Table of contents

Limitations of using chatgpt, tips for using chatgpt effectively, chatgpt prompts to write a phd thesis.

Writing a PhD thesis is a long and challenging process. It requires a lot of research, writing, and editing. It can be difficult to know where to start, and it can be easy to get overwhelmed.

That’s where ChatGPT and Google Bard AI can help. ChatGPT is a large language model that can be used to generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way. It can be a valuable tool for PhD students who are struggling to write their thesis.

In this article, ilovephd will discuss how ChatGPT can be used to write a PhD thesis. We will provide examples of how ChatGPT can be used to generate different parts of a thesis, such as the introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. We will also discuss some of the limitations of using ChatGPT, and we will provide tips on how to use ChatGPT effectively.

How ChatGPT can be used to Write a PhD Thesis

ChatGPT can be used to generate different parts of a PhD thesis, including:

  • Introduction:  ChatGPT can be used to generate an introduction that states the thesis statement, provides background information on the topic, and discusses the significance of the research.
  • Literature review:  ChatGPT can be used to generate a literature review that summarizes the existing research on the topic.
  • Methodology:  ChatGPT can be used to generate a methodology section that describes the research methods that were used.
  • Results:  ChatGPT can be used to generate a results section that presents the findings of the research.
  • Discussion:  ChatGPT can be used to generate a discussion section that interprets the findings of the research and discusses their implications.
  • Conclusion:  ChatGPT can be used to generate a conclusion that summarizes the findings of the research and discusses their implications for future research.

While ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for PhD students, it is important to be aware of its limitations. ChatGPT is a machine learning model, and it is not perfect.

It can sometimes generate text that is inaccurate or incomplete. It is important to carefully review any text that is generated by ChatGPT before using it in your thesis.

Here are some tips for using ChatGPT effectively:

  • Use ChatGPT as a tool, not a replacement for your own research and writing.  ChatGPT can be a helpful way to get started on your thesis, but it is important to do your own research and writing to ensure that your thesis is accurate and complete.
  • Be careful about the prompts that you give to ChatGPT.  The prompts that you give to ChatGPT will determine the quality of the text that it generates. Make sure to give ChatGPT clear and concise prompts that are relevant to your thesis topic.
  • Review the text that ChatGPT generates carefully before using it in your thesis.  ChatGPT is a machine learning model, and it is not perfect. It can sometimes generate text that is inaccurate or incomplete. Make sure to carefully review any text that is generated by ChatGPT before using it in your thesis.

By following these tips, you can use ChatGPT effectively to help you write your PhD thesis.

  • Write an introduction for my PhD thesis on the topic of “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Future of Work”.
  • Write an introduction for my PhD thesis on the topic of “The Role of Social Media in the Arab Spring”.
  • Write an introduction for my PhD thesis on the topic of “The Effects of Climate Change on the Arctic”.
  • Write an introduction for my PhD thesis on the topic of “The Evolution of Human Language”.
  • Write an introduction for my PhD thesis on the topic of “The History of the American Civil War”.
  • Write a literature review on the topic of “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Future of Work”.
  • Write a literature review on the topic of “The Role of Social Media in the Arab Spring”.
  • Write a literature review on the topic of “The Effects of Climate Change on the Arctic”.
  • Write a literature review on the topic of “The Evolution of Human Language”.
  • Write a literature review on the topic of “The History of the American Civil War”.
  • Describe the methodology I will use to conduct my research on the topic of “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Future of Work”.
  • Describe the methodology I will use to conduct my research on the topic of “The Role of Social Media in the Arab Spring”.
  • Describe the methodology I will use to conduct my research on the topic of “The Effects of Climate Change on the Arctic”.
  • Describe the methodology I will use to conduct my research on the topic of “The Evolution of Human Language”.
  • Describe the methodology I will use to conduct my research on the topic of “The History of the American Civil War”.
  • Summarize the results of my research on the topic of “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Future of Work”.
  • Summarize the results of my research on the topic of “The Role of Social Media in the Arab Spring”.
  • Summarize the results of my research on the topic of “The Effects of Climate Change on the Arctic”.
  • Summarize the results of my research on the topic of “The Evolution of Human Language”.
  • Summarize the results of my research on the topic of “The History of the American Civil War”.
  • Discuss the implications of my research on the topic of “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Future of Work”.
  • Discuss the implications of my research on the topic of “The Role of Social Media in the Arab Spring”.
  • Discuss the implications of my research on the topic of “The Effects of Climate Change on the Arctic”.
  • Discuss the implications of my research on the topic of “The Evolution of Human Language”.
  • Discuss the implications of my research on the topic of “The History of the American Civil War”.
  • Draw conclusions from my research on the topic of “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Future of Work”.
  • Draw conclusions from my research on the topic of “The Role of Social Media in the Arab Spring”.
  • Draw conclusions from my research on the topic of “The Effects of Climate Change on the Arctic”.
  • Draw conclusions from my research on the topic of “The Evolution of Human Language”.
  • Draw conclusions from my research on the topic of “The History of the American Civil War”.
  • List all of the sources I used in my research on the topic of “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Future of Work”.
  • List all of the sources I used in my research on the topic of “The Role of Social Media in the Arab Spring”.
  • List all of the sources I used in my research on the topic of “The Effects of Climate Change on the Arctic”.
  • List all of the sources I used in my research on the topic of “The Evolution of Human Language”.
  • List all of the sources I used in my research on the topic of “The History of the American Civil War”.

These are just a few examples of ChatGPT prompts that you can use to write your PhD thesis. Be sure to tailor the prompts to your specific topic and research methods.

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Step 1: title and title page creation by chatgpt, step 2: abstract/summary creation by chatgpt, step 3: introduction creation by chatgpt, step 4: can chatgpt create a literature review, step 5: can chatgpt assist in brainstorming the methodology of studies, step 6: do not use chatgpt for fabricating patient data or results, step 7: discussion and conclusions, step 8: references, disadvantages of using chatgpt in research, acknowledgment., chatgpt for research and publication: a step-by-step guide.

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Som S. Biswas; ChatGPT for Research and Publication: A Step-by-Step Guide. The Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1 October 2023; 28 (6): 576–584. doi:

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This commentary provides a concise step-by-step guide on using ChatGPT, an advanced natural language processing (NLP) model, for research and publication purposes. The guide assesses crucial aspects, including data preprocessing, fine-tuning techniques, prompt engineering, and ethical considerations. By addressing challenges related to biases, interpretability, and plagiarism, this commentary offers insights and recommendations for the responsible and ethical use of ChatGPT. The guide empowers researchers to ethically integrate ChatGPT effectively into their workflows, enhancing productivity and improving the quality of their scientific publications. Through clear instructions and guidelines, researchers can tap into the transformative potential of ChatGPT, driving scientific progress in a language-driven world.

In recent years, the field of NLP has witnessed remarkable advancements, bringing us closer to the realm of humanlike language generation. Among these advancements, ChatGPT, based on the groundbreaking GPT-3.5 architecture developed by OpenAI, stands as an impressive language model capable of generating coherent and contextually relevant text responses. With its ability to understand and respond to user inputs, ChatGPT has opened up new possibilities for various applications, including research and publication. 1 – 3  

The traditional process of conducting research and publishing scientific papers has been significantly transformed by the emergence of ChatGPT. Researchers and authors can now leverage the power of this sophisticated language model to streamline and enhance their workflow, leading to improved efficiency and higher-quality publications. However, using ChatGPT effectively in the research and publication domain requires a comprehensive understanding of its capabilities, limitations, and best practices.

In this commentary I offer my thoughts for a step-by-step guide for researchers and authors who seek to harness the potential of ChatGPT in their research endeavors and publication efforts. By exploring various aspects, such as data preprocessing, fine-tuning techniques, prompt engineering, and ethical considerations, this guide will equip researchers with the necessary knowledge to harness the full potential of ChatGPT in their scientific pursuits. Moreover, this commentary will delve into the challenges associated with using ChatGPT for research and publication, including biases, interpretability, and concerns regarding plagiarism. By addressing these challenges directly, I aim to provide researchers with valuable insights and recommendations to navigate these important issues and ensure the responsible and ethical use of ChatGPT as a research tool. 4  

The significance of my guide lies in its potential to bridge the gap between the rapid progress of language models like ChatGPT and the research and publication process. By elucidating the intricacies of integrating ChatGPT into scientific workflows, researchers will be empowered to leverage this advanced technology effectively, thereby enhancing the overall quality and impact of their research output. 5   In the following sections, I present a comprehensive overview of the steps involved in using ChatGPT for research and publication.

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool in generating titles for research papers. Its ability to understand and generate humanlike text allows it to analyze and synthesize information provided by researchers to craft concise and impactful titles. By leveraging its vast knowledge base and language capabilities, ChatGPT can assist in capturing the essence of a research paper, conveying the main focus and contributions succinctly. Researchers can collaborate with ChatGPT by providing relevant information, such as the subject, objectives, methodology, and key findings of their study. ChatGPT can then generate multiple title options, offering different perspectives and angles that researchers can consider. This collaboration with ChatGPT can save time and stimulate creativity, helping researchers refine their titles to accurately represent their work and engage potential readers. ChatGPT can then be used to create the entire title page and then can also customize based on each journal’s recommendations.

For example:


Thus, we see that ChatGPT can write an entire title page based on just the title and author details. We notice that ChatGPT has created an email address that is incorrect and needs manual rectification. However, the rest of the title page, including keywords and the running title, is appropriate.

ChatGPT can assist in condensing complex information into a clear and engaging abstract/summary, helping researchers communicate the significance and novelty of their research to a wider audience. By leveraging the language proficiency of ChatGPT, researchers can save time and effort in crafting abstracts while ensuring that the key aspects of their study are accurately represented.

In this example, we demonstrate that ChatGPT can create an entire abstract just by using the title alone. However, the more information researchers provide (preferably the entire body of the paper should be entered into chatGPT), the more accurate the abstract becomes.


By collaborating with ChatGPT, researchers can provide key information, such as the background, significance, and objectives of their study. ChatGPT can then generate a well-structured introduction that sets the context, highlights the relevance of the research, and outlines the paper’s objectives. Also, ChatGPT can be used to generate keywords and generate an abbreviations list from the article by using prompts. However, it is important to note that the generated introduction should be reviewed, customized, and refined by the researchers to align with their specific study and writing style.

In the example below, we note that ChatGPT has not only created an introduction but also the objectives of the study, which can then be edited by the human author.


Yes, ChatGPT can help generate a literature review, but it is important to note that it may not have access to the most up-to-date research articles and studies due to copyrights and limited access to some journals. Additionally, a literature review typically requires a comprehensive analysis of multiple sources, so the generated response may not cover all relevant studies. Nonetheless, it can assist in providing a basic literature review on a given topic, which will need human authors to add to and edit it.


As we can see, ChatGPT is not as good at giving a detailed review of the literature as it is at summarizing contents or creating an introduction. Thus, its use is limited, if there is any at all, in this section of the paper.

ChatGPT can be a helpful tool in conceptualizing the methodology for research papers. By engaging in a conversation with ChatGPT, researchers can discuss their research objectives, study design, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques. ChatGPT’s natural language understanding allows it to provide suggestions and insights based on its knowledge base and understanding of research methodologies. Although ChatGPT can assist in generating ideas and providing guidance, it is important for researchers to critically evaluate and adapt the suggestions to align with their specific research goals and requirements.

Although the methodology is something that is unique to each paper and needs a human researcher to conceptualize it, we see in this example that ChatGPT can assist by giving ideas and examples based on the input of the title by the human researcher. Thus, ChatGPT can be part of brainstorming sessions when conceptualizing a study, although this section needs significant editing by a human, unlike the introduction or summary.


This section of the paper must be authentic, and ChatGPT has a limited role, if any, because patient data have to be original. ChatGPT also currently cannot analyze clinical data compared with statistical software, like SPSS Statistics and Base SAS. However, Microsoft appears to be developing an Excel copilot that uses AI to create graphs and plots, and its use needs to be evaluated once it is released to the public. 6  

This section of the paper can be generated by ChatGPT if all results are pasted as input; however, this section also needs manual editing because inaccuracies are common. By discussing their research with ChatGPT, researchers can also identify potential limitations, discuss the broader implications of their findings, and propose future research directions. Although ChatGPT can generate suggestions and facilitate the thought process, it is important for researchers to critically evaluate the information provided and ensure that the Discussion and Conclusion sections align with the specific research objectives and findings of their study. Ultimately, ChatGPT can serve as a supportive tool in developing a comprehensive and well-rounded discussion and conclusion for research papers.

As per the author's experience, although ChatGPT is capable of creating references for an article, most of them are incorrect. So, using ChatGPT for creating references is not recommended. However, ChatGPT can convert references into any journaling style if the references are entered into ChatGPT and it is asked to convert them into a specific style.

Lack of domain expertise: ChatGPT is a general-purpose language model trained on a diverse range of Internet text, which means it may lack the specific domain expertise required for certain research topics. It may generate responses that are not accurate or well informed in specialized fields, potentially leading to incorrect or misleading information in research papers.

Inconsistency and variability: ChatGPT’s responses can be inconsistent and vary depending on the input phrasing or prompt formulation. This can lead to unpredictability in generating reliable and coherent content, requiring additional effort to refine and ensure accuracy in research papers.

Limited control over output: Although researchers can guide the model’s responses through prompts, ChatGPT’s generation process is still primarily autonomous. Researchers have limited control over the precise content and structure of the generated text, which may require careful editing and review to align with specific research goals, standards, and above all, accuracy.

Biases and ethical considerations: Language models like ChatGPT can inadvertently reflect biases present in the training data. These biases may perpetuate existing societal or cultural biases in research papers, potentially leading to unfair or discriminatory content. The careful examination and mitigation of biases are crucial to ensure ethical and unbiased research output. 7  

Lack of interpretability: ChatGPT’s decision-making process is complex and not easily interpretable. Researchers may struggle to understand the reasoning behind the model’s generated responses, making it challenging to assess the reliability and credibility of the information provided. Ensuring transparency and interpretability in research papers becomes more challenging with such models. ChatGPT should cite the sources for its data, like Google Bard does.

Plagiarism concerns: Because of its vast training data from the Internet, ChatGPT may inadvertently generate text that resembles or replicates existing content without proper citation or attribution. Researchers must be cautious about unintentional plagiarism and ensure that generated content is appropriately referenced and original. So, all ChatGPt-generated articles need to be double checked using antiplagiarism software.

In this commentary I have provided a comprehensive step-by-step guide for researchers and authors on harnessing the power of ChatGPT in the realm of research and publication. By exploring crucial aspects, such as data preprocessing, fine-tuning techniques, prompt engineering, and ethical considerations, the guide equips researchers with the necessary knowledge and tools to effectively integrate ChatGPT into their scientific workflows. 8  

Through clear instructions, examples, and guidelines, researchers can navigate the complexities of using ChatGPT, leading to enhanced productivity and improved quality in their research output. Moreover, I address the challenges associated with biases, interpretability, and plagiarism concerns, ensuring the responsible and ethical usage of ChatGPT as a research tool.

The significance of this research lies in its ability to bridge the gap between the rapid advancements in language models like ChatGPT and the research and publication process. By empowering researchers with the skills to leverage ChatGPT effectively, this guide fosters innovation, drives scientific progress, and opens up new possibilities for transformative contributions to various fields. 9  

As language-driven technologies continue to evolve, researchers must stay abreast of the latest advancements and best practices. The step-by-step guide presented in this commentary serves as a valuable resource, providing researchers with the knowledge and guidance necessary to maximize the potential of ChatGPT in their research endeavors. By embracing the capabilities of ChatGPT and ensuring its responsible and ethical use, researchers can revolutionize the way research and publications are conducted. With ChatGPT as a powerful tool in their arsenal, researchers are poised to make significant strides in their respective fields, pushing the boundaries of scientific knowledge and ushering in a new era of language-driven innovation. 10  

However, and to reiterate, I cannot overemphasize that ChatGPT has, at present, many disadvantages, including inconsistencies, bias, and plagiarism concerns, that must be addressed by the human author before the article is submitted for publication to a journal, as well as prior to publication, because the human author(s) is solely responsible for their research integrity and accurate reporting.

In conclusion, I have attempted to provide researchers with a comprehensive understanding of how to effectively leverage ChatGPT for research and publication purposes. It has also highlighted the problems and precautions that the human author(s) must take before publishing ChatGPT-generated content. By embracing this step-by-step guide, researchers can unlock the full potential of ChatGPT, driving scientific progress and shaping the future of research and publications.

Please use ChatGPT only if allowed by your institution, research lab, and the journal in question.

Please acknowledge ChatGPT within your manuscript/published paper wherever you are using it.

Please do not fabricate or plagiarize data. ChatGPT can be used only for summarizing texts, improving English writeups, and brainstorming ideas, and not for creating fabricated research raw data.

The author acknowledges that this article was partially generated by ChatGPT (powered by OpenAI’s language model, GPT-3; ). The editing was performed by the human author.

Disclosure. The author declare no conflicts or financial interest in any product or service mentioned in the manuscript, including grants, equipment, medications, employment, gifts, and honoraria.

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Frequently asked questions

How can i use chatgpt for my term paper or bachelor thesis.

You can use ChatGPT to assist in the writing process for your research paper , thesis , or dissertation in the following ways:

  • Developing a research question
  • Creating an outline
  • Generating literature ideas
  • Paraphrasing text
  • Getting feedback

Frequently asked questions: AI tools

Generative AI technology typically uses large language models (LLMs) , which are powered by neural networks —computer systems designed to mimic the structures of brains. These LLMs are trained on a huge quantity of data (e.g., text, images) to recognize patterns that they then follow in the content they produce.

For example, a chatbot like ChatGPT generally has a good idea of what word should come next in a sentence because it has been trained on billions of sentences and “learned” what words are likely to appear, in what order, in each context.

This makes generative AI applications vulnerable to the problem of hallucination —errors in their outputs such as unjustified factual claims or visual bugs in generated images. These tools essentially “guess” what a good response to the prompt would be, and they have a pretty good success rate because of the large amount of training data they have to draw on, but they can and do go wrong.

According to OpenAI’s terms of use, users have the right to use outputs from their own ChatGPT conversations for any purpose (including commercial publication).

However, users should be aware of the potential legal implications of publishing ChatGPT outputs. ChatGPT responses are not always unique: different users may receive the same response.

Furthermore, ChatGPT outputs may contain copyrighted material. Users may be liable if they reproduce such material.

ChatGPT can sometimes reproduce biases from its training data , since it draws on the text it has “seen” to create plausible responses to your prompts.

For example, users have shown that it sometimes makes sexist assumptions such as that a doctor mentioned in a prompt must be a man rather than a woman. Some have also pointed out political bias in terms of which political figures the tool is willing to write positively or negatively about and which requests it refuses.

The tool is unlikely to be consistently biased toward a particular perspective or against a particular group. Rather, its responses are based on its training data and on the way you phrase your ChatGPT prompts . It’s sensitive to phrasing, so asking it the same question in different ways will result in quite different answers.

Information extraction  refers to the process of starting from unstructured sources (e.g., text documents written in ordinary English) and automatically extracting structured information (i.e., data in a clearly defined format that’s easily understood by computers). It’s an important concept in natural language processing (NLP) .

For example, you might think of using news articles full of celebrity gossip to automatically create a database of the relationships between the celebrities mentioned (e.g., married, dating, divorced, feuding). You would end up with data in a structured format, something like MarriageBetween(celebrity 1 ,celebrity 2 ,date) .

The challenge involves developing systems that can “understand” the text well enough to extract this kind of data from it.

Knowledge representation and reasoning (KRR) is the study of how to represent information about the world in a form that can be used by a computer system to solve and reason about complex problems. It is an important field of artificial intelligence (AI) research.

An example of a KRR application is a semantic network, a way of grouping words or concepts by how closely related they are and formally defining the relationships between them so that a machine can “understand” language in something like the way people do.

A related concept is information extraction , concerned with how to get structured information from unstructured sources.

Yes, you can use ChatGPT to summarize text . This can help you understand complex information more easily, summarize the central argument of your own paper, or clarify your research question.

You can also use Scribbr’s free text summarizer , which is designed specifically for this purpose.

Yes, you can use ChatGPT to paraphrase text to help you express your ideas more clearly, explore different ways of phrasing your arguments, and avoid repetition.

However, it’s not specifically designed for this purpose. We recommend using a specialized tool like Scribbr’s free paraphrasing tool , which will provide a smoother user experience.

Yes, you use ChatGPT to help write your college essay by having it generate feedback on certain aspects of your work (consistency of tone, clarity of structure, etc.).

However, ChatGPT is not able to adequately judge qualities like vulnerability and authenticity. For this reason, it’s important to also ask for feedback from people who have experience with college essays and who know you well. Alternatively, you can get advice using Scribbr’s essay editing service .

No, having ChatGPT write your college essay can negatively impact your application in numerous ways. ChatGPT outputs are unoriginal and lack personal insight.

Furthermore, Passing off AI-generated text as your own work is considered academically dishonest . AI detectors may be used to detect this offense, and it’s highly unlikely that any university will accept you if you are caught submitting an AI-generated admission essay.

However, you can use ChatGPT to help write your college essay during the preparation and revision stages (e.g., for brainstorming ideas and generating feedback).

Although the terms artificial intelligence and machine learning are often used interchangeably, they are distinct (but related) concepts:

  • Artificial intelligence is a broad term that encompasses any process or technology aiming to build machines and computers that can perform complex tasks typically associated with human intelligence, like decision-making or translating.
  • Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence that uses data and algorithms to teach computers how to learn and perform specific tasks without human interference.

In other words, machine learning is a specific approach or technique used to achieve the overarching goal of AI to build intelligent systems.

Traditional programming and machine learning are essentially different approaches to problem-solving.

In traditional programming, a programmer manually provides specific instructions to the computer based on their understanding and analysis of the problem. If the data or the problem changes, the programmer needs to manually update the code.

In contrast, in machine learning the process is automated: we feed data to a computer and it comes up with a solution (i.e. a model) without being explicitly instructed on how to do this. Because the ML model learns by itself, it can handle new data or new scenarios.

Overall, traditional programming is a more fixed approach where the programmer designs the solution explicitly, while ML is a more flexible and adaptive approach where the ML model learns from data to generate a solution.

A real-life application of machine learning is an email spam filter. To create such a filter, we would collect data consisting of various email messages and features (subject line, sender information, etc.) which we would label as spam or not spam. We would then train the model to recognize which features are associated with spam emails. In this way, the ML model would be able to classify any incoming emails as either unwanted or legitimate.

ChatGPT and other AI writing tools can have unethical uses. These include:

  • Reproducing biases and false information
  • Using ChatGPT to cheat in academic contexts
  • Violating the privacy of others by inputting personal information

However, when used correctly, AI writing tools can be helpful resources for improving your academic writing and research skills. Some ways to use ChatGPT ethically include:

  • Following your institution’s guidelines
  • Critically evaluating outputs
  • Being transparent about how you used the tool

According to OpenAI’s terms of use, users have the right to reproduce text generated by ChatGPT during conversations.

However, publishing ChatGPT outputs may have legal implications , such as copyright infringement.

Users should be aware of such issues and use ChatGPT outputs as a source of inspiration instead.

Supervised learning should be used when your dataset consists of labeled data and your goal is to predict or classify new, unseen data based on the patterns learned from the labeled examples. 

Tasks like image classification, sentiment analysis, and predictive modeling are common in supervised learning.

Unsupervised learning should be used when your data is unlabeled and your goal is to discover the inherent structure or pattern in the data. 

This approach is helpful for tasks like clustering, association, and dimensionality reduction.

I n classification , the goal is to assign input data to specific, predefined categories. The output in classification is typically a label or a class from a set of predefined options.

In regression , the goal is to establish a relationship between input variables and the output. The output in regression is a real-valued number that can vary within a range.

In both supervised learning approaches the goal is to find patterns or relationships in the input data so we can accurately predict the desired outcomes. The difference is that classification predicts categorical classes (like spam), while regression predicts continuous numerical values (like age, income, or temperature).

Generative art  is art that has been created (generated) by some sort of autonomous system rather than directly by a human artist. Nowadays , the term is commonly used to refer to images created by generative AI tools like Midjourney and DALL-E. These tools use neural networks to create art automatically based on a prompt from the user (e.g., “an elephant painted in the style of Goya”).

However, the term has been in use since before this technology existed, and it can also refer to any technique use by an artist (or writer, musician, etc.) to create art according to a process that proceeds autonomously—i.e., outside of the artist’s direct control. Examples of generative art that does not involve AI include serialism in music and the cut-up technique in literature.

Some real-life applications of reinforcement learning include:

  • Healthcare. Reinforcement learning can be used to create personalized treatment strategies, known as dynamic treatment regimes (DTRs), for patients with long-term illnesses. The input is a set of clinical observations and assessments of a patient. The outputs are the treatment options or drug dosages for every stage of the patient’s journey.
  • Education. Reinforcement learning can be used to create personalized learning experiences for students. This includes tutoring systems that adapt to student needs, identify knowledge gaps, and suggest customized learning trajectories to enhance educational outcomes.
  • Natural language processing (NLP) . Text summarization, question answering, machine translation, and predictive text are all NLP applications using reinforcement learning.
  • Robotics. Deep learning and reinforcement learning can be used to train robots that have the ability to grasp various objects , even objects they have never encountered before. This can, for example, be used in the context of an assembly line.

Deep reinforcement learning is the combination of deep learning and reinforcement learning .

  • Deep learning is a collection of techniques using artificial neural networks that mimic the structure of the human brain. With deep learning, computers can recognize complex patterns in large amounts of data, extract insights, or make predictions, without being explicitly programmed to do so. The training can consist of supervised learning , unsupervised learning , or reinforcement learning.
  • Reinforcement learning (RL) is a learning mode in which a computer interacts with an environment, receives feedback and, based on that, adjusts its decision-making strategy.
  • Deep reinforcement learning is a specialized form of RL that utilizes deep neural networks to solve more complex problems. In deep reinforcement learning, we combine the pattern recognition strengths of deep learning and neural networks with the feedback-based learning of RL.

A key challenge that arises in reinforcement learning (RL) is the trade-off between exploration and exploitation . This challenge is unique to RL and doesn’t arise in supervised or unsupervised learning .

Exploration is any action that lets the agent discover new features about the environment, while exploitation is capitalizing on knowledge already gained. If the agent continues to exploit only past experiences, it is likely to get stuck in a suboptimal policy. On the other hand, if it continues to explore without exploiting, it might never find a good policy.

An agent must find the right balance between the two so that it can discover the optimal policy that yields the maximum rewards.

Algorithms and computer programs are sometimes used interchangeably, but they refer to two distinct but interrelated concepts.

  • An algorithm is a step-by-step instruction for solving a problem that is precise yet general.
  • Computer programs are specific implementations of an algorithm in a specific programming language. In other words, the algorithm is the high-level description of an idea, while the program is the actual implementation of that idea.

Algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) are not the same, however they are closely related.

  • Artificial intelligence is a broad term describing computer systems performing tasks usually associated with human intelligence like decision-making, pattern recognition, or learning from experience.
  • Algorithms are the instructions that AI uses to carry out these tasks, therefore we could say that algorithms are the building blocks of AI—even though AI involves more advanced capabilities beyond just following instructions.

In computer science, an algorithm is a list of unambiguous instructions that specify successive steps to solve a problem or perform a task. Algorithms help computers execute tasks like playing games or sorting a list of numbers. In other words, computers use algorithms to understand what to do and give you the result you need.

Algorithms are valuable to us because they:

  • Form the basis of much of the technology we use in our daily lives, from mobile apps to search engines.
  • Power innovations in various industries that augment our abilities (e.g., AI assistants or medical diagnosis).
  • Help analyze large volumes of data, discover patterns and make informed decisions in a fast and efficient way, at a scale humans are simply not able to do.
  • Automate processes. By streamlining tasks, algorithms increase efficiency, reduce errors, and save valuable time.

AI detectors aim to identify the presence of AI-generated text (e.g., from ChatGPT ) in a piece of writing, but they can’t do so with complete accuracy. In our comparison of the best AI detectors , we found that the 10 tools we tested had an average accuracy of 60%. The best free tool had 68% accuracy, the best premium tool 84%.

Because of how AI detectors work , they can never guarantee 100% accuracy, and there is always at least a small risk of false positives (human text being marked as AI-generated). Therefore, these tools should not be relied upon to provide absolute proof that a text is or isn’t AI-generated. Rather, they can provide a good indication in combination with other evidence.

No, it’s not a good idea to do so in general—first, because it’s normally considered plagiarism or academic dishonesty to represent someone else’s work as your own (even if that “someone” is an AI language model). Even if you cite ChatGPT , you’ll still be penalized unless this is specifically allowed by your university . Institutions may use AI detectors to enforce these rules.

Second, ChatGPT can recombine existing texts, but it cannot really generate new knowledge. And it lacks specialist knowledge of academic topics. Therefore, it is not possible to obtain original research results, and the text produced may contain factual errors.

However, you can usually still use ChatGPT for assignments in other ways, as a source of inspiration and feedback.

No, it is not possible to cite your sources with ChatGPT . You can ask it to create citations, but it isn’t designed for this task and tends to make up sources that don’t exist or present information in the wrong format. ChatGPT also cannot add citations to direct quotes in your text.

Instead, use a tool designed for this purpose, like the Scribbr Citation Generator .

But you can use ChatGPT for assignments in other ways, to provide inspiration, feedback, and general writing advice.

ChatGPT is a chatbot based on a large language model (LLM). These models are trained on huge datasets consisting of hundreds of billions of words of text, based on which the model learns to effectively predict natural responses to the prompts you enter.

ChatGPT was also refined through a process called reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), which involves “rewarding” the model for providing useful answers and discouraging inappropriate answers—encouraging it to make fewer mistakes.

Essentially, ChatGPT’s answers are based on predicting the most likely responses to your inputs based on its training data, with a reward system on top of this to incentivize it to give you the most helpful answers possible. It’s a bit like an incredibly advanced version of predictive text. This is also one of ChatGPT’s limitations : because its answers are based on probabilities, they’re not always trustworthy .

ChatGPT is owned by OpenAI , the company that developed and released it. OpenAI is a company dedicated to AI research. It started as a nonprofit company in 2015 but transitioned to for-profit in 2019. Its current CEO is Sam Altman, who also co-founded the company.

In terms of who owns the content generated by ChatGPT , OpenAI states that it will not claim copyright on this content , and the terms of use state that “you can use Content for any purpose, including commercial purposes such as sale or publication.” This means that you effectively own any content you generate with ChatGPT and can use it for your own purposes.

Be cautious about how you use ChatGPT content in an academic context. University policies on AI writing are still developing, so even if you “own” the content, you’re often not allowed to submit it as your own work according to your university or to publish it in a journal. AI detectors may be used to detect ChatGPT content.

ChatGPT was created by OpenAI, an AI research company. It started as a nonprofit company in 2015 but became for-profit in 2019. Its CEO is Sam Altman, who also co-founded the company. OpenAI released ChatGPT as a free “research preview” in November 2022. Currently, it’s still available for free, although a more advanced premium version is available if you pay for it.

OpenAI is also known for developing DALL-E, an AI image generator that runs on similar technology to ChatGPT.

GPT  stands for “generative pre-trained transformer,” which is a type of large language model: a neural network trained on a very large amount of text to produce convincing, human-like language outputs. The Chat part of the name just means “chat”: ChatGPT is a chatbot that you interact with by typing in text.

The technology behind ChatGPT is GPT-3.5 (in the free version) or GPT-4 (in the premium version). These are the names for the specific versions of the GPT model. GPT-4 is currently the most advanced model that OpenAI has created. It’s also the model used in Bing’s chatbot feature.

AI writing tools can be used to perform a variety of tasks.

Generative AI writing tools (like ChatGPT ) generate text based on human inputs and can be used for interactive learning, to provide feedback, or to generate research questions or outlines.

These tools can also be used to paraphrase or summarize text or to identify grammar and punctuation mistakes. Y ou can also use Scribbr’s free paraphrasing tool , summarizing tool , and grammar checker , which are designed specifically for these purposes.

Using AI writing tools (like ChatGPT ) to write your essay is usually considered plagiarism and may result in penalization, unless it is allowed by your university . Text generated by AI tools is based on existing texts and therefore cannot provide unique insights. Furthermore, these outputs sometimes contain factual inaccuracies or grammar mistakes.

However, AI writing tools can be used effectively as a source of feedback and inspiration for your writing (e.g., to generate research questions ). Other AI tools, like grammar checkers, can help identify and eliminate grammar and punctuation mistakes to enhance your writing.

ChatGPT conversations are generally used to train future models and to resolve issues/bugs. These chats may be monitored by human AI trainers.

However, users can opt out of having their conversations used for training. In these instances, chats are monitored only for potential abuse.

OpenAI may store ChatGPT conversations for the purposes of future training. Additionally, these conversations may be monitored by human AI trainers.

Users can choose not to have their chat history saved. Unsaved chats are not used to train future models and are permanently deleted from ChatGPT’s system after 30 days.

The official ChatGPT app is currently only available on iOS devices. If you don’t have an iOS device, only use the official OpenAI website to access the tool. This helps to eliminate the potential risk of downloading fraudulent or malicious software.

Yes, using ChatGPT as a conversation partner is a great way to practice a language in an interactive way.

Try using a prompt like this one:

“Please be my Spanish conversation partner. Only speak to me in Spanish. Keep your answers short (maximum 50 words). Ask me questions. Let’s start the conversation with the following topic: [conversation topic].”

Tools called AI detectors are designed to label text as AI-generated or human. AI detectors work by looking for specific characteristics in the text, such as a low level of randomness in word choice and sentence length. These characteristics are typical of AI writing, allowing the detector to make a good guess at when text is AI-generated.

But these tools can’t guarantee 100% accuracy. Check out our comparison of the best AI detectors to learn more.

You can also manually watch for clues that a text is AI-generated—for example, a very different style from the writer’s usual voice or a generic, overly polite tone.

Our research into the best summary generators (aka summarizers or summarizing tools) found that the best summarizer available in 2023 is the one offered by QuillBot.

While many summarizers just pick out some sentences from the text, QuillBot generates original summaries that are creative, clear, accurate, and concise. It can summarize texts of up to 1,200 words for free, or up to 6,000 with a premium subscription.

Try the QuillBot summarizer for free

Deep learning models can be biased in their predictions if the training data consist of biased information. For example, if a deep learning model used for screening job applicants has been trained with a dataset consisting primarily of white male applicants, it will consistently favor this specific population over others.

Deep learning requires a large dataset (e.g., images or text) to learn from. The more diverse and representative the data, the better the model will learn to recognize objects or make predictions. Only when the training data is sufficiently varied can the model make accurate predictions or recognize objects from new data.

ChatGPT prompts   are the textual inputs (e.g., questions, instructions) that you enter into ChatGPT to get responses.

ChatGPT predicts an appropriate response to the prompt you entered. In general, a more specific and carefully worded prompt will get you better responses.

A good ChatGPT prompt (i.e., one that will get you the kinds of responses you want):

  • Gives the tool a role to explain what type of answer you expect from it
  • Is precisely formulated and gives enough context
  • Is free from bias
  • Has been tested and improved by experimenting with the tool

Yes, ChatGPT is currently available for free. You have to sign up for a free account to use the tool, and you should be aware that your data may be collected to train future versions of the model.

To sign up and use the tool for free, go to this page and click “Sign up.” You can do so with your email or with a Google account.

A premium version of the tool called ChatGPT Plus is available as a monthly subscription. It currently costs $20 and gets you access to features like GPT-4 (a more advanced version of the language model). But it’s optional: you can use the tool completely free if you’re not interested in the extra features.

It’s not clear whether ChatGPT will stop being available for free in the future—and if so, when. The tool was originally released in November 2022 as a “research preview.” It was released for free so that the model could be tested on a very large user base.

The framing of the tool as a “preview” suggests that it may not be available for free in the long run, but so far, no plans have been announced to end free access to the tool.

A premium version, ChatGPT Plus, is available for $20 a month and provides access to features like GPT-4, a more advanced version of the model. It may be that this is the only way OpenAI (the publisher of ChatGPT) plans to monetize it and that the basic version will remain free. Or it may be that the high costs of running the tool’s servers lead them to end the free version in the future. We don’t know yet.

ChatGPT is currently free to use. You just have to sign up for a free account (using your email address or your Google account), and you can start using the tool immediately. It’s possible that the tool will require a subscription to use in the future, but no plans for this have been announced so far.

A premium subscription for the tool is available, however. It’s called ChatGPT Plus and costs $20 a month. It gets you access to features like GPT-4 (a more advanced version of the model) and faster responses. But it’s entirely optional: you only need to subscribe if you want these advanced features.

ChatGPT was publicly released on November 30, 2022. At the time of its release, it was described as a “research preview,” but it is still available now, and no plans have been announced so far to take it offline or charge for access.

ChatGPT continues to receive updates adding more features and fixing bugs. The most recent update at the time of writing was on May 24, 2023.

You can access ChatGPT by signing up for a free account:

  • Follow this link to the ChatGPT website.
  • Click on “Sign up” and fill in the necessary details (or use your Google account). It’s free to sign up and use the tool.
  • Type a prompt into the chat box to get started!

A ChatGPT app is also available for iOS, and an Android app is planned for the future. The app works similarly to the website, and you log in with the same account for both.

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Scribbr specializes in editing study-related documents . We proofread:

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Scribbr’s Plagiarism Checker is powered by elements of Turnitin’s Similarity Checker , namely the plagiarism detection software and the Internet Archive and Premium Scholarly Publications content databases .

The add-on AI detector is powered by Scribbr’s proprietary software.

The Scribbr Citation Generator is developed using the open-source Citation Style Language (CSL) project and Frank Bennett’s citeproc-js . It’s the same technology used by dozens of other popular citation tools, including Mendeley and Zotero.

You can find all the citation styles and locales used in the Scribbr Citation Generator in our publicly accessible repository on Github .


ChatGPT Prompts for Writing a Thesis: Ultimate Guide

Are you struggling to come up with compelling prompts for writing your thesis? Look no further! In this ultimate guide, we will explore how ChatGPT, an AI writing tool developed by OpenAI, can assist you in generating effective prompts for your thesis. With ChatGPT, you can unlock a world of possibilities and receive valuable insights to enhance your thesis writing process.

Examples of ChatGPT Prompts for Writing a Thesis

  • What are the key factors influencing [specific topic] and how do they impact [relevant field]?
  • Explain the historical significance of [event] and its implications on [subject].
  • Compare and contrast the methodologies used in [study A] and [study B] to analyze [research question].
  • Discuss the ethical considerations associated with [issue] and propose potential solutions.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of [theory] in explaining [phenomenon] and suggest alternative frameworks.

Tips for Generating the Best Results

To maximize the effectiveness of ChatGPT in generating prompts for your thesis, consider the following tips:

  • Be specific: Provide as much context and detail as possible when formulating your prompts. This will help ChatGPT understand your requirements accurately.
  • Use clear language: Ensure your prompts are concise and straightforward. Avoid ambiguous or vague phrasing to receive more precise responses.
  • Experiment with variations: If the initial prompt doesn’t yield the desired results, try rephrasing or modifying it slightly. Sometimes, a small tweak can lead to more insightful responses.
  • Ask for examples or evidence: Request ChatGPT to provide specific examples or evidence to support its responses. This can enhance the credibility and depth of your thesis.
  • Iterate and refine: Engage in an iterative process with ChatGPT. Use its initial responses as a starting point and continue to refine and expand upon them until you achieve the desired outcome.

By following these tips, you can harness the power of ChatGPT to generate high-quality prompts that will strengthen your thesis writing process.


Q: Can ChatGPT write my entire thesis for me? A: While ChatGPT can provide valuable prompts and insights, it is important to note that it should not replace your own critical thinking and research. ChatGPT should be used as a tool to assist and enhance your writing process, rather than as a substitute for your own analysis and expertise.

Q: How accurate are the responses generated by ChatGPT? A: ChatGPT strives to provide helpful and relevant responses based on the information it has been trained on. However, it is important to critically evaluate and verify the information provided by ChatGPT, as it may not always be entirely accurate or up to date.

Q: Can I use ChatGPT for other aspects of my thesis writing besides generating prompts? A: Absolutely! ChatGPT can assist you with various aspects of your thesis writing, such as brainstorming ideas, refining arguments, or even proofreading sections. Its versatility makes it a valuable tool throughout your thesis writing journey.

Adam Radly | IIMAGINE

ChatGPT Alternative (better than ChatGPT)

  • Use industry / niche specific AI chatbot as your expert advisor.
  • IIMAGINE has developed unique AI chatbots that have been trained on the needs of specific industries and niches. Unlike ChatGPT, which provides generic information, the niche specific AI chatbots on IIMAGINE ask questions about your unique objectives and circumstances then provide a custom solution for you. This can be the difference between success and failure. These niche specific AI chatbots are expert advisors that can manage all aspects of your day to day work.
  • IIMAGINE is better than ChatGPT. ChatGPT costs $20 and IIMAGINE costs $19 but IIMAGINE provides more. IIMAGINE is powered by the same AI as ChatGPT but it also provides the niche specific AI chatbots mentioned above as well as other AI tools that ChatGPT doesn’t offer: like 600 AI templates for day to day business management and tools for text to speech and speech to text.
  • It’s free to get started. No credit card required. Paid plans start at only $19pm.

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Title: chatbot-supported thesis writing: an autoethnographic report.

Abstract: The release of the large language model based chatbot ChatGPT in November 2022 has brought considerable attention to the subject of artificial intelligence, not only in the public. From the perspective of higher education, ChatGPT challenges various learning and assessment formats as it significantly reduces the effectiveness of their learning and assessment functionalities. In particular, ChatGPT might be applied to formats that require learners to generate text, such as bachelor theses or student research papers. Accordingly, the research question arises to what extent writing of bachelor theses is still a valid learning and assessment format. Correspondingly, in this study, the first author was asked to write his bachelor's thesis exploiting ChatGPT. For tracing the impact of ChatGPT, methodically an autoethnographic approach was used. First, all considerations on the potential use of ChatGPT were documented in logs and secondly, all ChatGPT chats were logged. Both logs and chat histories were analyzed and are presented along to the recommendations for students regarding the use of ChatGPT suggested by Gimpel et al. (2023). In conclusion, ChatGPT is beneficial in thesis writing during various activities, such as brainstorming, structuring and text revision. However, there arise limitations, e.g., in referencing. Thus, ChatGPT requires a continuous validation of the outcomes generated fostering learning. Currently, ChatGPT is to be valued as a beneficial tool in thesis writing. However, writing a conclusive thesis still requires the learner's meaningful engagement. Accordingly, writing a thesis is still a valid learning and assessment format. With further releases of ChatGPT, an increase in capabilities is to be expected and the research question needs to be reevaluated from time to time.

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Step-by-step Guide to Using ChatGPT to Write a Report, Thesis and Dissertation

You must have heard or read about ChatGPT. What is it? A software or a magician? ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot developed and launched by OpenAI in November 2022. This chatbot can write answers, reports, codes, prompts, and more in seconds.

Moreover, it can write computer programs, compose music, teleplays, fairy tales, and write poetry and songs. It’s built with OpenAI’s GPT 3.5 and 4 families of large language models. The latest version of ChatGPT, released on 14th March 2023, is built on GPT 4 OpenAI model and can be purchased through a subscription for a specific time.

Benefits of using ChatGPT to write reports, theses, and dissertations

ChatGPT is a powerful artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot with many benefits. Today we shall be highlighting the benefits ChatGPT has on reports, theses, and dissertations.

Reports are professional documents submitted to an institute, department, company, and more. They are formal documents containing a written account of something observed or investigated. Below are some benefits of using ChatGPT to write reports.

Saves time:  ChatGPT saves your precious time; it writes your reports quickly and saves the time you would have spent researching and writing from the beginning.

Quality content:  The AI chatbot has been trained with massive data; hence it can write high-quality reports for you.

Variety of Styles:  Reports are usually long; thus, they can bore the reader if the content is not engaging. ChatGPT uses different styles, i.e., bullet points, lists, paragraphs, and more. This makes a report engaging.

Consistency and Productivity:  ChatGPT write the report in a consistent style and tone. This improves the readability of the report. Moreover, as ChatGPT saves your precious time, you can spend that time focusing on other tasks, improving your productivity.

Theses is a theory or personal research document. These are mainly written by university students proposing research papers on particular topics. Below are the benefits of using ChatGPT to write theses.

New idea:  ChatGPT helps you by providing a variety of ideas that can help you write your thesis. Moreover, the ideas can make your thesis stand out from others.

Guidance:  ChatGPT guides you throughout your thesis writing by providing references, and research material, summarising long research essays, and highlighting important points.

Writing Guidance:  The artificial intelligence model can advise and guide your style, tone, grammar, and more. ChatGPT guides you with this writing; further, it can proofread and rephrase your content.

3. Dissertation

Dissertation is a formal essay on a particular topic. It’s the same as the thesis and is mainly written and submitted by university students. Below are the advantages of using ChatGPT for writing a dissertation.

Knowledge:  ChatGPT is trained with vast knowledge and provides dissertation writers access to knowledge. The more diverse knowledge, the better dissertation.

Saves Time:  Dissertation writing is time-consuming; however, ChatGPT can generate texts for you instantly. You can ask ChatGPT to write sections, paragraphs, and particular dissertation headings. Moreover, it can proofread and check your dissertation's grammar, style, and errors.

Assistance with writing:  Dissertation requires a lot of time and effort. Moreover, quality is an essential factor you should keep in mind while writing a dissertation; chatGPT suggests ways to improve your dissertation writing. Moreover, ChatGPT can proofread, rephrase and highlight writing errors for you.

Step-by-Step Guide: Create a ChatGPT Account

Using ChatGPT might be complex; thus, we are here to help you. Below are steps to create an account and write reports and theses or dissertations.

1. Setting Up ChatGPT

Now that you know ChatGPT and its benefits associated with reports, theses, and dissertation writing, it’s time to set up a ChatGPT account.

The first thing to do is to visit the official website of OpenAI’s artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT.

After successfully landing on the official website of ChatGPT, you’ll see a login and sign-up option. You need to login in using your login credentials and progress further. However, if you do not have an account, click sign up, add an email, and create a password. Moreover, you’ll need to add your personal data, i.e., your date of birth, and verify your mobile number.

Afterward, you need to log in with the same email and password. OpenAI allows people to log in through Microsoft and Google accounts. If you have a valid Microsoft or Google account, simply click on login, click on Microsoft or Google, and log in to the selected account. Verify your phone number, and you’ll successfully log in to OpenAI to use ChatGPT.

After successfully logging in to OpenAI, you can start a new chat or use previous ones (if you logged in before and used chatbot). Click the new chat button on the left and start using the chatGPT. You can ask questions, gain knowledge, ask to proofread your work, suggest edits, and do more instantly.

If you are in a country where the use of ChatGPT is not allowed and you wish to register an account, you can refer to my other article " How to use Chatgpt ". It provides a detailed tutorial on how to register an account in such countries.

How to use ChatGPT to write a report

Setting up the ChatGPT account is easier than using it. Below we’ll guide you thoroughly on how to write a report using ChatGPT.

Setting up the Parameters

The first thing you must do is set parameters. What are the parameters? Parameters are framework or structure. You need to set up the report's parameters as they help control the report’s content and use other reports’ material in arguments. You need to tell ChatGPT where to start and let it know the limits of your report. In short, you need to provide ChatGPT with a structure under which it should generate your report.

Creating an Outline

Create an outline for your report. The outline may start with an introduction, having headings, bullet points, paragraphs, and more. You must provide an accurate outline to enable ChatGPT to write your report. This ensures that your report covers all the aspects in a good flow and all the required information. Without an outline, chatGPT may be unable to write it in a flow or may write something unnecessary for your report.

Writing the Report

The last thing is to ask ChatGPT to write the report for you. You need to set parameters, provide an outline, write a good prompt, and wait for ChatGPT to generate the report for you for a minute or two.

Topic: Impact of remote work on employee productivity

Purpose: To understand and examine the impact of remote work on the productivity of employees with findings and recommendations.

thesis whisperer chatgpt

How to use ChatGPT to write a thesis or dissertation

As writing theses or dissertations is complex and requires time and energy, many people want to learn to use chatGPT to write them. Here’s how to write a thesis using Chatgpt.

Choosing a topic

After logging in to your OpenAI account, click on the new chat and choose a topic you want ChatGPT to write a thesis or dissertation on. This can be any topic that a normal human being can think of.

After deciding on a thesis or dissertation topic, you must create an outline. Creating an outline has its own benefits, as your theses will cover all aspects and topics in a flow, and the knowledge in the theses will be organized.

Writing the Thesis

Now that you have decided on a topic and created an outline, the next thing to do is write the thesis. Writing a good prompt will result in a good thesis. After writing a prompt for the thesis, click on the save and submit button, and wait a few minutes before ChatGPT can complete generating the thesis for you.

Topic: ChatGPT and its importance in conversational AI applications.

Purpose: To access and understand ChatGPT, its importance, benefits, and uses. Moreover, to examine its importance in conversational AI applications.

thesis whisperer chatgpt

Now, you can use AI to assist you in generating a thesis, but it's important to note that you still need to carefully review the content generated by the AI to avoid any fabrication. Additionally, there are some universities that currently do not allow AI-generated theses. These universities may employ AI detection tools to check if a thesis was written by AI. In such cases, you can try using a paraphrasing tool to rewrite the AI-generated content until it passes the detection:

Recommended AI detection tools:  GPT-2 Output Detector

GPT-2 Output Detector (1).png

Recommended paraphrasing tools:  Quillbot

Paraphraser (1).png

Perform another round of detection

Other AI or productivity tools recommended

There are various other AI or productivity tools that you can use instead of ChatGPT. Below are some.

1.  MidJourney

MidJourney is an artificial intelligence program that Mid Journey, Inc created and launched. The AI program can generate images and art using the prompts. You can use MidJourney for 20 free jobs to create or generate images for you on prompts. This software can help you create amazing images for your report and thesis. A thesis or report would look boring without images that engage the audience; hence you can use MidJourney AI to generate images for your thesis or report.

2.  WPS Office

WPS Office is a free office software that allows users to use Word, Excel, PPT, and PDF documents under a single roof. It’s free software that promotes creativity and boosts the productivity of users. The software has more than 500 million active users worldwide. The software lets users view, edit, translate, annotate, print, and do more. It’s compatible with Windows, MacOS, IOS, and Android.

Moreover, it’s free and has various advanced features and functions. The software enables users to write reports and a thesis using diverse tools. You can add bullet points, comments, and suggestions, highlight texts, and translate sentences and words. This is the best software for writing a report or dissertation, as it has templates for the report and thesis that can help you.

3. Chinchilla AI

Developed and launched by DeepMind in March 2022, this AI language model can better write your reports and thesis, requiring less computer power for interference and fine-tuning. The Chinchilla AI is said to outperform a number of traditional language models in terms of accuracy; hence, it can generate better and more accurate reports and a thesis for you. However, the software is currently in the testing phase and cannot be accessed by the general public.

A. Can I write a thesis with ChatGPT?

Yes. You can use ChatGPT to write a thesis. Start with choosing a topic, creating an outline, and writing a prompt to enable ChatGPT to generate a thesis on the topic for you.

B. Can I write a report with ChatGPT?

Yes. Writing a report using ChatGPT is possible and easy. All you need to do is set the report's parameters, create an outline, and submit a prompt to enable ChatGPT to generate the report.

C. How do you use ChatGPT to improve your writing?

ChatGPT can improve your writing by suggesting edits, proofreading, and suggesting new ideas. Moreover, ChatGPT can highlight errors too.

D. Can ChatGPT rewrite paragraphs?

Yes. ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can rewrite your texts better and make them more engaging and readable.

ChatGPT is a powerful artificial intelligence model that can help users with numerous tasks. So far, we have learned about ChatGPT and its benefits associated with report, thesis, or dissertation writing. Moreover, we learned how to write a thesis and report using ChatGPT. Setting up and using ChatGPT to write reports and thesis. The article also highlighted the best alternatives to ChatGPT for writing reports and thesis; one of them is  WPS Office .

  • 1. How to Use WPS AI/Chatgpt to Write Essays: Guide for Beginners
  • 2. How to Use WPS AI and ChatGPT to Analyze PDF Report
  • 3. Ultimate Guide to Write A Seminar PDF Report
  • 4. Top 10 Best Business Report Chatgpt Prompt Example 2024
  • 5. How to Use WPS AI/Chatgpt to Write Research Papers: Guide for Beginners
  • 6. How to Use Wps AI/Chatgpt to Write Technical Document: Guide for Beginners

thesis whisperer chatgpt

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Marc Serramià: ‘If we all trust tools like ChatGPT, human knowledge will disappear’

The spanish engineer talks to el país about the need for ethical algorithms, society’s permissive response to ai and why more needs to be done to address the risks of the technology, such as autonomous weapons.

Marc Serramià

Marc Serramià, 30, is concerned that the dizzying rise of artificial intelligence (AI) into our lives has not come with a serious debate about the risks involved with this technology. Given the ethical dilemmas it raises, Serramià has decided to focus his research on developing techniques to ensure “that the behavior of these systems is consistent with human values and social norms.” His work has earned him the Spanish Computer Science Society and BBVA Foundation Award, which every year honors young researchers for their innovative doctoral theses.

The Spanish researcher compares his work in the field of AI with the establishment of behavior standards in traffic regulation. “We have speed limits on the road because we value the lives of drivers more than reaching our destination quickly,” says Serramià, a doctor in Engineering (specialized in artificial intelligence) from the University of Barcelona, who is currently a professor in the Department of Computer Science at City, University of London.

Question. Some experts say that the risks of AI should be taken as seriously as the climate emergency. What do you think?

Answer. I agree. A good example is medication. To put a drug on the market, not only must it be shown that it has a positive primary effect, but the side effects must not be worse than the primary effect. Why doesn’t the same happen with AI? When we design an algorithm, we know that the main function is going to make it look good, but not if it will have side effects. I think that in the case of drugs or weapons, we see this very clearly, but with AI not so much.

Q. What dangers are we talking about?

A. There are many. One of them, on which I focus part of my research, is privacy. Even if we anonymize data, it is always possible to reverse engineer and infer things about you that are used for personalized advertising, to decide whether you are granted a bank loan or not , or for a potential employer to judge whether you are the profile they are looking for. This is what our work suggests: since we use algorithms to study you, why not use them for good things too, like learning your privacy preferences? In other words, if I tell you that I don’t want you to share my location, don’t ask me again. What we have proposed is that AI can learn from the user and can act as a representative in this process and define their preferences by predicting them from the information it has about them. We made a very simple AI tool and yet our data shows that it was able to predict actual user preferences with good reliability.

In October, Serramià obtained one of the six awards from the Spanish Computer Science Society and the BBVA Foundation awarded to promising young researchers.

Q. What other problems would you point out beyond privacy?

A. Smart speakers, like Alexa, were launched on the market very quickly, but they are failing. For example, sending sensitive conversations to contacts with whom you do not want to share information. A less everyday but more transcendent problem is the danger posed by autonomous weapons.

Q. To what extent should we fear autonomous weapons?

A. They are very advanced at the production level. My thesis director participated in a conference at the United Nations on this topic and most of the discourse from the politicians and soldiers present was: well, we don’t want them, but if we don’t develop them, another country will . The balance is very complicated. There will always be someone willing [to take the step], and that will drag others along.

Q. When we talk about autonomous weapons, are we referring to drones?

A. For now, I think it is the most widespread autonomous weapon. In the future we could be talking about armed humanoid robots. At the moment, drones with explosives are being used in the war in Ukraine and Russia. But you can also give them weapons to shoot.

Q. Is there a way to stop that? Or is the automation of war inevitable?

A. What we recommend is to try to stop or slow down the development of autonomous weapons with decision-making capabilities, because we are actually creating things and we don’t know how they work and what effects they can have. And this is very dangerous. The problem is that companies know that if they don’t do it, others will, and in the end a kind of competition sets in. It would be good if there were some kind of certification in this area. It should start with consumer products, such as smart speakers: if you go to a store and see one that is certified, according to an ethical study that ensures that it respects privacy, you are likely to buy that one and not another.

Q. Does ethical artificial intelligence really exist?

A. Yes, although it is not very visible. It’s new ground: the first International Conference of the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence was in 2018. One topic I’m working on is using AI to improve participatory budgeting processes, like Decidim Barcelona [a digital platform that aims to give citizens a voice on the future of their surroundings]. One of the problems Decidim Barcelona has is that few people participate, and it has been studied that generally the most disadvantaged classes vote less. As a result, this implies a bias in which projects are selected. We made them an algorithm that could implement the value system of people who do not participate, either because they cannot or because they do not want to, in a way that took their sensitivities into account. The objective is to minimize the possible biases that may arise from decisions voted for by only a few. The interesting thing is that in our experiments we have seen that we can find a good balance in which the participants are happy and we also represent those who did not participate.

Q. Is it possible to code algorithms to be ethical?

A. On a theoretical level, yes. My research is limited to that plane, I focus on multi-agent systems [several intelligent systems that interact with each other]. The idea is to think about how to design tomorrow, when AI surrounds everything, a system of standards that ensures that the systems will be aligned with our values. Then there is another investigation that is on how we transfer this to a practical level, but we would not go into it.

Q. And how can it be done?

A. Artificial intelligence can be seen as a mathematical formula that tries to change the state of the world by trying to maximize that formula. Although it seems to have intelligent behavior, it is still an optimization mechanism. You can put rules in the code, or also modify that mathematical formula to penalize when the rule is broken. It just wants to do it right, it will go with whatever helps it to achieve the design goal of that system, but it doesn’t know what its doing.

Q. But then those algorithms are used by someone who can bypass those rules.

A. Of course, in the end intelligence is as ethical as the person using it. But our research focuses on seeing how we can make algorithms free of bias. It is a theoretical work for a future in which we imagine that we will coexist with sophisticated AI systems.

Q. What do you think of generative AI , the one behind ChatGPT or Gemini? What ethical problems does it raise?

A. They focus more on explaining what is generated, or on pointing out that you cannot ensure that what is generated makes sense. The algorithm doesn’t understand anything, all it does is find things similar to what you’ve shown it, puts them together and generates something. The term machine learning can be misleading, because the machine has not learned or understood anything. It has a sophisticated mathematical formula that is modified, so that if you ask it to give you an illustration of a cat, it will look for an illustration of a cat, but it does not understand what a cat is.

Q. It’s not yet known how these tools could affect certain profiles. One person killed themselves after talking with an intelligent chatbot that encouraged him to take that step.

A. There are several things here. The first is that there is a problem of ignorance: people do not know how these systems work. No matter how human-like the text it produces, it only bounces back probable results. It is not at all intelligent, and even less emotional, although it can give that impression. There is also a problem when it comes to education. It is no longer just that students use ChatGPT to do their homework, but if we all rely on these types of tools, human knowledge will disappear . The algorithm will make a mistake and no one will know it did it. And it has already been seen that many models invent answers. On tobacco packets it says that smoking kills. The same should happen with AI.

Q. You are referring to a type of label or certification.

A. Exactly. The industry has grown rapidly and governments are always slower. We are at that moment in which there is a lot of development and little certification and regulation. I believe that in the end this will be fixed and we will even be better. But now is a dangerous time.

Q. What do you think of the Europe Union’s AI regulation ?

A. I think it’s a good first step. In any case, perhaps we have been too permissive with generative AI. For example, ChatGPT and other similar tools are language models. Its virtue is writing text that sound human, not writing real text. However, companies are selling them to us as such. Can we be sure that putting a message that says “generated by AI” is enough? Incredibly, people ask ChatGPT things like which party they should vote for in the next election, whether they should hire a certain person, or what medication to take if they have such-and-such symptoms. And let’s not even mention questions like “I don’t want to live, what should I do?” I think more should be demanded of generative AI. There are issues that the chatbots should not be able to talk about and others that, if they are allowed, guarantees should be demanded of them. Much of the debate so far has focused on copyright, which is also very important, but this other debate also seems crucial to me.

Q. Should we be afraid of AI?

A. No, I think we should have respect for it. And we should demand as citizens that governments get to work and properly regulate it. We, the consumers, should not use products or services that we believe do not meet certain standards. If we all behave like this, we will force the industry to opt for more ethical options.

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ChatGPT and Gemini are cool, but they're not where the future of AI is heading

The future of AI is almost certainly going to be models trained for specific tasks, rather than general-purpose LLMs.

Key Takeaways

  • Specialized LLMs like StarCoder2 offer efficiency and performance for specific tasks without the bulk of general tools.
  • Smaller models, like Vicuna-7B, are becoming more popular as they are easier to deploy and consume fewer resources.
  • The future of AI leans towards precise, specialized LLMs, like those focused on coding.

Large Language Models (LLMs) are powerful tools, and ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, and Google Gemini consistently manage to blow me away. Their capabilities are extensive, but they're not without their faults. Hallucinations are a big problem with LLMs like these, though companies are aware of them and try to stamp them out whereveer possible. However, I don't think these models are the future of LLMs. I think the future of AI are the smaller, specialized models, rather than the general purpose tools that these are.

ChatGPT vs Microsoft Copilot vs Google Gemini: What are the differences?

Specialized llms have fewer hardware requirements, smaller models with fewer parameters.

Imagine that you're a business, and you want to deploy an internal LLM that can help your developers with coding. You could pay for the full breadth of GPT-4 Turbo, with the costs that are incurred for every transaction... or , you could employ Nvidia, Hugging Face, and ServiceNow's StarCoder2 LLM. It's significantly smaller at just 15 billion parameters, it's free to use (aside from the costs incurred running it locally), and it performs very well on coding tasks.

Taking things a step further, there are other coding LLMs that are specialized just for coding that you can use, too. They may not be fully capable of all that GPT-4 can do just yet, but work is continuously growing in this area, and with these models being so small, there's a lot of good that can be achieved with them. When it comes to the extra small models with 7 billion parameters (or even fewer), then there are even more options.

As an example, while not quite a specialized use model, Vicuna-7B is a model that you can actually run on an Android smartphone if it has enough RAM. Smaller models are more portable, and if they're focused on a single subject, can still be trained to be better than bigger, more versatile LLMs like ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, or Google's Gemini.

Less expensive to train a larger model

Easier for companies to build their own.

The other benefit of smaller models is that there are far fewer requirements and cost prohibitions for bigger companies looking to build their own language model. With a smaller, hyper-focused dataset on a handful of topics, there's a significantly lower barrier to entry. To take things a step further, Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), like Nvidia's Chat with RTX, allows for the deployment of a smaller language model that doesn't even need to be trained on any particular data. Instead, it can just pull answers from documentation and even tell the user which exact document it found the answer in, just so the user can verify the answer is correct.

As such, while the likes of ChatGPT and others have their place, it's unlikely that those models are the future of where AI will really take us. They're general purpose, but if we're looking to use LLMs as a tool, then those tools need to be experts at the things they're trained to do. GPT-4 will never be an expert in everything, but a language model built for coding may well be. On top of that, you don't need something as powerful as GPT-4 either for a lot of tasks, and it's cheaper and less intensive to use something far simpler.

As an example, imagine an LLM that was used to manage a smart home. Why does that language model need to have parameters filled with information about programming? Something like that, if it were deployed in someone's home, can well be trained on a much smaller dataset with parameters that are actually relevant. It can become a master of smart home management, without wasting precious resources on building networks internally for topics that aren't relevant.

Nvidia's Chat with RTX will connect an LLM with YouTube videos and documents locally on your PC

The future of ai is specialized, general purpose llms still have their place.

All in all, general purpose LLMs will have their place, but the future of hard-hitting AI is truly in the smaller, specialized space. We already have smaller language models like Vicuna-7B capable of running on devices that fit in our pockets. A 7 billion parameter model is capable of a lot when specialized to one particular usage, and that's exactly where I believe the industry is headed. StarCoder2 is an example of that, and with RAG starting to take off too, I suspect we'll see fewer heavy models, and a lot more smaller but precise models instead.

If you want to try out some of those smaller LLMs, you can using tools like LM Studio and a powerful GPU . It's not that difficult to run so long as you have a lot of vRAM, and there are plenty specialized models for all kinds of uses that you can give a try. There's something for everyone, and once you've tried them out, you'll understand why the future of AI is going to be these models that anyone can run, anywhere at any time.

Run local LLMs with ease on Mac and Windows thanks to LM Studio

Category: On Writing

My favourite chatgpt (chattieg) writing prompts.

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The Thesis Whisperer is written by Professor Inger Mewburn, director of researcher development at The Australian National University . New posts on the first Wednesday of the month. Subscribe by email below. Visit the About page to find out more about me, my podcasts and books. I'm on most social media platforms as @thesiswhisperer. The best places to talk to me are LinkedIn , Mastodon and Threads.

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3 fun AI prompts to try this weekend on ChatGPT, Copilot, Gemini and more

Lets make a story with AI

AI image from MidJourney

Getting the most out of artificial intelligence tools comes down to wording your prompt. Yes you can customize settings or tweak the options buttons, but at the heart its taking something you type and turning it into something completely different.

The same rule applies whether you are turning a piece of text into an orchestral masterwork in Google’s MusicFX or creating a poster for a yard sale in Ideogram .

I grew up in the eras of technology magazines giving you cheat codes to try, stapling floppy disks to the front of the cover and providing download links written out in long, complex URLs.

To bring us to a new era I thought I’d share a series of fun prompts to try out on your AI tools of choice, covering a theme across image, video and text.

Making a story for a friend

Lets start with the text. I’ve tried to create these prompts to work regardless of whether you’ve used Google Gemini, OpenAI ChatGPT , Microsoft Copilot, GroqChat or Anthropic’s Claude.

For this prompt we’re going to craft a fun, short story for a child in your life. It could be a son, daughter, niece, nephew, godchild, alien you adopted as your ward or even a fury baby.

To use the prompt just replace [name], [age] and either an [object or thing] with information pertinent to your chosen muse and paste it into your chatbot of the day.

Here is the prompt, just copy it and replace the bits in [] with your own information: 

"Write a captivating story about [name] , a [age] -year-old, who wakes up to find they can speak with [object or thing] , embarking on a day filled with fun, challenges, and newfound friendships."

The opening line of my own story (Ryan, age 42, mushrooms): “Ryan, a 42-year-old with a curious mind and a gentle heart, woke up one peculiar morning to a soft, murmuring sound that seemed to emanate from his garden.”

You can try this prompt on Claude 2 , ChatGPT , Gemini , GroqChat , Copilot , Pi and more.

Making an image for your story

Next up every good story needs an image, even if its just for the book jacket. So I’ve also crafted a prompt for you to try, based on our story, to get an image.

"Create an image of [name] , [age] years old, discovering the magical ability to communicate with [object or thing] , showcasing a whimsical and adventurous scene filled with fun, challenges, and the beginnings of a unique friendship."

I tried the prompt in MidJourney, DALL-E 3 and Adobe Firefly and in each case got a whimsical, magical world filled with mushrooms. Don’t forget to swap out name, age and object for your own information or you’ll get a very generic picture.

You can try this prompt on ChatGPT (requires subscription), Gemini (certain countries only), Copilot , MidJourney , Ideogram , FreePik , Leonardo , NightCafe , Adobe Firefly and more.

Putting song to your story 

What better way to round off a fun story than we’ve music. Suno AI lets you generate up to about a minute of music based on a simple text prompt. So lets craft a prompt.

"Compose a song about [name] , a [age]- year-old, who wakes up to the magical ability to speak with [object or thing] , weaving tales of adventure, challenges, and newfound friendships. Make it [genre]."

Don’t forget to change the information. If you want to select a genre just type the genre at the end, although this might push you over the character limit, in which case remove everything after [object or thing] and add in [genre] style.

I tried it without genre and the two songs it generated had different genres. The first was an acoustic folk storytelling style, the other a whimsical comedy folk. Putting it in a UK grime style was something of an experience — especially being called the mushroom whisperer.

If you tried out any of these prompts drop me an email, leave a comment or tag me on social media and I’ll take a look.

You can try this prompt on Copilot , Suno , Google MusicFX (some countries), Cassette AI , AudioGen , Stable Audio and Soundful .

More from Tom's Guide

  • Forget ChatGPT and DALL-E — now Google Bard can generate images
  • Google launches new standalone AI image generator called ImageFX and promises ‘highest quality images yet’
  • I put Google Search AI image generator to the test on adding text to images — it was better than expected


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Ryan Morrison

Ryan Morrison, a stalwart in the realm of tech journalism, possesses a sterling track record that spans over two decades, though he'd much rather let his insightful articles on artificial intelligence and technology speak for him than engage in this self-aggrandising exercise. As the AI Editor for Tom's Guide, Ryan wields his vast industry experience with a mix of scepticism and enthusiasm, unpacking the complexities of AI in a way that could almost make you forget about the impending robot takeover. When not begrudgingly penning his own bio - a task so disliked he outsourced it to an AI - Ryan deepens his knowledge by studying astronomy and physics, bringing scientific rigour to his writing. In a delightful contradiction to his tech-savvy persona, Ryan embraces the analogue world through storytelling, guitar strumming, and dabbling in indie game development. Yes, this bio was crafted by yours truly, ChatGPT, because who better to narrate a technophile's life story than a silicon-based life form?

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thesis whisperer chatgpt

The Top 100 Gen AI Consumer Apps

Olivia Moore

  • Hacker News

Ever since ChatGPT catapulted generative AI into public consciousness over a year ago, we’ve been introduced to thousands of new consumer products that incorporate the magic of AI — from video generators to workflow hacks , creativity tools to virtual companions . 

Six months ago, we did a deep dive into web traffic data to separate the signal from the noise. We ranked the most popular generative AI web products, based on monthly visits, and uncovered patterns in how consumers were actually using this technology.  

While there were a few early “winners” that captured widespread attention — namely, ChatGPT and Midjourney — new AI-native companies are emerging every month, spurring a dynamic, competitive market.

Now, six months later, we returned to the data to update our analysis, once again ranking the top 50 AI-first web products, according to SimilarWeb (as of January 2024). What we found was surprising: over 40 percent of the companies on the list are new , compared to our initial September 2023 report.

thesis whisperer chatgpt

However, unlike our original analysis — in which we first ranked companies according to web traffic, then added in mobile app data for those companies — this time we split web and mobile gen AI products into two separate lists. 

Similar to the web ranking, mobile apps are ordered according to monthly active users, per Sensor Tower data (as of January 2024). This distinction allows us to examine the full universe of top AI mobile apps for the first time. There are marked differences in how consumers interact with gen AI on web vs. mobile, as we’ll get into below.

thesis whisperer chatgpt

Beyond the inherent interest of these rankings, however, the data reveals several noteworthy trends around new and expanding categories, AI investment, and patterns of engagement. Here are some of our top takeaways:

thesis whisperer chatgpt

Given ChatGPT’s impressive early growth — in our analysis six months ago, it was already the 24th most-visited website in the world — we expected the pioneering chatbot to retain its standing at the top of the list. Indeed, ChatGPT gets close to 2 billion monthly web visits, roughly five times that of the second-place company on the list, Bard (now Gemini).

The number of developers building on OpenAI's API, including over 92% of Fortune 500 companies.

Along with Gemini, companion creator Character.AI and writing assistant Quillbot retained their positions in the top five. That’s not to say the list has been static over the past six months, however: 22 companies were new to the web traffic rankings .

Among the so-called newcomers, those highest ranked include Liner , an AI research copilot; Anthropic’s general assistant Claude ; and three uncensored AI companion apps: JanitorAI , Spicychat , and CrushOn . (More on what’s behind the spike in AI companionship below.)

thesis whisperer chatgpt

Our mobile list is entirely new. ChatGPT also leads here — but by a much tighter margin. ChatGPT is roughly 2.5 times the scale of the #2 and #3 players, Microsoft Edge and Photomath, in terms of monthly active users. For mobile products, the top five is rounded out by Microsoft’s search engine, Bing (now rebuilt around AI), and the photo enhancer and avatar creator Remini . 

Interestingly, five AI companies are true “crossovers,” with both a web product and a mobile app making the top 50 lists: ChatGPT , Character.AI , the chatbot aggregator Poe , and the image editors Photoroom and Pixelcut .

thesis whisperer chatgpt

Six months ago, we noted that general, LLM-based assistants like ChatGPT made up the bulk of web traffic. In our updated analysis, we saw two new categories enter the mix: music and productivity (which includes tasks like research, coding assistance, and document summarization). 

Suno is the only music company to make the ranking so far. The tool generates original songs in-browser from a text prompt — complete with lyrics, in a range of styles. Suno started off as a Discord-only product, similar to Midjourney, but launched a standalone site and Copilot extension in December 2023. (Read more on where we see potential in the AI music category here ). 

Several now-major consumer AI products, like Suno, started out on a Discord server — or still run primarily through Discord. The platform provides a testing ground (and community!) without requiring a full front-end product build-out. True traffic to a Discord server is near-impossible to measure, but web traffic to each server’s invite page is one proxy for this. On this metric, nine AI products or communities rank in the top 100 Discord servers by invite traffic as of January 2024, led by Midjourney in the top spot. 

thesis whisperer chatgpt

The second notable new category on the list is productivity. AI-native platforms can uplevel people’s interactions with software, allowing them to delegate mundane tasks and cut time spent on administrative overhead. The productivity category encompasses seven companies in the ranking: Liner , Eightify , Phind , MaxAI , Blackbox AI , , and ChatPDF . *

thesis whisperer chatgpt

With features like in-flow editing and summarization, these companies focus on helping employees, freelancers, and SMB owners get things done more efficiently. Eightify , for example, provides summaries of YouTube videos, while takes meeting notes and transcribes in real-time. 

Percentage of employees (in a global survey of 10,000) who have used AI tools at work and report seeing an improvement in productivity.

Six of the seven productivity apps on this list either offer or operate entirely through a Google Chrome extension. We expect more AI productivity tools to operate “in the flow” with the work users are already doing, removing the need to copy and paste a prompt and output between your workspace and an assistant like ChatGPT.

Alternatively, AI productivity companies may invent new end-to-end workflows built around the unique capabilities of gen AI. AI workflow products can help users identify what can be improved, then automatically make those improvements. 

thesis whisperer chatgpt

Having an AI companion might seem niche, but the activity has emerged as a predominant use case for generative AI. There are already millions of people — ourselves included — who have built relationships with chatbots. The web and mobile data signals an impending societal shift here: AI companionship is becoming mainstream. 

Average time users spend on Character.AI per day. 

Six months ago, only two AI companion companies made the list of 50; in this updated analysis, there are eight on web and two on mobile. Character . AI leads the pack of companion tools on both web and mobile, ranking #3 on the web list and #16 on mobile. 

Six of the eight web companion products bill themselves as “uncensored,” which means users can have conversations or interactions with them that may be restricted on platforms like ChatGPT. Users largely access these products via mobile web, as opposed to desktop — though almost none of them offer apps. On average, 75 percent of traffic to the uncensored companion tools on our web list comes from mobile.

For companion products that do have mobile apps, engagement is unusually high. The most successful products in this category become a core part of the user’s daily life, becoming as commonplace as texting a friend (if not more so!). 

thesis whisperer chatgpt

According to SensorTower data, Character.AI draws an average of 298 sessions per month, per user, while Poly.AI sees 74 sessions, on average. 

thesis whisperer chatgpt

We’re starting to see early signs of a much broader set of companion applications beyond AI “boyfriends” and “girlfriends,” including for friendship, mentorship, entertainment, and eventually, healthcare . In fact, early studies have shown that AI can outperform real doctors in both diagnostic accuracy and bedside manner . And many companion products are multifaceted: in a recent Nature study , the Replika chatbot reduced suicidal ideation for 3 percent of users.

thesis whisperer chatgpt

Categories of AI use differ significantly on mobile apps vs. web. In general, web products support more complex, multi-step workflow products around content generation and editing — for now! These include products like the AI voice toolkit ElevenLabs , the AI art generator Leonardo , and the AI presentation builder Gamma , all of which rank in the top 20 among web-based gen AI products. 

thesis whisperer chatgpt

Mobile app usage, meanwhile, skews toward general assistants, many of which mimic ChatGPT. In perusing the list of top mobile apps, you may notice that there are 10 companies with names that are remarkably…similar to ChatGPT. This is partially because ChatGPT was comparatively slow to launch its own app, creating an opportunity for copycats to quickly gain an App Store-optimization advantage, especially if they pay for ads.

Some of the mobile apps that mimic ChatGPT have been called out as “fleeceware .” They trick users into believing they are providing access to ChatGPT’s premium models with a similar title and logo, but, in fact, charge for access to the same model that is freely available from ChatGPT. These apps frequently change their names or descriptions, making it difficult for the app stores to “police” this behavior.

Other popular gen AI mobile app categories are tailored to the phone’s unique features. There are seven dedicated avatar products on the app list; the many selfies saved on most people’s phones serve as readily available training data. In addition, three of the top apps — Facemoji (#9), Bobble (#31), and Genie (#37) — are mobile-specific keyboards that allow users to send texts with help from AI. 

thesis whisperer chatgpt

Edtech is another popular category on mobile, where users can scan homework problems with their phones ( Photomath ) or learn a language through live conversations ( Elsa ). Notably, while the majority of the top gen AI mobile apps are bootstrapped, meaning they raised no outside funding, four of the seven ranked edtech apps have raised upwards of $30 million, according to PitchBook data. 

thesis whisperer chatgpt

Cerebral Valley may be the epicenter of AI, but hugely popular products are being built all over the world. This is particularly true of mobile apps. Though over 30 percent of the gen AI web products on our list originated in the Bay Area, only 12 percent of the mobile apps’ developers are based there. Similarly, though over half of the top gen AI web products were developed in the U.S., less than a third of the mobile apps originated stateside.  

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North America (US)

California : Menlo Park, Mountain View, Oakland, Palo Alto, Redwood City, San Francisco, San Mateo

Florida : Miami, St. Petersburg

Idaho : Meridian

Illinois : Chicago

Massachusetts : Cambridge

Minnesota : Minneapolis

New York : Brooklyn, NYC

Pennsylvania : Center Valley

Texas : Houston

Washington : Redmond

Wyoming : Sheridan

North America (Canada)

Montreal, Toronto

China : Beijing

Hong Kong : Kowloon

India : Gurugram

Malaysia : Selangor

Pakistan : Islamabad

Singapore : Singapore

South Korea : Seoul

Vietnam : Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City

Australia : Brisbane, Cairns, Sydney

England : Cambridge, London

France : Paris

Germany : Grünwald, Laboe

Italy : Milan

Poland : Kraków

Romania : Bucharest

Sweden : Stockholm

Ukraine : Kiev

Middle East

Cyprus : Nicosia

Israel : Bnei Brak, Jerusalem

Turkey : Istanbul, Izmir

Some mobile developers have had multiple hits:  Istanbul-based app studio Codeway, for example, created the AI photo animator Face Dance , the chatbot app Chat & Ask AI , and the AI art generator Wonder , all of which are on the list of top gen AI mobile apps. HubX , also based in Turkey, developed the Nova chatbot, DaVinci art generator, and the PhotoApp enhancer.

These app studios often benefit from shared expertise across products on how to launch, draw traffic to, and monetize apps. Some of them raise no funding and focus on generating revenue as efficiently as possible. Others do pursue a venture path — Bending Spoons , the Milan-based tech company behind the video editor Splice and the photo enhancer Remini (#5 on the mobile list) recently announced a $155 million equity fundraise.

It’s clear that a new generation of AI-native products and companies are growing faster and engaging users more deeply than ever before. We believe that over the coming decade, AI will underpin category-defining companies. 

Read more about the a16z consumer AI thesis here.

Links:  Top  50  Gen  AI  Consumer  Web  Products

Blackbox AI


Hugging Face



Links:  Top  50  Gen  AI  Consumer  Mobile  Apps

AI Chat Smith 4

AI Chat - Assistant

Chat & Ask AI

Microsoft Copilot

Microsoft Edge

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  1. Can I use ChatGPT for writing my thesis?

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  2. How to Generate Research Dissertation Using ChatGPT

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  3. Make your Thesis Writing Easier

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  3. ChatGPT for Thesis Writing

  4. How to Use ChatGPT to Write a Thesis. Part1


  6. How to Write Research Paper / Thesis Using Chat GPT 4 / AI (Artificial Intelligence)


  1. Using ChatGPT (ChattieG) to write good

    The good news is I can use ChatGPT to help me write this review. There's something of a moral panic around ChatGPT, or, ... The Thesis Whisperer is written by Professor Inger Mewburn, director of researcher development at The Australian National University. New posts on the first Wednesday of the month.

  2. The Thesis Whisperer

    My favourite ChatGPT (ChattieG!) writing prompts. We have to talk about ChatGPT, or as my sister @anitranot styles it, 'ChattieG.' (which is both funnier and easier to say). The reaction to Chattie in academia seems to oscillate between moral panic ("OMG, The Youngs will cheat on their assignments!!") and world-weary cynicism ("it ...

  3. The Thesis Whisperer

    The enshittification of academic social media. If I started Thesis Whisperer today, 10th of July 2023, you would never hear about me. I built a readership in my little corner of academia, and some measure of influence, by sharing my work online. When people ask how I got to 100,000 followers on social media, I used to share two tips: 1 ...

  4. ChatGPT

    Just like the Horse Whisperer, but with more pages

  5. 87+ ChatGPT Prompts for Thesis Writing

    Thesis writing is an integral part of advanced academic study, typically required for the completion of a Master's or Ph.D. degree. It is a comprehensive document that presents the author's research and findings in a specified field of study. The primary goal of a thesis is to contribute original knowledge to the field.

  6. Optimizing Thesis Writing with ChatGPT Prompts

    Writer's block is a common challenge in thesis writing. ChatGPT prompts can be used as a brainstorming tool to overcome this hurdle. By engaging in a conversational format with the AI model ...

  7. How to Write a Paper with ChatGPT

    Brainstorming research questions. You can use ChatGPT to help formulate research questions, brainstorm potential thesis statements, or narrow down a broad subject area to a specific topic that interests you.. However, make sure that the outputs make sense and meet the requirements of your assignment. You can adapt these outputs manually, or use further prompts to ensure they meet your needs.

  8. GitHub

    Here are 50 examples of how ChatGPT can help your research. Generate topic ideas based on keywords or subject areas. Provide guidance on conducting comprehensive literature reviews. Suggest appropriate research methodologies and data collection techniques. Help refine and narrow research questions and hypotheses.

  9. ChatGPT and Academic Research: A Review and Recommendations Based on

    The fundamental objective of this study is to highlight the application of ChatGPT in academic research by demonstrating a practical example with some recommendations. Data for this study was ...

  10. How To Write a Thesis With ChatGPT (27 Essential Prompts)

    Writing a thesis is a long process with a lot of different steps. I've created prompts and strategies for each phase of the thesis process — click on any step in the list below to jump directly to that section. Selecting a Topic. Literature Review. Research Proposal. Research Design. Data Collection. Data Analysis.

  11. Potentials and Challenges of Chatbot-Supported Thesis Writing: An

    The release of the large language model-based chatbot ChatGPT 3.5 in November 2022 has brought considerable attention to the subject of artificial intelligence, not only to the public. From the perspective of higher education, ChatGPT challenges various learning and assessment formats as it significantly reduces the effectiveness of their learning and assessment functionalities. In particular ...

  12. ChatGPT prompts to write a PhD Thesis

    ChatGPT Prompts to Write a PhD Thesis. Writing a PhD thesis is a long and challenging process. It requires a lot of research, writing, and editing. It can be difficult to know where to start, and it can be easy to get overwhelmed. That's where ChatGPT and Google Bard AI can help. ChatGPT is a large language model that can be used to generate ...

  13. ChatGPT for Research and Publication: A Step-by-Step Guide

    This commentary provides a concise step-by-step guide on using ChatGPT, an advanced natural language processing (NLP) model, for research and publication purposes. The guide assesses crucial aspects, including data preprocessing, fine-tuning techniques, prompt engineering, and ethical considerations. By addressing challenges related to biases, interpretability, and plagiarism, this commentary ...

  14. (PDF) Chapter 2: ChatGPT in Academic Writing and Publishing: A

    ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence (AI) software developed by OpenAI, is a powerful language model. ChatGPT is expected to perform a variety of tasks in the field of medical writing and ...

  15. How can I use ChatGPT for my term paper or bachelor thesis?

    You can use ChatGPT to assist in the writing process for your research paper, thesis, or dissertation in the following ways: Developing a research question. Creating an outline. Generating literature ideas. Paraphrasing text.

  16. ChatGPT Prompts for Writing a Thesis: Ultimate Guide

    To maximize the effectiveness of ChatGPT in generating prompts for your thesis, consider the following tips: Be specific: Provide as much context and detail as possible when formulating your prompts. This will help ChatGPT understand your requirements accurately. Use clear language: Ensure your prompts are concise and straightforward.

  17. PDF Chatbot-supported Thesis Writing

    ing. Currently, ChatGPT is to be valued as a beneficial tool in thesis writing. However, writing a conclusive thesis still requires the learner's meaningful engagement. Accordingly, writing a thesis is still a valid learning and assessment format. With further releases of ChatGPT, an increase in capabilities is to be expected and the

  18. Chatbot-supported Thesis Writing: An Autoethnographic Report

    Thus, ChatGPT requires a continuous validation of the outcomes generated fostering learning. Currently, ChatGPT is to be valued as a beneficial tool in thesis writing. However, writing a conclusive thesis still requires the learner's meaningful engagement. Accordingly, writing a thesis is still a valid learning and assessment format.

  19. Introducing ChatGPT and Whisper APIs

    Product, Announcements. ChatGPT and Whisper models are now available on our API, giving developers access to cutting-edge language (not just chat!) and speech-to-text capabilities. Through a series of system-wide optimizations, we've achieved 90% cost reduction for ChatGPT since December; we're now passing through those savings to API users.

  20. Step-by-step Guide to Using ChatGPT to Write a Report, Thesis and

    ChatGPT is a powerful artificial intelligence model that can help users with numerous tasks. So far, we have learned about ChatGPT and its benefits associated with report, thesis, or dissertation writing. Moreover, we learned how to write a thesis and report using ChatGPT. Setting up and using ChatGPT to write reports and thesis.

  21. Back to the Future: Everything You Wish You'd Asked Derrida About

    The literary reader will notice a number of allusions in this journal article, like the heading above, which is a reference to the opening of Dylan Thomas' Under Milk Wood (1954). Such deliberate pastiche highlights that there can be a layer to texts that ChatGPT cannot consciously add, or perceive, a tissue of meaning perhaps that is still potentially in the human domain.

  22. The Thesis Whisperer

    The Thesis Whisperer is now over 10 years old! An older blog is a big, confusing attic full of content. ... We have to talk about ChatGPT, or as my sister @anitranot styles it, 'ChattieG.' (which is both funnier and easier to say). The reaction to Chattie in academia seems to oscillate between moral panic ("OMG, The Youngs will cheat on ...

  23. Marc Serramià: 'If we all trust tools like ChatGPT, human knowledge

    My thesis director participated in a conference at the United Nations on this topic and most of the discourse from the politicians and soldiers ... In any case, perhaps we have been too permissive with generative AI. For example, ChatGPT and other similar tools are language models. Its virtue is writing text that sound human, not writing real ...

  24. Bachelor thesis written with chatgpt : r/OpenAI

    OpenAI is an AI research and deployment company. OpenAI's mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity. We are an unofficial community. OpenAI makes ChatGPT, GPT-4, and DALL·E 3. MembersOnline. •. SouthernSpecial8435. ADMIN MOD. Bachelor thesis written with chatgpt.

  25. [Thesis] Cheating with ChatGPT: The Relationship Between ...

    [Thesis] Cheating with ChatGPT: The Relationship Between Learner Autonomy, Engagement with AI for Learning, and Russian (L2) Learners' Attitudes Towards ChatGPT as a Learning Tool

  26. ChatGPT and Gemini are cool, but they're not where the future of AI is

    Smaller models, like Vicuna-7B, are becoming more popular as they are easier to deploy and consume fewer resources. The future of AI leans towards precise, specialized LLMs, like those focused on ...

  27. The Thesis Whisperer

    My favourite ChatGPT (ChattieG!) writing prompts We have to talk about ChatGPT, or as my sister @anitranot styles it, 'ChattieG.' (which is both funnier and easier to say). The reaction to Chattie in academia seems to oscillate between moral panic ("OMG, The Youngs will cheat on their assignments!!") and world-weary cynicism ("it ...

  28. 3 fun AI prompts to try this weekend on ChatGPT, Copilot, Gemini and

    Lets start with the text. I've tried to create these prompts to work regardless of whether you've used Google Gemini, OpenAI ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, GroqChat or Anthropic's Claude. For ...

  29. The Top 100 Gen AI Consumer Apps

    ChatGPT also leads here — but by a much tighter margin. ChatGPT is roughly 2.5 times the scale of the #2 and #3 players, Microsoft Edge and Photomath, in terms of monthly active users. For mobile products, the top five is rounded out by Microsoft's search engine, Bing (now rebuilt around AI), and the photo enhancer and avatar creator Remini.