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Speech Therapy for Adults

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“Speech disorder is an articulation problem in communication and language disorder is a brain coordination problem, of understanding or expression,” says Jayamalie. For example, when a child is given a cup and told it is a cup, if he cannot identify it as a cup still it is a language difficulty. If he understands it is a cup, but has trouble saying the word ‘cup’ , then that is a speech difficulty. Causes behind both speech and language disorders can be simply defined as speech delays, speech and language delays, pronunciation difficulties, learning difficulties, reading and writing difficulties (dyslexia), voice difficulties, hearing impairments, cleft lip and palate problems, dysfluency, nerve disorders, swallowing and feeding problems, and physical disabilities.

In Sri Lanka, disfluency remains the most typical type of speech disorder, says Jayamalie. Children who are diagnosed with this aged 3-6 can be easily treated, she adds, saying that often therapists direct treatment at the parents to adjust their way of speaking. Parents are advised to stick to one language of communication at home, as bilingualism can often confuse little children and lead to speech disorders. There are very few speech therapists in the island, we are told. There are about 20 speech therapy units in Government hospitals - Colombo(North Colombo /South Colombo/ LRH, National Hospital ), Kandy, Ragama, Ratnapura, Peradeniya, Kurunegala, Karapitiya and Matara, Anuradhapura, Vavuniya, Badulla, Kurunegala, Karapitiya and Matara. Speech therapists will first take a case history with relation to the patient, carry out an assessment along with a speech and language diagnosis and then carry out an intervention with a therapy plan and goals. Intervention will include advice, demonstration, play and teaching, and this will be followed up with a review and re assessment.

“I believe rapidly declining social interaction is the reason behind the steadily climbing rate of speech disorders,” Jayamalie explains. “Parents, especially, must spend more time in contact with their children and ensure they spend less time in front of the television and computer and more time outside, building relationships and engaging in communication.”

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The Department of Disability Studies offers regular clinics from Monday to Thursday from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. at the Ayati speech and language therapy clinics. Members of staff and external faculty (practicing speech and language therapists) together with speech and language therapy students offer assessments, on-going individual and group therapy sessions and reviews for children and adults with a range of speech, language, communication, voice and fluency difficulties.

The clinics offer individual assessments, consultation and monitoring by speech and language therapists as well as individual and group therapy sessions offered by speech and language therapy students under the supervision of members of staff/speech and language therapists.



Please call Ms. Supuni on 011 5960050 on weekdays to get an appointment during working hours (9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.).



Department of Disability Studies Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya, P.O Box 6, Thalagolla Road, Ragama, Sri Lanka

Tel :  +94 11 2961000

Tel :  +94 11 2961207

Fax:  +94 112958337

Email:  [email protected]


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Adapting MaryTTS for Synthesizing Sinhalese Speech to Communicate with Children

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What is speech therapy.

Created: August 12, 2020 ; Next update: 2023.

Speech therapy can help people who have difficulty speaking to communicate better and to break down the barriers that result from speech impediments. The goals of speech therapy include improving pronunciation, strengthening the muscles used in speech, and learning to speak correctly.

Speech therapy can be used for a lot of different speech problems and disorders, from smaller problems like a hoarse voice up to partial loss of speech due to brain damage. Depending on the type of disorder, other medical or psychological treatments may be used as well.

  • What kinds of disorders can speech therapy treat?

Speech therapy can be used to treat language disorders, speech disorders and swallowing problems.

Language disorders

A childhood language disorder can affect the child’s ability to learn to speak, to name objects and build complete sentences. Although the causes of these disorders are often not clear, the main known risk factors include hearing problems, general developmental problems and disorders affecting the development of the brain.

Language disorders in adults are almost always the result of brain injury or disease. People who have had a stroke, for example, often have trouble forming sentences or remembering words. That type of disorder is called aphasia.

Speech disorders

People with speech disorders have difficulty producing the sounds of speech, saying words clearly or talking fluently.

Children often have trouble with pronunciation, and may have a lisp or swap certain sounds for others. Speech disorders may be the result of developmental disorders, but psychological factors might also play a role. Adults with neurological diseases sometimes have speech disorders too, often making it hard to understand them.

Another group of speech disorders, known as fluency disorders, involve problems with the flow or evenness of speech. People with this sort of disorder may stutter or “clutter,” for example. When people stutter, there are often silent pauses in their speech, or they repeat or lengthen certain sounds or syllables. Cluttering is abnormally fast speech that makes the pronunciation imprecise or leaves out sounds or parts of words.

Voice disorders (dysphonia)

A voice disorder is a persistent change in someone’s voice. They might sound hoarse, strained, raspy or nearly silent. Often the voice is somewhat weak – in other words, it cracks easily or the person is not able to speak loudly. Voice disorders may arise from speaking too much or too loudly, from using the wrong breathing technique, or from problems with the voice box (larynx) like vocal nodules. Psychological causes like depression or a reaction to a distressing event can change a person’s voice too.

Trouble swallowing

In people with swallowing problems, the movements of the muscles involved in swallowing are affected. This leads to problems transporting food through the mouth and throat. The cause is often a disease or disorder of the nervous system, such as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, dementia, an infection like Lyme disease or tetanus, or a head injury. If food gets into the lungs because of a swallowing disorder, it can lead to life-threatening complications.

What treatments are used in speech therapy?

There are various speech therapy techniques for each of the areas described above – the ones that are considered depend on the particular disorder. A long series of treatment sessions is typically needed, with each lasting 30 to 60 minutes. They may take place in a group or one-on-one.

The treatment approaches used in speech therapy include:

  • Perception exercises, for example to differentiate between individual sounds and syllables
  • Exercises to produce certain sounds and improve the fluency of speech
  • Exercises to improve breathing, swallowing and the voice
  • Help with communication using things like sign language, communication boards and computer-assisted speech
  • Advice for people who need speech therapy, their parents and other loved ones
  • Support in implementing these measures in everyday life

For the treatment to help over the long term, it’s often important to also regularly practice the techniques at home.

  • Where is speech therapy offered?

Speech therapy is offered at the following facilities:

  • Speech therapy practices
  • Rehabilitative care centers
  • Special needs schools
  • Children's day care facilities specializing in speech therapy

Besides speech therapists, there are a number of other specialists who also use similar methods. These include breathing, speech and voice coaches.

  • Do statutory health insurers cover the costs of speech therapy?

Note: The procedures and requirements for applying for and receiving speech therapy may vary according to your country. This information describes the current situation in Germany.

To have outpatient treatment at a speech therapy practice, you need a prescription from a doctor. An initial prescription will generally include up to 10 treatments, each typically lasting 30 to 60 minutes. Appointments are usually offered one to three times per week.

For the medical conditions listed above, prescribed speech therapy is often covered by statutory health insurers (apart from a fixed amount that you have to pay yourself, known as a copayment). The copayment does not have to be paid when getting a treatment that has been prescribed for children. If speech therapy is given as a part of rehabilitative care, an accident insurer or pension fund will cover the costs.

The copayment that you have to pay for yourself is 10 euros per prescription plus 10% of the treatment costs. If each treatment costs 55 euros, for example, for ten treatments you would have to pay 65 euros (the basic fee of 10 euros per prescription plus 10 x 5.50 euros).

Some speech therapists may offer certain treatments without a prescription. You then have to pay for all of the costs yourself. In Germany, these are known as individual health care services ( individuelle Gesundheitsleistungen , or IGeL for short).

The German Federal Association of Speech Therapists (DBL) has a search function for speech therapists on their website (in German).

  • Bode H, Schröder H, Waltersbacher A (Ed). Heilmittel-Report 2008. Ergotherapie, Logopädie, Physiotherapie: Eine Bestandsaufnahme. Stuttgart: Schattauer; 2008.
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachheilpädagogik (DGS). Ausbildung in der Sprachheilpädagogik .
  • Deutscher Bundesverband für akademische Sprachtherapie und Logopädie (dbs). Der Verband [ dbs homepage ]. 2020.
  • Deutscher Bundesverband für Logopädie (dbl). Logopädie . 2020.
  • Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss (G-BA). Richtlinie über die Verordnung von Heilmitteln in der vertragsärztlichen Versorgung (Heilmittel-Richtlinie/HeilM-RL) . July 1, 2020.
  • Verband der Ersatzkassen (vdek). Rahmenvertrag zwischen LOGO Deutschland und den Ersatzkassen über die Versorgung mit Leistungen der Stimm-, Sprech- und Sprachtherapie. Anlage 1: Leistungsbeschreibung . June 1, 2017.

IQWiG health information is written with the aim of helping people understand the advantages and disadvantages of the main treatment options and health care services.

Because IQWiG is a German institute, some of the information provided here is specific to the German health care system. The suitability of any of the described options in an individual case can be determined by talking to a doctor. We do not offer individual consultations.

Our information is based on the results of good-quality studies. It is written by a team of health care professionals, scientists and editors, and reviewed by external experts. You can find a detailed description of how our health information is produced and updated in our methods.

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Sinhala Rhymes: Fill in Words

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Fill in the familiar nursery rhymes is a great activity for children who just begin to speak. This mini-book consists of four familiar Sinhala nursery rhymes.  Stop the song at the target word, point to the picture and wait for the child to say the word. Once the child says the word, continue with the rest of the rhyme.

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Sinhala Dictionary definitions for therapy

therapy 🔊 /θɛˈɹʌpi/

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therapy : චිකිත්සාව

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Noun. Therapeutics.

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Sinhalese Speech Generation from Text

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Language code: si-LK

Convert Sinhala text to speech and download audio. TTS generator for Sri Lanka native speakers.

Sinhala is a Indo-Aryan language spoken by the Sinhalese people of Sri Lanka. It is 16 million native speakers. Sinhala has borrowed words from several other languages, including Sanskrit, Pali, and Tamil, reflecting the diverse cultural influences on the Sinhalese people over the centuries.

Consonant System . This language has sounds that are voiced and some that are not. Some sounds come out with a breath, while others don't. It's important to know these to pronounce words correctly. Vowels are also key. Some are short and some are long. The length can change the meaning of the word.

Nasal Sounds and Stress . In Sinhalese, you can hear nasal sounds in different parts of words. Some sounds mix a nasal with another sound. Some sounds are said twice in a row, and this can change word meaning. Usually, the second to last part of a word is said louder or stronger.

Unique Sounds . Sinhalese has sounds made by curling the tongue. Not many languages have these. The language also has many smooth and sliding sounds, which add to its special sound.

SpeechGen meticulously considers all the unique features of this Language. Unlock the potential of text-to-speech synthesis for Sinhalese content. With precise voice generation and seamless text transformation, SpeechGen offers an unparalleled platform for voicing your Sinhalese texts.

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  12. speech

    Madura English-Sinhala Dictionary contains over 230,000 definitions. Include glossaries of technical terms from medicine, science, law, engineering, accounts, arts and many other sources. This facilitates use as thesaurus. Translate from English to Sinhala and vice versa. Can use wildcards to increase the flexibility of search.

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  18. Sinhala Rhymes: Fill in Words

    රු 0. Fill in the familiar nursery rhymes is a great activity for children who just begin to speak. This mini-book consists of four familiar Sinhala nursery rhymes. Stop the song at the target word, point to the picture and wait for the child to say the word. Once the child says the word, continue with the rest of the rhyme.

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    Unlock the potential of text-to-speech synthesis for Sinhalese content. With precise voice generation and seamless text transformation, SpeechGen offers an unparalleled platform for voicing your Sinhalese texts. SpeechGen offers state-of-the-art text-to-speech synthesis for Sinhala. Unlock the rich phonetics and nuances of the Sinhalese language.

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