Transportation Research Board

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Critical Issues in Transportation 2019

Policy snapshot.

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine


Driverless cars maneuvering through city streets. Commercial drones airlifting packages. Computer-captained ships navigating the high seas. Revolutionary changes in technology are taking us to the threshold of a bold and unprecedented era in transportation.

These technologies promise improvements in mobility, safety, efficiency, and convenience, but do not guarantee them. Will the technological revolution reduce congestion, fuel use, and pollution or make them worse by encouraging more personal trips and more frequent freight shipments?

The transportation sector also faces other unprecedented challenges. It needs to (1) sharply curb greenhouse gas emissions to slow the rate of climate change and (2) respond to more climate-related extreme weather. It must serve a growing population and cope with worsening highway congestion. It needs to maintain and upgrade a massive system of roads, bridges, ports, waterways, airports, and public transit and determine how to pay for those improvements. The transportation sector also needs to adapt to shifts in trade, energy, and funding sources that affect all modes of transportation. How will these challenges affect the transportation systems on which consumers and the economy depend?

The answers to these and other questions are critically important. Transportation plays a central role in society and the economy but is frequently taken for granted. Reflect, though, on how much you depend on reliable and affordable transportation to access work, friends and family, recreation, shopping, and worship. Then visualize the transportation networks needed for the daily movement of hundreds of millions of vehicles, ships, planes, and trains to satisfy both personal needs and commercial demands. These networks are enormous and complex. The transportation systems the economy and lifestyles rely on may be challenged dramatically in the coming decades in ways that cannot always be anticipated.

A national conversation among policy makers and citizens about how the country should respond to these challenges is urgently needed. Stakeholders need to debate, discuss, and analyze how transportation can evolve to meet growing and evolving needs and adapt to changes in society, technology, the environment, and public policy.

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To spur that conversation, the Transportation Research Board (TRB) identified and organized an array of important issues under 12 key topics. In each of these areas, TRB posed a series of crucial questions to help guide thinking, debate, and discovery during the next 5 to 10 years. These 12 topics are neither comprehensive nor mutually exclusive, and no one can know how the future will unfold. But TRB thinks that asking the right questions, even if they cannot be fully answered, helps to motivate the analysis, discussion, and debate required to prepare for the potentially unprecedented changes ahead. This document is an abbreviated version of a more thorough discussion of the critical issues in transportation. It can be accessed at .

section 1

Transformational Technologies and Services: Steering the Technology Revolution

All around the globe, companies are testing automated cars, trucks, ships, and aircraft. Pilot vehicles are already in operation. Some products are almost certain to enter the marketplace in the next few years. Driverless vehicles equipped with artificial intelligence may revolutionize transportation. Perhaps even sooner, vehicles connected to one another with advanced high-speed communication technologies may greatly reduce crashes How will vehicle automation—along with connected vehicles and shared ride, car, bike, and scooter services—transform society? These revolutionary technologies and services can potentially speed deliveries, prevent crashes, and ease traffic congestion and pollution. But they could also cause more congestion and more pollution and exacerbate sprawl and inequity. How do we determine and guide, as necessary, the direction of these changes? How the future unfolds depends on which technologies and services consumers and businesses embrace and how policy makers respond. While we do not know what the future will bring, the changes could be momentous. For example, if we encourage people to pool rides in driverless electric cars, we could see the service, cost, and environment improve. What policies would best reduce traffic congestion and emissions and improve accessibility for the disabled, elderly, and economically disadvantaged? How do we benefit most from the advent of connected and automated vehicles and potentially transformative transportation services?.

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Serving a Growing and Shifting Population

The U.S. population is expected to grow about 1 percent annually, with highway use increasing similarly. But this growth will not be spread evenly across the country. Urban areas are growing more quickly, particularly clusters of metro areas known as “megaregions,” while many rural areas decline. At the same time, low-density residential development on the edges of urban areas continues to grow the fastest, which increases traffic and escalates emissions. Although many Millennials are settling in urban centers, more are locating on the edges of cities where Baby Boomers also prefer to live. How do we adjust to and guide travel demand so we are not overwhelmed with more roads, traffic, and emissions as a result of these geographic preferences? Megaregions in the Northeast, Midwest, South, and West have emerged as economic engines for the economy, but they also have the worst traffic congestion. And their traffic volumes continue to grow faster than new transportation facilities can be built. What are the best policies and modes for improving travel within each megaregion? How do we ensure that megaregions are well connected to the rest of the nation and the world? How can rural populations be ensured adequate access to jobs and services? How is that access changing? Which policies are needed to provide adequate rural access?

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Energy and Sustainability: Protecting the Planet

The Earth’s changing climate poses one of the most important threats humanity has ever faced. To avoid catastrophic changes, all sectors of the economy need to make drastic cuts in greenhouse gas emissions. Vehicles, planes, ships, and other forms of transport emit more greenhouse gases than any other sector of the economy in the United States. And that share is growing because other sectors of the economy are reducing their emissions faster than transportation. Personal vehicles could rely on electrification using batteries or hydrogen as one way to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Planes, ships, and trucks pose major obstacles to this objective because of their dependence on fossil fuels that pack more power than alternatives. What are the most effective and cost-effective ways of achieving the drastic reductions needed in fossil fuel consumption? What are the appropriate roles for the public and private sectors in hastening this transition? How can the shift to electric vehicles be accomplished without overwhelming the power grid? Sustainability requires that there be long-term consideration of the implications of decisions and policies on social, economic, and environmental systems. Examples include making decisions based on life-cycle cost considerations and the long-term vitality of communities and key natural environmental systems. How can consideration of long-term sustainability goals be better incorporated into public policy debates and decisions about transportation?

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Resilience and Security: Preparing for Threats

Recent floods, storms, fires, and hurricanes have disrupted the lives of millions and caused hundreds of billions of dollars in damage. Extreme weather events are exacerbated by climate change, and scientists predict things will get worse. Extreme weather and other natural disasters pose huge and costly threats to the transportation infrastructure. Public officials face the challenge of making vulnerable highways, bridges, railroads, transit stations, waterways, airports, and ports more resilient to climate change and other threats. What policies and strategies would help them meet this challenge? How do we set priorities, cope with disruptions, and pay for these adaptations? Terrorists often choose transportation facilities as their targets. Airports and airlines have increased security to guard against terrorism, but other modes of transport— buses, trains, and ships—are more vulnerable. How do we protect these forms of transport without unduly slowing the movement of people and goods? We also need to address the risks of new technologies. Drones, for example, can be used by terrorists or drug smugglers. Automated vehicles and aircraft are vulnerable to hackers. And all types of transport depend on Global Positioning Systems (GPSs), for which there is no back-up system. How do we make technological advances more secure and resilient?

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Safety and Public Health: Safeguarding the Public

We depend on motorized transportation, but we pay a price with our health with deaths, injuries, and diseases. Routine highway travel is the source of the vast majority of transportrelated deaths and a significant portion of transport-related pollution in the United States. Even though there have been improvements in vehicles and facilities, most crashes are preventable. How do we muster the political will to adopt the most effective measures to reduce casualties and diseases caused by transportation? How do we encourage the use of the safest vehicle and road designs, reduce alcohol- and drug-impaired driving, and manage operator fatigue? Also, how do we curb driver distractions, especially in semi-automated vehicles that do not require full attention except in emergencies when multitasking drivers may be unprepared to respond? Marijuana legalization and opioid addiction may lead to more people driving while impaired. In addition, pedestrian and cyclist deaths are increasing. What can we do to address these problems? What successes from other countries can be applied? Air pollution comes from many sources, but some transport emissions, such as the particulates from burning diesel fuel, are especially harmful to people. People living near roads, ports, distribution centers, railyards, and airports—often the marginalized and the poor—are exposed to more of these types of vehicle emissions. How do we best address these problems?

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Equity: Serving the Disadvantaged

The United States is prosperous, but not uniformly. More than 40 million Americans live in poverty. Outside central cities, an automobile is essential for access to jobs and a piece of the American dream, but about 20 percent of households with incomes below $25,000 lack a car. In addition, nearly 40 million Americans have some form of disability, of whom more than 16 million are working age. And the population is aging: the number of people older than 65 will increase by 50 percent from 49 million now to 73 million by 2030. Access to jobs, health care, and other services can be expanded through transportation policies and programs and technology, but these approaches need to be affordable and effective. This is a particular challenge in sparsely populated areas. How do we help disadvantaged Americans get affordable access to work, health care, and other services and to family and friends? What policies would ensure that new technologies and services do not create new barriers to the disadvantaged or to rural residents? Also, as we expand transportation networks, how do we ensure that we are not harming low-income and minority neighborhoods?

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Governance: Managing Our Systems

A complex web of institutions manages America’s transportation services. Many levels of government, from local to national, play important roles. Some functions, such as public transit, airports, and ports, are managed by thousands of special authorities across the country. This spider web of governance frequently limits efficiency. For example, urban transport networks often span jurisdictional boundaries, creating disagreement about which agency is responsible for which aspects of planning, funding, and management. Separate funding streams for specific transportation modes impede efforts to provide travelers with multi-modal options. How do we address these challenges, particularly as urban areas grow into megaregions? The federal government is responsible for interstate waterways and airspaces and for interstate commerce. However, federal leadership and funding for transportation supporting interstate commerce are waning, forcing state and local governments to take on a larger role. How do we ensure that there are efficient networks for interstate travel and international trade as the federal role declines? New private transportation services efficiently generate enormous data sets about trips. Such data can be helpful to agencies trying to manage system performance. Connected and automated vehicles will add even more information. How can public agencies gain access to these data streams to improve traffic flow while protecting privacy and proprietary information?

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System Performance and Management: Improving the Performance of Transportation Networks

Highway congestion costs the nation as much as $300 billion annually in wasted time. Flight delays add at least another $30 billion. Clearly, demand for travel is outpacing growth in supply and the increasing congestion is costing us dearly. As the population grows, demand will only increase. However, expanding or building new roads, airports, and other facilities in urban areas is costly, time consuming, and often controversial. How can we serve growing demand in a financially, socially, and environmentally responsible manner? Transportation officials also need to squeeze more performance out of the existing networks. One way to do this is by managing demand: Charging drivers for peakperiod travel in congested areas, for example, has the potential to increase ride sharing and generate revenues for transit, bike paths, and sidewalks. While pricing is more effective than other approaches, it is also unpopular. How do we build public and political acceptance for demand management strategies that work? In the face of tight budgets, transportation officials must also figure out how to maintain the condition of roads, bridges, airports, and other assets for as long as possible. What research would help increase the durability of construction materials and designs? How do we speed adoption of new information to improve the life-cycle performance of transportation assets?

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Funding and Finance: Paying the Tab

Fuel taxes and other user fees have traditionally paid for highways, bridges, airports, ports, and public transit. These user fees are generally fair and efficient ways to pay for the transportation infrastructure, which is valued in trillions of dollars. However, improving fuel efficiency undermines the revenue potential from the motor fuel taxes that have been the chief funding source for highways and transit. Since 1993, federal officials have not raised the fees that fund the federal share of surface transportation and have instead turned to general revenues. In addition, Congress has declined to raise aviation-related user fees, limiting funds for air traffic control and airports. Although most states have raised motor fuel taxes, state and local government officials are also turning to other sources as the revenues from these taxes decline. One is sales taxes, which can unfairly burden the poor. Also, officials are partnering with businesses to build and maintain roads and other assets. This approach has promising features, but relies on tolls or other charges that are controversial. With advances in technology, officials can charge highway users by the mile traveled. They could also charge more during peak periods to manage demand and more to gas-guzzling vehicles to reduce emissions. But the public is not widely aware of these options and is not enthusiastic about them when it is. Clearly, we need to find new ways to maintain and expand the transportation infrastructure. How do we build understanding of the need to invest in transportation assets, identify the best funding options, and reach consensus for action?

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Goods Movement: Moving Freight

The economy and our lifestyles depend on an efficient system for moving freight. Although railroads and pipelines are privately owned, funded, and managed, the freight system also requires adequate public infrastructure—roads, airports, ports, and waterways—for private companies to carry the goods needed. Freight movement is expected to grow dramatically in the coming decades to serve the growing population and economy. Without more spending on public infrastructure, this trend could lead to more traffic bottlenecks and capacity problems, especially as overnight and same-day delivery become more popular. How do we provide additional capacity when and where it is needed and ensure that beneficiaries bear the cost? Government officials face the challenges of providing adequate infrastructure for the freight industry while setting a level playing field for competition among private carriers and across transportation modes. In doing so, they need to account and charge for the costs that trucks, aircraft, ships, and other vehicles impose on public infrastructure. This is a process that is both difficult and controversial. How can officials best foster competition and set fair user fees for the freight industry? Another challenge for the freight industry is how to reduce its large and growing share of greenhouse gas emissions. One way to do this is through technology: improving batteries and fuel cells to speed the shift to electric-powered vehicles and moving to automated vehicles. Another is by improving efficiency, such as ensuring more vehicles are carrying freight on return trips. How do we make these improvements effectively and affordably?

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Institutional and Workforce Capacity: Providing a Capable and Diverse Workforce

Government transportation agencies face huge challenges and tight budgets. Their ability to rise to these challenges depends on having capable workers with the tools they need to do their jobs. These agencies have difficulty competing for and keeping talented workers. They simply cannot pay as much as private industry. How can officials attract and retain the best employees despite the pay disparities between the public and private sectors? Also, the changing nature of transportation is creating different requirements for the workforce. As a result, transportation organizations struggle to keep workers up to date in the skills they need. This problem is especially acute at the local government level in dealing with complex issues such as climate change and revolutionary new transportation services. How do we address these challenges? Automated trucks, trains, vessels, and aircraft will disrupt the transportation workforce in both the public and private sectors. What are the likely impacts of these technological changes on transportation jobs? What are the best ways to help displaced workers? With a growing, changing, and aging population, transportation organizations will need to hire new and diverse employees. How can managers attract more members of underrepresented racial and ethnic groups into the transportation field? How can they minimize the loss of expertise and experience when Baby Boomers retire?

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Research and Innovation: Preparing for the Future

America is known for innovation. Our discovery and embrace of the new is fueled in large part by public investments in education and research. The revolutionary breakthroughs in transportation-related technology happened because of decades of public spending on basic research. In addition, steady improvements in the design, construction, operation, and management of transportation infrastructures have been spurred by research funded by government agencies. Public funding for research and education has never been more important, nor more uncertain. Many experiments are taking place in transportation across the country to meet the challenges of technological innovation and climate change. How do we record, evaluate, and share the results of these experiences and adopt innovations more quickly into standards and practices? Demands on transportation are growing as public spending on transportation research is declining. At the same time, public officials are often discouraged from taking risks. How do we encourage innovation in transportation agencies? How do we speed the pace of research to keep up with the major challenges transportation faces?

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Modern civilization would not be possible without extensive, reliable transportation systems. Technology is poised to transform transportation and impact society and the environment in ways we cannot fully predict but must be prepared to manage. In addition to coping with a technological revolution, we also face hard questions about how to reduce transportation’s greenhouse gas emissions; make it more resilient, efficient, safe, and equitable; and pay the staggering costs of doing so. TRB framed what it thinks are the most important transportation questions to address in the next few years. It hopes this document will help spur and inform an urgently needed national debate about the future of transportation and help researchers frame and inform choices about the most promising paths forward. Join the debate. Analyze the options. Find new solutions. Our future depends on it. For a more thorough discussion of these issues go to .

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  • TRB Leaders Unveil Critical Issues
  • TRB Critical Issues in Transportation Discussion with Executive Director Neil Pedersen

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50 Best Thesis Topics for Transportation Planning

  • February 8, 2023
  • Transportation Planning , Urban design thesis , Urban Planning , urban research

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Transportation planning is a field of study concerned with the development and implementation of plans, policies, and programs for the movement of people and goods. It involves the analysis of existing and future transportation needs, the evaluation of alternative transportation solutions, and the implementation of effective and sustainable transportation systems. Transportation planning takes into account factors such as land use, population growth, economic development, environmental impact, and social equity to develop integrated and coordinated transportation networks that support regional and local mobility and accessibility needs. 

Masters of Transportation Planning:

A Master of Transportation Planning (MTP) is a graduate-level program that provides students with advanced knowledge and skills in the field of transportation planning. The program is designed for individuals who are interested in pursuing careers in transportation planning, policy development, and project management.

The coursework in an MTP program typically covers a wide range of topics, including transportation planning and policy, transportation systems analysis, land use and urban planning, transportation demand management, transportation engineering, and transportation economics. Students learn how to analyze and evaluate existing transportation systems and develop strategies to improve their efficiency and sustainability. They also learn how to effectively manage transportation projects and how to integrate transportation planning with other land use and planning initiatives.

Masters of Transportation Planning Thesis:

A Master of Transportation Planning thesis is a research-based project that is completed as a requirement for graduation program. The thesis is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their mastery of the concepts and theories they have learned in their coursework, as well as to apply their knowledge and skills to real-world transportation planning issues.   The skills and knowledge gained through the research process, as well as the insights and recommendations generated by the thesis, can be applied in a variety of careers related to transportation planning and policy development. Below we have compiled the best topics for Transportation Planning thesis. 

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Transportation planning Thesis Topics List:

  • Sustainable transportation planning
  • Active transportation and public health
  • The impact of autonomous vehicles on transportation planning
  • Public transportation and economic development
  • The role of technology in transportation planning
  • The integration of multimodal transportation systems
  • The role of transportation planning in reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • The impact of transportation planning on urban sprawl
  • The impact of transportation planning on urban form and land use

50 Best Thesis Topics for Transportation Planning 1

  • The impact of transportation planning on transportation mode choice
  • The role of transportation planning in promoting sustainable transportation practices
  • The impact of transportation planning on transportation user behavior
  • The role of transportation planning in promoting sustainable transportation policies
  • The impact of transportation planning on transportation policy development
  • The role of transportation planning in promoting sustainable transportation funding
  • The impact of transportation planning on transportation funding sources and allocation
  • The role of transportation planning in promoting sustainable transportation pricing
  • The impact of transportation planning on transportation pricing policies
  • The role of transportation planning in promoting sustainable transportation financing
  • The impact of transportation planning on transportation financing mechanisms
  • The role of transportation planning in promoting sustainable transportation systems and practices globally
  • The impact of transportation planning on global transportation systems and practices.

50 Best Thesis Topics for Transportation Planning 3

  • The role of transportation planning in promoting livable communities
  • The impact of transportation planning on social equity
  • The impact of transportation planning on public health
  • The integration of transportation and health planning
  • The role of transportation planning in promoting active transportation
  • The impact of transportation planning on pedestrian and bicycle accessibility
  • The impact of transportation planning on pedestrian and bicycle safety
  • The role of transportation planning in promoting public transportation
  • The impact of transportation planning on public transportation accessibility and convenience
  • The impact of transportation planning on public transportation ridership
  • The role of transportation planning in promoting sustainable transportation infrastructure
  • The impact of transportation planning on transportation infrastructure development
  • The role of transportation planning in promoting sustainable transportation systems
  • The impact of transportation planning on transportation system efficiency
  • The role of transportation planning in promoting sustainable transportation mode

50 Best Thesis Topics for Transportation Planning 5

The integration of transportation and land use planning

The integration of transportation and community planning

The impact of transportation planning on regional greenhouse gas emissions

The role of transportation planning in promoting sustainable communities

The impact of transportation planning on regional air quality

The impact of transportation planning on regional energy use

The impact of transportation planning on regional economic competitiveness

The impact of transportation planning on regional land use patterns

Transportation demand management

The impact of transportation planning on regional development

The integration of transportation and regional planning

The role of transportation planning in reducing congestion

Transportation equity and access for disadvantaged communities

50 Best Thesis Topics for Transportation Planning 7

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Journal of Transportation Demand Management Research

Home > Open Access Journals > Journal of Transportation Demand Management Research

The  Journal of Transportation Demand Management Research (ISSN: 2642-6188) is an international journal produced by the National Center for Transit Research (NCTR) at the University of South Florida, a federally-funded Tier I University Transportation Center. The Journal contains original research and case studies associated with sustainable transportation, including all types of travel choices designed to reduce or redistribute the use of single occupancy vehicles. These topics include: carpooling, vanpooling, commuter buses, bicycling and walking, parking management, telework, compressed work weeks and transportation network companies. Topics are approached from a variety of academic disciplines, including economics, engineering, planning, and others, and include policy, methodological, technological, and financial aspects.  Emphasis is placed on the identification of innovative solutions to urban transportation issues (including congestion, air quality, health, livability, reliability, resiliency, sustainability, accessibility/economic development, and safety).

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Current Issue: Volume 1, Number 1 (2019)

Low-Income Access to Employer-Based Transit Benefits: Evidence from 10 Large Metropolitan Regions Andrea Hamre

Toward Car Free Key West Mary Bishop

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Operations management of shared transport: research status and prospect

  • Original Article
  • Published: 07 October 2023
  • Volume 5 , pages 281–316, ( 2023 )

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  • Xiang Li 1 ,
  • He Zhao 1 &
  • Hongguang Ma   ORCID: 1  

225 Accesses

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Shared transport is an emerging transportation system where travelers share a vehicle either simultaneously as a group (e.g. ride-sharing, ride-sourcing, or customized bus) and share the cost of the journey in the process, or over time (e.g. car-sharing or bike-sharing) as personal rental. We review shared transport research articles published in major operations research, management science and transportation journals from 2010 to 2021. In reviewing these studies, our objective is to assess and present the operations management research of shared transport from a macro level such that new researchers will be attracted and established researchers will be motivated to contribute to this emerging field. We divide the operations management research of shared transport into eight attributes (shared transport mode, decision level, characteristics of demand, decision function, decision objective, modeling approach, solution method, and type of data). Cross tabulations are done among these eight attributes to gain more profound insights. Furthermore, we divide the decision function attribute into 36 subcategories. Maturity and recent attention are calculated as indicators for evaluating the research potential in the decision function attribute. After analyzing the research status, we look forward to the prospect and provide relevant recommendations for future research.

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This work was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 71931001), the Beijing Social Science Foundation (No. 22GLC059), and the Funds for First-class Discipline Construction (XK1802-5).

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School of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, 100029, China

Xiang Li, He Zhao & Hongguang Ma

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Li, X., Zhao, H. & Ma, H. Operations management of shared transport: research status and prospect. J. of Data, Inf. and Manag. 5 , 281–316 (2023).

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Received : 07 February 2023

Accepted : 28 August 2023

Published : 07 October 2023

Issue Date : December 2023


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150 Best Logistics Research Topics to Focus On

Table of Contents

Logistics is a process that deals with how manufactured products are acquired, stored, and moved from production houses to stores. If you pursue a course in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (SCM), then for your final assessment, you can work on logistics research topics for preparing your dissertation. Logistics is a wide subject with many subcategories. Therefore, several students often experience difficulties with logistics research paper topic selection. In case, you also find it troublesome to pick a topic, check this blog. For your convenience, here, we have shared a list of some excellent dissertation topics on logistics and supply chain management.

But before moving to the list of logistics research ideas, first, let us have a look at what logistics means and what the subject mainly deals with.

What is Logistics?

Planning and carrying out the effective storage and transportation of goods from the point of production to the point of consumption is known as logistics. Its primary objective is to meet the needs of the customer in a timely and cost-effective manner.

The terms “logistics” and “supply chain management” are frequently used interchangeably, even though they refer to two distinct parts of the process. One way to think of logistics is as a subset of the supply chain. The purchase and delivery of raw materials, packaging, shipment, and transportation of goods to distributors within a single company are all aspects of logistics management. However, supply chain management deals with a larger network of outside organizations that collaborate to deliver goods to customers, such as call centers, vendors, and transportation providers.

The significant parts of coordinated factors incorporate inbound and outbound cargo, materials the executives, warehousing, request satisfaction, stock preparation, and request arranging.

List of Logistics Research Topics and Ideas

Currently, do you have to submit a research paper on logistics topics? Great! We are here to help you out with customized research paper writing and topic selection.

If you are a student who is looking for the best logistics research topics, then access the list of topic ideas suggested below and pick a topic that you have strong knowledge of and is convenient for you to write about.

Logistics Research Topics

Simple Logistics Research Topics

  • Prepare a literature review on the role of crowd-sourced freight services in logistics.
  • Research the warehousing trends and challenges in omnichannel logistics.
  • Prepare a comparative review of sustainable logistics management practices between emerging and developed countries.
  • Why do businesses integrate technology and service providers to manage the logistics processes?
  • How the utilization of logistics can impact local transport channels in the UK?
  • Investigate the role of software solutions and outsourced logistics service providers in the UK.
  • Conduct a theoretical analysis of the concept of a control tower in logistics with a futuristic perspective.
  • Review the relevance of quality management standards to the procurement and logistics function of mobile outlets in the UK.
  • Discuss the impact of app-based instant freight services in the UK.
  • Review the policies and regulations in logistics and supply chain models of the UK from the transport perspective.
  • Write about the history, current trends, and future implications of ERP in logistics and supply chain management.
  • Describe the feasibility of the warehouse management function of family businesses in the UK.
  • Discuss the practical impact of packing regulations in the UK on business logistics.
  • How do small family businesses in the UK navigate the procedural intricacies of logistics management?
  • Prepare a systematic review of the ethical practices and challenges in logistics and supply chain management.

Outstanding Logistics Research Topics

  • Explain the models, strategies, and challenges of the decision-making process in logistics and procurement.
  • Analyze the cost factors in logistics.
  • Compare the implementation of sustainable logistics management practices between developed countries.
  • Explain the strategies to minimize the inherent risks in logistics management.
  • Assess the environmental impact of transport solutions on the chain of responsibility in the UK.
  • Discuss the packaging regulations in the United Kingdom
  • Discuss the regulations related to sustainable packaging in the United States
  • Comparative analysis of the existing supply chain and logistics regulations in the United States and China
  • Importance of relationship development managers in the successful management of supply chain network
  • Discuss the concept of Enterprise Integration and its importance
  • What are the reverse logistics strategies for the end of life products?
  • What are the packaging regulations in the regions of the US and their practical influence on business logistics?
  • Study of the business perspectives as well as implementation strategies to provide logistics integration costs.
  • What are the reasons for enlisting emergency logistics services?
  • Inventory Management – an Exploration of Methodologies Implemented in Three Different Industry Sectors in the United Kingdom

Dissertation Topics on Logistics and Supply Chain Management

  • Green Logistics: Professional Attempts to Measure and Minimize the Ecological Impact of Logistics Activities
  • The Influence of Environmental Management Practices and Supply Chain Integration on Technological Innovation Performance
  • Analyze how the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility is promoting socially responsible supply chains.
  • Prepare a literature review on the role of integrated supply chain platforms in the backdrop of the Internet of Things.
  • Explore the retail sector of your country and discuss how the retailers have taken advantage of digital freight matching.
  • Review the effectiveness of the introduction of carbon and greenhouse gas reduction in the supply chain of manufacturers in China.
  • How do businesses in the UK handle customer services using third-party platforms?
  • How are food requirements for tourist seasons forecasted by famous multicultural restaurants?
  • Analyze the trends and challenges in supply chains.
  • Prepare a systematic review of humanitarian supply chain integration.
  • Why are shippers looking for innovative alternatives to parcel carrier service?
  • How do independent pharmacy retailers in the UK maximize logistical value?
  • The emphasis on green supply chain management from the environmental perspective and its influence on financial management
  • Does a competitive supply chain result in financial gains in politically unstable economies?
  • Describe the role of a relationship development manager from the healthcare sector of your country in building trust and maintaining efficient supply chains.

Unique Research Topics on Supply Chain Management

  • Explain the impact of the latest trends in the supply chain on the digital revolution and globalization.
  • Investigate warehousing within the context of large, medium, and small enterprises in your country.
  • Prepare a review of the relationship of the retail industry with transportation economics.
  • Explore the inventory management methodologies of three different industry sectors in your country.
  • Supply chain disruption due to the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Evolution of logistics and supply chain over the past two decades
  • Impact of e-commerce growth on the global logistics industry
  • Discuss the most recent supply chain innovations and their benefits
  • Use of smart glasses and autonomous robots in supply chain management
  • Influence of risk evaluation as well as management in supply chain
  • What is the perspective in specific supply chain management?
  • How to implement the evaluation of the supply chain risk management capabilities?
  • Cost reduction and service improvement in logistics and supply chain management: focus on practical strategies.
  • Research in the logistics and supply chain management sector: challenges and interventions.
  • Development of competencies in the logistics and supply chain management sector: a descriptive study.

Logistics Management Research Paper Topics

  • Explain how the logistics and supply chain functions have evolved in the 21st century.
  • Analyze the influence of IT innovation on the effectiveness of logistics and supply chain management.
  • Discuss the impact of the change in demand and supply on logistics functions and costs.
  • Talk about the risk management techniques integration in the supply chain through logistics processes.
  • Research the logistics and supply chain workflows using RFID and bar code database.
  • Analyze the role of value chain strategy in logistics and supply chain management.
  • Explain the significance of IT in the management of logistics and supply chains.
  • Research and find out the innovations and strategies for logistics and supply chains.
  • Examine the role of logistics and supply chain management in the enhancement of SMEs.
  • Discuss the development of logistics capability through supply chain integration.
  • Explain the relationship between logistics and supply chain management.
  • Analyze the impact of a company’s logistics performance on global business performance.
  • Explain the challenges and opportunities that are related to the evolution of the logistics function and processes.
  • What is the role of logistics and supply chain management in the success of MNCs?
  • Analyze the impact of logistics functions on an organization’s financial performance.

Management Logistics Research Topics

  • Explain the significance of the adoption of logistics and supply chain management principles and concepts.
  • Study the procurement management of specialized projects in the commercial construction sector.
  • Investigate how the evolution of logistics and supply chain management contributes to strategic differentiation and operational effectiveness.
  • What is the impact of inbound and outbound logistics on the supplier-consumer relationship?
  • Explain the role of information management in handling logistics and supply chain challenges.
  • Examine the practical implementation practices that are related to green sustainable procurement strategies.
  • Explain the relationship between supply chain management and procurement.
  • What is the role of technological advancements in the improvement of logistics and supply chain management of MNCs?
  • Write about the applications of IoT in the field of logistics.
  • Discuss the impact of IT emergence on third and fourth-party logistics systems.
  • Use of AI (artificial intelligence) and Machine Learning in logistics
  • Use of robotics in logistics
  • Evolution of the global logistics industry between 1900 to 2022
  • Discuss the modern technologies used in warehouses
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of warehouse robots

Interesting Logistics Research Ideas

  • The comparative review of the sustainable logistics management practices between the emerging as well as developed countries.
  • What is the influence of Industry 4.0 on supply chain management?
  • What is the influence of speed, responsiveness, and efficiency in supply chain management?
  • What is the impact of inventory in the logistics industry?
  • What is the impact of transportation on the logistics industry?
  • Discuss the value chain strategy concerned with the logistics industry in the UK.
  • Does the increase in the concepts associated with intermodal and international logistics impact the functioning of various manufacturing companies?
  • Take a closer look at anticipatory logistics in supply chain management.
  • Analyzing the logistics management principles by evaluating them within an environment regarded as being practical.
  • What are the effects of information management on the supply chain and logistics of the automobile industry in the UK?
  • Discuss the significance of logistics management in streamlining reorders for clothing brands in the UK.
  • Does warehousing play an important role in the logistics industry?
  • Have a closer look at logistics and transportation in Australia.
  • Why the implementation of green supply chain management practices is important to ensure sustainability and resilience in the supply chain network?
  • Describe the pros and cons of applying AI and IoT in supply chain management and logistics

Excellent Logistics Research Topics

  • Explain how to enhance the efficiency of logistics using wireless communication.
  • Compare value-added logistics and supply chain management.
  • Comparative analysis of traditional logistics vs. reverse logistics.
  • Develop international regulations for commercial logistics services.
  • Suggest best practices for export and import e-commerce logistics.
  • Explain the collaboration between the government and logistics companies.
  • Explain the importance of trade and logistics in the modern world economy.
  • Discuss the role of third-party logistics in the e-commerce industry.
  • Write about defense logistical strategy and plans.
  • Explain how third-party logistics help businesses save costs.

Top-rated SCM and Logistics Research Topics

  • Analyze the various logistics operations of manufacturing organizations.
  • What is the role of ERP in assisting logistics management and warehousing for FMCG products?
  • How to satisfy customers when it comes to logistics?
  • What is the effect of procurement logistics on the sales of FMCG manufacturing companies?
  • Explain the importance of logistics management in streamlining the financial positions of global businesses in the UK.
  • Describe the origin of the term ‘Business Logistics’ in an increasingly globalized supply chain.
  • What is the role of supply chain management in business outsourcing?
  • Evaluate the effects of information dissemination and sharing among intermediaries in a supply chain.
  • Explain the barriers to implementing an efficient supply management system.
  • Implementation of E-logistics in Supply Chain Operations.
  • Evaluate the use of technology in modern supply chain systems.
  • Examine the implementation of Green Supply Chain Management Practices.
  • What is the effectiveness of customer service strategy on the supply chain management of e-commerce stores in the UK?
  • Implementation of IoT in the 3PL/4PL Industry.
  • The extension of supply chain resilience through Industry 4.0.

A Few More SCM and Logistics Research Paper Topics

  • Evaluate the strategies for cost reduction in the supply chain in automobile exports and imports in China.
  • Investigate the role of Logistics and SCM in dealing with emerging challenges and complexities.
  • The practicability of intertwined supply networks with IoT.
  • Discuss the effect of packaging on the operations of fragrance exporters in the UK.
  • Assess supply chain risk management capabilities.
  • Explain the reverse logistics strategies for End-of-Life products.
  • What are the key differences between SCM and logistics in light of different theories?
  • Examine procurement cost management in the lean organizations of emerging economies.
  • How to measure and minimize the ecological impact of logistics activities?
  • Explain the Impact of Industry 4.0 on supply chain management.
  • What are the factors that affect the application of an efficient supply management system?
  • Evaluate the strategies for cost reduction in SCM relating to exports and imports.
  • What are the machine learning techniques in supply chain management?
  • Prepare a literature review on the relationship between reverse logistics and sustainability performance.
  • Challenges and success factors of applying AR (augmented reality) and VR (virtual reality) in supply chain management and logistics
  • Discuss the pros and cons of Industry 4.0 about logistics and SCM
  • Analyze the influence of supply chain integration and environmental management practices on a company’s performance related to technological innovation
  • Assess the antecedents of the selection of socially responsible suppliers in three global supply chain contexts
  • Swarm Intelligence: application of the algorithm of ant colony optimization to logistics-oriented vehicle routing problems

Wrapping Up

From the list of unique logistics research topics and ideas recommended above, select any topic of your choice and write a brilliant research paper. But when choosing a topic, make sure to give importance to the topic that matches your interest and has a wide research scope. Also, prefer a topic that contains extensive information, sources of reference, and evidence to explain your thesis statement .

In case, you are not sure what logistic research topic to choose or need logistic research paper writing help, then contact us immediately. We have skilled academic writers on our platform to offer help with logistics and Supply chain management research paper topic selection and writing. Especially, based on the requirements you send us, our scholarly writers will compose and deliver a plagiarism-free and top-quality research paper on time at an affordable price. Moreover, by taking our logistics assignment help service online, you can wind up your tasks ahead of the deadline and boost your grades.

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  Logistics and Transportation Journals

  • International Journal of Logistics Management Provides reports of current developments in the fields of logistics management and supply chain management. Facilitates the interchange of information about logistics management among business planners and researchers on a worldwide basis.
  • International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management Covers transport and inventory management, materials purchasing management, distribution planning and costs, customer service policy and order processing systems.
  • International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management Articles and book reviews for professionals in the field of physical distribution and logistics.
  • Journal of Advanced Transportation From publisher's website: "The Journal of Advanced Transportation (JAT) is a fully peer reviewed international journal in transportation research areas related to public transit, road traffic, transport networks and air transport."
  • Journal of Business Logistics Journal of Business Logistics provides information about trends in logistics, supply chain management, and purchasing.
  • Journal of Business Logistics Provides a forum for the dissemination of original thoughts, research, & best practices within the logistics & supply chain arenas.
  • Journal of Operations Management Contains articles on manufacturing operations management topics, including computer integrated manufacturing, flexible manufacturing systems, performance measurement, materials handling and logistics, as well as regulatory and environmental issues in operations.
  • Transportation Journal Articles in the fields of economics, industrial and carrier management, physical distribution, general business, regulation, public policy, education and relevant subjects relating to the management of transportation and logistics.
  • Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice Original articles and research of general interest in all passenger and freight transportation modes, policy analysis, evaluation, planning, and the design and management of transportation systems from an economic or engineering viewpoint.
  • Transportation Research Part B: Methodological
  • Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies Scholarly research that addresses development, application and implications in the field of transportation, of emerging technology from engineering, computer science, electronics, control systems and telecommunications.
  • Transportation Science Covers methodology, practice and occasional research papers. Contains research on all modes of transportation and includes a bibliographical section.
  • Transport Reviews Covers all modes of transport. Directed toward people concerned with transport in many nations.
  • The International Journal of Logistics Management Provides a global forum for the exchange of new ideas and practices in the dynamic field of logistics management.

Transportation Statistics

  • Transtats-U.S. Department of Transportation A collection of statistics covering various forms of transportation modes. Topics include economics, demographics, security, energy, etc.
  • National Transportation Library- Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation, a searchable collection of public and private transportation documents housed in their library and available online
  • Bureau of Transportation Statistics Current statistics on various aspects of transportation in the U.S.
  • State Transportation Statistics State transportation profiles that provide statistics on a variety of topics.
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Research Roundup: How the Pandemic Changed Management

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Lessons from 69 articles published in top management and applied psychology journals.

Researchers recently reviewed 69 articles focused on the management implications of the Covid-19 pandemic that were published between March 2020 and July 2023 in top journals in management and applied psychology. The review highlights the numerous ways in which employees, teams, leaders, organizations, and societies were impacted and offers lessons for managing through future pandemics or other events of mass disruption.

The recent pandemic disrupted life as we know it, including for employees and organizations around the world. To understand such changes, we recently reviewed 69 articles focused on the management implications of the Covid-19 pandemic. These papers were published between March 2020 and July 2023 in top journals in management and applied psychology.

  • Mark C. Bolino is the David L. Boren Professor and the Michael F. Price Chair in International Business at the University of Oklahoma’s Price College of Business. His research focuses on understanding how an organization can inspire its employees to go the extra mile without compromising their personal well-being.
  • JW Jacob M. Whitney is a doctoral candidate in management at the University of Oklahoma’s Price College of Business and an incoming assistant professor at Kennesaw State University. His research interests include leadership, teams, and organizational citizenship behavior.
  • SH Sarah E. Henry is a doctoral candidate in management at the University of Oklahoma’s Price College of Business and an incoming assistant professor at the University of South Florida. Her research interests include organizational citizenship behaviors, workplace interpersonal dynamics, and international management.

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Call for Papers - SOSR 2020

More than 10 years have now elapsed since the beginning of Software-Defined Networking (SDN). Over the course of a decade, SDN has fueled incredible innovation, revolutionizing virtually all networking areas. SDN is now deployed in a growing number of production and experimental settings, including data centers, enterprise networks, content providers, and Internet Service Providers.

At its core, SDN is all about making programming networks as easy as programming computers. Through programming interfaces and programmable substrates, SDN enables specifying and provisioning network-wide forwarding behaviors, as well as adapting how the network hardware itself forwards traffic. SDN has enabled more flexible and predictable network control, made it easier to extend the network with new functionality, and made it possible to verify the correctness of networking behaviors.

The ACM SIGCOMM Symposium on SDN Research (SOSR) is the premiere venue for research publications on SDN, building on past years' successful SOSR and HotSDN (Hot Topics in Software Defined Networking) workshops. New to this year, SOSR will be co-­located with the Open Compute Project (OCP) Global Summit on March 3, 2020 in San Jose, foster interaction between academic and industrial attendees.

We invite researchers and practitioners to submit both long and short previously unpublished papers, choosing the length appropriate to the level of completeness and detail in the work. We particularly encourage position papers, radical ideas, and papers on real applications and experiences of SDN.

We invite submissions on a wide range of research on the broad area of software-defined, programmable networks, including, but not limited to:

  • Network scenarios of home, wireless, cellular, enterprise, backbone, Internet-of-Things, and content distribution networks
  • Different general networking tasks including management, monitoring, security, and privacy, etc
  • Virtualized network functions (e.g., firewalls, intrusion detection systems, load balancers)
  • Network Virtualization
  • Programmable switches, SmartNICs, FPGAs, kernel or network stack bypass, and other network hardware accelerators
  • In-network compute or storage to accelerate networking workloads or application demands (e.g. P4-based solutions, hybrid compute/networking ecosystems, etc)
  • Novel network architectures and building blocks (e.g., programmable topologies, bandwidth variable links, optical networks)
  • White-box and bare-metal switching
  • Programming languages, compilers, verification and testing techniques in SDN
  • The design and application of useful SDN tools
  • Novel techniques for improving the security, reliability, performance, and scalability of SDN architectures
  • Applications of SDN in home, wireless, cellular, enterprise, datacenter, backbone, Internet of Things (IoT), edge computing, and content distribution networks
  • Applications of SDN to networks and co-deployed technologies (e.g. Cyber-Physical Systems, transportation or autonomous technologies, smart cities/buildings, or physical sensors such as video cameras and environmental sensors)
  • Applications of SDN to content-centric networking, computational workflows, etc.
  • Applications of SDN at the physical layer
  • Incremental deployment of SDN into operational networks along with experiences deploying SDN technology and applications in operational networks
  • Integration of SDN into open-source compute ecosystems

In addition to traditional research papers, we also seek papers that present:

  • Surveys of important SDN concepts, techniques, and standards
  • Technical overviews of larger research projects, production systems, and use cases
  • Open-source benchmark suites or measurement data for evaluating SDN systems

New This Year: Experience and Challenge Submissions

In addition to traditional research papers, this year the SOSR Organizing Committee is excited to announce the solicitation of Experience and Challenge papers. Given SDN has been successfully deployed in a variety of production environments, “Experience” papers detailing, evaluating, or providing a retrospective of the practical impacts of SDN deployments will be of great use to the scientific community. And while SDN technologies are currently deployed in production environments, the promise of software-driven networking remains large. As such, “Challenge” papers outlining the next steps, challenges, or radical ideas for software-driven networking and systems will also be requested. Both long and short Challenge and Experience papers are invited.

Submission Instructions

Submissions must be original, unpublished work, and not under consideration at another conference or journal. Each submission must be a single PDF file in two ­columns, 10­ point format following the sigconf format of the 2017 ACM Master Article LaTeX Template Use the sample latex file sample-sigconf.tex. Submitted short papers should be no longer than six (6) pages, and long papers no longer than twelve (12) pages, including all material except references. SOSR '20 is double-blind , meaning that authors should make a good faith effort to anonymize papers. Papers should be submitted electronically via the submission site.

Accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library. We stress that the publication of short papers at SOSR does not preclude the later publication of a full-­length version of the paper at a conference or in a journal. Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their papers at the symposium and will have the opportunity to present a poster/demo at an interactive session, co-­located with OCP.

Please direct any submission-related questions to [email protected] .

Submission site: --> Please visit to submit.

Important Dates

Call for demos and posters - sosr 2020.

The ACM Symposium on SDN Research (SOSR) demos and posters session showcases research projects current that are in an early stage and could benefit from community feedback. Topics of interest are the same as research topics in the SOSR call for papers. We particularly invite the submission of emerging results in SDN research that address timely problems, that can help evolve the landscape of SDN, that enhance our understanding of how SDN work in real-world deployments or realistic test beds, or that could influence further applied research and experimentation in industry. The SOSR 2020 Demos and Posters committee will review all proposals.

All demos will be provided with table space, an external display, a poster board and wireless Internet access by default. The demos should be configured to run in a cloud environment accessible via Internet and presented from the exhibition space floor on the demonstrator's laptop. Any additional needs (beyond the defaults: table, monitor, Internet) such as equipment for the demo, required setup time or additional facilities must be requested with submission.

If you have interesting early-stage work, which has not yet evolved into a fully-fledged demo, please consider submitting a poster proposal

What is a poster?

We expect both poster and demo presenters to prepare a poster. A poster is A0 paper size in portrait mode (841 × 1189mm), to which you can affix visually appealing material that describes your research. Alternatively, you can use the space as a continuum. You should prepare the best material (visually appealing and succinct) that effectively communicates your research problem, techniques, results, and what is novel/important about the work. You do not submit such a large-format image; only an abstract describing in text what the poster would present.

What to submit

Please submit your demo or poster proposal in the form of a two-page abstract in PDF. The abstract should clearly state: (a) the problem being addressed, (b) what makes this problem interesting, important, and challenging, (c) your approach to the problem, and (d) the key contributions.

If you are submitting a demo, you should also include a video clip showcasing the work, in addition to the abstract. The video should be no more than 3 minutes and should give a good idea of what the demo is about and what it would look like. A link to the video should be included in the abstract PDF.

Prepare your abstract using the 10­ point format following the 2017 ACM SIG LaTeX style file . Use the sample latex file sample-sigconf.tex. Word documents will not be accepted. The abstracts of accepted posters and demos will be available to all attendees at the conference.

Students who are submitting demos/posters are highly encouraged to examine if they are eligible for student travel grants. The submission link will be available shortly.

Where to submit

Please visit to submit. Submissions are single blind, so please include authors' names and affiliation.

Nvidia’s Jensen Huang: The incredible future of AI

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Jensen Huang, the CEO of tech titan Nvidia, has a message for the world about artificial intelligence: You ain’t seen nothing yet.

Speaking to a standing room-only audience at the 2024 SIEPR Economic Summit, Huang predicted that in as little as five years AI will be able to pass every test a human takes — not just the legal bar exams that it can complete today, but also highly specialized medical licensing exams.

In about 10 years, he said, the computational capabilities of AI systems will be a million times bigger than they are today. Systems synthetically generating data will have greater capacity to continuously learn, infer, and imagine. Instead of only instantly answering questions, forthcoming AI systems will also have the ability to think critically through problems over longer periods of time.

“In the future, the way you interact with AI will be very different” from what can be done with ChatGPT and other AI models today, said Huang in a keynote question-and-answer session led by John Shoven , a SIEPR senior fellow, emeritus; and the Charles R. Schwab Professor of Economics, emeritus, in Stanford’s School of Humanities and Sciences.

But does this mean AI technology will be able to mimic the human mind? Huang said he wasn’t sure. There needs to be a consensus about what it means to say AI has achieved human intelligence.

In order to have true artificial general intelligence, he said, “you need to know what the definition of success is.”

The gift of pain and suffering

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Having co-founded Nvidia more than 30 years ago, Huang now finds himself at the center of the tech universe. His company, whose market value hit $2 trillion last month (after reaching $1 trillion the previous June), has rocketed thanks to its sophisticated and hugely expensive semiconductor chips and its estimated market share of more than 80 percent in AI chips.

“We sell the world’s first quarter-million-dollar chip,” Huang noted, referring to Nvidia’s powerful graphical processing unit system that weighs 70 pounds, consists of 35,000 parts and has the computing capacity of a data center.

During his Summit appearance, Huang regaled attendees with his insights and now-familiar deadpan humor. Asked about his signature outfit of black leather jacket, black shirt, and black pants, Huang said they are among the few pieces of clothing that don’t make him itch.

When asked his advice for Stanford students aspiring to be successful entrepreneurs, Huang talked about the importance of low expectations and high resilience. Greatness, he said, comes from smart people who have suffered from setbacks. This is why, at Nvidia, he talks openly about pain and suffering “with great glee.”

“For all of you Stanford students,” he said, “I wish upon you ample doses of pain and suffering.”

Watch the full discussion.

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The Philippines economy in 2024: Stronger for longer?

The Philippines ended 2023 on a high note, being the fastest growing economy across Southeast Asia with a growth rate of 5.6 percent—just shy of the government's target of 6.0 to 7.0 percent. 1 “National accounts,” Philippine Statistics Authority, January 31, 2024; "Philippine economic updates,” Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, November 16, 2023. Should projections hold, the Philippines is expected to, once again, show significant growth in 2024, demonstrating its resilience despite various global economic pressures (Exhibit 1). 2 “Economic forecast 2024,” International Monetary Fund, November 1, 2023; McKinsey analysis.

The growth in the Philippine economy in 2023 was driven by a resumption in commercial activities, public infrastructure spending, and growth in digital financial services. Most sectors grew, with transportation and storage (13 percent), construction (9 percent), and financial services (9 percent), performing the best (Exhibit 2). 3 “National accounts,” Philippine Statistics Authority, January 31, 2024. While the country's trade deficit narrowed in 2023, it remains elevated at $52 billion due to slowing global demand and geopolitical uncertainties. 4 “Highlights of the Philippine export and import statistics,” Philippine Statistics Authority, January 28, 2024. Looking ahead to 2024, the current economic forecast for the Philippines projects a GDP growth of between 5 and 6 percent.

Inflation rates are expected to temper between 3.2 and 3.6 percent in 2024 after ending 2023 at 6.0 percent, above the 2.0 to 4.0 percent target range set by the government. 5 “Nomura downgrades Philippine 2024 growth forecast,” Nomura, September 11, 2023; “IMF raises Philippine growth rate forecast,” International Monetary Fund, July 16, 2023.

For the purposes of this article, most of the statistics used for our analysis have come from a common thread of sources. These include the Central Bank of the Philippines (Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas); the Department of Energy Philippines; the IT and Business Process Association of the Philippines (IBPAP); and the Philippines Statistics Authority.

The state of the Philippine economy across seven major sectors and themes

In the article, we explore the 2024 outlook for seven key sectors and themes, what may affect each of them in the coming year, and what could potentially unlock continued growth.

Financial services

The recovery of the financial services sector appears on track as year-on-year growth rates stabilize. 6 Philippines Statistics Authority, November 2023; McKinsey in partnership with Oxford Economics, November 2023. In 2024, this sector will likely continue to grow, though at a slower pace of about 5 percent.

Financial inclusion and digitalization are contributing to growth in this sector in 2024, even if new challenges emerge. Various factors are expected to impact this sector:

  • Inclusive finance: Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas continues to invest in financial inclusion initiatives. For example, basic deposit accounts (BDAs) reached $22 million in 2023 and banking penetration improved, with the proportion of adults with formal bank accounts increasing from 29 percent in 2019 to 56 percent in 2021. 7 “Financial inclusion dashboard: First quarter 2023,” Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, February 6, 2024.
  • Digital adoption: Digital channels are expected to continue to grow, with data showing that 60 percent of adults who have a mobile phone and internet access have done a digital financial transaction. 8 “Financial inclusion dashboard: First quarter 2023,” Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, February 6, 2024. Businesses in this sector, however, will need to remain vigilant in navigating cybersecurity and fraud risks.
  • Unsecured lending growth: Growth in unsecured lending is expected to continue, but at a slower pace than the past two to three years. For example, unsecured retail lending for the banking system alone grew by 27 percent annually from 2020 to 2022. 9 “Loan accounts: As of first quarter 2023,” Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, February 6, 2024; "Global banking pools,” McKinsey, November 2023. Businesses in this field are, however, expected to recalibrate their risk profiling models as segments with high nonperforming loans emerge.
  • High interest rates: Key interest rates are expected to decline in the second half of 2024, creating more accommodating borrowing conditions that could boost wholesale and corporate loans.

Supportive frameworks have a pivotal role to play in unlocking growth in this sector to meet the ever-increasing demand from the financially underserved. For example, financial literacy programs and easier-to-access accounts—such as BDAs—are some measures that can help widen market access to financial services. Continued efforts are being made to build an open finance framework that could serve the needs of the unbanked population, as well as a unified credit scoring mechanism to increase the ability of historically under-financed segments, such as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), to access formal credit. 10 “BSP launches credit scoring model,” Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, April 26, 2023.

Energy and Power

The outlook for the energy sector seems positive, with the potential to grow by 7 percent in 2024 as the country focuses on renewable energy generation. 11 McKinsey analysis based on input from industry experts. Currently, stakeholders are focused on increasing energy security, particularly on importing liquefied natural gas (LNG) to meet power plants’ requirements as production in one of the country’s main sources of natural gas, the Malampaya gas field, declines. 12 Myrna M. Velasco, “Malampaya gas field prod’n declines steeply in 2021,” Manila Bulletin , July 9, 2022. High global inflation and the fact that the Philippines is a net fuel importer are impacting electricity prices and the build-out of planned renewable energy projects. Recent regulatory moves to remove foreign ownership limits on exploration, development, and utilization of renewable energy resources could possibly accelerate growth in the country’s energy and power sector. 13 “RA 11659,” Department of Energy Philippines, June 8, 2023.

Gas, renewables, and transmission are potential growth drivers for the sector. Upgrading power grids so that they become more flexible and better able to cope with the intermittent electricity supply that comes with renewables will be critical as the sector pivots toward renewable energy. A recent coal moratorium may position natural gas as a transition fuel—this could stimulate exploration and production investments for new, indigenous natural gas fields, gas pipeline infrastructure, and LNG import terminal projects. 14 Philippine energy plan 2020–2040, Department of Energy Philippines, June 10, 2022; Power development plan 2020–2040 , Department of Energy Philippines, 2021. The increasing momentum of green energy auctions could facilitate the development of renewables at scale, as the country targets 35 percent share of renewables by 2030. 15 Power development plan 2020–2040 , 2022.

Growth in the healthcare industry may slow to 2.8 percent in 2024, while pharmaceuticals manufacturing is expected to rebound with 5.2 percent growth in 2024. 16 McKinsey analysis in partnership with Oxford Economics.

Healthcare demand could grow, although the quality of care may be strained as the health worker shortage is projected to increase over the next five years. 17 McKinsey analysis. The supply-and-demand gap in nursing alone is forecast to reach a shortage of approximately 90,000 nurses by 2028. 18 McKinsey analysis. Another compounding factor straining healthcare is the higher than anticipated benefit utilization and rising healthcare costs, which, while helping to meet people's healthcare budgets, may continue to drive down profitability for health insurers.

Meanwhile, pharmaceutical companies are feeling varying effects of people becoming increasingly health conscious. Consumers are using more over the counter (OTC) medication and placing more beneficial value on organic health products, such as vitamins and supplements made from natural ingredients, which could impact demand for prescription drugs. 19 “Consumer health in the Philippines 2023,” Euromonitor, October 2023.

Businesses operating in this field may end up benefiting from universal healthcare policies. If initiatives are implemented that integrate healthcare systems, rationalize copayments, attract and retain talent, and incentivize investments, they could potentially help to strengthen healthcare provision and quality.

Businesses may also need to navigate an increasingly complex landscape of diverse health needs, digitization, and price controls. Digital and data transformations are being seen to facilitate improvements in healthcare delivery and access, with leading digital health apps getting more than one million downloads. 20 Google Play Store, September 27, 2023. Digitization may create an opportunity to develop healthcare ecosystems that unify touchpoints along the patient journey and provide offline-to-online care, as well as potentially realizing cost efficiencies.

Consumer and retail

Growth in the retail and wholesale trade and consumer goods sectors is projected to remain stable in 2024, at 4 percent and 5 percent, respectively.

Inflation, however, continues to put consumers under pressure. While inflation rates may fall—predicted to reach 4 percent in 2024—commodity prices may still remain elevated in the near term, a top concern for Filipinos. 21 “IMF raises Philippine growth forecast,” July 26, 2023; “Nomura downgrades Philippines 2024 growth forecast,” September 11, 2023. In response to challenging economic conditions, 92 percent of consumers have changed their shopping behaviors, and approximately 50 percent indicate that they are switching brands or retail providers in seek of promotions and better prices. 22 “Philippines consumer pulse survey, 2023,” McKinsey, November 2023.

Online shopping has become entrenched in Filipino consumers, as they find that they get access to a wider range of products, can compare prices more easily, and can shop with more convenience. For example, a McKinsey Philippines consumer sentiment survey in 2023 found that 80 percent of respondents, on average, use online and omnichannel to purchase footwear, toys, baby supplies, apparel, and accessories. To capture the opportunity that this shift in Filipino consumer preferences brings and to unlock growth in this sector, retail organizations could turn to omnichannel strategies to seamlessly integrate online and offline channels. Businesses may need to explore investments that increase resilience across the supply chain, alongside researching and developing new products that serve emerging consumer preferences, such as that for natural ingredients and sustainable sources.


Manufacturing is a key contributor to the Philippine economy, contributing approximately 19 percent of GDP in 2022, employing about 7 percent of the country’s labor force, and growing in line with GDP at approximately 6 percent between 2023 and 2024. 23 McKinsey analysis based on input from industry experts.

Some changes could be seen in 2024 that might affect the sector moving forward. The focus toward building resilient supply chains and increasing self-sufficiency is growing. The Philippines also is likely to benefit from increasing regional trade, as well as the emerging trend of nearshoring or onshoring as countries seek to make their supply chains more resilient. With semiconductors driving approximately 45 percent of Philippine exports, the transfer of knowledge and technology, as well as the development of STEM capabilities, could help attract investments into the sector and increase the relevance of the country as a manufacturing hub. 24 McKinsey analysis based on input from industry experts.

To secure growth, public and private sector support could bolster investments in R&D and upskill the labor force. In addition, strategies to attract investment may be integral to the further development of supply chain infrastructure and manufacturing bases. Government programs to enable digital transformation and R&D, along with a strategic approach to upskilling the labor force, could help boost industry innovation in line with Industry 4.0 demand. 25 Industry 4.0 is also referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Priority products to which manufacturing industries could pivot include more complex, higher value chain electronic components in the semiconductor segment; generic OTC drugs and nature-based pharmaceuticals in the pharmaceutical sector; and, for green industries, products such as EVs, batteries, solar panels, and biomass production.

Information technology business process outsourcing

The information technology business process outsourcing (IT-BPO) sector is on track to reach its long-term targets, with $38 billion in forecast revenues in 2024. 26 Khriscielle Yalao, “WHF flexibility key to achieving growth targets—IBPAP,” Manila Bulletin , January 23, 2024. Emerging innovations in service delivery and work models are being observed, which could drive further growth in the sector.

The industry continues to outperform headcount and revenue targets, shaping its position as a country leader for employment and services. 27 McKinsey analysis based in input from industry experts. Demand from global companies for offshoring is expected to increase, due to cost containment strategies and preference for Philippine IT-BPO providers. New work setups continue to emerge, ranging from remote-first to office-first, which could translate to potential net benefits. These include a 10 to 30 percent increase in employee retention; a three- to four-hour reduction in commute times; an increase in enabled talent of 350,000; and a potential reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 1.4 to 1.5 million tons of CO 2 per year. 28 McKinsey analysis based in input from industry experts. It is becoming increasingly more important that the IT-BPO sector adapts to new technologies as businesses begin to harness automation and generative AI (gen AI) to unlock productivity.

Talent and technology are clear areas where growth in this sector can be unlocked. The growing complexity of offshoring requirements necessitates building a proper talent hub to help bridge employee gaps and better match local talent to employers’ needs. Businesses in the industry could explore developing facilities and digital infrastructure to enable industry expansion outside the metros, especially in future “digital cities” nationwide. Introducing new service areas could capture latent demand from existing clients with evolving needs as well as unserved clients. BPO centers could explore the potential of offering higher-value services by cultivating technology-focused capabilities, such as using gen AI to unlock revenue, deliver sales excellence, and reduce general administrative costs.


The Philippines is considered to be the fourth most vulnerable country to climate change in the world as, due to its geographic location, the country has a higher risk of exposure to natural disasters, such as rising sea levels. 29 “The Philippines has been ranked the fourth most vulnerable country to climate change,” Global Climate Risk Index, January 2021. Approximately $3.2 billion, on average, in economic loss could occur annually because of natural disasters over the next five decades, translating to up to 7 to 8 percent of the country’s nominal GDP. 30 “The Philippines has been ranked the fourth most vulnerable country to climate change,” Global Climate Risk Index, January 2021.

The Philippines could capitalize on five green growth opportunities to operate in global value chains and catalyze growth for the nation:

  • Renewable energy: The country could aim to generate 50 percent of its energy from renewables by 2040, building on its high renewable energy potential and the declining cost of producing renewable energy.
  • Solar photovoltaic (PV) manufacturing: More than a twofold increase in annual output from 2023 to 2030 could be achieved, enabled by lower production costs.
  • Battery production: The Philippines could aim for a $1.5 billion domestic market by 2030, capitalizing on its vast nickel reserves (the second largest globally). 31 “MineSpans,” McKinsey, November 2023.
  • Electric mobility: Electric vehicles could account for 15 percent of the country’s vehicle sales by 2030 (from less than 1 percent currently), driven by incentives, local distribution, and charging infrastructure. 32 McKinsey analysis based on input from industry experts.
  • Nature-based solutions: The country’s largely untapped total abatement potential could reach up to 200 to 300 metric tons of CO 2 , enabled by its biodiversity and strong demand.

The Philippine economy: Three scenarios for growth

Having grown faster than other economies in Southeast Asia in 2023 to end the year with 5.6 percent growth, the Philippines can expect a similarly healthy growth outlook for 2024. Based on our analysis, there are three potential scenarios for the country’s growth. 33 McKinsey analysis in partnership with Oxford Economics.

Slower growth: The first scenario projects GDP growth of 4.8 percent if there are challenging conditions—such as declining trade and accelerated inflation—which could keep key policy rates high at about 6.5 percent and dampen private consumption, leading to slower long-term growth.

Soft landing: The second scenario projects GDP growth of 5.2 percent if inflation moderates and global conditions turn out to be largely favorable due to a stable investment environment and regional trade demand.

Accelerated growth: In the third scenario, GDP growth is projected to reach 6.1 percent if inflation slows and public policies accommodate aspects such as loosening key policy rates and offering incentive programs to boost productivity.

Focusing on factors that could unlock growth in its seven critical sectors and themes, while adapting to the macro-economic scenario that plays out, would allow the Philippines to materialize its growth potential in 2024 and take steps towards achieving longer-term, sustainable economic growth.

Jon Canto is a partner in McKinsey’s Manila office, where Frauke Renz is an associate partner, and Vicah Villanueva is a consultant.

The authors wish to thank Charlene Chua, Charlie del Rosario, Ryan delos Reyes, Debadrita Dhara, Evelyn C. Fong, Krzysztof Kwiatkowski, Frances Lee, Aaron Ong, and Liane Tan for their contributions to this article.

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    Advances in Edge Intelligent Connectivity Technologies for Autonomous Vehicles Applications. Ovidiu. Vermesan. Mehrdad Dianati. Valerio Frascolla. 2,924 views. 2 articles. An innovative journal that explores technology that will transform the future of transportation and mobility systems in our highly-connected global society.

  10. Recent Advances in Transportation Systems Engineering and Management

    He has coordinated over 8 major research projects with a budget over Rs. 5 crores. Currently, he is guiding eight doctoral students on different topics of traffic and transportation engineering. He has published over 100 research papers in journals and over 200 papers in national and international conference proceedings.

  11. 50 Best Thesis Topics For Transportation Planning

    A Master of Transportation Planning thesis is a research-based project that is completed as a requirement for graduation program. The thesis is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their mastery of the concepts and theories they have learned in their coursework, as well as to apply their knowledge and skills to real-world transportation planning issues.

  12. Maritime transportation research: topics and methodologies

    The purpose of this paper is to review and analyze maritime transportation academic research. For articles published in Maritime Policy & Management (MPM) in the period 2001 to 2012, the most frequent topics addressed

  13. Journal of Transportation Demand Management Research

    The Journal of Transportation Demand Management Research (ISSN: 2642-6188) is an international journal produced by the National Center for Transit Research (NCTR) at the University of South Florida, a federally-funded Tier I University Transportation Center. The Journal contains original research and case studies associated with sustainable transportation, including all types of travel choices ...

  14. Operations management of shared transport: research status ...

    Shared transport is an emerging transportation system where travelers share a vehicle either simultaneously as a group (e.g. ride-sharing, ride-sourcing, or customized bus) and share the cost of the journey in the process, or over time (e.g. car-sharing or bike-sharing) as personal rental. We review shared transport research articles published in major operations research, management science ...

  15. 150 Best Logistics Research Topics to Focus On

    Logistics Management Research Paper Topics. Explain how the logistics and supply chain functions have evolved in the 21st century. Analyze the influence of IT innovation on the effectiveness of logistics and supply chain management. Discuss the impact of the change in demand and supply on logistics functions and costs.

  16. Transportation Industry Research from Harvard Business School

    Transportation. New research on the transportation industry from Harvard Business School faculty on issues including shipping, rail, and airline businesses; infrastructure maintenance; and delivery. Page 1 of 31 Results →. 24 Jan 2024. Op-Ed.

  17. Logistics & Transportation

    Original articles and research of general interest in all passenger and freight transportation modes, policy analysis, evaluation, planning, and the design and management of transportation systems from an economic or engineering viewpoint.

  18. Management Research Paper Topics

    This list of management research paper topics is designed to be a reference guide for everyday business and management study needs for the management students, managers, business practitioners, or anyone interested in a better understanding of a business management term or concept. This page can be a first-stop for general information as well as a link to other management concepts, related ...

  19. Research article Intelligent transportation systems (ITS): A systematic

    Various research articles have introduced numerous concepts spanning technology (both application and core science), policy, management and strategy, method development, and other topics. These broad ranges of concepts and scientific fields can lead to confusion in understanding the direction of ITS knowledge development.

  20. Measuring Benefits of Transit Oriented Development

    Ozbay's research interests in transportation cover a wide range of topics, including the development of simulation models of large-scale complex transportation systems, advanced technology and sensing applications for intelligent transportation systems, modeling and evaluation of traffic incident and emergency management systems, feedback ...

  21. Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Transport

    This chapter uses the example of automated driving to highlight key ethical issues in the use of artificial intelligence in transport. These include the tension between technological solutions and policy solutions; the consequences of safety expectations; the complex choice between human authority and computer authority; and power dynamics ...

  22. Research Roundup: How the Pandemic Changed Management

    Researchers recently reviewed 69 articles focused on the management implications of the Covid-19 pandemic that were published between March 2020 and July 2023 in top journals in management and ...

  23. Mineta Transportation Institute

    The Summer Transportation Institute invites Bay Area high school students to learn about transportation careers in an on-campus session at SJSU. Leadership Academy The Mineta Leadership Academy is devoted to developing public sector leaders to serve the transportation industry.

  24. ACM SOSR 2020 (Symposium on SDN Research)

    Call for Demos and Posters - SOSR 2020. The ACM Symposium on SDN Research (SOSR) demos and posters session showcases research projects current that are in an early stage and could benefit from community feedback. Topics of interest are the same as research topics in the SOSR call for papers. We particularly invite the submission of emerging ...

  25. Nvidia's Jensen Huang: The incredible future of AI

    Jensen Huang, the CEO of tech titan Nvidia, has a message for the world about artificial intelligence: You ain't seen nothing yet. Speaking to a standing room-only audience at the 2024 SIEPR Economic Summit, Huang predicted that in as little as five years AI will be able to pass every test a human takes — not just the legal bar exams that it can complete today, but also highly specialized ...

  26. The Philippines economy in 2024

    The Philippines ended 2023 on a high note, being the fastest growing economy across Southeast Asia with a growth rate of 5.6 percent—just shy of the government's target of 6.0 to 7.0 percent. 1 "National accounts," Philippine Statistics Authority, January 31, 2024; "Philippine economic updates," Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, November 16, 2023. ...