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4-1 PowerPoint Presentation The Four Ps

The four Ps you need to focus on for your next presentation

  • Presentation skills

4 1 powerpoint presentation the four ps

At the end of our presentation skills courses , we give our delegates a guide to help them continue their learning.

Why? Because we believe that learning and skills development should not stop when you leave the training room or the Zoom session comes to an end.

The guide is called ‘The Four Ps’, and we thought we would share it with you in our blog.

So, what are The Four Ps?

We believe there are four key steps to communicating with confidence, cohesion and clarity:

Good presenters put most of their effort into the first three – planning, preparing and practising – because, once you have got that right, the presenting part is much easier.

The only way to ensure an effective presentation is through careful planning and preparation.

Every memorable speech that has compelled, educated and entertained audiences has done so thanks to good preparation.

Mark Twain famously said: “It usually takes me more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech.”

And that is how we feel about public speaking.

Bullet points, mind maps and message preparation sheets will all help you to plan an effective presentation.

Always think about your audience and your message. Can you come up with a one-sentence description that describes who you are talking to?

For example - Senior managers of a large university hospital, aged 40-55, mostly male and all with business degrees or MBAs

Once you are clear on who you are talking to, you can focus on what you want to tell them.

What is the main point you want them to take away? How can you make what you say relevant, captivating and memorable?

It is essential to think of ways to engage your audience and illustrate your message with examples – a good anecdote, fact, or analogy, will help bring a message to life.

Also, think about the structure. When a presentation is structured well, the audience can follow what is being said and are more likely to leave inspired, motivated and clear on what they should do next.

But when that structure isn’t there, they get lost as they are bombarded with uncoordinated facts, figures, thoughts and messages. And when that happens, they inevitably switch off. You can find out more about presentation structures in this recent blog .

Preparation and planning might sound similar. But the preparation stage is where you develop that initial plan and consider how to make what you want to say resonate. It is where the fine-tuning takes place.

And it involves saying AMEN.

That might sound like an appeal for some divine inspiration. And many of us have been asked to give a presentation where that might have felt like a good option.

But AMEN is an acronym we use on our presentation skills training courses (and during our message development and testing training ) to help people get their messages right.

It stands for Audience, Message, Example, Negatives.

Let’s take you through it:

Who are you talking to? Is it an internal presentation? Are you talking to existing customers? Potential new customers? An industry group?

It is crucial to be clear on who you are talking to.

If you are presenting to people within your organisation, you can refer to common ground. And use more technical language and acronyms.

But a wider audience is unlikely to understand much of this, and the content would need to be simplified.

What key message do you want to get across in your presentation?

What do you want the audience to remember about what you have said?

What do you want them to do as a result?

Or, how do you want them to feel?

What is the call to action and how can you close your presentation with a bang ? 

Hopefully, you notice we are talking about one message. It’s because, as harsh as it might sound, few people will remember more than one major point you make.

That message should be capable of being spelt out in a single sentence of fewer than 20 words, otherwise, it is likely to be too complex for people to remember.

What examples can you use to support your message?

Tell stories to bring the message to life and make it resonate with your audience.

Entertaining and moving your audience through storytelling is vital to giving a great presentation.

Are there any negative angles to what you are discussing? 

Could anyone dispute or question what you are suggesting in your presentation?

Has your sector or organisation been in the news recently?

Has a competitor made a big announcement?

Spend a little time anticipating anything that could detract from the message you want to get across.

You can download your AMEN messaging template here.

4 1 powerpoint presentation the four ps

Don't worry, we have another cohort starting in the summer. Find out more.

Practice makes perfect.

You must keep practising your presentation skills. Like any good athlete, we need to keep our brain and muscle memory fine-tuned. Don’t wait until that crucial next presentation is on the horizon

Pick up a video camera - or use your smartphone - and practice with colleagues, friends, family, and even the dog – if it will listen.

The more you practice, the more confident you will become and the better you will come across when it is time to present for real.

And, those skills will help you with more everyday interactions, like meetings.

Practice should also include thinking about your personal branding and image.

Personal branding and image

We know it sounds shallow.

But the harsh reality is that when you are public speaking and presenting, your audience will form an almost instant impression of you.

And they will only pay attention if you sound and look like you know what you are discussing.

Generally, your impact in the first 30 seconds is determined by: 

  • Body image - 55 per cent – what you wear, posture, gestures and eye contact
  • Voice - 38 per cent - your tone, volume, accent and clarity
  • What you say - just 7 per cent.

First impressions are formed almost instantly. And then, in the subsequent few minutes, the audience will be looking for proof that their initial assessment is correct. This is called confirmation bias, and everyone is susceptible to it.

So, how do you create the right first impression?

Start by considering how you want to be perceived. As someone knowledgeable, professional and experienced? Or someone who has integrity and is approachable, decent and trustworthy? Or a combination of all these qualities?

The audience will tend to assume how you have presented yourself in terms of your appearance reflects your state of mind. So, it’s vital to consider the tone you want to set and reflect that in your dress.

As the speaker, you want to be about 10 per cent smarter than your audience.

You should also look to make eye contact with the audience and smile – smiling will make you appear confident and suggests you are happy to be there.

If you are presenting in a room, avoid starting by tapping the microphone and asking whether people at the back can hear. Not only is it boring, but it also doesn’t create the impression of someone who is going to communicate with confidence and clarity.

Similarly, opening with phrases like “I haven’t had a lot of time to prepare”, or “I’ll keep it brief”, does not suggest you are taking the opportunity seriously or that the audience will get much out of the presentation.

Any negative introduction or self-deprecation will alert your audience to look out for flaws in your presentation that they may never have noticed had you not drawn attention to them.

But what should you wear?

Well, this gets trickier all the time. Fashions change constantly, and many presentations now take place online.

So, rather than tell you what you should wear, we will highlight some pitfalls we think you should avoid and offer a few tips.

1 Don’t try something new – the presentation stage is not the right time to find out if that new outfit looks as good as you thought it did in the fitting room, or whether it is as comfortable as you imagined.

2 Choose comfort – of course, you want to look professional. But don’t make yourself uncomfortable and unable to move freely. Choose clothes that don’t feel restrictive.

3 Choose clothes that make you feel confident – most of us will have ‘go-to’ items in our wardrobes we turn to when we need to feel good about ourselves. If they are appropriate for the situation then choose them for your presentations. If you feel good, you will appear more confident.

4 Avoid clothes that might distract – you don’t want the audience to go away thinking about what you were wearing, so avoid distracting clothes. Glittery outfits can be particularly distracting, as can loud socks, anything with large writing on it and comedy ties. If in doubt we recommend choosing items with solid colours, rather than anything with patterns.

5 If you opt for a dark suit, match it with a lighter shirt or blouse to provide a little contrast.

6 Be careful with jewellery and accessories. If it makes a noise when you move around, or continually knocks against the microphone, it will take the attention of the audience away from what you are saying. Jewellery can also reflect light at the audience, especially on TV, which is distracting.

7 Similarly, avoid shoes that make a noise when you walk around.

8 Think about the audience – if you know it is a formal event, then you need to dress smarter. But, in many countries, the business suit is not as popular as it once was. Many people go to work in jeans, for example. If you turn up in a suit to talk to an audience wearing informal clothes, you may seem old-fashioned and out of touch. Speak to the organisers and venue before the event and bring an alternative option just in case.

9 Many presentations now take place online, and its ease and convenience mean it is likely to remain a popular option. 

If you are presenting online, you can usually relax the dress code a little – no one expects you to login wearing a suit and tie. Choose something you will be comfortable in, but still consider the impression you want to get across to the audience. 

Remember that block colours look good on camera, and avoid black and white because they are harsh and can make you look stern or washed out. Patterns and stripes should be left in the wardrobe as they can create a strobing effect with many TV and video cameras.

As you will be on camera, avoid wearing anything that will distract from what you are saying (such as large dangly earrings) and make sure your hair doesn’t need to be constantly brushed away from your face. 

It's time to take a deep breath.

Let’s assume you have planned properly, prepared carefully and you are confident you look the part.

The final part of the Ps is presenting. And getting your body language right can make a massive difference to its success.

So, let’s take a look at it and how you need to adapt it for different presentation formats:

Standing in front of a seated audience is probably the presentation format that causes the most fear. The good news is there are simple steps to help you appear composed and confident.

When you are on the stage, plant your feet hip-width apart. Now imagine your feet are on a clock, and your toes are pointing at 5 minutes to 1. This maximises your floor coverage and makes you look as if you’re standing on solid ground - even if you’re behind a lectern.

Draw yourself up to your full height. Shoulders should be relaxed.

Everyone’s favourite actress Dame Helen Mirren says she bases all of her characters on one part of the body: the elbows. The more confident her character, the looser she is at the elbow. So, you want those arms away from your body. Allow the energy to come up and out to the audience, forget about your hands and use your whole arms to help get your points across. We promise your hands will follow.  

Gesture to your slides and visual aids (if you’re using them – more on this later) and out to the audience. The bigger the stage, the bigger the gestures need to be. Fill that stage.  

If you like to move around to encompass the whole audience, that’s fine. But always stand still with your feet planted when you make a crucial point.

As part of that all-important preparation, we spoke about earlier, practice delivering your presentation in front of a tall mirror, so you can see if you are standing confidently and using your arms and hands to emphasise particular points.  

4 1 powerpoint presentation the four ps

Learn how to overcome your nerves and present with confidence and clarity, whatever the format, with this online course.

What about if you are sitting down?

Well, traditionally sitting down to deliver a presentation has been frowned upon.

But, in the real world, there are many times when we present sat on our bottoms.

Boardroom meetings, team meetings and even some conferences or panel events call for speakers to be seated. 

The key is to not become too relaxed in this slightly less daunting format – body language remains crucial if you want to show authority and capture the attention of the audience.

It’s crucial to make sure you have your feet flat on the ground. And position yourself as far back in the chair as you can.

During our presentation skills training courses , we use the acronym BBC to help people remember to sit with their  B um to the  B ack of the  C hair. One tip to add here is that speakers should opt for a stationary chair, as moving around on a swivel one will prove distracting. 

Draw yourself up to your full height, keeping your shoulders relaxed. Then lean forward, placing your forearms on the table in front of you, with arms separated. TV directors call this ‘bringing the face into shot’. The light catches your cheekbones, you appear authoritative and full of integrity – and you haven’t said a word yet.

From here, you can lean back, removing your arms so you can listen to others comment. And then, when you want to assume charge again, you go back to that position of authority.

Who is the most important person in the room? The answer is everyone. So, make sure you engage in eye contact with all those around the table – including the people on either side of you.

Next time you watch TV, notice how presenters use open gestures towards the guests on either side of them. It looks dynamic and is very engaging and inclusive.

Many presentations and meetings take place online.

While there are some similarities to sit-down presentations, online ones do have their intricacies and requirements. 

The most important thing is maintaining eye contact with your audience. Poor eye contact and wandering eyes can make you look shifty and uncomfortable, and your audience will wonder what else you are looking at.

Look into the lens and maintain that contact.

But, also consider whether you would be better standing. You have to work harder online to get your message across, so sitting down hunched over a laptop may not be the best solution.

Why not put the laptop on a shelf so it is at eye level with you when you are standing? That would give much more energy to your performance.

Your voice is also vital, whether you are presenting in person or online.

You need to add energy to your delivery to keep your audience engaged.

Balance is vital - don’t shout, but vary the pace and tone of your voice. Even subtle changes can dramatically improve the attentiveness of an audience.

Remember your volume and tone should be driven by your content. There are moments when you will want to sound inspiring, times when you will want to sound more like a friend, and points at which you will want to challenge your audience. Your voice needs to change to reflect the goals of your message.

If you have a presentation coming up and want to look back on your training with us in more detail, our online Presentation and Personal Impact Skills course enables you to refresh your knowledge and hone your skills whenever and wherever you need it.

Media First  are media and communications training specialists with more than 35 years of experience. We have a team of trainers, each with decades of experience working as journalists, presenters, communications coaches and media trainers. 

Subscribe here  to be among the first to receive our blogs. 

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Media First are media and communications training specialists with over 30 years of experience. We have a team of trainers, each with decades of experience working as journalists, presenters, communications coaches and media trainers.

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What Are the 4 Ps of Marketing? The Marketing Mix Explained [Example]

Rebecca Riserbato

Published: October 03, 2023

If you've been a marketing professional for years now, learning about the four Ps of marketing might seem like a throwback to you.

the four Ps of marketing

However, for those of us who work in the industry but didn't study marketing in college, it's entirely possible you haven't heard of the marketing mix.

Below, let's learn about the four Ps of marketing and how they're still relevant in today's marketing landscape.

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What are the 4 Ps of marketing?

The four Ps of marketing are product, price, place, and promotion. These are the key factors that are involved in marketing a product or service. You take the four Ps into account when creating strategies for marketing, promoting, advertising, and positioning your product or brand.

The four Ps are meant to help marketers consider everything about a product or service when they're deciding how to market it for their business. Framing your marketing around the four Ps will help you learn what the competition is doing and what customers want from you.

4Ps of marketing

How to Use the 4 Ps of Marketing

You can use the four Ps to answer questions about the product, price, place, and promotion of your product or service.

For example, you can ask yourself:

  • Product : How does your product meet your customer's needs? What problem(s) does it solve? What unique value or features does it offer?
  • Price : What is the value of your product? What are my competitors charging?
  • Place : Where are customers looking for your product?
  • Promotion : How can you differentiate your product from competitors? Where can you reach your audience?

Always consider the needs and preferences of your target audience. Ultimately, your product, its price, its place of distribution, and its promotional strategies should appeal to your customers the most.

Thinking about your marketing in terms of the four Ps will help you strategize how to reach your customers. The 4 Ps of Marketing are also known as your marketing mix — more on that below.

What is the marketing mix?

The marketing mix is also known as the four Ps of marketing. It refers to the four key elements of a marketing strategy: product, price, place, and promotion. These elements guide the marketing initiatives, wording, and positioning for a product or brand.

4 1 powerpoint presentation the four ps

Free Marketing Mix Templates

Map out your marketing mix with these free templates

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To develop a marketing mix, you'll need to think about how you can uniquely position your brand amongst the competition. The most important part of thinking about the marketing mix — or the four Ps of marketing — is to understand the customer, the competition, and your company. You'll evaluate your product and how to promote it.

But getting started isn’t easy. That’s why we’ve created the ultimate collection of marketing mix templates you can use to visualize your marketing mix and share it with your employees or investors. Use the templates to organize your initiatives and activities by the right section.

Featured Resource: Marketing Mix Templates

Four P's of marketing templates.

Click here to download the templates for free .

Use the template to follow along with the 4 Ps of marketing below.

The 4 Ps of Marketing (Example)

1. the first p of marketing: product.

When you think about your product, consider exactly what you're selling. Is it a specific product? Or is it a service? Your product can be a physical product, an online app, or a service such as house cleaning. Really, anything that you're selling is the product.

Then, think of your brand messaging, the services you offer, and even packaging. When you define your product, think about what problem your product solves for your customers. Consider how your product is different from competing products. What features are unique to your product?

It's important to know your product intimately so you can market it.

Product Example

We’ll use Marketing Hub as an example.

What is it? “Marketing automation software to help you attract the right audience, convert more visitors into customers, and run complete inbound marketing campaigns at scale — all on one powerful, easy-to-use platform.”

Who is it for? Modern marketers who juggle too much data and who are stuck with impossible-to-use software solutions that make their job harder, not easier.

Which features does it have? Marketing Hub offers blogging, SEO, social media management, email marketing, and ad tracking tools in a single, intuitive platform.

What problem does it solve? Marketing Hub simplifies the marketing automation process for busy marketers by bringing all data and tools under one roof.

2. The Second P of Marketing: Price

When it comes to price, you have to consider how much you're going to charge customers for your products or services. Of course, you need to make a profit.

When coming up with your pricing strategy , you also need to think about what competitors are charging for the same product or service and how much customers are willing to pay. You can also think about what discounts or offers you can use in your marketing.

When you decide on a price, you want to think about perception. Do you want to be known as a cost-effective option in your industry? Or perhaps you're a luxury brand and the price is slightly higher than competition on the market. Keep in mind that pricing SaaS products is a little different than pricing physical products.

Either way, the language you use to market your product will be greatly impacted by the price of your product.

Download a sales pricing calculator for free .

Price Example

Marketing Hub is priced to grow with you as you grow.

We offer the following subscription tiers:

  • $0/month (Free)
  • $45/month (Starter)
  • $800/month (Professional)
  • $3,200/month (Enterprise)

3. The Third P of Marketing: Place

When it comes to place, this might mean the physical location of your company, but it could also be defined as anywhere you sell your product, which might be online.

The place is where you market and distribute your product.

Remember that not every place makes sense for every product. For example, if your target market is seniors, then it won't make sense to market on TikTok. It's important to choose the right places to market your product and meet your customers where they're at.

Think about possible distribution channels and outlets you could use to sell your product. Be sure to take into account whether your business is B2B or B2C .

At this point, you'll need to think about how to market your product on all the various channels that make sense for your company.

Place Example

As a provider of a SaaS product, we offer Marketing Hub directly on our website.

Marketers can sign up for Marketing Hub by creating an account directly on our platform. We’ve created a convenient sign-up page for free subscriptions — or they can request a demo from our friendly sales team.

4. The Fourth P of Marketing: Promotion

Promotion is the bread and butter of marketing. This is when you'll think about how to publicize and advertise your product.

Additionally, you'll discuss brand messaging, brand awareness, and lead generation strategies .

When it comes to promotion, keeping communication in mind is of the utmost importance. What messages will resonate with your target market? How can you best promote your product to them?

Think about where, when, and how you'll promote your brand.

Promotion Example

We want to be where marketers are. Most importantly, we want to help them grow in their careers — as well as grow their businesses.

Our inbound marketing strategy will focus primarily on organic acquisition. We’ll promote Marketing Hub over the following channels:

  • The HubSpot Marketing Blog
  • HubSpot Academy

The 4 Ps of Marketing Examples: Apple and e.l.f. Cosmetics

Let's break down the 4 Ps of marketing for Apple and e.l.f. Cosmetics.

The 4 Ps of Marketing: Apple example

( Image Source )

  • Product: iPhones, Macs, iPads, Apple Watch, AirPods, Software, and Services (i.e., Apple Music, Apple TV, iTunes, etc.).
  • Price: Apple products are often priced at the higher end of the market. The brand commands premium pricing due to its reputation for innovation, quality, and design.
  • Place: Consumers can purchase products online and in retail stores. Apple products are sold worldwide and have a significant global market presence.
  • Promotion: Apple places a strong emphasis on cultivating a dedicated and loyal consumer base. Their marketing campaigns reinforce the idea of being part of an "Apple ecosystem." Once users buy one product — like an iPhone – they're more likely to choose other Apple products like MacBooks, iPads, Apple Watches, and more. This ecosystem fosters a deep brand loyalty. This sense of loyalty is evident in their product launches, which are a must-see event in the tech industry.

e.l.f. Cosmetics

The 4 Ps of Marketing: elf cosmetics example

  • Product: e.l.f. offers a comprehensive range of makeup and skincare products, brushes, and beauty tools.
  • Price: One of e.l.f.'s main value propositions is its affordability. Many of their products have a low price point, making the brand accessible to a wide range of consumers. Its lower price point sets it apart from other brands in the beauty space.
  • Place: e.l.f. products are widely available in drugstores and big-box retailers like Target and Walmart. It also has a a strong online presence, selling products directly through their website and other online retailers.
  • Promotion: As a challenger brand in the beauty space, e.l.f. seeks to establish itself as a recognizable and reliable option at the drugstore and beyond. The brand is proactive across social media, including TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, to engage with younger demographics. In addition, their campaigns often involve user-generated content to foster a sense of community with their audience. 

Back to You

Even though marketing has changed since the four Ps were developed, the foundational elements of the industry haven't. You can apply the concepts of the marketing mix to create winning marketing strategies that help you profitably launch and promote your company’s products.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in October 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

marketing mix

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The 4 P's of Marketing Template

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Four P's Of Marketing Presentation Template

What are the four P's of marketing?

The four P's of marketing are the base of the marketing mix. If you are wondering what the four p's stand for they mean: specifically: product, price, promotion, and place. Those are the main elements of any marketing plan.

When we talk about this four necessary words, we speak about the brand development up to all the product design. Afterward, it´s important to understand all the distribution and therefore pricing strategy to define all placement plans. The final steps are overall promotion and networking ranging from traditional to digital marketing or even more outrageous styles of selling as guerilla marketing.  

What does the four P's of marketing include?

Narrating the story of your brand requires that you can place your audience in the whole spectrum. This means that you can effectively take them through the concept of your product up to the process of delivery and client experience.

You will be able, along with this presentation to showcase all the erudition that took you to develop your product. This might include product insights and all the relevant information from appearance and usability.

Be sure to include everything about how costumers will obtain the product, distribution channels, and overall sales plan.  Stablish your general points for pricing to share the information better as well as on benchmarking.

Don´t be shy talking about your distribution channels or logistics information. Your stakeholders will appreciate seeing the vast preparation and how this will lead to active promotion. Include all info related to the message and how you will deliver it to users.

What information should you add in the four P's of marketing presentation?

Make sure you include all the information relevant to all the four P´s. Add all the information about the product, placement, promotion, and pricing. As well, here are some tips on how you can make this presentation more robust.

  • Include all the relevant questions about each P, make sure you are clear on the information that will be valuable for your stakeholders
  • Create a robust presentation including your revenue streams as much as the information about how much is your product worth, and where you will sell it.
  • Include your preliminary distribution plan so that your audience can have an idea of where your product might be sold.
  • Close your presentation with an overall view of your marketing and advertising plan.

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Must pick for marketing managers, strategy planners, market consultants etc. Complete deck of total 53 presentation slides. No pixalete issue. Enough space for title and sub titles. Easy insertion option for videos, animation and logos. Change color, layout or PPT background as per requirement. All presentation templates goes well with Google slide, PDF and JPG formats. Runs easily with all modern software.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1 : This slide introduces 4P’s Marketing. Add your company name and begin. Slide 2 : This is an Agenda slide. Showcase your agendas here. Slide 3 : This is What Is Marketing Mix slide showing- PLACE, PRODUCT, PROMOTION, PRICE. Slide 4 : This slide states The 4 P's Of Marketing Mix which are- Product, Price, Place, Promotion. Use as per your requirement. Slide 5 : This is The Marketing Mix slide. We have showcased these 4 parameters- Product, Price, Promotion, Place. You can alter them on the basis of your requiremet. Slide 6 : This is The Product slide with magnifying glass imagery. State its various aspects, factors etc. here. Slide 7 : This slide showcases The Product Life Cycle. Its 4 stages are- INTRODUCTION, GROWTH, MATURITY, DECLINE. Slide 8 : This slide showcases Stages Of Product Life Cycle namely- Development, Launch, Growth, Maturity, Decline. Slide 9 : This slide showcases Extension Strategies in a graphical form. Slide 10 : This slide showcases Reasons To Have An Extension Strategies. These are- Promoting To A Different Market Sector, Adding A Feature, Reducing The Price, Modifying The Product. Slide 11 : This slide states Product Pricing in a creative graph form. Use it to showcase your own product pricing. Slide 12 : This slide showcases Price Leaders And Price Takers with magnifying glass imagery and text boxes. State them here. Slide 13 : This slide showcases Pricing Strategies And Tactics such as- Loss Leader, Penetration, Skimming, Competitive, Psychological. Slide 14 : This slide shows Price Skimming Vs. Penetration Pricing graph. Use it for comparison etc. Slide 15 : This is The Place slide with imagery to state. Slide 16 : This slide states the Channels Of Distribution flowchart involving- Manufacturers, Retailer, Wholesaler, Consumer. Slide 17 : This slide states Promotions with the following points- Raise Awareness, Encourage Sales, Create or Change a Brand Image, Maintain Market Share, Promotions. Slide 18 : This slide showcases the Types of Promotion. These are- Above-the-line (ATL), Below-the-line (BTL), Pull promotion, Push promotion. Slide 19 : This slide presents ATL And BTL Promotion with respect to Consumers. Slide 20 : This slide states Promotional Activities namely- Sales Promotions, Advertising, Sponsorship, Direct Mailing, Public Relations. Slide 21 : This slide showcases Online Marketing with the following components- PPC, News, Online Directories, Email Marketing, SEO, Web Content, Social Media, Article, Copywriting. Slide 22 : This slide showcases Marketing Communication with the following factors- Personal Selling, Public Relations, Direct Marketing, Sales Promotion. Slide 23 : This slide states How The Marketing Mix Evolves Over Time. Its factors are- Post-War, Soaring, Turbulent, Uncertain, One To One, Financially Driven. Slide 24 : This is Marketing Mix Modelling slide. Its stages are- Market Research, Communication, Implementation, Data Collection, Data Analysis, Modelling, Interpretation, Budget Allocation, Forecasting. Slide 25 : This is 4 P's to 4 C's slide listed as- CUSTOMER VALUE, PRODUCT, COST, PRICE, CONVENIENCE, PLACE, COMMUNICATION, PROMOTION. Slide 26 : This slide states Extended Marketing Mix with- People, Process, Physical Evidence. Slide 27 : This slide is titled Additional Slides to move forward. You may change the slide content as per need. Slide 28 : This is Our Mission slide. State company mission, vision etc. here. Slide 29 : This is Our Team slide with name, image & text boxes to put the required information. Slide 30 : This is an About Us slide. State company or team specifications here. Slide 31 : This is Our Goal slide. State your important goals here. Slide 32 : This is a Comparison slide to compare two products/ entities etc. Slide 33 : This is a Financial stats slide to state financial aspects etc. Slide 34 : This slide presents Quotes. State your inspirational quotes here. You may change the slide content as per need. Slide 35 : This is a Dashboard slide to show information in percentages etc. Slide 36 : This is a Location slide on a world map to show global growth, presence etc. Slide 37 : This slide presents a Timeline to show growth, milestones etc. Slide 38 : This is a Post it slide to mark reminders, events etc. Slide 39 : This is a News Paper slide to show news, events, etc. You can change the slide contents as deemed fit. Slide 40 : This is Puzzle Pieces slide to show information, specifications etc. Slide 41 : This is Target image slide to show information, specifications etc. Slide 42 : This is a Circular image slide to show information, specifications etc. Slide 43 : This is a Venn diagram image slide to show information, specifications etc. Slide 44 : This is a Mind Map image slide to show information, specifications etc. Slide 45 : This is a Matrix slide ranging from High to Low. Slide 46 : This is a Lego image slide to show information, specifications etc. Slide 47 : This is creative Silhouettes image slide to present people specific information, specifications etc. Slide 48 : This is a Hierarchy slide to present team, specifications etc. Slide 49 : This is a Bulb image slide to state a new idea or highlight specifications/information etc. Slide 50 : This is a Magnifying glass image slide to show information, scoping aspects etc. Slide 51 : This is a Bar Graph image slide to show product comparison, growth etc. Slide 52 : This is a Funnel image slide to show information, funneling aspects, specifications etc. Slide 53 : This is a Thank You slide with Address# street number, city, state, Contact Numbers, Email Address.

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    View 4-1 PowerPoint Presentation The Four Ps.pptx from SPT 200 at Southern New Hampshire University. THE FOUR P'S To Nike's Business NIKE'S MARKETING MIX A company's marketing mix refers to the

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    4-1 THE FOUR PS Josh Blackstock Southern New Hampshire University SPT-200 2/4/24. Areas Of Success In The Four PS Nike's Four Ps: Introduction and objectives Strengths: Product, place, promotion, price Opportunities: Innovate, expand, target, optimize pricing Sports Business Application: Insights and experiences.

  3. SPT 200

    WHAT ARE THE FOUR PS? • The four Ps, also known as an organizations "marketing mix", "refers to the strategies and tactics applied to execute the marketing plan, with focus on products, place, promotion, and price (Gregory, 2018) • In Nike Inc.'s case, their marketing mix or four Ps help to facilitate the organizations growth in the global market based on high quality products ...

  4. The Four Ps of Marketing for PowerPoint

    The marketing mix refers to four broad levels of marketing decision, namely: product, price, promotion, and place (…). The contemporary marketing mix, or the 4 Ps, which has become the dominant framework for marketing management decisions, was first published in 1960. Shapes are 100% editable: colors and sizes can be easily changed.

  5. The 4 Ps of Marketing: What They Are and How to Use Them

    The four Ps are product, price, place, and promotion. They are an example of a "marketing mix," or the combined tools and methodologies used by marketers to achieve their marketing objectives. The 4 Ps were first formally conceptualized in 1960 by E. Jerome McCarthy in the highly influential text, Basic Marketing, A Managerial Approach [ 1 ].

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    We believe there are four key steps to communicating with confidence, cohesion and clarity: Plan. Prepare. Practice. Present. Good presenters put most of their effort into the first three - planning, preparing and practising - because, once you have got that right, the presenting part is much easier.

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    The four Ps of marketing are product, price, place, and promotion. These are the key factors that are involved in marketing a product or service. You take the four Ps into account when creating strategies for marketing, promoting, advertising, and positioning your product or brand. The four Ps are meant to help marketers consider everything ...

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  9. 4 Ps of Marketing: What They Are and How to Use Them

    The four Ps are product, price, place, and promotion. They are an example of a "marketing mix," or the combined tools and methodologies marketers use to achieve their marketing objectives. The 4 Ps were first formally conceptualised in 1960 by E. Jerome McCarthy in the highly influential text, Basic Marketing, A Managerial Approach [ 1 ].

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    The four P's of marketing are the base of the marketing mix. If you are wondering what the four p's stand for they mean: specifically: product, price, promotion, and place. Those are the main elements of any marketing plan. When we talk about this four necessary words, we speak about the brand development up to all the product design.

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    Some key takeaways we'll review in this post: The 4 Ps of marketing—product, price, place, and promotion—is a concept that summarizes the four basic pillars of any marketing strategy. By focusing on these four pillars, you can improve your marketing strategy to ensure that you're effectively covering all of your bases.

  14. The 4 Ps of Marketing: What They Are and How to Use Them

    The four Ps are product, price, place, and promotion. They are an example of a marketing mix, or the combined tools and methodologies used by marketers to achieve their marketing objectives. The 4 Ps were first formally conceptualised in 1960 by E. Jerome McCarthy in the highly influential text, Basic Marketing, A Managerial Approach [ 1 ].

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