Business Law Research Paper Topics

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This page presents a comprehensive list of business law research paper topics , offering students studying law valuable insights and opportunities to explore the diverse landscape of this dynamic discipline. From contract law to intellectual property rights, these topics are divided into 10 categories, each encompassing various legal principles and regulations that govern business interactions. In addition to the extensive list, students will discover valuable tips on selecting the most suitable research topic and employing effective strategies to craft a well-structured business law research paper. Furthermore, for students seeking professional support in their academic journey, iResearchNet offers custom writing services, featuring a team of expert writers committed to delivering personalized solutions and top-quality work. Embark on this scholarly journey to explore the intricate intersections of legal scholarship and practical applications within the realm of business and commerce.

100 Business Law Research Paper Topics

In the realm of business law, a plethora of legal issues and topics demand exploration and analysis. As students embark on their research paper journey, the challenge lies in selecting a compelling and relevant topic that aligns with their interests and academic goals. This section presents a comprehensive list of 100 business law research paper topics, thoughtfully divided into 10 categories, to aid students in navigating the diverse landscape of business law. From corporate governance to international trade law, each category delves into specific aspects of business legalities, offering a wealth of opportunities for students to engage in legal scholarship and address real-world business challenges.

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Corporate Governance and Ethics

  • The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Contemporary Business Practices.
  • Analyzing the Impact of Corporate Governance on Business Performance.
  • The Legal and Ethical Implications of Executive Compensation in Corporations.
  • Shareholder Activism: Balancing Rights and Responsibilities.
  • The Role of Boards of Directors in Corporate Decision-Making.
  • Corporate Fraud and its Impact on Stakeholders and the Economy.
  • Insider Trading: Legal, Ethical, and Regulatory Perspectives.
  • The Role of Independent Directors in Ensuring Corporate Accountability.
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Whistleblower Protection Laws in Corporations.
  • The Intersection of Corporate Governance and Stakeholder Theory.

Contract Law and Commercial Transactions

  • Unconscionability and Its Application in Contract Law.
  • The Legal Implications of E-Signatures in International Commercial Transactions.
  • Analyzing the Legal Enforceability of Clickwrap and Browsewrap Agreements.
  • The Doctrine of Frustration in Contract Law: A Comparative Analysis.
  • The Role of Good Faith and Fair Dealing in Contractual Relationships.
  • The Legal Implications of Force Majeure Clauses in Business Contracts.
  • The U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) and Its Impact on Global Trade.
  • The Validity and Enforcement of Liquidated Damages in Commercial Contracts.
  • A Comparative Study of Common Law and Civil Law Approaches to Contract Law.
  • The Legal Implications of Breach of Contract and Remedies Available to Injured Parties.

Intellectual Property Law

  • Patent Law and the Protection of Innovations in the Technological Era.
  • Copyright Infringement in the Digital Age: Challenges and Solutions.
  • Trademark Dilution: Balancing the Rights of Trademark Owners and Free Speech.
  • The Role of Intellectual Property Rights in Promoting Innovation and Creativity.
  • The Intersection of Intellectual Property Law and Biotechnology.
  • Trade Secrets Protection: Legal Mechanisms and Challenges.
  • The International Protection of Intellectual Property Rights: TRIPS Agreement.
  • Patent Trolls and their Impact on Innovation and Competition.
  • The Legal Implications of Open Source Software in Business.
  • The Role of Intellectual Property Rights in Technology Transfer and International Trade.

Employment and Labor Law

  • Discrimination in the Workplace: Legal Protections and Challenges.
  • The Gig Economy and Its Implications on Labor Law and Worker Rights.
  • Workplace Privacy: Balancing Employer Interests and Employee Rights.
  • The Legal Implications of Non-Compete Agreements on Employee Mobility.
  • The Intersection of Labor Law and Collective Bargaining.
  • Occupational Health and Safety Regulations: Ensuring Employee Protection.
  • The Legal and Ethical Implications of Employee Monitoring.
  • The Gig Economy: Reimagining Employment Law in the Age of Freelancing.
  • Workplace Harassment Prevention and Legal Compliance.
  • The Role of Labor Unions in Shaping Labor Law and Worker Rights.

Business and Competition Law

  • Antitrust Laws and Their Impact on Market Competition.
  • The Role of Merger Control in Preventing Anti-Competitive Practices.
  • Vertical Restraints in Business Contracts: Legal Analysis and Enforcement.
  • The Intersection of Intellectual Property Law and Competition Law.
  • The Legal Implications of Price Fixing and Bid Rigging.
  • The Role of Competition Law in Regulating Online Platforms and Marketplaces.
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Leniency Programs in Antitrust Enforcement.
  • The Impact of Big Tech Companies on Competition and Consumer Welfare.
  • The Challenges of Regulating Global Mergers and Acquisitions.
  • The Role of Competition Authorities in Promoting Fair Competition and Market Efficiency.

Banking and Financial Regulation

  • The Role of Central Banks in Financial Regulation and Stability.
  • The Legal Implications of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology in Banking.
  • Financial Derivatives: Legal Issues and Regulatory Challenges.
  • The Impact of Basel III Accords on Banking Regulation and Risk Management.
  • The Intersection of Financial Regulation and Fintech Innovation.
  • The Legal and Ethical Implications of Insider Trading in the Financial Markets.
  • Credit Rating Agencies: Their Role in Financial Regulation and Investor Confidence.
  • The Challenges of Cross-Border Banking Regulation in the Globalized Economy.
  • The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act: A Critical Assessment.
  • The Legal Framework of Bank Resolution and Systemic Risk Management.

Taxation and Business Transactions

  • Transfer Pricing in International Business Transactions: Legal and Regulatory Aspects.
  • The Legal Implications of Corporate Tax Avoidance and Evasion.
  • Tax Incentives for Foreign Direct Investment: Promoting Economic Growth or Unfair Competition?
  • The Impact of Tax Treaties on Cross-Border Business Activities.
  • Tax Compliance and Enforcement: Balancing Taxpayer Rights and Government Revenue Collection.
  • The Role of Tax Havens in International Tax Planning.
  • The Legal Implications of Digital Economy Taxation.
  • The Challenges of Regulating E-Commerce and Cross-Border Taxation.
  • The Legal and Ethical Aspects of Tax Planning and Avoidance Strategies.
  • Tax Policy and Its Impact on Business Decisions and Investment Behavior.

Environmental and Energy Law

  • The Legal Framework for Environmental Protection and Conservation.
  • Environmental Impact Assessments: Balancing Business Interests and Ecological Preservation.
  • Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: The Role of International Law.
  • The Legal and Ethical Implications of Fracking and Hydraulic Fracturing.
  • The Intersection of Environmental Law and Corporate Social Responsibility.
  • Renewable Energy Regulation and Incentives: Promoting Sustainable Development.
  • The Legal and Regulatory Challenges of Waste Management and Pollution Control.
  • The Legal Implications of Environmental Justice and Community Rights.
  • The Role of International Agreements in Addressing Transboundary Environmental Issues.
  • The Impact of Energy Regulation on the Transition to Clean and Renewable Energy Sources.

International Trade and Investment Law

  • The Legal Framework of International Trade and Investment Agreements.
  • Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) Mechanisms: Balancing Investor Protection and State Sovereignty.
  • The World Trade Organization (WTO) and Its Impact on Global Trade.
  • Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs): Assessing Their Effectiveness in Promoting Foreign Investment.
  • Trade Wars and Tariffs: Analyzing the Legal and Economic Implications.
  • The Intersection of Intellectual Property Rights and International Trade.
  • The Legal Implications of Trade Sanctions and Their Impact on Global Commerce.
  • Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and Regional Economic Integration.
  • The Legal and Ethical Aspects of Import-Export Controls and Trade Embargoes.
  • The Role of Trade Remedies in Safeguarding Domestic Industries.

Cybersecurity and Data Privacy

  • The Legal and Ethical Implications of Data Breaches and Cybersecurity Incidents.
  • Data Protection Laws and Privacy Rights: A Comparative Analysis.
  • The Intersection of Cybersecurity and Intellectual Property Protection.
  • The Role of International Law in Addressing Cybercrimes and Cyber Espionage.
  • The Legal Challenges of Cross-Border Data Transfers and Data Localization.
  • The Regulation of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Algorithms in Business.
  • Cybersecurity Compliance and Risk Management in the Corporate Sector.
  • The Legal Implications of Internet of Things (IoT) Devices and Data Privacy.
  • The Role of Cyber Insurance in Mitigating Cybersecurity Risks.
  • The Legal and Regulatory Challenges of Digital Identity and Biometric Data.

In conclusion, the comprehensive list of 100 business law research paper topics presented in this section offers a diverse array of subjects for students to explore and engage with. From corporate governance and contract law to cybersecurity and data privacy, each category represents critical aspects of business law that intersect with real-world legal challenges faced by businesses and individuals alike. By selecting a research topic from this list, students can delve into the multifaceted world of business law, contribute to legal scholarship, and gain insights into the practical implications of legal principles on commerce and society.

As students embark on their research journey, they are encouraged to consider their interests, expertise, and academic aspirations while choosing a research topic that aligns with their individual goals. Additionally, a well-defined research question and a structured approach to the research process will help students navigate the complexities of business law and produce an insightful and impactful research paper. Whether examining the legal implications of emerging technologies or analyzing the role of regulations in shaping business practices, each chosen topic presents an opportunity to contribute to the advancement of legal knowledge and influence the ever-changing landscape of business law.

For those seeking professional support in their research endeavors, iResearchNet’s custom writing services are readily available, offering expert assistance from degree-holding writers who understand the intricacies of business law and can deliver customized solutions tailored to students’ specific needs. The journey to explore the world of business law through research and academic inquiry awaits, and with iResearchNet’s support, students can confidently navigate the complexities of legal scholarship and unveil the legal intricacies that shape the dynamic world of commerce.

Business Law: Exploring the Range of Research Paper Topics

Business law, also known as commercial law or corporate law, is a multifaceted field that governs the legal aspects of business transactions, operations, and interactions. It provides the regulatory framework necessary to ensure fair competition, protect consumer rights, uphold contractual obligations, and maintain the integrity of financial systems. As students delve into the world of business law, they uncover a rich tapestry of legal principles and doctrines that underpin the intricate workings of modern commerce.

This section aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the diverse range of business law research paper topics. From corporate governance and intellectual property to employment law and environmental regulations, each aspect offers unique insights and opportunities for legal scholarship. By exploring the following key themes, students can gain an appreciation for the multifaceted nature of business law and its profound impact on both the business world and society at large.

  • Corporate Governance and Ethics : One of the central pillars of business law is corporate governance, which deals with the internal structure, rules, and practices that guide the management and decision-making of corporations. Topics in this area often revolve around the roles and responsibilities of boards of directors, executive compensation, shareholder activism, and the legal and ethical implications of corporate actions. Understanding how corporate governance mechanisms operate is crucial for maintaining transparency, accountability, and responsible business conduct.
  • Contract Law and Commercial Transactions : Contract law is fundamental to business transactions, as it governs the legally binding agreements between parties involved in commercial dealings. Research in this domain explores various aspects, such as contract formation, interpretation, breach, and remedies. Additionally, students can delve into specific types of contracts, such as sales agreements, employment contracts, and international trade agreements. Examining how contracts are structured, enforced, and regulated allows for a deeper understanding of the legal framework that underpins business relationships.
  • Intellectual Property Law : Intellectual property (IP) rights play a critical role in protecting innovations, creative works, and proprietary assets within the business realm. Research topics in this area may cover patent law, copyright law, trademark law, and trade secret protection. Understanding the legal mechanisms that safeguard intellectual property fosters innovation, promotes creativity, and ensures fair competition in the global market.
  • Employment and Labor Law : The relationship between employers and employees is governed by employment and labor law, which aims to protect workers’ rights, ensure fair treatment, and regulate labor practices. Topics in this domain encompass discrimination in the workplace, labor unions, workplace privacy, and the legal implications of emerging work arrangements such as the gig economy. Researching employment law allows students to explore the evolving dynamics of the modern workforce and the legal protections that safeguard employee welfare.
  • Business and Competition Law : Business law intersects with competition law to maintain fair market competition, prevent anti-competitive practices, and protect consumers. Topics in this category may include antitrust laws, merger control, trade practices, and regulations related to monopolies and market dominance. Investigating the legal mechanisms that foster competitive markets ensures a level playing field for businesses and safeguards the interests of consumers.
  • Banking and Financial Regulation : The financial sector operates within a complex legal framework to ensure stability, transparency, and consumer protection. Research topics in this area may encompass banking regulations, financial derivatives, securities laws, and the role of central banks in monetary policy. Understanding the legal aspects of financial regulation is vital for maintaining financial stability and investor confidence.
  • Taxation and Business Transactions : Taxation is a crucial aspect of business operations, impacting financial decisions and strategies. Research topics in this domain may include corporate taxation, international tax planning, tax incentives, and the legal implications of tax evasion and avoidance. Understanding the complexities of tax law allows businesses to navigate the regulatory landscape while contributing to government revenue collection.
  • Environmental and Energy Law : Environmental and energy law focuses on regulating the impact of business activities on the environment and promoting sustainable practices. Topics in this area may cover environmental impact assessments, climate change mitigation, renewable energy regulations, and waste management policies. Exploring the legal aspects of environmental protection empowers businesses to align their operations with sustainable practices and social responsibility.
  • International Trade and Investment Law : As businesses increasingly engage in global markets, international trade and investment law become crucial for understanding the legal framework that governs cross-border transactions and investments. Topics in this domain may include trade agreements, investor-state dispute settlement, and regulations pertaining to international trade and foreign direct investment. Researching international trade and investment law facilitates a broader understanding of the interconnectedness of the global economy.
  • Cybersecurity and Data Privacy : In the digital era, cybersecurity and data privacy have become paramount concerns for businesses. Research topics in this area may cover data breaches, cybercrime legislation, data protection laws, and the legal implications of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. Understanding the legal and ethical aspects of data protection helps businesses safeguard sensitive information and protect user privacy.

Business law encompasses a vast array of legal principles and regulations that govern the multifaceted world of commerce. By exploring the diverse range of business law research paper topics presented in this section, students can gain a deeper understanding of the legal challenges, complexities, and opportunities that arise within the business landscape. Whether investigating corporate governance practices, analyzing contract law implications, or exploring environmental regulations, each research topic provides a window into the intricate workings of the business world.

As students engage in their research journey, they are encouraged to critically examine the legal issues, implications, and real-world applications of their chosen business law research paper topics. By employing rigorous research methodologies and legal analysis, students can contribute to legal scholarship, influence business practices, and address contemporary challenges faced by businesses and society alike. Additionally, for those seeking expert guidance and support in their research endeavors, iResearchNet’s custom writing services offer tailored solutions from experienced writers, facilitating a seamless and successful research experience.

As the study of business law continues to evolve in response to societal and technological advancements, students embarking on this academic pursuit will find themselves at the forefront of shaping the legal landscape that underpins global commerce. By embracing the complexities of business law and leveraging the power of legal research, students can unlock new insights, foster innovative solutions, and contribute to the advancement of legal knowledge within the context of business and beyond.

How to Choose Business Law Research Paper Topics

Selecting a suitable research paper topic is a critical step in the academic journey, especially for students studying business law. The chosen topic sets the foundation for the entire research process and determines the scope and depth of the paper. As the field of business law encompasses a wide range of legal principles and industries, students may find it challenging to identify the most relevant and compelling research area. This section aims to guide students through the process of choosing business law research paper topics that align with their interests, academic goals, and the practical implications of their research.

  • Identify Your Interests and Passions : The first step in selecting a research paper topic is to reflect on your personal interests and passions within the field of business law. Consider which aspects of business law intrigue you the most and which topics evoke curiosity. Whether you are fascinated by corporate governance, intellectual property, or international trade, choosing a topic that resonates with your interests will fuel your motivation and engagement throughout the research process.
  • Analyze Current Legal Issues and Developments : Business law is a dynamic field, constantly evolving to address emerging legal challenges and changes in the business landscape. Stay updated with current legal issues, landmark court cases, and regulatory developments within the business world. Analyzing current events and legal debates can spark ideas for research topics that contribute to ongoing discussions and address contemporary concerns.
  • Conduct Preliminary Research : Before finalizing a research paper topic, conduct preliminary research to understand the existing literature and scholarship on potential areas of interest. Reading academic articles, books, and research papers related to your preferred topics will give you insights into the gaps in knowledge and areas that warrant further investigation. This step will also help you refine your research question and define the scope of your study.
  • Consider Practical Relevance : Business law research often extends beyond theoretical exploration, with practical implications that impact real businesses and individuals. Consider topics that have practical relevance and address legal issues faced by businesses, entrepreneurs, consumers, or society at large. Research papers that offer practical solutions or insights into legal challenges tend to be more impactful and resonate with a wider audience.
  • Evaluate the Feasibility of the Topic : As you assess potential research topics, consider their feasibility in terms of data availability, research resources, and time constraints. Some topics may require extensive data collection or access to specific legal cases, while others may demand specialized expertise. Ensure that the chosen topic is feasible within the scope of your research capabilities and academic timeline.
  • Seek Inspiration from Coursework : Reviewing your coursework and class materials in business law can be a valuable source of inspiration for research topics. Reflect on the topics covered in your lectures, seminars, and coursework assignments. You may find a particular area or legal concept that sparks your interest and inspires you to delve deeper into its legal intricacies through independent research.
  • Consult with Professors and Peers : Discuss your research ideas with professors, academic advisors, and fellow students. They can provide valuable feedback, offer suggestions for potential research directions, and help you narrow down your options. Collaborating with others in the academic community can lead to unique perspectives and enhance the quality of your research paper.
  • Think Beyond Traditional Topics : While traditional business law topics like contract law and corporate governance are essential, consider exploring niche areas or emerging legal issues. Topics related to technology, artificial intelligence, digital currencies, and environmental sustainability are gaining prominence in the business world and present exciting opportunities for cutting-edge research.
  • Consider Cross-Disciplinary Approaches : Business law often intersects with other disciplines such as economics, sociology, ethics, and environmental studies. Consider adopting a cross-disciplinary approach to your research, which allows you to draw insights from various fields and enriches the depth of your analysis.
  • Craft a Well-Defined Research Question : Once you have identified a potential research topic, transform it into a well-defined research question. A clear and specific research question will guide your investigation, focus your research efforts, and ensure that your paper remains coherent and organized. Strive to develop a research question that is both original and relevant, contributing to the existing body of knowledge in business law.

Choosing a business law research paper topic requires careful consideration of your interests, academic goals, and the practical implications of your research. By identifying areas of personal interest, analyzing current legal issues, and conducting preliminary research, you can discover business law research paper topics that excite and inspire you. As you evaluate the feasibility and practical relevance of your chosen topic, seek guidance from professors and peers to refine your research question and direction.

Selecting a compelling and well-defined research topic sets the stage for a rewarding research journey that contributes to the advancement of legal knowledge within the dynamic realm of business law. By embracing innovative approaches, exploring emerging legal challenges, and delving into cross-disciplinary perspectives, students can unveil new insights, provide practical solutions, and make a meaningful impact within the ever-evolving landscape of business law.

How to Write a Business Law Research Paper

Writing a business law research paper requires a structured and systematic approach to effectively convey your ideas, arguments, and findings. As a student delving into the complexities of business law, you must not only demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of legal principles but also showcase critical thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to communicate complex legal concepts concisely. This section provides a step-by-step guide on how to write a compelling business law research paper that engages your readers, advances legal scholarship, and reflects your expertise in the field.

  • Select a Well-Defined Research Topic : Before you begin writing, ensure that you have a well-defined research topic or question that aligns with your interests and academic objectives. Your research topic should be specific, focused, and capable of addressing legal issues or gaps in knowledge within the realm of business law. A clear research question will guide your research and structure your paper, ensuring a coherent and logical flow of ideas.
  • Conduct Thorough Research : Once you have a research topic, embark on a comprehensive research journey to gather relevant and credible sources. Utilize academic databases, legal journals, books, and reputable online resources to access primary and secondary materials related to your topic. Carefully evaluate and critically analyze the literature to develop a strong theoretical foundation for your research.
  • Create an Outline : Organize your ideas and research findings into a well-structured outline. An outline serves as the skeleton of your research paper and helps you maintain a logical progression of arguments. Include an introduction, literature review, methodology (if applicable), main body sections, analysis of findings, and a conclusion in your outline.
  • Write a Captivating Introduction : Begin your research paper with a captivating introduction that introduces your research topic, provides context, and presents your research question or thesis statement. Engage your readers with a thought-provoking opening, outlining the significance of your research and its relevance to the field of business law.
  • Conduct a Thorough Literature Review : The literature review section should demonstrate your understanding of existing scholarship related to your research topic. Summarize and critically evaluate relevant studies, legal cases, and academic works. Identify gaps in the literature and highlight how your research will contribute to filling those gaps.
  • Define Your Methodology (if applicable) : If your research involves empirical data collection or qualitative analysis, outline your research methodology in this section. Describe your research design, data collection methods, sample selection, and data analysis techniques. Justify your chosen methodology and explain how it aligns with your research objectives.
  • Present a Comprehensive Analysis : In the main body sections of your research paper, present a comprehensive analysis of your research topic. Use clear and concise language to articulate your arguments and support them with evidence from legal cases, statutes, and scholarly sources. Address counterarguments and demonstrate your ability to critically assess different perspectives.
  • Use Legal Citations and Referencing : Incorporate accurate legal citations and references throughout your research paper. Use the appropriate legal citation style, such as Bluebook, APA, MLA, or Chicago, to ensure proper attribution of sources and maintain academic integrity.
  • Maintain Clarity and Conciseness : Business law research papers can be complex, but strive to maintain clarity and conciseness in your writing. Avoid jargon and use clear language to communicate legal concepts effectively. Keep paragraphs focused on specific ideas and avoid unnecessary repetition.
  • Craft a Compelling Conclusion : In the conclusion, restate your research question or thesis and summarize the key findings and arguments presented in your paper. Reflect on the implications of your research and its potential impact on the field of business law. Leave readers with a lasting impression by emphasizing the significance of your work and suggesting avenues for further research.

Writing a business law research paper requires a methodical approach that includes selecting a well-defined research topic, conducting thorough research, and creating a structured outline. A compelling introduction should draw readers into your research, while a literature review showcases your understanding of existing scholarship. Whether your research involves empirical data or legal analysis, maintain clarity and conciseness throughout your paper. Use accurate legal citations and references, and craft a compelling conclusion that highlights the contributions of your research and sets the stage for future scholarly endeavors.

As you progress through the process of writing your business law research paper, remember to seek feedback from professors and peers. Embrace the challenges of legal research and writing, and view each stage as an opportunity to enhance your critical thinking, communication skills, and expertise in the field of business law. By adhering to this comprehensive guide and approaching your research paper with dedication and enthusiasm, you will produce a well-crafted, insightful, and impactful contribution to the world of business law scholarship.

iResearchNet’s Custom Research Paper Writing Services

At iResearchNet, we understand the demands and complexities faced by students studying business law. Writing a high-quality research paper in this field requires a deep understanding of legal principles, critical analysis, and effective communication skills. As a leading academic writing service, we are committed to providing students with the support they need to excel in their academic endeavors. Our custom business law research paper writing services offer expert assistance from experienced writers, ensuring that students receive top-notch papers tailored to their unique requirements. In this section, we highlight the key features and benefits of our services, ensuring that students can confidently embark on their research journey with our dedicated support.

  • Expert Degree-Holding Writers : At iResearchNet, we take pride in our team of expert writers who hold advanced degrees in business law and related fields. Our writers have a comprehensive understanding of legal principles, ensuring that your research paper is in the hands of a qualified professional who can provide valuable insights and in-depth analysis.
  • Custom Written Works : We recognize the importance of originality and academic integrity in research papers. Our custom business law research papers are crafted from scratch, tailored to your specific instructions and research topic. We do not tolerate plagiarism and guarantee 100% unique and authentic papers.
  • In-Depth Research : Research is at the heart of every high-quality research paper. Our writers conduct thorough and comprehensive research to gather relevant and credible sources for your business law research paper. They delve into legal databases, academic journals, and reputable resources to ensure that your paper is well-supported with evidence and references.
  • Custom Formatting : Different academic institutions and journals may require specific formatting styles for research papers. Our writers are well-versed in various formatting styles, including APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, and Harvard. Rest assured that your research paper will be formatted according to the prescribed guidelines.
  • Top Quality : Quality is our utmost priority. Our team of experienced editors meticulously review and polish each research paper to ensure that it meets high academic standards. We pay attention to the clarity of ideas, coherence of arguments, and adherence to academic conventions.
  • Customized Solutions : We understand that every research paper is unique, with its own set of requirements and objectives. Our custom business law research paper writing services offer personalized solutions to cater to your specific needs and academic goals.
  • Flexible Pricing : As a student-oriented writing service, we are mindful of the budget constraints faced by students. Our pricing model is designed to be affordable and transparent. We offer flexible pricing options to accommodate varying academic levels and deadlines.
  • Short Deadlines : We recognize that research paper deadlines can be tight, and students may find themselves in urgent need of assistance. Our writers are capable of delivering high-quality research papers within short deadlines, with a turnaround time as fast as three hours.
  • Timely Delivery : We value punctuality and understand the importance of meeting academic deadlines. Our writing team works diligently to ensure that your custom business law research paper is delivered on time, allowing you sufficient time for review and revisions.
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At iResearchNet, we take pride in our commitment to excellence and the provision of custom business law research paper writing services that cater to the unique needs of students. With expert writers, in-depth research, and a dedication to quality, we ensure that your research paper reflects your academic proficiency and meets the highest standards of business law scholarship. Whether you need assistance with topic selection, research, or writing, our team is here to support you throughout the entire process. Embark on your research journey with confidence and unleash the potential of your business law research with iResearchNet’s custom writing services.

Empower Your Business Law Journey with iResearchNet

As you navigate the intricate world of business law, iResearchNet stands as your dedicated partner, ready to empower your academic journey with unparalleled support and expertise. Our comprehensive range of services is tailored to meet the unique needs of students studying business law and seeking excellence in their research papers. With a team of expert writers, in-depth research capabilities, and a commitment to quality, we are here to guide you through the challenges of academic writing and elevate your research to new heights. Embrace the opportunity to excel in your studies and achieve academic success with iResearchNet’s custom business law research paper writing services.

Embark on your business law journey with the assurance that iResearchNet is here to empower and support you at every step. Our custom business law research paper writing services offer a seamless blend of expertise, personalized assistance, and dedication to your academic success. By choosing iResearchNet, you unlock a world of opportunities to excel in your studies, demonstrate your legal prowess, and make a lasting impact in the field of business law. Embrace the journey to academic excellence with iResearchNet as your trusted partner in business law research.


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60 best business law topics for research paper.

Business Law Topics for Research Paper

Business Law, also known as commercial law, is a set of integral laws that guide society. To write an impressive research paper on Business Law, it is vital to find a few business law paper topics that not only interest you but also offer scope for research and critical analysis.

You can then discuss the topics with your guide to shortlist the one that offers maximum scope to showcase your research capabilities and get good grades. Here is a list of some great topics for business law research paper, that you can consider. Take a look:

Advanced Business Law Research Topics

These are some advance business law topics that reflect in-depth subject knowledge and research capabilities:

  • Can the Exclusion from antitrust laws be good?
  • Essential details about Abercrombie and Race Discrimination.
  • Various methods of treatments for Accidents in the workplace.
  • Age Discrimination Act: What is it?
  • How to Avoid sexual harassment lawsuits inside a company?
  • How to identify Bankruptcy fraud?
  • Everything about the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
  • What is the Collective Bargaining Union?
  • Corruption in Business Law: how to get rid of it?
  • Hazards of the Construction Industry: What are the solutions provided by the Government?
  • Effective methods to keep business running.
  • Is Paternity leave for a father acceptable?
  • Sexual Harassment Law: what does it say?
  • What is the Sarbanes-Oxley Act?
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
  • How does piracy affect the profitability of a business?
  • What is the Ocean Liner Contract system?
  • What should be the level of confidentiality of trade secrets?

Interesting Business Law Topics for Research Paper

Here are some of the most well scoring and attention-grabbing business law topics to write about for your dissertation –

  • The role of Law of Contracts in Business Transactions.
  • Interpretations of The Law of Contract.
  • A thorough investigation of the Contract Laws.
  • The importance of Commercial Law.
  • An explanation of the working of Contracts.
  • How does Legislature impact the interpretation of Contracts?
  • Analysis of the difficulties faced by the business due to pursuing Commercial or Regular Lease.
  • Analysis of the Structure of Transactions under Business Law.
  • What is the role of a Director’s Guarantee under Business Law?
  • Investigating the practical use of Copyright and Trademark by business entities.
  • The role played by Copyrights and Trademarks in relation to Business Transactions.
  • Everything you need to know about Advertising Law.
  • The consequences of Copyright Infringement.
  • The effect of Business Law on Commercial Transactions and Licensing.
  • The application of Termination Agreements and Contract Law in Business Transactions.

Business Contract Law Topics for Research Paper

These are a few research topics in business law that can be used as a guide to create your paper and score well:

  • The importance of Contract Law for small or single entrepreneurs.
  • Contract Law and why is it essential in a versatile global business environment?
  • The role of Contract Law in relation to shipping and transportation across five countries in the world.
  • The importance of the Mudaraba contract in context with Islamic Law.
  • Islamic Law and limitations in the implementation of Contract Law.
  • A thorough investigation of the Tort Liability Law in the United Kingdom.
  • The analysis and comparison of the Contract Law for Small, Medium, and Large enterprises in the United Kingdom.
  • What is the significance of online privacy policies on the Contract Law?
  • The role of the state in implementation of the Contract Law
  • What is the difference between the UK and the EU after the implementation of the Brexit Contract Law?
  • Everything you need to know about code, law, and their interpretations in the digital world.
  • A discussion of the Penalty under Contract Law in context with the English Law.
  • The difference between verbal commitments, non-contractual relations, and Contract Law: What problems are faced during their enforcement?
  • An investigation of the impact of Labour Laws within the country.
  • Emerging Economies: Analyzing the enforcement of Contract Law

International Business Law Topics for Research Paper

If you want to work in the arena of business law these topics are sure to be a big help with research paper:

  • The right of the company to choose its nationality
  • International arbitration – best policies to choose
  • Is it still possible to buy the services of judges in first world countries?
  • The Understanding impact of the litigation processes on small and medium business entities operating in international arenas
  • The Doctrine of Separate Legal personality and its significance in International business
  • Is there a way to avoid litigation procedures in foreign lands?
  • What are the cases in international business when the data security and confidentiality policies are not applied?
  • Solutions for stopping former employees from joining rival companies.
  • Implementation of employee non-disclosure agreement across national boundaries
  • Is it legal to say no to paternity leaves for fathers when working with foreign employees?
  • Drawing up international extractive contracts for oil and mining companies
  • Can domestic laws be incorporated in international business agreements – the consequences.

For most law students curriculums are extensive and topic research can be a time consuming task with other college activities. If you are worried about finding some good business law paper topics to work on or need professional help to write an effective research paper, we have the answers. Get in touch with us for effective research paper topics for business law class and we will be happy to assist with your assignment.

Microeconomics Research Paper Topics

How to Write a Conclusion for Research Papers (with Examples)

How to Write a Conclusion for Research Papers (with Examples)

The conclusion of a research paper is a crucial section that plays a significant role in the overall impact and effectiveness of your research paper. However, this is also the section that typically receives less attention compared to the introduction and the body of the paper. The conclusion serves to provide a concise summary of the key findings, their significance, their implications, and a sense of closure to the study. Discussing how can the findings be applied in real-world scenarios or inform policy, practice, or decision-making is especially valuable to practitioners and policymakers. The research paper conclusion also provides researchers with clear insights and valuable information for their own work, which they can then build on and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field.

The research paper conclusion should explain the significance of your findings within the broader context of your field. It restates how your results contribute to the existing body of knowledge and whether they confirm or challenge existing theories or hypotheses. Also, by identifying unanswered questions or areas requiring further investigation, your awareness of the broader research landscape can be demonstrated.

Remember to tailor the research paper conclusion to the specific needs and interests of your intended audience, which may include researchers, practitioners, policymakers, or a combination of these.

Table of Contents

What is a conclusion in a research paper, summarizing conclusion, editorial conclusion, externalizing conclusion, importance of a good research paper conclusion, how to write a conclusion for your research paper, research paper conclusion examples, frequently asked questions.

A conclusion in a research paper is the final section where you summarize and wrap up your research, presenting the key findings and insights derived from your study. The research paper conclusion is not the place to introduce new information or data that was not discussed in the main body of the paper. When working on how to conclude a research paper, remember to stick to summarizing and interpreting existing content. The research paper conclusion serves the following purposes: 1

  • Warn readers of the possible consequences of not attending to the problem.
  • Recommend specific course(s) of action.
  • Restate key ideas to drive home the ultimate point of your research paper.
  • Provide a “take-home” message that you want the readers to remember about your study.

business law research paper conclusion

Types of conclusions for research papers

In research papers, the conclusion provides closure to the reader. The type of research paper conclusion you choose depends on the nature of your study, your goals, and your target audience. I provide you with three common types of conclusions:

A summarizing conclusion is the most common type of conclusion in research papers. It involves summarizing the main points, reiterating the research question, and restating the significance of the findings. This common type of research paper conclusion is used across different disciplines.

An editorial conclusion is less common but can be used in research papers that are focused on proposing or advocating for a particular viewpoint or policy. It involves presenting a strong editorial or opinion based on the research findings and offering recommendations or calls to action.

An externalizing conclusion is a type of conclusion that extends the research beyond the scope of the paper by suggesting potential future research directions or discussing the broader implications of the findings. This type of conclusion is often used in more theoretical or exploratory research papers.

The conclusion in a research paper serves several important purposes:

  • Offers Implications and Recommendations : Your research paper conclusion is an excellent place to discuss the broader implications of your research and suggest potential areas for further study. It’s also an opportunity to offer practical recommendations based on your findings.
  • Provides Closure : A good research paper conclusion provides a sense of closure to your paper. It should leave the reader with a feeling that they have reached the end of a well-structured and thought-provoking research project.
  • Leaves a Lasting Impression : Writing a well-crafted research paper conclusion leaves a lasting impression on your readers. It’s your final opportunity to leave them with a new idea, a call to action, or a memorable quote.

business law research paper conclusion

Writing a strong conclusion for your research paper is essential to leave a lasting impression on your readers. Here’s a step-by-step process to help you create and know what to put in the conclusion of a research paper: 2

  • Research Statement : Begin your research paper conclusion by restating your research statement. This reminds the reader of the main point you’ve been trying to prove throughout your paper. Keep it concise and clear.
  • Key Points : Summarize the main arguments and key points you’ve made in your paper. Avoid introducing new information in the research paper conclusion. Instead, provide a concise overview of what you’ve discussed in the body of your paper.
  • Address the Research Questions : If your research paper is based on specific research questions or hypotheses, briefly address whether you’ve answered them or achieved your research goals. Discuss the significance of your findings in this context.
  • Significance : Highlight the importance of your research and its relevance in the broader context. Explain why your findings matter and how they contribute to the existing knowledge in your field.
  • Implications : Explore the practical or theoretical implications of your research. How might your findings impact future research, policy, or real-world applications? Consider the “so what?” question.
  • Future Research : Offer suggestions for future research in your area. What questions or aspects remain unanswered or warrant further investigation? This shows that your work opens the door for future exploration.
  • Closing Thought : Conclude your research paper conclusion with a thought-provoking or memorable statement. This can leave a lasting impression on your readers and wrap up your paper effectively. Avoid introducing new information or arguments here.
  • Proofread and Revise : Carefully proofread your conclusion for grammar, spelling, and clarity. Ensure that your ideas flow smoothly and that your conclusion is coherent and well-structured.

Remember that a well-crafted research paper conclusion is a reflection of the strength of your research and your ability to communicate its significance effectively. It should leave a lasting impression on your readers and tie together all the threads of your paper. Now you know how to start the conclusion of a research paper and what elements to include to make it impactful, let’s look at a research paper conclusion sample.

business law research paper conclusion

The research paper conclusion is a crucial part of your paper as it provides the final opportunity to leave a strong impression on your readers. In the research paper conclusion, summarize the main points of your research paper by restating your research statement, highlighting the most important findings, addressing the research questions or objectives, explaining the broader context of the study, discussing the significance of your findings, providing recommendations if applicable, and emphasizing the takeaway message. The main purpose of the conclusion is to remind the reader of the main point or argument of your paper and to provide a clear and concise summary of the key findings and their implications. All these elements should feature on your list of what to put in the conclusion of a research paper to create a strong final statement for your work.

A strong conclusion is a critical component of a research paper, as it provides an opportunity to wrap up your arguments, reiterate your main points, and leave a lasting impression on your readers. Here are the key elements of a strong research paper conclusion: 1. Conciseness : A research paper conclusion should be concise and to the point. It should not introduce new information or ideas that were not discussed in the body of the paper. 2. Summarization : The research paper conclusion should be comprehensive enough to give the reader a clear understanding of the research’s main contributions. 3 . Relevance : Ensure that the information included in the research paper conclusion is directly relevant to the research paper’s main topic and objectives; avoid unnecessary details. 4 . Connection to the Introduction : A well-structured research paper conclusion often revisits the key points made in the introduction and shows how the research has addressed the initial questions or objectives. 5. Emphasis : Highlight the significance and implications of your research. Why is your study important? What are the broader implications or applications of your findings? 6 . Call to Action : Include a call to action or a recommendation for future research or action based on your findings.

The length of a research paper conclusion can vary depending on several factors, including the overall length of the paper, the complexity of the research, and the specific journal requirements. While there is no strict rule for the length of a conclusion, but it’s generally advisable to keep it relatively short. A typical research paper conclusion might be around 5-10% of the paper’s total length. For example, if your paper is 10 pages long, the conclusion might be roughly half a page to one page in length.

In general, you do not need to include citations in the research paper conclusion. Citations are typically reserved for the body of the paper to support your arguments and provide evidence for your claims. However, there may be some exceptions to this rule: 1. If you are drawing a direct quote or paraphrasing a specific source in your research paper conclusion, you should include a citation to give proper credit to the original author. 2. If your conclusion refers to or discusses specific research, data, or sources that are crucial to the overall argument, citations can be included to reinforce your conclusion’s validity.

The conclusion of a research paper serves several important purposes: 1. Summarize the Key Points 2. Reinforce the Main Argument 3. Provide Closure 4. Offer Insights or Implications 5. Engage the Reader. 6. Reflect on Limitations

Remember that the primary purpose of the research paper conclusion is to leave a lasting impression on the reader, reinforcing the key points and providing closure to your research. It’s often the last part of the paper that the reader will see, so it should be strong and well-crafted.

  • Makar, G., Foltz, C., Lendner, M., & Vaccaro, A. R. (2018). How to write effective discussion and conclusion sections. Clinical spine surgery, 31(8), 345-346.
  • Bunton, D. (2005). The structure of PhD conclusion chapters.  Journal of English for academic purposes ,  4 (3), 207-224.

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Writing a Research Paper Conclusion | Step-by-Step Guide

Published on October 30, 2022 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on April 13, 2023.

  • Restate the problem statement addressed in the paper
  • Summarize your overall arguments or findings
  • Suggest the key takeaways from your paper

Research paper conclusion

The content of the conclusion varies depending on whether your paper presents the results of original empirical research or constructs an argument through engagement with sources .

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Table of contents

Step 1: restate the problem, step 2: sum up the paper, step 3: discuss the implications, research paper conclusion examples, frequently asked questions about research paper conclusions.

The first task of your conclusion is to remind the reader of your research problem . You will have discussed this problem in depth throughout the body, but now the point is to zoom back out from the details to the bigger picture.

While you are restating a problem you’ve already introduced, you should avoid phrasing it identically to how it appeared in the introduction . Ideally, you’ll find a novel way to circle back to the problem from the more detailed ideas discussed in the body.

For example, an argumentative paper advocating new measures to reduce the environmental impact of agriculture might restate its problem as follows:

Meanwhile, an empirical paper studying the relationship of Instagram use with body image issues might present its problem like this:

“In conclusion …”

Avoid starting your conclusion with phrases like “In conclusion” or “To conclude,” as this can come across as too obvious and make your writing seem unsophisticated. The content and placement of your conclusion should make its function clear without the need for additional signposting.

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business law research paper conclusion

Having zoomed back in on the problem, it’s time to summarize how the body of the paper went about addressing it, and what conclusions this approach led to.

Depending on the nature of your research paper, this might mean restating your thesis and arguments, or summarizing your overall findings.

Argumentative paper: Restate your thesis and arguments

In an argumentative paper, you will have presented a thesis statement in your introduction, expressing the overall claim your paper argues for. In the conclusion, you should restate the thesis and show how it has been developed through the body of the paper.

Briefly summarize the key arguments made in the body, showing how each of them contributes to proving your thesis. You may also mention any counterarguments you addressed, emphasizing why your thesis holds up against them, particularly if your argument is a controversial one.

Don’t go into the details of your evidence or present new ideas; focus on outlining in broad strokes the argument you have made.

Empirical paper: Summarize your findings

In an empirical paper, this is the time to summarize your key findings. Don’t go into great detail here (you will have presented your in-depth results and discussion already), but do clearly express the answers to the research questions you investigated.

Describe your main findings, even if they weren’t necessarily the ones you expected or hoped for, and explain the overall conclusion they led you to.

Having summed up your key arguments or findings, the conclusion ends by considering the broader implications of your research. This means expressing the key takeaways, practical or theoretical, from your paper—often in the form of a call for action or suggestions for future research.

Argumentative paper: Strong closing statement

An argumentative paper generally ends with a strong closing statement. In the case of a practical argument, make a call for action: What actions do you think should be taken by the people or organizations concerned in response to your argument?

If your topic is more theoretical and unsuitable for a call for action, your closing statement should express the significance of your argument—for example, in proposing a new understanding of a topic or laying the groundwork for future research.

Empirical paper: Future research directions

In a more empirical paper, you can close by either making recommendations for practice (for example, in clinical or policy papers), or suggesting directions for future research.

Whatever the scope of your own research, there will always be room for further investigation of related topics, and you’ll often discover new questions and problems during the research process .

Finish your paper on a forward-looking note by suggesting how you or other researchers might build on this topic in the future and address any limitations of the current paper.

Full examples of research paper conclusions are shown in the tabs below: one for an argumentative paper, the other for an empirical paper.

  • Argumentative paper
  • Empirical paper

While the role of cattle in climate change is by now common knowledge, countries like the Netherlands continually fail to confront this issue with the urgency it deserves. The evidence is clear: To create a truly futureproof agricultural sector, Dutch farmers must be incentivized to transition from livestock farming to sustainable vegetable farming. As well as dramatically lowering emissions, plant-based agriculture, if approached in the right way, can produce more food with less land, providing opportunities for nature regeneration areas that will themselves contribute to climate targets. Although this approach would have economic ramifications, from a long-term perspective, it would represent a significant step towards a more sustainable and resilient national economy. Transitioning to sustainable vegetable farming will make the Netherlands greener and healthier, setting an example for other European governments. Farmers, policymakers, and consumers must focus on the future, not just on their own short-term interests, and work to implement this transition now.

As social media becomes increasingly central to young people’s everyday lives, it is important to understand how different platforms affect their developing self-conception. By testing the effect of daily Instagram use among teenage girls, this study established that highly visual social media does indeed have a significant effect on body image concerns, with a strong correlation between the amount of time spent on the platform and participants’ self-reported dissatisfaction with their appearance. However, the strength of this effect was moderated by pre-test self-esteem ratings: Participants with higher self-esteem were less likely to experience an increase in body image concerns after using Instagram. This suggests that, while Instagram does impact body image, it is also important to consider the wider social and psychological context in which this usage occurs: Teenagers who are already predisposed to self-esteem issues may be at greater risk of experiencing negative effects. Future research into Instagram and other highly visual social media should focus on establishing a clearer picture of how self-esteem and related constructs influence young people’s experiences of these platforms. Furthermore, while this experiment measured Instagram usage in terms of time spent on the platform, observational studies are required to gain more insight into different patterns of usage—to investigate, for instance, whether active posting is associated with different effects than passive consumption of social media content.

If you’re unsure about the conclusion, it can be helpful to ask a friend or fellow student to read your conclusion and summarize the main takeaways.

  • Do they understand from your conclusion what your research was about?
  • Are they able to summarize the implications of your findings?
  • Can they answer your research question based on your conclusion?

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business law research paper conclusion

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The conclusion of a research paper has several key elements you should make sure to include:

  • A restatement of the research problem
  • A summary of your key arguments and/or findings
  • A short discussion of the implications of your research

No, it’s not appropriate to present new arguments or evidence in the conclusion . While you might be tempted to save a striking argument for last, research papers follow a more formal structure than this.

All your findings and arguments should be presented in the body of the text (more specifically in the results and discussion sections if you are following a scientific structure). The conclusion is meant to summarize and reflect on the evidence and arguments you have already presented, not introduce new ones.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, April 13). Writing a Research Paper Conclusion | Step-by-Step Guide. Scribbr. Retrieved March 21, 2024, from

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100 Best Business Law Topics To Research

business law topics

Writing research papers and essays on business law topics can be intriguing and fun. However, you need to prepare properly to come up with a thoroughly researched, well-written paper. Business law is a broad study field. It can include complex concepts that require time and effort to research before writing.

Educators expect students to explain different rules and concepts that apply to relations, rights, and conduct of business in their papers. The primary purpose of business law is to maintain order, resolve disputes, and establish generally accepted operating standards. Students can discuss these rules and concepts using different business law essay topics.

Law Business Topics – Selecting The Best

  • Exciting Business Law Topics

Common Business Law Topics

Controversial business law topics, llm business law dissertation topics, business law topics for presentation.

Choosing the business law topics to write about is not always easy. Some topics in this field are not easy to research and write about. That’s because there are no adequate sources of the information required to write solid papers about them. As such, selecting the topic is an essential part of the writing process.

To make this assignment a little easier, we have come up with this list of 100 topic ideas for term papers in business law. This list should inspire you to come up with or choose your business law topics for essay or research paper.

Exciting Business Law Topics

Do you want to write a research paper on an exciting topic? If yes, consider these topics in business law.

  • The best way for businesses to deal with online gambling
  • Marketing laws for fast food companies
  • Marketing laws for junk food companies
  • What legal bindings will a company face if it uses animals to test products?
  • What privacy issues does a consumer face when dealing with an online company
  • Are there security issues associated with consumer dealings with online firms?
  • Is tort reform favorable for consumers or companies?
  • Are there legal legislations for outsourcing manufacturing operations to under-developed countries?
  • Does a US-registered company need a license to operate in Europe?
  • Are there legislations for controlling the monopoly of the private sector?
  • How does the government implement price legislation?
  • Are companies following the water law?
  • What are the penalties for breaking or ignoring the terms of the water law?
  • Are there laws to regulate the manufacturing industry’s takeover by the Chinese companies?
  • Are there rules to be followed when firing people or rendering them redundant?
  • What laws should be followed when signing job contracts?
  • What does the law say about the working environment in a business organization?
  • What are the legal requirements for being registered as a private limited company?
  • How a business can maximize revenue legally without affecting its local market
  • Laws to observe when increasing business operations to a global level

These are great law topics relating to business that you should consider if you want to write about something exciting. Nevertheless, be prepared to research extensively to come up with a brilliant paper about your chosen topic.

Some business law topics for research paper are common but still worth researching and writing about. Students can earn good grades if they research extensively and analyze information carefully before presenting it in their papers. Here are common business law research paper topic ideas to consider.

  • Legal methods of identifying bankruptcy fraud
  • Can sexual harassment lawsuits be avoided in a company?
  • When do trade secrets become too secretive?
  • What are the implications of data privacy laws?
  • Explain how data privacy laws affect business operations
  • Implications of e-commerce practices on the U.S workforce
  • A possible defense to trademark infringement offense
  • Legal guidelines for foreign business registration in the US
  • Legal implications and guidelines for foreign business registration in Europe
  • The legal protection and standing of creditors in the UK
  • Business law protection
  • Laws that regulate business
  • Common business laws and ethics
  • Business regulatory and legal framework
  • How business law help with conflict resolution
  • How business competition laws work
  • What is the importance of a legally binding contract in business?
  • How business laws protect the consumer
  • Why any business needs a lawyer
  • Common legal issues affecting business
  • Minimum wage and business law

These are common business law topics for research that students at different study levels can explore. Nevertheless, research is required when writing academic papers about them.

Do you want to write a paper or an essay that draws mixed reactions from the readers? If yes, here are some of the business law topics for research paper that you should consider.

  • Legal methods for keeping a business solvent without laying off employees or cutting benefits
  • Should a business provide paternity leaves for fathers?
  • Is denying paternity leaves legal because the law does not expressly forbid them?
  • Explain what tort reform means for business
  • What are the positive and negative effects of torn reform on big businesses?
  • Will tort reform provide more protection to small businesses?
  • Is the application of penalties to limit bad human behaviors effective at the workplace?
  • Are penalties for drug and alcohol abuse at the workplace legal?
  • Is the exclusion of some business from the anti-trust laws ethical?
  • How can a business benefit financially from falling out of anti-trust law?
  • Role of the law of contracts in business transactions
  • What role does the legislature play in interpreting contracts
  • Common pitfalls that businesses face when pursuing a regular or commercial lease
  • Application of nonverbal and verbal agreements in the investigation of contract laws
  • Business entity role regarding the commercial law
  • Analysis of the connotations of commercial law
  • Analysis of the transactions’ structure and the director guarantee’s role under business law
  • Effects of business law on licensing and commercial transactions
  • Why business law is important in the interpretation of liability in contractual agreements
  • Role of business wills in easing transactions in business law

This category also has some of the best business law thesis topics. Nevertheless, you should be ready to research extensively to come up with a brilliant paper on any of these business law paper topics.

You need topics in this category if you’re pursuing a master of laws (LLM). This is a post-graduate degree for enhancing legal knowledge in a specific area. Here are dissertation topics in business law worth considering for LLM students.

  • How effective are commercial laws in supporting transactions in the U.S?
  • What should be added or changed to the current commercial laws in the UK?
  • How effective are international commercial laws in the UK?
  • Effects of international commercial laws on energy projects globally
  • How commercial laws can be used to deal with dishonest managers
  • Regulations that stop corruption: A UK case study
  • How pre-incorporation contracts work
  • Evaluating commercial law arbitration: A UK policy practice case study
  • What role does corporate social responsibility play in the performance of companies?
  • Assessing the economic effects of intellectual property rights
  • Implications of Brexit on intellectual rights protection in the UK
  • How fair and safe is the EU intellectual property?
  • Evaluation of fair dealing in copyright law terms- A US case study
  • Effects of EU law on the UK intellectual property regime
  • A comparison of the intellectual property regime in the US and UK
  • Does EU copyright laws create ample balance between inventors and users’ needs?
  • Evaluation of the protection laws for the intellectual property rights on the internet
  • What is the relationship between EU regulations and intellectual property laws?
  • How emerging technological advancements can smoothly operate within the current US intellectual property laws
  • Effectiveness and extent of the protection of the intellectual rights of the indigenous people in the US

These business law research topics require extensive research. Therefore, pick any of these business law research paper topics if confident you can find reliable sources of relevant information.

Perhaps, you’re looking for interesting business law topics for presentations. Maybe you need current business law topics that you can use to prepare a speech for presentation. In that case, consider this list of business law presentation topics.

  • What are the provisions of the Indian Contract Act 1872?
  • What are the remedies for a breach of a contract?
  • Legal rules surrounding principal and agent
  • What are the rights of online consumers?
  • Copyright provisions in the digital age
  • Auction sale rules
  • Consumer protection future past the Brexit era
  • The future possibilities of the UK and US business corporation
  • Impact of internet legislations on business
  • Voidable and void contract- What’s the difference?
  • What are the main categories of contracts?
  • Roles of redressal agencies for consumer disputes
  • What rights does an unpaid seller have?
  • Warranties and conditions as per sale of goods Act- explain
  • Who should file a complaint under the Consumer Protection Act?
  • How important is a digital signature in business?
  • Difference between a limited liability and unlimited liability company
  • Private company conversion into a public company
  • Importance of memorandum of association
  • Difference between a company and a partnership

This category also has some of the best international business law topics. Consider them if interested in business law term paper topics that require a relatively broader perspective.

There are many research paper topics for business law or business management essay that learners can consider. Nevertheless, business writing law topics require time and effort. Therefore, students should be ready to carefully research and analyze information before presenting it in their papers.

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250+ Engaging Law Research Paper Topics

Law Research Paper Topics

Hi there! When you start looking into law research paper topics, you find a whole world of amazing things to learn about. Maybe you are fascinated by criminal justice, maybe you care a lot about environmental law, or want to know more about human rights. The field of legal studies has so many interesting things to explore.

Think about digging into cyber laws, seeing how intellectual property rights affect things, or learning about international treaties. These topics aren’t just about rules; they’re about things that really matter in our lives every day.

You might be interested in talking about privacy laws in the digital world or how law and technology connect. Or maybe you want to see how courts shape our society or understand the challenges of immigration law.

As we go on this journey together, we’ll check out all sorts of cool law research paper topics. We’ll learn why they’re important in today’s world.

The Essentials Of A Good Law Research Paper Topic

Table of Contents

Choosing a good law research paper topic involves considering these aspects to ensure that the research is meaningful, feasible, and contributes to the legal discourse.

  • Relevance: A good topic should be relevant to current legal issues, societal concerns, or areas requiring legal clarification or reform. It should address a gap in understanding or propose solutions to existing problems.
  • Specificity: The topic should be specific enough to allow for in-depth exploration within the scope of a research project. A focused topic helps in conducting a comprehensive analysis and presenting coherent findings.
  • Interest and Significance: It should pique interest and hold significance within the legal field or society at large. A topic that explores emerging areas, challenges existing norms, or offers innovative perspectives tends to garner attention.
  • Feasibility: A good research topic should be manageable within the available time frame and resources. It should have accessible sources of information and data for analysis.
  • Debatable and Researchable: An ideal topic should invite discussion and allow for various viewpoints or arguments. It should also be researchable, meaning there should be available literature, cases, statutes, or data for analysis and interpretation.
  • Contribution to Knowledge: A good research topic contributes to the existing body of legal knowledge. It should offer new insights, propose novel approaches, or fill gaps in understanding within a particular area of law.
  • Ethical Considerations: Take regard to the ethical effects of the research topic, ensuring that it aligns with ethical standards and respects legal and moral principles.

250+ Law Research Paper Topics

Now the wait is over we have classified more than 250 topics in 25 different categories and the topics are as:

Top 10 Law Research Paper Topics On Criminal Law

  • The Evolution of Insanity Defense in Criminal Cases
  • Cybercrime and Its Legal Implications
  • Racial Disparities in Sentencing and Criminal Justice
  • Criminal Responsibility of Corporations
  • Plea Bargaining and Its Impact on the Legal System
  • Hate Crimes Legislation and Enforcement
  • Recidivism Rates and Rehabilitation Programs
  • Significance of Forensic Science in Criminal Investigations
  • Juvenile Justice System and Rehabilitation
  • White-Collar Crime: Prosecution and Prevention

 Top 10 Research Paper Topics On Constitutional Law

  • Freedom of Speech: Limits and Scope
  • Separation of Powers: Checks and Balances
  • Equal Protection and Discrimination Laws
  • Privacy Rights in the Digital Age
  • First Amendment Rights and Religious Freedom
  • Due Process and Fair Trials
  • Constitutional Interpretation: Originalism vs. Living Constitution
  • Second Amendment and Gun Control Laws
  • Executive Authority and Presidential Powers
  • Judicial Review: Role of the Supreme Court

Top 10 Research Paper Topics On Environmental Law

  • Climate Change Mitigation Strategies and Legal Frameworks
  • Environmental Impact Assessment Laws: Effectiveness and Implementation
  • Biodiversity Conservation Laws and Practices
  • Regulation of Air and Water Pollution
  • International Environmental Treaties and Compliance
  • Environmental Justice and Equity Issues
  • Renewable Energy Regulation and Policy
  • Wildlife Protection Laws and Habitat Preservation
  • Waste Management Regulations and Challenges
  • Land Use Planning and Environmental Regulations

Top 10 Law Research Paper Topics On Human Rights Law

  • Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Recognition and Protection
  • Gender Equality and Human Rights Laws
  • Refugee Rights and International Law
  • Freedom of Speech and Expression: Legal Boundaries
  • Human Rights Violations in Armed Conflicts
  • Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Legal Perspectives
  • LGBTQ+ Rights and Legal Protections
  • Child Rights and Protection Laws
  • Anti-Discrimination Laws and Implementation
  • Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights Enforcement

Top 10 Research Paper Topics On Cyber Law

  • Cybersecurity Laws and Regulations
  • Data Privacy and Protection Laws
  • Intellectual Property Rights in the Digital Age
  • Cybercrime: Legal Challenges and Responses
  • International Cyber Law and Governance
  • E-Commerce Regulations and Consumer Protection
  • Social Media Regulation and Online Speech
  • Cyberbullying Laws and Online Harassment
  • Internet Governance and Net Neutrality
  • Emerging Technologies and Legal Implications

Top 10 Law Research Paper Topics On Intellectual Property Law

  • Copyright Law in the Digital Era
  • Patent Law: Innovation and Protection
  • Trademark Protection and Branding Strategies
  • Intellectual Property Rights in the Entertainment Industry
  • Trade Secrets and Confidential Information
  • Open Access and Intellectual Property Rights
  • Biotechnology and Intellectual Property Law
  • Globalization and Intellectual Property Rights
  • Ethical Issues in Intellectual Property Law
  • Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property Protection

Top 10 Research Paper Topics On International Law

  • International Humanitarian Law and Armed Conflicts
  • The Role of International Courts and Tribunals
  • United Nations Law and Peacekeeping Operations
  • International Trade Law and Global Economic Governance
  • Refugee Law and Protection of Displaced Persons
  • Environmental Protection in International Law
  • Sovereignty and Statehood in International Relations
  • Cybersecurity and International Legal Frameworks
  • International Criminal Law and War Crimes Prosecution
  • Treaties and Diplomatic Immunity in International Relations

Top 10 Research Paper Topics On Privacy Law

  • Data Protection Regulations and Compliance
  • Surveillance Laws and Civil Liberties
  • Privacy Implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Biometric Data and Privacy Concerns
  • Online Privacy Policies and User Consent
  • Privacy Laws in Healthcare: HIPAA and Beyond
  • Privacy Breach Notification Laws
  • Cross-Border Data Transfers and Privacy Regulations
  • Privacy Challenges in Social Media Platforms

Top 10 Law Research Paper Topics On Immigration Law

  • Refugee Rights and Asylum Policies
  • Border Security and Immigration Control
  • Family-Based Immigration Policies and Reforms
  • Dreamers (DACA) and Immigration Law
  • Detention and Deportation Practices
  • Employment-Based Immigration and Visa Programs
  • Integration Policies for Immigrants and Refugees
  • Immigration Reform and Pathways to Citizenship
  • Humanitarian Immigration Policies
  • State and Local Enforcement of Immigration Laws

Top 10 Research Paper Topics On Administrative Law

  • Administrative Agencies and Regulatory Power
  • Judicial Review of Administrative Decisions
  • Rulemaking Process and Administrative Procedures
  • Delegation of Powers in Administrative Law
  • Accountability and Transparency in Administrative Actions
  • Administrative Adjudication and Due Process
  • Regulatory Impact Assessment and Administrative Efficiency
  • Administrative Law Challenges in the Digital Age
  • Administrative Discretion and Decision-Making
  • Administrative Reform and Governance Structures

Top 10 Law Research Paper Topics On Family Law

  • Child Custody Laws and Best Interests of the Child
  • Divorce Laws: Alimony, Property Division, and Support
  • Domestic Violence and Family Law Protections
  • Adoption Laws and Processes
  • Surrogacy and Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Family Law
  • Same-Sex Marriage and LGBTQ+ Rights in Family Law
  • Parental Rights and Responsibilities
  • Grandparent Visitation Rights and Family Law
  • International Child Abduction and Family Law
  • Child Support Laws and Enforcement

Top 10 Research Paper Topics On Employment Law

  • Workplace Discrimination Laws and Practices
  • Occupational Health and Safety Regulations
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  • Employment Contracts and At-Will Employment
  • Employee Privacy Rights in the Workplace
  • Non-Discrimination Policies and Equal Employment Opportunity
  • Workers’ Compensation Laws and Coverage
  • Collective Bargaining and Labor Union Rights
  • Age Discrimination in Employment
  • Remote Work Policies and Legal Implications

Top 10 Research Paper Topics On Health Law

  • Patient Rights and Informed Consent Laws
  • Medical Malpractice and Legal Liability
  • Healthcare Fraud and Abuse Laws
  • Health Insurance Laws and Regulations
  • Telemedicine Regulations and Legal Implications
  • End-of-Life Care and Legal Issues
  • Mental Health Law and Rights of Patients
  • Pharmaceutical Regulation and Drug Approval Processes
  • Healthcare Ethics and Legal Dilemmas
  • Public Health Laws and Disease Control

Top 10 Research Paper Topics On Tax Law

  • Taxation of Digital Economy and E-commerce
  • International Tax Treaties and Cross-Border Transactions
  • Taxation of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology
  • Corporate Taxation: Loopholes and Reform Proposals
  • Tax Compliance and Ethics in Tax Law
  • Impact of Tax Policies on Small Businesses
  • Taxation of Multinational Corporations
  • Taxation of Capital Gains and Investments
  • Estate Tax Laws and Inheritance Taxation
  • Taxation of Nonprofit Organizations

Top 10 Law Research Paper Topics On Contract Law

  • Formation and Validity of Contracts
  • Breach of Contract Remedies and Damages
  • Standard Form Contracts and Unfair Terms
  • Electronic Contracts (E-Contracts) and Legal Enforceability
  • Contracts in the Digital Age: Challenges and Solutions
  • Contractual Interpretation and Ambiguity
  • Contract Law and Consumer Protection
  • International Contracts and Cross-Border Disputes
  • Contracts and the Gig Economy
  • Contractual Obligations in the Sharing Economy

Top 10 Research Paper Topics On Tort Law

  • Negligence in Medical Malpractice Cases
  • Product Liability and Consumer Protection
  • Defamation Lawsuits and Freedom of Speech
  • Emotional Distress and Tort Law
  • Strict Liability in Tort Cases
  • Premises Liability and Property Owners’ Responsibilities
  • Tort Reform: Effects and Implications
  • Economic Torts: Fraud and Deceit
  • Vicarious Liability in Tort Law
  • Environmental Torts and Liability

Top 10 Research Paper Topics On Property Law

  • Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation
  • Land Use Regulations and Zoning Laws
  • Eminent Domain and Property Rights
  • Real Estate Transactions and Property Law
  • Adverse Possession Laws and Applications
  • Landlord-Tenant Laws and Rental Property Regulations
  • Community Property Laws and Division of Assets
  • Indigenous Land Rights and Property Law
  • Historic Preservation Laws and Property Rights
  • Water Rights and Property Law

Top 10 Research Paper Topics On Business Law

  • Corporate Governance and Business Ethics
  • Legal Challenges in International Business Transactions
  • Intellectual Property Protection for Businesses
  • Antitrust Laws and Business Competition
  • Contracts and Commercial Law
  • Employment Law in Business Operations
  • Bankruptcy Laws and Business Restructuring
  • Securities Regulation and Capital Markets
  • Environmental Regulations in Business Practices
  • Taxation of Business Entities

Top 10 Law Research Paper Topics On Securities Law

  • Insider Trading Regulations and Enforcement
  • Securities Fraud: Detection and Prevention Measures
  • Securities Exchange Act and Market Integrity
  • Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) and Regulatory Compliance
  • Corporate Governance and Securities Laws
  • Regulatory Challenges in Cryptocurrency Securities
  • Securities Litigation and Class Action Lawsuits
  • Securities Regulation in Global Markets
  • Investment Advisers Act and Investor Protection
  • Regulatory Changes and Impact on Securities Markets

Top 10 Research Paper Topics On Banking Law

  • Financial Regulation and Banking Institutions
  • Anti-Money Laundering Laws in Banking
  • Fintech and Regulation in Banking
  • Consumer Protection in Banking Services
  • Bankruptcy Laws and Banking Institutions
  • International Banking Law and Cross-Border Transactions
  • Central Banking and Monetary Policy
  • Digital Currencies and Banking Regulations
  • Securitization and Banking Industry
  • Banking Ethics and Corporate Governance

Top 10 Research Paper Topics On Antitrust Law

  • Monopoly Practices and Antitrust Regulation
  • Mergers and Acquisitions: Antitrust Implications
  • Price Fixing and Collusion in Antitrust Law
  • Antitrust Enforcement in the Digital Economy
  • Antitrust Law and Market Competition
  • International Antitrust Cooperation and Challenges
  • Antitrust Policy and Innovation
  • Cartels and Antitrust Regulations
  • Antitrust Remedies and Legal Precedents
  • Antitrust Compliance Programs in Corporations

Top 10 Literature Research Paper Topics On Criminal Procedure

  • Miranda Rights and Police Interrogation Procedures
  • Bail Reform and Pretrial Detention Policies
  • Plea Bargaining: Efficacy and Ethical Considerations
  • Search and Seizure Laws in Criminal Investigations
  • Right to Counsel: Access to Legal Representation
  • Eyewitness Identification Procedures and Reliability
  • Jury Selection and Impartiality in Criminal Trials
  • Exclusionary Rule: Impact on Criminal Proceedings
  • Sentencing Guidelines and Fairness in Criminal Justice
  • Double Jeopardy and Protection against Self-Incrimination

Top 10 Research Paper Topics On Civil Rights Law

  • Historical Evolution of Civil Rights Legislation
  • Intersectionality in Civil Rights: Gender, Race, and Identity
  • Voting Rights Act and Electoral Disparities
  • Police Accountability and Civil Rights
  • Disability Rights and Accessibility Laws
  • Employment Discrimination Laws and Practices
  • Religious Freedom and Civil Rights
  • Housing Discrimination and Fair Housing Laws
  • Education Equity and Civil Rights in Schools

Top 10 Research Paper Topics On Technology Law

  • Data Privacy Regulations in the Era of Big Data
  • Cybersecurity Laws and Threat Mitigation Strategies
  • Regulation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning
  • Internet Governance and Digital Rights
  • Blockchain Technology and Legal Implications
  • Telecommunications Law and Regulation
  • Biotechnology Ethics and Legal Frameworks
  • Regulation of Autonomous Vehicles and Drones

Top 11 Law Research Paper Topics On Legal Ethics

  • Conflicts of Interest in Legal Practice
  • Attorney-Client Privilege: Boundaries and Challenges
  • Professional Responsibility in the Digital Age
  • Ethics in Corporate Legal Departments
  • Role of Ethics in Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Regulation of Lawyer Advertising and Solicitation
  • Ethics in Government Legal Practice
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Legal Ethics
  • Ethics Surrounding Pro Bono Legal Services
  • Whistleblowing and Confidentiality in Legal Ethics
  • Ethics of Legal Decision Making and Judicial Conduct

As we finish up law research paper topics, remember, laws are not just rules it’s how our society works. Each topic we talked about helps us understand things that really matter, like how technology affects our rights or how courts make a big difference.

The more we learn about these topics, the more we understand our world. So, stay curious and keep chatting about these cool law things with friends or dig deeper into research. Every question you ask and every topic you explore helps us figure out and change how our laws work in the future. Let’s keep going on this awesome journey of learning together.

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  • Essay on Criminal Justice

Business Law Research Paper

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: Criminal Justice , Business , Law , Customers , Company , Ethics , Money , Crime

Words: 2250

Published: 11/27/2019



In the advent of technology, many companies are engaging in international business. International markets present lucrative opportunities for companies where domestic markets are mature or saturated. However, international business also presents a challenge as the laws governing contracts and sale of goods vary from country to country. It is fundamental for all business managers to understand the intricacies governing the sale of goods and contracts in order to avoid the legal burden and negative publicity associated with breach of sale of goods contacts. Legal proceedings take time, are expensive, and bring bad publicity to the company thus should be avoided at all cost.

Understanding business law is critical for companies in any field. Companies should not only observe laws governing sale of goods and formation of contracts they should also ensure they engage in ethical business practice. Many legal issues today arise because companies are engaging in questionable business practices with an aim making more profit with no regard of the consequences of their actions on consumers. This paper presents an in-depth discussion into sale of goods contacts. It also explores the intricacies surrounding ethical business considerations due to moral obligation owed to consumers by companies.

Formation of Contacts

According to Beatty and Samuelson (2009) a legally binding agreement between two or more parties constitutes a contract. For a contact to be enforceable in court of law, it must contain some basic elements. The elements include: the contract should be between two or more parties; and the contact should have a legal subject matter, an offer, acceptance, and consideration. A company engaging in, business to business, or business to consumer transactions for the sale of goods should follow due process and ensure that all contact have the essential elements of a legal contract. In some types of business, transaction between the company and buyer may take a long period before completion while other transactions may take just a few minutes. However, despite of the time taken to complete a contact a company should ensure there is no breach of contact by the parties to the contract. According to Miller and Jentz (2010) a contract where the parties to the contract have not performed all their legal obligations is an executor contract whereas a contact where the parties to the contract have already performed their obligation is an executed contract.

According to Miller and Jentz (2010) for contract to be legally binding the parties to the contract must be competent that is: they have to be of the legal age, eighteen years and above, they should be sane, and not bankrupt. Where a company enters into a contact with a minor and there is breach the contract cannot be enforced in court of law. Additionally when entering into a contact a company should ascertain that, the other person is of sound mind and he or she is not bankrupt. An organizations that advances credit or sell goods and services to consumers on credit should carry out obtain background information on contract to ensure that the contracts binding.

Every contract must have a legal subject matter in order to be enforceable in court of law. The subject matter of the contract determines the legality of the contract (Miller & Jentz, 2010). Where parties A & B enter into a contract for the sale of a good C they should ascertain that it is legal to trade good C in the country where the contact is formed. Where a good subsequently becomes illegal before two parties perform their obligations to the contact for the illegal good the contact becomes voidable and cannot be enforced in court of law.

According to Liuzzo (2009) every contract begins with an offer. The offer permits the parties to establish the terms of the contract and identify the obligations that must be performed by each of the parties. This is done through bargaining until the parties to the contract reach an agreement. When entering into a contract for sale of goods or property the parties involved should avoid make statements that mislead or lure the other party into entering into the contract if those statements are not based on facts. Parties to a contact must differentiate between an invitation to treat and an offer. An invitation to treat is a mere statement of the willing to enter into contact (Miller and Jentz, 2010). An invitation to treat should not be taken as an offer.

According to Beatty and Samuelson (2009), there should be no vagueness in the terms of an offer, they must be definite otherwise that does not constitute an offer. During the offer, it is critical that the seller does not lure the buyer into the contract through misrepresentation of material facts. Misrepresentation of facts that are material when entering into a contract amounts to fraud. When the seller lures a buyer into entering into a contact through misrepresentation of material facts the buyer can void the contract. The buyer has to prove that the statements made by the defendant were not based on facts, the statements were meant to lure him or her into entering into the contract in order to prove misrepresentation and the defendant intended to commit fraud through misrepresentation. The buyer must prove beyond reasonable doubt that the decision to enter into the contract was based on the facts given to him or her by the other party to the contract or his or her agent.

According to Beatty and Samuelson (2009), the mirror image rule of acceptance states that for acceptance to be binding in the law of contract the terms accepted should be the same as the terms in the offer. Where the two parties deviate from the terms in the offer they will be creating a new contracting and the original contact cannot be enforced in court of law. Where there is deviation from the terms in the offer during acceptance and pone of the parties does not perform his or her obligation to the contact, the party who breaches the contact he or she is not liable for the initial contract. Any deviation from the terms in the acceptance makes the contract voidable (Burdick, 2009). According to Miller and Jentz (2010), consideration is anything with value promised to the other party when getting into an agreement: consideration must be illegal. Where the consideration is not legal, the contract cannot be enforced in court of law.

Merchantability and fitness for purpose

According to the Sale of goods Act (1979) when consumer purchase goods from a trader there is an indirect situation that the goods are fit for use and their quality is merchantable. The Act further stipulates that to be of merchantable condition the goods should be safe for use. When the goods sold to a consumer are not fit for use or of merchantable condition, the buyer has a right to return the goods and claim compensation from the seller due to damages suffered. Sellers have an ethical obligation to sell goods, which are fit for use.

The Sale of goods Act (1979), states that when a sale is by description or sample, the goods delivered should correspond with the description or sample shown to the customer. In some instances when a buyer purchases a product in bulk, he or she may not be in a position to inspect each item. The seller may take advantage of the buyer’s inability to inspect every item and mix defective goods among a good batch. If the goods sold, do not correspond with the description or sample there is breach of contact by seller. The buyer has the right to void the contact and sue for damages or enforce the contract in court of law.

The Sale of goods Act (1979), stipulates that if the buyer had brought to the attention of the seller the purpose for the goods being purchased prior to the purchase the goods will be fit to perform the purpose effectively and efficiently. The buyer has the right to assume that the goods purchased are satisfactorily therefore fit for purpose; they will be able to be durable for reasonable period given the price paid and are safe for use. If the goods turn out to be defective, the buyer has a right to return them to the seller where the defects were not visible upon inspection during time of purchase. In case of defects discovered after purchase the buyer has a right to claim damages due to injury and distress suffered and can return the goods to the seller. Sometimes it may not be seller’s intention to sell defective goods, in determining merchantability of goods, nature of the defect must be taken into consideration and if the goods are reparable by the seller to become fit for purpose then they are said to be of merchantable quality. However if the goods cannot be repaired they are categorized to have not been of merchantable quality before the sale.

Sometimes consumers will purchase goods from a retailer who is just a supplier and then the goods turn out to defective. According to the Consumer protection, Act (1987) in the cases where defective goods cause damage to the consumer, liability will be on the producer of the goods, any person who has the right to produce such goods and suppliers of the goods if the good has changed hands many times. Although the supplier was not responsible for manufacturing the product, he or she should ensure that the goods he or she suppliers are fit for purpose and of merchantable condition.

Ethical Consideration

Over the last few years there have been many legal issues concerning product callbacks due to manufacturing of goods, which are neither of merchantable condition or fit for use. Additionally, companies have been responsible for misrepresentation of material facts thus luring consumers into entering into contacts. Companies should not be blinded by profits thus turn to selling goods, which might be detrimental to the consumer. Examples of other unethical business practices include insider trading, consumer fraud, environmental pollution, manufacturing of products, which are hazardous to consumers and conflict of interest. Producers of goods and services have a moral obligation to consumers to produce goods, which are safe and fit for the purpose. E-commerce presents ethical dilemmas to the business community as some scrupulous organizations have found technologically advanced methods of defrauding consumers. Spamming, cyber crimes and redirecting traffic are ways that some organizations have turned to for financial gains.

In the formation of contracts, companies should ensure that due process is followed when entering into contracts with consumers. Companies have more legal knowledge than consumers have and may use this as a tool to defraud unsuspecting consumers. The law knows no ignorance and where the consumer fails to read the fine print before entering into a contract he or she has no defense in court of law. However, companies have moral obligation to advice their consumers accordingly before entering into contracts. Where a consumer entered into a contract without reading exclusion clause in a contract, he or she cannot enforce the contract in a court of law. Ethically the consumer would be able to have defense by following the law the consumer has no defense.

Consumer protection, Act (1987) guards consumers against scrupulous business organizations producing defective goods. The sale of goods Act governs all transactions for the sale of goods and services. However, scrupulous business organizations still find loopholes in the law, which they use to defraud consumers. Business organizations in an aim to get high profits sell defective goods to consumers, which they conceal through bribes of standard assurance agencies. The government through legislations should formulate policies to protect consumers from unethical business practices by organization. Hefty fines and public shaming of top management of companies engaging in unethical practices should be turned into law to deter other potential culprits. Management of companies manufacturing goods, which are not of merchantable conditions thus unsafe, should be banned from practicing and face jail terms.

During formation of contacts the parties of contact should be of legal competent, the contact should have a legal subject matter, offer, acceptance and consideration. A legally enforceable contract should have all the essential elements. The Sale of Goods Act (1987) goods provide an implied condition that stipulates goods sold to buyers should be in merchantable condition. The goods and services should be durable fit for use and fit for purpose. Where goods purchased have defects or fail to perform the purpose the purpose they purported to perform before purchase the buyer has the right to claim damages against the sale. Where the seller during advertising provided material facts to influence the buyer to purchase a good or service and the fact turns out to be false the buyer has a right to revoke the contract and sue fore damages.

Organizations have the moral obligations to act ethically in all their operations. Ethical businesses avoid legal expenses and negative publicity, which is detrimental to the financial performance of company. The governments should formulate laws to protect consumers against scrupulous business organizations. The government should formulate legislations to govern production of goods in order to avoid the fatalities and damage suffered by consumers due sale of a merchantable products and services.

Beatty, F. J. & Samuelson, S. S. (2007). Essentials of Business Law. Ohio: Cengage Learning. Burdick, F. M. (2009). The essentials of business law. Missouri: BiblioLife Publishers. Consumer Protection Act (1987) Retrieved on 8 September 2011 from Liuzzo, A. L. (2009). Essentials of Business Law. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education Miller, L. R., & Jentz, G. A. (2010). Fundamental of Business law: Excerpted Cases. Ohio: Cengage Learning. Sale of Goods Act (1979). Retrieved on 8 September 2011 from


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111 Business Law Paper Topics And Ideas To Use

Business Law Paper Topics

Business research papers are common assignments for college and university students. However, the process of crafting tip-top business research papers is an uphill task that few manage to accomplish. Some give up on the way, while others opt to copy and paste online research papers. For scholars who want to impress their professors with quality papers, this article is your secret ingredient. Read every line to end with a hawk eye.

What Is A Business Law Paper?

These laws may come from local, national, or international laws that guide how business people and employees execute their mandate. There are times when business laws come from the constitution of a country. In such a case, the respective governing authority of that country may step in when one violates a particular rule.

How To Write Business Law Papers

The procedure of compiling such tasks is easy once you’ve mastered the essential elements involved. Most students struggle because they take the approach of recent papers in approaching business law assignments. However, we will see the peculiarity of such tasks and how you can craft them painstakingly in a moment.

When writing a professional business law paper, follow the guidelines below:

Have an outline: It is a skeleton of what you will write and how you will approach your subject. As such, It helps you organize the data you find during your research process logically. You can break down your outline into sections that will comprise your whole paper. Select a brilliant business law topic: A great topic will act as bait and a hook to your readers. Therefore, you should develop a topic that will feed the readers’ interests and needs. We will provide top business law research paper topics in a few. Stay tuned. Write your paper: You will get down to the writing process, determining whether you score a pass or a distinction. Emphasize the structure, grammar, punctuation, and logic of your paper.

Scroll down for some inspirational business law paper topics:

Easy Business Law Research Topics

  • Discuss the relationship between business and law as a profession
  • What is the nature of business law as compared to other sectors?
  • Why should organizations and institutions have business laws?
  • Discuss the classification of business law in terms of the source
  • How does business law relate to morality in a given society?
  • Why is the constitution important in making business laws?
  • Discuss the legislation process of business laws in parliament
  • Evaluate the substance of business law doctrines of equity
  • How does the African customary law shape business laws?
  • Discuss the relevance of Islamic law in formulating business laws

Current Business Law Essay Topics

  • State and explain some of the general rules of ratified treaties
  • How does administrative law relate to business law?
  • Discuss the differences between business laws in governmental and non-governmental organizations
  • Describe the application of the doctrine of separation of powers in business law
  • The role of the principles of natural justice in business laws
  • How the judicial control of the Executive influences business laws
  • Discuss the part of the Employment and Labour Court in upholding business laws
  • Evaluate the handling of business malpractices in the High Court and Court of Appeal
  • What is the nature of alternative dispute resolutions in business?
  • Evaluate the general principles of ADR in business legal battles

Original Topic Ideas For Term Papers In Business Law

  • Describe how business laws apply to natural persons
  • How do nationality, citizenship, and domicile affect business laws?
  • Discuss the place of unincorporated associations in business laws
  • How do incorporated associations fit in business laws?
  • The role of cooperative societies in formulating business laws?
  • Do we have enough business lawyers in the United States?
  • Evaluate the general defenses in violation of business laws
  • Discuss what it means by vicarious liability in business
  • Discuss the law of defamation in the business industry
  • Are business laws sufficient enough to cover cyber espionage?

Controversial Business Law Research Paper Topics

  • Should foreign investors have specific business laws for themselves?
  • Are business laws undermining the empowerment of women?
  • The role of business laws in curbing malicious competition
  • Are business laws more employee-oriented than on the team member’s side?
  • Why should employees have a role in the formulation of business laws
  • The impact of coronavirus on the effectiveness of business laws
  • How technology is affecting the viability of business laws
  • The role of trade unions in championing for employees’ rights
  • Are there more female business lawyers than there are men?
  • How to improve the effectiveness of business laws in developing nations

Practical Business Law Term Paper Topics

  • What is the legal process of formulating a business contract?
  • The role of the government in ensure fair practices in the business sector
  • The role of business laws in curbing hoarding of products
  • Should employees also determine the terms of the contract?
  • Vitiating factors in maintaining business laws
  • What s the leading cause of illegal business contracts?
  • Factors that may affect the effective discharge of a business contract
  • Discuss some of the remedies for breach of a business contract
  • What are some of the limitations of actions when it comes to business contracts?
  • What are the rights and duties of employees in any formal organization?

Interesting Business Law Topics To Write About

  • Discuss the peculiarities of a hire purchase contract
  • Compare and contrast between hire purchase and conditional sale/credit sale
  • Who is to blame in the case of a breach of contract?
  • What steps should employees take to abide by business laws?
  • The role of technology in shaping business laws
  • Steps involved in the termination and completion of the business contracts
  • Effects of employing casual works on upholding business laws
  • Does the government have a responsibility to utilize its people?
  • Who is responsible for ensuring a smooth running of business laws?
  • Should business laws stipulate for special law enforcement agencies?

International Business Law Topics

  • The role of international law in shaping local business laws
  • Discuss how international business laws shape securities markets law
  • Analyze competition law and intellectual property law in the international arena
  • Elements of the European law used in international business law
  • Discuss the function of the international tax law
  • How the global trade and transport law affects the nature of business
  • Compare and contrast between the Chinese and Russian business laws
  • How a moot court helps to shape international business lawyers
  • The effect of COVID-19 on international business laws
  • How globalization is reshaping international business laws

Business Law Essay Questions

  • Role of business laws to the global economy
  • How business laws shape the fortunes of different individuals
  • Analyze bodies that regulate international business
  • How business laws shape the distribution of products
  • Evaluate the effect of varying taxation mechanisms
  • How business laws shape the manner employers treat their employees
  • Analyze business laws that deal with compensation
  • Business laws that determine working hours and rates of employees
  • Sources of the international business law
  • Business laws that determine partnerships

Legal Topics For Research Paper

  • How the law of property affects business organizations
  • Business laws that deal with cheques, promissory notes, and bills of exchange
  • Intellectual property rights and business laws
  • Laws that deal with industrial designs
  • Discuss the law of tort in business
  • Emerging issues and trends in business laws
  • Impact of legal positivism in business laws
  • How legal realism affects the practice of business laws
  • Effects of legal interpretivism in upholding business laws
  • Impact of uniformity in business laws globally

Impactful Business Law Project Ideas

  • Relationship between business laws and recession
  • How governments can inhibit effective business laws
  • Relationship between literacy levels and understanding business laws
  • Why you should know current trends in business laws
  • Discuss the effects of hacking on business laws
  • Why countries should develop better business laws
  • How to prevent sabotage of business laws
  • The role of business laws on enhancing gender equality
  • The relationship between business laws and SDGs
  • Innovative ways of developing business laws

Productive legal research paper topics

  • Business laws and peaceful coexistence at the workplace
  • The sovereignty of business laws
  • Business laws and employer’s responsibility
  • Relationship between criminal law and business laws
  • How the laws of succession affect businesses
  • The Penal Code and business laws
  • Amendment of business laws
  • Personas with disabilities and business laws
  • Statutory bodies involved in business laws
  • Powers of trade unions and societies

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Company Law Dissertation Topics – Based on Industry Oriented Practices

Published by Ellie Cross at December 29th, 2022 , Revised On August 15, 2023

Company law regulates how companies operate. Dissertation topics on company law are based on a company’s life cycle, business model and other operating features. Company law dissertation research ideas must explore the difficulties businesses have controlling and following the company laws and rules throughout their business cycle.

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We’ve compiled a list of appealing company law dissertation topics to help you kickstart your dissertation without any further delay.

Company Law Dissertation Topics

  • Should the Corporate Veil be breached due to Human Rights Violations by Subsidiaries and Controlled Supply Chains?
  • Does the Companies Act of 2006 properly safeguard outsider rights?
  • How much have the responsibilities of directors been expanded by Sections 170-174 of the Companies Act of 2006?
  • The limited liability partnership model has successfully replaced the incorporation complexity and the personal risks connected with partnership legislation, right?
  • How much do corporate liability and vicarious liability overlap in environmental law?
  • Are corporate environmental law violation penalties sufficient to serve as a deterrent?
  • Should the European convention on human rights include the right to environmental quality to effectively enable public interest litigation?
  • A review of the multinational organisations under the united kingdom’s system of accountability
  • How are shareholders influential under UK business law?
  • An analysis of corporate governance at a multinational company in the UK
  • The effect of corporate governance on organisational structures and international laws
  • An explanation of how accountability is established in service sector businesses in the US
  • A comparison of the laws governing corporations in the US and the UK
  • An examination of the British Board of directors’ function
  • A thorough analysis of the shareholders’ legal foundations in UK corporate governance
  • The purpose of corporate law is to protect outsiders’ rights
  • An analysis of the regional, national, and global regulations affecting corporate governance in US-based companies
  • The significance of institutional investors in influencing European corporate legislation
  • A review of the scholarly literature on company law and the factors that influence it
  • An analysis of the effects of CSR on business performance and value generation
  • What are the UK’s corporate law governance challenges and opportunities?
  • What effects do the socio-political circumstances have on the corporate governance of international businesses in the UK?
  • What part do external auditors play in an organization’s internal governance in the UK?
  • What role does social media play in British corporate governance?
  • The impact of blockchain technology on the UK’s corporation legislation
  • What potential prospects can blockchain, big data, and smart cities present for business law in the future?
  • How do institutional investor rules affect local corporate governance in the UK, and what is their impact?
  • What difficulties does the UK have in implementing business law?
  • What role does social media have in influencing company governance?
  • What are the UK’s top company law practices?

Students at most UK institutions must write a dissertation on a unique company law topic, which must be relevant and focused. Undergraduate students can explore existing literature, whereas postgraduate students must find a new research gap to enhance the credibility of their research. 

Dissertation writers at ResearchProspect are qualified experts who can come up with exciting company law dissertation topics . It will not be a problem for one of our writers to produce a flawless thesis paper on any of your chosen company law dissertation topics, no matter the urgency or complexity involved. We guarantee the dissertation completed by our writers will follow your school’s exact guidelines. Go ahead and place your order now !

Free Dissertation Topic

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find company law dissertation topics.

To find company law dissertation topics:

  • Study recent legal developments.
  • Explore corporate governance issues.
  • Analyze regulatory challenges.
  • Consider international comparisons.
  • Examine shareholder rights.
  • Select a topic aligned with your career aspirations.

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3. Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

Business ethics are essential to the success of Canadian businesses. Ethical standards and ethical practices provide a framework for how employees should conduct themselves within the organization and how they should interact with customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. Business ethics are important to ensure that a company’s practices are in line with the values and standards of the society in which it operates. A commitment to business ethics helps to establish trust, loyalty, and respect between the business and its customers, employees, investors, and others, helping to create a more positive work environment and generate confidence in the company. Strong business ethics help to ensure that organizations comply with applicable laws, regulations, and standards, helping to protect the company from potential legal and financial risks.

Business Law and Ethics Canadian Edition Copyright © 2023 by Craig Ervine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Free Business & Corporate Law Essay Examples & Topics

Business law is a branch of law governing commercial relationships and dealings between people and legal entities. Studying it, you’re likely to write a paper on the related topic at some point. With this article, we’re striving to help you excel at your corporate & business law essay.

For starters, there are different types of business law. The first one is employment laws that deal with employee and employer relationships. Then, there are business formation and structures . They concern tax and federal laws, registration of intellectual property, etc. The last type is contract laws that govern business deals, sales, transactions, and employees’ non-disclosure agreements. One can say that contracts are the most critical area of business law.

In this article, you’ll find business law essay examples that will help you to nail this complicated assignment. Our experts have also combined tips on how to start such a paper. Additionally, we’ve included a list of business law essay topics so you can start right away.

How to Start a Business Law Essay

Now that you know the main aspects of business law, you can start drafting your essay. In this section, let’s consider what prewriting steps you should take.

Before composing your business & company law essay, try doing the following:

– Scrutinize your assignment . It’s one of the steps that some students fail to accomplish. You can lose valuable points if you don’t read the instructions carefully. Take notice of what structure you’re asked to follow. See the required formatting style and how many sources you should provide in the reference list.

– Find or come up with an appropriate topic. There are many topics you can choose from, and this article can help you find one. Strive to write about an idea that sparkles interest in you. This way, researching it and composing your paper will be engaging. Besides, look for something easy to find information about and explore by yourself.

– Research it thoroughly. Before starting your essay, you need to find and document your sources. Seek appropriate journals and recent publications from specialists in business law. Once you selected your heads, you need to take notes. Decide what you’re going to quote or paraphrase in your paper. To use an article as your evidence, you can use our online summarizer to cut it down.

– Outline your essay. First, come up with a thesis statement where you convey the central message. Then, based on your notes, organize arguments and evidence for your business & corporate law essay. A system helps you keep an exemplary structure and fit all your ideas properly.

24 Corporate & Business Law Essay Topics

With the tips above, you’re almost ready to start writing. The only thing you need is a good topic. In this list, you will find ideas that can help you write your business law essay. Besides, you can try our title generator that will create one for you.

Check the following topics for business & corporate law essays:

  • Age discrimination in the workplace.
  • NDAs and how to protect businesses.
  • Affirmative action programs at work.
  • Whistleblower laws and how it affects some cases.
  • Why is business law important for countries?
  • The 4 P’s of corporate governance.
  • The benefits of international business laws.
  • Challenges in international business transactions.
  • Advantages of separate legal entities.
  • Negotiable instruments in business law.
  • Minority shareholders protection laws.
  • The importance of the business ethics code.
  • Analysis of the corporate veil’s lifting.
  • Criminal law in a business context and cases.
  • The essential principles of corporate law in Delaware.
  • Controversial corporate Supreme Court decision: examples and analysis.
  • Business laws and a peaceful workplace environment.
  • A corporate counsel: roles, liabilities, requirements, and duties.
  • The part of business law for students.
  • The role and functions of a lawyer in the business.
  • The different types of international business law.
  • Discussing contract elements and their role.
  • Analysis of the structure of transactions under international business law.
  • What is the significance of online privacy policies for the contract law?

Thank you for reading the article! We hope you found it helpful. Now you can check the examples of business law essays below.

706 Best Essay Examples on Business & Corporate Law

Legal yet unethical: business law.

  • Words: 1434

Marks & Spencer vs. NEXT Plc

  • Words: 2508

Top-5 Workplace Confidentiality Violations: Manager-Employee Confidentiality Laws Research Paper

Impact of law on business.

  • Words: 1598

The Advantages of Sole Proprietorship

Business law: validity of acceptance.

  • Words: 1746

Difference between Clayton Antitrust Act and the Sherman Antitrust Act

  • Words: 1140

John Walsh vs. Jonathan Winthrop: The Case Study

Amazon vs. barnes & noble: case analysis.

  • Words: 1127

The Blackwell v .Blackwell Case

  • Words: 2107

Meeting Suspense Dates

Contract to supply scrap metal, employee and guest safety and security in the hospitality industry.

  • Words: 2199

Forms of Ownership

The bribery scandal at siemens ag.

  • Words: 1463

Contractual Capacity and Contracts in Writing

Advocacy activities.

  • Words: 1100

Business Law and Ethics: Principles of Law

Mclibel case of morris and steel vs. mcdonalds.

  • Words: 1825

Piercing the Corporate Veil: England and Wales

  • Words: 4431

Dangerous Goods Maritime Business

  • Words: 3091

Frigaliment Importing Co. v. BNS International Sales Corp.

  • Words: 1119

The Concept of English Legal System

  • Words: 3132

Anti-Money Laundering and Hawala System in Dubai

  • Words: 2843

McDonald’s Hot Coffee Lawsuit and Its Fair Outcome

Business law: gibson v. manchester city council, anti-discrimination legislation.

  • Words: 2806

Tangible Property of the Restaurant Business

Business law fundamentals: vincenty v. bloomberg case.

  • Words: 1875

Landlord-Tenant Legal Relationship

  • Words: 1641

Contract Law: Nike, Inc. vs. Eugene McCarthy

Germany’s legal environment for business, role of private international law in e-commerce.

  • Words: 2564

The Corporation as a Person

The doctrine of vicarious liability’ justifications.

  • Words: 1388

Beauty Salon Inspection in the Uae

The uk company law.

  • Words: 2787

Analyzing the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

  • Words: 1059

McDonald’s Company: Elements of Negligence

Indian business law.

  • Words: 5634

The Case of the Speluncean Explorers

Business law: alpha pty ltd and betabond ltd.

  • Words: 1769

Validity of the Contract Importance in Doing Business

  • Words: 1082

Ethical Dilemmas in Workplace Analysis

  • Words: 4960

Walking a Guest: Hospitality Industry Fraud

  • Words: 1393

Contract Law: Sand Diego Case

  • Words: 1278

Partnership Law for Business Partners

  • Words: 1835

Undue Influence’s Case: Atlas Express v. Kafko Ltd

  • Words: 1391

Researching the Authority of Agents

  • Words: 2274

Enea vs. Superior Court of Monterey County: Case Analysis

Researching the law of contract.

  • Words: 1012

McDonald’s Coffee Product Liability Case

  • Words: 1227

Business Law: Selling on Hire-Purchase Agreement

  • Words: 1248

Legal Responsibilities of Airbus Group

  • Words: 1763

Issue, Rule, Analysis, and Conclusion (IRAC) Method Analysis

Law: facebook and cambridge analytica data scandal.

  • Words: 2275

Business Law: Leesa Bunch v. Hoffinger Industries

  • Words: 1077

Comparative Company Law: Piercing the Veil of Incorporation

  • Words: 3385

Super Micro Computer Inc.’s Improper Accounting

  • Words: 1177

Contract Law: The Impossibility of Performance

Trade and legal risks to businesses in the uae.

  • Words: 2841

Multinational Corporations Compliance With Host Countries’ Laws

  • Words: 2083

Equity and Trust in English Laws

  • Words: 2387

Leonard vs. PepsiCo, Inc: The Case Study

Contract law and license: review, business law: the concept of persuasive precedent.

  • Words: 1070

The Relationship Between the Principal and the Agent

Contract law: car buying agreement and fraud, dubai international financial center’s courts.

  • Words: 2490

Contract Law: Breach of Contract and Remedies Available

  • Words: 1683

Default and Dispute: Contract Termination

  • Words: 2258 vs. Toy R Us: Case Study

  • Words: 1125

White Oak Corporation v. Department of Transportation

Legislative acts in the department of defense acquisition community, understanding the importance of essential terms in contracts, famous corporate scandals’ analysis.

  • Words: 1451

Law of Carriage of Goods by Sea Regulation

  • Words: 1473

The Duress Cases in Contract Law

  • Words: 1435

Comparing Two Real Estate Lease Agreements: Similarities and Differences

Kim’s “situational duress…” article on customer law, the coopers v. g. fox and partners inc. case, the siemens ag firm’s bribery scandals.

  • Words: 1223

The UAE and Belgium Companies: International Contracts

Sarbanes-oxley lobbying act of 2002, business-to-business contracts: terms & conditions, principles of law in case of negligence and duty of care, complex systems thinking in policy research, legal and ethical considerations, the shackford & gooch, inc. v. town of kennebunk case summary, future political risks that the company abc faces, relation between law and business disciplines, contract acceptance and revocation: the case study, drafting an agreement between three parties, the statute of fraud and breach of contract, the consideration concept in law, breach of contract and its main types, southeastern land fund inc. vs. real estate world inc., the caveat emptor concept: let the buyer beware, the unethical behavior of the customer concerning the contractor, causes of action for breach of contract and specific performance, the case of alex versus abigail: plaintiff-appellee v. defendant-appellant, texas’s intestacy statutes and estate plan.

  • Words: 1118

IBM vs. GlobalFoundries: The Breach of Contract

  • Words: 1401

The Case of Buckley and Capri: Land Acquisition

Janus vs. state county and municipal employees, eula: the agreement that no one reads, hayman-woodward’s paid family medical leave, the dietz v. perez dispute analysis, concept and role of the code of practice, pioneering technologies’ ethics and corporate culture, trade secret and how it differs from trademark, fighting mafia and counterfeit in europe, law and ethics in the business environment, charles schwab brokerage account agreement, chapter 1 of “law and ethics in the business environment” by halbert, researching of minimum wage and living wage, contracts: definition, concept, and key elements, the function of professional licensure, most harmful survey response biases, business laws: educational course overview.

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Business Law Essay Topics

  • August 31, 2020
  • Essay Guides and Topics

Here's What We'll Cover

When asked to write a business law essay, the first thing that you need to consider is choosing a great topic. Many students experience difficulties in determining the right topic for their business law paper. That’s why, in this post, our experts have crafted the best business law essay topics for you.

What Is A Business Law Essay?

Technological advancements have brought about international trading and business arrangements. Different countries have their predefined laws governing businesses, and these laws differ from country to country. Some businesses consciously violate the defined laws to maximize their profits.

Understanding business law is significant for every businessperson and company out there. Therefore, a business law essay is an academic paper that focuses on examining business law and the intricacies governing international business. Grasping business law content can be very challenging for many students, especially those students law is not their cup of it but they have to take the course either way. There are several laws that you have to be updated along with the minute details to score the best grade. That is why we recommend getting help from business law experts who will guide you throughout your coursework to avoid failing.

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50 Business Law Essay Topics

  • Affirmative action programs
  • Age discrimination in the workplace
  • and censorship
  • Avoidance of sexual harassment lawsuits within the company
  • Bank fraud and the methods of identification
  • Collective Bargaining Union
  • Construction Industry hazards and government solutions
  • Discrimination of diabetes in the workplace
  • Duress and undue influence when signing a contract
  • Employment discrimination
  • Compare business law in capitalist to community states
  • Whom does the copyright law protect between a singer signed to record label company or an independent one
  • How to avoid patent and copyright when copying a rival product in the market
  • Mention the best approach for protecting authors and their work
  • Product liability and the ocean of ethical and legal issues
  • Proprietary versus contract security
  • Lawyer defection in the company
  • Whistleblowers laws and their impact on specific cases
  • A look at the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
  • Trademark infringement 
  • The law of contracts
  • What is the role of a business entity in relation to commercial law
  • How can verbal and nonverbal agreements apply in investigating contract laws
  • Commercial law setting the framework for business in every society
  • Mention the role of the legislature in interpreting contracts
  • What are the failures business face pursuing a commercial or regular lease
  • Analyzing the connotations of a commercial lease and its importance to business owners
  • Investigating the application of copyrights and trademarks play in business transactions
  • Analyze business Wills and their roles in easing business law translations
  • What are the effects of business law on commercial transactions and licensing
  • Fall protection in construction Industry
  • Discuss the laws against racial discrimination
  • How do litigation procedures affect the business
  • Is paternity leave for a father acceptable
  • Sexual harassment law
  • The Ocean Liner Contract System
  • What are the effective methods for keeping a new business running
  • What is the influence of piracy on the business profitability
  • What are the positive and negative suggestions of tort reform
  • What are the beneficial aspects of exclusion from antitrust laws
  • What are the perks and pitfalls of the affirmative action program
  • How non-disclosure agreements protect the business in a short and long run
  • Trade secrets
  • Analyze the importance of a universal commercial law code to societies business entities
  • What is the importance of termination in relation to business law
  • Mention the difficulties of obtaining a commercial lease
  • Sarbanes- Oxley Act
  • HIPAA Provisions
  • HIPAA and the employer

Tips On How To Write A Business Law Essay

  • Develop a topic
  • Develop an outline
  • Examine your resources
  • Understand your assignment
  • Write keenly, revise, proofread, and edit your paper

Develop A Topic

The first step to writing a successful business law paper is identifying a topic. It would be best if you chose an intriguing and fun topic that you are well conversant with. The majority of the students tend to settle for topics they know nothing about, making their writing processes complex.

Therefore, ensure to brainstorm on different subject matters and determine what you would love to focus on. Business law is full of complicated concepts, and you need to avoid concepts that are foreign to you or that are hard to understand. 

When defining your essay topic, you should always start with a broad theme and then narrow down to a more manageable topic. Your topic must be researchable, engaging, and interesting for your targeted audience.

Develop An Outline

You need to develop and work with an outline when writing your paper. An outline plays an essential role in getting you organized in your writing and ensuring that you encompass all your data in a systematic sequence. Your outline will have three parts with an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction presents your thesis statement to the readers. Your introduction should be catchy, intriguing, and brief in communicating the purpose of the paper. 

You need to develop supporting points for your thesis statement. The supporting points will be designated for the body paragraphs, with each point appearing in a paragraph. The ideas must be valid and supported with shreds of evidence from other scholarships. Therefore, you need to examine your topic widely and understand whether there are enough resources for your research. 

The conclusion helps restate your thesis statement while pinpointing the supporting points. There is a common tendency of students to introduce new concepts and points in their concluding paragraphs. New content, concepts, and ideas have no room in your conclusion whatsoever. 

Examine Your Resources

You need to provide scholarship examples supporting your arguments and points. Therefore, consider identifying the available resources on your subject matter. Internet search engines have made things easier as one can acquire any information they need without moving an inch.

Nonetheless, you need to verify the information available online and vet the credibility of the author. Where credibility is eyes, you should consider resources in the library. There are websites where you can acquire valid and reliable information, and you should also consider using these sites. 

Understand Your Assignment

Developing an in-depth understanding of your topic helps you write as per the instructions of your professor. When assigning a business law essay assignment, professors tend to give sets of instructions that students must observe. The last thing you need in your transcript is a poor grade. Therefore, please read the instructions to understand them and follow them strictly. The assignment is not a platform for you to write what you deem fit but to write what your professor asks you. 

Write Keenly, Revise, Proofread, And Edit Your Paper

The last stage of writing an ideal and successful business law paper is sitting down in a peaceful area and writing. You need to understand that you cannot finish writing your paper in a single day. Writing a successful business law paper is a process that makes hastiness abhorrent. Therefore, ensure to create a timeline and write your first draft under the guidance of your predefined outline. 

You need to revise your paper. Revisions will enable you to examine the presentation of different ideas and how they synchronize with your paper’s main idea. Take your time and examine areas that need adjustments and modifications. Your paper must be grammatically fit. Proofreading will, therefore, help you in identifying areas that need proper punctuation or ever grammar corrections. Once you have revised, proofread, and edited your paper, you should consider handing it in. 

Essay help

It would help if you got thorough when writing a business law essay. Therefore, understand the best topic for your paper and the best way to write a business law essay. The above guidelines will help simplify the task for you. 

How do you write a business law paper?

You need to have an outline, pick a topic based on your interests, go through the prompts carefully, then finally evaluate the research sources.

What are sources of business law?

The primary sources include court rules, constitutions, statutes, cases, and regulations.

What is the purpose of business law?

The purposes include; establishing standards, maintaining order, resolve business disputes, and their relation with the government agencies, individuals, and also businesses.

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business law research paper conclusion

Moscow Minimum Wage to Exceed 20,000 Rubles for 1st Time

By Howard Perlman

Howard Perlman

Russia’s capital city of Moscow is to increase its monthly minimum wage Oct. 1 to 20,195 Russian rubles (U.S. $310.97), up from the amount of 19,351 Russian rubles (U.S. $297.97), in effect since July 1.

Moscow’s revised monthly minimum wage is equivalent to the city’s average monthly subsistence minimum wage for able-bodied adults for the second quarter of 2019, which the Moscow municipal government released in Decree No. 1177 (Russian). The local minimum wage is automatically increased following an increase in Moscow’s subsistence minimum wage for able-bodied adults.

The governments of Russia’s oblasts, republics, krais, autonomous okrugs, and federal cities, ...

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