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Communication Matters

What is a communication aid?

communication aids essay

See:  Definitions and information at Communication Matters

Note: different types of AAC equipment are listed on the  Communication Matters website  and the  ACE Centre SpeechBubble  database

What is a Communication Aid?

A communication aid helps an individual to communicate more effectively with people around them.

Communication aids are also referred to as AAC devices. AAC refers to Augmentative and Alternative Communication, which  Communication Matters  define as,

… a huge range of techniques which support or replace spoken communication. These include gesture, signing, symbols, word boards, communication boards and books, as well as Voice Output Communication Aids (VOCAs).

There are two main types of AAC system:  Unaided Communication  and  Aided Communication .

Unaided communication does not use additional equipment. People typically use body language, gesture, vocalisation or signing.

Aided communication uses equipment – this can range from low-tech to hi-tech methods and often uses pictures and symbols instead of, or together with words. Alternative hardware options are available to provide access . A low-tech method of communication such as a simple, laminated communication book to carry around with a few pages of pictures or symbols is a communication aid . However, the term “ device” only describes a more hi-tech solution. An electronic communication aid can be a dedicated device designed only to help the user communicate. Alternatively, the device could be a standard computer on which the user has installed specialist communication aid software. Note that touchscreen tablets such as iPads are increasingly being used to help people communicate.

AAC equipment – both hardware and software – may also be referred to as “ AAC systems” . Each has pros and cons and what is suitable for one person will not necessarily suit a different user. Low-tech solutions are not inferior to hi-tech solutions. What you choose will depend on personal preference, abilities and needs. The method of access, environmental factors and funding are also deciding factors. A specialist assessment through a speech and language therapist or communication aid centre will help to identify a person’s most appropriate AAC system or systems.

The hardware and software are not the full picture, however. Training and ongoing support are vital factors in determining someone’s successful use of a communication aid.

Useful Links:

  • UK AAC assessment services
  • Suppliers of AAC equipment

Disclaimer: while we believe these information sources to be accurate, we strongly advise you to make your own independent enquiries.

  • Factsheet – Causes of Dysarthria
  • Factsheet – Dysarthria and Dysphasia
  • Factsheet – Funding for communication aids
  • Factsheet – Role of the Occupational Therapist
  • Factsheet – Role of the Speech & Language Therapist
  • Factsheet – The right communication aid?
  • Factsheet – What is a communication aid?
  • Factsheet – What is a stroke?
  • Factsheet – What is Aphasia?

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communication aids essay

Communication Aids

Last updated: March 2024

Contents include

  • 1. 1. Introduction: communication problems and the solution
  • 2. 2. What is augmentative and alternative communication?
  • 3.1. VOCAs operated by buttons
  • 3.2. VOCAs operated by touchscreen
  • 3.3. VOCAs operated by text
  • 4.1. AAC software and apps
  • 4.2. Other useful apps
  • 5.1. ACE Centre
  • 5.2. AAC Scotland
  • 5.3. Communication Matters
  • 5.4. Living Made Easy
  • 5.5. Suppliers

1. Introduction: communication problems and the solution

Communication problems affect an estimated 2.2 million people. 

This includes people with aphasia, autism, cerebral palsy, dementia, head trauma, learning difficulties, motor neurone disease (MND), Multiple Sclerosis , Parkinson’s and stroke .

People with these conditions may have difficulty speaking or understanding what is being said. This barrier can affect every aspect of daily life.

A large variety of communication aids are available to help people communicate more effectively. 

Useful aids include ‘no-tech’ E-Tran frames (a means of using eye-pointing as a way of communicating through pictures, symbols, letters, number and words), and computer-aided communication using dedicated input methods, and dedicated AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) tools. 

This factsheet outlines your options when selecting an electronic aid to make it clearer and quicker to communicate.  We would ALWAYS suggest that if at all possible you get input from a speech therapist to enable you to get the correct device.

AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) aids can be a purpose-built device or a standard computer, tablet or smartphone running specialist software or apps. 

Many people combine these high-tech aids with other forms of non-verbal communication, including gestures, facial expression, pictures and signing.

Everyone’s communication support needs are different and selecting the right communication aids for an individual will depend on their particular needs, personal preferences and abilities. 

With so many aids to choose from, we emphasise the importance of seeking a comprehensive assessment by a speech and language therapist. This will ensure that all the important factors are considered – including the individual's motor, visual, cognitive, language and communication strengths and weaknesses. The therapist can also make a referral to a specialist communication aid centre if necessary.

Communication is a two-way process and it is very helpful to include family members and carers in an assessment. 

Ongoing training and support can also help to ensure the success of the selected aid(s).

Additionally, with the cost involved , it makes great sense to have a free trial before committing to the purchase of any expensive communication aid. 

2. What is augmentative and alternative communication?

Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is an umbrella term that describes the methods used to supplement communication for anyone who has difficulty with their speech or understanding. It can be a permanent addition to your communication or a temporary aid.

The symbols used in AAC include gestures, photographs, pictures, line drawings, letters and words. These can be used alone or in combination, and in conjunction with other communication methods.

AAC methods using computer technology do so at different levels of complexity but mostly focus on producing speech or text for users who find it difficult or impossible to do so for themselves. Many employ computerised versions of AAC picture systems, with the electronic device speaking aloud the symbols selected.

Purpose-built communication devices that ‘talk’ are called ‘voice output communications aids’ (VOCAs). These are also sometimes known as ‘speech output devices’. An alternative high-tech solution is to run specialist AAC software or apps on a standard computer, tablet or smartphone.

VOCAs use electronically-stored speech as the method of communication. Sentences or longer messages can be pieced together from individual words and phrases, with the stored vocabulary possibly running into thousands of words.

The speech output may use digitised (pre-recorded) speech, synthesized (artificial) speech or both. Digitised messages are created by recording spoken words directly into the communication aid. Although synthesized speech is computer-generated, the quality of this artificial speech has much improved in recent years.

There are a number of ways you can operate VOCAs, by:

  • pressing buttons or a touchscreen (direct selection)
  • operating switches (using any controllable movement of your body)
  • scanning grids with different inputs
  • typing text.

Some VOCAs are handheld, while other models can be for desk-top use or mounting on a wheelchair. An example of this is the Lightwriter designed by Toby Churchill.

VOCAs operated by buttons

Many VOCAs have symbols on buttons or cells which you press to generate speech output. Simple models may have only a few messages; others can store hundreds of words and messages to select from.

VOCAs that utilise symbol sets come supplied with pre-loaded icons but, generally, you can add further icon sets of personal images and photos.

Handheld VOCAs operated by buttons include: the Quicktalker and a variety of Gotalk models.

VOCAs for desk use or mounting on a wheelchair with buttons or cells for direct selection include: the Bigmack , the Gotalk 20 Plus , the Smooth Talker and the Logan Proxtalker .

The Amdi Smart-talk is suitable for mounting / desk use or for operating as a handheld device.

VOCAs operated by touchscreen

Touchscreen VOCAs generally allow you to change the content and layout of displays to suit your preferences.

Handheld models operated by touchscreen include the Gotalk Express 32 , the Liberator Rugged 7 , the Logan Proxpad , and a range of Nova Chat and Accent models.

Some more expensive touchscreen models offer much greater processing power and capabilities. These are designed for users with physical and / or communication disabilities who are looking to work with an accessible device that can satisfy all their AAC and computing needs. As well as providing both symbol and text-based communication, many of these models also offer:

  • access to social media
  • bluetooth connectivity
  • email, SMS texting and phone calls
  • internet browsing
  • environmental control (via infrared) of TV and DVD
  • built-in camera or and / or webcam
  • accessible apps for music, photos, video channels etc.

Handheld and mountable touchscreen models that offer some or all of the above capabilities include the Tellus 5 , the Zingui 2 , and a range of Grid Pad and Power Pad models that all operate Grid 3 software (see the following section).

Many of the above devices can be adapted to various access methods, including switch access scanning. Some models, including the Tellus 5 , Grid Pad Eye and the Power Pad are also integrated with eye gaze technology.

VOCAs operated by text

VOCAS with text input via a standard or touchscreen keyboard includes the Allora 2 (for desk use or mounting) and the SC Tablet from Tobi Dynavox.

The Lightwriter SI500 may be handheld but is also suitable for desk use or mounting on a wheelchair.

4. Software and apps

For many people with communication problems, their best options might involve using specialist software on an adapted computer systems and/or communication apps on a tablet or smartphone.

Our factsheet on Keyboard and mouse alternatives and adaptations gives advice on alternatives to standard computing equipment and on how to adapt your devices to meet your particular needs. Our free website – My Computer My Way – also shows you how you can adjust your computer to assist with vision and hearing impairments, motor issues and cognitive problems.

AAC software and apps

An extensive range of apps and communication software is now available for PC, Mac and tablet devices. Some of these programmes also provide the main communication software driving high-tech VOCAS. Many use symbol sets to augment communication, with different sets available to match different communication needs and abilities. Personalised messages are formed by selecting and grouping symbols together, and some applications will let you add text, photos, videos and sound.

Comprehensive symbol- and text-based packages with speech output, catering for beginners to advanced users, include:

  • Grid 3 (for PC)
  • Grid (for iPad)
  • Mind Express 5  (for PC)
  • Proloquo2Go (for iPad)
  • TouchChat HD (for iOS).

Symbol-based apps include:

  • GoTalk Pro (for iPad)
  • Talking Mats (for iPad).

Text-based software and apps include:

  • Clarocom (for iOS)
  • Predictable 5 (for all platforms)
  • Ez Speech Pro (for iOS & Android).

Other useful apps

To help you find your way through an enormous range of potentially useful media, some organisations have developed their own lists and tools to support people with complex communication needs in accessing apps and software that may be useful to them.

These include the Aphasia Software Finder – a website that helps you to search for and assess specialist software and apps that work on different aspects of communication. You can use this for free at www.aphasiasoftwarefinder.org

Call Scotland have produced two 'wheels' of AAC apps – one for iOS, one for Android. These provide categorised guides to useful apps for people with complex communication support needs. You can download both the wheels at www.callscotland.org.uk/downloads/posters-and-leaflets/

5. Useful contacts

The ACE Centre is a registered charity providing support for people with communication difficulties. It offers assessment, training and information services across England, with a focus on AAC and assistive technology.

For more information, visit www.acecentre.org.uk

The ACE Centre has also supported the development of 'SpeechBubble'. This website provides up-to-date information on the latest AAC resources, including communication aids, software and apps.

For more information, visit www.speechbubble.org.uk

AAC Scotland

AAC Scotland website provides access to a range of practical AAC resources commissioned by NHS Education for Scotland and created by CALL Scotland.

For more information, visit www.aacscotland.org.uk

Communication Matters

Communication Matters supports people with little or no clear speech. It works to promote the best possible communication for people with complex communication needs, and aims to involve people using AAC in all its work.  The charity maintains a database of AAC Assessment Centres across the UK.

For more information, visit www.communicationmatters.org.uk

Living Made Easy

Living Made Easy is an online guide developed by the Disabled Living Foundation. It provides impartial advice about independent living for disabled adults and children, older people, their carers and families. Its section on AAC provides extensive information about available products in different categories - including prices, manufacturers' details and suppliers.

For more information, visit www.livingmadeeasy.org.uk

Inclusive technology Inclusive Technology is a supplier of software and hardware for special educational needs – including a range of communication aids and communication software.

For more information, visit www.inclusive.co.uk or call 01457 819790.

Jabbla Jabbla develops technology that assists people with communication challenges. Its products include Mind Express 4 , Allora 2 , Tellus 5 and Zingui 2 .

For more information, visit www.jabbla.com

Liberator Liberator provides products and services for individuals who use AAC, their families and support staff. Products include the Rugged 7 and Accent VOCAs.

For more information, visit www.liberator.co.uk

Smartbox Assistive Technology Smartbox Assistive Technology produces a range of specialist communication devices and software, including Grid 3 (and additional Grid sets), Grid for iPad , various Grid Pads and the Power Pad .

For more information, visit www.thinksmartbox.com

Tobii Dynavox Tobii Dynavox is a company that produces the I-series  of tablets and a range of specialist communication software including Snap + Core First and Boardmaker .

For more information visit www.tobiidynavox.com

Widgit Widgit Software specialises in SEN software and apps. It has developed a widely recognised set of over 15,000 symbols which are used globally to support language development, communication, literacy and learning. Products include InPrint 3 , SymWriter 2 and Widgit Online . The company is also the sole distributor for the Logan ProxTalker.

For more information, visit www.widgit.com

6. How AbilityNet can help you

My computer my way.

My Computer My Way is an AbilityNet run website packed with articles explaining how to use the accessibility features built into your computer, tablet or smartphone. The site is routinely updated as new features and changes are made to the Windows, MacOS, iOS, Chrome OS and Android operating systems. The site is broken down into the following sections:

  • Vision – computer adjustments to do with vision and colour
  • Hearing – computer adjustments to do with hearing, communication and speech
  • Motor – computer adjustments to do mobility, stamina and dexterity
  • Cognitive – computer adjustments to do with attention, learning and memory

Use it for free at mcmw.abilitynet.org.uk

Advice and information

If you have any questions please contact us at AbilityNet and we will do all we can to help.

  • Call: 0300 180 0028 Please note: calls to our helpline number cost no more than a national rate call to an 01 or 02 number and count towards any inclusive minutes in the same way as 01 and 02 calls, and AbilityNet does not receive any money from these calls.
  • Email: [email protected]

IT support at Home

If you’re looking for in-person support, you can book a free visit from one of our disclosure-checked volunteers. Many of our volunteers are former IT professionals who give their time to help older people and people with disabilities to use technology to achieve their goals. Our friendly volunteers can help with most major computer systems, laptops, tablet devices and smartphones.


Copyright information

This factsheet is licensed by AbilityNet under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. View a copy of this license at creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/

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Communication Aids

Communication Aid

Reflective Design and Communication Aids

Technology affects the way we exchange thoughts, messages, or information. Whether by writing, speech, or behavior, our methods of communication are increasingly mediated by technology. As the user comes to terms with the role of technology in communication, both its positive and negative effects, they may be able to make informed decisions about how to use technology (or not use it) in their daily lives. The goal of this piece is to provide an opportunity for people to experiment with and ultimately better understand the role of technology in mediating communication.

A Reflective Design for a Communication Aid(e)

Communication is the art and technique of using words effectively to impart information or ideas. This transfer of information and ideas is the purpose of many technological mechanisms. A similar focus on dialogue between designer and user often lags behind the pure functionalism of the technologies themselves.

In order that we as designers understand the role of technology in communication, we have designed a system that examines the ways in which a device can either augment or detract from a dialogue. One manifestation or display of this concept is the communicationAide, which consists of a membrane that mediates between two people as they attempt to carry on a conversation. Participants enter adjacent booths and communicate through the membrane. As the dialogue progresses, sometimes they can see, type, hear and/or speak. By individually controlling the amount of visual, textual and verbal communication, the user will recognize the importance of those subtleties in communication. A careful study of how the users' communication changes and adapts could help us as designers to understand the roles of technology on communication.

As a system for the transmission of information (sending and receiving messages), the Communication Aid is highly impractical. Its function is to demonstrate that communication technologies have a real effect on what and how we communicate. Because of this goal, the primary users of this membrane would be visitors to a gallery display of similar prototypical irrational devices. As a window frame, it could mediate many different environments: between offices, bedrooms, neighbors, restaurant booths, etc.

Devices mediate communication.

One might question why we designed a device that methodically hinders communication. The term "aide" might be used to describe a device that assists. But in this case the technology seems to hinder communication. While it does make the communication more artificial and mediated, we question whether this actually represents a hindering of the communication. By systematically removing certain aspects of human communication, we can see each part's effect on the overall dialogue. Based on how the dialogue is inhibited, communication takes on a new dynamic. In this sense the Communication Aid might not "aid" us in communicating through the device, but rather helps us to communicate as designers about the device. Through these discussions about the communication aid, we have come to a better understanding of the effects of technology on communication. As we continue to design new speculative technologies, we hope that these lessons, and others to come, will help us to be more sensitive to the effects of our design decisions.

While designing this apparatus we have had many interesting discussions about the importance of technology in mediating communication. We hope that as others use the speculative technology that they too will question and come to better understand the role that technology can play in enhancing or distracting a dialogue.

A map of the communicationAide.

Related Concepts


  • How can we package a pre-existing human relationship?
  • How might technology become an active agent?
  • Can we introduce channels for control over a human relationship?
  • How can technology affect the efficiency of a pre-existing human relationship?

Irrationality of Rationality

  • Are there roles that are better off without technology?


  • How might technology serve as a moderating influence?

Other Concepts

Quantifiability, other projects, communication aid, kitchen appliances.

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1 year and 1 month

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  • Advice and support

Communication aids and AAC

This information applies to England and Wales.

Communication aids are tools that help people communicate in a way that they and others understand. 

Everyone communicates differently. What works for a person may not work for another. Some people may need several ways to communicate.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is a range of communication aids that you can use:

  • as well as speaking
  • or instead of speaking

AAC can be:

  • aided or unaided
  • high-tech or low-tech (such as paper-based communication aids)

AAC should be accessible for the person using it. This means they can:

  • understand it
  • physically use it, for example using a joystick instead of a touchscreen if that’s easier

The right AAC can help you to have more control over how you communicate. High-tech AAC can also mean you get to choose the voice you use.

AAC can help people who:

  • have a speech impairment that some people find hard to understand
  • are not able to use their voice for a physical reason
  • are not able to speak due to a learning difficulty or neurodivergence
  • are selectively mute (not able to speak in some or all situations)

If you have a speech and language therapist, they will help you find the equipment you need. You can research equipment and suggest things you might find useful, but you do not have to.

Getting a NHS AAC referral

Low-tech communication aids, high-tech communication aids, helping someone use a communication aid.

A specialist AAC speech and language referral gives you access to specific funding for communication aids.

Talking to healthcare professionals about equipment and assistive technology

It’s different to a referral to a general speech and language therapist. You may see a different person if you’re already getting speech and language therapy.

NHS AAC specialists will provide:

  • long-term support
  • training for your family, education staff and carers
  • updated equipment when your needs change or equipment wears out
  • technical support to program and set up devices

If you have a speech and language therapist, they can refer you for AAC.

If you do not have a speech and language therapist, you should be able to get a referral through your GP.

For example, you could say:

“I need a referral to a speech and language therapist for AAC.”

In England, the NHS has specialist AAC hubs to assess people and help them get the right aids for their needs.

Specialised AAC Services (Communication Matters)

In Wales, a similar service at Rockwood Hospital in Cardiff is the AAC hub .


To be eligible to receive AAC through the NHS, you need to show that:

  • you can understand more than you can say
  • you understand what a communication aid is for

Evidence could include:

  • using low-tech communication aids  like symbol or photo cards to make choices, communicate how you feel or identify someone you know
  • using pictures to show you recognise the difference between 2 people that you know
  • using a high-tech communication aid  through a free trial from companies such as Smartbox or Tobii Dynavox

You could make a video showing you doing these things to take to your assessment.

It can be harder to get an AAC referral with a speech and language therapist if you’re over 18 and not in education. Start by asking your GP.

Low-tech communication aids:

  • do not need a battery
  • are often paper-based
  • are usually cheaper than high-tech communication aids

Common types include:

  • picture cards, photos or communication symbols made by companies
  • Makaton  and  Signalong
  • picture or symbol communication books

You can make picture communication aids yourself. You can also buy them from companies like PCS and Widgit. 

A high-tech communication aid needs a battery or another type of power to work. They run on devices like computers, tablets or phones.

You do not need dexterity to use a high-tech aid, but you need to be able to understand and remember how to use it.

Accessible pointer tools

You can access aids in several ways, depending on what you need. There are lots of types of pointer tools. For example:

  • touching the screen with your fingers
  • using a pointer tool, like a head mouse
  • tracking where your eyes are looking with an eyegaze camera
  • using a switch like a big mac or jellybean switch
  • using a joystick

How they help you communicate

They can allow you to:

  • type your own messages so they can be spoken out loud
  • choose words that have already been written to make up a sentence
  • select from pre-programmed words and phrases using a picture or button
  • organise the words or phrases you need into categories
  • have a screen showing what you’ve said so that you can see it and people can also read it
  • link with internet tools like social media and email
  • use a phone to make calls, send texts and emails
  • usually make it easier to use larger vocabularies than low-tech, paper aids
  • can usually be reprogrammed, changed and customised
  • allow you to use symbols as well as words

These aids can be:

  • mounted to a wheelchair or other surfaces
  • on the floor
  • on a desk stand

Communication aid apps

Some high-tech communication aids are apps that you can download onto a phone or tablet. Some examples are:

  • Proloquo2Go
  • ClaroCom Pro UK
  • JABtalk speech communication app that helps non-verbal children and adults communicate. It aims to be an easy and effective AAC tool for mobile. Available on Android.
  • Tap Chat , an AAC speech and language communication app that lets you use, build and share boards with custom images, voices, words, categories and more. Available on Android and Apple.
  • Grid iPad app for symbol and text communication. If you have a Grid device, Grid Player lets you transfer your grid sets to your iPhone or iPad.

Apps that make life more accessible: communication apps

Warning Get expert advice before you buy

Speak with a speech and language therapist (SLT) about equipment.

Some companies may give you a free trial for products. For example:

  • Tobii Dynavox
  • Assistive Ware’s Proloquo2Go

Try before you buy

Charities may also be able to provide advice.

Get impartial advice from Communication Matters

Finding the right equipment and assistive technology

Advice from companies is not always independent. They may offer training for their own products.

You may be able to apply for specific grants.

Finding and applying for grants

You could research local charities to find out if they could support you.

Search for grants (Turn2us)

Family Fund have grants for communication aids.

You may be able to get a grant through Access to Work  if you need it for your job. This is called a reasonable adjustment. Equipment bought through Access to Work belongs to your employer.

Reasonable adjustments at work

If you got your equipment through an NHS AAC referral, ask your speech and language therapist for support.

Specialist speech and language therapist Amie Woghiren has these tips:

Be patient and supportive

Using AAC takes a lot more time than speaking. If someone has not replied yet, they may still be thinking. Wait and then wait a bit longer.

Be familiar

Get to know the vocabulary, phrases and tools on the device so that you can solve problems together. This will also mean that you can plan for new words. These could be names at a new job, or vocabulary for a new topic at school.

Teach, not test

If you're working with someone new to AAC, it's like learning a new language. Asking lots of questions is unhelpful if you do not know the answers. Once you're familiar with what's on the device, you can show where to find the words and phrases the person needs.

You can encourage someone to use AAC when they want to use it, but do not try to force them.

Take it everywhere

Unless there's a safety reason (like being near water), there's no limit to where an AAC device can be useful.

Vary language

AAC is useful for expressing choices, but there is more to life than 'I want’. You can use AAC to make jokes, express feelings, make speeches and deepen friendships. The possibilities are endless.

Once you have your communication aid, you could also:

  • search online for videos of people using similar products
  • check company websites for training, manuals and videos

Last reviewed by Scope on: 04/07/2023

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  • Nathan A Gray , assistant professor 1 ,
  • Anthony L Back , co-founder VitalTalk, , professor 2
  • 1 Department of Medicine, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, North Carolina, USA
  • 2 Department of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA
  • Correspondence to nathan.gray{at}dm.duke.edu

This graphic, based on a guide by VitalTalk, explores conversations around serious illness.

The full graphic can be seen at https://www.bmj.com/content/369/bmj.m2255

The original text is at www.vitaltalk.org/guides/covid-19-communication-skills/ .


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Provenance and peer review: not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

Patient involvement: No patients were directly involved in the creation of this article.

Competing interests: VitalTalk’s covid-19 communication guide was produced in March 2020 and distributed freely online. The initial graphic versions of this work were also adapted in March and distributed freely via social media to disseminate communication strategies to clinicians in a timely manner. VitalTalk is a non-profit organisation. Neither Nathan Gray nor VitalTalk profited financially from creation of this guide.

This article is made freely available for use in accordance with BMJ's website terms and conditions for the duration of the covid-19 pandemic or until otherwise determined by BMJ. You may use, download and print the article for any lawful, non-commercial purpose (including text and data mining) provided that all copyright notices and trade marks are retained.

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What is the impact of communication aids for people with speech impairments?  

Communication aids have a significant impact on individuals with speech impairments, particularly those with conditions like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and communication impairments (CI). Research shows that aided communication can enhance communicative participation for people with ALS, especially as speech function deteriorates . Additionally, individuals with CI often struggle with standard AAC methods and benefit from communication aids that provide rich contextual information, empowering them in various conversational settings . Furthermore, communication aids play a crucial role in overcoming communication barriers for children with neurodevelopmental disorders, aiding in achieving social and academic goals and realizing their full potential . Overall, communication aids are instrumental in improving communication outcomes and quality of life for individuals with speech impairments.

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Essay on Communication in 100, 200 and 300 Words: The Essence of Survival

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  • Oct 20, 2023

Essay on Communication

Do you know how important it is to communicate with others? Communication is the primary means through which individuals share information, ideas and thoughts. Communication fosters strong relationships. In this essence, writing an essay on communication becomes important where you highlight the importance of communication, how it affects our everyday lives and what skills are required to become a communication professional . Let’s explore all these questions with some essays on communication.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Communication in 100 Words
  • 2 Essay on Communication in 200 Words
  • 3 Essay on Communication in 300 Words

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Essay on Communication in 100 Words

Communication is the cornerstone of human interaction and is crucial to sharing ideas, thoughts and information. By communicating, people foster relationships, which is vital for personal and professional growth. Effective communication facilitates understanding, resolves conflicts, and promotes collaboration. Whether verbal or nonverbal, it forms the basis of successful teamwork, decision-making, and social integration.

Clear communication is key to a harmonious society, nurturing empathy, and building trust. It encourages brainstorming, creative thinking, and the development of new solutions to complex problems. Its impact is profound, shaping the way we interact, learn, and evolve, making it an indispensable tool for human connection and progress. 

Essay on Communication in 200 Words

What makes communication important is that it serves as the bedrock for exchanging ideas, information, and emotions. It is the essence of human interaction, enabling us to convey our thoughts, beliefs, and intentions to others. Effective communication is essential in every aspect of life, whether in personal relationships, professional environments, or social interactions.

Effective communication can form the basis of trust and mutual understanding and understanding. In personal relationships, communication fosters understanding and empathy, allowing individuals to express their feelings and needs, while also listening to and acknowledging others. 

In the professional realm. Communication allows the smooth functioning of organizations. With communication, individuals can disseminate information, set clear expectations and encourage collaboration among team members. Moreover, effective communication in the workplace enhances productivity and promotes a positive work culture.

The uses and benefits of communication are not limited to just personal and professional realms. In social environments also, communication allows diverse groups to understand each other’s cultures, beliefs, and values, promoting inclusivity and harmony in society.

You can call communication a fundamental pillar of human existence, as it helps in shaping our relationships, work environments, and societal interactions. Its effective practice is essential for nurturing empathy, building trust, and fostering a more connected and understanding world.

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Essay on Communication in 300 Words

How crucial communication is can be explained by the fact that it allows the smooth transfer of ideas, thoughts, feelings and information. Communication is the lifeblood of human interaction, playing a crucial role in the exchange of ideas, information, and emotions. It serves as the cornerstone of relationships, both personal and professional, and is integral to the functioning of society as a whole. 

In personal relationships, it is essential to have effective communication for clear understanding and empathy. It allows individuals to express their thoughts, feelings, and needs, while also providing a platform for active listening and mutual support. Strong communication fosters trust and intimacy, enabling individuals to build meaningful and lasting connections with others.

Without communication, you might struggle for organizational success in the professional world. Clear and effective communication within a team or workplace ensures that tasks are understood, roles are defined, and goals are aligned. It enables efficient collaboration, problem-solving, and decision-making, contributing to a positive and productive work environment. Moreover, effective communication between employers and employees promotes a sense of transparency and fosters a healthy work culture.

In a broader sense, communication is vital for social integration and cultural understanding. It bridges the gaps between diverse groups, facilitating the exchange of values, beliefs, and perspectives. Effective communication fosters inclusivity and respect for cultural differences, contributing to a more harmonious and cohesive community.

However, communication is not just about sharing information and ideas. It also encompasses nonverbal cues such as body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice, all of which play a significant role in conveying meaning and emotions. It is the glue that binds individuals and communities together, fostering understanding, empathy, and collaboration. Practicing clear and empathetic communication is vital for creating a more connected, inclusive, and harmonious world.

Related Articles:

Communication is the process of exchanging ideas, information, thoughts and feelings between individuals or groups through the use of verbal and nonverbal methods.

To write an essay on communication, you need to describe what communication is, what the importance of communication in our lives and how it can help us know different aspects of life.

To become an effective communicator, you must become an active listener and understand what others have to say. You must learn to express your thoughts clearly and concisely. You also need to ensure your body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice perfectly align with your ideas.

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Essay on Communication | 500+ Words

Communication is the cornerstone of human interaction. It is the art of conveying thoughts, feelings, and ideas to others, bridging gaps, and forming connections. In this essay, I will argue that effective communication is essential for success in various aspects of life, from personal relationships to academic achievement and beyond.

Strengthening Relationships

Effective communication is the key to building strong and healthy relationships. According to a study by the University of California, Davis, couples who communicate openly and honestly are more likely to have successful and lasting relationships. When we express our thoughts and feelings to others, we create trust and understanding. Communication fosters emotional connections and resolves conflicts.

Academic Success

Communication plays a vital role in academic success. In the classroom, students who actively engage in discussions, ask questions, and express their ideas perform better academically. A study published in the journal “Educational Psychology” found that effective communication skills are linked to higher grades and improved comprehension. When we communicate with teachers and peers, we enhance our learning experience.

Career Advancement

Effective communication is a valuable skill in the workplace. Employers consistently rank communication skills as one of the most important attributes for job candidates. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, the ability to communicate effectively is essential for career advancement. Whether in team meetings, presentations, or daily interactions, strong communication skills are crucial for success.

Resolving Conflicts

Communication is a powerful tool for conflict resolution. When disagreements arise, open and respectful communication can lead to mutually satisfactory solutions. According to research by the American Psychological Association, effective communication reduces misunderstandings and defuses tense situations. It allows individuals to express their concerns and find common ground, leading to more harmonious relationships.

Empathy and Understanding

Communication fosters empathy and understanding. When we actively listen to others, we gain insight into their perspectives and experiences. A study in the journal “Psychological Science” suggests that listening with empathy enhances our ability to connect with others emotionally. Empathetic communication promotes compassion and helps us build deeper connections with people from diverse backgrounds.


Effective communication is essential for problem-solving. Whether in personal life or professional settings, clear communication helps us identify issues, brainstorm solutions, and collaborate with others. A study in the journal “Applied Cognitive Psychology” highlights that effective communication aids in decision-making and problem-solving processes. It enables us to work together efficiently to overcome challenges.

Confidence and Self-Expression

Communication boosts confidence and self-expression. When we can express ourselves clearly and articulately, we feel more confident. This confidence extends to various areas of life, from public speaking to social interactions. A study in the journal “Social Psychological and Personality Science” suggests that effective communication can enhance self-esteem and overall well-being.

Conclusion of Essay on Communication

In conclusion, communication is a fundamental skill that shapes our interactions, relationships, and achievements. It is the bridge that connects us to others, allowing us to share ideas, resolve conflicts, and express our emotions. Effective communication strengthens relationships, contributes to academic success, and propels us forward in our careers.

As we recognize the importance of communication, let us remember that it is a skill we can continually improve and refine. By practicing active listening, expressing ourselves clearly and respectfully, and fostering empathy, we can harness the power of communication to enrich our lives and create meaningful connections with the world around us. Communication is not merely a tool; it is a gift that empowers us to connect, grow, and thrive.

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Purposive Communication

Search this blog, communication aids and strategies using tools of technology, technology has taken over the world in these past decades. its rapid development has made a huge impact on each aspect of life — and, yes, communication. but how huge is its impact...in communication .

  • Unaided communication does not use additional equipment. Body language, gesture, vocalization, signing are typically used.
  • Aided communication uses equipment, but this ranges from low-tech to high-tech methods, with pictures and symbols often used instead of, or together with words and with alternative hardware options available to provide access. Whilst a low-tech method of communication like a simple, laminated communication book to carry around with a few pages of pictures or symbols would be a communication aid, the term ‘device’ would only describe a more high-tech solution. An electronic communication aid can be a dedicated device built for that job, which does nothing else, or it can be a standard computer running specialist communication aid software as well – this includes Apple tablets which are increasingly being used to help people communicate.
  • Verbal communication strategies can be broken down into the two categories of written and oral communication. Written strategies consist of avenues such as e-mail, text, and chat. Examples that fall into the oral category are phone calls, video chats, and face-to-face conversation.
  • Nonverbal communication strategies consist of mostly visual cues, such as body language, facial expressions, physical distance between communicators, or the tone of your voice. These cues are typically not intended. However, it is important to realize the message you are sending. Otherwise, you may be saying one thing, yet the receiver is hearing another.
  • Visual communication strategies can be seen through signs, web pages, and illustrations. These strategies are used in the workplace to draw attention and provide documentation. Human resources is required to post certain visuals throughout the workplace to comply with safety laws.
  • A transparency , also known variously as a view foil, foil, or view graph, is a thin sheet of transparent flexible material, typically cellulose acetate, onto which figures can be drawn. These are then placed on an overhead projector for display to an audience. Many companies and small organizations use a system of projectors and transparencies in meetings and other groupings of people, though this system is being largely replaced by video projectors and interactive whiteboards.
  • Video is an electronic medium for the recording, copying, playback, broadcasting, and display of moving visual media.
  • Sound recording and reproduction is an electrical, mechanical, electronic, or digital inscription and re-creation of sound waves, such as spoken voice, singing, instrumental music, or sound effects.

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  • Essay On Importance Of Communication

Importance of Communication Essay

500+ words importance of communication essay.

For every human being, communication is one of the essential parts of our lives. People build relationships in their personal and professional lives based on communication. Effective communication works as a foundation for respect and trust to grow. It helps in better understanding a person and the context of the conversation. People always believe that their way of communication is better than others. To communicate effectively, individuals should understand the motion behind the said information. We know that communication is effortless, but miscommunication between two or more individuals sometimes leads to conflicts and distress. Building relationships at home, work, and social affairs will be easier if you know the right way to communicate effectively. It is required to have better communication skills such as non-verbal communication, listening and managing stress can improve the relationship between individuals.

Meaning of Communication

Communication is essential for all of us, whether humans or animals. Communication is a part of written and spoken language, and altogether it completes the communication process. Both use different languages to communicate because it’s hard to survive in this world without communication.

Good communication skills are all about exchanging ideas and thoughts to convey information. It is a two-way conversation that includes vocalisation as well as a gesture. One of the crucial purposes of communication is to express ideas, needs or thoughts, and one’s beliefs with clarity for a mutually accepted solution.

Communication skills cannot be underestimated. Before languages were invented, people communicated with their hand gestures, body language, etc. We all require better communication skills at every step of our life. Personal and professional life will get hampered if you lack practical communication.

Importance of Effective Communication

People understand the importance of communication, but sometimes they cannot communicate through communication. It happens due to a lack of better communication skills. Below, we have discussed a few ways to communicate effectively.

  • Interruption: It becomes very annoying when someone disrupts you while talking. It looks pretty unethical to disrupt someone while talking constantly, and the conversation can take a different turn. So, while talking, let the other person complete their talk before you start talking.
  • Listen patiently: Listen patiently when someone tries to make a healthy conversation. It is one of the ways to do effective communication, as it gives a clear understanding of what the person is trying to say.
  • View your body language: Body language speaks about your personality. Some people make uncomfortable gestures through their body language. So, you should keep your body language friendly and warm rather than keeping it arrogant.
  • Do not go over your point: Communication is all about expressing thoughts so that the other person can understand. It is not that you are trying to prove something correct and the other person incorrect. Some people try to win the conservation, which leads to struggles and arguments.
  • Watch your words: Before telling someone something, make sure you know what you are saying. We often say things that we should not do out of anger or anxiety. Remember, once spoken, words can not be withdrawn. Thus, it is suggested that you do not say something that you can regret later.
  • Practice: If there is a professional meeting where you need to communicate about your product or work, it is recommended to practise already. Practise in front of the mirror or with a friend only. Choose how your conversation will begin, all the points you cover, and how you will end it.

As many people may feel comfortable communicating, communication is an art developed through practice and evaluation; every good communicator passes through a process to learn communication and practice skills, review themselves, and decrease where they can be.

Communication is essential to share our thoughts and feelings to live a happy life. Better communication makes us feel better about everything surrounding us and makes us suffer less. So, it is necessary to learn the art of communication to put across one point well.

Therefore, communication is a vital aspect of our existence. Effective communication can be achieved by being mindful of different elements of communication. Using appropriate communication in appropriate settings is essential for effective communication.

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Frequently asked Questions on the Importance of communication Essay

How important is communication.

Communication of ideas, and thoughts is an important skill to be acquired. Conveying things in an effective manner is necessary for both our personal and professional lives.

What are types of communication?

There are 4 main types of communication are verbal, non verbal, visual and written forms of communication.

What are the factors that act as a barrier for communication?

Language is obviously the biggest barrier for communication between peoples of the world. Then comes the physical barrier. Geographical separation hinders communication. There are other factors like the gender barrier, cultural differences that prevail in the society. Last but not the least, emotional barriers too hinder proper understanding between persons involved in communication.

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Essay on AIDS for Students and Children

500+ words essay on aids.

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or better known as AIDS is a life-threatening disease. It is one of the most dreaded diseases of the 20 th century. AIDS is caused by HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, which attacks the immune system of the human body. It has, so far, ended more than twenty-nine million lives all over the world. Since its discovery, AIDS has spread around the world like a wildfire. It is due to the continuous efforts of the Government and non-government organizations; AIDS awareness has been spread to the masses.

essay on aids

AIDS – Causes and Spread

The cause of AIDS is primarily HIV or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. This virus replicates itself into the human body by inserting a copy of its DNA into the human host cells. Due to such property and capability of the virus, it is also known as a retrovirus. The host cells in which the HIV resides are the WBCs (White Blood Cells) that are the part of the Human Immune system.

HIV destroys the WBCs and weakens the human immune system. The weakening of the immune system affects an individual’s ability to fight diseases in time. For example, a cut or a wound takes much more time to heal or the blood to clot. In some cases, the wound never heals.

HIV majorly transmits in one of the three ways – Blood, Pre-natal and Sexual transmission. Transfusion of HIV through blood has been very common during the initial time of its spread. But nowadays all the developed and developing countries have stringent measures to check the blood for infection before transfusing. Usage of shared needles also transmits HIV from an infected person to a healthy individual.

As part of sexual transmission, HIV transfers through body fluids while performing sexual activity. HIV can easily be spread from an infected person to a healthy person if they perform unprotective sexual intercourse through oral, genital or rectal parts.

Pre-natal transmission implies that an HIV infected mother can easily pass the virus to her child during pregnancy, breastfeeding or even during delivery of the baby.

AIDS – Symptoms

Since HIV attacks and infects the WBCs of the human body, it lowers the overall immune system of the human body and resulting in the infected individual, vulnerable to any other disease or minor infection. The incubation period for AIDS is much longer as compared to other diseases. It takes around 0-12 years for the symptoms to appear promptly.

Few of the common symptoms of AIDS include fever , fatigue, loss of weight, dysentery, swollen nodes, yeast infection, and herpes zoster. Due to weakened immunity, the infectious person falls prey to some of the uncommon infections namely persistent fever, night sweating, skin rashes, lesions in mouth and more.

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AIDS – Treatment, and Prevention

Till date, no treatment or cure is available for curing AIDS, and as a result, it is a life-threatening disease. As a practice by medical practitioners, the best way to curb its spread is antiretroviral therapy or ART. It is a drug therapy which prevents HIV from replicating and hence slows down its progress. It is always advisable to start the treatment at the earliest to minimize the damage to the immune system. But again, it is just a measure and doesn’t guarantee the cure of AIDS.

AIDS prevention lies in the process of curbing its spread. One should regularly and routinely get tested for HIV. It is important for an individual to know his/her own and partner’s HIV status, before performing any sexual intercourse activity. One should always practice safe sex. Use of condoms by males during sexual intercourse is a must and also one should restrict oneself on the number of partners he/she is having sex with.

One should not addict himself/herself to banned substances and drugs. One should keep away from the non-sterilized needles or razors.  Multiple awareness drives by the UN, local government bodies and various nonprofit organizations have reduced the risk of spread by making the people aware of the AIDS – spread and prevention.

Life for an individual becomes hell after being tested positive for AIDS. It is not only the disease but also the social stigma and discrimination, felling of being not loved and being hated acts as a slow poison. We need to instill the belief among them, through our love and care, that the HIV positive patients can still lead a long and healthy life.

Though AIDS is a disease, which cannot be cured or eradicated from society, the only solution to AIDS lies in its prevention and awareness. We must have our regular and periodical health checkup so that we don’t fall prey to such deadly diseases. We must also encourage and educate others to do the same. With the widespread awareness about the disease, much fewer adults and children are dying of AIDS. The only way to fight the AIDS disease is through creating awareness.

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How Does the Internet Aid Communication? Analytical Essay

The Internet has become an integral part of the life of many people. The invention and spread of the Internet changed all aspects of modernity. Thus, the Interned made the life quicker and communication easier. The communication via the Internet is becoming more and more popular nowadays. People prefer sharing their ideas and best moments while being online. Although the Internet has become of extreme significance nowadays, there are both advantages and disadvantages of using it.

Communication and Its Forms

Before examining the Internet and its role, it is necessary to be aware of the notion of communication and its various types. There are numerous definitions of communication. The central idea of all of them is that communication is a process of sharing thoughts. Thill and Bovee (2013, p. 3) define communication as ‘the process of transferring information and meaning between senders and receivers, using one of more written, oral, visual, or electronic media’.

The nature of communication is complicated as far as it can be presented in various forms and dimensions. According to the most general division, the communication can be of two types: verbal and nonverbal. Verbal communication presupposes the usage of words. Thus, when people communicate with the help of words (either orally or in writing), they are engaged in the verbal communication.

The distinctive feature of spoken communication is that people use different gestures, postures, movements, and facial expressions. All these signs are referred to as nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication is not formally accepted though it exists. However, one should always bear in mind that meanings of nonverbal signs may differ among cultures and countries (Sarvaiya 2013).

The sub-types of verbal communication are oral and written. The oral communication is spontaneous, personal, and flexible. Written communication is usually influenced by particular rules of writing and is rather formal.

Depending on the number of participants, the communication may be intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, and massive. An intrapersonal communication occurs when one thinks. All people practice internal communication. It assists in the better understanding of the world. An interpersonal communication is realized in the form of dialogues between two people. Group communication occurs between members of the particular unity.

The group is a company of individuals who are united by the common goal. There are small (from three to seven participants) and large (seven and more) groups (Sarvaiya 2013). The mass communication is the last form. This type is conducted via television, radio, or any other mass media channels.

Internet Communication and Its Forms

Internet communication is more often called online communication. The aim of the Internet communication is the same — to transmit information between senders and receivers but with the help of computers or any other devices that have access to the Internet. The classification of the forms of online communication can be rather a challenging task due to its constant development and improvement. The Internet communication is divided into several types.

The first type is “one-to-one” messaging. It is the most popular method of communication. It presupposes sending “e-mails” or messages via other platforms or social media. The primary thing about one-to-one messaging is that it is the way of online intercourse between individuals. The second type is “one-to-many messaging”. This type means the automatic sending of messages to many recipients at the same time.

For instance, a person may visit some website, like it, and subscribe to it. All people who subscribe to the particular content will receive automatic e-mails about the news. “Distributed message databases” comprise the third type of communication via the Internet. In this case, people participate in group discussions. Thus, one person leaves a message, and others can write responses. All messages are visible to everybody.

Many forums may serve as examples of distributed message databases. The next type of online communication is known as “real-time communication”. It should not be confused with the first type where users read messages later. In a real-time communication, one can answer immediately. This form is possible in all social media as well as in many chat rooms or specially designed services ( Methods to Communicate Over Internet n.d.).

Barret suggests another classification of the Internet communication tools. He differentiates traditional services, World Wide Web, video and phone calls, streaming video, and video games. Barret combines e-mailing, chat rooms, and forums into the group of traditional services. World Wide Web provides opportunities for every user to find required information. It is a service that works on the basis of the Hyper Transfer Protocol or HTTP. The user has to request particular information and the web server answers to that request.

Modern online communication is not limited by messaging. Video and phone calls are possible nowadays. One has to have the gadget that supports such function and the access to the Internet. Skype is one of the most popular platforms for video and phone calls. Barett suggests that streaming video is one more option for communication when one can download film or music. Finally, video games are the last type. Many gamers can play games and communicate with other players simultaneously (Barett n.d.).

Communication before the Invention of the Internet

Human communication was realized in a variety of forms before the invention of the Internet. People used different media to transmit information. Drums were one of the first methods for sharing information. They were the primary way of communication in Africa in pre-historic times. The sound produced by drums could be heard from the distance of one hundred miles. In 2000 BC, Egyptian pharaohs established the other method of sharing information.

They developed the courier service to deliver written messages. The first prototype of the modern postal system was first used in Ancient Persia in the 5th century BC. It happened when the Athenian messenger run to ask for help from Sparta when Persians invaded Marathon (O’Neil 2013). Smoke signals represent an easy and efficient way of the visual communication. They were first used on the Great Wall of China.

Pigeon post is regarded as the first most efficient system of communication. This type of message delivering was developed in the 12th century by Sultan Nur-ed-din. He built dovecotes in Damascus and Cairo, and pigeons carried messages over long distances.

Besides, pigeon post played a crucial role in World War I and World War II. Telegraph was the first technologically aided method to transmit information. It was invented by Samuel Morse in 1844 and gave rise to the further development of the modern ways of communication such as telephones or faxes ( From Smoke Signals to Smartphones 2014).

The Development of the Internet

The invention of the Internet is usually associated with the name Leonard Kleinrock. He was the first to write about ARPANET, the network that is considered to be the beginning of the Internet, in 1961. ARPANET is the abbreviation for the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network that was initially used by the U.S. Defense Department.

Leonard Kleinrock sent the message via ARPANET in 1969. Since that time, many communication protocols appeared, and they were used for transmission of messages. The term “Internet” was introduced in 1973. Telenet was the first Internet Service Provider that used ARPANET for commercial purposes. The standard protocol for the Internet (IP) was introduced in 1982. A year later, the Domain Name System developed the modern version of website names such as.org,.com,.gov, and others.

In the 90th, the era of rapid development continued and became close to the modern version of the Internet. Thus, Tim Berners-Lee, a scientist at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, worked on the HTML (HyperText Markup Language). A few years later, Microsoft and Apple Corporations started to work on the browsers for the access to the Internet (Zimmerman 2012).

A crucial point in the development of the Internet happened in 1998. The Google introduced the search engine system that changed the human communication. In 2004, Facebook was launched. This event is another milestone in the Internet communication as far as it gave rise to the social networking. In six years, the number of Facebook users increased to four hundred million. Since 2010, social media became essential for the human communication.

The Role of the Internet

The Internet has changed not only the nature of communication. It modified a variety of other aspects of everyday life including:

  • Education is much more accessible nowadays than whenever before. People have opportunities to receive degrees online regardless of their location. Although the online education is still developing, it brings a substantial hope to the sphere of education;
  • Research. Millions of people use Google or other online sources to find answers to everyday questions. The World Wide Web has become a massive storage of helpful pieces of advice for every day;
  • Business. The Internet gave rise to the development of the electronic commerce. Nowadays, e-commerce is an essential part of the successful business. Also, the job search became much easier. An employee can send resumes via e-mails from one place without wasting too much energy;
  • Travelling and shopping. There is no need to go the travel agency anymore as far as one can reserve tickets to any place online. The same is with shopping. Online stores made it possible to buy everything without living home;
  • Entertainment. The Internet provides numerous opportunities for having fun in the virtual reality. Thus, one can play games, watch movies, or listen to music using the same computer or gadget;
  • Healthcare. Currently, an individual can use a variety of online applications that can calculate ideal weight, suggest necessary treatment or well-balanced diet (Mehta 2014).

Online Communication and Politics

The topic concerning the way the Internet communication influences democratization and public engagement is one of the most discussed nowadays. Some scholars argue that the Internet has made communication more democratic and allowed people to be more open in their judgments.

One of the reasons to speak about online democratization refers to the increasing number of online protests or arranging of real protest with the help of online communication. The Internet gave people the possibility to collaborate and coordinate whenever there is a necessity.

Online communities, blogs, forums, websites — all of them can be used to demonstrate the particular attitude towards some issues. Tsatsou (2014, p. 88) writes that ‘the Internet can contribute to enhance the autonomy of citizens to organize and mobilize around issues that are not properly processed in the institutional systems’. The term “digital democracy” is used to define the notion of online democratic communication.

However, the increasing engagement in online affairs makes people distracted from the real-life citizenship and social life. In this respect, the Internet is believed to impede communication in real-life settings and, in its turn, decrease the role of democracy.

The other fact that undermines the notion of digital democracy refers to the ethical issue of privacy. Service providers can define who is hiding beyond the anonymous blog. Even more, personal data of users are now actively used for the variety of purposes. Consequently, people claim that their rights to privacy are violated.

The Influence of the Internet on Personal Communication: Advantages and Disadvantages

Probably, the most significant impact of the Internet refers to the personal communication. Virtual communication is a subject of numerous discussions nowadays. There are both advantages and disadvantages when speaking about the role of the Internet in human intercourse.

Matusitz (2007, p. 23) writes that ‘a virtual community can be considered as a “real” gathering of people where they communicate, like in a physical environment, create webs of personal relationships, and strengthen weak ties over time, even if everything occurs in cyberspace’. Thus, the Internet makes communication accessible for all people regardless of their location. The second advantage of the online communication is that people can improve psychological well-being.

Virtual reality allows everyone to find individuals who share the same point of view on politics or like the same music. The Internet erases barriers and loneliness. One can communicate with everyone who has the same values or preferences. Finally, people feel free when they express their opinions via the Internet. It is possible to write a response anonymously. It gives the possibility to express such thoughts that could be regarded as unacceptable in the society. Thus, the Internet provides individuals with the feeling of digital freedom.

Nevertheless, there are adverse sides of online communication as well. Some scientists believe that the online communication is nothing but the illusion (Matusitz 2007). Virtual communities can never replace real as far as they lack such features of the human intercourse as touches, facial expressions, gestures, smells, and other non-verbal signs. One more disadvantage of the online communication refers to the fact that there is no moral obligation.

Thus, it is easy to deceive people about one’s beliefs, interests, or even gender. People who have bad social skills or are lonely often start to communicate via the Internet. However, Kim, LaRose, and Peng have demonstrated that such an escape from reality impedes the situation and deepens the feeling of loneliness and psychological dissatisfaction (Kim, LaRose, & Peng 2009).

Remarks and Recommendations

The Internet aids communication in a variety of ways. First, it is a useful tool that allows people to stay connected regardless of their location. The Internet facilitates the process of globalization. Representatives from various communities, religious and political groups become closer to each other.

The Internet erases the barriers during intercourses that exist in real life. The most significant thing is that the Internet allows individuals to express their opinions anonymously. This practice is of great significance for those who do not like to be judged and attract attention.

At the same time, the Internet can worsen the effectiveness of communication. Not all people follow the rules of morality while communicating via the Internet. Besides, the communication may lead to the increasing feeling of loneliness. These are the most significant remarks concerning the Internet communication.

Further studies should evaluate the impact of the Internet on the communication in various settings. Besides, it can be used to examine the level of self-satisfaction among people who prefer virtual communication. One more concern relates to the notion of literacy of the Internet usage. There are assumptions that people are not attentive to mistakes in online communication, and that leads to the improper level of literacy in other types of writing.

Human communication has numerous forms. Verbal types of communication can be realized with the help of the Internet. There are different forms of the Internet communication including one-to-one messaging, online calls, and video games. The methods for human communication changed drastically.

Thus, the drums and smoke were the first ways of transmitting information. The rapid growth of the Internet commenced in the previous century. In a few decades, it became one of the most popular forms of communication. Although there are several concerns about the online communication, the Internet makes communication democratic, open, and unites people.

Reference List

Barett, J., Types of Internet Communication . Web.

From Smoke Signals to Smartphones, 2014. Web.

Kim, J., LaRose, R. & Peng, W. 2009, ‘Loneliness as the Cause and the Effect of Problematic Internet Use’, CyberPsychology & Behavior , vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 451-456.

Matusitz, J. 2007, ‘The Implications of the Internet for Human Communication’, Journal of Information Technology Impact , vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 21-34.

Mehta, P. 2014, 8 Ways the “Internet of Things” Will Impact Your Everyday Life . Web.

Methods to Communicate Over Internet . Web.

O’Neil, M. 2013, From Pigeons to Twitter: The Evolution of Communication . Web.

Sarvaiya, M. 2013, Human Communication , Amazon Publishing, Seattle.

Thill, J. & Bovee, C. 2013, Excellence in Business Communication , Pearson, Upper Saddle River.

Tsatsou, P. 2014, Internet Studies: Part, Present, and Future Directions , Ashgate Publishing, Farnham.

Zimmerman, K. 2012, Internet History Timeline . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, March 15). How Does the Internet Aid Communication? https://ivypanda.com/essays/how-does-the-internet-aid-communication/

"How Does the Internet Aid Communication?" IvyPanda , 15 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/how-does-the-internet-aid-communication/.

IvyPanda . (2024) 'How Does the Internet Aid Communication'. 15 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "How Does the Internet Aid Communication?" March 15, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/how-does-the-internet-aid-communication/.

1. IvyPanda . "How Does the Internet Aid Communication?" March 15, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/how-does-the-internet-aid-communication/.


IvyPanda . "How Does the Internet Aid Communication?" March 15, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/how-does-the-internet-aid-communication/.

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