10 Contoh Presentasi Hebat di PowerPoint

10 Contoh Presentasi Hebat di PowerPoint

Astrid Trans • 19 September 2023 • 5 min merah

Selamatkan presentasi yang membosankan dengan contoh presentasi PowerPoint yang hebat ini!

Artikel ini mengungkapkan 10 yang luar biasa Contoh Presentasi di PowerPoint dan beberapa tip praktis untuk menyampaikan presentasi yang menarik. Ada juga templat yang dapat diunduh gratis untuk Anda gunakan segera!

Daftar Isi:

  • “Tampilkan Presentasi Interaktif” dari AhaSlides
  • “Perbaiki PowerPoint Anda yang Sangat Buruk” oleh Seth Godin
  • “22 Aturan Pixar untuk Bercerita Fenomenal” oleh Gavin McMahon
  • “Apa yang akan Steve lakukan? 10 Pelajaran dari Presenter Paling Menawan di Dunia” oleh HubSpot
  • Karakter Animasi dari Biteable 
  • Dek Pitch Festival Fyre
  • Presentasi Manajemen Waktu
  • Laporan Penelitian Teknologi yang Dapat Dipakai
  • “Model Konten GaryVee,” oleh Gary Vaynerchuk
  • “10 Tip Bahasa Tubuh yang Ampuh untuk Presentasi Anda Berikutnya” oleh Soap

Pengambilan Kunci

Tanya jawab umum (faq), lebih banyak tips dari ahaslides.

  • Less is More: 15+ Contoh Presentasi Sederhana yang Cemerlang untuk Menyempurnakan Setiap Acara
  • Format Presentasi: Cara Membuat Presentasi yang Luar Biasa (Dengan Tips + Contoh)
  • Panduan Lengkap Presentasi Interaktif 2023

10 Contoh Presentasi Luar Biasa di PowerPoint

Jika Anda mencari inspirasi untuk merancang presentasi Anda yang menarik, menarik, dan informatif, kami menyediakan 10 contoh presentasi yang dibuat dengan baik di PowerPoint dari berbagai sumber. Setiap contoh hadir dengan tujuan dan ide yang berbeda, jadi temukan satu yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. 

1. “Presentasi Interaktif Showcase” dari AhaSlides

Contoh presentasi pertama di PowerPoint, AhaSlides, dikenal dengan presentasi interaktif di mana Anda dapat mengintegrasikan kuis dan permainan langsung dengan umpan balik waktu nyata selama presentasi Anda. Ini dapat diintegrasikan ke dalam Google Slides atau PowerPoint, sehingga Anda dapat dengan bebas menampilkan segala jenis informasi atau data dalam presentasi Anda.

contoh slide presentation powerpoint

2. “Perbaiki PowerPoint Anda yang Sangat Buruk” oleh Seth Godin

Mengambil wawasan dari e-book “PowerPoint yang Benar-Benar Buruk (dan Cara Menghindarinya),” yang ditulis oleh visioner pemasaran Seth Godin, presentasi ini memberikan tips berharga untuk meningkatkan apa yang mungkin dianggap oleh sebagian orang sebagai “presentasi PowerPoint yang buruk.” Ini juga merupakan salah satu contoh presentasi terbaik di PowerPoint untuk dilihat.

🌟 Slide Terima Kasih Untuk PPT | Ciptakan Yang Indah di tahun 2023

3. “22 Aturan Pixar untuk Bercerita Fenomenal” oleh Gavin McMahon

Contoh Presentasi di PowerPoint seperti artikel 22 Rules Pixar divisualisasikan dengan baik oleh Gavin McMahon menjadi sebuah presentasi yang menarik. Sederhana, minimalis namun kreatif menjadikan desainnya sebagai inspirasi yang sangat berharga untuk dipelajari orang lain.

🌟 Template Perencanaan Strategis Terbaik Tahun 2023 | Unduh Gratis

4. “Apa yang akan Steve lakukan? 10 Pelajaran dari Presenter Paling Menawan di Dunia” oleh HubSpot

Contoh Presentasi dalam PowerPoint dari Hubspot ini sederhana namun brilian dan cukup informatif untuk membuat pemirsa tetap terlibat dan tertarik. Setiap cerita diilustrasikan dengan baik dalam teks ringkas, gambar berkualitas tinggi, dan gaya visual yang konsisten.

5. Karakter Animasi dari Biteable 

Presentasi karakter Animasi Biteable adalah sesuatu yang tidak mirip dengan yang lain. Gayanya yang menyenangkan dan modern menjadikan presentasi ini luar biasa untuk menghibur audiens Anda. Presentasi animasi juga merupakan salah satu contoh Presentasi hebat di PowerPoint yang tidak boleh dilewatkan oleh semua orang.

6. Dek Promosi Festival Fyre

Apa saja contoh presentasi menakjubkan di PowerPoint? Dek promosi Fyre Festival, dibuat untuk menarik investor dan mempromosikan festival musik naas tersebut, telah menjadi terkenal di dunia bisnis dan hiburan karena desainnya yang informatif dan indah.

7. Presentasi Manajemen Waktu

Lebih banyak contoh presentasi yang dirancang dengan baik di PowerPoint? Yuk simak pemaparan manajemen waktu berikut ini! Berbicara mengenai manajemen waktu tidak perlu hanya fokus pada konsep dan definisi saja. Menerapkan daya tarik visual dan analisis kasus dengan data cerdas dapat berguna untuk menjaga keterlibatan audiens.

8. Laporan Riset Teknologi yang Dapat Dipakai

Jelas sekali, penelitian bisa menjadi sangat formal, dirancang dengan ketat, dan sistematis, dan tidak banyak yang bisa dilakukan untuk mengatasinya. Kumpulan slide berikut menyajikan banyak wawasan mendalam namun mengelompokkannya dengan baik dengan kutipan, diagram, dan informasi menarik untuk mempertahankan fokus audiens saat memberikan hasil pada teknologi yang dapat dikenakan. Jadi, tidak heran mengapa ini bisa menjadi salah satu contoh presentasi terbaik di PowerPoint dalam konteks bisnis. 

9. “Model Konten GaryVee,” oleh Gary Vaynerchuk

Presentasi asli Gary Vaynerchuk tidak akan lengkap tanpa sentuhan latar belakang kuning yang cerah dan menarik perhatian serta penyertaan daftar isi visual. Ini adalah contoh sempurna di PowerPoint untuk presentasi pemasaran konten.

10. “10 Tip Bahasa Tubuh yang Ampuh untuk Presentasi Anda Berikutnya” oleh Soap

Soap telah menghadirkan dek slide yang menarik secara visual, mudah dibaca, dan terorganisir dengan baik. Penggunaan warna-warna cerah, font tebal, dan gambar berkualitas tinggi membantu menarik perhatian pembaca dan membuat mereka tetap tertarik.

Jika Anda mencari solusi untuk membuat presentasi yang menarik dan interaktif, AhaSlides bisa menjadi pilihan bagus. AhaSlides memungkinkan Anda merancang presentasi yang menarik dan estetis yang memikat audiens Anda dari awal hingga akhir.

Apa contoh presentasi PowerPoint yang bagus?

Memang tidak ada batasan dalam hal desain, namun presentasi yang baik adalah keseimbangan yang sangat baik antara informatif, terorganisir, interaktif, dan estetis. Jika Anda ingin memastikan presentasi PowerPoint Anda menarik dan menawan, pastikan untuk mengikuti tips berikut: 

  • Mulailah dengan cerita atau hook yang kuat
  • Gunakan visual secara efektif (gambar dan video berkualitas tinggi)
  • Gunakan desain yang konsisten sepanjang presentasi Anda
  • Jadikan presentasi Anda interaktif dengan kuis dan sesi tanya jawab.
  • Gunakan animasi dan transisi dengan hemat
  • Praktek, latihan, latihan! 

Apa saja 5 bagian dari presentasi PowerPoint?

Biasanya, lima bagian presentasi PowerPoint adalah:

  • Judul slide: Slide ini harus menyertakan judul presentasi Anda, nama Anda, dan informasi kontak Anda.
  • Perkenalkan: Slide ini harus memperkenalkan topik presentasi Anda dan menyatakan poin utama Anda.
  • Tubuh: Ini adalah bagian utama presentasi Anda, di mana Anda akan mendiskusikan poin-poin utama Anda secara detail.
  • Kesimpulan: Slide ini harus merangkum poin-poin utama Anda dan memberikan sesuatu kepada audiens untuk dipikirkan.
  • Pertanyaan? Slide ini harus mengundang audiens untuk mengajukan pertanyaan tentang presentasi Anda.

Apa aturan 5-5 dalam presentasi PowerPoint?

Aturan 5/5 presentasi PowerPoint adalah pedoman sederhana yang dapat membantu Anda membuat presentasi lebih efektif. Aturannya menyatakan bahwa Anda tidak boleh memiliki lebih dari:

  • 5 kata per baris teks
  • 5 baris teks per slide
  • 5 slide dengan banyak teks berturut-turut

Ref: Pilihanteknologi | Digigit

contoh slide presentation powerpoint

Astrid Tran

Saya memiliki ritme saya dengan kata-kata

Selengkapnya dari AhaSlides

10 Metode Penyajian Data dengan 5 Tips Mantap untuk Dipraktikkan, Terbaik di Tahun 2024


Panduan lengkap teknik memberikan presentasi Powerpoint dan Keynote. Dapatkan buku gratis "Presentasi Yang Memukau", contoh slide dan video tutorial.

Contoh Slide Presentasi Powerpoint Yang Baik dan Menarik

08/09/2013 by Muhammad Noer Leave a Comment

Baca Juga: Belajar Presentasi dari Ahlinya. Yuk Ikutan Kursus Online Kami di Presenta Academy.

Baca Juga: Butuh Slide Presentasi yang sudah jadi namun tetap bisa di-edit? Dapatkan di sini

Sebuah slide yang baik akan mampu menjelaskan ide dan gagasan yang ingin disampaikan seorang presenter. Dengan demikian, audiens akan terbantu ketika melihat slide yang ditampilkan dan presenter pun lebih mudah menjelaskan apa makna yang dikandung oleh slide tersebut.

Lantas, apakah ciri khas dari slide yang mampu menggambarkan pesan dengan lebih baik?

Coba perhatikan pasangan slide berikut ini. Mana menurut Anda slide yang lebih baik?

Penggunaan Kata Kunci dan Gambar

Mengapa Organisasi Belajar - Bad

Slide kiri menggunakan bullet point , bentuk slide paling standar di dunia.

Contoh slide di kanan lebih kreatif dan mudah dicerna audiens. Slide ini hanya menggunakan gambar dan kata kunci saja.

Meringkas Teks

Berapa banyak buku yang Anda baca - Bad

Slide kiri sudah baik menggunakan gambar yang kuat dan teks yang mengandung pertanyaan untuk membuka sebuah presentasi.

Namun slide tersebut dapat diperbaiki lagi dengan hanya mengajukan pertanyaan yang lebih ringkas kepada audiens. Perhatikan contoh slide presentasi di sebelah kanan. Ini membantu memperkuat pesan yang ingin disampaikan.

Mengganti Teks Panjang Dengan Gambar dan Angka

Indonesia - Bad

Slide kiri bercerita tentang kepulauan Indonesia. Slide tersebut memaparkan data berapa banyak pulau dan apakah pulau tersebut dihuni atau tidak. Slide ini juga menggunakan pendekatan standar bullet point.

Slide di sebelah kanan jauh lebih ringkas. Dengan gambar yang menunjukkan banyaknya pulau-pulau yang ada di Indonesia dan menggunakan angka yang diperbesar, contoh presentasi ini tampil lebih baik sebagai komunikasi visual . Adapun penjelasan detail adalah tugas presenter untuk menjelaskannya.

Mengubah Cara Penyajian Lebih Menarik

Manfaat Membaca Cepat - Bad

Slide di kiri tampil menarik dengan menggunakan kotak berwarna warni berisi penjelasan apa manfaat dari keterampilan membaca cepat.

Slide di kanan tampil lebih menarik lagi dengan menempatkan judul membaca cepat di tengah dan dibuat bergaya mind map dengan membuat empat cabang yang berisi ringkasan dari manfaat membaca cepat menggunakan hanya kata kunci saja ditambah gambar yang mewakili kata kunci tersebut.

Penempatan Posisi Gambar

Einstein - Bad

Baca Juga: Ingin Jago Presentasi? Ikuti Kursus Online Presentasi Memukau di Presenta Academy.

Slide kiri sudah cukup bagus menampilkan kutipan ucapan seorang tokoh yakni Albert Einstein. Slide seperti ini cocok untuk pembuka atau penutup sebuah presentasi.

Walaupun demikian, contoh slide presentasi sebelah kanan terlihat lebih baik lagi dengan memperbesar gambar tokoh tersebut dan menghilangkan latar belakangnya. Teks diletakkan berhadapan langsung dengan wajah tokoh tersebut sehingga seolah-olah dia berbicara langsung kepada audiens. Slide ini jauh lebih kuat lagi dampak visualnya dan menggugah emosi daripada slide di kiri.


Anda bisa mendapatkan contoh slide yang digunakan pada artikel di atas dalam format PowerPoint (PPT) . Silakan daftarkan email Anda untuk mendapatkan tips seputar presentasi dari Presentasi.net

Anda juga bisa mendapatkan materi-materi berkualitas lainnya dan mengikuti program pelatihan yang kami adakan secara berkala. Jika Anda sudah pernah mendaftarkan email sebelumnya, Anda cukup memasukkan nama dan email Anda kembali lewat form berikut.

Terima kasih. Klik tombol di bawah untuk download materi PowerPoint Ini.

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Apakah Anda sudah mendapat gambaran bagaimana membuat slide yang baik tersebut?

Sebagai ringkasan, inilah ciri-ciri slide yang baik:

1. Satu slide, satu pesan

Slide presentasi yang baik hanya terfokus pada satu pesan. Tiap slide sebaiknya mewakili sebuah ide yang ingin dijelaskan. Jangan mencampur beberapa ide berbeda ke dalam satu slide . Audiens akan bingung dan sulit mencernanya.

Slide yang fokus pada satu pesan akan lebih kuat, lebih mudah diingat sekaligus mampu menjadi alat komunikasi visual.

2. Sederhana

Sederhana itu indah. Hal yang sama berlaku untuk slide . Slide sederhana mudah dipahami audiens dalam beberapa detik pertama. Lakukan hal ini dan pastikan pesan yang ingin disampaikan jelas.

Jangan gunakan slide yang rumit sehingga audiens kesulitan memahami maksudnya. Ini mengganggu proses komunikasi visual yang sedang Anda lakukan dalam presentasi. Alih-alih membantu komunikasi, slide tersebut malah menghambat komunikasi. Bahkan tak jarang presenter justru menjadi kesulitan menjelaskan maksud dari slide -nya sendiri.

3. Perkuat penjelasannya, bukan mengulang pesannya

Slide berfungsi untuk mendukung apa yang akan Anda bicarakan secara verbal. Karena itu, Anda bisa menampilkan gambar, diagram, atau ringkasan dari apa yang dibahas. Gunakan hanya kata kunci. Ini membantu audiens menyerap intisari dari ide yang dijelaskan.

Slide seperti ini akan memperkuat penjelasan Anda. Jangan tuliskan seluruh teks yang ingin Anda sampaikan dalam slide . Hal itu membuat pengulangan-pengulangan yang tidak perlu. Jika sudah dituliskan seluruhnya, kenapa harus dibacakan lagi?

4. Kuat secara visual

Slide yang baik memiliki kesan visual yang kuat. Artinya, slide tersebut mampu menumbuhkan semangat , mengundang pertanyaan, menciptakan rasa ingin tahu, atau menggugah emosi audiens.

Jika Anda menggunakan gambar, pilih yang paling tepat untuk menggambarkan situasi yang Anda jelaskan. Jika Anda menggunakan diagram, pastikan mudah dipahami, dan fokuskan perhatian pada bagian penting dari data yang ditampilkan. Jika Anda menggunakan teks, pilih kata kunci yang mewakili gagasan yang ingin disampaikan. Jika Anda menampilkan video, pilih segmen yang mampu menjelaskan pesan dengan menarik.

5. Gunakan teks dengan ringkas

Slide yang baik harus bisa terbaca oleh audiens terjauh yang menyaksikan presentasi. Jika tidak bisa terlihat, artinya slide itu tidak berguna ditampilkan. Bukankah slide untuk menyampaikan gagasan secara visual?

Beberapa ahli presentasi menyarankan maksimum lima baris teks. Dengan demikian seandainya Anda harus menampilkan teks dalam bentuk daftar, pastikan tidak lebih dari lima baris.

Baca Juga: Belajar Presentasi Dari Nol. From Zero to Hero. Ikuti Kursus Online Ini.

6. Hindari bullet point

Dalam buku Really Bad Powerpoint , Seth Godin mengajak para presenter untuk tidak terpaku pada bentuk slide paling standar di dunia: menggunakan bullet point .

Banyak cara menyampaikan gagasan selain dengan bullet point . Gunakan kreativitas Anda. Seandainya Anda masih perlu menggunakan bullet point , pastikan hanya melakukannya sesekali saja. Jika tidak, bersiaplah untuk dianggap membosankan.

7. Alur yang teratur

Slide-slide yang baik memiliki alur teratur , dari pembukaan, penjelasan, sampai penutup. Audiens akan melihatnya sebagai satu kesatuan yang harmonis dan sinergis. Slide yang isinya melompat-lompat dari satu topik ke topik yang lain tanpa alur yang jelas akan menyulitkan audiens untuk memahaminya.

Jika Anda ingin melihat contoh slide  presentasi yang memiliki ciri-ciri di atas, kunjungilah situs slideshare.net dan cari para pemenang presentasi keren terbaik setiap tahunnya. Anda akan menemukan slide – slide berkualitas yang mampu menjelaskan gagasan dengan bahasa yang mudah dan gambar yang menggugah emosi.

Ingin mengadakan training presentasi online dan tatap muka buat perusahaan/organisasi Anda? Hubungi tim Presenta Edu di 0811-1880-84 (Putri) untuk kebutuhan training terbaik. Presenta Edu juga siap memberikan training online terbaik buat perusahaan Anda di masa new normal ini.

Jika Anda sudah mengetahui ciri-ciri slide yang baik, maka mulailah menerapkannya setiap kali membuat slide presentasi. Mungkin tidak selalu mudah pada awalnya, karena Anda belum terbiasa. Tapi lama kelamaan Anda akan menjadi seorang komunikator visual yang handal.

Artikel di atas telah dirancang dalam format video. Anda bisa menyaksikan dan mendownload videonya  di sini .

Jika Anda ingin mendapatkan Slide Presentasi Inspiratif Kelas Dunia , silakan klik disini .

Dan jika Anda dan organisasi Anda ingin belajar menjadi presenter yang memukau , kami membuka pelatihan khusus buat Anda untuk menyusun konten yang terstruktur, membuat desain slide yang inspiratif, dan menyampaikan presentasi secara memukau. Silakan simak detailnya di sin i .

Bagaimana Menciptakan Presentasi Luar Biasa

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Download Buku “Presentasi Memukau”

Buku yang akan membantu Anda  menguasai keterampilan penting  dalam menyusun, mendesain dan membawakan presentasi dengan efektif dan memukau.  GRATIS!

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About Muhammad Noer

Muhammad Noer adalah pakar presentasi bisnis Indonesia sekaligus pendiri Presentasi.net website terbesar untuk topik presentasi dan public speaking. Dengan pengalaman panjang sebagai praktisi Human Resource di perusahaan multinasional dan sertifikasi profesi dari CIPD - UK, dia membantu banyak orang untuk menguasai keterampilan presentasi dan komunikasi publik secara efektif lewat Training Presentasi Memukau . Anda bisa mendapatkan buku Presentasi Memukau di sini dan membaca profil lengkapnya di sini.

Tinggalkan Balasan Batalkan balasan

Alamat email Anda tidak akan dipublikasikan. Ruas yang wajib ditandai *

Daftarkan Email Anda untuk dapat update.

Presentasi.net menyajikan panduan terbaik seputar Presentasi dan Publik Speaking buat Anda.

Anda bisa belajar lewat ebook, video dan contoh slide yang kami sajikan.

Untuk meningkatkan keterampilan presentasi Anda ke level lebih tinggi, hubungi kami di (021) 4016 1717  untuk  Training In House  buat Perusahaan Anda ataupun  Training Publik .


Presentasi.net berisi panduan lengkap membuat dan menampilkan presentasi efektif yang memukau.

Presentasi.net adalah bagian dari  PT. Presenta Edukreasi Nusantara , Training & Konsultan dengan fokus utama di bidang Presentasi dan Komunikasi Bisnis.

Untuk pelaksanaan training buat perusahaan Anda, silakan hubungi kami di:

Email:   [email protected]

Telp:  (021) 4016 1717

HP/WA: 0813 1057 5515 (Shandy)


Training Publik  dan  Training in House untuk Corporate/Perusahaan  untuk mempersiapkan, membuat desain, dan membawakan presentasi kepada publik secara memukau dalam konteks bisnis.

Training Presentasi yang diselenggarakan Presenta telah diikuti oleh ribuan profesional dari berbagai kota di Indonesia termasuk peserta dari luar negeri.



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Kumpulan slide kelas dunia untuk bahan inspirasi Anda.

Slide Inspiratif terdiri dari dua seri yakni:

  • Tips Produktivitas
  • Perencanaan Keuangan


Produk ini akan menunjukkan Anda bagaimana membuat visualisasi kasus-kasus bisnis menggunakan tabel, grafik, diagram, dan angka. Dilengkapi 10 video tutorial bagaimana membuat presentasi bisnis yang efektif dan visual.

Website Kami

  • Template Presentasi
  • Presenta.co.id
  • MuhammadNoer.com
  • MembacaCepat.com
  • YouTube Channel Presenta Edu
  • Facebook Page Presenta Edu

Respon Cepat

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20 Great Examples of PowerPoint Presentation Design [+ Templates]

Carly Williams

Published: January 17, 2024

When it comes to PowerPoint presentation design, there's no shortage of avenues you can take.

PowerPoint presentation examples graphic with computer monitor, person holding a megaphone, and a plant to signify growth.

While all that choice — colors, formats, visuals, fonts — can feel liberating, it‘s important that you’re careful in your selection as not all design combinations add up to success.

→ Free Download: 10 PowerPoint Presentation Templates [Access Now]

In this blog post, I’m sharing some of my favorite PowerPoint tips and templates to help you nail your next presentation.

Table of Contents

What makes a good PowerPoint presentation?

Powerpoint design ideas, best powerpoint presentation slides, good examples of powerpoint presentation design.

In my opinion, a great PowerPoint presentation gets the point across succinctly while using a design that doesn't detract from it.

Here are some of the elements I like to keep in mind when I’m building my own.

1. Minimal Animations and Transitions

Believe it or not, animations and transitions can take away from your PowerPoint presentation. Why? Well, they distract from the content you worked so hard on.

A good PowerPoint presentation keeps the focus on your argument by keeping animations and transitions to a minimum. I suggest using them tastefully and sparingly to emphasize a point or bring attention to a certain part of an image.

2. Cohesive Color Palette

I like to refresh my memory on color theory when creating a new PowerPoint presentation.

A cohesive color palette uses complementary and analogous colors to draw the audience’s attention and help emphasize certain aspects at the right time.

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10 Free PowerPoint Templates

Download ten free PowerPoint templates for a better presentation.

  • Creative templates.
  • Data-driven templates.
  • Professional templates.

You're all set!

Click this link to access this resource at any time.

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It‘s impossible for me to tell you the specific design ideas you should go after in your next PowerPoint, because, well, I don’t know what the goal of your presentation is.

Luckily, new versions of PowerPoint actually suggest ideas for you based on the content you're presenting. This can help you keep up with the latest trends in presentation design .

PowerPoint is filled with interesting boilerplate designs you can start with. To find these suggestions, open PowerPoint and click the “Design” tab in your top navigation bar. Then, on the far right side, you'll see the following choices:

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This simplistic presentation example employs several different colors and font weights, but instead of coming off as disconnected, the varied colors work with one another to create contrast and call out specific concepts.

What I like: The big, bold numbers help set the reader's expectations, as they clearly signify how far along the viewer is in the list of tips.

10. “Pixar's 22 Rules to Phenomenal Storytelling,” Gavin McMahon

This presentation by Gavin McMahon features color in all the right places. While each of the background images boasts a bright, spotlight-like design, all the characters are intentionally blacked out.

What I like: This helps keep the focus on the tips, while still incorporating visuals. Not to mention, it's still easy for me to identify each character without the details. (I found you on slide eight, Nemo.)

11. “Facebook Engagement and Activity Report,” We Are Social

Here's another great example of data visualization in the wild.

What I like: Rather than displaying numbers and statistics straight up, this presentation calls upon interesting, colorful graphs, and charts to present the information in a way that just makes sense.

12. “The GaryVee Content Model,” Gary Vaynerchuk

This wouldn‘t be a true Gary Vaynerchuk presentation if it wasn’t a little loud, am I right?

What I like: Aside from the fact that I love the eye-catching, bright yellow background, Vaynerchuk does a great job of incorporating screenshots on each slide to create a visual tutorial that coincides with the tips. He also does a great job including a visual table of contents that shows your progress as you go .

13. “20 Tweetable Quotes to Inspire Marketing & Design Creative Genius,” IMPACT Branding & Design

We‘ve all seen our fair share of quote-chronicling presentations but that isn’t to say they were all done well. Often the background images are poor quality, the text is too small, or there isn't enough contrast.

Well, this professional presentation from IMPACT Branding & Design suffers from none of said challenges.

What I like: The colorful filters over each background image create just enough contrast for the quotes to stand out.

14. “The Great State of Design,” Stacy Kvernmo

This presentation offers up a lot of information in a way that doesn't feel overwhelming.

What I like: The contrasting colors create visual interest and “pop,” and the comic images (slides 6 through 12) are used to make the information seem less buttoned-up and overwhelming.

15. “Clickbait: A Guide To Writing Un-Ignorable Headlines,” Ethos3

Not going to lie, it was the title that convinced me to click through to this presentation but the awesome design kept me there once I arrived.

What I like: This simple design adheres to a consistent color pattern and leverages bullet points and varied fonts to break up the text nicely.

16. “Digital Transformation in 50 Soundbites,” Julie Dodd

This design highlights a great alternative to the “text-over-image” display we've grown used to seeing.

What I like: By leveraging a split-screen approach to each presentation slide, Julie Dodd was able to serve up a clean, legible quote without sacrificing the power of a strong visual.

17. “Fix Your Really Bad PowerPoint,” Slide Comet

When you‘re creating a PowerPoint about how everyone’s PowerPoints stink, yours had better be terrific. The one above, based on the ebook by Seth Godin, keeps it simple without boring its audience.

What I like: Its clever combinations of fonts, together with consistent color across each slide, ensure you're neither overwhelmed nor unengaged.

18. “How Google Works,” Eric Schmidt

Simple, clever doodles tell the story of Google in a fun and creative way. This presentation reads almost like a storybook, making it easy to move from one slide to the next.

What I like: This uncluttered approach provides viewers with an easy-to-understand explanation of a complicated topic.

19. “What Really Differentiates the Best Content Marketers From The Rest,” Ross Simmonds

Let‘s be honest: These graphics are hard not to love. I especially appreciate the author’s cartoonified self-portrait that closes out the presentation. Well played, Ross Simmonds.

What I like: Rather than employing the same old stock photos, this unique design serves as a refreshing way to present information that's both valuable and fun.

20. “Be A Great Product Leader,” Adam Nash

This presentation by Adam Nash immediately draws attention by putting the company's logo first — a great move if your company is well known.

What I like: He uses popular images, such as ones of Megatron and Pinocchio, to drive his points home. In the same way, you can take advantage of popular images and media to keep your audience engaged.

PowerPoint Presentation Examples for the Best Slide Presentation

Mastering a PowerPoint presentation begins with the design itself.

Get inspired by my ideas above to create a presentation that engages your audience, builds upon your point, and helps you generate leads for your brand.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in March 2013 and has been updated for comprehensiveness. This article was written by a human, but our team uses AI in our editorial process. Check out our full disclosure to learn more about how we use AI.

Blog - Beautiful PowerPoint Presentation Template [List-Based]

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  • Mau Pitching? Pastikan 5 Aspek Ini Ada Dalam Pitch Deck
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4. Artikel Presentasi Lainnya

  • 8 Etika dalam Meeting Online yang Wajib Diterapkan
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120+ Best Free PowerPoint Templates (PPT) 2024

Not everyone can afford to buy premium PowerPoint templates to create their slideshows. But, that doesn’t mean you have to settle for a default template. There are dozens of incredible free PowerPoint templates to try out!

A great thing about the design community is that there are designers out there who willingly share their amazing work for free of charge, including gorgeous free PowerPoint templates.

To help you save some money, we scoured the web and handpicked a collection of the best free PowerPoint templates with modern and professional designs that you can use to make various types of presentations. Good luck with your presentation!

Just looking for a stylish free Powerpoint Template? No problem. Let’s dive into our collection of the best free PowerPoint templates!

2 Million+ PowerPoint Templates, Themes, Graphics + More

Download thousands of PowerPoint templates, and many other design elements, with a monthly Envato Elements membership. It starts at $16 per month, and gives you unlimited access to a growing library of over 2,000,000 presentation templates, fonts, photos, graphics, and more.

Pitch PowerPoint

Pitch PowerPoint

Mystify Presentation

Mystify Presentation

The X Note

Ciri Template

BeMind Minimal Template

BeMind Minimal Template

Pitch Deck Templates

Pitch Deck Templates

Startup pitch deck.

Explore PowerPoint Templates

What Type of Free PowerPoint Template Do You Need?

We’ve broken our collection down into different categories, so you can quickly find just the right PPT template for your project! Almost of all of these PPT templates are free, but at the start of each section you’ll see one or two premium ones, just so you have that option to choose as well.

  • Professional PowerPoint Templates
  • Business PowerPoint Templates
  • Animated PowerPoint Templates
  • Modern PowerPoint Templates
  • Creative PowerPoint Templates
  • Pitch Deck PowerPoint Templates
  • Medical PowerPoint Templates
  • Teacher & Education PowerPoint Templates
  • Church & Christian PowerPoint Templates
  • Infographic PowerPoint Templates

Free Professional PowerPoint Templates

Selfone – free professional presentation template.

Selfone - Free Professional Presentation Template 2

Selfone is an amazing presentation template that features lots of useful slides with professional and modern designs. There are 32 unique slides in this template and it’s ideal for making various types of slideshows for businesses, brands, and creatives. It comes in PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides formats too.

Free Consulting Presentation PowerPoint Template

Free Consulting Presentation PowerPoint Template

This free PowerPoint template is great for creating presentations for consultants. It features a set of modern and stylish slides featuring image placeholders, shapes, and editable graphics.

Free Geometric Professional Presentation Template

Free Geometric Professional Presentation Template

The colorful geometric shapes are what make this PowerPoint template one of the best on our list. This template is also available in Google Slides and Keynote formats. And you can use the free version of the template to create a basic slideshow for your professional project.

Ash – Free Professional PowerPoint Template

Ash - Free Professional PowerPoint Template

Ash is a modern and stylish PowerPoint template featuring a dark color theme. This template is made with professionals in mind and it’s especially suitable for event and product presentations. The free version of the template can be used to create a simple presentation.

Free Artificial Intelligence PowerPoint Template

Free Artificial Intelligence PowerPoint Template

This free PowerPoint template is ideal for making professional presentations for showcasing startups, ideas, and products related to artificial intelligence. The template features 7 unique slides with creative charts, timelines, and more.

Free Tech Slides PowerPoint Presentation Template

Free Tech Slides PowerPoint Presentation Template

You can use this PowerPoint template to design attractive slideshows for technology-themed presentations. It comes with 10 different slide layouts with gradient colors, editable shapes, and text. You can also download it in Google Slides format.

Hendrix – Free Dark Professional PowerPoint Template

Hendrix - Free Dark Professional PowerPoint Template

Another free and professional PowerPoint template with a dark theme. This template comes in both PowerPoint and Google Slides versions. You can easily customize the slide layouts to create various types of presentations.

Pro Portfolio PPT Template

Agency Portfolio PowerPoint Template

Every business needs a presentation template for showcasing their portfolio. This PowerPoint template is perfect for that task. It comes with 50 unique slides featuring a minimalist design that effectively highlights your portfolio in every slide. The template also includes editable vector graphics, infographics, and icons.

Aesthic – Free Multipurpose PowerPoint Template

Aesthic - Free Multipurpose PowerPoint Template

It’s hard to believe that this PowerPoint template is free to download. The modern and unique design of this presentation gives it a truly professional look. It’s perfect for creating presentations for showcasing your portfolio, creative projects, and more.

Dolor – Free Professional Presentation Template

Dolor - Professional Presentation Template

This free PowerPoint template also comes with modern and professional slide design. It uses a perfect combination of visuals and minimalism to create a very attractive slide layout. You can use it for free with your creative projects.

Kitulah – Free Dark Professional PowerPoint Template

Kitulah - Free Dark Professional PowerPoint Template

The dark color theme of this PowerPoint template adds an elegant look to this entire presentation design. It’s perfect for creating slideshows for modern brands and startups.

DSGN – Free Lookbook Presentation Template

DSGN - Free Lookbook Presentation Template

This free PowerPoint template comes with 90 unique slide layouts you can use to make slideshows for creative portfolios, photography, and fashion related presentations. The template is also available in 5 color schemes and it’s free to use with your personal projects.

Enable – Free Modern PowerPoint Template

Enable - Free Modern PowerPoint Template

Enable is a modern PowerPoint template featuring a set of minimal slide designs that are most suitable for making creative and business-related presentations. The template comes with an easily editable design and image placeholders for easily replacing the images.

Look – Free Fashion PowerPoint Template

Look - Free Fashion PowerPoint Template

Look is an elegant PowerPoint template that features a highly visual design that’s most suitable for making fashion and photography related presentations. The template includes 55 unique slides and comes in two different colors.

Free Creative Portfolio PowerPoint Template

Free Creative Portfolio PowerPoint Template

If you’re looking for a stylish PowerPoint template to create a simple portfolio to showcase your work and services, this free template is perfect for you. It includes 20 unique slides that are designed to make highly visual slideshows filled with large images.

Project Proposal – Free Professional PowerPoint Template

Project Proposal - Free Professional PowerPoint Template

This is a professional PowerPoint template you can use for free to create proposals for various client and freelance projects. This template includes 19 unique slides with an icon pack, illustrations, and much more.

Resume Presentation – Free PowerPoint Template

Resume Presentation - Free PowerPoint Template

This minimal PowerPoint template is ideal for showcasing your portfolio and resume. It comes with 14 unique slides with editable vector graphics and image placeholders. The template is available in Google Slides version as well.

Free Modern Portfolio PowerPoint Template

Free Modern Portfolio PowerPoint Template

Another free portfolio PowerPoint template with a set of creative slides. This template also includes 20 unique slides with editable layouts, image placeholders, icons, and much more.

Wagner – Free Multipurpose PowerPoint Template

Wagner - Free Multipurpose PowerPoint Template

Wagner is a multipurpose PowerPoint template that comes with a modern and stylish design that allows you to design all kinds of presentations. Each slide in the template is fully customizable and features editable vector shapes and elements as well.

Minimal – Simple Free PowerPoint Template

Minimal - Simple Free PowerPoint Template

This minimal free PowerPoint template is perfect for crafting slideshow for presenting personal portfolio as well as creative agency presentations. The template is fully customizable as well.

Xara – Free PowerPoint Template

Xara - Free Powerpoint Template

Xara is a modern PowerPoint template most suitable for making minimal slideshows for business and corporate presentations. It includes 9 unique slides with editable layouts, graphics, and charts.

Red White – Free PowerPoint Template

Red White - Free Powerpoint Template

Red White is a modern free PowerPoint presentation template you can use to make slideshows for businesses, brands, and creatives. The template includes 30 unique slides with editable designs.

Free Business PowerPoint Templates

Free retro pixel business powerpoint template.

Free Retro Pixel Business PowerPoint Template

This is a free PowerPoint template that comes with colorful and creative slide designs inspired by retro-themed pixel graphics. It includes many stylish slide designs with dark color themes for creating attractive presentations for business meetings.

Free Geometric Shapes Marketing Plan for PowerPoint

Free Geometric Shapes Marketing Plan for PowerPoint

This free PowerPoint template comes with a set of slides full of colorful geometric shapes and patterns. It’s designed with marketing agencies in mind and you can use it to create attractive marketing plans for your business meetings.

Free Content Strategy Meeting PowerPoint Template

Free Content Strategy Meeting PowerPoint Template

Create the perfect presentation for your content strategy meetings with this free PowerPoint template. It includes many beautiful slide layouts featuring gradient color backgrounds and image placeholders. You can fully customize each slide to your preference.

Free Abstract Shapes Business PowerPoint Template

Free Abstract Shapes Business PowerPoint Template

You can download this PowerPoint template for free to create modern business presentations. It has a set of minimalist slides featuring abstract shapes with rough textures.

Free Morph Business Plan PowerPoint Template

Free Morph Business Plan PowerPoint Template

This free PowerPoint template comes with more than 40 slides featuring modern backgrounds and trendy content layouts. It’s especially perfect for creating business plan slide decks and presentations.

Free Company Profile Powerpoint Template

contoh slide presentation powerpoint

This free company profile PowerPoint template provides a comprehensive overview of your organization in a 20-slide presentation. Designed to showcase a brand’s identity, it covers the company’s journey, from establishment to its current successes, capturing its mission, vision, and values. With customizable slides, the template features a Presentation Agenda, Financial Reports, Business SWOT Analysis, Gantt chart, various graphical charts, and a Company Timeline.

Cranford – Free Business Presentation PPT

Cranford - Free Business Presentation PPT

Cranford is a free PowerPoint template that includes a set of professional slide layouts. It’s most suitable for making modern business and agency slideshows. It comes in Google Slides and Keynote formats too.

Howard – Free Business PowerPoint Template

Howard Free Business PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template is also available in multiple formats. You can use it to create presentations for small businesses as well as corporate brands. There are 8 unique slides in this template.

Merville – Free Business PowerPoint Template

Merville - Free Business PowerPoint Template

Merville is a free PowerPoint template that includes very professional-looking slides. It has highly visual slides with easily editable designs. The template is suitable for all types of business presentations.

Free Business Meeting PowerPoint Template

Free Business Meeting PowerPoint Template

This is a creative PowerPoint template that comes with a set of beautiful slides. There are 24 unique slides in this template with editable graphs, timelines, mockups, and more. It’s available in Google Slides version too.

Free Creative Agency PowerPoint Template

Free Creative Agency PowerPoint Template

This is a huge PowerPoint template that includes more than 100 different slides. Of course, the full version comes at a price. But if you scroll all the way down on the page, you’ll find a free version of the template that’s also pretty great for making a simple business presentation.

Free 2022 Marketing Plan Infographic PowerPoint Template

Free 2022 Marketing Plan Infographic PowerPoint Template

This is a must-have presentation template for marketing agencies and businesses. It includes creative infographic slides you can use to showcase your marketing plan and the performance of your campaigns. It includes 32 slides and it’s available in Google Slides format too.

Free Electric Scooter Company Profile PPTX

Free Electric Scooter Company Profile PPTX

This free PowerPoint template is ideal for making company profiles. It’s especially perfect for making company profile presentations for startups and modern brands. The template includes 28 fully customizable slides with free icons and graphics.

Free Human Resource Meeting PowerPoint Template

Free Human Resource Meeting PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template comes with a set of professional slide designs you can use to create presentations for human resource meetings for all kinds of businesses. There are 24 unique slides included in this template and it comes in Google Slides format as well.

Free Gradient Corners Business PowerPoint Template

Free Gradient Corners Business PowerPoint Template

The elegant design of this PowerPoint template makes it a perfect choice for making business presentations. The template features 7 unique slides with colorful blue gradient corner designs.

Free Simple Business Executive PowerPoint Template

Free Simple Business Executive PowerPoint Template

You can use this free PowerPoint template to make simple presentations for corporate brands and businesses. The template includes 8 editable slides with professional layouts. It comes in Google Slides version as well.

Digital Marketing Strategy PowerPoint Template

Digital Marketing Strategy - Powerpoint Template

Using a creative and bold design in your PowerPoint slideshow is a great way to capture attention and make your presentation stand out. This beautifully designed PowerPoint template will help you achieve that goal. It comes with more than 40 slides that feature a unique design made specifically for marketing presentations. It’s also available in 2 different color themes.

Bara – Free Modern Business PowerPoint Theme

Bara - Free Modern Business PowerPoint Theme

Bara is the perfect free PowerPoint template for creating business presentations. It features a modern design and comes with easily editable slide layouts. In addition, it’s available in Keynote version as well.

Clifton Free Business Presentation Template

Clifton Free Business Presentation Template

This modern and free presentation template comes in multiple formats. You can use it to create a stylish presentation to promote business services, brands, and products as well.

Barnwell Free Business Presentation Template

Barnwell Free Business Presentation Template

Barnwell is a simple yet effective presentation template for creating business and agency slideshows. This template comes in multiple formats including PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides.

Free Onboarding Meeting PowerPoint Template

Free Onboarding Meeting PowerPoint Template

This free PowerPoint template is perfect for creating a presentation for your new hire onboarding meetings. It includes 33 different slide layouts with easily editable designs. The template comes in the Google Slides version as well.

Free Multipurpose PowerPoint Presentation Template

Free Multipurpose PowerPoint Presentation Template

You can use this PowerPoint template to design clean and minimalist presentations for various business meetings. It includes 27 different slide designs you can customize to your preference.

Free Construction & Real Estate PowerPoint Template

Free Construction & Real Estate PowerPoint Template

If you’re preparing a presentation for a construction project or a real estate property, this PowerPoint template will come in handy. There are 19 unique slides in this template made specifically with construction and real estate businesses in mind.

Future – Free Business PowerPoint Template

Future - Free Business PowerPoint Template

A simple and clean PowerPoint template for making professional and business presentations. This template comes with 25 unique slide layouts featuring minimalist designs. Each slide is fully customizable and features master slide layouts as well.

Business Plan Free Powerpoint Presentation

Business Plan Free Powerpoint Presentation

This free PowerPoint template is a great choice for making slideshows for presenting your business plans and strategies in meetings. It includes 20 unique slides. You’ll need to signup for a free account on the website to download the file.

SEO Proposal – Free PowerPoint Template

SEO Proposal - Free Powerpoint Template

This creative PowerPoint template is designed specifically for digital markers and agencies. You can use this to craft an effective slideshow that wins over your marketing clients. It’s free to download and use.

Conference Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

Conference Pitch Deck Powerpoint Template

This is a pitch deck PowerPoint template featuring a set of slides made for designing slideshows for business and conference presentations. It includes customizable vectors, diagrams, shapes, and lots more as well.

Annul Report – Free Business PowerPoint Template

Annul Report - Free Business PowerPoint Template

A free business PowerPoint template you can use to create annual report presentations for various projects and companies. This template includes 22 unique slides with easily customizable layouts.

Beexey – Free Business PowerPoint Template

Beexey - Free Business PowerPoint Template

Another modern PowerPoint template specially made for businesses and agencies. This template features 20 unique slides with icons, editable graphics, and animations.

Vision – Free Business PowerPoint Template

Vision - Free Business PowerPoint Template

Vision is a modern PowerPoint template you can use to design business and corporate presentations. The free template comes in multiple styles and color versions, which you can download individually to your preference.

Casper – Free PowerPoint Presentation Template

Casper - Free Powerpoint Presentation Template

Casper is a creative and minimalist PowerPoint template you can use to create presentations for startups and personal portfolios. The template includes 60 unique slides featuring transition animations, infographics, and more.

Minta – Business Free PowerPoint Template

Minta - Business Free Powerpoint Template

Minta is a free PowerPoint template most suitable for making slideshows for presentations related to business and marketing. It comes with 21 unique and customizable slides in widescreen layout.

Business Report Free PowerPoint Template

Business Report Free PowerPoint Template

Business Report is a professional PowerPoint template featuring 40 unique slides. The template is available in 5 color schemes and in both animated and static versions.

Annual Report – Free PowerPoint Template

Annual Report - Free PowerPoint Template

Another great free PowerPoint template made specifically for making annual report presentations. It’s most suitable for corporate and business presentations. The template is free to use with personal and business projects.

Window – Free PowerPoint Template

Window - Free PowerPoint Template

Window is a creative and minimalist PowerPoint presentation template most suitable for startups and creative agencies. The template comes with 25 unique slides filled with stylish designs and its available in 5 pre-made color schemes.

Modern Business Free PowerPoint Template

Modern Business Free PowerPoint Template

This is a free PowerPoint template you can use to craft a slideshow for a modern small business or a startup. The template features 12 unique slides featuring retina-ready and beautiful designs.

Seattle – Simple PowerPoint Presentation Template

Seattle - Simple PowerPoint Presentation Template

Seattle is a clean and simple PowerPoint presentation template that includes a set of unique slides featuring stylish graphics, shapes, and elements. You can easily customize the template to your preference as well.

Free Animated PowerPoint Templates

Shining – creative animated powerpoint template.

Shining - Creative Animated PowerPoint Template

Shining is an animated PowerPoint template that comes with 30 unique slides. The slides are available in 5 different color schemes. It also features master slide layouts, animations, editable graphics, illustrations, and much more as well.

Lookbook – Free Pastel PowerPoint Template

Lookbook - Free Pastel PowerPoint Template

Lookbook is a colorful free PowerPoint template that features a set of creative slides with attractive pastel colors. This template is perfect for showcasing professional and agency portfolios. All the slides can be easily customized to change colors as well.

Voodoo – Free Animated PowerPoint Template

Voodoo - Free Animated PowerPoint Template

VooDoo is a highly professional PowerPoint template that features more than 10 unique slide designs, which feature transition animations and much more. It’s also available in both light and dark color designs.

Dark Red – Free Elegant Black Powerpoint Template

Dark Red – ELegant Black Free Powerpoint Template

This professional, yet free, PowerPoint template comes with an elegant color theme that effectively highlights its content. The template is free to download and can be customized to your preference.

Stasia – Free PowerPoint Template

Stasia - Free PowerPoint Template

Stasia is a creative and free PowerPoint template you can use with your creative and professional presentations. It comes with 13 unique slides featuring editable graphics, charts, and lots of other elements.

Free Modern PowerPoint Templates

Free modern & minimal powerpoint template.

Free Modern & Minimal PowerPoint Template

You can download this PowerPoint template for free to make beautiful slideshows for company profile, portfolio, and various other professional presentations. It includes 30 unique slides with animations and transitions.

Slide Pro – Free Modern Presentation Template

Slide Pro. - Free Modern Presentation Template

The minimal and clean design of this presentation template makes it an ideal choice for modern brands and design agencies. The template has 30 different slides with editable graphics and image placeholders.

Free Project Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Template

Project Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Template

Design professional-looking project proposals that win clients using this free PowerPoint template. It features 85 different slides with fully customizable layouts. The template includes transition animations as well.

UNCO – Simple Modern PowerPoint Template

UNCO - Simple Business PowerPoint Template

This modern business PowerPointe presentation template comes with more than 60 unique slides filled with editable vector shapes, graphics, icons, and so much more for making attractive presentations for all kinds of businesses. The template also includes lots of charts and graphs you can use to visualize data and make more compelling arguments.

Pale Dawn – Free Modern Fashion PowerPoint Template

Pale Dawn - Free Modern Fashion PowerPoint Template

Pale Dawn is a very modern PowerPoint template you can use to craft presentations to promote fashion and lifestyle products. The template comes with lots of customizable slides in PowerPoint and Keynote formats.

Mass Media – Free Agency Presentation Template

Mass Media - Free Agency Presentation Template

This free PowerPoint template is made specifically for marketing and media agencies. The template includes 25 unique slide layouts featuring editable shapes, colors, and fonts. It’s available in Google Slides version as well.

Heimat – Free Modern Business Presentation Template

Heimat - Free Modern Business Presentation Template

If you’re looking for a simple PowerPoint design with a minimal content layout, this template will come in handy. It lets you choose from 33 unique slides for crafting attractive presentations for showcasing projects and plans.

Born-Ink – Free Modern Event PowerPoint Template

Born-Ink - Free Modern Event PowerPoint Template

Featuring 10 unique slide designs, this modern PowerPoint template will allow you to design effective presentations for creative agencies as well as fashion brands. The template is free to use with your personal projects.

XGDragon – Modern Presentation Template

XGDragon - Modern Presentation Template

This free template comes with lots of unique slide designs for promoting modern brands through creative design. The template is ideal for creating a lookbook-style presentation and it’s free to use with commercial projects.

Minimalistic – Free Clean PowerPoint Template

Minimalistic - Free Clean PowerPoint Template

A highly minimalist and clean PowerPoint presentation that’s most suitable for making creative and professional slideshows. The template features an easily editable design, changeable colors, and editable vectors as well.

Air – Clean Free PowerPoint Template

Air - Clean Free PowerPoint Template

Air is a minimal and free PowerPoint template featuring creative slides full of images and icons. It includes 60 different slides in Full HD resolution. All of the graphics and shapes in the template are also editable as well.

Neue Free Minimal PowerPoint Template

Neue Free Minimal PowerPoint Template

Neue is a free PowerPoint template with a minimalist design. This makes it a perfect choice for crafting creative and business presentations. The free versions of the template include multiple slides you can use with your personal projects.

TAHU – Free PowerPoint Presentation Template

TAHU - FREE PowerPoint Presentation Template

This free PowerPoint template comes with a set of creative slides you can use to design professional and business presentations. It includes many different types of slides for crafting effective slideshows, including slides for showcasing services, timelines, portfolio, and more.

Clean – Free PowerPoint Presentation Template

Clean - Free PowerPoint Presentation Template

Just as the name suggests, this free PowerPoint template features a minimal and clean design with lots of white space. It’s perfect for making professional slideshows with a content-focused design. The template is easily editable as well.

Duotone – Modern Free PowerPoint Template

Duotone - Modern Free PowerPoint Template

Duotone is a modern and colorful PowerPoint template that features a set of attractive slides with a creative duotone color effect. This template is most suitable for making presentations for creative brands and professionals. It’s available in both PowerPoint and Keynote versions and includes 18 unique slides.

London – Minimal  Free PowerPoint Template

London - Minimal Free PowerPoint Template

London is an elegant and a minimalist free PowerPoint template that comes with 21 unique slides with easy to customize drag and drop image placeholders. You can use this template to make all kinds of business and creative presentations.

Modern Minimal Free Powerpoint Template

Modern Minimal Free Powerpoint Template

This free PowerPoint template includes a set of creative slides featuring colorful designs. You can easily customize all the slides in the template however you like to change fonts, colors, and images as well.

Style – PowerPoint Presentation Template

Style - PowerPoint Presentation Template

Style is a PowerPoint presentation template designed for making lookbook-style slideshows for showcasing fashion designs. It’s perfect for promoting fashion catalogs. The template is free to use with your personal projects.

Free Creative PowerPoint Templates

Color fun – creative powerpoint template.

Color FUN - Creative Powerpoint Template

Just as the name suggests, this PowerPoint template comes filled with colorful slides that will allow you to design unique and cheerful presentations to showcase your products, designs, and ideas. The template includes 50 unique slides with unlimited color options to customize the design however you want.

FUN Tastic – Free Creative PowerPoint Template

FUN Tastic - Free PowerPoint Template

This bright and colorful PowerPoint template offers a great set of slides for you to create more fun and entertaining presentation. It includes lots of creative slide designs in Full HD resolution. And you can customize them to your preference as well.

Free Neomorph PowerPoint Template

Free Neomorph PowerPoint Template

If you’re a fan of the Neomorphism design trend, this PowerPoint template is a perfect match for you. It features a bold slide design with shapes, buttons, and icons inspired by Neomorphic design. The free version of the template includes 10 unique slides.

GMTRY – Free Geometric Presentation Template

GMTRY - Free Geometric Presentation Template

This free PowerPoint template features one of the most creative slide designs on our list. The creative use of geometric shapes to design its colorful and attractive slides is simply perfect. The template is free to use with personal projects.

Curato – Free Creative Portfolio PowerPoint Template

Curato - Free Creative Portfolio PowerPoint Template

A bright and colorful PowerPoint template filled with shapes and styles. It’s perfect for showing off your best work in a portfolio. The template includes 37 unique slides with easily editable layouts.

Emotion Flashcard – Free Creative PowerPoint Template

Emotion Flashcard - Free Creative PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template comes with a set of creative and fun slides. It uses a lot of emoticons throughout the presentation to help you discuss emotions and mental health in a very creative way.

Kental – Free Minimal PowerPoint Template

Kental - Free Minimal PowerPoint Template

Kental is another free PowerPoint template that comes with colorful slide design. All of the slides in this template features pastel colors and comes with master slide layouts as well. This template is most suitable for creative fashion and design presentations.

Free Giant Doodles Newsletter PowerPoint Template

Free Giant Doodles Newsletter PowerPoint Template

Filled with lots of colorful doodles and illustrations, this PowerPoint template comes with 28 creative slide layouts you can customize however you like. It’s available in Google Slides version as well.

Free Creative PowerPoint Presentation Template

Free Creative PowerPoint Presentation Template

This is a free demo for a premium PowerPoint template. It includes several creative slides you can repurpose to create your own unique presentations.

Free Stylish Botanical PowerPoint Template

Free Stylish Botanical PowerPoint Template

The nature-inspired botanical theme gives this presentation template a very unique look and feel. It’s perfect for creating presentations for modern fashion and lifestyle brands.

Colors – Stylish Free PowerPoint Template

Colors - Stylish Free PowerPoint Template

Just as the name suggests, this free PowerPoint template comes with a beautiful set of slides filled with lots of colors. It’s ideal for making creative slideshows for event and entertainment related presentations as well as many others. And it includes 60 creative slides.

Happy Holi – Creative Free Powerpoint Template

Happy Holi - Creative Free Powerpoint Template

Happy Holi is a beautiful and creative PowerPoint template that comes with a colorful set of slides. Despite being named after a festival, the slides in the template feature a multipurpose design you can use to craft business, creative, and many other professional presentations.

Every – Clean & Simple PowerPoint Template

Every - Clean & Simple PowerPoint Template

Every is an elegant PowerPoint template featuring modern slide designs. It comes in both PowerPoint and Keynote file formats. Each template includes 15 unique slides in Full HD resolution.

Creative – Free Minimal PowerPoint Template

Creative - Free Minimal PowerPoint Template

This minimalist PowerPoint template comes with a creative design making it a great choice for presenting your personal portfolios and professional work. The template features drag and drop image placeholders and editable objects.

Mifridix – Free PowerPoint Presentation Template

Mifridix - Free Powerpoint Presentation Template

This free PowerPoint template comes with a beautiful and feminine slide design. Which makes it the perfect choice for crafting presentations for fashion brands, beauty products, and others.

BRONX – Free PowerPoint Presentation Template

BRONX - Free PowerPoint Presentation Template

Bronx is a creative PowerPoint presentation template that includes a modern and customizable design. You can use this template to create presentations with PowerPoint, Keynote, or even Google Slides.

Free Pitch Deck PowerPoint Templates

Free powerpoint pitch deck template.

Free PowerPoint Pitch Deck Template

You can use this PowerPoint template for making creative pitch deck slideshows. It includes colorful slides with cool illustrations and shapes to give each slide a unique look and feel. There are 19 unique slides and they come in Keynote format as well.

Sales Pitch Deck Free PowerPoint Template

Sales Pitch Deck Free PowerPoint Template

Create a bold and professional pitch deck for your agency using this free PowerPoint template. It has 20 unique slides with free fonts and icon packs. The template is especially suitable for real estate agencies.

Free PowerPoint Pitch Deck Infographics

Free PowerPoint Pitch Deck Infographics

You can use this free PowerPoint template to showcase stats and data related to your product launches. It includes 32 infographic slides with various styles of layouts. They are all fully customizable.

Free Corporate Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

Free Corporate Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

This pitch deck presentation is made with corporate brands and agencies in mind. It features a set of professional slides with easily editable layouts. There are 20 unique slides in this template.

Free Business Opportunity PowerPoint Pitch Deck

Free Business Opportunity PowerPoint Pitch Deck

You can create an attention-grabbing pitch deck to present your business ideas and startups with this free PowerPoint template. It features 12 unique slide layouts with beautiful gradient designs. And the template can be easily customized to your preference.

Pitch Werk Template

pitch werk-Startup Pitch Deck Template For PowerPoint

Pitch Werk is a creative PowerPoint template featuring a set of stylish slides made for modern startups. It includes more than 100 unique slides which are also available in 5 different premade color schemes. The template also comes with lots of useful elements such as pricing tables, device mockups, maps, and much more.

Sneakers Shop – Free PowerPoint Pitch Deck Template

Sneakers Shop - PowerPoint Pitch Deck Template

If you’re working on a pitch deck for a sneaker startup or even an eCommerce store for a fashion product, this template is perfect for creating a winning presentation. It includes 32 unique slides.

Comersa Free Pitch Deck Presentation Template

Comersa Free Pitch Deck Presentation Template

Comersa PowerPoint template comes with a designed made specifically for crafting slideshows for business-related presentations. The template is available in PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides versions as well.

Pitch Deck – Free PowerPoint Presentation Template

Pitch Deck - Free PowerPoint Presentation Template

This is the perfect free PowerPoint presentation template you can use to create pitch decks for startups, creatives, and freelancers. The template includes 22 unique slides and it’s available both with and without slide animations.

Free Conference Pitch Deck Powerpoint Template

Free Conference Pitch Deck Powerpoint Template

This free PowerPoint template is perfect for making a pitch deck for speeches and presentations you give at events and conferences. The template features a set of easily editable slide layouts with modern designs.

Free Medical PowerPoint Templates

Free mental health workshop powerpoint template.

Free Mental Health in the Workplace PowerPoint Template

You can create an effective presentation to promote good mental health in the workplace with this free template. It includes 22 unique slide layouts you can use to showcase the importance of maintaining good mental health and suggest your ideas in meetings.

Modern Medical PowerPoint Template

Modern Medical Powerpoint Template

This PowerPoint template comes with 30 unique slides featuring clean and modern designs. It also lets you choose from 5 different premade color schemes for designing various styles of slideshows. It’s perfect for making presentations for all kinds of businesses and events.

World After Corona Virus – Free PowerPoint Template

World After Corona Virus - Free PowerPoint Template

If you’re working on a presentation to talk about the recent global pandemic, this template will help you design a more compelling slideshow. It includes 31 unique slide layouts with editable graphics and icons.

Free Mental Health Thesis Presentation Template

Free Mental Health Thesis Presentation Template

This is the perfect presentation template you can use to talk about mental health topics. It features 23 unique slides with easily editable designs. The template is also available in Google Slides version.

Free Medical Presentation Template

Free Medical Presentation Template

This is a multipurpose PowerPoint template you can use to create different types of presentations related to medicine and medical facilities. The template includes editable graphics and master slide layouts as well.

Medical – Free PowerPoint Template

Medical - Free Powerpoint Template

If you’re working on a presentation for a medical related business or brand, this free PowerPoint presentation template will come in handy. The template includes 30 unique slides filled with plenty of image placeholders and graphics.

Clinical Case – Free Medical PowerPoint Template

Clinical Case - Free Medical PowerPoint Template

This free and creative PowerPoint template comes in both PowerPoint and Google Slides versions. It includes 24 beautiful slide designs filled with colorful illustrations and content formatting.

Healthcare Center – Free Medical PowerPoint Template

Healthcare Center - Free Medical PowerPoint Template

Healthcare Center is a professional and free PowerPoint template designed for medical centers and healthcare businesses. The template includes 23 unique slide design you can use to create an effective presentation.

Free Teachers & Education PowerPoint Templates

Free social studies for elementary powerpoint template.

Free Social Studies for Elementary PowerPoint Template

This educational PowerPoint template is designed for making presentations for educating social studies subjects. The template includes 35 different slides with colorful designs that will easily attract the attention of your students.

Free Elementary School PowerPoint Template

Free Elementary School PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template features the perfect design for making fun educational presentations for kids. It’s designed for showcasing different types of stones and it comes with lots of colorful illustrations. There are 35 different slides in this template.

Free Chinese Language Day PowerPoint Template

Free Chinese Language Day PowerPoint Template

Use this free PowerPoint template to teach the Chinese languages to kids. It features a beautiful slide design filled with adorable illustrations and colorful shapes. There are 35 unique slides included in the template with fully editable layouts.

School Bundle – Free Education PowerPoint Template

School Bundle - Free Education PowerPoint Template

If you’re looking for a creative PowerPoint template to grab the attention of your students during presentations, this free template is for you. It features a creative design across 15 different useful slide layouts.

Daniel’s Thesis – Free Education PowerPoint Template

Daniel's Thesis - Free Education PowerPoint Template

This colorful and creative PowerPoint template is perfect for creating attractive presentations to showcase your thesis, assignments, projects, and much more. The template features 24 unique slides filled with colorful graphics, shapes, and elements.

Academy at the City – Free Education PowerPoint Template

Academy at the City - Free Education PowerPoint Template

A professional PowerPoint template for promoting your school, academy, and institutions. While the template is designed with education establishments in mind, you can use it to create business presentations as well. The template includes 24 unique slides.

Education – Simple PowerPoint template

Education - Simple Powerpoint template

This is a professional PowerPoint template that includes 30 unique slide designs. Each slide is also available in 5 different color schemes. It also features editable vector graphics, image placeholders, and icons for crafting entertaining presentations more easily.

Math Lesson – Free PowerPoint Presentation Template

Math Lesson - Free PowerPoint Presentation Template

This free and creative PowerPoint template is designed for teachers for making their lessons look more engaging and fun for students. The template comes packed with creative illustrations and graphics as well.

E-Learning – Free Teachers PowerPoint Template

E-Learning - Free Teachers PowerPoint Template

Another free PowerPoint template that’s most suitable for making presentations to promote your online learning programs and courses. The template comes with 17 unique slide layouts that you can easily customize to your preference.

Master’s Thesis – Free Education PowerPoint Template

Master's Thesis - Free Education PowerPoint Template

This free PowerPoint template comes with 12 unique and editable slides you can use to effectively showcase and present your thesis projects to an audience. The template is also available in Google Slides version as well.

Free Interactive Education PPT for Teachers

Free Interactive Education PPT for Teachers

This PowerPoint template is designed with teachers in mind. It features 44 different slides you can use to create various educational presentations for classes. The slides are fully customizable and include graphs, charts, and infographics as well.

Online Notebook – Free Education PowerPoint Template

Online Notebook - Free PowerPoint Template

A free PowerPoint template you can use to create a notebook-style presentation. Both teachers and students can use this template to create notes for classes and subjects. There are 30 slide layouts in this template.

Free English Language Grammar Rules PPT

Free English Language Grammar Rules PPT

Grammar can be a boring subject to talk about. But with this colorful PowerPoint template, you can present your lessons in a more entertaining way. It includes 41 unique slides filled with adorable illustrations.

Colorful Light Bulbs Free Education PowerPoint Template

Colorful Light Bulbs Free Education PowerPoint Template

This colorful PowerPoint template has lightbulbs all over the slides. You can use it to create presentations to teach various subjects and topics. There are 39 slides in this template. And it’s available in the Google Slides version as well.

Free Church PowerPoint Templates

Free christian church powerpoint template.

Free Christian Church PowerPoint Template

A beautiful presentation template made with churches in mind. It has 20 unique slide layouts with colorful and minimal designs. The template is ideal for showcasing your Christian Church projects.

Free Church Conference Powerpoint Template

Free Church Conference Powerpoint Template

A modern and elegant PowerPoint template designed specifically for making presentations for church events and conferences. The template comes with 23 slide layouts with easily editable designs and image placeholders.

Religion Lesson – Free PowerPoint Presentation

Religion Lesson - Free PowerPoint Presentation

A free PowerPoint template designed for educating students and audiences on various religious topics. It can also be used to deliver religious speeches and presentations as well. It includes 17 unique slides. Even though the template features slide designs with multiple religions, you can easily replace the images of your choice as well.

Free Infographic PowerPoint Templates

8 free charts powerpoint templates.

8 Free Charts PowerPoint Templates

This template includes 8 customizable charts infographics for you to use in your presentations. The template includes pie charts, bar charts, and infographics too. It’s also available in Excel format.

12 Free Infographics Slides for PowerPoint

12 Free Infographics Slides for PowerPoint

There are 12 different infographic slides to choose from in this PowerPoint template. They are ideal for both business and research presentations. The template is free to use.

Free Internal Motivation Infographics PowerPoint Template

Free Internal Motivation Infographics PowerPoint Template

This free PowerPoint template includes 31 unique slide designs with infographics. They are designed for visualizing stats and information for motivating your teams and employees.

The Power of Feminism Infographics PowerPoint Template

The Power of Feminism Infographics PowerPoint Template

You can use this free PowerPoint template to create attractive infographic slides to promote the power of feminism. It includes more than 30 unique slide designs. And you can customize them in Google Slides as well.

PPTx Infographics

PPTx Infographics

This Powerpoint presentation template also includes 50 unique infographic slides. The slides are also available in light and dark themes as well as unlimited color options for customizing the shapes, text, and icons of the slides.

Epsilon – Free Business PowerPoint Template

Epsilon - Free Business PowerPoint Template

Epsilon is a free PowerPoint template made for small businesses. You can use it to create powerful business presentations using its slides full of charts and graphs. The template can be easily customized with multiple color options and icons.

Free Business Infographics PowerPoint Template

Animated Business Infographics PowerPoint Template

This free PowerPoint template comes with lots of editable infographics you can use to visualize your data. The template includes 8 unique slide designs that are easily customizable. It’s also available in Google Slides version as well.


300 Contoh Slide PowerPoint Menarik

Pakar Tutorial

Slide Power Point merupakan salah satu penunjang keberhasilan dalam sebuah presentasi. Semakin bagus slide PPT yang kita buat maka akan semakin menarik bagi audiens presentasi yang kita sajikan. Walaupun banyak media yang bisa kita gunakan untuk menunjang keberhasilan sebuah presentasi, namun sejauh ini slide PowerPoint merupakan media presentasi terbaik.

Berikut ini adalah contoh-contoh desain slide PowerPoint yang menarik yang mungkin bisa dijadikan referensi dalam membuat slide presentasi agar presentasi kita semakin menarik bagi audiens.

Slide-slide PowerPoint ini telah ditambahkan efek transisi dan animasi sehingga saat ditampilkan akan semaik indah dan menarik.

Slide PPT Menarik

Bagi yang ingin mendapatkan contoh-contoh slide PPT yang sepenuhnya bisa diedit baik teks, gambar, warna, animasi dan komponen lainnya, silakan KLIK DI SINI !

Slide PPT Menarik

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Background Presentation templates

Take advantage of these free ppt and google slides presentation templates whose backgrounds stand out and boost the overall look of your slide decks..

The Golden Figurine Movie Awards presentation template

The Golden Figurine Movie Awards

Download the The Golden Figurine Movie Awards presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different...

Chalkboard Background presentation template

Premium template

Unlock this template and gain unlimited access

Chalkboard Background

There’s an object that comes to mind when you think of a classroom. What’s in there, other than the students, the teacher and the desks? A chalkboard! The design of our new template focuses on this! Since today is Teachers’ Day in Spain, we’re sure you’re going to love it!

Futuristic Background presentation template

Futuristic Background

When you need to impress everybody and stay relevant, you must look ahead and aim to be the first. Take a peek into the future with this new template Slidesgo has just designed. It’s free and perfect for techie topics or just for giving your presentation a futuristic vibe!

Notebook Lesson presentation template

Notebook Lesson

These are the last days before the Summer break! We know that there are some pending lessons that you need to prepare for your students. As they may be thinking about their friends and their holidays, catch their attention with this cool template!

Radiant Rhapsody Social Media Strategy presentation template

Radiant Rhapsody Social Media Strategy

Download the Radiant Rhapsody Social Media Strategy presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. How do you use social media platforms to achieve your business goals? If you need a thorough and professional tool to plan and keep track of your social media strategy, this fully customizable template is your ultimate...

Movie Background presentation template

Movie Background

Everybody loves going to the movies, right? Enjoying a nice story with an interesting plot while eating popcorn is a delight! Appeal to cinema customers, retailers or distributors with an enthralling pitch by using our cool template.

Ischemia Disease presentation template

Ischemia Disease

Download the Ischemia Disease presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Taking care of yourself and of those around you is key! By learning about various illnesses and how they are spread, people can get a better understanding of them and make informed decisions about eating, exercise, and seeking medical attention....

Fetal Monitoring Case Report presentation template

Fetal Monitoring Case Report

Download the Fetal Monitoring Case Report presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. A clinical case is more than just a set of symptoms and a diagnosis. It is a unique story of a patient, their experiences, and their journey towards healing. Each case is an opportunity for healthcare professionals to...

Aqua Marketing Plan presentation template

Aqua Marketing Plan

For those times when a marketing plan needs to cause an impact, trust this template. You'll see instantly how appealing the watercolor details are when contemplating these slides. This design can be the perfect choice if your message has to do with water or the environment!

Medical Breakthrough Background presentation template

Medical Breakthrough Background

Are you tired of boring medical presentations that seem to be forgettable and you end up without any idea about what the latest breakthrough was? The design of this free template will turn the tide instantly, making everyone stay focused on your deck.

Human Skin Disease: Atopic Dermatitis presentation template

Human Skin Disease: Atopic Dermatitis

Download the Human Skin Disease: Atopic Dermatitis presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Taking care of yourself and of those around you is key! By learning about various illnesses and how they are spread, people can get a better understanding of them and make informed decisions about eating, exercise, and...

Developmental Biology - Bachelor of Science in Human Biology presentation template

Developmental Biology - Bachelor of Science in Human Biology

Download the Developmental Biology - Bachelor of Science in Human Biology presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. As university curricula increasingly incorporate digital tools and platforms, this template has been designed to integrate with presentation software, online learning management systems, or referencing software, enhancing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of...

Minimalist Aesthetic Slideshow presentation template

Minimalist Aesthetic Slideshow

When you combine a minimalist design with abstract shapes and a palette composed of pastel colors, you get a successful result. This template has all of the aforementioned, plus an elegant typography and some icons of plants. It's quite unique and works for any topic, so give it a try!

Fantasy Cloud Sky Theme presentation template

Fantasy Cloud Sky Theme

You're not dreaming. Well, maybe you are. But we're glad that Slidesgo exists in your dreams too. Whether it's real life or your dream world, please check out this new template. It's a wonderful collection of slides with sparkles and all the colors of the rainbow. Pure magic, pure fantasy!...

Internship Report presentation template

Internship Report

Download the Internship Report presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. The world of business encompasses a lot of things! From reports to customer profiles, from brainstorming sessions to sales—there's always something to do or something to analyze. This customizable design, available for Google Slides and PowerPoint, is what you were...

Poliomyelitis Disease presentation template

Poliomyelitis Disease

Download the Poliomyelitis Disease presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Taking care of yourself and of those around you is key! By learning about various illnesses and how they are spread, people can get a better understanding of them and make informed decisions about eating, exercise, and seeking medical attention....

Eco-Friendly Minitheme presentation template

Eco-Friendly Minitheme

Speaking about taking care of the environment is always a good idea, and with this Eco-Friendly Minitheme you can assure that your audience knows about recycling, bio products, the problems of plastic, and the solutions to lessen the impacts of global warming. The slides have cute abstract and floral illustration...

Team Building Class for Elementary presentation template

Team Building Class for Elementary

Your students spend most of their days at school, so building a good atmosphere in the class is vital for their happiness. Why don’t you dedicate a day to team building activities? This will help new students make friends and older students create deeper relationships with their classmates. It that...

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New! Make quick presentations with AI

Slidesgo AI presentation maker puts the power of design and creativity in your hands, so you can effortlessly craft stunning slideshows in minutes.

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  4. 300 Contoh Slide PowerPoint Menarik

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  6. Contoh Slide Presentasi PowerPoint 3 Dimensi yang Menarik

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  1. Membuat Slide Galeri Keren di PowerPoint

  2. How to create cover title slide for your presentation?

  3. Contoh Presentasi Power Point Menarik

  4. How I created these Motion Path VIRAL PowerPoint Presentation

  5. Kumpulan Template Power Point Gratis Tinggal Download dan Pilih Semaumu

  6. Tutorial Cara Membuat Tampilan Presentasi menjadi Lebih Menarik dengan Power Point


  1. Contoh Slide Presentasi Powerpoint Yang Baik dan Menarik

    Artikel ini membahas contoh slide presentasi powerpoint yang baik dan menarik. Sebuah slide seharusnya mampu menjelaskan ide dan gagasan yang ingin disampikan seorang presenter. Slide yang baik memiliki pesan yang jelas, sederhana, ringkas, kuat secara visual, memiliki alur yang teratur dan mampu menggugah perhatian dan emosi audiens.

  2. 10 Contoh Presentasi Hebat di PowerPoint

    1. "Presentasi Interaktif Showcase" dari AhaSlides. Contoh presentasi pertama di PowerPoint, AhaSlides, dikenal dengan presentasi interaktif di mana Anda dapat mengintegrasikan kuis dan permainan langsung dengan umpan balik waktu nyata selama presentasi Anda. Ini dapat diintegrasikan ke dalam Google Slides atau PowerPoint, sehingga Anda ...

  3. terbaik PowerPoint template Slide (PPT gratis

    Template slide gratis ini untuk PowerPoint memiliki berbentuk donat pie chart tergabung profil kepala. 11. Jaques presentasi Template. Berikut adalah desain yang sangat realistis slide yang benar-benar terlihat seperti kertas, foto, dan post-it Catatan ditempelkan ke kayu.

  4. Contoh Slide Presentasi Powerpoint Yang Baik dan Menarik

    Sebagai ringkasan, inilah ciri-ciri slide yang baik: 1. Satu slide, satu pesan. Slide presentasi yang baik hanya terfokus pada satu pesan. Tiap slide sebaiknya mewakili sebuah ide yang ingin dijelaskan. Jangan mencampur beberapa ide berbeda ke dalam satu slide. Audiens akan bingung dan sulit mencernanya. Slide yang fokus pada satu pesan akan ...

  5. Slidesgo

    Temukan tema Google Slides dan template PowerPoint terbaik yang dapat Anda gunakan dalam presentasi Anda - 100% Gratis untuk penggunaan apa pun. Cari Template. Template PowerPoint. Diagram PowerPoint. Bentuk PowerPoint. Latar Belakang PowerPoint. Pencarian Populer. Pendidikan. 112+ template. Komputer. 86 template. Alam. 158 template. Makanan.

  6. 24 Template PowerPoint Hebat dengan Desain PPT Keren

    3. Eureka - Minimal, Cool PowerPoint Template Design. Eureka adalah template PowerPoint yang keren dengan desain modern, slide kreatif, dan kecanggihan minimal. Ini memiliki beragam gaya menyilaukan yang mengagumkan, seperti: penggunaan bentuk, grafik, dan kombinasi gambar yang menarik dan lebih dari 200 desain slide.

  7. 12 Templat Presentasi Power Point Terbaik—Dengan Slide ...

    4. Templat PowerPoint Somalia. Templat PowerPoint yang bersih, gelap, bisa diubah ukurannya, dan kreatif ini dibuat untuk presentasi kepada klien bisnis potensial dengan cara yang elegan. Terdapat 28 file PPT dan 125 slide unik. Masing-masingnya memiliki opsi infografis seperti peta, tabel, kronologi, dan grafik data.

  8. Free Google Slides themes and Powerpoint templates

    Download the Aesthetic Design Inspiration presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic resources.... Multi-purpose.

  9. Slidesgo

    Slidesgo - Free Powerpoint templates and Google Slides themes you can use in your presentations - 100% Free for any use. ... Download your presentation as a PowerPoint template or use it online as a Google Slides theme. 100% free, no registration or download limits.

  10. 20 Great Examples of PowerPoint Presentation Design [+ Templates]

    6. "Blitzscaling: Book Trailer," Reid Hoffman. If you're going to go the minimalistic route, I'd take note of this PowerPoint presentation example from Reid Hoffman. This clean design adheres to a simple, consistent color scheme with clean graphics peppered throughout to make the slides more visually interesting.

  11. Download Contoh Template Slide PPT Presentasi Powerpoint Gratis (Free)

    2. Contoh Slide PPT Presentasi PowerPoint Makalah Ilmiah, Jurnal, Ujian & Tugas Akhir. 3. Contoh Slide PPT Presentasi PowerPoint Analisis SWOT, Jurnal, Karya Ilmiah. 4. Contoh Slide PPT Presentasi PowerPoint Laporan OJT, PKL dan Magang Mahasiswa.

  12. Free Elegant Google Slide themes and PowerPoint templates

    Download the Ramadan presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic resources.

  13. 120+ Best Free PowerPoint Templates (PPT) 2024

    DSGN - Free Lookbook Presentation Template. This free PowerPoint template comes with 90 unique slide layouts you can use to make slideshows for creative portfolios, photography, and fashion related presentations. The template is also available in 5 color schemes and it's free to use with your personal projects.

  14. 14 Template Powerpoint Kreatif

    1. Summit 2 - Template Powerpoint dengan Desain Fleksibel. Ini adalah sebuah template kreatif PPT dengan desain slide yang unik dan serba guna. Ada 5 tema, sepuluh pengaturan warna, dan ratusan pilihan yang cukup fleksibel untuk mempresentasikan ide - ide inovatifmu.

  15. Free Creative Google Slide and PowerPoint templates

    Download the Telecom Towers Theme presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic resources.... Multi-purpose.

  16. Download Contoh Presentasi Online Siap Pakai

    Contoh Presentasi. Desain presentasi yang memukau audiens Anda dengan koleksi contoh presentasi & slide berkualitas tinggi kami yang menakjubkan. Bebas untuk mempersonalisasikan secara online sehingga Anda dapat berkolaborasi dan mempresentasikannya dengan rekan kerja atau kepada klien. Pindah ke akhir daftar.

  17. Free PowerPoint Templates

    To download a PPT template, click on the "PowerPoint" button below the presentation preview to download. Alternatively, click on the Canva button, click "Share", then "More", search for "PowerPoint", and click the PowerPoint icon to download.

  18. 300 Contoh Slide PowerPoint Menarik

    300 Contoh Slide PowerPoint Menarik. Slide Power Point merupakan salah satu penunjang keberhasilan dalam sebuah presentasi. Semakin bagus slide PPT yang kita buat maka akan semakin menarik bagi audiens presentasi yang kita sajikan. Walaupun banyak media yang bisa kita gunakan untuk menunjang keberhasilan sebuah presentasi, namun sejauh ini ...

  19. 20 Template PPT: Untuk Presentasi PowerPoint yang Sederhana, Modern

    Template PowerPoint ini memiliki desain bersih, modern. Hadir dengan mudah untuk mengubah warna, bentuk, teks dan grafik. Memiliki lebih dari 200 beragam template slide gaya minimal. Dengan bentuk yang sederhana dan dinamis, seperti brush stroke, ada sejumlah pilihan presentasi kreatif.

  20. Free Formal Google Slides and PowerPoint templates

    Download the 5G Wireless Technology Business Plan presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Conveying your business plan accurately and effectively is the cornerstone of any successful venture. This template allows you to pinpoint essential elements of your operation while your audience will appreciate the clear and concise presentation ...

  21. Forget PowerPoint: This is the AI presentation app of the future

    A starting-point presentation created entirely by Beautiful.ai's generative AI system. The beauty, though—as it were—is how this is just a first step with Beautiful.ai. It's what happens ...

  22. 20+ Template Desain Slide PowerPoint Terbaik (PPT untuk 2019)

    Masukkan saja teks, angka, gambar, dan grafik Anda, dan merasa yakin bahwa bisnis Anda mendapatkan penggambaran yang layak. 4. Adren - Template PowerPoint. Tema desain slide PowerPoint ini menonjol untuk warna-warna pastel dan grafis yang terinspirasi oleh lingkungan alami.

  23. How to use Copilot AI to make fantastic PowerPoint presentations

    With Copilot AI, you can bid farewell to the time-consuming process of manually creating slides from scratch. Simply provide your initial topics or ideas, and Copilot AI will generate a set of ...

  24. Cara Membuat Presentasi PowerPoint Kreatif (Dengan Ide Unik)

    Berikut adalah beberapa slide besar (dari SlideShare) untuk memeriksa untuk ide-ide kreatif ketika membuat presentasi PowerPoint Anda sendiri: Sihir untuk berpikir hebat. Dek slide ini adalah kombinasi sederhana dari foto stok dan ungkapan inspirasional, namun akan membuat Anda berpikir tentang hasrat karir Anda.

  25. Free Background Google Slides and PowerPoint templates

    Download the World Art Day Activities for High School presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. High school students are approaching adulthood, and therefore, this template's design reflects the mature nature of their education. Customize the well-defined sections, integrate multimedia and interactive elements and allow space for research ...