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How To Write An Essay On The Tiger For Classes 1, 2 & 3

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Key Points To Note: Essay On The Tiger For Lower Primary Classes

Essay in 10 lines on the tiger, short essay on the tiger, long essay on the tiger, why are tigers important to the environment, interesting facts about tigers for kids, what will your child learn from an essay on the tiger.

Tigers are magnificent animals that amaze people with their nimbleness and raw power, unmatched by other animals. Tigers are really large cats and belong to the same family as the domesticated cats we are all familiar with. Children are often asked to write about the tiger, our national animal, for an essay writing assignment in class and exams. The key to writing great essays about a topic such as this is to write good facts in an interesting manner such that the reader is intrigued. Let us guide your child on how to write an essay on tigers for classes 1, 2 and 3 in different formats. You can refer to these interesting facts to add to your own essay on the topic.

Here are some important tips on how to write an essay on tigers:

  • An essay on the tiger should be rich in facts about the animal.
  • Talk about the tiger’s ecosystem, physical characteristics and general behaviour in short essays.
  • Longer essays need to have an introductory and concluding paragraph.
  • You can go deeper into their habitat, classification, and conservation ideas in longer essays.

Essays in single lines are the simplest to write for children who are introduced to essay writing. Here is an example of a tiger essay for classes 1 and 2:

  • Tigers are the largest cats in the feline family. They are one of the strongest animals in the jungle.
  • Tigers are carnivorous animals. They hunt different types of prey for food.
  • They have four powerful legs and soft paws that help them walk without making any sound. The paws have long and sharp claws used to grab and kill prey.
  • Tigers pounce on their prey and bite the neck to hunt their prey.
  • Tigers have orange and black stripes that act as camouflage in the jungle. They are able to hide from their prey because of these stripes.
  • The roar of a tiger can be heard 3 kms away!
  • In the wild, tigers live a healthy life for 26 years. But when they are kept in a zoo, they can only live for 16- 18 years.
  • Tigers can eat 25 – 27 kg of flesh in one hunt.
  • The female tigers are called “tigress”, and their babies are called “cubs”.
  • The tiger is the national animal of India.

Short essays on Tigers are a little more advanced for children. They form the stepping stones to long essays. Here is an example of a short of an essay on the tiger: 

The tiger is India’s National Animal. These big, majestic cats are known for their daunting looks, powerful hunting skills and the fear they strike in all living beings, including humans. Tigers belong to the feline family. Their scientific name is Panthera Tigris. There are different subspecies of tigers worldwide that look slightly different from one another. Tigers are endangered animals as their population has decreased due to hunting, poaching and habitat destruction.

Tigers occupy the dominant position in their ecosystems as apex predators. They hunt all kinds of prey, including those that are several times their size. These carnivores are stealthy hunters. They have striped patterns that work as camouflage in the forest. They also have soft padded feet that help them move quietly. Their powerful legs, sharp claws and strong jaws with huge canine teeth are all designed to bring down their prey. Tigers are magnificent animals that are both fascinating and scary.

Essay On Tiger For Children - 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay

Long essays on the tiger require students to research the topic before attempting to write. Here is an example of how to write a long essay on tigers for class 3:

The tiger is a big jungle cat known for its hunting prowess. Being part of the feline family, they are related to other big cats such as lions and leopards. Their scientific name is Panthera Tigris. They are carnivorous in nature and are mostly found in dense jungles around the world in places such as South East Asia, China, Russia and Africa. In India, the Bengal Tiger is popular and lives in the swamps and mangroves on the coast. The Siberian tiger is an exceptional species as it thrives in the frozen areas of Russia. They have extra fur as a protection from the cold and look different from other tigers.

Tigers are apex predators in every environment they live in. They hunt a wide variety of prey, starting from small mammals such as rabbits and wild boars to large prey such as deer and wilder beasts. Because of their proximity to civilisations, tigers have also developed a taste for livestock. In some parts of the world, where they face scarcity of prey in the jungle, they also hunt humans. Tigers give birth to two or three offspring at a time. The mother stays with the cubs until they grow older and are able to fend for themselves.

Tigers in all parts of the world are endangered because of habitat destruction and poaching. Hunting tigers was a sport and entertainment for affluent thrill-seekers a few decades ago. It is highly important to impart education about the conservation of these beautiful animals as they play an important role in the environment. About a hundred years ago, the total number of tigers in the wild was more than 1,00,000. Estimates say that only about 4,000 tigers are left in the wild today. Protecting tigers and increasing their numbers is important for their ecosystems and future generations.

Every animal plays a role in the environment that is hard to understand completely. They form a link in the chain that affects the stability of the whole environment. Tigers are the apex predators of their ecosystems. They help regulate the population of several animals. If the population of the prey animals, like deers, goes unchecked, they might end up over-grazing the vegetation, which can cause the collapse of the whole ecosystem. In this way, tigers play a role in regulating the population of all the organisms in the ecosystem.

Here are some interesting facts that can be incorporated into essays:

  • Tigers are the largest cat species, with a total length of 3.3 meters from nose to tail. They can weigh up to 300 kg.
  • Tigers are the most recognisable of the big cats with their orange and black stripes.
  • The Bengal tiger is the most common tiger species in India.
  • Tigers are solitary creatures. They live alone and only seek other tigers during the mating season.
  • Tigers are excellent swimmers, unlike most other big cats. They can also pursue their prey in rivers and lakes.
  • Tiger cubs start learning how to hunt when they are six months old. They also stay with their mother until they are about 18 months old.
  • Tigers frequently hunt large animals in the wild. They are known to go after elephants, crocodiles and even leopards!

By studying these essays, your children will be able to gather facts for their own write-up and even learn how to put the facts together. Essay writing is an important skill for all children in school. These essays on the wild animal tiger are informative and suited for school kids.

Tigers are amazing animals that fascinate both adults and children alike. When gathering facts about tigers and writing about them, children will learn the importance of the wild animal and will understand the ecosystem better. They will be sensitised to the need for conservation. 

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10 Lines on Tiger – The National Animal of India!

Last updated on February 14th, 2023 at 02:16 pm

10 lines on Tiger: The tiger is a large, powerful cat that is native to Asia. It is the largest member of the Felidae family and is known for its distinctive orange fur with black stripes. Tigers are apex predators and are known to be solitary animals. They are found in a variety of habitats including tropical rainforests, grasslands, and wetlands. Tigers primarily feed on large mammals such as deer and wild pigs, but will also eat smaller animals such as fish and monkeys. They are known for their strength, speed, and agility, and are considered to be one of the most ferocious predators in the animal kingdom. Tigers are also apex predators in their ecosystem, they help to balance the population of herbivores, which in turn helps to maintain the health of their habitat. Unfortunately, tigers are facing significant threats, primarily due to habitat loss and poaching. Their population has declined significantly in recent years and they are now considered to be an endangered species. Conservation efforts are underway to protect tigers and their habitats, with the goal of ensuring their survival for future generations.

Table of Contents

10 Lines on Tiger – Set 1

  • The tiger is a large, powerful cat that is native to Asia.
  • It is the largest member of the felidae family and is known for its distinctive orange fur with black stripes.
  • Tigers are apex predators and are known to be solitary animals.
  • They are found in a variety of habitats including tropical rainforests, grasslands, and wetlands.
  • Tigers primarily feed on large mammals such as deer and wild pigs, but will also eat smaller animals such as fish and monkeys.
  • They are known for their strength, speed, and agility, and are considered to be one of the most ferocious predators in the animal kingdom.
  • Tigers are also apex predators in their ecosystem, they help to balance the population of herbivores, which in turn helps to maintain the health of their habitat.
  • Unfortunately, tigers are facing significant threats, primarily due to habitat loss and poaching.
  • Their population has declined significantly in recent years and they are now considered to be an endangered species.
  • Conservation efforts are underway to protect tigers and their habitats, with the goal of ensuring their survival for future generations

10 Lines on Tiger – Set 2

  • Tigers can weigh up to 600 pounds and grow up to 10 feet in length.
  • Tigers have a keen sense of smell, which allows them to locate prey from miles away.
  • They are excellent swimmers and are known to swim across rivers to hunt or escape danger.

Tigers have a life span of around 25 years in the wild.

  • Tigers have a unique pattern of stripes on their fur, which helps them camouflage in the wild.
  • Tigers are known to be aggressive and territorial animals and are known to attack humans in certain circumstances.
  • Tigers are apex predators, they play an important role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem.
  • Tigers are also known for their roar, which can be heard up to 2 miles away.
  • Tigers are also used in traditional medicine and in some cultures, their body parts are considered to have healing properties.
  • Tigers are an important part of the culture and tradition of many Asian countries and are deeply respected by the people of those countries.

10 Lines on Tiger – Set 3

  • Tigers are solitary hunters, only coming together for mating and raising young cubs.
  • Tigers are known to be one of the best swimmers among big cats, they can swim for miles.
  • Tigers are known for their powerful jaws and teeth, which can crush bone with ease.
  • Tigers have a flexible spine that allows them to make sharp turns while chasing prey.
  • Tigers are known for their stealth and are able to silently sneak up on their prey.
  • Tigers are known for their distinctive roar, which is used to communicate with other tigers and mark their territory.
  • Tigers are apex predators and play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of their ecosystem.
  • Tigers are known to have a high level of intelligence and problem-solving abilities.
  • Tigers are known to have a strong memory and can remember the location of a food source for months.
  • Tigers are known to have a strong sense of smell, which they use to locate prey or identify members of their own species.

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10 Lines on Tiger – Set 4

  • The tiger is the national animal of India, symbolizing strength, power, and grace.
  • India is home to the largest population of wild tigers, with more than 70% of the world’s tigers living in the country.
  • The Bengal tiger is the most common subspecies found in India and is also the national animal.
  • The Bengal tiger has a special significance in Indian culture and mythology and is often depicted in ancient art and literature.
  • India has a long history of conservation efforts for tigers, with the establishment of protected areas such as national parks and tiger reserves.
  • The Indian government has also launched several conservation programs like Project Tiger, aimed at protecting tigers and their habitats.
  • The Bengal tiger is a keystone species and plays a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance of the forest ecosystem.
  • The Indian government and NGOs are working together to increase the number of tigers in the wild and protect them from poaching and habitat loss.
  • The tiger is not just a symbol of national pride but also a symbol of India’s rich biodiversity.
  • The Bengal tiger is not just a national animal but also an important part of the cultural heritage of India.

10 Lines on Tiger – Set 5

  • The tiger is a powerful symbol of strength and courage.
  • It is often associated with royalty and is considered a symbol of power and authority.
  • In many cultures, the tiger is seen as a symbol of ferocity and fearlessness, representing the ability to overcome obstacles and challenges.
  • The tiger is also a symbol of aggression and protection, as it is a fierce predator and fierce defender of its territory.
  • The tiger is also associated with the elements of nature, such as fire and wind, symbolizing primal energy and wildness.
  • The tiger is also a symbol of freedom and independence, as it is an apex predator that roams the wild without restriction.
  • The tiger is often used as a symbol of the cycle of life, death, and rebirth, as it is both a hunter and a hunted animal.
  • The tiger is also a symbol of sexuality and passion and is often associated with desire and sensuality.
  • The tiger is also a symbol of balance and harmony in nature, as it plays an important role in maintaining the ecosystem’s balance.
  • In many cultures, the tiger is also seen as a symbol of good luck and prosperity, as it is believed to bring good luck and wealth to those who possess its image.

FAQs on 10 Lines on Tiger


The tiger is considered a symbol of strength, power, and grace and is often associated with royalty. It is considered a symbol of power and authority. In many cultures, the tiger is seen as a symbol of ferocity and fearlessness, representing the ability to overcome obstacles and challenges.

Tigers are apex predators and play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of their ecosystem. They help to control the population of herbivores, which in turn helps to maintain the health of their habitat. They are also a keystone species and their presence is important for the survival of other species in the ecosystem.

Yes, tigers are considered to be an endangered species due to habitat loss and poaching. Conservation efforts are underway to protect tigers and their habitats.

There are six subspecies of tigers: Bengal, Indochinese, Malayan, South China, Siberian, and Sumatran.

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Essay on Tiger for Students and Children

Essay on Tiger for Students and Children in 900 Words

In this article, you will read an Essay on Tiger for Students and Children in 900 Words. This essay includes tiger’s body structure, description, origin, facts and 10 lines.

So, let’s start this Essay on Tiger…

Table of Contents

Introduction (Essay on Tiger – 900 Words)

Tiger is the cat’s entire family’s biggest carnivorous mammal. It is said to be in significant numbers in Asia. It has a powerful body.

His forelimbs are strong, helping him to jump forward or run quickly. It has been signified as the national animal by the Government of India .

Body structure description

Tiger is one of the very best animals in the world. It is a carnivorous animal and resembles an enormous cat. Further, it belongs to the Felidae family. It has two beautiful eyes that are six times stronger overnight than human beings.

Her eyes are identical to that of a domestic cat. The white tigers, however, have blue eyes. Its eyes throughout the angry night stare like a burning flashlight. It has two ears that assist him in hearing the voice of all the other animals whilst on hunting.

Tiger has four long canine teeth, 2 in the upper jaw, and 2 in the lower jaw. Such teeth are of significant help in catching and strangulating the prey.

Origin of tigers

Where did the tigers originate? This is the most complicated matter. Most say Asia is the place of origin for tigers; most say, Africa.

However, tigers are said to have the source not in Africa but throughout the Asian continent. Bengal or Chinese tigers were resettled to Africa. They came from zoos with such a view to expanding the species’ survival or habitat.

How Tiger Catch its Prey?

Tiger usually hunts for animals of large or medium size like buffaloes, deer, crocodiles, tigers, pythons, and so on. Tiger lives alone and hunts on its own, not in a community. If it catches crocodile, this first attacks, including its paws on the eyes.

It then catches him in his jaw or strangulates him until death. Though, tiger may not chase his prey for a long-range, slowly creeping behind the prey or suddenly attacking it. It can jump to a height of 10 meters at one time.

Tiger may not eat men, but sometimes it just turns into men eater. This is because of weakness, the wound, but because it’s as well old. Tiger depends on animals for food, like wild sheep, horses, cattle, and so on.

The source for research reveals that even a tiger (that eats cows) hunts an ox of its 60 to 70 years in age every five days. If a tiger seems to have problems finding food, they may eat the birds, eggs, and berries. And then when, either, it can’t find some food, this eats some flesh.

Fact about Tiger

Tiger has so many varieties and facts that these are:

  • The tigers live throughout the zoo and in the wild for around 25 years.
  • Its long tail helps keep balance when running behind all the prey.
  • Tiger bones were used to heal joint pain, stiffness, back pain, spasms, or rheumatism.
  • Its body will have black stripes.
  • It instantly attacks the prey.
  • Living and hunting alone love to.
  • Catching its prey to the neck, it strangulates this.
  • In a time, tiger runs 85 km/h speed.

Feeding Capacity of a Tiger

In a dense forest much further away from the public, there will be three basic needs of the tiger, big prey, water, or den. In one moment, however, that may eat 55 to 60 pounds for flesh during the night, an adult tiger requires about 12 pounds for the meat to eat. At every 20 days, the tigress with three youthful cubs needs around 280 kilograms flesh.

Tiger as a National Animal of India

Indian rule has symbolized tiger as India’s National Animal. There will be two significant reasons underneath tiger declaring himself a national animal:

  • First, Tiger is strong and brave.
  • Second, to safeguard them from diminishing numbers day after day.

10 Lines on Tiger

  • Tiger is the largest wild animal throughout the cat family, and it is one of the jungle’s fiercest animals.
  • Tiger is a “carnivorous” animal, meaning that this is an animal that eats flesh; it chases other animals as food;
  • Tiger’s body is long or strong. It has four legs, powerful paws, or one tail with sharp nails.
  • This is usually orange or black stripes on that, but white tigers have black lines on white skin.
  • Their eyes typically resemble the cat’s eyes; however, the white tiger has blue eyes.
  • The tigers generate a “roaring” sound, which can be heard from 3 km field.
  • The tigers live to the jungle for up to 26 years, however live throughout the zoo at only 16-18 years.
  • A tiger may eat between 25 and 27 kilograms flesh in a single day.
  • Female tigers are called “Tigress,” or its offspring are called “Cub.”
  • On average, a tigress gives birth to three to four cubs at such a time.

Tiger is a wild creature that is part of a cat family. The number of tigers is falling day by day that is a significant problem before us. It needs to be regulated by halting all illegal activity or tiger smuggling.

Indian Government has started few tiger project campaign and save tigers. An Indian resident, we need to take an active part throughout this tiger saving campaign. I hope you liked this essay on tiger.

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Essay on Tiger in 500 Words

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  • Feb 3, 2024

Essay On Tiger

Essay on Tiger: The tiger is our national animal, locally known as ‘Baagh’ and its scientific name is ‘Panthera Tigris’ . This predator is listed among the most amazing creatures on the planet and is the largest member of the cat family. Tigers are strong, powerful, and beautiful creatures only found in specific locations. Unfortunately, tigers are on the brink of extinction because of things like illegal hunting poaching, and habitat loss. According to the 2022 census, there are 3167 tigers in India , which is a significant improvement in their population. The government has taken various measures to save this beautiful animal from extinction. 

Also Read: International Tiger’s Day

Why Should We Save Tigers?

In India, there are a total of 54 Tiger Reserves. Tigers are one of the few animals that play a crucial role in maintaining the balance in our biodiversity . Tigers are known as the largest member of the Cat Family, where a Male Tiger weighs about 100 – 260 kg and a Female Tiger weighs about 75 – 177 kg. 

To learn more about ¨Why Should We Save Tigers¨ in short and simple words, consider the following points:

  • Tigers play a vital role in our ecosystem because their landscape provides multiple services to humans and animals. Tiger reserve areas work as life-saving habitats as they reduce the risk of disasters like floods, landslides, tidal surges, etc.
  • Saving tigers means saving the entire biodiversity of a particular region. Tigers co-exist with endangered and vulnerable animals like one-horner rhinos, elephants, etc. 
  • In India, the Tiger has cultural importance, as there are regional communities who worship the tiger as their protector. Some of the communities are the Garo tribe of Meghalaya, the Gond tribe of MP and Tulunadus of Karnataka.

The Government of India passed the 1972 Wildlife Protection Act to protect and preserve various animal and plant species. In 1973, the government launched Project Tiger to increase the tiger population in India.

Take a look at the table below, which highlights the names of tiger reserves in India, and the tiger population in those reserves:

Also Read: Essay on Cow for All Classes

International Tiger’s Day

Every year, the 29th of July is celebrated as International Tiger Day or Global Tiger Day. This day is observed to raise awareness for tiger conservation and how important this big cat is to our environment. Tigers are mostly found in Africa and Asia. The Royal Bengal Tiger is one of the most popular breeds, founded in the Sundarbans, near the India-Bangladesh border.

Tigers are on the verge of extinction because of illegal hunting and poaching. India has taken strong measures to preserve tigers with its 1973 Project Tiger, which led to the establishment of around 50 Tiger reserves in India. Apart from raising awareness for tiger conservation, International Tiger’s Day also highlights their economic, environmental and cultural significance.

Facts About Tigers

Let us learn some interesting facts about Tigers:

  • There are a total of 6 Tiger breeds: Bengal, Indochinese, Malayan, Siberian (Amur), South China, and Sumatran tigers.
  • Tigers are the largest members of the cat family (Felidae).
  • Tigers are known for their striking coat patterns of dark vertical stripes on an orange background.
  • Like human fingerprints, the stripe pattern on each tiger is unique.
  • Tigers can swim long distances and have been known to cross rivers and lakes in search of prey or to establish territories.
  • Tigers are powerful and agile hunters. They have a stealthy approach, relying on their keen senses of sight and hearing, and can leap up to 10 feet in a single bound.
  • Tigers are known for their variety of vocalizations, including roars, growls, hisses, and chuffing sounds.

Ans: Tigers are fearless predators and are the largest in the cat family, Their scientific name is Panthera Tigris and in India, they are locally known as Baagh. Tigers are an endangered animal as only a number of these animals exist today. In 1972, the Government of India passed the Wildlife Preservation Act to preserve and protect the rich flora and fauna of India. The next year, the 1973 Project Tiger was launched to raise awareness about tiger conservation. There are a total of 6 Tiger breeds: Bengal, Indochinese, Malayan, Siberian (Amur), South China, and Sumatran tigers. Tigers are the largest members of the cat family (Felidae). Tigers are known for their striking coat patterns of dark vertical stripes on an orange background.

Ans: The International or Global Tiger Day is observed on 29th July every year to raise awareness about tiger conservation and their environmental, cultural, and economic importance.

Ans: According to the 2022 census, the tiger population in India stands at 3176.

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Short Essay on Tiger [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

Tiger is India’s national animal. This majestic beast roams around various forests of India. In this lesson today, you will learn how to write essays on Tiger.

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Short Essay on National Animal of India in 100 Words 

The tiger is a wild animal that lives in forests. Tigers have orange fur with dark vertical stripes which help them blend with the surroundings and hunt easily. They are agile and have very sharp claws. Tigers are carnivorous animals and prey on large animals like wild boars, deers, buffaloes and elephant calves.

A tiger can eat up to 50 kilograms of meat at one time. They can also kill and eat humans but it usually only happens if the tiger is too old or injured and can no longer kill other animals. Tigers are mostly found in Asia and some parts of Russia. There are many different types of tigers like royal Bengal tiger, Serbian tiger, Sumatran tiger, Indo-Chinese and Malayan tigers. Tigers are majestic creatures. 

Short Essay on Tiger in 200 Words

The tiger is a wild animal that lives in areas with dense vegetation, like forests, grasslands, savannas and mangrove swamps. Most tigers have orange fur with dark vertical stripes which helps them blend with their surroundings and hunt easily.

Tigers are agile and fast and can run at a speed of 64 kilometres per hour. They have sharp claws which help them grasp and hold onto prey. Tigers are carnivorous animals and they eat the flesh of other animals. They prey on large animals like deers, pigs, cows, buffalos, goats, horses as well as elephants and rhinoceros calves. 

A tiger can eat 50 kilograms of meat at one time and go without food for about ten days. Tigers are usually wary of humans and do not prefer eating them. However, if a tiger is too old or injured to hunt large animals, it can kill and eat a human if necessary. In the past, wild tigers used to be found all over Asia and in some parts of Russia. But due to illegal hunting and habitat loss, the population of tigers has been greatly reduced.

Currently, tigers are mostly found in Serbia, China, and Southeast Asia and the existing types include the royal Bengal tiger, Sumatran tiger, Indo-Chinese and Malayan tigers. The tiger is the national animal of India. 

Short Essay on Tiger in 400 Words 

Tiger is a wild animal that lives in areas with dense vegetation, like forests, grasslands, savannas and mangrove swamps. They can grow up to 10 feet and weigh as much as 300 kilograms. Most tigers have orange fur with dark vertical stripes and a white underside which helps them blend with their surroundings and thus hunt easily. They are agile and fast and can run at a speed of 64 kilometres per hour.

The tiger has a muscular body, strong legs, sharp claws and a long tail. The claws help the tiger grasp and hold onto prey. Tigers are carnivorous animals and they eat the flesh of other animals. They prey on large animals like deers, pigs, cows, buffalos, goats, horses as well as elephants and rhinoceros calves.

A tiger can eat 50 kilograms of meat at one time and go without food for about ten days. Tigers are usually wary of humans and do not prefer eating them. However, if a tiger is too old or injured to hunt large animals, it can kill and eat a human if necessary.

Tigers usually live solitary lives and are territorial in nature. They have home ranges within which they roam and satisfy their needs. Tigresses give birth to cubs and one litter contains two to three cubs on average. The mother takes care of the cubs while the father takes no part in rearing. Cubs start to eat meat at about eight weeks. They start hunting on their own at 11 months and become independent around 18 to 20 months of age. Tigers continue to grow until five years of age. Young females reach maturity at three to four years of age while males take four to five years. 

In the past, wild tigers used to be found all over Asia and in some parts of Russia. But due to illegal hunting and habitat loss, their population has been greatly reduced. Three subspecies of tigers – Balinese, Javan and Caspian have already gone extinct. Now, tigers are mostly found in Serbia, China, and Southeast Asia and the existing types include the royal Bengal tiger, Sumatran tiger, Indo-Chinese and Malayan tigers.

The tiger is the national animal of India, Bangladesh, Malaysia and South Korea. It has a lot of cultural and religious significance as well. In Hinduism, Lord Shiva wears and sits on tiger skin while in Buddhism, the tiger represents anger. In China, the tiger is seen as an equal rival of the dragon and was once seen as the personification of war. Tigers are majestic creatures. 

So, that’s all about writing essays on the majestic national animal of India: the Tiger. In these essays, I have discussed almost every aspect related to tigers. Moreover, I’ve tried to adopt a very simple language to make this lesson easier for all kinds of students. If you still have any doubts regarding this session, kindly post them in the comment section below. To read more such essays, keep browsing our website. 

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10 Lines on Tiger in English

January 22, 2024 by Sandeep

A tiger is a wild animal that belongs to the big cat family. The tiger is the national animal of India and Bangladesh. Every year, the 29th of July is celebrated as International Tigers Day to spread awareness about the need to conserve tiger populations.

Below, we have provided 10 lines on tiger for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 students, written in easy and simple words. These few lines can help you compose an essay, paragraph, composition, and summary on tiger.

10 Lines on Tiger

  • Tigers are wild cats found in India, Russia, and Bangladesh.
  • Tiger is the national animal of India.
  • They eat meat and have sharp teeth for hunting.
  • Tigers hunt animals like leopards, deer, and crocodiles.
  • Each tiger has unique stripes, like human fingerprints.
  • Tigers live around 25 years and prefer solitude.
  • They mark territory with urine that smells like popcorn.
  • Poaching has reduced tiger numbers.
  • “Project Tiger” started in 1973 to protect tigers.
  • India created 25 safe reserves for tigers.

5 Lines on Tiger

  • Tiger is a wild animal
  • They live in the jungle
  • They are carnivores and eat meat
  • Tigers have strong teeth and paws
  • Tiger is the national animal of India

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10 Lines on Tiger

A tiger is a wild animal that looks like a big cat. Tiger is the biggest flesh-eating animal in its cat family. It has a strong body and it is equally powerful as a Lion. It is found in different parts of Asia mainly India, Bhutan China, Siberia, Malaysia, etc. It is the national animal of India as well as Bangladesh. In ancient times kings used to hunt tigers in the jungle and kept their skin to display the prosperity of their palaces. While hunting, the stripes on the tiger’s body help the tiger hide from its prey.

They are considered the best hunters in the world. Among all of the species of tiger, the “Siberian Tiger” is considered as big and powerful. Generally, tigers have black stripes on their orange skin but there are some tigers that have black stripes on their white skin.

Ten Lines on Tiger in English

We have provided 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, a few lines, and sentences on tiger in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. If you have to write 10 lines on tiger for class 1 to class 4 these lines will be very useful for you. After reading these lines you will know about tigers in a better way. You can add these lines in your essay and paragraph writing in your exam as well as in competitive exams.

These lines will help you to answer all your questions regarding which is the strongest animal in the jungle, what are the characteristics of a tiger, where it is found, what a tiger eats, what a baby tiger is called, what is female tiger called, what is the lifespan of tigers, are stripes on tigers unique, can tigers swim, can they climb trees, what is the maximum speed of tigers, how many tigers are left in the world, what is tiger conservation, what are the species of tigers, etc.

1) Tiger is the biggest wild animal in the cat family, it is one of the strongest animals in the jungle.

2) Tiger is a “Carnivorous” animal which means it is a flesh-eating animal; it hunts other animals for food.

3) Tiger has a long and strong body. It has four legs, strong paws with sharp nails, and one tail.

4) Generally, it is found in orange color with black stripes on it, but white tigers have black stripes on white skin.

5) Generally, their eyes are similar to a cat’s eyes but the white tiger has blue eyes.

6) Tigers produce the sound of “Roaring” which can be heard from 3 km away.

7) Tigers live up to 26 years when they live in the jungle but in zoos, they live only 16-18 years.

8) A tiger can eat approximately 25 to 27 kg of flesh in one day.

9) Female tigers are called “Tigress” and it gives birth to their offspring called “Cub”.

10) On average tigress gives birth to 3-4 cubs at a time.

10 Lines and Sentences on Tiger

1) Tigers mainly live alone and they prefer dense forests and dens to make their habitat.

2) While hunting, the black strips on their body help the tiger to hide from its prey.

3) Each and every tiger is unique in this world; no two tigers will have the same kind of stripes on their body.

4) Tigers are the best swimmers and they are able to hunt while swimming.

5) While hunting their prey, tigers can run at a maximum speed of 65 km/hr.

6) There are five subspecies of tigers in which the “Siberian Tiger” is the largest in size.

7) Three species of tigers have become extinct, namely- Caspian, Bali, and Javan.

8) Approximately, 4000 tigers are left in this world out of which only 2266 are left in India.

9) Excessive hunting of the tigers mainly for their bones and skin has reduced their population.

10) In order to save them from extinction, tigers are kept in the zoo, though they do not feel comfortable there.

10 Lines on Tiger

5 Lines on Tiger

1) It is the strongest wild animal.

2) They live in jungles.

3) They are carnivores.

4) They have strong teeth and paws.

5) It is the national animal of India.

20 Lines on Tiger

1) The biological name of the tiger is Panthera Tigris and it is the largest among cat species.

2) A reddish-orange fur with vertical black stripes is a tiger’s distinct physical appearance.

3) Tiger is carnivorous and usually a solitary hunter except when in courtship.

4) Tigers usually hunt during the dawn or dusk except when disturbed by human activities at the night.

5) Tiger cubs are completely looked after by their mother, who teaches them skills for two years.

6) Once the tiger cub/s attain the age of 2-2.5 years, they leave the company of their mother forever.

7) Tigers ambush their prey and bring it down with sharp claws and canine teeth.

8) Like all other carnivores, tigers incapacitate their prey by biting throats with their powerful jaws.

9) While hunting smaller prey like monkeys, tigers break the spinal cord of the animals.

10) Tigers drag their prey to a secluded spot to devour it concealed from scavengers.

11) Tigers are the largest, ferocious, and beautiful beasts belonging to the cat family.

12) Tigers have extremely sharp claws and long curved canines to help them prey.

13) A tiger hides its kill and might return to feed for a couple of days if it is big enough.

14) A tiger likes to rest in dark shades like bamboo forests, caves, sugarcane fields, etc.

15) Tigers have the exceptional hearing ability but their sense of smell is not better than that of humans.

16) A tiger is a neat eater and it cleans the prey with its tongue before starting feeding on it.

17) Adult tiger kills nearly 50 deer-sized animals in a year and consumes up to 40 Kg of meat at one time.

18) Tigers communicate through a variety of vocalizations for long distances like roaring.

19) Tigers mark their territories by leaving scratches on trees or spraying their urine as a warning.

20) Unlike other cats, tigers love water and like to cool off in pools or even hunt if the situation arises.

Tigers have many contributions to balancing the ecosystem by hunting and eating their prey regularly. In order to make more money, some people hunt them frequently and excessively and due to this situation, they are now on the verge of extinction. Since the tiger is the national animal of India, killing the tiger is a criminal offense, and people who get involved in the killing of the tiger face the law of the land.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Tiger

Ans. Panthera tigris is the scientific name for a tiger.

Ans. Tigers are capable of making a single leap of up to 33 feet in height.

Ans. Yes, tigers are excellent swimmers and can even swim long distances.

Ans. The largest tigers are Amur tigers, which are sometimes called Siberian tigers. Males can weigh up to 660 pounds and be up to 10 feet long from nose to tail tip.

Ans. The Sumatran variety of tigers is the most smallest of all the tiger species. They can get up to about 310 pounds and 8 feet long at their largest.

Ans. Sumatran tigers are critically endangered because they are the rarest and smallest type of tiger in the world.

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Save Tiger Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on save tiger.

Tigers have become a very important topic of interest and issue all over the world presently. India is the home of major wild tigers about 2/3 of the world population . Their reducing number has triggered the government authorities to awaken and take observe. While the government is already taking projects to preserve the tiger, there is something that we as the typical public to have to do. Apart from India tigers are found in other countries like Bangladesh, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, China, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Malaysia, Russia-Vietnam, Bhutan, etc. Below are some tips that might help us make a little to make a way to save tigers.

Save Tiger Essay

How Can We Save Tiger?

The first thing what we can do is create awareness among people. And, this program is even more essential when the focus is to preserve the tigers. We can increase the attention to “Save Tigers” by creating leaflets, ads, advertising the cause on internet websites and the like.  The more you propagate the idea about saving tigers, the more persons you will adhere to the cause. Developing attention is incredibly important for all public causes.

Secondly, to preserve the tigers we must stop the poaching. Even when the government has banned the selling of tiger’s skin and bodies, poaching, however, is still prevalent. It’s very important to stop this unlawful act. While you quit poaching, make sure that you do not motivate poachers by purchasing competition skinned baggage, footwear and like products.

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Thirdly, It’s been found that our jungles are getting destroyed and that could be a significant cause why creatures like tigers are disappearing. Today, tigers don’t have a proper ecosystem to develop and generate. So, protecting jungles is the next important phase. It is not possible to plant a forest but yes you can plant many trees.

Fourthly, a recent WWF study tells that without mitigation efforts, projected sea-level will rise about a foot by 2070 which can destroy nearly the entire Sundarbans tiger habitat. Sundarbans is a large mangrove forest area and is also the only coastal mangrove tiger habitat in the world. Concerned rising sea levels due to climate change threaten to wipe out these forests and the last remaining habitat of this tiger population.

Lastly, Eco journey is another phase towards your effort to preserve tigers. By traveling on one such journey, you will be able to inform people about the particular situation of tigers and jungles. This will make them feel near to the cause and a positive change could cause them to take effective actions.

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Statistics and project

A recent study shows that the tiger population has gone down by 97 percent. In 1900, more than 100,000 tigers were estimated to roam the planet, but that fell to a record low of 3,200 globally in 2010. Project save tiger was an effort to restore the safe environments of tigers which are numbered at around 3000 currently.

The Jim Corbett National park where this project was introduced is the most significant tiger reserve in India focused on preserving the tiger. The objective of that project was to increase the number of tigers that presently exist. Due to this project, the numbers have increased from 2226 in 2014 to 2967 by 2019.

Saving  Tiger is not only our duty but also our responsibility. We have to support the government in its projects for the protection of the tigers so that a healthy population of the tigers exists. We should know that when we ask something from nature, we must be ready to give something back. If nature is responsible for our existence, we must take responsibility for its existence.

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Essay on Tiger in English

The tiger, with its powerful presence and mesmerizing beauty, holds a special place in the natural world. In this essay, we will explore the world of tigers, understanding their significance, the challenges they face, and why we must strive to protect these magnificent creatures.

The Tiger’s Majesty

Tigers are among the most majestic and awe-inspiring creatures on Earth. With their striking orange coats adorned with dark stripes, they capture our imagination and symbolize the beauty of the wild. Their presence in the forests adds a touch of mystery and wonder.

A Vital Role in Ecosystems

Tigers play a crucial role in maintaining the health of their ecosystems. As apex predators, they help control the populations of herbivores like deer, preventing overgrazing and ensuring the balance of plant and animal life. This balance is vital for the health of the entire ecosystem.

Cultural Significance

Tigers hold cultural significance in many societies. They are often seen as symbols of strength, courage, and power. In various cultures, tigers have been revered and even worshipped as deities, highlighting their deep-rooted importance.

Endangered Status

Despite their significance, tigers are in grave danger. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), there are fewer than 4,000 wild tigers left in the world today. Habitat loss, poaching, and illegal trade in tiger parts have pushed these magnificent creatures to the brink of extinction.

Conservation Efforts

Efforts to protect tigers are underway worldwide. Conservation organizations, governments, and local communities are working together to preserve tiger habitats, combat poaching, and raise awareness about the importance of tiger conservation. Initiatives like “Project Tiger” in India have shown promising results.

Unique Adaptations

Tigers have unique adaptations that make them top predators. Their powerful bodies, sharp claws, and keen senses of sight and hearing make them formidable hunters. Their striped coats provide camouflage in the forest, allowing them to approach prey stealthily.

Solitary Lives

Tigers are known for their solitary nature. They establish large territories to avoid competition for food. Female tigers raise their cubs alone, teaching them essential hunting skills before they become independent.

Tiger Species

There are several subspecies of tigers, each with its own unique characteristics and habitats. These include the Bengal tiger, Siberian tiger, Sumatran tiger, and more. Unfortunately, many of these subspecies are critically endangered.

Conservation Success Stories

Despite the challenges, there have been success stories in tiger conservation. For example, the population of tigers in India has been steadily increasing due to dedicated conservation efforts. These success stories offer hope for the future of these magnificent creatures.

Our Responsibility

As stewards of the planet, it is our responsibility to protect tigers and their habitats. We can support conservation efforts by raising awareness, supporting organizations like WWF, and advocating for stricter anti-poaching measures. Every small action counts in the fight to save these incredible animals.

Conclusion of Essay on Tiger in English

In conclusion, the tiger represents the essence of the wild—a symbol of power, grace, and untamed beauty. However, their numbers are dwindling due to human activities. It is our duty to ensure that these majestic creatures continue to roam our planet. By supporting conservation efforts and spreading awareness, we can play a crucial role in preserving the tiger’s place in our world. Tigers are not just magnificent animals; they are guardians of the wild, and it is our responsibility to protect and cherish them for generations to come.

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Tiger Essay

Tiger is a largest animal of cat species having unique pattern of dark vertical stripes on its reddish-orange fur. We have provided below various essay on tiger in order to help students. Now-a-days, essays and paragraphs writing competitions are common strategy followed by the teachers in the schools and colleges in order to enhance the skill and knowledge of students about any topic. All the tiger essay given below are written using very simple words under various words limit according to the need and requirement of students.

Long and Short Essay on Tiger in English

We have provided below short and long essay on Tiger in English language.

The essays have been written in simple language to easily provide you complete details of physical and behavioral characteristics of tigers.

After reading these Tiger Essay you will know what does a tiger looks like, how does it hunts and feeds on its prey, its social behaviour etc.

You can use these essays during your school and college competition on essay writing, debate or talk shows.

Tiger Essay 1 (100 words)

The zoological name of tiger (national animal) is Panthera tigris. It is a carnivorous animal which comes under the category of mammal as it gives birth to a child. It belongs to the cat family as a largest living member. It is found all around Asia especially in the countries like Bhutan, China, India, and Siberia. Bengal tigers are generally found in Sundarbans (watery jungle) located in Bangladesh and West Bengal including other south-east Asian countries. They are found in various colors especially white, blue and orange with black stripes. Black stripes on their upper body help them to hide away while hunting. Each and every tiger has different pattern of stripes on their body.


Tiger Essay 2 (150 words)

Tiger is a National animal of India. It has been declared as the national animal of country because of its royal look. It is very famous and strong animal known for its grace, power and agility. It is an Asiatic carnivorous animal zoologically named as Panthera tigris. There are various species and subspecies of the tigers are found all over the world. Tiger is an endangered species of the animal however few are left (according to the world tiger census) all over the world which we have to conserve in any way in order to save their life on the earth.

Government of India has run a program named “Project Tiger” in April 1973 in order to maintain the position of continuously decreasing tiger population in India. It is the matter of happiness that because of the Project Tiger campaign, the population of tigers in India is in a comfortable position.

Tiger Essay 3 (200 words)

Tiger is a national animal which belongs to the cat family. Scientific name of tiger is Panthera tigris. It is known as the largest animal in the cat family. It is found in various colors such as orange, white and blue having black stripes. Each and every tiger has different black stripes on their body. They may be different outside however their underside of abdomen becomes white. Bengal Tigers were originated in Siberia however they migrated to south because of the colder climate. Now, the natural heritage of the Royal Bengal Tiger is India. Bengal Tigers can be 7 to 10 feet long and 350 to 550 lbs weight.

They vary in size and weight depending on the subspecies and places they found. Siberian tigers are considered as the largest tigers. Females are considered to be little smaller than the males. Few decades ago, tigers were endangering continuously however because of an Indian campaign “Project Tiger”, the condition of tigers in India is in control. Earlier they were hunted very heavily by the man for the purposes like sports, traditional medical products, etc. ‘Project Tiger’ was initiated by the government of India in April 1973 in order to get control over their number. The main threats to the tiger’s life are deforestation means habitat loss and population fragmentation.

Tiger Essay 4 (250 words)

Tiger is a wild animal which has been declared as the national animal of India by the Indian government. It is considered as the cruelest wild animal to which everyone has fear of. It is a very strong animal which can jump to the long distance. It looks very calm however very clever and can suddenly grab its prey from the long distance. It becomes very fond of blood and flesh of other wild animals such cow, deer, goat, dog, rabbit, (sometimes human beings according to the chance), etc.

Tigers are called as lord of Jungle as they symbolize the wildlife wealth of the country. This is an animal having the combination of strength, grace, enormous power and agility which is the big reasons of its respect and high esteem. It is estimated that almost half of the total population of tigers are living in India. However, in the last few decades, the population of tiger in India was decreasing to a extent. The Project Tiger was launched by the government of India in 1973 in order to protect the existence of this royal animal in the country.

There are almost eight races of the tiger and the Indian race named as Royal Bengal Tiger is found in almost all over the country (except north-western region). Few years after the launch of Project Tiger, it was seen a marked increase in the tiger population in India. According to the census of 1993, the total number of tiger in the country was almost 3,750. Around 23 tiger reserves (covering an area of 33,406 sq. km) have been made under the campaign of Project Tiger throughout the country.

Tiger Essay 5 (300 words)

Tiger is a wild animal and popularly known as the national animal of India. It is almost similar to the cat as it belongs to the cat family. It is known as the largest species of the cat family. It has big teeth and a long tail. It can be of various colors (such as white, blue and orange) however everyone has black stripes on their body. It can run to a long distance with huge jumps within few minutes because it has a God gifted padded feet with sharp claws. Its four teeth (two in upper and two in lower jaw) are very sharp and strong in order to grab a huge prey to fulfill its heavy food need. The length and height of a tiger can be about 8 to 10 feet and 3 to 4 feet respectively.

It is a carnivorous animal and become very fond of blood and flesh. Sometimes, it comes to the villages from the dense forests in the search of food and eat any animal even people. It makes a solid grip on its preys (such as deer, zebra and other animals) very suddenly through its strong jaws and sharp claws. Generally, it sleeps during day time and hunts during night time because of easiness in grabbing preys. Killing wild animals without the need of food is its nature and hobby which shows its strongness and being powerful in the forest in front of other animals. That’s why, it is known as very cruel and violent wild animal.

In India, tigers are commonly found in Sundarbans (Assam, West Bengal, Tripura, Central India, etc). More big sized tigers are found in the African jungles however Royal Bengal Tigers look most beautiful of all. Tiger killing has been prohibited all through the country from the time when the number of tigers was decreasing very fast. There are six living subspecies of tigers found (such as Bengal tiger, Siberian tiger, Sumatran tiger, Malayan tiger, Indo-Chinese tiger, and South-Chinese tiger) and three have been recently extinct (such as Javan tiger, Caspian tiger, and Bali tiger).

Tiger Essay 6 (400 words)

Tiger is a very violent wild animal. It has been declared by the Indian government as the national animal of India. It is considered as the strongest, powerful and most beautiful animal on this planet. It lives in a dense forest however sometimes comes to the villages and other residential places in the search of food or deforestation. Siberian Tigers are generally used to live in cold places however Royal Bengal Tigers in the forest near river that’s why they know well to swim.

Few decades ago, tigers were hunted by the people to a great extent for fulfilling various purposes including illegal business of its body parts like skin, bones, teeth, nail, etc. It resulted in the massive decrease in the population of tigers all over India. Tigers are also found in other countries like Bangladesh, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, China, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Malaysia, Russia, Vietnam, Bhutan, etc.

Tiger is a carnivorous animal which hunts in the night however sleeps for day. Tiger has a strong and powerful body using which it can jump up to the high length (almost 7 ft) and run up for long distance (almost 85 km/h). Black stripes on their blue, white or orange body make them really attractive and beautiful. It has naturally strong jaws, teeth and sharp claws in order to grasp its prey from long distance. It is considered as its long tail helps to maintain balance while hunting the prey. A tiger can be around 13 feet in length and 150 kg in weight. Tigers can be recognized by their unique pattern of stripes on the upper body.

Tiger as a National Animal

Tiger was selected as the National animal of India by the government because of its power, strength, and agility. It was selected as so also because of its nice names such as king of Jungle and Royal Bengal Tiger.

What is Project Tiger

Project Tiger is a campaign run by the government of India in order to maintain the population of tiger in country. It was established in 1973 in order to save tigers from the extreme threat of extinction. This project was made to focus on the preservation of remaining tigers all over the country as well as increase their number through the breeding of species. Around 23 tiger reserves have been made throughout the country for providing the safety and natural environment to them. It was seen a marked improvement in the tiger population by 1993 in the country. However despite the increase in population, the population of tigers in the country is still not satisfactory compared to the effort and money put in the project.

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Essay on tiger

Tigers are one of the most iconic and majestic big cats in the world. With their striking stripes, powerful physique, and fierce hunting skills, they are truly a force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately, tigers are also an endangered species, with their numbers dwindling in the wild due to habitat loss and poaching. In this article, we will take a closer look at these amazing animals and learn 10 fascinating facts about them.

The tiger’s scientific name:

The scientific name for the tiger is Panthera tigris. The genus name Panthera is derived from the Latin word for “panther,” while the species name tigris is derived from the Greek word for “tiger.” The scientific name for the tiger reflects its close evolutionary relationship with other big cats such as lions , leopards, and jaguars.

The different species of tigers:

There are five different species of tigers, each with its own unique characteristics and range. The Bengal tiger is the most common and widespread species, found in India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Bangladesh. The Indochinese tiger is found in Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. The Siberian tiger, also known as the Amur tiger, is found in Russia and China. The Sumatran tiger is found only on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, and the Malayan tiger is found in Malaysia and Thailand. Each species of tiger is adapted to its particular environment, with variations in size, coat color, and behavior.

Physical characteristics of tigers:

Tigers are instantly recognizable for their striking striped coats, which vary in color from orange to brown to white. The stripes help to camouflage the tiger in its environment, making it easier to hunt and avoid detection by predators. Tigers are the largest cats in the world, with males weighing up to 660 pounds and standing over 10 feet long from nose to tail. Tigers have sharp claws and powerful jaws, which they use to capture and kill their prey. They are also excellent swimmers and climbers, able to navigate through water and up trees with ease.

Habitat and distribution of tigers:

Tigers can be found in a range of habitats, including tropical forests, grasslands, and wetlands. They are primarily found in Asia, with the largest populations in India and Indonesia. However, tiger populations have declined dramatically in recent years due to habitat loss and poaching. The destruction of forests and other natural habitats has led to a decline in the availability of prey for tigers, and increased human activity in tiger habitats has led to more frequent conflicts between tigers and humans.

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The hunting habits of tigers:

Tigers are apex predators, meaning that they are at the top of the food chain in their respective environments. They are skilled hunters and are capable of taking down prey much larger than themselves. Tigers typically hunt alone, using their sharp senses and stealth to stalk and ambush their prey. They often target large herbivores such as deer, wild boar, and buffalo, but will also eat smaller animals such as monkeys, birds, and fish. After a successful hunt, tigers will drag their prey to a safe location to eat and will defend it from other predators.

Tiger communication and social behavior:

Despite their solitary nature, tigers do communicate with each other through a range of vocalizations, body language, and scent marking. Male tigers, in particular, will use vocalizations and scent marking to establish their territory and attract females during mating season. Female tigers are usually more social than males, often raising their cubs in small groups. Cubs will stay with their mother for up to two years before becoming independent.

The role of tigers in culture and mythology:

Tigers have played an important role in human culture and mythology for centuries. In Hindu mythology, the tiger is associated with the goddess Durga and is often depicted as a symbol of power and strength. In Chinese culture, the tiger is one of the 12 zodiac animals and is associated with bravery and protection. In some cultures, tiger parts are believed to have medicinal properties and are used in traditional medicine.

Threats to tiger populations:

Tigers are facing numerous threats to their survival, including habitat loss, poaching, and conflicts with humans. The destruction of forests and other natural habitats has led to a decline in the availability of prey for tigers, making it more difficult for them to survive. In addition, poaching for tiger parts, such as their bones, skin, and meat, is a major threat to tiger populations. Tigers are also often killed by humans who see them as a threat to their livestock or as a danger to their communities. Climate change is another emerging threat to tiger populations, as it can alter their habitats and affect their food sources.

Conservation Efforts for Tigers:

There are many conservation efforts underway to protect and preserve tiger populations. One of the most important is the establishment of protected areas, such as national parks and wildlife reserves, where tigers can live and breed without interference from humans. In addition, efforts are underway to reduce poaching through increased law enforcement and awareness-raising campaigns. Another key conservation strategy is habitat restoration, which involves planting trees and other vegetation to restore degraded forests and other natural habitats. Finally, captive breeding programs are being used to help increase tiger populations in the wild.

What We Can Do to Help Tigers:

There are many things that individuals can do to help protect tigers and support conservation efforts. One of the most important is to support organizations that are working to protect tigers and their habitats, either through donations or by volunteering. Individuals can also help by raising awareness about the threats facing tigers and advocating for policies and laws that protect them. In addition, individuals can reduce their own impact on tiger habitats by making sustainable choices, such as buying products that are made from sustainable materials and reducing their energy consumption. Finally, individuals can support responsible tourism practices, such as choosing eco-friendly tour operators and avoiding activities that harm tigers or their habitats.

Q: How many species of tigers are there?

A: There are five species of tigers: Bengal, Indochinese, Siberian, Sumatran, and Malayan.

Q: What is the biggest species of tiger?

A: The Siberian tiger is the largest species of tiger, with males weighing up to 660 pounds.

Q: What do tigers eat?

A: Tigers are carnivores and eat a variety of prey, including deer, boars, and buffalo.

Q: Are tigers endangered?

A: Yes, tigers are an endangered species, with their populations declining due to habitat loss and poaching.


Tigers are truly remarkable creatures that deserve our protection and respect. With only a few thousand left in the wild, it is up to us to ensure that they have a future on this planet. By supporting conservation efforts, reducing our ecological footprint, and educating others about the importance of tiger conservation, we can help ensure that these magnificent animals

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10 Lines on Tiger

  • Tigers are one of the largest and most iconic members of the cat family, Panthera tigris, and are native to Asia.
  • They are solitary creatures, and each tiger marks and defends its own territory against other tigers.
  • Tigers are carnivorous predators and mainly prey on ungulates like deer, wild boars, and water buffaloes.
  • Tigers have a striped coat, which provides them excellent camouflage in the forest and grasslands where they live.
  • The tiger’s stripe pattern is unique, and no two tigers have the same pattern.
  • Tigers are strong swimmers and can cross rivers and lakes in search of prey or to escape danger.
  • Sadly, tiger populations have been declining for decades due to habitat loss, poaching, and human-wildlife conflict.
  • There are six subspecies of tigers, with only around 3,900 tigers remaining in the wild globally.
  • India is home to the majority of the world’s remaining tigers, with about 70% of the world’s wild tigers found there.
  • Conservation efforts are being made to protect and increase tiger populations, including habitat preservation, anti-poaching measures, and education and awareness campaigns.

5 Lines on Tiger

  • Tigers are large, carnivorous felines that are native to Asia and are known for their distinctive striped coat.
  • They are apex predators and mainly prey on ungulates like deer, wild boars, and water buffaloes.
  • Tigers are powerful swimmers and are known to hunt in the water as well as on land.
  • Unfortunately, tiger populations are threatened by habitat loss, poaching, and human-wildlife conflict.
  • Conservation efforts are being made to protect tigers and their habitats, but more needs to be done to ensure their survival.

20 Lines on Tiger

  • Tigers are one of the largest and most majestic members of the cat family, and are easily recognized by their distinctive stripes.
  • They are apex predators and sit at the top of the food chain, preying on a variety of animals, including deer, wild boars, and water buffalo.
  • Tigers are found mainly in Asia, and inhabit a range of habitats including forests, grasslands, and wetlands.
  • Tigers are strong swimmers and have been known to swim up to six kilometers in search of prey or to escape danger.
  • The tiger’s stripe pattern is unique, and no two tigers have the same pattern, making it easy to identify individual tigers.
  • There are six subspecies of tigers, each with unique physical characteristics and distribution.
  • The Bengal tiger is the most numerous and is found mainly in India, while the Siberian tiger is the largest and lives in the forests of Russia.
  • Unfortunately, tiger populations have been declining for decades due to habitat loss, poaching, and human-wildlife conflict.
  • Tigers are solitary and territorial animals, with males having a larger territory than females.
  • They communicate with each other through vocalizations, scent marking, and visual cues.
  • Tigers are carnivorous and need a lot of meat to survive, with adult males requiring up to 10 kg of meat per day.
  • They have powerful jaws and sharp teeth, and are known for their ability to take down prey that is much larger than themselves.
  • Tigers have excellent eyesight and hearing, which helps them hunt and avoid danger.
  • They are also skilled climbers and can often be seen perched on tree branches.
  • In many cultures, tigers are revered as symbols of strength, courage, and royalty.
  • Tigers have been featured in many works of literature and art, including Rudyard Kipling’s “The Jungle Book” and William Blake’s poem “The Tyger.”
  • In the wild, tigers can live up to 15 years, while in captivity they can live up to 20 years or more.
  • With continued conservation efforts and protection, it is possible for tiger populations to recover and thrive in their natural habitats.

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Write 10 Lines on Save Tiger

Tigers are magnificent creatures that are native to Asia. Sadly, their population is declining rapidly due to habitat loss and poaching. “Save Tiger” is a movement that aims to protect tigers and their habitats from extinction.

10 sentences on Save Tiger for kids (set #1)

  • Tigers are big, beautiful cats that live in the forests and grasslands.
  • They are important for maintaining a balanced ecosystem by controlling prey populations.
  • Unfortunately, tigers are an endangered species, with their numbers decreasing rapidly.
  • People hunt tigers for their fur, bones, and other body parts, which is illegal and harmful.
  • Deforestation and habitat loss are also major threats to tigers as they lose their homes.
  • We need to save tigers to maintain our planet’s biodiversity and keep our ecosystems healthy.
  • Spreading awareness about tiger conservation and teaching others is one way to help.
  • Supporting wildlife sanctuaries and reserves can protect tiger habitats and ensure their survival.
  • Encouraging the government to implement strict laws against hunting and poaching can save tigers.
  • By working together, we can protect and save these majestic creatures for future generations.

Also read the Essay on Save Tiger

10 lines on Save Tiger (set #2)

  • Tigers are at risk of extinction, and we need to protect them.
  • Tigers are an important part of the ecosystem and help maintain balance in nature.
  • Tigers live in forests, grasslands, and wetlands.
  • Deforestation and human activities are destroying their habitats.
  • We can help by not buying products made from tiger parts.
  • We can also support organizations that work to protect tigers and their habitats.
  • Zoos play an important role in breeding and conservation programs for tigers.
  • The government can help by enforcing laws to protect tigers and their habitats.
  • Tigers need large areas to roam and hunt, so we can support efforts to create wildlife corridors.
  • We can reduce our carbon footprint to prevent climate change, which also affects tiger habitats.
  • These corridors connect fragmented habitats and allow tigers to move freely.
  • It’s important to raise awareness about the importance of tigers and their habitats.

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Few Lines about a Tiger in English/Top 5 and 10 Lines 2024


Looking for the top 5 and 10 lines on a tiger and the few lines about a tiger for all class students?

If you are in classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and up to class 12 then here you will get some best lines of a tiger.

These lines are the most useful to write an essay about a tiger for school exams.

few lines about a tiger in english and top 10 and 5 lines

Few Lines about a Tiger

The Tiger is a wild animal and it is the national animal of India.

Tiger is one of the most powerful and strongest animals in the world.

It has four legs, two ears, a nose and a strong long tail. And it has two shining eyes.

It has sharp as well as strong teeth and the feet have claves.

The tiger has about 30 teeth, In which two above and two below teeth are very sharp and pointed.

The tiger hunts small and medium size animals to eat because it is carnivorous.

Generally, They hunt animals only when they feel hungry.

The tiger runs very fast for hunting animals.

The tiger is a violent beast in all wild animals.

The tiger roars terribly.

The tiger is famous all over the world for its fearful roar.

Tigers are found in dense forests and they live in the cave. And also found in the zoo.

Generally, the tiger is yellow in color and has black color stripes on its body so it looks beautiful.

Tigers can also swim in the water very well. And it can see even in the dark.

There are also white color tigers in the world but very small numbers.

The tigers usually live 14 to 16 years.

Top 5 Lines on Tiger

few lines about a tiger in english, 5 and 10 lines

1. The Tiger is a wild animal and it is the national animal of India.

2. It has four legs, two ears, a nose and a strong long tail. And it has two shining eyes.

3. Generally, the tiger is yellow in color and has black color stripes on its body so it looks beautiful.

4. The tiger hunts small and medium size animals to eat because it is carnivorous.

5. The tigers usually live 14 to 16 years.

Top 10 Lines on Tige r

2. It is the largest animal of the cat species.

3. It has four legs, two ears, a nose and a strong long tail. And it has two shining eyes.

4. The tiger roars terribly.

5. Generally, the tiger is yellow in color and has black color stripes on its body so it looks beautiful.

6. Tigers are found in dense forests and they live in the cave. And also found in the zoo.

7. The tiger hunts small and medium size animals to eat because it is carnivorous.

8. There are also white color tigers in the world but very small numbers.

9. The tigers usually live 14 to 16 years.

10. 29 July is world tiger day.

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Q1 – Can tigers swim?

A – Yes, The tiger can swim very well in the water.

Q2 – How long does a tiger live?

A – Generally tiger lives for 14 to 16 years

Q3 – What do the Tigers eat?

A – The tiger is a Carnivorous wild animal so it eats the meat of deer, buffalo, wild pigs and other animals.

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2024 Masters odds, field: Surprising PGA picks, predictions from advanced golf model that nailed 10 majors

Sportsline's proven model simulated the masters 2024 10,000 times and revealed its pga golf picks for augusta national.

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The smallest field in major championship golf will once again descend on Augusta National Golf Club for the 2024 Masters beginning on Thursday, April 11. Former World No. 1 Brooks Koepka is a five-time major champion and has finished as the runner-up twice at the Masters, including last year. He is a 21-1 longshot in the 2024 Masters odds, giving him the fourth-shortest odds behind Scottie Scheffler (5-1), Rory McIlroy (10-1) and Jon Rahm (13-1). Should you include Koepka in your 2024 Masters betting strategy and 2024 Masters predictions?

Scheffler has already won two tournaments this season, and his bid for a third straight win came up just short when he finished second at the Houston Open. He won the Masters in 2022 and posted top-10 finishes in three of the four majors last year, so he could be one of the top 2024 Masters contenders. Before locking in any 2024 Masters picks of your own, be sure to see the 2024 Masters golf predictions and projected leaderboard from the proven computer model at SportsLine .

SportsLine's proprietary model, built by DFS pro Mike McClure, has been red-hot since the PGA Tour resumed in June 2020. In fact, the model is up nearly $9,500 on its best bets since the restart, nailing tournament after tournament. McClure's model predicted Scottie Scheffler would finish on top of the leaderboard at the Arnold Palmer Invitational and The Players Championship this season. McClure also included Hideki Matsuyama in his best bets to win the 2024 Genesis Invitational. That bet hit at +9000, and for the entire tournament, McClure's best bets returned nearly $1,000. The model also predicted Jon Rahm would be victorious at the 2023 Sentry Tournament of Champions and The American Express. At the 2023 Masters, the model was all over Rahm's second career major victory heading into the weekend. Rahm was two strokes off the lead heading into the third round, but the model still projected him as the winner. It was the second straight Masters win for the model, which also nailed Scheffler winning in 2022. In addition, McClure's best bets included Nick Taylor (70-1) winning the 2023 RBC Canadian Open, Jason Day (17-1) winning outright at the 2023 AT&T Byron Nelson, and Rickie Fowler (14-1) finishing on top of the leaderboard at the 2023 Rocket Mortgage Classic. This same model has also nailed a whopping 10 majors entering the weekend. Anyone who has followed it has seen massive returns.

Now that the Masters 2024 field is taking shape, SportsLine simulated the tournament 10,000 times, and the results were surprising. Head to SportsLine now to see the projected leaderboard.

Top 2024 Masters predictions 

One major surprise the model is calling for at the 2024 Masters: Rory McIlroy, a four-time major champion and one of the co-favorites, fails to complete the career grand slam and barely cracks the top five at Augusta National. The world's No. 2-ranked golfer is off to a rough start in 2024, with his highest finish through his first five starts being 19th at the Players Championship.

Putting was an issue for McIlroy at the start of the season, as he previously ranked 129th in that area (-0.246). While he has improved to 83rd on the PGA Tour (0.036) and his total shots gained (0.610) is 40th, he is still 123rd in shots gained approaching the green (-0.176). While there appears to be small improvements in his game, his finishes this season are why the model is low on him.

Another surprise: Patrick Cantlay, a 28-1 longshot, makes a strong run at the title. He has a much better chance to win it all than his odds imply, so he's a target for anyone looking for a huge payday. The 2021 FedEx Cup winner has eight PGA Tour victories, but he is still seeking his first major tournament win.

Cantlay has three top-20 finishes at Augusta National over the last five years, including a ninth-place run in 2019 and a 14th in 2023. He finished fourth at The Genesis Invitational in February and has made the cut in all seven tournaments he has played in this season. The 32-year-old is one of the top golfers on the PGA Tour, but he is undervalued by the betting market due to his lack of major victories, according to the model.  See who else to pick here .

How to make 2024 Masters picks

The model is also targeting six other golfers with odds of 20-1 or longer to make a strong run at the green jacket. Anyone who backs these longshots could hit it big. You can only see the model's picks here .

Who will win the 2024 Masters, and which longshots will stun the golfing world? Check out the Masters 2024 odds below and then visit SportsLine to see the projected Masters leaderboard, all from the model that's nailed 10 golf majors, including last year's Masters and Open Championship .

2024 Masters odds, field

Full set of Masters picks, best bets, and predictions here.

Scottie Scheffler +500 Rory McIlroy +1000 Jon Rahm +1300 Brooks Koepka +2100 Jordan Spieth +2100 Will Zalatoris +2100 Viktor Hovland +2100 Xander Schauffele +2400 Ludvig Aberg +2400 Patrick Cantlay +2800 Justin Thomas +2800 Cameron Smith +3100 Hideki Matsuyama +3100 Collin Morikawa +3100 Joaquin Niemann +3100 Wyndham Clark +3100 Matt Fitzpatrick +3600 Dustin Johnson +3600 Tony Finau +4400 Max Homa +4400 Brian Harman +4600 Shane Lowry +4600 Cameron Young +4600 Jason Day +4600 Bryson DeChambeau +4600 Sam Burns +5500 Min Woo Lee +5500 Sahith Theegala +5500 Tommy Fleetwood +5500 Sung-Jae Im +7500 Tyrrell Hatton +7500 Corey Conners +9000 Tom Kim +9000 Justin Rose +9000 Patrick Reed +9000 Russell Henley +12000 Adam Scott +12000 Rickie Fowler +12000 Jake Knapp +12000 Phil Mickelson +16000 Harris English +16000 Sergio Garcia +16000 Tiger Woods +16000 Gary Woodland +19000 Keegan Bradley +19000 Si Woo Kim +19000 Chris Kirk +19000 Ryan Fox +19000 J.T. Poston +19000 Nick Dunlap +19000 Cameron Davis +19000 Thorbjorn Olesen +19000 Adrian Meronk +19000 Sepp Straka +19000 Nick Taylor +19000 Eric Cole +19000 Matthieu Pavon +19000 Emiliano Grillo +19000 Nicolai Hojgaard +19000 Luke List +21000 Adam Hadwin +21000 Charl Schwartzel +28000 Kurt Kitayama +28000 Bubba Watson +28000 Ryo Hisatsune +28000 Erik van Rooyen +28000 Danny Willett +34000 Denny McCarthy +34000 Lee Hodges +34000 Taylor Moore +43000 Adam Schenk +43000 Lucas Glover +43000 Grayson Murray +55000 Christo Lamprecht +55000 Mike Weir +100000 Jose Maria Olazabal +100000 Fred Couples +100000 Vijay Singh +100000 Zach Johnson +100000 Stewart Hagestad +100000 Jasper Stubbs +100000 Santiago De La Fuente +100000 Neal Shipley +100000

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  1. 10 lines on tiger in english

    essay on tiger 10 lines

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  3. 10 Lines Essay on Tiger in English for Students

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  4. 10 lines on National animal Tiger in english|10 Lines On Tiger| Essay

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  5. Essay on Tiger

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  6. 10 line essay on national animal of India Tiger

    essay on tiger 10 lines


  1. बाघ...निबंध / Essay on Tiger

  2. Essay on the tiger 💖💖💖

  3. Essay On The Tiger

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  5. Write 10 lines on National Animal

  6. Short essay on tiger in english||10 lines on tiger in english|| English essay


  1. Essay On The Tiger In English For Classes 1-3: 10 Lines, Short & Long

    Essays in single lines are the simplest to write for children who are introduced to essay writing. Here is an example of a tiger essay for classes 1 and 2: Tigers are the largest cats in the feline family. They are one of the strongest animals in the jungle. Tigers are carnivorous animals.

  2. Tiger Essay for Students and Children in English

    10 lines Essay on Tiger in English. The tiger is India's national animal. The tiger is known for its might and prowess. The tiger is a majestic creature. The Chinese often use tiger nails to create medicinal antidotes. The tiger is found in the western, eastern, and central parts of India.

  3. 10 Lines on Tiger: Check the short essay samples on Tiger here!

    10 Lines on Tiger - Set 2. Tigers can weigh up to 600 pounds and grow up to 10 feet in length. Tigers have a keen sense of smell, which allows them to locate prey from miles away. They are excellent swimmers and are known to swim across rivers to hunt or escape danger. Tigers have a life span of around 25 years in the wild.

  4. Write 10 Lines on Tiger

    10 lines on Tiger (set #2) Tigers are the largest members of the cat family. They can weigh up to 600 pounds and can grow up to 11 feet long. Tigers have a distinctive orange and black striped coat, which helps them to blend in with their surroundings and hunt prey. They are carnivores and eat mainly deer, wild pigs, and buffalo.

  5. 10 Lines on Tiger for Students and Children in English

    November 4, 2023 by Ram. 10 Lines on Tiger: A tiger is a wild animal that actually looks like a big cat. Tiger in its cat family is the most giant flesh-eating animal. It possesses a powerful body, and it is equally strong like a Lion. Tigers are found in various parts of Asia, mainly Africa, Siberia, India, Bhutan, Malaysia, China, etc.

  6. Essay on Tiger for Students and Children in English [500 Words]

    Essay on Tiger in English 500 Words. Below we have provided an extended Essay on Tiger, suitable for class 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students. Tigers are the most beautiful animals on the planet. They are found in the dense forest because of their characteristic feature to stay aloof from human contact.

  7. Essay on Tiger for Students and Children in 900 Words

    10 Lines on Tiger. Tiger is the largest wild animal throughout the cat family, and it is one of the jungle's fiercest animals. Tiger is a "carnivorous" animal, meaning that this is an animal that eats flesh; it chases other animals as food; Tiger's body is long or strong. It has four legs, powerful paws, or one tail with sharp nails.

  8. Essay on Tiger in 500 Words

    4 minute read. 10 shares. Essay on Tiger: The tiger is our national animal, locally known as 'Baagh' and its scientific name is 'Panthera Tigris'. This predator is listed among the most amazing creatures on the planet and is the largest member of the cat family. Tigers are strong, powerful, and beautiful creatures only found in specific ...

  9. Short Essay on Tiger [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

    Short Essay on Tiger in 200 Words. The tiger is a wild animal that lives in areas with dense vegetation, like forests, grasslands, savannas and mangrove swamps. Most tigers have orange fur with dark vertical stripes which helps them blend with their surroundings and hunt easily. Tigers are agile and fast and can run at a speed of 64 kilometres ...

  10. 10 Lines on Tiger for Students and Children

    5 Lines on Tiger. Tiger is a wild animal. They live in the jungle. They are carnivores and eat meat. Tigers have strong teeth and paws. Tiger is the national animal of India. We hope you LIKE these few sentences - 10 Lines on Tiger. You can find more 10 lines essays on various topics such as events, sports, festivals, technology, and many more.

  11. 10 Lines on Tiger for Children and Students of Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

    10 Lines on Tiger. 1) Tiger is the biggest wild animal in the cat family, it is one of the strongest animals in the jungle. 2) Tiger is a "Carnivorous" animal which means it is a flesh-eating animal; it hunts other animals for food. 3) Tiger has a long and strong body. It has four legs, strong paws with sharp nails, and one tail.

  12. Save Tiger Essay for Students and Children

    Statistics and project. A recent study shows that the tiger population has gone down by 97 percent. In 1900, more than 100,000 tigers were estimated to roam the planet, but that fell to a record low of 3,200 globally in 2010. Project save tiger was an effort to restore the safe environments of tigers which are numbered at around 3000 currently.

  13. Essay on Tiger in English

    Conclusion of Essay on Tiger in English. In conclusion, the tiger represents the essence of the wild—a symbol of power, grace, and untamed beauty. However, their numbers are dwindling due to human activities. It is our duty to ensure that these majestic creatures continue to roam our planet. By supporting conservation efforts and spreading ...

  14. Long and Short Essay on Tiger in English for Children and Students

    Tiger Essay 3 (200 words) Tiger is a national animal which belongs to the cat family. Scientific name of tiger is Panthera tigris. It is known as the largest animal in the cat family. It is found in various colors such as orange, white and blue having black stripes. Each and every tiger has different black stripes on their body.

  15. Essay on tiger

    Essay on tiger. By admin February 27, 2023 April 16, 2023. Tigers are one of the most iconic and majestic big cats in the world. With their striking stripes, powerful physique, and fierce hunting skills, they are truly a force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately, tigers are also an endangered species, with their numbers dwindling in the wild due ...

  16. 10 Lines on Tiger

    Learn Important subjects in 10 Lines. An essay provides a condensed overview of the key points and arguments related to a topic, offering readers a brief understanding of its content. ... 10 Lines on Tiger. Posted on by GURU. Tigers are one of the largest and most iconic members of the cat family, Panthera tigris, and are native to Asia.

  17. Write 10 Lines on Save Tiger

    10 sentences on Save Tiger for kids (set #1) Tigers are big, beautiful cats that live in the forests and grasslands. They are important for maintaining a balanced ecosystem by controlling prey populations. Unfortunately, tigers are an endangered species, with their numbers decreasing rapidly. People hunt tigers for their fur, bones, and other ...

  18. Few Lines about a Tiger in English/Top 5 and 10 Lines 2024

    Top 5 Lines on Tiger. 1. The Tiger is a wild animal and it is the national animal of India. 2. It has four legs, two ears, a nose and a strong long tail. And it has two shining eyes. 3. Generally, the tiger is yellow in color and has black color stripes on its body so it looks beautiful. 4.


    TIGER 10 LINES10 LINES ON TIGERTIGER 10 LINES ESSAY 🔻 I can help you write an essay on - TIGER . Here is a sample essay that you can use as a reference or i...

  20. 2024 Masters odds, field: Surprising PGA picks, predictions from

    2024 Masters odds, field. Full set of Masters picks, best bets, and predictions here. Scottie Scheffler +500 Rory McIlroy +1000 Jon Rahm +1300 Brooks Koepka +2100

  21. Tiger Essay In English 10 Lines

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