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Do phones belong in schools.

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Harvard Staff Writer

Bans may help protect classroom focus, but districts need to stay mindful of students’ sense of connection, experts say

Students around the world are being separated from their phones.

In 2020, the National Center for Education Statistics reported that 77 percent of U.S. schools had moved to prohibit cellphones for nonacademic purposes. In September 2018, French lawmakers outlawed cellphone use for schoolchildren under the age of 15. In China, phones were banned country-wide for schoolchildren last year.

Supporters of these initiatives have cited links between smartphone use and bullying and social isolation and the need to keep students focused on schoolwork.

77% Of U.S. schools moved to ban cellphones for nonacademic purposes as of 2020, according to the National Center for Education Statistics

But some Harvard experts say instructors and administrators should consider learning how to teach with tech instead of against it, in part because so many students are still coping with academic and social disruptions caused by the pandemic. At home, many young people were free to choose how and when to use their phones during learning hours. Now, they face a school environment seeking to take away their main source of connection.

“Returning back to in-person, I think it was hard to break the habit,” said Victor Pereira, a lecturer on education and co-chair of the Teaching and Teaching Leadership Program at the Graduate School of Education.

Through their students, he and others with experience both in the classroom and in clinical settings have seen interactions with technology blossom into important social connections that defy a one-size-fits-all mindset. “Schools have been coming back, trying to figure out, how do we readjust our expectations?” Pereira added.

It’s a hard question, especially in the face of research suggesting that the mere presence of a smartphone can undercut learning .

Michael Rich , an associate professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and an associate professor of social and behavioral sciences at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, says that phones and school don’t mix: Students can’t meaningfully absorb information while also texting, scrolling, or watching YouTube videos.

“The human brain is incapable of thinking more than one thing at a time,” he said. “And so what we think of as multitasking is actually rapid-switch-tasking. And the problem with that is that switch-tasking may cover a lot of ground in terms of different subjects, but it doesn’t go deeply into any of them.”

Pereira’s approach is to step back — and to ask whether a student who can’t resist the phone is a signal that the teacher needs to work harder on making a connection. “Two things I try to share with my new teachers are, one, why is that student on the phone? What’s triggering getting on your cell phone versus jumping into our class discussion, or whatever it may be? And then that leads to the second part, which is essentially classroom management.

“Design better learning activities, design learning activities where you consider how all of your students might want to engage and what their interests are,” he said. He added that allowing phones to be accessible can enrich lessons and provide opportunities to use technology for school-related purposes.

Mesfin Awoke Bekalu, a research scientist in the Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness at the Chan School, argues that more flexible classroom policies can create opportunities for teaching tech-literacy and self-regulation.

“There is a huge, growing body of literature showing that social media platforms are particularly helpful for people who need resources or who need support of some kind, beyond their proximate environment,” he said. A study he co-authored by Rachel McCloud and Vish Viswanath for the Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness shows that this is especially true for marginalized groups such as students of color and LGBTQ students. But the findings do not support a free-rein policy, Bekalu stressed.

In the end, Rich, who noted the particular challenges faced by his patients with attention-deficit disorders and other neurological conditions, favors a classroom-by-classroom strategy. “It can be managed in a very local way,” he said, adding: “It’s important for parents, teachers, and the kids to remember what they are doing at any point in time and focus on that. It’s really only in mono-tasking that we do very well at things.”

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Why Schools Should Ban Cell Phones in the Classroom—and Why Parents Have to Help

New study shows it takes a young brain 20 minutes to refocus after using a cell phone in a classroom

Photo: A zoomed in photo shows a young student discretely using their cell phone under their desk as they sit in the classroom.

Photo by skynesher/iStock

Parents, the next time you are about to send a quick trivial text message to your students while they’re at school—maybe sitting in a classroom—stop. And think about this: it might take them only 10 seconds to respond with a thumbs-up emoji, but their brain will need 20 minutes to refocus on the algebra or history or physics lesson in front of them— 20 minutes .

That was just one of the many findings in a recent report from a 14-country study by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) that prompted this headline in the Washington Post : “Schools should ban smartphones. Parents should help.” The study recommends a ban on smartphones at school for students of all ages, and says the data are unequivocal, showing that countries that enforce restrictions see improved academic performance and less bullying.

It’s a fraught debate, one that prompts frustration among educators, who say students are less focused than ever as schools struggle to enforce cell phone limitation policies, and rage from some parents, worrying about a possible shooting when they can’t get in touch, who insist they need to be able to reach their children at all times. And, perhaps surprisingly, it prompts a collective yawn from students.

In fact, students openly admit their cell phones distract them and that they focus better in school without them, says Joelle Renstrom , a senior lecturer in rhetoric at Boston University’s College of General Studies. It’s an issue she has studied for years. She even performed an experiment with her students that supports what she long suspected: Cell Phones + Classrooms = Bad Learning Environment.

BU Today spoke with Renstrom about the latest study and research.

with Joelle Renstrom

Bu today: let me get right to the point. do we as a society need to be better about restricting cell phones in classrooms it seems so obvious..

Renstrom: Of course. But it is easier said than done. It’s hard to be consistent. We will always have students with some kind of reason, or a note from someone, that gives them access to technology. And then it becomes hard to explain why some people can have it and some people can’t. But student buy-in to the idea is important.

BU Today: But is getting students to agree more important than getting schools and parents to agree? Is it naive to think that students are supposed to follow the rules that we as parents and teachers set for them?

Renstrom: I have made the case before that addiction to phones is kind of like second-hand smoking. If you’re young and people around you are using it, you are going to want it, too. Every baby is like that. They want to reach for it, it’s flashing, their parents are on it all the time. Students openly acknowledge they are addicted. Their digital lives are there. But they also know there is this lack of balance in their lives. I do think buy-in is important. But do it as an experiment. Did it work? What changes did it make? Did it make you anxious or distracted during those 50 minutes in class? I did that for years. I surveyed students for a number of semesters; how do you feel about putting your phone in a pouch? They made some predictions and said what they thought about how annoying it was. But at the end, they talked about how those predictions [played out], and whether they were better able to focus. It was very, very clear they were better able to focus. Also interestingly, not a single student left during class to get a drink or go to the bathroom. They had been 100 percent doing that just so they could use their phone.

BU Today: Should we be talking about this question, cell phones in classrooms, for all ages, middle school all the way through college? Or does age matter?

Renstrom: It’s never going to be universal. Different families, different schools. And there is, on some level, a safety issue. I do not blame parents for thinking, if there’s someone with a gun in school, I need a way to reach my kids. What if all the phones are in pouches when someone with a gun comes in? It’s crazy that we even have to consider that.

BU Today: What’s one example of something that can be changed easily?

Renstrom: Parents need to stop calling their kids during the day. Stop doing that. What you are doing is setting that kid up so that they are responding to a bot 24-7 when they shouldn’t be. If you’re a kid who gets a text from your parent in class, you are conditioned to respond and to know that [the parent] expects a response. It adds so much anxiety to people’s lives. It all just ends up in this anxiety loop. When kids are in school, leave them alone. Think about what that phone is actually meant for. When you gave them a phone, you said it’s in case of an emergency or if you need to be picked up in a different place. Make those the parameters. If it’s just to confirm, “I’m still picking you up at 3,” then no, don’t do that. Remember when we didn’t have to confirm? There is a time and place for this, for all technology.

BU Today: This latest study, how do you think people will react to it?

Renstrom: This isn’t new. How many studies have to come out to say that cured meat is terrible and is carcinogenic. People are like, “Oh, don’t tell me what to eat. Or when to be on my phone.” This gets real contentious, real fast because telling people what’s good for them is hard.

BU Today: I can understand that—but in this case we’re not telling adults to stop being on their phones. We’re saying help get your kids off their phones in classrooms, for their health and education.

Renstrom: Studies show kids’ brains, and their gray matter, are low when they are on screens. School is prime habit-forming time. You should not sit in class within view of the professor, laughing while they are talking about World War II. There is a social appropriateness that needs to be learned. Another habit that needs to be addressed is the misconception of multitasking. We are under this misconception we all can do it. And we can’t. You might think, I can listen to this lecture while my sister texts me. That is not supported by science or studies. It is literally derailing you. Your brain jumps off to another track and has to get back on. If you think you have not left that first track, you are wrong.

BU Today: So what next steps would you like to see?

Renstrom: I would like to see both schools and families be more assertive about this. But also to work together. If the parents are anti-smartphone policy, it doesn’t matter if the school is pro-policy. If there is a war between parents and schools, I am not sure much will happen. Some kind of intervention and restriction is better than just ripping it away from kids. The UNESCO study found it is actually even worse for university students. We are all coming at this problem from all different ways. Pouches or banned phones. Or nothing.

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essay should mobile phones be banned at school

Doug Most is a lifelong journalist and author whose career has spanned newspapers and magazines up and down the East Coast, with stops in Washington, D.C., South Carolina, New Jersey, and Boston. He was named Journalist of the Year while at The Record in Bergen County, N.J., for his coverage of a tragic story about two teens charged with killing their newborn. After a stint at Boston Magazine , he worked for more than a decade at the Boston Globe in various roles, including magazine editor and deputy managing editor/special projects. His 2014 nonfiction book, The Race Underground , tells the story of the birth of subways in America and was made into a PBS/American Experience documentary. He has a BA in political communication from George Washington University. Profile

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There are 13 comments on Why Schools Should Ban Cell Phones in the Classroom—and Why Parents Have to Help

i found this very helpful with my research

It was a great research, helped me a lot.

I think that this was helpful, but there is an ongoing question at my school, which is, though phones may be negative to health and knowledge and they’re a distraction what happens if there was a shooting or a fire or a dangourus weather event and you don’t have a phone to tell your parents or guardians at home if you are alright? (Reply answer if have one)

Yeah they would get an amber alert

well, the school has the technology that can help communicate that to the parents, and if that were to happen, I guess that’s why there’s always a cell phone in the classrooms those old-time ones, but I feel it would not be okay in case of a shooting since you have to go silence, and on the moment of fire or weather everything happens so fast in the moment.

In schools all teachers have cell phones. So one way or the other the messages would get out to the parents as needed. If a student gets on the cell phone to inform the parent about the activity, that’s taken place it could cause panic. School staffs are informed as to how to handle such situations.. what I have seen take place in classes are students who are texting each other either in the same room or in another classroom during the school time. Many students spend time on YouTube and not concentrating what’s going on in the classroom.

I think that this was helpful, but there is an ongoing question at my school, which is, though phones may be negative to health and knowledge and they’re a distraction what happens if there is a shooting or a fire or a dangerous weather event and you don’t have a phone to tell your parents or guardians at home if you are alright?

I am writing a paper and this is very helpful thank you.

I am writing a paper and this is very helpful but it is true what if our mom or dad have to contact us we need phones!

this helped me with my school project about whether cell phones should be banned in school. I think yes but the class is saying no. I think it’s because I was raised without a phone so I know how to survive and contact my parents without a phone. but anyway, this helped me with my essay! thank you!

I don’t think phones should be allowed in school, and this is perfect backup! Thank you Doug

great infromation for debate

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Girl holding up sign saying 'no mobile phones'

Banning mobile phones in schools can improve students’ academic performance. This is how we know

essay should mobile phones be banned at school

Assistant Professor of Economics, Carleton University

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The effects of mobiles phones and other technology at school is a hotly debated topic in many countries. Some advocate for a complete ban to limit distractions, while others suggest using technology as a teaching tool.

Kids in public South Australian primary schools started the school year without being allowed to bring their mobile phones to class, unless they are needed for class activity. All students in public Western Australian Victorian , and Tasmanian schools have a mobile phone ban in place since for all or some of 2020. New South Wales also banned mobile phones in public primary schools, with secondary schools having the option to opt in, since the start of 2020.

Education departments have introduced the bans for various reasons including to improve academic outcomes and decrease bullying.

Several recent papers point to positive impact of banning mobile phones at school on student performance and other outcomes. Understanding the evidence is crucial for best policy.

Read more: No, Education Minister, we don't have enough evidence to support banning mobile phones in schools

In a 2015 paper , we used a method — called a difference-in-difference strategy — as well as student data from England to investigate the effect of banning mobile phones on student performance. In this method, we compared schools that have had phones removed to similar schools with no phone bans. This allowed us to isolate the effect of mobiles phones on student performance from other factors that could affect performance.

We found banning mobile phones at school leads to an increase in student performance. Our results suggest that after schools banned mobile phones, test scores of students aged 16 increased by 6.4% of a standard deviation. This is equivalent to adding five days to the school year or an additional hour a week.

The effects were twice as large for low-achieving students, and we found no impact on high achieving students.

Our results suggest low-performing students are more likely to be distracted by the presence of mobile phones, while high performing students can focus with or without mobile phones.

The results of our paper suggest banning mobile phones has considerable benefits including a reduction in the gap between high- and low- achieving students. This is substantial improvement for a low-cost education policy.

Other studies show similar results

Recent studies from Spain and Norway , using a similar empirical strategy to ours, also show compelling evidence on the benefit of banning mobile phones on student performance, with similar effect size.

In Spain, banning mobile phones has been shown to increase students’ scores in maths and science. Researchers also documented a decrease in incidences of bullying.

In Norway, banning phones significantly increased middle school students’ grade point average. It also increased students’ likelihood of attending an academic high school rather than choosing a vocational school. And it decreased incidents of bullying.

Man's hands holding mobile phone in front of open laptop.

Evidence from Belgium suggests banning mobile phones can be beneficial for college student performance. This context might be different, but still informative as students are of similar age to those in high school.

Research from Sweden , however, suggests little effect of banning mobile phones in high school on student performance. It is worth noting, however, the study did not find any detrimental effect of banning mobile phones.

Read more: Don't blame the teacher: student results are (mostly) out of their hands

A similar conclusion can be drawn from the literature on the effect of computers used at school. Evidence from the US suggests using laptops in class is detrimental to learning, and the effects are large and more damaging for low-performing students.

Potential psychological mechanisms involved

The psychological literature might shed lights on the potential mechanisms as to why mobile phones and other technology in school might affect student performance. This literature finds multitasking is detrimental to learning and task execution.

Many recent experimental papers present evidence mobile phone use while executing another task decreases learning and task completion. Research also shows computers might be a less efficient way to take notes than pen and paper.

It may be that taking notes by hand allows you to remember the material better than typing those notes on a computer. This may be because students are not just typing out every word said, but thinking of how to summarise what they’re hearing.

Read more: What's the best way to take notes on your laptop or tablet?

These findings do not discount the possibility mobile phones and other technology could be a useful structured teaching tool. However, ignoring or misunderstanding the evidence could be harmful to students and lead to long term negative social consequences.

  • Education policy
  • Multitasking
  • Disadvantaged students
  • Test results
  • technology in schools
  • Student Achievement
  • School bullying
  • mobile phone ban

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What Students Are Saying About School Cellphone Bans

Policies restricting phone use in schools are trending. We asked students if they thought such rules were a good idea.

A white safe stores rows of cellphones.

By The Learning Network

Nearly one in four countries has laws or policies banning or restricting student cellphone use in schools . Proponents say no-phone rules reduce student distractions and bullying. Critics say the bans could hinder student self-direction and critical thinking.

We asked teenagers what they thought: Should schools ban cellphones?

The reactions were mixed. Many students brought up the same reasons they wanted access to their phones during the day: to listen to music, to contact their parents and even for schoolwork. But many recognized the need for some boundaries around phone use, with several supporting an outright ban. Read their arguments below.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the conversation on our writing prompts this week, including students from Midtown High School in Atlanta ; Parkway South High School in Manchester, Mo. ; and Miami Country Day School in Miami, Fla .

Please note: Student comments have been lightly edited for length, but otherwise appear as they were originally submitted.

No phones in school? We’re all for it, some students said.

Recently, I stopped bringing my phone to school. I only had an Apple Watch to listen to music and message my family. This change has allowed me to focus more during my classes and I’ve come up with more creative ideas due to this change. To put it simply, while the banning of cellphones may take some time to fully get used to, it’s a necessity for all schools in order for their students to concentrate and participate more quickly. One of the main problems with cellphone usage in class is that students aren’t talking with one another. Instead, everyone is talking AT each other, because they’re always on their phones messaging or checking social media. With the banning of phones however, students can engage with one another without the use of technology, which can be described as “authentic,” or more personal.

— Leo, Midtown High School

I think that schools should ban cellphones because most problems in school typically circle back to cellphones. Students will take videos or photos of others during school and this gets uploaded to social media. They usually get bullied and aren’t comfortable being posted on social media. Kids are also always on their phones during class. Their grades start to go down and then they fail. All of these problems can be avoided if they just ban phones in school.

— Mylea, CNY

The phrase “eyes glued to the screen” is an understatement to how little students converse with one another due to something “more important” on their phone. It’s increasingly alarming and concerning that I have seen on many occasions a whole group of people sitting at a table, pressing away or scrolling on their phones, and all I hear is silence. Consequently, this adds to the overarching problem of mental health issues because of how attached students are to devices. They lose the skill of communication and therefore are not able to converse very well in the long-term.

— Alex, Manchester

I believe that we are in a weird time, where cellphone usage is so normalized, that being asked to put it away makes people mad. While I understand the annoyance with having your property confiscated, I do think it’s for the better of students. We are at a point where time and time again it’s been proven by ourselves that we have absolutely no self control and are unable to stay off phones when asked. I do think checking cameras and driving around during lunch is an extreme; but it may be necessary. If you need phones to do online classes, then use a computer. If older generations were able to make it 8 hours without checking an Instagram story, then so can we.

— emmies, midtown highschool

In my school, many students amble around campus, staring down at their phones, completely oblivious to the world around them. I have witnessed some of my peers bump into walls or into other students as they are entranced in their small electronic devices. The attention that students pay to their phones takes away from socializing, interacting, and learning throughout the school day. This has had a profound negative impact on their grades that is oftentimes irreversible. For example, in middle school, cellphone use was not permitted during the school day. Many of my peers were more engaged in their classes and thus had higher grades. When we got to high school, the rules changed and phones were allowed. Some of my same peers that had good grades, are now on academic probation for failing classes. Although this could be a result of many different factors, the main change from middle school to high school was phone usage.

Phones also interfere with quality social interactions. I noticed that in middle school, many students engaged more with one another, had quality conversations, and strong friendships. Some of these same students now have very few friends and engage with electronics more than people. It is important to keep in mind that this is the reality of some students, but not all. Many of my current friends in school have not let the electronic device world have such an intense impact on their lives, and therefore are very social and are doing fantastic academically.

— Arabella, Miami Country Day School/Miami Florida

Others recognized the need for some boundaries around phone use, but thought an outright ban went too far.

Cellphones should be limited, not banned, in schools but with a couple of key qualifications. During class time, I think there should be no phones allowed from when the bell rings to start the class to when the bell rings to end the class. There should be breaks in the middle of the class, as the teacher sees fit, such as how we do in some of my classes, to take a quick break and check notifications before getting back into it. This would hopefully influence students to use dedicated class time wisely and be more “checked in” so to speak while not missing out on possible crucial messages or emergencies that may come through during that class. However, if a student is in a free period, they should be able to use their phone. It is up to the student to use their time wisely outside of class to get their work done and allowing the student to have some independence in making a responsible choice as a young adult in the making is a positive.

— Jack, Ames, Iowa

An alternative to the use of phones in school is to heavily regulate media in the range of school, meaning not just banning social media under the school network but also having students log on to an application during school which only allows access to important needs for phones like contacting parents or educational apps, in case of a student’s laptop being dead, broken or forgotten at home. In the grand scheme of things, I believe removing a student’s phone would also cause more of a problem in the situation of an emergency because they will not be able to contact their parents. Banning them is definitely not necessary but a regulation on cell phones would be beneficial to students as a whole.

— Jaden, Sun Valley, CA

In every class, you’ll see people with their cellphone out, or laying on their desk next to them, just within reach for when it buzzes. Every time this buzz distracts the student, it takes their brain at least five seconds to focus back on the task they were working on, decreasing productivity and increasing errors. I believe that teachers should confiscate students’ phones during class, and have rules for when this confiscation is violated. However, if said class is a free period, the students could keep their phones out, to be able to communicate with their parents and keep up with their extracurriculars. Many parents should support their child focusing on school, and will be fine with them only responding in 90 minute intervals in between classes.

— Katya, Midtown High School

For me, the best policy for students is for teachers to take phones during classes and instructional time and give them back after class. I know some students are against having their phones taken during class, but I do think it increases focus. During free periods and lunch, I think it is important for students to have time to be there on their phones because it provides a time to relax and enjoy something not school-related.

— Ginny, J.R. Masterman Philadelphia

I use my phone as another device for my school work. For example, if I’m given a piece of writing to work on, I’ll have the assignment and instructions pulled up on my phone while I complete the work on my iPad. I understand the frustration teachers may have when they’re talking and multiple students are scrolling on TikTok or using Snapchat while learning a lesson. This can affect their work and education, however banning phones is excessive. If it’s become a problem or a setback in classes, setting a rule to make sure the phone stays in a bag can just may be an option. Otherwise it’s not easy for me to communicate among my parents, friends, or even boss.

— Sofia, Glenbard West High School

Some wanted unrestricted access to their phones during the day for a variety of reasons.

As a student who was born and raised in Ethiopia, we weren’t allowed to have a cellphone at all. It did have advantages like socializing, we ate lunch together and hung out together. We also did a lot of activities together but it didn’t do any good in my academics. Most parents and teachers worry that having a phone would be a distraction from having a better grade but for me, I had higher grades when I had my phone compared to my old grade when I didn’t have my phone. Although it might be distracting in class, it helped me a lot by using it for research or listening to music when I wanted to study. It also helped me to contact my parents whenever I wanted. I would not welcome a ban in my school because I learn with my phone since I work better when I research and take notes and most of my teachers just lecture.

— Yohanan, Vancouver, WA

When cellphones/messaging devices started out they were a hit. They gave some brief release for students that need a second to rest so they can focus better. This is still true today. I have to go through 5 periods without a break where I am either sitting at a desk or walking to class. Those few moments with my phone help a lot. Our attention spans are not infinite. Cellphones in schools also give me a connection to my home and parents when I need to talk to them. There has never been a student that has done poorly on a test and didn’t want to vent it out to someone. For me, this is my mom and dad. They are always good at calming me down and stopping me from spiraling. Without cellphones, I would never have that person close to help me.

— Tyson, Fountain Valley

There have been a few times this year when I’ve had to text my parents to come pick me up because I’ve been sick and needed to go home. The ease with which I was able to contact them would no longer exist if a phone ban was implemented, as not every teacher allows students free access to the office without a “valid” reason (and sickness isn’t always seen as such). Even if I were able to go to the office to reach my parents, the time this process took would be significantly longer. Thus, cellphone bans are simply too extreme for most schools, and districts should instead consider other forms of restriction to have the benefits of bans, without the consequences.

— Charlotte, Midtown High School

And a few thought students, rather than teachers or the school, should bear the burden for using their phones responsibly.

I don’t think schools should ban cellphones and I would not welcome a cellphone ban in my school. I think as high school students we need to be responsible for our own actions. If you are a student and you are on your phone in your class you need to accept the consequences that your grades and understanding of the material will suffer. Students need to learn how to pay attention in class without getting on their phones. In college no teachers are going to be getting them in trouble for being on their phones. How will they teach themselves the self control to not be on your phone in class?

— Kathryn, Maury High School

I have mixed emotions on this topic. I feel that high schoolers should be held responsible for their own education. If they choose to not pay attention in class and not take advantage of all the tools that their teachers are giving them, then they should do whatever they want. As 15-year-olds and up, high school teachers should not be held responsible for 100+ students learning. The student themselves needs to be responsible for their own learning and their own grades.

— Emily, Baker High School

At least one student said working to address the root causes of teenage “cellphone addiction” might be a better approach.

Many students are drawn to scrolling through social media as a coping mechanism or an escape from the fact that they struggle with school or have been otherwise discouraged from learning and connecting with their peers. While these are not excuses for being distracted or disrespectful, working to address the root causes of the widespread cellphone addiction might be more helpful long-term than a cellphone ban. While the ban seems to be an effective short term solution for the school day, it might harm students when they go to college or find themselves in a world where there are no strict bans and they must self-regulate their screen time. Working to address these root causes as well as fostering responsibility would help young people feel more connected to the world around them and better prepare them for the world.

— Abigail, Maury High School- Norfolk, VA

In the end, some saw the appeal of a ban but worried it would “only intensify” students’ negative attitudes toward school.

I understand why a ban might seem appealing to certain teachers and administrators, however, I also believe that it would be more harmful than beneficial in the long run. Many students already have negative attitudes toward school: a major cause of stress and dread for some. I strongly feel a cellphone ban would only intensify these negative attitudes towards school as a whole. It wouldn’t motivate students to attend, and would almost villainize the school itself. It just isn’t worth it. Speaking from experiences at my school and things that I’ve noticed, I observe that the majority of students do a good job staying off their phones and paying attention during class. Our school doesn’t strongly restrict phones, and it has never really been a problem. Additionally, I feel that a ban on cellphones would only do so much. If a student really wants to be on their phone, they will find a way to do so regardless of whatever ban may or may not be in place.

— Natalie, Glen Ellyn, IL

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essay should mobile phones be banned at school

Silencing the Signals: Should Cellphones Be Banned in U.S. Schools

I n July of 2018, the French government passed a law banning cellphones in schools. The question of whether cell phones should be allowed in U.S. schools has sparked intense debate across the United States. Proponents argue that cellphones are indispensable tools for learning and communication, while opponents highlight the distractions and potential for misuse they bring into the educational environment. This article delves into the current state of cellphone bans in U.S. schools, examines the reasoning behind such policies, and provides a glimpse into how other countries are navigating this complex issue.

In theory, France's complete ban on mobile phones in schools is a fine regulation. Mobile phones are not only banned in lessons but are also not allowed out of bags during breaks.

Several considerations prompted the French rule: The use of mobile phones is said to have an effect on pupils' concentration and is also the cause of "a significant proportion" of school disturbances. Moreover, it is not good for social interaction in schools, which is essential for pupils' development.

Smartphones banned from French schools | CNN

The State of Cellphone Bans in U.S. Schools

Across the United States, school districts vary widely in their approach to managing cellphone use.

Some districts have implemented strict bans, prohibiting cellphone use during school hours to minimize distractions and enhance the learning environment.

Others adopt more lenient policies, allowing cellphones but regulating their use in classrooms.

The rationale for banning cellphones often centers around several key concerns:

1. Distraction:

Cellphones can divert attention away from educational activities, affecting students' ability to concentrate and learn effectively.

2. Cyberbullying:

The prevalence of cellphones increases the potential for cyberbullying, as students may use social media and messaging apps to harass peers during school hours.

3. Cheating on Exams:

Easy access to cellphones raises concerns about cheating on assignments and exams.

4. Mental Health:

Constant connectivity can contribute to stress and anxiety among students, with social media playing a significant role.

Despite these concerns, some educators and parents argue that cellphones, when used responsibly, can be powerful tools for learning and emergency communication.

Examples of Cellphone Bans and Policies in the U.S.

- New York City:

Once had a ban on cellphones in schools, citing distractions and security concerns, but it was lifted to allow parents to stay in touch with their children.

- California:

Passed a law in 2019 allowing schools to enforce policies that restrict or ban smartphone use, though the decision is left to individual schools or districts.

The Forest Hills Public Schools, in Grand Rapids, Michigan, revised its policy recently so that students will not be allowed to carry or use cellphones during the school day. 

A similar edict is in place at Washington High School in Massillon, Ohio.

Global Perspectives on Cellphone Bans in Schools

The United States is not alone in grappling with the issue of cellphones in schools. Like France, several countries have implemented their own policies, reflecting a global concern over the impact of mobile devices on education.

As mentioned, France implemented a nationwide ban on cellphones in schools in 2018 for students up to the age of 15, in an effort to combat distraction and cyberbullying.

Announced restrictions on cellphone use in schools in 2020, requiring students to focus on their studies and improve their physical health.

- Australia:

Some states, like Victoria, have introduced policies that ban the use of cellphones during school hours to improve student engagement and reduce bullying.

Enforcement Challenges

Adding to the discourse on cellphone bans in schools, it's essential to explore the challenges and complexities involved in enforcing such policies. Despite the well-intentioned reasons behind these bans, several factors make regulation difficult, highlighting the nuanced balance schools must achieve between policy enforcement and practicality.

1. Ubiquity of Cellphones:

Cellphones have become nearly universal among teenagers, with many students considering them an essential part of their daily lives.

This ubiquity makes it challenging for schools to fully enforce a ban, as students may find creative ways to conceal their devices by dimming the brightness, turning off notifications and keeping it in their bookbags.

2. Parental Expectations:

Many parents insist on their children carrying cellphones for safety reasons, wanting to ensure they can communicate in case of emergencies. ( As a Gen X parent, I didn't grow up with a cellphone and my parents had no problem getting in touch with me via the school if there was an issue.)

This expectation can conflict with school policies, complicating enforcement as schools navigate parental demands for constant access to their children.

Helicopter Parenting: Examples, Causes, Effects (parents.com)

3. Inconsistent Compliance:

Enforcing a consistent policy across an entire school or district is proving to be difficult.

Teachers and administrators may have varying levels of commitment to enforcing the ban, leading to inconsistencies that students can exploit.

4. Resource Intensive:

Monitoring and enforcing a cellphone ban requires significant resources, including time and personnel.

Schools must allocate staff to check for and manage confiscated devices, which can detract from their primary educational responsibilities.

5. Technological Evasion:

As technology evolves, so do the methods students use to circumvent restrictions.

Smartwatches and other wearable technologies can mimic many smartphone functions, making it harder for schools to control digital distractions completely.

6. Legal and Privacy Concerns:

Enforcing cellphone bans raises legal and privacy issues, especially concerning the searching of students’ personal devices. Schools must navigate these concerns carefully to avoid violating students' rights.

Balancing Act

Given these challenges, schools often find themselves in a delicate balancing act. The aim is not only to minimize distractions and ensure a conducive learning environment but also to respect students' rights and parental concerns.

Some schools have sought middle ground by allowing cellphones but restricting their use to non-instructional times or incorporating them into learning activities under strict guidelines.

Moving Forward

To address these enforcement challenges, some schools are turning to technology solutions, such as locking pouches or apps that limit phone functionality during school hours.

Others emphasize education about digital citizenship and the responsible use of technology, aiming to build a culture of self-regulation among students.

The Path Forward

The decision to ban cellphones in schools is complex, balancing the need for concentration and safety with the benefits of connectivity and access to digital resources. Schools and districts considering such bans must also contemplate the implications for equity, as not all students may have access to technology outside of school.

As this debate continues, it's clear that any policy on cellphones in schools must be carefully crafted to address the concerns of educators, parents, and students alike. Whether through total bans, restricted use, or innovative educational applications, the goal remains the same: to create a conducive learning environment that prepares students for the challenges and opportunities of the digital age.

What are your thoughts on this topic? Let me know in the comments!

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Kids in classroom


Cell Phones in School: Pros and Cons

essay should mobile phones be banned at school

Khadija Bilal

essay should mobile phones be banned at school

Cell phones and smartphones are a big part of modern life. Many people use them every day, including kids and teens. But there’s still a debate about cell phones in school. In this guide, we’ll look at some arguments for why should phones be allowed in school, while also addressing some common concerns parents may have.

Interesting Facts and Statistics About Cell Phones in Education

How cell phones can be used effectively, what are the pros of allowing cell phones in school, what are the cons of allowing cell phones, are there any alternatives, should kids have cell phones in school.

phones in school


Before we look at some of the pros and cons of cell phones in school, let’s look at some statistics to get a clearer picture of the situation.

  • 53% of children will own a smartphone by the age of 11 in the US
  • That number increases to a whopping 95% in teenagers
  • Surveys show that as well as passing the time, 83% of kids use their phones to learn
  • Cell phones are the favored tool of communication among modern teens
  • 41% of teens from lower-income households use their phones to access the internet
  • Studies show that learning on mobile devices can boost productivity by over 40%
  • Teens can spend over 7 hours a day looking at screens

These are just some of the many, many statistics about cell phones among teens and in the education sector. From this, we can see that mobile and cellular phone technology is a big part of life for today’s teenagers, and cell phones in school do have the power of providing super educational opportunities.

At the same time, with so many kids spending hours a day staring at their phone screens, there’s also a risk that a phone in school could be too much of a distraction. This means that authorities need to weigh up the pros and cons before deciding about banning or allowing phones.

cell phones in school

Ground Picture/Shutterstock.com

Many parents and teachers worry about the risks or downsides associated with using cheap phones at school. However, there are plenty of ways in which children can use these devices for educational and beneficial purposes.

Educational Apps and Games

One of the most obvious ways in which cell phones can be used effectively for education is through the many educational apps and games out there. Mobile app stores are filled with educational content for kids of all ages.

There are apps designed to help kids learn languages, for example. There are also tools and games to help with every school subject, from math to geography.

Related: The 30 Best Educational Apps for School .

Digital Learning Materials

20 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school

Anna Jurkovska/Shutterstock.com

Giving kids access to their phones at school allows them to use an almost endless library of digital learning materials. There are countless educational documents online, from scientific research papers to exam tips and more.

This can be very beneficial in a school environment. If a child doesn’t quite understand a subject, their teacher can help them by sharing digital learning materials that explain the idea in other ways.

Videos, Podcasts, and More

Every child has their own way of learning. Some like to learn by repeating and memorizing information over and over. Others are more visual learners and want to see ideas and concepts represented with images to get a strong understanding of how they work.

A great thing about using phones and other devices is that they can access all sorts of different digital materials. There are videos about scientific processes, podcasts discussing literature, and long-form articles on mathematic principles, for example.

Cell Phone eReaders

Reading is one of the crucial skills that all children are taught during their early school years. Being able to read well is so important in later life. This skill allows children, teens, and adults to read and understand countless resources, from books to articles and encyclopedias.

A great way that phones can be used in schools is as digital eReaders. It’s easy to download an eReading app onto a phone and then read digital versions of books and documents. This also has eco-friendly benefits, as it removes the need for paper or physical versions of books.

Online Encyclopedias

why should phones be allowed in school

Another useful way in which phones can be effective at school is by giving kids access to online encyclopedias, like Wikipedia. These educational resources are very powerful, filled with reams of information and knowledge for kids to soak up.

Children can use their phones to look up the different topics they’re taught at school. This can help to deepen their understanding of almost any subject. It also provides supplementary information that the class teacher might not mention.

Screen Control Apps

One of the common problems that people cite when it comes to phones in schools is that they can be distracting. Many parents and teachers worry that kids will spend too much time looking at their phones and not enough time paying attention in class.

However, a way to combat this is to make use of screen control apps. Apps like Kids360 , for example, allow you to track and control how much time your child’s device is on.

Collaboration and Group Work

Often, teachers put kids into groups and ask them to work together on a project. This is a great way for kids of different ages to not only build new social bonds but also develop their teamwork skills.

Phones can be helpful tools for collaboration. They facilitate communication between the different team members, letting everyone participate, even after-school when the various team members say goodbye and go home for the day.

Related: What Age Should a Kid Get a Phone? The Ultimate Guide to Deciding .

why should phones be allowed in schools

Zivica Kerkez/Shutterstock.com

Clearly, when it comes to phones in schools, there are both pros and cons. Let’s take a look at some of the advantages.

A Powerful Learning Tool

One of the best benefits of allowing cell phones in school is their incredible potential for educational benefits and stronger learning.

As shown above, there are lots of ways that phones can be used for learning. They give access to eReaders, educational apps, online encyclopedias, and more.

An Additional Security Measure

Another benefit of letting kids take phones to school is for their own safety. If any kind of emergency happens, the child will be able to make a call and get help or contact their parents.

Not only that, but phones can be helpful for safeguarding kids outside of school, as they make their way home. Parents can use the Findmykids app to track their child’s location and keep them secure.

Download the Findmykids app today for free and be sure your child is safe wherever they are.

Communication with Friends and Family

why phones should be allowed in school

Despite having so many different uses nowadays, the primary purpose of a phone is for communication.

Phones at school can help kids keep in touch with one another, work together on group projects, and build strong friendships.


Many students struggle to stay organized. It can be hard to keep track of homework, schedules, assignments, exams, and so on.

Phones make organization easier. They come with calendar apps and other handy tools to help kids organize their lives and become more independent.

Saving Schools Money

Phones can also provide benefits for the school itself. Instead of having to spend lots of money on school devices like tablets or iPads, the school can simply ask students to use their phones.

eReader apps can remove the need for investment in books, and phones could therefore help schools with limited budgets or resources.

Helping Children from Lower-Income Homes

why students should have phones in school

Proshkin Aleksandr/Shutterstock.com

Another financial-related benefit of phones at school is that they might be able to help kids who come from lower-income homes.

Some kids don’t have internet access or computers at home. Being able to use a phone at school can give them the knowledge and tech skills they need to succeed later in life.

Teaching Kids Tech Skills

Technology is an integral part of today’s world. Kids will need to know how to use various technological tools like phones, computers, and the internet as they grow up.

Bringing phones to school will help to level the playing field and give all kids the chance to learn about how to their devices in the best ways to access knowledge and learn skills.

Teaching Digital Responsibility

If kids aren’t taught the rights and wrongs of using their phones, they may have to simply figure things out for themselves. This could lead to bad habits and serious mistakes being made in their future.

Bringing phones to school gives teachers the chance to teach children about digital responsibility. It can teach them when it’s allowed to use their phones and how to use them in a way that is respectful of others.

why cell phones should be allowed in school

As well as the pros listed above, there are also several cons to take into consideration regarding phones in schools. Here are a few of the big concerns:

A Distraction

One of the big issues that many people talk about with phones in schools is the risk of them becoming a distraction. Kids could start looking at their phones while the teacher is talking and miss out on valuable information, for example.

There’s also a risk of kids being less likely to interact and socialize together if they’re too distracted by their screens and devices.

However, this disadvantage can be easily dealt with. For example, you can install the Kids360 app and make a schedule for using the gadget—restrict access to games during school and before going to bed and monitor which applications and how long the child is using.

Mental Health Effects and Addiction

Some studies have shown that phones could have a negative effect on a child or teen’s mental health. It’s even possible for children of varying ages to develop addictions or dependencies on their devices.

This is why phone usage needs to be carefully monitored, controlled, and balanced. If a child is allowed to use their phone non-stop, they could easily become addicted to them.

Possible Cyberbullying

why should cell phones be allowed in school

Daisy Daisy/Shutterstock.com

Bullying has always been a big problem in schools across the globe. It has changed form over the years, with cyberbullying becoming more prevalent in modern times.

With cyberbullying, bullies can use the internet and technological devices, like phones, to send harmful messages or spread false rumors about their peers. This can be very damaging to the victims.

Read also Children and cyberbullying: what is it and how to stop it?

Risk of Cheating

Another possible downside to consider with allowing phones in schools is the risk of cheating. During an exam, for instance, a student could use their phone to look up the answer to a question.

This kind of behavior could damage the integrity of the examination process. It could also make children too dependent on their devices and cause them to get false grades that are not reflective of their true abilities.

Potential for Misuse

Of course, with any internet-connected device, there’s also a risk of phones being misused by children. Instead of using them for educational purposes, kids could simply play games or watch videos.

There’s also a chance of children being able to access unsuitable content on their phones via the internet. For this reason, any phone usage at school would need to be carefully monitored.

why kids should have phones

EZ-Stock Studio/Shutterstock.com

If, after weighing up the pros and cons of phones in schools, you feel that phones should be banned or strictly controlled, you might like to consider an alternative. So, are there any other devices out there that can provide similar benefits and uses?

In general, the only alternatives to phones are other devices that function in a similar way, like GPS and smartwatches, or laptops and tablets. These devices allow access to educational materials and apps, but also have many of the same risks and downsides as phones.

Choose a GPS watch for a child right now and be calm for the safety of your child wherever they are!

Everyone will have their opinion on whether or not phones should be allowed in schools. However, after weighing up the pros and cons, it’s arguable that the benefits of phones outweigh the risks and kids should be allowed the opportunity to use their phones in certain ways at school.

These technological tools are part of the world, and kids will use them throughout their lives. By bringing them into the school environment, it should be easier to teach children and teens the right ways to use their phones for educational purposes, rather than simply as distractions, giving them valuable knowledge and skills they can take into later life.

The picture on the front page: BearFotos/Shutterstock.com

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Pupils using mobiles

Should mobile phones be banned in schools?

No – they help independent study.

"You'll have someone's eye out with that" used to be the refrain of teachers in my day. In malevolent hands, a pencil, a rubber, even a piece of paper could become a lethal weapon in class, and that's before we got on to compasses and Bunsen burners.

A mobile is the same: a potentially potent tool for learning but strangely feared in a school pupil's hand, where it is assumed to wreak havoc with concentration, unleash cyber bullying and surreptitiously video up teachers' skirts.

But isn't it also madness when schools that cannot afford modern IT facilities ignore the powerful computers in every pupils' pocket?

I was amazed when I visited my old school recently: having remarked how sorry I felt for teachers in the mobile era, several teachers immediately declared how useful they were in class. There's even an acronym for it: BYOD, or Bring Your Own Device. As one teacher has argued in the Guardian, this is the future: students using their trusted devices rather than a machine they leave in school at the end of each day.

Jo Debens, a geography teacher at Priory School, Portsmouth, a comprehensive with a mixed intake, was dashing out to take 30 pupils orienteering when we spoke: her students were testing whether it was easier to use an OS map or a mobile phone's mapping services.

Earlier this year, the school drew up a "mobile device policy" in consultation with students. Mobile phones are allowed in school and used in class at the teacher's discretion, with a clear system of sanctions applied for misuse. Since the policy was introduced, only 1.4% of negative behavioural incidents have been connected with mobiles.

Pupils record homework tasks on their phone's calendar (why do they forget homework diaries but never their textbooks?) and in Debens's geography classes they use the camera function to record things and report back to class. They also use mobile internet for independent research.

"We're always being told as teachers that we should give pupils differentiated learning and personalise it. Now they can," says Debens of using mobiles. "Like anything, it's only useful in the hands of the user. They are not the be-all and end-all. We would have death by Wikipedia if all people were doing was cutting and pasting from them."

"I was very anti phones," admits Nasim Jahangir, a business and economics teacher at Wyggeston and Queen Elizabeth I College, Leicester. Several years ago, however, she incorporated smartphones into lessons as she "learned to teach in a different way" – with an emphasis on independent study. She admits it is probably easier to ensure his A-level classes use phones constructively but she thinks it has improved behaviour. "The whole atmosphere in the class has changed," she says, becoming less adversarial, with students policing themselves over inappropriate phone use.

What about pupils who cannot afford a smartphone? And what about children running up big bills doing school work on their phones? Jahangir ensures his tweeting and mobile phone work is accessible to all on the school's intranet. Debens says her school provides Wi-Fi and portable dongles with Wi-Fi so pupils are not paying for their own study. "We have people who come to school without a coat or without having had any breakfast," she says, "but they always have a phone." Patrick Barkham

Yes – they cause disruption and distress

Mobiles are the curse of the modern age – in restaurants, on trains and, most of all, in schools. Pupils are texting when they should be working; they use social networking sites to bully fellow pupils; and they post pictures of their teachers on YouTube. Ian Fenn, head of Burnage Media Arts College in Manchester, had had enough . "Mobiles rather crept up on education and in our experience it was a nightmare," he says. Fenn has banned pupils from making calls or sending texts on school premises and, according to the Daily Mail, the results in terms of improved behaviour and reduced cyberbullying have been dramatic.

Mobiles in schools is one of many issues over which the Mail obsesses, but that doesn't mean a ban is wrong. Indeed, in May an online poll in the Guardian produced a three-to-one vote in favour of a ban. The poll was prompted by a statement by Sir Michael Wilshaw, the new chief inspector of schools and head of Ofsted, that mobiles in schools were disruptive . When he was head of Mossbourne Academy in Hackney, east London, he banned them and said the decision produced immediate benefits.

Ofsted has supported Fenn's decision, but it admits , despite Wilshaw's views, it has no powers itself to impose a ban. "The issue is for schools to manage," says a spokeswoman. There is, in effect, a policy vacuum, with each school being left to decide best practice.

"We introduced a complete ban on mobile phones two years ago because of the disruption they were causing," says a spokeswoman for Cockshut Hill Technology College in Yardley, east Birmingham, "and it has improved behaviour. If pupils want to bring them in because of parents' fears for their safety getting to and from school, we provide lockers where they can be kept. But if we see them in school, we confiscate them. If they're confiscated three times, parents have to come and sign for them." The legality of similar schemes elsewhere has been challenged, but the spokeswoman insists parents and pupils have accepted the policy and that it has produced a much better learning environment.

Teachers union the NASUWT supports a classroom ban. In a recent survey, 46% of its members identified mobiles as a cause of disruption and indiscipline, and the union is particularly worried by pupils taking photographs in lessons and posting material on YouTube and social networking sites. NASUWT general secretary Chris Keates has said such material causes teachers "untold distress and trauma".

A recent report by the Scottish government concluded that mobiles were a "frequent and distracting influence", with cyberbullying especially prevalent . "Mobile phones in the classroom can be disruptive," says a spokesman for teachers union the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS), "and their use should be the subject of an explicit school policy. While we understand parents might want their children to have mobiles with them because of concerns about safety, we don't see any reason for them to be in classrooms. An outright ban is very difficult and wouldn't gain parental support, but they need to be turned off during teaching time."

The EIS says that sometimes the rules are fuzzy, which is where arguments over confiscation occur. But the spokesman adds that the rash of "happy slapping" incidents a couple of years ago forced local authorities to confront the issue, and gradually a consensus is emerging. That consensus is that classrooms are for teaching not texting, and if the rules are clear parents will accept temporary confiscation. Stephen Moss

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Can Banning Phones in School Curb Cyberbullying?

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essay should mobile phones be banned at school

As schools across the country prepare to start the new academic year, principals and district leaders will be forced to confront a perennially thorny issue—students’ social media use.

Grappling with concerns around cyberbullying, school safety , and sexting , some districts choose to monitor students’ online posting , keeping tabs on digitally delivered messages that could signal dangerous behavior in real life.

And some schools, including Lewiston Middle School in Maine, decide to ban cellphones from the premises altogether.

District and school leaders hope the new policy will decrease cyberbullying and classroom distraction, the Sun Journal reported . The ban comes after a wave of what Superintendent Bill Webster called “clearly inappropriate, very troubling posts” in the wake of two students’ deaths last school year.

Jayden Cho-Sargent, 13, was killed in November when a vehicle struck him on his way to school, and Anie Graham, also 13, died by suicide in May, the Sun Journal reported. After both deaths, said Webster, students posted mean comments and false information online.

Many of these posts were time-stamped from the middle of the school day, said Lewiston Middle School principal, Jana Mates, in an interview.

“Our job when kids are here is to protect them, to keep them safe—not just physically, but emotionally as well,” she said.

Whether or not to ban cellphones on campus is a contentious issue among school leaders.

There’s some evidence that banning phones correlates with better academic outcomes: A 2015 study released by the Center for Economic Performance at the London School for Economics and Public Policy found that middle school test scores rose in schools that prohibted phone use in class.

But some teachers and education experts see mobile phones, with their potential for internet-enabled collaboration and research , as potentially powerful learning tools . A complete ban on phones in schools may be unrealistic, said Sameer Hinduja, co-author of “Bullying Beyond the Schoolyard: Preventing and Responding to Cyberbullying,” in a 2014 interview with Education Week.

Instead of having hard-and-fast rules about when students can use devices, and confiscating them if rules are broken, educators should set reasonable standards for responsible use, he said. “Kids think adults are out of touch banning things that really can’t be banned,” said Hinduja.

Even if schools prohibit devices on the premises, students can still send harassing messages and post inappropriate content at home. To get to the root of cyberbullying, Hinduja recommended taking steps to improve school climate. Digital citizenship programs, in which students learn how to engage safely and ethically online, are gaining traction in K-12 schools.

Along with the cellphone ban, Lewiston Middle School is also implementing a digital citizenship program twice a week in homeroom classes. Students will discuss empathy, accepting difference, and the significance of posting publicly online. “Once you put things in words on the internet, you can’t take them back,” said Mates.

Mates acknowledged that students could still post disparaging or bullying messages at home under the new policy.

“At the very least,” she said, "[the ban] can allow them, when they’re here, to not be anxious that something’s going to be said about them during school hours.”

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  • How Are Schools Monitoring Their Students on Social Media? (Videos)
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A version of this news article first appeared in the Digital Education blog.

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Mobile Phones Should not Be Banned in Schools

  • Categories: Issues in Education Mobile Phone Technology in Education

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Words: 835 |

Published: Aug 24, 2023

Words: 835 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

Table of contents

Introduction: balancing connectivity and learning, advantages of mobile phones in education, enhanced communication and safety, developing responsible usage, addressing concerns about distractions, counteracting misuse and disruption, conclusion: a considered approach.

Image of Alex Wood

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This paper entitled 'Usage of Technology in Language Classrooms'envisages on the major role that technology plays in aiding the manual teacher to deliver the lessons with both information and entertainment. The importance of [...]

The author's passion for technology and the impact of technology on the world Interest in problem-solving and its connection to technology Pursuing a diploma course in technology after secondary school Work [...]

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essay should mobile phones be banned at school


  1. Cell phones should be banned in school Free Essay Example

    essay should mobile phones be banned at school

  2. Debate On Should Mobile Phones Be Allowed In School Against

    essay should mobile phones be banned at school

  3. Should Mobile Phones Be Allowed in Schools (500 Words)

    essay should mobile phones be banned at school

  4. School Essay: Should cellphones be allowed in school persuasive essay

    essay should mobile phones be banned at school

  5. Should Cellphones be allowed in School Essay

    essay should mobile phones be banned at school

  6. Cell phones should be banned in schools essay in 2021

    essay should mobile phones be banned at school


  1. Mobile Phones Should be Banned in Schools Essay Example

    3. 📌Published: 06 June 2021. The issue of students using mobile phones at school has been a contentious issue in the media in recent times. Mobile phones have no place in schools and must be banned. The opposers would argue that mobile phones can improve social development and are useful learning aids. It has become blatantly clear mobile ...

  2. Experts see pros and cons to allowing cellphones in class

    Bans may help protect classroom focus, but districts need to stay mindful of students' sense of connection, experts say. Students around the world are being separated from their phones. In 2020, the National Center for Education Statistics reported that 77 percent of U.S. schools had moved to prohibit cellphones for nonacademic purposes.

  3. Why Schools Should Ban Cell Phones in the Classroom—and Why Parents

    Parents should help." The study recommends a ban on smartphones at school for students of all ages, and says the data are unequivocal, showing that countries that enforce restrictions see improved academic performance and less bullying. It's a fraught debate, one that prompts frustration among educators, who say students are less focused ...

  4. Should smartphones be banned in schools? The big debate

    As Olivia said, in an increasingly online world, 'school is a much needed eight-hour break from their mobile phones.' "No, mobile phones should be allowed in schools
" They can be used to enhance learning "With increased access to learning resources, tools and information, students are drawn deeper into a topic than ever before."

  5. Banning mobile phones in schools: beneficial or risky? Here's what the

    Whether to allow student use of mobile phones in school is certainly a hot topic in education. The Victorian announcement follows a French government ban on mobiles in school in 2018.

  6. Should Schools Ban Cellphones?

    Cellphones taken from students are kept in a phone safe at Timber Creek High School in Orlando, Fla. Zack Wittman for The New York Times. By Jeremy Engle. Nov. 7, 2023. Nearly one in four ...

  7. Banning mobile phones in schools can improve students' academic

    We found banning mobile phones at school leads to an increase in student performance. Our results suggest that after schools banned mobile phones, test scores of students aged 16 increased by 6.4% ...

  8. What Students Are Saying About School Cellphone Bans

    87. Cellphones taken from students are kept in a phone safe at Timber Creek High School in Orlando, Fla. Zack Wittman for The New York Times. By The Learning Network. Nov. 30, 2023. Nearly one in ...

  9. Should Mobile Phones be Banned in Schools? Essay Example

    A mobile phone ban takes students off their phones during school hours. It would be ridiculous if students were on their mobile phones during classes. Mobile phones at school can cause cyberbullying as well as being offtopic during class and are an unhealthy amount of screen time. It is up to the point where one in four Australian students do ...

  10. Learning Loss: Why Schools Should Ban Cell Phones

    A 2022 analysis of more than 100 Norwegian middle schools found that banning phones boosted students' grades and test scores and increased their likelihood of attending an advanced high school ...

  11. Should Mobile Phones be Banned in Schools? Essay

    With the blooming development of science and technology, mobile phones have become an indispensable part of life. The increasing number of teenagers who use a cell phone in schools which disrupts classrooms orders has become a major concern. However, mobile phones should not be banned in schools. Actually, it is not necessary to ban mobile ...

  12. Silencing the Signals: Should Cellphones Be Banned in U.S. Schools

    The question of whether cell phones should be allowed in U.S. schools has sparked intense debate across the United States. Proponents argue that cellphones are indispensable tools for learning and ...

  13. Where Should Students Be Allowed to Use Cellphones? Here's What

    But, overall, educators are divided on the issue. "We should be learning to manage cellphones in the classroom. They are here to stay," one educator said in the survey. "BUT they are the ...

  14. Cell Phones in School: Why Should Phones be Allowed (or Banned) in

    A Powerful Learning Tool. One of the best benefits of allowing cell phones in school is their incredible potential for educational benefits and stronger learning. As shown above, there are lots of ways that phones can be used for learning. They give access to eReaders, educational apps, online encyclopedias, and more.

  15. Should mobile phones be banned in schools?

    Earlier this year, the school drew up a "mobile device policy" in consultation with students. Mobile phones are allowed in school and used in class at the teacher's discretion, with a clear system ...

  16. Persuasive Essay: Should Cell Phones Be Allowed in Schools

    In conclusion, cell phones should not be banned from schools because they are used for academic purposes. They provide quick access to knowledge, and they are learning in a method that is comfortable for them, and they can maintain in touch with their parents. In the end mobile devices have their benefits.

  17. Can Banning Phones in School Curb Cyberbullying?

    Whether or not to ban cellphones on campus is a contentious issue among school leaders. There's some evidence that banning phones correlates with better academic outcomes: A 2015 study released ...

  18. Why Phones Should be Allowed in School Essay

    Phones should be allowed in class because it allows students to exercise self-discipline no matter their age or activity, which is proved by a study by the University of Pennsylvania, that self-discipline plays a big part in a student's success. Also, them having the freedom of their phone usage allows them to learn how to deal with freedom ...

  19. Essay On Mobile Phones Should Be Banned In School

    Should Cell Phones Be Banned In School Essay 1019 Words | 5 Pages. Cell phones be a helpful source of information and communication. However, cell phones in school and in classrooms cause many problems. Schools should ban cell phones because it is too much exposure, it is disruptive, and students can cheat easily with the use of technology.

  20. PDF Proficient

    Letter to Your Principal: Cell Phones. A Call for Banning Cell Phones. Claim and Focus. The writer introduces a clear and specific claim ("We should ban cell phones at school because it improves test grades during the test, creates the risk of cyberbullying and also for cheating") and stays focused on developing it throughout the essay.

  21. Why Cell Phones Should Not Be Banned In Schools

    The essay discusses the use of mobile phones in schools, presenting reasons why they should not be banned. It highlights benefits such as aiding academics, emergency communication, and memory assistance. The essay effectively presents arguments in favor of allowing phones in classrooms, drawing on real-world examples and academic studies.

  22. Parents Don't Want Schools to Confiscate Kids' Phones

    In the survey—conducted in February among 1,506 parents of public school students grades K-12—66 percent of parents said their kids have a cell phone and most of these kids (79 percent) take ...

  23. Mobile Phones Should not Be Banned in Schools

    The debate over whether mobile phones should be banned in schools underscores the need for a nuanced and informed approach. While concerns about distractions and misuse are valid, the advantages of incorporating mobile phones for educational purposes and communication cannot be ignored. By capitalizing on the potential benefits and addressing ...