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MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

IGNOU MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment January 202 3

Q 1. What is the Gandhian view on structural violence? What is the impact of structural violence in society?

Ans. The concept of structural violence examines the systemic and institutionalized forms of harm inflicted upon individuals and communities through socio-economic and political structures.

Mahatma Gandhi, one of the most influential figures in India’s freedom struggle, advocated for non-violence and social justice.

While his philosophy primarily focused on non-violence as a means of resistance against colonial oppression, it also encompassed a broader understanding of violence, including structural violence.

Gandhian View on Structural Violence : Mahatma Gandhi strongly believed that violence is not confined to physical harm or direct aggression. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

He recognized that structural violence, rooted in oppressive systems and institutions, perpetuates injustice and denies individuals their basic rights and dignity.

For Gandhi, the structure of society and its institutions should be based on principles of equality, justice, and non-violence.

Gandhi’s critique of structural violence extended to various aspects of society, including economic inequality, social discrimination, and political exclusion.

He emphasized the need for equitable distribution of resources, eradication of poverty, and the elimination of oppressive systems such as untouchability.

Gandhi argued that such structures perpetuate violence by denying individuals access to their fundamental needs and opportunities for growth.

Regarding economic violence, Gandhi believed that poverty itself is a form of violence inflicted upon the marginalized and disadvantaged.

He advocated for the upliftment of the poorest sections of society through land reforms, self-sufficiency, and community empowerment.

Gandhi’s philosophy of Swadeshi (self-reliance) aimed to challenge the exploitative economic structures imposed by colonial rule and promote self-sufficiency at the grassroots level. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Furthermore, Gandhi vehemently opposed any form of social discrimination and saw it as a manifestation of structural violence.

He fought against the deeply entrenched caste system, which relegated certain communities to the margins and subjected them to generational oppression.

Gandhi’s campaigns for equality and social reform, including the fight against untouchability, were rooted in his vision of dismantling structural violence by eradicating discriminatory systems.

Political violence, in terms of exclusion and marginalization, also concerned Gandhi. He advocated for participatory democracy and the empowerment of the masses.

Gandhi believed that every individual should have a voice in decision-making processes, and power should be decentralized to prevent the concentration of authority in the hands of a few. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

He challenged the structural violence inherent in the hierarchical and undemocratic nature of governance systems.

Impact of Structural Violence in Society : Structural violence has far-reaching consequences for individuals and society as a whole. Its impact can be observed across various domains, including health, education, economic opportunity, and social cohesion.

One of the significant consequences of structural violence is the exacerbation of health disparities.

Access to adequate healthcare, nutritious food, and clean water is often unequally distributed, disproportionately affecting marginalized communities.

Structural violence creates barriers to healthcare services, perpetuating inequalities in health outcomes. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds often face higher rates of preventable diseases and reduced life expectancies, highlighting the detrimental impact of systemic violence on public health.

Education is another area profoundly influenced by structural violence. Unequal distribution of resources and opportunities leads to disparities in educational access and quality.

Marginalized communities are frequently denied proper education, limiting their socio-economic mobility and perpetuating intergenerational poverty.

Structural violence in education reinforces social inequalities and denies individuals the means to uplift themselves and contribute fully to society.

Economic disparities resulting from structural violence contribute to the perpetuation of poverty and hinder social progress.

Unjust economic systems, such as exploitative labor practices, wage gaps, and limited access to credit and resources, reinforce socio-economic inequalities.

These disparities create cycles of poverty and deprivation, making it difficult for marginalized individuals to escape their circumstances.

Structural violence obstructs social mobility and denies people the opportunity to realize their full potential. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Moreover, structural violence undermines social cohesion and fosters conflict within society. When certain groups are systematically marginalized and excluded, it breeds resentment and deepens divisions.

The resulting social unrest can manifest in various forms, including protests, violence, and intergroup conflicts.

Structural violence perpetuates social fragmentation and impedes the development of inclusive and harmonious societies.

Q 2. What is ideology? Explain Gandhi’s critique of socialism and communism.

Ans. Ideology is a set of beliefs, values, and principles that shape and guide individuals’ or groups’ understanding of the world and their actions within it.

It serves as a framework for interpreting social, political, and economic phenomena. Mahatma Gandhi, the iconic leader of India’s freedom struggle, had a unique perspective on various ideologies.

Understanding Ideology Ideology encompasses a broad range of belief systems that provide a lens through which individuals perceive society and its functioning.

It serves as a blueprint for social order and offers guidance on how to achieve desired goals. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Ideologies often encompass economic, political, and social dimensions, and they influence individual and collective behaviors.

Ideologies such as liberalism, socialism, communism, capitalism, and nationalism offer distinct perspectives on governance, social justice, and economic organization.

They shape political systems, policy frameworks, and societal structures. However, ideologies are not monolithic and can be subject to interpretation and adaptation by different individuals and groups.

Gandhi’s Critique of Socialism and Communism : Gandhi had a nuanced critique of socialism and communism, viewing them as ideologies that fell short in certain respects.

While he acknowledged their intentions to address socio-economic inequalities, he believed that they neglected the importance of individual freedom, spirituality, and the moral aspect of human existence. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Individual Freedom and Self-Governance: Gandhi emphasized the significance of individual freedom and self-governance as fundamental aspects of human existence.

He believed that socialism and communism tended to prioritize collective interests over individual freedoms.

Gandhi was wary of ideologies that centralized power and authority, as he felt they could lead to the suppression of individual liberties and the erosion of personal agency.

He advocated for decentralized decision-making and participatory democracy, where individuals had a voice in shaping their own lives and communities.

Spirituality and Moral Values: Gandhi’s philosophy was deeply rooted in spirituality and moral values. He believed that material progress should not come at the expense of spiritual and moral development. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

While socialism and communism focused on economic equality, Gandhi argued that true progress required a holistic approach that encompassed spiritual and moral growth.

He emphasized the importance of ethics, non-violence, and compassion as the guiding principles for social transformation.

For Gandhi, social change must be accompanied by individual transformation and the cultivation of moral virtues.

Means and Ends: Another aspect of Gandhi’s critique of socialism and communism pertained to their approach to achieving their goals. Gandhi emphasized that the means employed to attain an end were as important as the end itself.

He criticized the use of violence and coercion that he perceived in some manifestations of socialism and communism.

Gandhi advocated for non-violent means of resistance and social change, believing that violence only perpetuated a cycle of harm and hindered true progress.

Localism and Self-Sufficiency: Gandhi promoted the concept of Swaraj, meaning self-rule or self-governance. He believed in the importance of localism and self-sufficiency, where communities were empowered to meet their own needs and reduce dependence on centralized systems. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Gandhi was critical of socialism and communism for their potential to centralize power and control economic resources, which could result in a loss of local autonomy and community-based initiatives.

MGP 004 Assignment Question Pdf

Q 3. What was Gandhi’s view on totalitarian state and why he opposed fascism?

Ans . Mahatma Gandhi, the renowned leader of India’s independence movement, was an advocate of non-violence, human rights, and social justice.

His ideologies and beliefs shaped his views on various forms of governance, including his staunch opposition to totalitarianism and fascism.

Understanding Totalitarianism Totalitarianism refers to a system of government characterized by centralized and autocratic control, where the state exercises complete authority over all aspects of public and private life. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

In totalitarian regimes, individual freedoms, civil liberties, and democratic processes are severely restricted, if not completely suppressed.

The state’s power extends to political, economic, social, and cultural spheres, leaving little room for dissent or independent thought.

Gandhi’s View on Totalitarianism : Gandhi vehemently opposed the idea of a totalitarian state due to its infringement on individual freedom and the suppression of democratic values.

His worldview was grounded in the principles of non-violence, truth, and respect for human dignity. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Gandhi believed that any form of governance that curtailed personal liberty and denied the voice of the people ran counter to his vision of a just and inclusive society.

Non-violence and Human Dignity: Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violence encompassed a deep respect for human dignity and the inherent worth of every individual.

Totalitarian regimes, with their emphasis on state control and subjugation of the populace, violated these principles.

Gandhi firmly believed that every person had the right to self-expression, freedom of thought, and participation in decision-making processes.

Totalitarianism’s suppression of individual liberties and imposition of state authority contradicted Gandhi’s commitment to non-violence and the respect for human dignity. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Democratic Values and Participation: Gandhi placed immense value on democratic principles, such as freedom of speech, press, and assembly.

He believed in the importance of public participation and collective decision-making, which were often absent in totalitarian states.

Gandhi advocated for a decentralized form of governance that encouraged local self-governance and promoted the active involvement of citizens in shaping their communities.

Totalitarianism, with its centralized power and lack of democratic processes, negated these values and stifled the voice of the people.

Peaceful Coexistence and Pluralism: Gandhi emphasized the importance of peaceful coexistence and the recognition of diverse perspectives and cultures. He believed in the inherent strength of unity amid diversity. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Totalitarianism, on the other hand, sought to homogenize society, suppress dissent, and impose a single ideology or worldview. Gandhi saw this as a threat to social harmony, peace, and the celebration of human differences.

He valued pluralism and embraced the richness of diverse ideas, cultures, and religions, which totalitarianism aimed to suppress.

Gandhi’s Opposition to Fascism : Fascism, characterized by authoritarianism, extreme nationalism, and the subordination of individual rights to the state, was vehemently opposed by Gandhi.

He recognized the inherent dangers and ethical shortcomings of this ideology, and his reasons for opposing fascism can be summarized as follows:

Violence and Oppression: MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023 Gandhi’s core philosophy revolved around non-violence and peaceful resistance. Fascist regimes, with their glorification of violence and militarism, directly contradicted these principles.

Gandhi firmly believed that violence only begets more violence and perpetuates cycles of suffering.

Fascism’s embrace of aggression, oppression, and suppression of dissent ran counter to Gandhi’s commitment to non-violence as a means of achieving social and political change.

Inequality and Discrimination: Gandhi was a staunch advocate for equality and the eradication of social divisions. Fascist ideologies often propagated ideas of racial superiority and discrimination, which Gandhi vehemently opposed. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

He saw all human beings as equal, regardless of race, religion, or nationality. Fascism’s promotion of an exclusive and hierarchical social order contradicted Gandhi’s vision of a just society based on equality and respect for every individual.

Denial of Individual Freedom: Fascist regimes typically curtail individual freedoms and liberties in favor of absolute state control.

Gandhi’s emphasis on individual freedom, self-governance, and respect for human dignity was in direct opposition to fascism’s authoritarian nature.

He believed that individuals should have the autonomy to make choices, express themselves freely, and participate in the decision-making processes that affected their lives. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Fascism’s suppression of individual freedoms and subjugation to the state violated Gandhi’s fundamental principles.

Peace and Global Harmony: Gandhi was a strong advocate for peace and harmony among nations. Fascism, with its aggressive expansionist tendencies and disregard for international cooperation, threatened the stability and peace of the global community.

Gandhi saw the pursuit of peace as essential for social progress and the well-being of humanity.

Fascism’s promotion of militarism, imperialism, and the subjugation of other nations undermined Gandhi’s vision of a peaceful coexistence among diverse nations.

Q 6. a) What are the reasons for Gandhi’s admiration of British institutions?

Ans. Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of India’s independence movement, had a complex relationship with British institutions.

While he vehemently opposed British colonial rule and fought for India’s freedom, there were aspects of British institutions that Gandhi admired. The reasons for his admiration can be attributed to the following factors:

Rule of Law and Fairness: MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023 Gandhi acknowledged that British institutions, particularly the legal system, upheld the principles of the rule of law and fairness. He admired the concept of justice being administered impartially and without discrimination.

Gandhi believed in the importance of a just legal framework that treated all individuals equally, regardless of their social status or background.

He respected the British legal system’s commitment to due process, fair trials, and the protection of individual rights.

Education and Intellectual Development: Gandhi recognized the value of education and intellectual development, which he believed were fostered by British institutions.

He admired the emphasis on formal education and the opportunities it provided for personal growth and knowledge acquisition.

British educational institutions in India, such as universities and schools, played a role in expanding access to education and promoting intellectual pursuits.

Gandhi himself was a product of these institutions and acknowledged their role in shaping his intellectual development. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Democratic Principles: Gandhi admired certain democratic principles that were prevalent in British institutions, such as representative governance and parliamentary democracy.

He recognized the importance of public participation, the right to dissent, and the freedom of speech, which were integral to the functioning of British democracy.

Gandhi valued the concept of people having a voice in decision-making processes and believed that these principles could be adapted and applied in the Indian context.

Technological Advancements: Gandhi acknowledged the technological advancements brought by the British, particularly in transportation, communication, and infrastructure.

The introduction of railways, telegraph lines, and modern communication systems significantly transformed India and improved connectivity.

Gandhi recognized the potential benefits of these advancements in facilitating social and economic progress. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Civil Services and Administration: Gandhi admired the professionalism and efficiency of the British civil services and administration. He acknowledged that the colonial government had established a bureaucracy that, despite its flaws, functioned effectively in many areas.

Gandhi recognized the need for a well-organized administrative system to govern a nation and deliver public services efficiently.

He appreciated the British institutions’ ability to establish and maintain a functioning administrative structure.

b) Gandhi’s views on economic basis of political independence

Ans. Mahatma Gandhi believed that economic independence was a crucial foundation for achieving political independence.

He emphasized the need for self-reliance and economic empowerment as essential components of India’s struggle against British colonial rule.

Gandhi’s views on the economic basis of political independence can be understood through the following key aspects: MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Self-Sufficiency and Swadeshi: Gandhi advocated for self-sufficiency and the promotion of indigenous industries as a means to achieve economic independence.

He believed that India’s dependence on British goods and industries undermined its ability to assert political autonomy.

Gandhi promoted the concept of Swadeshi, which called for the use and promotion of Indian-made goods to reduce reliance on foreign imports.

By encouraging the development of cottage industries and promoting local production, Gandhi aimed to build an economically self-reliant India, which would form the foundation for political independence.

Decentralization and Village Economy: Gandhi emphasized the importance of decentralization and the revitalization of the village economy. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

He believed that economic power should be decentralized and vested in the hands of local communities rather than concentrated in urban centers.

Gandhi promoted the idea of village industries, where rural communities would engage in small-scale production and self-sustenance.

He believed that a vibrant and prosperous village economy would empower local communities, create employment opportunities, and contribute to the overall economic strength of the nation.

Sustainable Development and Respect for Nature: Gandhi’s views on economic independence were closely tied to the principles of sustainability and environmental conservation.

He advocated for a harmonious relationship between humans and nature, recognizing that economic progress should not come at the expense of environmental degradation. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Gandhi emphasized the need for responsible and sustainable economic practices that would ensure the well-being of both present and future generations.

He believed in the conservation of natural resources and the promotion of practices that respected ecological balance.

Dignity of Labor and Eradication of Poverty: Gandhi emphasized the dignity of labor and the eradication of poverty as key objectives in achieving economic independence.

He believed that all individuals, regardless of their social or economic status, should have the opportunity to earn a decent livelihood and contribute to society.

Gandhi condemned the exploitation of labor and called for fair wages, improved working conditions, and the elimination of poverty.

He believed that economic independence would uplift the masses and provide them with the means to lead a dignified life. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Non-Violent Economic Resistance: Gandhi’s approach to economic independence was rooted in non-violence and peaceful resistance. He encouraged Indians to boycott British goods and institutions as a form of economic protest against colonial rule.

Gandhi believed that non-cooperation with unjust economic systems would exert pressure on the British government and expedite the process of political independence.

Through non-violent economic resistance, Gandhi sought to challenge the economic foundations of British rule and pave the way for an independent and self-reliant India.

Q 7. a) Critically examine Gandhi’s view on citizenship .

Ans . Gandhi’s views on citizenship were deeply rooted in his principles of non-violence, truth, and the pursuit of justice.

While he made significant contributions to India’s struggle for independence and emphasized the importance of civic participation, his views on citizenship have been subject to criticism and debate. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Let us critically examine Gandhi’s view on citizenship from various perspectives:

I nclusivity and Equality: Gandhi advocated for an inclusive vision of citizenship that encompassed all individuals, regardless of their caste, religion, or socioeconomic background.

He believed in the equal rights and dignity of every citizen, irrespective of their differences. Gandhi’s emphasis on non-discrimination and equal treatment aligned with his vision of a just society.

However, some critics argue that Gandhi’s focus on traditional social hierarchies, such as his support for the caste system, was contradictory to his ideals of equality and undermined the inclusive nature of his citizenship perspective.

Non-Violence and Active Participation: Gandhi’s concept of citizenship went beyond passive obedience to the state and emphasized the importance of active civic engagement.

He believed in the power of non-violent resistance and encouraged citizens to take responsibility for their own liberation. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Gandhi viewed citizenship as an active role, wherein individuals should strive to create a just society through non-violent means.

However, critics argue that Gandhi’s approach to non-violence and his expectation of self-sacrifice placed a heavy burden on citizens, potentially limiting their agency and autonomy.

Self-Governance and Decentralization: Gandhi advocated for decentralization and local self-governance as essential components of citizenship.

He believed in empowering local communities and granting them the authority to make decisions that affected their lives. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Gandhi’s emphasis on the village economy and the importance of self-sufficiency aligned with his vision of an empowered citizenry.

However, critics argue that Gandhi’s focus on rural India and his skepticism toward industrialization may have limited the scope of his citizenship vision, neglecting the diverse needs and aspirations of urban citizens.

Limited Role of the State: Gandhi’s views on citizenship included a limited role for the state. He believed that individuals and local communities should take primary responsibility for their well-being, with the state playing a minimal role.

Gandhi’s emphasis on self-reliance and self-governance reflected his skepticism toward centralized authority and his belief in the capacity of individuals to govern themselves. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

However, critics argue that this approach may have downplayed the role of the state in addressing systemic inequalities and providing essential services, potentially leading to the neglect of marginalized communities.

Gender and Women’s Rights: Critics also highlight Gandhi’s views on gender and women’s rights as a limitation of his citizenship perspective.

While Gandhi advocated for women’s participation in the independence movement and acknowledged their contribution, he held traditional views on gender roles and assigned women primarily domestic responsibilities.

Critics argue that Gandhi’s stance on gender limited the full realization of women’s rights and hindered their ability to participate as equal citizens in all aspects of society.

b) Why does Gandhi favor Gramswaraj rather than western industrialization?

Ans. Mahatma Gandhi favored Gramswaraj, which means village self-rule, over western industrialization for several reasons. His preference for Gramswaraj reflected his vision of a decentralized and sustainable society.

The following are some key factors that influenced Gandhi’s preference for Gramswaraj over western industrialization:

Self-Sufficiency and Swadeshi: Gandhi believed in the importance of self-sufficiency and the promotion of indigenous industries. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

He advocated for the development of local economies and the revival of traditional village-based crafts and industries.

Gandhi argued that western industrialization, with its reliance on mass production and global trade, created a dependency on foreign goods and exploited natural resources.

He believed that Gramswaraj, with its emphasis on self-reliance and the use of local resources, would lead to a more sustainable and balanced economic system.

Respect for Nature and Environment: Gandhi had a deep reverence for nature and believed in living in harmony with the environment. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

He criticized the destructive impact of industrialization on the natural world, including deforestation, pollution, and resource depletion.

Gandhi believed that Gramswaraj, with its focus on small-scale agriculture, cottage industries, and decentralized energy generation, would prioritize sustainable practices and protect the environment.

He advocated for the use of renewable energy sources and the preservation of natural resources, which he saw as integral to the well-being of both present and future generations. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

Equal Distribution of Wealth: Gandhi was concerned about the inequalities perpetuated by industrialization, which often concentrated wealth and power in the hands of a few.

He believed that Gramswaraj, with its emphasis on self-governance and local decision-making, would enable a more equitable distribution of resources and opportunities.

Gandhi envisioned a society where each village would be self-reliant and economically empowered, providing an environment where all individuals could enjoy a decent standard of living.

Dignity of Labor: MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023 Gandhi placed great importance on the dignity of labor and believed that traditional village-based industries and crafts could provide meaningful and fulfilling work for individuals.

He argued that industrialization, with its focus on mechanization and deskilling, devalued human labor and led to alienation and exploitation.

Gandhi saw Gramswaraj as an opportunity to restore the dignity of labor by promoting self-employment and encouraging individuals to engage in productive activities that were in harmony with their skills and local traditions.

Cultural Preservation: Gandhi recognized the cultural richness and diversity present in Indian villages and was concerned that rapid industrialization would erode traditional knowledge, practices, and values. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

He believed that Gramswaraj would allow for the preservation and promotion of local cultures and traditions, fostering a sense of community and identity.

Gandhi saw the village as a repository of cultural heritage and believed that strengthening local institutions and self-governance would help preserve India’s cultural fabric.

It is important to note that Gandhi’s preference for Gramswaraj over western industrialization was not an outright rejection of all aspects of modernity or progress. MGP 004 Solved Free Assignment 2023

He acknowledged the benefits of technology and scientific advancements but advocated for their integration into a decentralized and sustainable framework.

Gandhi believed that a balance could be struck between progress and preserving the values and traditions that he considered essential for human well-being.

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MGP-004: Gandhi’s Political Thought is a Theory subject in IGNOU. This course is taught in the following programme(s) of Indira Gandhi National Open University: Master of Arts (Political Science), Master of Arts (Gandhi and Peace Studies), Post Graduate Diploma in Gandhi and Peace Studies. This subject is part of the following programme code(s) in IGNOU: MPS, MGPS, PGDGPS. Continue browsing to get solved assignments, handwritten assignments, question papers, exam help, guide books, and help books for MGP-004.

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MGP 004 Solved Assignment 2021-22


Course Code: MGP 004

Assignment Code: ASST/TMA/2021-22

MGP 004 Solved Assignment 2021-22 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

Answer any five questions in about 500 words each. Attempt at least two questions from each section. Each question carries 20 marks.


1. Why did Gandhi insist on the need to anchor power and authority in the supreme values of Satya?

2. Draw the parallels between the thought processes of Gandhi and Thoreau on State and individual.

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3. Why does Gandhi emphasize the need to spiritualise Political life and Political Institutions?

4. Examine the concepts of social transformation and redistribution of power in the scheme of socialism.

5. Do you think that an impartial world police can be effective for the Global Peace? Elucidate.


Write a short note on the following in about 250 words each:

6. a) Equality as an all-pervasive value

b) Gandhian Critique of Industrialisation

7. a) Fascism

b) Role of Satyagraha in Gandhian Pacifism

b) Dictatorship of Proletariat

9. a) Structural Violence

b) Gandhi's view on Constitutionalism

10. a) Anarchist Society

b) Purity of Ends and Means

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For attend IGNOU MGP-04 TEE Examination, it is necessary to first submit your Assignments to IGNOU and it is possible from IGNOU Study Material . You can solve your MGP-04 Assignments with using Books/Materials. Not only Assignments, but you can use it for preparation of Examination and you can get good marks in your Post Graduate Diploma in Gandhi and Peace Studies Programme Annual Exams with good grade.

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Plzz Upload MGP 004 in hindi

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Please upload the MPS study material in Hindi

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IGNOU MGP-004 Assignment Question Paper Download (2022-23)

Valid for july 2022 and january 2023 sessions, if you are looking to download mgp-004: gandhi’s political thought assignment question paper for 2022-23 sessions, you have come to the right place. click on the image or button below to download the question paper for free. alternatively, if you are looking for the solved assignment reference material for this subject, you may download that using the button below as well. this content is verified by professors and are plagiarism-free, so you can be assured to learn well and get the highest marks.

MGP-004: Gandhi’s Political Thought

IGNOU MGP-004 Assignment Question Paper Download (2022-23)

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MGP-004 GANDHI’S POLITICAL THOUGHT in English Solved Assignment 2023-2024

₹ 40.00 ₹ 100.00

MGP-004 GANDHI’S POLITICAL THOUGHT in English Solved Assignment 2023-2024 TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT (TMA) Course Code: MGP-004 Assignment Code: MGP-004/ASST/TMA/2023-24 Marks: 100

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Product Description

TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT (TMA) Course Code: MGP-004 Assignment Code: MGP-004/ASST/TMA/2023-24 Marks: 100

Answer five questions in all, selecting at least two questions from each section. Each question is to be answered in about 500 words. Each question carries 20 marks. SECTION- I 1. What do you understand by colonialism and imperialism? Elaborate its impact on the socioeconomic life. 2. Examine the concepts of social transformation and redistribution of power in socialism. 3. Describe the role of pluralism and tolerance in the democratic world order. 4. Discuss the relevance, efficacy and feasibility of Gandhian Satyagraha in the 21st century. 5. Differentiate between Direct and Indirect Violence. SECTION-II Write a short note on each part of the question in about 250 words: 6. a) Gandhi’s concept of individual autonomy b) The importance of satyagraha in the nuclear age 7. a) Gandhi’s concept of power b) The role of constructive programme in Gandhi’s philosophy 8. a) Structural violence b) Concept of Justice 9. a) Gandhi’s views of Fascism b) Gandhi’s views on racial and caste equality 10. a) Conflict and its resolution b) State, obligation and civil disobedience

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FREE IGNOU MGP 004 Solved Assignment 2023-24 | GANDHI’S POLITICAL THOUGHT Solved Assignment 2023-24: MGP 004 Solved Assignment 2023-24 , MGP 004 Assignment 2022 , FREE MGP 004 Assignment , IGNOU Assignments 2023-24- Gandhi National Open University had recently uploaded the assignments of this session for MAGPS for the year 2023-24. Students are recommended to download their Assignments from this web page itself. MGP 004 Solved Assignment 2023-24 They don’t need to go anywhere else when everything regarding the Assignments are available during this text only.

MGP 004 Solved Assignment 2023-24 : for college kids – MGP 004 GANDHI’S POLITICAL THOUGHT Solved Assignment 2023-24 , Students are advised that after successfully downloading their Assignments, you’ll find each and every course assignments of your downloaded. Candidates got to create separate assignment for the IGNOU Master Course, so as that it’s easy for Evaluators to ascertain your assignments.

Download IGNOU MGP 004 Question Paper

Answer all questions in this assignment.

Q1. What do you understand by colonialism and imperialism? Elaborate its impact on the socioeconomic life.

Colonialism and imperialism are interconnected concepts that refer to the domination and control of one nation or group of people over another, often involving the establishment and maintenance of colonies. While they share similarities, colonialism specifically refers to the physical occupation and control of a territory, whereas imperialism is a broader concept that encompasses various forms of economic, political, and cultural domination.

Impact on Socioeconomic Life:

  • Colonial Extraction: Colonizing powers often exploited the natural resources of their colonies for economic gain. This extraction led to the depletion of valuable resources and contributed to the underdevelopment of the colonies.
  • Trade Imbalances: The economic relationship between the colonizer and the colony was often skewed, favoring the colonial power. Colonies were often forced to export raw materials at low prices and import finished goods at high prices, resulting in trade imbalances.
  • Racial and Social Hierarchies: Colonizers often imposed racial hierarchies, creating social divisions that persisted long after the colonial period. Discriminatory practices and policies reinforced inequalities among different racial and ethnic groups.
  • Land Dispossession: Indigenous populations frequently faced land dispossession, leading to the loss of traditional livelihoods. This had profound effects on social structures, as communities were uprooted and forced into new forms of labor.
  • Cultural Suppression: Colonizers often sought to impose their culture, language, and religion on the colonized people. This resulted in the suppression and marginalization of indigenous cultures, languages, and traditions.
  • Educational System: Educational systems in colonies were often designed to serve the interests of the colonizers, promoting their culture and values. This further reinforced social and cultural dominance.
  • Artificial Borders: The arbitrary drawing of borders by colonial powers often ignored the ethnic, cultural, and linguistic realities of the region. This led to internal conflicts and political instability in many post-colonial nations.
  • Authoritarian Rule: Colonizers often established authoritarian rule, suppressing local governance structures and imposing their own systems. Post-colonial nations struggled with political instability and the challenge of building functional governance.
  • Forced Labor: Many colonies experienced the exploitation of local labor for the benefit of the colonial powers. This often took the form of forced labor, contributing to the economic exploitation of the colonized people.
  • Economic Dependency: Colonies were often left economically dependent on their colonizers, as their economies were structured to serve the needs of the colonial powers. This dependency continued after independence, contributing to ongoing socioeconomic challenges.
  • Underdevelopment: The legacy of colonialism contributed to the underdevelopment of many post-colonial nations, as they faced the task of rebuilding their economies and societies after gaining independence.

It’s important to note that the impact of colonialism and imperialism varies across different regions and historical contexts. While some nations experienced severe economic and social disruption, others managed to adapt and recover more successfully. The effects of colonialism continue to shape global inequalities and power dynamics to some extent today.

Q2. Examine the concepts of social transformation and redistribution of power in socialism.

Q3. Describe the role of pluralism and tolerance in the democratic world order.

Q4. Discuss the relevance, efficacy and feasibility of Gandhian Satyagraha in the 21st century.

Q5. Differentiate between Direct and Indirect Violence.

Q6. a) Gandhi‟s concept of individual autonomy

b) The importance of satyagraha in the nuclear age

Q7. a) Gandhi‟s concept of power

b) The role of constructive programme in Gandhi‟s philosophy

Q8. a) Structural violence

b) Concept of Justice

Q9. a) Gandhi‟s views of Fascism

b) Gandhi‟s views on racial and caste equality

Q10. a) Conflict and its resolution

b) State, obligation and civil disobedience

IGNOU Assignment Status 2023-24

MGP 004 GANDHI’S POLITICAL THOUGHT Solved Assignment 2023-24: Those students who had successfully submitted their Assignments to their allocated study centres can now check their Assignment Status. Alongside assignment status, they will also checkout their assignment marks & result. All this is often available in a web mode. After submitting the assignment, you’ll check you IGNOU Assignment Status only after 3-4 weeks. it’d take 40 days to declare. MGP 004 Solved Assignment 2023-24

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Those students who had successfully submitted their Assignments to their allocated study centres can now check their Assignment Status. Along with assignment status, they can also checkout their assignment marks & result.  MGP 004 Solved Assignment 2023-24  All this is available in an online mode. After submitting the assignment, you can check you IGNOU Assignment Status only after 3-4 weeks. It might take 40 days to declare.

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  3. MGP-004 GANDHI'S POLITICAL THOUGHT Solved Assignment 2023-2024

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  23. FREE IGNOU MGP 004 Solved Assignment 2023-24 download

    IGNOU Assignment Status 2023-24. MGP 004 GANDHI'S POLITICAL THOUGHT Solved Assignment 2023-24: Those students who had successfully submitted their Assignments to their allocated study centres can now check their Assignment Status. Alongside assignment status, they will also checkout their assignment marks & result. ...