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Translation of presentation – English–Urdu dictionary

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presentation noun ( EVENT )

  • The presentation was a collaborative effort by all the children in the class .
  • The charity invited the press to a presentation of its plans for the future .
  • The magazine asked its readers to send in their comments about the new style of presentation.
  • Jenny's retiring and I think there's going to be a small presentation this afternoon .
  • Graduates must be in full academic dress at the presentation of certificates .

presentation noun ( APPEARANCE )

(Translation of presentation from the Cambridge English–Urdu Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

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presentation - Meaning in Urdu

Presentation word forms & inflections, definitions and meaning of presentation in english, presentation noun.

  • demonstration , presentment
  • "he gave the customer a demonstration"
  • "the presentation of new data"
  • "she gave the trophy but he made the presentation"
  • "Cesarean sections are sometimes the result of abnormal presentations"
  • "he prepared his presentation carefully in advance"
  • intro , introduction

Synonyms of presentation

presentation meaning in urdu words

A presentation conveys information from a speaker to an audience. Presentations are typically demonstrations, introduction, lecture, or speech meant to inform, persuade, inspire, motivate, build goodwill, or present a new idea/product. Presentations usually require preparation, organization, event planning, writing, use of visual aids, dealing with stress, and answering questions. “The key elements of a presentation consists of presenter, audience, message, reaction and method to deliver speech for organizational success in an effective manner.” Presentations are widely used in tertiary work settings such as accountants giving a detailed report of a company's financials or an entrepreneur pitching their venture idea to investors. The term can also be used for a formal or ritualized introduction or offering, as with the presentation of a debutante. Presentations in certain formats are also known as keynote address. Interactive presentations, in which the audience is involved, are also represented more and more frequently. Instead of a monologue, this creates a dialogue between the speaker and the audience. The advantages of an interactive presentation is for example, that it attracts more attention from the audience and that the interaction creates a sense of community.

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Urdu Dictionary

Meaning of Presentation in Urdu

Meaning and Translation of Presentation in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Definition, Wikipedia Reference, Image, Synonyms, Antonyms,

Urdu Meaning or Translation




اِظہار ۔ نُمائش ۔ تَمثِيل ۔ تعارَف ۔ بَخشِيش ۔ نَذَر ۔ عَطا ۔ پيشکَش ۔ بھِينٹ ۔

وَضَع جَنَین ۔ رُخ ۔ بَچّے کا وہ حِصَّہ جو پیڑُو کے کِنارے میں پہلے داخَل ہوتا ہے اور لَیبَر میں سَروِکس میں اُنگلی سے محسُوس کیا جا سَکتا ہے پَیدائش کے وَقت پہلے خَارَج ہونے والا جِسمانی حِصَّہ کو جَنَین کا رُخ کہتے ہَیں

Presentation definitions in Urdu

  • ابتدائی معائنہ اور تشخیص کے ل a کسی مریض کا آگے آنا
  • ایک تقریر یا گفتگو جس میں ایک نئی مصنوع ، خیال ، یا کام کا ٹکڑا دکھایا اور سامعین کو سمجھایا
  • ایک شو یا نمائش؛ کسی چیز کو نظارے یا نظارے کے سامنے پیش کرنے کا کام
  • بیماری جس انداز میں ابتدا میں ہی ظاہر ہوتی ہے
  • پیدائشی نہر کے نسبت سے بچہ دانی میں جنین کی (پرسوتی) پوزیشن
  • تجویز پیش کرنے کا کام
  • ترسیل کے وقت گریوا کے سلسلے میں جنین کی حیثیت
  • چرچ سے فائدہ اٹھانے یا کسی دوسرے عہدے کے لئے امیدوار کو باضابطہ طور پر تجویز کرنے کا عمل یا حق
  • کسی چیز کو باضابطہ طور پر پیش کرنے کی سرگرمی (بطور انعام یا انعام)
  • کسی چیز کو عوامی طور پر دستیاب کرنے کا کام۔ خبروں یا دیگر معلومات کو نشر یا طباعت کے ذریعہ پیش کرنا
  • کسی چیز کی بصری نمائندگی
  • کسی شخص کو باضابطہ طور پر دوسرے یا عوام کے سامنے جانا
  • کسی کا باضابطہ تعارف ، خاص طور پر عدالت میں
  • کسی کو کچھ دینا ، خاص کر رسمی تقریب کے حصے کے طور پر
  • وہ انداز یا انداز جس میں کچھ دیا جاتا ہے ، پیش کیا جاتا ہے یا ظاہر ہوتا ہے

Presentation meaning in English

  • a visual representation of something
  • (obstetrics) position of the fetus in the uterus relative to the birth canal "Cesarean sections are sometimes the result of abnormal presentations"
  • the activity of formally presenting something (as a prize or reward) "she gave the trophy but he made the presentation"
  • a show or display; the act of presenting something to sight or view "the presentation of new data" "he gave the customer a demonstration"
  • the act of making something publicly available; presenting news or other information by broadcasting or printing it "he prepared his presentation carefully in advance"
  • the act of presenting a proposal
  • formally making a person known to another or to the public
  • position of the fetus in the uterus relative to the birth canal

Presentation Synonyms and Antonyms

presentment demonstration show

proposal proposition

display representation

introduction intro informing making known

position posture attitude

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Presentation Meaning In Urdu

سادہ مثالوں اور تعریفوں کے ساتھ presentation کا حقیقی معنی جانیں۔, definitions of presentation.

1 . کسی کو کسی چیز کا تحفہ، خاص طور پر کسی سرکاری تقریب کے تناظر میں۔

1 . the giving of something to someone, especially as part of a formal ceremony.

2 . ایک تقریر یا گفتگو جس میں ایک نیا پروڈکٹ، خیال یا کام دکھایا جاتا ہے اور سامعین کو سمجھایا جاتا ہے۔

2 . a speech or talk in which a new product, idea, or piece of work is shown and explained to an audience.

3 . کسی کی باضابطہ پیشکش، خاص طور پر عدالت میں۔

3 . a formal introduction of someone, especially at court.

4 . ڈیلیوری کے وقت گریوا کے سلسلے میں جنین کی پوزیشن۔

4 . the position of a fetus in relation to the cervix at the time of delivery.

5 . ابتدائی معائنے اور تشخیص کے لیے مریض کو پیش کریں۔

5 . the coming forward of a patient for initial examination and diagnosis.

6 . Candlemas کے لیے ایک اور اصطلاح۔

6 . another term for Candlemas.

Examples of Presentation :

1 . پاورپوائنٹ پریزنٹیشنز بنائیں اور دیکھیں۔

1 . making and viewing powerpoint presentation s.

2 . یہ پاورپوائنٹ پریزنٹیشن نہیں ہے۔

2 . it's not a powerpoint presentation .

3 . انگریزی میں پڑھائے جانے والے بہترین پروگرام، کیس کے تجزیہ اور نرم مہارتوں جیسے ٹیم ورک، پریزنٹیشن، زبان اور مسئلہ حل کرنے سے بھرے ہیں۔

3 . excellent programs taught in english packed with real-world business cases and soft skills such as teamwork, presentation , language and problem-solving.

4 . 'پریزنٹنگ فار گیکس' اور 'برین اسٹارمنگ یور پریزنٹیشن' کے مصنف۔

4 . Author of 'Presenting for Geeks' and 'Brainstorming Your Presentation '.

5 . hcov-nl63 کی وجہ سے ہونے والی بیماری میں coryza، conjunctivitis، بخار، اور bronchiolitis کا ہونا عام ہے۔

5 . presentation of coryza, conjunctivitis, fever, and bronchiolitis is common in the disease caused by hcov-nl63.

6 . یہ پاورپوائنٹ پریزنٹیشن نہیں ہے۔

6 . this is not a powerpoint presentation .

7 . ms پاورپوائنٹ پریزنٹیشن کا استعمال کرنا ضروری ہے۔

7 . presentation ms powerpoint is to be used.

8 . پریزنٹیشنز مین انحصار: بیمر۔

8 . presentation s. primary dependency: beamer.

9 . پاورپوائنٹ پریزنٹیشن اور ڈیمو۔

9 . powerpoint presentation and demonstration.

10 . SES کی پیشکش (پاور پوائنٹ؛ 30 منٹ)،

10 . Presentation of the SES (Powerpoint; 30 minutes),

11 . مثال کے طور پر، آفس سافٹ ویئر سویٹس میں ورڈ پروسیسنگ، اسپریڈشیٹ، ڈیٹا بیس، پریزنٹیشن، اور ای میل ایپلیکیشنز شامل ہو سکتے ہیں۔

11 . for example, office software suites might include word processing, spreadsheet, database, presentation , and email applications.

12 . پیشکشیں ہوں گی۔

12 . the presentation s will be.

13 . پریزنٹیشن کا وقت اور وقت۔

13 . time and hour of presentation .

14 . حروف تہجی کے ڈسپلے فارم

14 . alphabetic presentation forms.

15 . پریزنٹیشن کے لیے xhtml اور css۔

15 . xhtml and css for presentation .

16 . پریزنٹیشن کیچوا میں تھی۔

16 . the presentation was in quechua.

17 . پریزنٹیشن موڈ میں واضح طور پر چلائیں۔

17 . run evince in presentation mode.

18 . ونڈوز پریزنٹیشن فاؤنڈیشن۔

18 . windows presentation foundation.

19 . ہائپربارک چیمبر میں پریزنٹیشنز۔

19 . hyperbaric chamber presentation s.

20 . کے ڈی ای 2 کے موضوع پر ایک پریزنٹیشن۔

20 . a presentation with kde 2 theming.


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presentation meaning in Urdu

Use of presentation in sentence [29 examples] 1) presentation, 2) presentation, 3) presentation, 4) presentation, similar words:.

  • introduction
  • , presentment
  • , demonstration


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Meaning of presentation in urdu:.

1. an act of presenting. 2. the state of being presented. 3. a social introduction, as of a person at court. 4. an exhibition or performance, as of a play or film. 5. offering, delivering, or bestowal, as of a gift. 6. a gift. 7. a demonstration, lecture, or welcoming speech. 8. a manner or style of speaking, instructing, or putting oneself forward: His presentation was very poor. 9. Commerce. the presentment of a bill, note, or the like. 10. Obstetrics. the position of the fetus in the uterus during labor. the appearance of a particular part of the fetus at the cervix during labor: a breech presentation. 11. Ecclesiastical. the act or the right of presenting a member of the clergy to the bishop for institution to a benefice.

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Did you know that 100 Urdu words account for 50% of any communication in Urdu?

100+ Core Urdu Words – Learn the Most Common Words in Urdu

Improving your Urdu vocabulary is one of the key aspects of learning Urdu . The more Urdu words you’ll know, the closer you’ll be to fluency. But keep in mind that not all words are equally important. In the beginning, you have to focus on basic, high-frequency words – words that make up the majority of everything we say on a daily basis.

Studies have shown that knowing as little as 100 words will help you understand 50% of any text in Urdu. Surprising as it may seem, it’s true. The most common 1,000 words in Urdu will give you a high coverage of 75% of any Urdu text. Isn’t that amazing?

The most common everyday Urdu words

The everyday words in Urdu are the ones you’ll probably use the most in your daily conversations. This is why we are going to focus on these high-frequency, high-value words first and then move to some of the most popular words in online searches.

  • easy —  آسان (aasan)
  • hard —  مشکل (mushkil)
  • good —  اچھا (acha)
  • bad —  برا (bura)
  • near —  نزدیک (nazdeek)
  • yes —  ہاں (haan)
  • no —  نہیں (nae)
  • (to) have —  رکھنا (rakhta)
  • (I) use —  میں استعمال کرتا ہوں (Mein istemal karta hoon)
  • (to) go —  جانا (jana)
  • (to) come —  آنا (aana)
  • (to) laugh —  ہنسنا (hansna)
  • (to) make —  بنانا (banana)
  • (I) like —  میں پسند کرتا ہوں (Mein pasand karta hoon)
  • (to) want —  چاہنا (chahna)
  • (to) take —  لینا (laina)
  • (to) see —  دیکھنا (daikhna)
  • far —  دور (door)
  • small —  چھوٹا (chota)
  • big —  بڑا (barha)
  • beautiful —  خوبصورت (khoobsoorat)
  • ugly —  بدصورت (badsoorat)
  • delicious —  مزیدار (mazaydar)
  • week —  ہفتہ (hafta)
  • year —  سال (saal)
  • today —  آج (aaj)
  • tomorrow —  کل (kal)
  • yesterday —  کل (kal)
  • hour —  گھنٹہ (ghanta)
  • minute —  منٹ (minet)
  • time —  وقت (waqt)
  • Monday —  پير (peer)
  • Tuesday —  منگل (mungal)
  • Wednesday —  بدھ (budh)
  • Thursday —  جمعرات (jumarat)
  • Friday —  جمعہ (jumma)
  • Saturday —  ہفتہ (hafta)
  • Sunday —  اتوار (itwar)
  • zero —  صفر (sifar)
  • one —  ایک (aik)
  • two —  دو (do)
  • three —  تین (teen)
  • four —  چار (chaar)
  • five —  پانچ (paanch)
  • six —  چھ (chhey)
  • seven —  سات (saat)
  • eight —  آٹھ (aath)
  • nine —  نو (no)
  • ten —  دس (das)
  • I —  میں (mein)
  • you —  تم (tum)
  • he —  وہ (wo)
  • she —  وہ (wo)
  • we —  ہم (hum)
  • they —  وہ (wo)
  • what —  کیا (kya)
  • where —  کہاں (kahan)
  • who —  کون (kon)
  • stop —  رکو (ruko)

The most popular Urdu words searches

While we’re at it, why not also learn some of the most popular words for which people want an Urdu translation? If they are so popular in searches, I’m sure they can also be useful to you on your way to speaking Urdu.

If you study them carefully, you’ll understand the reason why people want to know what these words mean in Urdu. They are very powerful words. Superlatives that can spice up any conversation. Isn’t it?

  • weird —  عجیب (ajeeb)
  • curious —  متجسس (mutajassas)
  • nostalgic —  ماضی میں کھویا ہوا (mazi mein khoya hua)
  • gorgeous —  خوبصورت (khoobsurat)
  • humble —  عاجز (aajiz)
  • rude —  بدتمیز (badtameez)
  • obvious —  واضح (wazeh)
  • fabulous —  شاندار (shandaar)
  • incredibile —  ناقابل یقین (naqaabile yaqeen)
  • amazing —  حیرت انگیز (hairat angaiz)
  • charming —  دلکش (dilkash)
  • cheap —  سستا (sasta)
  • crazy —  دیوانہ (deewana)
  • unique —  منفرد (munfarid)
  • hope —  امید (umeed)

Urdu words related to food and drink

Did you know that the Urdu language was one of the premier languages of poetry in South Asia for centuries? And rightly so. Just listen to the music of its words and you’ll understand.

words in urdu by Sumeet B©

Meanwhile, let’s add some flavor to your Urdu vocabulary. What are the best words to learn if not the words related to food and drink?

  • water —  پانی (pani)
  • tea —  چائے (chaey)
  • coffee —  کافی (kafi)
  • juice —  رس (rus)
  • wine —  واین (wine)
  • beer —  بیئر (beer)
  • alcohol —  الکوحل (alcohol)
  • chicken —  مرغی (murghi)
  • fish —  مچھلی (machli)
  • soup —  سوپ (soup)
  • salad —  سلاد (salad)
  • sandwich —  سینڈویچ (sandwich)
  • pie —  پائی (pie)
  • bread —  روٹی (roti)
  • dessert —  میٹھا (meetha)
  • cake —  کیک (cake)
  • breakfast —  ناشتہ (nashta)
  • lunch —  ظہرانہ (zohrana)
  • dinner —  عشائیہ (ishayia)
  • salt  — نمک (namak)
  • sugar —  شکر (shakar)
  • pepper —  مرچ (mirch)

Urdu words related to body and health

The names of the body parts in Urdu are some of the most basic and useful words you can learn. Whether you are in a clothing store, or at the doctor’s office, various parts of the body can come up in conversation more often than you think.

  • head —  سر (sar)
  • hair —  بال (baal)
  • neck —  گردن (gardan)
  • chest — سینا  (seena)
  • arm —  بازو (bazu)
  • finger —  انگلی (ungli)
  • foot —  پاؤں (paon)
  • face —  چہرہ (chehra)
  • eye —  آنکھ (aankh)
  • hand —  ہاتھ (hath)
  • nose —  ناک (naak)
  • mouth —  منہ (munh)
  • leg —  ٹانگ (taang)
  • knee —  گھٹنا (ghutna)
  • disease —  بیماری (beemari)
  • allergy —  الرجي (allergy)
  • fever —  بخار (bukhar)
  • pain —  درد (dard)
  • medicine —  دوا (dawa)
  • pharmacy —  دواخانہ (dawakhana)

Urdu words related to transportation and places

While this crash course in Urdu words will get you from zero to beginner in as little as 15 minutes, these words will get you to the other hemisphere if you need it so.

  • aeroplane —  ہوائی جہاز (hawai jahaz)
  • train —  ریل گاڑی (rail garhi)
  • subway —  ریل گاڑی (rail garhi)
  • taxi —  ٹیکسی (teksi)
  • car —  گاڑی (garhi)
  • bus —  بس (bus)
  • ticket —  ٹکٹ (tiket)
  • restaurant —  ریستوران (resturan)
  • hotel —  ہوٹل (hotel)
  • airport —  ہوائی اڈہ (hawai adda)
  • train station —  ریلوے اسٹیشن (railway station)
  • market —  بازار (bazar)

Now that you’ve mastered some of the most basic Urdu vocabulary words, you can dive into the practical phrases that’ll help you ease into real-world conversations.

The most common Urdu phrases

The following phrases in Urdu are a great place to start learning. Simple phrases like ‘good morning’, ‘how are you’ or ‘you’re welcome’ are the most effective way to get from 0 to conversational fast. Learn these phrases today and make Urdu-speaking friends tomorrow!

  • Hello —  سلام (Salam)
  • Good morning —  صبح بخیر (Subh bakhair)
  • Good afternoon —  سہ پہر بخیر (Seh pehar bakhair)
  • Good evening —  شام بخیر (Sham bakhair)
  • Good night —  رات بخیر (Raat bakhair)
  • Goodbye —  الوداع (Alwida)
  • How are you? —  تم کیسے ہو؟ (Tum kaisay ho?)
  • Very well —  بہت بہتر (Bohat behtar)
  • Please —  براہ مہربانی (Barae mehrbani)
  • Thank you —  تمہارا شکریہ (Tumhara shukriya)
  • What is your name? —  تمہارا نام کیا ہے؟ (Tumhara naam kya hai?)
  • My name is_____  —  میرا نام _____ ہے (Maira naam _____ hai)
  • Nice to meet you —  تم سے مل کر اچھا لگا (Tum say mil kar acha laga)
  • Great —  زبردست (Zabardast)
  • I’m sorry —  مجھے افسوس ہے (Mujhe afsos hai)
  • You’re welcome —  تمہیں خوش آمدید (Tumhein khush aamdeed)
  • Excuse me —  مجھے معاف کرو (Mujhe muaf kao)
  • What time is it? —  یہ کون سا وقت ہے؟ (Yeh kon sa waqt hai?)
  • Can you help me? —  کیا آپ میری مدد کر سکتے ہیں؟ (Kya aap mairi madad kar saktay hain?)
  • How much does it cost? —  اس پر کتنی لاگت آتی ہے؟ (Is par kitni lagat aati hai?)

Don’t forget that practice makes perfect. If you feel like you need a refresher, you can always come back.

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It can be really tricky to master Urdu pronunciation if you don’t actively live in a country where it is spoken. But with Mondly you’ll have access to a fast and highly efficient learning method that allows you to learn Urdu naturally with:

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Diana Lăpușneanu - Linguist at Mondly Blog

Diana is a Linguist at Mondly by Pearson. Learning English as a second language early on fueled her lifelong passion for language learning, leading her to pursue a diverse array of languages as a hobby alongside her academic endeavors. With a Master’s Degree in advertising and a fascination for historical linguistics, she brings a unique perspective to her role, making language learning fun for readers worldwide.

35 comments on “ 100+ Core Urdu Words – Learn the Most Common Words in Urdu ”

Very helpful worlds thank u

Very useful words thank u

Very nice Urdu language.I would like to learn more! Thank you!

hello thank you and i want to learn more

This is good, I’m learning urdu, and thanks for this.

Hello please help with me improve my English

ماشاءالله، انه مفيد حقاً

Outstanding Helpful

Thank you . I appreciate your efforts. May be with constant use of the words my communication skill would improve. Alvida

Really too much helpful

You are a good learner and good trainer of Urdu . Can you please train me Urdu? Haseen ullah

I need a good Urdu or arbi word for the name of my newly open mughlai restaurant

good createtion

Very goodlist

It was looking supercalifragilisticexpialidocious but i already knew those kind of words even then thanks .

Tumhara shukriya, Yeh bohat acha hai, barak allah fik. jazakallah khair!!

Hallo Excause me Mein English to Urdu translation speaking karma chatha ho

Yeh bohat acha hai, barak allah fik. jazakallah khair!!

Very good effort. As I am an urdu speaking but I want to learn more words of urdu which are used in poetry. I love poetry but due to difficult words I feel irritated and its makes me frustrated.

I am 60 years old woman. Learning Urdu now. It is my childhood dream. Your words and phrases helping me a lot.

Really useful word for daily routine, Thanks 4 sharing….

Hello bro How r u where are u from

SO nice words

Those words were so helpful for me Inshallah I will learn English vey soon

I wanna talk in Urdu . Please help me to talk and teach me .

I am looking at this page randomly. I am Indian Gujarati . I am shocked that our languages are so smiliar hence i can understand so much of the Urdu language. But my friend is Keralan and cant relate to Gujarati or Urdu full stop. Great page by the way.

Excellent effort. I am from Lucknow and I love Urdu

Hello everyone I am Urdu speeking but I learn English plz help me

How can I help you?

best experrience nice way to teach children

Subject: Thank You for the Exceptional Urdu Learning Website!

Dear Diana Lăpușneanu,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the incredible resource you’ve created for learning Urdu. Your website has been an invaluable tool in my journey to master this beautiful language, and I wanted to share my feedback and appreciation.

User-Friendly Interface: Your website’s user-friendly design makes navigation a breeze. The layout is intuitive, and I appreciate how easy it is to find the resources I need, whether it’s grammar lessons, vocabulary exercises, or interactive quizzes.

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Engaging and Interactive Lessons: The interactive lessons and exercises have made learning Urdu not only informative but also enjoyable. The quizzes and exercises are well-structured and have significantly improved my language skills.

Cultural Insights: I appreciate the cultural insights and context you provide alongside language lessons. Learning about Urdu culture and traditions alongside the language itself adds depth and richness to the learning experience.

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Overall, I want to express my deep appreciation for the effort and dedication you’ve put into creating such a fantastic resource for Urdu learners. Thanks to your website, I’ve made significant progress in my language skills, and I look forward to continuing my learning journey with your support.

Once again, thank you for your outstanding work. You’re making a positive impact on the lives of Urdu learners worldwide, and I’m truly grateful for that.

Warm regards,

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اکثر اسکولوں میں سالانہ تقسیم انعامات کا دن جب کہ تقریریں وغیرہ بھی ہوتی ہیں۔.


ہونٹوں کی جنبش سے بات سمجھنا، لب خوانی۔.


سیاست دانوں وغیرہ کے لیے تقریر لکھنے پر مامور شخص، تقریر نویس۔.

speech impediment

Speech therapy.

بولنے کے نقص کا علاج۔.

مزاحاً یا تحقیراً: لمبی تقریریں کرنا خصوصاً بے مزہ۔.


Queen's speech.

(برطانیہ میں ) پارلیمنٹ کے افتتاحی اجلاس میں شاہی خطاب جس میں حکومت کے منصوبوں اور مجوزہ اقدامات کا ذکر ہوتا ہے ۔.

visible speech

صوتیاتی حروف کا ایک نِظام جِس میں ہر مُمکِن تقریری آواز اپنے تلفظ کا اسلوب ظاہِر کر دیتی ہے

reported speech

با لواسطہ بیان ( اقتباس یا براہ راست بیان کے بر خلاف ) اسے indirect speech بھی کہتے ہیں( اس پیرایے میں ضمیر اور زمانہ بدل جاتا ہے )۔:

part of speech

لفظ کی قواعدی شکل یا قسم (جیسے اسم، ضمیر ،صفت متعلق فعل، فعل، حرف جار، حرف عطف، فجائیہ).

ship chandler

ترپالیں ، رسّے وغیرہ بیچنے والا ، طناب فروش۔.


Urdu words for speech, speech के उर्दू अर्थ.

  • अंदाज़-ए-कलाम
  • मुख़्तसर तब्सिरा

speech کے اردو معانی

  • مختصر تبصرہ

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Speech meaning in Urdu

Speech sentences, speech synonyms, speech definitions.

1 of 5) Speech , Address : خطاب , تقریر : (noun) the act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience.

2 of 5) Speech , Language , Oral Communication , Speech Communication , Spoken Communication , Spoken Language , Voice Communication : گفتگو : (noun) (language) communication by word of mouth.

His speech was garbled.

3 of 5) Speech : گفتگو کرنا : (noun) the exchange of spoken words.

They were perfectly comfortable together without speech.

4 of 5) Speech , Delivery , Manner Of Speaking : بات چیت یا گفتگو کا انداز : (noun) your characteristic style or manner of expressing yourself orally.

Her speech was barren of southernisms. I detected a slight accent in his speech.

5 of 5) Speech , Actor's Line , Words : بول : (noun) words making up the dialogue of a play.

The actor forgot his speech.

Useful Words

Colloquialism : عام بول چال , Expression : لفظیت , Oral Presentation : عوامی فن تقریر , Interlingual Rendition : نسخہ , Statement : بیان , Diction : طرز کلام , Epilog : اختتامی حصہ , Perorate : جوشیلی تقریر کرنا , Oral : زبانی , Message : پیغام , Grapevine : بے بنیاد خبر , Spoken : زبانی , Barrage : کثیر تعداد , Emcee : میزبان , Intercommunication : مراسلت , Idiolect : طرز زبان , Dysphasia : بولنے میں دقت , Vernacular : بازاری زبان , Undertone : دھیما لہجہ , Speaker : بولنے والا , Phoneme : صوتیہ , Sir : سر , Communicational : رابطے کے لئے , Call : فون کرنا , Communicative : پیغام دینے والا , Gestural : اس چیز سے متعلق جو لفظی یا زبانی نہ ہو , Close : آخر میں , Connect : رابطہ کرنا , Contact : رابطہ کرنا , Intercourse : باہمی ربط , Channels : رابطے کا ذریعہ

Useful Words Definitions

Colloquialism: a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech.

Expression: the communication (in speech or writing) of your beliefs or opinions.

Oral Presentation: delivering an address to a public audience.

Interlingual Rendition: a written communication in a second language having the same meaning as the written communication in a first language.

Statement: a message that is stated or declared; a communication (oral or written) setting forth particulars or facts etc.

Diction: the articulation of speech regarded from the point of view of its intelligibility to the audience.

Epilog: a short speech (often in verse) addressed directly to the audience by an actor at the end of a play.

Perorate: conclude a speech with a formal recapitulation.

Oral: an examination conducted by spoken communication.

Message: a communication (usually brief) that is written or spoken or signaled.

Grapevine: gossip spread by spoken communication.

Spoken: uttered through the medium of speech or characterized by speech; sometimes used in combination.

Barrage: the rapid and continuous delivery of linguistic communication (spoken or written).

Emcee: a person who acts as host at formal occasions (makes an introductory speech and introduces other speakers).

Intercommunication: mutual communication; communication with each other.

Idiolect: the language or speech of one individual at a particular period in life.

Dysphasia: an impairment of language (especially speech production) that is usually due to brain damage.

Vernacular: the everyday speech of the people (as distinguished from literary language).

Undertone: a quiet or subdued quality in spoken or written communication, reflecting a restrained or subtle manner of expression that may convey deeper emotions or implications.

Speaker: someone who expresses in language; someone who talks (especially someone who delivers a public speech or someone especially garrulous).

Phoneme: (linguistics) one of a small set of speech sounds that are distinguished by the speakers of a particular language.

Sir: sir is used as a respectful form of address for a man. It is often used to show deference or politeness when speaking to someone in a position of authority or as a way to show respect in formal or professional settings. "Sir" is also commonly used to address someone in a customer service or hospitality context. It is a term that denotes respect and is often used to address a person of higher social status or authority.

Communicational: used in communication.

Call: get or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone.

Communicative: of or relating to communication.

Gestural: being other than verbal communication.

Close: the last section of a communication.

Connect: establish communication with someone.

Contact: be in or establish communication with.

Intercourse: communication between individuals.

Channels: official routes of communication.

Related Words

Language : زبان , Dialog : ڈرامے میں ادا کی جانے والی گفتگو , Expressive Style : اسلوب , Address : بات کرنے کا سلیقہ , Tone : آواز , Elocution : بولنے کا فن , Words : الفاظ , Orthoepy : طرز ادا , Conversation : تبادلہ خیال , Discussion : بحث , Expression : کہاوت , Colloquium : خطاب , Impromptu : مطالعہ کے بغیر

Next of Speech

Speech Communication : (language) communication by word of mouth.

Previous of Speech

Spectroscopical : of or relating to or involving spectroscopy.

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How this page explains Speech ?

It helps you understand the word Speech with comprehensive detail, no other web page in our knowledge can explain Speech better than this page. The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Speech but also gives extensive definition in English language. The definition of Speech is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Speech. All of this may seem less if you are unable to learn exact pronunciation of Speech, so we have embedded mp3 recording of native Englishman, simply click on speaker icon and listen how English speaking people pronounce Speech. We hope this page has helped you understand Speech in detail, if you find any mistake on this page, please keep in mind that no human being can be perfect.


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  1. Presentation Urdu Meaning with 4 Definitions and Sentence(s)

    Presentation Definitions. 1 of 4) Presentation : نمائش, اظہار, تعارف : (noun) the activity of formally presenting something (as a prize or reward). 2 of 4) Presentation, Demonstration, Presentment : نمائش, دکھانے کا عمل : (noun) a show or display; the act of presenting something to sight or view.

  2. presentation

    The Rekhta Dictionary is a significant initiative of Rekhta Foundation towards preservation and promotion of Urdu language. A dedicated team is continuously working to make you get authentic meanings of Urdu words with ease and speed. Kindly donate to help us sustain our efforts towards building the best trilingual Urdu dictionary for all.

  3. Presentation Meaning In Urdu

    There are always several meanings of each word in Urdu, the correct meaning of Presentation in Urdu is نذر, and in roman we write it Nazar. The other meanings are Bakhshish, Nazar, Paish, Tamseel Namai, Ihzaar, Numaish and Taaruf. Presentation is an noun according to parts of speech. It finds its origins in Late Middle English: via Old ...


    PRESENTATION translate: پریزنٹیشن, تعارف, انعام یا سند پیش کئےجانے کا موقع یا تقریب, پیشکش , نمائشی, تعارف, اندازِ تعارف. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Urdu Dictionary.

  5. Google Translate

    Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

  6. presentation

    presentation noun. a show or display; the act of presenting something to sight or view. Synonyms. demonstration, presentment. Examples. "he gave the customer a demonstration". "the presentation of new data". the activity of formally presenting something (as a prize or reward) Example.

  7. Presentation Meaning in Urdu Nomaish نُمائش

    Presentation word is driven by the English language. Presentation word meaning in English is well described here in English as well as in Urdu. You can use this amazing English to Urdu dictionary online to check the meaning of other words too as the word Presentation meaning. Finding the exact meaning of any word online is a little tricky.

  8. Find Presentation Meaning in Urdu to English Dictionary, Presentation

    Alham. الحام. Penis. عضو تناسل. Vibe. feza/maahaul. Translation of Presentation Word in Urdu to English Dictionary, Presentation Meaning from Urdu to English. Presentation Related words and Presentation Similar words in Urdu. Presentation Sentence Meanings and Definition in English to Urdu Dictionary.

  9. Meaning of Presentation in Urdu

    1. a show or display; the act of presenting something to sight or view. 2. the activity of formally presenting something (as a prize or reward) 3. a visual representation of something. 4. (obstetrics) position of the fetus in the uterus relative to the birth canal. 5. the act of making something publicly available; presenting news or other ...

  10. Presentation

    Find Presentation Word and Meanings in English to Urdu Dictionary, Presentation Translation to Urdu. Presentation Related words and Presentation Similar words in English to Urdu Dictionary. Presentation Sentence Meanings and Definition.

  11. Urdu dictionary with meanings in Hindi & English

    Rekhta Dictionary is an online resource for Urdu words and their meanings in Hindi and English. You can search, pronounce, and learn synonyms, antonyms, idioms, and proverbs of Urdu words in this trilingual dictionary. Whether you are looking for droopy, invocation, sedate, strangulation, or natin, you will find them all in Rekhta Dictionary.

  12. Presentation meaning in urdu

    presentation definition: a visual representation of something. (obstetrics) position of the fetus in the uterus relative to the birth canal. the activity of formally presenting something (as a prize or reward). a show or dis

  13. Presentation Meaning In Urdu

    Meaning In. Urdu. سادہ مثالوں اور تعریفوں کے ساتھ Presentation کا حقیقی معنی جانیں۔. 1. کسی کو کسی چیز کا تحفہ، خاص طور پر کسی سرکاری تقریب کے تناظر میں۔. 1. the giving of something to someone, especially as part of a formal ceremony. 2. ایک ...

  14. presentation Urdu Meanings

    The word "presentation" has 4 different meanings. This page includes pronunciation, urdu meanings and examples. Dictionaries; Learn English; Idioms; ... Urdu meanings, examples and pronunciation of presentation. presentation meaning in Urdu (Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US: UK: Improve your understanding and see how the word presentation ...

  15. Presentation in Urdu meaning

    2. the state of being presented. 3. a social introduction, as of a person at court. 4. an exhibition or performance, as of a play or film. 5. offering, delivering, or bestowal, as of a gift. 6. a gift. 7. a demonstration, lecture, or welcoming speech. 8. a manner or style of speaking, instructing, or putting oneself forward: His presentation ...

  16. Online Urdu Dictionary

    Rekhta Dictionary. Find detailed meanings and definitions of Urdu words and Expressions in Urdu, Hindi and English. Build your personal word bank by favouriting words. Use Online Urdu Dictionary of Rekhta to find word meanings of Urdu words in poetry. Just type the Urdu Word in the Search Box.

  17. Presentations Meaning in Urdu

    The meaning of Presentations in Urdu is "نُمائش" as written in Urdu script, or "Nomaish" as written in Roman Urdu. Other possible Urdu translations for Presentations include "Nomaish". You can find more definitions and synonyms of Presentations on this page. Presentations. نُمائش.

  18. Presentation meaning in Urdu is پیشکش, peysh kash

    Please find 7 English and definitions related to the word Presentation. (noun) : a visual representation of something. (noun) : formally making a person known to another or to the public. (noun) : the activity of formally presenting something (as a prize or reward) (noun) : (obstetrics) position of the fetus in the uterus relative to the birth ...

  19. 100+ Core Urdu Words

    Improving your Urdu vocabulary is one of the key aspects of learning Urdu. The more Urdu words you'll know, the closer you'll be to fluency. But keep in mind that not all words are equally important. In the beginning, you have to focus on basic, high-frequency words - words that make up the majority of everything we say on a daily basis. Studies have shown that knowing as little as 100 ...

  20. Urdu Word پیش

    There are always several meanings of each word in English, the correct meaning of Presentation in English is Presentation, and in Urdu we write it پیش. The other meanings are Bakhshish, Nazar, Paish, Tamseel Namai, Ihzaar, Numaish and Taaruf. By form, the word Presentation is an noun. It is spelled as [prez-uh n-tey-shuh n, pree-zen-].

  21. speech

    The Rekhta Dictionary is a significant initiative of Rekhta Foundation towards preservation and promotion of Urdu language. A dedicated team is continuously working to make you get authentic meanings of Urdu words with ease and speed. Kindly donate to help us sustain our efforts towards building the best trilingual Urdu dictionary for all.

  22. Speech Urdu Meaning with 5 Definitions and Sentence(s)

    Speech Definitions. 1 of 5) Speech, Address : خطاب, تقریر : (noun) the act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience. 2 of 5) Speech, Language, Oral Communication, Speech Communication, Spoken Communication, Spoken Language, Voice Communication : گفتگو : (noun) (language) communication by word of mouth. His speech ...

  23. Urdu Word نمائش

    There are always several meanings of each word in English, the correct meaning of Numaish in English is Presentation, and in Urdu we write it نمائش. The other meanings are Bakhshish, Nazar, Paish, Tamseel Namai, Ihzaar, Numaish and Taaruf. By form, the word Presentation is an noun. It is spelled as [prez-uh n-tey-shuh n, pree-zen-].