pycharm的演示模式、无干扰模式、全屏模式(presentation mode、distraction free mode、full screen mode)

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Vojtech Ruzicka's Programming Blog

IntelliJ IDEA Tips & Tricks: Presentations

IntelliJ IDEA Tips & Tricks: Presentations

Presentation Mode

Since IntelliJ IDEA 13, you can switch to Presentation Mode by clicking View → Enter Presentation Mode . The IDE switches to full screen and everything is hidden except for the main editor window. The font size is increased so it is better readable from a distance.


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WebStorm 2024.1: Sticky Lines, Quick Documentation Improvements, Full Line Completion, and More

David Watson

Our first major release of 2024 is here! In this version, you’ll find sticky lines, quick documentation improvements, full line code completion, Vue Language Server enabled by default, a new Language Services widget, many version control improvements, HTTP Client enhancements, and a whole lot more.

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If you only have a few minutes to explore the highlights in WebStorm 2024.1, check out this video in which we give a quick review of the top 3 new features. If you want to dive deeper into what you can expect in the release, just carry on reading!

The new features and improvements in v2024.1 include:

  • Key Highlights : Sticky lines, quick documentation popup improvements, full line code completion, Vue Language Server now enabled by default, Component usages for Vue, Svelte, and Astro, and a Language Services widget.  
  • Frameworks and Technologies : A new TypeScript engine, new quick-fixes for React, and more.
  • Version Control : Enhanced GitHub Actions support, in-editor code review, and an option to display review branch changes in a Log tab.
  • User Experience : A new Terminal tool window, an option to scale down the IDE, HTTP Client improvements, and more.

Key Highlights

Sticky lines.

We’ve introduced sticky lines in the editor for easier navigation in large files and codebases. This feature pins key structural elements, such as function or class declarations, to the top as you scroll, keeping scopes visible for quick navigation.


You can configure the maximum number of pinned lines or turn this feature off entirely in Settings | Editor | General | Appearance :

presentation mode in pycharm

Quick documentation popup improvements

In WebStorm 2024.1, we’ve improved the look and feel of the quick documentation popup and added new functionality, as well. Quick documentation also now shows interface members, enum constants, and type alias bodies. You can use the Show more link to expand the full list of type members and navigate to the referenced types:


You can configure the delay and appearance of the popup in Settings | Editor | General | Code Completion .

Full line code completion

WebStorm 2024.1 includes a new type of completion: gray-toned single-line suggestions designed to complete the line based on the context of the current file. These suggestions are powered by specialized language models that we’ve trained explicitly for different languages and frameworks. These models run locally without sending any code over the internet. This functionality is not related to the AI Assistant plugin and currently does not require a subscription to JetBrains AI service to use. For more information check out this blog post .

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Please note that the appearance of these suggestions depends on the file type and the specific context. Additionally, we validate input from the model to filter out invalid variants. Therefore, do not expect to see such suggestions everywhere. You can fine-tune this feature in Settings | Editor | General | Code Completion | Machine Learning-Assisted Completion .

Vue Language Server enabled by default

In previous versions of WebStorm, the Vue Language Server was automatically enabled only for projects that explicitly list TypeScript 5.0+ in a project’s dependencies ( package.json ). The Vue Language Server is now enabled by default for all Vue projects (including Nuxt-based).

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You can opt out of using the server in Settings | Languages & Frameworks | TypeScript | Vue .

Component usages for Vue, Svelte, and Astro

WebStorm 2024.1 offers in-editor hints for component usages in Vue, Svelte, and Astro files. This will help you quickly locate all usages of a specific component anywhere in the project.

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Language Services widget

In v2023.2, we introduced LSP support to improve the user experience in our IDEs. Given the growing number of language services available in WebStorm, we wanted to make it easier for you to identify the services relevant to your projects and files and help you manage them. We’ve introduced a new widget to the status bar that displays the language services running for the current file and the other services active in the project. From this widget, you can quickly restart a service or navigate directly to its settings.

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Please note that the Language Services widget is only available in the new UI.

Frameworks and Technologies

Experimental typescript engine.

We’ve undergone a major rework of our TypeScript language support to fix compatibility issues related to native TypeScript evaluation and boost performance in specific setups that have historically caused problems.

Over this release cycle, we have been polishing our new TypeScript engine , which can be toggled via Settings | Languages & Frameworks | TypeScript with the Use types from server option.

The new TypeScript engine will power future JetBrains IDEs with TypeScript support. It fixes several compatibility issues with the native TypeScript type evaluation and also boosts performance, especially in certain setups where users have historically faced issues.

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New quick-fixes for React

We’ve added a bunch of quality-of-life quick-fixes to improve your day-to-day React coding in WebStorm. There is now a quick-fix to add a prop when using a non-existent reference in a component. You can also add useState when using a non-existent reference in a component, and add a prop when passing a non-existent prop to a component.


Enhancements to the Structure tool window for React and JSX

The Structure tool window now displays React components and hooks, along with the structure of JSX. This includes nodes for conditional rendering and list rendering:

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Other JSX-powered libraries, such as Preact and Solid, are also supported.

Improvements for GraphQL

We’ve been working hard to improve the GraphQL plugin and the support it provides. In WebStorm 2024.1, we’ve optimized indexing performance and added support to handle schemas in node_modules , locate schemas in external libraries, and render deprecated fields with a strikethrough line through them.

presentation mode in pycharm

Generate arrow functions with the Extract Method refactoring

The Extract Method refactoring now introduces an in-place option to generate the extracted function as an arrow function:


Version Control

Enhanced github actions support.

WebStorm 2024.1 introduces extensive autocompletion support for various GitHub Action contexts, including github.* , env.* , steps.* , and inputs.* .


We’ve also added completion for the image and main Docker configuration properties:

presentation mode in pycharm

In-editor code review

WebStorm 2024.1 introduces an enhanced code review experience for both GitHub and GitLab users with the implementation of a new review mode. Integrated within the editor, this feature facilitates direct interaction between authors and reviewers. Upon checking the pull/merge request branch, review mode activates automatically and pink markers appear in the gutter, indicating that code changes are available for review. Clicking on these markers reveals a popup displaying the original code so you can quickly identify what has been changed. Gutter icons help you swiftly initiate new discussions, as well as view and hide existing ones. They also provide easy access to comments, making it easy to review, reply, and react to them.

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Support for reactions on code review comments 

WebStorm 2024.1 brings support for posting reactions to review comments for GitHub pull requests and GitLab merge requests, with a set of emojis already available to choose from.

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Option to review branch changes in the Log tab

WebStorm 2024.1 streamlines the code review workflow by offering a focused view of branch-related changes. For GitHub, GitLab, and Space, it is now possible to see changes in a certain branch in a separate Log tab within the Git tool window. To do so, click on the branch name in the Pull Requests tool window and select Show in Git Log from the menu.

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Create pull/merge requests from push notifications

After successfully pushing your changes to the version control system, the IDE will now alert you with a single notification informing you about the successful push and suggesting an action to create a pull/merge request.

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Visual indicators for pending GitHub updates

We’ve introduced visual indicators to inform you about pending updates within your code review workflow. When there are changes that require your attention, a dot will appear on the tool window icon. Unseen pull requests will also be marked with a blue dot, ensuring you don’t miss updates in your code review process.

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Stash tab in the Commit tool window

For users who rely on stashes to store temporary uncommitted changes, we’ve introduced a dedicated tab within the Commit tool window for convenient access. If you use both stashes and shelves, you have the option to enable a combined Stashes and Shelves tab via a corresponding checkbox in Settings | Version Control | Git .

IDE settings showing the new stash/shelve options

Option to exclude folders and files from comparison

In the diff viewer, you can now specify folders and files to be ignored during the comparison process in order to focus solely on relevant changes. Just right-click on any file or folder you don’t want to appear in the comparison results and select Exclude from results from the context menu.

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Improved search in the Branches popup

In the Branches popup, you can now filter search results by actions and repositories for quicker and more precise navigation within your version control system.

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Git tab removed from the Search Everywhere dialog

After analyzing the usage statistics, we’ve removed the Git tab from the Search Everywhere dialog by default. If you want to bring it back, you can do so via the Show Git tab in Search Everywhere checkbox in Settings | Advanced Settings | Version Control. Git.

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User Experience

New terminal tool window.

The new terminal UI has been introduced in WebStorm 2024.1. It is not enabled by default, so if you do wish to use it, you can enable it under Settings | Tools | Terminal | Enable New Terminal. One standout improvement is the presentation of each command in a distinct block. You can jump between blocks using the arrow keys or switch the focus between the prompt and output with the ⌘↑ / Ctrl+↑ and ⌘↓ / Ctrl+↓ keyboard shortcuts. Another significant addition is the implementation of code completion for commands, paths, arguments, options, and more:


The new terminal supports Bash, Zsh, and PowerShell (currently only for Windows 11). We are actively working on supporting more shell integrations.

Option to scale down the IDE

The option to zoom in and out across the entire IDE, simultaneously resizing all UI elements, was added to WebStorm 2023.3. However, the original scaling was limited to the ranges of 100% to 200%. In WebStorm 2024.1, we’ve added the ability to scale down the IDE to 70%, providing more options for adjusting the UI size to fit more in the space.

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HTTP Client improvements

We’ve upgraded the HTTP Client to utilize Netty as its low-level networking library. With support for SSL, proxies, and HTTP/2, this change allowed us to implement HTTP/2 support in the HTTP Client.

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The HTTP Client now offers more authentication options, including the PKCE-enhanced Authorization Code and Device Grant flows. It also supports extra parameters for token and authentication requests. Now, the HTTP Client automatically handles the generation of code_challenge and passes code_verifier for token retrieval during PKCE requests.

Run/debug both client and server in a single npm configuration

You can now use the same npm configuration to run and debug both the server and client sides of your application. The new Browser / Live Edit tab in the Run/DebugConfigurations editor allows you to set up a run configuration to open a browser automatically after launch. If needed, you can attach the debugger to the opened browser right away.

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Inline breakpoints for multiple statements

WebStorm 2024.1 offers a more convenient workflow for setting breakpoints in lines. Once you set a breakpoint by clicking on the gutter, the IDE automatically displays inline markers where additional breakpoints can be set. Each breakpoint can be configured independently, unlocking advanced debugging capabilities.

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Other notable changes

JavaScript, TypeScript, Markup, and style sheet languages

  • Now js(x) and ts(x) files containing .test , .spec , or .cy postfixes in filenames are designated as test files regardless of test structure presence in a file ( WEB-65218 ).
  • Built-in CSS functions such as var() , calc() , min() , max() , and clamp() now appear in completion suggestions ( WEB-36033 ).
  • We’ve fixed module referencing using dot notation inside Sass/SCSS ( WEB-52031 ).

Frameworks and technologies

  • Vite is now suggested as a preferred way for bootstrapping a new React.js project ( WEB-60533 ).
  • We added support for typed slots in the Options API introduced in Vue 3.3 ( WEB-63801 ).
  • Boolean attributes in Vuetify components no longer cause attribute requires value warnings ( WEB-61631 ).
  • We’ve added support for the v-bind same-name shorthand introduced in v3.4 of the framework ( WEB-64877 ).
  • We’ve updated the default Vue language server version to 1.8.27 ( WEB-65480 ).
  • The Prisma Language Server has been updated to 5.9.1 ( WEB-65545 ).
  • We’ve improved the resolve in Vue to navigate to component instead of components.d.ts ( WEB-57530 ).
  • We’ve discontinued support of Spy-js. The corresponding plugin will no longer be available for installation as of version 2024.1 of WebStorm and other JetBrains IDEs.
  • Deprecated GraphQL types and fields are marked as strikethrough text ( WEB-63597 ). 

User experience

  • We’ve added an option to apply Stylelint fixes on file save ( WEB-50148 ).
  • We have changed the default position of Code Vision to display on the right ( WEB-65272 ). You can granularly tune the position of Code Vision hints in Settings | Editor | Inlay Hints > Code vision group .
  • WebStorm terminates the browser process when a client debug session ends ( WEB-37367 ).

There are lots of new features and enhancements to try out in this release of WebStorm. If you’d like a list of everything included in WebStorm 2024.1 , please check out the release notes . We hope you enjoy this release. As always, please share your feedback with us and report any issues you find to our issue tracker .

The WebStorm team

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WebStorm 2023.3.6 Is Out!

WebStorm 2023.3.6 is now available with a workaround for the crashes happening on macOS Sonoma 14.4.

David Watson

WebStorm 2023.3.5 Is Out!

WebStorm 2023.3.5 is now available with several fixes.

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WebStorm 2023.3.4 Is Out!

WebStorm 2023.3.4 is now available with several fixes.

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WebStorm 2023.2.6 Is Available!

WebStorm 2023.1.6 is here with an important security update.

What’s New in PyCharm 2024.1

Documentation previews for Hugging Face models and datasets, local ML-based full line code completion for JavaScript and TypeScript, sticky lines in the editor, and in-editor code review

Hugging Face: Quick documentation preview for models and datasets

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Get all the information about any Hugging Face models or datasets you’re working with right inside PyCharm. Hover over a dataset or model name to view its description in a popup, or press F1 to open the Documentation tool window next to the editor. To navigate to the documentation on the Hugging Face website, use ⌘Click ( Ctrl+Click on Windows and Linux).

Full line code completion for JavaScript and TypeScript PyCharm Professional

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PyCharm 2023.3 brought local ML-powered full line code completion for Python code, and in 2024.1, we've expanded the range of languages supported by these single-line suggestions. You’ll now also receive full line completion suggestions for JavaScript, TypeScript, and frontend frameworks. These suggestions are powered by specialized language models that use the context of the current file and run locally without sending any code over the internet.

Sticky lines in the editor

presentation mode in pycharm

We’ve introduced sticky lines in the editor to simplify working with large files and exploring new codebases. This feature keeps key structural elements, like the beginnings of classes or methods, pinned to the top of the editor as you scroll. This way, scopes always remain in view, and you can promptly navigate through the code by clicking on a pinned line.

In-editor code review

presentation mode in pycharm

PyCharm 2024.1 introduces an enhanced code review experience for both GitHub and GitLab users. Integrated within the editor, the new review mode facilitates direct interaction between authors and reviewers. When you check a pull/merge request branch, review mode activates automatically and purple markers appear in the gutter, indicating that code changes are available for review. Clicking on these markers reveals a popup displaying the original code so you can quickly identify what has been changed. Gutter icons help you swiftly initiate new discussions, as well as view and hide existing ones. They also provide access to comments, making it easy to review, reply, and react to them. Learn more about this new feature in our blog post .

New terminal Beta

presentation mode in pycharm

PyCharm 2024.1 unveils a reworked terminal with visual and functional improvements to simplify command-line tasks. The new terminal offers advanced functionality like easy command navigation, the ability to switch between prompts and outputs via keyboard shortcuts, command completion, and quick access to the command history. Your feedback is crucial at this stage, and we encourage you to try it out and share your thoughts on the experience. Learn more in this blog post .

New AI Assistant functionality PyCharm Professional

presentation mode in pycharm

Create a file with generated code in one click

This new AI Assistant feature allows you to move faster from experimenting with queries to implementing real code. A new Create a file button now appears at the top of every code snippet generated by JetBrains AI Assistant . When you click the button, PyCharm automatically creates a file with the right extension and fills it with the code.

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Generate schema-aware SQL queries

With AI Assistant, not only can you get schema-aware explanations of your query responses, but you can also quickly generate queries with context provided from your database context and perform smart searches within databases.

User experience

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Option to scale down the entire IDE

You can now scale the IDE down to 90%, 80%, or 70%, giving you the flexibility to adjust the size of IDE elements both upward and downward.

Frameworks and technologies PyCharm Professional

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Register model admin classes in the Django Structure tool window

In PyCharm 2024.1 you can quickly check for unregistered admin classes and register them in one click in the Django Structure tool window.

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Support for bigger Flask and FastAPI applications in the Endpoints tool window

When you are working on a bigger Flask or FastAPI application in PyCharm 2024.1, you can check the Endpoints tool window to get a clear overview of the existing endpoints and their hierarchy, as well as to navigate quickly from an endpoint to its declaration in the project. Bigger applications built with Flask, and especially those built with FastAPI, normally have complex hierarchical structures built around smaller granular modules (blueprints in Flask and routers in FastAPI). To give you a clear overview of such structures and help you understand their inheritance faster, PyCharm now groups endpoints by app. Additionally, PyCharm is now able to detect the endpoints declared in libraries, as well as several endpoints per path and endpoints for different HTTP methods.

presentation mode in pycharm

Enhanced support for GitHub Actions

PyCharm 2024.1 brings enhanced GitHub Actions support that is designed to help optimize your CI/CD workflows. Code completion now covers various relevant contexts, including github.* , env.* , steps.* , and inputs.* , making script creation easier and reducing time spent on context-specific syntax searches. Autocompletion for YAML structures ensures error-free workflows, while a new branding feature lets you give your action a distinct appearance on GitHub Marketplace. Docker image completion simplifies container integration, and JavaScript file path completion makes it easy to configure JavaScript actions, streamlining your workflow. You can find more details in this blog post .

presentation mode in pycharm

HTTP Client improvements

The HTTP Client in PyCharm 2024.1 offers more authentication options, including the PKCE (Proof of Key Code Exchange) Authorization Code and OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant flows. It also supports extra parameters for token and authentication requests, in addition to now automatically handling the generation of code_challenge and the passing of code_verifier for token retrieval during PKCE requests. The HTTP Client’s upgrade to Netty as its low-level networking library enables SSL, proxies, and HTTP/2 support, facilitating the implementation of HTTP/2.

presentation mode in pycharm

Optimized JSON schema processing

We’ve optimized the code behind JSON schema validation and completion. As a result, PyCharm now processes JSON schemas faster and with reduced memory consumption. In real-life files with Azure Pipelines, schema inspections are now 10x as fast.

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WireMock server support

We’ve implemented WireMock support via a plugin that you can install from inside the IDE or get from JetBrains Marketplace . This integration includes schema completion for JSON configurations, the ability to generate WireMock stub files from the Endpoints tool window, and a built-in run configuration that allows you to spin up your servers directly from the editor. This addition lets you swiftly create test data servers or stubs, simplifying the development of web UIs and microservices.

Frontend development PyCharm Professional

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Component usages for Vue, Svelte, and Astro

PyCharm now lists component usages in the in-editor hints for Vue, Svelte, and Astro files. This will help you quickly locate usages of a specific component anywhere in the project.

Improvements for GraphQL

In our GraphQL plugin , we’ve optimized indexing performance and expanded support to handle schemas in node_modules and external libraries.

presentation mode in pycharm

Quick documentation improvements for TypeScript

The quick documentation popup now displays interface members, enum constants, and type alias bodies. Click the Show more link to see the full list and navigate to the referenced types. You can use the paging control at the top of the dialog to navigate between multiple declarations of interfaces, type aliases, enums, functions, and other entities.

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New quick-fixes for React

PyCharm 2024.1 introduces several new quick-fixes for React that let you create props and states on the fly. You can apply these quick-fixes using the shortcut ⌥Enter ( Alt+Enter for Windows/Linux).

Enhanced Terraform support PyCharm Professional

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PyCharm 2024.1 brings improved Terraform support that simplifies the process of creating, managing, and scaling your infrastructure. The IDE now streamlines initialization via an explicit suggestion to run terraform init , and it offers extended code completion capabilities for more than 3,900 third-party Terraform providers. Additionally, the IDE introduces support for Terraform's template language (tftpl), enabling dynamic templating with the option to seamlessly integrate it with your preferred programming language. You can find more details in our blog post .

Version control systems

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Statuses of CI checks in the Git tool window

We’ve introduced a new column in the Log tab of the Git tool window, allowing you to easily review the results of GitHub commit checks performed by your CI system.

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Create pull/merge requests from push notifications

After successfully pushing your changes to the version control system, PyCharm will now alert you with a notification informing you about the successful push and suggesting an action to create a pull/merge request.

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Branch filter for Git tool window’s History tab

We’ve revamped the user experience for the file history in the Git tool window. First, the Show all branches button has been replaced with a branch filter, allowing you to review changes made to a file within a designated branch. We’ve also adjusted the orientation of the toolbar, positioning it horizontally for improved usability.

Further improvements

  • For GitHub and GitLab, you can now choose to view a given branch’s changes in a separate Log tab within the Git tool window.
  • You can now add reactions to your code review comments by selecting from a set of emojis.
  • To help you avoid version control rejections due to oversized files, the IDE now includes a pre-commit check that prevents you from committing such files and notifies you of the restriction.
  • The Merge into dialog now has an Allow unrelated histories option to merge two branches even if they have no common history.
  • You can now see your stashed changes in a dedicated Stash tab in the Commit tool window. If you use both stashes and shelves, you can enable a combined Stashes and Shelves tab.
  • To help you focus solely on relevant changes, the diff viewer now has the option to exclude folders and files from comparison. Simply right-click on the desired file or folder and select Exclude from results .
  • In the Branches popup you can now filter search results by action and repository.
  • The Rebase dialog now features the --update-refs option, which ensures that the Git repository’s history reflects the modifications made during rebasing.
  • Search Everywhere no longer shows the Git tab by default. You can add it in Settings/Preferences | Advanced Settings | Version Control. Git .

Database tools PyCharm Professional

Simplified approach to sessions.

We've reimagined how sessions work to streamline your experience of managing data source connections and executing queries. Now, for tasks like attaching files or running functions, you just select the necessary data source or execution context, bypassing the need to pick the right session. Additionally, a dedicated action in the Services tool window makes it easy to switch sessions within the same data source. These changes are designed to make your workflow smoother and more intuitive.

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Local filtering in the data editor

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Single record view

You can now focus on a single record in the data editor. To open a record view, use the ⌘⇧Enter for macOS ( Ctrl+Shift+Enter for Windows/Linux) shortcut or the Show Record View button on the toolbar. The record view will open in the side panel, where the value editor and aggregate view are located. The cells in the record view will be editable if they are editable in the main grid.

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Ability to move columns in CSV files

Starting from 2024.1, you can move columns in the data editor for a CSV file and these changes will be applied to the file itself.


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  2. Interactive Visualizations in PyCharm and Datalore

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  3. Pycharm Presentation Mode? The 17 Correct Answer

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  4. how to find mode in pycharm

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  5. Introducing PyCharm 2021.2!

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  6. Setting Up PyCharm on Windows and MacOS

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  1. File Handling in PYTHON

  2. 4. How to setup Pycharm community edition

  3. JS8Call Microblogging Client

  4. How to install PyCharm on windows 11

  5. JS8Call Microblogging Client Mock-up for Review

  6. Lean UI in PyCharm


  1. IDE viewing modes

    Presentation mode. PyCharm expands the editor to occupy the entire screen and increases the font size to make it easier for your audience to see what you are doing. Other elements of the UI are hidden, but you can bring them up with corresponding shortcuts or using the main menu if you hover over the top of the screen.

  2. pycharm的演示模式、无干扰模式、全屏模式(presentation mode、distraction free mode、full

    pycharm的演示模式、无干扰模式、全屏模式(presentation mode、distraction free mode、full screen mode) 在左上角此处进入:演示模式:无干扰模式:全屏模式:三者可混合搭配使用,如需退出,鼠标移动到最上边,点右边缩小按钮就行 复制链接. 扫一扫 ... Pycharm 有演示 ...

  3. Workable alternative to "Presentation Mode" in Intellij and Pycharm

    When your font size is messed up after exiting the presentation mode, you can do the following. Go to Preferences and then Appearance. Find the font size of the presentation mode and set it to the default font size (in my case it was 13). Then click Apply and you are good to go. Set the font size to 20 (or any other bigger size) back again for ...

  4. Presentation Assistant for Intellij

    Presentation assitant on jetbrains products like IntelliJ, Pycharm, Webstorm , andoird studio which shows all the shortcut keys you press on keyboard. Like S...

  5. How to switch to a editor tab in Presentation mode?

    However, what I *would* like to do is to switch to a different editor tab while in Presentation mode. The key to move to the next or previous tab (Alt-left, Alt-right) do nothing. I have to exit from Presentation mode, go to the next tab I need to present, and then re-enter Presentation mode. Is this a bug?

  6. Find Your Visual Zen

    Presentation. This mode is perfect for when you need to present your code in a video call or at a conference talk. Similar to Zen mode, the editor occupies the entire screen without any distractions, but it additionally increases the font size to make it easier for the audience to see what you are doing. Reader Mode

  7. How do I see the shortcuts pressed in Presentation Mode?

    At the what's new page of IDEA 13 I see a video of the new Presantation Mode. Everytime the author types in a shortcut, a green box appears with the info which key was pressed and what it is for. Running my instance of IDEA 13 in Presentation Mode I don't see the green boxes.

  8. Full Screen for all platforms and Presentation Mode with PhpStorm 7

    Next to better readability with improved syntax coloring, PhpStorm 7 comes with a Full Screen mode on all platforms which removes window borders and the top menu. And the new Presentation mode helps you show off your coding skills to an audience. This functionality is available in IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, WebStorm, PhpStorm, RubyMine and AppCode ...

  9. Exit presentation mode cannot restore the original layout

    Hi, On my custom language, if i get into the Presentation Mode and the exit, IDEA cannot restore the original layout. The project view is gone, i have to press Alt+1 to make it show up again.

  10. IntelliJ IDEA Tips & Tricks: Presentations

    Presentation Mode. Since IntelliJ IDEA 13, you can switch to Presentation Mode by clicking View → Enter Presentation Mode. The IDE switches to full screen and everything is hidden except for the main editor window. The font size is increased so it is better readable from a distance. The font size in Presentation Mode can be configured in ...

  11. Touring Plugins

    Touring Plugins - Presentation Assist. When doing screencasts on IntelliJ IDEA or some of our other IDE's, or giving live presentations, I usually use a very useful plugin which is called Presentation Assist. What it does, once installed, is display on screen the keyboard combination that was just pressed. The added benefit is that it ...

  12. intellij idea

    5. If you're using the default Mac shortcuts, you can use Ctrl + ` 4 2. Explanation: Press and hold Ctrl, press `, release all; this brings up the Switch... menu. Press and release 4; this enters the View Mode menu. Press and release 2; this toggles Enter Distraction Free Mode / Exit Distraction Free Mode. answered Oct 9, 2020 at 3:42.

  13. PyCharm keyboard shortcuts

    PyCharm keyboard shortcuts. PyCharm has keyboard shortcuts for most of its commands related to editing, navigation, refactoring, debugging, and other tasks. Memorizing these hotkeys can help you stay more productive by keeping your hands on the keyboard. All default shortcuts are configurable and you can also assign shortcuts to any action that does not have them by default.

  14. Show editor tabs in Presentation mode

    Now they are disabled, so when I enter presentation mode I cannot move tabs right or to the opposite group. Is there a possibility to . Stack Overflow. About; Products For Teams; Stack Overflow Public questions & answers; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers;

  15. WebStorm 2024.1: Sticky Lines, Quick Documentation Improvements, Full

    The new features and improvements in v2024.1 include: Key Highlights: Sticky lines, quick documentation popup improvements, full line code completion, Vue Language Server now enabled by default, Component usages for Vue, Svelte, and Astro, and a Language Services widget.; Frameworks and Technologies: A new TypeScript engine, new quick-fixes for React, and more.

  16. How do I set PyCharm font back to default size?

    5. Type Ctrl+Shift+A to access the actions prompt and then type "reset fon" and type Enter to choose the "Reset Font Size" action. If you want a keyboard shortcut for this, go to pycharm preferences in keymap. There is a search bar in the right of the keymap tab where you can type "reset font size" to quickly locate the "Reset Font Size" action.

  17. What's New in PyCharm 2024.1

    PyCharm 2024.1 brings enhanced GitHub Actions support that is designed to help optimize your CI/CD workflows. Code completion now covers various relevant contexts, including github.*, env.* , steps.*, and inputs.*, making script creation easier and reducing time spent on context-specific syntax searches. Autocompletion for YAML structures ...