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Speech On Independence Day In Urdu

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السلام علیکم!! آج میری تقریر کا عنوان ہے یوم آزادی۔

محترم صدر و معزز حاضرین کرام!! ۱۴ اگست پاکستان کا یومِ آزادی ہے۔ پوری قوم آج خوشی سے معمور نظر آرہی ہے اور واقعی آج کا دن ہماری قومی زندگی کا سب سے زیادہ خوشی کا دن ہے کہ آج کے دن ہم نے آزادی جیسی بے پایاں دولت حاصل کی۔ تقریر شروع کرنے سے پہلے میں آپ سب کو آزادی کی مبارکباد پیش کرتا ہوں۔

جناب والا ! ۱۴ اگست یعنی پاکستان کی یوم آزادی کے دن بچہ بچہ خوشی سے شاد نظر آرہا ہے۔ شہر شہر، گاؤں گاؤں ، گلی گلی میں مسرت و شادمانی کے نغمے بکھرے ہوئے ہیں۔جلسے منعقد ہو رہے ہیں۔تقریبات منائی جا رہیں ہیں۔ تقریریں ہو رہی ہیں۔ پاکستان زندآباد کے نعروں سے فضا گونج رہی ہے۔ ہر بچہ بڑا مرد عورت ہر زی روح مسرور و شاداں نظر آرہا ہے۔ کس قدر خوشی کا موقع ہے۔ ہر طرف جوش و جذبہ نظر آرہا ہے۔دلوں میں ولولے پیدا ہو رہے ہیں۔آزادی کی کہانی دوہرائی جا رہی ہے۔ یہ پھل ہے لاکھوں قربانیوں کا، یہ صلہ ہے دن رات کی آنتھک جدوجہد کا۔ یہ انعام ہے قدرت کا کہ ہم نے اس کے حصول کے لئے اتنا خون بہایا کہ زمین کو رنگین کر دیا۔

جناب والا!! میں اپنے ہم وطنوں کو اس خوشی کے موقعے پر کچھ پیچھے غموں کی بستی میں لے جانا چاہتا ہوں۔ جس کا نام ہندوستان تھا۔ آج میں اپنے شہیدوں کی یاد تازہ کرنا چاہتا ہوں۔ آج میں چاہتا ہوں کہ گزرے ہوئے ایام کی تلخ یادوں کو اپنے دلوں میں کچھ دیر کے لئے ہی سہی لیکن بسایا ضرور جائے۔ یہ یادیں ہمیں نیا حوصلہ دیتی ہیں۔ ہمارے اندر نئے ولولے پیدا کرتی ہیں اور ہمیں نئے جہانوں کی تلاش کے لیے جدوجہد کا سبق دیتی ہے۔

میرے ہم وطنو! ہم ایک زندہ قوم ہیں، پائندہ قوم ہیں اور دنیا جانتی ہے کہ ہم کس قدر دلیر قوم اور جفا کش لوگ ہیں۔ زندہ قوموں کی سب سے بڑی نشانی یہ ہے کہ وہ اپنے قومی دنوں کو پورے جوش جذبے آن بان شان اور تزک و احتشام کے ساتھ مناتی ہیں۔ ہم آج آزادی کی خوشی منا رہے ہیں۔ یہ آزادی ہمیں یونہی طشتری میں رکھ کر پیش نہیں کر دی گئی تھی۔ اس کے لیے ہمارے بزرگوں نے لاکھوں قربانیاں دی ہیں۔آج ہم آزادی کا جشن منا رہے ہیں تو یہ ہر جگہ پرچم ہی پرچم ہیں جو ہماری شان و شوکت کی علامت ہے۔کیا حسین منظر ہے۔ آج کے دن میرا دل خوشی سے پھٹا جارہا ہے۔

اے دشمنو! سن لو! یہ ملک ہمارا ہے اور ہم اس کے محافظ اس کے خادم ہیں اگر تم نے اس کی طرف میلی آنکھ سے بھی دیکھا تو تمہاری آنکھیں بھی پپوٹوں سے نکال باہر کریں گے۔تم اصلی روپ دیکھ چکے ہو اور اگر کوئی کسر رہ گئی ہو تو ہم وہ بھی پوری کرنے کی ہمت رکھتے ہیں لیکن تم میں اتنی ہمت کہاں کہ ہمیں للکار سکو۔کبھی گیدڑنے بھی شیر کو للکارا ہے۔

دوستو ! آؤ میرے ساتھ ہم آواز نعرہ بلند کرو۔ پاکستان زندہ باد۔ شکریہ

Urdu Wisdom

14th August speech in Urdu | چودہ اگست اور قیام پاکستان

14th August speech in urdu

14th August speech in Urdu . On 14 August 1947, Pakistan became an independent country. It happened one day before Indian independence day. India was divided.

East and West Pakistan were established from Muslim prevalence regions. Our Independence Day is celebrated yearly on 14 August. It is a national holiday in Pakistan. It commemorates when Pakistan attained freedom and was announced as a free nation in 1947.

That was the end of British rule in the Indian subcontinent. The main motive for partition was the two-nation theory presented by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan. It stated that Muslims and Hindus were extremely different and could not live in one country.

14 august aur Qayam e pakistan

چودہ اگست اور قیام پاکستان

زندگی مسلسل کوشش کر کے آگے بڑھنے کا نام ہے۔اپنی بقا کی جدوجہد اوراپنے مقصد حیات کو حاصل کرنے کا شوق انسان کو اس خلافت کا اہل بناتی ہے  جس کے لئےرب کریم نے اسے منتخب کیا ہے۔

انفرادی زندگی سے لے کر اجتماعی معاملات تک انسان پرچند قوائد و ضوابط کی پابند لازم ہے جن کے بغیرزمیں پر اس کی خلافت کا تصورممکن نہیں ہے۔

 سورة الزاریات کی آیت # 56 میں ارشاد باری تعالی ہے

  وَ مَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَ الْاِنْسَ اِلَّا لِیَعْبُدُوْن ِ ترجمہ: اور میں نے جن اور آدمی اسی لئے بنائے کہ میری عبادت کریں

عبادت انسان کے طرز زندگی اور اخلاقیات پر گہرے اثرات مرتب کرتی ہے۔ دنیا کے سب مذاہب کے طریقہ عبادت میں فرق نظر آتا ہے۔ اور اسی وجہ سے ان کی ثقافت بھی ایک دوسرے سے الگ ہے۔ یہی فرق”نظریہ پاکستان” کی بنیاد بنا اور قیام پاکستان کی وجہ بنا۔

۔وطن عزیزکی تحریک آزادی درحقیقت مسلمانوں کے  تشخص ،مذہبی عقائداورتمدن کے تحفظ کی ایک  بے مثال تاریخی جدو جہد تھی ۔اس تحریک کا مقصد مسلمانوں کے حقوق کا تحفظ اور ان کی شناخت کو واضح کرنا تھا۔ اس خیال پر عمل کے لیے ایک الگ وطن کا قیام لازم تھا ۔

اس جدوجہد کو تحریک پاکستان کا نام دیا گیا۔ اس کا آغازاس وقت ہوا جب 1930ء میں شاعر مشرق علامہ محمد اقبال نے الہ آباد میں مسلم لیگ کے اکیسیوں سالانہ اجلاس سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے برصغیر کے شمال مغربی حصےمیں جداگانہ مسلم ریاست کے قیام کا مطالبہ پیش کیا۔

14 august speech in urdu

اقبال رح کے اس خواب کو تعبیر دینے کے لئے مختلف  شخصیات نے اہم کردار ادا کیا جن میں چودھری رحمت علی  کا نام نمایاں ہے۔انہوں نے 1933ء میں “پاکستان”  کا نام تجویز کیا ۔ سندھ مسلم لیگ نے 1938ء کے سالانہ اجلاس میں برصغیر کی تقسیم کے حوالے سے قرارداد منظور کروالی۔اقائد اعظم 1930ء میں الگ مسلم ملک کے قیام کا فیصلہ کر چکے تھے ۔1940ء تک قائد اعظم نےقوم کو ذہنی طور پر علیحدہ وطن کی جدوجہد کے لئے تیار کر لیا۔اس کے بعد 23 مارچ 1940 کو لاہور میں “منٹو پارک” میں برصغیر کے مسلمانوں کا ایک عظیم اجتماع منعقد ہوا۔اس میں  ہندوستان بھر سے مسلمانوں نے  شرکت کی۔اس موقع پر ایک قرارداد منظور ہوئی جس کے مطابق مسلمانان ہند نہ صرف یہ کہ انگریزوں سے آزادی چاہتے تھے بلکہ ہندوؤں سے بھی الگ ہونے کے خواہشمند تھے۔

                                                          قیام پاکستان کوئی جذباتی مطالبہ نہیں تھا۔ انگریزوں کا رویہ متعصبانہ تھا اس کے علاوہ ہندوؤں کی مسلمان دشمنی بھی کوئی ڈھکی چھپی بات نہ تھی۔ مسلمانوں کے بنیادی حقوق کا استحصال، سرکاری ملازمتوں اور اعلی عہدوں سے

محرومی، اردو ہندی تنازعہ، 1857ء کی جنگ آزادی  کے بعد ہندوؤں کی اسلام دشمنی اور اس طرح کے واقعات نے یہ ثابت کر دیا تھا کہ مسلمانوں کا ہندوؤں کے ساتھ مل کر رہنا ان کے حقوق کی پامالی کا سبب ، اور تہذیب و ثقافت کے لئے خطرہ ہے۔

                          چنانچہ مسلمانوں کی لاتعداد قربانیوں کے نتیجے میں یہ مملکت خداداد 14 اگست 1947 کومعرض وجود میں آئی۔

لیکن مصائب ختم نہیں ہوئے اثاثہ جات کی تقسیم میں  تعصب برتا گیا۔مسئلہ کشمیر آج تک حل نہیں ہوا۔آزادی کا مطلب محض زمین حاصل کرنا نہیں  بلکہ ذہنی غلامی سے چھٹکارہ ہے۔

پاکستان کی ثقافت اور رسوم پر اب بھی ہندو معاشرے کا اثر نمایاں ہے۔

 ۔رشوت، فرقہ واریت،سود، عدم برداشت،بدعنوانی،اقرباءپروری، استحصال اور،منفی سوچ میں قائد کا خواب کہیں کھو گیا ہے۔ آبا و اجداداکی قربانیوں کو بھلا  کر وطن کو تنزلی کی راہ پر لا کرحب الوطنی کا نعرہ لگانا محض لفاظی ہے۔

14th August speech in urdu

  یہ ارضِ   کوہ    و   بیاباں  ،دیارِ   سنگ  وثمر میرے  وجود  کا عنواں  نہیں، تو  کچھ  بھی  نہیں زمیں   کا  پیار   نہیں کھیل  صرف لفظوں   کا میں اس کی خاک پہ قرباں نہیں تو کچھ بھی نہیں

لیکن ایسا بھی نہیں کہ یہاں کچھ بھی مثبت نہیں۔۔ملک میں جب بھی کوئی قدرتی آفت مثلا زلزلہ یا سیلاب وغیرہ آیا تو عوام نے ہمیشہ اک دوسرے کی مدد کی۔ یہ وطن قدرتی حسن سے مالا مال ہے اور،سیاحوں کی کشش کا مرکزہے۔ ایٹمی قوت ہےیہاں ۔دنیا کی سب سے بڑی ایمبولینس سروس ہے۔ یہ وطن ، ایدھی، انصار برنی اور ارفعہ کریم کی سرزمین ہے  نیکی اور بدی ہمیشہ سے ایک دوسرے کے مد مقابل ہیں۔اس لئے ہمیں مایوسی کی بجائے حکمت عملی سے ان برائیوں  سے چھٹکارا پانے کی ضرورت ہے جو ملک کے تشخص کو پامال کرنے کا سبب بن رہی ہیں۔                                            

عوام اور حکام کو اپنے اپنے فرائض کو انجام دینے کی عملی کوشش کرنی ہو گی۔ حکومت رفاح عامہ کے کاموں کا جائزہ لے اور وی آئی پی کلچر کا خاتمہ ہو جبکہ عوام ملکی قوانین پر عمل پیرا ہوں۔

 ہمیں اللہ کی ذات پر توکل کے ساتھ اپنے اعمال کا جائزہ لینا ہو گا پھر ان شاء الله ہم  پاکستان کو اقبال کے خواب کی تعبیر بنا سکتے ہیں

۔بقول اقبال رح

نہیں ہے ناامید اقبالؔ اپنی کشت ویراں سے ذرا نم ہو تو یہ مٹی بہت زرخیز ہے ساقی

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Independence Day Of Pakistan Speech In Urdu

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The word ” Islamic Republic of Pakistan “ is formed by combining 2 words ” pak ” and “ stan “. Pak suggests that pious and stan suggests that mother country. Therefore, the that means of Islamic Republic of Pakistan is mother country of pious individuals. People gave sacrifices of their lives for indpendence as a result of they may not follow Islam severally and will not perform their spiritual duties properly in sub – continent. They were corrected or disturbed once they perform their religious duties.

Urdu Speech For 14th Augest Jashn e Azadi

It displeased Muslims however as they were weak nation, they may not do something. Names of individuals like Muhammad AN Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Allama Iqbal and Sir Syed Ahmad Khan area unit forever written in golden words in the history of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Muhammad AN Muhammad Ali Jinnah conjointly called Quaid-e-Azam is that the real founding father of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Independence Day Of Pakistan Debates In Urdu

Allama Iqbal, UN agency excited Muslims to earn their own position and name within the world. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, UN agency brought Muslim nation forward and created faculties and faculties for Muslims so they will return to understand a way to fulfill the latest demands of the advance age.

Debates On Independence Day Of Pakistan

Pakistan came into being when the sacrifices of unnumberable lives. several mothers lost their sons, several wives lost their husbands and plenty of youngsters lost their fathers so Islamic Republic of Pakistan came into being. individuals gave sacrifices of their lives thus that next generations might not face any issue and will live a secure life.

Pakistan came into being on the world of world on 14 august 1947 by sacrifying lots of Families to induce own native land where all muslims of Sub continent might pay their lives in keeping with teachings of Islam. Here on this page we tend to area unit sharing best indepence day speech for 14 August 2024. Download Urdu speech for 14 August 2024 here on this page.

14th Augest Independence Day Speech

Get this speech (Debate) taqreerin urdu and participate in dialogue competition on this Independence Day of Asian nation. Lets get bestever urdu Speech for 14 August 2024 on Asian nation Jashn e Azadi Day (Independence Day).

Pakistan national holiday 2024 speech in Urdu and in English free Download on this page. we have a tendency to ar sharing you best ever Urdu speech Taqreer and dialogue for 14 August Jashn e Azadi statesman of Islamic Republic of Pakistan . we have a tendency to ar sharing you 14 August

Urdu Speech For Pakistan Independence Day

speech in Urdu and speech on national holiday of Islamic Republic of Pakistan full dialogue competition online on this page. Get fourteen August speech in English and jashn e azadi statesman Islamic Republic of Pakistan Azadi Day Taqreer in Urdu on this Page.

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14 August Pakistan Independence Day Speech in Urdu ( Youm e Azadi Taqrir )

Pakistan’s Independence Day, which is annually held on August 14, celebrates the country’s independence from the British rule on that date in 1947. This day is an occasion to promote patriotism and national unity.

People all over Pakistan celebrate Independence Day with patriotic zest. Pakistan’s national flag is hoisted on public, private buildings, residences and monuments at dawn. Official buildings, including Parliament House, are decorated and colorfully lit.

Events held during the day include special theatre shows, national song competitions, concerts, and Independence Day pageants. Radio and television stations broadcast national songs and specially prepared Independence Day programs.

speech on independence day pakistan in urdu

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14 august 1947 independence day speech in urdu & english.

Independence Day speech in Urdu and English is available here. Anyone can get the speech of 14th August 1947 from here. Everyone know about the day of independence. This was the day of golorious when we got our freedom. This country was established by the aim of free people those free people who can serve the nation with great devotion. Free people are those who can sacrifice the last drop of blood at the dignity of Pakistan. Any person can get the 14th August 1947 Independence Day speech in Urdu and English. This speech is providing here for everyone to aware the real words of the speech in our past. Everyone should read the speech should listen the speech of independence. No one can deny the importance of independence among us, so this is an important speech for all of us.

Alhamdulillah! 14 August 1947 is a independent day of Pakistan or we can say that Pakistan appear in 1947 from British raj. In 14 august government and private sector celebrate Independence Day. Mostly persons wear white dress and green combination of matching suit only for the peace of country. Pakistan gain  his independent day one day coming before to Indian Independence. First of all Pakistan have two territories one West Pakistan and second east Pakistan. But unfortunately in 1971 war we lost East Pakistan. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the lawyer, politician and founder of Pakistan. Jinnah and Iqbal want to have Pakistan ‘two-nation theory’ , Muslims and Hindus have different in not only religion but also in culture, nation theories, festivals and more such activities.

The hindo-pak partition was the one of the greatest migration in history. Millions of millions Muslims leave those areas who occupied by Indian government and migrate east Pakistan and west Pakistan. Several millions refugees arrived Pakistan shortly after it independent. Some millions Muslim cannot reach their destination and massacred. Today Pakistan have more than 22 million (22 crore) population. However if Bangladesh does not untied in 1971 tragedy then we have approx 372 millions manpower.

Muslim want their own country because they knew that the British raj made Hindus more powerful in literacy, in work side. While the other hand British government didn’t given any task or a piece of verb to Muslims. So the Muslim’s leaders realized that strategy the British government wants to make Hindu more powerful than Muslims. They think Muslim want get back their territory from British colonized therefore they try to Muslims back in every argument. Muhammad Ali Jinnah join the Muslim league party and struggle many years for made an own state in which Muslims live freedomly and at last he take the Pakistan from British Raj in 14 august 1947. The only Muslim country in the world that made in the model of Islamic republic of Pakistan while the other hand other all the muslims states made over by the model of their own nation.

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Independence day 14 august 2024 speech in urdu.

The independence 14 august, 1947 is important day for all the Pakistan Citizen. Every one celebrate on this event including home celebration, air force independence celebration specially students and teachers conduct the independence functions in schools. Teacher and students are looking for 14 august function preparation including 14 august dance preparation, 14 august dresses etc. The main important for which they prepare students is speech. Independence day Speech is very important part of independence function.


In schools function speech competition organized and students participate in competition. So if you are here to looking for independence day 14 august speech in urdu then you can get new speeches to win independence day competition. You can also download the 14 august speech in english as well.

As we know that 14 august 2024 day is coming and only few days are left that ways we are providing latest stuff regarding Pakistan  independence 2024 for all the true patriots and students as well. We have already providing free education stuff and guide of Pakistan students from prep class to till job, a professional life.

Every event ilmkiweb celebrate it with all of you including teachers, families, children’s, friends and students. Last time we celebrate eid-ul-fiter 2024 and ramadan. We consider all of visitors like a family so this big event day of Pakistan which is most historical and memorable day of pakistan you can download Urdu debates for the function celebration of this beautiful independence day.

We also Wish you here Youme-Azadi also called Jashn-e-Azadi 2024 every body and celebrating independence day 2024. To maximize the celebration we giving you independence Day 2024 speeches , Debates), taqreers in urdu and English.

You can also watch the 14 august songs, independence day pakistan qomi tarana & mili tarana,   independence day 14 august   mili naghmay ,  independenceday 2024 songs mp3 or mp4 video and also download the taqreers in urdu speech of  Quaid-e-Azam  (Qaid-e-Azim, Quaid-i-Azam) Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Fatima Jinnah his sister,  Allama Muhammad Iqbal and also other Pakistani leaders or founders here.

14 August Urdu Speech

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Independence Day 14 august Taqareer in Urdu

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Short Speech For Class 4 in Urdu

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14 August Long Speech in Urdu (Class 7 & Class 8 )

14-August-long-speech-class-8-in Urdu

14 August Short Urdu Speech For Class 1 & Class 3


Independence Day 14 august Urdu Speech 2024

14 august speed in sindhi.

If you need speech in Sindhi Please comment and we will immediately provide 14 august speech in sindi language. We are love our Sindhi brothers.

We hope you have get the different topic best Urdu Speech for 14 August 2024  and  readay to prepare it to perform. For now weare leaving and join before 1 day of event. From our team Jashn-e-Azadi 2024 mubrak, Independence Day 2024 wishing , Freedom Day) Debates in Urdu, English language download.

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speech on independence day pakistan in urdu

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14 August Urdu speeches (Taqreer) and Debate in English

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By Fayyaz Sidhu

November 26, 2023

pakistan independence day speech

Pakistan Independence Day 14 August Urdu speeches in Urdu and in English speech free to download on this page. We are sharing your best-ever Urdu speech Taqreer and Debate for 14 August Jashn e Azadi Mubarak of Pakistan. We are sharing your 14 August speech in Urdu and the speech on Independence Day of Pakistan full debate competition online on this page.

Get 14 August speech in English,14 august speech in Urdu full page and Jashn e azadi Mubarak Pakistan Azadi Day Taqreer in Urdu on this Page .

14 august speech in urdu and English Speech for Independence Day

Who knew that day. Of 14th of August, Will tell the world in a way, That both East and West, Would come to know that there stands, A country named Pakistan, A lovely place, with sacred lands. And a home for a Musalman, A Quaid’s effort, a Poet’s dream, And a struggle of a human flood, A new beginning beyond a stream, Filled with Muslim blood.

14th August is a common date like other dates of the English calender for nations but for the Pakistani nation, this date is the most remarkable day in the history of Pakistan. Pakistan came into being on 14th August according to the English calendar while according to the Islamic calendar, it was the 27th of Ramadan when Allah blessed Muslims with the pious homeland. 27th Ramadan has religious importance as the revelation of Holy Quran on Holy Prophet {P.B.U.H.} finished this month. The word “ Pakistan “ is made by combining two words “ pak “ and “ stan “. Pak means pious and stan means homeland. Therefore, the meaning of Pakistan is the homeland of pious people.

People gave sacrifices of their lives for independence because they could not follow Islam independently and could not perform their religious duties properly in sub–continent. They were punished or disturbed when they perform their religious duties. It offended Muslims but as they were a weak nation, they could not do anything.

Names of people like Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Allama Iqbal, and Sir Syed Ahmad Khan are always written in golden words in the history of Pakistan. Muhammad Ali Jinnah is also known as Quaid-e-Azam is the real founder of Pakistan. Allama Iqbal, who excited Muslims to earn their own nationality and name in the world. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, who brought Muslim nation forward and made schools and colleges for Muslims so that they may come to know how to fulfill the latest demands of the advanced age.

Pakistan came into being after the sacrifices of countless lives. Many mothers lost their sons, many wives lost their husbands and many children lost their fathers and then Pakistan came into being. People gave sacrifices of their lives so that next generations may not face any difficulty and may live a safe life.

Pakistan was got for creating an environment just as it was in the period of Hazrat Umer { R.A. } when He took rounds of the streets in darkness for becoming sure that no one is hungry. Pakistan was got for creating such an environment where ladies will come outside by covering their bodies as it is ordered in the Holy Quran. Pakistan was got for creating such an environment where males like Hazrat Hussain { R.A. } may bear who will offer prayers and read Holy Quran whether their necks may separate from their bodies.

Quaid e Azam the Father of Nation said to the people of Pakistan in his address in Ziarat that “Making of Pakistan was a difficult task; I could never have accomplished it alone. It was the Roohani Faiz of Rasul Allah(sa) that Pakistan came into Being. Now it is the responsibility of every Pakistani to make it an example of Khilafat-e-Rashida” [Ziarat, 1948].

We must celebrate 14th August as it is our independence day. We should celebrate 14th August by thanking to Allah by going to Mosques instead of celebrating this day in music parties this day. We should celebrate this day by brightening our hearts with the light of the teachings of Islam. It is not an important fact whether we lighten homes or not with lights. Its time to be practical and show our love towards our dear homeland by doing something which may bring Pakistan on the road of success without waiting for anyone who may join us.

Jinnah in His first broadcasting for the nation of Pakistan “August 15 is the birthday of the independent and sovereign state of Pakistan. It marks the fulfillment of the destiny of the Muslim nation which made great sacrifices in the past few years to have its homeland.”

Outlining the purpose of the creation of Pakistan, Quaid-i-Azam said in a speech to the officers of the Defence Service on October 11, 1947, that the establishment of Pakistan was only a “means to an end and not the end in itself. The Idea was that we should have a state in which we could live and breathe as free men and which we could develop according to our own lights and culture and where principles of Islamic social justice could find free play.”

Pakistan Independence Day 14 August Speech in Urdu

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Independence Day Speech in Urdu for School Students


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14 th August Independence Day Speech in Urdu

We are sharing you 14 August speech in Urdu and speech on Independence Day of Pakistan full debate competition online on this page.

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14 August Speech in English for Pakistan Independence Day

Today I am going to consecrate my words to my homeland in the form of a 14 August Speech in English for Pakistan Independence Day. “14th August” is the day of the Independence of Pakistan and the day to stand up together singing the national anthem and raising the sound proclaiming that ‘we are Pakistani’. Yes of course! This is a devotional day for all Pakistani nationals not only in Pakistan but also for those Pakistanis who are sitting in abroad countries. The reason is that Pakistan is our unique recognition on the map of the world. The reason is before the formation of a separate country for sub-continental Muslims; no one respects the real religious rights of Muslims. One of the big issues between Hindus and Muslims was the difference between their living styles, their rituals, their foods as well as their litanies. If Muslims use to eat cow meat the Hindus use to adore the cow. Muslims bow before Allah and Hindus bow before stones (Baghwan). Moreover, Hindus were superior in amount while Muslims were few and helpless. So in these hurdles, one man sees a dream of Independence and aims to make his dream come true. So, after a lot of effort and sacrifices, Pakistan came into being.

14 August Speech in English for Pakistan Independence Day

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The one who saw the dream of Pakistan was Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal (The Poet of the East). At that time Muhammad Ali Jinnah (Quaid-e-Azam) was a student and a member of the Indian National Congress. But after listing this dream and when he realized that Congress was just supporting Hindus and neglecting Muslims, he joined the All India Muslim League. The entrance of this hero to this party was a massive turnaround for Muslims.

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Sir Syed Ahmed Khan did a great job. Sir Syed advised Muslims to learn English so that the British can understand that they are not against them. He organized schools and colleges where Muslims were independently allowed to take admitted and study English. Afterwards, when Muslims got educated they were allowed to apply for jobs. Through this, Muslims were able to get jobs and it helped them a lot.

At the start, Muhammad Ali Jinnah was in supporting the narrative that the British should leave the country and give it to Muslims and Indians who can live here in peace. But later he realized that it is impossible for them to live together. So, he raised his voice for the separation of both nations and demanded the British to leave the country and before leaving, divide both nations and make two countries for them. Following continues hard work and sacrifices, Pakistan came into existence in 1947. On the 14th of August, a new country came into existence and it is called Pakistan. When it was announced that all the Muslims of Sub Continent will migrate from India to Pakistan, Hindus start killing them openly. But in the end, Muslims got their homeland.

National Flag Of Pakistan Information In Urdu And English

So it is really a big day for all of us to remember that sanctification and efforts and we all thank God our Allah who bestowed us with this peaceful land where we can live independently under the Islamic Rules. Thank God once again and we all pray that Allah keeps our motherland alive forever till this world. In conclusion, this is all about the 14 August Speech in English for Pakistan Independence Day. Hopefully, you like this.

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