English Compositions

Short Essay on Our Planet Earth [100, 200, 400 words] With PDF

Earth is the only planet that sustains life and ecosystems. In this lesson, you will learn to write essays in three different sets on the planet earth to help you in preparing for your upcoming examinations.

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Short Essay on Our Planet Earth in 100 Words

Earth is a rare planet since it is the only one that can support life. On Earth, life is possible for various reasons, the most essential of which are the availability of water and the presence of oxygen. Earth is a member of the Solar System. The Earth, along with the other seven planets, orbits the Sun.

One spin takes approximately twenty-four hours, and one revolution takes 365 days and four hours. Day and night, as well as the changing of seasons, occurs due to rotation and revolution. However, we have jeopardized our planet by our sheer ignorance and negligence. We must practise conservation of resources and look after mother earth while we have time.

Short Essay on Our Planet Earth in 200 Words

Earth is a blue planet that is special from the rest of the planets because it is the only one to sustain life. The availability of water and oxygen are two of the most crucial factors that make life possible on Earth. The Earth rotates around the Sun, along with seven other planets in the solar system. It takes 24 hours to complete one rotation, and approximately 365 days and 4 hours to complete one revolution. Day and night, as well as changing seasons, are all conceivable due to these two movements. 

However, we are wasting and taking advantage of the natural resources that have been bestowed upon us. Overuse and exploitation of all-natural resources produce pollution to such an alarming degree that life on Earth is on the verge of extinction. The depletion of the ozone layer has resulted in global warming. The melting of glaciers has resulted in rising temperatures.

Many animals have become extinct or are endangered. To protect the environment, we must work together. Conversation, resource reduction, reuse, and recycling will take us a long way toward restoring the natural ecosystem. We are as unique as our home planet. We have superior intelligence, which we must employ for the benefit of all living beings. The Earth is our natural home, and we must create a place that is as good as, if not better than, paradise.

Short Essay on Our Planet Earth in 400 Words

Earth is a unique planet as it is the only planet that sustains life. Life is possible on Earth because of many reasons, and the most important among them is the availability of water and oxygen. Earth is a part of the family of the Sun. It belongs to the Solar System.

Earth, along with seven other planets, revolves around the Sun. It takes roughly twenty-four hours to complete one rotation and 365 days and 4 hours to complete one revolution. Rotation and revolution make day and night and change of seasons simultaneously possible. The five seasons we experience in one revolution are Spring, Summer, Monsoon, Autumn, and Winter.

However, we are misusing resources and exploiting the natural gifts that have been so heavily endowed upon us. Overuse and misuse of all the natural resources are causing pollution to such an extent that it has become alarming to the point of destruction. The most common form of pollution caused upon the earth by us is Air Pollution, Land Pollution, Water Pollution, and Noise Pollution.

This, in turn, had resulted in Ozone Layer Depletion and Global Warming. Due to ozone layer depletion, there harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun are reaching the earth. It, in turn, is melting glaciers and causing a rise in temperature every year. Many animals have either extinct or are endangered due to human activities.

Some extinct animals worldwide are Sabre-toothed Cat, Woolly Mammoth, Dodo, Great Auk, Stellers Sea Cow, Tasmanian Tiger, Passenger Pigeon, Pyrenean Ibex. The extinct animals in the Indian subcontinent are the Indian Cheetah, pink-headed duck, northern Sumatran rhinoceros, and Sunderban dwarf rhinoceros.

The endangered animals that are in need of our immediate attention in India are Royal Bengal Tiger, Snow leopard, Red panda, Indian rhinoceros, Nilgiri tahr, Asiatic lion, Ganges river dolphin, Gharial and Hangul, among others. We have exploited fossil fuels to such an extent that now we run the risk of using them completely. We must switch to alternative sources of energy that are nature friendly. Solar power, windmills, hydra power should be used more often, and deforestation must be made illegal worldwide.

We must come together to preserve the natural environment. Conversation, reduction, reuse and recycling of the resources will take us a long way in rebuilding the natural habitat. We are as unique as our planet earth. We have higher intelligence, and we must use it for the well-being of all living organisms. The Earth is our natural abode, and we must make a place as close to Paradise, if not better.

Hopefully, after going through this lesson, you have a holistic idea about our planet Earth. I have tried to cover every aspect that makes it unique and the reasons to practise conversation of natural resources. If you still have any doubts regarding this session, kindly let me know through the comment section below. To read more such essays on many important topics, keep browsing our website. 

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Essay on Earth For Students

essay on earth is our home for grade 9

Table of Contents

Essay on Earth: The Earth is our home, a remarkable planet that has provided the perfect conditions for life to thrive. From the vast oceans to the towering mountains, our planet is a diverse and incredible place. However, it is also facing significant challenges, such as climate change and environmental degradation. In this article, we will explore the importance of Earth, its beauty, and the urgent need for us to protect and preserve it for generations to come. We have provided sample essays of various lengths (100, 200, 400, and 500 words) to help you understand the significance of our planet and the need to protect it.

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Long and Short Essays on Earth

Whether you are looking for a short essay on Earth of 100 words or a long essay of 500 words, we have got you covered. Here we have provided sample essays on earth with all the information that you need.

Short Essay on Earth of 100 Words

The Earth, often referred to as the “Blue Planet,” is a remarkable celestial body in our solar system. It’s situated at just the right distance from the Sun, allowing it to maintain a stable climate and support a wide variety of life forms. Earth’s diverse landscapes, from towering mountains to vast oceans, offer a breathtaking tapestry of natural beauty.

Our planet is home to a rich tapestry of ecosystems, from dense rainforests teeming with wildlife to arid deserts adapted to harsh conditions. Earth’s atmosphere, composed of vital gases like oxygen and nitrogen, sustains life by providing the air we breathe.

In recent years, concerns about environmental degradation, climate change, and biodiversity loss have highlighted the need to protect our planet. As inhabitants of Earth, it’s our collective responsibility to conserve its natural resources, reduce pollution, and combat climate change to ensure a sustainable and habitable world for future generations.

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Earth Essay of 250 Words

The Earth is our home, a beautiful and complex planet that supports and sustains life. It is the only known planet in the universe that can sustain life and has a diverse range of ecosystems, from the deep oceans to the tall mountains.

One of the most remarkable features of Earth is its abundance of water. About 71% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, creating vast oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers. Water is essential for all forms of life, and it plays a crucial role in the planet’s climate and weather patterns.

Another crucial aspect of Earth is its atmosphere. The Earth’s atmosphere is made up of a mixture of gases, primarily nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%). This atmosphere protects us from the harsh conditions of outer space, provides us with the air we breathe, and helps regulate the Earth’s temperature. The atmosphere also acts as a shield, blocking harmful radiation from reaching the surface.

The Earth is also home to a wide variety of living organisms, from microorganisms to plants and animals. Biodiversity is essential for the stability and health of ecosystems. Each organism has its role to play in the intricate web of life on Earth, ensuring the balance of ecosystems and the survival of all species.

In conclusion, the Earth is a remarkable and precious planet that sustains life in all its forms. We must recognize the importance of preserving and protecting the Earth’s resources and ecosystems to ensure a sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.

Essay on Earth of 400 Words

The Earth, often referred to as the “Blue Planet,” is a marvel of the cosmos. It is the third planet from the Sun in our solar system, distinguished by its unique ability to support a diverse range of life forms. Earth’s breathtaking landscapes, intricate ecosystems, and dynamic climate make it a planet like no other.

One of the most striking features of our planet is its diverse geography. From the highest peaks of the Himalayas to the deepest ocean trenches, Earth’s landscapes are a testament to the forces of nature. Mountains, deserts, forests, grasslands, and oceans provide habitats for a rich tapestry of flora and fauna, each uniquely adapted to their environments.

Earth’s oceans, covering more than 70% of its surface, are teeming with life. Coral reefs, kelp forests, and the open ocean are home to a dazzling array of marine species, from the smallest plankton to the largest whales. The oceans play a crucial role in regulating the planet’s climate and are a source of sustenance for millions of people around the world.

The Earth’s atmosphere, a mixture of gases, is essential for life as we know it. Oxygen, nitrogen, and trace gases make up the air we breathe, while the ozone layer shields us from harmful ultraviolet radiation. The atmosphere also influences the planet’s climate, with weather patterns and climatic zones varying across the globe.

However, the Earth is facing a host of environmental challenges. Human activities, such as deforestation, industrial emissions, pollution, and the burning of fossil fuels, have contributed to climate change and the loss of biodiversity. The consequences of these actions are becoming increasingly evident, with rising global temperatures, more frequent extreme weather events, and the decline of numerous species.

Addressing these challenges requires a collective effort from the global community. As inhabitants of Earth, we have a shared responsibility to protect and preserve our planet for current and future generations. This includes adopting sustainable practices, conserving natural resources, and reducing our ecological footprint.

Efforts to combat climate change, transition to renewable energy sources, and protect vulnerable ecosystems are critical steps in safeguarding the Earth’s future. Environmental conservation, wildlife protection, and the promotion of sustainable agriculture are essential components of responsible stewardship of our planet.

In conclusion, the Earth is a remarkable and fragile planet, home to an incredible diversity of life and natural wonders. It is our duty to act as caretakers of this planet, ensuring that it remains a habitable and vibrant world for generations to come. By embracing sustainable practices and taking proactive measures to address environmental challenges, we can protect the invaluable gift that is our home, the Earth.

Long Essay on Earth of 500 Words

The Earth is our home, a beautiful blue-green planet spinning gracefully in the vastness of space. It is the only known planet that can sustain life, making it incredibly precious and deserving of our care and protection. In this essay, we will explore some of the unique characteristics of Earth, the importance of preserving our planet, and the role each individual can play in making a positive impact on our environment.

Firstly, Earth’s diverse ecosystems make it an extraordinary place. From lush rainforests to expansive deserts, the planet is home to an immense variety of flora and fauna. The intricate balance of these ecosystems is crucial to the overall health of our planet. Each species, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, plays a vital role in maintaining this balance. For instance, bees are essential for pollinating flowers and plants, contributing to the production of fruits and seeds. Understanding the interconnectedness of all living beings on Earth reminds us of the importance of preserving biodiversity and ensuring the survival of each species.

Secondly, Earth’s natural resources sustain human life and support various industries. Freshwater sources provide drinking water and irrigation for crops that feed billions of people. Our oceans not only contain a vast array of marine life but also serve as a source of food for many communities. The Earth’s minerals and fossil fuels, while valuable for energy and construction, are finite resources that need to be used wisely. By practicing sustainable consumption and resource management, we can ensure that future generations have access to these vital resources.

Furthermore, Earth’s climate plays a pivotal role in our daily lives. The Earth’s atmosphere acts as a protective shield, filtering harmful radiation and regulating temperature. However, human activities have led to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions, resulting in climate change. Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and the melting of polar ice caps are just some of the consequences of this phenomenon. We must acknowledge our responsibility in climate change and strive to reduce our carbon footprint through initiatives such as using renewable energy sources, reducing waste, and promoting sustainable transportation.

The 21st century poses numerous environmental challenges, but it also presents opportunities for positive change. Each individual can make a difference in preserving and protecting our planet. Education and awareness are essential in ensuring that everyone understands the importance of environmental conservation. Small actions such as recycling, reducing water usage, and supporting local and sustainable products can collectively have a significant impact. Additionally, governments and corporations play a critical role in enacting policies and practices that prioritize sustainability and reduce emissions. Collaboration between different sectors of society is necessary to address the global environmental crisis effectively.

In conclusion, the Earth is a remarkable planet, providing a home for countless species and sustaining human life. Preserving our planet’s ecosystems, conserving natural resources, and addressing climate change are crucial for the well-being of future generations. Each individual has a role to play in making a positive impact on the environment, whether through personal lifestyle choices or collective action. It is our responsibility to protect our planet and ensure that it remains a place of beauty and sustenance for generations to come.

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FAQs on Essay on Earth

What is earth often referred to as.

Earth is often referred to as the Blue Planet due to the abundance of water covering over 70% of its surface.

What percentage of Earth's surface is covered by oceans?

Over 70% of Earth's surface is covered by oceans, making them a defining feature of our planet.

What are the key challenges Earth faces today?

Earth faces challenges such as environmental degradation, climate change, and the loss of biodiversity, primarily driven by human activities.

Why is combating climate change important for Earth's future?

Combating climate change is crucial because it addresses rising global temperatures, sea-level rise, extreme weather events, and their impact on ecosystems, communities, and the planet's habitability.

What is the significance of raising awareness about environmental issues?

Raising awareness is vital to educate people about environmental challenges and inspire action to protect and preserve Earth's delicate balance.

What is the essay of Earth?

An essay about Earth provides a comprehensive exploration of our planet, including its geography, ecosystems, significance, and the environmental challenges it faces.

What is a short paragraph about the Earth?

Earth, also known as the Blue Planet, is a remarkable celestial body in our solar system, distinguished by its diverse landscapes, life-sustaining ecosystems, and the pressing need for environmental conservation.

What is Earth short notes?

The Earth, our home in the vast expanse of the cosmos, is a planet of unparalleled beauty, complexity, and significance. As the third planet from the Sun in our solar system, it occupies a unique position that has allowed life to flourish in all its diversity.

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Essay on Save Earth for Students and Children

500+ words essay on save earth.

Earth and the resources of earth make life possible on it. If we were to imagine our lives without these resources, that would not be possible. As life cannot function without sunshine , air, vegetation , and water . However, this is soon going to be our reality if we do not save the earth now.

Essay on Save Earth

The resources earth provides us with are limited. They are blessings which we do not count. Human has become selfish and is utilizing the earth’s resources at a rapid rate. We need to protect them in order to protect our lives. This is so because man and all living organisms depend on the earth for their survival.

It is The Need of the Hour

To say that saving the earth is the need of the hour would be an understatement. All the activities of humans driven by greed and selfishness have caused immense damage to the earth. It is degraded it beyond repair. Almost all the natural resources are now polluted due to these activities.

When all these resources will be under threat, naturally lives of all living organisms will be under peril. This is why we need to save the earth at all costs. All the other issues are secondary and saving the earth is the main concern. For when the earth will not remain, the other issues will go away automatically.

Earth is the only planet which can sustain life on it. We do not have a planet B which we can move onto. This makes it all the more serious to save the earth and save our lives. If we do not take strict actions now, we will lose the chance of seeing our future generations flourish forever. Everyone must come together for the same causes, as we are inhabitants of this planet firstly and then anything else.

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How to Save Earth

As all human activities are impacting the lives of other organisms, humans only need to take steps to protect the earth and its resources. A little effort will go a long way on everyone’s end. Each action will make a difference. For instance, if one man decides to stop drinking bottled water, thousands of plastic can be saved from consuming.

essay on earth is our home for grade 9

Furthermore, we can start by planting more trees to make up for the deforestation that is happening these days at a rapid rate. When we plant more trees, ecological balance can be restored and we can improve the quality of life.

Similarly, we must stop wasting water. When done on individual levels, this will create a huge impact on conserving water. We must not pollute our water bodies by dumping waste in it. It is essential to save water most importantly as it is running out rapidly.

In short, the government and individuals must come together to save the earth. We can make people aware of the consequences of not saving the earth. They can be taught ways and how they can contribute to saving the earth. If all this collective effort starts happening, we can surely save our planet earth and make brighter earth.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why must we save the earth?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “We need to save earth right away as it is the only planet that can sustain life. Earth supports life forms which no other planet does. Moreover, all the resources are being used up rapidly so we need to save them before they all get used up.”} }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How can we save the earth?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”Everyone can take little steps to save the earth. We must not waste water and avoid the use of plastic. Moreover, we must plant more trees and encourage people to not pollute the environment.”} }] }

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How do essay writing services work?

In the modern world, any company is trying to modernize its services. And services for writing scientific papers are no exception. Therefore, now it is very easy to order work and does not take time:

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    500 Words Essay On Earth. The earth is the planet that we live on and it is the fifth-largest planet. It is positioned in third place from the Sun. This essay on earth will help you learn all about it in detail. Our earth is the only planet that can sustain humans and other living species. The vital substances such as air, water, and land make ...

  4. earth is our home essay please help short essay iam grade 9 plese help

    Earth, our planet, is our home. It is a nearly spherical planet with a diameter of about 13,000 kilometers. It is distinguished from other planets in our solar system by the large amount of liquid water that covers about two-thirds of its crust. Earth is unique as it is the only planet known to support life.

  5. The Earth Is Our Home

    Our home is our natural connection to the Earth. However, our modern lifestyle often disconnects us from Earth's natural elements. Many of us live in a world made of concrete—buildings, paved roads, parking lots and sidewalks—with minimal exposure to simple plants, flowers and trees. We rarely get to experience nature on a large scale ...

  6. Short Essay on Our Planet Earth [100, 200, 400 words] With PDF

    Short Essay on Our Planet Earth in 100 Words. Earth is a rare planet since it is the only one that can support life. On Earth, life is possible for various reasons, the most essential of which are the availability of water and the presence of oxygen. Earth is a member of the Solar System. The Earth, along with the other seven planets, orbits ...

  7. Essay on Earth For Students And Children

    Essay on Earth: The Earth is our home, a remarkable planet that has provided the perfect conditions for life to thrive. From the vast oceans to the towering mountains, our planet is a diverse and incredible place. However, it is also facing significant challenges, such as climate change and environmental degradation.

  8. write the essay about earth is our home

    Because of its water, Earth is home to millions of species of plants and animals. The things that live on Earth have changed its surface greatly. Earth and the other planets formed about 4.6 billion years ago. They were made of the leftover gas from the nebula that made the Sun. The Moon may have been formed after a collision between the early ...

  9. Essay on Save Earth for Students and Children

    It is The Need of the Hour. To say that saving the earth is the need of the hour would be an understatement. All the activities of humans driven by greed and selfishness have caused immense damage to the earth. It is degraded it beyond repair. Almost all the natural resources are now polluted due to these activities.

  10. The Earth Is Our Home

    The Earth is our home, but much of it is dirty and dying. By the year 2030, they say, 25 % of all animals, birds, fish and insects may be extinct. Every year man cuts down more trees to provide paper, wood, medicines, mineral fuel. But it's not only trees which are disappearing. Every rain-forest also contains millions of animals, insects and ...

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