Essay on Hostel Life with Quotations (Advantages and Disadvantages)

Best essay on hostel life with quotations for matric, f.a and b.a students.

In this essay on hostel life with quotations , we will discuss the advantages of hostel life and disadvantages of hostel life . Hostel life essay is here with appropriate quotes and students of 2nd year or FSC can prepare it especially. However, outstanding students of Class 10 can also learn it by heart. For more you can visit the category English Essays .

Complete “Hostel Life Essay” with Quotes for Students of Class 10, Class 12 (2nd Year, FSC) and Graduation

A hostel is a place where people live for a particular period of time. Generally, the students stay in a hostel when their residence is located far from the educational institution. A hostel has multiple facilities including a reading room, mess and specified place for sports and games.

Hostel life is one of the most influential phases in one’s life providing the students a chance to grow and rediscover the world. It makes one feel like a child ready to take his very first step; excited and frightened at the same time. it is a stage which changes the nervous caterpillar into an independent butterfly ready to spread its wings and explore the world.

Advantages of Hostel Life

“A comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there.”

Everyone has his own perceptions about the hostel life. Some people are hesitant to go away from their dear ones while others wait restlessly to find the place where they would be free from the restrictions and live in a world of their own rules. However, one welcomes the hostel life with dismay or excitement, eagerness or hesitancy, it surely provides the students a fantastic opportunity of independence, new experience and sense of responsibility.

“Maturity comes with experience, not age.” (Zia K. Abdelnour)

He comes face-to-face with the responsibilities which he has put on his parents for a long time. To leave the warmth of parent’s nest is a big step for a student but this moulds him into a careful and responsible person and he develops a practical view of life. He learns to manage his own finances and does his own chores. He becomes more thoughtful of his actions.

“We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.” (Bernard Shaw)

A hostel also provides an ideal opportunity for a student to study peacefully. A student gets far away from day-to-day interruptions and household responsibilities which often interfere with his studies. Thus, he gets a placid environment to focus on the thing that matters the most.

Thus, hostel comes as a blessing in disguise for such students. Hostel also provides a golden chance to meet new people, experience new cultures and grasp new views. The students of different habits and temperaments live together under one roof. They are able to promote better understanding. They learn a lesson of co-operation.

While experiencing hostel life one develops a sense of punctuality. There are fixed times in a hostel after which you can’t leave. Thus, a student in the hostel gets an experience of freedom within boundaries. He prepares a proper timetable for his daily affairs and performs his tasks according to the fixed schedule.

“We first make our habits and then our habits make us.” (John Dryden)

Disadvantages of Hostel Life

The other side of the picture also reveals some disadvantages of hostel life. Some irresponsible students misuse the authority and turn this golden chance into simply wastage of time. They fall into a pit of immorality. They adopt bad company and get into street crimes, drugs and gambling.

“If you hang out with chickens you are going to cluck and if you hang out with eagles, you’ re going to fly.”

Thus, they fail to realize that all that glitters is not gold. The sense of freedom blinds their eyes and they spoil their future with their own hands. So, in this way, they not only waste their time but also their parents’ money.

In the final analysis, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that a hostel provides a flourishing opportunity to those who really want to grow in life. A hostel might not deliver you delicious food but it will surely leave you with the sweetest memories. You might feet away from the comfort of home but friends are always there to lend you a shoulder. Moreover, the hostel is a home away from home. And by the time you leave, you know you are ready to enter the big world. We can say, the crux of the matter is that hostel life is undoubtedly best part 0f life but it requires one to utilize this phase of life reasonably and wisely.

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Life in a College Hostel Essay With Outline and Quotations

Essay on hostel life for matric,f.a, fsc, ba and bsc in 1000-2000 words.

Photo of Waqas Ali

Presented here is an essay discussing the experience of hostel life for students in various classes. The content can be used interchangeably for essays titled “Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life,” “Merits and Demerits of Hostel Life,” “Hostel Life of a Student,” “College Hostel Life,”Within this essay focusing on hostel life, we will explore the benefits and drawbacks through the inclusion of relevant quotations. The essay on hostel life is furnished with suitable quotes, making it particularly suitable for students in their Matric,F.A, FSc, BA and BSc.

Life in a College Hostel Essay Outline:


  • Common perception: College hostel life is perceived as free from restraints and students have independence.
  • Students have the freedom to make their own decisions and manage their lives.

Little Restraint in the Hostel:

  • Partial truth: Hostel life does offer a certain degree of freedom.
  • Some students utilize this freedom responsibly, while others act irresponsibly.

Advantages of Living in a Hostel: (a) Uninterrupted Work Environment:

  • Students can focus on their studies without external distractions.
  • No disturbances from family members or household chores.

(b) Collaborative Learning:

  • Difficult subjects and topics can be discussed and understood better with fellow students.
  • Peer discussions and group studies enhance understanding and knowledge.

(c) Development of Initiative:

  • Living independently in a hostel environment promotes self-reliance.
  • Students learn to take initiatives and manage their daily routines efficiently.

(d) Cultivating Self-Sufficiency:

  • Hostel life encourages students to become self-sufficient in various aspects of life.
  • They learn essential life skills like cooking, laundry, and managing finances.

Risks of Living in a Hostel: (a) Distance from Family:

  • Extended separation from family members can lead to feelings of isolation and homesickness.
  • Lack of emotional support and guidance from family may affect students’ well-being.

(b) Influence of Negative Company:

  • Hostels can expose students to a diverse range of individuals, some of whom may have undesirable habits or behaviors.
  • Falling into bad company can lead to the adoption of unhealthy habits and distractions from academic goals.

(c) Prevalence of Substance Abuse:

  • Drug addiction has unfortunately become a common problem within hostel environments.
  • Peer pressure and availability of substances can lead susceptible students astray.

(d) Political Activities:

  • In some cases, hostels may become breeding grounds for questionable political activities.
  • Unhealthy competition, conflicts, and disturbances may disrupt the overall atmosphere of the hostel.

Role of Authorities:

  • The authorities play a crucial role in ensuring a conducive environment for students’ academic and personal growth.
  • They should establish and enforce necessary rules and regulations to maintain discipline.
  • Regular monitoring, counseling support, and addressing grievances contribute to a positive hostel experience.


  • Living in a college hostel offers both advantages and risks.
  • Students must strike a balance between freedom and responsibility.
  • Authorities and students should work together to create an environment that promotes academic excellence, personal development, and overall well-being.

Life in a College Hostel Essay for Matric,F.A, FSC, 2nd Year, BA and BSC

Introduction :.

A college hostel is a place where students who attend a specific institute live together, away from their homes. It serves as shared accommodation for students from different parts of the world. Apart from providing a place to stay, hostels also take care of the students’ basic necessities. Living in a hostel helps students develop important qualities like punctuality, discipline, and sincerity. To maintain a smooth functioning of the hostel, students are required to adhere to certain rules. This includes following a set schedule for activities such as studying, playing, and relaxing.

Life in a College Hostel Essay

Now all this may make people think that hostel life is not very healthy for college students. A hostel provides the students greater facilities to study. They are free to do their own work unhampered by their younger brothers and sisters. A hostel resident will be able to discuss difficult topics with fellow inmates and can get to use more reference books. Hostel life helps in developing the initiative of our young men and women. Managing the mess, co-operating in the daily life of the hostel, they come out better able to manage their own affairs than students who live at home. They learn how to be efficient and self- sufficient.

Since every coin has two sides to it, hostel life has its risks as well; it has often been observed that those students who spend many years in hostels get alienated from their families. When they go back to their families at the end of their student life, they find it difficult to adjust. They do not feel strong emotional ties with their families, nor do they realise their problems. Thus for a long time, they live like strangers in their own houses. Besides, in the hostels, it is very easy to fall in bad company. Lack of restraint leads to an abuse of their freedom. They neglect their studies and allow entertainment and fashion to become the pivot of their existence. They fall prey to the bad habits of smoking, and drinking. Worse still, they get addicted to drugs, and begin sliding down the path of immorality very rapid rate. Sometimes hostels become dens of nefarious political activity. Immature and inexperienced as they are, students prove to be an easy material for exploitation. They fall into the hands of unscrupulous politicians and their careers are spoiled.

These pitfalls can be avoided provided the hostel authorities recognise their responsibilities. They should realize that in the absence of the parents, they are required to play the role of the parents of their students. They should not only be aware of the students’ problems, which they should try their best to solve, but also be easily accessible to them for all kinds of counselings. If they are able to give proper and timely career or psychological guidance to the students, they will be able to carve a rosy future for many of them.

Thus, we see that hostel life for college students can be good or bad. This depends on both the students and the hostel authorities. The authorities cannot put the students into a straitjacket and curtail their movements. Such a harsh step is just not possible. But they can definitely chalk out some kind of a broad code of conduct to guide the students. More than that, they can inculcate a sense of discipline and other moral values so that the students devise their own code of conduct. Self-discipline is always better than discipline imposed from outside. Students should be made to realise that their future depends upon how they behave during their stay in the hostel, and this realisation will transform them into a disciplined and responsible lot dedicated to noble ideas.

Advantages of Hostel Life

Life in a College Hostel Essay

Hostels typically provide reading rooms with a wide array of newspapers and magazines, enriching the residents’ knowledge. Common rooms serve as a gathering place for students, fostering social interaction and engagement in indoor games. Equipped with TV sets, these spaces facilitate relaxation and recreation. Hostels often organize annual contests and competitions, fostering a sense of camaraderie and healthy competition among the students.

“We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.” (Bernard Shaw)

One of the significant benefits of hostel life is the exposure to diverse cultures, traditions, and languages. Students from different regions come together, exchanging views and learning from one another. They develop empathy and support each other through the challenges of life. Hostel life also nurtures confidence and self-reliance, as students learn to manage their daily routines independently, taking responsibility for tasks such as making their beds, polishing their shoes, and managing their personal affairs.

Disadvantages of Hostel Life

However, it is important to acknowledge the disadvantages of hostel life as well. Some students may succumb to negative influences, indulging in wasteful activities like excessive film-watching, gambling, or drinking. This can lead to a decline in academic performance and a lack of focus on personal development. In some instances, conflicts may arise among students over trivial matters, forming cliques or resorting to violence. Additionally, the cost of hostel accommodation can be prohibitive for many parents, making it an unaffordable option.

“If you hang out with chickens you are going to cluck and if you hang out with eagles, you’ re going to fly.”

Despite these drawbacks, the educational value of hostel life cannot be disregarded. With proper guidance and support, students can maximize the advantages while mitigating the risks. Hostels offer a unique opportunity for personal growth, cultural exchange, and self-responsibility. By fostering an environment that promotes discipline, academic engagement, and a sense of community, the disadvantages can be minimized, and the benefits of hostel life can be fully realized.

Life in a College Hostel Essay Quotations

  • “A college hostel is a melting pot of diverse experiences, where friendships are forged, and memories are created.”
  • “Living in a college hostel gives you the freedom to discover yourself, embrace independence, and grow into the person you aspire to be.”
  • “The hostel life teaches you valuable life lessons, from time management to adaptability, preparing you for the challenges that lie ahead.”
  • “In a college hostel, you find a home away from home, where fellow students become your second family, offering support and companionship.”
  • “Hostel life is a blend of academic pursuits and personal growth, where you learn to strike a balance between studies and social interactions.”
  • “The hostel is not just a place to live; it’s a vibrant community that fosters intellectual discussions, cultural exchange, and lifelong friendships.”
  • “Hostel life molds you into a resilient and independent individual, equipping you with skills that go beyond textbooks and classrooms.”
  • “The hostel experience is a transformative journey, where you discover your strengths, overcome challenges, and emerge stronger and more self-assured.”
  • “Amidst the challenges and excitement of hostel life, you learn to appreciate the value of teamwork, cooperation, and understanding.”
  • “Living in a college hostel opens doors to endless opportunities for personal development, self-discovery, and creating lasting memories that will shape your future.”

Conclusion for Life in a College Hostel Essay

Residing in a college hostel provides students with a range of benefits and challenges. It grants them the opportunity to navigate the intricate equilibrium between independence and accountability. To establish an environment that cultivates academic brilliance, personal growth, and holistic well-being, effective collaboration between authorities and students is paramount.

the experience of living in a college hostel offers a distinctive combination of advantages and risks. It is through striking a delicate balance between freedom and responsibility that students can make the most of this experience. By fostering a collaborative partnership between authorities and students, an environment can be created that promotes academic excellence, personal development, and overall well-being, ensuring a rewarding and fulfilling journey for all.

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Photo of Waqas Ali

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Hostel Life is the Best Life

Hostel Life is the Best Life Essay

Hostel life is the best life (600 words) essay 1, outlines about hostel life is the best life, life in a college hostel may be difficult, but is enjoyable, differences between hostel life and lie at home, pleasures of hostel life fix study homes in the hostel, the best friends are made in the hostel, dangers of friendship in the hostel, hostel life teaches students how to live in co-operation with others.

“A college or university hostel is second home to the students with new members of the intellectual family.”

Life in a college hostel is easy as well as difficult. A student living in a hostel enjoys it. But sometimes he also faces some difficulties. First of all, hostel life is very different from life at home. A student in a hostel enjoys the friendship of other students. He can take advice from teachers. But he is away from the loving care of his parents. He cannot have their advice all the time.[the_ad id=”17141″]

A student learns in a hostel to live in an independent way. He depends on his parents at home even in small matters. But, in a hostel, he has to do a good many things himself. He has to take care of his clothes and shoes. He himself has to buy the things he needs. He has to pay the bills of the washer man, of the cafeteria and of the mess. He tries to live well within the money his parents send him.

A number of pleasures accompany the students living in a hostel. Often there is a common room where students can play different games like carom, table tennis, chess and ludo. They also have a radio, TV and CD (compact-disc) or DVD (digital video-disc) players. Students can arrange different interesting programmes of debating, games, tours to other cities and areas of the country, special dinners, music shows, etc. it is very heartening to find essay and poetry competitions arranged by students and teachers in different hostels.

Sometimes we come across (find by chance) wonderful plays staged in college hostels. A number of boys’ and girls’ colleges have dramatic clubs for this purpose. Some colleges arrange dramatic competitions between the regular students and the boarders, and the college administration takes a keen interest in them. There are fixed hours for studies and sleep in a hostel. Students may have to study for three or four hours every night. This makes them regular in their habits. Many famous leaders and professional men had stayed in hostels in their student life.

Very often a student makes the best of his friends in a hostel. There he has chances of understanding them closely. He stays with them day and night and can understand their habits, their likes and dislikes. He can, thus, make a proper selection of his friends. He can take their help in difficulty and can help them in turn. He can talk with them when he feels alone. He can also study and discuss his subjects with them. Thus, he does not feel lonely.[the_ad id=”17142″]

Friendship in a hostel has its dangers too. A student who develops a friendship with bad students can come to great harm. They can waste his time and misguide him. A student staying in a hostel has to be very careful about the choice of his friends and companions. Hostel life teaches a student how to live with others, outside his family or home. It can be a wonderful preparation for practical, independent life after studies.

Hostel Life is the Best Life with Quotational (1000 Words) Essay 2

The hostel is a building in which cheap food and lodging are provided for the students. who come from outside the city. Big colleges cannot be set up everywhere. It needs a lot of money to run them. So many students, who want to get a higher education, have to leave their homes. They go to the places where there are big colleges and every big college has a hostel. They have to apply for admission to the college hostel which is usually granted on merit. Anyhow, it is like a home for them. It is a world in itself. It has its deep impression and memories which remain alive till the last day of man’s life.

“Memory is the treasury and guardian of all things.” Cicero

It is said home is sweet, but life at home has no comparison to life in a hostel. Guests come and go constantly. One has to live with other members of the family. Often four, or five members share the single room. They go on talking and gossipings. There is thus constant disturbance. In fact, at home, there is no atmosphere for serious studies.[the_ad id=”17150″]

Hostel life is entirely different from the life at home. There is complete independence in a hostel. You may sleep whenever you like. You may get up late in the morning, but no one will question you. Apart from a few rules which everybody has to follow, one is his own master. There is complete freedom. Those who love freedom love hostel life.

Caged birds accept everything but the flight is what they long for.” Tennessee William

Advantages Hostel Life of Students

Love comforteth like sunshine after rain. Shakespeare

In a hostel, life is full of amusements. One is constantly in the company of one’s age fellows. One can make friend with anyone. Discussions of films and film stars, story-telling, singing, chatting, etc. add charm to hostel life. Indoor games, sports, Friday specials, eating competitions make hostel life so beautiful. Here a student comes in contact with other students. He acquires their good qualities. When a student sees others taking exercise, he also begins doing so. When one falls ill, the others nurse and look after him. Co-operation, sympathy, and love are the chief characteristics of hostel life.

We first make our habits and then our habits make us. Drydon

Hostel life gives practical training to a student in this mental, moral and spiritual development. Here the student is not under the close check of his parents. He has to perform his work with perfect independence. His habits become regular and his mind is disciplined. He has to obey the hostel rules at every cost. He is made to study during the study hours. He is not allowed to move outside after certain hours of the night. He learns the value of punctuality. He gets up early in the morning to say his prayers. Regularity in rising and sleeping keep him healthy and active.[the_ad id=”17144″]

In every hostel, there is a reading room. Many daily newspapers and magazines come here. The residents of the hostel can enrich their knowledge by means of this informative reading material. The common room has an attraction of its own. The students assemble in the evening and take part in various indoor games. Every common room is also equipped with a T.V. set. There are annual contests and competitions among the hostel students.

The moral development of a man can seldom begin till they are independent. Martineau

In the hostel, the students learn many things from one another. The students come to live in the hostel from various places of the country. Each student brings his own culture, tradition and language with him. The students exchange their views on different topics and thus learn many things from one another. They also share and sympathize with one another’s hardship and difficulties. Moreover, hostel life produces in the students a sense of confidence and self-help. The students have to live without the help of their parents. Every hostel student has to set the daily routine of life himself. He has to make his own bed, polish his own, shoes, press his clothes and manage his daily affairs of life.

Disadvantages Hostel Life of Students

“For all sad words of tongue or pen the saddest are these: It might have been” John Whittier

But this is one side of the picture. Hostel life has some drawbacks also. New students find a new atmosphere. The freedom of hostel leads them astray. They begin to smoke, gamble, and even to drink. Cinema-going becomes a routine. They choose evil-fellows as their companions. Parents send their wards to hostels for study, but they waste their time in merrymaking and enjoyment. They care little for the money they receive from their parents. They see the new film in the very first show. In this way, they forget their real aim. In later life, they have to repent for this folly.

They sometimes quarrel over little things. Parties and groups are formed among them. They heap weapons in their rooms and use them in their petty quarrels. Moreover, hostel life is also very expensive. Most of the parents cannot afford it. In spite of the disadvantages of hostel life, its educative value cannot be denounced.

The usefulness of a hostel depends upon its management. A badly managed hostel spoils its inmates. A well-managed hostel is a blessing for those who want to get a real education.

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A Backpacker's World

45 Hostel Life Quotes That Capture The Beauty Of Hostels

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Looking for some quotes about hostel life?

Then you’ve come to the right article as I’m a full-time traveller and I always stay in hostels.

Living in a hostel is such a unique experience, and you can never really know what it’s like until you stay in a hostel.

Whether you’re wondering what it’s like to stay in a hostel, or you’re looking for quotes to represent your stay in a hostel, I’ve got you covered.

These are some of my favourite hostel life quotes.

Hostel Life Quotes

There are lots of things to know about staying in a hostel , and these quotes perfectly summarise what it is like. Staying in a hostel is an amazing experience, and hopefully, you will agree with me that these quotes reflect that amazing experience.

There are so many benefits of solo travel , and staying in a hostel is definitely one of them, as it’s so easy to make friends. So without further ado, let’s get into some hostel life quotes.

1. Hostel life: where strangers become friends and every day is an adventure.

Hostel life: where strangers become friends and every day is an adventure.

2. In a hostel, you don’t just share a room; you share stories, laughter, and memories.

In a hostel, you don't just share a room; you share stories, laughter, and memories.

3. Sleep is optional, but fun is mandatory in hostel life!

Sleep is optional, but fun is mandatory in hostel life!

4. A hostel is not just a place to stay; it’s a community of like-minded wanderers.

A hostel is not just a place to stay; it's a community of like-minded wanderers.

This is one of my favourite quotes about staying in hostels. The people you meet in hostels is one of the best parts about hostels in my opinion. In fact, almost a fifth of people choose their hostel based on the social spaces alone.

5. Bunk beds and late-night talks – the perfect recipe for lifelong friendships.

Bunk beds and late-night talks – the perfect recipe for lifelong friendships.

6. Hostels teach you that comfort comes in the company of diverse souls.

Hostels teach you that comfort comes in the company of diverse souls.

7. Every hostel has a story, and you become a part of its novel with every night’s stay.

Every hostel has a story, and you become a part of its novel with every night's stay.

8. In hostels, you don’t just find a bed; you find a home away from home.

In hostels, you don't just find a bed; you find a home away from home.

9. A hostel is a passport to a world of shared experiences and everlasting connections.

A hostel is a passport to a world of shared experiences and everlasting connections.

10. Hostel life is the art of turning strangers into lifelong travel friends.

Hostel life is the art of turning strangers into lifelong travel friends.

One of the biggest perks of budget travelling is the people you meet. Staying in a hostel makes it so easy to make new friends. In fact, more than 70% of hostel guests are solo travellers looking to make new friends, so that’s how easy it is.

11. In hostels, you learn that every goodbye is just a ‘see you later’ in disguise.

In hostels, you learn that every goodbye is just a 'see you later' in disguise.

12. In hostels, you learn to sleep through snoring and wake up to shared dreams.

In hostels, you learn to sleep through snoring and wake up to shared dreams.

13. Hostel life: where the world’s cultures coexist in a symphony of languages.

Hostel life: where the world's cultures coexist in a symphony of languages.

14. Hostel living: where the best views are from the top bunk.

Hostel living: where the best views are from the top bunk

Even though the views from the top bunk are the best, I still prefer choosing the bottom bunk. It makes it so much easier to get in and out, and you can get things from your bag easier too.

15. Hostels: the birthplace of ‘remember that one time…’ stories.

"Hostels: the birthplace of 'remember that one time...' stories." is a great hostel life quote.

16. Life in a hostel is a continuous exchange of experiences and perspectives.

Life in a hostel is a continuous exchange of experiences and perspectives.

17. In hostels, every night is a slumber party with friends from around the globe.

In hostels, every night is a slumber party with friends from around the globe.

18. In hostels, the Wi-Fi may be weak, but the connection with fellow travelers is strong.

In hostels, the Wi-Fi may be weak, but the connection with fellow travelers is strong.

19. In a hostel, you’re never alone; you’re just waiting for your next friend to arrive.

In a hostel, you're never alone; you're just waiting for your next friend to arrive.

20. Hostel doors may creak, but they always open to new adventures and smiling faces.

Hostel doors may creak, but they always open to new adventures and smiling faces.

21. A hostel is not a place; it’s a state of mind – open, adventurous, and full of possibilities.

A hostel is not a place; it's a state of mind – open, adventurous, and full of possibilities.

22. Hostel life is a classroom where you learn the language of global friendship.

Hostel life is a classroom where you learn the language of global friendship.

23. The best stories are born in hostels, where every bunk has a tale to tell.

The best stories are born in hostels, where every bunk has a tale to tell.

24. In a hostel, you may arrive alone, but you’ll leave with a backpack full of memories.

In a hostel, you may arrive alone, but you'll leave with a backpack full of memories.

25. Hostels: because the best things in life aren’t things; they’re shared experiences.

Hostels: because the best things in life aren't things; they're shared experiences.

26. Backpackers don’t count sheep; they count the incredible stories from the day’s adventures.

Backpackers don't count sheep; they count the incredible stories from the day's adventures.

27. Hostel life is the gateway to a world where borders exist only on maps.

Hostel life is the gateway to a world where borders exist only on maps.

28. A hostel is a symphony of accents, laughter, and the rustle of backpacks.

A hostel is a symphony of accents, laughter, and the rustle of backpacks.

29. The communal kitchen is the heart of a hostel – where recipes are shared and friendships are started.

The communal kitchen is the heart of a hostel – where recipes are shared and friendships are started.

30. Hostels remind you that the world is small and beautiful, just like the bunk beds.

Hostels remind you that the world is small and beautiful, just like the bunk beds.

70% of hostels worldwide use commercial bunk beds which means they’re small, metal, uncomfortable and loud. But that’s part of the experience of staying in a hostel, right?!

31. In hostels, you don’t collect souvenirs; you collect memories that last a lifetime.

In hostels, you don't collect souvenirs; you collect memories that last a lifetime.

32. Hostel common rooms: where every seat is a front-row ticket to the theatre of world adventures.

Hostel common rooms: where every seat is a front-row ticket to the theatre of world adventures.

33. The best kind of souvenirs are the friendships you make in hostel common rooms.

The best kind of souvenirs are the friendships you make in hostel common rooms.

34. Hostel life: where plans are written in pencil, and spontaneity holds the eraser.

Hostel life: where plans are written in pencil, and spontaneity holds the eraser.

35. Hostel life: where you go to bed with strangers and wake up with friends.

Hostel life: where you go to bed with strangers and wake up with friends.

36. Hostel life teaches you that happiness multiplies when shared with fellow travellers.

Hostel life teaches you that happiness multiplies when shared with fellow travellers.

37. In the hostel bathroom, soap becomes a storyteller, narrating the adventures of the day in bubbles.

In the hostel bathroom, soap becomes a storyteller, narrating the adventures of the day in bubbles.

38. In hostels, the warmth of the staff is the secret ingredient that transforms a place into a home.

In hostels, the warmth of the staff is the secret ingredient that transforms a place into a home.

39. Hostel events are not just gatherings; they’re the heartbeat of a vibrant community of global wanderers.

Hostel events are not just gatherings; they're the heartbeat of a vibrant community of global wanderers.

40. In hostels, your roommates aren’t just people; they’re co-authors of your travel story.

In hostels, your roommates aren't just people; they're co-authors of your travel story.

42. A great hostel is not defined by its walls but by the heartbeats of its guests echoing through its corridors.

A great hostel is not defined by its walls but by the heartbeats of its guests echoing through its corridors.

43. In the common area, maps on the wall are more than decorations; they’re inspiration boards for future travels.

In the common area, maps on the wall are more than decorations; they're inspiration boards for future travels.

44. In hostels, people come and go like waves, each leaving a ripple of memories on the shores of transient friendships.

hostel life essay with quotations for 2nd year

45. Hostel groups: turning strangers into a temporary family, sharing laughter and creating lasting memories.

Hostel groups: turning strangers into a temporary family, sharing laughter and creating lasting memories.

Hostel Quotes: FAQ

Below are some questions related to hostel life quotes along with my answers to each question.

A good quote for hostels is “Hostel life: where strangers become friends and every day is an adventure.” Staying in a hostel is about more than just finding somewhere to sleep for cheap, it’s about meeting new people and making new friends.

“In hostels, you learn that every goodbye is just a ‘see you later’ in disguise” is a good quote about leaving a hostel.

The quote “A hostel is not just a place to stay; it’s a community of like-minded wanderers” perfectly describes what it’s like to stay in a hostel because it’s more than just a bed to sleep on, it’s about so much more than that.

Quotes About Hostels: Conclusion

And there you have it, a complete list of the best hostel life quotes.

Staying in a hostel is an experience which is hard to describe to people who haven’t stayed in a hostel, so using these quotes is a good way to summarise your experiences.

My personal favourite is: “A hostel is not just a place to stay; it’s a community of like-minded wanderers.” Because this is so true- it’s more than just a bed at night.

Since you like staying in hostels, you might like to save even more money on accommodation by using Couchsurfing, or one of its alternatives .

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Josh Band is the founder of A Backpacker's World. He is a full-time traveller currently on a mission to visit every country in the world. As a full-time traveller, Josh knows exactly how to make the most of any trip and shares these tips with his readers. Josh mostly travels as a backpacker on a budget, so he is also an expert when it comes to getting the most of your money while travelling.

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Hostel Life - Complete English Essay with Outlines & Quotes

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"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be feit with the heart." _ Helen Keller
"Being considerate of others will take you further in life than a college degree."
"Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow."
"We first make our habits and then our habits make us."
“Always look at life in a positive way, for we all act according to our perception.”
“Caged birds accept everything, But flight is what they long for.”
“The only thing that will redeem mankind is cooperation.” - Bertrand Russe
“Use what talents you possess. The woods would be very silent if no birds sang there, except those that sang best.” - Henry Van Dyke

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  4. 45 Hostel Life Quotes That Capture The Beauty Of Hostels

    1. Hostel life: where strangers become friends and every day is an adventure. 2. In a hostel, you don't just share a room; you share stories, laughter, and memories. 3. Sleep is optional, but fun is mandatory in hostel life! 4. A hostel is not just a place to stay; it's a community of like-minded wanderers. 5.

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