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  • What is Paraphrasing? An Overview With Examples
  • Learn English
  • James Prior
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  • Updated February 23, 2024

What is paraphrasing? Or should I say what is the definition of paraphrasing? If you want to restate something using different words whilst retaining the same meaning, this is paraphrasing.

In this article, we cover what paraphrasing is, why it’s important, and when you should do it. Plus, some benefits and examples.


Table of Contents

Paraphrase Definition: What is Paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing is when you restate the information from a source using your own words while maintaining the original meaning. It involves expressing the ideas in a different way, often to clarify or simplify the content, without directly quoting the source.

When you paraphrase, you are not only borrowing, clarifying, or expanding on the information but also ensuring that you do all of these actions without plagiarizing the original content. It’s therefore definitely worth learning how to paraphrase if you want to improve your writing skills.

Why is Paraphrasing Important?

Paraphrasing is a valuable skill that allows you to convey information in your unique writing style while still giving credit to someone else’s ideas. It’s important for several reasons, and it serves various functions in both academic and professional writing.

Here are some key reasons why you should paraphrase:

  • Paraphrasing allows you to present information from sources in your own words, reducing the risk of plagiarism. Proper in-text citation is still necessary, but paraphrasing demonstrates your understanding and interpretation of the material.
  • When you paraphrase, you are required to comprehend the original content fully. You actively engage with the information, helping you better understand complex concepts and ideas. This process of restating the information in your own words showcases your understanding of the subject matter.
  • By paraphrasing, you can clarify complex ideas or technical language and convey information in a clearer, shorter, and simpler form. This makes it more accessible to your audience and ensures they grasp the key points. This is particularly important when communicating with readers who may not be familiar with specialized terminology.
  • Paraphrasing is valuable when synthesizing information from various sources. It enables you to blend ideas cohesively while maintaining a consistent writing style throughout your work.
  • Paraphrasing allows you to inject your unique writing style and voice into the content. It helps you present information in a way that is more aligned with your personal expression and perspective.
  • In certain situations where you need to meet specific length requirements for assignments or publications, paraphrasing allows you to convey information more concisely while still preserving the essential meaning.
  • Paraphrasing helps maintain a smooth flow and cohesiveness in your writing. It allows you to integrate information seamlessly, avoiding abrupt shifts between your own ideas and those from external sources.
  • Depending on your audience, you may need to adapt the language and level of technicality of the information you present. Paraphrasing allows you to tailor the content to suit the needs of your specific readership.

Incorporating paraphrasing into your writing not only showcases your understanding of the material but also enhances the overall quality and originality of your work.

When Should You Paraphrase?

Knowing when to paraphrase is an important skill, especially in academic writing and professional communication. Here are some situations in which you should consider paraphrasing:

  • To Avoid Plagiarism:  Whenever you want to incorporate information from source material into your own work, but don’t want to use a direct quotation, paraphrasing is necessary to present the ideas in your own words while still acknowledging the original source.
  • To Express Understanding:  Paraphrasing demonstrates your understanding of a topic by rephrasing the information in a way that shows you have processed and comprehended the material.
  • To Simplify Complex Information:  If you encounter complex or technical language that may be difficult for your audience to understand, paraphrasing can help you clarify and simplify the information to make it more accessible and digestible.
  • To Integrate Multiple Sources:  When synthesizing information from multiple sources, paraphrasing allows you to blend the ideas cohesively while maintaining your own voice and perspective.
  • To Maintain Consistency in Writing Style:  In academic writing or professional writing, paraphrasing can help you maintain a consistent writing style throughout your work. This helps to ensure that all sections flow smoothly and are coherent.
  • To Meet Specific Requirements:  Some assignments or publications may have specific requirements. This could relate to the number of words or concern the use of direct quotations. In such cases, paraphrasing allows you to meet these requirements while still incorporating relevant information from your sources.

What Are the Benefits of Paraphrasing?

Rewriting information in a clearer, shorter, and simpler form is called paraphrasing, so one of the benefits of paraphrasing is already clear! However, it can also be a useful exercise for other reasons, which are outlined below:

Avoiding Plagiarism

One of the main benefits of paraphrasing is mastering the ability to present information from external sources in a way that is entirely your own. By restructuring the content and expressing it using your words, you create a distinct piece of writing that reflects your comprehension and interpretation of the original material. This not only showcases your academic or professional integrity but also safeguards against unintentional plagiarism.

Paraphrasing is a fundamental skill in academic and professional settings, where originality and proper attribution are highly valued. This is especially true when it comes to writing research papers, where you’ll often need to reference someone else’s ideas with appropriate citations.

When you paraphrase effectively, you communicate to your audience that you respect the intellectual property of others while contributing your unique insights. This ethical approach to information usage enhances your credibility as a writer or researcher and reinforces the integrity of your work.

Enhancing Understanding

When you engage in paraphrasing, you actively participate in the material you are working with. You are forced to consider the ideas presented in the source material. You need to discern the essential concepts, identify key phrases, and decide how best to convey the message in a way that resonates with you.

This active engagement not only aids in understanding the content but also encourages critical thinking as you evaluate and interpret the information from your own standpoint.

By expressing someone else’s ideas in your own words, you deepen your understanding of the content. This process requires you to dissect the original text, grasp its nuances, and then reconstruct it using your language and perspective. In this way, you go beyond mere memorization and truly internalize the information, fostering a more profound comprehension of the subject matter.

Tailoring Information for Your Audience

Paraphrasing empowers you to adapt the language and complexity of the information to suit the needs and understanding of your audience. As you rephrase the content, you have the flexibility to adjust the level of technicality, simplify complex terminology, or tailor the tone to make the information more accessible to your specific readership.

Consider your audience’s background, knowledge level, and interests. Paraphrasing allows you to bridge the gap between the original content and the understanding of your intended audience.

Whether you are communicating with experts in a particular field or a general audience, the ability to paraphrase ensures that the information is conveyed in a way that resonates with and is comprehensible to your readers. This skill not only facilitates effective communication but also demonstrates your awareness of the diverse needs of your audience.

Improves Writing Skills

Paraphrasing helps in the development and refinement of your writing skills. When you actively engage in the process of rephrasing someone else’s ideas, you hone your ability to express concepts in a clear, concise, and coherent manner.

This practice refines your language proficiency, encouraging you to explore different types of sentence structure, experiment with vocabulary, and ultimately develop a more sophisticated and nuanced writing style.

As you paraphrase, you gain a heightened awareness of grammar, syntax, and word choice. This translates into improved writing, helping you construct well-articulated sentences and paragraphs. Moreover, paraphrasing allows you to experiment with different writing tones and adapt your style to suit the context or purpose of your writing, fostering versatility and adaptability in your expression.

Saves Time and Energy

Paraphrasing can significantly reduce the time and energy spent on the writing process. Rather than grappling with the challenge of integrating lengthy direct quotations or struggling to find the perfect synonym, paraphrasing allows you to distill and convey information in a more streamlined way.

This becomes particularly advantageous when faced with strict deadlines. By mastering paraphrasing, you empower yourself to produce well-crafted, original content in a shorter timeframe, allowing you to meet deadlines without compromising the quality of your work.

Examples of Paraphrasing

Here are some examples of paraphrasing:

  • Original:  “The advancements in technology have revolutionized the way we communicate with each other.”
  • Paraphrased:  “Technological progress has transformed how we interact and communicate with one another.”
  • Original:  “Deforestation poses a significant threat to global ecosystems and biodiversity.”
  • Paraphrased:  “The impact of deforestation represents a substantial danger to ecosystems and the diversity of life on a global scale.”
  • Original:  “Effective time management is essential for achieving productivity in both professional and personal spheres.”
  • Paraphrased:  “Efficient management of time is crucial for attaining productivity in both professional and personal aspects of life.”
  • Original:  “The restaurant offers a diverse selection of culinary choices, ranging from traditional dishes to modern fusion cuisine.”
  • Paraphrased:  “The restaurant provides a variety of food options, including both traditional and modern fusion dishes.”
  • Original:  “The novel explores the complexities of human relationships in a rapidly changing society.”
  • Paraphrased:  “The book delves into the challenges of human connections in a fast-changing world.”
  • Original:  “Regular exercise is crucial for maintaining optimal physical health and preventing various health issues.”
  • Paraphrased:  “Exercising regularly is important for keeping your body healthy and avoiding health problems.”

In these examples, you can observe the use of different wording, sentence structure, and synonyms while preserving the core meaning of the original sentences. This is the essence of paraphrasing.

What Are the Differences Between Paraphrasing, Quoting, and Summarizing?

So, we’ve established that successful paraphrasing is a way of rewriting someone else’s words whilst retaining their meaning and still giving credit to the original author’s ideas. But how is this different from quoting and summarizing?

While paraphrasing, quoting, and summarizing are all ways of incorporating information from source material into your own writing, there are key differences between them:


  • Definition:  Paraphrasing involves rephrasing someone else’s ideas or information in your own words while retaining the original meaning.
  • Usage:  You use paraphrasing when you want to present the information in a way that suits your writing style or when you need to clarify complex ideas.
  • Example:  Original: “The study found a significant correlation between sleep deprivation and decreased cognitive performance.” Paraphrased: “The research indicated a notable link between lack of sleep and a decline in cognitive function.”
  • Definition:  Quoting involves directly using the exact words from a source and enclosing them in quotation marks.
  • Usage:  You use quoting when the original wording is essential, either because of its precision or uniqueness, or when you want to highlight a specific phrase or concept.
  • Example:  Original: “The author argues, ‘In the absence of clear guidelines, individual judgment becomes paramount in decision-making.'”

The use of quotation marks is vital when quoting.


  • Definition:  Summarizing involves condensing the main ideas of a source or original passage in your own words, focusing on the most crucial points.
  • Usage:  You use summarizing when you need to provide a concise overview of a longer piece of text or when you want to capture the key points without including all the details.
  • Example:  Original: A lengthy article discussing various factors influencing climate change. Summary: “The article outlines key factors contributing to climate change, including human activities and natural processes.”

In summary, paraphrasing is about expressing someone else’s ideas in your own words, quoting involves directly using the original words, and summarizing is about condensing the main points of a source.

Each technique serves different purposes in writing and should be used based on your specific goals and the nature of the information you are incorporating. If you want to level up your writing skills you need to be able to do all three of these.

Conclusion (In Our Own Words)

Paraphrasing is a valuable skill with numerous benefits. It helps you understand complex ideas, refine your writing style, and demonstrate ethical information use. It also allows you to tailor information for different audiences and can save time in academic and professional writing.

So, if you want to incorporate information from external sources into your writing in a way that is clear, concise, and respectful of the original author’s work, it’s worth mastering the art of paraphrasing.

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Paraphrasing Explained: Definition, Techniques, and Examples for Effective Writing

Manvi Agarwal

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While researching for your article or essay, you might have encountered a sentence or a paragraph that's so intriguing that you thought you must include it in your content! But you can't use those exact words, right?

Well, paraphrasing is the way to do that. However, the idea is not to steal someone's content but to capitalize on it by drafting a much better version while adding your input and research.

You can always have your own piece written and make it more intuitive to your audience while using the original one as a reference.

'It's easier said than done'

'Although the idea sounds like a good one in theory, it will still be difficult to actually execute it.'

Both the above sentences have similar meanings, but they appear different. That's a classic example of paraphrasing.

But how do you paraphrase while keeping the essence of the original sentence intact and still not plagiarising?

That calls for some tips and tricks! And here, we have got you covered.

Additionally, in this blog, we will explain what is paraphrasing, why you might need to paraphrase, and the difference between paraphrasing and summarizing.

Let's dive in.

What is paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing is the process of restructuring or tweaking a sentence so that it represents the same meaning or idea from the original statement but with different sentence construction, choice of words, formats, or, possibly, tone or voice.

It means making the meaning clearer, especially in a shorter and simpler form, along with your thoughts/comments. In addition to borrowing, clarifying, or expanding on information and your comments, paraphrasing is doing all the above-stated actions without plagiarizing the information.

Why do people paraphrase?

There are several reasons why people paraphrase. Following are some of the reasons for paraphrasing.

  • Paraphrasing helps avoid plagiarism.
  • It also provides support for claims or adds credibility to the writing.
  • It demonstrates your understanding and provides an alternative method to using indirect and direct quotes in your own words (referenced) infrequently.
  • Paraphrasing in academic research helps utilize source material for writing essays, providing evidence that the essay is appropriately referenced.
  • Paraphrasing in writing helps you ensure that you use sources to communicate something important to your readers.

What is paraphrasing plagiarism?

Plagiarism is stealing someone else’s ideas without acknowledgment. Plagiarism can come in several forms: global, verbatim, patchwork, paraphrase, and self-plagiarism. However, apart from global plagiarism, other types of plagiarism are often accidental.

Although paraphrasing is accepted , rephrasing sentences or paraphrasing someone else’s idea without citing or acknowledgment is considered paraphrasing plagiarism. Even when translating someone else’s words, if the translated text from another language is not cited, this is also a type of paraphrasing plagiarism.

How to paraphrase?

When it comes to paraphrasing, you can either do it manually or use an AI-powered tool like Writesonic to rephrase your content. While we will guide you through both processes, here is how to paraphrase with Writesonic Content Rephrase v2.

Check out the steps below:

  • Log in to Writesonic or sign up (if you haven't already done so!).
  • Search for Content Rephrase and select Content Rephrase v2 from the result.

identify the benefits of paraphrasing

  • On the Content Rephrase v2 window, put the text in the Content box.
  • Select the Words Length from the drop-down for the rephrased content.
  • Select your Brand Voice / Tone of Voice from the list.
  • Finally, hit the Generate button.

If you want, you can also paraphrase manually without using any tool.  Here is a guide on different techniques to paraphrase effectively,

What is the difference between summarizing and paraphrasing?

Summarizing is a concise statement that briefs the contents of the passage, whereas paraphrasing is when you rewrite sentences using your own words. There is more than one difference between summarizing and paraphrasing.

Refer to the following comparison chart to learn the differences between summarizing and paraphrasing, besides their definition.

Top 5 tips and tricks to follow while paraphrasing

Following are 5 digestible paraphrasing tips you can incorporate when paraphrasing your sentences.

Identify the important parts

Since paraphrasing demonstrates your understanding of the original material, it is important to understand its meaning. To do so, read and re-read the original content until you understand the idea enough to explain it in your own words.

Once you get the original source's concept, reduce it to the key concepts or points and not focus on the sentence structures. Another way to rewrite or reword the source without losing your key points is by using a paraphrasing tool .

Change up the words

While noting down the concepts or key points, change up the words by using synonyms. But if you face writer's block and can’t find the right words, which can make your content incompetent, make use of rewording tools .

AI rewording tools can come up with synonyms, organize your phrases, and enhance your sentence structure. Moreover, an AI wording tool ensures the content is unique, original, and plagiarism-free.

Make sure meaning is preserved

Although paraphrasing requires rewording and changing the words, ensure that the same meaning must be maintained along with the ideas. In addition to that, keep your word choices lucid and simple to convey the relevant information from the source without sticking too close to the original source.

One way to keep your writing consistent when paraphrasing is by using paraphrasing tools . The AI tool can alter the sentence structure while maintaining the original meaning.

Double-check for grammar and punctuation

When paraphrasing, ensure to double-check and compare them with the original passage. Make adjustments to ensure it’s completely rewritten and that the grammar and punctuation are on point.

Double-checking your work for grammar and punctuation by reviewing it more than once improves the quality of your work. Paragraph rewriters use AI for paraphrasing, which can tweak the tonality and narrative, ensure a grammar check, and make the content concise and conceivable.

Use an online paraphrasing tool like Writesonic

As stated previously in the article, using a paraphrasing tool is the fastest and fool-proof way to paraphrase your sources without plagiarizing them. One such creative AI writing tool that assists you with paraphrasing is Writesonic .

Writersonic is trained on billions of parameters. It refines the grammar, spelling, and style to generate original, paraphrased content. In addition to that, Writersonic generates unique and plagiarism-free content that resonates with the target audience with just one click.

With AI chatbots like ChatGPT by Open AI and ChatSonic by Writesonic taking away all the limelight in 2023, they can also be used effectively for paraphrasing text.

Different strategies for paraphrasing

Even though there are AI paraphrasing tools to make the work easier, the following are different strategies you can use to paraphrase your sentence.

Understanding the main ideas

One of the strategies for successful paraphrasing is understanding the source's main idea and writing style. When you understand the idea behind the sentence, it becomes easier to explain in your own words.

After taking note of the important nouns and verbs, see which synonyms might be appropriate to replace. You can use a synonym that expresses the same meaning for the key concepts or points in the original sentence.

Making connections

When you use synonyms, it is given that the structure may also need a little changing. So, instead of just swapping a single word, make appropriate changes around the words to make sense of the sentence. Here, your paraphrasing skills come into play.

Here is an example of paraphrasing: “ According to scientists, there is another method to achieve a pollution-free environment.”

The paraphrased content would say something like - “Scientists found an alternate way to attain a pollution-free environment.”

In the above sentence, the adjective ‘according to’ is swapped with the verb ‘found’ along with other necessary changes. These changes are made to maintain a harmonious connection between the words and to make the sentence sensible while retaining its meaning and avoiding plagiarism.

Focusing on syntax

The syntax is the arrangement of words in a specific order written in well-formed phrases or sentences. While paraphrasing is about restating or rewording, ensure to focus on the well-structured and grammatically correct sentences by making appropriate connections or paraphrases.

Benefits of paraphrasing

Paraphrasing has some benefits that you can reap in aspects of your writing skills and learning abilities.

Improves writing skills

As discovered, paraphrasing requires you to paraphrase the passages in your own words, which may help refurbish your writing skills. Rewriting or paraphrasing is a favorable writing skill in writing essays or research papers.

Paraphrasing allows you to express ideas or information in a refreshing and simple manner. It provides an opportunity to enhance your writing skills and stop plagiarizing someone else’s work. This includes rewriting and expressing the ideas in your own voice.

Increases comprehension

Comprehension is understanding the written material and explaining what is read. As stated previously, paraphrasing demonstrates your understanding of the complex details from the source and your ability to explain the connections between main points.

Moreover, it was found that paraphrasing for comprehension is an excellent tool for reinforcing reading skills. It can assist by identifying the main ideas, finding supporting details, and identifying the original author's voice.

So when you rewrite the sentence in your own words, you can double-check your comprehension. This helps improve your awareness and allows you to gain a better understanding of the content, and allows you to write better.

Enhances understanding

To paraphrase words or phrases, you must extract their meaning by reading the material again and again and fully understanding the context. This allows the reader to understand the original statement more clearly by adding more clarity to it. So, when you paraphrase the original phrase, you articulate your thoughts and ideas more clearly and come up with new insights and perspectives on the topic.

Saves time & energy

Creating content from scratch is difficult and requires much time and energy. It requires you to do proper research, which is both time and energy-consuming.

An easy solution to the painstaking process is paraphrasing your sentence with appropriate citations. This will allow you to create the content without spending much time on research and ideation, saving much of your time and energy.

Helps avoid plagiarism

Among all the benefits, the most favorable benefit of paraphrasing is that it helps you avoid the accusation of plagiarism. You are simply committing plagiarism (an offense as stated by the federal government) when you use the same idea and speech from the original text, word by word.

However, by rewording the original source, you can present the ideas in your own words and easily avoid plagiarism. What’s more, paraphrasing can save you in both accidental and deliberate cases of plagiarism.

Paraphrasing examples

Now that we have known all about paraphrasing, its reasons for use, and its benefits, let’s look at some examples of paraphrasing and how exactly you can paraphrase.

#1 Example of Paraphrasing

#2 example of paraphrasing, final words.

Once you grasp the concept of paraphrasing, it can be a powerful tool for writers. It provides several benefits in aspects of writing and learning skills. The correct way and right use of paraphrasing can protect writers from accusations of plagiarism.

However, note that successful and correct paraphrasing requires the use of multiple techniques each time. So, it is not sufficient to simply replace the keywords or the main concepts with synonyms.

One of the easiest ways to reword the original source is by using an AI writing tool. Writersonic is a well-known AI paraphrasing tool that can refine grammar, spelling, and style to generate original plagiarism-free AI content .

Manvi Agarwal

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How to paraphrase (including examples)

Jessica Malnik

Jessica Malnik

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Paraphrasing has gotten a bad reputation due to its association with plagiarism . However, when used correctly, paraphrasing has the potential to elevate your writing and give you a better understanding of the research.

In this post, we’ll discuss what paraphrasing is, why we do it, and 6 steps to walk you through the process. We’ll also share what not to do with paraphrasing, along with some examples.

Paraphrasing definition and rules

Paraphrasing is simply a way of summarizing someone else’s content in your own words. When you paraphrase, you keep the meaning or intent of the original work without copying it word for word. However, paraphrasing can quickly become a form of plagiarism if done incorrectly. This is why it’s crucial to follow the rules of paraphrasing.

When borrowing the ideas from someone else’s content, there’s one important rule to follow: you must correctly cite your source. This can be done in a number of ways depending on the style guide you use. 

Source citing is different for MLA and APA formatting and style guides. You’ll need to familiarize yourself with the citation formats for whichever one you follow. However, in some cases, simply hyperlinking the source will be sufficient.

Why do we paraphrase?

There are a number of reasons that professional writers and students alike choose to paraphrase content. Here are just a few of the common reasons that a writer would choose to paraphrase instead of including a quote or summarization.

Process information better 

One benefit of paraphrasing is that it helps you process the author’s ideas. When you have to rewrite the material in your own words, it makes you really think about the context and how it fits into your piece. If you want to really understand the material you’re citing, try rewriting it. If you were to quote the same information, you would miss out on the benefit of analyzing the source material.

For example, if you are writing a research paper all about Shakespeare’s influence on modern-day literature, you don’t want to just use a ton of direct quotes, instead by paraphrasing original passages, it can help you comprehend and analyze the material better.  

Improve your credibility with readers

You can also improve your credibility by association with the sources you decide to paraphrase. 

When you rewrite the material, you create a connection between your content and the knowledge from the source. 

Your audience will have a better understanding of the direction of your piece if you’re paraphrasing a reputable source with established authority on the subject.

Present data in an interesting way

If you’re referencing a data-heavy webpage or study, then paraphrasing is an engaging way to present the information in your own writing style. 

This allows you to tell a story with the source material instead of simply citing numbers or graphs.

Show that you understand the source

Another reason for paraphrasing that’s particularly important in academic writing is to demonstrate that you’ve read and comprehended the source material. 

For example, if all of you are doing is copying and pasting the original words of a textbook, you aren’t really learning anything new. When you summarize the material in your own words, it helps you to understand the material faster.  

How to paraphrase in 6 steps

Paraphrasing is simple when you break it down into a series of steps. 

Here are the 6 steps you can use to paraphrase your sources:

1. Choose a reputable source

First, you need to pick a credible source to paraphrase. A credible source will likely have ideas and concepts that are worth repeating. Be sure to research the author’s name and publisher’s credentials and endorsements (if applicable).

You’ll also want to check the date of the publication as well to make sure it’s current enough to include in your writing.

identify the benefits of paraphrasing

2. Read and re-read the source material

You want to be sure that you understand the context and information in the original source before you can begin to rework it into your own words. Read through it as many times as you need so you’re sure that you grasp the meaning.

3. Take some notes 

Once you have an understanding of the passage, you’ll want to jot down your initial thoughts. 

What are the key concepts in the source material? 

What are the most interesting parts? 

For this part, it helps to break up the content into different sections. This step will give you a sort of mini-outline before you proceed with rephrasing the material.

4. Write a rough draft

Write your version of the content without looking at the original source material. This part is important. 

With the source hidden, you’ll be less likely to pull phrasing and structure from the original. You are welcome to reference your notes, though. This will help you write the content in your own words without leaning on the source but still hit the key points you want to cover.

5. Compare and revise

Once you have your initial draft written, you should look at it side by side with the original source. Adjust as needed to ensure your version is written in a way that’s unique to your voice. 

This is a good time to break out a thesaurus if you notice you have used too many of the same words as the original source.

6. Cite your source

Whether you use MLA, APA, Chicago, or another style guide, now is the time to give proper credit to the original author or source. When posting content online, you may only need to hyperlink to the original source.

Keep in mind that the paraphrased text will not change depending on the citation style that you follow. It will just change how it’s cited.

What you shouldn’t do when paraphrasing

Now that you understand the process of paraphrasing and can follow the steps, it’s important that you know what to avoid. When paraphrasing, here are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Do NOT write while you’re still researching

You might be tempted to start writing during the research phase. However, this sets you up to miss information or restate the copy too closely to the source material. Be sure to do your research first, take notes, and then start writing the piece.

2. Do NOT skip the citations

When you pull a small amount of information from a paraphrased source, you may think you don’t need to cite it. However, any idea or copy that’s taken from another source is considered plagiarism if you don’t give it credit, even if it is only a little bit of information.

Paraphrasing examples

Here are some examples to help you understand what paraphrasing looks like when done correctly and incorrectly

Excerpt from LinkedIn’s Official Blog:

“When reaching out to connect with someone, share a personalized message telling the person why you would like to connect. If it’s someone you haven’t been in touch with in a while, mention a detail to jog that person’s memory for how you met, reinforce a mutual interest and kickstart a conversation.”

Here’s another example. This one is from the U.S. Department of Education:

“ The U.S. Department of Education does not accredit educational institutions and/or programs. However, the Department provides oversight over the postsecondary accreditation system through its review of all federally-recognized accrediting agencies. The Department holds accrediting agencies accountable by ensuring that they enforce their accreditation standards effectively. ”

Here’s one more example to show you how to paraphrase using a quote from Mark Twain as the source material:

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.”

Paraphrasing can be a beneficial tool for any writer. It can give you credibility and a deeper understanding of the topic. However, to successfully use paraphrasing, you must be careful to properly cite your sources and effectively put the material into your own words each time.

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Paraphrasing: 3 Things You Need to Know (What, How and Why?)

Paraphrasing is an essential writing tool for conveying meaning of core concepts and ideas while avoiding plagiarism. In this article, we’ll cover exactly what paraphrasing is and isn’t, the five step approach for effective paraphrasing and finally, the importance of paraphrasing beyond issues of plagiarism.

identify the benefits of paraphrasing

What is Paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing is rewording another’s written or spoken words into your own words. This is done by presenting the meaning of the original statement with new words and an altered structure. For example, the above point could be paraphrased to: “Paraphrasing means to share another’s ideas in your own words, keeping the original meaning intact by simply changing the words used or structure involved”. The original point remains, but the wording and sentence structure has changed. 

The focus is to convey the meaning of the original idea using your own words. This writing technique is usually used for a short individual passage or idea, and is not to be confused with summarising. A paraphrase will often be similar in length to the original statement, and will focus on the core points of that idea. In contrast, summaries usually involve synthesising a wide range of information to share the core theme, or results of a piece of work. 

How to Paraphrase

There’s a five step approach to paraphrasing effectively. First, read the material carefully to extract meaning. It’s important to develop an understanding of the points being made in order to effectively convey this meaning to another. Second, note down the key concepts. What have you understood from the passage? What key points would you like someone else to understand? Third, attempt to paraphrase this information without looking at the original. You can do this using a range of methods:

  • Use synonyms to keep some of the original content, without directly using the same words. “Teachers” could be replaced by “Educators”, or “Students” could become “Undergraduates”. This depends on the content, and it’s important to make sure you still convey the core points well. 
  • Rearrange the content by switching the order of certain phrases or sentences. This might involve switching from an active to a passive voice. Although it's best to use the active voice, this is an ideal way to begin paraphrasing content, giving you a starting point to work on. You can continue editing the first paraphrase to ensure it’s written in a clear and concise way. 
  • Utilise digital tools to get you started. In genei’s notepad, you can paraphrase your notes with the click of a button, giving you new words to work with. This is ideal because you can easily work with the notes made from your readings, and minimise your workflow to one space. 

Fourth, compare your paraphrased version to the original. Check if words, sentences or phrases are too similar and make edits. You can also ensure your paraphrase is effective by noting down the core ideas in your paraphrase. Do these match those originally noted from the source? Finally, be sure to cite the source! You must still acknowledge that you have paraphrased someone else’s ideas. 

The Importance of Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing is an important academic skill for avoiding plagiarism . However, this isn’t the only reason paraphrasing can be important. The process of paraphrasing involves actively engaging with the material you want to rework. This can improve your own knowledge of the idea you’re working with, which can be more effective for long term understanding in comparison to simply memorising facts. Likewise, the ability to paraphrase well, is evidence that you understand the content and core ideas involved.

Beyond academia, paraphrasing still proves to be essential. This technique can act as a bridge and communication tool for sharing valuable information with a non-specialist audience. Original sources of information can be hard to digest if you’re not familiar with the subject area, however, sometimes this information still needs to be communicated. Paraphrasing allows you to tailor ideas to a particular audience, making it accessible, while still retaining the core message. For example, being able to convey important business information to a client, would require certain professional documents and plans to be paraphrased for clearer communication. 

identify the benefits of paraphrasing

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What Is Paraphrasing and Why Do We Do It?

identify the benefits of paraphrasing

To put it simply: paraphrasing condenses information or the main points taken from another source and expresses or interprets it in your own words and writing style. Learning the art of paraphrasing involves comprehending, synthesizing, and conveying information in an original format. This technique is often used in college coursework such as research papers where plagiarism is strictly prohibited, and direct quotations should be kept to a minimum.

Paraphrasing is a valuable technique that you can use in many forms of writing and speaking, such as presentations, speeches, blogs, articles, and any other forms of communication where original ideas are shared. In today’s world, there are even paraphrasing tools such as Quillbot AI and leveraging technology and AI to help writers paraphrase while avoiding plagiarism.

Read on to learn all about what paraphrasing is, why it’s important and how to put this valuable rewording technique to use. 

Fast Facts About Paraphrasing

  • Paraphrasing is a valuable skill for speaking and writing original content in your own words.
  • When paraphrasing, it is important to keep the facts and express the original idea without copying the original content. 
  • A common goal of paraphrasing is to distill information concisely, creating more clarity, relevance, and/or impact for the receiver of information.

Are Paraphrasing and Plagiarism the Same?

There is a distinct difference between paraphrasing and plagiarism, and a lot of it is based on intention. If the paraphrased wording or sentence structure looks too close to the original passage, then one will assume that the writer is passing it off as their own work.

Unfortunately, intentionally plagiarizing can lead to failing a class, job loss, and even a damaged reputation or career.

A direct quotation is typically permitted if a text citation acknowledges the source. APA in-text citation style guidelines use the author's last name and year of publication when you refer to, paraphrase, summarize or use quotation marks for information from the direct source material.  

Plagiarism is considered intellectual theft and is strictly prohibited in academia and for legal reasons. Copyright is a set of exclusive rights given to a creator of original works. Plagiarism often violates these rights by copying and distributing the work. Copyright infringement can still occur even if the original author is acknowledged.

One instance where plagiarism doesn’t apply is related to commonly known facts such as basic information or historical dates. For example, you would not need to cite the encyclopedia if you wrote that “The United States officially adopted the Constitution in 1788” or that “There are eight planets in the solar system, nine if you count Pluto.”

How To Use Paraphrasing in Your Own Writing

Paraphrasing is a technique used to combat plagiarism, keeping original ideas intact but rephrasing information in your own words and original perspectives. Effective paraphrasing involves reading or listening to the original content until you fully understand it and taking notes on the main points. 

Next, you write down your version of the core concepts without looking at the original passage. Then, make sure that you restate it in a way that the original author has implied and not how you want them to imply it. Lastly, compare and edit your work to ensure it doesn’t resemble the original, and cite your sources when necessary. 

Other strategies to keep in mind when paraphrasing are changing the sentence structure or form, using synonyms, changing active to passive voice, changing clauses to phrases, and starting the sentence or paragraph differently from the original content.

 Suppose you don’t think you can accurately paraphrase a passage concisely. Instead, you can directly quote exact words from the original author and identify the original source of the material with their name or text citation to avoid plagiarizing, as explained previously.

Does Paraphrasing Improve Your Communication Skills?

Practicing paraphrasing as a skill can drastically improve your communication and writing skills since it involves the mental practice of active listening , learning new information or ideas, reflecting upon them, and pulling out the key concepts in your own words.

The process of paraphrasing enables you to truly learn a subject before you can confidently write or communicate that idea . Paraphrasing is a powerful way to further understand a subject or idea for both the writer and reader or speaker and listener.

Active listening and understanding are key components of efficient communication. Using this skill alleviates misunderstandings and prevents conflict.

What Are Some Examples of Paraphrasing?

In daily life, an example situation involving paraphrasing could look like sitting down at your favorite restaurant and ordering from the menu. You tell the server each item you’d like to order. They repeat it back to you for confirmation. If they misunderstand anything you said, you would interject to correct them. 

They will usually repeat it back a second time to ensure they have the correct order. They may not use the exact words you used but provide a restatement of your order. This process confirms the chef prepares the correct meals for you.

Other paraphrasing examples in writing include:

  • Original: He has many old clothes and furniture to donate or throw away.
  • Paraphrase: He needs to get rid of a lot of junk.
  • Original: Polar bears are nearly undetectable by infrared cameras. Thermal cameras detect the heat lost by a subject as infrared, but polar bears are experts at conserving heat.
  • Paraphrase: Because thermal cameras detect infrared heat given off by a subject, polar bears are undetectable due to their unique heat conservation abilities.
  • Original: Although most people learn from experienced sailors, it's possible to teach yourself in a controlled environment. The biggest concern when teaching yourself to sail is safety, as going out on the water alone and inexperienced can be perilous.
  • Paraphrase: In a safe and controlled environment, you can teach yourself to sail, despite trained sailors giving instruction in most cases. Going out on the water alone can be dangerous for a beginner.

Is Paraphrasing Ever a Bad Thing?

Paraphrasing shouldn’t be used when it does not accurately reflect the ideas of the original source. Poor paraphrasing can look like only switching out a few words or failing to acknowledge the source or author with direct quotations or in-text citations when necessary. Ultimately, incorrect paraphrasing could result in a costly mistake. 

Paraphrasing is unnecessary when sharing a famous speech or lines from a book. In this case, you would use direct quotations. For example, you wouldn’t paraphrase Martin Luther King Jr’s “I have a dream” speech. Therefore, paraphrasing would likely reduce the impact.

Why Do We Paraphrase?

Paraphrasing leaves out unnecessary info.

The art of paraphrasing allows a writer or speaker to succinctly rephrase statements or ideas, focusing on the most critical aspects of the topic or idea. It helps to create clarity by leaving out any unnecessary information.

Paraphrasing allows the speaker or writer to reframe it in a more relevant way to their audience. Sometimes you would only take pieces of the original idea that relate to what you want to express.

Paraphrasing Simplifies Your Communication

Putting paraphrasing into practice regularly helps you focus on the key concepts or crucial information and communicate that, whether it’s in a professional conversation, giving a speech, or writing your paper for a college course. It allows you to hold people’s attention by providing concise information and impacting your audience.

Paraphrasing Puts an Original Spin on Information

Paraphrasing is a great technique to use if the original format of the information is not unique or impactful. It is an opportunity to rephrase it in a more compelling and digestible way, putting an original spin on an idea.

Improving this skill also allows you to keep your authentic communication style even if you’re sharing someone else's ideas.

Using Paraphrasing as a Listener

Using paraphrasing in active listening .

A critical step in the paraphrasing process is active listening. To succinctly communicate an idea or concept in an original way, you must actively listen to extract the main points before you can accurately paraphrase. Paraphrasing what someone said shows the speaker you are actively listening and retaining the information.

How To Paraphrase in Conversation

When in conversation with others, paraphrasing is a great way to ensure both parties are on the same page in understanding the exchange of information. You can practice paraphrasing by actively listening to what someone is saying, condensing the information into a shorter format using your own words, and repeating it for confirmation.

New, Original Words

Paraphrasing is an effective technique for learning, communicating, and restating ideas and concepts in an original format. Improving your paraphrasing skills will help ensure your research paper, presentation, and professional or personal communication is clear, relevant, impactful, and plagiarism free. Just remember to cite any original sources where appropriate.

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APA Citation Style Guide | University of South Carolina

Active Listening Definition, Skills, and Examples | The Balance Careers

Quoting and Paraphrasing – The Writing Center | UW–Madison

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Module: Using Sources

Paraphrase and summary, learning objective.

  • Differentiate among paraphrase, summary, and quotation

There are two ways of integrating source material into your writing other than directly quoting from it: paraphrase and summary. Let’s talk about how to define and identify each method.

What Does Paraphrase Look Like?

Consider the following passage by Thoreau:

Most men, even in this comparatively free country, through mere ignorance and mistake, are so occupied with the factitious cares and superfluously coarse labors of life that its finer fruits cannot be plucked by them. Their fingers, from excessive toil, are too clumsy and tremble too much for that. Actually, the laboring man has not leisure for a true integrity day by day; he cannot afford to sustain the manliest relations to men; his labor would be depreciated in the market.

Paraphrases should begin by making it clear that the information to come is from your source. If you are using MLA format, you should include the author’s last name and the page number of the paraphrased content in a parenthetical citation.

To paraphrase the passage above, you might begin as follows:

Even though Thoreau praised the virtues of the intellectual life, he did not consider… (Thoreau 100).

Paraphrases may sometimes include brief quotations, but most of the paraphrase should be in your own words.

What might a paraphrase of the Thoreau passage look like? Below is one way a writer might paraphrase it:

In his text, Walden; or, Life in the Woods , Henry David Thoreau points to the incongruity of free men becoming enslaved and limited by constant labor and worry. Using the metaphor of a fruit to represent the pleasures of a thoughtful life, Thoreau suggests that men have become so traumatized by constant labor that their hands—as representative of their minds—have become unable to pick the “finer fruits” available to a less burdened life even when that fruit becomes available to them (110).

Note that the paragraph above is almost exactly the same length as the original. It’s also important to note that the paraphrased passage has a different structure and significant changes in wording. The main ideas are the same, but the student has paraphrased effectively by putting the information into her own words.

What are the benefits of paraphrasing? The paraphrase accomplishes three goals:

  • Like the summary, it contextualizes the information (who said it, when, and where).
  • It restates all the supporting points used by Thoreau to develop the idea that man is hurt by focusing too much on labor.
  • The writer uses his or her own words for most of the paraphrase, allowing the writer to maintain a strong voice while sharing important information from the source.

Paraphrasing is likely the most common way you will integrate your source information. Quoting should be minimal in most research papers. Paraphrasing allows you to integrate sources without losing your voice as a writer to those sources. Paraphrasing can be tricky, however. You really have to make changes to the wording. Changing a few words here and there doesn’t count as a paraphrase, and including exact phrases from the source without putting them in quotation marks can get you into trouble with plagiarism.

do I get this?

Paraphrasing is a skill that takes time to develop. One way of becoming familiar with paraphrasing is by examining successful and unsuccessful attempts at paraphrasing. Read the quote below from page 179 of Howard Gardner’s book titled Multiple Intelligences and then examine the two attempts at paraphrasing that follow.

“America today has veered too far in the direction of formal testing without adequate consideration of the costs and limitations of an exclusive emphasis on that approach.” [1]

What Does Summary Look Like?

Summarizing involves condensing the main idea of a source into a much shorter overview. A summary outlines a source’s most important points and general position. When summarizing a source, it is a good idea to use a citation to give credit to the original author. You should reference the author or source in the appropriate citation method at the end of the summary.

How to Construct a Summary

  • Decide what part of the source is most relevant to your argument.
  • Pick out the most important sentences in that part of the source. In most cases, you’ll focus on the main points.
  • Paraphrase those sentences. If they include any important or memorable phrases, quote those in your paraphrases. List the paraphrased sentences in the order they occur in the original.
  • Add any other information that readers might need to understand how your paraphrased sentences connect to one another.
  • Revise the list so that it reads not like a list but like a paragraph.

How to Mix Quotation with Summary

A long summary can make readers feel that you and they are too distant from an important source. So when you write a summary as long as half a page, look for memorable phrases that you can quote within your summary.

“Colomb and Williams emphasize that drafting is “an act of discovery” that can fuel a writer’s creative thinking. They acknowledge that some writers have to draft carefully and stick closely to their outlines, but they advise writers to draft as freely and as openly as they can. They encourage even slow and careful drafters to be open to new ideas and surprises and not to be limited by what they do before drafting. They still stress the value of steady work that follows a plan: for example, writing a little bit every day rather than all at once “in a fit of desperate inspiration.” But they show writers how to make the best of a plan while hoping that you will “discover what your storyboard has missed.” [2]

When you add a few quotations to your summary, you seem a more lively writer. You give readers an idea of your source without quoting so much that your paper reads like a cut-and-paste job. If you have pages that are mostly summary and paraphrase, add a few notable quotations that will liven up your writing.


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  • Gardner, Howard. Multiple Intelligences: New Horizons in Theory and Practice. BasicBooks, 2006 ↵
  • Kate L. Turabian. A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Seventh Edition : Chicago Style for Students and Researchers. Revised by Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, and University of Chicago Press Editorial Staff. (University of Chicago Press, 2007), 83-7. ↵
  • Revision and Adaptation. Provided by : Lumen Learning. License : CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
  • OWL at Excelsior College: Paraphrasing. Provided by : Excelsior College . Located at : . Project : OWL at Excelsior College. License : CC BY-NC: Attribution-NonCommercial
  • Using Sources Creatively section. Authored by : Heather Logan. Provided by : University of Richmond Writing Center. Located at : . License : CC BY-NC-ND: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives
  • Quote Sandwich, from Chapter 5: Critical Thinking, Source Evaluations, and Analyzing Academic Writing. Authored by : Denise Snee, Kristin Houlton, Nancy Heckel. Edited by Kimberly Jacobs. Located at : . Project : Research, Writing, and Analysis. License : CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
  • Information on Quoting and Paraphrasing from the Academic Integrity Tutorial. Authored by : DiMenna-Nyselius Library. Provided by : Fairfield University. Located at : . License : CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
  • How to Summarize Accurately, section on summary. Located at : . Project : Grounds for Argument. License : CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike

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8 Key Points: Discuss the Importance of Paraphrasing

Table of Contents

It is necessary to discuss the importance of paraphrasing because it is a skill that students need to write clear and precise writings.

When people write, they often use information from published sources to learn something new. This is an essential part of research. Paraphrasing is a useful tool to find new and unique ways to get a message across .

Plagiarizing a text that already exists while claiming to add new information is one of the worst things anyone can do. That’s why it’s important to learn how to make your content or text that isn’t copied. 

This article will answer the question “What is paraphrasing?” and tell you why it’s important. Let’s jump in!

It is necessary to discuss the important of paraphrasing because it is a skill.

Can We Discuss the Importance of Paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing is the process of taking what the original author has written or said and putting it in your own words . Paraphrasing helps you write in your style and focus on the most crucial text elements.

If you use someone else’s idea in an essay, you must credit the person who came up with it.

To discuss the importance of paraphrasing is to show that creativity and originality are not all that make good writing.

Eight Important Reasons to Paraphrase

Without further ado, here are some of the top notch reasons why we paraphrase:

1. Enhances Memory Performance

People tend to forget a lot of things. Our brains can only hold so many memories before they start to discard old information to make room for new ones.

We write to make sure we don’t forget. Notes are taken in class to help us remember all the essential things we have learned. No matter how well we listen and understand, we are bound to forget some things.

The exciting thing is that we don’t write down what we hear word for word. Instead, we take notes by using our own words and phrases.

Our subconscious mind knows that altering phrases gets our brains active, therefore writing them in our way helps us remember them.

And that’s the divine power of paraphrasing. It helps us remember things that we might forget otherwise.

2. Organizes the Mind

A person needs to be able to figure out what he’s thinking to put it into words. But the words that come to mind aren’t always the best ones. It’s essential to change how we say things to make ourselves and what we mean more explicit.

Paraphrasing helps us write our thoughts more clearly. We organize our minds first to communicate our ideas and researched works in writing.

3. to Drive Home the Point

Students get involved in a lot of debates. Debating is a game of wordplay. If you use the right words correctly, it’s easier for you to win.

So, you need to know how to back up your argument with the right words. Precise, well-chosen terms give our line of argument more strength.

4. Acts As a Confidence Booster

We feel like we’ve done something good when we say things more clearly. This is true both when we speak and when we write. Making the notes in our way also makes us feel like we have more freedom to say what we want.

Writing well gives you a way to put your thoughts to rest and helps logical reasoning. You can use the rewording method to work on your writing and improve it.

5. Enhances Good Communication

Writing helps people talk to each other better. When you write, you can choose your words more carefully than you would if you just said them without thinking. If you keep using the restatement technique, you will notice a clear difference in how you talk.

A well-written CV, email, etc., can go a long way toward making sure your point gets across.

6. Decreases the Need for Quotes

Quotes are an excellent way to get specific information across, but too many of them can make text boring and repetitive.

Quotes may also indicate that one doesn’t understand the original document well enough. By paraphrasing a text, a writer cuts down on the number of quotes in their work, making it easier to read.

7. Puts an Argument in Its Proper Place

You can set the stage for your ideas when you paraphrase. When you rework another author’s words, you can guide the reader and frame your argument. So, a reader can see how an idea or concept has changed from one author or setting to another.

8. Shortens a Long Read

Paraphrasing is a great way to cut out fluff in a piece of writing into a few lines or pages. When paraphrasing, we go straight to the primary idea and aim and do not utilize extraneous language.

Paraphrasing is a means to summarize or re-create what has already been said and written. When done well, paraphrasing adds value to the original text and encourages deeper thought .

8 Key Points: Discuss the Importance of Paraphrasing

Pam is an expert grammarian with years of experience teaching English, writing and ESL Grammar courses at the university level. She is enamored with all things language and fascinated with how we use words to shape our world.

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Teaching Students to Paraphrase

Ideas for scaffolding paraphrasing so that students correctly learn this valuable but difficult-to-master skill.

A teacher helping her middle school student with her writing

When discussing text in the classroom, it’s tough for students to shift from utilizing an author’s words (copying) to accepting the challenge to express that author’s idea in their own words (paraphrasing).

But teaching effective paraphrasing is necessary because the use of paraphrasing facilitates important literacy skills : It encourages repeated reading, develops note-taking habits as students track quotes and outline text details, and expands vocabulary as they consider appropriate ways to describe the original text. The skill may seem daunting to students because it takes time to find the appropriate words to reshape a sentence, but that is time well spent.

We also need to teach paraphrasing, of course, so that students develop the skill set required to avoid committing plagiarism unintentionally .

Student Tools

One way to support students is to make them aware of tools that may help when they’re paraphrasing. Think of these as training wheels—students won’t use them forever.

Academic Phrasebank : Ready-made phrases help students organize their sentences when they paraphrase. The site provides sentence starters for defining ideas, comparing and contrasting ideas, describing cause and effect, and explaining evidence to support statements.

For instance, if a student were paraphrasing vocabulary word X, they would be able to find sentence starters such as “The word X encompasses...,” “The word X is challenging to define because...,” and “The word X is intended to....”

Ashford University Writing Center : This website has a five-item quiz to review the paraphrasing process. It allows students to identify examples and non-examples of paraphrasing for a given text.

When examining non-examples, students are shown how replacing or rearranging words is akin to copying and pasting on a computer. Students see examples of effective paraphrasing, including a change of sentence structure or personal elaboration combined with limited quoted information.

Tone Analyzer : This tool allows students to enter a brief sample from a text and receive an analysis of the tone. When using this tool, students can request an assessment of whether the text illustrates anger, joy, sadness, etc. In addition to these emotions, the website includes language descriptors such as confident (used to describe texts that use active voice and/or words such as will , must , etc.) or tentative (texts with words such as seems , appears , might , etc.). This tool is useful in helping students successfully align the tone of their paraphrased material with the tone of the original text.

Student Self-Check Prompts

Students should outgrow the tools above, and teachers can encourage that growth by showing them how to monitor their own progress with paraphrasing. Students can self-check to determine how on track with paraphrasing they are by asking themselves these questions:

  • Can I identify elements of the text that are most significant (and thus appropriate to preserve) when I put it in my own words?
  • Can I recite elements of the text from memory in order to prepare to put it into my own words?
  • How can I adjust the sentence structure to preserve the meaning of the text?

Student Cautions

Because the journey to paraphrasing may involve a few hiccups, it’s a good idea to identify potential student challenges. When paraphrasing, remind students that they should:

  • Attempt to describe the text in their own words gradually, one component at a time (thanks to Doug Lemov and Maggie Johnson for this close reading strategy). For instance, they might first use their own words to describe significant phrases in the reading, and then make an effort to explain one or two key sentences, and finally attempt to paraphrase an entire paragraph.
  • Monitor the similarities between the text and the paraphrase. For instance, after describing specific sentences or paragraphs, they should note how many words are shared. Instead of using the same words as the author, focus on mirroring the same main idea. The Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning at Yale offers easy-to-follow models for how to achieve this.
  • Ensure that there is a sufficient number of word substitutions in the paraphrased material. (Substituting only a couple of words could constitute plagiarism.) Students should focus on changing the structure of the sentence . This may involve converting a simple sentence to a compound sentence or adding a prepositional phrase.
  • Avoid adjusting special language (acronyms, figurative language, jargon, etc.). These kinds of terms are considered common knowledge, so using them in a paraphrase doesn’t constitute plagiarism. Resources such as the Purdue Online Writing Lab can help students figure out whether a particular term is common knowledge.

Teachers can push students to move beyond copying by encouraging them to see paraphrasing as the go-to reading response. When we equip students with needed resources, we make student voice the rule instead of the exception.

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Unit 2: Paraphrasing and Avoiding Plagiarism

2 Paraphrasing Techniques

Technique #1: tell-a-friend method.

This method involves using a new way to explain the meaning of the original sentence.

  • Read the original sentence(s).
  • Make sure you understand the sentence(s) completely.
  • Cover the original source.
  • Imagine you are talking to a friend and try explaining the information to your friend. Write down your explanation.
  • Read the original source and make sure you have retained the original meaning.
  • (See Technique #4 below: Using AI-based paraphrasing tools to improve your paraphrasing.)

Practice the Tell-a-Friend method using the proverbs below.

Proverb: You can’t judge a book by its cover.

Paraphrase: Things sometimes look different from what they really are.

Match the proverb with its paraphrase. (Answers located below.)

Technique #2: Chunking method

Another way to paraphrase is to break the original into smaller units, or “chunks.” This method can be useful for longer passages.

  • Read the original sentence(s) and make sure you understand the sentence(s) completely.
  • Divide the sentence(s) into chunks (these are often grammatical clauses). Underline each chunk, focusing on how you can divide the sentence into phrases.
  • Re-write each chunk in your own words.
  • Combine these rewritten chunks into one or more sentences to create a paraphrase. Think about how the ideas are related to each other; you might need to include additional words (e.g. transition phrases) as you combine the chunks.
  • You may re-order the chunks to make the order of ideas different from the original, but if you do, make sure the paraphrase still makes sense.

Chunking examples:

#1 Original: “As more and more people have become increasingly used to sharing and collaborating outside the workplace via social networks, (chunk 1) they are coming to expect firms to be more open and collaborative places too (chunk 2).” From Author Unknown, “Yammering Away at the Office,” (2010), p. 1.

  • 1) people have grown more accustomed to using social media platforms for collaboration and sharing ideas beyond their jobs
  • 2) there are increasing expectations that companies will encourage more collaboration.

Paraphrase: Workers are expecting companies to encourage more collaboration since many people have grown accustomed to using social media platforms for collaboration and sharing ideas beyond their jobs (“Yammering away at the office,” 2010, p. 1).

#2 Original: “Psychologists have argued that digital technology is changing the way we write (chunk 1) in that students no longer need to plan essays before starting to write (chunk 2) because word processing software allows them to edit as they go along (chunk 3).” From David Derbyshire, “Social websites harm children’s brains,” (2009), p. 2.

  • 1) psychologists claim that computers and software are influencing the writing process
  • 2) students can skip the planning process
  • 3) word processing programs help them revise throughout the writing process

Paraphrase: Because word processing programs help students revise their essays throughout the writing process and even skip the planning process altogether, psychologists claim that computers and software are influencing the writing process (Derbyshire, 2009, p. 2)

Adapted from Dollahite, N.E. & Huan, J. (2012). SourceWork: Academic Writing for Success.

Technique #3: Paraphrasing plus Summarizing method

Sometimes you will be able to identify one or two specific sentences to paraphrase. However, it is more common to use information from a longer passage, like a paragraph or two, or a section or sections of an article. To do this effectively, you must combine the skills of paraphrasing and summarizing.

  • Paraphrasing: Restating an individual sentence that contains key ideas in your own words, keeping the same length and meaning.
  • Summarizing: Expressing an overall idea of a longer passage in your own words, keeping the same meaning, but making it much more concise (shorten it).

Follow these steps to summarize AND paraphrase:

  • Identify the original chunk(s) of text that you would like to cite in your paper.
  • Read the chunk(s) several times to make sure you have accurate understanding and are able to “tell a friend” what the chunks are about.
  • In the margins, identify key words, synonyms, or ideas that describe each chunk (color-coding can help identify similar ideas).
  • Think about the most logical sequence of these ideas; you could number them.
  • Write your summary, keeping it short (1 to 3 sentences). Set it aside.
  • Re-read the ideas in the margins and your summary and rewrite any parts you feel could be improved; repeat steps 5-6 as needed.

The example below illustrates how a student used the skills of paraphrasing and summarizing below to condense a paragraph into a single sentence.

Original: “ The pandemic tested the resilience of colleges and universities as they executed online learning on a massive scale by creating online courses, adopting and adapting to unfamiliar technologies, engaging faculty en masse in remote teaching, and successfully meeting the instructional needs of students. Those experiences and lessons should not be discarded. The next phase for higher education in a post-COVID-19 world is to harness what worked well during the emergency response period and use those experiences to improve institutional practices for the benefit of both internal and external constituencies in the future.” From John Nworie, “Beyond COVID-19: What’s next for online teaching and learning in higher education,” (2021), p. 7.

  • 1) valuable lessons learned
  • 2) higher education institutions developed large-scale online courses
  • 3) as a response to the pandemic
  • 4) adapting and overcoming challenges in the process
  • 5) should be applied to future education models

Paraphrase: Nworie (2021) recommends that the valuable lessons learned as higher education institutions developed large-scale online courses as a response to the pandemic, adapting and overcoming challenges in the process, should be applied to future education models (p. 7).

Proverbs matching answers: 1-d, 2-a, 3-e, 4-c, 5-b

Technique #4: Using Online Tools

AI-based paraphrasing tools can help you improve your writing. Most tools have free and premium versions, which have more features. Examples include:

The best way to use AI-based paraphrasing tools is to write your own version first and then use the tool to find alternative ways to express your paraphrase. Being able to write a paraphrase on your own will allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of AI-generated paraphrases.

Benefits of using AI-tools:

  • By seeing how the tool rewrites your text, you can learn to identify where your writing could be improved. You can learn to use more effective vocabulary, or how to structure your sentences in a more effective way.
  • You can expand your vocabulary and learn effective collocations.
  • You can spot grammar errors you make and learn to avoid and correct them.

Follow these guidelines when using AI tools for writing paraphrases:

  • Write the paraphrase on your own first. Then paste your paraphrase into the AI with a clear prompt to check its effectiveness.
  • When using AI to support your writing, always review the original text to ensure the AI accurately maintained the meaning of the original passage.
  • Some tools only change the words and not the overall structure. If they tool only uses synonyms, you must change the grammar yourself.
  • Always check the citation format. Do not assume the tool will use the correct citation.

To learn more about how to cite your use of AI Tools see the UW Libraries’ Research Guides on Citing Generative AI.

Knowledge Check

Exercise: take the paraphrasing quiz below..

From Excelsior Online Writing Lab, Paraphrasing – Try it Out

Academic Writing I Copyright © by UW-Madison ESL Program is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Top 5 Paraphrasing Tools to Improve Your Writing Skills

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Writing Skills:

  • A - Z List of Writing Skills

The Essentials of Writing

  • Common Mistakes in Writing
  • Introduction to Grammar
  • Improving Your Grammar
  • Active and Passive Voice
  • Punctuation
  • Clarity in Writing
  • Writing Concisely
  • Coherence in Writing
  • Gender Neutral Language
  • Figurative Language
  • When to Use Capital Letters
  • Using Plain English
  • Writing in UK and US English
  • Understanding (and Avoiding) Clichés
  • The Importance of Structure
  • Know Your Audience
  • Know Your Medium
  • Formal and Informal Writing Styles
  • Note-Taking from Reading
  • Note-Taking for Verbal Exchanges
  • Creative Writing
  • Top Tips for Writing Fiction
  • Writer's Voice
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Writing Specific Documents

  • Writing a CV or Résumé
  • Writing a Covering Letter
  • Writing a Personal Statement
  • Writing Reviews
  • Using LinkedIn Effectively
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  • Study Skills
  • Writing Your Dissertation or Thesis

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“If you keep rephrasing the question, it gradually becomes the answer.”

-Robert Breault

Rephrasing tools can help you rewrite your articles and posts to improve the content and create better copy. They can make your content both comprehensive and unique so that you increase its impact on your target audience. If you want to create multiple articles around the same theme, rephrasing tools will also help you develop unique content in less time.

This article will introduce some of the best paraphrasing tools, which you might also see referred to as spinners or rewriting tools.

After reading this article, you will know:

  • How paraphrasing tools help to improve writing skills
  • How they work
  • Whether you really need them
  • The top 5 paraphrasing tools

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How can paraphrasing tools help to improve writing skills?

The introduction provided a introduction to paraphrasing tools, but did you know that they can also help you to develop your creative capabilities? There is a saying about writing:

Get it down. Take chances. It may be bad, but it's the only way you can do anything really good.

William Faulkner

If you are not very good at writing, paraphrasing tools can help you to:

  • Identify your mistakes.
  • Explain the reasons behind your mistakes .
  • Write concisely.
  • Make your work unique.

Many surveys have shown that technology developments can help people to develop their literary skills. For example, in an AP and NWP teacher survey, 50% of teachers said that today’s digital technologies made it easier for them to shape or improve student writing.

Therefore, whether you are an undergraduate or postgraduate, or even the CEO of a famous company, you can always work on improving your writing skills .

However, the use of technology in helping people to improve their writing skills is still in development, with new software applications being launched each year.

How do they work?

You might wonder how rephrasing tools work. How can they generate unique content?

These tools work by taking the source content and rewriting it. They re-word the content and allow you to observe a more in-depth insight of your content. Some advanced paraphrasing applications work on AI (artificial intelligence) technology and so they are each built with unique algorithms and may feature:

  • Entire sentence rewording
  • Using synonyms of words
  • Detecting and exchanging inflectional forms

Do I really need them?

A paraphrasing application can be helpful in many situations. First, it will help you to refine your creative skills . However, this is not the only advantage as it may also offer additional features that are useful if you are:

  • Writing SEO-friendly content
  • Writing to attract a wide audience
  • Producing bulk content in a limited time

You will be able to easily tackle these situations with the help of a paraphrasing tool.

There are several paid or free paraphrasing tools available today so let’s look at the top 5 software applications that will help you to improve your writing skills.

1. Prepostseo

The reason this tool is so well-known is the plethora of synonyms that are included, which will help you to make your content unique.

The more synonyms that can be used in place of original words, the more unique your content will be. Another advantage is its ability to detect grammatical errors and to correct them for you.

When your article is rewritten by this tool, it will include many unusual words and no grammatical errors. The results are fast; you can reword content in minutes. Some features of Prepostseo include:

  • A built-in plagiarism checker to ensure the paraphrased content is plagiarism-free.
  • Accepting content in every format, so the uploading and downloading of content is straightforward. You can also copy and paste content from the web.
  • You can personalize the content according to your needs.
  • A built-in word counter that helps you to check the length of the article.


Editpad is known for its usefulness amongst students, so this can be considered an important tool to improve your writing abilities.

The tool allows you to change every line of content according to your needs and provides accurate and unique results.

The foremost advantage of Editpad is that it is free compared to others that mostly charge for full access.

There is no discrimination between free and paying users, so you will be able to use all its features. The benefits of Editpad are:

  • Full access without subscription
  • Works online, with no need to download any applications.
  • Helps to improve your composition skills.

3. Paraphrase Online

This paraphrasing tool is one of the oldest and one of the most-used paraphrasing tools. What proves its unflagging popularity? It is its simplicity and transparency.

To use Paraphrase Online you don't need to download anything, and there are no limits after which you must purchase a subscription to take full advantage of the program's capabilities. Its main features are that it is:

  • Fast and easy to use.
  • No registration or captcha is required.
  • Totally free.


This paraphrasing software prides itself on its ease of use. The interface is easy to navigate: you can simply paste in the content that needs to be rewritten and it will rephrase it without hassle.

Like many other paraphrasing applications, it is online and can be used free. You don’t need to pay for a subscription, nor to download software to use this tool. Features include:

  • It can rephrase lengthy articles easily, with no word limit.
  • The content is rephrased on an end-to-end basis.
  • It makes the process of rephrasing hassle-free.

5. SEO Tools Center

Whether you are trying to enhance your writing skills or working on your thesis or assignment, this tool is an ideal choice to make your content unique. This tool is famous among online writers because of its ability to optimize content according to search engine requirements.

This paraphrasing tool is designed to introduce phrases that will make your content comprehensive. Some characteristic features of this tool, which make it stand out amongst others, are:

  • It features highly advanced SEO techniques.
  • Suggested words in your content are shown as highlighted text, which helps you customize the content.
  • It contains a plethora of synonyms.


Last but not least, here is another paraphrasing tool with incredible rewording abilities.

This tool is unique in allowing you to analyze your writing abilities critically as well as rephrasing the content. will help boost your confidence in your essay writing skills and enables you to generate content by providing interactive synonyms and reader-friendly phrases. Some of its features include:

  • Generating plagiarism-free content.
  • Changing synonyms and content phrases.
  • Rewriting thickly highlighted fragments, which increase the text's originality.

There are many ways to improve your writing skills and dexterity, including manually searching for synonyms in search engines or using a dictionary or thesaurus, but if you want to upgrade your literary expertise creatively, you can use paraphrasing tools. There are a lot of different paraphrasing applications available so choose wisely choose according to your requirements.

We have carefully curated this list of the five best paraphrasing aids for you so that you can select the one that grabs your attention and start using it. All these tools will ensure that your paper or article turns into an exceptional piece of writing that is plagiarism-free and interesting to read.

About the Author

Allan Rose is a content marketer at Digital Strive who also writes for different blogs about SEO, marketing tools, and various other niches.

Continue to: Academic Referencing Marketing Skills

See also: How to Improve Your Writing Skills Using Paraphrasing Tools? Improve Your Paraphrasing Skills Using Paraphrasing Tools

The Benefits of Using an Online Paraphrasing Tool

Window in flat illustration style, colorful purple gradient colors

Are you tired of staring at a blank screen, wondering how to rephrase that cumbersome sentence? Or perhaps you're a student drowning in a sea of academic papers, desperately seeking a way to avoid accidental plagiarism? Fret not! In this digital era, where time is of the essence, an online paraphrasing tool can be your saving grace. Revolutionizing the way we approach language, these tools offer a multitude of benefits that extend far beyond just synonym substitution.

So, whether you're a writer, student, or simply someone seeking an effective way to convey ideas in a unique manner, buckle up and let's delve into the intriguing world of online paraphrasing tools.

Definition of an Online Paraphrasing Tool

An online paraphrasing tool is a software or web-based tool that helps users rephrase or reword a given text. It is designed to automatically generate alternative versions of content by replacing words or phrases with their synonyms. This tool is especially useful for writers, students, and professionals who want to avoid plagiarism or paraphrase content to make it more unique and engaging.

By using an online paraphrasing tool, users can save time and effort in manually rephrasing text and ensure the original meaning is preserved while avoiding any unintentional plagiarism.

Importance of Paraphrasing in Academic and Professional Writing

Paraphrasing is vital in academic and professional writing because it demonstrates a clear understanding of the original source, while also avoiding plagiarism. By restating information in your own words, you not only show respect for the original author's work, but you also enhance your credibility as a writer.

In academic writing, paraphrasing allows you to incorporate relevant ideas from various sources, while maintaining the integrity of your own argument. Similarly, in professional writing, paraphrasing helps to present complex concepts in a more accessible manner, assisting readers in grasping the main points without getting overwhelmed by technical jargon.

For instance, when summarizing a research paper, you can rephrase the main findings in a simpler language, making it easier for your audience to understand and engage with the content. By incorporating paraphrasing into your writing, you add depth, clarity, and professionalism to your work, ultimately contributing to your success as a writer or researcher.

Benefits of Using an Online Paraphrasing Tool


Time-saving is one of the main benefits of using a paraphrasing tool. It allows users to quickly and effortlessly create unique content by simply inputting the original text. Manual paraphrasing can be time-consuming and tedious, especially when dealing with lengthy documents or complex ideas. With a paraphrasing tool, the process becomes much faster and more efficient, saving valuable time for users to focus on other important tasks.

Additionally, these tools can be easily accessed online, eliminating the need for installing and learning complex software.

Paraphrasing Tool Article: How to Save Time with Online Paraphrasing Tools

Save time and effort with online paraphrasing tools. These tools automate the process of rewording and rewriting content, allowing you to quickly generate alternative versions of text. Whether you are a student, writer, or business professional, a paraphrasing tool can help you complete tasks faster.

For example, when writing an essay, you can use a paraphrasing tool to rephrase sentences and avoid plagiarism.

Additionally, if you need to create multiple versions of an article for different purposes, a paraphrasing tool can be a handy tool. Embrace the convenience and efficiency of online paraphrasing tools to boost your productivity .

Enhanced Writing Efficiency

Using a paraphrasing tool can significantly increase your writing efficiency. It allows you to quickly rephrase sentences or paragraphs, saving you time and effort . For example, if you are writing an essay and want to include information from multiple sources, using a paraphrasing tool can help you avoid plagiarism by rephrasing the content in your own words. Additionally, a good paraphrasing tool will provide you with various options to choose from, ensuring that you find the most suitable alternative for your sentence or phrase. This not only saves time but also enhances the overall quality of your writing.

Real-life Examples of Improved Writing Efficiency with Paraphrasing Tools

Real-life examples highlight the efficiency of paraphrasing tools in improving writing. Writers can save time by using these tools to quickly generate alternative versions of their text. This can be particularly helpful when creating multiple articles or blog posts on the same topic, as the tools allow for easy rewriting without duplicating content.

Additionally, paraphrasing tools can aid non-native English speakers in improving the quality of their writing by offering alternative phrasing suggestions. These tools provide practical solutions for writers to enhance their productivity and achieve better outcomes in their written work.

Improved Originality and Avoidance of Plagiarism

Improved originality and avoidance of plagiarism are significant benefits of using a paraphrasing tool. By helping users rephrase sentences and paragraphs in their own words, these tools enable them to express their ideas more authentically while avoiding the risk of copying someone else's work.

For instance, when writing an essay on a particular topic, a paraphrasing tool can assist in rephrasing information from various sources into unique content. This allows the writer to maintain originality and prevent unintentional plagiarism. Moreover, paraphrasing tools help individuals develop their writing skills by encouraging them to critically analyze and reframe existing content, ensuring a more personalized and genuine approach to their work.

How Paraphrasing Tools Help Maintain Originality in Writing

Using a paraphrasing tool can help writers maintain originality in their writing by providing a quick and efficient way to rephrase and reword text. These tools use algorithms to generate alternative versions of a given sentence or passage, helping writers avoid plagiarism and create unique content.

For example, if a writer wants to reference a source but needs to rephrase the information in their own words, a paraphrasing tool can be used to do this without copying the original text. By using a paraphrasing tool, writers can add their own voice and ideas to the content while still maintaining the integrity of the original information.

Expanded Vocabulary and Language Skills

Expanded Vocabulary and Language Skills are highly valuable for individuals seeking to improve their writing or communication abilities. By having an extensive vocabulary, one can effectively convey their message, express ideas more precisely, and engage readers or listeners. For instance, instead of using repetitive phrases or common words, a wider range of vocabulary enables a person to rephrase sentences in different ways, enhancing the overall quality of the content.

Moreover, advanced language skills allow for effective paraphrasing, reducing the dependence on specific words or phrases. Therefore, investing time in expanding vocabulary and improving language skills can greatly enhance written and verbal communication.

Selecting the Right Paraphrasing Tool

Key features to look for in an online paraphrasing tool.

When choosing an online paraphrasing tool, there are several key features to prioritize.

First, it should have a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate and use.

Additionally, it should offer a wide range of synonyms and alternative word choices to ensure accurate and diverse paraphrasing. It should also have a reliable algorithm that generates high-quality and coherent paraphrases. Lastly, it should provide quick and efficient results to save time and improve productivity. By considering these features, users can find an online paraphrasing tool that meets their needs effectively and efficiently.

Comparison: Top Paraphrasing Tools in the Market

  • When it comes to paraphrasing tools, there are various options available to assist with content rewriting.
  • These tools use algorithms to analyze and rephrase text, providing alternative phrasing.
  • Some tools offer advanced features like grammar checking, synonym suggestions, and plagiarism detection.
  • The choice of a paraphrasing tool depends on individual preferences and specific needs.
  • Factors such as ease of use, accuracy, speed, and pricing should be considered before making a selection.
  • It is also important to evaluate the tool's ability to preserve the original meaning and coherence of the text.
  • Reading user reviews and trying out different tools can help in identifying the most suitable option for quality paraphrasing.

User-Friendly Interface and Accessibility

A user-friendly interface is vital for a paraphrasing tool as it enhances usability and accessibility. The tool should have a simple and intuitive design that allows users to easily navigate and understand its functions.

For example, clear labeling of buttons and menus can help users quickly identify and access the desired features.

Paraphrasing Tool Article: How to Choose an Easy-to-Use Online Paraphrasing Tool

When choosing an online paraphrasing tool, it's important to prioritize ease of use. Look for a tool that has a simple interface and clear instructions, allowing you to quickly and effortlessly paraphrase your desired text. Avoid tools that are overly complex or have confusing features, as they may hinder your productivity.

Additionally, consider the tool's functionality across different devices and platforms, ensuring it is compatible with your preferred technology. By selecting an easy-to-use paraphrasing tool, you can streamline your writing process and save valuable time and effort.

Accuracy and Quality of Paraphrased Content

Accurate and high-quality paraphrased content is crucial for effective use of paraphrasing tools. The main goal is to retain the meaning of the original text while using different words and sentence structures. However, these tools often struggle to capture the exact context and subtly of the source material.

As a result, the paraphrased content may contain errors or alter the intended message. For instance, idiomatic expressions or technical terms can be misinterpreted or left unchanged. Therefore, it is essential to carefully review and revise the paraphrased content to ensure accuracy and maintain the overall quality of the text.

Evaluating the Precision of Paraphrasing Tools

  • The accuracy of paraphrasing tools can be assessed through various techniques.
  • One method is by comparing the output of the tool with manually paraphrased versions of the same text.
  • Another approach involves measuring the similarity between the original text and the paraphrased version using algorithms like BLEU or ROUGE.
  • Additionally, conducting user-based evaluations can provide valuable insights by obtaining feedback and ratings on the quality of the paraphrased output.
  • It is important to consider both objective and subjective evaluation methods to comprehensively assess the precision of paraphrasing tools.

Using an online paraphrasing tool can offer numerous benefits.

Firstly, it saves time and effort by generating new and unique versions of text instantly. These tools use advanced algorithms to rephrase sentences while maintaining the original meaning, making them highly valuable for content writers, students, and researchers.

Additionally, online paraphrasing tools help avoid plagiarism by reshaping sentences and creating original content. They also provide an effective way to improve language skills, allowing users to learn how to express ideas differently.

cropped conflict resolved logo.png

Bridging Gaps, Finding Peace

Advantages Of Paraphrasing In Difficult Conversations

When it comes to difficult conversations, it’s natural to feel anxious or defensive. However, paraphrasing is an effective technique that can help you navigate these conversations with ease. Simply put, paraphrasing is the act of rephrasing what someone has said in your own words. It’s a powerful tool that allows you to actively listen, clarify misunderstandings, and manage emotions.

By using paraphrasing in difficult conversations, you can improve communication, build stronger relationships, and achieve better outcomes. When you paraphrase, you demonstrate that you’re fully engaged in the conversation and that you’re committed to understanding the other person’s perspective. This can help defuse tension and create a more collaborative environment.

In this article, we’ll explore the many advantages of paraphrasing in difficult conversations and provide tips and examples to help you become a better communicator.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

– Paraphrasing is an effective technique for difficult conversations that improves communication, builds stronger relationships, achieves better outcomes, and prevents misunderstandings and miscommunications. – Active listening and empathy are important in difficult conversations, and clearing up misunderstandings is necessary for effective communication. – Emotional regulation is key to successful conflict resolution, and improving communication involves encouraging openness and honesty, focusing on own thoughts and feelings, using ‘I’ statements, and asking for confirmation. – Building trust is essential in creating a safe space for difficult conversations, and paraphrasing can benefit personal and professional relationships by improving communication, preventing misunderstandings, and fostering a more collaborative work environment.

What is Paraphrasing?

Why Asking Open-Ended Questions Matters In Conflict Resolution

Paraphrasing is simply restating what someone else has said in your own words, but in a way that still captures the essence of what they were trying to communicate. By doing this, you can show the other person that you’re actively listening to them, and that you’re making an effort to understand their point of view.

The benefits of paraphrasing are numerous. For one, it can help defuse tense situations by showing the other person that you’re not just trying to argue or prove a point, but that you’re genuinely interested in understanding their perspective.

Additionally, paraphrasing can help clarify misunderstandings and prevent miscommunications from escalating into something more serious. Applications of paraphrasing can be found in almost every aspect of life, from personal relationships to professional settings.

By learning to paraphrase effectively, you can become a better communicator and build stronger connections with the people around you. With that in mind, let’s move on to the next section about active listening and empathy.

Active Listening and Empathy

Open Ended Questions Vs Closed Ended Questions Whats The Difference

Here are three ways to actively listen and show empathy in difficult conversations:

1. Avoid interrupting or talking over the other person. Give them time to express their thoughts and feelings without judgment or interruption.

2. Use open-ended questions to encourage them to share more about their perspective and emotions. This can also help you clarify any misunderstandings.

3. Validate their feelings by acknowledging and empathizing with their emotions. This can help them feel heard and understood, and can create a more positive and productive communication dynamic.

By actively listening and showing empathy, you can create a deeper level of understanding and connection with the other person. This can help you clarify misunderstandings and find a mutually beneficial solution without causing further conflict or tension.

Clarifying Misunderstandings


To begin with, it’s important to identify assumptions that may be clouding your understanding of the situation. By acknowledging these assumptions, you can approach the conversation with a more open mind and be more receptive to the other person’s perspective.

Additionally, it’s important to address any biases you may have that could be impacting your interpretation of the situation. By recognizing and addressing these biases, you can create a more objective foundation for the conversation.

Once you’ve identified assumptions and addressed biases, it’s important to actively clarify any misunderstandings. This can be done by asking questions and restating what you believe the other person is saying to ensure that you have a clear understanding of their perspective. By doing this, you can avoid making assumptions and instead focus on the actual facts of the situation.

With a clear understanding of the situation, you can move on to managing emotions during the conversation.

Managing Emotions


Here are some tips to help you manage your emotions during difficult conversations:

– Take a deep breath and count to ten before responding – Use ‘I’statements to express how you feel without blaming the other person – Practice active listening to show that you understand their perspective – Take a break if needed to cool down before continuing the conversation – Use positive self-talk to stay calm and focused on the goal of resolving the conflict.

By implementing these strategies, you can maintain emotional control during difficult conversations and increase the chances of a successful outcome.

In the next section, we’ll explore how improving communication skills can further enhance conflict resolution.

Improving Communication


By being open and honest yourself, you can create a safe space for others to do the same. And by facilitating productive dialogue, you can ensure that conversations are constructive and lead to positive outcomes.

Keep these points in mind as you work to improve your communication skills.

Encouraging Openness and Honesty

Being honest and open can be tough, especially in difficult conversations. People often feel vulnerable and exposed when they share their thoughts and emotions. This is why building trust and promoting transparency is crucial in establishing an environment where people feel safe to express themselves.

Paraphrasing can help in creating this safe space, as it shows that you’re actively listening and trying to understand the other person’s perspective. When you paraphrase, you restate the other person’s words in your own language, which helps to clarify any misunderstandings and shows that you’re genuinely interested in what they have to say.

Encouraging openness and honesty through paraphrasing can lead to more productive dialogue. When people feel heard and understood, they’re more likely to engage in a conversation and share their perspectives. This can lead to a deeper understanding of each other’s thoughts and feelings and facilitate a more productive discussion.

By actively listening and paraphrasing, you’re showing that you value the other person’s input and are open to finding common ground . This sets the stage for a more collaborative and constructive conversation.

Facilitating Productive Dialogue

Facilitating productive dialogue involves creating a space where everyone feels heard and understood, leading to a more collaborative and constructive conversation. One of the key elements of creating such a space is building trust. When people trust that their opinions and feelings will be valued and respected, they’re more likely to open up and share their thoughts.

This trust can be built by showing empathy, actively listening, and avoiding judgment. By building trust, difficult conversations can become less intimidating and more productive.

Another way to facilitate productive dialogue is by finding common ground. When people can identify shared goals or concerns, they’re more likely to work together towards a solution. Finding common ground can be achieved by asking questions, seeking to understand different perspectives, and acknowledging areas of agreement.

By finding common ground, difficult conversations can shift from confrontational to collaborative. In the next section, we’ll discuss tips for effective paraphrasing, which can be a helpful tool in building trust and finding common ground during difficult conversations.

Tips for Effective Paraphrasing


It’s also helpful to ask for confirmation to ensure that you accurately understood what was said.

Using Your Own Words

Using your own words can be a powerful tool in difficult conversations, as it allows you to express your thoughts and feelings more authentically and with greater impact. When you paraphrase, you are essentially restating what the other person has said in your own words. This not only shows that you’re actively listening, but it also helps to clarify any misunderstandings and ensures that you have a shared understanding of the conversation.

The benefits of paraphrasing in communication are numerous, and it’s an important skill to develop if you want to improve your relationships and communication with others. By using your own words, you’re able to convey your message in a way that’s more relatable and understandable to the other person. This can help to build trust and rapport, as it shows that you’re willing to take the time to understand their perspective.

Additionally, paraphrasing can help to diffuse tense situations by showing that you’re not trying to argue or criticize, but rather that you’re genuinely interested in understanding their point of view. Overall, the importance of paraphrasing skills cannot be overstated, as it’s a key component of effective communication and can help to improve your relationships both personally and professionally.

With that said, it’s important to avoid judgment or criticism when paraphrasing, as this can undermine the effectiveness of the conversation.

Avoiding Judgment or Criticism

To truly connect with someone in a conversation, you must avoid judging or criticizing them. Maintaining neutrality is key if you want to build rapport with them. Here are some tips to help you avoid judgment or criticism:

– Focus on your own thoughts and feelings instead of theirs. When you focus on their behavior or actions, you may be more likely to judge or criticize them. Instead, try to understand your own thoughts and feelings about the situation.

– Use contractions to make your writing more conversational.

– Use “I”statements instead of “you”statements. When you use “you”statements, it can come across as accusatory or critical. Using “I”statements can help you express your own thoughts and feelings without blaming the other person.

– Practice active listening. When you actively listen to someone, you are giving them your full attention and trying to understand their perspective. This can help you avoid judging or criticizing them.

– Show empathy. When you show empathy, you are acknowledging their feelings and showing that you understand where they are coming from. This can help build rapport and create a more positive conversation.

By maintaining neutrality and building rapport , you can create a safe space for difficult conversations. Once you have avoided judgment or criticism, you can move onto the next step of asking for confirmation without making the other person feel attacked.

Asking for Confirmation

Asking for confirmation is crucial if you want to ensure that you’re on the same page, so don’t hesitate to clarify any misunderstandings.

In difficult conversations, it’s easy to assume that you understand what the other person is saying, but this can lead to misunderstandings and further conflict. However, by asking for confirmation, you can ensure that you’re both on the same page and avoid any potential misunderstandings.

Role reversal can be a helpful technique when asking for confirmation. This involves switching roles with the other person and summarizing what they’ve said in your own words. This reflective response not only shows that you’re actively listening, but it also allows the other person to confirm or correct any misunderstandings.

By using this technique, you can ensure that you have a clear understanding of the other person’s perspective and avoid any potential conflicts.

Now, let’s look at some examples of paraphrasing in difficult conversations.

Examples of Paraphrasing in Difficult Conversations


Paraphrasing allows you to clarify your understanding of the other person’s perspective, which can be especially helpful in personal relationships.

Additionally, paraphrasing can help build trust and rapport in professional relationships by demonstrating that you’re actively listening and seeking to understand the other person’s point of view.

Personal Relationships

When you’re having a difficult conversation with someone you care about, using paraphrasing can help you better understand their perspective and improve the overall communication in your personal relationships. By repeating what they’ve said in your own words, you show that you’re actively listening and trying to comprehend their point of view.

This can lead to greater trust between you and the other person, which is essential for building healthy personal boundaries and resolving trust issues.

In addition, paraphrasing can help prevent misunderstandings and miscommunications in your personal relationships. When you paraphrase someone’s words, you clarify any confusion or ambiguity in their message. This can help avoid hurt feelings and resentment, which can damage a relationship over time.

By using paraphrasing as a tool for effective communication, you can strengthen your personal relationships and create a more positive and supportive environment.

Moving on to professional relationships, it’s important to understand how paraphrasing can benefit communication in the workplace.

Professional Relationships

In your professional relationships, mastering the art of paraphrasing can help you become a more effective communicator and foster a more collaborative work environment.

Building trust is essential in any workplace, and paraphrasing can be a powerful tool in achieving this. By summarizing what someone has said and repeating it back to them, you demonstrate that you’re listening and understanding their perspective. This builds trust and can lead to more open and honest communication.

Paraphrasing can also be useful in conflict resolution. When tensions run high, it can be easy for misunderstandings to occur. Paraphrasing can help clarify what each party is saying and ensure that everyone is on the same page. This can lead to a more productive conversation and a faster resolution to the conflict.

By incorporating paraphrasing into your professional communication style, you can create a more positive and effective work environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can paraphrasing be used in any type of conversation, or is it only effective in difficult ones.

Paraphrasing is an effective communication skill that can be used in any conversation. Tips for effective paraphrasing include active listening, using your own words, and checking for understanding. Benefits of using paraphrasing in communication include building trust, clarifying misunderstandings, and improving relationships.

How can active listening and empathy help in difficult conversations beyond just paraphrasing?

When faced with difficult conversations, active listening skills and empathy building techniques can be invaluable. By truly hearing and understanding the other person’s perspective, you can build trust and foster a more productive dialogue.

What are some common emotions that people may experience during difficult conversations and how can they be managed?

Feeling overwhelmed during difficult conversations is normal. Managing emotions is key. Use communication strategies like taking deep breaths, acknowledging feelings, and focusing on solutions to avoid getting stuck. How can you stay calm and centered?

Are there any situations where paraphrasing may not be appropriate or effective?

When to avoid paraphrasing includes situations where the speaker is in crisis, or when the message is sensitive or complex. Alternatives to paraphrasing include asking open-ended questions and validating emotions to show empathy.

Can paraphrasing be used in written communication as well as verbal communication?

Oh sure, because nothing makes written communication more exciting than repeating everything the other person said in a slightly different way. But in all seriousness, paraphrasing techniques can be just as effective in written communication as in verbal communication.

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Why Are Rephrasing And Summarizing Crucial In Counseling

Table of Contents

Why are rephrasing and summarizing crucial in counseling?

By giving accurate responses through encouraging, paraphrasing, and summarizing, a counsellor can encourage a client to keep talking, open up more freely, and explore issues in more detail. Informing the client that the counsellor has correctly understood what they have been saying by responding in this manner. Clarifying emotions for the counselor and the client is the goal of summarizing in counseling.Counseling is a type of talk therapy. It is a process where a person, a couple, or a family meets with a qualified professional counselor to discuss problems and issues in their lives. Professional counseling is discreet and nonjudgmental.

In counseling, what benefit does summarizing have?

When summarizing, the therapist reflects back the main ideas discussed during the session to give the client a chance to review and correct the therapist if any details seem off. In order to help both the client and the counselor better understand their feelings, summaries are helpful. Summarizing entails expressing an idea succinctly, whereas paraphrasing entails expressing an idea in full using the majority of the data from the original source while maintaining the original meaning.The first and most important step in summarizing is to recognize the key points in the text that are being presented.Both your reading and writing skills will benefit from summarizing. To paraphrase, you must carefully read a passage, identifying the main ideas and ancillary ideas. Then, in a few sentences or a paragraph, you must sum up those ideas. Understanding the distinction between a summary and a paraphrase is crucial.A summary gives the reader all of the pertinent facts, concepts, or arguments from the original source. While written in your own words, a summary still only serves to explain the ideas of another author. It does not serve as a judgment, commentary, or analysis.Therefore, summaries serve three main purposes: (1) they make an article’s content clear so that readers can decide whether or not they want to read it; (2) they help readers organize their thoughts about what will come next; and (3) they help readers remember key details from the article.

What does summarizing mean at the end of counseling?

Each session should conclude with a summary to help the counselor create a better progress note and facilitate the development of counseling interventions. Additionally, it demonstrates to the client that you two are on the same page in terms of the tasks the client is completing and the objectives the client is achieving. By combining two or more of the client’s thoughts, feelings, or behaviors into a single general theme, the counselor creates a summary. When a counselor wants to make connections between two or more topics during choice points of a counseling interview, they typically use summarization as a skill.Key Qualities of a Summary A lead, which includes the title, author, and text type, appears at the start of a summary. In the same way that the text itself develops, summaries are written in chronological order. There are no opinions or conclusions in summaries.Students learn how to identify the most crucial ideas in a text, how to filter out unimportant information, and how to coherently combine the key ideas through summarizing. It helps students remember what they read when they are taught how to summarize. Nearly all content areas allow for the use of summarization techniques.The objective of a summary—of a piece of writing, a chapter, or a whole book—is to restate the key points of the original piece in as few words and in the most concise manner possible.An accurate, understandable, and condensed summary is preferred. Represents the original text truthfully – A summary must always do this. Clear – A summary should be simple to understand for the reader. This entails condensing long or complex texts into writing that is brief and (relatively) easy to understand.

What is the counseling process’s synopsis?

The five fundamental phases of counseling are: 1) Establishing the client-clinician relationship; 2) Clarifying and assessing the situation or problem; 3) Determining and setting counseling or treatment goals; 4) Creating and putting into practice interventions; and 5) Planning, concluding, and following up. Counseling skills are both hard (technical) and soft (interpersonal) abilities that a counselor uses to help their clients work through their personal problems and get past obstacles that are currently keeping them from living a full and happy life.

What are the key components of summarizing?

Compelling summaries are those that are thorough, succinct, coherent, and independent. These characteristics are described below: A summary must be thorough: You should identify all of the crucial ideas from the original passage and list them. The three elements that all summarization techniques have in common are the selection of key concepts, the elimination of irrelevant details, and the replacement of lengthy passages in the original work with a single, well-written sentence. Summarization is the retention, erasure, and replacement of information.Instead of outlining the text by condensing an idea, it is more helpful for the students to group the text’s main points together. Summarizing is an important tactic that helps readers remember text quickly.When: When you want to provide background information or an overview of a subject. You want to discuss information about a subject that you’ve learned from various sources. You want to ascertain a single source’s key points.The two types of summarization are extractive and abstractive. In order to create a summary, extractive summarization chooses a subset of the text’s sentences; abstractive summarization rearranges the language in the text and, if necessary, adds new words or phrases.Finding the main ideas and important details in each paragraph is made easier by summarizing. This is similar to panning for gold. Understanding the main ideas and important details is the key to effective learning.

What portion of summarizing *is most crucial?

Make sure to use your original language and sentence structure while condensing your sentences. Keep the original text’s logical order in mind. Make sure your own point of view is strictly objective (reporting only the text’s content). A summary should not include opinions. A summary should present a concise representation of main points, ideas, concepts, facts, or text in your own words. Summarizing calls for critical reading, thinking, and writing abilities that are essential for success in any course level.A longer passage, ranging from a few sentences to several paragraphs or even more, is summarized by restating the key points in your own words. Compared to the original source, your summary will contain a lot fewer words.Write down the text’s main points and then restate them in your own words and writing style as a summary. A third of the original length or less should be taken up by the summary.The original source of a paraphrase must also be mentioned. The material that has been paraphrased is typically shorter than the original passage because it has been condensed. In order to summarize, you must rephrase the main idea(s) and only mention the main idea(s).A summary should explain the main points of the text to readers who have not read the full piece or watched the presentation. It gives a brief explanation of the main idea or purpose of the essay and summarizes the arguments that support it.

What is the significance of summarizing?

Students learn how to identify the most crucial ideas in a text, how to filter out unimportant information, and how to coherently combine the main ideas through summarizing. Students’ reading retention is improved when they are taught how to summarize. In almost every subject area, summarization techniques are applicable. When you need to offer a quick summary of a longer text, choose to summarize rather than paraphrase. With summaries, you can cut out irrelevant or unimportant details, highlight key points, and make the author’s argument more clear.Summarizing aids in understanding and significantly increases the retention of information in long-term memory in students. One metacognitive strategy that increases remembering and understanding is summarizing. It promotes effective use of mental abilities.Outlines, abstracts, and synopses are the three main categories of informative summaries. Outlines show the structure or skeleton of a piece of writing. Using an outline, you can see how the various parts of the text relate to one another. A chapter’s synopsis is provided here.Summarizing functions similarly to outlining a play’s plot. For instance, if asked to sum up Shakespeare’s Hamlet, you might say: It is the tale of a young prince of Denmark who learns that his mother and uncle have murdered his father, the former king.Outlines, abstracts, and synopses comprise the three primary categories of informative summaries. Outlines display the structure or skeleton of a piece of writing. Outlines display the relationship and order of the various parts of the text. An outline for a chapter on summarization.

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When you want to use specific materials from an argument to support a point you are making in your paper but want to avoid too many quotes, you should paraphrase.

What is a paraphrase?

To paraphrase is to restate someone else’s writing in your own words at the same level of detail and often the same overall length of the original work. In a paraphrase, you use your own words to explain the specific points another writer has made. If the original text refers to an idea or term discussed earlier in the text, your paraphrase may also need to explain or define that idea. You may also need to interpret specific terms made by the writer in the original text.

Be careful not to add information or commentary that isn’t part of the original passage in the midst of your paraphrase. You don’t want to add to or take away from the meaning of the passage you are paraphrasing. Save your comments and analysis until after you have finished your paraphrased and cited it appropriately.

What does paraphrasing look like?

Paraphrases should begin by making it clear that the information to come is from your source. If you are using APA format, a year citation should follow your mention of the author.

For example, using the Thoreau passage as an example, you might begin a paraphrase like this:

Paraphrases may sometimes include brief quotations, but most of the paraphrase should be in your own words.

What might a paraphrase of this passage from Thoreau look like?

“Most men, even in this comparatively free country, through mere ignorance and mistake, are so occupied with the factitious cares and superfluously coarse labors of life that its finer fruits cannot be plucked by them. Their fingers, from excessive toil, are too clumsy and tremble too much for that. Actually, the laboring man has not leisure for a true integrity day by day; he cannot afford to sustain the manliest relations to men; his labor would be depreciated in the market.”

Note that the passage above is almost exactly the same length as the original. It’s also important to note that the paraphrased passage has a different structure and significant changes in wording. The main ideas are the same, but the student has paraphrased effectively by putting the information into their own words.

What are the benefits of paraphrasing?

The paraphrase accomplishes three goals:

  • Like the summary, it contextualizes the information (who said it, when, and where).
  • It restates all the supporting points used by Thoreau to develop the idea that man is hurt by focusing too much on labor.
  • The writer uses their own words for most of the paraphrase, allowing the writer to maintain a strong voice while sharing important information from the source.

Paraphrasing is likely the most common way you will integrate your source information. Quoting should be minimal in most research papers. Paraphrasing allows you to integrate sources without losing your voice as a writer to those sources. Paraphrasing can be tricky, however. You really have to make changes to the wording. Changing a few words here and there doesn’t count as a paraphrase, and, if you don’t quote those words, can get you into trouble with plagiarism .

The next page will allow you to see more examples of effective paraphrasing before you practice with the Paraphrasing Activity .

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What's a paraphrasing tool?

This AI-powered paraphraser lets you rewrite text in your own words. Use it to  paraphrase articles, essays, and other pieces of text. You can also use it to rephrase sentences and find synonyms for individual words. And the best part? It’s all 100% free!

What's paraphrasing

What's paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing involves expressing someone else’s ideas or thoughts in your own words while maintaining the original meaning. Paraphrasing tools can help you quickly reword text by replacing certain words with synonyms or restructuring sentences. They can also make your text more concise, clear, and suitable for a specific audience. Paraphrasing is an essential skill in academic writing and professional communication. 

identify the benefits of paraphrasing

Why use this paraphrasing tool?

  • Save time: Gone are the days when you had to reword sentences yourself; now you can rewrite a text or a complete text with one click.
  •  Improve your writing: Your writing will always be clear and easy to understand. Automatically ensure consistent language throughout. 
  • Preserve original meaning: Paraphrase without fear of losing the point of your text.
  • No annoying ads: We care about the user experience, so we don’t run any ads.
  • Accurate: Reliable and grammatically correct paraphrasing.
  • No sign-up required: We don’t need your data for you to use our paraphrasing tool.
  • Super simple to use: A simple interface even your grandma could use.
  • It’s 100% free: No hidden costs, just unlimited use of a free paraphrasing tool.

Features of the paraphrasing tool

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Rephrase individual sentences

With the Scribbr Paraphrasing Tool, you can easily reformulate individual sentences.

  • Write varied headlines
  • Rephrase the subject line of an email
  • Create unique image captions

Paraphrase an whole text

Paraphrase a whole text

Our paraphraser can also help with longer passages (up to 125 words per input). Upload your document or copy your text into the input field.

With one click, you can reformulate the entire text.

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Find synonyms with ease

Simply click on any word to open the interactive thesaurus.

  • Choose from a list of suggested synonyms
  • Find the synonym with the most appropriate meaning
  • Replace the word with a single click

Paraphrase in two ways

Paraphrase in two ways

  • Standard: Offers a compromise between modifying and preserving the meaning of the original text
  • Fluency: Improves language and corrects grammatical mistakes.

Upload any document-to paraphrase tool

Upload different types of documents

Upload any Microsoft Word document, Google Doc, or PDF into the paraphrasing tool.

Download or copy your results

Download or copy your results

After you’re done, you can easily download or copy your text to use somewhere else.

Powered by AI

Powered by AI

The paraphrasing tool uses natural language processing to rewrite any text you give it. This way, you can paraphrase any text within seconds.

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Avoid accidental plagiarism

Want to make sure your document is plagiarism-free? In addition to our paraphrasing tool, which will help you rephrase sentences, quotations, or paragraphs correctly, you can also use our anti-plagiarism software to make sure your document is unique and not plagiarized.

Scribbr’s anti-plagiarism software enables you to:

  • Detect plagiarism more accurately than other tools
  • Ensure that your paraphrased text is valid
  • Highlight the sources that are most similar to your text

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How does this paraphrasing tool work?

1. put your text into the paraphraser, 2. select your method of paraphrasing, 3. select the quantity of synonyms you want, 4. edit your text where needed, who can use this paraphrasing tool.


Paraphrasing tools can help students to understand texts and improve the quality of their writing. 


Create original lesson plans, presentations, or other educational materials.



Explain complex concepts or ideas to a wider audience. 



Quickly and easily rephrase text to avoid repetitive language.



By using a paraphrasing tool, you can quickly and easily rework existing content to create something new and unique.


Bloggers can rewrite existing content to make it their own.


Writers who need to rewrite content, such as adapting an article for a different context or writing content for a different audience.


A paraphrasing tool lets you quickly rewrite your original content for each medium, ensuring you reach the right audience on each platform.

The all-purpose paraphrasing tool

The Scribbr Paraphrasing Tool is the perfect assistant in a variety of contexts.



Writer’s block? Use our paraphraser to get some inspiration.


Professional communication

Produce creative headings for your blog posts or PowerPoint slides.


Academic writing

Paraphrase sources smoothly in your thesis or research paper.


Social media

Craft memorable captions and content for your social media posts.

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The Scribbr Paraphrasing Tool lets you rewrite as many sentences as you want—for free.

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Frequently asked questions

The act of putting someone else’s ideas or words into your own words is called paraphrasing, rephrasing, or rewording. Even though they are often used interchangeably, the terms can mean slightly different things:

Paraphrasing is restating someone else’s ideas or words in your own words while retaining their meaning. Paraphrasing changes sentence structure, word choice, and sentence length to convey the same meaning.

Rephrasing may involve more substantial changes to the original text, including changing the order of sentences or the overall structure of the text.

Rewording is changing individual words in a text without changing its meaning or structure, often using synonyms.

It can. One of the two methods of paraphrasing is called “Fluency.” This will improve the language and fix grammatical errors in the text you’re paraphrasing.

Paraphrasing and using a paraphrasing tool aren’t cheating. It’s a great tool for saving time and coming up with new ways to express yourself in writing.  However, always be sure to credit your sources. Avoid plagiarism.  

If you don’t properly cite text paraphrased from another source, you’re plagiarizing. If you use someone else’s text and paraphrase it, you need to credit the original source. You can do that by using citations. There are different styles, like APA, MLA, Harvard, and Chicago. Find more information about citing sources here.

Paraphrasing without crediting the original author is a form of plagiarism , because you’re presenting someone else’s ideas as if they were your own.

However, paraphrasing is not plagiarism if you correctly cite the source . This means including an in-text citation and a full reference, formatted according to your required citation style .

As well as citing, make sure that any paraphrased text is completely rewritten in your own words.

Plagiarism means using someone else’s words or ideas and passing them off as your own. Paraphrasing means putting someone else’s ideas in your own words.

So when does paraphrasing count as plagiarism?

  • Paraphrasing is plagiarism if you don’t properly credit the original author.
  • Paraphrasing is plagiarism if your text is too close to the original wording (even if you cite the source). If you directly copy a sentence or phrase, you should quote it instead.
  • Paraphrasing  is not plagiarism if you put the author’s ideas completely in your own words and properly cite the source .

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    Example 6. Original: "Regular exercise is crucial for maintaining optimal physical health and preventing various health issues.". Paraphrased: "Exercising regularly is important for keeping your body healthy and avoiding health problems.". In these examples, you can observe the use of different wording, sentence structure, and synonyms ...

  2. What Is Paraphrasing: Definition, Example & Benefit of Paraphrase

    The Definition of Paraphrase. According to the Cambridge Online Dictionary, the definition of paraphrase is to write or say something using different words while maintaining the meaning. Paraphrasing is normally used to make sentences simpler, shorter, or clearer. When you restate someone else's ideas, opinions, or thoughts in your own words ...

  3. 3 Benefits of Paraphrasing: The Skill for Learning, Writing and

    By paraphrasing, you can curate credible and well-developed documents, and arguments. But there's more to paraphrasing than the final result, the process of paraphrasing engages your ability to learn actively, write well, and communicate creatively. Amirah Khan. March 22, 2022. Paraphrasing allows you to share another's ideas in your own words.

  4. Paraphrasing: What is Paraphrasing, Techniques and Examples

    Following are 5 digestible paraphrasing tips you can incorporate when paraphrasing your sentences. Identify the important parts. ... Among all the benefits, the most favorable benefit of paraphrasing is that it helps you avoid the accusation of plagiarism. You are simply committing plagiarism (an offense as stated by the federal government ...

  5. How to paraphrase (including examples)

    Paraphrasing is simple when you break it down into a series of steps. Here are the 6 steps you can use to paraphrase your sources: 1. Choose a reputable source. First, you need to pick a credible source to paraphrase. A credible source will likely have ideas and concepts that are worth repeating.

  6. Paraphrasing

    Paraphrasing is easier if you follow these tips: 1:38. Identify the exact passage you want to paraphrase. 1:43. Look away from the text when paraphrasing so that you don't repeat the author's words. 1:48. Restate the author's ideas in different words that are equally specific. 1:53.

  7. Paraphrasing: 3 Things You Need to Know (What, How and Why?)

    A paraphrase will often be similar in length to the original statement, and will focus on the core points of that idea. In contrast, summaries usually involve synthesising a wide range of information to share the core theme, or results of a piece of work. How to Paraphrase. There's a five step approach to paraphrasing effectively.

  8. What Is Paraphrasing and Why Do We Do It?

    Paraphrasing is a powerful way to further understand a subject or idea for both the writer and reader or speaker and listener. Active listening and understanding are key components of efficient communication. Using this skill alleviates misunderstandings and prevents conflict.

  9. How to Paraphrase

    Paraphrasing is a writing technique often used when you want to put someone else's thoughts or ideas into your own words, while keeping the same meaning. People often use paraphrasing to: ️ avoid plagiarism , ️ make the complicated language easier to understand, or. ️ explain the ideas of someone else in a way that is easier to understand.

  10. Paraphrase and Summary

    Paraphrases should begin by making it clear that the information to come is from your source. If you are using MLA format, you should include the author's last name and the page number of the paraphrased content in a parenthetical citation. To paraphrase the passage above, you might begin as follows: Even though Thoreau praised the virtues of ...

  11. How to Paraphrase

    Paraphrasing means putting someone else's ideas into your own words. Paraphrasing a source involves changing the wording while preserving the original meaning. Paraphrasing is an alternative to quoting (copying someone's exact words and putting them in quotation marks ). In academic writing, it's usually better to integrate sources by ...

  12. 8 Key Points: Discuss the Importance of Paraphrasing

    By paraphrasing a text, a writer cuts down on the number of quotes in their work, making it easier to read. 7. Puts an Argument in Its Proper Place. You can set the stage for your ideas when you paraphrase. When you rework another author's words, you can guide the reader and frame your argument.

  13. Teaching Students to Paraphrase

    But teaching effective paraphrasing is necessary because the use of paraphrasing facilitates important literacy skills: It encourages repeated reading, develops note-taking habits as students track quotes and outline text details, and expands vocabulary as they consider appropriate ways to describe the original text.The skill may seem daunting to students because it takes time to find the ...

  14. Paraphrasing Techniques

    Technique #3: Paraphrasing plus Summarizing method. Sometimes you will be able to identify one or two specific sentences to paraphrase. However, it is more common to use information from a longer passage, like a paragraph or two, or a section or sections of an article. To do this effectively, you must combine the skills of paraphrasing and ...

  15. How to Use Paraphrasing Tools

    There are several paid or free paraphrasing tools available today so let's look at the top 5 software applications that will help you to improve your writing skills. 1. Prepostseo. The reason this tool is so well-known is the plethora of synonyms that are included, which will help you to make your content unique.

  16. The Benefits of Using an Online Paraphrasing Tool

    An online paraphrasing tool is a software or web-based tool that helps users rephrase or reword a given text. It is designed to automatically generate alternative versions of content by replacing words or phrases with their synonyms. This tool is especially useful for writers, students, and professionals who want to avoid plagiarism or ...

  17. Uncovering The Benefits Of Paraphrasing In Challenging Dialogues

    When people can identify shared goals or concerns, they're more likely to work together towards a solution. Finding common ground can be achieved by asking questions, seeking to understand different perspectives, and acknowledging areas of agreement. ... The benefits of paraphrasing in communication are numerous, and it's an important skill ...

  18. Why Are Rephrasing And Summarizing Crucial In Counseling

    Summarizing entails expressing an idea succinctly, whereas paraphrasing entails expressing an idea in full using the majority of the data from the original source while maintaining the original meaning.The first and most important step in summarizing is to recognize the key points in the text that are being presented.Both your reading and ...

  19. Paraphrasing

    To paraphrase is to restate someone else's writing in your own words at the same level of detail and often the same overall length of the original work. In a paraphrase, you use your own words to explain the specific points another writer has made. If the original text refers to an idea or term discussed earlier in the text, your paraphrase ...

  20. #1 Free Paraphrasing Tool

    Paraphrase text online, for free. The Scribbr Paraphrasing Tool lets you rewrite as many sentences as you want—for free. Rephrase as many texts as you want. No registration needed. Suitable for individual sentences or whole paragraphs. For school, university, or work.

  21. Interacting with Customers Flashcards

    Paraphrasing a customer's problems has a number of benefits.Identify the benefits of paraphrasing. ... What are some benefits of paraphrasing? It demonstrates the four elements of good listening It gives the customer an opportunity to clarify things It does not involve approval or disapproval of what an individual has said, ...