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Solving Systems of Equations Real World Problems

Wow! You have learned many different strategies for solving systems of equations! First we started with Graphing Systems of Equations . Then we moved onto solving systems using the Substitution Method . In our last lesson we used the Linear Combinations or Addition Method to solve systems of equations.

Now we are ready to apply these strategies to solve real world problems! Are you ready? First let's look at some guidelines for solving real world problems and then we'll look at a few examples.

Steps For Solving Real World Problems

  • Highlight the important information in the problem that will help write two equations.
  • Define your variables
  • Write two equations
  • Use one of the methods for solving systems of equations to solve.
  • Check your answers by substituting your ordered pair into the original equations.
  • Answer the questions in the real world problems. Always write your answer in complete sentences!

Ok... let's look at a few examples. Follow along with me. (Having a calculator will make it easier for you to follow along.)

Example 1: Systems Word Problems

You are running a concession stand at a basketball game. You are selling hot dogs and sodas. Each hot dog costs $1.50 and each soda costs $0.50. At the end of the night you made a total of $78.50. You sold a total of 87 hot dogs and sodas combined. You must report the number of hot dogs sold and the number of sodas sold. How many hot dogs were sold and how many sodas were sold?

1.  Let's start by identifying the important information:

  • hot dogs cost $1.50
  • Sodas cost $0.50
  • Made a total of $78.50
  • Sold 87 hot dogs and sodas combined

2.  Define your variables.

  • Ask yourself, "What am I trying to solve for? What don't I know?

In this problem, I don't know how many hot dogs or sodas were sold. So this is what each variable will stand for. (Usually the question at the end will give you this information).

Let x = the number of hot dogs sold

Let y = the number of sodas sold

3. Write two equations.

One equation will be related to the price and one equation will be related to the quantity (or number) of hot dogs and sodas sold.

1.50x + 0.50y = 78.50    (Equation related to cost)

 x + y = 87   (Equation related to the number sold)

4.  Solve! 

We can choose any method that we like to solve the system of equations. I am going to choose the substitution method since I can easily solve the 2nd equation for y.

Solving a systems using substitution

5. Think about what this solution means.

x is the number of hot dogs and x = 35. That means that 35 hot dogs were sold.

y is the number of sodas and y = 52. That means that 52 sodas were sold.

6.  Write your answer in a complete sentence.

35 hot dogs were sold and 52 sodas were sold.

7.  Check your work by substituting.

1.50x + 0.50y = 78.50

1.50(35) + 0.50(52) = 78.50

52.50 + 26 = 78.50

35 + 52 = 87

Since both equations check properly, we know that our answers are correct!

That wasn't too bad, was it? The hardest part is writing the equations. From there you already know the strategies for solving. Think carefully about what's happening in the problem when trying to write the two equations.

Example 2: Another Word Problem

You and a friend go to Tacos Galore for lunch. You order three soft tacos and three burritos and your total bill is $11.25. Your friend's bill is $10.00 for four soft tacos and two burritos. How much do soft tacos cost? How much do burritos cost?

  • 3 soft tacos + 3 burritos cost $11.25
  • 4 soft tacos + 2 burritos cost $10.00

In this problem, I don't know the price of the soft tacos or the price of the burritos.

Let x = the price of 1 soft taco

Let y = the price of 1 burrito

One equation will be related your lunch and one equation will be related to your friend's lunch.

3x + 3y = 11.25  (Equation representing your lunch)

4x + 2y = 10   (Equation representing your friend's lunch)

We can choose any method that we like to solve the system of equations. I am going to choose the combinations method.

Solving Systems Using Combinations

5. Think about what the solution means in context of the problem.

x = the price of 1 soft taco and x = 1.25.

That means that 1 soft tacos costs $1.25.

y = the price of 1 burrito and y = 2.5.

That means that 1 burrito costs $2.50.

Yes, I know that word problems can be intimidating, but this is the whole reason why we are learning these skills. You must be able to apply your knowledge!

If you have difficulty with real world problems, you can find more examples and practice problems in the Algebra Class E-course.

Take a look at the questions that other students have submitted:

solving systems word problems homework 1

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Chickens and dogs in the farm yard

  • System of Equations
  • Systems Word Problems

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Systems of Equations (Word Problems)

These lessons, with videos, examples and step-by-step solutions help Grade 8 students learn how to analyze and solve pairs of simultaneous linear equations.

Related Pages Systems of Equations - Graphical Method Solving Equations Common Core for Grade 8 Common Core for Mathematics More Math Lessons for Grade 8

A. Understand that solutions to a system of two linear equations in two variables correspond to points of intersection of their graphs, because points of intersection satisfy both equations simultaneously.

B. Solve systems of two linear equations in two variables algebraically, and estimate solutions by graphing the equations. Solve simple cases by inspection.  For example, 3x + 2y = 5 and 3x + 2y = 6 have no solution because 3x + 2y cannot simultaneously be 5 and 6 .

C. Solve real-world and mathematical problems leading to two linear equations in two variables. For example, given coordinates for two pairs of points, determine whether the line through the first pair of points intersects the line through the second pair.

Common Core: 8.EE.8c

Suggested Learning Targets

  • I can identify the solution(s) to a system of two linear equations in two variables as the point(s) of intersection of their graphs.
  • I can describe the point(s) of intersection between two lines as the points that satisfy both equations simultaneously.
  • I can define “inspection.”
  • I can solve a system of two equations (linear) in two unknowns algebraically.
  • I can identify cases in which a system of two equations in two unknowns has no solution.
  • I can identify cases in which a system of two equations in two unknowns has an infinite number of solutions.
  • I can solve simple cases of systems of two linear equations in two variables by inspection.
  • I can estimate the point(s) of intersection for a system of two equations in two unknowns by graphing the equations.
  • I can represent real-world and mathematical problems leading to two linear equations in two variables.

Systems of equations word problem (coins)

Example: A man has 14 coins in his pocket, all of which are dimes and quarters. If the total value of his change is $2.75, how many dimes and how many quarters does he have?

Word problem using system of equations (investment-interest)

Example: A woman invests a total of $20,000 in two accounts, one paying 5% and another paying 8% simple interest per year. Her annual interest is $1,180. How much did she invest in each rate?

Systems of Equations Word Problems

Example: The sum of two numbers is 16. One number is 4 less than 3 times the other. Find the numbers.

Systems of Equations (word problems)

Example: Two times a number plus ten times a second number is twenty. Thirty times the second number plus three times the first number is 45. What are the two numbers?

Systems of Equations-Word Problems

How to solve a word problem involving a system of 2 equations with 2 variables?

Example: Three coffees and two muffins cost a total of 7 dollars. Two coffees and four muffins cost a total of 8 dollars. What is the individual price for a single coffee and a single muffin?

How to translate words or word problems into a systems of equations?

Example: A coin collection is made up of 34 coins comprised of nickels and dimes. The total value of the collection is $1.90. How many dimes and nickels made up this collections?

Systems of Equations - word problems Examples of setting up word (or application) problems solved by a system of equations.

Example: For some reason, in our math class, there are 14 more boys than there are girls. If a total of 32 students are in the class, how many boys and how many girls are there?

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Solving Systems of Equations Word Problems Worksheets

We have previously learned about systems of equations. This is when you have multiple linear equations that have the same value for their unknown variables. this allows us to manipulate these equations in many different ways to determine those unknown variables. These systems are evident in many different real-world ways. Students will work with systems of equations that can be found within word problems in this problem set. The worksheets and lessons will show students how to setup up these problems and how to solve them.

Aligned Standard: HSA-REI.C.5

  • Carpenter's Project Step-by-step Lesson - We're making chairs, but at what rate and how often?
  • Guided Lesson - Making muffins, pearl necklaces, and making sandwiches.
  • Guided Lesson Explanation - Create the system first and then find the sweet spot that they both fit into.
  • Practice Worksheet - Our scenarios include candle making, buying books and fruit juices.
  • Matching Worksheet - Fill in the missing numbers to make each word problem mathematically correct.
  • Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.

Homework Sheets

Some of these problems were so hard to get right that it took several tries.

  • Homework 1 - A test has 20 questions worth a total of 100 points. There are two question types on the test. Matching questions are worth 4 points and multiple choice questions are worth 6 points. How many multiple choice and matching questions are there each?
  • Homework 2 - 3 small vases and one large vase hold 6 liters of water. If you poured a full large vase into a small vase and filled it, you would still have 2 liters of water left in the large vase. How much water can a large vase hold?
  • Homework 3 - Billy went to the fun park. He rode the water slide 5 times and the Ferris wheel twice. He spent $20 on the rides. Jenny rode the water slide 3 times and the Ferris wheel 3 times. Jenny spent $21 on rides. How much does it cost to go on the water slide?

Practice Worksheets

The flow here is set up to make students work a little harder as they go along.

  • Practice 1 - Shelly wants to make cookies. She has two different sized cooking pans. She only uses one pan per flavor of cookie. On Saturday, she makes 12 pans of chocolate cookies and 10 pans of vanilla cookies for a total of 312 cookies. On Sunday, She makes 5 pans of chocolate cookies and 3 pans of vanilla cookies for a total of 116 cookies.
  • Practice 2 - Ash sells dumplings at the local farmer’s market. On Monday, he sold 12 veggie dumplings and 15 meat dumplings for $69. On Tuesday, he sold 18 veggie dumplings and 7 meat dumplings for $57.
  • Practice 3 - The sum of two numbers is 26. The difference of the same two numbers is 8. What are the numbers?

Math Skill Quizzes

The quizzes were hard to get set correctly. It took me a while to get the numbers to balance.

  • Quiz 1 - Kelly had a great basketball game today. She made 39 points with 16 different shots. If she only made two and three point shots, how many of each did she make?
  • Quiz 2 - At the movies, an adult ticket costs $9 and a kid’s ticket costs $6. If Mr. Fluffy brought 9 people and spent $69, how many kids did he pay for?
  • Quiz 3 - A Snickers bar has 150 more calories than a large chocolate chip cookie. Donnie has 3 Snickers bars and 4 chocolate chip cookies for a total of 1,150 calories. How many calories are in each Snickers bar and Chocolate chip cookie?

What Are Systems of Equations in Math?

When you consider systems in mathematics, this normally refers to a series of linear equations that share the same values for their variables. Thus, we must learn the concepts of systems when we are learning algebra. Systems of the equation consist of at least two equations that have the same variables in them. In the concept, the number of equations is directly proportional to the number of variables present in them. Let us take an example which consists of variables x and y. You can communicate these types of problems in algebraic or narrative form.

There are number of different methods you can use to find the values of the variables within these systems. Here is an example of a system of equations: x + y = 6 and -3x + y = 2. Now, we need to solve them simultaneously, to get the values of x and y. When you solve them you will come across a condition. Let us resolve them. x = 6 - y : eq (a)| Here, we will place the value of x in the second equation. -3(6-y) + y = 2 unto -18 + 3y + y = 2 unto 4y = 18 + 2 unto y = 5. Now, we will place the value of y in eq (a). x = 6 - 5 therefore x = 1. The solution set is (1, 5). The condition is that on the graph, both lines will intersect at some point. Your goal by substituting values into the other equation is to locate this point. The best thing about this problem is that it easy to double check your solution. All you need to do is to plug the x and y value of your solution into both equations. If you are correct, they will work for both equations. For the purposes of this topic, we will focus on the narrative form with this topic, but to see it written algebraically is good to get us going.

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System-of-Equations Word Problems

Exercises More Exercises

Many problems lend themselves to being solved with systems of linear equations. In "real life", these problems can be incredibly complex. This is one reason why linear algebra (the study of linear systems and related concepts) is its own branch of mathematics.

In your studies, however, you will generally be faced with much simpler problems. What follows are some typical examples.

The admission fee at a small fair is $1.50 for children and $4.00 for adults. On a certain day, 2200 people enter the fair and $5050 is collected. How many children and how many adults attended?

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System of Equations Word Problems

In the past , I would have set this up by picking a variable for one of the groups (say, " c " for "children") and then use "(total) less (what I've already accounted for)" (in this case, " 2200 –  c ") for the other group. Using a system of equations, however, allows me to use two different variables for the two different unknowns.

number of adults: a

number of children: c

With these variables, I can create equations for the totals they've given me:

total number: a + c = 2200

total income: 4 a + 1.5 c = 5050

Now I can solve the system for the number of adults and the number of children. I will solve the first equation for one of the variables, and then substitute the result into the other equation:

a = 2200 – c

4(2200 – c ) + 1.5 c = 5050

8800 – 4 c + 1.5 c = 5050

8800 – 2.5 c = 5050

–2.5 c = –3750

Now I can back-solve for the value of the other variable:

a = 2200 – (1500) = 700

I have values for my two variables. I can look back at my definitions for the variables to interpret these values. To answer the original question, there were:

1500 children and 700 adults.

You will probably start out with problems which, like the one above, seem very familiar. But you will then move on to more complicated problems.

The sum of the digits of a two-digit number is 7 . When the digits are reversed, the number is increased by 27 . Find the number.

The trick here is to work with the digits explicitly. I'll use " t " for the "tens" digit of the original number and " u " for the "units" (or "ones") digit. I then have:

The ten's digit stands for "ten times of this digit's value". Just as "26" is "10 times 2, plus 6 times 1", so also the two-digit number they've given me will be ten times the "tens" digit, plus one times the "units" digit. In other words:

original number: 10 t + 1 u

The new number has the values of the digits (represented by the variables) in reverse order. This gives me:

new number: 10 u + 1 t

And this new number is twenty-seven more than the original number. The keyword "is" means "equals", so I get:

(new number) is (old number) increased by (twenty-seven)

10 u + 1 t = (10 t + 1 u ) + 27

Now I have a system of equations that I can solve:

10 u + t = 10 t + u + 27

First I'll simplify the second equation:

9 u – 9 t = 27

u – t = 3

After reordering the variables in the first equation, I now have:

Adding down , I get:

Then t = 2 . Back-solving, this means that the original number was 25 and the new number (gotten by switching the digits) is 52 . Since 52 – 25 = 27 , this solution checks out.

The number is 25 .

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Find the equation of the parabola that passes through the points (–1, 9) , (1, 5) , and (2, 12) .

Recalling that a parabola has a quadratic as its equation, I know that I am looking for an equation of the form ax 2  +  bx  +  c = y . Also, I know that points are of the form ( x ,  y ) . Practically speaking, this mean that, in each of these points, they have given me values for x and y that make the quadratic equation true. Plugging the three points in the general equation for a quadratic, I get a system of three equations, where the variables stand for the unknown coefficients of that quadratic:

a (–1) 2 + b (–1) + c = 9

a (1) 2 + b (1) + c = 5

a (2) 2 + b (2) + c = 12

Simplifying the three equations, I get:

1 a – b + c = 9

1 a + b + c = 5

4 a + 2 b + c = 12

I won't display the solving of this problem, but the result is that a  = 3, b  = –2, and c  = 4 , so the equation they're wanting is:

y = 3 x 2 – 2 x + 4

You may also see similar exercises referring to circles, using:

x 2 + y 2 + bx + cy + d = 0

...or other conics, though parabolas are the most common. Keep in mind that projectile problems (like shooting an arrow up in the air or dropping a penny from the roof of a tall building) are also parabola problems, using:

–( 1 / 2 ) gt 2 + v 0 t + h 0 = s

...where h 0 is the original height, v 0 is the initial velocity, s is the height at time t , usually measured in seconds, and g refers to gravity, being 9.8 if you're working in meters and 32 if you're working in feet).

All of these different permutations of the above example work the same way: Take the general equation for the curve, plug in the given points, and solve the resulting system of equations for the values of the coefficients. Warning: If you see an exercise of this sort in the homework, be advised that you may be expected to know the forms of the general equations (such as " ax 2 + bx + c = y " for parabolas) on the next text.

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6.3: Solve Applications with Systems of Equations

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Learning Objectives

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Solve direct translation applications
  • Solve geometry applications

Solve uniform motion applications

Before you get started, take this readiness quiz.

  • The sum of twice a number and nine is 31. Find the number. If you missed this problem, review [link] .
  • Twins Jon and Ron together earned $96,000 last year. Ron earned $8000 more than three times what Jon earned. How much did each of the twins earn? If you missed this problem, review [link] .
  • An express train and a local train leave Pittsburgh to travel to Washington, D.C. The express train can make the trip in four hours and the local train takes five hours for the trip. The speed of the express train is 12 miles per hour faster than the speed of the local train. Find the speed of both trains. If you missed this problem, review [link] .

Solve Direct Translation Applications

Systems of linear equations are very useful for solving applications. Some people find setting up word problems with two variables easier than setting them up with just one variable. To solve an application, we’ll first translate the words into a system of linear equations. Then we will decide the most convenient method to use, and then solve the system.


  • Read the problem. Make sure all the words and ideas are understood.
  • Identify what we are looking for.
  • Name what we are looking for. Choose variables to represent those quantities.
  • Translate into a system of equations.
  • Solve the system of equations using good algebra techniques.
  • Check the answer in the problem and make sure it makes sense.
  • Answer the question with a complete sentence.

We solved number problems with one variable earlier. Let’s see how differently it works using two variables.

The sum of two numbers is zero. One number is nine less than the other. Find the numbers.

Example \(\PageIndex{2}\)

The sum of two numbers is 10. One number is 4 less than the other. Find the numbers.

Example \(\PageIndex{3}\)

The sum of two numbers is \(−6\). One number is 10 less than the other. Find the numbers.

\(2, −8\)

Heather has been offered two options for her salary as a trainer at the gym. Option A would pay her $25,000 plus $15 for each training session. Option B would pay her \($10,000+$40\) for each training session. How many training sessions would make the salary options equal?

Example \(\PageIndex{5}\)

Geraldine has been offered positions by two insurance companies. The first company pays a salary of $12,000 plus a commission of $100 for each policy sold. The second pays a salary of $20,000 plus a commission of $50 for each policy sold. How many policies would need to be sold to make the total pay the same?

160 policies

Example \(\PageIndex{6}\)

Kenneth currently sells suits for company A at a salary of $22,000 plus a $10 commission for each suit sold. Company B offers him a position with a salary of $28,000 plus a $4 commission for each suit sold. How many suits would Kenneth need to sell for the options to be equal?

As you solve each application, remember to analyze which method of solving the system of equations would be most convenient.

Example \(\PageIndex{7}\)

Translate to a system of equations and then solve:

When Jenna spent 10 minutes on the elliptical trainer and then did circuit training for 20 minutes, her fitness app says she burned 278 calories. When she spent 20 minutes on the elliptical trainer and 30 minutes circuit training she burned 473 calories. How many calories does she burn for each minute on the elliptical trainer? How many calories for each minute of circuit training?

Example \(\PageIndex{8}\)

Mark went to the gym and did 40 minutes of Bikram hot yoga and 10 minutes of jumping jacks. He burned 510 calories. The next time he went to the gym, he did 30 minutes of Bikram hot yoga and 20 minutes of jumping jacks burning 470 calories. How many calories were burned for each minute of yoga? How many calories were burned for each minute of jumping jacks?

Mark burned 11 calories for each minute of yoga and 7 calories for each minute of jumping jacks.

Example \(\PageIndex{9}\)

Erin spent 30 minutes on the rowing machine and 20 minutes lifting weights at the gym and burned 430 calories. During her next visit to the gym she spent 50 minutes on the rowing machine and 10 minutes lifting weights and burned 600 calories. How many calories did she burn for each minutes on the rowing machine? How many calories did she burn for each minute of weight lifting?

Erin burned 11 calories for each minute on the rowing machine and 5 calories for each minute of weight lifting.

Solve Geometry Applications

We will now solve geometry applications using systems of linear equations. We will need to add complementary angles and supplementary angles to our list some properties of angles.

The measures of two complementary angles add to 90 degrees. The measures of two supplementary angles add to 180 degrees.


Two angles are complementary if the sum of the measures of their angles is 90 degrees.

Two angles are supplementary if the sum of the measures of their angles is 180 degrees

If two angles are complementary, we say that one angle is the complement of the other.

If two angles are supplementary, we say that one angle is the supplement of the other.

Example \(\PageIndex{10}\)

Translate to a system of equations and then solve.

The difference of two complementary angles is 26 degrees. Find the measures of the angles.

\(\begin{array} {ll} {\textbf{Step 1. Read }\text{the problem.}} &{} \\ {\textbf{Step 2. Identify }\text{what we are looking for.}} &{\text{We are looking for the measure of each}} \\ {} &{\text{angle.}} \\ {\textbf{Step 3. Name }\text{what we are looking for.}} &{\text{Let} x=\text{ the measure of the first angle.}} \\ {} &{\hspace{3mm} y= \text{ the measure of the second angle}} \\ {\textbf{Step 4. Translate }\text{into a system of}} &{\text{The angles are complementary.}} \\ {\text{equations.}} &{\hspace{15mm} x+y=90} \\ {} &{\text{The difference of the two angles is 26}} \\ {} &{\text{degrees.}} \\ {} &{\hspace{15mm} x−y=26} \\ {} &{} \\ {} &{} \\ {\text{The system is shown.}} &{\hspace{15mm} \left\{ \begin{array} {l} x+y=90 \\ x−y=26 \end{array} \right. } \\ {} &{} \\ {} &{} \\ {\textbf{Step 5. Solve }\text{the system of equations} } &{\hspace{15mm} \left\{ \begin{array} {l} x+y=90 \\ \underline{x−y=26} \end{array} \right. } \\ {\text{by elimination.}} &{\hspace{21mm} 2x\hspace{4mm}=116} \\ {} &{\hspace{28mm} x=58} \\ {} &{} \\ {} &{} \\ {\text{Substitute }x=58\text{ into the first equation.}} &{\hspace{15mm} x+y=90} \\ {} &{\hspace{14mm} 58+y=90} \\ {} &{\hspace{22mm} y=32} \\ {\textbf{Step 6. Check }\text{the answer in the problem.}} &{} \\ {} &{} \\ {} &{} \\ {} &{} \\ {\hspace{15mm} 58+32=90\checkmark} &{} \\ {\hspace{15mm} 58−32=26\checkmark} &{} \\ {\textbf{Step 7. Answer }\text{the question.}} &{\text{The angle measures are 58 and 32 degrees.}} \end{array} \)

Example \(\PageIndex{11}\)

The difference of two complementary angles is 20 degrees. Find the measures of the angles.

The angle measures are 55 and 35.

Example \(\PageIndex{12}\)

The difference of two complementary angles is 80 degrees. Find the measures of the angles.

The angle measures are 5 and 85.

In the next example, we remember that the measures of supplementary angles add to 180.

Example \(\PageIndex{13}\)

Two angles are supplementary. The measure of the larger angle is twelve degrees less than five times the measure of the smaller angle. Find the measures of both angles.

Example \(\PageIndex{14}\)

Two angles are supplementary. The measure of the larger angle is 12 degrees more than three times the smaller angle. Find the measures of the angles.

The angle measures are 42 and 138.

Example \(\PageIndex{15}\)

Two angles are supplementary. The measure of the larger angle is 18 less than twice the measure of the smaller angle. Find the measures of the angles.

The angle measures are 66 and 114.

Recall that the angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees. A right triangle has one angle that is 90 degrees. What does that tell us about the other two angles? In the next example we will be finding the measures of the other two angles.

Example \(\PageIndex{16}\)

The measure of one of the small angles of a right triangle is ten more than three times the measure of the other small angle. Find the measures of both angles.

We will draw and label a figure.

Example \(\PageIndex{17}\)

The measure of one of the small angles of a right triangle is 2 more than 3 times the measure of the other small angle. Find the measure of both angles.

Example \(\PageIndex{18}\)

The measure of one of the small angles of a right triangle is 18 less than twice the measure of the other small angle. Find the measure of both angles.

Often it is helpful when solving geometry applications to draw a picture to visualize the situation.

Example \(\PageIndex{19}\)

Randall has 125 feet of fencing to enclose the part of his backyard adjacent to his house. He will only need to fence around three sides, because the fourth side will be the wall of the house. He wants the length of the fenced yard (parallel to the house wall) to be 5 feet more than four times as long as the width. Find the length and the width.

Example \(\PageIndex{20}\)

Mario wants to put a fence around the pool in his backyard. Since one side is adjacent to the house, he will only need to fence three sides. There are two long sides and the one shorter side is parallel to the house. He needs 155 feet of fencing to enclose the pool. The length of the long side is 10 feet less than twice the width. Find the length and width of the pool area to be enclosed.

The length is 60 feet and the width is 35 feet.

Example \(\PageIndex{21}\)

Alexis wants to build a rectangular dog run in her yard adjacent to her neighbor’s fence. She will use 136 feet of fencing to completely enclose the rectangular dog run. The length of the dog run along the neighbor’s fence will be 16 feet less than twice the width. Find the length and width of the dog run.

The length is 60 feet and the width is 38 feet.

We used a table to organize the information in uniform motion problems when we introduced them earlier. We’ll continue using the table here. The basic equation was \(D=rt\) where D is the distance traveled, r is the rate, and t is the time.

Our first example of a uniform motion application will be for a situation similar to some we have already seen, but now we can use two variables and two equations.

Example \(\PageIndex{22}\)

Joni left St. Louis on the interstate, driving west towards Denver at a speed of 65 miles per hour. Half an hour later, Kelly left St. Louis on the same route as Joni, driving 78 miles per hour. How long will it take Kelly to catch up to Joni?

A diagram is useful in helping us visualize the situation.


Identify and name what we are looking for. A chart will help us organize the data. We know the rates of both Joni and Kelly, and so we enter them in the chart. We are looking for the length of time Kelly, k , and Joni, j , will each drive.


Since \(D=r·t\) we can fill in the Distance column.

To make the system of equations, we must recognize that Kelly and Joni will drive the same distance. So,

\(\hspace{85mm} 65j=78k \nonumber \)

Also, since Kelly left later, her time will be \(\frac{1}{2}\) hour less than Joni’s time. So,

\( \hspace{105mm} k=j-\frac{1}{2} \nonumber \)

\(\begin{array} {ll} {\text{Now we have the system.}} &{\left\{ \begin{array} {l} k=j−\frac{1}{2} \\ 65j=78k \end{array} \right.} \\ {\textbf{Solve }\text{the system of equations by substitution.}} &{} \\ {} &{} \\ {\text{Substitute }k=j−12\text{ into the second equation,}} &{} \\ {\text{then solve for }j.} &{} \\ {} &{65j=78k} \\ {} &{65j=78(j−\frac{1}{2})} \\ {} &{65j=78j−39} \\ {} &{−13j=−39} \\ {} &{j=3} \\{\begin{array} {l} {\text{To find Kelly’s time, substitute }j=3 \text{ into the first}} \\ {\text{equation, then solve for }k.} \end{array} } &{k=j−\frac{1}{2}} \\ {} &{k=3−\frac{1}{2} } \\ {} &{k=\frac{5}{2} \text{ or } k=2\frac{1}{2}} \\ {\textbf{Check }\text{the answer in the problem.}} &{} \\ {\begin{array} {lllll} {\text{Joni}} &{3 \text{ hours}} &{(65\text{ mph})} &= &{195\text{ miles}} \\ {\text{Kelly}} &{2\frac{1}{2} \text{ hours}} &{(78\text{ mph})} &= &{195\text{ miles}} \end{array}} &{} \\ {\text{Yes, they will have traveled the same distance}} &{} \\{\text{when they meet.}} &{} \\ {\textbf{Answer }\text{the question.}} &{} \\ {} &{\text{Kelly will catch up to Joni in}} \\ {} &{2\frac{1}{2}\text{ hours. By then, Joni will}} \\ {} &{\text{have traveled }3 \text{ hours.}} \\ \end{array}\)

Example \(\PageIndex{23}\)

Mitchell left Detroit on the interstate driving south towards Orlando at a speed of 60 miles per hour. Clark left Detroit 1 hour later traveling at a speed of 75 miles per hour, following the same route as Mitchell. How long will it take Clark to catch Mitchell?

It will take Clark 4 hours to catch Mitchell.

Example \(\PageIndex{24}\)

Charlie left his mother’s house traveling at an average speed of 36 miles per hour. His sister Sally left 15 minutes \((\frac{1}{4} \text{ hour})\) later traveling the same route at an average speed of 42 miles per hour. How long before Sally catches up to Charlie?

It will take Sally \(112\) hours to catch up to Charlie.

Many real-world applications of uniform motion arise because of the effects of currents—of water or air—on the actual speed of a vehicle. Cross-country airplane flights in the United States generally take longer going west than going east because of the prevailing wind currents.

Let’s take a look at a boat travelling on a river. Depending on which way the boat is going, the current of the water is either slowing it down or speeding it up.

The images below show how a river current affects the speed at which a boat is actually travelling. We’ll call the speed of the boat in still water b and the speed of the river current c .

The boat is going downstream, in the same direction as the river current. The current helps push the boat, so the boat’s actual speed is faster than its speed in still water. The actual speed at which the boat is moving is \(b+c\).

Figure shows a boat and two horizontal arrows, both pointing left. The one to the left of the boat is b and the one to the right is c.

Now, the boat is going upstream, opposite to the river current. The current is going against the boat, so the boat’s actual speed is slower than its speed in still water. The actual speed of the boat is \(b−c\).

Figure shows a boat and two horizontal arrows to its left. One, labeled b, points left and the other, labeled c, points right.

We’ll put some numbers to this situation in the next example.

Example \(\PageIndex{25}\)

A river cruise ship sailed 60 miles downstream for 4 hours and then took 5 hours sailing upstream to return to the dock. Find the speed of the ship in still water and the speed of the river current.

Example \(\PageIndex{26}\)

A Mississippi river boat cruise sailed 120 miles upstream for 12 hours and then took 10 hours to return to the dock. Find the speed of the river boat in still water and the speed of the river current.

The rate of the boat is 11 mph and the rate of the current is 1 mph.

Example \(\PageIndex{27}\)

Jason paddled his canoe 24 miles upstream for 4 hours. It took him 3 hours to paddle back. Find the speed of the canoe in still water and the speed of the river current.

The speed of the canoe is 7 mph and the speed of the current is 1 mph.

Wind currents affect airplane speeds in the same way as water currents affect boat speeds. We’ll see this in the next example. A wind current in the same direction as the plane is flying is called a tailwind . A wind current blowing against the direction of the plane is called a headwind .

Example \(\PageIndex{28}\)

A private jet can fly 1,095 miles in three hours with a tailwind but only 987 miles in three hours into a headwind. Find the speed of the jet in still air and the speed of the wind.

Example \(\PageIndex{29}\)

A small jet can fly 1,325 miles in 5 hours with a tailwind but only 1,035 miles in 5 hours into a headwind. Find the speed of the jet in still air and the speed of the wind.

The speed of the jet is 235 mph and the speed of the wind is 30 mph.

Example \(\PageIndex{30}\)

A commercial jet can fly 1,728 miles in 4 hours with a tailwind but only 1,536 miles in 4 hours into a headwind. Find the speed of the jet in still air and the speed of the wind.

The speed of the jet is 408 mph and the speed of the wind is 24 mph.

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