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How to write an excellent thesis conclusion [with examples]

Tips for writing thesis conclusion

Restate the thesis

Review or reiterate key points of your work, explain why your work is relevant, a take-away for the reader, more resources on writing thesis conclusions, frequently asked questions about writing an excellent thesis conclusion, related articles.

At this point in your writing, you have most likely finished your introduction and the body of your thesis, dissertation, or research paper . While this is a reason to celebrate, you should not underestimate the importance of your conclusion. The conclusion is the last thing that your reader will see, so it should be memorable.

A good conclusion will review the key points of the thesis and explain to the reader why the information is relevant, applicable, or related to the world as a whole. Make sure to dedicate enough of your writing time to the conclusion and do not put it off until the very last minute.

This article provides an effective technique for writing a conclusion adapted from Erika Eby’s The College Student's Guide to Writing a Good Research Paper: 101 Easy Tips & Tricks to Make Your Work Stand Out .

While the thesis introduction starts out with broad statements about the topic, and then narrows it down to the thesis statement , a thesis conclusion does the same in the opposite order.

  • Restate the thesis.
  • Review or reiterate key points of your work.
  • Explain why your work is relevant.
  • Include a core take-away message for the reader.

Tip: Don’t just copy and paste your thesis into your conclusion. Restate it in different words.

The best way to start a conclusion is simply by restating the thesis statement. That does not mean just copying and pasting it from the introduction, but putting it into different words.

You will need to change the structure and wording of it to avoid sounding repetitive. Also, be firm in your conclusion just as you were in the introduction. Try to avoid sounding apologetic by using phrases like "This paper has tried to show..."

The conclusion should address all the same parts as the thesis while making it clear that the reader has reached the end. You are telling the reader that your research is finished and what your findings are.

I have argued throughout this work that the point of critical mass for biopolitical immunity occurred during the Romantic period because of that era's unique combination of post-revolutionary politics and innovations in smallpox prevention. In particular, I demonstrated that the French Revolution and the discovery of vaccination in the 1790s triggered a reconsideration of the relationship between bodies and the state.

Tip: Try to reiterate points from your introduction in your thesis conclusion.

The next step is to review the main points of the thesis as a whole. Look back at the body of of your project and make a note of the key ideas. You can reword these ideas the same way you reworded your thesis statement and then incorporate that into the conclusion.

You can also repeat striking quotations or statistics, but do not use more than two. As the conclusion represents your own closing thoughts on the topic , it should mainly consist of your own words.

In addition, conclusions can contain recommendations to the reader or relevant questions that further the thesis. You should ask yourself:

  • What you would ideally like to see your readers do in reaction to your paper?
  • Do you want them to take a certain action or investigate further?
  • Is there a bigger issue that your paper wants to draw attention to?

Also, try to reference your introduction in your conclusion. You have already taken a first step by restating your thesis. Now, check whether there are other key words, phrases or ideas that are mentioned in your introduction that fit into your conclusion. Connecting the introduction to the conclusion in this way will help readers feel satisfied.

I explored how Mary Wollstonecraft, in both her fiction and political writings, envisions an ideal medico-political state, and how other writers like William Wordsworth and Mary Shelley increasingly imagined the body politic literally, as an incorporated political collective made up of bodies whose immunity to political and medical ills was essential to a healthy state.

Tip: Make sure to explain why your thesis is relevant to your field of research.

Although you can encourage readers to question their opinions and reflect on your topic, do not leave loose ends. You should provide a sense of resolution and make sure your conclusion wraps up your argument. Make sure you explain why your thesis is relevant to your field of research and how your research intervenes within, or substantially revises, existing scholarly debates.

This project challenged conventional ideas about the relationship among Romanticism, medicine, and politics by reading the unfolding of Romantic literature and biopolitical immunity as mutual, co-productive processes. In doing so, this thesis revises the ways in which biopolitics has been theorized by insisting on the inherent connections between Romantic literature and the forms of biopower that characterize early modernity.

Tip: If you began your thesis with an anecdote or historical example, you may want to return to that in your conclusion.

End your conclusion with something memorable, such as:

  • a call to action
  • a recommendation
  • a gesture towards future research
  • a brief explanation of how the problem or idea you covered remains relevant

Ultimately, you want readers to feel more informed, or ready to act, as they read your conclusion.

Yet, the Romantic period is only the beginning of modern thought on immunity and biopolitics. Victorian writers, doctors, and politicians upheld the Romantic idea that a "healthy state" was a literal condition that could be achieved by combining politics and medicine, but augmented that idea through legislation and widespread public health measures. While many nineteenth-century efforts to improve citizens' health were successful, the fight against disease ultimately changed course in the twentieth century as global immunological threats such as SARS occupied public consciousness. Indeed, as subsequent public health events make apparent, biopolitical immunity persists as a viable concept for thinking about the relationship between medicine and politics in modernity.

Need more advice? Read our 5 additional tips on how to write a good thesis conclusion.

The conclusion is the last thing that your reader will see, so it should be memorable. To write a great thesis conclusion you should:

The basic content of a conclusion is to review the main points from the paper. This part represents your own closing thoughts on the topic. It should mainly consist of the outcome of the research in your own words.

The length of the conclusion will depend on the length of the whole thesis. Usually, a conclusion should be around 5-7% of the overall word count.

End your conclusion with something memorable, such as a question, warning, or call to action. Depending on the topic, you can also end with a recommendation.

In Open Access: Theses and Dissertations you can find thousands of completed works. Take a look at any of the theses or dissertations for real-life examples of conclusions that were already approved.

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Master the Art: How to Restate a Thesis

Mastering the art of restating a thesis: your guide to academic precision, hook: unveiling the power of thesis restatement.

In academic writing, mastering how to restate a thesis effectively is paramount for leaving a lasting impact on your readers. Similar to a conductor orchestrating a symphony, skillful restatement harmonizes your ideas, ensuring clarity and resonance. Crafting an effective restatement of the thesis is akin to distilling the essence of your argument into a potent elixir—one that leaves a lasting impression on your readers. While the task may seem daunting, employing the right techniques can transform this endeavor nce of restating your thesis and explore strategies for achieving this in the thesis conclusion of your paper.

By condensing these sections, you can maintain the article’s clarity and coherence while making it more concise and reader-friendly.

The Significance of Thesis Restatement in Academic Writing

In the intricate tapestry of academic discourse, the thesis statement stands as a beacon of clarity, guiding readers through the labyrinth of your arguments. However, its significance extends beyond mere introduction; it serves as the linchpin of your entire paper, encapsulating the essence of your research or analysis. Yet, as the final crescendo approaches, the thesis deserves a moment of resplendent reaffirmation—a chance to resonate in the minds of your audience.

Overview of What the Article Will Cover

Throughout this guide, we’ll unravel the mysteries of thesis restatement, exploring its significance and providing strategies for crafting impactful restatements. From dissecting the anatomy of a thesis statement to showcasing examples and offering practical exercises, we’ll equip you with the tools necessary for academic precision. Additionally, we’ll demonstrate restate thesis example instances to illustrate effective application.

Understanding and Crafting a Strong Thesis Statement

In academic writing, a strong thesis statement serves as the cornerstone of your argument, guiding your readers through the complexities of your paper. Let’s outline the key characteristics that make a thesis statement effective:

  • Specificity: A strong thesis statement is clear and precise, providing a focused direction for your paper. For example: Thesis: “The rise of social media has transformed communication, but it has also raised concerns about privacy and authenticity.”
  • Debatable: An effective thesis statement presents an argument or perspective that invites discussion and analysis rather than stating an indisputable fact. For instance: Thesis: “The portrayal of female characters in classic literature reflects societal attitudes towards gender roles and expectations.”
  • Evidence-Based: A robust thesis statement is supported by evidence or reasoning, demonstrating your engagement with the topic and your ability to construct a compelling argument. Consider: Thesis: “Drawing on cognitive psychology theories, this study investigates the impact of mindfulness meditation on reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression among college students.”

Restating your thesis effectively in the conclusion of your paper is crucial for reinforcing your main argument and leaving a lasting impression on your audience. But how do you restate a thesis in a way that is both impactful and memorable? Let’s explore some strategies and techniques to achieve this.

The Purpose of Restating a Thesis

In academic writing, the restatement of the thesis serves several crucial purposes. Firstly, it acts as a guiding light, illuminating the main argument and reminding readers of the paper’s central proposition. By encapsulating the main argument in a succinct and memorable manner, the restatement ensures that readers depart with a crystal-clear understanding of the writer’s intentions. Additionally, as the final act of the paper unfolds, the restatement serves as a poignant reminder of the intellectual journey that has transpired. It echoes like a refrain, drawing attention to the central theme or argument that has permeated every paragraph and citation, reinforcing its enduring relevance in the broader scholarly discourse. Lastly, the restatement strengthens the overall coherence and cohesion of the paper, binding together the various strands of thought and ensuring structural integrity.

Techniques for Effective Restatement

Crafting an effective restatement of the thesis is akin to distilling the essence of your argument into a potent elixir—one that leaves a lasting impression on your readers. While the task may seem daunting, employing the right techniques can transform this endeavor into a seamless and impactful conclusion to your academic paper. Let’s explore some key techniques for how to restate your thesis in a compelling manner:

  • Summarizing Without Repetition

Avoid the temptation to simply repeat the original thesis verbatim. Instead, strive to encapsulate the main argument in a fresh and succinct manner. Consider paraphrasing the thesis statement while retaining its core essence. Focus on conveying the central idea without regurgitating the exact wording, allowing for a sense of closure while avoiding redundancy.

Example: Original Thesis: “The proliferation of social media has revolutionized communication, but it has also raised concerns about privacy and authenticity.” Restatement: “In summary, while social media has transformed how we communicate, it has also sparked debates surrounding privacy and authenticity.”
  • Emphasizing Key Points

Highlighting the key points of your argument in the restatement can reinforce their significance and leave a lasting impression on your readers. Identify the main themes or findings of your paper and ensure that they are prominently featured in the restatement. This serves to underscore the importance of your argument and provides a concise recapitulation of your paper’s main contributions.

Example: Original Thesis: “The implementation of sustainable farming practices is essential for mitigating the environmental impact of agriculture and ensuring food security.” Restatement: “In conclusion, the adoption of sustainable farming methods is crucial not only for environmental preservation but also for safeguarding our global food supply.”
  • Incorporating New Insights or Perspectives

While the restatement should echo the main argument of your paper, it also offers an opportunity to introduce fresh insights or perspectives that have emerged throughout your discussion. Consider how your analysis has evolved and whether there are any additional points you wish to emphasize in the conclusion. By integrating new insights into the restatement, you demonstrate the depth of your engagement with the topic and leave readers with food for thought.

Example: Original Thesis: “The portrayal of female characters in classic literature reflects societal attitudes towards gender roles and expectations.” Restatement: “In retrospect, the depiction of female characters in classic literature not only mirrors historical gender norms but also invites critical reflection on the evolution of societal perceptions of femininity and empowerment.”

Incorporating these techniques into your restatement can elevate it from a mere summary to a compelling synthesis of your paper’s main arguments. By summarizing without repetition, emphasizing key points, and incorporating new insights, you can craft a restatement that resonates with your readers and leaves a lasting impression long after they’ve finished reading.

Strategies for Crafting Impactful Restatements

Crafting an impactful restatement of the thesis requires strategic approaches tailored to the nuances of each situation. Here are concise strategies to consider:

  • Analyzing the Context and Audience: Consider the broader context in which your paper exists and the expectations of your audience. Tailor your restatement to resonate with the interests and concerns of your readers, ensuring relevance and engagement within the larger scholarly discourse.
  • Tailoring the Restatement to Suit Different Types of Papers: Recognize that different types of academic papers may require different approaches. While a concise summary may suffice for shorter papers, a more comprehensive restatement may be necessary for longer works. Consider the scope and complexity of your paper when determining the appropriate level of detail and nuance.
  • Using Language that Reflects Confidence and Authority: Adopt a tone of confidence and conviction in your restatement. Avoid hedging or equivocation, and make declarative statements that leave no doubt about the significance of your argument and the validity of your conclusions.

By implementing these strategies, you can craft restatements that resonate with your audience, reinforce the strength of your argument, and leave a lasting impression.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Restating a Thesis

Crafting an effective restatement of the thesis requires finesse and attention to detail. Here are the key pitfalls to avoid and straightforward guidance on how to steer clear of them:

  • Merely Repeating the Thesis Without Adding Value: Avoid simply regurgitating the original thesis statement without offering any additional insight or analysis. Expand upon the original thesis by summarizing the main argument in a fresh and engaging way. Reflect on the key points of your paper and consider their broader implications or significance to add depth and nuance to your restatement.
  • Introducing New Information in the Restatement: Resist the temptation to introduce new information or ideas in the restatement of the thesis. The conclusion of your paper is not the place to unveil novel findings or introduce fresh arguments. Stick to summarizing and reinforcing the main argument, avoiding tangential topics or straying from the scope of your paper.
  • Underestimating the Importance of Clarity and Coherence: Prioritize clarity and coherence in your restatement. Ensure that your restatement ties together the various threads of your argument in a cohesive and compelling manner, providing readers with a sense of closure and resolution. Avoid ambiguity or vagueness, and use language that is clear, concise, and to the point.

By avoiding these common pitfalls, you can craft restatements that enhance the clarity and impact of your paper, leaving a lasting impression on your readers.

Examples of Effective Restatements

Examining successful restatements from academic papers offers valuable insights into the strategies and techniques employed to reinforce the thesis and leave a lasting impression on the reader. Let’s deconstruct a few restate thesis example, and highlight the key elements that contribute to their effectiveness:

Example 1: Original Thesis: “The rise of social media has revolutionized communication, but it has also raised concerns about privacy and authenticity.” Restatement: “In conclusion, the transformative impact of social media on communication cannot be overstated. However, as we navigate this digital landscape, it is imperative to address the pressing issues of privacy and authenticity.” Key Elements: Synthesis of Main Points: The restatement succinctly summarizes the main argument while emphasizing the transformative nature of social media on communication. Relevance to Conclusion: It sets the stage for the conclusion by highlighting the importance of addressing privacy and authenticity in the digital age. Clarity and Conciseness: The language is clear and concise, ensuring that the restatement effectively reinforces the thesis without unnecessary repetition. Example 2: Original Thesis: “Effective leadership is essential for driving organizational success and fostering a positive work culture.” Restatement: “In summary, the role of effective leadership in shaping organizational success and cultivating a supportive work environment cannot be overstated. As we strive to navigate the complexities of the modern workplace, it is crucial to prioritize the development of strong leadership skills.” Key Elements: Emphasis on Importance: The restatement underscores the significance of effective leadership in achieving organizational goals and fostering a positive work culture. Forward-Looking Perspective: It looks to the future, urging readers to prioritize the development of leadership skills in the face of evolving workplace challenges. Elegance in Expression: The language is elegant and persuasive, enhancing the impact of the restatement and leaving a memorable impression on the reader. Example 3: Original Thesis: “The findings of this study highlight the importance of early childhood education in promoting cognitive development and academic success.” Restatement: “In conclusion, the findings of this study underscore the critical role of early childhood education in shaping cognitive development and laying the foundation for academic achievement. As we consider the implications of these findings, it is evident that investing in quality early childhood education programs is essential for the future success of our society.” Key Elements: Summarization of Findings: The restatement summarizes the key findings of the study, reinforcing the importance of early childhood education. Call to Action: It goes beyond summary to advocate for action, emphasizing the need to invest in quality early childhood education programs. Clarity and Conviction: The language is clear and persuasive, conveying a sense of urgency and conviction that resonates with the reader.

In conclusion, these examples illustrate how effective restatements reinforce the thesis, set the stage for the conclusion, and leave a lasting impression on the reader. By synthesizing main points, emphasizing importance, and using clear and persuasive language, these restatements effectively encapsulate the essence of the paper and underscore its significance in the broader context of academic discourse.

Refining Your Restatement Skills

Improving your ability to craft effective restatements requires a proactive approach and dedication to practice. Here are actionable steps and tips to refine your restatement skills:

  • Seeking Feedback from Peers or Instructors: Share your restatements with peers, instructors, or mentors and solicit their input. Ask for specific feedback on clarity, coherence, and effectiveness in reinforcing the thesis. Constructive criticism can provide valuable insights and help identify areas for improvement.
  • Utilizing Online Resources and Writing Centers: Take advantage of the wealth of online resources and writing centers available to support your academic writing endeavors. Many universities offer writing assistance services, including workshops, tutorials, and one-on-one consultations with writing tutors. These resources can provide guidance on structuring restatements, refining language, and enhancing overall writing proficiency.
  • The Importance of Continuous Practice and Refinement: Set aside dedicated time for writing exercises focused specifically on crafting restatements. Experiment with different techniques, styles, and approaches to see what works best for you. Keep a journal or log of your restatements and reflect on your progress over time. Consistent practice will help sharpen your skills and deepen your understanding of effective restatement strategies.

By incorporating these steps and tips into your writing process, you can refine your restatement skills and enhance the clarity, coherence, and impact of your academic writing.

Mastering the art of thesis restatement is transformative, elevating academic writing to new heights of clarity and impact. As we conclude our exploration, let’s recap the significance of this vital aspect of academic discourse and its profound implications for your writing prowess.

Recap of Significance:

Restating the thesis serves as a beacon of clarity, guiding readers through the labyrinth of your arguments and reinforcing the central proposition of your paper. It provides a moment of reflection amidst the intellectual journey, offering a succinct summary of key points while underscoring their enduring relevance in the broader scholarly discourse.

Encouragement for Implementation:

To my fellow scholars, I encourage you to implement the techniques and strategies discussed with confidence and enthusiasm. By mastering thesis restatement, you’ll refine your ability to distill complex ideas into clear and persuasive arguments, leaving a lasting impression on your readers.

Emphasizing Transformative Impact:

As you incorporate these strategies into your writing process, you’ll experience a transformative impact on your academic writing prowess. Your restatements will become more concise, compelling, and impactful, resonating with clarity, coherence, and conviction.

In conclusion, the art of thesis restatement is not merely a technical skill but a powerful tool that can elevate your academic writing to new heights. Embrace it with confidence, implement the techniques learned, and watch as your papers resonate with clarity, coherence, and conviction.

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How to Restate a Thesis

Last Updated: February 27, 2024 Fact Checked

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A thesis statement serves as your paper’s (or speech’s) guiding idea, alerting readers to the main points of your paper and the direction it will take. A thesis restatement, which comes in the paper’s conclusion, is the thesis’s kindred spirit, though not its identical twin. It differs from the thesis in both word choice and sentence structure. Restating your thesis at the end of the paper allows you to remind your readers of what you have proven in your body paragraphs and helps to bring your paper to a successful close.

Working out the Restatement Basics

Step 1 Decide on a place for the restatement.

  • Sketching out a rough conclusion (the main points you want to get across) will give you an idea of the best place for the restated thesis before you actually try your hand at writing the restatement.
  • Depending on the nature of your paper or of your conclusion, you may want to open your conclusion with a question or some other kind of rhetorical device, rather than a restatement of the thesis. While writing often follows prescribed formulas (such as the 5-paragraph essay), there is no one-size-fits-all approach for writing a concluding paragraph, and you may need to try out several positions for your thesis restatement to find out what works best.

Step 2 Capitalize on the work you’ve done.

  • You can use the restated thesis to provide a greater level of sophistication or emotional impact to the original argument. For example, if your initial argument was that buying pets as holiday gifts is dangerous, you might restate your thesis this way: "Remember: buying that puppy as a Christmas present might seem like a good idea at the time, but it could end in the tragedy of another homeless dog by Easter."
  • You can also restate your thesis to incorporate the relationship you've built with your reader. For example, if your essay was about developing business partnerships, you could begin your restatement by saying something like, "As a businessperson...." Not only will this make your restatement different from the original, but it will also help draw connections with important elements from the essay/speech.

Step 3 Answer the

  • For example, if you have written an essay about alcohol use on college campuses, you could revisit the "So what?" question in your conclusion by providing a statement about what that means for students and for college officials. It could look something like this: "Because alcohol abuse depends on more than just the legal drinking age, it is crucial that students be educated about how alcohol abuse occurs, and also that college officials broaden their perspective to include a greater variety of aspects."

Step 4 Avoid clichés.

  • You may be able to use something like “In conclusion” at the end of a speech, however. Signaling or signposting words—like “in conclusion” or “next”—are very important in speeches because listeners only have one chance to follow along with what you’re saying, and these words help them to keep their place.

Step 5 Don’t apologize.

  • Avoid saying things like, “It seems like” or “It is possible that” in the restatement. One exception would be if this conditional language is part of your original thesis statement and your paper is devoted to discussing a topic that is only a possibility, not something you are stating is definitely the case. Otherwise, maintain a level of confidence.
  • While maintaining confidence is crucial to the success of your paper, it’s important to acknowledge when opposition exists and not to use absolute statements which may alienate readers. Confidence in your position and in the fact that you’ve proven your point is one thing; blind certainty in your opinion is another!

Making the Restatement Distinct from the Thesis

Step 1 Use different words.

  • You can use your word processor’s thesaurus function for this, an online thesaurus, or a good old-fashioned paper thesaurus. If you use a thesaurus, however, check your chosen word in the dictionary to ensure that you know its precise meaning. Thesauruses group words very loosely by general meaning, and there is often a significant difference in connotation between them.
  • It’s not necessary to change every single word, such as prepositions (“in,” “on,” “above,” “over”) and articles (“a,” “an,” and “the”). Spend your time focusing on words/phrases that receive the most emphasis, like those that are central to the points you’re making.

Step 2 Change the structure.

  • Try varying your sentences by starting with different parts of speech. For example, if you began the original thesis with a prepositional phrase, start the restatement with the subject of the sentence. For instance, if the thesis starts out “Around the turn of the nineteenth century in England, women frequently…”, you might start your restatement out with something like “Women in early nineteenth-century….”
  • Another way to vary the structure is to present your points in a different order. Many thesis statements include three ideas, presented in the order in which they will be discussed in the body paragraphs. When restating, you can list the points in an alternate order.

Step 3 Split the points up.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • When restating your thesis, if you find that the statement doesn’t fit your paper anymore, you’ll want to go back to the body of your paper and try to find where things went off track. You may find that you need to revise the original thesis to reflect what you actually wrote in the paper, or that parts of the body of the paper need to be revised to better suit the thesis. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • While restating your thesis is essential to the conclusion of your paper or speech, it’s not enough. You will need to emphasize main points and, depending on the assignment/goal of the paper, you may also need to call your audience to action, discuss the implications of what you have talked about in the paper, or make predictions for the future. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Think of the restatement as a new, more powerful version of your thesis—you’ve written the paper and learned a lot over that process, and now you have all of this knowledge to draw on. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

essay conclusion restate thesis

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Learn about the elements of a successful essay conclusion.

The conclusion is a very important part of your essay. Although it is sometimes treated as a roundup of all of the bits that didn’t fit into the paper earlier, it deserves better treatment than that! It's the last thing the reader will see, so it tends to stick in the reader's memory. It's also a great place to remind the reader exactly why your topic is important. A conclusion is more than just "the last paragraph"—it's a working part of the paper. This is the place to push your reader to think about the consequences of your topic for the wider world or for the reader's own life!

A good conclusion should do a few things:

Restate your thesis

Synthesize or summarize your major points

Make the context of your argument clear

Restating Your Thesis

You've already spent time and energy crafting a solid thesis statement for your introduction, and if you've done your job right, your whole paper focuses on that thesis statement. That's why it's so important to address the thesis in your conclusion! Many writers choose to begin the conclusion by restating the thesis, but you can put your thesis into the conclusion anywhere—the first sentence of the paragraph, the last sentence, or in between. Here are a few tips for rephrasing your thesis:

Remind the reader that you've proven this thesis over the course of your paper. For example, if you're arguing that your readers should get their pets from animal shelters rather than pet stores, you might say, "If you were considering that puppy in the pet-shop window, remember that your purchase will support 'puppy mills' instead of rescuing a needy dog, and consider selecting your new friend at your local animal shelter." This example gives the reader not only the thesis of the paper, but a reminder of the most powerful point in the argument!

Revise the thesis statement so that it reflects the relationship you've developed with the reader during the paper. For example, if you've written a paper that targets parents of young children, you can find a way to phrase your thesis to capitalize on that—maybe by beginning your thesis statement with, "As a parent of a young child…"

Don’t repeat your thesis word for word—make sure that your new statement is an independent, fresh sentence!

Summary or Synthesis

This section of the conclusion might come before the thesis statement or after it. Your conclusion should remind the reader of what your paper actually says! The best conclusion will include a synthesis, not just a summary—instead of a mere list of your major points, the best conclusion will draw those points together and relate them to one another so that your reader can apply the information given in the essay. Here are a couple of ways to do that:

Give a list of the major arguments for your thesis (usually, these are the topic sentences of the parts of your essay).

Explain how these parts are connected. For example, in the animal-shelter essay, you might point out that adopting a shelter dog helps more animals because your adoption fee supports the shelter, which makes your choice more socially responsible.

One of the most important functions of the conclusion is to provide context for your argument. Your reader may finish your essay without a problem and understand your argument without understanding why that argument is important. Your introduction might point out the reason your topic matters, but your conclusion should also tackle this questions. Here are some strategies for making your reader see why the topic is important:

Tell the reader what you want him or her to do. Is your essay a call to action? If so, remind the reader of what he/she should do. If not, remember that asking the reader to think a certain way is an action in itself. (In the above examples, the essay asks the reader to adopt a shelter dog—a specific action.)

Explain why this topic is timely or important. For example, the animal-shelter essay might end with a statistic about the number of pets in shelters waiting for adoption.

Remind the readers of why the topic matters to them personally. For example, it doesn’t matter much if you believe in the mission of animal shelters, if you're not planning to get a dog; however, once you're looking for a dog, it is much more important. The conclusion of this essay might say, "Since you’re in the market for a dog, you have a major decision to make: where to get one." This will remind the reader that the argument is personally important!

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Writing conclusions.

Though expectations vary from one discipline to the next, the conclusion of your paper is generally a place to explore the implications of your topic or argument. In other words, the end of your paper is a place to look outward or ahead in order to explain why you made the points you did.

Writing the Conclusion

In the past, you may have been told that your conclusion should summarize what you have already said by restating your thesis and main points. It is often helpful to restate your argument in the conclusion, particularly in a longer paper, but most professors and instructors want students to go beyond simply repeating what they have already said. Restating your thesis is just a short first part of your conclusion. Make sure that you are not simply repeating yourself; your restated thesis should use new and interesting language.

After you have restated your thesis, you should not just summarize the key points of your argument. Your conclusion should offer the reader something new to think about—or, at the very least, it should offer the reader a new way of thinking about what you have said in your paper.

You can employ one of several strategies for taking your conclusion that important step further:

  • Answer the question, "So what?"
  • Connect to a larger theme from the course
  • Complicate your claim with an outside source
  • Pose a new research question as a result of your paper's findings
  • Address the limitations of your argument

The strategy you employ in writing a conclusion for your paper may depend upon a number of factors:

  • The conventions of the discipline in which you are writing
  • The tone of your paper (whether your paper is analytical, argumentative, explanatory, etc.)
  • Whether your paper is meant to be formal or informal

Choose a strategy that best maintains the flow and tone of your paper while allowing you to adequately tie together all aspects of your paper.

The Final "So what?" Strategy

Part of generating a thesis statement sometimes requires answering the "so what?" question—that is, explaining the significance of your basic assertion. When you use the "so what?" strategy to write your conclusion, you are considering what some of the implications of your argument might be beyond the points already made in your paper. This strategy allows you to leave readers with an understanding of why your argument is important in a broader context or how it can apply to a larger concept.

For example, consider a paper about alcohol abuse in universities. If the paper argues that alcohol abuse among students depends more on psychological factors than simply the availability of alcohol on campus, a "so what?" conclusion might tie together threads from the body of the paper to suggest that universities are not approaching alcohol education from the most effective perspective when they focus exclusively on limiting students' access to alcohol.

To use this strategy, ask yourself, "How does my argument affect how I approach the text or issue?"

The "Connecting to a Course Theme" Strategy

When you use the "connecting to a course theme" strategy to write your conclusion, you are establishing a connection between your paper's thesis and a larger theme or idea from the course for which you are writing your paper.

For example, consider a paper about mothers and daughters in Eudora Welty's Delta Wedding for a class called "The Inescapable South." This paper argues that a strong dependence on the mother is analogous to a strong dependence on the South. A "connecting to a course theme" conclusion for this paper might propose that Welty's daughter characters demonstrate what type of people can and cannot escape the South.

To use this strategy, ask yourself, "What is an overall theme of this course? How does my paper's thesis connect?"

The "Complicating Your Claim" Strategy

When you use the "complicating your claim" strategy to write your conclusion, you are using one or more additional resources to develop a more nuanced final thesis. Such additional resources could include a new outside source or textual evidence that seemingly contradicts your argument.

For example, consider a paper about Ireland's neutrality during World War II. This paper argues that Ireland refused to enter the war because it wanted to assert its sovereignty, not because it had no opinion about the conflict. A "complicating your claim" conclusion for this paper might provide historical evidence that Ireland did aid the Allies, suggesting that the Irish were more influenced by international diplomacy than their formal neutrality might suggest.

To use this strategy, ask yourself, "Is there any evidence against my thesis?" or "What does an outside source have to say about my thesis?"

The "Posing a New Question" Strategy

When you use the "posing a new question" strategy to write your conclusion, you are inviting the reader to consider a new idea or question that has appeared as a result of your argument.

For example, consider a paper about three versions of the folktale "Rapunzel." This paper argues that German, Italian, and Filipino versions of "Rapunzel" all vary in terms of characterization, plot development, and moral, and as a result have different themes. A "posing a new question" conclusion for this paper might ask the historical and cultural reasons for how three separate cultures developed such similar stories with such different themes.

To use this strategy, ask yourself, "What new question has developed out of my argument?"

The "Addressing Limitations" Strategy

When you use the "addressing limitations" strategy to write your conclusion, you are discussing the possible weaknesses of your argument and, thus, the fallibility of your overall conclusion. This strategy is often useful in concluding papers on scientific studies and experiments.

For example, consider a paper about an apparent correlation between religious belief and support for terrorism. An "addressing limitations" conclusion for this paper might suggest that the apparent correlation relies on the paper's definition of "terrorism" and, since the definition is not objective, the apparent correlation might have been wrongly identified.

To use this strategy, ask yourself, "In what aspects is my argument lacking? Are there circumstances in which my conclusions might be wrong?"

Polishing Your Conclusion—and Your Paper

After you've completed your conclusion, look over what you have written and consider making some small changes to promote clarity and originality:

  • Unless your discipline requires them, remove obvious transitions like "in conclusion," "in summary," and "in result" from your conclusion; they get in the way of the actual substance of your conclusion.
  • Consider taking a strong phrase from your conclusion and using it as the title or subtitle of your paper.

Also, be sure to proofread your conclusion carefully for errors and typos. You should double-check your entire paper for accuracy and correct spelling as well.

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How to Restate A Thesis: Your Detailed Guide

how to restate a thesis

A thesis acts as your research paper’s main pillar, guiding the readers to the key points on the paper and the direction that you took. A thesis statement comes at the introduction, but you will need to restate it in the conclusion. Notably, a lot of students find this challenging and keep asking, “How do you rephrase a thesis statement?” and “Are you supposed to reword your thesis in the conclusion paragraph?”

To help you restate thesis of your paper appropriately, we have highlighted the key steps that you should follow. Make sure to also check the examples and practice the different ways to restate a thesis until you can hack it like a pro.

What Does Restate Thesis Mean?

Before we can look at the steps involved in restating a thesis, it is important to start by asking the questions, “What does restating means?” and “How long does a thesis restate have to be?”

Restating means that you are highlighting something that you had already brought out, in this case, the “thesis of your paper.” Therefore, you are simply reminding the readers about the points that you were trying to put across in the entire paper, but without sounding repetitive. When it comes to length, there is no specific rule on it, but you should try to make it approximately the same length as the original thesis.

When you restate thesis and conclude the paper well, your work will look complete, professional and earn you a better grade.

Restate Thesis Statement: Decide Where to Position It

In most cases, college students restate the thesis at the start of their conclusion. You might also want to place it on a different section of the conclusion, other than the beginning of the conclusion. When teaching students how to restate a thesis in a conclusion, we recommend them to use the method that will make their work look unique.

For example, instead of restating the thesis as the first sentence, consider starting the conclusion with a rhetoric question followed by your restated thesis statement. Here is an example below. “Will we ever appreciate the importance of saving our rainforests? Rainforests act as the largest carbon sinks on the globe, as well as home to thousands of species, and everyone can play a role in their protection.”

Note that since there is no specific formula on how to restate a thesis statement , it is advisable to start by crafting a draft conclusion and then decide where to position it. Actually, you might consider several positions until you get the perfect spot.

How to Rephrase a Thesis: Make It to have a Deeper Impact

By the time a reader gets to the conclusion of your work, it implies that he/she has already read the entire paper and has a clear idea about your stand on the topic. Therefore, you should take advantage of this and rephrase the thesis statement to deliver a deeper level of emotional effect.

One way of driving this deeper emotional impact is addressing the reader directly, and here is an example. If you were working on a paper with a topic, such as cybersecurity for startups, a good way to start restating the thesis might be:

  • “As a startup enterprise owner …”
  • “To strengthen your information security as a small business owner …”

Ways to Restate a Thesis: Answer the Question, “So What?”

The stated thesis at the start of your introduction might not provide the answer to the question, “so what?” However, the restated thesis , in your conclusion, should comprehensively answer the question. The answer seeks to inform the reader about the significance of the arguments in the paper to avoid leaving him/her hanging.

For example, if your paper was talking about teenage alcohol and substance abuse, make sure to answer the question “So what?” by showing what it does to teenagers. This can be something such as this; “ Additional awareness of the dangers of substance abuse, such as alcohol, should be emphasized because teenagers are more prone and likely to give in because of peer pressure rather than the implications of substance abuse.”

Avoid Making Apologies when Rewording a Thesis

When working on the conclusion of your paper, it is prudent to be confident that you provided ample proof in the body. Therefore, as you restate the thesis, you should not make apologetic statements because they undermine your argument. Such statements, which you should avoid, include:

“It appears that …. “ “It is possible that …” “It is my opinion that …”

The only time when using such statements when restating your thesis might be okay is when the topic of discussion was simply a possibility.

Restate Thesis Statement by Varying the Tense

When writing an paper, the thesis statement at the introduction might have been done in the future tense, informing the reader what to anticipate in the rest of the paper.

For example, a paper looking at coal production might have a thesis such as this, “ I will examine the effects of using coal in Azerbaijan ….” When restating the thesis, you can change the tense, and put it in the past, so that it looks something like this, “ I evaluated the how harmful the use of coal is to the environment in Azerbaijan …”

Seek Writing Help to Restate Thesis of Your Paper

When you work on any piece of assignment, how you wrap it up, especially in the conclusion, is very important to avoid leaving your reader in suspense. In this post, we have demonstrated how to restate a thesis statement, but you should consider reading a carefully done restate thesis and practice more to hone your skills. However, if you are still finding the task a challenge, even after reading a restate thesis example, consider seeking writing help from an expert.

We have a pool of qualified writers who are ready to help you with your academic assignments, and all you have to do is ask us for help to “restate my thesis.” They know how to start a paper, write the body professionally, and restate the thesis like pros. Furthermore, our services are cheap, and you can count on our writers for quality work and top grades.

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How to Restate a Thesis Statement: Examples & Tips

What is the most important part of any essay or research paper? Of course, it’s the thesis statement —a sentence that expresses the paper’s main idea and guides the readers through your arguments.

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But where do you place the thesis? You’ve probably answered, “in the introduction.” However, that’s not all of it—you also need to restate the thesis statement in the conclusion. Moreover, it should be paraphrased using a more diverse vocabulary.

The picture shows the definition of a restated thesis.

If you’re unsure about how to restate a thesis, this article by will be helpful for you. Here, you will find:

  • various rephrasing strategies,
  • a step-by-step guide,
  • the most actionable thesis restatement tips.
  • ✍️ Thesis Restatement Definition
  • ✅ Step-By-Step Guide
  • 💡 Rephrasing Strategies
  • 📋 Example Sentences
  • 🖼️ How to Reframe
  • ✨ Bonus Tips

🔍 References

✍️ what is a restated thesis.

A restated thesis is a reworded and restructured version of the original statement. It is presented in a conclusion or any other part of the essay requiring a recap of the paper’s main idea. It shouldn’t repeat the thesis statement word for word: instead, it’s better to focus on its content.

Why Restating Your Thesis Is Necessary

For a solid, effective academic work, a restated thesis in a conclusion is a must. Here’s why:

  • A restated thesis helps reintroduce your central argument, thus enhancing its perceived significance.
  • A correctly restated main claim makes the transition to the implications smoother.
  • A paraphrased thesis restatement signals the readers about the wrap-up of your paper.

✅ How to Restate a Thesis Step by Step

Now, let’s dwell on the restatement process in more detail. We recommend you follow the steps we described below. It will help you make your paraphrased thesis effective without undermining your persuasive arguments.

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💡 How to Rephrase a Thesis: Different Strategies

You can approach the restatement of thesis in several ways. Here are the best strategies that will make your argument effective and easily understood.

The picture enumerates the 5 best thesis restatement strategies.

How to Restate a Claim by Substituting Synonyms

English is a language rich in synonyms, so you’ll hardly experience any trouble finding suitable substitutes for the words you’ve used in the original thesis. You can also try out an online reword generator or thesis statement maker to get different versions of your central claim.

For instance, imagine that this is your thesis:

People of color have achieved pronounced success in the fight for their civil rights and equality in the USA over the last century,

You may experiment with synonyms as freely as you want. Here are some variants:

  • The 20-century civil rights movement gave many rights and freedoms to the minorities in the United States.
  • The situation with racial equality improved significantly over the past 100 years, giving racial minorities a strong voice in American society.

Restating Your Thesis by Altering the Sentence Structure

The syntax is also a rich source of inspiration for thesis changes. If the original statement is compound, divide it into several shorter sentences. If you’ve used several simple sentences in the first version, consider combining them into one longer statement.

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Here is an example of altering the thesis’ structure without changing the main points:

In the original version, we started by focusing on diabetes. In the reworded thesis, we presented the numbers as the first piece of data. This way, we’re directing the reader’s attention to the gravity of the problem.

How to Restate Your Thesis by Changing the Tense

In most cases, the original thesis statement uses future or present tense. It helps to inform the readers about what they are about to read. For instance, it can start with an introductory phrase:

I will argue that homework should be canceled to give students more free time and ease the burden of high school studies.

In this example, the thesis statement is written in the present tense. It links to the general statistics of time students spend on their homework. You can transform this statement into a past-tense sentence in the conclusion, showing that your argument has been proven.

The presented evidence showed that students benefited from homework cancellation and had more quality time for their hobbies and relaxation.

Restating a Thesis by Shortening or Lengthening It

The length of your thesis statement also matters. You may present it in a shorter way at the beginning of your paper, focusing only on the gist of your research question. Later on, once the arguments are laid out and explained in detail, you can present a more extended version of the initially formulated problem.

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In this restates thesis example, we have extended the original idea, explaining what “assigned seating” and “school bullying” mean. This way, the reworded version could embrace the evidence discussed in the argumentative essay’s body.

Restating a Thesis by Linking It to the Research Problem

The strategy we’re about to describe is suitable for use in research paper writing. You will need to tie the thesis statement to the problem you’ve outlined in the introduction, linking it to the issue you’re examining.

For instance, in an essay on child obesity in the USA, you can restate the thesis as follows:

Although preventive healthcare has witnessed much advancement in the past decade, evidence proves that child obesity is still on the rise, with alarming annual increase rates.

📋 How to Restate a Thesis: Example Sentences

Now, let’s examine how to rephrase a sentence in practice. Have a look at these examples:

Example # 1

Here, we expanded the thesis statement by making it longer and adding some details.

Here, we have changed the sentence structure by switching the first and second parts. The first example focuses on the legalization of marijuana, while the second version starts by mentioning the rising rates of teenage weed consumption.

In this example, we’ve changed the thesis statement’s tense from future to past, showing how an intention transformed into a completed task.

🖼️ How to Reframe a Reworded Thesis?

Once you’ve approached the conclusion paragraph of your work, it’s time to think about reframing your main claim. It’s important not to duplicate the introductory thesis because its role in the final section is different. Here are some workable reframing suggestions:

  • Reword the original thesis and put it at the beginning of your conclusion. It will bring the focus back to your initial research purpose.
  • Enumerate the central claims you’ve focused on. They can be compiled from topic sentences used in the body paragraphs.
  • After restating the thesis, you can dwell on the broader significance of the problem you’ve examined. Make a logically related call to action based on the cited evidence. You can also mention your study’s limitations and clarify what additional research is needed.

✨ Bonus Thesis Statement Tips

Now, it’s time to give you a bonus for careful reading: our tried-and-tested tips for good thesis rewriting. Check them out:

As you can see, rephrasing a thesis statement requires effort. Using extensive vocabulary and syntax will help you restructure the content and retain its meaning. And, of course, make sure to follow our tips!

Further reading:

  • Best Thesis Statement Examples with Expert Comments
  • How to Write a Conclusion for a Research Paper: Examples & Tips
  • How to Write a 5-Paragraph Essay: Outline, Examples, & Writing Steps
  • What Are the 5 Different Types of Essays? A Complete Guide

❓ How to Restate Thesis in Conclusion FAQs

Restatement of your thesis involves restructuring and changing the vocabulary originally used in the introduction. However, the altered thesis should preserve your work’s meaning and central message.

You will typically need a reworded thesis in a conclusion paragraph. This part of your essay or research paper should wrap up everything you’ve said and summarize your claims in different words.

When composing your essay conclusion paragraph, it is vital to reword your thesis statement initially presented in the introduction. This strategy will help you make the conclusion sound non-redundant while preserving the original main idea.

When restating the claim, you do the same work as when you reword the thesis. You need to change the wording and syntax while preserving the overall meaning of the original claim.

A good example is as follows: “children should wear uniforms at school.” The reworded thesis would contain the same meaning rephrased in your own words: “Uniforms are recommended for all students.”

  • Writing the Conclusion: Indiana University Bloomington
  • Writing Introductory and Concluding Paragraphs: University of Minnesota
  • How to Restate a Thesis Statement: Classroom: Synonym
  • Writing a Paper: Conclusions: Walden University
  • Conclusions: Purdue University
  • Ending the Essay: Conclusions: Harvard University
  • Thesis Statements: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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Home / Guides / Writing Guides / Parts of a Paper / How to Write a Conclusion

How to Write a Conclusion


In this lesson, you will learn how to write a conclusion that follows from your argument.

Guide Overview

  • Writing conclusions
  • What goes into a conclusion?
  • Call to action
  • Restate your claim

Which do you pick?

  • What shouldn’t go in a conclusion
  • End product: a strong conclusion
  • Lesson conclusion

Writing Conclusions

When you write an argument, you need to make sure your reader walks away knowing exactly what your claim is and why it is correct. You can reinforce your claim one last time by writing a conclusion that supports your argument.​

For example, consider the following claim:

Animal testing is harmful to the animals tested on and is unnecessary.

What Goes into a Conclusion?

Your conclusion is the last thing your audience reads. It should relate back to your argument and leave your reader with something to think about.

Your conclusion may include:

  • A “so what” that explains why your argument is important
  • A call to action related to your claim
  • A restatement of your thesis or claim

Including a “so what?” in your conclusion helps your readers to see why your claim is important. ​It tells readers why your argument is relevant to their lives. You can add a “so what?” to your conclusion by returning to your original claim and asking, “so what?” “why is this idea important? ” Include the answer in your conclusion.

To support the claim that animal testing is wrong, you might say the following:

Animal rights is of concern to many people, but we often fail to consider whether the products we use were tested on animals or were made in a way that harms animals. As such, some animal lovers may not realize they are using products made in a way they fundamentally disagree.

Call to Action

A call to action rallies your readers to do something in response to your claim. If you are writing an argument about how climate change is caused by people, include a call to action at the end, asking your readers to make changes and fight back. A call to action helps readers to not only reflect on your claim, but also to walk away and do something with the information you’ve given them.

Going back to the example of your claim that animal testing is wrong, you might say the following:

Ending animal testing is as simple as purchasing products from companies that refuse to test their products on animals, and boycotting brands that do animal testing. For those hoping to take a larger stance against animal testing, writing letters or calling government representatives to express dissatisfaction with the practice can make a difference, as can participating in protests.

Restate Your Claim

The conclusion is the last thing your audience reads. This is a great place to restate your thesis and remind readers of what you are arguing and why. But remember, you don’t want to restate your thesis exactly, find a new way of saying it that ties in some of the evidence you’ve shared.

Here, you want to restate your claim that animal testing is wrong in different words. For example:

“The evidence above suggests that animal testing, known to be detrimental to animals, is also avoidable”
“While animal testing is widely known to harm animals, the myth that it is the best way of testing products has been dispelled through the evidence presented above.

Your conclusion can be made up of any or all of these three elements. You may want to restate your claim and tell your readers why it is important. Or, you could give your readers the “so what?” as part of a call to action.

Exactly what you include in your conclusion is up to you, but it should always relate to your claim and leave readers with something to think about.​

What Shouldn’t Go in a Conclusion

And remember, your conclusion should never introduce new information or claims. According to Chris Erat from the Clarkson Writing Center:

An effective conclusion allows the reader to reflect on the thesis statement after reading the supporting evidence.

End Product: A Strong Conclusion

Based on the points we’ve reviewed, a final conclusion about our animal testing claim may look like this:

Animal rights is of concern to many people, but we often fail to consider whether the products we use were tested on animals or were made in a way that harms animals. As such, some animal lovers may not realize they are using products made in a way they fundamentally disagree. Ending animal testing is as simple as purchasing products from companies that refuse to test their products on animals, and boycotting brands that do animal testing. For those hoping to take a larger stance against animal testing, writing letters or calling government representatives to express dissatisfaction with the practice can make a difference, as can participating in protests. While animal testing is widely known to harm animals, the myth that it is the best way of testing products has been dispelled through the evidence presented above.

Lesson Conclusion

In this lesson, you learned how to write a conclusion that leaves your reader with something to think about.

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This resource outlines the generally accepted structure for introductions, body paragraphs, and conclusions in an academic argument paper. Keep in mind that this resource contains guidelines and not strict rules about organization. Your structure needs to be flexible enough to meet the requirements of your purpose and audience.

Conclusions wrap up what you have been discussing in your paper. After moving from general to specific information in the introduction and body paragraphs, your conclusion should begin pulling back into more general information that restates the main points of your argument. Conclusions may also call for action or overview future possible research. The following outline may help you conclude your paper:

In a general way,

  • Restate your topic and why it is important,
  • Restate your thesis/claim,
  • Address opposing viewpoints and explain why readers should align with your position,
  • Call for action or overview future research possibilities.

Remember that once you accomplish these tasks, unless otherwise directed by your instructor, you are finished. Done. Complete. Don't try to bring in new points or end with a whiz bang(!) conclusion or try to solve world hunger in the final sentence of your conclusion. Simplicity is best for a clear, convincing message.

The preacher's maxim is one of the most effective formulas to follow for argument papers:

Tell what you're going to tell them (introduction).

Tell them (body).

Tell them what you told them (conclusion).

How to Write Essay Conclusion and Restate Your Thesis

Why is essay conclusion important?

We have all written an essay at some point in life. For those still studying, essays are pretty much a way of life. An integral part of each essay is the conclusion. Our experts suggest that the conclusion plays an important part in the structure and flow of the essay.

It would, however, not be a surprise if most of us don’t understand the importance of a conclusion. This article from our essay service experts will explain why a conclusion in a research paper is so important and why each essay must include a good closing. But before that, let us begin by understanding what it is.

What Is a Conclusion?

Simply put, a conclusion is the final paragraph of an essay. It finalizes your essay and makes an argument strong . It, therefore, ties together your essay and reaffirms your stand.

Purpose of a Conclusion

A conclusion is your last chance to make an impression on your reader. to make an impression on your reader. Unlike the introduction and body sections, where you have the opportunity to explain your points at length, the conclusion only allows for a summary of your strongest points. As such, no new ideas should be introduced in the conclusion. This section of an essay is meant to achieve three main objectives:

This Section of the Essay is Meant to Achieve 3 Main Objectives:

  • Restate your thesis and main ideas : The first sentence of the conclusion usually repeats your thesis. This does not mean copying it word for word but rewording it in a way that reflects your stand.
  • Summarize the main argument or points : Summarize the main argument or points: We consider it to remind the reader what the essay was about. This should align all your conflicting arguments and help the reader see the big picture. Our experts can always help you come up with a thesis and reiterate the essay’s main points and ideas.
  • Create an interesting final impression : The essay should leave your reader interested in what you have to say. It should also provide closure and a sense of possibilities in the covered topic. This positions you as an essay writer and thinker.

Why is the Conclusion Important?

As evidenced in the sections above, a conclusion is important because its purpose in an essay is to hammer your points home.

Its importance can therefore be broken down into three main components:

  • Allows you to leave a lasting impression on the reader : This is, after all, the last attempt you have at convincing your reader – or lecturer. You, therefore must write a coherent essay conclusion and help them understand your perspective. Our experts can do the job for you and make a conclusion in an essay without any effort from your side.
  • Helps you sum up your thoughts : A conclusion gives you a chance to summarize and organize your thoughts. This could be especially helpful if you argued on several conflicting points. You can use the conclusion section to explain to your reader which one is your stand and why.
  • Makes your essay scannable : Many readers will not read through the essay due to several factors. Instead, they’ll quickly scan the important areas to get an idea of what the essay is about. The introduction and conclusion are, therefore, the most read sections: The introduction because it introduces the essay and contains the thesis statement, and the conclusion because it summarizes it.

How To Write A Conclusion Paragraph For An Essay Well?

The conclusion of your paper may sometimes be more challenging than the opening. Our custom essay writers understand this. Thus, they provide this quick guide and professional suggestions regarding how to do a conclusion in an essay.

Don’t Repeat Your Opening Statement

Every university teacher has seen an essay in which a student copied and pasted their opening at the end of their paper virtually word for word. It should be evident that doing so is pointless. You’re merely wasting sentences by reiterating the same stuff. You might conclude with your last body paragraph argument. Or, if you intended that your reader should go through the introduction again and remember your main points, you could just state, “See introduction”.

Avoid Redundant Content

Another typical mistake writers make is viewing the essay ending as merely a rehash. They end an essay by offering a brief overview of each point. This review can be a vital aspect of your conclusion, particularly if you’ve presented a succession of sophisticated points in your essay. Just like with rehashing your introduction, using an important word count just to repeat what you’ve previously stated is annoying and has no logical or persuasive function.

It’s Not a Place for Fresh Information or Additional Arguments

Your paper conclusion should not be a recap, synopsis, or repetition of what you have previously stated throughout your essay. Rather than introducing anything new, mind that this is a place to dwell up on the mentioned arguments. It’s the last line of your essay, bringing closure and linking readers back to the beginning.

How To Restate Thesis In Conclusion?

To restate means to express what the initial inquiry or assumption of the work is about. You do this through the use of innovative and intriguing terminology. It is not just a case of repeating oneself. When you restate the thesis statement in a different form, you assist the reader to remember the opening thesis statement, which is very important in a long article. Our experts present some hints below if you need to edit your essay and check the relevance of your restatement.

The first step is to figure out where you want your thesis restatement in the closing paragraph. Most authors believe it should be the first sentence in the concluding section, but that is not obligatory. You can place it anywhere in the summary and still keep the reader captivated and adhere to strong writing standards. If you find this task daunting, you can even pay money for a dissertation or essay.

That is no surprise that paraphrasing is a difficult undertaking. After drafting your five-paragraph essay, your thoughts may be overloaded, and rephrasing may feel like solving a math equation. But you can always complete this work correctly. For this, you will need to ask yourself one question “So, what’s the point?”.

Professionals believe that this is the foundation of any restatement. The relevance of the original concept is explained in this question. Returning to it at the end, will urge the reader to consider why it was worth their time. To make your ending paragraph intriguing and exciting, think outside the box. It will also demonstrate your writing maturity via innovative and inventive language.

How To Conclude An Essay Without Saying “In Conclusion”?

Everyone once faced difficulties coming up with original wording for writing the conclusion of an essay. Our experts have made this task easier and suggest you other words for “in conclusion” in an essay. Below are some strong alternatives on how to end an essay:

  • On the whole;
  • After all is said and done;
  • In essence;
  • In closing;
  • Bluntly stated;
  • Ultimately;
  • Last but not least;
  • Considering all facts;
  • In the long run;
  • On a final note;
  • To bring things to a close;
  • Upon further analysis;
  • Upon reflection;
  • All in all;
  • All things considered.

Examples Of Good Essay Conclusions

If you regularly ask yourself “Do I need to pay someone to write my college essay ?” we can recommend our writers. Our team will help you to write an essay conclusion paragraph and always sound professional for your money. Let’s have a look at how to end an essay conclusion.

Conclusion Example 1 – “The History of The Black Lives Matter Movement”

conclusion example on the essay about BLM

The Black Lives Matter Movement was originally inspired by the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, the Black Feminist Movement of the 1980s, and the Pan-African Movement. BLM is carrying on the work of nineteenth-century groups by trying to abolish institutionalized racism. To get past America’s horrifying history of institutional racism that exists to this day, police agencies must rethink their arrest procedures and put an end to for-profit policing.

Conclusion Example 2 – “Pro/Against Gun Control”

conclusion to gun control paper

For a long time, gun regulation has been a heated subject. People who oppose gun regulation think that owning a firearm is a fundamental right guaranteed by the Second Amendment. Gun control advocates feel that weapons are the root of our crime issue. They also believe this legislation keeps firearms off the streets and reduces crime. All law-abiding persons should be allowed to carry guns to protect themselves from people who desire to hurt them. The executive branch must, however, take some measures to make our society safer from gun deaths in light of the multiple gun violence and the accessibility of high-powered firearms.

Conclusion Example 3 – “Romeo and Juliet: Fate or Free Will?”

conclusion romeo and juliet essay

There are evident occasions in which the characters connect their actions with their independent will: the feud, Romeo and Juliet’s desire for the wedding, the battle in Act III, Scene I, and Romeo and Juliet’s suicides. These activities are entirely voluntary on the part of the characters, and nothing has compelled them to take them. So, what is the “higher power” that the protagonists cannot deny? Despite Romeo’s strong trust in the influence of the planets over his lifetime, he consistently goes against what he perceives to be his destiny.

The conclusion is the final paragraph of your paper. The conclusion of an argumentative essay must include a statement to crystalize your thoughts and make them transparent to your reader. It helps you make your readers not leave without understanding what you are saying. It should therefore be written compellingly since it can be the difference between a grade A and grade D material.

FAQ About Conclusion

How long should a conclusion be in an essay.

The opening and conclusion should each comprise about 10% of the total word length of the essay. For instance, if you write a 1500-word paper, your opening and conclusion will be around 150 words each. This should offer you enough space to briefly examine your primary topics and important notions without being too wordy.

How To Start A Conclusion In An Essay

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essay conclusion restate thesis

Your conclusion paragraph should logically conclude your essay, just like your conclusion sentences logically conclude your body paragraphs. The conclusion paragraph should begin by restating your thesis, and then you should broaden back out to a general topic. End with a closing statement.

Restate your thesis

The first sentence of your concluding paragraph should restate your thesis.

Example: Restated thesis

Thesis: Some of the most impactful inventions of the nineteenth century that changed the way we live were the telephone, the bicycle, and plastic.

Restated Thesis: It is obvious that these three nineteenth-century inventions dramatically changed our lifestyles.

The thesis changed by implying the main points, instead of stating them directly. Even though the words were changed, the overall meaning did not change. Other ways to restate a thesis include reversing the order of the clauses or using different word forms (e.g., adjective to noun: essential > the importance).

How to Paraphrase a Thesis Statement

A restated thesis statement says the ideas from the thesis statement again but in different words. It is a paraphrase of the original thesis statement.

An Effective Paraphrase:

  • explains the most important parts of the original
  • is written in your own words. 
  • keeps the original meaning. 
  • does not merely cut and copy from the original

How to Make a Paraphrase

  • Determine your purpose. 
  • Read or listen to what you will paraphrase
  • Make a list of the main points
  • Write the paraphrase. 
  • Compare the paraphrase to the original 

(Adapted from Stephen, n.d.)

Apply your thesis to general contexts

There are a few options for the supporting sentences of a conclusion paragraph. All of these options build off the main idea from the restated thesis. 

  • This is done by paraphrasing your topic sentences effectively.
  • This polishes off the essay in a refined way. Including the same ideas in the first paragraph and the last paragraph bookends the essay the same way the covers of a book contain a story. 
  • This is usually done with a large scope in mind. How does your idea impact a larger community or the world? What impact will it have in the future?

Give a closing statement

Your concluding statement is very similar to the concluding sentence of a body paragraph except that you will not restate your main idea at the very end of your paper. Your closing statement can be a prediction, suggestion, or opinion.

A conclusion's role in an essay

The primary role, job, of a conclusion in an essay is to finish off the essay in a logical way. Just like if you listened to a song that stopped halfway through if you read an essay without a conclusion, it feels unfinished.

A conclusion is an idea that is reached after someone considers evidence about a topic. All the ideas, details, explanations, and reasonings build up to the conclusion.

Usually, this conclusion is stated in the restated thesis statement. The sentences after the restated thesis statement can either summarize the main reasons that support that conclusion or they can show the impact of that conclusion on the real world. The last sentence, the concluding sentence, should be memorable so that people remember the conclusion from the restated thesis statement. It is like the grand finale in a song that leaves a lasting impression.

All of these pieces build on the ideas from the previous paragraphs, so the reader understands at the end of the essay what the essay was all about, the main idea. 

*Note: Conclusion vs. Concluding

"Conclusion" and "Concluding" are based on the word "Conclude" which has two different dictionary definitions: one about deciding based on evidence and another about ending something.

Conclusion means "something that you decide when you have thought about all the information connected with the situation". 

Concluding means "[coming] to an end; [bringing] something to an end"

Sources for definitions:


Exercise 1: Paraphrasing Practice

Pretend you are writing an essay to answer the prompt below. You have already written your thesis statement. You are now writing the restated thesis statement. To practice your paraphrasing skills, write three versions of the same restated thesis statement on the lines below. A completed example done with a different prompt has been given. 

Prompt: What is one problem in your community that needs to be solved?

Thesis: If each citizen could help in solving the widespread problem of littering in our city, it could help clean up parks and public spaces, eliminate the excessive animal refuse, and create a sense of pride in the members of out community.

Completed Example:

Prompt:  Should schools teach foreign languages?

Thesis:   Schools need to teach different languages because it helps the youth to be better prepared for the future, having more opportunities and developing their skills.

Restated Thesis Versions:

 1. In conclusion, students are benefited in schools that teach a foreign language because they are not only better prepared for future opportunities but also they develop skills. 

2. In closing, the preparation for future opportunities and skill development available to students in schools that teach a foreign language are two of the main reasons schools need to teach foreign languages.

3.  In fine, there are many benefits for students learning a foreign language which is why schools should include these courses.

Exercise 2: Concluding Paragraph Analysis

Read the example student's thesis statement and concluding paragraph. 

  • Does the paragraph appropriately restate the thesis?
  • Does the author apply the main idea to general topics?
  • Does the writer include a closing statement?
  • Do you think this is effective as a concluding paragraph? Why or why not?

Thesis Statement: Schools need to teach different languages because it helps the youth to be better prepare for the future, having more opportunities and developing their skills.


       In conclusion, students are benefited in schools that teach a foreign language because they are not only better prepared for the future opportunities but also they develop skills. And for those reasons I do believe government officials should encourage more this practice in private and public schools. 

Exercise 3: Consider the Cohesion

Analyze the conclusion paragraph from the example essay at the end of this chapter:

Consider these questions:

  • Are all the parts of the conclusion paragraph included?
  • How does this conclusion connect with the rest of the essay?
  • What specific language does the author use that you could use in any conclusion?

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How To Restate A Thesis In A Conclusion: An Expert Guide

how to restate a thesis

Are you struggling with how to restate a thesis in your paper? It is a big challenge for many students and could easily pull down your grade even after working so hard on the entire paper. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is simply copy-pasting the thesis on the introduction, but “what does restating mean?” and “what is the best method to employ?”

The lovely thing is that we are here to elucidate how to restate a thesis in a conclusion like a pro. Keep reading for a step-by-step guide and examples on restating a thesis.

Table of Contents

Restate thesis statement: what does it mean, how long does a thesis restate have to be, how do you rephrase a thesis statement, ways to restate a thesis in a conclusion, useful tips to consider when rewording a thesis.

To demonstrate how to restate a thesis statement articulately, let’s start by going back to the definition. So, what is a thesis?

A thesis statement is a sentence used to summarize the central point of your essay, paper, or dissertation. It comes towards the end of the introduction and tells readers about the core idea that you will put across. If you are writing a paper on a topic, say, Hunger in Africa, a good thesis might be hunger is rampant in Africa because jobs in the continent are scarce, and agriculture practiced in infertile soils is unprofitable.

So, what does restate thesis mean? This implies that you are returning to the initial hypothesis or question and restating it in different words. Restating a thesis comes at the conclusion of a research paper, and it implies you are reminding the reader about the central argument of the entire write-up and then wrapping it up with the summary.

A carefully restated thesis signals your reader that the paper is coming to a close. If you are writing a dissertation, the restated thesis marks the starting point of telling readers whether your stand on the paper was approved or not. In the next section, we highlight the recommended length of the thesis restate and some of the best strategies to write it down.

The length of a thesis restate should be determined by the entire conclusion. When writing a paper or essay, the conclusion should be a small part of the entire length. Then, only use a small fraction of the conclusion for the thesis restate, as the summary of the paper and personal opinion takes up the rest. No matter the size of the conclusion, you should target one thing: ensuring that the thesis restate is of the highest possible quality.

The best way to rephrase a thesis statement is to understand the basics and change different aspects to present the same information. So, here are the four most important basics of restating a thesis statement in the conclusion of your paper.

The most preferred point for thesis restatement is the beginning of the introduction, but you might like to place it elsewhere, and it is okay. So, it is prudent to start by making up your mind about the place to position the statement. To do this, you can:

Sketch the conclusion by putting down the main points to get a clearer idea about the perfect place for the restated thesis statement. Depending on the type of essay or research paper, you might want to start the conclusion with a rhetorical device or question as opposed to a thesis statement. Immediately after the question, put down the thesis statement.

When readers are at the introduction of your paper, they use the thesis statement to get a feel of what the entire write-up is about. Once they get to the end, they will have seen all the core points. Therefore, this is an excellent opportunity to strengthen your paper. Here is how you should capitalize on the main points to make the paper even more outstanding:

  • Provide a greater level of emotional impact to the original argument of the paper.
  • You might also want to restate the thesis by incorporating a relationship established with the reader. In this case, the thesis restatement will be very useful in drawing a stronger connection with readers.

After going through your paper, readers want to get the answer to the big question, “Why?” In other words, you should tell the reader why the paper is significant. In doing so, you will be strengthening the conclusion and entire paper.

Let’s take an example. If your paper talked about drug abuse in colleges, revisiting the question “why?” could mean demonstrating the importance of the argument for both staff and students. This allows the reader to easily link the paper to the argued solution, such as educating students on drug abuse.

When writing the thesis restatement, you should assume that the reader has gone through all the points and understood the argument introduced at the beginning of the paper. Therefore, you should not apologize because that will weaken the research paper.

You restate a thesis statement by making it look different from the original one but without altering the meaning. So, here are the main strategies that you should employ:

The question “are you supposed to reword your thesis in the conclusion paragraph?” is probably one of the commonest among students when working on their assignments. We must say that rewording is one of the most effective methods of restating a thesis. So, how does it work when restating a thesis?

Another method of restating a thesis statement in your paper is changing its structure. You can achieve this by employing various elements of speech to write a new thesis statement. For instance, if the initial thesis started with the subject, you can consider starting the new one with a preposition phrase. Let’s highlight this with restate thesis example:

Thesis: Students in universities are commonly complicit in academic dishonesty. Restated thesis: In many universities, students like copying and cheating in their assignments.

Now that you’ve got the process of writing and restating a custom thesis , here are some small tips to keep in mind:

  • Always make sure there is a clear flow of the main points from the start of the paper to the conclusion.
  • Like other parts of the paper, the restated thesis should not have grammatical mistakes.
  • Try to read papers and dissertations done by experts to understand how they wrote theirs.
  • If your teacher has a specific guideline for different parts of the paper, make sure to factor it in.
  • Look at the paper from a holistic viewpoint as opposed to the conclusion alone when restating the thesis statement.

Seek Expert Assistance To Restate Thesis In Your Conclusion

Now that we have looked at the best strategies for restating a thesis statement, it is time to get down to work. Make sure to follow the advice carefully, but if you still find how to rephrase a thesis challenging, the best option is to seek writing help from expert essay writers. You cannot afford to give up because getting the best grades in your class is crucial in moving up the career ladder.

If you have been wondering about the best ways to prepare A-rated assignments, our custom research paper writing service is here to help. Our world wide online service has the best writers to help every university/ college student prepare quality work. They not only know how to restate the thesis of college papers articulately but can also prepare the entire write-up in different subjects to guarantee you top grades in your paper. Our services are also cheap, and all that you need to do is to visit and tell us to “restate my thesis.”

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  • How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples

How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples

Published on January 11, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on August 15, 2023 by Eoghan Ryan.

A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . It usually comes near the end of your introduction .

Your thesis will look a bit different depending on the type of essay you’re writing. But the thesis statement should always clearly state the main idea you want to get across. Everything else in your essay should relate back to this idea.

You can write your thesis statement by following four simple steps:

  • Start with a question
  • Write your initial answer
  • Develop your answer
  • Refine your thesis statement

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Table of contents

What is a thesis statement, placement of the thesis statement, step 1: start with a question, step 2: write your initial answer, step 3: develop your answer, step 4: refine your thesis statement, types of thesis statements, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about thesis statements.

A thesis statement summarizes the central points of your essay. It is a signpost telling the reader what the essay will argue and why.

The best thesis statements are:

  • Concise: A good thesis statement is short and sweet—don’t use more words than necessary. State your point clearly and directly in one or two sentences.
  • Contentious: Your thesis shouldn’t be a simple statement of fact that everyone already knows. A good thesis statement is a claim that requires further evidence or analysis to back it up.
  • Coherent: Everything mentioned in your thesis statement must be supported and explained in the rest of your paper.

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essay conclusion restate thesis

The thesis statement generally appears at the end of your essay introduction or research paper introduction .

The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education. The use of the internet in academic contexts and among young people more generally is hotly debated. For many who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. This concern, while understandable, is misguided. The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education: the internet facilitates easier access to information, exposure to different perspectives, and a flexible learning environment for both students and teachers.

You should come up with an initial thesis, sometimes called a working thesis , early in the writing process . As soon as you’ve decided on your essay topic , you need to work out what you want to say about it—a clear thesis will give your essay direction and structure.

You might already have a question in your assignment, but if not, try to come up with your own. What would you like to find out or decide about your topic?

For example, you might ask:

After some initial research, you can formulate a tentative answer to this question. At this stage it can be simple, and it should guide the research process and writing process .

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Now you need to consider why this is your answer and how you will convince your reader to agree with you. As you read more about your topic and begin writing, your answer should get more detailed.

In your essay about the internet and education, the thesis states your position and sketches out the key arguments you’ll use to support it.

The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education because it facilitates easier access to information.

In your essay about braille, the thesis statement summarizes the key historical development that you’ll explain.

The invention of braille in the 19th century transformed the lives of blind people, allowing them to participate more actively in public life.

A strong thesis statement should tell the reader:

  • Why you hold this position
  • What they’ll learn from your essay
  • The key points of your argument or narrative

The final thesis statement doesn’t just state your position, but summarizes your overall argument or the entire topic you’re going to explain. To strengthen a weak thesis statement, it can help to consider the broader context of your topic.

These examples are more specific and show that you’ll explore your topic in depth.

Your thesis statement should match the goals of your essay, which vary depending on the type of essay you’re writing:

  • In an argumentative essay , your thesis statement should take a strong position. Your aim in the essay is to convince your reader of this thesis based on evidence and logical reasoning.
  • In an expository essay , you’ll aim to explain the facts of a topic or process. Your thesis statement doesn’t have to include a strong opinion in this case, but it should clearly state the central point you want to make, and mention the key elements you’ll explain.

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A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . Everything else you write should relate to this key idea.

The thesis statement is essential in any academic essay or research paper for two main reasons:

  • It gives your writing direction and focus.
  • It gives the reader a concise summary of your main point.

Without a clear thesis statement, an essay can end up rambling and unfocused, leaving your reader unsure of exactly what you want to say.

Follow these four steps to come up with a thesis statement :

  • Ask a question about your topic .
  • Write your initial answer.
  • Develop your answer by including reasons.
  • Refine your answer, adding more detail and nuance.

The thesis statement should be placed at the end of your essay introduction .

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McCombes, S. (2023, August 15). How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved April 5, 2024, from

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Thesis Rephraser: Rewrite a Thesis Statement

Welcome to our thesis rephraser. Follow the steps below to get a rewritten thesis statement in no time:

  • Input a thesis statement into the textbox;
  • Choose the share of words you want replaced;
  • Click the "Rephrase" button;
  • Get your reworded thesis.
  • ️🤷 Why Using the Tool?
  • ️🎓 What Is a Thesis?
  • Argumentative
  • Literary Analysis
  • ️✍️ How to Rewrite a Thesis?
  • ️🔗 References

🤷 Thesis Rephraser: Why Using It?

  • To rephrase a conclusion or any other section of a paper (yes, it is SO universal);
  • To improve a thesis statement that does not wholly meet the requirements;
  • To reformulate a thesis statement so that you can include it in your conclusion;
  • To reword a thesis statement to see if it makes sense.

🎓 What Is a Thesis Statement?

A thesis statement is usually a sentence (or two as a maximum) at the beginning of your paper.

The picture contains a definition of a phrase in academic writing.

Most often, you should place it at the close of the introduction , presenting your argument to the reader.

Warning: Don’t mix the thesis statement and the subject of your paper. For example, the subject can be “the late works of Siegmund Freud,” but the thesis explains what you plan to do with this literature. I.e., “This essay argues that the late works of Siegmund Freud focus on mysticism.”

How to Identify a Thesis Statement?

A thesis statement is placed at the end of the introductory paragraph and answers the question of the paper’s topic. As a rule, it consists of only one sentence, which describes the essence of your writing.

What Is the Main Goal of a Thesis Statement?

The main goal is to give the reader a clear idea of the author’s position and how it will be defended. The best way to know what the paper is about is to read this sentence.

How Long Does a Thesis Statement Have to Be?

A thesis statement is usually formulated in a single sentence. Still, two shorter will also do if the sentence you have written is too complex or wordy.

📝 Thesis Statement Types (with Examples)

Below you'll find formulas and examples for 4 thesis statements: argumentative, analytical, expository, and literary analysis.

Argumentative Thesis Statement

An argumentative thesis statement presents the topic of a paper, the author’s opinion on the issue, and the reasons for such an opinion.

Argumentative thesis = Topic + Opinion + Reasons

E.g., Pembroke Welsh Corgis (topic) make perfect pets (opinion) because they are smart, active, and loyal (reasons) .

Analytical Thesis Statement

An analytical thesis statement presents the analyzed subject of your paper, reminds the reader of the general topic, and indicates what was found at the end of the analysis.

Analytical thesis = Subject of Analysis + Topic + Findings

E.g., The behavioral analysis (subject of analysis) of Pembroke Welsh Corgis (topic) demonstrates that they require more human attention than other breeds (findings) .

Expository Thesis Statement

An expository thesis statement specifies the overall topic and enumerates the principal aspects raised in the paper.

Expository thesis = Topic + Aspects

E.g., The criteria of corgi’s physical health (topic) comprise the state of their skin, fur, nose, eyes, teeth, and gums (aspects) .

Literary Analysis Thesis Statement

A literary analysis thesis statement focuses on the literary devices your paper will analyze and the results the author achieved through them.

Literary analysis = Literary Device + Effect

E.g., Arthur Conan Doyle uses the imagery of the moor (literary device) to produce an uncanny and grim impression on the reader (effect) .

✍️ How to Rewrite a Thesis?

Did your professor cross out your draft thesis statement and leave a negative comment in the right margin? Or have you already wracked your brain improvising a new version of the same thesis statement to put it into your conclusion?

Whichever the case, we will analyze why this introductory sentence is not good enough. Then you will get a how-to instruction for its correction.

Rewriting an Argumentative Thesis

Your thesis statement should be solid and convincing . It should also be based on facts and logical reasoning.

Compare the following versions of the same thesis. As you may guess, the second has been improved. The worst drawback of an argumentative thesis statement is when you fail to provide the reasons for your opinion.

Rewriting an Analytical Thesis

An analytical thesis statement should indicate the specific aspect you plan to focus on, what kind of analysis you have done, and its results .

If any of the elements is missing, it is a weak thesis.

The example in the left column provides no information on how you achieved the given conclusion. The variant in the right column is much better.

Rewriting an Expository Thesis

An expository thesis statement does not convince the reader. Instead, it presents the narrow topic and its features. Do your best to make it informative and concise.

The thesis statement sample in the left column states a fact, but there is no information on what the paper’s main body will dwell upon. Consider the improvement in the right column:

Rewriting a Literary Analysis Thesis

A literary analysis thesis statement links the individual techniques of the author with the effect they have produced in the book. If no such link is established, you’ve failed the task.

The statement in the left column does not mention the literary device. Let us correct it.

Thank you for reading this article! If you are not completely satisfied with the result of paraphrasing, try one of our highly specialized tools for various types of content:

  • Essay rephraser
  • Paragraph rewriter
  • Sentence rewriter
  • Phrase rewriter
  • Paper rewriter
  • Thesis rephraser
  • Text reworder
  • Poem paraphraser
  • Essay reworder

❓ Thesis Rephraser FAQ

How does a thesis rephraser work.

A thesis rephraser allows you to produce an absolutely new thesis statement in a blink of an eye. Copy the last sentence of your introduction into the paraphrasing tool, select the volume of changed words, and press the button to get the result.

How to Rephrase a Thesis Statement?

The only correct way is to analyze its structure first. Then reword each constituent part separately and combine them in a new grammatically correct sentence. Don’t forget to check the result with anti-plagiarism software. If it shows that the sentence is not unique, change some words for their synonyms.

How to Rephrase a Question into a Thesis Statement?

Any thesis statement answers the research question or the question raised in the paper’s topic. That’s why you should not literally rephrase it. Instead, give a straightforward answer, which all your argumentation and evidence will support. But if the question is long, you can change its structure from interrogative to affirmative and replace several words with synonyms.

Where Do You Rephrase Your Thesis Statement in an Essay?

There are several places in an essay where you could include a reference to your thesis statement. These are the topic and concluding sentences of each paragraph. But the full paraphrased version of the thesis statement is necessary only in your conclusion.

🔗 References

  • Thesis Statements - UNC Writing Center
  • How to Write a Thesis Statement
  • Developing a Thesis Statement
  • Thesis Statement Examples
  • How to Restate a Thesis: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow
  • Using Thesis Statements - University of Toronto Writing Advice
  • Thesis and Purpose Statements


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  1. How to Restate a Thesis: Practical Guidelines

    Here are effective steps on how to create an effective restated thesis statement: Step 1. Review your statement. Begin by revisiting your original phrase from the introduction of your argumentative essay. Ensure you understand the main argument or assertion you presented. Step 2.

  2. How to write an excellent thesis conclusion [with examples]

    A good conclusion will review the key points of the thesis and explain to the reader why the information is relevant, applicable, or related to the world as a whole. Make sure to dedicate enough of your writing time to the conclusion and do not put it off until the very last minute. Organize your papers in one place. Try Paperpile.

  3. How to Restate a Thesis: Crafting Impactful Conclusions

    Your restatements will become more concise, compelling, and impactful, resonating with clarity, coherence, and conviction. In conclusion, the art of thesis restatement is not merely a technical skill but a powerful tool that can elevate your academic writing to new heights. Embrace it with confidence, implement the techniques learned, and watch ...

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    Step 1: Restate the problem. The first task of your conclusion is to remind the reader of your research problem. You will have discussed this problem in depth throughout the body, but now the point is to zoom back out from the details to the bigger picture. While you are restating a problem you've already introduced, you should avoid phrasing ...

  5. How to Conclude an Essay

    Step 1: Return to your thesis. To begin your conclusion, signal that the essay is coming to an end by returning to your overall argument. Don't just repeat your thesis statement —instead, try to rephrase your argument in a way that shows how it has been developed since the introduction. Example: Returning to the thesis.

  6. How to Restate a Thesis: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

    5. Don't apologize. When restarting the thesis, assume that you have proven it over the course of the paper and don't make apologies or hedge, which will weaken the conclusion and thus the paper. Avoid saying things like, "It seems like" or "It is possible that" in the restatement.

  7. How to Write a Thesis or Dissertation Conclusion

    Step 2: Summarize and reflect on your research. Step 3: Make future recommendations. Step 4: Emphasize your contributions to your field. Step 5: Wrap up your thesis or dissertation. Full conclusion example. Conclusion checklist. Other interesting articles. Frequently asked questions about conclusion sections.

  8. Essay Conclusions

    A good conclusion should do a few things: Restate your thesis. Synthesize or summarize your major points. Make the context of your argument clear. Restating Your Thesis. You've already spent time and energy crafting a solid thesis statement for your introduction, and if you've done your job right, your whole paper focuses on that thesis statement.

  9. How to Write a Conclusion for an Essay

    How to Write a Conclusion in 3 Easy Steps Step 1: Restate Your Thesis Claim and Evidence. The conclusion's primary role is to convince the reader that your argument is valid. Whereas the introduction paragraph says, "Here's what I'll prove and how," the conclusion paragraph says, "Here's what I proved and how."

  10. Writing Conclusions

    Address the limitations of your argument. The strategy you employ in writing a conclusion for your paper may depend upon a number of factors: The conventions of the discipline in which you are writing. The tone of your paper (whether your paper is analytical, argumentative, explanatory, etc.) Whether your paper is meant to be formal or informal.

  11. Conclusions

    Restate your thesis. The first sentence of your concluding paragraph should restate your thesis. Example: Restated thesis. Thesis: ... The primary role, job, of a conclusion in an essay is to finish off the essay in a logical way. Just like if you listened to a song that stopped halfway through if you read an essay without a conclusion, it ...

  12. How to Restate a Thesis

    Therefore, as you restate the thesis, you should not make apologetic statements because they undermine your argument. Such statements, which you should avoid, include: "It appears that …. "It is possible that …". "It is my opinion that …". The only time when using such statements when restating your thesis might be okay is when ...

  13. How to Restate a Thesis Statement: Examples & Tips

    in hardly. more than 1 hour. Let's Start. Step #1. Reread the original thesis statement carefully. Step #2. Determine in which person it is written (1 st, 2 nd, or 3 rd) and preserve that point of view in the rewrite. Step #3. Outline all keywords and main points that should be present in the reworded thesis.

  14. How to Write a Conclusion

    Restate Your Claim. The conclusion is the last thing your audience reads. This is a great place to restate your thesis and remind readers of what you are arguing and why. But remember, you don't want to restate your thesis exactly, find a new way of saying it that ties in some of the evidence you've shared.

  15. Conclusions

    Conclusions may also call for action or overview future possible research. The following outline may help you conclude your paper: In a general way, Restate your topic and why it is important, Restate your thesis/claim, Address opposing viewpoints and explain why readers should align with your position,

  16. How to Write Essay Conclusion and Restate Your Thesis

    This Section of the Essay is Meant to Achieve 3 Main Objectives: Restate your thesis and main ideas: The first sentence of the conclusion usually repeats your thesis. This does not mean copying it word for word but rewording it in a way that reflects your stand. Summarize the main argument or points: Summarize the main argument or points: We ...

  17. Argumentative Essay Conclusion

    After the thesis has been restated, the author should summarize the body paragraphs of the argumentative essay.A final, general statement should be used within the conclusion as well.

  18. Conclusions

    Restate your thesis. The first sentence of your concluding paragraph should restate your thesis. Example: Restated thesis. Thesis: Some of the most impactful inventions of the nineteenth century that changed the way we live were the telephone, the bicycle, and plastic. ... The primary role, job, of a conclusion in an essay is to finish off the ...

  19. How To Restate A Thesis Statement In An Essay Conclusion

    The length of a thesis restate should be determined by the entire conclusion. When writing a paper or essay, the conclusion should be a small part of the entire length. Then, only use a small fraction of the conclusion for the thesis restate, as the summary of the paper and personal opinion takes up the rest.

  20. How to Write a Thesis Statement

    Step 1: Start with a question. You should come up with an initial thesis, sometimes called a working thesis, early in the writing process. As soon as you've decided on your essay topic, you need to work out what you want to say about it—a clear thesis will give your essay direction and structure.

  21. How do you restate the thesis in the conclusion?

    If you do this, your reading might forget what you are writing about. Second, variation is the key to restating your thesis. In other words, the best way to restate your thesis in the conclusion ...

  22. Thesis Rephraser: Rewrite Your Thesis Statement Online

    To reformulate a thesis statement so that you can include it in your conclusion; To reword a thesis statement to see if it makes sense. ... If the topic of your essay is formulated as a question, the thesis statement explicitly answers it. ... How to Restate a Thesis: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow;