Assignment 1 « SQL »

Due: 11:59pm 02/11/2021 et.

SQL Joke

Getting the Stencil

You can click here to get the stencil code for Homework 1. Reference this guide for more information about Github and Github Classroom.

The data is located in the data folder. To ensure compatibility with the autograder, you should not modify the stencil unless instructed otherwise. For this assignment, please write each of your queries to its corresponding SQL file. Failing to do so may hinder with the autograder and result in a low grade.

Virtual Environment

1. linux/osx.

You need to set up a virtual environment to run Python assignments, if you want to work on your local machine.

Our Gradescope Autograder, virtual environment guide and script in your stencil code runs on Python 3.7 . You might run into strange issues setting up the virtual environment / working on future assignments if you don't have the right version of Python. Please refer to this guide for instructions to check whether you have the right Python version and how to install the correct one if you do not.

You can run ./ (or bash ) from your assignment directory to create the virtual environment. Run chmod 775 if you get a permission denied error.

If nothing is printed out in your terminal besides the message "created cs1951a environment" , congratulations! You have successfully installed the virtual environment for the course on your machine! If any error message is printed out, please utilize TA Hours / Piazza as a resource to resolve the issue(s).

From now on, whenever you want to activate your virtual environment for our assignments, you can simply type the following in your terminal:

  • Working locally : cs1951a_venv (or source ~/cs1951a_venv/bin/activate ).
  • Working on a department machine through ssh : source /course/cs1951a/venv/bin/activate

You can refer to this guide for more information about installing our course's virtual environment. If you have successfully executed our script above and have the right Python version, you should not worry about reading in-depth into this resource.

If you use a Windows machine, as there are different ways students use Terminal/File Transfer to complete assignments, we unfortunately do not have a robust, uniform script/guide to install a virtual environment locally on Windows machines.

We strongly recommend running your assignment on the department machine. Git is installed on the department machines, so you should also be able to git clone your assignments onto the department machine.

The recommended workflow is to work on your assignment locally, and either (1) use version control, or (2) use SCP/PuTTY to transfer your files to the department machine. To run your assignments on the department machine, make sure to enable the course virtual environment (using source /course/cs1951a/venv/bin/activate ) before running any Python code! Refer to this resource for more support regarding file transfer, and this with respect to version control.

If you have successfully installed a Python3.7 Virtual Environment on your machine in the past: We have included the requirements.txt dependencies file on the course website ( here ). If it is helpful, we also have a virtual environment setup guide here .

If you are working locally, you can check if SQLite is installed already by running sqlite3 -version in your terminal. You can refer to this guide to install SQLite on your machine. SQLite is installed on all department machines. It can be accessed from the command line using sqlite3 .

Running sqlite3 somedb.db from your terminal will launch an environment that will allow you to type your SQL queries directly into the terminal. You can exit this environment by pushing Ctrl+D or by typing .exit and pressing enter.

As a more explicit example, to open a sql environment where you can query the movies.db database, you can type:

$ sqlite3 movies.db

To execute a SQL statement that you have saved in a solution file, you can run the following command:

For more information on using SQLite from the command line, see . Additionally, we have provided very helpful hints for most of the problems; you should be able to use these as a starting point if you get stuck before looking up additional information online.

Some useful tools you can use to view the content in a database: SQLite Viewer and SQLTools + SQLite packages (if you are developing on VS Code ).

Part 1: Starting Off!

This part of the assignment builds off the exercises you completed in the lab. If you have not yet completed the lab, please do so before starting this assignment. There are some really useful hints and examples you can borrow from the lab for this assignment. The database and schema are described again below, but are the same from the lab.

We have provided a database named people.db with the name, age, ID, and occupation of some Brown students and alumni. Here is the schema:

In the people_friends table, each ( ID1 , ID2 ) pair indicates that the particular person with ID1 is friends with the person with ID2 (and vice versa). The friendship is mutual, and if ( ID1 , ID2 ) is in the table, it is guaranteed that ( ID2 , ID1 ) exists in the table.

In the people_likes table, each ( ID1 , ID2 ) pair indicates that the student or alumni with ID1 likes the person with ID2 . The ( ID1 , ID2 ) pair in the table does not guarantee that the ( ID2 , ID1 ) pair also exists in the table.

Your job is to write SQL queries for the data being requested:

Hint: Use a LEFT JOIN ! The following website is quite useful:

Hint: The LIMIT statement will come in handy!

Hint: You'll need to take a look at the HAVING function.

  • (4 points) Write a SQL statement that returns the distinct name and age of all people who are liked by anyone younger than them. Results should be ordered by name (A-Z). Save the query to part1_problem4.sql .
  • (4 points) Write a SQL statement to find pairs (A, B) such that person A likes person B, but A is not friends with B. The query should return 4 columns: ID of person 1, name of person 1, ID of person 2 and name of person 2. Results should be ordered by ID1 (ascending), then ID2 (ascending). Save the query to part1_problem5.sql

Time to join stuff!

SQL Joke

Part 2: Getting Harder!

For this part of the assignment, you will be using the TMDB Movie Dataset, which has been exported to the movies.db database. The database schema is as follows:

We encourage you to use the WITH operator, which lets you divide your query into separate queries. As an example, we can define a subquery and use it in another query as follows (there is also an example in the lab!):

You can add days to a particular day by using the date function. For example, in order to add 3 days to to '2012-07-16', you can use date('2012-07-16', '+3 days')

Hint: The UNION statement should come in handy.

  • (10 points) Write a SQL query to count the number of movies that start with "The", end with a "2" or contain the word "shark". Your query should be case insensitive and return one column with one entry. You should return a single value.

Hint: You may want to look into CASE statements and the LIKE operator. (Lab!)

  • (10 points) Write a SQL query to select the original_title of all movies and a column where there is a 1 if there exists another movie that has the same vote average and the same runtime as that movie, and a 0 otherwise. Results should be ordered by original_title (A-Z).

Hint: Look into the BETWEEN statement and how it can be used in a join.

Another Hint: Do not modify the current database by using UPDATE . Take a look at the CASE operation example from the lab.

  • (10 points) Write a SQL query that finds the original_title , release_date and revenue of all the movies whose revenue exceeded the average revenue of all the movies released on the same day (including itself). Results should be ordered by release_date (ascending), and then revenue (descending).

(10 points) Write a SQL query that, for each original_language that has more than 2 movies , finds the number of movies that were reviewed as 'poor' and the number of movies that were reviewed as 'good'.

Like in the 4th question, you will need to look at the scores table to see what the review categories are and use the vote_average field of a movie to determine which review category it falls under. Your query should return 3 columns ( original_language , num_poor which is the number of 'poor' movies for that language, and num_good which should be the number of 'good' movies for the language). Your results should be ordered by number of 'good' movies (descending) and then number of 'poor' movies (ascending). Remember to only include languages that have more than 2 movies!

Hint: Refer to the examples from the lab!

Part 3: Optimization

We have provided you with the athletes.db database, although querying it is not necessary at all. The schema is as follows:

For the query below , explain why the given query might not be the most efficient way to accomplish the task. Write out an optimized version of the query in writeup.txt . Explain what steps you took to optimize it and why your version would be more efficient.

(6 points) The SQL query to optimize is as follows:

(4 points) Consider two tables. Table A is very long with 1 billion rows and 5 columns. Table B is very wide with 1000 rows and 10,000 columns. If we were to join the two tables and want to make sure the join is performant, how should we best filter the tables? Assume that we can select from each table and then join the results. Specifically, state the table in which we should use WHERE heavily and the table in which we should be careful about what values we use in our SELECT.

Part 4: Datasets & Society

  • Demonstrate how the design of database schemas can embed social values and/or inflict harm
  • Highlight a proposed process for dataset creators that raises a wide range of social and ethical concerns
  • Reflect on the possibilities and limitations of this process
  • Read When Binary Code Won’t Accommodate Nonbinary People
  • Read Section 1 (Introduction and Objectives), Section 3 (Questions and Workflow), and Section 4 (Impact and Challenges) of the paper Datasheets for Datasets .
  • Answer the questions below in writeup.txt . Each response should be thoughtful, provide justification for your claims, and be concise but complete. See the response guide for more guidance.
  • Name one context for which it would be beneficial to add a column to people_likes that measures the strength of the feelings or add a column to people_friends that measures the strength of the friendship. Name one context for which those additions could be harmful.
  • For example: The questions “What mechanisms or procedures were used to collect the data? How were these mechanisms or procedures validated?” could have helped identify and prevent errors in automatic COVID-19 data collection in England. Public Health England used an outdated Excel file format in their automatic process to pull COVID-19 data together, leading nearly 16,000 coronavirus cases to go unreported. If the dataset creator had thought of procedures to validate this process ahead of time, they could have identified the loss of data earlier and prevented the threat to public health efforts. (Source: )
  • (4 points) Identify a social, ethical, or political issue that is raised in “When Binary Code Won’t Accomodate Nonbinary People” but is not addressed by the proposed datasheet system. Propose a modification or addition to the datasheet system that helps address this issue. Your proposal could involve new sections, questions, external infrastructure, incentives, and more! Explain how your proposal would help address the issue you identified.

Additional Information

  • Google’s star AI ethics researcher, one of a few Black women in the field, says she was fired for a critical email
  • Timnit Gebru’s Exit From Google Exposes a Crisis in AI
  • Ousted Black Google Researcher: 'They Wanted To Have My Presence, But Not Me Exactly'

After finishing the assignment (and any assignment in the future), run python3 in the command line from your assignment directory, and fix any issues brought up by the script.

After the script has been run successfully, you should find the file in your assignment directory. Please submit this zip file on Gradescope under the respective assignment.

(If you have not signed up for Gradescope already, please refer to this guide .)

Made with ♥ by Jens and Esteban, updated for Spring 2021 by Yuchen, Sunny and Nazem.

The socially responsible computing component was designed by Lena and Gaurav.

Movie Database from:

Full Stack Developer Course With Placement Support

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Full Stack Developer Course Overview.


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Key Highlights

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Skills You’ll Learn

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Tools Covered

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Full Stack Developer Course Curriculum

Fundamentals, static website design.

This course helps you build a strong foundation on web technologies such as HTML,
 CSS. With this, you will create and publish simple and beautiful websites from scratch.

Responsive Website Design

This course helps you build a strong foundation on web technologies such as HTML,CSS and Bootstrap. With this, you can create a responsive web application which runs smoothly across all the devices like desktop, tablet, and mobile.

Programming Foundations with Python

You will learn the fundamental concepts of programming and gain the confidence to code in Python. You will learn to write programs and use the right data structures to solve problems and build modular software with Object-Oriented Principles.

Introduction to Databases

Learn about the incredibly prevalent databases today. Through this course, you'll develop 
strong fundamentals and be proficient in concepts related to Databases and DBMS. Most importantly, you'll also be able to perform powerful queries on databases using SQL.

Full Stack Specialization

Programming with python.

You will learn the fundamental concepts of programming and gain the confidence to code in Python. You will learn to write programs and use the right data structures to solve problems and build modular software with Object-Oriented Principles

Developer Fundamentals

You will learn the essentials of Operating Systems, Networks and use some essential developer tools like Command-Line and Git. You'll learn to version your software with Git and push your code to GitHub

Java Full Stack

Build a strong understanding of Java programming and web developmenttechnologies to become a Full-Stack Java Developer. Get hands-on experiencewith various Java frameworks for developing web applications. Create a portfolio ofprojects by developing end-to-end web applications using emerging frameworks.

Dynamic Web Applications

In this course, you will understand the fundamental concepts in JavaScript and apply them to build dynamic and interactive web projects. You will also learn scope, hoisting and the fundamentals necessary to use modern frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue. You'll master key functional methods like map, reduce and filter plus promises and ES6+ asynchronous JavaScript!

Intermediate JavaScript

In this course, you will learn the concepts like Events, Scope, Hoisting, this, ES6 Classes, Error handling, More about Objects and how to handle Asynchronous JavaScript

Intermediate Responsive Web Design

This course will help you to develop a responsive layout using CSS Flexbox and CSS Media Queries.

React JS - Getting started

In this course, you will learn how to build stateful web applications with the ReactJS library. When you finish this course, you will be comfortable creating an application in ReactJS, from scratch.

Capstone Project - Build a social networking web app

In this project you will be developing a Social networking web app with popular features like post, comment

Get Your Doubts Clarified Faster than in Offline Classes

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Full Stack Developer Course Fee

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  • Aptitude Training
  • Soft Skills Training
  • Resume Preparation
  • Mock Interviews by Tech and HR Panels
  • 300+ Senior Interview Experiences
  • Scheduling Interviews
  • Negotiation with companies for higher salaries
  • Access to Placement Portal

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the full stack developer course.

NxtWave Full Stack Developer course is an advanced training program designed to teach you the industry-relevant skills necessary to become a full-stack developer.

Our Full Stack Developer course covers both front-end and back-end web development, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Spring Boot, React JS, and more.

The curriculum is designed by the IIT alumni, and industry experts from Top MNCs like Amazon and Microsoft, to help you become job-ready. Through hands-on projects and real-world applications, you'll build a portfolio that showcases your abilities to potential employers.

So, Kickstart your IT career as a Full Stack Developer with the most highly rated NxtWave Full Stack Developer course, with more than 1700 companies having hired NxtWave learners.

What is the duration of Full Stack Developer course?

It will take 8 months for you to complete this Full Stack Developer course if you follow the course instructions. You can also complete the course at your own pace.

Why is everyone saying NxtWave online sessions are extremely effective?

Well, on NxtWave platform, it’s not just online sessions. But it’s a comprehensive online learning ecosystem.

The platform is carefully designed to take care of all your learning needs. For example, 24x7 Online Labs allow you to practice instantly while you attend a session. And it’s natural to get doubts while you learn something new. But you’ll never get stuck up with them as you can reach out to domain experts without any hassles through discussion forums on the platform. 

By revising sessions anytime, you can learn in your own time and at your own pace. And you need not prepare summary notes for sessions because the summary notes/cheat sheets on the platform do that job for you with all the key concepts of a topic in one place.

Most importantly, you’ll always stay motivated to learn because you can track your daily progress. And social learning with batchmates keeps you engaged.

Read many learners sharing their love and experience of learning online at NxtWave:

How flexible are the timings of NxtWave Intensive program?

You have the flexibility to learn at your convenient time and pace. However, we suggest you stick to a consistent time every day. Only when online live webinars happen, you need to attend them at a particular time. Mostly such webinars happen during weekends or in the evenings of working days. All the learning modules are very interactive.

What if I get doubts while learning?

Yes, it’s natural to get doubts while you learn something new. But you’ll never get stuck up with them as you can reach out to domain experts from 9 AM - 9 PM every day. Doubts clarification at NxtWave is 7x faster than the industry standards.

You can post your questions in the discussions forum and domain experts will get back to you with solutions/clarifications. You can also see the questions and answers posted by other students and get a better understanding of concepts.

Why is it recommended that you learn right from fundamentals at NxtWave Intensive?

In any skill, when you're strong with the fundamentals, you learn quickly and master it faster. And software development is no exception. If you build solid foundations, you can learn advanced concepts, languages and frameworks easily.

So we recommend that you learn right from fundamentals at NxtWave Intensive even though you have undergone training at another learning program. It is because you learn programming in a non-conventional way here that helps you develop the thinking patterns of a world-class developer.

How can I learn along with my college or office?

Learning in NxtWave Intensive is self-paced. You can join the program and learn after your working hours/regular college hours and on weekends.

What Is the eligibility for Full Stack Developer course?

This Full Stack Developer course is open to all students from diverse backgrounds, such as B.Tech(all IT and non-IT Branches), BSc, B.Com, BBA, MBA, and others. No CGPA cut-off required and no prior coding knowledge is required.

Why anyone looking for a tech job can join the program without worrying about their background?

NxtWave Intensive program is designed to get anyone ready for a tech job within a short time. Your degree, branch, marks, or backlogs — nothing is a barrier to join the program and get a tech job. You need not have any previous coding knowledge. You’ll learn everything from scratch.

You may be afraid of coding due to your previous experiences. But our passionate trainers will simplify every concept and teach by integrating science-backed methods. So you'll understand concepts easily, and they stick in your mind instantly. It’s one of the reasons why many of your friends are recommending that you join NxtWave

Within 2-3 weeks at NxtWave, you’ll become amazingly confident about skills and fall in love with software development. By the time you complete the program, you’ll reach a stage where companies compete for you.

It’s because you’ll build industry-aligned real-time projects during the program and develop a strong personal portfolio. Due to this, your background (degree, marks, backlogs etc.) becomes insignificant before your skills.

Hundreds of NxtWave learners have proved that nothing matters to get a tech job except your willingness to learn. Read their inspiring success stories here:

The program is most suitable for final year students, job seekers, and those looking to switch to a tech career.

How are many graduates with B.A, B.Com, BSc, MBA degrees getting tech jobs?

Your degree is not a barrier to get a tech job. It’s because companies look for candidates with practical skills. As you’ll build many real-world projects during the program, your resume will become very powerful. And many NxtWave learners have proved it by getting placed on par with those who hold a Computer Science degree.

For example, Sonali, a NxtWave Intensive learner who has a specialization in Chemistry got a tech job with ₹7 Lakhs annual salary at ADF, a US-based tech company.

Similarly, there are many such successful career transformation stories. You can read them here:

Even with a career gap, how are many graduates getting a tech job?

Your career gap is not a barrier to getting a tech job. It’s because companies need candidates with practical skills. As you’ll build many real-world projects during the program, you’ll develop skills that companies look for. Similarly, there are many such successful career transformation stories of graduates with gaps in their resumes. You can read their reviews and success stories here:

So, you’ll have a good possibility to get hired by companies that are not concerned with your career gap. Though opportunities for candidates with career gaps are relatively lesser than recent graduates, there are many opportunities even then.

For example, Umamaheswari, a NxtWave Intensive learner graduated in 2015. Later, she got married and couldn't pursue a career as she took care of her family. She lost nearly 7 years. Now, Uma got placed as a Business Analyst at EXL Service.

You can read her journey here:

Similarly, there are many such successful career transformation stories of graduates with gaps in their resumes. You can read their reviews and success stories here:

How are many Non-CS branch (Mech, Civil, ECE, EEE, Chemical) graduates getting tech jobs?

Your branch is not a barrier to get a tech job. It’s because companies look for candidates with practical skills. As you’ll build many real-world projects during the program, your resume will become so powerful that your branch will become insignificant before your skills. And many NxtWave learners have proved it by getting placed on par with Computer Science students.

For example, Sushanth is a civil engineering graduate. After building programming skills from scratch at NxtWave, he cleared his first-ever tech interview in the first attempt itself. Now, he got placed as a Full Stack Developer at with ₹11 lakhs per annum salary.

Similarly, hundreds of non-CS graduates got tech jobs with NxtWave Intensive. You can read their reviews and success stories here:

Do I need a laptop to attend NxtWave Intensive program?

Yes, you need a laptop to learn effectively. While you can attend sessions, participate in quizzes on your mobile, you will need a laptop to work on coding assignments and projects.

Recommended Specifications: ‍ Windows 10/Ubuntu/macOS 8GB RAM SSD

How long will I receive the placement support?

After you complete the job track you have chosen in the program, you’ll get Dedicated Placement Assistance with Aptitude Training, Communication Skills Training, Resume building, Mock Interviews and more.

Then, you can sit for placements with companies that are hiring with NxtWave. During this period, interviews will be arranged until you get a job. There is no limitation on the number of interviews you can attend. 

You’ll receive dedicated placement support for 16 months from the date of joining. Please Note that NxtWave Intensive is NOT a Job Guarantee Program.

You can check out the success stories of students who placed through NxtWave here:

Do I have to take the first job I'm offered?

Yes. Once the placement process begins, we will recommend you to MNCs and startups in our network. You need to accept the job offer if you clear the selection process.

Will I get a certificate after completing the Full Stack Developer course?

Yes, you’ll receive an Industry-Ready Certification (IRC), and since NxtWave is an official partner to the NSDC you will be in more demand for companies that hire our learners.

What is IRC?

IRC stands for Industry Ready Certification. Unlike any other study certificate, IRC represents your readiness for a job and approves that you have skills that companies look for.

NxtWave is one of the very few EdTech companies that is an Official Partner for NSDC, under the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Govt. of India.

Your skills will be jointly certified by NxtWave and NSDC. It means you‘ll become more in demand for companies that hire NxtWave learners.

Why is IRC more powerful than regular study certificates?

It’s because an individual gets an IRC only after completing industry-aligned projects, assignments and tests designed by world-class developers in the NxtWave curriculum.

Governments/Govt. Organizations recognize only those training programs that are proven to bring results after an extensive evaluation process. So if you hold a certificate recognized by NSDC, companies have greater trust in your skills. It gives you an edge during interviews.

Is there an EMI option to pay the fee for NxtWave Intensive?

Yes, EMI support is available for credit cards. Please select the EMI option while making payment for more information.

What are the terms of the refund?

Please check the refund policy here:

How can I become a Full Stack Developer?

To become a Full Stack Developer, you need to be skilled in both front-end and back-end technologies. Here are some of the tips you can follow -

  • Gain a strong foundation in programming languages, including HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap.
  • Learn back-end technologies like Spring Boot, React JS, Python, and databases like MySQL.
  • Practice hands-on coding and build real-world applications.
  • Create a portfolio of projects showcasing your skills and expertise.

Or you can enroll in our Full Stack Web Development course. The curriculum covers all of the above and also you will have a chance to interact with industry experts through the Masterclasses’ to keep you motivated and inspired.

How much does a Full Stack Developer earn?

According to Ambitionbox , ₹4 LPA is the average fresher salary for a Full Stack Developer in India.

Why become a Full Stack Developer?

These are some of the advantages you can consider to become Full Stack Developer -

  • High demand for skilled professionals in the industry
  • Competitive salary and attractive job opportunities
  • Flexibility to work in various aspects of web development
  • Ability to work independently or as part of a team
  • Constant opportunities for learning and professional growth

What are the roles and responsibilities of a Full Stack Developer?

A Full Stack Developer is responsible for

  • Developing and maintaining web applications
  • Creating responsive user interfaces
  • Writing server-side logic
  • Managing databases and ensuring data integrity
  • Collaborating with cross-functional teams
  • Debugging and optimizing web applications
  • Ensuring website security and performance

Are Full Stack Developers in demand?

Yes, Full Stack Developers are in high demand, as they possess a unique combination of front-end and back-end development skills. This versatility makes them valuable assets to any organisation, and the demand for such professionals is only expected to grow in the coming years.

According to a report by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of software developers, including full stack developers, is projected to grow 22% from 2019 to 2029, which is much faster than the average for all occupations.

Full Stack Developer Course Learner Reviews

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Answer to Question #168237 in HTML/JavaScript Web Application for mani

In this assignment, let's build the Sunrise Avenue page by applying the concepts we learned till now. You can use the Bootstrap concepts and CCBP UI Kit as well.

Refer to the below images.

Flats List Page

  • When clicked on the Book Flat button on the Sunrise Avenue Home Page, it must display the Flats List Page.
  • When clicked on each flat in Flats List Page, it must display the respective Flat Details Page.
  • When clicked on Confirm button in Flat Details Page, it must display Sunrise Avenue Home Page
  • When clicked on Back button in Flat Details Page, it must display Flats List Page
  • Try to achieve the design as close as possible.

Use the image URLs given below.

Home Page Background Image


Flats List Card Images


Location Icon


Flats Description Images


CSS Colors used:

Background color Hex Code values:

Text color Hex Code values:

CSS Font families used:

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Folders and files, repository files navigation, getting started with create react app.

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App .

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

The page will reload when you make changes. You may also see any lint errors in the console.

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode. See the section about running tests for more information.

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder. It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes. Your app is ready to be deployed!

See the section about deployment for more information.

npm run eject

Note: this is a one-way operation. Once you eject , you can't go back!

If you aren't satisfied with the build tool and configuration choices, you can eject at any time. This command will remove the single build dependency from your project.

Instead, it will copy all the configuration files and the transitive dependencies (webpack, Babel, ESLint, etc) right into your project so you have full control over them. All of the commands except eject will still work, but they will point to the copied scripts so you can tweak them. At this point you're on your own.

You don't have to ever use eject . The curated feature set is suitable for small and middle deployments, and you shouldn't feel obligated to use this feature. However we understand that this tool wouldn't be useful if you couldn't customize it when you are ready for it.

You can learn more in the Create React App documentation .

To learn React, check out the React documentation .

Code Splitting

This section has moved here:

Analyzing the Bundle Size

This section has moved here:

Making a Progressive Web App

This section has moved here:

Advanced Configuration

This section has moved here:

This section has moved here:

npm run build fails to minify

This section has moved here:

  • JavaScript 49.4%


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  1. CCBP SQL Milestone 1 Assignment 1 Answers

    CCBP SQL Milestone 1 Assignment 1 Answers | CCBP SQL Assignment Solutions#ccbp #sql #assignment #codingpractice #codingsolutions #assignmentanswers

  2. Milestone 2

    Milestone 2 | Assignment - 3 | SQL | NxtWave | CCBP 4.0 #pythonprogramming #python #ccbp #nxtwave #foundation #foundationexams #programming #code #practice #...

  3. Milestone 2 Assignment

    #ccbp #milestone2Assignment-3 #nxtwave #ccbpacademy #ccbpacademyreview #sql

  4. NxtWave_All_my_Projects at one place.... ( my nxtwave journey)

    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window.

  5. GitHub

    Along with the below points, add your checklist specific to the assignment. Read the instructions given in the assignment carefully and list down the Assignment Completion Checklist for the assignment and start working on it. The completion Checklist includes the below-mentioned points. I have completed all the functionalities asked in the ...

  6. GitHub

    Response. Player Removed. Use npm install to install the packages. Export the express instance using the default export syntax. Use Common JS module syntax.

  7. Assignment 1 « SQL

    Handing In. After finishing the assignment (and any assignment in the future), run python3 in the command line from your assignment directory, and fix any issues brought up by the script.. After the script has been run successfully, you should find the file in your assignment directory. Please submit this zip file on Gradescope under the respective ...

  8. SQL Assignment 4

    SQL Assignment 4 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.


    Welcome to our Introduction to SQL series! In this video, we'll be providing the answers to our MCQ Practice 1 quiz. Whether you're a CCBP 4.0 student or jus...

  10. Automation Testing ‍ Course With Placement Support

    Course With Placement Support. Get ready to land your first software job as a QA Engineer with our proven Automation Testing certification program. This course provides you in-demand software testing skills taught by the industry experts from Top MNCs. 9AM - 9PM Doubts Clarification. 1500+ Mentors to help you.

  11. Data Analyst Course with Placement Support

    Despite getting married soon after graduation and having a 3 year career gap, CCBP 4.0 gave me a ray of hope. With clear-cut sessions, coding practices, interactive assignments, rigorous mock interviews and multiple tips and suggestions, NxtWave boosted my skills, confidence and helped me land an IT job.

  12. GitHub

    Click to view. The following instructions are required for the tests to pass. Home route should consist of / in the URL path. Login route should consist of /login in the URL path. Trending route should consist of /trending in the URL path. Gaming route should consist of /gaming in the URL path. SavedVideos route should consist of /saved-videos in the URL path ...

  13. Intensive 2.0

    CCBP made it easy for me in cracking coding exams. A Parent's heartfelt review of the NxtWave CCBP Program. Every Parent should recommend CCBP to their Children. Intensive 2.0 program offers multiple job tracks such as Java Full Stack, MERN Full Stack, Data Analytics, and QA/Automation Testing. Join a Free Demo Today.

  14. SQL Exercises, Practice, Solution

    SQL statements are used to retrieve and update data in a database. The best way we learn anything is by practice and exercise questions. We have started this section for those (beginner to intermediate) who are familiar with SQL. Hope, these exercises help you to improve your SQL skills. Currently following sections are available, we are ...

  15. CCBP SQL Milestone 2 Assignment 3 Answers

    CCBP SQL Milestone 2 Assignment 3 Answers | CCBP SQL Assignment Solutions #codinglife#pythonprogramming #ccbpians #shortvideo #coding #programming #nxtwavest...

  16. GitHub

    Twitter. Given an app.js file and a database file twitterClone.db consisting of five tables user, follower, tweet, reply, and like.. Write APIs to perform operations on the tables user, follower, tweet, reply, and like containing the following columns,. User Table

  17. NxtWave

    With CCBP 4.0, I am enhancing my skill set at a fast pace. When I started, I didn't know how websites work. Now, I am building web apps on my own. Sampath Kumar. Software Developer (Intern) With the help of CCBP 4.0, I built 600+ websites on my own till now. With this experience, I got a paid internship in my 2nd year itself.

  18. NxtWave

    Achieve high-paid jobs you deserve, with CCBP 4.0 Certification Programs. NxtWave offers a comprehensive online learning ecosystem to make you 4.0 Industry-Ready Login / Sign up. Mobile Number. IN +91. Get OTP. Success Stories from 1000s of Students Like You. Sayak Dutta. Software Engineer ...

  19. Naga vinay Kumar on LinkedIn: #sql #nextwave #ccbp #rahulattuluri #

    Done with SQL milestone 1 assignments today. Here is the progress if assignments. #sql #nextwave #ccbp #rahulattuluri #backenddeveloper

  20. GitHub

    Use the format yyyy-MM-dd for formating with date-fns format function. The user may request with due date value as 2021-1-21, format the date to 2021-01-21 and perform Create, Read, Update operations on the database. Use date-fns format function to format the date. Refer to the documentation link for the usage of the format function.

  21. Full Stack Developer Course with Placement Support

    Full Stack Developer Course Overview. This online Java Full Stack Developer course helps you build industry-relevant skills with a reverse engineered curriculum which is designed based on the companies current skill requirements. By the end of this course, you'll be equipped to build an end-to-end application, test and deploy code, and much more.

  22. Answer in Web Application for mani #168237

    Question #168237. In this assignment, let's build the Sunrise Avenue page by applying the concepts we learned till now. You can use the Bootstrap concepts and CCBP UI Kit as well. Refer to the below images. When clicked on the Book Flat button on the Sunrise Avenue Home Page, it must display the Flats List Page.

  23. GitHub

    This command will remove the single build dependency from your project. Instead, it will copy all the configuration files and the transitive dependencies (webpack, Babel, ESLint, etc) right into your project so you have full control over them. All of the commands except eject will still work, but they will point to the copied scripts so you can ...