Best Architecture Essay Examples & Topics

Architecture essays can be challenging, especially if you are still a student and in the process of acquiring information. First of all, you are to choose the right topic – half of your success depends on it. Pick something that interests and excites you if possible. Second of all, structure your paper correctly. Start with an intro, develop a thesis, and outline your body paragraphs and conclusion. Write down all your ideas and thoughts in a logical order, excluding the least convincing ones.

In this article, we’ve combined some tips on how to deliver an excellent paper on the subject. Our team has compiled a list of topics and architecture essay examples you can use for inspiration or practice.

If you’re looking for architecture essay examples for college or university, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ve collected best architecture essay topics and paper samples together with writing tips. Below you’ll find sample essays on modern architecture, landscape design, and architect’s profession. Go on reading to learn how to write an architecture essay.

Architecture Essay Types

Throughout your academic life, you will encounter the essay types listed below.

Argumentative Architecture Essay

This type uses arguments and facts to support a claim or answer a question. Its purpose is to lay out the information in front of the reader that supports the author’s position. It does not rely on the personal experiences of the writer. For instance, in an argumentative essay about architecture, students can talk about the positive aspects of green construction. You can try to demonstrate with facts and statistics why this type of building is the ultimate future.

Opinion Architecture Essay

This essay requires an opinion or two on the topic. It may try to demonstrate two opposing views, presenting a list of arguments that support them. Remember that the examples that you use have to be relevant. It should be clear which opinion you support. Such an essay for the architecture topic can be a critique of architectural work.

Expository Architecture Essay

This writing shares ideas and opinions as well as provides evidence. The skill that is tested in this essay is the expertise and knowledge of the subject. When you write an expository essay, your main goal is to deliver information. It would be best if you did not assume that your audience knows much about the subject matter. An expository essay about architecture can be dedicated to the importance of sustainable architecture.

Informative Architecture Essay

Such essays do not provide any personal opinions about the topic. It aims to provide as much data as possible and educate the audience about the subject. An excellent example of an informative essay can be a “how-to essay.” For instance, in architecture, you can try to explain how something functions or works.

Descriptive Architecture Essay

It’s an essay that aims to create a particular sentiment in the reader. You want to describe an object, idea, or event so that the reader gets a clear picture. There are several good ways to achieve it: using creative language, including major and minor details, etc. A descriptive essay about architecture can be focused on a building or part of a city. For instance, talk about a casino in Las Vegas.

Narrative Architecture Essay

Here, your goal is to write a story. This paper is about an experience described in a personal and creative way. Each narrative essay should have at least five elements: plot, character, setting, theme, and conflict. When it comes to the structure, it is similar to other essays. A narrative paper about architecture can talk about the day you have visited a monument or other site.

Architecture Essay Topics for 2022

  • The most amazing architecture in the world and the most influential architects of the 21st century.
  • Some pros and cons of vertical housing: vertical landscape in the history of architecture.
  • A peculiar style of modern architecture in China.
  • The style of Frank Lloyd Wright and architecture in his life.
  • New tendencies in rural housing and architecture.
  • Ancient Roman architecture reimagined.
  • The role of architecture in pressing environmental problems in modern cities.
  • Islamic architecture: peculiar features of the style.
  • Earthquake-resistant infrastructure in building houses.
  • How precise is virtual planning?
  • Houses in rural areas and the cities. How similar are they?
  • A theory of deconstruction in postmodern architecture.
  • The influence of Greek architecture on modern architecture.
  • Aspects to consider when building houses for visually impaired people.
  • Disaster-free buildings: challenges and opportunities.
  • European architectural influence on the Islamic world.
  • The architecture of old Russian cities.

In the above section, we’ve given some ideas to help you write an interesting essay about architecture. You can use these topics for your assignment or as inspiration.

Thank you for reading the article. We’ve included a list of architecture essay examples further down. We also hope you found it helpful and valuable. Do not hesitate to share our article with your friends and peers.

410 Best Architecture Essay Examples

Mathematics in ancient greek architecture, the eiffel tower as a form of art.

  • Words: 1361

Islamic Architecture: Al-Masjid Al-Haram, Ka’aba, Makka

  • Words: 1190

An Architectural Guide to the Cube Houses

  • Words: 3584

Filippo Brunelleschi and Religious Architecture

  • Words: 2121

Context and Building in Architecture

  • Words: 3367

Stonehenge and Its Significance

Traditional roman vs. chinese courtyard house.

  • Words: 4070

Futuristic Architecture: An Overview

  • Words: 1740

Comparison of Traditional and Non-Traditional Mosques

  • Words: 1611

Calligraphy Inscription in Islamic Architecture and Art

  • Words: 3269

Islamic Architectural Design

  • Words: 1407

S. R. Crown Hall: The Masterpiece of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

  • Words: 2216

The Architecture of Ancient Greece Found in Los Angeles

  • Words: 1763

Skyscrapers in Dubai: Buildings and Materials

  • Words: 2468

The Dome of the Rock vs. the Umayyad Mosque of Damascus

  • Words: 1506

The Death of Modern Architecture

  • Words: 2149

Gothic Revivalism in the Architecture of Augustus Pugin

  • Words: 1704

Architecture in Colonialism and Imperialism

  • Words: 2408

Harvard Graduate Center Building and Its Structure

Paper church designed by shigeru ban.

  • Words: 1665

Symbolism and Superstition in Architecture and Design

  • Words: 2252

Saint Peter’s Basilica

  • Words: 1932

Empire State Building Structural Analysis With Comparisons

The history of architecture and it changes.

  • Words: 3330

Architecture: Kansai International Airport

  • Words: 3829

Charles Jencks: Language of Post Modern Architecture

  • Words: 2204

Architecture of the Gherkin Building

Professional and ethical obligation of architecture.

  • Words: 2794

Risks in Construction Projects: Empire State Building

  • Words: 2856

Translation From Drawing to Building

  • Words: 2289

The Great Mosque of Djenne Summary

Kidosaki house by tadao ando.

  • Words: 1064

The St. Louis Gateway Arch

  • Words: 1630

The First Chicago School of Architecture

Architecture as an academic discipline.

  • Words: 1375

Architectural Regionalism Definition

  • Words: 3352

Monumentalism in Architecture

  • Words: 2840

The Parthenon and the Pantheon in Their Cultural Context

  • Words: 1416

Form and Function in Architecture

  • Words: 3377

Louis Sullivan: Form Follows Function

  • Words: 1099

Greco-Roman Influence on Architecture

Trinity church: an influential architectural design.

  • Words: 1374

Perspective Drawing Used by Renaissance Architects

  • Words: 2012

The Question of Ornament in Architectural Design

  • Words: 1971

Greek Revival Influenced American Architecture

  • Words: 3104

Columns and Walls of Mies Van der Rohe’s Barcelona Pavilion

  • Words: 1518

The Evolution of the Greek Temple

  • Words: 1934

Urbanism in Architecture: Definition and Evolution

Ancient chinese architecture.

  • Words: 1097

The Water Cube Project and Design-Build Approaches

Islamic gardens: taj mahal and alhambra, influential architecture: summer place in china.

  • Words: 1491

Frank Lloyd Wright’s Approach to Sustainability

Design theory in “ornament and crime” essay by loos.

  • Words: 1752

Islamic Architecture: Environment and Climate

  • Words: 1436

Alhambra Palace – History and Physical Description

  • Words: 1214

The Architectural Design of Colosseum

  • Words: 2161

The Guggenheim Museum by Frank Lloyd Wright

  • Words: 3374

Frank Lloyd Wright and his Contribution to Architecture

  • Words: 3401

Centre Georges Pompidou’s Design Analysis

The bmw central building: location and structure.

  • Words: 2671

Modern Patio House Architecture

The getty center in los angeles.

  • Words: 1314

Architecture History. Banham’s “Theory and Design in the First Machine Age”

  • Words: 1254

Personal Opinion on the Colosseum as an Artwork

The architecture of the medieval era: key characteristics, the garden by the bay architectural design, fashion and architecture: relationship.

  • Words: 5634

History of Architecture: Italian Mannerist and Baroque Architects

  • Words: 3001

Ronchamp Chapel From Le Corbusier

  • Words: 3434

Connections of Steel Frame Buildings in 19th Century

  • Words: 2681

“Architecture: The Story of Practice” by Cuff

Contemporary issues in the field of architecture that affect working, japanese shrines architecture uniqueness.

  • Words: 2280

Tadao Ando and the Modern Way of Living

  • Words: 2170

Pyramids of Giza and Their Construction Mystery

Modern architecture: frank lloyd wright and le corbusier.

  • Words: 3291

Postmodern Architecture vs. International Modernism

  • Words: 1655

“4” Wonders of the World

Use of mathematics in architecture, expressionism in architecture: the late 19th and the early 20th century.

  • Words: 1927

Adolf Loos’s Architecture in Modernist Theory

  • Words: 1970

Kandariya Mahadeva Temple and Taj Mahal: Style and Meaning

  • Words: 1371

The Church and Reliquary of Sainte-Foy: Contextual Analysis

The pantheon of rome and the parthenon of athens, arc de triomphe. history. construction.

  • Words: 2326

Critical Evaluation of the Landscape Architecture

  • Words: 2865

Background of the Formalism in the 20th Century

  • Words: 3542

The Vebjorn Sand da Vinci Project

  • Words: 3579

Modern Architecture: Mary Gates Hall

Homa capital columns’ at ancient persian persepolis city, the portunus temple: a creation of the ancient times.

  • Words: 1156

American Banks’ Architecture and History: The Atmosphere of the Times They Were Built

Roman architecture and engineering, psychological consideration in proposed architectural plan, aspects of organic architectural philosophy, maya lin’s vietnam veterans memorial, modern architecture: style of architecture, the yangzhou qingpu slender west lake cultural hotel, how did adolf loos achieve sustainability, the lovell beach house by rudolph schindler, the st. denis basilica virtual tour, architecture of moscow vs. sankt petersburg, the east san josé carnegie branch library’s architecture, analysis of byzantine architecture, cultural impact on muslim architecture.

  • Words: 1152

Egyptian & Greek Art & Architecture

The angkor vat temple, cambodia, the gothic style in architecture and art, how architectural styles reflect people’s beliefs.

  • Words: 1720

Renaissance and Executive Order Draft: Summary

The building of the georgia state capitol and the sidney lanier bridge.

  • Words: 1222

Five Points for an Architecture of Other Bodies

Vietnam veterans memorial by maya ying lin, beijing daxing international airport.

  • Words: 3588

European Influence on the Architecture of the Americas

Architecture as facility management principle, architeture and function in buddhism, christianity, and islamic religion.

  • Words: 1904

Why Neo-Gothic Architecture Became Popular in the 19th Century

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Architecture Essays 101: How to be an effective writer

  • Updated: October 25, 2023

Architecture Essay

The world of architecture stands at a fascinating crossroads of creativity and academia. As architects cultivate ideas to shape the physical world around us, we are also tasked with articulating these concepts through words.

Architecture essays, thus, serves as a bridge between the visual and the textual, allowing for a comprehensive exploration of architectural ideas and their implications.

The ability to articulate thoughts, analyses, and observations on design and theory is as crucial as creating the designs themselves. An architectural essay is not just about presenting information but about conveying an understanding of spaces, structures, and the stories they tell.

Whether you’re delving into the nuances of a specific architectural movement , analyzing the design of a historic monument, or predicting the future of sustainable design, the written word becomes a powerful tool to express intricate ideas.

This guide provides a comprehensive roadmap for crafting insightful architectural essays, ensuring that your perspectives on this multifaceted discipline are communicated effectively and engagingly.

Architecture Essays

Understanding the Unique Nature of Architecture Essay s

Architecture sits on a unique line between the aesthetic and the analytical, where designs are appreciated not only for their aesthetic appeal but also for their functionality and historical relevance.

An architecture essay isn’t just a manifestation of this intricate blend; it’s a testament to it. Aspiring architects or students of architecture must grasp the singular characteristics of this type of essay to truly succeed.

Embracing Creativity

When one imagines essays, the mind typically conjures up dense blocks of text. However, an architecture essay allows, and even demands, a flair of creativity.

Visual representations, be it in the form of diagrams , sketches , or photographs , aren’t just supplementary; they can form the core of your argument.

For instance, if you’re discussing the evolution of skyscraper designs , a chronological array of sketches can provide an insightful, immediate overview that words might struggle to convey.

Recognizing and capitalizing on this visual component can elevate the impact of your essay.

Theoretical Foundations

Yet, relying solely on creative illustrations won’t suffice. The foundation of every solid architecture essay is a strong understanding of architectural theories, principles , and historical contexts. Whether you’re analyzing the gothic cathedrals of Europe or the minimalist homes of Japan, delving deep into the why and how of their designs is crucial.

How did the social, economic, and technological conditions of the time influence these structures?

…How do they compare with contemporary designs?

Theoretical exploration provides depth to your essay, grounding your observations and opinions in recognized knowledge and pre-existing debates.

Furthermore, case studies play an essential role in these essays.

Instead of making sweeping statements, anchor your points in specific examples. Discussing the sustainability features of a particular building or the ergonomic design of another offers tangible evidence to support your arguments.

Blending the Two

The magic of an architecture essay lies in seamlessly weaving the creative with the theoretical.

While you showcase a building’s design through visuals, delve into its history, purpose, and societal implications with your words. This blend not only offers a holistic understanding of architectural marvels but also caters to a broad audience, ensuring your essay is both engaging and enlightening.

In conclusion, understanding the unique blend of design elements and theoretical discussion in an architecture essay sets the foundation for an impactful piece.

It’s about striking a balance between showing and telling, between the artist’s sketches and the academic’s observations. With this understanding, you’re better equipped to venture into the exciting world of architectural essay writing.

Choosing the Right Topic

Architectural essays stand apart in their blend of technical knowledge, aesthetic sense, and historical context. The topic you choose not only sets the tone for your essay but can also significantly affect the enthusiasm and rigor with which you approach the writing.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to selecting the right topic for your architecture essay:

Find your Golden Nugget:

  • Personal Resonance: Your topic should excite you. Think about the architectural designs, movements, or theories that have made an impact on you. Perhaps it’s a specific building you’ve always admired or an architectural trend you’ve noticed emerging in your city.
  • Uncharted Territory: Exploring less-known or under-discussed areas can give you a unique perspective and make your essay stand out. Instead of writing another essay on Roman architecture, consider focusing on the influence of Roman architecture on contemporary design or even on a specific region.

Researching Broadly:

  • Diversify Your Sources: From books and academic journals to documentaries and interviews, use varied materials to spark ideas. Often, an unrelated article can lead to a unique essay topic.
  • Current Trends and Issues: Look at contemporary architecture magazines , websites , and blogs to gauge what’s relevant and debated in today’s architectural world. It might inspire you to contribute to the discussion or even challenge some prevailing ideas.

Connecting with Design Projects:

  • Personal Projects: If you’ve been involved in a design project, whether at school or professionally, consider exploring themes or challenges you encountered. This adds personal anecdotes and insights which enrich the essay.
  • Case Studies: Instead of going broad, consider going deep. Dive into a single building or architect’s work. Analyzing one subject in-depth can offer nuanced perspectives and help demonstrate your analytical skills.

Feasibility of Research:

  • Availability of Resources: While choosing an obscure topic can make your essay unique, ensure you have enough resources or primary research opportunities to support your arguments.
  • Scope: The topic should be neither too broad nor too narrow. It should allow for in-depth exploration within the word limit of the essay. For instance, “Modern Architecture” is too broad, but “The Influence of Bauhaus on Modern Apartment Design in Berlin between 1950-1970” is more focused.

Finding the right topic is a journey, and sometimes it requires a few wrong turns before you hit the right path. Stay curious, be patient, and remember that the best topics are those that marry your personal passion with academic rigor. Your enthusiasm will shine through in your writing, making the essay engaging and impactful.

Architecture Essays

Organizational Tools and Systems for an Effective Architecture Essay

Writing an essay on architecture is a blend of creative expression and meticulous research. As you delve deep into topics, theories, and case studies, it becomes imperative to keep your resources organized and accessible.

This section introduces you to a set of tools and systems tailored for architectural essay writing.

Using Digital Aids

  • Notion: This versatile tool provides a workspace that integrates note-taking, database creation, and task management. For an architecture essay, you can create separate pages for your outline, research, and drafts. The use of templates can streamline the writing process and help in maintaining a structured approach.
  • MyBib: Citing resources is a crucial part of essay writing. MyBib acts as a lifesaver by generating citations in various styles (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) and organizing them for easy access. Make sure to cross-check and ensure accuracy.
  • Evernote: This tool allows you to clip web pages, articles, or images that inspire or contribute to your essay. You can annotate, highlight, and categorize your findings in different notebooks.

Systematic Research

  • Organizing Findings: Develop a system where each finding, whether it’s a quote, image, or data point, has its source attached. Use color-coding or tags to denote different topics or relevance levels.
  • Note Galleries: Convert your key points into visual cards. This technique can be especially helpful in architectural essays, where visual concepts may be central to your argument.
  • Sorting by Source Type: Separate your research into categories like academic journals, books, articles, and interviews. This will make it easier when referencing or looking for a particular kind of information.

Strategies for Effective Literature Review

  • Skimming vs. In-depth Reading: Not every source needs a detailed read. Learn to differentiate between foundational texts that require in-depth understanding and those where skimming for key ideas is sufficient.
  • Note-making Techniques: Adopt methods like the Cornell Note-taking System, mind mapping, or bullet journaling, depending on what suits your thought process best. These methods help in breaking down complex ideas into manageable chunks.
  • Staying Updated: The world of architecture is evolving. Ensure you’re not missing any recent papers, articles, or developments related to your topic. Setting up Google Scholar alerts or RSS feeds can be beneficial.

Organizing your research and using tools efficiently will not only streamline your writing process but will also enhance the quality of your essay. As you progress, you’ll discover what techniques and tools work best for you.

The key is to maintain consistency and always be open to trying out new methods to improve your workflow and efficiency.

Writing Techniques and Tips for an Architecture Essay

An architecture essay, while deeply rooted in academic rigor, is also a canvas for innovative ideas, design critiques, and a reflection of the architectural zeitgeist. Here’s a deep dive into techniques and tips that can elevate your essay from merely informative to truly compelling.

Learning from Others

  • Read Before You Write: Before diving into your own writing, spend some time exploring essays written by others. Understand the flow, the structure, the narrative techniques, and how they tie their thoughts cohesively.
  • Inspirational Sources: Journals, academic papers, architecture magazines, and opinion pieces offer a wealth of writing styles. Notice how varied perspectives bring life to similar topics.

Using Jargon Judiciously

  • Maintain Clarity: While it’s tempting to use specialized terminology extensively, remember your essay should be accessible to a broader audience. Use technical terms when necessary, but ensure they’re explained or inferred.
  • Balancing Act: Maintain a balance between academic writing and creative expression. Let the jargon complement your narrative rather than overshadowing your message.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

  • Plagiarism – The Silent Offender: Always give credit where credit is due. Even if you feel you’ve paraphrased sufficiently, ensure your sources are adequately referenced. Utilize plagiarism check tools to ensure originality.
  • Stay Focused: It’s easy to get lost in the vast world of architecture. Ensure your writing stays on topic, refraining from veering too far from your central theme.
  • Conciseness: While detailed elaboration can be insightful, verbosity can drown your main points. Be succinct where necessary.

Craft a Compelling Introduction and Conclusion

  • First Impressions: Your introduction should provide context, state the purpose of your essay, and capture the reader’s interest. Think of it as the blueprint of a building – it should give an idea of what to expect.
  • Tying it All Together: Your conclusion should summarize your main points, reflect on the implications of your findings, and perhaps even propose further areas of study or exploration.

Use Active Voice

  • Direct and Dynamic: Active voice makes your writing sound more direct and lively. Instead of writing, “The design was critiqued by several architects,” try “Several architects critiqued the design.”

Personalize your Narrative

  • Your Unique Voice: Architecture, at its core, is about human experiences and spaces. Infuse your writing with personal observations, experiences, or reflections where relevant. This personal touch can make your essay stand out.

Revise, Revise, Revise

  • The First Draft is Rarely the Final: Writing is a process. Once you’ve penned down your initial thoughts, revisit them. Refine the flow, enhance clarity, and ensure your argument is both cogent and captivating.

Remember, an architecture essay is both a testament to your academic understanding and a reflection of your perspective on architectural phenomena. Treat it as a synthesis of research, observation, creativity, and structured argumentation, and you’ll craft an essay that resonates.

Incorporating Sources Seamlessly

In architectural essays, as with most academic endeavors, sources form the backbone of your assertions and claims. They lend credibility to your arguments and showcase your understanding of the topic at hand. But it’s not just about listing references.

It’s about weaving them into your essay so seamlessly that your reader not only comprehends your point but also recognizes the strong foundation on which your arguments stand. Here’s how you can incorporate sources effectively:

Effective Quotation:

  • Blend with the Narrative: Direct quotations should feel like a natural extension of your writing. For instance, instead of abruptly inserting a quote, use lead-ins like, “As architect Jane Smith argues, ‘…'”
  • Use Sparingly: While direct quotes can validate a point, over-relying on them can overshadow your voice. Use them to emphasize pivotal points and always ensure you contextualize their significance.
  • Adapting Quotes: Occasionally, for the sake of flow, you might need to change a word or phrase in a quote. If you do, denote changes with square brackets, e.g., “[The building] stands as a testament to modern design.”

Referencing Techniques:

  • Parenthetical Citations: Most academic essays utilize parenthetical (or in-text) citations, where a brief reference (usually the author’s surname and the publication year) is provided within the text itself.
  • Footnotes and Endnotes: Some referencing styles prefer notes, which can provide additional context or information without interrupting the flow of the essay.
  • Consistency is Key: Stick to one referencing style throughout your essay, whether it’s APA, MLA, Chicago, or any other format.

Using Notes Effectively:

  • Annotate as You Go: When reading, jot down insights or connections you make in the margins or in your note-taking app. This will help you incorporate sources in a way that feels relevant and organic.
  • Maintain a Bibliography: Keeping a running list of all the sources you encounter will make the final citation process smoother. With tools like Zotero or MyBib, you can auto-generate and manage bibliographies with ease.
  • Critical Analysis over Summary: While it’s vital to understand and convey the main points of a source, it’s equally crucial to critique, interpret, or discuss its relevance in the context of your essay.

Remember, the objective of referencing isn’t just to show that you’ve done the reading or to avoid accusations of plagiarism. It’s about building on the work of others to create your unique narrative and perspective.

Always strive for a balance, where your voice remains at the forefront, but is consistently and credibly supported by your sources.

Architecture Essays

Designing Your Essay

Architecture is an intricate tapestry of creativity, precision, and innovation. Just as a building’s design can make or break its appeal, the visual presentation of your essay plays a pivotal role in how it’s received.

Below are steps and strategies to ensure your architecture essay isn’t just a treatise of words but also a feast for the eyes.

Visual Aesthetics: More Than Just Words

  • Whitespace and Balance: Much like in architecture, the empty spaces in your essay—the margins, line spacing, and breaks between paragraphs—matter. Whitespace can make your essay appear more organized and readable.
  • Fonts and Typography: Choose a font that is both legible and evocative of your essay’s tone. A serif font like Times New Roman may offer a traditional, academic feel, while sans-serif fonts like Arial or Calibri lend a modern touch. However, always adhere to submission guidelines if provided.
  • Use of Imagery: If allowed, incorporating relevant images, charts, or diagrams can enhance understanding and add a visual flair to your essay. Make sure to caption them properly and ensure they’re of high resolution.

Relevance to Topic: Visuals That Complement Content

  • Thematic Design: Ensure any design elements—be they color schemes, borders, or footers—tie back to your essay’s topic or the architectural theme you’re discussing.
  • Visual Examples: If you’re discussing a specific architectural movement or an iconic building, consider incorporating relevant images, sketches, or blueprints to give readers a visual point of reference.

Examples of Unique Design Ideas

  • Sidebars and Callouts: Much like how modern buildings might feature a unique design element that stands out, sidebars or callouts can be used to highlight crucial points, quotes, or tangential information.
  • Integrated Infographics: For essays discussing data, trends, or historical timelines, infographics can be an innovative way to present information. They synthesize complex data into digestible visual formats.
  • Annotations: If you’re critiquing or discussing a specific image, annotations can be helpful. They allow you to pinpoint and elaborate on specific elements within the image directly.

Consistency is Key

  • Maintain a Theme: Just as in architectural design, maintaining a consistent visual theme throughout your essay creates harmony and cohesion. This could be in the form of consistent font usage, header designs, or color schemes.
  • Captions and References: Any visual aid, be it a photograph, illustration, or chart, should be captioned consistently and sourced correctly to avoid plagiarism.

In the realm of architectural essays, the saying “ form follows function ” is equally valid. Your design choices should not just be aesthetic adornments but should serve to enhance understanding, readability, and engagement.

By taking the time to thoughtfully design your essay, you are not only showcasing your architectural insights but also your keen eye for design, thereby leaving a lasting impression on your readers.

Finalizing Your Essay

Finalizing an architecture essay is a task that demands a meticulous approach. The difference between an average essay and an outstanding one often lies in the refinement process. Here, we explore the steps to ensure that your essay is in its best possible form before submission.


  • Grammar and Syntax Checks: Always use tools like Grammarly or Microsoft Word’s spellchecker, but remember, they aren’t infallible. After an initial electronic check, read the essay aloud. This can help in catching awkward phrasing and any overlooked errors.
  • Consistency in Language and Style: Ensure that you maintain a uniform style and tone throughout. If you begin with UK English, for instance, stick with it till the end.
  • Flow and Coherence: The essay should have a logical progression. Each paragraph should lead seamlessly into the next, with clear transitions.

Feedback Loop:

  • Peer Reviews: Having classmates or colleagues read your essay can provide fresh perspectives. They might catch unclear sections or points of potential expansion that you might have missed.
  • Expert Feedback: If possible, seek feedback from instructors or professionals in the field. Their insights can greatly enhance the quality of your content.
  • Acting on Feedback: Merely receiving feedback isn’t enough. Be prepared to make revisions, even if it means letting go of sections you’re fond of, for the overall improvement of the essay.

Aligning with University Requirements:

  • Formatting: Adhere strictly to the specified format. Whether it’s APA, Chicago, or MLA, make sure your citations, font, spacing, and margins are in line with the guidelines.
  • Word Count: Most institutions will have a stipulated word count. Ensure you’re within the limit. If you’re over, refine your content; if you’re under, see if there are essential points you might have missed.
  • Supplementary Materials: For architecture essays, you might need to attach diagrams, sketches, or photographs. Ensure these are clear, relevant, and properly labeled.
  • Referencing: Properly cite all your sources. Any claim or statement that isn’t common knowledge needs to be attributed to its source. Also, ensure that your bibliography or reference list is comprehensive and formatted correctly.

Final Read-through:

  • After making all the changes, set your essay aside for a day or two, if time permits. Come back with fresh eyes and do one last read-through. This distance can often help you catch any remaining issues.

Finalizing your architecture essay is as vital as the initial stages of research and drafting. The care you take in refining and polishing your work reflects your commitment to excellence. When you’ve gone through these finalization steps, you can submit your essay confidently, knowing you’ve given it your best shot.

To Sum Up…

Writing an architecture essay is a unique challenge that requires a balance of creativity, critical thinking, and academic rigor. The process demands not just a deep understanding of architectural theories and case studies but also an ability to express these complex ideas clearly and compellingly.

Throughout this article, we have explored various facets of crafting an excellent architecture essay, from choosing a resonant topic and conducting thorough research to employing effective writing techniques and incorporating sources seamlessly.

The visual aspect of an architecture essay cannot be overlooked. As architects blend functionality with aesthetics in their designs, so too must students intertwine informative content with visual appeal in their essays. This is an opportunity to showcase not only your understanding of the subject matter but also your creativity and attention to detail.

Remember, a well-designed essay speaks volumes about your passion for architecture and your dedication to the discipline.

As we wrap up this guide, it is crucial to emphasize the importance of meticulous proofreading and seeking feedback. These final steps are vital in ensuring that your essay is free from errors and that your arguments are coherent and compelling.

Engaging in a feedback loop with peers, mentors, or advisors can provide valuable insights and help to refine your work further.

Additionally, always ensure that your essay aligns with the specific requirements set forth by your university or institution. Pay attention to details like font styles, referencing methods, and formatting guidelines.

These elements, while seemingly minor, play a significant role in creating a polished and professional final product.

Keep practicing, keep learning, and remember that each essay is a stepping stone toward mastering the art of architectural writing.

FAQs about Architecture Essays

Do architecture students have to write essays.

Yes, architecture students often have to write essays as part of their academic curriculum. While architecture is a field that heavily involves visual and practical skills, essays and written assignments play a crucial role in helping students develop their critical thinking, research, and analytical skills.

While hands-on design work and practical projects are integral parts of an architectural education, essays play a crucial role in developing the theoretical, analytical, and communication skills necessary for success in the field.

By writing essays, architecture students learn to think critically, research effectively, and communicate their ideas clearly, laying a strong foundation for their future careers.


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136 Architecture Essay Topics

🏆 best essay topics on architecture, ✍️ architecture essay topics for college, 👍 good architecture research topics & essay examples, 🌶️ hot architecture ideas to write about, ❓ architecture essay questions.

  • Exploring Popular Culture in Architecture
  • The Profession of an Architect
  • Comparison and Contrast of Two Famous Architects
  • Gothic Architecture in Comparison to Other Styles
  • Influence of Mathematics in Ancient Greek Architecture
  • Socio-Cultural Aspects of Chinese Architecture
  • The Role of Technology in Architecture
  • The Impact of Greek Architecture on Modern Constructors There are clear parallels between the architectural style of the ancient Greek civilization and the works of modern constructors.
  • Indian History of Architecture Indian architecture had several periods of development. One can easily trace the history of India through an analysis of Indian architecture.
  • Architecture and Spatial Relations in the Zulu Culture Due to the use of domes as the key element of indlus, the Zulu architecture can be seen as geared toward maximizing the utility of the available space.
  • Management in an Architectural Firm Managing an architectural firm and projects is a set of measures, cases, and actions that can be implemented with the skills and knowledge gained in the management program.
  • Mathematics in Ancient Greek Architecture This essay will briefly discuss what changes occurred and assess the overall impact of these sciences on the architecture of ancient Greece.
  • Design and Aesthetics of Architectural Styles Architects must realize that the discipline of architecture relies on cultural buildings. Architects must conserve such buildings in society by sustaining the works of the past.
  • “Architecture and the Senses” by Juhani Pallasmaa The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses book by Juhani Pallasmaa explores the fundamentals of a classical architectural theory.
  • Intellectual Property Law in Architecture and Design This paper examines the importance and impact of protection laws as far as copyright and patents are concerned, as well as the cartels formed by the law.
  • Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier The paper illustrates Frank Lloyd Wright’s and Le Corbusier’s perceptions of architecture and gives an example of buildings created by the two.
  • Architectural History Studies and Their Importance Architectural history provides a solid platform for learners to improve and innovate in a new era. It permits sustainability, especially in an environmentally conscious world.
  • Mesopotamian and Greek Architecture Design The features of the ancient Mesopotamian and Greek architectures are a unique topic for discussion. These civilizations used different methods of building and various materials.
  • The Interrelationship Between Fashion and Architecture The interrelationship between fashion and architecture plays an important role in advancing new technologies in both fields as well as other fields.
  • Ancient Architectures Comparison: Similarities and Differences in the Architecture of Different Cultures and Epochs This paper will explore the similarities and differences which can be found in works of architecture of different cultures and epochs.
  • Roman Architecture: Civic Architecture and Arch Invention This paper discusses how the invention of the arch contributed to Roman dominance in the region and why it was in the government’s interest to sponsor the building of those works.
  • Sustainable Architecture: Benefits and Drawbacks Green architecture embraces the use of green building material and principles that lead to the reduction of the adverse effects on the environment and has other benefits.
  • Green Architecture: Principles, Advantages and Stages Green architecture involves the approach to building, where the harmful effects of construction are minimalized regarding human health and the environment.
  • Taj Mahan and Kandariya Mahadeva: Indian Architecture The Kandariya Mahadeva Temple and Taj Mahal serve as the representatives of two distinct trends in Indian architecture.
  • Form vs Function in Architecture It is essential to establish the importance of the role and significance of function and form in architecture.
  • Work Council for Art: Under the Wing of a Great Architecture In the Work Council for Art manifesto, Walter Gropius draws a programmatic document that re-discussed the role of art in society.
  • Deconstructivist Architecture Aesthetics Deconstructive in architecture, also known as deconstruction, is a type of postmodern architecture that started in the 1980s.
  • Whispering Galleries in Architecture Whispering galleries are specially designed buildings that are elliptical or have a circular shape. The Buildings with the phenomena are symbols of architecture`s greatness.
  • The Sydney Opera House: Architectural Project The Sydney Opera House is not only a symbol of Australia but also one of the most recognizable architectural buildings.
  • Chinese Architectural Principles The current discussion will examine Chinese architectural principles from the perspective of history, style, and elements and their evolution over time.
  • The Neolithic Era: Architecture and Agriculture The improvements to agriculture, society, architecture, and culture made during the Neolithic period had an undeniable impact on aspects of the world.
  • Romanesque and Gothic Architecture: Lincoln and Durham Cathedrals The paper aims to present the historical, technological, and stylistic differences in Romanesque and Gothic architectural movements based on Durham Cathedral and Lincoln Cathedral.
  • Energy Consumption in Architecture and Environmental Design Energy conservation can be considered as one of the fundamentals of energy consumption in architecture and environmental designs.
  • Fashion in Architecture: Museum of Architectural Fashion The project under consideration will fulfill the function of the combination of fashion and architecture reflecting all stages their development and gradation.
  • Architectural Form Evolution Throughout History The evolution of form in art is connected to human development over the years. This paper explores the connection between different art forms and their influence on architecture.
  • Adaptability as a Driver for Architecture Development Modern architecture is developing due to such drivers as adaptability, multitasking, cost-efficiency, and environmental friendliness.
  • Religious Architecture of Filippo Brunelleschi Renaissance architecture is where Filippo Brunelleschi’s name is most often associated. European countries had an influx of renaissance-style architecture during this period.
  • Exhibition of the Ancient Mosque Architecture In any part of the world practicing Islam, the mosque, regardless of its type remains a typical Islamic edifice. The mosque offers a worshiping place for the Muslims.
  • The Education of the Architect Becoming a full-fledged architect is not an easy process, requiring painstaking work, both theoretical and practical, and a natural ability to translate imagination into sketches.
  • John von Neumann and the von Neumann Architecture John von Neumann was a great mathematician, known by his really significant contributions to the fields of economics, numerical analysis, and computer science.
  • Architecture and Technology: The Essential Role of Sustainable Architecture In order to better explain the role of technologies we should first show how contemporary understanding of building has evolved.
  • Bemis and Neufert’s Architectural Standardization Bemis and Neufert pioneered using modular systems to standardize building elements. Their theory was that standardizing building elements would be easier to construct buildings.
  • How Microservices Architecture Is Used on OTT Platforms This research paper aims to assess the components of microservices architecture, to analyze how various OTT platforms use microservice software.
  • The Difference in Architecture of House Museums A house museum is one of the many types of museums around the world. These museums are unique since they are people’s homes converted to museums over the years.
  • Energy-Efficient Architecture and Environmental Design Energy consumption is an important aspect of architecture and environmental design, which is among the priorities when focusing on sustainability
  • Italian Renaissance: Art and Architecture Innovators of the Italian Renaissance initiated great artistic works from Florence in the field of art, architecture, painting, literature, and sculpture.
  • The Emergence of Rococo Art and Architecture During the first half of the 18th century, many artists began to move away from the famous Baroque style that had dominated Europe for many decades. The new style was called Rococo.
  • Cultural Influence on Roman Architectural Paradigm This analytical treatise attempts to explicitly review the underlying cultural influences in the Italian architectural paradigms.
  • Architectural Designs and Styles Architectural designs have advanced gradually in various regions over a long period. It has incorporated art to transform it into widely available designs in cities and towns.
  • Qanat Quartier: Architecture, Infrastructure, and Environment Qanat Quartier is a quarter that was built for rich local and foreign residents, with the expectation of large investments in order to cover the maintenance of the human-made isle.
  • The History of Egyptian Architecture This work was written in order to get acquainted with the factors influencing Egyptian architecture, with an example in the form of the pyramid of Cheops.
  • The German Architectural History The results of World War I and the German Revolution were very impactful on Berlin’s art and architectural work.
  • Change in the Content and Layout of the Architectural Review Magazine Since Inception The Architectural Review magazine has undergone tremendous changes over the years due to shifts in architectural phenomena such as modernism.
  • Architectural Style: Lubar School of Business The Lubar Hall has proportions, geometry, regular parts, and symmetry; all these elements were borrowed from the Renaissance architectural style and techniques.
  • American Institute of Architects’ Code of Ethics Every institution lays down rules by which its recognized members work. These rules help to create a sense of order within the institution or organization.
  • Teaching Architecture and Freehand Drawing The experience of Sue Ferguson Gussow in teaching freehand drawing to architecture students is the central theme of the article. This article diagnosed the freehand drawing experience.
  • The Architectonics of Memory: On Built Form and Built Thought Architecture has generally been considered as the art of design and construction using unique techniques that are appealing to the eyes.
  • The Shakers, Their Beliefs and Architecture Designs The Shakers involved a small group of protestant religious denominations founded in England in the mid-1700s. It was a dissident cluster of friends in society.
  • Architecture: Special Features of Sankt Petersburg Despite the current attitudes toward Russians and their history, it is hard to deny that this country has several remarkable places for fascination.
  • The Clinical Document Architecture and Continuity of Care Record The Clinical Document Architecture, Continuity of Care Document, and Continuity of Care Record are standards that are designed for medical data organization and sharing.
  • The Monumental Architecture in Ancient Greek One of the most significant cultures of the ancient world was the ancient Greek and the ancient Roman. Their territories were close to each other.
  • Architecture of Amazonian Monuments The paper is going to present a review of two types of Amazonian American architecture that possess distinguishable visual and design-related characteristics.
  • Architecture of the Taj Mahal and the Qaaba Throughout history, architecture has served as a symbol of culture. The Taj Mahal and the Qaaba are widely celebrated spaces of Middle Eastern culture expressed by spatial art.
  • Islamic Architecture in Its Historical Context This essay explores Bifolium from the “Nurse’s Qur’an”, the animal flask, and the Hispano-Moresque style, analyzing their historical context and relation to historical events.
  • Sustainable Architecture Design: Strategies, Techniques, and Buildings Sustainability in architecture implies the use of design strategies that decrease negative consequences for the environment, it refers to the ability to inflict little damage.
  • Applying to Boston Architectural College Architecture conveys human ambitions and ideals by providing living, working, and reflecting space to all people.
  • Jaime Lerner’s Contributions to Urban Architecture Jaime Lerner’s era has become an example for the whole world of how high-quality and professional work on residential and urban projects can be.
  • History and Identity and Significance of Indo-Saracenic Architecture The annotated bibliography concerns itself with the relationship between Indo-Saracenic Architecture and identities of nations where it is found.
  • Architect Le Corbusier and His “Ville Radieuse” Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, also known under his alias, Le Corbusier, created buildings that incorporated not only functionality but also a unique and inimitable style.
  • Sustainable Architecture Design: Strategies, Techniques, and Buildings Strategies of sustainable architecture, types of buildings, bionic design, and examples of eco-friendly constructions will be described further in detail.
  • Modern Urban Architecture: The Standard Box Buildings The main point of the paper is that modern urban architecture is standard box buildings that violate the harmony of man and nature.
  • Carolingian and Ottonian Art and Architecture: The Palatine Chapel and St. Michael’s Chapel The Palatine Chapel at Aachen appears to be a typical example of Carolingian Architecture, while St. Michael’s Church at Hildesheim refers to Ottonian Renaissance.
  • Enslaved Workers’ Contribution to the Architectural Heritage of Washington Slaves provided cheap labor, and hence the master utilized them in various aspects, including masonry, carpentry, painting, and plastering.
  • Architecture’s Role in the Nazi Regime and Its Programs Nazi architecture was a part of the era’s ideology, aiming to reinforce the atmosphere of military dominance and concurring strength.
  • Architectural Similarities in Umayyad Palaces Umayyad desert palaces have architectural similarities in terms of the layout plan, watchtowers, house system inside the palace, semi-circular towers, baths, courtyards and mosques.
  • Biltmore Manor: Residential Buildings in American Architecture Biltmore Manor is one of the most magnificent residential buildings that could have appeared in American architecture. It will amaze even the most experienced traveler and esthete.
  • The Architectural Value of The Monticello Monticello was the primary residence of Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, which he designed himself and on which grounds he was buried.
  • Byzantine Mosaic Work and Architecture in Examples This paper describes two surviving remarkable representations of the Byzantine mosaic work and architecture: San Vitale in Ravenna and Justinian and Theodora.
  • Architectural Design in UK Hotel Industry The UK hotel industry has been affected by the increase in older consumers. This is an age bracket that is well endowed in terms of resources and hence a good target for the hotels.
  • Difficulties of Partnership in the Contemporary World of Architecture The article is dedicated to the issue of difficulties of partnership and sole practices in the contemporary world of architecture.
  • The Centrality of Technology in Architecture Different architects, theorists, and critics held different views regarding the centrality of technology in architecture. This paper examines three facets of this centrality.
  • Investing Power in Architects There are many ways through which power might be invested in architects to enable them to safeguard the vital role they play in society.
  • A Brief History of Romanesque Architecture The Santiago de Compostela Cathedral is one of the most prominent works of European art of the 11th century, it has a unique history and is of great significance.
  • Pillars of the Chicago School of Architecture This paper aims to identify and describe the three main factors that formed the Chicago School of Architecture: steel frames, terracotta masonry cladding, Chicago School windows.
  • Historical Architectural Structures in Hudson River An architectural structure is a construction that is motionless and free-standing, this kind of construction can be permanent or temporal.
  • Architecture: The Criteria for a Better Home Zone Street The home zone is marked by the area where people reside, and traffic is calm where the roads available have very many activities carried out other than driving.
  • Is Ornament Necessary in Architecture? There are those architects who consider ornament extremely vital hence worth paying attention to, and its magical beauty is not the only reason.
  • Byzantine Empire Architecture in Early Middle Ages Evaluating Byzantine architecture in the early Middle Ages, it becomes evident that there existed a measure of influence from Indian,Arabic cultures.
  • Architecture. What Was the Bauhaus? The Bauhaus is the school of art and design renowned for its modernist approach. The Bauhaus helped people to perceive architecture as a unique form of art.
  • Egyptian Architecture Overview: Egyptian Pyramids, Columns, and Capitals The purpose of this paper is to analyze some manifestations of and techniques used in Egyptian architecture and how they are incorporated nowadays.
  • Washington National Cathedral Architecture The cathedral’s architecture represents a mixture of several Gothic architectural styles. The USA symbolic is also widely represented inside the cathedral, including the famous statue of Washington.
  • Architectural Styles of the 19th Century During the 19th century, a number of different architectural styles were developed in response to the widely changing times.
  • Research Through Design in Architecture Ability to take into consideration the possible visual effects produced by weathering and to choose the sightiest of them is an important quality of the present day architect.
  • Religion and Architecture: Christian Church, Buddhist, Islamic Mosques Religious architecture is mainly concerned with design and building of houses of reverence or holy deliberate places such as stupas, mosques, churches and temples.
  • Islamic Mosque Customs and Architecture All Muslim men came to the mosque at the call for namaaz, which is known as the ‘azaan’ and is an indication that the time for performing prayers has commenced.
  • Titus Flavius’ Contribution to Art and Architecture Art and architecture in Rome from 753 to 509 BC were primarily influenced by Etruscan and other “Italic traditions” and mildly by the Greeks.
  • Western Civilization: Renaissance Art and Architecture Most people today recognize the term ‘Renaissance’ as meaning a specific time period in Western European culture.
  • Relationship Between Ancient Greek and Roman Architecture It is difficult to define the relationships between ancient Greek and Roman cultures. Analysis help to define that in architecture both of them have similarities and differences.
  • Phenomenology of Architecture: Architectural Masterpieces Covering Different Approaches This paper examines and reviews three literatures pertaining to architectural matters: Primal Therapy, Hapticity and Time and Steven Holl: A Translation of Phenomenological Philosophy into the Realm of Architecture.
  • Ando’s, Scarpa’s, Rietveld’s Architecture & Design The purpose of this essay is to dwell upon the style and characteristics of Tadao Ando’s, Carlo Scarpa’s, and Gerrit Rietveld’s approaches to architecture and design.
  • The Ancient Near East and the Ancient Aegean: Art and Architecture The art of Mesopotamia often contains elements that can be seen as fearsome, militant, or political in nature, while the art of the ancient Aegean is more harmonious, exuberant, and non-threatening.
  • The Ancient Greece Architecture Gallery The Ancient Greece Architecture Gallery, which is located at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, presents a piece of art that expressed the main features of Ancient Greek Culture.
  • Ancient Sculpture and Monumental Architecture The Stele of Naram-Sin depicts Akkadian King Naram-Sin defeating an enemy army. The six pyramids of Giza were built at different times under different rulers.
  • Fort Matanzas National Monument in Architecture Fort Matanzas is a national monument located at St. Augustine, Florida. Initially, the Spanish built the fort to protect this historic city.
  • Modernism in Architecture: Mies van der Rohe Mies van der Rohe established the Modernist boundaries of contemporary architecture. He focused on the discipline on structure, functionality and precise planning.
  • Architectural Analysis of Buildings in Historic Ocala The paper describes a 2-story building located in Historic Ocala (Florida), in the historical center of the city. It analyzes façade of the building, its forms and textures.
  • Is There a Difference Between Building and Architecture?
  • Why Is Light Important in Architecture?
  • What Trends Are Essential for Architecture?
  • What Is the Worst Thing About Architecture Today?
  • What Is the Definition of Modern Architecture?
  • Is There Something More to Architecture Than Designing Buildings?
  • How Did the Pyramids Influence Architecture?
  • Is Stonehenge Architecture or Sculpture?
  • What Came After Baroque Architecture?
  • How Did the Environment Impact Architecture?
  • How Is Greek Influence Reflected in Contemporary Architecture?
  • How Has Architecture Helped Music to Evolve?
  • What Is Balance in Architecture?
  • How Did Las Vegas Influence Postmodern Architecture?
  • What Influenced Renaissance Architecture?
  • Did Gothic Architecture Catch On in Italy?
  • What Is Mid-Century Architecture?
  • What Is a Field Survey in Architecture?
  • What Is the Greatest Invention of Islamic Architecture?
  • What Made Scandinavian Architecture Unique?
  • What Is Architecture Governance?
  • Why Is Imhotep Important in the History of Architecture?
  • What Is Proportion in Architecture?
  • How Long Did Renaissance Architecture Last?
  • What Are the Benefits of the New IT Architecture?
  • What Is Critical Regionalism in Architecture?
  • How Does Culture Affect Architecture?
  • What Is Perspective Drawing in Architecture?
  • What Distinguishes Monticello From Classical Architecture?
  • What Is the Golden Ratio in Architecture?

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"136 Architecture Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 7 May 2023,

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StudyCorgi . "136 Architecture Essay Topics." May 7, 2023.

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This essay topic collection was updated on January 5, 2024 .

Architecture Essay Examples

Nova A.

20 Must-Read Architecture Essay Examples for Students

Published on: May 5, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 30, 2024

Architecture Essay Examples

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Are you a student struggling with writing an architecture essay? Perhaps you are looking for inspiration, or maybe you need guidance on how to develop your argument. 

Whatever the reason may be, you have come to the right place!

In this blog, we provide a range of architecture essay examples covering different styles, time periods, and topics. From modernist to postmodernist architecture, we offer examples that will help you gain a deeper understanding of the subject.

So, let's take a journey through the world of architecture essay examples together!

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What Is Architecture Essay 

An architecture essay is a type of academic writing that explores the design, construction, and history of buildings, structures, and spaces.  It requires technical knowledge and creative thinking to analyze and interpret architectural theories, and practices.

Let’s take a look at a short essay on architecture:

Architecture College Essay Examples 

Let's take a look at some examples of compelling architecture college essays that demonstrate creativity and critical thinking skills.

The Influence of Cultural Heritage on Architectural Design

The Importance of Aesthetics in Architecture

Scholarship Essay Examples For Architecture

These scholarship essay examples for architecture demonstrate the writers' devotion to excellence and creativity. Let’s check them out!

From Blueprint to Reality: The Importance of Detail in Architecture

The Intersection of Technology and Artistry in Architecture

Common Architecture Essay Examples

Let's take a look at some common architecture essay pdf examples that students often encounter in their academic writing.

History of Architecture Essay Examples

The Evolution of Egyptian Architecture

The Influence of Islamic Architecture

Gothic Architecture Essay Examples 

The Key Characteristics of Gothic Style Architecture

The Role of Gothic Architecture in Medieval Europe

Modern Architecture Essay Examples 

The Development of Modernist Architecture

The Influence of Postmodern Architecture

Cornell Architecture Essay Examples 

The Legacy of Cornell Architecture

Innovative Design Approaches in Cornell Architecture

Types of Architectural Essay 

Here are some potential sample papers for each type of architectural essay:

  • Historical Analysis

The Effect of Ancient Greece Architecture on Contemporary Design

  • Critical Analysis

The Role of Materiality in Herzog and de Meuron's Tate Modern

  • Comparative Analysis

A Comparison of Modernist and Postmodernist Approaches to Design

Additional Architecture Essay Examples

Architecture essays cover a broad range of topics and styles. Here are some additional architecture essay prompts to help you get started.

Essay on Architecture As A Profession

Essay About Architecture As Art

Architecture Essay Question Examples

How To Write An Architecture Essay 

To write a successful architecture essay, follow these steps:

Step#1 Understand the assignment 

Read the assignment prompt carefully to understand what the essay requires.

Step#2 Research 

Conduct thorough research on the topic using reliable sources such as books, journals, and academic databases.

Step#3 Develop a thesis 

Based on your research, develop a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines the main argument of your essay.

Step#4 Outline 

Create an outline to organize your ideas and ensure that your essay flows logically and coherently.

Step#5 Write the essay 

Start writing your essay according to your outline:


  • Begin with a hook that grabs the reader's attention.
  • Provide background information on the topic.
  • End with a clear thesis statement.

Architecture Essay Introduction

  • Use evidence to support your arguments.
  • Organize your ideas logically with clear transitions.
  • Address counterarguments.


  • Summarize the main points and restate the thesis.
  • Provide final thoughts and consider broader implications.
  • End with a memorable closing statement.

Architecture Essay Conclusion

Step#6 Edit and proofread 

Review your essay for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Make sure that your ideas are expressed clearly and concisely.

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History of Architecture Essay Topics

  • The Impact of Ancient Greek Architecture on Modern Building Design in the United States
  • The Development of Gothic Architecture as an Architectural Movement in Medieval Europe
  • A Case Study of Frank Lloyd Wright's Prairie Style Architecture and its Influence on American Home Design
  • The Rise of Skyscrapers in the United States. A Look at the History and Impact of Tall Buildings on People Living and Working in Cities
  • The Origins of Modernism in Architecture: Tracing the Roots of this Architectural Movement from Europe to the United States
  • A Comparative Analysis of Chinese and Japanese Traditional Architecture: Exploring the Differences and Similarities of These Two Styles Originated from Asia
  • The Influence of Islamic Architecture on the Development of Spanish Colonial Architecture in the United States
  • A Case Study of Le Corbusier's Villa Savoye: Analyzing the Characteristics of This Architectural Movement and Its Influence on Modern Architecture
  • The Evolution of Green Architecture: Examining the History of Sustainable Building Design and Its Impact on People Living and the Environment
  • The Revival of Art Deco Architecture. Tracing the Return of This Style Originated in the 1920s and 1930s in the United States.

In summary!

We hope the examples we've provided have sparked your imagination and given you the inspiration you need to craft your essay. Writing about architecture requires good skills, and your essay is an opportunity to showcase your unique ideas in the field.

Remember, even the greatest architects started somewhere, and the key to success is practice. But if you're feeling stuck and need a little help bringing your vision to life, don't worry! 

At , our expert writers are here to provide you with top-quality essay writing service that will impress even the toughest critics.

Whether you need help finding the right words or want assistance with organizing your ideas, our AI essay generator can guide you every step of the way. 

So why wait? Contact our architecture essay writing service today and take the first step toward building your dream career in architecture!

Nova A. (Literature, Marketing)

As a Digital Content Strategist, Nova Allison has eight years of experience in writing both technical and scientific content. With a focus on developing online content plans that engage audiences, Nova strives to write pieces that are not only informative but captivating as well.

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architecture essay titles

RTF | Rethinking The Future

List of architecture dissertation topics

architecture essay titles

The architecture dissertation takes you on a ride where you are questioning what exists, and you are the one to address and answer what you want to change or architecturally contribute to. While brainstorming the architectural topic, you need to be very composed about your interests and aspirations. In this process, being integral with ongoing living trends and contextual issues will lead you towards making your architecture dissertation relevant and impactful. Here are a few categories to help you choose your design forte and then sink into the hustle and celebrate the phase of your architecture dissertation.


  • Urban Architecture
  • Industrial Architecture
  • Public Architecture
  • Hospitality Architecture
  • Religious Architecture
  • Cultural Architecture
  • Commercial Architecture
  • Healthcare Architecture
  • Educational Architecture
  • Residential Architecture

As per the categories below is the list of architecture dissertation topics:  

1. Co-living Housing ( Residential Architecture )

In the age where earning a living is of more priority than living in families, co-living spaces are here to stay. Co-living housing schemes, not only encourage sharing space, but also sharing culture, social life, and philosophy even across generations. This design topic has the scope of uplifting the work from home culture and offering affordable ideas which respond to the collective lifestyle.  

List of architecture dissertation topics - Sheet1

2. Multi-functional Urban Squares ( Urban Architecture )

With the increasing population, the world faces land scarcity and a rise in concrete jungles. But some places have been solving this problem by introducing multi-functional urban squares. Thus, while accommodating urban facilities, this concept also offers recreational facilities. The topic allows fulfilling the urban requirement with shades of green in the cityscape.  

List of architecture dissertation topics - Sheet2

3. Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS) Design (Transportation Architecture)

Urban cities with efficient transit systems develop quickly in terms of technology and economy. Architecture dissertation for mass transit challenges one to dictate movements of city residents through designing it to be less chaotic and more engaging. Along with technological aspects, one can instigate environment-friendly public transport proposals.

List of architecture dissertation topics - Sheet3

4. Waste Management Center ( Industrial Architecture )

An increase in urban population led to an increase in urban waste, which is not treated well in cities. An architecture dissertation in waste management could be a game-changer for rethinking urban environments to be sustainable. It grants exposure to materials that can be recycled or reused and also towards the scale, acoustics, and circulation around the machines installed for waste management.

List of architecture dissertation topics - Sheet4

5. Community Center ( Public Architecture )

Community centers often are the result of the empathetic need in society. Architecture has always amazed society with its contribution to community development. Not only in rural areas but also in the urban vicinity we live requires such centers to address the mental health of urban dwellers. It is a context-driven topic where one can showcase their sensibility towards neglected social issues of any observed region.

List of architecture dissertation topics - Sheet5

6. Redefining Hotels and Resorts (Hospitality Architecture)

Hotel Architecture has been initiated to become the face of the city and reflects nuances of the city culture, history, and style. Hospitality has always been a diverse concept, from greeting to offering meals, and architecture has magnificently contributed to constantly adapting this diversity. This kind of architecture dissertation topic confronts one to be pitch-perfect in the functional planning and circulation of spaces and at the same time create a statement design.

List of architecture dissertation topics - Sheet6

7. Temple Complex of the Future (Religious Architecture)

The temple architecture involves ample customs and traditional beliefs while considering the hierarchy of spaces. Such topics evoke a sense of narration to remodel the temples that will be as captivating in the future as they are today. Hence, to design for the religious activities performed today and fathom the design response of future cohorts is the gap to be bridged.

architecture essay titles

8. Retracing the Identity of Crematorium (Public Architecture)

The death phenomenon has always been dark and desolate, and crematoriums reflect this with utmost peculiarity. Although, along with time, the idea of death has transformed quite spiritually, and there is a rising need to imprint that intangibility in the tangible space of cremations. This topic challenges to mold human perspectives towards life and death by attempting to retrace them.   

List of architecture dissertation topics - Sheet8

9.  Eco-Museum (Cultural Architecture)

Lately, museums have evolved in varied typologies from general science-art-history museums to an intervention of Virtual Reality in the museums. However, eco-museums encourage observation and learning of the social, cultural, and natural ties of the place and the people and highlight sensitivity towards the welfare of the ecosystem. This typology of architecture dissertation attempts to connect with the visitors through awareness activities expanding the community distantly.

List of architecture dissertation topics - Sheet9

10. Revitalizing Local Markets (Commercial Architecture) 

Markets are a place of constant engagement and community encounters. Analyzing markets post-pandemic, one can sense the need to organize these congestions. Thus, while designing a market, it is essential to adapt to the current needs, achieve a sustainable design, and recreate engagement. 

List of architecture dissertation topics - Sheet10

11. Animal Shelter and Veterinary Care ( Healthcare Architecture )

While we are busy designing for our needs, being thoughtful for the ecosystem is equally crucial. The architecture dissertation dedicated to natural life around us apart from fulfilling the never-ending demands of humans’ could direct towards eco-sensitive design. The animal habitats are not something they can compromise on, and when they need to be treated by veterans, they face difficulties with the environment around them.

List of architecture dissertation topics - Sheet11

12. Urban Campus (Educational Architecture)

Urban campus weaves itself into the urban fabric such that the students coming from distant places feel a part of the city. They aim to offer distinctive curricular experiences through providing spaces to learn, work, play, and integrate themselves into fun learning. This topic liberates you to plan a wide range of functional spaces like R&D labs, libraries, cultural areas, cafes, canteens, etc., and integrate themselves to create a vibrant and energetic environment.

List of architecture dissertation topics - Sheet12

13. Reinventing Villages (Residential Architecture)

Rural development scouts to create affordable and sustainable living conditions for the residents. They lead a simple life with contentment and vulnerability towards nature. In response, recreating vernacular housing and providing them with basic amenities like health and sanitation, educational and communal facilities, electricity, and gas supply with proper maintenance could fulfill Gandhiji’s ideal village initiative. 

List of architecture dissertation topics - Sheet13

14. Disaster Relief Housing (Residential Architecture)

Disaster Relief calls for emergent architecture during natural calamities or even wars or terror attacks. Such a dissertation topic requires crisp research on building materials that can be prefabricated, recyclable, easily available, and assembled at such times. This topic is not limited to modular buildings and can innovate for concentration camps to resolve the issue. 

List of architecture dissertation topics - Sheet14


Online sources:

  • Arkitecture & design.   100+ latest unusual architecture thesis topics list for dissertation research proposal . [online]. Available at: [Accessed 25 February 2022].
  • ArchDaily.   Architecture Projects [online]. Available at: [Accessed 25 February 2022].

Images/visual mediums:

  • BlessedArch. (2018).  68 Thesis topics in 5 minutes . [YouTube video]. Available at: [Accessed: 25 February 2022].

List of architecture dissertation topics - Sheet1

Trishla Doshi is a philomath designer and an architect in Mumbai. She aspires to foster cultural resurgence among people through reaching out to them sometimes in the form of words and sometimes design. She is in the constant exploration of the space between herself and her illustrative narratives breathing history.

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How to research for an architecture essay in 6 steps

How to research for an architecture essay in 6 steps guide, Architectural assignment writing tips, Online student advice

How To Research For An Architecture Essay In Six Steps

15 Oct 2021

How to research for an architecture essay in 6 steps

Making research for an architecture essay is rarely an easy task for so many reasons. Firstly, architecture is so vast and technical that you will probably struggle during the research phase if you don’t love designs and dimensions.

How To Research For An Architecture Essay Guide

That is why many students face writer’s block and other challenges while writing architecture essays, prompting them to seek help from any reputable professional essay writing service . If you have an architecture essay on your desk and need to learn to handle in-depth research on your topic, this article will interest you.

Step 1: Streamline your topic

Architecture is a broad domain that encompasses various types, characteristics, and real-world uses . The field has to do with residential and commercial spaces, urban design, landscape, industrial architecture, green design, etc. These scopes have psychological, historical, and anthropological aspects, giving them prominence and making them unique in relation to architecture.

Considering how vast this field is, the first step you should take during architecture research is to narrow down your topic. As a writer, you must choose a particular niche to analyze. Streamlining your topic will stop you from stretching yourself too thin, help you focus and ensure you create credible and exciting content.

Step 2: Assess the research potential of your topic before writing

When choosing an architecture essay topic, always try to foresee the research challenges you will face when writing. Focus on the bigger picture and don’t get swayed by sentiments in the beginning. Try to form a loose thesis statement from your topic before delving into it. While you are free to change the thesis later, ensure credible sources back your decision up, as they will become pointers for the public to evaluate your research skills.

So while architecture writing, get some relevant resources and outline essential bibliographic references before drafting your paper. For instance, if you plan to analyze a structure, find out if the photographs, drawings, and other materials are available. Don’t start writing the essays without adequate pre-writing research to avoid experiencing the dreaded mental block halfway in.

Step 3: Collate data as efficiently as possible

Research for an architectural paper involves reading and analyzing other people’s works and building an idea out of them. This process involves visual analysis, so start your architectural research by scouring the internet and encyclopedias. However, some resources on the internet can be misleading and unreliable. So, don’t limit your search to a few websites or blogs. Instead, go for quantity and then sieve questionable references later.

Also, keep a notepad handy. Note-taking is vital because it helps you keep track of your research. By keeping tabs on your progress, you will not waste too much time on one aspect of your study at the expense of other parts.

Step 4: Analyze the information you have

An analysis is necessary as the next step after getting information from multiple sources. There are different types of data analysis in architecture research: visual examination, textual analysis, and historical analysis. Knowing these forms of analysis will help you turn the data you have into insights that your audience will value.

The visual analysis looks at the photographs and plans of a structure and tries to visualize it in three dimensions. This visual form of analyzing data is similar to textual analysis, which involves reading texts or paper architecture. Meanwhile, historical analysis involves research into the antiquity of a building. For instance, if you are reviewing Mexican houses , historical analysis will provide enough information about the architectural style of the indigenous people for you to make informed predictions.

Step 5: Create a strong thesis statement

The thesis is the proposed answer to the questions you will have to disclose after the analysis. At this point, you must have formed a strong opinion on the topic and collected enough evidence to back it up. Keep your thesis statement between one or two sentences long and let it highlight the importance of your case.

Always make your thesis statements powerful, but don’t use jargon or expressive writing to sway your audience. Instead, back your argument up with numbers and other credible research results. The quality of the evidence you bring to the table will convince your audience faster than buzzwords ever will.

Step 6: Organize your ideas and outline your paper

Finally, make your research data and ideas accessible, understandable and readable. Use writing software to organize your thoughts and transfer the data in your notes to a reliable digital storage system for easy retrieval. Then create an outline containing all that should be in the paper in their order of appearance so that you don’t lose coherence when you start writing the essay.

How to research for an architecture essay Conclusion

While architecture essay research may not be as fun as crafting narrative essays, it doesn’t have to send you into full-blown panic mode. Knowing the steps to take during the research will motivate you to put in the work to create excellent essays. That is why this article with its step-by-step approach to architecture essay research is ideal for anybody looking to create outstanding architecture papers.

Comments on this How To Research For An Architecture Essay In Six Steps help advice article are welcome.

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115 awesome architecture research topics: useful list of ideas.

architecture research topics

If you are reading this, it means you need to write an excellent architectural research paper and need some help choosing the topic. The good news is that our expert writers have just updated our list of 115 unique architecture research topics.

This means you can find some original ideas right here on this page. Of course, you can use any of our ideas for free – as long as you get an A+ on your next research paper.

Writing an Architecture Essay Quickly

If you are like most students, you probably don’t know how to write complex architecture research papers quickly. This can be a real problem, especially if you need to finish your essay quickly. After all, you probably have several other school projects to focus on – not to mention tests and exams. This is why we will give you more than just awesome architecture research paper topics. We will help you with a guide on how to write a great paper quickly:

  • First, go through our architectural research topics and pick the one you like the most.
  • Write a thesis statement. In a sentence, tell your readers what your paper aims to demonstrate.
  • Write an introduction for your essay. This is where you present your thesis statement and tell your audience a bit more about the subject.
  • Write three or more body paragraphs, each dealing with a single idea. Generally, you will start the paragraph with a clear statement and then use the rest of the paragraph to bring evidence in support of your statement.
  • Write a conclusion for your research paper. Most often, it’s enough to restate the thesis and summarize all your findings. Tell your audience how your findings support your thesis and wrap everything up with a call to action (this is optional).
  • Edit your work and delete parts that are redundant, don’t make sense or are simply unnecessary. Add more content to parts that need it.
  • Proofread your work at least twice. Who wants to lose some points over silly mistakes like typos or spelling errors?

Best Architectural Topics for Research

Now that you know what you need to do to write a paper quickly, you probably want to minimize the time you spend searching for architectural topics for research. This is where we can definitely help you. Take a look at our list of 115 awesome architecture paper topics and use as many of them as you like. All of them are 100% free!

Interesting Questions About Architecture

Here are some interesting questions about architecture that should fire up your creative engine:

  • What are the costs of an architect?
  • Is concrete obsolete in 2023?
  • How long does it take to design a unique skyscraper?
  • What are the worst architectural mistakes of the 1900s?
  • What does an architect really do?
  • How do you pick the right architect for a major project?
  • What is the worst thing about architecture in the UK?
  • Is architecture an artistic profession?
  • What are the expected advancements in architecture in 2023?
  • How long will we continue to use steel?
  • What are the best ways to design a skyscraper?
  • Is architecture a creative profession?
  • Why is planning a bridge so difficult?

Easy Research Topics in Architecture

If you don’t want to spend more than a few hours working on your architecture paper, we have a list of easy research topics in architecture right here:

  • A short history of architecture in the United States
  • Discuss urban planning in Eastern Europe
  • Talk about maritime technology
  • Ancient Greek architecture
  • Talk about metal fatigue in skyscrapers
  • Is it difficult being an architect?
  • Ancient Roman architecture
  • The importance of restoring heritage buildings
  • Talk about innovations in bridge design
  • Architecture in Asian countries
  • Planning a new urban park in your neighborhood
  • Discuss climate control in modern buildings
  • Architecture in African countries

Topics Related to Public Structures

Designing public structures is not an easy thing to do, but writing a paper about them shouldn’t be too difficult. Here are some nice topics related to public structures:

  • An in-depth look at the design of the Lincoln Memorial
  • Design the plan of a new bank in your neighborhood
  • Designing a new skyscraper in your city
  • An in-depth look at the design of the Empire State Building
  • Building the latest public service building in the city
  • A space research center in Colorado Springs
  • An in-depth look at the design of the White House
  • Research the design of the United States Capitol building
  • The Golden Gate Bridge: an innovative design

Top Ideas Related to Urban Planning

Interested in talking about urban planning? No problem, we can help. Take a look at our list of top ideas related to urban planning:

  • An in-depth look at bicycle transportation in New York City
  • Research the rational-comprehensive approach to urban planning
  • Housing peculiarities in Scotland
  • Discuss the importance of urban design in 2023
  • Discuss the Concentric Model Zone by Ernest Burgess
  • How can you become a successful urban planner?
  • The importance of landscape in modern urbanism
  • An in-depth look at housing affordability in the UK
  • Planning land use in large cities in North America
  • What is the role of an urban planner?
  • Transport problems in London
  • Discuss the Three Magnets theory by Ebenezer Howard

Architecture Thesis Topics

In case you’ve ran out of ideas for a topic, we have some of the best architecture thesis topics on the Internet. Check out these original ideas:

  • Talk about the latest trends in environmental tech
  • Discuss urban intensification challenges
  • Design a brand new shopping mall in your area
  • An efficient plan of the London transportation system
  • Latest trends in theatre architecture
  • Talk about lighting technology in Egyptian pyramids
  • Common problems when designing a skyscraper
  • Latest advancements in virtual planning

Complex Architectural Topics for Research

We know some students want to try something a bit more difficult to impress their professor. Here are some pretty complex architectural topics for research:

  • Compare urban housing with rural housing in the UK
  • The use of concrete in 2023
  • Modern building technologies
  • The latest building materials
  • Talk about resource use maximization
  • Discuss the impact of environmental technology on architecture
  • Talk about the peculiarities of Islamic architecture
  • Discuss planning a new school in a rural area

Great Architecture Thesis Ideas

If you are preparing to start working on your thesis, you will be thrilled to learn that we have a list of great architecture thesis ideas for you:

  • Talk about the theories behind resilient designs
  • Solving traffic congestions in New York City
  • Building materials of the future
  • Talk about sustainable rural development
  • What are the principles of lightweight architecture?
  • Materials used in ancient architecture
  • The importance of using domes in your designs
  • How can you make architecture an art?

Interesting Topics Related to Architecture

This is where our writers and editors selected the most interesting ideas. Check out our most interesting topics related to architecture:

  • Talk about the rehabilitation of an ancient structure
  • The design of Egyptian temples
  • What do you think architecture will look like in 100 years?
  • Indoor air quality and architecture
  • Historic French architecture peculiarities
  • How can you maximize usable space in your designs?
  • Talk about constructing in extreme weather conditions
  • How important are arches in 2023?

Interior Design Topics

If you want your research paper to be about something in interior design, our experts have compiled a list of unique interior design topics for you:

  • Is interior design a dying industry?
  • Talk about how people perceive colors
  • The latest decorating styles in the UK
  • The best color combinations in 2023
  • Latest trends in interior design
  • Differences in interior design in 3 different countries
  • Talk about the rise of statement ceilings
  • Curves instead of straight lines in 2023

Good Topics for High School Students

Our list wouldn’t be complete without a section of good topics for high school students. Check out these ideas and take your pick:

  • Discuss why arches are important
  • Is interior design a part of architecture?
  • How do domes influence modern designs?
  • Design a simple living space
  • Design a new stadium in your area
  • What is lightweight architecture?
  • Talk about Roman concrete

Awesome Ideas for College

Are you a college student looking for top notch topics for his next architecture research paper? Check out these great awesome ideas for college:

  • What is the most important building material today?
  • Discuss the creation of 3D architectural designs
  • Discuss about weather effects on buildings
  • Common problems designing a hospital
  • How did Covid-19 influence architecture?
  • Talk about the use of technology in architecture
  • The importance of virtual planning

Thesis Topics Related to Cultural Facilities

If you want to write your next paper on something related to culture, we have some of the best thesis topics related to cultural facilities:

  • Design a new library in your city
  • How important is the design of a cultural facility?
  • Designing multidisciplinary spaces in 2023
  • The concept of resonating with people
  • The importance of integrating nature into your designs
  • Making effective use of land in your designs
  • Designing a worship center worthy of an award

Controversial Architecture Topics

Of course, we encourage every student to write about controversial topics. In fact, we have some very interesting controversial architecture topics right here:

  • The design and building of the Sagrada Familia
  • The lack of a national building code in Nigeria
  • Discuss the problems involved with collaborative processes
  • Trust issues in the modern world of architecture
  • An in-depth look at the Scottish Parliament Building
  • Is a good architect a good designer?
  • Are building codes in the US flawed?

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Our trustworthy academic writers are ready to help high school, college and university students with their architecture essays and research papers right now. Getting high quality writing help online is now easier than ever. Our professionals and PhD-holding writers have been creating custom academic content that professors love for over 10 years, so we know what we’re doing.

Does this mean you can write my paper fast and cheap? Yes, we can! Writing a thesis architecture professors appreciate can be really difficult, we know. However, we want to assure you that we will help every student do a great job and get a top grade on his next essay or research paper. Get in touch with us today and get a nice discount on your first order!

political science research topics


How to Write an Ideal Architecture Essay

architecture essay titles

Composing a strong essay on architecture is far from easy. You will probably not have to write an essay of this type unless you are an architecture student, and when you do, you might find it hard to get your hands on relevant guidelines even if you’d like to  buy essay online . That is precisely the gap this article aims to fill.

Getting started on your essay

Being unable to find a head-start is one of the most common difficulties a writer faces when it comes to devising an essay. Brainstorming ideas for choosing a topic is pressure in itself. If you get overwhelmed just by the thought of it, you are not alone. When it comes to essays about architecture, the field is undoubtedly broad and requires you to narrow down the scope of your focus. This is the first step you need to nail in order to come up with a good essay. You can put in all the effort, but it will go all in vain if the basic idea that you started with was not as impactful. You should check out Edu Jungles to find some high-level essays to get inspiration from. For this purpose, you need to zero in on a subject that can be broken down based on time period, geographical location, and style. This will provide you with the much-needed structure of your essay. Once you have it a decent idea about the direction you need your ship needs to be steered in, try shortlisting smaller topics in the subcategory. Depending on your interest, previous knowledge, and availability of sources decide a topic for crafting your essay.

Now that you would have a decent idea about the topic you are interested in, it is time to research.  Dive into the journals, encyclopedias and articles that you can find. It can be from your college’s library or a reliable source on the internet. Any source would do as long as it has credibility and quality. Do not forget to keep switching between the research work and the architecture thesis statement that you settled on in the previous step.This will prevent you from getting sidetracked. For example, you are writing on a specific architectural structure or maybe describing the works of a famous architect in history. You may include the description of the aesthetics of a famous building and start building your essay from there. Once satisfied with your research proficiency, move to the planning of the structure of your essay. Needless to say, it will depend on the audience of your work. So keep in mind the requirements and expectations of the evaluator before starting working on your masterpiece.  You have to be strategical and tactical when it comes to choosing the style. Mostly, you will be asked to follow an analytical style.

Tap into Creative Writing Skills

While crafting this type of essay, you need to be proficient with relevant vocabulary and describing words. It is the demand of an architecture paper, and there is no way around it. Now think about this, you are describing a future project to your professor or employer. You must be in the position and have the skillset to convey the vision to them just like you have in your mind. It is the way you will be pitching your idea. Unlike other types of essays, you must learn using adjectives effectively. You need to present visual imagery in such a way that the listener or reader lives vicariously through your beautifully woven words. It is an art form that not everybody can master but if you are here taking the initiative, consider it half the battle won. If you find yourself weak in this department, take support and get pre-written essays and learn to master the art of essay writing.

architecture essay titles

Writing an introduction

When you start building an essay, the first thing that needs to be perfected will be your introductory paragraph.  Try to encapsulate the essential idea of the essay in no more than five sentences. However, you need to ensure that these statements are compelling enough to get the reader engrossed and convinced to read till the end. Here you will also have to include your thesis statement. Let us take a look at a few persuasive architecture thesis statement examples.

“Cities should allow for open spaces and structures that go well with surroundings” or maybe something along the lines of explaining the structure of a building and the reason for its prominence. Ensure that whatever you decide to go with has a debatable element. The reader does not want you to parrot back to them. Instead, they want your take on the subject.

  The body of the essay

These paragraphs should aim to concisely articulate one fact at the least, with having enough evidence to support your thesis. Now that you are learning ways of crafting essay effectively, it is highly encouraged to add your original thoughts.  This will help your work stand out and bring an element of uniqueness to it. You have to convey your ability to produce academically coherent and sharp content through the main sections of this essay. You can always start from a draft and work your way up to a well-thought-out essay. Do not lose the focus of the paper; this is where the planning helps.

Concluding paragraph

Lastly, conclude your architecture-based essay in such a way that it recapitulates the idea behind it.  This section is just as significant as the others and needs your attention to detail for perfecting it. It aims to stress your point one last time to leave a lasting impact on the reader. Summarize the highlights of your essay in one final paragraph and write it in a thought-provoking and persuasive manner. Try not to elongate this to prevent losing effectiveness. Now that you are done with it, did you think you could submit it already? -Absolutely not. Even the experts emphasize on the significance of proofreading. Go through your essay multiple times to catch any possible mistakes and check for coherence while you are at it. You can even ask a reliable person to do it for you for an unbiased review.

With these steps followed, you are surely going to entice the evaluator. You will be able to write an essay that would linger in their heads for quite a while. With that said, nothing can be perfected without patience and hard work. Start practicing and see yourself emerge as an excellent future architect.

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Describing Architecture in Writing: Tips for Successful Essay Writing

architecture essay titles

At times, the main learning problem of a student is a certain academic subject. For example, many students have problems with writing essays on architecture. It is a very interesting and important field of human activity. All the buildings that surround us are the products of architects and engineers. Therefore, architecture should be taken seriously. Some students believe that it is too complicated for academic writing.

An academic writing expert and famous blogger, Lauren Bradshaw, has an interesting opinion about this crucial matter.  She is employed at CustomWritings , which is a highly reputed essay writing company that hires only the best academic experts online. Accordingly, we can trust the experience of Lauren. Here is what she says: “You should not take architecture as something complicated. It is enough to know the specifications of this direction. When it comes to writing essays in this direction, simply stick to the common rules of essay writing” . The author tells us to simply use common writing methods. No matter what subject you cover, they are universal and work for every academic direction perfectly. We will highlight them in our informative guide.

Know What to Write About

A good topic is half of the successfully written essay. That is why you are expected to select it carefully. One of the best topics for architecture essays is the existing styles. There are 15 of them, and so each is popular and interesting to write about. Make allowances for the next styles in architecture:

  • Neoclassical;
  • Greek Revival;
  • Industrial;
  • Arts and Crafts;
  • Contemporary;
  • Beaux-Arts;
  • Italianate.

Be sure to research whatever style you opt for. It is crucial to know all its peculiarities, differences, and similarities compared to other styles, history of development, value, and so on.

Have a Regular Practice

No matter what topic you opt for, your writing skills are supposed to be advanced to meet the tough demands of academic writing. You ought to polish them every day for at least 2 hours every day. Try various writing techniques to be armed with all the necessary methods and knowledge.

Be sure to learn theories as well. They can be found in various educational materials. Find them on the Internet and read them for free. You may find vital tips and tricks in:

  • Textbooks, etc.

You may find them on such sites as WikiHow, Google Scholar, and so on.

Write a Strong Thesis Statement

When you write a good thesis statement, you have the foundation of the entire project. It is a one-sentence statement, which clarifies the main purpose of your essay. You may build the entire project around this crucial statement.

Be sure it is clear and straight to the point. You should not write such sentences as: “Architecture is important”. Your thesis statement should be something like these variations:

  • Comparison between classical and neoclassical architecture helps to understand the development of the industry.
  • Architects make our lives convenient, safe, and vivid.

Remark: Mind that your thesis statement may be altered after you complete the essay. Perhaps the initial assumptions will be a bit different and so you will have to make some slight adjustments. Nevertheless, it will be the trunk of the tree. Other parts of the essay will be its branches and leaves.

Make It Readable

It is vital to make your text flow and be pleasant to the eye. This task is one of the most important parts of essay writing for any academic field. We would like to provide several universal tips to make texts be natural, logical, and comprehensive. Make allowances for the next essentials:

  • Choose the right lexicon . Give heed to the words you use in your essay. They must belong to architecture. You should also avoid all unknown words, slang, and jargon. If you use a specific and narrow architecture term, be sure to explain it to your readers. Use exact and clear examples.
  • Do not overuse the passive voice . It is better to stick to the active voice. Compared to passive constructions, it requires fewer words, and they are more dynamic to make the text livelier. Passive constructions suit better lab reports or research papers.
  • Do not think with clichés . Your papers are expected to be original and creative. It is impossible if you use stereotypes and clichés. Avoid them at all costs.
  • Make smooth transitions . You should make logical transitions to the next chapters of the story. You cannot end a thought abruptly. Be sure the next paragraph is a logical continuation of the previous one.
  • Do not overload paragraphs with too many theses . You should not try to cram several claims into a single paragraph. Ideally, you should cover one sub-thesis at a time.

Use a Good Outline

The smartest students always have a plan when they write essays. A plan or an outline of an essay structures the entire text and makes you organized. Every time you forget about what comes next, you should only take a look at the plan to continue your writing. Your plan should consist of the following points:

  • Main writing stages – introduction, main plot, and conclusion.
  • Working tools – pens, papers, notebook, cell phone, tablet, etc.
  • Deadlines – realistic timing for every section.
  • Descriptions – what should be done in every section.

It is necessary to reread your paper at least twice or thrice. Thus, you will avoid potential drawbacks. When you revise your essays, you can spot weak argumentation, illogical concepts, grammar mistakes, and so on. Apply various methods of essay revision:

  • Reading in the head, aloud, backward, etc.
  • Checking with grammar checkers and editors.
  • Ask others to read your essays.

Use Custom Writing Assistance

If you feel you cannot handle this task properly, you may use the help of a reliable custom writing agency. It surely has hundreds of professional writers who specialize in different academic fields, including architecture.

Their skills are advanced, and they know how to handle all essay types. Just tell what should be done, and a qualified expert will fulfill all your needs. Thus, you will get an A+ grade.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, the subject of an essay you write does not really matter. We have highlighted universal tips and tricks that help to complete essays in architecture successfully. If your command of the subject is high, and you know where to find relevant information, the process of writing will be an easy stroll in a local park for you.

By Liliana Alvarez

  • Describing Architecture in Writing

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Indeed, the speed and magnitude of the transformations that digital media have undergone, and in turn, driven, provide the opportunity to begin documenting the history of the digital era and its impact on architecture.

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The Space Age Aesthetic: Influencing Architecture and Interiors

The Space Age Aesthetic: Influencing Architecture and Interiors - Featured Image

The dawn of nuclear power , dramatic advances in rocketry, and the desire to be the first to put men into space and on the moon, kick-started an era known as the ‘Space Age’ . Upon the closure of WW2, both the Soviets and the Allies found themselves in a state of antagonism, as they both began to struggle to make advancements in space exploration before the other, a race for space. The era would give way to rapid advancements in technology and huge accomplishments including the moon landing in 1969 . The Space Age aesthetic completely changed the way designers visualized the new world and left a dramatic impression on architecture and interiors. A new vision of futurism and prosperity.

The Space Age Aesthetic: Influencing Architecture and Interiors - Image 1 of 4

Why Francis Kéré Won the Pritzker Prize?

Why Francis Kéré Won the Pritzker Prize? - Image 1 of 4

Last Tuesday, March 15, Francis Kéré became the first African architect to win the Pritzker Prize , the most important award in the architecture discipline.

The election of Kéré is not only symbolic in a time of identity demands, where the institutions that make up the mainstream are required to more faithfully represent the social, cultural, and sexual realities that make up our societies, but it also confirms the recent approach of the Pritzker Prize jury.

Why Francis Kéré Won the Pritzker Prize? - Image 2 of 4

Architecture as Sexual Technology

Architecture as Sexual Technology - Featured Image

By defining sexuality as one of several sexual technologies, Michel Foucault has expanded our understanding of sex. This way, the relationship between architecture and the body is shaped not only by the built object, with its various spatial mechanisms for the production of bodies, but also by thinking, in the form of academic discourse. And vice versa, since gender and sexuality also impact architectural theory. One way or another, these relationships are very rich and capable of expanding our knowledge about architecture and the creation of generic sexed bodies.

Before “Colonial” There Was Immigrant Architecture in North America

Before “Colonial” There Was Immigrant Architecture in North America - Featured Image

There is an architecture of the migrant. It is survivalist, built with what is available, made as quickly as possible, with safety as its core value. Americans romanticize that architecture as “Colonial”: simple timber buildings, with symmetric beginnings, infinite additions, and adaptations. But “Colonial” architecture is not what was built first by the immigrants to a fully foreign land 400 years ago. Like all migrant housing, time made it temporary and forgotten.

Queer Looks On Architecture: From Challenging Identity-Based Approaches To Spatial Thinking

Queer Looks On Architecture: From Challenging Identity-Based Approaches To Spatial Thinking - Featured Image

A growing number of theorists and practitioners have been discussing the impact of gender and race on the profession and theory of architecture. Issues linked to the relationship between the built environment, sexual orientation, and gender identity, however, remain particularly understudied, perhaps because of their relative invisibility and less clearly identifiable discriminatory consequences. Moreover, they are also completely neglected by design theory in the Francophone world. This article partially remedies the situation.

Architecture Out of the Closet

Architecture Out of the Closet - Featured Image

Architecture can be many things, also queer. Alongside many other transgressing words that carry different meanings and perspectives, this term triggers new insights into society and questions how we create architecture and urban planning projects, including their programs and activities. If there is any statement about how architecture should be done, if there is any conviction about what it represents, we wish here to avoid knowing what it is and be able to question its traditions to broaden the profession, its meanings, and social representation.

Living On the Edge: Why We’re Attracted to Places Where the Manmade Abuts the Natural

Living On the Edge: Why We’re Attracted to Places Where the Manmade Abuts the Natural - Featured Image

This article was originally published on Common Edge as "Living on the Edge."

I am on the edge. Not emotionally or psychologically—although this could be the case—but literally, physically, spatially, geographically. As I write this, I am sitting on the balcony of a hotel room in Miami Beach, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Behind me is the whole State of Florida and, indeed, the entire North American continent. In front of me: the boardwalk, a narrow beach, and then a lot of water—and not much else between here and Mauritania, a distance of more than 4,400 miles.

architecture essay titles

"As Long as There Are Human Beings and their Challenges, There Will Be Architecture": In Conversation with Ole Bouman

"As Long as There Are Human Beings and their Challenges, There Will Be Architecture": In Conversation with Ole Bouman - Featured Image

Believing firmly that "architecture is [...] too important to leave solely to architects", Ole Bouman embarked on diverse activities throughout his three decades of work , reflecting on “architecture, not so much as the art or technique of making buildings, but architecture as the intelligent way to organize our lives on earth, and infuse it with purpose”.

After having shared Bouman's essay Finding Measure , ArchDaily had the chance to discuss with Design Society ’s founding director his thoughts on the role of architecture, the current challenges of the world, the digital revolution, and many other thought-provoking topics.

"As Long as There Are Human Beings and their Challenges, There Will Be Architecture": In Conversation with Ole Bouman - Image 1 of 4

"Architecture not Exclusively for Architects": Ole Bouman on Finding Measure

"Architecture not Exclusively for Architects": Ole Bouman on Finding Measure - Featured Image

“We can all be designers ” states Ole Bouman , one of the most influential figures in the world of Architecture. Implicated in the contemporary architectural discourse, the founding director of Design Society , in Shenzhen , China has introduced, since the 1990s, many design concepts, founded culture brands, and took on institutional roles all over the world.

Previously the director of the NAi - Netherlands Architecture Institute and the creative director of the Urbanism/Architecture Bi-City Biennale of Shenzhen/Hong Kong , the Dutch-German historian, writer, publisher, photographer, curator, lecturer, and practitioner in design and architecture, has gathered three decades of work in a platform , highlighting the interaction “ between a life and history unfolding ”. Read on to discover Ole Bouman ’s Finding Measure essay, extracted from his website , and stay tuned for A rchDaily’s exclusive interview with Design Society’s founding director , discussing present and future, and tackling the role of architecture, the current challenges of the world, the digital revolution and many other thought-provoking topics.

The Precarious State of the Mom-and-Pop Store

The Precarious State of the Mom-and-Pop Store - Featured Image

This article was originally published on Common Edge.

Few businesses in the United States are regarded with more fondness than mom-and-pop retailers. There’s an “all’s right with the world” quality about owner-run shops that meet a neighborhood’s everyday needs and, through repeated face-to-face exchanges, help people feel they’re members of a mutually supportive community. And yet for a long time, mom-and-pop stores have been under stress. In the half-century after 1950, cars shifted much of United States’s retailing to unwalkable roadside strips and winnowed the ranks of neighborhood-scale mom-and-pops. In the past two decades, the burgeoning of the internet has intensified the pressure on brick-and-mortar retail, a situation worsened by the pandemic.

The Chase Residence: The History Behind One of Texas' Most Radical Houses

The Chase Residence: The History Behind One of Texas' Most Radical Houses - Featured Image

The following text is excerpted from John S. Chase — The Chase Residence (Tower Books, 2020) by architect and University of Texas professor David Heymann and historian and Rice University lecturer Stephen Fox. Richly illustrated with archival materials and new drawings, the book is the first devoted to Chase, who was the first Black licensed architect in Texas. The study is divided into two parts, with Heymann examining the personal, social, and architectural significance of Chase’s own Houston house and Fox describing Chase’s architectural career.

This excerpt draws on Heymann’s analysis and highlights the first incarnation of the Chase Residence (Chase substantially altered its architecture in 1968). It places great emphasis on the house’s remarkable courtyard, a modernist innovation, and a singular statement about domestic living at the time. New section, elevation, and perspective drawings prepared for the book help illustrate the ingenuity of the house’s configuration. Finally, the excerpt was selected in part to honor Drucie (Rucker) Chase, who passed away in January of 2021.

architecture essay titles

The Case for a Feeling Architecture

The Case for a Feeling Architecture - Featured Image

My mother is a psychologist, so our family talks a lot about emotion. More specifically, we discuss the experience of emotion, because, as she  likes to remind me and my sisters, “We don’t  think  our feelings—we  feel  them, in our bodies.” According to my mother, it’s this experience of emotion that gives our lives a sense of meaning and vitality; as a result, her work isn’t about intellectual insight or abstract theories, but rather about giving her patients a new experience of themselves in the world.

Tech, Class, Cynicism, and Pandemic Real Estate

Tech, Class, Cynicism, and Pandemic Real Estate - Featured Image

It didn’t take long for the coronavirus pandemic to inspire both cutting-edge architectural design solutions and broad speculation about future developments in the field. Many of the realized innovations have been contracted by or marketed to the real estate sector. But as firms compete to provide pandemic comforts to rich tenants, the COVID-19 technology that directly affects working-class communities is mostly limited to restrictive measures that fail to address already-urgent residential health hazards or administrative conveniences for developers that allow them to circumvent public scrutiny. These changes had been long-planned, but they have found a new license under the pretext of coronavirus precaution. In terms of “corona grifting,” this sort of thing takes the cake.

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Best 170 Architecture Thesis Topics For All Students

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Architecture thesis topics may be difficult to find because there are so many subjects and possible topics. However, good thesis topics for architecture are the ones that you have a personal interest in. Before picking architecture thesis topics, you also need to ask yourself if the topic is significant or realistically doable.

Choosing Thesis Topics For Architecture

Architecture thesis projects topics, master of architecture thesis topics, industrial architecture thesis topics, institutional architecture thesis topics, sustainable architecture thesis topics.

What is the best way to choose dissertation topics? This guide will highlight how to pick interesting architectural thesis topics. Here are some factors to consider when searching for architecture thesis project ideas :

Pick a Topic That Interests You

While picking creative architecture thesis topics, you need to opt for a topic that you are personally interested in. You can easily get bored with your undergraduate architecture thesis projects, that is why you need something that you are passionate about. It will help you to stay motivated and inspired to create a unique project.

Set a Small Scope

It can be tempting to pick dissertation topics in architecture that are too expansive. This reduces the delivery time. It is safer to start with a simple version of the topic and includes some complexity later if necessary.

Find Architecture Thesis Topics That Reflect Your Skills

Everyone has unique skill sets that they have developed over time. There is no single person who is perfect at everything. When you know your technical and creative capabilities, you will be able to pick thesis topics in architecture that employs your expertise.

Can You Find Enough Research On The Topic?

Unusual architectural thesis topics require lots of research and analysis before starting. Therefore, it is essential to pick an area of study with a substantial amount of work already done. It will help you to easily analyze, compare, and draw conclusions.

Balance It Between Art And Science

While searching for architecture dissertation topics, students often dig themselves a grave. They tend to view the project as a culmination of a long program rooted deep in art and theory. You need to pick a topic that balances art and science. It shouldn’t be too abstract, so your teacher will know that you understand the issues raised.

Don’t Forget To Tie It To Your Plans For The Future

Your architecture thesis topics should be aligned with your plans. It should reflect your experience or interest in a specialized subject. It will play an important role as a part of your portfolio.

Pick Architecture Thesis Topics That Solve A Real Problem

Your thesis topics architecture ideas shouldn’t just be theoretical, they should also solve a real-world problem. The world struggles with several issues, such as population growth, climate change, and a lack of proper distribution of resources. So, find a topic that can solve a socio-environmental problem using design intervention.

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  • Cinema and theatre architecture
  • Suburban homes for multi-families
  • Multimedia film city
  • Gaming and Animation studio
  • Aquarium-Aqua display and design
  • Marine park design
  • Lightning excellence center
  • MTRS study and station
  • Modern art museum
  • Convention center
  • Automobile training center
  • Archaeological survey institute
  • Luxury beach-facing apartments
  • The bus terminal with a commercial complex
  • School of art & design
  • Cruise terminal design
  • Bio-climatic buildings
  • Media center
  • Cricket stadium display
  • Disaster management institute
  • Resort design
  • Polo retreat
  • Television and film institute
  • The transit system as well as the possible improvements
  • Educational Institute for all rural children
  • A local heritage site
  • The lighting system in the Egyptian Pyramids
  • Film city studios, gaming area as well its structure
  • Underwater restaurants in different parts of the globe for light, electricity, and sanitation.
  • The transformation node found at the Lancaster
  • The heat/cooling systems in beach huts
  • Checking pressure and oxygen levels for building tourists spots
  • Fashion Fiesta Paris
  • The Golden Gate and architecture
  • An archaeologist’s point of view of China from a survey of China
  • WHO’s headquarters and renovation
  • The ideal environment for a Rehab
  • Russian fairytale-style homes and huts
  • A clear insight into the auto industry
  • Installing swimming pools in a mall
  • Training centers for adults in Texas
  • Buildings for religious purposes
  • Comparing contemporary vs. traditional housing
  • Deconstructing a typical school to make room for collaboration and creativity
  • Apartments for couples
  • Multifamily suburban homes
  • The power of air: leaving closed windows for good
  • Semidetached and row houses
  • Staying on the budget while creating an architectural masterpiece
  • Single-family suburban homes
  • Hotels and residence
  • Single-family country homes
  • Developing healthy living spots in third-world countries
  • Design of Ruled Surfaces.
  • A method to design the kinetic planar surface using mathematical tessellation techniques.
  • Waterfront development of an exhibition center
  • Bio-inspired design for adaptable structures
  • Construction of time conception
  • A critical view of architecture – is it sustainable?
  • Analytical studies of design potentials in architecture
  • Determination of the concept of place in the built environment’s reproduction process
  • Aqua display/Research Center
  • Forest Research/Training Institute
  • Archaeological Survey of Canada – Research and Training Institute
  • Luxury Sea-front Studios at Ottawa
  • Digital Morphogenesis as well as Its Implementation
  • Bio-climatic Tower
  • Mass rapid transit system study and station
  • Designing organic structures to withstand time
  • Showing culture in structures
  • Maximizing size in miniature apartments
  • Architectural trends at most transportation hubs
  • Redefining a city with architecture
  • Renovating century-old structures without losing the culture
  • Outdoor architecture: creating getaways in small backyards.

A master of architecture qualification provides students with the relevant knowledge, skills, and values needed to enter the architecture sector and pursue opportunities and careers in this profession for master thesis help . It focuses on developing the ability to adapt to change in the diverse and critical world we live in. students are allowed to create a speculative and reflective relationship to their work.

  • The introduction of biotechnology in architecture design for adaptable structures.
  • An analytical assessment of mathematical organization methods in active flat surface plans.
  • The consideration of soil and terrain conditions to determine adequate story building locations.
  • A conceptual method for the outline and fabrication of cultural centers and foundations
  • Finding the importance of a town or county’s various buildings and structures.
  • A critical analysis of the architectural techniques used to construct the lighting within the ancient pyramids of Giza.
  • An evaluation of the restaurants near the coastline in various areas of the country with important consideration on plumbing, air supply, and lighting.
  • An analysis of China’s Great Wall with consideration of the structure’s historical significance.
  • Understanding the impact of certain architectural codes and protocols on the environment.
  • The possibility to achieve inexpensive house construction plans in first-world countries.
  • Why do the majority of third-world countries have substandard housing structures?
  • A case study on the significance of all learners of architecture in the profession.
  • An analysis of the primary conditions that affect buildings in places that are susceptible to earthquakes.
  • Building methods and consideration for constructions with the ability to endure natural disasters.
  • A detailed report of the Twin Towers and the popularity of skyscraper construction.
  • The significance of applied science in defining modern housing from traditional examples.
  • Using records in architecture to understand the history of the profession.
  • A critical analysis of architectural photography.
  • The evaluation of cost considerations in architectural specifications and estimations.
  • What motivates different architectural drawings and concepts.
  • Case studies on sustainable modern design structures.
  • The importance of digital mapping and concepts in architecture.
  • Methods of limiting energy loss.

Industrial architecture is a branch of architecture that is used for the design of industrial buildings. These buildings need to be designed with consideration of their main purpose, which is to process raw materials. Their designs need to prioritize safety and optimal function over aesthetics and exterior appeal.

With the increased evolution taking place in technology today, industrial buildings and their designs need to adapt and keep up. This is why it calls for more research and consideration since industrial buildings are a need for modern society.

  • Waterfront development – Beach convention and exhibition centers.
  • Design of ruled surfaces.
  • Construction of time conception in the architectural realm.
  • A critical view of sustainable architecture.
  • Determination of Place concept in the reproduction process of the built environment.
  • Analytical study of the design potentials in kinetic architecture.
  • Is deconstructive architecture useful?
  • How did brutalism and contemporary architectures influence the world?
  • Current trends in parametric architecture.
  • How will traditional industrial structures be made more environmentally friendly and sustainable?
  • Industrial architecture’s evolution.
  • A critical analysis of the Dockland building, Germany.
  • What purpose does industrial architecture play in creating a safe environment?
  • Where do the professions of car construction and manufacturing come together?
  • Industrial architecture during the industrial revolution.
  • Evaluation of daylight in office buildings.
  • Analysis of different lifestyle interactions.
  • The purpose of reinforced concrete skeleton systems and earthquake’s effect on them.
  • The future of architecture with the consideration of space exploration.
  • The purpose of environmental science and social anthropology in architecture.
  • Making architecture design studios relevant in the technological era.
  • Extra skills are necessary for working on complex architectural projects.
  • How collaboration is helping architectures achieve complex structural needs.

This is the branch of architecture that deals with environmental, social, and economic factors. This profession is based on various rules and traditions that were passed down for centuries. It grants architects the ability to find new ways to innovate the architectural industry.

Over time, the design for buildings all over the world evolves and is influenced by different cultures and styles. This can give the structure of the building different meanings and provides various opportunities to discuss its design and reason to be built.

  • Theme parks and attractions
  • Religious buildings
  • Auditoriums
  • Sport facilities
  • Art galleries
  • Cultural centers and foundations
  • School and universities
  • Bars and discotheques
  • Shopping malls
  • Theaters and cinemas
  • Restaurants
  • Transportation thesis on airports
  • Train stations
  • Urban transport
  • Promenades and streets
  • Urban parks
  • Stores and showrooms
  • Peripheral parks
  • Urban monuments and land art

Sustainable architecture is the use of various plans and techniques to withstand the negative effect on the environment of modern man-made structures. Architects would take all aspects of the project, from landscape to water drainage, and determine the best way for the building to function with the least impact on the environment. These buildings and designs need to ensure that they are functional, appealing to the eye, and have as little carbon footprint as possible.

  • Neighborhood development
  • Community garden concepts
  • Waste recycling facilities
  • Heritage building restoration
  • Rehabilitation housing
  • Riverfront development
  • SMART village
  • Net-Zero energy building
  • Bermed structure
  • Regenerative design
  • Urban Agriculture center
  • Revitalizing abandoned mills and processing buildings
  • Eco-tourism facilities
  • Revival of an old building
  • Repurpose a building
  • Redevelopment of a slum
  • Vertical farm
  • Wetland restoration
  • Energy efficiency in buildings
  • How the location of the building is necessary for sustainability

Picking one of the topics above may help you get a head start on your paper. However, if you still need dissertation writing help, you can find professionals to help you with fresh ideas to work on.

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  • Roman Architecture Essays

Roman Architecture Essays (Examples)

344+ documents containing “roman architecture” .


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Roman architecture.

Roman public architecture contained elements derived from both Greek and Etruscan traditions. Spatially, Roman architecture shows a development from closed, simple space units and regular articulation to more complex spatial relations, more fluid interpenetration of spaces, and more rhythmic organization of space and mass. New materials, such as concrete with brick and stone facing and marble veneers, sculptural decoration, and walls painted with illustration helped to further enhance the early Roman architecture. A characteristic feature of Roman design was the combined use of arcuated and trabeated construction. Although at first tentatively employed in the spaces between the classical columns, the arch eventually came to be the chief structural element. Flanking columns, usually engaged and superimposed served merely as buttresses or for decoration. The building of Roman architecture was aided after the invention of concrete. Using this material, architects covered vast interior spaces with vaults of increasing complexity and without interior….

Roman Architecture Ancient Romans Introduced

Daniel J. Boorstin, (1992) explains how omans made use of marble, concrete and bricks to hold their structures together, "By the time of Augustus, marble, used in oman buildings mainly in slabs for facing or in decorative fragments for mosaics or pavements, was a material more cosmetic than structural. Like stucco, it covered a solid core of brick and concrete. Yet it was concrete that made ome's grand and distinctive buildings possible. Bricks, one of the most ancient and familiar building materials, when added in the concrete gave character, novelty and grandeur to oman works. Bricks embedded in concrete helped hold together grand new shapes." Apart from the Colosseum there are several other beautiful buildings in ome that remind us of ancient architects who achieved so much with few resources and facilities. The reason why these buildings have withstood the test of time is because of the use of a special….

1) Roman architecture., the Columbia Encyclopedia, Fifth Edition, 01-01-1993

2) Daniel J. Boorstin, the Creators., U.S. News & World Report, 08-31-1992, pp. 74-103.

3) Yegul, Fikret, Hadrian's Villa and Its Legacy. Vol. 79, the Art Bulletin, 09-01-1997, pp 547(4).

4) Roman Colosseum:

Greek & Roman Architecture Roman

The city became filled with triumphal arches commemorating great victories of generals and emperors, like the Triumphal Arches of Titus, Constantine, and Septimus. Thus, in contrast to ancient Greece, civic leaders as well as the gods were consecrated in images near every public dwelling. Roman building materials were also different. Unlike the Greeks, Roman builders could not use marble all the time, because it had become expensive. But the Romans had developed concrete, in addition to their terracotta, stone and brick. Concrete was another example of a superior Roman technological reform. It was "made by mixing pazzolana, a strong volcanic material with rubble and a mixture of limes. The concrete was used to make walls, domes, vaulted roofs of solid concrete, concrete with brick ribs and faced structure" ("Roman Architecture," Romans Page, 2008). The use of the arch, along with the development of new building materials enabled Romans to create aqueducts,….

Works Cited

Ancient Roman Architecture." Crystal Links. 12 Apr 2008. 

Roman Architecture." Romans Page. 12 Apr 2008.

St Madeleine Church Roman Architecture Romanesque Art

St. Madeleine Church Roman Architecture Romanesque art and architecture was the true depiction of mediaeval Christian art and was in full boom in the 12th century. The term Romanesque, points to the principal source of the style and the buildings of the Roman Empire. In addition to classical elements, however, Roman church architecture is derived from components of Byzantine and Eastern origin. French Architecture French Romanesque architecture is characterized by (French Architecture) 1 various vaulted styles. Provencal churches have pointed domes and facades decorated with tiers of wall arcades filled with sculpture. In the Auvergne region in central France, architects built churches containing a long choir with side aisles and, around the semicircular sanctuary, an arcaded ambulatory semicircular aisle) with radiating chapels. In Burgundy the barrel-vaulted, three-aisled basilica was highly developed. Norman architects, influenced by Lombardian methods, created an original style with groined vaults supported by flying buttresses, and facades with two high, flanking towers." St.….

French Architecture,

Vezelay: The Great Romanesque Church, 


Eglise St. Madeleine (St. Madeleine Church),

Roman History Rome v Carthage

After this, there could have been very little perceived threat left; not only were the Carthaginian's surrendering rather peacefully, but they were even giving up their means of waging war effectively. The giving up of weapons in an age when manufacture and shipping -- the two methods by which any commodity, military or otherwise, can be obtained -- took an extended period of time meant that the Carthaginians were showing themselves to desire peace not only in the short-term, but as a general social principle. Their submission to the Romans, then, should have been the end of the war. If the reason behind Rome's military invasion of the Carthaginian territory was the possible threat the area presented to Rome, then its disarmament would have solved that problem. The Romans refused to let the issue go, however, demanding that the entire city of Carthage be destroyed right to the ground. It was the….

Architecture Naves During the Middle Ages --

Architecture Naves During the Middle Ages -- Architectural Analysis Timber Roof From a structural perspective, the basic timber roof possesses some problems, most notably its relatively flimsy structural integrity. It is easy to construct, requiring less manpower to lift it and to construct its support network, but provides relatively little resistance to the elements of snow and the wind. It is functional in the sense that it performs the sheltering function of shielding the building's inner dwellers, and encloses the building from the open air, but aesthetically is not satisfactory in providing the sense of 'reaching up to the sky' so important in Medieval cathedrals of the era, and of some import in castles and other symbolically significant structures. Longitudinal barrel vault This is the simplest form of a vault, consisting of a continuous surface of semicircular or pointed sections. It resembles a barrel or tunnel that has been cut in half lengthwise. It is more….

Medieval Architecture Romanesque vs Gothic

20,21). Romanesque structures tend to be dark and cave-like on the inside. Arches became pointed, rather than rounded as in Roman structures. Gothic architecture represents an advancement in engineering techniques, as builders found that they could do with thinner materials and that roofs could span greater distances. The roofs in Gothic architecture was supported by this new form of arch, rather than by the massive walls, as was done in Romanesque architecture ("Gothic Architecture," pp. 20,21) Gothic structures sported and increased number of towers, flying buttresses, and decorative designs ("Gothic Architecture," pp. 20,21). Gothic architectures indow openings were adorned with either stained glass or the distinctive Gothic Rose indows. Adornments included human figures, animals, scenes of ordinary life, wars, important events, gargoyles and other mythological creatures. Gothic structures were highly ornate when compared to Romanesque Structures. Conclusion Visiting different structures on a trip through Europe can be an exciting adventure. The continent….

Works Cited.

"Gothic Architecture." Athena Review. Vol. 4. No. 2.pp. 20,21. . Accessed October 6, 2010.

Gothic Art. "Worldly Famous Gothic Cathedrals and Key Characteristics of Gothic Cathedrals." . Accessed October 6, 2010.

Sacred Destinations. "Romanesque Architecture." 2010. . Accessed October 6, 2010.

Karim Snoussi Christoph Korner Roman

The architects are not simply referencing a general Neoclassical style but evoking specific elements of Roman architectural style that suggested wealth and success. The Los Angeles Stock Exchange on Spring St. (which no longer houses the stock exchange) includes the neoclassical elements of symmetry and alternating bands of vertical and horizontal elements. It also features three bas-relief panels carved into the granite over the central entrance that reflect Roman and Greek styles of decoration on public buildings. These bas-reliefs, like the carvings on the Continental Building are meant to summon up a certain kind of wealth and triumph, in this case the capitalist economy. Buildings in the Classical world would not have had to be so direct in broadcasting their function and stature. But the architects of this neoclassical building understood that a 20th-century clientele needed more explicit cues (Hickey). Classical buildings shared a common vocabulary that had been lost….

Brain, David. Discipline and style. Theory and society 18: 807-868, 1989.

Carlihan, Jean Paul. The Ecole des Beaux-Arts: Modes and Manners. New York: Association

of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, 1979.

Christ, Karl. The Romans. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984.

History of Architecture Not Only

An integrated system was used in buildings where columns, pilasters, and entablatures came together as support. Arches were also used in building churches and other such structures. Semi-circular or segmental vaults were used which were mostly without ribs. In this era domes were not only used in churches but they were also used in building secular structures. Doors and windows usually had square lintels in the buildings of the era. Cravings and decorations also became prominent part of the structures taking their inspiration from the classic structures. Though Florence was the place where renaissance started but Italy embraced renaissance and effects of classic architecture as opposed to Gothic architecture. enaissance style further gave way to baroque style in the 17th-century. The Georgian style became notable in the 18th-century while the 19th century was given over to the classic revival and the Gothic revival. Conclusions Though our current architecture is derived by….

Architecture History'. Wikipedia Encyclopedia. Available at

Piranesi on Architecture Argument and Summary Giovanni

Piranesi on Architecture: Argument and Summary Giovanni Battista Piranesi, a fantastic writer on Roman architecture, argues, against the contemporaries of his time, for this type of architecture. Such contemporaries would state, on Roman architecture, that "there is no composition that is not full of superfluous ornament, and absolutely hors d'oeuvre. Everything is sacrificed for luxury, and in the end one is left with style that quickly becomes ridiculous and barbarous."[footnoteRef:1] However, Piranesi sticks with his taste, and proves, through a dialogue written by the critic himself, the importance of Roman architecture. Thus, this paper will give a brief summary of the afore-mentioned dialogue and the argument presented. [1: Source given by customer -- Thoughts on Architecture by Giovanni Battista Piranesi (Translation by Michaels Nonis and Mark Epstein) ] The essay presented in this document is called Parere su l'architectura, and provide a clear exposition of the author's thoughts on "ornament and quotation."[footnoteRef:2] According….

How Alberti Palladio and Perrault Changed the Face of Architecture

Architecture Leon attista Alberti and Claude Perrault viewed the beauty and order of architectural in different terms. Alberti's perspective represented the High Renaissance's love of classicism and mathematical precision. Thus, Alberti viewed architectural order and beauty as being rooted in mathematical symmetry and harmony. Perrault, on the other hand, represented a worldview that came two hundred years later, after Europe had already been split apart by the Protestant Reformation, the Scientific Revolution, and now embarked upon the Age of Enlightenment (which would lead directly into the Romantic Era). Perrault's perspective was shaped less by the order and mathematical discipline that Alberti associated with architectural order and more by the perception of beauty and the impression of spatial dimension and order. Perrault understand how the Greeks played tricks on the eyes by adhering not to a formulaic structure but rather to a consideration for the viewer, placing columns, for instance, in….


Alberti, L.B. (1980) On the Art of Building in Ten Books. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Alberti, L.B., Rykwert, J. (1955) Ten Books on Architecture. UK: Tiranti.

Allais, L. (2005) Ordering the Orders, Future Anterior, 2(2): 53-74.

Ching, F., Jarzombek, M., Prakash, V. (2011) A Global History of Architecture. NY:

Oif Columns in Architecture Extends

3. Curriculum or Method of the Study The research methodology that was applied in this study was essentially an inclusive, extensive and comparative overview of the literature on the subject. Various sources were consulted, which included books and scholarly articles on the column in architectural history. Also included in the literature survey was information and data from online databases and verified websites. The information gleaned about columns and their historical context was extrapolated and then entered into a free-from database for further analysis. This resulted in an overall survey of the progression and evolution of various forms and types of columns, from the Egyptian column to the present day. A comparative method of analysis was employed in order to ascertain the commonalities as well as the differences between the various types and forms of this architectural structure. What should also be mentioned is that the focus of the research, and a factor that….

Ancient Roman Architecture. Retrieved from 

Architecture of ancient Greece. Retrieved from 

Barry C. What Are the Types of Architectural Columns? Retrieved from

Column: New World Encyclopaedia. Retrieved from

The Roman Colosseum an Engineering Masterpiece

Engineering the oman Colosseum While the Colosseum stands, ome shall stand; when the Colosseum falls, ome shall fall; when ome falls, the world shall fall. -- The Venerable Bede quoting an Ancient Anglo-Saxon Peasant Prophecy Perhaps the most enduring symbol of the greatness of the oman Empire can be seen today in the ruins of the Colosseum. This massive amphitheatre is situated in the middle of modern ome near the oman Forum and has become an iconic representation of the oman Empire at its zenith. Although estimates vary, analysts believe that at least 50,000 and perhaps as many as 80,000 spectators were accommodated in its capacious dimensions and the Colosseum has become the benchmark by which all subsequent stadia have been judged. Flush with the treasures and riches of Jerusalem, the builders of the Colosseum spared no expense in its design and construction, but despite its impressive seating capacity and functional design,….

Barbi, Gulomar, "The Colosseum," The World and I, 22(9) (2007, September), 37-40.

Burn, Robert, Roman Literature in Relation to Roman Art, London: MacMillan, 1888.

"Colosseum building materials," The Colosseum [online] available:  

architecture in columbus ohio churches

Street in Columbus, Ohio, the humbly named Broad Street Presbyterian Church was built in 1887, but has had several additional architectural elements added since then, including structural and functional spaces beyond the main apse and nave, ranging from a large north side parking area to the multiple annexes and entryways. The Broad Street Presbyterian Church occupies a relatively large footprint, spanning about four acres of urban land. On the south side of the street, the Broad Street Presbyterian Church receives an ample amount of sunlight throughout the day, which gleams and glows as it reflects on its flagstone finish. On its centennial in 1987, the church was formally added to the National Register of Historic Places in spite of its numerous modern additions, solidifying the church in Columbus's urban landscape. In fact, the Broad Street Presbyterian Church shares the street with four other landmark churches in Columbus, all built within….

History in Architecture Because They

They displayed great knowledge of architecture, and their building style had been noteworthy. As the Roman Empire began to take shape, Romans built several wonderful architectural structures for their time. They built city walls, fortifications, temples, bridges, and pavements. Most of the structures were built using large stones which were gently cut. Romans are also among the first nations in the world to have built a functional sewer system. Their remaining of their architectural structures withstood the passing of millennia and survived till today. Christian churches and even apartments buildings were built over Roman temples and other public buildings with some of them, like the Theater of Marcellus being functional even today. orks cited: 1 H.R. Hitchcock, Seton Lloyd, David Talbot Rice, Norbert Lynton, Andrew Boyd, Andrew Carden, Philip Rawson, John Jacobus 1963. "orld Architecture: An Illustrated History." McGraw-Hill. 2. Hamlin, Talbot 1940 "Architecture through the Ages." G.P. Putnam's Sons, H.R. Hitchcock, Seton Lloyd,….

Works cited:

1 H.R. Hitchcock, Seton Lloyd, David Talbot Rice, Norbert Lynton, Andrew Boyd, Andrew Carden, Philip Rawson, John Jacobus 1963. "World Architecture: An Illustrated History." McGraw-Hill.

2. Hamlin, Talbot 1940 "Architecture through the Ages." G.P. Putnam's Sons,

H.R. Hitchcock, Seton Lloyd, David Talbot Rice, Norbert Lynton, Andrew Boyd, Andrew Carden, Philip Rawson, John Jacobus. "World Architecture: An Illustrated History." McGraw-Hill, 1963.

Talbot Hamlin. "Architecture through the Ages." G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1940.



Roman public architecture contained elements derived from both Greek and Etruscan traditions. Spatially, Roman architecture shows a development from closed, simple space units and regular articulation to more…

Daniel J. Boorstin, (1992) explains how omans made use of marble, concrete and bricks to hold their structures together, "By the time of Augustus, marble, used in oman buildings…

The city became filled with triumphal arches commemorating great victories of generals and emperors, like the Triumphal Arches of Titus, Constantine, and Septimus. Thus, in contrast to ancient…

Mythology - Religion

St. Madeleine Church Roman Architecture Romanesque art and architecture was the true depiction of mediaeval Christian art and was in full boom in the 12th century. The term Romanesque, points to…

Research Proposal

Drama - World

After this, there could have been very little perceived threat left; not only were the Carthaginian's surrendering rather peacefully, but they were even giving up their means of waging…

Architecture Naves During the Middle Ages -- Architectural Analysis Timber Roof From a structural perspective, the basic timber roof possesses some problems, most notably its relatively flimsy structural integrity. It is easy…

20,21). Romanesque structures tend to be dark and cave-like on the inside. Arches became pointed, rather than rounded as in Roman structures. Gothic architecture represents an advancement in…

Research Paper

The architects are not simply referencing a general Neoclassical style but evoking specific elements of Roman architectural style that suggested wealth and success. The Los Angeles Stock Exchange on…

An integrated system was used in buildings where columns, pilasters, and entablatures came together as support. Arches were also used in building churches and other such structures. Semi-circular…

Piranesi on Architecture: Argument and Summary Giovanni Battista Piranesi, a fantastic writer on Roman architecture, argues, against the contemporaries of his time, for this type of architecture. Such contemporaries would state,…

Architecture Leon attista Alberti and Claude Perrault viewed the beauty and order of architectural in different terms. Alberti's perspective represented the High Renaissance's love of classicism and mathematical precision.…

3. Curriculum or Method of the Study The research methodology that was applied in this study was essentially an inclusive, extensive and comparative overview of the literature on the subject.…

Engineering the oman Colosseum While the Colosseum stands, ome shall stand; when the Colosseum falls, ome shall fall; when ome falls, the world shall fall. -- The Venerable Bede quoting…

Street in Columbus, Ohio, the humbly named Broad Street Presbyterian Church was built in 1887, but has had several additional architectural elements added since then, including structural and functional…

They displayed great knowledge of architecture, and their building style had been noteworthy. As the Roman Empire began to take shape, Romans built several wonderful architectural structures for their…

Architecture Essay Topics

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Unique Research-based Topics for Architecture

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Have a look at the following mentioned list of topics for research-based art and architecture assignments. Free topics are suggested by the Students Assignment Help to students.

  • New techniques are being used by architectures to design earthquake-resistant infrastructure.
  • How to come up with new ideas for modern infrastructure that do not have any risk of natural casualties.
  • Role of research in the arena of architecture science for the improvement of the building.
  • How the research is done for the development of civil infrastructure varies from that of government infrastructure.
  • The best way of finding improvements in architecture science by the researchers.
  • Process of developing infrastructure by considering differently able people in mind.

Students Assignment Help provide the best college application help to the students. Free topics for architecture essay writings are given to the students by experts.

  • Is it possible to develop earthquake-resistant infrastructure without the help of architecture?
  • Failure of architecture science in hilly areas which are more prone to land sliding.
  • Why do local people of hilly regions prefer to rely on their mansions rather than architecture for infrastructure development?
  • Role of architecture to provide a disaster-free building to the people.
  • How people are coming out of the cocoon of their reserved mentality that architectural help is not important.
  • Scope of architecture science in the coming couple of decades.

Online essay writing services to the students by Students Assignment Help are available for free of cost. Here is a list of topics given below for this purpose by the skilled assignments helper.

  • Challenges that architecture confronts during designing civil architecture.
  • What sort of research is done about soil and region before starting to build an infrastructure on it?
  • Purpose of architectures to research the land before creating any building on it.
  • Is it possible to develop a building on soft soil with the help of architecture science?
  • How natural disasters become the major challenge in hilly areas for the development of infrastructure on it.
  • How soft soil becomes the major obstruction to design an infrastructure on it.

Here are a few more essay topics on architecture assignments. Have a look at them for writing your assignments. Come to our team of experts and get the Best essay help example  from us.

  • What is the biggest challenge that architecture is facing nowadays?
  • What are the new techniques being used by the architectures for coming up with new infrastructure of improved quality?
  • How the challenges that architecture encounter in their work changes with the topographical conditions of the region.
  • Role of new technology to ease the work of infrastructure development for architectures.
  • How science and technology are working as a helping hand for architecture.
  • Latest trends and research for the development of unique infrastructure by architectures.

Go through the following list of topics that are based on the importance of architecture to the common masses.

  • Role architectures to save people from natural disasters.
  • The best example of infrastructure that is developed by the best architectures of the world.
  • How architecture becomes able to come up with an infrastructure that is different from ordinary infrastructure.
  • The best thing that could be done is to save the public infrastructure in hilly areas.
  • Importance of architecture for research of soil before building something on it.
  • Dangerous results of not taking the help of expert architectures for the building of your home on soft soil.

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  1. Architecture Essay: Secrets to Write

    architecture essay titles

  2. 150 Impressive Architecture Thesis Topics to Focus On

    architecture essay titles

  3. How to Write an Ideal Architecture Essay

    architecture essay titles

  4. Argumentative Essay on Architecture Sample

    architecture essay titles

  5. Winners Announced For The Architectural Essay Writing Competition 2020

    architecture essay titles

  6. Architectural Thesis Award

    architecture essay titles


  1. GEOG 101 Topologia Teaser Video

  2. How to Write a Great Title B By Ann


  4. How these 3 Architecture LEGENDS were influenced by Fine Art

  5. 10 sources To Get Inspiration For Architecture Design

  6. ToK November 2024 Essay Titles 1, 2 & 3


  1. Best Architecture Essay Examples & Topics

    In this article, we've collected best architecture essay topics and paper samples together with writing tips. Below you'll find sample essays on modern architecture, landscape design, and architect's profession. Go on reading to learn how to write an architecture essay. We will write a custom essay specifically for you. for only 11.00 9. ...

  2. Fascinating Architecture Essay Topics |100+ Ideas

    Urban Design and Planning Essay Topics. 6. Interior Architecture Dissertation Topics. 7. Building Technology Dissertation Topics. 8. Architectural History and Theory Essay Topics. 9. Architecture Essay Topics on History.

  3. Architecture Essays 101: How to be an effective writer

    Organizational Tools and Systems for an Effective Architecture Essay. Writing an essay on architecture is a blend of creative expression and meticulous research. As you delve deep into topics, theories, and case studies, it becomes imperative to keep your resources organized and accessible.

  4. How to Write a Killer Architecture Essay

    So, the stronger your introductory point, the better the impression you make on your markers. Paraphrasing is another thing that you should follow to make your essay relevant from the beginning to the end. Also, keep track of the essay's style and the overall effect you want to create on the reader.

  5. 20 Types of Architecture thesis topics

    While choosing an architectural thesis topic, it is best to pick something that aligns with your passion and interest as well as one that is feasible. Out of the large range of options, here are 20 architectural thesis topics. 1. Slum Redevelopment (Urban architecture) Slums are one of the rising problems in cities where overcrowding is pertinent.

  6. 136 Architecture Essay Topics & Research Titles at StudyCorgi

    Ando's, Scarpa's, Rietveld's Architecture & Design. The purpose of this essay is to dwell upon the style and characteristics of Tadao Ando's, Carlo Scarpa's, and Gerrit Rietveld's approaches to architecture and design. The Ancient Near East and the Ancient Aegean: Art and Architecture.

  7. 20 Best Architecture Essay Examples

    In this blog, we provide a range of architecture essay examples covering different styles, time periods, and topics. From modernist to postmodernist architecture, we offer examples that will help you gain a deeper understanding of the subject. So, let's take a journey through the world of architecture essay examples together! On This Page. 1.

  8. Mastering the Blueprint: Crafting an Impactful Architecture Essay

    The most common mistake that many students and even seasoned writers make is to set the scope for their essays. This is reflected in the title of your essay and should be chosen with care. For instance, when you are writing an essay on the architecture of the Renaissance, it should have a clear scope in terms of time and space.

  9. Architecture Essays: Examples, Topics, & Outlines

    Architecture of the Mind Sight. PAGES 5 WORDS 1572. We are much less active in our perception of smell, touch, sound, and taste. The other four senses are spontaneous and static, whereas the sense of sight is controllable and dynamic. For example, we cannot control our experience of a scent by focusing our noses, we can only control it by ...

  10. What to write in an architecture essay

    Your language should be highly evocative, use adjectives, metaphors, similes. Develop your building with the words, just as you feel it — words like "dancing", "held captive", "tumbling", etc. will make your text more dynamic. Rhetorical questions and quotes. Writing a college essay, your task is to get your readers involved, to ...

  11. List of architecture dissertation topics

    As per the categories below is the list of architecture dissertation topics: 1. Co-living Housing ( Residential Architecture) In the age where earning a living is of more priority than living in families, co-living spaces are here to stay. Co-living housing schemes, not only encourage sharing space, but also sharing culture, social life, and ...

  12. How to write an architecture essay tips

    Write an Introduction. The first thing you should work on when writing an essay is the introduction paragraph. In no more than five sentences, try to capture the essay's main point. However, you must make sure that these statements are strong enough to hold the reader's attention and persuade them to finish reading.

  13. How to research for an architecture essay in 6 steps

    Step 2: Assess the research potential of your topic before writing. When choosing an architecture essay topic, always try to foresee the research challenges you will face when writing. Focus on the bigger picture and don't get swayed by sentiments in the beginning. Try to form a loose thesis statement from your topic before delving into it.

  14. 115 Comprehensive Architecture Research Topics To Pick From

    Use our list of 115 architecture research topics for free as many times as you like. Latest and most interesting architectural research topics. Sign in. Toll Free: +1 (888) 354-4744. Custom Essay, Term Paper & ... Writing an Architecture Essay Quickly. If you are like most students, you probably don't know how to write complex architecture ...

  15. How to Write an Ideal Architecture Essay

    Ensure that whatever you decide to go with has a debatable element. The reader does not want you to parrot back to them. Instead, they want your take on the subject. The body of the essay. These paragraphs should aim to concisely articulate one fact at the least, with having enough evidence to support your thesis.

  16. Describing Architecture in Writing: Tips|Articles

    A good topic is half of the successfully written essay. That is why you are expected to select it carefully. One of the best topics for architecture essays is the existing styles. There are 15 of them, and so each is popular and interesting to write about. Make allowances for the next styles in architecture: Classical; Neoclassical; Greek Revival;

  17. Architecture Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

    24 essay samples found. Architecture is both the process and product of planning, designing, and constructing buildings or other structures. Essays on architecture could explore its history, various architectural styles, and the significant architects who have shaped the field. Discussions might delve into the relationship between architecture ...

  18. Architecture Essays

    Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Architecture Essays at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest ...

  19. The Newest List of 170 Architecture Thesis Topics in 2023

    Institutional Architecture Thesis Topics. This is the branch of architecture that deals with environmental, social, and economic factors. This profession is based on various rules and traditions that were passed down for centuries. It grants architects the ability to find new ways to innovate the architectural industry.

  20. Architecture Essays

    Antoni Gaudi's Architecture Style. Example essay. Last modified: 24th Sep 2021. This dissertation will explore whether political, social and economic developments in the late 19th and 20th Centuries in Catalonia and Spain proved touchstones for the architect, his work and his immediate circle; and whether these factors influenced his creative ...

  21. Modernism Architecture Essays: Examples, Topics, & Outlines

    High Modernism Architecture and Design. As the 1800s came to an end, a group of forward-looking artists, architects and designers broke away from the Victorian constraints and developed a new style that encouraged an interdisciplinary approach fostering a sharing of contemporary thought and ideology until the post-modern period in the 1970s.

  22. Roman Architecture Essays: Examples, Topics, & Outlines

    Concrete was another example of a superior Roman technological reform. It was "made by mixing pazzolana, a strong volcanic material with rubble and a mixture of limes. The concrete was used to make walls, domes, vaulted roofs of solid concrete, concrete with brick ribs and faced structure" ("Roman Architecture," Romans Page, 2008).

  23. Architecture Essay Topics

    Essay Titles on Architecture based on its Importance. Go through the following list of topics that are based on the importance of architecture to the common masses. Role architectures to save people from natural disasters. The best example of infrastructure that is developed by the best architectures of the world.