Creative Primer

What is Creative Writing? A Key Piece of the Writer’s Toolbox

Brooks Manley

Not all writing is the same and there’s a type of writing that has the ability to transport, teach, and inspire others like no other.

Creative writing stands out due to its unique approach and focus on imagination. Here’s how to get started and grow as you explore the broad and beautiful world of creative writing!

What is Creative Writing?

Creative writing is a form of writing that extends beyond the bounds of regular professional, journalistic, academic, or technical forms of literature. It is characterized by its emphasis on narrative craft, character development, and the use of literary tropes or poetic techniques to express ideas in an original and imaginative way.

Creative writing can take on various forms such as:

  • short stories
  • screenplays

It’s a way for writers to express their thoughts, feelings, and ideas in a creative, often symbolic, way . It’s about using the power of words to transport readers into a world created by the writer.

5 Key Characteristics of Creative Writing

Creative writing is marked by several defining characteristics, each working to create a distinct form of expression:

1. Imagination and Creativity: Creative writing is all about harnessing your creativity and imagination to create an engaging and compelling piece of work. It allows writers to explore different scenarios, characters, and worlds that may not exist in reality.

2. Emotional Engagement: Creative writing often evokes strong emotions in the reader. It aims to make the reader feel something — whether it’s happiness, sorrow, excitement, or fear.

3. Originality: Creative writing values originality. It’s about presenting familiar things in new ways or exploring ideas that are less conventional.

4. Use of Literary Devices: Creative writing frequently employs literary devices such as metaphors, similes, personification, and others to enrich the text and convey meanings in a more subtle, layered manner.

5. Focus on Aesthetics: The beauty of language and the way words flow together is important in creative writing. The aim is to create a piece that’s not just interesting to read, but also beautiful to hear when read aloud.

Remember, creative writing is not just about producing a work of art. It’s also a means of self-expression and a way to share your perspective with the world. Whether you’re considering it as a hobby or contemplating a career in it, understanding the nature and characteristics of creative writing can help you hone your skills and create more engaging pieces .

For more insights into creative writing, check out our articles on creative writing jobs and what you can do with a creative writing degree and is a degree in creative writing worth it .

Styles of Creative Writing

To fully understand creative writing , you must be aware of the various styles involved. Creative writing explores a multitude of genres, each with its own unique characteristics and techniques.

Poetry is a form of creative writing that uses expressive language to evoke emotions and ideas. Poets often employ rhythm, rhyme, and other poetic devices to create pieces that are deeply personal and impactful. Poems can vary greatly in length, style, and subject matter, making this a versatile and dynamic form of creative writing.

Short Stories

Short stories are another common style of creative writing. These are brief narratives that typically revolve around a single event or idea. Despite their length, short stories can provide a powerful punch, using precise language and tight narrative structures to convey a complete story in a limited space.

Novels represent a longer form of narrative creative writing. They usually involve complex plots, multiple characters, and various themes. Writing a novel requires a significant investment of time and effort; however, the result can be a rich and immersive reading experience.


Screenplays are written works intended for the screen, be it television, film, or online platforms. They require a specific format, incorporating dialogue and visual descriptions to guide the production process. Screenwriters must also consider the practical aspects of filmmaking, making this an intricate and specialized form of creative writing.

If you’re interested in this style, understanding creative writing jobs and what you can do with a creative writing degree can provide useful insights.

Writing for the theater is another specialized form of creative writing. Plays, like screenplays, combine dialogue and action, but they also require an understanding of the unique dynamics of the theatrical stage. Playwrights must think about the live audience and the physical space of the theater when crafting their works.

Each of these styles offers unique opportunities for creativity and expression. Whether you’re drawn to the concise power of poetry, the detailed storytelling of novels, or the visual language of screenplays and plays, there’s a form of creative writing that will suit your artistic voice. The key is to explore, experiment, and find the style that resonates with you.

For those looking to spark their creativity, our article on creative writing prompts offers a wealth of ideas to get you started.

Importance of Creative Writing

Understanding what is creative writing involves recognizing its value and significance. Engaging in creative writing can provide numerous benefits – let’s take a closer look.

Developing Creativity and Imagination

Creative writing serves as a fertile ground for nurturing creativity and imagination. It encourages you to think outside the box, explore different perspectives, and create unique and original content. This leads to improved problem-solving skills and a broader worldview , both of which can be beneficial in various aspects of life.

Through creative writing, one can build entire worlds, create characters, and weave complex narratives, all of which are products of a creative mind and vivid imagination. This can be especially beneficial for those seeking creative writing jobs and what you can do with a creative writing degree .

Enhancing Communication Skills

Creative writing can also play a crucial role in honing communication skills. It demands clarity, precision, and a strong command of language. This helps to improve your vocabulary, grammar, and syntax, making it easier to express thoughts and ideas effectively .

Moreover, creative writing encourages empathy as you often need to portray a variety of characters from different backgrounds and perspectives. This leads to a better understanding of people and improved interpersonal communication skills.

Exploring Emotions and Ideas

One of the most profound aspects of creative writing is its ability to provide a safe space for exploring emotions and ideas. It serves as an outlet for thoughts and feelings , allowing you to express yourself in ways that might not be possible in everyday conversation.

Writing can be therapeutic, helping you process complex emotions, navigate difficult life events, and gain insight into your own experiences and perceptions. It can also be a means of self-discovery , helping you to understand yourself and the world around you better.

So, whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting out, the benefits of creative writing are vast and varied. For those interested in developing their creative writing skills, check out our articles on creative writing prompts and how to teach creative writing . If you’re considering a career in this field, you might find our article on is a degree in creative writing worth it helpful.

4 Steps to Start Creative Writing

Creative writing can seem daunting to beginners, but with the right approach, anyone can start their journey into this creative field. Here are some steps to help you start creative writing .

1. Finding Inspiration

The first step in creative writing is finding inspiration . Inspiration can come from anywhere and anything. Observe the world around you, listen to conversations, explore different cultures, and delve into various topics of interest.

Reading widely can also be a significant source of inspiration. Read different types of books, articles, and blogs. Discover what resonates with you and sparks your imagination.

For structured creative prompts, visit our list of creative writing prompts to get your creative juices flowing.

Editor’s Note : When something excites or interests you, stop and take note – it could be the inspiration for your next creative writing piece.

2. Planning Your Piece

Once you have an idea, the next step is to plan your piece . Start by outlining:

  • the main points

Remember, this can serve as a roadmap to guide your writing process. A plan doesn’t have to be rigid. It’s a flexible guideline that can be adjusted as you delve deeper into your writing. The primary purpose is to provide direction and prevent writer’s block.

3. Writing Your First Draft

After planning your piece, you can start writing your first draft . This is where you give life to your ideas and breathe life into your characters.

Don’t worry about making it perfect in the first go. The first draft is about getting your ideas down on paper . You can always refine and polish your work later. And if you don’t have a great place to write that first draft, consider a journal for writing .

4. Editing and Revising Your Work

The final step in the creative writing process is editing and revising your work . This is where you fine-tune your piece, correct grammatical errors, and improve sentence structure and flow.

Editing is also an opportunity to enhance your storytelling . You can add more descriptive details, develop your characters further, and make sure your plot is engaging and coherent.

Remember, writing is a craft that improves with practice . Don’t be discouraged if your first few pieces don’t meet your expectations. Keep writing, keep learning, and most importantly, enjoy the creative process.

For more insights on creative writing, check out our articles on how to teach creative writing or creative writing activities for kids.

Tips to Improve Creative Writing Skills

Understanding what is creative writing is the first step. But how can one improve their creative writing skills? Here are some tips that can help.

Read Widely

Reading is a vital part of becoming a better writer. By immersing oneself in a variety of genres, styles, and authors, one can gain a richer understanding of language and storytelling techniques . Different authors have unique voices and methods of telling stories, which can serve as inspiration for your own work. So, read widely and frequently!

Practice Regularly

Like any skill, creative writing improves with practice. Consistently writing — whether it be daily, weekly, or monthly — helps develop your writing style and voice . Using creative writing prompts can be a fun way to stimulate your imagination and get the words flowing.

Attend Writing Workshops and Courses

Formal education such as workshops and courses can offer structured learning and expert guidance. These can provide invaluable insights into the world of creative writing, from understanding plot development to character creation. If you’re wondering is a degree in creative writing worth it, these classes can also give you a taste of what studying creative writing at a higher level might look like .

Joining Writing Groups and Communities

Being part of a writing community can provide motivation, constructive feedback, and a sense of camaraderie. These groups often hold regular meetings where members share their work and give each other feedback. Plus, it’s a great way to connect with others who share your passion for writing.

Seeking Feedback on Your Work

Feedback is a crucial part of improving as a writer. It offers a fresh perspective on your work, highlighting areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. Whether it’s from a writing group, a mentor, or even friends and family, constructive criticism can help refine your writing .

Start Creative Writing Today!

Remember, becoming a proficient writer takes time and patience. So, don’t be discouraged by initial challenges. Keep writing, keep learning, and most importantly, keep enjoying the process. Who knows, your passion for creative writing might even lead to creative writing jobs and what you can do with a creative writing degree .

Happy writing!

Brooks Manley

Brooks Manley

creative writing wiki

Creative Primer  is a resource on all things journaling, creativity, and productivity. We’ll help you produce better ideas, get more done, and live a more effective life.

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Inspiring Ink: Expert Tips on How to Teach Creative Writing

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Writing Beginner

What Is Creative Writing? (Ultimate Guide + 20 Examples)

Creative writing begins with a blank page and the courage to fill it with the stories only you can tell.

I face this intimidating blank page daily–and I have for the better part of 20+ years.

In this guide, you’ll learn all the ins and outs of creative writing with tons of examples.

What Is Creative Writing (Long Description)?

Creative Writing is the art of using words to express ideas and emotions in imaginative ways. It encompasses various forms including novels, poetry, and plays, focusing on narrative craft, character development, and the use of literary tropes.

Bright, colorful creative writer's desk with notebook and typewriter -- What Is Creative Writing

Table of Contents

Let’s expand on that definition a bit.

Creative writing is an art form that transcends traditional literature boundaries.

It includes professional, journalistic, academic, and technical writing. This type of writing emphasizes narrative craft, character development, and literary tropes. It also explores poetry and poetics traditions.

In essence, creative writing lets you express ideas and emotions uniquely and imaginatively.

It’s about the freedom to invent worlds, characters, and stories. These creations evoke a spectrum of emotions in readers.

Creative writing covers fiction, poetry, and everything in between.

It allows writers to express inner thoughts and feelings. Often, it reflects human experiences through a fabricated lens.

Types of Creative Writing

There are many types of creative writing that we need to explain.

Some of the most common types:

  • Short stories
  • Screenplays
  • Flash fiction
  • Creative Nonfiction

Short Stories (The Brief Escape)

Short stories are like narrative treasures.

They are compact but impactful, telling a full story within a limited word count. These tales often focus on a single character or a crucial moment.

Short stories are known for their brevity.

They deliver emotion and insight in a concise yet powerful package. This format is ideal for exploring diverse genres, themes, and characters. It leaves a lasting impression on readers.

Example: Emma discovers an old photo of her smiling grandmother. It’s a rarity. Through flashbacks, Emma learns about her grandmother’s wartime love story. She comes to understand her grandmother’s resilience and the value of joy.

Novels (The Long Journey)

Novels are extensive explorations of character, plot, and setting.

They span thousands of words, giving writers the space to create entire worlds. Novels can weave complex stories across various themes and timelines.

The length of a novel allows for deep narrative and character development.

Readers get an immersive experience.

Example: Across the Divide tells of two siblings separated in childhood. They grow up in different cultures. Their reunion highlights the strength of family bonds, despite distance and differences.

Poetry (The Soul’s Language)

Poetry expresses ideas and emotions through rhythm, sound, and word beauty.

It distills emotions and thoughts into verses. Poetry often uses metaphors, similes, and figurative language to reach the reader’s heart and mind.

Poetry ranges from structured forms, like sonnets, to free verse.

The latter breaks away from traditional formats for more expressive thought.

Example: Whispers of Dawn is a poem collection capturing morning’s quiet moments. “First Light” personifies dawn as a painter. It brings colors of hope and renewal to the world.

Plays (The Dramatic Dialogue)

Plays are meant for performance. They bring characters and conflicts to life through dialogue and action.

This format uniquely explores human relationships and societal issues.

Playwrights face the challenge of conveying setting, emotion, and plot through dialogue and directions.

Example: Echoes of Tomorrow is set in a dystopian future. Memories can be bought and sold. It follows siblings on a quest to retrieve their stolen memories. They learn the cost of living in a world where the past has a price.

Screenplays (Cinema’s Blueprint)

Screenplays outline narratives for films and TV shows.

They require an understanding of visual storytelling, pacing, and dialogue. Screenplays must fit film production constraints.

Example: The Last Light is a screenplay for a sci-fi film. Humanity’s survivors on a dying Earth seek a new planet. The story focuses on spacecraft Argo’s crew as they face mission challenges and internal dynamics.

Memoirs (The Personal Journey)

Memoirs provide insight into an author’s life, focusing on personal experiences and emotional journeys.

They differ from autobiographies by concentrating on specific themes or events.

Memoirs invite readers into the author’s world.

They share lessons learned and hardships overcome.

Example: Under the Mango Tree is a memoir by Maria Gomez. It shares her childhood memories in rural Colombia. The mango tree in their yard symbolizes home, growth, and nostalgia. Maria reflects on her journey to a new life in America.

Flash Fiction (The Quick Twist)

Flash fiction tells stories in under 1,000 words.

It’s about crafting compelling narratives concisely. Each word in flash fiction must count, often leading to a twist.

This format captures life’s vivid moments, delivering quick, impactful insights.

Example: The Last Message features an astronaut’s final Earth message as her spacecraft drifts away. In 500 words, it explores isolation, hope, and the desire to connect against all odds.

Creative Nonfiction (The Factual Tale)

Creative nonfiction combines factual accuracy with creative storytelling.

This genre covers real events, people, and places with a twist. It uses descriptive language and narrative arcs to make true stories engaging.

Creative nonfiction includes biographies, essays, and travelogues.

Example: Echoes of Everest follows the author’s Mount Everest climb. It mixes factual details with personal reflections and the history of past climbers. The narrative captures the climb’s beauty and challenges, offering an immersive experience.

Fantasy (The World Beyond)

Fantasy transports readers to magical and mythical worlds.

It explores themes like good vs. evil and heroism in unreal settings. Fantasy requires careful world-building to create believable yet fantastic realms.

Example: The Crystal of Azmar tells of a young girl destined to save her world from darkness. She learns she’s the last sorceress in a forgotten lineage. Her journey involves mastering powers, forming alliances, and uncovering ancient kingdom myths.

Science Fiction (The Future Imagined)

Science fiction delves into futuristic and scientific themes.

It questions the impact of advancements on society and individuals.

Science fiction ranges from speculative to hard sci-fi, focusing on plausible futures.

Example: When the Stars Whisper is set in a future where humanity communicates with distant galaxies. It centers on a scientist who finds an alien message. This discovery prompts a deep look at humanity’s universe role and interstellar communication.

Watch this great video that explores the question, “What is creative writing?” and “How to get started?”:

What Are the 5 Cs of Creative Writing?

The 5 Cs of creative writing are fundamental pillars.

They guide writers to produce compelling and impactful work. These principles—Clarity, Coherence, Conciseness, Creativity, and Consistency—help craft stories that engage and entertain.

They also resonate deeply with readers. Let’s explore each of these critical components.

Clarity makes your writing understandable and accessible.

It involves choosing the right words and constructing clear sentences. Your narrative should be easy to follow.

In creative writing, clarity means conveying complex ideas in a digestible and enjoyable way.

Coherence ensures your writing flows logically.

It’s crucial for maintaining the reader’s interest. Characters should develop believably, and plots should progress logically. This makes the narrative feel cohesive.


Conciseness is about expressing ideas succinctly.

It’s being economical with words and avoiding redundancy. This principle helps maintain pace and tension, engaging readers throughout the story.

Creativity is the heart of creative writing.

It allows writers to invent new worlds and create memorable characters. Creativity involves originality and imagination. It’s seeing the world in unique ways and sharing that vision.


Consistency maintains a uniform tone, style, and voice.

It means being faithful to the world you’ve created. Characters should act true to their development. This builds trust with readers, making your story immersive and believable.

Is Creative Writing Easy?

Creative writing is both rewarding and challenging.

Crafting stories from your imagination involves more than just words on a page. It requires discipline and a deep understanding of language and narrative structure.

Exploring complex characters and themes is also key.

Refining and revising your work is crucial for developing your voice.

The ease of creative writing varies. Some find the freedom of expression liberating.

Others struggle with writer’s block or plot development challenges. However, practice and feedback make creative writing more fulfilling.

What Does a Creative Writer Do?

A creative writer weaves narratives that entertain, enlighten, and inspire.

Writers explore both the world they create and the emotions they wish to evoke. Their tasks are diverse, involving more than just writing.

Creative writers develop ideas, research, and plan their stories.

They create characters and outline plots with attention to detail. Drafting and revising their work is a significant part of their process. They strive for the 5 Cs of compelling writing.

Writers engage with the literary community, seeking feedback and participating in workshops.

They may navigate the publishing world with agents and editors.

Creative writers are storytellers, craftsmen, and artists. They bring narratives to life, enriching our lives and expanding our imaginations.

How to Get Started With Creative Writing?

Embarking on a creative writing journey can feel like standing at the edge of a vast and mysterious forest.

The path is not always clear, but the adventure is calling.

Here’s how to take your first steps into the world of creative writing:

  • Find a time of day when your mind is most alert and creative.
  • Create a comfortable writing space free from distractions.
  • Use prompts to spark your imagination. They can be as simple as a word, a phrase, or an image.
  • Try writing for 15-20 minutes on a prompt without editing yourself. Let the ideas flow freely.
  • Reading is fuel for your writing. Explore various genres and styles.
  • Pay attention to how your favorite authors construct their sentences, develop characters, and build their worlds.
  • Don’t pressure yourself to write a novel right away. Begin with short stories or poems.
  • Small projects can help you hone your skills and boost your confidence.
  • Look for writing groups in your area or online. These communities offer support, feedback, and motivation.
  • Participating in workshops or classes can also provide valuable insights into your writing.
  • Understand that your first draft is just the beginning. Revising your work is where the real magic happens.
  • Be open to feedback and willing to rework your pieces.
  • Carry a notebook or digital recorder to jot down ideas, observations, and snippets of conversations.
  • These notes can be gold mines for future writing projects.

Final Thoughts: What Is Creative Writing?

Creative writing is an invitation to explore the unknown, to give voice to the silenced, and to celebrate the human spirit in all its forms.

Check out these creative writing tools (that I highly recommend):

Read This Next:

  • What Is a Prompt in Writing? (Ultimate Guide + 200 Examples)
  • What Is A Personal Account In Writing? (47 Examples)
  • How To Write A Fantasy Short Story (Ultimate Guide + Examples)
  • How To Write A Fantasy Romance Novel [21 Tips + Examples)

Creative writing

Academic discipline concerned with creating literature / from wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, dear wikiwand ai, let's keep it short by simply answering these key questions:.

Can you list the top facts and stats about Creative writing?

Summarize this article for a 10 year old

Creative writing is any writing that goes outside the bounds of normal professional , journalistic , academic , or technical forms of literature, typically identified by an emphasis on narrative craft, character development, and the use of literary tropes or with various traditions of poetry and poetics . Due to the looseness of the definition, it is possible for writing such as feature stories to be considered creative writing, even though it falls under journalism, because the content of features is specifically focused on narrative and character development. Both fictional and non-fictional works fall into this category, including such forms as novels , biographies , short stories , and poems . In the academic setting, creative writing is typically separated into fiction and poetry classes, with a focus on writing in an original style, as opposed to imitating pre-existing genres such as crime or horror . Writing for the screen and stage — screenwriting and playwriting — are often taught separately, but fit under the creative writing category as well.

Creative writing can technically be considered any writing of original composition . In this sense, creative writing is a more contemporary and process-oriented name for what has been traditionally called literature , including the variety of its genres . In her work, Foundations of Creativity , Mary Lee Marksberry references Paul Witty and Lou LaBrant 's Teaching the People's Language to define creative writing. Marksberry notes:

Witty and LaBrant...[say creative writing] is a composition of any type of writing at any time primarily in the service of such needs as the need for keeping records of significant experience, the need for sharing experience with an interested group, and the need for free individual expression which contributes to mental and physical health. [1]

Table of Contents

Collaboration, information literacy, writing process, getting started writing on a wiki.

  • CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 by M . C. Morgan , Kyle D. Stedman

Morgan styleguide page

M. C. Morgan’s wiki is at

The Simplest Writing Space

Wikis were designed with simplicity in mind: The writing space is minimal—a text field. The controls are pedestrian—Edit and Save. The formatting is fundamental—Type to enter text, hit return twice to create paragraphs. Use equal signs or hash signs for headings, slashes for emphasis, enclose links in double-brackets, or just paste in urls. The tools are basic—Create and link new pages by using WikiWords.

The writing space is easy to read, and creating pages is simple so that you can focus on writing.

Navigation and page management is also stripped down—Use the PageIndex to see what’s on the wiki, use RecentChanges to see what’s new, and use the all-important PageHistory to look at previous versions of the page.

Caption to Image I (Image of StyleGuide page): A well-developed WikiPage. Writers have used headings to organize the page and included links to related topics by writing Wikiwords into the flow of the text. The writers have also left three signals that invite readers to develop the page further: the [more] under Jumping In, the ellipses in the bullet list, and the note “Let’s add a WelcomeRitual.”

Wikis don’t demand that you write in a particular way, but they don’t give you any guidance on how to proceed, either. Wikis are very different writing spaces than weblogs and paper notebooks, and to make the most of them, you may need to learn some new moves, some of the new media literacy skills Kyle Steman mentions. Wiki users have developed some general practices for writing on wikis. This article will help you get started developing your own techniques, whether you use a wiki collaboratively or on your own.

One Draft Centrally Located

Wiki articles develop over time and often by multiple hands. So the idea on a wiki is to keep things centrally located—all in one place. Notes, the developing draft, and discussion on the draft are all posted to one place. Everyone’s on the same page, everything is always current, and additions and changes and deletions are played out on the page itself.

If you’re working solo, the centrally located draft is a benefit. All your notes, considerations, and sections of developing drafts are all in one place. And what you’re working on is always the most up-to-date material. You access it from any device, you can recover earlier drafts using the PageHistory, and that means that you can move in and out of drafting and refactoring easily, without shuffling through versions.

The WikiWord

The WikiWord is central to using a wiki. WikiWords—more accurately, wiki phrases—are created in traditional wikis by using capital letters in the middle of the phrase or word, as in WikiWord, or CamelCase, or MyGreatIdea. The wiki treats a phrase in CamelCase (as this move is called) as a potential page name and a link to that page. That means that you, as the writer, treat a CamelCase word as a topic: A point of interest to be developed, a path to create, an idea, problem, issue, concept to think about. On any page, create a WikiWord to start a new page.

WikiWords are powerful because the WikiWord is both the title of the page and a link to that page. Once created, using the WikiWord anywhere on the wiki will link to that page, and that allows you to cross-reference any page from any other page.

Some wikis are not set up to use CamelCase WikiWords but require another way to indicate a WikiWord, such as double square brackets. While there are good reasons for this, there are better reasons for using CamelCase to designate WikiWords. If you’re setting up your own wiki, use CamelCase to encourage you to keep your WikiWords concise.

ThreadMode and DocumentMode

Wiki writers have developed ways of working from notes-and-drafts-and-discussion-all-in-one-page to everyone’s advantage. On a wiki, rather than thinking in terms of writing a draft, think of moving from a set of loosely connected notes towards a more formal document. In WikiTerms, drafting is moving from ThreadMode to DocumentMode.

ThreadMode is a dialogue: It is open-ended, collective, dynamic, and informal; it can develop as a page or develop on a page, but it develops organically, without knowing where it’s going.

ThreadMode is tentative rather than absolute; opinionated but not seeking closure; exploratory and so seeking light rather than winning ground. ThreadMode writing is grounded in specifics to make sense of abstractions. Its end is to help others understand and create, not to win. It’s an attitude.

The tone of ThreadMode is not off-the-cuff, sermonic, or preachy. ThreadMode may be informal but it is public thinking: designed, considered, and polite. ThreadMode presents a position, a way of understanding, and presents it clearly and persuasively.

Rather than replying to a discussion entry, the writer can refactor the page to incorporate the suggested change, then delete the comment. ThreadMode slips delicately into DocumentMode.

If you’re collaborating with others, keep ThreadMode going by phrasing contributions in first-person (using I) and signing them. Place comments and additions near the material they address rather than simply placing them at the end of the exchange.

Contribute in ThreadMode by

  • Adding a comment furthering the conversation.
  • Editing older comments to improve the flow or to re-open a discussion that has become closed. It’s ok to trim ThreadMode redundancies to open the discussion, but be respectful to maintain meaning.
  • Editing ThreadMode entries to create WikiWords.
  • Splitting conversations by moving them to a new page. Develop each further.
  • Capturing the ideas of the thread in a paragraph that suggests a pattern for the DocumentMode.

Morgan anarchy page being edited threadmode

Caption to Image II (image of AnArcy page being edited): A failrly new WikiPage being edited in ThreadMode. Contributors  are adding ideas in a bullet list below the DoubleLine and are signing their contributions. As the ThreadMode discussion develops, writers will start to refactor the exchange into DocumentMode.


DocumentMode is more formal, more like an end point. It’s expository, essayistic. It’s a semi-formal synthesis of the ideas brought out in ThreadMode. To develop in DocumentMode, draw on ThreadMode material. Arrange it, summarize it, counter-point ideas, edit the sentences for clarity and tone. That is, refactor ThreadMode material.

If you’re working with others, develop the DocumentMode text in third-person and remove the names of contributors. (Place the names of all the contributors at the bottom of the section.) Add WikiWords to the text where concepts seem to open to new pages. Cut material you’ve used (it’s recoverable if necessary), and move material that still needs to be incorporated to a place on the page for notes, below the DoubleLine.

Contribute to DocumentMode by

  • Reorganizing the page to reveal a latent pattern in the threads and discussions.
  • Adding headings.
  • Adding examples.
  • Qualifying the argument.
  • Editing the text.
  • Creating new topics by fusing words into WikiWords.

The DoubleLine

Use a DoubleLine to distinguish between the stuff in ThreadMode and the stuff in DocumentMode. You could use formatting, sidebars, a suggestion and approval area, but all of that slows things down. In keeping with the WikiWay—quick and simple—wiki writers use a DoubleLine near the bottom of the page, typically created by typing two sets of hyphens to create a horizontal rule. Material above the DoubleLine is in DocumentMode; material below is in ThreadMode. This doesn’t mean Finished/Unfinished. It’s more like palette and canvas, or raw material (ThreadMode) and developing work (DocumentMode). It means placing material that is more fully formed and ready for further work above the line, while adding notes, roughs, jottings, headings without content, fragments of lists . . . below the line.

Morgan anarchy page as saved in threadmode

Caption to Image III (image of AnArchy page in reading mode): The AnArchy page in ThreadMode. The DoubleLine is visibile when the page is being read. One contributor, Aaron, has added a new WIkiWord to extend the page laterally to a related topic, CoOperation.

In either mode, use WikiWords to indicate further options for development. Add a new WikiWord, or combine a few words already in the text to create one as a way to signal, “This is an alternative direction.”

Use headings and lists in either mode to help you organize stuff as you work. Know that everything will change as you move from ThreadMode to DocumentMode.


Refactoring is how wiki writers move from ThreadMode to DocumentMode. They refactor. The term comes from computer programming, where it specifies re-working code to be more efficient and effective. Programmers will often rough out a procedure on the fly, without much planning, just to get something working, and to get a sense of what the procedure will entail. Later, as they work though the rest of the program, they return to the procedure to rethink it, make it more efficient, faster, requiring less processing power and less cognitive overhead for other programmers to understand, while retaining the same functionality. By refactoring, complex steps can become one or two elegant steps. A long chunk of documentation explaining the procedure becomes a single line. The procedure itself becomes modular, reusable elsewhere.

Composing on a wiki can take advantage of the same working practices. Abandon involved planning. Instead, rough something out that just sort of works. It doesn’t have to be elegant; it doesn’t have to work well; COMMA but it’s enough of a start to refine. It will be wordy, with lots of noise that will have to be cut out. It will wander. But it’s on the page where you and others can refactor it. It may be above the DoubleLine, or below, closer to ThreadMode or DocumentMode.

In refactoring writing, that 250 word proto-paragraph might become a single sentence, even a single clause—something more efficient and effective and elegant than the ThreadMode freewriting and wandering. But that’s what DocumentMode is: Prose refactored to effective high efficiency. Writing with a high signal to noise ratio. Writing that relies on every comma, word, clause, phrase, sentence. Writing that is well-wrought to make reading closely worthwhile.

Morgan styleguide page being edited doc mode

Caption to Image IV (Image of StyleGuide in reading mode): A well-developed, but still developing, WikiPage being edited. Early contibutions have been refactored under headings and organzied into lists, and related topics have been included as WIkiWords that link to those topics. WikiPages are never completed. Jump In.

Headings and Lists

Wiki pages use headings to signal the organization of the page. Wiki writers use headings and lists to generate and roughly organize material in ThreadMode, and to guide refactoring into DocumentMode

Create headings to suggest where ThreadMode contributors might add ideas and directions they might take. Use headings to reorganize sprawling threads so writers can readily review what’s developing. Use lists to quickly gather brief examples, points, possibilities, comments, ideas that will be developed in refactoring.

For refactoring, use headings to organize the page. Review the threads to discover an emerging pattern for the page. Gather material under the headings and refactor it to suit the head. If a pattern isn’t working, create new headings, try a different pattern. Use alternative patterns to refactor further.

For instance, a ThreadMode might be made up of a set of arguments. As you read through them, some seem to be for the matter at hand and some against. In good refactoring, start with two heads: Pro and Con, or For and Against. Then as you collect the ThreadMode material under the heads, you can refine the headings to suit the developing material. Pro and Con might become Strengths, Weaknesses, Complications, Views to Consider Further. This might be called RefactoringByHeadings.

A proto-paragraph in ThreadMode might be refactored as a heading, saving 250 words for content rather than an unnecessary transition paragraph. Many paragraphs are lists in disguise and can refactored into a bulleted list—one that is then ready for more development. Refactoring will signal whether the points need more development or not.

While headings have not been common in much expository and argumentative writing, they ought to be—for effectiveness and efficiency both in writing and reading. You can use headings as you draft and refactor, and cut them when you submit the final version.

Use external links to sources on the web to document your topics. Use WikiWords to link to related topics and documents elsewhere on the wiki: other topics, alternative pages, revised versions, a variety of lists of topics. Internal linking using WikiWords becomes more valuable over time, as you build an expanding set of topics and notes. The mechanics of linking is handled by the wiki so you can concentrate on making sense. This takes effort over time, but the payoff is worth it.

Collaborating With a Wiki

Wikis were designed to support collaborative work by not getting in the way of collaboration. But the writers – whether one or a thousand—have to incite and manage both the writing and interactions between writers. This is where ThreadMode and DocumentMode come into play to help direct attention and work. If you’re collaborating, here’s how to proceed.

Choose a leader for the project or the page. Everyone starts in ThreadMode. The leader might set the goals or start the page with a note at the top, but everyone is involved sketching out ideas, responses, notes. Talk to each other on the page. Phrase ThreadMode exchanges in first-person.

After you’ve developed a mess of notes and directions, the leader can start drafting those ideas into DocumentMode: summarizing, combining, concatenating, rephrasing, collating. Everyone joins in. Phrase DocumentMode text in third-person. When you incorporate material from the thread, cut what you’ve used. When something needs more development or discussion, add a note to that effect, or move the point below the DoubleLine.

Then continue the ThreadMode discussion. This time, others can start to comment on the evolving DocumentMode text. Even better, others can start to edit, tighten, check, and add directly to the DocumentMode text. Use headings to signal the organization of the page. Signal topics for further and alternative development by creating WikiWords. If you have a point to add, just add it. Others will see it and may develop it further, refine it—or perhaps eliminate it.

If a discussion on a point breaks out, move the discussion below the DoubleLine to indicate that it’s active.

Keep up the pace. Have everyone return to the page two or three times a day. Find out what’s changed using the RecentChanges command. The more quickly things move, the more energy you gain to refactor threads into DocumentMode.

Continue until you’ve reached a stopping point. If there is more to develop, leave the notes below the DoubleLine.

Wiki for One

Wikis were originally designed for collaboration, but they famously support one writer writing for multiple courses and projects. The wiki process for composing—ThreadMode to DocumentMode by way of refactoring—works well for one person working because it helps you keep track of where you are in the process: what you’ve done so far, and what you might do next. Use the wiki as a notebook. Keep class notes, ideas, notes for projects, and observations all in one place. They will be there when you want to develop them further. Use the PageIndex and RecentChanges and the search function to find things.

Create an index page for a major project, and keep links to your notes, sources, and drafts, on that page, like a table of contents.

Think of your wiki as a notebook, one you expand, re-organize, and refactor over time.

Finding a Wiki

To get started with a wiki, use one of the free-mium wiki services on the web. You sign up for free or inexpensive access to a dedicated wiki space, which you can make public or keep private. Check the Wikipedia entry for wiki, i, for some consideration of these services.Wiki Matrix, , lets you compare the wikis commonly available. It includes a wiki choice wizard to help you narrow your choice down.

Any of these would be good for student use.

  • Wetpaint
  • Wikidot
  • PBWorks

An alternative is running your own wiki on your local computer, laptop, or tablet. Search Google for wiki + your platform of choice to get started.

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Creative Writing

Creative writing is a massive and inexact field. Telling stories by ways of poetry, short stories, novels, and other media can be complex, intimidating, and extremely difficult to take up. However, it also has so much potential to be rewarding and enjoyable for writers and readers alike. In this Wikibook, we'll go over some of the principles of writing practices, and proceed with advice and tips on how to write best. The goal is to provide as much understanding to writing as possible, and to portray fiction as elegantly as one can possibly put.

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The rise and rise of creative writing

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Professor of Writing and Director - Centre for New Writing, University of Technology Sydney

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The phrase “creative writing” is believed to have been first used by Emerson when he referred to creative writing and creative reading in his address ‘The American Scholar’ in 1837.

The first classes in creative writing were offered at Harvard University in the 1880s and were wildly popular from the beginning with over 150 students enrolling in 1885.

Today Creative Writing as a discipline is booming in Australia and the extraordinary rise in student demand is most visible in postgraduate writing coursework award programs of which there are over 70 in Australian universities.

What defines Creative Writing as innovative is its emphasis on praxis. Students learn how a literature is made, how it is put together, and what its cultural context is and then they recombine this knowledge to produce their own creative works.

Creativity is the key. Einstein called it ‘combinatory play’, a matter of sifting through data, perceptions and materials to come up with combinations that are new and useful. This is what happens in a writing workshop and what distinguishes writing as a discipline from other areas of study that are more critical than creative.

Teaching writing is really a valiant effort by the writing teacher to put into words what he or she understands about creativity and about creating a work and trying to pass this on and to guide and inspire others.

To be a good writer a student must first of all be a good reader.There is a special vitality that comes from the creative writing workshop and the way in which writing as a discipline overlaps with, and exists in, the public sphere, in a way that many other academic disciplines do not. This external engagement impact is important and brings considerable prestige to the University.

In the past Creative Writing programs in Australia existed merely as an adjunct to literary studies or cultural studies, and struggled within the academy for proper recognition.

It was sometimes thought that Creative Writing lacked a theoretical underpinning although the workshop model, developed at the University of Iowa in the 1930s, has long ago reshaped, refined and incorporated theories of narrative, literature and creativity into a unified and successful pedagogical approach.

It has been a struggle for Creative Writing in Australian universities to gain the same degree of acceptance that it receives in colleges and universities across the US.

Despite opposition here it has gradually emerged as one of the leading disciplines in the Humanities and one that encourages students to think and create with integrity.

By 2010, Creative Writing had a higher national rating in the Australian Government’s Excellence in Research (ERA) report than either literary studies or cultural studies, and produced twice as many research outputs.

In recent years Non-Fiction has become a significant growth area for postgraduate coursework students, with the first Australian Masters of Non –Fiction introduced at UTS in 2011, and creative non-fiction and literary journalism classes overflowing at many of the 36 Australian university writing programs.

The interest in non-fiction has being driven in part by the desire for a greater number of professionals to communicate more lucidly with a broader range of people.

Genre writing, short fiction, novel writing, novella, memoir and life writing, poetry, writing for multimedia and scriptwriting, all continue to prove extremely attractive subject choices for a wide range of students, including a disproportionate number of lawyers and journalists who have returned to university to take up higher research degrees based around their creative practice.

In terms of coursework students, creative writing has always paid its way; now under ERA it might start to receive appropriate research funding.

We have been teaching writing in the academy for over a hundred and twenty five years, and Ian McEwan who first studied creative writing with Malcolm Bradbury at East Anglia in the 1970s, or Raymond Carver who was mentored at Chico University by the novelist John Gardner, or our own Tim Winton who was taught by Elizabeth Jolley at Curtin University, are all testament to the fact that not only can writing be taught at university, but also that writing actually flourishes in a university environment.

Writing is thinking. The great novels, poems, stories and films from our many graduates have helped shape our culture and allowed us to reflect on the way we live.

The future of Creative Writing in Australia is in good hands.

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How to Learn Creative Writing

Last Updated: October 21, 2021 References

This article was co-authored by Melessa Sargent . Melessa Sargent is the President of Scriptwriters Network, a non-profit organization that brings in entertainment professionals to teach the art and business of script writing for TV, features and new media. The Network serves its members by providing educational programming, developing access and opportunity through alliances with industry professionals, and furthering the cause and quality of writing in the entertainment industry. Under Melessa's leadership, SWN has won numbers awards including the Los Angeles Award from 2014 through 2021, and the Innovation & Excellence award in 2020. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 50,455 times.

Creative writing is any form of writing intended for entertainment, although it may also inform or persuade. It encompasses fiction, poetry, song lyrics, scripts, biographies, and anything that combines these elements. Although creative writing is an innate skill, it can be taught, and its techniques must be learned in order to develop as a writer. There are a number of ways to learn creative writing; the steps below cover some of these ways.

Step 1 Decide what form of creative writing interests you most.

  • To determine where to start, consider what interests you most. If you enjoy a particular genre of fiction, such as science fiction, and imagine how you would write the story differently, you may want to begin by learning to write in that genre. If you find yourself paying particular attention to the choice of words in your favorite songs, you may want to learn how to write song lyrics.
  • You may also wish to tackle a smaller project within the form of writing that interests you most, such as a short story or novella instead of an epic trilogy, or a few good songs instead of a concept album, for example.

Step 2 Take creative writing classes.

  • College campuses. Many colleges and universities offer the opportunity to major or minor in creative writing as part of a fine arts degree, or as an elective class for credits to count toward a degree in something else. These classes are usually taught by tenured or adjunct professors, with classes lasting an entire semester.
  • Community colleges. Many community colleges offer a variety of non-credit, continuing education classes for those who want to learn new things. Writing classes are often among their most popular offerings. Some community college writing classes may last a full semester, while others run only a few weeks. These classes may be taught by professors at the college or by experienced writers in the community.
  • Seminars. These are short, one- or two-day classes that may be held at a community center, a civic organization, a writer's retreat, or at a convention devoted to a particular genre. These classes are usually taught by experienced writers.
  • Online. Online creative writing classes may be offered by four-year or community colleges as an outreach program or by organizations geared solely to teaching writing online. Some classes may be offered for free, while others have charges ranging from nominal to substantial.

Step 3 Read books on creative writing.

  • General how-to books teach the basics of creative writing. These books may include techniques on how to stimulate your creativity, provide suggestions on how to structure your writing time, or offer advice on dealing with agents and publishers.
  • Technique-specific how-to books teach particular writing methods that can be applied across a number of writing genres. Dwight Swain's "Techniques of the Selling Writer," for example, teaches how to structure stories to build tension.
  • Genre-specific how-to books teach how to write in a specific genre, such as mysteries, science fiction, or romance.
  • Genre-specific reference books provide information that writers need to know to create realistic settings for their stories in that genre. There are books covering life in the Middle Ages for historical fiction and fantasy writers, books on forensics for mystery writers, and books of age-appropriate words for children's book writers.

Step 4 Attend writing workshops.

  • Most writing workshops will require you to have a piece of writing to share with the other writers attending the workshop.

Step 5 Follow writing blogs and podcasts.

  • You can find writers' groups in your area by using an Internet search engine or through

Step 7 Practice.

  • If you write fiction, one way to practice is to take part in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWiMo), held informally during the month of November. The goal is to start and finish a writing a novel during those 30 days.

Expert Q&A

Melessa Sargent

  • As you learn more about how to write, you'll find yourself looking at published writing with a more critical eye to see how other writers apply a given technique to bring their stories to life. When you do this, read as widely in your chosen area as you can to expose yourself to a number of different styles to help you develop your own individual style. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0
  • Be aware that some online writing programs are not on the up-and-up. This is usually not a problem with programs affiliated with a recognized institution of higher education but may be with a private organization. If you're not familiar with the organization behind a writing program, take the time to investigate that organization before committing your time and money. Thanks Helpful 6 Not Helpful 1

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How to Teach Creative Writing

Last Updated: March 13, 2024 References

This article was co-authored by Christopher Taylor, PhD . Christopher Taylor is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of English at Austin Community College in Texas. He received his PhD in English Literature and Medieval Studies from the University of Texas at Austin in 2014. There are 13 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 116,890 times.

Creative writing is one of the most enjoyable types of writing for students. Not only does it allow students to explore their imaginations, but it helps them to structure their ideas and produce writing that they can be proud of. However, creative writing is a relatively difficult type of writing to teach and offers challenges to both new and seasoned teachers alike. Fortunately, though, with some work of their own, teachers can better develop their own abilities to teach creative writing.

Providing Students with the Fundamentals

Step 1 Introduce the important elements of storytelling.

  • Theme. The theme of a story is its message or the main idea behind it.
  • Setting. The setting of a story is the location or time it takes place in.
  • Plot. The plot is the overall story, narrative, or sequence of events.
  • Characterization. Characterization is how a character or person in a story is explained or presented to the reader.
  • Conflict and dramatic action. Conflict and dramatic action are the main events of focus in the story. These events are often tense or exciting and are used to lure the reader in. [1] X Research source

Step 2 Encourage students to engage the reader.

  • Explain how your students, as writers, can appeal to the humanity of their readers. One great way to do this is to ask them to explore character development. By developing the characters in their story, readers will become invested in the story.
  • Discuss the triggers that engage readers in an effective story. Most great stories start with a problem, which is solved with the resolution, or conclusion of the story. Encourage students to create an engaging problem that will hook the readers in the first few pages of a short story or novel. [2] X Research source

Step 3 Explain the importance of tone and atmosphere.

  • By setting the tone and atmosphere of a story, the author will establish his or her attitude to the subject and the feel of the story.
  • Tone can be positive, neutral, or negative. [3] X Research source
  • Atmosphere can be dark, happy, or neither.
  • Descriptive words like “darkness” or “sunshine” can help set both the tone and atmosphere. [4] X Research source

Step 4 Promote the use of active verbs.

  • Active verbs are used to show action in the story.
  • Active verbs are very often a better alternative to passive voice, as it keeps your writing clear and concise for your readers. [5] X Research source
  • For example, instead of writing “The cat was chased by the dog” your student can write “The dog chased the cat.”

Guiding Students through the Process

Step 1 Allow students to pick their topic.

  • Tell your students to brainstorm about ideas they are truly interested in.
  • If you must restrict the general topic, make sure that your students have a good amount of wiggle room within the broad topic of the assignment.
  • Never assign specific topics and force students to write. This will undermine the entire process. [6] X Research source

Step 2 Have your students write a flexible outline.

  • Letting your students know that the outline is non-binding. They don’t have to follow it in later steps of the writing process.
  • Telling your students that the parts of their outline should be written very generally.
  • Recommending that your students create several outlines, or outlines that go in different directions (in terms of plot and other elements of storytelling). The more avenues your students explore, the better. [7] X Research source

Step 3 Avoid teaching a story “formula.”

  • Tell students that there is no “right” way to write a story.
  • Let students know that their imaginations should guide their way.
  • Show students examples of famous writing that breaks normal patterns, like the works of E.E. Cummings, William Faulkner, Charles Dickens, and William Shakespeare.
  • Ask students to forget about any expectations they think you have for how a story should be written. [8] X Research source

Step 4 Provide feedback on rough drafts.

  • Gather the first drafts and comment on the student's work. For first drafts, you want to check on the overall structure of the draft, proper word use, punctuation, spelling, and overall cohesion of the piece. [9] X Research source
  • Remind them that great writers usually wrote several drafts before they were happy with their stories.
  • Avoid grading drafts for anything other than completion.

Step 5 Organize editing groups.

  • Let students pair off to edit each others' papers.
  • Have your students join groups of 3 or 4 and ask them to go edit and provide feedback on each member’s story.
  • Provide guidance so students contribute constructively to the group discussion. [10] X Research source

Step 6 Evaluate your students based on their creativity.

  • Reward your students if they are innovative or do something unique and truly creative.
  • Avoid evaluating your students based on a formula.
  • Assess and review your own standards as often as you can. Remember that the point is to encourage your students' creativity. [11] X Research source

Spurring Creativity

Step 1 Inspire students with an appreciation of literature.

  • Teach your students about a variety of writers and genres.
  • Have your students read examples of different genres.
  • Promote a discussion within your class of the importance of studying literature.
  • Ask students to consider the many ways literature improves the world and asks individuals to think about their own lives. [12] X Research source

Step 2 Provide your students with a large number of resources.

  • Make sure your room is stocked with a wide variety of fiction stories.
  • Make sure your room is stocked with plenty of paper for your students to write on.
  • Line up other writing teachers or bring in writers from the community to talk to and encourage your students.

Step 3 Have your students write practice stories based on random photos or pictures you provide.

  • Cut out pictures and photographs from magazines, comic books, and newspapers.
  • Have your students cut out photographs and pictures and contribute them to your bank.
  • Consider having your students randomly draw a given number of photos and pictures and writing a short story based on what they draw.
  • This technique can help students overcome writer's block and inspire students who think that they're "not creative." [13] X Research source

Step 4 Arrange an audience.

  • Pair your students with students from another grade in your school.
  • Allow your students to write stories that younger students in your school would like to read.
  • Pair your students with another student in the class and have them evaluate each others' work. [14] X Research source

Step 5 Create a writing space.

  • If you just have a typical classroom to work with, make sure to put inspirational posters or other pictures on the walls.
  • Open any curtains so students can see outside.
  • If you have the luxury of having an extra classroom or subdividing your own classroom, create a comfortable space with a lot of inspirational visuals.
  • Writing spaces can help break writer's block and inspire students who think that they're "not creative." [15] X Research source

Step 6 Publish your students’ work.

  • Involve students in the printing process.
  • Publication does not have to be expensive or glossy.
  • Copies can be made in the school workroom if possible or each student might provide a copy for the others in the group.
  • A collection of the stories can be bound with a simple stapler or brads.
  • Seek out other opportunities for your students to publish their stories.

Expert Q&A

Christopher Taylor, PhD

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About This Article

Christopher Taylor, PhD

To teach creative writing, start by introducing your students to the core elements of storytelling, like theme, setting, and plot, while reminding them that there’s no formula for combining these elements to create a story. Additionally, explain how important it is to use tone and atmosphere, along with active verbs, to write compelling stories that come alive. When your students have chosen their topics, have them create story outlines before they begin writing. Then, read their rough drafts and provide feedback to keep them on the right path to storytelling success. For tips from our English reviewer on how to spur creativity in your students, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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1.1: Intro to Creative Writing

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  • North Dakota State College of Science via Independent Published

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chapter 1: intro to creative writing:

Creative writing\(^7\) is any writing that goes outside the bounds of “normal”\(^8\) “professional,”\(^9\) journalistic, “academic,”\(^{10}\) or technical forms of literature, typically identified by an emphasis on narrative craft, character development, and the use of literary tropes or with various traditions of poetry and poetics. Due to the looseness of the definition, it is possible for writing such as feature stories to be considered creative writing, even though they fall under journalism, because the content of features is specifically focused on narrative and character development. 

Both fictional and nonfictional works fall into this category, including such forms as novels, biographies, short stories, and poems. In the academic setting, creative writing is typically separated into fiction and poetry classes, with a focus on writing in an original style, as opposed to imitating pre-existing genres such as crime or horror. Writing for the screen and stage—screenwriting and playwrighting—are often taught separately but fit under the creative writing category as well.

Creative writing can technically be considered any writing of original composition. 

the creative process: \(^{11}\)

Some people can simply sit down to write and have something to write about. For others, finding something to write about can be the hardest part of creative writing. Assuming that you are not in the first group, there are several things you can do to create ideas. Not all of these will work for all people, but most are at least useful tools in the process. Also, you never know when you might have an idea. Write down any ideas you have at any time and expand on them later.

For stories and poetry, the simplest method is to immerse yourself in the subject matter. If you want to write a short story, read a lot of short stories. If you want to write a poem, read poems. If you want to write something about love, read a lot of things about love, no matter the genre. 

the writing process “reminder”\(^{12}\)

Please Note: Not all writers follow these steps perfectly and with each project, but let’s review them to cover our butts:



Outline\(^{13}\) your entire story so you know what to write.  Start by writing a summary of your story in 1 paragraph. Use each sentence to explain the most important parts of your story. Then, take each sentence of your paragraph and expand it into greater detail. Keep working backward to add more detail to your story. This is known as the “snowflake method” of outlining.

getting started:

Find a comfortable space to write: consider the view, know yourself well enough to decide what you need in that physical space (music? coffee? blanket?).

Have the right tools: computer, notebook, favorite pens, etc.

Consider having a portable version of your favorite writing tool (small notebook or use an app on your phone?).

Start writing and try to make a daily habit out of it, even if you only get a paragraph or page down each day.

Keys to creativity: curiosity, passion, determination, awareness, energy, openness, sensitivity, listening, and observing...

getting ideas:

Ideas are everywhere! Ideas can be found:

Notebook or Image journal

Media: Magazines, newspapers, radio, TV, movies, etc.

Conversations with people

Artistic sources like photographs, family albums, home movies, illustrations, sculptures, and paintings.

Daily life: Standing in line at the grocery store, going to an ATM, working at your campus job, etc.

Music: Song lyrics, music videos, etc.

Beautiful or Horrible Settings

Favorite Objects

Favorite Books

How to generate ideas:

Play the game: "What if..."

Play the game: "I wonder..."

Use your favorite story as a model.

Revise favorite stories - nonfiction or fiction - into a different genre.

writer's block:\(^{14}\)

Writer’s block can happen to ANYONE, so here are some ways to break the block if it happens to you:

Write down anything that comes to mind. 

Try to draw ideas from what has already been written.

Take a break from writing. 

Read other peoples' writing to get ideas.

Talk to people. Ask others if they have any ideas.

Don't be afraid of writing awkwardly. Write it down and edit it later.

Set deadlines and keep them.

Work on multiple projects at a time; this way if you need to procrastinate on one project, you can work on another!

If you are jammed where you are, stop and write somewhere else, where it is comfortable.

Go somewhere where people are. Then people-watch. Who are these people? What do they do? Can you deduce\(^{15}\) anything based on what they are wearing or doing or saying? Make up random backstories for them, as if they were characters in your story.

peer workshops and feedback acronyms: \(^{16}\)

Having other humans give you feedback will help you improve misunderstandings within your work. Sometimes it takes another pair of eyes to see what you “missed” in your own writing. Please try not to get upset by the feedback; some people give creative criticism and others give negative criticism, but you will eventually learn by your own mistakes to improve your writing and that requires peer review and feedback from others. 

If you are comfortable having your friends and family read your work, you could have them\(^{17}\) peer review your work. Have a nerdy friend who corrects your grammar? Pay them in pizza perhaps to read over your stuff!? If you are in college, you can use college tutors to review your work.

Peer Workshop activities can help create a “writing group vibe” to any course, so hopefully, that is a part of the creative writing class you are taking.


The acronyms involved with feedback – at least according to the educators of Twitter – are WWW and TAG. Here’s what they stand for, so feel free to use these strategies in your creative writing courses OR when giving feedback to ANYONE.

Are you open to the kinds of feedback you’ll get using that table above with the WWW/TAG pieces?

What do you typically want feedback on when it comes to projects? Why?

What do you feel comfortable giving feedback to classmates on? Why?

\(^7\)"Creative Writing." Wikipedia . 13 Nov 2016. 21 Nov 2016, 19:39 < >. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

\(^8\)Whoa, what is normal anyway?

\(^9\)What IS the definition of “professionalism”?

\(^{10}\)Can’t academic writing be creative?

\(^{11}\)"Creative Writing/Introduction." Wikibooks, The Free Textbook Project . 10 May 2009, 04:14 UTC. 9 Nov 2016, 19:39

< >. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

\(^{12}\)It doesn’t really matter who created it; all you need to know is that you don’t HAVE to follow it perfectly. Not many people do.

\(^{13}\)Wikihow contributors. "How to Write Science Fiction." Wikihow. 29 May 2019. Web. 22 June 2019. . Text available under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

\(^{14}\)"Creative Writing/Fiction technique." Wikibooks, The Free Textbook Project . 28 Jun 2016, 13:38 UTC. 9 Nov 2016, 20:36

< >. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

\(^{15}\)Deduce = to reach a conclusion.

\(^{16}\)"Creative Writing/Peer Review." Wikibooks, The Free Textbook Project. 16 Aug 2016, 22:07 UTC. 9 Nov 2016, 20:12

< >. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

\(^{17}\)This textbook we’ll try to use they/them pronouns throughout to be inclusive of all humans.

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Plot & Structure

Writing process, inspiration.

  • 1 Dangerous Writing

Creative Writing 2021

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Page for Academic Positions in Creative Writing that begin in 2021 .

Nex year's page: Creative Writing 2022

Last year's page: CreativeWriting 2020

See also: English Literature 2019-2020

  • 1 RECENT ACTIVITY on Creative Writing 2021 Wiki
  • 2.1 Fiction: Full-Time / TT Jobs Accepted
  • 2.2 Non-Fiction: Full-Time / TT Jobs Accepted
  • 2.3 Poetry: Full-Time / TT Jobs Accepted
  • 2.4 Open Creative Writing: Full-Time / TT Jobs Accepted
  • 2.5 Visiting Positions / Fellowships Accepted
  • 2.6 Administrative Positions Accepted
  • 3.1 Assistant Professor - English: Creative Writing, Fiction at Anderson University (SC)
  • 3.2 Assistant Professor of English, Creative Writing, Auburn University at Montgomery
  • 3.3 Assistant Professor in Creative Writing Fiction, Bluffton University (OH)
  • 3.4 Assistant Professor in Writing for Film and Television, Emerson College (MA)
  • 3.5 Assistant Professor Creative Writing (Fiction), George Mason University (POSITION FILLED (via relation email 5/5))
  • 3.6 Distinguished Professor of Creative Writing - Hollins University (VA)
  • 3.7 Assistant Professor of English (Fiction Writing), Kenyon College
  • 3.8 Assistant Professor, Writing, Lindenwood University (MO)
  • 3.9.1 Application Information
  • 3.10 Assistant Professor of Fiction Writing (tenure-track), Notre Dame
  • 3.11 Assistant Professor of Creative Writing, Oberlin College
  • 3.12 TT Assistant Professor of Creative Writing - Fiction, Oklahoma State University: POSITION FILLED
  • 3.13 Assistant/Associate Professor of English Literature in Creative Writing, Swarthmore College - Preliminary Interview Stage
  • 3.14 Visiting Instructor of Creative Writing (Fiction) - Temple University (PA)
  • 3.15 Professor of the Practice of Fiction, Tufts University (MA)
  • 3.16.1 Application Information
  • 3.17 Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor, Department of English, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT
  • 3.18 Assistant Professor in English - University of Wisconsin-Madison (WI)
  • 4.1.1 Application Information
  • 4.2 Assistant Professor of Creative Nonfiction at Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO
  • 4.3 Assistant Professor of Journalism and Creative Nonfiction at North Carolina State University
  • 4.4 Assistant Professor of English - Creative Writing, Nonfiction at Old Dominion University (VA)
  • 4.5 Assistant Professor of English (Creative Writing) at Washington University in St. Louis
  • 4.6 Open Rank Professor in Creative Nonfiction at Northwestern University
  • 5.1.1 Assistant Professor of English (Creative Writing—Poetry), Louisiana State University
  • 5.2 English, Full-Time, Tenure-Track, Assistant Professor - University of Central Oklahoma (OK)
  • 5.3 Associate Professor, African American Literature and Creative Writing, North Carolina Central University (NC)
  • 5.4 Visiting Assistant Professor of Creative Writing - Oberlin College (OH)
  • 5.5 Creative Writing (Poetry), Assistant Professor - Minnesota State University Mankato (MN)
  • 5.6.1 Application Information
  • 5.7 Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Creative Writing, Poetry (subspeciality race, ethnicity and/or expressive culture), University of Texas at Austin
  • 5.8.1 Application Information
  • 6.1 Associate Director of Creative Writing - Barnard College (NY): Zoom Interviews Scheduled
  • 6.2 Assistant Professor of Creative Writing, Composition/Rhetoric, Cedarville University (OH)
  • 6.3.1 Application Information
  • 6.4 Assistant Professor of English (Creative Writing - Open Genre) -- College of Charleston (SC) -- POSITION FILLED
  • 6.5.1 Application Information
  • 6.6 Visiting Assistant Professor of English in Creative Writing - Loyola University New Orleans (LA) POSITION FILLED
  • 6.7 Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Creative Writing (Subspecialty: Fiction, poetry, and/or new genres), Santa Clara University
  • 6.8 Assistant Professor - Creative Writing/Director, El Centro Latinx
  • 6.9 TT Assistant Professor of Creative Writing (Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, & Graphic Narrative), Missouri State University
  • 6.10 Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Creative Writing (Publications/Expertise in Multiple Genres), The University of Southern Mississippi
  • 6.11.1 Application Information
  • 6.12 Assistant Professor of Creative Writing, Fiction or Non Fiction, University of California at UC Davis
  • 6.13 Assistant Professor of Literature and Creative Writing, University of Louisville (KY)
  • 6.14.1 Application Information
  • 6.15.1 A complete application consists of:
  • 7.1 Visiting Assistant Professor or Lecturer of Fiction, University of Idaho
  • 7.2 Visiting Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing, Austin College (TX)
  • 7.3 Creative Writing Fellows in the Department of English, Colgate University (NY)
  • 7.4.1 Application Information
  • 7.5.1 Application Information
  • 7.6 Assistant or Associate Professor of Creative Writing, Hollins University (VA)
  • 7.7.1 (posted 3/22/21) - Part-time
  • 7.8.1 Application Information
  • 7.9.1 Application Information
  • 7.10 Visiting Assistant Professor, Creative Writing, Rollins College (FL) INTERVIEW SCHEDULED
  • 7.11 Full-time Faculty in Creative Writing-Fiction (non-tenure track), Simmons University (MA)
  • 7.12 1-Year Visiting Assistant Professor of Creative Writing, Simpson College (IA)
  • 7.13.1 Application Information
  • 7.14 Visiting Assistant Professor of English - Fiction Writing, Trinity College (CT)
  • 7.15.1 Application Information
  • 7.16 University Fellow for Faculty Diversity in Creative Writing (Poetry), University of North Carolina Asheville (NC)
  • 7.17.1 Application Information
  • 7.18 Early Career Fellowship in Creative Writing (Fiction, YA Fiction, Creative Non-fiction, or Screenwriting) at University of Texas at Austin
  • 7.19 Patrick Henry Writing Fellowship (aka Patrick Henry History Fellowship)
  • 7.20 Forese Writer-in-Residence, Colby College, Waterville, ME
  • 7.21 Kenan Visiting Writer, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, FICTION
  • 7.22 Tickner Fellowship, Gilman School, Baltimore, MD
  • 7.23 Visiting Poet, Westminster College, Salt Lake City, UT [DELETED]
  • 7.24 Distinguished Visiting Writer, Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, IA
  • 7.25 Creative Writing & Environmental Humanities In-Residence Fellow, Temp Fauculty, University of Idaho
  • 7.26.1 Application Information
  • 7.27 Visiting Writer-in-Residence in Poetry at Washington University in St. Louis
  • 7.28 Visiting Assistant Professor, English (Open Genre) - Creative Writing, Washington & Jefferson College, Washington, PA
  • 7.29 Postdoctoral/Post MFA Teaching Fellowship in Writing - Loyola University Maryland, Baltimore, MD
  • 7.31 Trias Postgraduate Teaching Fellowship - Hobart William Smith, Geneva, NY
  • 7.32 Description
  • 7.33 Qualifications
  • 7.34 Wichita State University - Emerging Fiction Writer-in-Residence (One Month Appointment)
  • 7.35 Wichita State University - Distinguished Poet-in-Residence, (One Month Appointment)
  • 8.1 Lecturer & Associate Director of the Creative Writing Program, Binghamton University (NY)
  • 8.2.1 Application Information
  • 8.3.1 Application Information
  • 8.4 Academic Assistant - Creative Writing and Honors Program, Susquehanna University (PA)
  • 8.5 Director of the Susquehanna University Press, Assistant Professor of/Lecturer in Publishing and Media Entrepreneurship, Susquehanna University (PA)
  • 9 Q & A

RECENT ACTIVITY on Creative Writing 2021 Wiki [ ]

5120j: Reverted edits by (talk) to last revision by - 5120j - 2021/11/29 02:29 at 01:06, 25 November 2021 - - 2021/11/25 01:06 at 20:25, 19 October 2021 - - 2021/10/19 20:25 at 18:53, 25 August 2021 - - 2021/08/25 18:53 Updated Data in TT Jobs Accepted - - 2021/08/20 22:20

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Who Got the Job?: OFFERS ACCEPTED for AY 2021-22 [ ]

Q: Are any job offers being made? Are positions falling through?

A friend told me that Mississippi State was running searches for poetry and cnf and that both might have been cancelled because the unit lost the lines.

Q: Is it because of a lack of watercooler time that we don't know the names of any of the people who got the jobs this year?

I'm wondering this too. (5/5)

I've seen people post getting positions for Old Dominion, Wisconsin, Tufts, Notre Dame, George Mason, Wesleyan, and a few others. If you search hard enough you can find out who got a majority of the positions this year.

This is a sample size of 1, but most of my interviews this year were in April and May, vs. February and March in prior years. (5/6)

Fiction: Full-Time / TT Jobs Accepted [ ]

Murray State University: T.J. Martinson

Oberlin College: Allegra Hyde

Oklahoma State University: Matthew Salesses

University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill: Gabriel Bump

University of Wisconsin-Madison: Dantiel W. Moniz

Wesleyan University: Rachel Heng, Maaza Mengiste

Non-Fiction: Full-Time / TT Jobs Accepted [ ]

Old Dominion University—Assistant Professor of Creative Nonfiction: Molly McCully Brown

Washington University in St. Louis: G’Ra Asim

Poetry: Full-Time / TT Jobs Accepted [ ]

San Jose State University: J. Michael Martinez ( announced here )

Tennessee Tech University: Erin Hoover

University of Texas at Austin: Offer Accepted according to UT website.

Minnesota State University Mankato, according to a rejection email week of May 10

LSU: Ariel Francisco

UNCW: internal hire

Eastern Illinois University: internal hire

Open Creative Writing: Full-Time / TT Jobs Accepted [ ]

University of Louisville: position filled according to my rejection email :(

Barnard College MFA Program Director, according to a (second!) rejection email, week of May 10

College of Charleston: T K Madden

Santa Clara University: Kai Harris

Cedarville University: Bryana Fern

Visiting Positions / Fellowships Accepted [ ]

Hollins--Visiting Assistant Professor: Candice Wuehle

Webster University—Visiting Assistant Professor of Poetry: Kimberly Grey

Loyola New Orleans—Visiting Assistant Professor: Sakinah Hofler

Oberlin College-Visiting Assistant Professor of Poetry: Elizabeth Lindsey Rogers

Franklin and Marshall College—Visiting Assistant Professor of Poetry: Su Cho

Warren Wilson College—Visiting Assistant Professor of Creative Nonfiction: Caroline Crew

University of Michigan--Visiting Professor of Fiction: Jacinda Townsend and Lydia Conklin

Saint Lawrence University--Visiting Assistant Professor of Poetry and Creative Nonfiction: Leora Fridman (internal)

Pacific Lutheran University--Visiting Assistant Professor of Creative Writing: Aram Mrjoian

Washington and Lee University--Visiting Assistant Professor of Creative Writing: Brenna Womer

Administrative Positions Accepted [ ]

Fiction - full-time / tenure-track positions [ ].

University of St Andrews, Scotland - Lecturer in Creative Writing (Prose)

We wish to appoint a full-time, permanent Lecturer within the School of English. You will be a creative writer with a growing national/international publishing reputation in writing prose fiction and/or creative non-fiction and a commitment to delivering high-quality teaching within the broad field of creative writing.  

The successful candidate will be expected to have a range of interests, to be active in the publication of creative writing that strengthens or complements those in the School and to be capable of teaching the subject to undergraduate and taught postgraduate students from a wide range of backgrounds.   

Candidates should hold a PhD or MFA in a related discipline. Excellent teaching skills and an interest in promoting knowledge exchange are essential. You should also have some familiarity with public engagement.   

Informal enquiries can be directed to Professor John Burnside at: [ [1] ]

Applications are particularly welcome from people from the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) community, and from people with other protected characteristics who are under-represented in academic posts at the University.      

The University is committed to equality for all, demonstrated through accreditation (Athena SWAN; Carer   Positive; Stonewall, LGBT and Race Charters), as listed on:  

Closing Date: 18 June 2021                                           

Please quote ref: AC1940NB     

Apply at this link:

University of Texas, Dallas - TT Assistant - Fiction (2-2)

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: MLA, phone, Skype, etc.):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:

Assistant Professor - English: Creative Writing, Fiction at Anderson University (SC) [ ]

Anderson University and the College of Arts and Sciences invite applications for a full-time, nine-month professorship in Creative Writing beginning in August 2021. A terminal degree (M.F.A or Ph.D.) in Creative Writing or related discipline from a regionally accredited institution is required. Applicants who are currently pursuing a terminal degree with ABD status will be considered. Experience teaching at the undergraduate level is preferred. Screening will begin immediately and continue until the job is filled. Faculty status will be determined at the time of appointment based on experience and record of publication.

The largest private university in South Carolina, Anderson University is an innovative comprehensive liberal arts university affiliated with the South Carolina Baptist Convention. AU is one of just a handful of universities in the world to receive Apple's Distinguished School recognition three times. In addition to being named as one of the best Southeastern Colleges by the Princeton Review, AU was recently ranked by U.S News & World Report as the #2 Regional College in the South with a Strong Commitment to Teaching. We are located in South Carolina’s Upstate region, a growing and thriving community with award-winning public schools with convenient access to major cities and year-round outdoor recreation. We seek to attract culturally and academically diverse faculty of the highest caliber, active in the scholarship of teaching, discovery, application, and integration of faith.

The undergraduate Creative Writing major is an integral, important part of the English program. Students in this major develop content, edit, and help produce Ivy Leaves, an award-winning publication ( The department also offers a popular writing minor. Candidates should have a track record of publication in fiction, though success in other genres such as non-fiction and poetry, is welcome. The position would involve teaching other academic core courses in the department, such as Introduction to Creative Writing, Creative Inquiry Through Literature, and Freshman English. Other duties include guiding undergraduate research projects and advising creative writing majors.

Review of completed applications will begin January 2021 and will be accepted until the position is filled. To ensure full consideration, please send a letter of application, a completed application form, curriculum vita, statement of teaching philosophy, and contact information for three references to the name and address listed below:

Jennifer Campbell, Administrative Assistant

College of Arts and Sciences

Anderson University

316 Boulevard, #1123

Anderson, SC 29621

Applications by email may be sent to [ [2] ]. Electronic submissions are preferred.

Assistant Professor of English, Creative Writing, Auburn University at Montgomery [ ]


Auburn University at Montgomery invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position for an Assistant Professor of English in Creative Writing, to begin Fall 2021. We are seeking a candidate who is actively publishing in the areas of fiction and/or new media (digital narrative, game narrative). The successful candidate will offer courses in these areas, as well as our introductory course in creative writing. The ability to teach other genres depending on qualifications is also desirable. Candidates writing about any topic of contemporary significance are encouraged to apply, particularly those whose work engages with pressing issues related to racial, cultural, sexual, gendered, economic, or religious difference. The hire will serve as Coordinator of Creative Writing: they will be given the opportunity to take the lead in growing our Creative Writing Program, to develop a visiting writers series, and to revive THAT Literary Review. The faculty member will be expected to teach core literature surveys, so an ideal candidate will have graduate preparation in literary studies supplementing their creative specialization.

AUM has an official 4/3 teaching load. Faculty with ongoing scholarship and publication usually receive a course release for a normal 3/3 load. Internal funding and professional improvement leave to support scholarship are available.

Minimum qualifications: MFA in Creative Writing or Ph.D. in English, Creative Writing, or related field. Competitive salary.

Please complete an online application at and upload 1) a cover letter describing both your teaching and scholarship, 2) a curriculum vitae including three reference contacts, and 3) unofficial transcripts. Shortlisted candidates will be asked to provide additional materials, including teaching philosophy, evidence of teaching effectiveness, writing sample, and reference letters.

Application review begins November 2 and will continue until the position is filled.

Inquiries to John Havard, Department Chair, [email protected].

Auburn University at Montgomery is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through diversity; therefore, we encourage applications from historically underrepresented groups, veterans, and individuals with disabilities.

Auburn University at Montgomery has been ranked among the South’s top universities by U.S. News and World Report, was named one of the best colleges in the Southeast by The Princeton Review, is designated as a Military Friendly School, and is consistently chosen as the best university in the area. Auburn Montgomery provides students with detailed knowledge and hands-on, practical experience, often from professionals in the field.

The College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences offers students a traditional liberal education to meet the needs of the 21st century, allowing them to compete for a variety of careers in an increasingly complex and evolving world.

Apply at

Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: MLA, phone, Skype, etc.): online interview, scheduled for early December

Assistant Professor in Creative Writing Fiction, Bluffton University (OH) [ ]

Bluffton University invites applications for a full-time, ongoing faculty position in Creative Writing Fiction to begin Fall 2021.

QUALIFICATIONS: M.F.A. or Ph.D. expected; primary expertise in creative writing fiction, with secondary area in American Literature; record of publication in creative writing.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Responsibilities include teaching undergraduate classes in writing, composition, and literature as well as courses in Bluffton’s Enduring Values general education program, recruiting prospective students to Bluffton, directing the literary journal Bridge , and advising students.

COMPENSATION: Commensurate with education and experience within the university pay scale. Position could be converted to tenure-track in a few years.


  • Letter of interest
  • Resume or vita
  • Three letters of reference submitted directly from referee
  • Copies of transcripts
  • Bluffton Supplementary application (see

DEADLINE: Preferred date is December 28, 2020; open until filled. Postal Address:

Elaine Suderman

Academic Affairs

Bluffton University

1 University Drive

Bluffton, OH 45817

Phone: [ [3] ]

Fax: [ [4] ]

E-mail Address: [ From HigherEdJobs|[email protected] ]

Assistant Professor in Writing for Film and Television, Emerson College (MA) [ ]

Assistant Professor in Writing for Film and Television

Join our community and experience Emerson College!

The Department of Visual and Media Arts at Emerson College invites applications for two tenure-track faculty positions in writing for film and television. The Department seeks candidates who can contribute to the excellence and diversity of the academic community through ongoing engagement with students both inside and outside of the classroom in addition to scholarship, creative work, teaching, and service. The appointment begins August 19, 2021.

Emerson College is committed to an active, intentional, and ongoing engagement with diversity—in people, in the curriculum, in the co-curriculum, and in the College's intellectual, social, cultural, and geographical communities. Emerson endorses a framework of equity excellence, which recognizes that institutional excellence comes from fully engaging with diversity in all aspects of institutional activities. Emerson is committed to strengthening communities, including our workplace, by fostering the development of the intercultural competencies necessary for meaningful citizenship in an increasingly complex, pluralistic society.

The Department of Visual and Media Arts is a vibrant and engaged community of artists, creators and scholars, with over 100 full and part-time faculty members and over 1700 students in five degree programs. The department offers BA degrees in Media Studies and Media Production, a BFA in Media Production, an MFA in Film and Media Art, a low residency MFA in Writing Film and Television, and liberal arts courses in art history.

Emerson College is the nation's only four-year institution dedicated exclusively to majors in communication and the arts in a liberal arts context. It is located in the dynamic multi-cultural city of Boston in close proximity to major arts institutions, performing art venues, and research centers. The college enrolls over 5,100 undergraduate and graduate students from 58 countries and all 50 states.

The focus of one of these positions is comedy writing. The primary responsibility for this position will be teaching in the BFA in Comedic Arts program, which includes classes in comedy writing for television, comedy writing for late night, webisodes, short film and video.

The second position is defined more broadly as writing for film and/or television, with a primary responsibility for teaching a range of introductory-to-advanced undergraduate classes and MFA-level graduate classes on campus and online in screenwriting for television, features, short film, and emerging media.

Film and television writing courses also serve students from across the College. Additional responsibilities for both faculty positions include academic advising, student mentorship, support for admissions, and serving on department, school, and college committees.


The ideal candidates will have an MFA degree in screenwriting or a related field, professional experience writing for film and/or television (specific credits writing for comedy for one position), and some experience teaching screenwriting or television writing at the college level in a diverse college environment. Candidates must have demonstrated ability to work effectively with colleagues, or faculty, students, and staff from diverse backgrounds. Experience in creating authentic narratives about underrepresented communities is desirable. A strong commitment to undergraduate education beyond the classroom is essential.

Candidates should be able to address issues of race and representation in all of their courses. Our ideal candidate will also possess a keen and developed awareness of the issues around diversity, inclusion, and equity within the media industries, the teaching profession, and the classroom. Candidate should have facility with culturally responsive screenwriting pedagogies and approaches, and possess a fluid overall pedagogy that is able to adapt and expand as the cultural conversation around representation, privilege-based difference, and inclusive excellence continues to evolve.

Please submit a letter of application, current curriculum vita, and the names and contact information for three references. Preference will be given to applications received by December 1, but the position remains open until filled.

To apply, please visit:

Emerson College is the nation’s only four-year institution dedicated exclusively to majors in communication and the arts in a liberal arts context. Its main campus is located in the center of the dynamic multicultural city of Boston, in close proximity to major publishing houses, arts institutions, and research centers. The college also has campuses in Los Angeles and the Netherlands. Emerson College enrolls over 4,300 graduate and undergraduate students from more than 70 countries and all 50 states.

Diversity Statement

Emerson College believes diversity enriches the educational experience by providing students with the opportunity to learn from individuals who may have different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. Engagement with diversity in the curriculum, in our co-curricular offerings, and all other aspects of the College enhances the personal and intellectual growth of all members of our campus community. Emerson is committed to strengthening communities, including our workplace, by fostering the development of the intercultural competencies necessary for meaningful citizenship in an increasingly complex, pluralistic society. Emerson College does not discriminate on the basis of sex/gender in its educational programs or activities. Emerson has designated the Associate Vice President, Title IX, and Clery Coordinator to respond to inquiries regarding the College Sexual Misconduct Policy. The Title IX Coordinator may be reached at 8 Park Plaza, Transportation Bldg, Room 230 Boston, MA 02116; Telephone: [ [5] ]; email: [ [6] ]

Annual Clery Report

In accordance with the federal Clery and Campus SaVE Acts, Emerson College commits to providing all current and prospective students and employees with access to the annual campus security reports for each of our campuses. This report may be accessed from the Emerson College Police Department website.

Assistant Professor Creative Writing (Fiction), George Mason University (POSITION FILLED (via relation email 5/5)) [ ]

The George Mason University Department of English invites applications for a nine-month, tenure track Assistant Professor Position in Fiction. We encourage applicants whose work explicitly engages pressing issues of racial, cultural, sexual, gendered, economic, or religious difference including African American, Latinx, Native American, Asian American, immigrant, and other marginalized voices. George Mason University has a strong institutional commitment to the achievement of excellence and diversity among its faculty and staff, and strongly encourages candidates to apply who will enrich Mason’s academic and culturally inclusive environment.


Candidates will teach in the Creative Writing MFA and BFA programs beginning fall 2021, teaching a 2:2 load. Candidates should be prepared to teach creative writing graduate courses including forms of fiction, creative writing workshop.

Specific Duties:

  • Teaching graduate courses and workshops with an option to eventually include undergraduate courses if desired (2-2 load);
  • Directing MFA theses;
  • Reviewing fiction applications and assisting in student recruitment;
  • Partaking in faculty meetings;
  • Contributing other service as required.

Required Qualifications:

  • MFA or PhD in creative writing;
  • Demonstrated excellence in the teaching of writing and literature;
  • At least one full-length book of fiction in print or in press by a nationally recognized press.

For Full Consideration, apply by December 30, 2020, and submit the following required documents:

  • Cover Letter;
  • Academic Transcripts;
  • List of Professional References with contact information;
  • Writing Sample.

Chronicle (posted 11/5/2020)

Distinguished Professor of Creative Writing - Hollins University (VA) [ ]

The Jackson Center for Creative Writing at Hollins University seeks applications for an endowed Distinguished Professor of Creative Writing position to begin July 1, 2021. This is a three-year, visiting, full-time, renewable position.

The distinguished professor will teach a 2-2 load, including mixed genre advanced seminars in creative writing, focused graduate tutorials, and graduate and undergraduate thesis direction. Additional responsibilities include full participation in the co-curricular and admission activities in support of Hollins’ MFA creative writing program.

Applicants should be accomplished fiction writers with several published books (at least three). Preference will be given to candidates who also have strong publications in poetry, undergraduate and graduate teaching experience, and a terminal degree in the field.

Qualified candidates should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, writing sample, dossier including graduate school transcript(s) (unofficial transcripts are acceptable), evidence of effective teaching, and letters of reference to [ [7] ]. Review of applications will begin immediately, and will continue until the position is filled. Final candidates will be subject to a criminal history background check.

Hollins is an independent, liberal arts university in Roanoke, Virginia offering undergraduate education for women, selected graduate programs for men and women, and community outreach initiatives. Founded in 1842 as Virginia's oldest chartered women's college, Hollins is best known for its creative writing program, which has a storied history in all genres of writing, including winners of the Pulitzer Prize, Man Booker Prize, Yale Series of Younger Poets Award, and many other writers of distinction and achievement. The graduate creative writing program, among the earliest in the nation, is now over 60-years-old.

Hollins is an equal opportunity employer, and is strongly committed to promoting diversity and inclusiveness at every level of the university. Persons of all genders, persons with disabilities, and persons of all racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Candidates are encouraged to comment in their cover letter on how their contributions will further the university’s efforts to ensure the success and inclusion of all members of its community.

Assistant Professor of English (Fiction Writing), Kenyon College [ ]

The English department at Kenyon College invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track Assistant Professor position in creative writing with a specialization in fiction and significant experience in another prose genre, such as creative non-fiction, science and nature writing, journalism, and/or comics/graphic narrative. We seek candidates who can broaden the English department’s curricular diversity. The position is set to begin on July 1, 2021. The teaching requirement will be five courses per year (divided 3:2 or 2:3) and will include courses at all levels of the curriculum. Additional responsibilities will include contributions to the life of the English department and the College (including advising students, directing honors projects, and participating in faculty governance). Evidence of teaching excellence at the undergraduate level is required. Candidates should hold an MFA or PhD and have at least one book published or under contract with a reputable press. A completed application will include 1) a cover letter detailing writing interests and accomplishments, teaching experience, and teaching philosophy with information on ways that issues and practices related to diversity, inclusion, and equity have been or will be included in teaching and advising; 2) a Curriculum Vitae; 3) an unofficial graduate transcript. Applicants should also submit the names and email addresses of three references, including at least one who can attest to the applicant’s teaching effectiveness and potential. These references may be prompted by email to upload their letters of recommendation to the application website at a later stage. All application materials must be submitted electronically through Kenyon’s website at Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position has been filled; to ensure full consideration, candidates should submit materials by January 11, 2021. Applications will be acknowledged by automatic response. Semi-finalists will be asked to submit writing samples prior to preliminary interviews, which will be held by Zoom or Google Meet, with virtual on-campus interviews to follow. An Equal Opportunity Employer, Kenyon encourages diversity and welcomes applications from women and minority candidates.

Rejection (no interview): 2/25 (after requesting additional materials)

Assistant Professor, Writing, Lindenwood University (MO) [ ]

Welcome to Career Opportunities at Lindenwood University. PLEASE READ: For all applications, please include your resume and cover letter. You may skip the “ Quick Apply ” page by simply clicking “ Next ” at the bottom of the page. When you arrive at the “ Experience ” page, you may upload all desired documents using the upload box labeled “ Resume/CV. ” This is the appropriate box to upload all documents. If you are a current or prospective student applying for a student employee position, please use your student email address in the email field on the application.

Job Title: Assistant Professor, Writing

Department: MFA-Writing, College of Arts and Humanities

Evaluation Group: Faculty and Instructors

FLSA Status: Exempt

Location: St. Charles Campus

Application must be completed in one sitting. At the time of completing the application, you will need the following documents to upload.

Supplemental Materials

  • Cover letter specifying your area of expertise and interest
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Unofficial transcript(s) of all degrees completed*** The system limits 5 documents to upload. You will need to save multiple documents into one PDF or have additional documents sent to [email protected]***

Job Summary

The College of Arts and Humanities at Lindenwood University invites applications for an assistant professor of writing.

Qualified applicants will possess a MFA or PhD in creative writing with specialization in fiction (preference for young adult fiction). The successful candidate will be expected to teach 4 courses (12 credit hours) each semester on creative writing. Preference will be given to candidates with experience teaching online. All Lindenwood faculty members are expected to advise and mentor students, continue to develop their expertise through research and scholarship, and participate in faculty governance and campus life.

The assistant professor of writing is a full-time, 9-month faculty position that will begin August 2021. Review of applications will begin April 12th and will continue until the position is filled.

The MFA program is a large and growing program in which a team of faculty share administrative responsibilities ranging from book orders to transfer credit evaluation. The successful candidate will be a team player with a diverse work history who is deeply committed to the craft of teaching, creative work, and the work of the program.

Essential Job Functions and Performance Indicators The intent of this job description is to provide a representation of the level and types of duties and responsibilities that will be required of positions given this title and shall not be construed as a declaration of the total of the specific duties and responsibilities of any particular position. Employees may be directed to perform job-related tasks other than those specifically presented in this description.

1. Teaching and Learning

Teaching is central to the mission of Lindenwood University and constitutes the primary responsibility of faculty and instructors. Faculty and instructors help students to develop and demonstrate Institutional Learning Outcomes, including broad, integrative, and specialized knowledge, essential habits of mind, communicative fluency, and effective problem-solving skills. As committed teachers, Lindenwood faculty and instructors also continually learn about advances in pedagogy and work to become better teachers. Other activities that provide evidence of commitment to effective teaching and learning include contributions in curricular development; innovation in teaching strategies, including the incorporation of new technologies and approaches to learning; and collaboration with and mentoring of students, including directing research, projects, or internships. View Teaching and Learning Expectations by Rank

Service is essential to the University's mission, vision, and values and is a responsibility of all faculty and instructors. Faculty and instructors perform a broad array of services that are vital to supporting and sustaining the quality and effectiveness of the University and its programs. Faculty and instructors are expected to provide service to the University and its students, clients, and programs as collegial and constructive members of the University and the broader community. Examples include but are not limited to service in shared governance; in assessment processes; in academic and student support units; with alumni and development; in community and state programs; and on program, department, school, and University committees and taskforces.Among the most important service duties expected of faculty and instructors is advising and mentoring of students. Effective advising helps create an environment that fosters student learning and student retention; the formal and informal advising and mentoring of undergraduate and graduate students is an essential component of the broader educational experience at the University. Advising may take the form of assisting students in the selection of courses, careers, and/or graduate programs, serving as advisor for student groups, assisting learners in educational programs both on and off campus, and mentoring/coaching. View Service Expectations by Rank

3. Subject Matter Expertise and Scholarship

As professional educators, faculty and instructors must demonstrate command of their subject matter and continuous growth in their subject fields. They must sustain professional contact with colleagues and engage in continuing professional activities to upgrade and augment existing skills or develop new ones. Furthermore, all University faculty and instructors have a responsibility to engage in scholarship or creative activity and to provide service to the professional organizations that contribute to the national and international intellectual communities of which Lindenwood is a part. Scholarship and creative activity are understood to be intellectual work whose significance is validated by peers and which is disseminated to the broader community of the discipline.

View Subject Matter Expertise and Scholarship Expectations by Rank

Required Qualifications Qualifications required for effective job performance. An equivalent combination of education, training, and experience will be considered. Additional requirements may be designated by position.

View Required Qualifications by Rank

Additional Requirements for this position:

  • Interpersonal effectiveness and ability to work as a team member on tasks that support and advance the program.
  • Demonstrated effectiveness with administrative tasks.
  • Strong publication record, with a strong preference for a single-author volume from a reputable press.

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities May be representative, but not all-inclusive, of the knowledge, skills and abilities commonly associated with this position.

Communication Skills: Ability to verbalize understanding of complex problem or situations, ask relevant questions for clarifications, and explain it clearly to others; well-developed written communication skills; ability to communicate diplomatically, clearly, and effectively with students and co-workers verbally, in-person and by telephone, using the English language; ability to present materials effectively to individual students or groups; ability to manage interpersonal conflict situations requiring tact, diplomacy, and discretion; ability to support a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion through effective interactions with students, employees, alumni, and other stakeholders.

Decision-Making & Analytical Skills: Ability to define problems, collect data, establish facts, and draw valid conclusions; ability to organize and express ideas, directions, and data in a logical sequence to describe a process, or explain procedures, such as how to perform a task to someone else; ability to deal with abstract and concrete variables.

Technological & Related Skills: Use current technology to enhance effectiveness including but not limited to computers, computer-assisted instruction programs, and audio-visual equipment; be willing to learn and apply any other new technology necessary to enhance learning; working knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Canvas (LMS), CAMS (SIS), Workday (EIS); ability to use phones, fax machines, printers, scanners, and copiers.

Work Environments Environmental or atmospheric conditions commonly associated with the performance of the functions of this job.

  • General office and/or classroom conditions for on-campus faculty and instructors.
  • Variable work environments as determined by online instructors; must have 24/7 access to a computer that meets minimum technical specifications and high-speed Internet access.

Physical Abilities Activities commonly associated with the performance of the functions of this job. The physical demands described below are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform essential functions.

  • Stamina to teach classes as required.
  • Ability to stand or sit for extended time periods.

Attendance View Attendance Expectations by Rank

Click here to View the full Job Description

Equal Opportunity Employer Lindenwood University is an Equal Opportunity employer. The University complies with appropriate federal, state, and local laws and provides equal employment opportunities and access to educational programs without regard to race, color, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran status, disability, or any other protected status to all qualified applicants and employees. Lindenwood University is committed to a policy of non-discrimination and dedicated to providing a positive discrimination-free educational work environment.

Assistant Professor, Creative Writing, Murray State University (KY) [ ]

Institution: Murray State University

Location: Murray, KY

Category: Faculty - Liberal Arts - English and Literature

Posted: 03/02/2021

Application Due: 04/02/2021

Type: Full-Time

The Department of English and Philosophy at Murray State invites applications for the position of Assistant Professor of Creative Writing, fiction concentration.

Summary of Job Duties and Responsibilities:

The assistant professor will teach 12 hours per semester in creative writing and other courses according to qualifications and departmental needs; these may include composition, humanities, undergraduate literature courses, and graduate courses. Maintain a record of publication in the field sufficient for tenure and advancement and engage in appropriate departmental and university service.

Minimum Education Requirements:

MFA or Ph.D. in Creative Writing with a specialization in fiction and the ability to teach in another related discipline such as screenwriting, creative nonfiction, new media, web writing, literary journal editing, etc.

Minimum Experience and Skill Requirements:

Distinguished record of fiction publications required. Evidence of teaching effectiveness.

Application Information [ ]

Contact: Murray State University

Online App. Form:

Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: MLA, phone, Skype, etc.): 4/12 (Zoom interview scheduled for 4/16)

NOTES: (4/18): Has this job posting changed? Checked the current listing on the university website and there is now a similar job but with a slightly different description and different closing date. (4/19): The new listing is a separate job.

Assistant Professor of Fiction Writing (tenure-track), Notre Dame [ ]

The University of Notre Dame seeks a tenure-track fiction writer at the assistant professor level for a joint appointment in Notre Dame's new center for the comparative study of race that will be launched later this year and the long-established Creative Writing Program in the Department of English. We seek a writer with an M.F.A., Ph.D., or equivalent degree and teaching experience who has published at least one book with a nationally recognized press and who has expertise in Black (including African American, African, and African diasporic) fiction. The writer will have teaching opportunities in creative writing, literature, and/or critical race theory at both the undergraduate and graduate level, and will join a thriving community of venturesome writers. The course load (2:2 per year) will be divided between the Creative Writing Program and the new center.

Application Instructions

Please submit a CV and letter of interest describing your literary and teaching concerns, along with a statement describing how you envision contributing to a vibrant new center on race, to by October 30, 2020.

Assistant Professor of Creative Writing, Oberlin College [ ]

The Creative Writing Program at Oberlin College invites applications for a full-time tenure-track faculty position in the College of Arts and Sciences in the general area of Fiction, with special consideration given to candidates with secondary expertise in screenwriting, writing for performance, translation, creative nonfiction, or graphic narrative. Initial appointment to this position will be for a term of four years, beginning fall semester of 2021, and will carry the rank of Assistant Professor. We seek candidates with a strong record of achievement in undergraduate teaching, and a firm commitment to diversity and equity in education.

The incumbent will teach the standard teaching load (4.5 courses per year) in the general area of Fiction. Course coverage may also include screenwriting, writing for performance, translation, creative nonfiction, or graphic narrative.

The incumbent will also be expected to engage in sustained scholarly research and/or other creative work appropriate to the position and participate in the full range of faculty responsibilities, including academic advising and service on committees.

Among the qualifications required for appointment is the MFA degree (in hand or expected by first semester of academic year 2021-22). Candidates must demonstrate interest and potential excellence in undergraduate teaching. Successful teaching experience at the college level is desirable. Oberlin College is committed to student and faculty diversity, equity, and inclusion. The incumbent will bring understanding of or experience working with underrepresented and diverse academic populations. Oberlin is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the excellence and diversity of the academic community through their research, teaching, and service. Oberlin recruits, employs, trains, compensates, and promotes regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, age, veteran’s status, and/or other protected status as required by applicable law.

To apply, candidates should visit the online application site found at . A complete application will be comprised of: 1) a Cover Letter describing your teaching, scholarship, mentorship, and service, detailing any connections to supporting an inclusive learning environment; 2) a Curriculum Vitae; 3) an unofficial graduate transcript; 4) a statement detailing your commitment to and expertise in diversity and equity in teaching; 5) a research statement that includes how you will support undergraduate research and, if applicable, how you might incorporate undergraduate students into your research program; and 6) Letters of Reference from three recommenders.

All application materials must be submitted electronically through Oberlin College and Conservatory’s online application process at:

  • By providing three letters of reference, you agree that we may contact your letter writers.
  • Review of applications will begin on October 26, 2020, and will continue until the position is filled. Completed applications received by the November 30, 2020 deadline will be guaranteed full consideration.

Chronicle (posted 11/2/2020)

Request for additional materials: 12/16

Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: MLA, phone, Skype, etc.): 20-min zoom interview on 1/12 (x2)

I didn't see this job posted anywhere before now and the deadline has already passed.

Same here. Disappointing/frustrating/shady.

Third commenter: Same here! This probably just means that they're only pretending to look (right?).

This position was advertised in the Chronicle of Higher Education and the AWP Job List in early November, and applications were still being accepted as of late December, so I really don't know what you're talking about.

TT Assistant Professor of Creative Writing - Fiction, Oklahoma State University: POSITION FILLED [ ]

The Department of English at Oklahoma State University seeks to hire a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Creative Writing-Fiction beginning in August 2021, contingent upon available funding. Responsibilities include a 2/2 teaching load of introductory through graduate creative writing workshops, as well as advising graduate students and serving on exam, thesis, and dissertation committees. Appropriate terminal degree (MFA or PhD), significant national publication with at least one book in print or under contract, and demonstrated teaching excellence required.

For further information on the department, see our webpage at . To ensure full consideration, applications should be received by February 1, 2021. We will continue, however, to accept and consider applications until the position has been filled. Submit letter of application, cv, writing sample, teaching philosophy, and dossier, including three letters of recommendation and transcript through Interfolio using this link

Assistant/Associate Professor of English Literature in Creative Writing, Swarthmore College - Preliminary Interview Stage [ ]

The Department of English Literature at Swarthmore College invites applications for a tenure-track open-rank position in creative writing with a specialization in fiction; secondary expertise in fields including but not limited to creative nonfiction or poetry desirable but not required. Teaching load is 2/2. This position will start in August 2021.

In addition to teaching literature in English and housing the Creative Writing Program, the Swarthmore College English Department supports work in critical race and ethnic studies, feminist studies, environmental humanities, and queer studies, and contributes to interdisciplinary programs in these fields. The strongest candidates will be expected to demonstrate a commitment to creative teaching and mentorship of undergraduates from diverse backgrounds. The College has a generous leave policy and provides strong support for research and faculty development.

Located in the suburbs of Philadelphia and near Wilmington DE, Swarthmore College is a highly selective liberal arts college whose mission combines academic rigor with social responsibility. Swarthmore has a strong institutional commitment to diversity. For more information on Faculty Diversity and Excellence at Swarthmore, see .

Candidates must have the MFA or Ph.D. in hand at the time of appointment, as well as experience in and a commitment to undergraduate teaching. Candidates should have published at least one book or have one in contract. They should demonstrate capacity to produce programming, mentor diverse student writers, and contribute to the leadership and future direction of the creative writing program within our department. Application Instructions Please submit a cover letter, a CV, three letters of recommendation, and a writing sample of 30 pages maximum. Review of applications will begin on October 1 and continue until the position is filled. Please address any questions you may have to Donna McKeever, Administrative Assistant ( [email protected] ) or Betsy Bolton, Chair of the Department. ( [email protected] ).

Apply at

Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: MLA, phone, Skype, etc.): 11/2 Zoom interview scheduled. 11/2 Zoom interview scheduled for 1st week of December

Campus interview scheduled: 12/22

Rejection (after campus interview): 3/5/21

Visiting Instructor of Creative Writing (Fiction) - Temple University (PA) [ ]

The position: The M.F.A. program in Creative Writing at Temple University invites applications for the position of Visiting Instructor of Creative Writing (Fiction). This two-year adjunct appointment will begin in the Fall 2021 semester. The Visiting Instructor will teach two courses in the fall and one course in the spring, most likely all graduate-level courses. Additionally, the Visiting Instructor will be asked to assist with administrative work such as application review and thesis advising. Salary is expected to be $10,000 per course and $10,000 for administrative work, for a total of $40,000 per year.

Qualifications: The ideal candidate will have completed an M.F.A in Creative Writing with a specialty in fiction and will have at least one book-length work of fiction published by a reputable press. Teaching experience at the graduate or undergraduate level is strongly preferred. We are especially interested in applicants who demonstrate a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion in higher education.

The College: The College of Liberal Arts is home to 32 undergraduate majors, 32 minors, 23 certificate programs, and 15 graduate degree programs. With its vibrant and diverse array of educational programs, the College of Liberal Arts plays a tremendous role in Temple University’s academic success, and its mission mirrors both the historical importance of the liberal arts in society and the principles on which the university was founded.

The University: Temple is an urban, research-intensive Carnegie R1 university located in historic and culturally rich Philadelphia, the 6th largest city in the nation. Philadelphia was ranked 3rd by the New York Times as a world tourist destination. The National Science Foundation ranks Temple among the top 100 universities in the country for research expenditures. Temple is the 6th largest provider of professional education in the nation and includes Schools of Medicine, Pharmacy, Podiatry, Law, and Dentistry.

To apply: Please submit a letter of interest, a CV, a writing sample, and the names of three references via Interfolio at Further materials will be requested following review. The position will remain open until filled, but applications received by February 20, 2021, are assured full consideration. Temple University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Applicants from underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply.

Rejection (no interview): 3/15 (2)

Professor of the Practice of Fiction, Tufts University (MA) [ ]

Job Description

Professor of the Practice of Fiction. Full-time, non-tenure-track, renewable position teaching courses in fiction writing, starting in Fall 2021. Candidates should be established fiction writers with strong records of publication, continuing active involvement in the profession, and proven excellence as undergraduate instructors. Candidates should be prepared to teach fiction writing courses at the introductory and advanced levels, to direct undergraduate theses in fiction writing, to serve as an academic advisor to undergraduates, to serve on university and departmental committees, and to provide leadership for the Creative Writing program, including, at times, directing the program.


PhD or MFA is required, as well as experience in teaching fiction writing at the university or college level.

How to Apply

Application requirements: Applicants should submit a letter of application, a CV, a writing sample (no more than 20-30 pages), a syllabus sample, three letters of recommendation, and a statement detailing the applicant’s commitment to the promotion of diversity and inclusion through their professional career. All materials must be submitted through Interfolio at

Tufts University is committed to increasing the diversity of our faculty and staff, to fostering their success when hired, and to becoming an anti-racist institution. We strongly encourage applications from members of underrepresented groups. For additional information, applicants may contact Department Administrator Wendy Medeiros [email protected]. Review of applications begins immediately and continues until the position is filled.

AWP: Job List (posted 1/20/2021); also HigherEdJobs (posted 1/27/2021)

Assistant Professor, Creative Writing (Fiction), Rhetoric and Composition, University of the Bahamas [ ]

Assistant Professor, Creative Writing (Fiction), Rhetoric and Composition

The Faculty of Liberal and Fine Arts is pleased to invite applications for the position of Assistant Professor, Creative Writing, (Fiction) Rhetoric and Composition. This full-time appointment will begin 2 August 2021.

The Department of English is seeking a faculty colleague with a strong commitment to undergraduate instruction; knowledge of current trends in pedagogy; evidence of excellence in teaching; and evidence of scholarly research and publications. In addition to offering a Bachelor of Arts degree in English, the Department is responsible for the delivery of the literacy component of the University’s General Education programme which requires students to take two lower level portfolio-based Writing and Rhetoric courses and one upper level portfolio based Advanced Composition course. Students develop critical thinking, reading and writing skills as well as research and documentation skills required in the academy. They are also introduced to the writing conventions of specific disciplines. We encourage applications from professionals who can help us continue to prepare exceptional and ethical students.

Responsibilities. Teach first-year writing and advanced writing courses; engage in research; assist in securing external grants and other funding opportunities; participate in curriculum review, revision and design; develop and participate in departmental projects; contribute to the development of teaching materials; and serve on departmental, school and university-wide committees.

Qualifications. Candidates must have an earned PhD in Rhetoric and Composition or a related field from an accredited institution; excellent undergraduate teaching experience; and an active research agenda in composition and rhetoric. Desirable specialties include: basic writing, WAC/WID, digital rhetoric and distance education.

Application. Application materials should include:

A cover letter describing academic philosophy and vision, research and publications;

  • Copies of academic qualifications;
  • Copies of transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate degree programmes completed;
  • A current and complete curriculum vitae;
  • Copy of relevant pages of a valid passport showing photo ID, passport number and expiration date;
  • Three letters of reference;
  • Completed UB Application for Employment Form found at this link:

To Apply: Apply electronically at [ [8] ] noting the position in the subject field . Only electronic submissions will be accepted. Attach the following documents ( in one efile/document ) with your electronic submission: cover letter; academic qualifications; transcripts; curriculum vitae; copy of relevant pages of valid passport; three letters of reference; and a completed UB Application for Employment form. Additional materials will be required of shortlisted candidates. For additional information or informal inquiries, contact [ [9] ].

Office of the VP of Academic Affairs

University of The Bahamas

Online App. Form:

Email Address: [ From HigherEdJobs|[email protected] ]

Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor, Department of English, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT [ ]

The Department of English at Wesleyan University seeks a fiction writer for a tenure track Assistant, Associate, or Professor position to begin on July 1, 2021. Teaching responsibilities will include two courses per semester in introductory through advanced workshops as well as some literature courses. The successful candidate will use their passion for working with student writers to advise and mentor students, help plan the reading series, assume a leadership role in creative writing programs in the department and university, participate in faculty governance at the departmental and university level, and take an active part in a growing, lively writing community. Wesleyan highly values creative work and teaching; has a strong, diverse student body; and offers a generous sabbatical program and competitive salaries and benefits.

Minimum Qualifications

Candidates should have at least an MFA or its equivalent in Creative Writing or a related field, as well as teaching experience.

Application & Additional Information

You will be asked to upload electronic versions of the items we require, which are a 1) cover letter; 2) curriculum vitae; 3) writing sample consisting of 25-30 pages to include both published work and work in progress; documentation of teaching experience to include 4) teaching statement, 5) course syllabi, and 6) student evaluations. As part of the teaching statement (or cover letter), we invite you to describe your cultural competencies and experiences engaging a diverse student body.

You will also be asked to provide the email addresses of three referees from whom we may obtain confidential letters of recommendation (please double-check the accuracy of the email addresses of the referees you name to insure that you have the most up-to-date email addresses for each one).

After you have submitted all of the required documents, you will see a confirmation number. At that point, each of your referees whose email address you have provided will receive an automatically-generated email requesting that he or she submit a letter of reference for you.

Applications received by November 1, 2020, will be given full consideration.

Questions regarding the application process should be directed to Liz Tinker, the department administrative assistant, at [email protected] or [ [10] ].

Note for Interfolio users: We gladly accept letters of recommendation from Interfolio. From your Interfolio account, please use the “web delivery” method to upload your letters directly to our online application.

For further instructions, look here:

Rejection (no interview): 2 (12/14)

Assistant Professor in English - University of Wisconsin-Madison (WI) [ ]

Job no: 229847-FA

Work type: Faculty-Full Time


Location: Madison

Categories: Instructional

Position Summary:

The Department of English at the University of Wisconsin-Madison seeks a fiction writer for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level. Qualified applicants should be writers with excellent records of publication, teaching and expertise in Black/African American fiction.

Principal Duties:

The successful candidate will teach four courses per academic year and participate fully in all activities of the creative writing program, including serving in rotation as one of the directors of the undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate components. The successful candidate will also advise graduate students, continue research and publication, and participate in service.

Institutional Statement on Diversity:

Diversity is a source of strength, creativity, and innovation for UW-Madison. We value the contributions of each person and respect the profound ways their identity, culture, background, experience, status, abilities, and opinion enrich the university community. We commit ourselves to the pursuit of excellence in teaching, research, outreach, and diversity as inextricably linked goals.

The University of Wisconsin-Madison fulfills its public mission by creating a welcoming and inclusive community for people from every background - people who as students, faculty, and staff serve Wisconsin and the world.

For more information on diversity and inclusion on campus, please visit: Diversity and Inclusion

Degree and Area of Specialization:

MFA or PhD in Creative Writing (fiction): Specialization in Black/African American fiction.

Minimum Years and Type of Relevant Work Experience:

Minimum of one published book of fiction, and teaching experience. Must hold an MFA or PhD in creative writing before appointment begins.

Additional Information:

The successful applicant will be responsible for ensuring eligibility for employment in the United States on or before the effective date of the appointment.



Full Time: 100%

Appointment Type, Duration:


Anticipated Begin Date:

AUGUST 23, 2021

ACADEMIC (9 months)

Instructions to Applicants:

Apply for the Assistant Professor position at: (PVL 229847). Address application information to Professor Amy Quan Barry. Complete the application and upload the following 4 documents: 1) Application letter; 2) An updated CV; 3) Names and contact information (email, address, phone) for three (3) recommenders; 4) Writing sample--no longer than 30 pages.

For assured consideration, please apply by February 15, 2021.

Spring Sherrod

Relay Access (WTRS): 7-1-1 (out-of-state: TTY: [ [13] ], STS: [ [14] ]) and above Phone number (See RELAY_SERVICE for further information. )

Official Title:


Employment Class:

Job Number:

The University of Wisconsin is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer. We promote excellence through diversity and encourage all qualified individuals to apply.

If you need to request an accommodation because of a disability, you can find information about how to make a request at the following website:

The University of Wisconsin-Madison is engaged in a Title and Total Compensation (TTC) Project to redesign job titles and compensation structures. As a result of the TTC project, official job titles on current job postings may change in Fall 2020. Job duties and responsibilities will remain the same. For more information please visit: .

Employment will require a criminal background check. It will also require you and your references to answer questions regarding sexual violence and sexual harassment.

The University of Wisconsin System will not reveal the identities of applicants who request confidentiality in writing, except that the identity of the successful candidate will be released. See Wis. Stat. sec. 19.36(7).

The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report contains current campus safety and disciplinary policies, crime statistics for the previous 3 calendar years, and on-campus student housing fire safety policies and fire statistics for the previous 3 calendar years. UW-Madison will provide a paper copy upon request; please contact the [ of Wisconsin Police Department ] .

Applications Open: Dec 22 2020 Central Standard Time

Applications Close:

Visiting Assistant Professor or Lecturer of Fiction - University of Idaho

University of Idaho

Visiting Assistant Professor or Lecturer of Fiction

Location: Moscow

Division/College: College of Letters, Arts & Social Sciences

Employee Category: Faculty

Pay Range: $54,216 - $58,387, depending on experience

Full/Part Time: Full Time

The Department of English and the MFA in Creative Writing Program at the University of Idaho seek to hire a Visiting Assistant Professor or Lecturer of Fiction. This is a full time, academic year appointment with the possibility of renewal, with a 2/3 teaching load at lower- and upper-division levels, including graduate workshops and seminars. Areas of specialization include the writing and study of contemporary fiction with emphasis on a range of conventional and experimental forms.

UI is committed to diversity and inclusion, and we encourage candidates from historically underrepresented groups to apply.

Minimum Qualifications:

• MFA, PhD, or equivalent degree in Creative Writing or related field;

• Experience teaching fiction writing courses at beginning and advanced levels;

• Experience teaching techniques seminars and literature courses in the traditions of fiction.

Preferred Qualifications:

• Expertise in nonfiction writing;

• Significant publications, conference presentations, awards, fellowships, and other demonstrated and nationally recognized scholarly or creative activity in creative writing, with similar recognition in nonfiction preferred;

• At least one full-length book of fiction in print from a nationally recognized press;

• Commitment to inclusiveness and equity in the classroom.

Physical Requirements & Working Conditions:

Posting Number: F000901P

Posting Date: 04/07/2021

Closing Date:

Open Until Filled: Yes

Special Instructions:

First review of applications will begin Wednesday, April 14, 2021. Application should address all required and preferred qualifications. Please submit a letter of application that explains your qualifications for the position, including your contributions to diversity and inclusion; a curriculum vita; and a writing sample of 20 pages that demonstrates excellence in fiction (upload to Other Document 1 field).

Three confidential letters of recommendation must be submitted directly to [email protected]

Background Check: Applicants who are selected as final possible candidates must be able to pass a criminal background check.

To apply, please visit:

EEO Statement

University of Idaho is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/Veterans/Disability Employer.

Copyright ©2017 Inc. All rights reserved.


NON-FICTION - Full-Time / Tenure-Track Positions [ ]

Visiting part-time faculty position in creative writing - college of the holy cross (ma) [ ].

Description The Department of English at the College of the Holy Cross invites applications for a visiting part-time faculty position to teach two creative writing courses during the spring semester to begin in February 2021. We seek a candidate to teach an introduction to narrative writing course and an intermediate nonfiction workshop. We encourage candidates to learn more about our department at Qualifications Candidates must demonstrate commitment to, and excellence in, undergraduate teaching as informed by current practice and scholarship in the field. Application Instructions Please submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae , statement on teaching philosophy and interests, graduate transcripts (M.F.A. or Ph.D. preferred), and two confidential letters of recommendation.

In your cover letter, please address the ways you might contribute to and further the Colleges mission as a Jesuit, undergraduate liberal arts college (see, and its core commitment to diversity and inclusion. Previous experience teaching, mentoring or advising diverse student populations is an asset. For more information, please visit To learn more about faculty life at the College, applicants are encouraged to visit Please submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae , statement on teaching philosophy and interests, graduate transcripts (M.F.A. or Ph.D. preferred), and two confidential letters of recommendation.

In your cover letter, please address the ways you might contribute to and further the Colleges mission as a Jesuit, undergraduate liberal arts college (see, and its core commitment to diversity and inclusion. Previous experience teaching, mentoring or advising diverse student populations is an asset. For more information, please visit To learn more about faculty life at the College, applicants are encouraged to visit The College of the Holy Cross uses Interfolio to collect all faculty job applications electronically. Please submit all application materials to Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Questions about the position may be directed to Stephanie Reents, Chair, Department of English, [ [15] ].

To apply, visit The College of the Holy Cross is a highly selective Catholic liberal arts college in the Jesuit tradition. It enrolls about 3,000 students and is located in a medium-sized city 45 miles west of Boston. The College seeks faculty members whose scholarship, teaching, advising, and on- and off-campus service demonstrate commitment to the educational benefits of a richly diverse community. Holy Cross aspires to meet the needs of dual-career couples, in part through its membership in Higher Education Consortium of Central Massachusetts ( and the New England Higher Education Recruitment Consortium ( jeid-ad7a955ec7203f4db0a67305c6ab9e7f

College of the Holy Cross

Online App. Form:

Assistant Professor of Creative Nonfiction at Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO [ ]

The English Department at Colorado College invites applications for a full-time tenure-track Assistant Professor with expertise in Creative Writing (Nonfiction) to begin in the fall of 2021. Applicants should be prepared to teach Introduction to Creative Writing (a multi-genre class), Beginning Creative Nonfiction Writing, and Senior Project/Workshop courses for students writing Creative Nonfiction theses.

Colorado College has made a commitment to be an antiracist institution through our Anti-racist Implementation Plan ( Anti-Racism at CC ). Antiracism, equity, and inclusion are foundational to our community expectations. Successful candidates will demonstrate a commitment to teaching, mentoring, and inspiring students who represent a broad spectrum of classes, genders, races, ethnicities, disabilities, nationalities, sexual orientations, and religions.

The successful candidate will play a key role in developing a creative nonfiction track in the English major, assist with the English Dept.’s online literary journal, mentor students interested in creative writing graduate programs, publishing, and professionalization, support literary events on campus, and help organize creative writing contests, events, and programming/administrative work. They will also assist in planning, hosting, and supporting the department’s Visiting Writers Series, which has previously featured writers including Roxane Gay, Layli Long Soldier, Charlie Jane Anders, Diane Seuss, and Jenny Boully.

  • MFA or PhD in Creative Writing; or a terminal degree in a related field and relevant experience; or multiple book publications with relevant teaching experience. Preference will be given to candidates who demonstrate a secondary teaching focus in any of the following areas: Poetry, Poetics, Digital storytelling, Image-text, graphic forms, hybrid writing; Latinx, African American, Asian American, Native American, or other ethnic literatures; LGBTQ+ literature/Queer studies; Disability studies.
  • CNF publications in print and/or online magazines or journals with national visibility
  • Experience teaching at the college or university level
  • Evidence of a commitment to anti-racist initiatives and practices

Please submit the following by November 1st, 2020:

  • Letter that describes your teaching experience and professional work
  • a 20-page writing sample of creative work including a one-page introduction and/or summary of additional projects
  • Contact information for references to provide letter of recommendation – requests for letters will only be sent to references of selected candidates

Selected applicants will also be requested to submit the following additional materials:

  • A statement indicating how anti-racism is supported and practiced in your classes
  • Three (3) letters of recommendation

Application link: Colorado College is an equal opportunity employer committed to increasing the diversity of its community. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, religion, gender identity or expression, disability, or sexual orientation in our educational programs and activities or our employment practices.

Request for additional materials: 11/23 (x5)

Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: MLA, phone, Skype, etc.): 12/22 (Zoom) (x2)

Rejection (after preliminary interview): 3/2/21 (x2)

NOTES: Anyone heard anything about this job since the Zoom interviews? << Also wondering this -- they said in the Zoom interview that they were trying to move quickly, but it's now been two months and no new updates?

Assistant Professor of Journalism and Creative Nonfiction at North Carolina State University [ ]

The English department at North Carolina State University is seeking applicants for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Journalism and Creative Nonfiction. We are looking for a candidate with a national reputation and a strong publication record in journalism and/or creative nonfiction, with an emphasis in science, technology, or environmental writing.

The primary teaching duties of the successful candidate will be within the English department’s Journalism Program, a minor degree program that enrolls 60 students. In addition to teaching journalism at the undergraduate level and science journalism at the graduate level, the candidate will also direct the program, which includes supervising four professional track faculty in journalism, scheduling the program’s courses, and maintaining the curriculum.

The successful candidate will also teach creative nonfiction at the undergraduate and graduate level in the department’s Creative Writing program. The candidate will have opportunities to contribute to the department’s undergraduate concentration in Rhetoric and Professional Writing and its Master of Science in Technical Communication. The candidate may also be part of the Public Science cluster in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. More information about all of these programs can be found at NC State’s English Department ( ) and at Public Science ( ).

Qualifications: We invite applications from candidates with an MA or PhD in journalism, an MFA, or a PhD in a science or a technical field and a demonstrated expertise in journalism. Professional experience in science journalism, science writing, or environmental writing is strongly preferred, and prior teaching experience is preferred but not necessary.

To apply : Application materials must be submitted through NC State’s online portal. You can go to the posting directly by visiting . You may also visit and search for position ([ [16] ]) to apply.

You will be asked to attach a letter of application, a curriculum vitae or resume, and four writing samples. Screening of applications will begin October 23 and will continue until the position is filled.

AA/EOE : NC State University is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, genetic information, status as an individual with a disability, or status as a protected veteran. Persons with disabilities requiring accommodations in the application and interview process please call [ 515-3148|(919) 515-3148 ]. This number is intended for use in seeking disability-related accommodations only. For general applicant inquiries, contact Human Resources at [email protected] or [ 515-2135|(919) 515-2135 ].

Assistant Professor of English - Creative Writing, Nonfiction at Old Dominion University (VA) [ ]

The Department of English at Old Dominion University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Creative Writing/Nonfiction, with an expected start date of July 25, 2021. We seek an emerging star in creative nonfiction, someone innovative in their writing and teaching methods and prepared to serve as a mentor to students from historically underrepresented groups. The successful candidate will teach creative writing courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels (both face-to-face and online, as needed), supervise thesis projects, participate actively in the life of Old Dominion's nationally recognized MFA program, and have a demonstrated commitment to promoting and enhancing the diversity of the faculty, graduate, and undergraduate student populations.

Minimum Qualifications - knowledge, skills, and abilities

Successful record of publication in nonfiction prose, including at least one book by a nationally recognized press; a strong record of successful and flexible teaching; excellent interpersonal skills.

Minimum Qualifications - Education or training

  • MFA or PhD in Creative Writing

Application Review Date: 01/15/2021

Special Instructions to Applicants / Additional Materials Required

Candidates should submit a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, unofficial graduate transcripts, a writing sample (up to 25 pages), and three letters of recommendation at https// (The system will solicit the letters from your listed references. Please ensure that their email address is correct.) Review of applications will begin on January 15, 2021, and continue until the position is filled.

Questions? Please contact search committee chair John McManus at [ [17] ].

Telework Friendly: No

Online App. Form:

Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: MLA, phone, Skype, etc.): 2/1, Zoom (x2)

Campus interview scheduled: 2/18, Zoom

Offer made: 3/15

Offer accepted: 3/18

Assistant Professor of English (Creative Writing) at Washington University in St. Louis [ ]

We seek applications from emerging creative nonfiction writers whose work centers on the experience of Blackness and have achieved distinction (in the form of at least one book) in one or more genres of creative nonfiction, including essays, literary journalism, memoir, cultural criticism, graphic nonfiction, and more, and who can demonstrate the promise of excellence in teaching and commitment to diversity in the academy.

An MFA or PhD is expected, but exceptionally strong candidates without a terminal degree will be considered. This position is part of the Chancellor’s recently launched initiative to hire twelve new faculty members across disciplines whose work addresses race and ethnicity, an initiative that, along with the opening this year of the University’s Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity & Equity, is one of many aimed at furthering the University’s core commitment to racial equity.

The successful candidate will teach and mentor students in our top-ranked undergraduate and MFA Creative Writing programs and take part in a dedicated and lively creative community that includes an active reading series, acclaimed visiting writers, a literary journal committed to publishing underrepresented voices, and opportunities to generate and sustain a vibrant relationship with the communities of Black St. Louis. The position, which carries a teaching expectation of two courses per semester, will begin in the Fall of 2021.

Application materials —a letter of interest, a CV, three letters of recommendation, a 1-2 page teaching statement which includes a discussion of your approach to diversity and inclusion in the classroom, and a writing sample of 25-35 pages—should be submitted via Interfolio ( ) by 15 December.

Further materials, including a teaching portfolio and copies of published books, will be requested of candidates selected for interviews, which will be held via Zoom beginning in late January; for our finalists, subsequent Zoom presentations to our department at large will follow in February. Applications received before 15 December 2020 will receive priority consideration but the review will continue until the search is concluded.

Washington University in St. Louis is committed to the principles and practices of equal employment opportunity and especially encourages applications by those underrepresented in their academic fields. It is the University’s policy to recruit, hire, train, and promote persons in all job titles without regard to race, color, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, protected veteran status, disability, or genetic information.

Each year Washington University publishes a Safety and Security brochure that details what to do and whom to contact in an emergency. This report also publishes the federally required annual security and fire safety reports, containing campus crime and fire statistics as well as key university policies and procedures. You may access the Safety and Security brochure at

Open Rank Professor in Creative Nonfiction at Northwestern University [ ]

The English Department of Northwestern University invites applications for a full-time, tenure-line assistant, associate, or full professor position in creative nonfiction writing, to start in fall 2022. Candidates should be prepared to teach undergraduate creative writing and literature courses and graduate nonfiction writing in a curriculum with a strong reading and analytic component.   MFA and/or PhD required.

Interest in a secondary genre and ability to teach poetry or fiction is desirable, as is potential for leadership. We especially welcome candidates whose work and thought engage a wide aesthetic range, formal or generic innovation, and/or the literary art of historically under-represented groups. Publication expectations depend on rank, but all applicants should have published at least one full-length book.

Please prepare all documents in advance as Adobe PDF files. Documents should include:

  • CV (size limit 8MB)
  • Cover Letter (size limit 4MB)
  • Creative Nonfiction sample of 15-20 pages (no books or complete manuscripts at this time) (size limit 8MB)
  • Three letters of recommendation

Applications will only be accepted via online submission (see link below). Be aware that incomplete applications cannot be saved.

Instructions for Cover Letter: This should be specific about your research interests and your expertise, background, or training in teaching both creative writing and literature.

Instructions for Letters of Recommendation: Please include the names and contact information for three referees, one of whom can speak about your teaching. If you supply the individual email addresses of your recommenders, they will be prompted directly to upload a letter to our system. If you are using letters filed through Interfolio, please supply instead the Interfolio-generated email address for each recommender that will prompt that system to send us the relevant letter.


All application materials are due by December 1, 2021.

First round interviews will be conducted via Zoom.

Please direct any questions or further inquiries to Ashley Woods ([email protected]).

Northwestern University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer of all protected classes including veterans and individuals with disabilities. Women, racial and ethnic minorities, individuals with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged to apply. Hiring is contingent upon eligibility to work in the United States.

POETRY - Full-Time / Tenure-Track Positions [ ]

Lecturer in Creative Writing (Poetry) - University of St Andrews, Scotland

Start Date: To be confirmed

Part Time: 18.125 hrs per week / 0.5 FTE

We wish to appoint a permanent, part-time Lecturer (0.5 FTE) within the School of English. You will be a creative writer with a growing national/international publishing reputation in writing poetry and a commitment to delivering high-quality teaching within the broad field of creative writing.  

Candidates should hold a PhD or MFA in a related discipline. Excellent teaching skills and an interest in promoting knowledge exchange are essential.  You should also have some familiarity with public engagement.   

Informal enquiries can be directed to Professor Don Paterson at: [ [18] ]  

Closing Date: 18 June 2021                   

Please quote ref: AC4994NB   

Link to apply here:

Assistant Professor of English, Eastern Illinois University [ ]


The English Department at Eastern Illinois University invites applications for a tenure-track position in creative writing, with primary focus on poetry, at the rank of Assistant Professor. The successful candidate will teach creative writing in our undergraduate and MA programs, including our four-genre introductory course and online courses at the graduate level. Candidates should also be prepared to contribute to our undergraduate programs with courses in a second area of specialty, preferably in professional writing and/or editing. The position begins August 16, 2021.

A doctorate in English is required by time of appointment. Demonstrated commitment to diversity and experience with promoting inclusive excellence are required. Evidence of successful online teaching is preferred, as is editorial experience.


To apply, please submit a letter of application, curriculum vita, teaching philosophy, writing sample, and three letters of recommendation. Send applications to Interfolio at . For questions regarding this search, please contact Marjorie Worthington, the Search Committee Chair, at [ [19] ].

Review of applications begins April 12, 2021, and will continue until position is filled.

Assistant Professor of English (Creative Writing—Poetry), Louisiana State University [ ]

The Department of English at LSU invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Creative Writing beginning in August of 2021 with a specialization in poetry; expertise in a secondary genre or field desirable but not required. Teaching load is 2/2, consisting primarily of graduate and undergraduate poetry workshops with opportunities to teach lecture courses. Direction of undergraduate and graduate theses expected. LSU's Creative Writing Program (BA in English with a Creative Writing Concentration and an MFA) is home to two literary journals and Delta Mouth, a nationally recognized literary festival. Experience in literary journal editing and arts administration, an enthusiasm for community-building, and an interest to serve eventually in program administration roles are all highly desired.

The English Department at LSU supports work in African American Literature and black studies, postcolonial literatures, Caribbean literatures, queer studies, southern studies, feminist studies, digital humanities, rhetoric, literacies, English Education, British and American literatures, and global Anglophone literature and contributes to interdisciplinary programs in these fields. The strongest candidates will be expected to demonstrate a commitment to creative teaching and mentorship of undergraduates and graduates from diverse backgrounds. The College provides support for research and faculty development.

Requirements: At least one published collection of poetry or a poetry collection under contract and an MFA or PhD; an excellent record of teaching at the college level.

Application deadline: March 17, 2021.

Please attach a cover letter, current CV, and a 20-30 page writing sample. The cover letter should include an explanation of the candidate's commitment to inclusivity and support for diverse populations, as well as plans for future inclusiveness in teaching. After submitting the application, please send a minimum of three letters of recommendation to Richard Landry at: [email protected].

A copy of your transcripts(s) may be attached to the application (if available). However, original transcripts are required prior to hire.

Webster University, St. Louis MO, English Department, Visiting Assistant Professor of Poetry--1 year

The English Department at Webster University invites applications for an Visiting Assistant Professor of English, specializing in poetry writing, beginning Fall 2021. This is a 1-Year appointment.

MFA or PhD in one of the following: creative writing, or English with a concentration in creative writing; poetry publications; demonstrated excellence in teaching at the undergraduate level. At least one book of poems by a nationally recognized press preferred.

The successful candidate will be expected to write actively and to contribute to the intellectual and professional life of the department and university, as well as to our vibrant regional poetry community. The 3/3 teaching load will include introductory and advanced poetry writing workshops, and a variety of courses in general literature and poetry. Applicants should submit a detailed cover letter, cv, statement of teaching philosophy, evidence of effective teaching at the undergraduate level, selections of published poetry (please attach to application under “supporting documents”), and 3 letters of recommendation.

Priority Deadline, Feb 19, 2021

English, Full-Time, Tenure-Track, Assistant Professor - University of Central Oklahoma (OK) [ ]

Preference Date for Applications:

February 1, 2021

Required Documents:

Online faculty application with cover letter, curriculum vitae, list of three professional references, degree transcripts for all degrees, writing sample (5 pp.), sample workshop syllabus, and teaching statement that demonstrates commitment to racial justice in the classroom.

Contact Information:

Please contact Dr. J. David Macey ([email protected]) with questions.

Position Announcement:

The Department of English at the University of Central Oklahoma seeks to appoint a full-time, tenure-track Assistant Professor of English with specialization in Creative Writing (Poetry) . The department seeks a poet whose work significantly engages with issues of race/ethnicity, identity, and culture and who has a strong commitment to antiracist and social justice pedagogy.

The Department of English at the University of Central Oklahoma is committed to recruiting and maintaining a diverse faculty and to creating a welcoming environment for all.

Position Overview:

Teaches, advises and mentors students, evaluates student performance, and maintains department and student records in accordance with university policies. Adheres to the educational philosophy of the university. Works in a collaborative manner with colleagues and professional peers. Participates in university meetings that relate specifically to faculty. Serves on department, college, and university committees as requested. Prepares departmental reports as requested. Engages in teaching, service, and scholarly and/or creative activities as defined by the tenure and promotion policy in the UCO Employee and Faculty Handbook. Teaching, research, departmental/school and university service is expected. This position is full-time, tenure-track position.

College/Department Overview:

The College of Liberal Arts currently has 113 full-time and 152 part-time faculty in 8 academic departments. The College serves the University's Core Curriculum programs and enrolls more than 2,850 undergraduate students and more than 300 graduate students in 34 undergraduate and 17 graduate majors. For further information see our website at

Duties and Responsibilities:

Teach four courses (twelve hours) per semester, including first-year composition, introductory creative writing, and upper-division and cross-listed undergraduate-/master’s-level courses in areas including but not limited to poetry writing. Must be willing to teach in a variety of instructional formats (in-person, hybrid, and online) as needed and appropriate. Direct and serve on M.A. thesis committees; engage in service on the department, college, and university levels; and maintain an active program of research, scholarly, and/or creative activity.

Teaching, research, departmental/school and university service is expected. An earned doctorate degree awarded by a regionally accredited or internationally recognized institution in the field specified in the position announcement (exceptions require Academic Affairs approval).

A Ph.D. in Creative Writing or in English (creative dissertation), a significant national publication record, and a commitment to high-quality teaching are required. Preference will be given to applicants who have at least two years of experience teaching in a college or university setting.

Physical Demands:

Reasonable accommodations (in accordance with ADA requirements) may be made, upon request, to enable individuals with disabilities to perform essential functions

Associate Professor, African American Literature and Creative Writing, North Carolina Central University (NC) [ ]

Associate Professor

North Carolina Central University

Closing Date: at 11:55 PM

Primary Purpose of Position:

The primary purpose is to teach African-American Literature and Creative Writing courses. The faculty member is also expected to maintain an active research agenda, develop new Creative Writing courses as an Endowed Chair, to reinvigorate the student-run publication Ex Umbra, and serve as its faculty adviser.

Minimum Education/Experience:

Ph. D in English or a related field with a specialization in African-American Literature, and teaching experience in Creative Writing. The ideal candidate must have a Ph. D and/or MFA in Creative Writing, and have a demonstrated record of scholarly and creative publications.

Required Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:

Primary Area of Specialization: The faculty member will generally teach two mid-/upper-level courses in African-American Literature and two courses in Creative Writing. In addition to teaching four courses per semester, the faculty member will serve as the faculty adviser for the “Ex Umbra” literary publication and mentor undergraduate and graduate students in their creative writing endeavors.

Special Instructions to Applicants:

To be considered for this position please visit our web site and apply on line at the following link:

North Carolina Central University is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, color, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or status as a protected veteran.

Visiting Assistant Professor of Creative Writing - Oberlin College (OH) [ ]

The Creative Writing Program at Oberlin College invites applications for a full-time non-continuing faculty position in the College of Arts and Sciences, in the general area of Poetry. Appointment to this position will be for a term of one year, beginning fall semester of 2021, and will carry the rank of Visiting Assistant Professor. We seek candidates with a strong record of achievement in undergraduate teaching, and a firm commitment to diversity and equity in education.

Founded in 1833, Oberlin is a private four-year, selective liberal arts college near Cleveland, Ohio, and is also home to an outstanding Conservatory of Music. Together, the two divisions enroll approximately 2900 students. Oberlin College was the first college in the US to make interracial education and co-education central to its mission. The College continues to view a diverse, equitable, and inclusive educational environment as essential to the excellence of its academic program. Among liberal arts colleges, Oberlin is a national leader in successfully placing graduates into PhD programs.

Oberlin’s Creative Writing Program was one of the first free-standing undergraduate programs in creative writing in the country, offering its own major since 1975. We require our students to undertake rigorous training in multiple genres, and we encourage them to do significant interdisciplinary work as well. The program offers intensive studio training in writing within the context of the liberal arts. Its mission is to foster young writers of diverse aesthetics and backgrounds in the interrelated disciplines of composition, revision, close reading, constructive critique, and building an engaged, supportive community. Those who choose to go on to graduate work are regularly accepted into the most highly-ranked MFA programs in the country, and our alumni have been successful in a wide variety of professions, including publishing, teaching, journalism, nonprofits, law, and medicine, as well as creative writing.

The incumbent will teach a total of five courses in the general area of Poetry.

Among the qualifications required for appointment is the MFA or equivalent degree (in hand or expected by first semester of academic year 2021-22). Candidates must demonstrate interest and potential excellence in undergraduate teaching. Successful teaching experience at the college level is desirable. Oberlin College is committed to student and faculty diversity, equity, and inclusion. The incumbent will bring understanding of or experience working with underrepresented and diverse academic populations. Oberlin is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the excellence and diversity of the academic community through their research, teaching, and service. Oberlin recruits, employs, trains, compensates, and promotes regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, age, veteran’s status, and/or other protected status as required by applicable law.

To apply, candidates should visit the online application site found at A complete application will be comprised of 1) a Cover Letter describing your teaching, scholarship, mentorship, and service, detailing any connections to supporting an inclusive learning environment; 2) a Curriculum Vitae; 3) an unofficial graduate transcript; 4) a statement detailing your commitment to and experience in diversity and equity in teaching; 5) a research statement that includes how you will support undergraduate research and, if applicable, how you might incorporate undergraduate students into your research program; and 6) Letters of Reference from three recommenders.* All application materials must be submitted electronically through Oberlin College and Conservatory’s online application process at:

*By providing three letters of reference, you agree that we may contact your letter writers.

Review of applications will begin on 4 January 2021, and will continue until the position is filled. Completed applications received by the 29 January 2021 deadline will be guaranteed full consideration.

Questions about the position can be addressed to: [email protected] or David Walker, Acting Chair of Creative Writing, at [ [20] ].

Rejection (no interview): 3/26

Creative Writing (Poetry), Assistant Professor - Minnesota State University Mankato (MN) [ ]

Division: Academic Affairs

Department: Arts and Humanities, College of

Unit: English209, IFO

Location: Mankato

FLSA: Exempt

Employment Condition: Probationary

Work Shift:

Work Schedule/Hours/Days:

Posting Details:

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Priority consideration given to applications received prior to February 10, 2021.

POSITION: Tenure-Track (Probationary*)

Salary Minimum:

Salary Maximum:

Salary Type: Depends on qualifications

Bargaining Unit/Plan: 209, IFO

Job Description:

The creative writing specialist in poetry will join a faculty of widely published writer/teachers in serving general education students and undergraduate majors in creative writing, as well as graduate students in a terminal degree MFA program with national and international standing.

  • Serve the creative writing program's outreach to non-academic communities (prisons, literary centers, and elsewhere).
  • Teach the following (but not limited to) courses 644 Poetry Workshop, 641 Form and Technique in Poetry, 647 Contemporary Poetry, 639 Form and Technique in Creative Nonfiction, and 642 Creative Nonfiction Workshop.
  • The successful applicant is expected to have an active research agenda in poetry, professional service within the beyond the department, and active engagement with student populations.
  • A typical faculty workload responsibility may include up to twenty four (24) credits of instruction per academic year.
  • The successful candidate may need to teach in other areas as needed, but the primary responsibilities will remain in poetry-writing.
  • May be expected to develop and deliver instructional material for face-to-face, hybrid, and on-line instruction at the Mankato campus, online, and/or at the university's additional locations, as assigned.
  • The successful candidate will collaborate with colleagues in curriculum design, instruction and evaluation, conduct research productively and mentor students in research, help create innovative strategies for student recruitment, retention, and completion, and may be expected to develop external grant funding opportunities.
  • The successful candidate will be expected to engage in scholarly or creative activity or research, in continuing preparation and study, in contributing to student growth and development, and in providing services to the university and community. (These expectations are congruent with Article 22 and Appendix G of the IFO Master Agreement.).
  • All faculty members are expected to engage in scholarly or creative activity or research, in continuing preparation and study, incontributing to student growth and development, and in providing service to the university and community (See Article 22 and Appendix G of the IFO Master Agreement)
  • The successful candidate will advise undergraduate majors and supervise MFA theses.
  • The entirety of these responsibilities and activities will allow the successful candidate to add to the growth and stability of a lively and multi-faceted creative writing program.
  • Terminal degree in creative writing with creative thesis in poetry.
  • College-level teaching experience in introduction to poetry.
  • Publication of book-length poetry collection.
  • Significant record of grant-supported creative work.
  • Significant record of publication of and/or grant-supported creative work in multiple genres.
  • Ability to teach, advise, and support a wide variety of student writers.
  • Preparation for/experience teaching the following graduate courses in Poetry: Poetry Workshop, Form and Technique in Poetry, Contemporary Poetry, 639 Form and Technique in Creative Nonfiction, and 642 Creative Nonfiction Workshop.
  • Experience teaching poetry in non-academic settings (prisons, literary centers, writing conferences, etc.).
  • Preparation for teaching a graduate-level topics course in an area of multicultural literature.
  • Demonstrated commitment to fostering a diverse working and learning environment.
  • Demonstrated effective written, oral communication and/or presentation skills.
  • Ability to contribute to the growth and stability of a lively and multi-faceted creative writing program.
  • Demonstrated commitment to professional service.

Other Requirements: Work safely at all times, which includes but is not limited to, participating and completing all required safety trainings, as well as performing all job tasks in accordance with Minnesota State University, Mankato policies and procedures utilizing appropriate tools, equipment and personal protective equipment.


The English Department at Minnesota State University, Mankato includes an MFA program in Creative Writing and MA programs in Literature and English Studies, English Education, Communication & Composition, Technical Communication, and TESOL, and undergraduate programs in the same fields plus Film & Media Studies and Humanities. The English department is also responsible for the universitys large composition program and offers general education courses in literature, film, and humanities. For further information, visit the department website at: The Department of English is dedicated to enriching and enhancing the diversity of our academic community, including race, ethnicity and national origins, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability, veteran status, class, and religion. We are especially committed to increasing the representation of those populations that have been historically excluded from participation in U.S. higher education. In our classrooms, offices, and in the content of our courses, the members of this department are dedicated to cultivating an environment that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive.

University Demographics Founded as a Normal School in 1868, Minnesota State University, Mankato is a regional comprehensive university with a tradition of combining big-ideas with real-working thinking to find solutions for pressing problems in the state, region, and global society. Mankato, Minnesota, is a community of nearly 53,000 people, about 85 miles southwest of the twin cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul.

Serving ~18,000 students annually, the University is an applied research institution, with >200 academic programs, from bachelors through doctoral degrees. The University is a diverse and global campus with 18+% students of color and 1,300+ international students from 95 countries, cutting-edge information technology solutions, 3 additional locations, and extensive partnerships. With ~1,700 faculty and staff, the University has an annual budget of $216 million, and generates $781.5 million in economic impact per year. Minnesota State University, Mankato is a member of the Minnesota State Colleges & Universities. Noteworthy facts include: specialized accreditation, certification, or recognition, by more than 24 accrediting bodies; designation as a Non-Land Grant College of Agriculture, by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) in 2015; selection among the top 10% of American Association of State Colleges & Universities (AASCU) institutions for the Re-imagining the First Year of College (RFY) position project; and an Intercollegiate Athletics program that has ranked in the top 5 nationally within the Learfeld Sports Directors Cup standings for 7 of the last 10 years.

We seek to attract teaching and research-active, culturally and academically diverse faculty members, with a demonstrated commitment to creating an inclusive learning and working environment. Minnesota State University, Mankato, is student-centered and focuses on applied research that expands knowledge; improves learning; and serves the region, state, and nation. Additional information on Minnesota State University, Mankato can be found at:


To apply for this position, please continue the process via this website:

A complete online application will include the following attachments. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed by the search committee.

  • Cover Letter
  • Resume/Curriculum Vitae
  • Contact Information for three (3) references
  • Unofficial Transcript(s) of your highest completed degree
  • A brief (no more than one-page) diversity statement presenting a commitment to or experience working in an equity-minded environment

CONTACT INFORMATION: Dr. Glen Poupore, Associate Professor

Phone: [ [21] ]

TTY: [ [22] ] or 711

Email:[ [23] ]

*Employment for this position is covered by the collective bargaining agreement for the Inter Faculty Organization which can be found at:

NOTICE: In accordance with the Minnesota State Vehicle Fleet Safety Program, employees driving on college/university business who use a rental or state vehicle shall be required to conform to MN States vehicle use criteria and consent to a Motor Vehicle Records check.

The Minnesota State University, Mankato Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is available for your review. This report is required by federal law and contains policy statements and crime statistics for the University. The policy statements address the schools policies, procedures and programs concerning safety and security. Three years worth of statistics are included for certain types of crimes that were reported to have occurred on-campus, or in other University affiliated locations. This report is available online at: You may also request a paper copy from University Security at [ [24] ], or by emailing [ [25] ]

Benefits Info: The following link provides a brief overview of benefits available to eligible employees of Minnesota State University.

Select the IFO Summary (Faculty) link from the list for specifics of that plan.

Benefits Overview

Posting Number: M084M


Number of Vacancies: 1

Desired Start Date: 08/16/2021

Position End Date (if temporary):

Open Date: 01/20/2021

Close Date:

Special Instructions Summary:

To apply, visit

Rejected: 3/8 (no interview)

Assistant Professor - Poetry Writing - Tennessee Tech University (TN) (POSITION FILLED) [ ]

Position Number: 104070

Department: English

Job Purpose

The English department at Tennessee Technological University is seeking a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Poetry Writing to join us as a teacher, scholar, and working poet and writer/artist.

Tennessee Tech provides impact through its engaged students, dedicated faculty, and career-ready graduates known for their creativity, tenacity, and analytical approach to problem solving. As a STEM-infused, comprehensive institution, Tennessee Tech delivers enduring education, impactful research, and collaborative service that creates, advances, and applies knowledge to expand opportunity and economic competitiveness.

Tennessee Tech is committed to a diverse workforce by fostering an inclusive work environment for students, faculty, and staff. Successful candidates should have a demonstrated commitment and contribution to fostering and advancing equity, diversity and inclusion. Tennessee Tech is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.

Essential Functions

Responsibilities include teaching undergraduate and graduate Creative Writing, General Education, and occasional upper-division English courses, with likely load-reduction for scholarship/creative activity. The department has established Creative Writing concentrations in our B.A. and M.A. programs, in both of which the successful applicant will teach. General Education classes include sophomore-level literature and/or composition offerings. Excellent teaching, peer-reviewed publications, professional activities, and department/university service are required for tenure and promotion.

Earned M.F.A. or Ph.D. in English at the time of appointment required, as is specialization in Poetry Writing as evidenced through terminal creative thesis, dissertation, or one or more poetry books from a publisher with a national reputation. College-level teaching experience required, as is an active publication record as a poet and proven ability to teach poetry in literature classes. Ability to teach online.

Preferred Qualifications

Preferred additional areas of expertise include digital media; playwrighting/screenwriting/performance; poetics/poetry criticism; and/or small press/literary magazine publishing. Experience teaching college-level Creative Writing in poetry or multi-genre classes is also preferred. Our program amenities include an annual, student-produced literary magazine, Iris Review; involvement in selecting visiting writers through our Center Stage program; and an active Creative Writing Club. Additional concentrations in the English major include Language and Rhetoric, Literature, Professional and Technical Communication, and Theatre.

Salary Commensurate with education and experience. This is a full-time, 9 month, tenure-track appointment to begin August 1, 2021.

Benefits Information

Tennessee Tech offers a competitive benefits package. Benefits include the accumulation of one (1) sick leave day per month and thirteen (13) University holidays. Other benefits include medical and life insurance (shared cost with the university), retirement, optional 401k, and educational benefits. Deferred income and benefits over 12 months.

Screening Date: 02/19/2021

Special Instructions to Applicants

Applicants will apply online at and upload: 1) letter of application describing the qualifications listed above; 2) curriculum vitae; 3) statement of teaching philosophy; 4) copies of all graduate and undergraduate transcripts (official transcripts required if hired); 5) email addresses of three professional references familiar with candidate's teaching and publication record, who will be contacted via email to provide a reference letter; 6) poetry writing sample (15 pp. maximum); 7) a sampling of recent teaching evaluations. Submission of materials is the applicant's responsibility. Applications without all required materials are incomplete and will not be considered. The search committee is especially interested in candidates who, through their research, teaching, and/or service, will contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community.

Tennessee Tech University

Offer Accepted: 5/12/21

Note: Any movement on this? Anyone gotten a response?

Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Creative Writing, Poetry (subspeciality race, ethnicity and/or expressive culture), University of Texas at Austin [ ]

The Department of English at the University of Texas at Austin seeks to appoint in Fall 2021 a tenure-track assistant faculty member in Creative Writing (Poetry) whose work and teaching interests include race, ethnicity, and/or expressive culture.

Tenure Track Assistant Professor Creative Writing, Poetry (subspecialty fiction, non-fiction, digital storytelling, literary magazine production, and screenwriting), The University of Houston-Downtown

The Department of English at the University of Houston-Downtown (UHD) invites applications for one or more tenure-track or tenured positions at the rank of either Assistant or Associate Professor of English (Creative Writing), to begin August 2021. Preference will be given to candidates with specialization in poetry, with an additional specialization in Latinx literature preferred. In addition to the preferred specializations, secondary sub-specializations in the following areas will be considered: literary translation, literary magazine production, screenwriting, creative nonfiction, fiction, and digital storytelling. The Department offers a Bachelor of Arts degree in English with a concentration in creative writing as well as a creative writing minor, both of which support The Bayou Review, UHD’s undergraduate literary magazine. Opportunities are available to collaborate with the Center for Latino Studies, the Center for Critical Race Studies, and the Cultural Enrichment Center, each housed in UHD’s College of Humanities and Social Sciences.

This position is part of a Latino Studies cluster hire in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences that includes searches in Drama and Sociology as well as Creative Writing.

The teaching load is 4/3 with a 3/3 load in the first year on the tenure track.

Note: The position requires that the candidate establish a successful program of research and work with others, including students, to engage in research and service activities that support the Department, College and the University.

-MFA or Ph.D. in a relevant field at the time of initial appointment

-Evidence of publication in prominent venues

-Experience teaching at the college or university level

-Teaching focus or publication record in poetry

-Teaching focus or publication record in Latinx literature

Secondary Preferences

Willingness and ability to teach one or more of the following: literary translation, literary magazine production, screenwriting, creative nonfiction, fiction, or digital storytelling

For more information about UHD, please use the link below.

Please submit only the items below by February 1, 2021—to the following link:

-Letter of Application

-One-page teaching philosophy

Selected candidates will also be requested to submit: a writing sample, three letters of recommendation, and unofficial graduate transcripts.

All stages of the search will be conducted through video conference. For specific questions about the position, please contact Daniel Peña, Assistant Professor of English (Creative Writing) at [email protected].

Required Attachments by Candidate: Curriculum Vitae, Cover Letter/Letter of Application, Teaching Philosophy or Statement

Schedule: Full-time

Employee Status: Regular/Benefits

Job Posting: Dec 21, 2020, 9:54:22 PM

Closing Date (Period for Applying) - External: Ongoing


Assistant Professor-Creative Writing - University of North Carolina Wilmington (NC) [ ]

College: College of Arts and Sciences Admin - 32000 College

Dept/School: Creative Writing - 32131

Vacancy Number: 16F-379

Position Number: 533

Brief Summary of Work for this Position

The Department of Creative Writing at the University of North Carolina Wilmington is seeking a full-time, nine-month, tenure-track Assistant Professor of Creative Writing/Poetry beginning August 2021.

Responsibilities include teaching a range of creative writing courses, and coordination of our nationally recognized MFA program. Administrative duties include oversight of day-to-day operations in our MFA program in concert with other department coordinators and administrators; assistance in coordinating scheduling, recruitment and admissions, and events; response to student needs; collaboration on marketing, social media, and outreach; and advocacy for the MFA program on and off campus.

Teaching opportunities may include introductory and advanced creative writing workshops, craft-based literature courses, publishing and graduate seminars.

In addition, the successful applicant will direct and read MFA and BFA theses, mentor graduate teaching assistants and serve on departmental committees. All curricula should emphasize diversity.

Minimum Education and Experience Requirements

  • An appropriate terminal degree (MFA, PhD, or equivalent degree).
  • Three to four years of administrative experience; preferably in directing a program
  • At the Assistant Professor level: At least one book of poetry of literary merit from a national press.
  • Additional publications in reputable magazines or anthologies appropriate to rank.
  • Demonstrated excellence in teaching poetry writing at undergraduate and/or graduate levels.
  • Interest and/or experience in teaching culturally diverse curricula.
  • Publication and experience in, and the ability to teach some aspect of editing and publishing.

Preferred Education, Knowledge, Skills & Experience

  • Interest and/or experience in contributing to the leadership of the department.

Required Certifications or Licensure

No Required Certifications or Licensure

Primary Function of Organizational Unit

The UNCW Department of Creative Writing is a community of deeply committed writers who believe that the creation of art is valuable to self and culture. Our faculty encourages a rigorous yet safe, supportive environment in which diverse writers can grow as artists and as individuals. We believe excellence starts with an informed application of craft and we encourage writers to explore aesthetics and methods across genre lines.

College/School Information

The College of Arts and Sciences is UNCW's largest academic unit, employing 450 full-time and 150 part-time faculty members and awarding approximately two-thirds of the university's academic credits. Ours is a comprehensive arts & sciences college comprising the arts, the humanities, the mathematical and natural sciences, and the social and behavioral sciences.

The College's twenty-five units offer a variety of undergraduate majors leading to the Bachelor of Arts, the Bachelor of Fine Arts, the Bachelor of Music, and the Bachelor of Science. The College also offers a full complement of minors, including interdisciplinary minors such as Africana studies, Asian studies, Forensic studies, Latin America studies, Middle East & Islamic studies, Native-American studies, and Women's and Gender studies, among others.

Applied learning is a hallmark of the student experience in the College of Arts and Sciences. Each of the College's departments requires an applied learning experience as a part of the curriculum for its undergraduate majors. Examples include faculty-directed research, internships, service learning, and capstone courses and projects, all of which challenge students to integrate various strands of knowledge and to apply that knowledge to broader, real-world or real disciplinary situations. Through applied learning, students in the College gain direct hands-on experience with the skills of their major fields as an essential part of their preparation for life and career.

In addition to its undergraduate major and minor programs, the College is chiefly responsible for the curriculum that comprises the UNCW's University Studies Program, through which all UNCW undergraduates gain a foundation in the liberal arts and develop the transferable skills essential for life in the twenty-first century. The College strives in its undergraduate programs and in its University Study offerings to nurture creative thinking, intellectual curiosity, diversity and inclusion, and academic integrity in students while providing them with a solid foundation of knowledge in their chosen fields. Upon completion of their undergraduate studies, College of Arts and Sciences students will have the necessary preparation for rewarding careers, advanced study, effective citizenship, and meaningful lives.

Graduate degrees awarded in the College of Arts and Sciences include the Master of Arts, the Master of Fine Arts, the Master of Public Administration, the Master of Science and the Doctor of Philosophy (Marine Biology and Psychology). In addition, the nationally awarded Graduate Liberal Studies program offers a personalized curriculum of interdisciplinary study leading to the Master of Arts. Post-baccalaureate certificates in Applied Statistics, Environmental Studies, Forensic Science, Conflict Management and Resolution, Gender Studies and Hispanic Studies are available. Graduate programs in the College are designed to develop intellectual competence and to prepare the student for careers in business, industry, government, teaching or for further study at the doctoral level.

University Information

The University of North Carolina Wilmington, the state's coastal university, is dedicated to the integration of teaching, mentoring, research and service. Widely acknowledged for its world-class faculty and staff and continuously recognized at a national level for scholarly excellence and affordability, UNCW offers a powerful academic experience that stimulates creative inquiry and critical thinking and a community rich in diversity, inclusion and global perspectives.

A public institution with nearly 18,000 students, UNCW offers a full range of baccalaureate- and graduate-level programs, as well as doctoral degrees in educational leadership, marine biology, nursing practice and psychology; and many distance learning options, including clinical research, an accelerated RN-to-BSN program, an Executive M.B.A. program structured for working professionals, and the nation's only bachelor's degree program focused on coastal engineering.

The university's efforts to advance research and scholarly activities have earned UNCW the elevated designation of "Doctoral Universities: High Research Activity" institution (R2 University) by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education.

UNCW has been part of the University of North Carolina System since 1969.

At the University of North Carolina at Wilmington (UNCW), our culture reflects our values of inclusion, diversity, globalization, ethics and integrity and innovation and we are committed to providing equality of educational and employment opportunity for all persons without regard to race, sex (such as gender, gender identity, marital status, childbirth, and pregnancy), age, color, national origin (including ethnicity), religion, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation, veteran status, military service member status, genetic information, or relationship to other university constituents - except where sex, age, or ability represent bona fide educational or occupational qualifications or where marital status is a statutorily established eligibility criterion for State funded employee benefit programs. UNCW believes that embracing the unique contributions of our faculty, staff and students is critical to our success and paramount in being recognized for our global mindset.

Special Notes to Applicants

Prior to the official appointment to the university, the candidate(s) selected for hire must be able to demonstrate eligibility to teach assigned courses by successfully meeting the credentialing requirements based on official transcripts and other documentation as required.

Applications will be accepted until 11:59pm EST on March 23, 2021, the posting closing date. To apply, please complete the online application process available at and attach the following materials as an Adobe PDF document including:

1. Cover Letter

2. Curriculum Vita

3. Combined unofficial Graduate Transcripts

4. Teaching Philosophy - Statement of Teaching Philosophy describing teaching interests including a list of potential course offerings, plan for actively engaging students in field-based or methods courses, and how issues of diversity shape the applicant's working practices, past and planned.

5. Writing Sample - Separate pdf of a published collection of poems.

Note that letters of application without the requested components will not meet the application requirements.

Please note that a minimum of three professional reference contacts are required for all applications. References will be requested during the screening process.

Please direct questions concerning the search to Prof. Malena Mörling, Chair, Assistant Professor Search Committee, at [ [26] ], [ 962-7841|(910) 962-7841 ]. For questions regarding the online application process, contact Ms. Megan Hubbard at [ [27] ].

Position Type: Permanent

Job Close Date

UNC Wilmington

OPEN / MIXED GENRE - Full-Time / Tenure-Track Positions [ ]

Associate director of creative writing - barnard college (ny): zoom interviews scheduled [ ].

Job Description Summary

The English Department of Barnard College seeks an entry-level, tenure-track Assistant Professor, or renewable Assistant Professor of Professional Practice, to serve as Associate Director and administrative head of Creative Writing. This appointment will involve a 4-course teaching load, with a one-course release for administrative duties, to begin July 1, 2021. Management of Barnard's active, and historically distinguished Creative Writing program includes course assignments, public readings, internal and external prize committees, student advising, and appointment of adjunct writing staff. A post-baccalaureate fellow assists with these tasks.

We seek a creative writer in any genre. An MFA or PhD is preferred, but not required, and evidence of some administrative experience is strongly preferred. The successful applicant will show evidence of readiness to teach Barnard's increasingly diverse student body, and will have an established record of publication.

Barnard College's English Department comprises 16 tenured or tenure-track staff; two senior writers (Jennifer Finney Boylan, Hisham Matar) who teach one semester each, and a third senior writer to be named; and 15 other full-time faculty.

Please provide a letter of application (including a statement on teaching in a diverse classroom), curriculum vitae, and a writing sample of no more than 25 pages to

Review of application materials will begin February 10, 2021, though later submissions will continue to be reviewed. Zoom interviews will begin February 24, 2021.

Barnard College is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is actively committed to creating a diverse and inclusive community. We especially encourage applications from women, people of color, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ people, and individuals from other underrepresented groups.

Type of Position: Faculty

Full or Part Time: Full Time

Posting Number: 2020 -00102- F

Essential Duties Summary

Please see job description summary above

Required Qualification Summary

  • Creative writer in any genre
  • Evidence of readiness to teach Barnard's increasingly diverse student body
  • An established record of publication

Preferred Qualification Summary

  • An MFA or PhD is preferred, but not required
  • Evidence of some administrative experience is strongly preferred

Quick Link

Barnard College is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Barnard does not discriminate due to race, color, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender and/or gender identity or expression, marital or parental status, national origin, ethnicity, citizenship status, veteran or military status, age, disability, or any other legally protected basis, and to the extent permitted by law. Qualified candidates of diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds are encouraged to apply for vacant positions at all levels.

Open Date: 01/08/2021

Rejection (no interview): 3/1

Assistant Professor of Creative Writing, Composition/Rhetoric, Cedarville University (OH) [ ]

Cedarville University equips Christian undergraduate, graduate, and online students for godly service and vocational distinction. We offer more than 150 programs of study, all from a distinctly biblical worldview.

The Cedarville University Department of English, Literature, and Modern Languages invites applications for a tenure-track eligible Assistant Professor faculty position with a specialization in English, Composition, and/or Rhetoric or Creative Writing for the 2021-22 academic year. Course load will include courses in Creative Writing, Fiction and Poetry, as well as first-year composition, writing studio, and general education literature.

Additional expectations include academic advising, professional development, scholarly activity in the field, university service, and a formal paper on Biblical integration of faith, learning, and teaching. The teaching load is 4/4 (24 semester hours per academic year). Our friendly, supportive, motivated department places a high priority on our Christian identity, integrity, collegiality, and rigor in the classroom.

This position is subject to the University's verification of credentials along with other information required by law and Cedarville University policies, including the successful completion of a background check. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. This position is pending budget approval.

Position Requirements:

  • Ph.D. in English, Composition and Rhetoric, or an MFA in Creative Writing preferred. Master’s degree required in applicable discipline.
  • Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work as a team member
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills
  • Documented successful teaching experience at the undergraduate level
  • Committed to biblical integration in and out of the classroom
  • Qualified applicant must be a born-again Christian with a personal commitment to Jesus Christ
  • Qualified applicant must agree with and be willing to abide by Cedarville University's Doctrinal Statement, Community Covenant, and General Work Place Standards.

For consideration, an employment application must be completed on our online application website, including completion of a doctrinal questionnaire, submission of unofficial transcript copies, and a CV. All official inquiries should be directed to Jennifer Cochran ([ [28] ]), Director of Academic Human Resource Services.

Online App. Form:

Only religious zealots need apply. Plus, they knowingly hired a bible-thumping sexual predator a few years ago. It's no wonder that they just re-published their ad just yesterday.

Creative Writing Faculty - Chadron State College (NE) Interview Scheduled [ ]

Quick Link for Posting:

Salary Information

Commensurate with qualifications and in accordance with the SCEA agreement; excellent benefits package

Nature of Work

Full time faculty in the Justice Studies, Social Sciences, & English Department with primary teaching emphasis in creative writing and English composition. Opportunity to teach in additional areas of interest, such as literature, technical/professional writing, etc., may be available based upon candidate’s interest and program need as assigned by the Dean. The faculty member participates in the department and the institution’s communities of learners to foster a culture of inquiry, critical self-reflection, evidence-based decision making and a learner-centered environment. This position also holds the title of Director of Creative Writing.

Required Qualifications

  • MFA in Creative Writing
  • Experience teaching composition and creative writing at the college level
  • Record of publications in creative writing
  • Terminal degree required for tenure
  • Experience teaching poetry and/or creative nonfiction
  • Significant record of publications in poetry and/or creative nonfiction in recognized journals OR a monograph
  • Demonstrated ability to provide leadership in the continued growth and development of a collegiate creative writing program (or potential for such), including the potential to serve as creative writing program director
  • Experience directing extracurricular elements of a creative writing program (i.e., student literary journal, summer writing workshops, distinguished writers series, etc.)
  • Experience in teaching and in research/scholarship, and experience in effectively using technology to facilitate student learning and to expand student access

Human Resources

Chadron State College

[ 432 6224|308 432 6224 ]

[ 432 6065|308 432 6065 ]

The Nebraska State Colleges are equal opportunity institutions and do not discriminate against any student, employee, or applicant on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, religion, or age in employment and education opportunities. Each College has designated an individual to coordinate the Colleges’ non-discrimination efforts to comply with regulations implementing Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies and practices may be directed to the Compliance Coordinators assigned at each College and identified on each College website.

Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: MLA, phone, Skype, etc.): 02/24

Assistant Professor of English (Creative Writing - Open Genre) -- College of Charleston (SC) -- POSITION FILLED [ ]

The College of Charleston’s Department of English invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Creative Writing (Open Genre) beginning August 16, 2021. The Department of English is committed to a diverse and inclusive educational environment and especially encourages applicants from underrepresented groups. The department offers both an MFA in Creative Writing and a BA in English with a concentration in Creative Writing and houses the literary journal Crazyhorse , which is currently in the process of rebranding.

We seek applicants with either an MFA or a PhD in Creative Writing; a strong publication record in one genre (at least one book published, or under contract, with a nationally recognized press); publications/expertise in a second genre (fiction, nonfiction, or poetry); and a record of teaching excellence. We seek to attract a candidate with a demonstrated ability to work effectively and collegially and with a willingness to eventually serve in Creative Writing program administrative roles.

The ordinary teaching assignment is 3/3. Teaching duties will include all levels of creative writing workshops from beginning to graduate, along with mentoring MFA theses. Faculty are encouraged to develop special topics creative writing courses fueled by their interests; to participate in the periodic teaching of first-year writing; to pursue interdisciplinary program affiliations such as with our African American Studies or Women’s and Gender Studies programs; and to mentor undergraduate independent studies and Bachelor’s Essays.

Responsibilities of every faculty member include a commitment to teaching excellence, maintaining an outstanding program of research and/or creative activity, and providing service to the department and College.

Founded in 1770 and located in the heart of historic Charleston, South Carolina, the College of Charleston is a public liberal arts institution with a strong commitment to the teacher-scholar model for faculty. Charleston is a thriving, culturally rich city. The College of Charleston, the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, and the Department of English have a strong commitment to increasing the diversity of our faculty, staff, and students, and to sustaining an inclusive work and learning environment.

Please submit a letter of application, CV, a statement of teaching philosophy, three letters of recommendation, and current transcript to Interfolio by Feb 15, 2021:

Contact Department Chair Dr. Myra Seaman ([email protected]) with questions about applying. Preliminary interviews will be conducted by Zoom.

4/7 - Position filled

Assistant Professor of Writing - Creative Writing (Fiction or Screenwriting) - Houston Baptist University (TX) [ ]

Job Title: Assistant Professor of Writing — Creative Writing (Fiction or Screenwriting)

Position Number: FT-ACAD-SOFA-007142020

Departments: School of Fine Arts

Reports To: Chair of the Department of Cinema, Media Arts, and Writing/ Dean of the School of Fine Arts

Job Status: Exempt

Position Summary

Houston Baptist University (HBU) invites applications for Assistant Professor of Writing to begin August 2020.

Job Responsibilities

  • Teach MFA in Creative Writing or Screenwriting graduate courses, as well as undergraduate courses in appropriate field(s) within the Department of Cinema, Media Arts, and Writing.
  • Oversee design, development, and delivery of new courses within candidate’s area(s) of expertise.
  • Participate in scholarly and creative activities related to field(s) of instruction.
  • Perform service activities consistent with HBU’s teaching mission.
  • Teach at biannual MFA retreats.
  • Perform other duties as assigned.
  • Applicants should have a terminal degree and publication history in creative writing or professional screenwriting experience.
  • An emphasis in fiction writing or screenwriting is strongly preferred, while additional experience in non-fiction, poetry, or other mediums is desired.Successful candidates should also be able to clearly express how their Christian faith enriches, guides, and undergirds their understanding of creative art and storytelling, as well as be able to articulate a vision for the role of his or her discipline at HBU that is supportive of the Ten Pillars vision statement; the Ten Pillars vision statement may be found at

About the Department

The Department of Cinema, Media Arts, and Writing, part of the School of Fine Arts at HBU, offers an MFA in Creative Writing and a parallel MFA in Screenwriting, as well as undergraduate degrees in Writing, Mass Media Arts, Cinematic Arts, and Interactive Media & Digital Design.

Additional Information

Houston Baptist University is an independent, private Christian institution with a diverse student body and access to all the cultural advantages of one of the largest metropolitan centers in the country. As a result of implementing its twelve-year vision, The Ten Pillars: Faith and Reason in a Great City, HBU is on a trajectory to become a comprehensive, national university. For more information about the University, visit

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. This position is pending final budget approval.

Direct questions about this position to Joshua Sikora, Chair of the Department of Cinema, Media Arts, and Writing ([ [29] ]).

Houston Baptist University is committed to maintaining a teaching faculty and staff who share an active Christian faith. The Preamble to the By-Laws of the University sets forth a statement of belief which each University employee is expected to support and personify. Your submittal of an application for employment indicates your acceptance and affirmation of these statements.

The above statements are intended to describe the general nature and level of work being performed. They are not intended to be construed as an exhaustive list of all duties, responsibilities, and requirements of personnel.


Background checks are performed on every new hire. If your application is selected to continue with the interviewing process you will be required to submit a Background Check form. If you decline, your application may be denied. By proceeding with the online application you understand and accept this process.

Contact: Human Resources, Houston Baptist University

Phone: [ 649 3245|(281) 649 3245 ]

Fax: [ 649 3334|(281) 649 3334 ]

Online App. Form:

Email Address: [ From HigherEdJobs|[email protected] ]

Visiting Assistant Professor of English in Creative Writing - Loyola University New Orleans (LA) POSITION FILLED [ ]

The Department of English at Loyola University New Orleans invites applications for a full-time, Visiting Assistant Professorship in Creative Writing, focusing on any area of creative writing, including playwriting, fiction, nonfiction, and/or poetry, beginning August 2021. Preference will be given to applicants who have experience in multiple genres. This is a one year, renewable position.

The successful candidate will have a record of excellent undergraduate teaching and a demonstrated commitment to writing and publication. The teaching load is seven courses per year and includes introduction to creative writing, undergraduate workshops, and courses fulfilling university-wide requirements in literature and writing. The department is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to our new Certificate in Editing and Publishing.

Loyola University New Orleans is committed to excellence through diversity and equity. Our student body is made up of a large percentage of students of color and roughly thirty percent first-generation college students. We encourage applications from all underrepresented groups, first-generation college graduates, veterans and/or individuals with disabilities. We are particularly interested in candidates whose work and teaching explores Latinx, Native American and Indigenous, African American and/or Asian cultures, and the intersectionality of these areas.


  • Teach seven courses per year, including courses in the general education core as well as both introductory and upper-division workshops in creative writing
  • Advise senior theses and independent research projects
  • Engage and support students from diverse backgrounds
  • Publish innovative and scholarly creative work
  • Develop courses for the department and the Certificate in Editing and Publishing
  • Advise and mentor English majors


Candidates must have completed an M.F.A. or Ph.D. by the start date.

Interested applicants should send via Interfolio a letter of application, CV, writing sample (up to 20pp), 1-page statement describing the candidate's experience engaging and supporting students from diverse backgrounds and demonstrated commitment to equity and inclusion, and dossier of three recommendation letters. Review of applications will begin January 4th and continue until the position is filled.

Rejection (no interview): 3/11

Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Creative Writing (Subspecialty: Fiction, poetry, and/or new genres), Santa Clara University [ ]

The Department of English at Santa Clara University invites applications for a tenure-track position in Creative Writing, to begin fall 2021. Subspecialties can be in fiction, poetry, and/or new forms/genres. We are particularly interested in creative writing that emphasizes social justice, especially racial and environmental justice; and in candidates committed to undergraduate writing and publishing, including an emphasis on mixed media and/or mixed genre writing. Successful candidates must have a strong record of teaching undergraduates, robust publications in literary magazines (print or electronic), and interest in collaborating with other faculty and students (in the English Department and other departments such as Ethnic Studies and Women’s and Gender Studies) to enhance a vibrant campus creative writing presence with a commitment to justice. We especially seek candidates with publications related to environmental and/or racial justice in journals with diverse voices and readerships. Inquiries may be sent by email to [email protected] . All applications must go through the Workday portal found at , or this direct link:


Jessica Gopp, Office Manager

Santa Clara University

500 El Camino Real

Santa Clara, CA 95053

Contact Phone: [ 554-4142|(408) 554-4142 ]

Contact e-mail: [email protected]

Request for additional materials: 11/3

Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: MLA, phone, Skype, etc.): 11/10

Campus interview scheduled: 12/9, 12/15

Rejection (after campus interview): 2/18 (via form email in workday)

Assistant Professor - Creative Writing/Director, El Centro Latinx [ ]

This position in the Department of English is expected to teach existing introductory and advanced creative writing courses, and other courses in their area of expertise using a variety of modalities. This position is also the Director of El Centro Latinx for Latino & Latin American Studies Program. Faculty are expected to advise students; contribute to the department/program; engage in scholarship appropriate to their field; and provide service to the University, the community and their profession. Faculty will integrate CWU's commitment to diversity and create a learning environment that is welcoming, accessible and inclusive for all students.

Please address in your cover letter:

  • • MFA or PhD in Creative Writing: Poetry, Fiction, and/or Creative Nonfiction
  • • At least one published full-length book of creative writing from a nationally recognized press
  • • Proven excellence in classroom and online teaching • Willingness to teach a wide range of courses at all levels and modalities
  • • Demonstrated excellence in mentorship of Latino/a students
  • • Research, teaching, service or other experience that has prepared the candidate to contribute to CWU's commitment to the engagement and inclusion of culturally diverse students
  • • University-level teaching experience.
  • • Secondary interests and experience teaching in interdisciplinary studies, cultural studies, editing and publishing, digital humanities, literature and/or professional and technical writing,
  • • Experience or interest in developing and teaching online courses.
  • • Experience providing effective mentorship to Latino/a students and colleagues.
  • • Research agenda in Latino/a and Latin American cultural studies, curriculum development, and programming.
  • Please address in a Diversity Statement:
  • • Experience working in a diverse environment and/or utilizing a variety of teaching methods designed for broad student success.
  • • A record of promoting inclusivity in classrooms and academic work environments.
  • • Experience or interest in mentoring students from a variety of backgrounds, particularly Latino/a.
  • • Ability to incorporate multicultural perspectives and issues into curriculum and classroom conversations.
  • • Research, teaching, or service that demonstrates an ability to contribute to CWU's commitment to inclusion and diversity.
  • • Demonstrated commitment to improving access to higher education for students through teaching and/or mentoring activities.

Pay, Benefits, & Work Schedule Salary : Commensurate with education and experience

Appointment : Full-time, Tenure-Track, 9 Month Appointment. Summer teaching may be available.

Benefits : CWU offers a comprehensive benefits package including health insurance, retirement and optional savings plans, life and disability insurance.

Additional Information : For additional information about the University, visit:

For additional information about Ellensburg, visit: OR How

  • To apply for this position, you must complete the on-line application and attach:
  • • A detailed cover letter clearly demonstrating how your education and experience: (a) meet the required (and, as applicable, preferred) qualifications, and (b) demonstrate the ability to perform the responsibilities as described by the posting;
  • • A diversity statement detailing how teaching, service and/or scholarship has supported students from racial, ethnic, and gender backgrounds that are underrepresented in their academic fields (applicants who have not yet had the opportunity for such experience should note how their work will further CWU's commitment to diversity);
  • • Curriculum Vitae including work history, education, training and contact information for three professional references;
  • • Statement of teaching philosophy
  • • 10-page creative writing sample of fiction or creative nonfiction; and
  • • Copies of transcripts for the highest degree held

Screening Begins: November 7, 2020 and will be open until filled NOTE: Although copies of transcripts are acceptable for application purposes, all job offers are contingent upon verification of highest degree. • *Priority will be given to applications received by the screening date. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Contact Information Name: Katharine Whitcomb Title: Department Chair, English Email: [email protected] Phone: 509.963-1550 Website: English

TT Assistant Professor of Creative Writing (Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, & Graphic Narrative), Missouri State University [ ]

The successful candidate will contribute to teaching and curricular development for graduate and undergraduate programs in English, particularly courses related to creative nonfiction, fiction, and graphic narrative, both in face-to-face and online modalities. Other responsibilities include academic advising, research mentoring for both undergraduate and graduate students, an active research agenda (including publication), engagement in service activities, ability to co-teach graphic narrative courses, and commitment to working with diverse student and community populations. First date of consideration will begin March 22, 2021 and continue until finalists are identified.

Minimum Acceptable Qualifications

The minimum acceptable qualifications for the position of Assistant Professor are prescribed in the Faculty Handbook. The ability to develop knowledge of, respect for, and skills to engage with those of other cultures or backgrounds is required.

Additional Qualifications

Terminal degree (MFA or Ph.D) in creative writing or closely related field. Other qualifications: Demonstrated excellence in and commitment to college/university teaching; experience and expertise in teaching undergraduate and graduate creative writing and literature courses in the following genres: graphic narrative, creative non-fiction, and fiction. Evidence of the following: an active research agenda including creative writing publication; academic advising experience; successful curricular innovation in the field of graphic narrative and other creative writing genres; effective collaborative teaching across departments; and positive student research outcomes, including creative writing publication and graduate theses.

Link to Job Description

Open Date: 02/26/2021

First date of consideration is March 22, 2021, and will continue until the search is complete.

Official transcripts required at time of hire.

Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: MLA, phone, Skype, etc.): 4/1 (Zoom)

Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Creative Writing (Publications/Expertise in Multiple Genres), The University of Southern Mississippi [ ]

The English program in the School of Humanities at the University of Southern Mississippi invites qualified applicants for a full-time, 9-month, tenure track, Assistant Professor in Creative Writing to begin Fall 2021.The successful candidate will join the Center for Writers ( ), which grants Ph.D. and M.A. degrees in English (Creative Writing). It is also home to the Mississippi Review .

This position is part of a larger, multi-school effort in The College of Arts and Sciences to make a cluster hire in diversity, equity, and inclusion, for which we invite applications for faculty positions in three areas: creative writing, sociology, and interdisciplinary studies & leadership. The University of Southern Mississippi maintains a proud tradition as one of the most representative and diverse public institutions of higher education in the state. As part of this initiative, we seek applicants who demonstrate expertise in issues of race, racial inequality, race and social justice, race and intersectionality, the African diaspora, and/or African American Studies as related to their disciplines. Applicants are asked to comment in their application letters on how their work contributes to one or more of these areas. This initiative reflects a broader commitment to diversify the teaching, research, and creative activities of the College; promote a culture of equity and inclusion throughout the campus, community, and region; and support efforts to recruit and retain diverse faculty, students, and staff. Faculty who are hired through this initiative will serve as members of their home schools, potentially affiliate with the Center for Black Studies, and participate in interdisciplinary collaborations and student mentoring. For more information about university initiatives in diversity, equity, and inclusion, visit

M.F.A. or Ph.D. in Creative Writing by time of appointment. Candidates should have published a book (or have comparable achievements) in one genre and significant publications/expertise in a second genre which may include fiction, poetry, nonfiction, screenwriting, drama, or others.

Ph.D. in Creative Writing.

Primary Duties and Responsibilities

  • Maintain active publishing and research agenda
  • Maintain a teaching load of 3/3 in creative writing and area of specialization
  • Advise and mentor graduate and undergraduate students
  • Fulfill service obligations appropriate to a tenure track faculty member
  • Perform other duties as assigned

Link to Apply:

Dr. Matthew Casey

School of Humanities, Director

[email protected]

Assistant Professor of English/with Creative Writing, Tuskeegee University (AL) INTERVIEW SCHEDULED [ ]

Posting Date: March 12, 2021

Department: Modern Languages, Communication Philosophy

Status: Full time,

Tenure Track

Special Qualifications

In keeping with the President's commitment to Tuskegee University demonstrating "Excellence in Every Way," the ideal Assistant Professor of English will possess the willingness to use his or her expertise to assist in the University's efforts to be a sustainable academic organization committed to excellence.

Essential Duties and Job Responsibilities

Responsibilities include teaching four undergraduate courses in English (12 hours per semester), including first-year composition classes; engaging in scholarly research; serving on committees; advising students; and performing other duties as assigned by the department chair. The faculty member should be prepared to teach general education courses as well as a variety of course offerings in our newly-established creative writing minor and contemporary writing track within the English major.

A Ph.D. in English (in hand by August 2020) or a related field is required. The selected candidate should be a generalist, able to teach various courses including first-year composition courses. However, preference will be given to the candidate who in addition, can teach creative writing courses.

Commensurate with education, training and experience

**The statements contained in this job announcement reflect general details as necessary to describe the principal functions of this job, the level of knowledge and skill typically required and the scope of responsibility. It should not be considered an all-inclusive listing of work requirements. **

APPLICATIONS will be accepted in the Office of Human Resources. Each applicant should complete a Tuskegee University employment application and submit a resume/CV, (3) letters of reference (with detailed contact information) and copies of unofficial transcripts (official transcript(s) will be required upon hire). Incomplete application and/or application packets will eliminate the possibility of an interview. Applicants must meet the minimum qualifications and submit a completed application packet in order to be considered for the position. The University reserves the right not to fill the position in the event of budgetary or operational constraints.

Contact: Office of Human Resources | Tuskegee University

Email Address: [ From HigherEdJobs|[email protected] ]

Assistant Professor of Creative Writing, Fiction or Non Fiction, University of California at UC Davis [ ]

The Department of English at the University of California, Davis invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor faculty position in Creative Writing, Fiction or Nonfiction. We seek a writer whose work speaks to, or engages with, one or more communities of color. We also seek a writer who can teach both fiction and nonfiction. The successful candidate will be prepared to teach Creative Writing at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Ability and interest in teaching literature at the undergraduate level is also expected. A PHD or MFA, completed or near completion, is preferred. Teaching experience is required. At least one book of fiction or nonfiction from a high-quality press is also required. To apply, please submit a 2 page cover letter describing your work as a writer and a teacher in a way that is not evident in your CV, a CV, a 30 page writing sample, and a diversity statement through the online application form by November 2, 2020.

Letters of recommendation, and additional writing samples may be requested at a later phase in the process.

The University of California, Davis is an affirmative action / equal opportunity employer with a strong institutional commitment to the achievement of diversity.

We are actively seeking faculty who aspire to educate a student body rich in diversity with respect to gender, ethnicity, first-generation students, socioeconomic status, and academic interests.

Document requirements:

2 page Cover Letter - Describing your work as a writer and a teacher in a way that is not evident in your CV

Curriculum Vitae - Your most recently updated C.V.

30 page writing sample

Statement of Contributions to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - Contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion documented in the application file will be used to evaluate applicants. Visit for guidelines about writing a statement and why one is requested.


Open date: September 22nd, 2020

Last review date: Monday, Nov 2, 2020 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time)

Applications received after this date will be reviewed by the search committee if the position has not yet been filled.

Final date: Friday, Feb 26, 2021 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time)

Applications will continue to be accepted until this date, but those received after the review date will only be considered if the position has not yet been filled.

  • Has anyone heard anything about this search?

Assistant Professor of Literature and Creative Writing, University of Louisville (KY) [ ]

Deadline: February 11, 2021

The Department of English at the University of Louisville invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor to teach courses in both literature and creative writing. In Fall 2020 the Department introduced a new structure to the major and students now take a common core and one of three tracks: literature, creative writing, professional writing. The successful applicant will be able to demonstrate a record of teaching and publications in both literature and creative writing. Ph.D. in English, American Culture, or related field required. Appointment subject to final budget approval. Women, minorities, and other underrepresented groups are urged to apply.

Send letter, c.v., and two writing samples (one critical, one creative) to Professor Matthew Biberman, Chair, Search Committee, Department of English, by email to [ [30] ]. Materials must be received by midnight, February 11, 2021.

All applicants must also apply online and attach a current version of their vita by February 11, 2021. Selected applicants will be asked at a later date to supply three letters of reference and final candidates will be asked to participate in online interviews. Please reference Job ID #40480. If you have trouble with the online application, please e-mail Sherry McCroskey at [ [31] ] or phone [ [32] ].

Please see Faculty/Administrator and Note below for further instructions on How To Apply.

Equal Employment Opportunity

The University of Louisville is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and is committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to race, sex, age, color, national origin, ethnicity, creed, religion, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity and expression, marital status, pregnancy, or veteran status. If you are unable to use our online application process due to an impairment or disability, please contact the Employment team at [ [33] ] or [ [34] ].


To apply for this position, follow the "Online App. Form" link below and then click on the "Apply Now". You must answer all required fields and submit your application by clicking the "Submit" button. Detailed instructions are available at in the "My Career Tools" section. Vacancies are routinely removed from the jobs portal around 7:00PM on the deadline date. If the posting description requested that you follow up and mail or email other documents, your application will not be considered complete until those have been received by the department.

Only ONE attachment can be uploaded per application. If you wish to include a cover letter or other documents, please combine them as one document with your resume/cv, save the document with a simple short title that contains only letters, spaces, or numbers, and then upload.

Computers are available for application submission at the Human Resources Department located at 1980 Arthur Street - Louisville, Kentucky 40208.

If you require assistance or accommodation with our online application process, you may schedule an appointment at [ 852-6258|(502) 852-6258 ] with Employment Services at the Human Resources office located at 1980 Arthur Street, Louisville, KY 40208.

Request for additional materials: 2/17

Rejection (no interview): 1

Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: MLA, phone, Skype, etc.): 3/10

Rejection (after preliminary interview): 1 (4/12 position filled, says the email)

  • Though the deadline has passed, I posted the job here b/c I wondered if anyone has heard anything. (4/7)
  • Preliminary interview online 3/10; they said they were "trying to move quickly" but were facing university-level budget obstacles; haven't heard anything since then. (4/8)--Thanks for the update and good luck! (4/8)--Thank you! Just got a rejection email saying the position has been filled, so somebody had good luck, which at least beats a canceled search! (4/12)
  • Link to original listing:

Assistant Professor of Creative Writing, Wells College (NY) [ ]

Wells College is seeking applicants for the position of ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF CREATIVE WRITING (Tenure Track), beginning August 16, 2021.

We seek a colleague who can offer expertise in undergraduate fiction and nonfiction creative writing instruction while serving as a dynamic member of a small but vital English department. The successful candidate will have a demonstrated commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Wells College is a private four-year Liberal Arts college located in the Finger Lakes region of New York on the unceded lands of the Cayuga Nation. The mission of Wells College is to educate students to think critically, reason wisely, and act humanely as they cultivate meaningful lives. The Wells experience prepares students to appreciate complexity and difference, to embrace new ways of knowing, to be creative, and to respond ethically to the interdependent worlds to which they belong. Committed to excellence in all areas of its reach, Wells College equips students for lifelong learning and for sharing the privileges of education with others.

Recognizing the role of higher education in supporting students from all backgrounds to meet the challenges of the future, Wells College is seeking to diversify its faculty and staff. We strive to embody a culture of belonging that empowers all to thrive. Our student body includes 35% of students identifying as a student of color and 32% who are first-generation college students.

Responsibilities Include:

  • Teaching three courses (9-10 credits) per semester that rotate among introductory and advanced fiction and nonfiction writing, American literature courses, and service courses such as Introduction to Literature and the Senior Thesis. There are regular opportunities to propose and teach special topics courses as well.
  • Serving as academic advisor to English majors.
  • Contributing to English Department efforts such as curriculum development, assessment, and prospective student outreach.
  • Serving on committees as part of Wells College’s model of shared governance.
  • Maintaining an active creative writing and/or related scholarly practice.
  • An MFA in Creative Writing in hand by August 2021. A PhD in English or a related field (in hand or ABD by August 2021) would be preferred
  • A creative writing sample of no more than 15 pages
  • Teaching Statement
  • Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion outlining your experience with, and willingness to engage in, activities to enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Unofficial transcripts
  • Names, relationship to you, and contact information for three professional references

Applications should be submitted online in PDF at . Complete applications received by April 19, 2021 will receive full consideration; however, the posting will remain open until the position has been filled. Offer of employment is contingent on a successful background screening.

Contact: Wells College

Online App. Form:

Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor in Black Creative Writing and Cultural Production, Queen's University (Kingston, ONT, CA) [ ]

Closes: Saturday, May 15, 2021

Position type : Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Full Professor

Tenure Status : Tenure or tenure track


The Departments of English and Gender Studies at Queen’s University invite applications for a Tenure-track or tenured position at an open rank (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor) with specialization in Black Creative Writing and Cultural Production. The successful applicant will be a Black creative artist with a strong publishing record, evidence of commitment to teaching excellence, and demonstrated critical expertise in Black Studies. The preferred starting date is July 1, 2021.

This position is one of seven positions created in support of the interdisciplinary field of Black Studies at Queen’s and the planned BA Minor/General in Black Studies.

Applicants must self-identify as Black persons including those from Africa or of the African diaspora (e.g. African and African-descended people from the Caribbean, North America, Europe, or Latin America).

We seek applications from Black literary artists and scholars with strong records of publication who work in any medium or genre (e.g. fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, drama, graphic forms, etc.) and whose work addresses and/or contributes to some of the following fields: histories and theories of Black arts and cultural production; Black and diaspora poetics; Afro-futurism and speculative fiction; race and creative writing pedagogy; theories of blackness; race, racism, and antiracism; Black liberation; intersectional politics; theories of cultural production; solidarity work; and decolonization. Applicants who demonstrate engagement with Indigenous, feminist, trans, disability, and/or queer studies are especially encouraged to apply. Candidates for this position must demonstrate records of creative and critical excellence, as registered by scholarly publications and/or a creative portfolio, combined with evidence of excellence in teaching. As we recognize that creative artists often take non-academic pathways to achieving renown, completed doctoral or MFA degrees are desired assets for the position but not mandatory.

The successful candidate will provide evidence of high-quality scholarly and/or artistic output and the ability to secure external funding, as well as ongoing commitment to academic and pedagogical excellence at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Candidates must provide evidence of an ability to work collaboratively in an interdisciplinary and student-centered environment. The successful candidate will also be expected to make contributions through service to the contributing Departments, the Faculty, the University, and/or the broader community. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

The successful applicant will contribute to the development of Black Studies at Queen’s, including its planned Minor in Black Studies, as well as the expansion of the Creative Writing Program. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to offer courses in Black Cultural Production and/or Black Popular Culture and Creative Writing workshops at various levels of curriculum; the successful candidate will also have the opportunity to supervise undergraduate and graduate students in English, Gender Studies, and the interdisciplinary Cultural Studies Program. The Department of English at Queen’s boasts esteemed creative writers and numerous scholars researching and teaching in the fields of Black literary studies, diaspora studies, and critical race theory. With several of its faculty members working at the intersections of race and gender, the Department of Gender Studies is committed to interdisciplinary, historical and transnational research and teaching grounded in feminist, anti-racist, Indigenous, postcolonial, queer, trans, and social justice studies.

People from across Canada and around the world come to learn, teach, and carry out research at Queen’s University. Faculty and their dependents are eligible for an extensive benefits package including prescription drug coverage, vision care, dental care, long-term disability insurance, life insurance, and access to the Employee and Family Assistance Program. Faculty also participate in a pension plan.

Tuition assistance is available for qualifying employees, their spouses, and dependent children. Queen’s values families and is pleased to provide a ‘top up’ to government parental leave benefits for eligible employees on maternity/parental leave. In addition, Queen’s provides partial reimbursement for eligible daycare expenses for employees with dependent children in daycare. Details are set out in the Queen’s-QUFA Collective Agreement. For more information on employee benefits, see Queen’s Human Resources.

Additional information about Queen’s University can be found on the Faculty Recruitment and Support website. The University is situated on the traditional territories of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe Peoples, in historic Kingston on the shores of Lake Ontario. Kingston’s residents enjoy an outstanding quality of life with a wide range of cultural, recreational, and creative opportunities. Visit Inclusive Queen’s for information on equity, diversity, and inclusion resources and initiatives.

Queen’s University has developed a special program, as described by the Ontario Human Rights Commission, in connection with the search to fill this position.

This opportunity is open only to qualified individuals who self-identify as Black persons including those from Africa or of the African diaspora (e.g. African and African-descended people from the Caribbean, North America, Europe, or Latin America). Recognizing the intersectionality of identities within Black communities, applications from Black candidates who also, for example, identify as women, persons with disabilities, and 2SLGBTQ+ persons are welcome. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, in accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority.

To comply with federal laws, the University is obliged to gather statistical information as to how many applicants for each job vacancy are Canadian citizens/permanent residents of Canada. Applicants need not identify their country of origin or citizenship; however, all applications must include one of the following statements: “I am a Canadian citizen/permanent resident of Canada”; OR, “I am not a Canadian citizen/permanent resident of Canada.” Applications that do not include this information will be deemed incomplete.

In addition, the impact of certain circumstances that may legitimately affect a nominee’s record of research and creative achievement will be given careful consideration when assessing the nominee’s research productivity. Candidates are encouraged to provide any relevant information about their experience and/or career interruptions.

A complete application consists of: [ ]

  • a cover letter (including one of the two statements regarding Canadian citizenship/permanent resident status specified in the previous paragraph);
  • a current Curriculum Vitae (including a list of publications, awards, and grants received);
  • three samples of creative and/or scholarly publications;
  • an artist’s statement or a statement of scholarly/creative interests and experience;
  • a teaching dossier; and,
  • Three letters of reference sent directly to Elaine Power at [ [35] ]. Reference letters should be dated, and include the referee’s name, position, institution, email address, and telephone number, the name of the nominee, and the period of time and capacity in which the referee has known the nominee.

The deadline for applications is May 15, 2021 . Applicants are encouraged to send all documents in their application packages electronically as PDFs to Elaine Power at [ [36] ], although hard-copy applications may be submitted to: Elaine Power, Professor and Head Department of Gender Studies Queen’s University Kingston, Ontario CANADA K7L 3N6

The University will provide support in its recruitment processes to applicants with disabilities, including accommodation that takes into account an applicant’s accessibility needs. If you require accommodation during the interview process, please contact Elaine Power at [ [37] ].

Academic staff at Queen’s University are governed by a Collective Agreement between the University and the Queen’s University Faculty Association (QUFA), which is posted at and at

Links for PDF version of this posting and additional information can be found at:


Cynthia Woods Mitchell Scholar-In-Residence at the University of Houston, Creative Writing and the Arts

The Creative Writing Program at the University of Houston, in conjunction with the School of Art and the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Center for the Arts, announces a two-year, post-graduate fellowship in Creative Writing and the Arts for the 2021-23 academic years. The opportunity is open to any practice in Creative Writing (e.g., Fiction, Poetry, Nonfiction). Candidates will work alongside faculty in the Creative Writing Program and with their peer fellows in the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Center for the Arts.  

The Mitchell Fellow is an honored award to a post-graduate candidate of the highest caliber in their respective field. Mitchell Fellows are supported by the Mitchell Center to engage in interdisciplinary methods of inquiry as well as dialogue, consult and collaborate with faculty, students and schools across the UH campus. Fellows will engage with the programs of the Mitchell Center and regularly meet with the other Fellows. The ideal candidate is one whose work/research supports the mission of the Mitchell Center and can cross over to teach Interdisciplinary Arts courses, particularly the arts in society, and specifically within Houston.

The Mitchell Fellow in Creative Writing is required to meet regularly with the Director of the CWMC with the other CWM Fellows (in Music, Theatre/Dance, Curatorial, and Visual Arts) to address how the Fellows’ activities can best address the goals and vision of the CWMC. In addition, the fellow will conduct research in their field and mentor graduate students in that field. The Fellow will teach one course per semester in the Creative Writing Program, to be decided in discussion with the Director of Creative Writing.  

1. Stipend: $43,500/annually

2. Teaching load: 1/1. Course should be cross-listed with IART program whenever appropriate; at least one class will be in the IART coursework.

3. Must have terminal degree in hand at the start of the fellowship (either MFA or PhD in Creative Writing).

4. Two-year appointment.

Applicants must work in two or more artistic disciplines OR have clear interdisciplinary research interests they wish to pursue while a fellow. They must submit a statement on how interdisciplinary practice/research informs their work or what they hope to pursue or expand through interdisciplinary methods and inquiry.   

Other Responsibilities:  

·       Meet regularly with the other CWMC Fellows and the Director of the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Center to plan activities with this group that highlight collaboration, to conduct research in their field and mentor graduate students in that field, and to participate in CWMC activities.

·       Annually create and execute one community engagement event through CWMCAS and coordinate documentation of the project for CWMCAS archives. This can be related to any of the programs in the schedule of the Center such as Artist in Residence or Lecture series.

·       Attend monthly meetings during the academic year with cohort of Mitchell Fellows in CWMC offices to provide updates on work and develop collaborations  

·       Attend all CWMC events, and serve as community ambassadors for the Mitchell Center  

Application Materials:

·       A one-page statement of purpose.

·       An interdisciplinary arts class proposal and sample syllabus of this prospective class.

·       A narrative that describes your teaching and presents your teaching evaluations (quantitative summary, relevant student comments) and/or a letter from a Creative Writing professor who has observed your class.

·       A c.v.

·       A sample of your creative work. For prose, up to 15 pages; for poetry, five poems.

Please submit these materials to Taleo electronically (  no later than midnight, July 15, 2021.

Visiting Assistant Professor or Lecturer of Fiction, University of Idaho [ ]

(Re-posted 4/09/2021)

The Department of English and the MFA in Creative Writing Program at the University of Idaho seek to hire a Visiting Assistant Professor or Lecturer of Fiction. This is a one-year position with the possibility of renewal, with a 2/3 teaching load at lower- and upper-division levels (the standard load among all faculty), including graduate workshops and seminars. Areas of specialization include the writing and study of contemporary fiction with emphasis on a range of conventional and experimental forms. Additional responsibilities include directing MFA theses, and service to the department, university, and profession. Continuing creative and/or scholarly activity is expected. Secondary expertise in creative nonfiction is desirable. UI is committed to diversity and inclusion, and we encourage candidates from historically underrepresented groups to apply.

Appointees with visiting academic ranks (e.g., visiting assistant professor, visiting associate professor, visiting professor) are considered temporary members of the university faculty. Those on full-time appointment have the privilege of voting in meetings of the university faculty and of the appropriate constituent faculties.

Required Qualifications :

  • MFA, PhD, or equivalent degree in Creative Writing or related field.
  • At least one full-length book of fiction in print or forthcoming from a nationally recognized press.
  • Experience teaching fiction writing courses at beginning and advanced levels.

Preferred Qualifications :

  • Expertise in nonfiction writing.
  • Experience teaching techniques seminars and literature courses in the traditions of fiction.
  • Significant publications, conference presentations, awards, fellowships, and other demonstrated and nationally recognized scholarly or creative activity in creative writing, with similar recognition in nonfiction preferred.
  • Commitment to inclusiveness and equity in the classroom.

Application Procedure :

Application should address all required and preferred qualifications. Please submit via the URL below: a letter of application that explains your qualifications for the position, including your contributions to diversity and inclusion; a curriculum vita; and a writing sample of 20 pages that demonstrates excellence in fiction. Three confidential letters of recommendation must be submitted directly to [email protected] .

Application Portal:

Questions about the search may be directed to: Michael McGriff, Search Committee Chair. In your subject line, please write “Fiction VAP Question.”

Application period: Application review begins April 26, 2021. Application review will continue until the position has been filled. The successful candidate will begin work August 2021; classes are scheduled to be face-to-face / in-person on the Moscow, Idaho, campus.

Visiting Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing, Austin College (TX) [ ]

The Department of English invites applications for the position of Visiting Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing beginning August 2021. This is a one-year position. Candidates with Ph.D. in hand and candidates planning to obtain the Ph.D. before August 2021 will be considered.

We seek scholars with teaching interests in creative writing and either ethnic American literatures or nineteenth-century American literature or both. Candidates must show evidence of excellent undergraduate teaching. The position requires teaching of creative writing as well as expository writing, introductory literary analysis, and topics courses for majors, minors, and non-majors. The teaching load consists of three courses in the Fall Semester, three courses in the Spring Semester, along with a course in the January Term.

The successful candidate will have strong commitments to innovative teaching in a liberal arts environment and to fostering and encouraging diversity in their classroom, in their pedagogy, and in their approach to English and creative writing. Each member of the Austin College community is responsible for creating and maintaining a culture of inclusion that engages students and valorizes each other’s contribution to our shared educational mission. The successful candidate will show how their teaching and research agenda relate to the Austin College liberal arts curriculum, including general degree requirements (Systems of Power, Privilege, and Inequality; Global Diversity) and the writing curriculum. The search committee is especially interested in candidates who, through their research, teaching, and/or service, will contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community.

Austin College is a leading national independent liberal arts college located north of Dallas in Sherman, Texas. Recognized nationally for academic excellence in the areas of international education, pre-professional training, and leadership studies, Austin College is one of 40 schools profiled in Loren Pope’s influential book Colleges That Change Lives .

Applications should include the following: a letter of application, CV, a teaching statement, a diversity statement, a sampling of course evaluations, and three letters of reference. Please combine materials into one PDF document and email it to [ [38] ] (preferred). Candidates should request that the three letters of reference be submitted to the same email address, with the candidate’s name in the subject line. We also accept hard copies mailed to Dr. Beth Gill, Vice President for Academic Affairs, 900 North Grand Ave., Suite 6D, Sherman, TX 75090-4400. For full consideration, applications must be received by March 22, 2021. Initial video conference interviews will occur in early April 2021 and finalist video conference interviews in late April 2021.

Austin College is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diverse faculty, staff and student body and welcomes all applicants. Candidates must be legally authorized to work without sponsorship for employment visa status (e.g., H1B status).

Creative Writing Fellows in the Department of English, Colgate University (NY) [ ]

(Re-posted 3/30/2021) Colgate University invites applications for the Olive B. O'Connor Fellowship in Creative Writing . This year we invite applications for one fellowship in nonfiction and one in fiction. Writers who have recently completed an MFA, MA, or PhD in creative writing, and who need a year to complete their first book, are encouraged to apply. The selected writers will spend the academic year (late August 2021 to early May 2022) at Colgate University in Hamilton, New York. The fellows will teach one creative writing course each semester and will give a public reading from the work in progress. The fellowship carries a stipend of $42,745 plus travel expenses; health and life insurance are provided.

Complete applications, due by February 15, 2021, consist of a cover letter; resume; three letters of recommendation, at least one of which should address the candidate's abilities as a teacher; and a maximum of 30 double-spaced manuscript pages of prose. The writing sample may be a completed work or an excerpt from something larger. Colgate strives to be a community supportive of diverse perspectives and identities. All applications should speak directly to the candidate's ability to work effectively with students across a wide range of identities and backgrounds.

Colgate is a highly selective liberal arts university of 2900 students situated in central New York State. The Colgate faculty is committed to excellence in both teaching and scholarship. Further information about the English department can be found at . It is the policy of Colgate University not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment on the basis of their race, color, creed, religion, age, sex, pregnancy, national origin, marital status, disability, Protected Veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, being or having been victims of domestic violence or stalking, familial status, or any other categories covered by law. Candidates from historically underrepresented groups, women, persons with disabilities, and Protected Veterans are encouraged to apply.

Complete applications must be submitted through .

  • QUESTION : Is Colgate aware that the AJO link is no longer working? (3/31)

Part-time Online Adjunct in English/Writing in Creative Writing, Eastern Oregon University (Remote/OR) [ ]

Eastern Oregon University's Low Residency MFA in Creative Writing is expanding and seeks to create a pool of qualified writers who can teach both in the MFA and in its environmental writing track, The Wilderness, Ecology, and Community Program. Teaching may include in-person instruction during the summer residency at Wallowa Lake and in La Grande, Oregon, as well as online instruction throughout the academic year.

For a description of our programs, see here:

and here:

Online adjuncts are responsible for providing a high quality online educational experience in consultation with the program faculty and through supporting the program's learning outcomes.

In addition to expertise in teaching workshops and craft seminars in Fiction, Nonfiction, and/or Poetry, candidates with expertise and interest in environmental justice, animal studies, science writing, dark ecology, critical approaches to race, gender and nature studies as well as multi-disciplinary approaches to urban and rural studies, and a familiarity with environmental and climate change literatures are encouraged to apply.

Additional responsibilities include development and regular functional use of an LMS course shell (Canvas) that engages students in learning activities, including such elements as active discussion boards, timely assignment feedback, and keeping upgraded grades for students.

  • MFA or PhD in creative writing or multidisciplinary studies OR equivalent professional experience.
  • Three (3) years of teaching experience.
  • A distinguished publication record that includes at lease one book from a national press.

Must satisfactorily complete EOU criminal and credential background check. Having a criminal history is not an automatic bar to employment.

In compliance with federal law, all persons hired will be required to verify identity and eligibility to work in the United States and to complete the required employment eligibility verification form upon hire. Eastern Oregon University will not sponsor applicants for employment visas.

  • Experience teaching multiple genres in creative writing.
  • Publications in multiple genres.
  • Evidence of a strong commitment to and practice of serving underserved student populations.
  • Familiarity with EOU's MFA program and professional experience that would support students in its Wilderness, Ecology, and Community concentration.
  • Familiarity with Fishtrap programming, especially its Summer Fishtrap Gathering of Writers, which MFA students attend each summer as part of their residency requirement.
  • Demonstrated excellence in teaching in a liveral arts curriculum (e.g. certified in Quality Matters or other professional teacher training activities).
  • Scholarship appropriate to the course(s) needed.

Open Date: 03/12/2021

Special Instructions to Summary

Preference will be given to applicants who submit materials by 04/16/2021, when the committee begins formal review. However, the position remains open until filled. Applicants who apply after this date may not be given full considerations.

In addition to submitting a CV, cover letter, and three professional references, candidates should include a short teaching philosophy and/or sample lesson plan/creative exercise that demonstrates their teaching philosophy.

Candidates are encouraged to review the values and principles of Eastern Oregon University

Only complete files of qualified applicants will be reviewed.

Eastern Oregon University - Oregon's Rural University! - is a respected public, higher education institution of academic excellence. Brilliant faculty and staff thrive and together fulfill their career ambitions to serve students from all walks of life.

EOU is a beautiful, quaint campus nestled in a remarkably scenic, high elevation valley populated by wonderful, community-minded citizens that have balanced work-life flexibility. Take a virtual tour of Eastern Oregon University .

Eastern Oregon University is an EEO Employer and welcomes applications from women, members of historically underrepresented minority groups, US Veterans, and persons with disabilities. EOU is committed to providing equal opportunity in its recruitment, admissions, educational programs, activities and employment without illegal discrimination on the basis of age, color, disability, national origin, race, marital status, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or any status as protected by state or federal law.

Quick Link to Posting

Contact: Eastern Oregon University

Online App. Form:

Two-Year Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in Fiction Writing, Grinnell College (IA) [ ]

Date New Hire Needed: 08/01/2021

The Department of English invites applications for a two-year Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in fiction writing beginning Fall 2021. Eligible candidates must have received their terminal degree (MFA or PhD) in 2018 or later. Research and teaching interests might include, but are not limited to: fiction writing, screenwriting, creative nonfiction, and contemporary literature. The annual teaching load for the Fellow is two courses per year (one per semester) with a full-time salary and benefits. Possible teaching areas include the Craft of Fiction (Eng 205) and other creative writing courses. The Fellow also will be expected to share their research with the Grinnell community and to be a contributing member of the English Department faculty and the Writers @ Grinnell program. The ideal candidate will have some teaching experience and publications in fiction.

Additional information about our curriculum and faculty can be found at

Eligible candidates must have received their terminal degree (MFA or PhD) in 2018 or later.

Must have received their terminal degree (MFA or PhD) in 2018 or later.

In letters of application, candidates should discuss their interest in developing as a teacher and scholar in a highly selective undergraduate liberal arts college that emphasizes close student-faculty interaction. They should also discuss their potential to contribute to a college community that maintains a diversity of people and perspectives as one of its core values. Candidates may wish to discuss the writing project they will work on while at Grinnell. To be assured of full consideration, all application materials should be received by March 15, 2021. Candidates will need to upload a letter of application, curriculum vitae, transcripts (copies are acceptable), a 25 pp. (max.) fiction writing sample (published work preferred), and provide email addresses for three references. Questions about this search should be directed to the search chair, Professor Dean Bakopoulos at [ [39] ] or [ [40] ].

FLSA Category: Exempt

Staff/Faculty: Faculty

Employment Status: Full-Time

Employment Category: Term

Posting Number: F00208

Grinnell College is committed to establishing and maintaining a safe and nondiscriminatory educational environment for all College community members. It is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in matters of admission, employment, and housing, and in access to and participation in its education programs, services, and activities. The College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, veteran status, pregnancy, childbirth, religion, disability, creed or any other protected class. Discrimination and harassment on any of the bases covered by state or federal antidiscrimination statutes is unlawful and a violation of Grinnell College policy.

Grinnell College recognizes that harassment can relate to an individual's membership in more than one protected class. Targeting individuals on the basis of their membership in any protected class is also a violation of Grinnell's Community Standards and Responsibilities and may violate the College's Hate Crime and Bias-Motivated Incident Policy. Under these circumstances, the College will coordinate the investigation and resolution, provided that doing so does not unduly delay prompt and equitable resolution under this policy.

This policy prohibits sexual harassment, sexual violence, sexual assault, and intimate partner violence against Grinnell College community members of any gender, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation. This policy also prohibits gender-based harassment that does not involve conduct of a sexual nature.

The College has grievance procedures for any individual who has experienced harassment or discrimination and wishes to pursue resolution.

An offer for this position will be contingent on successful completion of a background check.


We need to receive email addresses for 3 references. If you have any questions, please contact Jayne Bryngelson ([ [41] ]; [ [42] ]) for assistance.

Grinnell College

Grinnell College is committed to establishing and maintaining a safe and nondiscriminatory educational environment for all College community members. It is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in matters of admission, employment, and housing, and in access to and participation in its education programs, services, and activities. The College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, veteran status, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, or any other protected class. For further information about Grinnell College, see our website at

Response (rejection):

Response (interview):

Response (acceptance):

Assistant or Associate Professor of Creative Writing, Hollins University (VA) [ ]

(posted 03/04/21)

Hollins University’s Jackson Center for Creative Writing invites applications for a three-year position in Creative Writing at either the assistant or associate professor level. This is a full-time position beginning July 1, 2021. Hollins University has a storied history in all genres of writing including winners of the Pulitzer Prize, Man Booker Prize, Yale Series of Younger Poets Award, and many other writers of distinction and achievement. The graduate creative writing program, among the earliest in the nation, is now 61 years old.

The ideal candidate must have a record of teaching excellence, and be prepared to teach in at least two genres, with strong publications in either poetry, fiction, or both (a minimum of two books for the associate level), and significant additional publications in a secondary genre. Additionally, the candidate must be prepared to teach multi-genre undergraduate creative writing (including poetry) at the beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels and also focused graduate workshops. Demonstrated capacity to teach selected literature courses is a plus. The teaching load is six courses per year. Other duties include advising students, supervising graduate and undergraduate theses, participating in department and university service, and ongoing scholarly activity in the form of publications and presentations.

Candidates must have an M.F.A. or Ph.D. in creative writing, an excellent record of teaching at the undergraduate level, experience teaching at the graduate level, and a clear understanding of and strong commitment to teaching at a liberal arts institution.

Qualified candidates should send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, writing sample, and dossier including graduate school transcript(s) (unofficial transcripts are acceptable), evidence of effective teaching, and three letters of reference [email protected] . Candidates are encouraged to comment in their cover letter on how their contributions will further the university’s efforts to ensure the success and inclusion of all members of its community. Review of applications will begin immediately, and will continue until the position is filled. However, priority will be given to applications received by March 31, 2021. Final candidates will be subject to a criminal history background check.

Response (interview): 4/1

Writer-in-Residence in Creative Non-Fiction (one-semester appointment), Monmouth University (NJ) [ ]

(posted 3/22/21) - part-time [ ].

Location: West Long Branch, NJ. Commutable from both NYC and Philadelphia.

Monmouth University invites applications for the part-time position of Adjunct/Writer-in-Residence (Creative Non-Fiction) in the M.F.A. program in Creative Writing, which is part of the English department.

The Writer-in-Residence will teach one course in Fall 2021 at the graduate level in our dual-degree M.A./M.F.A. program. Additionally, the Writer-in-Residence will be asked to give two public readings/lectures: the first will be given virtually (via Zoom) at the end of this semester’s Spring 2021 term, and the second during the Fall 2021 semester. Preceding each reading/lecture, the Writer-in-Residence will take part in an informal craft talk, such as visiting a Creative Writing class.

This one-semester adjunct appointment will formally begin in Fall 2021, with the exception of the first reading/lecture to be scheduled for the end of the Spring 2021 semester, sometime in late April.

Monmouth University values diversity and invites applications from underrepresented groups who will enrich the research, teaching and service missions of the university.

For information about the program, please see our website:

Requirements: Master of Fine Arts (MFA) degree in Creative Writing. Have at least one book-length work of creative non-fiction published by a reputable press.

Preferred Qualifications: Teaching experience at the graduate or undergraduate level.

To Apply: Visit

Lecturer in Creative Writing, Princeton University (NJ) [ ]

The Program in Creative Writing at the Lewis Center for the Arts at Princeton University is seeking distinguished writers for a potential part-time opening teaching undergraduate workshops. This position is a one- or two-semester appointment, with the possibility of reappointment based on course enrollments and the needs of the program. The position begins September 2021 and/or January 2022.

Competitive candidates will be able to demonstrate a deep commitment to undergraduate teaching and advising and who have one or more published books in the genre.

Applicants should submit a CV, a letter of application that includes a statement of teaching philosophy, and contact information for three recommenders.

This position is subject to the University's background check policy.


Contact: Princeton University

Online App. Form:

Wisconsin's Own Library Poet in Residence Fellowship at Ripon College (WI) [ ]

Ripon College has an opening for a Fellowship in Residence. Each year, the Wisconsin’s Own Library Poet in Residence program provides one poet with a semester-long opportunity at Ripon College to devote time and attention to a poetry manuscript in progress.

The Poet in Residence will teach one poetry class; hold one public reading of current work per month (for a total of four readings across Wisconsin); and allow one new poem to be reproduced in a limited edition commemorative broadside. The Poet in Residence will be physically present on the Ripon College campus, will reside in Ripon full-time while classes are in session, and will hold no other professional obligations for the duration of the semester.

The fellowship offers a $15,000 salary for the semester. Other benefits include housing (a taxable benefit, appropriate for a maximum of two people) in a campus apartment; an office and office supplies; monetary support for on-campus presentations and travel to out-of-town presentations. There are no other benefits with this position.

Qualifications: Wisconsin’s Own Library is owned by the General Federation of Women’s Clubs – Wisconsin, with funding provided by the Gwendolyn M. Schultz Charitable Trust. Wisconsin’s Own Library showcases the work of Wisconsin poets. For this reason, the WOL Poet in Residence must demonstrate a considerable attachment to the state, most often by residing (or having resided) in Wisconsin for at least three years. The ideal candidate will hold an MFA or PhD in Creative Writing, demonstrate a robust history of publishing in national literary journals, provide a clear agenda for instructing Ripon College students in the practice of poetry, and propose the continuation of a poetry manuscript that is already well underway. In particular, candidates who demonstrate a commitment to promoting diversity, equality, and inclusion and are dedicated to fostering these values within the liberal arts setting are highly encouraged to apply.

The WOL Poet in Residence will therefore be selected based upon 1) the merits of the poet’s past and present writing and 2) the quality of the teaching plan. Since Ripon College prides itself on the quality of its undergraduate instruction, these two requirements are given equal consideration in the Poet in Residence application. The Poet in Residence will be free to design a semester-long class from a wide range of possibilities, including Intro to Poetry, Poetry Special Topics (such as the Long Poem, Prosody, of Cross-Genre Forms,) or a Poetry-focused literature class.

This position is open to all qualified applicants. Ripon College encourages applications from individuals from underrepresented groups in the professoriate, including, for example, African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, other Pacific Islanders, first generation college students, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, individuals who have followed non-traditional pathways to college due to exceptional talent and motivation in the face of adversity, such as societal, economic or academic disadvantages, and individuals with a demonstrated commitment to applying and including diverse backgrounds and perspectives to learning, scholarship, and leadership in the academy.

Applicants should submit: 1) a letter of Intent, in which they describe the poetry manuscript in progress, as well as the poetry class to be taught at Ripon College, 2) 10-20 sample pages of poetry, at least half of which should include poems from the project manuscript, and 3) evidence of teaching effectiveness (in the form of a curriculum vita, professional references, sample course evaluations, and/or the proposed course syllabus) to Kara Jankowski, Chief of Staff at [ [43] ]. Applicants may designate whether they prefer to be in residence in the fall or spring semester, although the fall semester is encouraged.

Please submit a completed application by April 15. The successful candidate will be notified in May.

Kara Jankowski | Chief of Staff | Ripon College

Email Address: [ From HigherEdJobs|[email protected] ]

Visiting Assistant Professor, Creative Writing, Rollins College (FL) INTERVIEW SCHEDULED [ ]

The Department of English at Rollins College invites applications for a Visiting Assistant Professor of Creative Writing for a three-year appointment beginning in Fall 2021. Writing areas in at least two genres (fiction, non-fiction, poetry). Interest and experience in professional writing also welcomed. Teaching load is 4-4 on a semester system, with an expectation of courses in first-year composition, general education, and creative writing at all levels. A successful candidate will have an MFA or PhD in Creative Writing, publications, and excellent teaching record including composition courses and workshops.

The English Department has a vibrant writing program, with small classes, serving both traditional and non-traditional students, meeting during the day and evening. Opportunities for participation and service in our writing community are available. We are committed to diversity and inclusion in our curriculum, teaching practices, and community engagement. Click here to learn more about this department!

Rollins College is a comprehensive liberal arts college located just north of Orlando, FL, a diverse metropolitan community with a thriving economic and cultural scene. Nearby Orlando International Airport provides easy access to U.S. and international destinations. The college emphasizes innovative and quality teaching in small classes and ranks number one among 121 Southern master’s-level universities in the annual rankings of “America’s Best Colleges,” released by U.S. News & World Report. Please visit the college website at

Minimum Qualifications and Education:

  • Creative writing publications (fiction, non-fiction, poetry)
  • Record of teaching excellence, particularly in creative writing workshops and composition courses

To apply, please submit an application and upload the following materials:

Cover letter, including:

  • teaching and writing interests

Curriculum vitae

  • Writing sample
  • Teaching evaluations
  • Course syllabi
  • Statement of teaching philosophy
  • Include contact information for two references on application (referees will receive email asking them to upload reference letter)

Questions may be directed to Martha Cheng , Search Committee Chair at [email protected] .

Review of applications will begin on March 26th, but the position will remain open until filled.

Our Values:

Rollins seeks to foster and to model a campus environment that is welcoming, safe, and inclusive to all of our administrators, faculty, staff, and students. We view differences (e.g. nationality, race, gender, age, sexual orientation, socioeconomic class, physical ability, learning styles, perspectives, etc.) not as obstacles to be overcome but as rich opportunities for understanding, learning, and growth.

Through its mission, Rollins College is firmly committed to creating a just community that embraces multiculturalism; persons from historically under-represented minority groups are therefore encouraged to apply. Rollins does not discriminate on the basis of sex, disability, race, age, religion, color, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, marital status, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, physical characteristics, or any other category protected by federal, state, or local law, in its educational programs and activities.

Full-time Faculty in Creative Writing-Fiction (non-tenure track), Simmons University (MA) [ ]

Full-time Faculty in Creative Writing-Fiction (non-tenure-track)

Main Campus - Boston, MA

The Department of English in the Gwen Ifill College of Media, Arts, and Humanities at Simmons University invites applications for a one-year contract position in Fiction Writing. Duties will include teaching seven courses for the year: likely four courses in the English Department—with an emphasis on fiction—and three courses in our General Education program, PLAN. The department is expanding its curriculum to offer majors in both Literature and Writing, and we seek a student-centered writing instructor with a record of published fiction. The position begins Fall 2021.

Interdisciplinary approaches or qualifications in a particular field of writing are welcome. In addition to fiction, we are interested in intersecting areas of expertise that might include fields like screenwriting and writing for multiple media platforms.

The Department of English at Simmons University promotes pedagogy that decenters and expands traditional canonical understandings of literature and writing. Our curriculum emphasizes global and intersectional understandings of race, class, and gender. English students are vocal, self-expressive thinkers in the classroom, and they routinely take on leadership roles in our student-driven media and publications, including Sidelines, the Ifill College magazine edited and published by Simmons undergraduates.

Minimum Qualification

1. Record of published Fiction Writing

2. MA, MFA, Ph.D., or related degree

3. Demonstrated record of quality teaching at the college level

Required Application Materials

Application review will begin on February 22, and will continue until the position is filled. To apply, submit the following materials online at :

  • Cover letter describing your interest in the position, your teaching experience, and your record of published work in fiction
  • Your current curriculum vitae with a list of courses taught and a list of three references Letters of recommendation will be requested only for short-listed candidates. Please address any questions to Sheldon George, Chair, Department of English. [ [44] ].

Instructions to Applicants : Please upload all applicable application materials (e.g. resume/cv, cover letter, writing sample, teaching philosophy, etc.) in the "Resume/CV" box on page 2 ("My Experience") of this application. Documents can be uploaded individually or as a combined document (e.g. PDF).

Simmons University is committed to inclusive excellence in all aspects of an individual's community experience. As a university committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, Simmons encourages applications from all under-represented groups. Simmons is committed to creating, developing, promoting, and enhancing inclusive hiring practices-at all levels, for all positions-ensuring diverse talent pools and the delivery of a consistent positive candidate experience. Simmons is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to continuing to develop a more diverse faculty, staff, student body, and curriculum.

To apply, visit

Located in Boston’s historic Fenway area, Simmons College is a small, private, non-sectarian College which has educated students for enriching careers and purposeful lives since 1899. Working at Simmons means joining a collaborative, diverse and mission-driven community of educators and professionals. We prepare students to be leaders for themselves, their communities and the world. Our faculty and staff members lead by example - sharing a commitment to excellence and putting the students first.

1-Year Visiting Assistant Professor of Creative Writing, Simpson College (IA) [ ]

The English Department at Simpson College invites applications for a 1-year Visiting Assistant Professor of Creative Writing. Teaching responsibilities will begin August 2021.

Teaching responsibilities include 6 courses, consisting of creative writing workshops, introductory literature courses, and a first-year seminar. 

Ideal candidates will have a Ph.D. or MFA in creative writing, or a Ph.D. in a related field and a record of publication of creative writing. Ideal candidates will also have experience teaching literature, creative writing workshops, and writing-intensive courses. Send the following documents in a single file (PDF preferred) to the address listed below: application letter, CV, and a statement addressing how your experiences and/or interests contribute to promoting diversity and inclusivity. Please have references send letters to the same e-mail with ENGLISH SEARCH: APPLICANT’S NAME in the subject line: [ [45] ].

Simpson is a private, nationally recognized regional college grounded in the liberal arts tradition and is located in the Des Moines metropolitan area.

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.

Simpson College does not unlawfully discriminate and aims to employ persons of various backgrounds and experiences to help constitute a diverse community. We are particularly interested in receiving applications from members of underrepresented groups. You will find the entire EOE statement at Successful applicants will demonstrate a commitment to cultural diversity and the ability to work with individuals from diverse backgrounds. Employment will require a criminal background check, which may include—but is not limited to—criminal history, national sex offender search, and motor vehicle history.

Full-Time Instructor of Creative Writing, Texas Christian University (TX) [ ]

Location: TCU Main Campus

Application Deadline

Deadline for applications is May 6

Position Details

The English Department of Texas Christian University invites applications for an Instructor of Creative Writing, a non-tenure-track, renewable position beginning in August 2021.

Applicants should demonstrate experience in teaching introductory creative writing with a specialization in creative prose and/or drama/screenwriting to contribute to our growing creative writing curriculum and programming. Candidates whose creative work engages with critical race and ethnic studies; decolonization; anti-racism; translingualism; disability studies; queer studies; intersectional women, gender and sexuality studies; Black, Indigenous, Latinx, or Asian American studies; and other areas related to racial, ethnic, cultural, sexual, gendered, economic, or religious difference are especially encouraged to apply.

Instructors teach a 4/4 load, primarily in lower-division creative writing with some opportunities to contribute to the Writing major and English major. Lower-division teaching in composition and/or literature is also required.

In addition to teaching duties, successful candidates will contribute to the English department and participate in service duties, including advising undergraduates, shaping creative writing programming and curriculum, and serving on departmental, college, and university committees.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are central to our students' liberal education and vital to the current mission of Texas Christian University. We welcome applicants who are committed to the social and intellectual richness of creative writing instruction and who are resolute in advancing justice and equity with it.

The successful candidate will have an MFA or PhD in Creative Writing or English with a creative dissertation by August 1, 2021 and demonstrated excellence in teaching creative writing. All materials are to be submitted online at All questions regarding the application process should be directed to Human Resources at [ [46] ] or [ [47] ]. Other questions may be directed to the search committee chair, Alex Lemon [ [48] ].

Department Details

Students and faculty in the Department of English at TCU are committed to a variety of intellectual and creative pursuits fostered by the exploration of literature, rhetoric and writing. The department includes creative writing, literature, and rhetoric and composition faculty, and both tenure-stream and non-tenure-stream faculty who work together to schedule courses, organize curriculum, and serve on various committees. Instructors are voting members of the department who enjoy competitive salaries and benefits, support for professional development, and opportunities for promotion and advancement within the Instructor rank.

School/College Description

Named for TCU's founders, Addison and Randolph Clark, the AddRan College of Liberal Arts is home to the core academic disciplines of the humanities and social sciences. The College includes approximately 155 full-time faculty members, 11 departments (Criminal Justice, Economics, English, Geography, History, Modern Language Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Religion, Sociology & Anthropology, and Spanish and Hispanic Studies), and two units of Reserve Officers' Training Corps (Army and Air Force). AddRan College departments confer 15 Bachelor of Arts and six Bachelor of Science degrees, a Bachelor of General Studies, an online master's degree in Criminal Justice, a Master of Liberal Arts degree, and master's and Ph.D. degrees in History, English, and Rhetoric and Composition.

University & Fort Worth Description

Founded in 1873, Texas Christian University sits on 299 acres nestled in a primarily residential part of Fort Worth, just minutes away from downtown. The University includes eight schools and colleges, in addition to the John V. Roach Honors College and the new TCU and UNTHSC School of Medicine, which is operated in collaboration with the University of North Texas Health Science Center in Fort Worth.

Currently, TCU enrolls 9,474 undergraduates and 1,490 graduate students. Twenty-six percent of students self-identify as a member of a minority group, 5 percent are international students, and 42 percent are from out-of-state. Our students are supported by more than 2,200 faculty and staff. The University has more than 700 full-time faculty members, 87 percent of whom hold a terminal degree. For nine consecutive years, TCU has been selected as one of the Great Colleges to Work For®.

At TCU, diversity, equity and inclusion are an educational imperative that is tied directly to our University mission and vision. For the second consecutive year, TCU has earned the Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award, which highlights our ongoing commitment to build a comprehensive DEI strategy that aligns with our core values and to create a campus culture where everyone is respected and feels included. Among TCU's actions this year was approving a resolution to adopt DEI into its core curriculum.


Like TCU, Fort Worth has the approachable, friendly charm of a smaller town, but offers the amenities, cultural activities, diversity and unique personality of a much larger city. Fort Worth, Texas, is the 13th largest city in the United States with an ever-growing population nearing 1 million. Fort Worth is part of the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area, the fourth largest metropolitan area in the United States, and the number 1 tourist destination in Texas. In 2018, ranked Fort Worth the 7th most affordable city to live and work in the United States and U.S. News and World Report named Fort Worth one of the Best Places to Live. Fort Worth, Dallas and Arlington all rank among the top 25 most diverse cities in the country.

Fort Worth is known for its vast array of cultural, educational and entertainment opportunities. The city boasts three world class art museums-the Kimbell Art Museum, the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth and the Amon Carter Museum of American Art. The Bass Performance Hall is one of the premier performance venues in the country. Concerts, film festivals and other events are held regularly at Sundance Square, Panther Island and Near Southside venues.

Required Application Materials & Application Instructions

A complete application will include the following:

  • A letter of application addressing the position's desired areas of expertise and specific interest in working at Texas Christian University
  • Diversity Statement documenting knowledge and experience with diversity, equity, and inclusion as central classroom praxis
  • Creative writing sample (up to 20 pages)
  • Two sample syllabi, one in introductory creative writing and a second course demonstrating your ability to contribute to introductory-level, general curriculum in composition or literature
  • A teaching statement detailing how your creative work informs your teaching and documenting your knowledge and experience in the teaching of creative writingThe finalists for the position will be asked either to submit a video of a teaching demonstration in front of students (approximately 45 minutes in length) or will be asked to give a teaching demonstration during a virtual interview.

AA/EEO Statement

As an AA/EEO employer, TCU recruits, hires, and promotes qualified persons in all job classifications without regard to age, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, ethnic origin, disability, genetic information, covered veteran status, or any other basis protected by law.

Contact: Texas Christian University

Online App. Form:

Visiting Assistant Professor of English - Fiction Writing, Trinity College (CT) [ ]

The English Department at Trinity College seeks to hire an actively publishing fiction writer to fill a one-year Visiting Assistant Professorship in fiction writing, beginning Fall 2021. Applicants for this position should have demonstrated ability to teach introductory creative writing courses and advanced fiction workshops. Ph.D. or M.F.A., publications, and teaching experience required. Teaching load is 3/2. Competitive salary and benefits.

Trinity College is a coeducational, independent, nonsectarian liberal arts college with approximately 2,200 undergraduate students and 200 faculty members, located in Hartford, Connecticut. Candidates should have a strong commitment to undergraduate and interdisciplinary teaching in a liberal arts context, and a well-articulated pedagogical framework. The College is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer committed to attracting and supporting faculty that fully represents the racial, ethnic, gender, and cultural diversity of the United States. We seek applications from minorities, women, and other under-represented groups.

Visit to submit a letter of application, C.V., a writing sample of no more than 25 pages, and contact information for three individuals who will write letters of recommendation. Questions should be directed to Christopher Hager, Chair of the English Department [ [49] ]). Interviews conducted via Zoom. Review of applications will begin March 22, 2021, and continue until the position is filled.

Applicants will be asked to list contact information for reference providers, including email addresses. Once a completed dossier is submitted, automatic emails will be generated to each reference provider, directing each referee to a unique URL where he or she must go to upload a letter of recommendation. Applicants using Interfolio (or other dossier service) should provide the appropriate unique Interfolio email address for each reference letter writer.

Candidates considered for non-tenure-track, temporary positions must be legally authorized to work in the United States. Applicants who require an H1-B visa cannot be considered for temporary positions. Applicants for non-tenure-track, temporary positions who require sponsorship for visas other than an H1-B visa will be required to pay all costs associated with visa applications.

Part-Time Lecturers in Creative Writing - Poetry and Journalism, Tufts University (MA) [ ]

English: Part-time Lecturers in Creative Writing

Poetry and Journalism (non-tenure track)

The English Department at Tufts University invites applications for two part-time lecturer positions in Creative Writing. One lecturer to teach three courses per academic year in journalism, and one to teach four courses per academic year in poetry.

Qualifications: Significant publication and substantial teaching experience at the college level required. MFA or Ph.D. is also required.

Application requirements: Applicants should submit a letter of application that includes a section describing the candidate’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Applicants should also submit a CV, a writing sample (no more than 15 pages), a syllabus sample, and three letters of recommendation. All materials must be submitted through Interfolio at

Tufts University has a commitment to become an anti-racist institution, and the Department of English shares this commitment. For additional information, applicants may contact Department Administrator Wendy Medeiros [ [50] ]. Review of applications begins immediately and continues until the positions are filled.

Tufts University, founded in 1852, prioritizes quality teaching, highly competitive basic and applied research, and a commitment to active citizenship locally, regionally, and globally. Tufts University also prides itself on creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community. Current and prospective employees of the university are expected to have and continuously develop skill in, and disposition for, positively engaging with a diverse population of faculty, staff, and students.Tufts University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. We are committed to increasing the diversity of our faculty and staff and fostering their success when hired. Members of underrepresented groups are welcome and strongly encouraged to apply. See the University’s Non-Discrimination statement and policy here If you are an applicant with a disability who is unable to use our online tools to search and apply for jobs, please contact us by calling Johny Laine in the Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) at [ [51] ] or at [ [52] ] . Applicants can learn more about requesting reasonable accommodations at

Tufts University

[ 636-6600|(617) 636-6600 ]

[ 636-0493|(617) 636-0493 ]

Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: MLA, phone, Skype, etc.): 4/1/21 (Zoom)

Offer made: 4/13/21

Offer accepted: 4/13/21 (poetry)

^for which position/genre?

University Fellow for Faculty Diversity in Creative Writing (Poetry), University of North Carolina Asheville (NC) [ ]

University Fellow for Faculty Diversity in Creative Writing (Poetry)

To support the development of a more diverse professoriate, the Department of English at the University of North Carolina Asheville invites applications for the new University Fellowship for Faculty Diversity (University Fellows) Program, to begin Fall 2021. The program invites pre-doctoral and post-doctoral candidates seeking a faculty position at a liberal arts institution that takes equal pride in the excellence of its faculty’s teaching and the quality of its faculty’s scholarship and creative production. Applicants must have recently earned a Ph.D. in English/Creative Writing or be a Ph.D. candidate nearing the completion of their degree (ABD), and specialize in poetry writing (with additional expertise in fiction/nonfiction/playwriting a plus). The University Fellow will teach undergraduate creative writing workshops in multiple genres, first-year writing, and introductory and upper-level literature courses. The department particularly welcomes candidates who can teach African American Literature, Ethnic Literatures, and/or Postcolonial Literature, although other specialty areas are welcome.

The successful candidate will have a lightened teaching load, extensive mentorship, and support for the development of their pedagogy and scholarship. The term of appointment is 2 (post doc) to 3 (pre doc) years. Following this term, the University Fellow may be offered a tenure-track position in the Department. Additional information about the University Fellowship program may be found at this link:

Applicants should submit the following electronically at :

● Cover Letter addressing your interest in this position and why you are a fit for our institution, your teaching philosophy, and a description of your scholarly interests and the ways in which you engage or contribute to the evolution of your discipline.

● Curriculum Vitae

● Diversity Statement: 1-2 pages describing: (a) your experience in advancing diversity in teaching, scholarship and/or service; (b) examples of demonstrated leadership potential in the area of equity and inclusion; and © your understanding of the importance of diversity and inclusion to the mission of a liberal arts university.

● References: Names and contact information for three references from whom we will request letters of reference to be sent separately; these references should address your written, verbal and interpersonal skills; ability to teach and mentor undergraduate students; and potential to develop and maintain a successful research program.

Review of applications will begin March 1 and continue until the position is filled.

Inquiries only should be directed to the Search Committee Chair, Kirk Boyle ([email protected]).

UNC Asheville is one of the nation’s top public liberal arts & sciences colleges with a deep commitment to teaching. We are the only designated liberal arts institution in the North Carolina university system and are the founders of the National Conference on Undergraduate Research. We offer an extraordinary liberal arts education at an incredibly affordable rate (tuition is under $7500 per year for in-state students), all in the beautiful mountain town of Asheville, NC.

Visiting Professor of Fiction, Term, MFA in Writing Program, University of San Francisco (CA) [ ]

USF Hilltop Campus

Visiting Professor of Fiction, Term, MFA in Writing Program

Job Summary:

The MFA in Writing Program at the University of San Francisco invites applications for a full-time, one-year term Visiting Professor of Fiction. The position will begin August 2021, contingent upon funding approval. We seek candidates whose work investigates our changing American identity by centering the lives of Black, immigrant, and/or indigenous people and their communities.

Full Job Description:

Job Responsibilities: The successful candidate will be expected to teach two courses each semester in the MFA program (a workshop and a craft seminar). In addition, the successful candidate will be expected to engage in service to the college and the MFA Programincluding duties related to admissions and thesis-reading.

Minimum Qualifications: an MFA or PhD (with creative dissertation), demonstrated expertise in teaching in fiction (preferably at the graduate level), and a strong publication record, with at least one book of fiction published or under contract by start of appointment. Preferred qualifications: teaching experience and strong publications (at least one book) in nonfiction or poetry. Though the University plans to hold in-person instruction starting in Fall 2021, candidates should have some experience with remote or hybrid classroom instruction. An understanding of and commitment to support the mission of the MFA Program and the University of San Francisco are required.

Applications must be submitted online at Applicants should submit a C.V. and a cover letter summarizing interests and qualifications, and which includes a statement of the candidate's commitment to or former experience working with multicultural, underrepresented, underserved, and diverse communities. Additional materials may be requested later in the process. On-location housing may be available, at market rate and subject to availability. Questions can be addressed to [email protected]. Application review will begin on March 8, 2021; applications will continue to be accepted as long as the position remains open.

The University of San Francisco is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer. The university does not discriminate in employment, educational services, or academic programs on the basis of an individual's race, color, religion, religious creed, ancestry, national origin, age (except minors), sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, medical condition (cancer-related and genetic-related), disability, or other bases prohibited by law, and will provide reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities upon request. We particularly encourage minority and women applicants for all positions.


To apply, visit .

The University of San Francisco is located in the heart of one of the worlds most innovative and diverse cities, and is home to a vibrant academic community of students and faculty who achieve excellence in their fields. Its diverse student body enjoys direct access to faculty, small classes and outstanding opportunities in the city itself. USF is San Francisco's first university, and its Jesuit Catholic mission helps ignite a students passion for social justice and a desire to Change the World From Here. For more information, visit


University of San Francisco

Early Career Fellowship in Creative Writing (Fiction, YA Fiction, Creative Non-fiction, or Screenwriting) at University of Texas at Austin [ ]

Early Career Fellowship in Creative Writing (Fiction, YA Fiction, Creative Non-Fiction, or Screenwriting): Race, Ethnicity, and Expressive Culture (start Fall 2021)

College/School/Unit: College of Liberal Arts

Posted: Nov 13, 2020

Apply By: Jan 8, 2021

The Department of English at the University of Texas at Austin seeks to appoint in Fall 2021 two early career fellows in Creative Writing (Fiction, Young Adult Fiction, Creative Non-Fiction, or Screenwriting) whose work and teaching interests engage with race, ethnicity, and expressive culture.

At UT Austin, we are committed to building a vibrant interdisciplinary community of scholars. If you are an early career writer, postdoctoral fellow or graduating MFA or PhD student interested in pursuing an independent academic career, the UT Austin Provost's Early Career program could be ideal for you.

This training program is designed to allow you to develop and pursue writing and teaching skills upon which you can build a future academic career, here at UT Austin or elsewhere. Join a broad community committed to fostering your independent career growth in writing, teaching, and scholarship. The program will enable you to build a network of emerging scholars like yourself and benefit from the mentorship of top faculty in your field.

As a Provost's Early Career Fellow, you will join an energetic community of other incoming fellows training in different departments across the university. In English, we have designed a 3-year program where you will be mentored in all the different dimensions that make an assistant tenure-track professor successful. A major focus for our creative writing program this year is the study of Race, Ethnicity, and Expressive Culture, and we seek fellows whose fiction, young adult fiction, creative non-fiction, or screenwriting engages with these interests. English looks to build towards a critical mass of diverse faculty taking diverse approaches to creative expression.

Fellows selected for this program will receive a competitive stipend, fringe benefits, relocation funds, travel funds, and discretionary funds. Throughout the duration of the program, you will also participate in university-wide training provided by the Provost's Office to further develop the skills to build a unique writing and teaching portfolio. This cross-departmental cohort experience will be complemented by a departmental mentoring program including participation in communities of practice for both writing and teaching. The fellowship will provide teaching experience with a 1-0 course load designed to afford the fellow time to write for publication. In the final year of the fellowship program, fellows will be invited to apply for an open, tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor of English.

The qualified creative writing fellow will have earned a terminal degree (MFA or PhD), with a concentration in fiction, young adult fiction, creative non-fiction, or screenwriting. We are particularly interested in candidates whose work and teaching explores Latinx, African American, Native American and Indigenous, and/or Asian American expressive cultures. Successful applicants will demonstrate a commitment to expanding practices of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the profession.

Interested applicants should submit a cover letter that describes their work as a writer and a teacher, curriculum vitae, diversity statement, and a 10-15 page writing sample through Interfolio. Inquiries may be sent to Martin Kevorkian, Chair, Department of English, 204 W. 21st Street B5000, Austin, Texas 78712-1164. Additional materials, including three letters of recommendation, may be requested during the applicant review process. To be guaranteed fullest consideration, applications should be received by January 8, 2021 .

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

The University of Texas at Austin, as an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer, complies with all applicable federal and state laws regarding nondiscrimination and affirmative action. The University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all persons and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, religion, or veteran status in employment, educational programs and activities, and admissions.

To apply, visit

  • Re-posted on HigherEdJobs 1/12/2021.
  • Rejection letter sent 4/6/2021. (x2)

Patrick Henry Writing Fellowship (aka Patrick Henry History Fellowship) [ ]

The Starr Center for the Study of the American Experience invites applications for its full-time residential fellowship, which supports outstanding work on American history by both scholars and non-academics. The deadline for the 2021-22 Patrick Henry History Fellowship is December 1, 2020.

The Center’s Patrick Henry History Fellowship includes a $45,000 stipend, health benefits, faculty privileges, a book allowance, and a nine-month residency (during the academic year 2021-22) in a historic 18 th -century house in Chestertown, Md.

Applicants should have a significant project currently in progress — a book, film, oral history archive, podcast series, museum exhibition, or similar work. The project should address the history and/or legacy – broadly defined – of the U.S. founding era and/or the nation’s founding ideas. It might focus directly on early America, or on the myriad ways the questions that preoccupied the nation’s founding generation have shaped America’s later history. Work that contributes to ongoing national conversations about America’s past and present, with the potential to reach a wide public, is particularly sought.

We encourage a broad reading of such terms as “founders” and “founding ideas.” Past fellowship topics have ranged as broadly as the early history of the slave trade, American religious minorities, and the LGBTQ rights movement.

In the past, the Starr Center has awarded this to poets as well as nonfiction writers and academics and has encouraged applications from creative writers. More information can be found at:

Forese Writer-in-Residence, Colby College, Waterville, ME [ ]

The Creative Writing Program at Colby College is accepting applications for the 2021 Jennifer Jahrling Forese Writer-in-Residence.

The Forese Writer-in-Residence is a semester-long residency, beginning in February of 2021, which provides a prosewriter at any stage of his/her career an opportunity to work on a writing project, while also being involved in the Colby literary community. Duties of the Forese Writer-in-Resident will include teaching one class designed by the Resident and giving one reading during the semester; being available for office hours, working with selected seniors in the appropriate genre, and interacting with the broader Waterville community (in consultation with the Program Director).

In addition to an honorarium, housing will be provided, as well as a stipend for expenses.

The first Forese Writer-in-Residence will be in prose; writers in other genres may apply in fall of 2021 for a residency in February of 2022 .

Qualifications: MFA or creative PhD in hand by September, 2020; two book-length works; some demonstrated experience of teaching at the undergraduate level.

The search committee is especially interested in candidates who will participate in the dialogue between Creative Writing and other areas on campus, and who, through their involvement on campus, will contribute to diversity and excellence of the campus community.

To apply, please submit a CV, a cover letter, a description of the proposed course, a significant excerpt from one of your books in pdf form, and the names of two possible reference s . Materials can be posted to Interfolio:

Deadline: September 30, 2020.

Please address inquiries about the Jennifer Jahrling Forese Writer-in Residence program to the Creative Writing Program Director, Professor Michael Burke [email protected]

Colby is a private, coeducational liberal arts college that admits students and makes employment decisions on the basis of the individual's qualifications to contribute to Colby's educational objectives and institutional needs. Colby College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, religion, ancestry or national origin, age, marital status, genetic information, or veteran’s status in employment or in our educational programs. Colby is an Equal Opportunity employer, committed to excellence through diversity, and encourages applications from qualified persons of color, women, persons with disabilities, military veterans and members of other under-represented groups. Colby complies with Title IX, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in an institution’s education programs and activities. Questions regarding Title IX may be referred to Colby’s Title IX coordinator or to the federal Office of Civil Rights. For more information about the College, please visit our website:

Kenan Visiting Writer, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, FICTION [ ]

The Creative Writing Program in UNC’s Department of English and Comparative Literature seeks to bring an emerging talent to campus for a one-year teaching appointment as the Kenan Visiting Writer. For the 2021-2022 academic year, beginning August 2021, the Program requests applicants in FICTION.

This one-year appointment carries a salary of $40,000. The selected candidate will teach one undergraduate creative writing course per semester, most likely at the introductory level. The selected candidate will also give one public reading and otherwise participate fully in the life of the Creative Writing Program.

An M.F.A. in Creative Writing is required.

Applicants should also have:

  • Significant publication in major literary magazines
  • Published one recent book or have one book under contract
  • Previous college teaching experience, and
  • The ability to relocate to Chapel Hill for one year.

By 5:00 p.m. on January 31, 2021, applicants should apply online at and submit:

  • A curriculum vita
  • Up to 10 pages of published work (uploaded as a “writing/research sample”), and
  • A 1-page personal statement indicating how an appointment of this sort would serve the applicant’s needs and endeavors (uploaded as “cover letter”).
  • Three letters of reference, at least two of which should be written by those familiar with the applicant’s teaching abilities and who can evaluate the applicant’s suitability for this position, should be provided via Interfolio and addressed to:

Professor Daniel Wallace

Director of Creative Writing and Search Committee Chair

UNC Chapel Hill, Campus Box 3520

Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3520.

Questions about the position, the job requirements, or the hiring department should be directed to Professor Wallace at [ [53] ].

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and welcomes all to apply regardless of race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. We also encourage protected veterans and individuals with disabilities to apply.

Rejection (after Zoom interview): 3/1

Tickner Fellowship, Gilman School, Baltimore, MD [ ]

Gilman School, an independent boys' school, announces its search to award the 25th Tickner Writing Fellowship to an emerging poet, playwright, or writer of fiction or creative nonfiction. The Tickner Fellowship is a two year position.

Responsibilities include teaching one senior elective in creative writing each semester, organizing a series of readings, advising the literary magazine, and working with the Lower and Middle Schools on select writing projects. The Tickner Fellow teaches every other day, affording time for independent writing projects.

Salary: $35,000 per year, plus full benefits package

Application & Supplemental Information

English Department

Gilman School

5407 Roland Avenue

Baltimore, MD 21210

Applications must be postmarked by December 7, 2020 in order to receive consideration. We are happy to accept materials, including letters of recommendation, from a dossier service or under separate cover.

Gilman School is a pre-kindergarten through twelfth-grade private independent day school for boys. Set on a 57-acre campus in the northern part of Baltimore City, Gilman serves roughly 1,000 students in three divisions. The School has a full-time faculty of nearly 140, and the average class size is 16 students.

Gilman School is an equal opportunity employer and educator who fully and actively supports equal access for all qualified applicants, regardless of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, disability status, genetic information or testing, family and medical leave, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. We prohibit retaliation against individuals who bring forth any complaint, orally or in writing, to the employer or the government, and against any individuals who assist or participate in the investigation of any complaint, or otherwise oppose discrimination.

Visiting Poet, Westminster College, Salt Lake City, UT [DELETED] [ ]

Deleted this posting, a re-post of last year's ad. (The visiting poet position is annual-ish, but I don't think it's been posted yet for 2022.)

Distinguished Visiting Writer, Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, IA [ ]

The Cornell College Center for the Literary Arts seeks a Distinguished Visiting Writer to teach a topics-based course in Writing Difference in a Digital World. Courses that engage race, citizenship, and/or identity through audio, video, or new media writing are especially welcome. The visiting writer will teach one block (a three-and-a-half-week term) in the academic year 2021-22; exact term schedule will be negotiated.

During the teaching term, the visiting writer will also give a public reading at the Center for the Literary Arts. The stipend is $5,000, and on-campus housing can be provided. Past Distinguished Visiting Writers have included Angie Estes, Ross Gay, Michael Martone, and Mylene Dressler. Descriptions of previous Distinguished Visiting Writer courses can be found at

About Cornell College

Cornell College is a selective liberal arts college distinguished by our Ingenuity curriculum that builds on the strengths of our One Course At A Time schedule. This combination encourages the qualities of being thoughtful, original, and inventive, using the strengths of a liberal arts education to apply ideas to solve problems and meet challenges through hands-on experience in learning. Academic immersion, real world experience requirements through Ingenuity in Action, 19 division III NCAA athletic teams, and unparalleled flexibility attract an ambitious student body from 45 states and 13 foreign countries.

External endorsements include selection as one of the original Colleges That Change Lives, a U.S. News Top 100 liberal arts college, a Kiplinger's best value in liberal arts colleges, and one of only 290 U.S. colleges with a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. Founded in 1853, Cornell's picturesque hilltop campus contains a mix of historic and modern facilities, ranging from the majestic King Chapel to the newly constructed Russell Science Center. We are located in Mount Vernon, Iowa, an urban fringe community recognized by Frommer's as one of "America's Coolest Small Towns" and located in the heart of the ICR Iowa region near the UNESCO City of Literature, Iowa City.

Commitment to Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Cornell College values diversity and strives to create a welcoming community in which all individuals are respected and included. The entire campus community is called upon to play a role in Cornell College's commitment to diversity and inclusion. We engage in dialogue around issues of difference, identity, and ideology in the classroom, residence halls, and throughout campus. We embrace diversity, and as a result our viewpoints are enriched and our community strengthened. The College is committed to fostering a faculty and staff community that reflects its diverse student body. We encourage applications from candidates who share our vision for a campus that embraces differing backgrounds, viewpoints, and identities, and who will excel at teaching and mentoring students who are broadly diverse. (See our diversity statement:

Previous teaching experience and graduate degree required.

Application Process

To apply, visit our application site and upload as a single PDF : a letter of application containing a detailed course proposal and discussion of teaching philosophy, a curriculum vitae with contact information for two references, and a short relevant work sample. Review of applications begins November 28, 2020.

Please contact Becca Klaver, Robert P. Dana Director of the Center for the Literary Arts, at [ [54] ] for additional information. For more information about the Center for the Literary Arts, please visit

Cornell is an AA/EO employer and encourages applications from underrepresented groups. Cornell complies with Iowa's Smoke-free Air Act, participates in e-verify for verification of employment eligibility, and conducts background checks.

Creative Writing & Environmental Humanities In-Residence Fellow, Temp Fauculty, University of Idaho [ ]

Creative Writing & Environmental Humanities In-Residence Fellow, Temp Faculty

Pay Range: $41,288 per year

The English Department and the Confluence Lab at the University of Idaho invite applicants for a one-year in-residence fellowship (teaching and research), with the possibility of renewal for a second year, focused on creative writing and narrative dimensions of the multimedia project Stories of Fire: A Pacific Northwest Climate Justice Atlas.

As temporary faculty, the in-residence fellow will serve as an instructor of Creative Writing, teaching four courses annually at the undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as contribute centrally to the PNW Climate Justice Atlas. Members of the Confluence Lab, including the in-residence fellow, will consult with local rural community partners to create a multimodal, polyvocal Atlas that gathers, tracks, and maps stories and images of wildfire, especially those that foreground connections between fire, social/environmental justice, and traditionally underrepresented voices. Duties of the in-residence fellow for the project include contributing to the community workshops, photovoice tool integration, and narrative elements of the Atlas.

The Atlas, part of a three-year project of the Pacific Northwest Just Futures Institute for Racial and Climate Justice, is funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and sponsored by the U of I Confluence Lab ( The Institute is a collaboration between the Lab, the University of Oregon, and Whitman College that works toward racial and climate justice via a regional network.

• MFA or PhD in Creative Writing or related field;

• Proven success teaching creative writing courses at beginning and advanced levels;

• Experience with community outreach projects.

• At least one full-length book of prose in print or under contract from a nationally recognized press;

• Experience working on interdisciplinary teams;

• Experience with environmental writing, environmental literatures, and/or the environmental humanities, particularly as they relate to climate justice;

• Experience with or interest in public and/or digital humanities projects;

• Commitment to inclusiveness and equity;

• Significant publications, conference presentations, awards, fellowships, and other demonstrated and nationally recognized scholarly or creative activity in creative writing.

Posting Number: F000915P

Posting Date: 05/07/2021

Please submit a letter of application, a curriculum vita, and a writing sample of 20 pages demonstrating excellence in nonfiction (upload as Other Document 1). Also please submit three confidential letters of recommendation to the following email address: [email protected].

Letter of application should address all required and preferred qualifications. First review of applications will begin May 21, 2021.

Questions about the search may be directed to:

Associate Professor Erin James

Department of English

[email protected]

To apply, please visit:


Visiting Faculty, Creative Writing, Creative Nonfiction, Warren Wilson College (NC) [ ]

Institution: Warren Wilson College

Location: Asheville, NC

Posted: 04/17/2021

The creative writing department of Warren Wilson College seeks a one-year visiting faculty member in creative nonfiction, with a start date of August 2021. The ideal candidate will have a second specialization in poetry, as well as experience with literary magazines. This is a full-time, ten month visiting position from August 2021 through May 2022 with a 3-3 load. Faculty in this position will teach introductory and advanced courses in creative nonfiction (and possibly poetry) that seek to expose students to the breadth of the genre, to a diverse group of writers and styles of texts, and to key issues and critiques in the field.

  • M.F.A. in English/Creative Writing and/or Ph.D. in English/Creative Writing (in hand by August 2021, ABD acceptable)
  • Relevant publications in creative nonfiction
  • At least one year's experience teaching undergraduates
  • Demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)
  • Secondary specialization in poetry
  • Experience with literary magazine editing and production
  • Demonstrated interest in anti-racist and accessible pedagogy in creative writing

Interested candidates should submit a cover letter and curriculum vitae. Electronic submission is required. Candidates who apply by May 7, 2021 will be given first consideration.

Warren Wilson College is an independent liberal arts college located on a beautiful 1135-acre campus in the Blue Ridge Mountains on the edge of Asheville, North Carolina. The college's educational model integrates academics, campus work, and community engagement for a rich, challenging student experience. Current campus-wide initiatives emphasize diversity and social identity, sustainability, deliberative dialogue, and interdisciplinary teaching. We seek individuals with a genuine interest in our unique approach to education, and a willingness to participate in the life of the college.

Warren Wilson College is committed to a culture of educational access and ensuring that students and employees from a diverse range of identities and experiences will thrive in this community. Warren Wilson College is proud to be an equal opportunity employer.

Contact: Human Resources | Warren Wilson College

Online App. Form:

Visiting Writer-in-Residence in Poetry at Washington University in St. Louis [ ]

The Department of English at Washington University in St. Louis seeks a Visiting Writer-in-Residence in Poetry to begin in the fall term 2021 for a period of three years, contingent upon satisfactory annual review. The ideal candidate will have published 1-2 books of poetry with a national press or significant, national publications or awards, and must hold an MFA degree or terminal degree in the field. Ideally, the candidate should have prior teaching experience with undergraduate and graduate students.

The teaching expectation for the Visiting Writer-in-Residence is two courses per semester. Additional duties include developing upper-level craft courses, serving on graduate thesis defense committees, assisting with MFA application reading as needed, attending the readings and other events (meals, colloquia) associated with the Visiting Writers Series, serving as a liaison between graduate students and the permanent faculty, and in general being a vital, engaged member of the Washington University community.

Application instructions: Consideration of applications will begin immediately. To ensure that the review committee has immediate access to your application materials, please submit your materials via Interfolio at . An application is considered complete with the following components: cover letter, curriculum vitae, and a 20-page writing sample.

Preference is given to applications received before March 1, 2021.

Each year Washington University publishes a Safety and Security brochure that details what to do and whom to contact in an emergency. This report also publishes the federally required annual security and fire safety reports, containing campus crime and fire statistics as well as key university policies and procedures. You may access the Safety and Security brochure at

updates: Any requests yet? for interviews or additional materials?

Hi everyone. Any updates yet? (3/30)

Visiting Assistant Professor, English (Open Genre) - Creative Writing, Washington & Jefferson College, Washington, PA [ ]

One-year position for Visiting Assistant Professor of Creative Writing (open genre), nonrenewable, beginning August 2021. Teaching load: 3/3, including a mix of multi-genre creative writing (fiction/poetry), literature, and first-year writing courses (capped at 15-16 students for writing courses and workshops, and 20 students for literature courses). The position also confers the title of Visiting Writer-in-Residence, with responsibility for giving a public reading in the fall and for supporting creative writing-related activities through the year, such as assisting the faculty advisor to the student literary journal, the Wooden Tooth Review .

A Ph.D. in Creative Writing or English, American, or Anglophone literature is preferred; well qualified applicants holding the M.F.A. will also be considered. We require a strong commitment to undergraduate teaching; willingness to participate in the life of a lively and collegial department; broad education in the discipline; a record of creative publication; and recent, successful experience in teaching college-level first-year and/or creative writing. We also have a particular interest in candidates who are prepared to teach world literature. Relocation is expected.

How to apply: upload vita and letter (including descriptions of your teaching practices/philosophy, your research interests/publications, and literature courses you could offer) by 1 April 2021 at, addressed to Tara Fee, chair of the English department. No dossiers, letters, or writing samples until requested.

Washington & Jefferson College is a selective liberal arts college located thirty miles south of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The oldest such college located west of the Allegheny mountains, W&J welcomes applications from creative and adaptable individuals who are dedicated to undergraduate liberal arts education, who cherish close interaction between faculty and students, and who enjoy participating in and promoting a diverse community committed to multicultural and global understanding.

The College is committed to increasing diversity in our community and actively pursues individuals from all backgrounds. Additionally, W&J complies with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and provides equal opportunity in all educational programs and activities, admission of students, and conditions of employment for all qualified individuals regardless of race, color, sex, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, or national origin.

Postdoctoral/Post MFA Teaching Fellowship in Writing - Loyola University Maryland, Baltimore, MD [ ]

The Loyola University Writing Department is hiring a Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship (university description below). One of the few stand-alone Writing Departments in the nation, our department has over 150 majors and minors. Focusing on the craft of writing, our courses include rhetoric, creative writing, and professional writing. Many of our courses are designated as diversity and service-learning. We are open to the area of expertise and preferred genre of the applicant who joins our department. Experience teaching first-year composition and engaging with social media/web writing is preferred.

Loyola University Maryland Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship is designed to support early career scholars from underrepresented minority groups on their path to becoming faculty members. The fellowship will provide financial support for salaries and benefits of fellows for two years. This year we are looking for Fellows in English literature and Rhetoric and/or Creative Writing. Scholars with interdisciplinary teaching and research, which intersect with these areas, are also encouraged to apply.

The search committee is especially interested in candidates who, through their creative writing and/or research, teaching, and/or service, will contribute to LUM’s stated goal of equity and inclusion of the academic community. Additionally, the successful candidate must possess an awareness of and interest in high impact practices in line with the mission of Jesuit higher education.

This fellowship program is designed to provide emerging scholars with professional mentoring in teaching and research with guidance of established faculty. Fellows will participate in a yearlong professional development program that includes internal and external support.

Fellows will teach two courses per semester and conduct research and/or creative work in their chosen field of study. In addition to teaching and research, fellows will have the opportunity to mentor undergraduate students and participate in the life of the department and university. Funds will be provided for research or travel.

Materials should describe how candidates will contribute to Loyola’s mission and vision and show an interest in high impact practices.

A cover letter describing background, research interests and experience, passion to become a faculty member, and goals of work toward becoming a faculty member

Teaching interest, plans for teaching during the appointment period, and proposed courses to teach

Contact information for three references who will be contacted for letters of recommendation.

Scholarly or creative writing sample

Loyola seeks a broad spectrum of candidates, including but not limited to women, people of color, persons with disabilities, sexual minorities, first-generation college students, those with non-traditional career paths, and those who understand, respect, and can actively contribute to the University’s Jesuit mission and values. For more information about our values please visit:

Loyola’s commitment to diversity and inclusion spans the entire campus. With a newly established Office of Equity and Inclusion headed by our Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer, we are committed to providing an environment where everyone can learn, grow, and thrive. Key efforts include faculty development programming, opportunities for learning (e.g., Diversity Reading Groups), investment in pedagogical resources for differential instruction (e.g., Fellows Programs), affinity faculty and staff groups, and following best-practices for hiring. For a full list of benefits to working at Loyola University Maryland, please visit

Required Qualifications: MFA and/or PhD

Priority Deadline: 4/27/2021


Posted: 5/20/2021

Application Due: open until filled

Franklin College invites applications for a full-time, one-year appointment in English and Creative Writing to begin August 2021. Teaching responsibilities for this position are equivalent to three courses each for the Fall and Spring semesters. We provide a strong, active, and tailored liberal arts education through small class sizes and intentional relationships between students and their faculty mentors. Located about 20 miles from downtown Indianapolis, we support purposeful and practical academic experiences in and out of the classroom that leverage this location as students pursue personal, intellectual and professional growth. Please see for more details.

The ideal candidate has ability to teach fiction and poetry workshops, an introductory creative writing course, and supervising a student-edited literary magazine in courses built into the curriculum. Candidates with successful teaching experience and willingness to work in a private small liberal arts setting will receive highest priority.  Preference will also be given to candidates who can demonstrate a dedication to teaching and the ability to contribute in meaningful ways to the College’s continuing commitment to diversity. M.F.A., Ph.D., or ABD status in Poetry, Fiction, or a related field required. Classes are anticipated to be delivered in-person pending public health guidelines. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.

Evaluation of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Applicants should submit a complete application (electronic submissions preferred, MS Word or PDF) including a letter of interest, curriculum vita, and recent course evaluations via the application link – Franklin College Faculty Application.

Questions may be submitted to:

George M. Phillips, Ph.D.

Associate Professor and Chair of the English Department

Franklin College 101 Branigin Blvd. Franklin, IN, 46131

[email protected]

Franklin College is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment and ensuring that educational and employment decisions are based on individuals’ abilities and qualifications. Consistent with these principles and applicable laws, it is, therefore, the College’s policy not to discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, marital status, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or veteran status as consistent with the Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct. No person, on the basis of protected status, shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to unlawful discrimination, harassment, or retaliation under any College program or activity, including with respect to employment terms and conditions. Such a policy ensures that only relevant factors are considered and that equitable and consistent standards of conduct and performance are applied.

Trias Postgraduate Teaching Fellowship - Hobart William Smith, Geneva, NY [ ]

Description [ ].

The Department of English and Comparative Literature invites applications from early-career creative writers for the Trias Postgraduate Teaching Fellowship. The appointment begins July 1, 2020 with classes beginning at the end of August. The position is open to writers of any genre who have completed an MFA or a PhD with creative dissertation in the last three years. The Trias Postgraduate Teaching Fellow will teach a 2-2 load consisting of three introductory creative writing courses and one more flexible course of their own design (in consultation with the department chair) in either creative writing or literature. The appointment is renewable up to three years contingent on successful annual review. The Fellow will give a reading as part of the Trias Reading Series during the first year at HWS and will be expected to attend readings and participate in our thriving creative writing community. The fellowship includes salary and benefits and formalized mentoring from a tenured creative writing faculty member.

Qualifications [ ]

Required Qualifications: Candidates will have completed an MFA or PhD with creative dissertation between January 1, 2017 and August 31, 2020. They must have previous creative writing teaching experience with evidence of the ability to teach multiple genres at the introductory level.

Because this position is geared toward emerging writers, candidates with more than one book publication will not be considered; candidates should, however, have a record of publication in literary journals and/or have published a debut book-length work.


Applicants should submit a cover letter, a CV, a diversity statement, and three letters of recommendation, at least one of which must address the candidate’s abilities as a teacher. Materials should be submitted via Interfolio: Additional materials may be requested at a later date. Preliminary interviews will be conducted on Zoom. Review of applications will begin on March 23rd and continue until filled.

Hobart and William Smith Colleges are home to Seneca Review , a creative writing journal specializing in poetry, essays, hybrid forms, and poetry translations and to the Trias Writers Residency.

Hobart and William Smith Colleges are committed to providing a non-discriminatory and harassment-free educational, living and working environment for all members of the HWS community, including students, faculty, staff, volunteers, and visitors. HWS prohibits discrimination and harassment in their programs and activities on the basis of age, color, disability, domestic violence victim status, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, veteran status, or any other status protected under the law. Discrimination on the basis of sex includes sexual harassment, sexual violence, sexual assault, and other forms of sexual misconduct including stalking and intimate partner violence, and gender-based harassment that does not involve conduct of a sexual nature.

Hobart and William Smith Colleges are a highly  selective residential liberal arts institution located in a small, diverse city in the Finger Lakes region of New York State.  With an enrollment of approximately 2,200, the Colleges offer 62 majors and minors from which students choose two areas of concentration, one of which must be an interdisciplinary program.  Creative and extensive programs of international study and public service are also at the core of the Colleges’ mission.

Acknowledgment received: May 25

Rejection (no interview): July 3

Wichita State University - Emerging Fiction Writer-in-Residence (One Month Appointment) [ ]

This is a one-month position for an emerging fiction writer of extraordinary promise. The recipient will give a reading and teach a tutorial course to approximately 15 graduate and advanced undergraduate students. Appointment for one month in the Spring 2022 semester; dates can be flexibly scheduled within some constraints. Qualifications: Extensive high quality publications in top national journals and/or at least one high quality collection of fiction with a notable press; successful teaching experiences; awards and fellowships preferred. Recipient will receive $4500 for the one month tutorial and a campus reading. Writers of diverse backgrounds are especially encouraged to apply.

Send letter of application, professional vita, and writing sample (10-15 pages or a book) to Sam Taylor, Attn: Visiting Emerging Fiction Writer Application, Department of English, Box 14, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS 67260-0014. Or, send as a single PDF file to [email protected]. Please indicate your full range of possible availability. Priority deadline is September 1, 2021

Wichita State University - Distinguished Poet-in-Residence, (One Month Appointment) [ ]

This is a well-compensated one-month visiting position for a distinguished poet who will give a campus reading and teach a tutorial course to 10-15 graduate and advanced undergraduate poetry students. Appointment will be in the Spring 2022 semester. Qualifications: extensive high quality publications in top national journals and magazines; high quality collections of poetry; awards, fellowships, and a national reputation preferred. Salary is $14,000 for the month, which can be flexibly scheduled within certain constraints. Writers of diverse backgrounds are especially encouraged to apply.

Send letter of application, professional vita, and writing sample to Sam Taylor, Attn: Distinguished Visiting Poet Application, Department of English, Box 14, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS 67260-0014. Or, send as a single PDF file to [email protected]. Priority deadline is September 1, 2021.


Lecturer & associate director of the creative writing program, binghamton university (ny) [ ].

The English Department at Binghamton University invites applications for a Lecturer of Creative Writing (three-year renewable contract) who will serve as Associate Director of the Creative Writing program. This position will involve a 2-1 teaching load as well as administrative duties. Management and coordination of Binghamton University Center for Writer's vibrant Creative Writing program includes event planning and overseeing public readings and events, internal and external prize coordination, monitoring public relations, and managing the day-to-day activities of an active writing program.

We seek a creative writer in any genre. An MFA or PhD is strongly preferred, but not required. In addition to a strong publication record and an ability to teach Binghamton University creative writing courses, the candidate should have extensive administrative experience. In helping to administer the creative writing program within the English department, the successful applicant will show evidence of calm and readiness to be present for all events, an ease in problem solving and team building, diplomacy and skill in handling program logistics, strength in multi-tasking, and creativity in shaping an historically distinguished writing program.

The Department of English seeks candidates who can contribute to Binghamton University's academic mission as a public institution, especially through commitment to diversity of perspective, intercultural understanding, and engagement with local resources and communities. Binghamton University is a world-class institution that unites more than 130 broadly interdisciplinary educational programs with some of the most vibrant research in the nation. Our unique character - shaped by outstanding academics, facilities and community life - promotes extraordinary student success.

Binghamton merges rigorous academics, distinguished faculty and state-of-the-art facilities to engage and challenge its 17,000 students. The high-achieving Binghamton student body also represents a great diversity of life experiences, from first-generation college-goers to international students. Beyond their talent, these classmates share a desire to shape the future through technology, insight, intellectual exploration and community service.

The State University of New York is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. It is the policy of Binghamton University to provide for and promote equal opportunity employment, compensation, and other terms and conditions of employment without discrimination on the basis of age, race, color, religion, disability, national origin, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, veteran or military service member status, marital status, domestic violence victim status, genetic predisposition or carrier status, or arrest and/or criminal conviction record unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification or other exception.

As required by title IX and its implementing regulations, Binghamton University does not discriminate on the basis of sex in the educational programs and activities which it operates. This requirement extends to employment and admission. Inquiries about sex discrimination may be directed to the University Title IX Coordinator or directly to the Office of Civil Rights (OCR). Contact information for the Title IX Coordinator and OCR, as well as the University's complete Non-Discrimination Notice may be found here.

Pursuant to Executive Order 161, no State entity, as defined by the Executive Order, is permitted to ask, or mandate, in any form, that an applicant for employment provide his or her current compensation, or any prior compensation history, until such time as the applicant is extended a conditional offer of employment with compensation. If such information has been requested from you before such time, please contact the Governor's Office of Employee Relations at [ 474-6988|(518) 474-6988 ] or via email at [ [56] ].

Binghamton University is a tobacco-free campus effective August 1, 2017.

About Binghamton University:

Binghamton University is a world-class institution that unites more than 130 broadly interdisciplinary educational programs with some of the most vibrant research in the nation. Our unique character - shaped by outstanding academics, facilities and community life - promotes extraordinary student success.

Binghamton merges rigorous academics, distinguished faculty and state-of-the-art facilities to engage and challenge its 18,000 students. The high-achieving Binghamton student body also represents a great diversity of life experiences, from first-generation college-goers to international students. Beyond their talent, these classmates share a desire to shape the future through technology, insight, intellectual exploration and community service.

Application Instructions:

Please submit applications to

Application materials should include a letter of application, curriculum vitae, names and contact information for at least three references (no letters needed at this time), and a writing sample of no more than 10 pages. Deadline for Applications is May 12. The position will begin in August for the fall 2021 semester.

NEOMFA Program Coordinator, Cleveland State University (OH) [ ]

Salary Grade: 04

Department: English Department

To be a Viking.

To approach the unknown with curiosity-to explore. To face challenges with courage-to find solutions. This is a Viking. A Viking values wisdom. Wisdom directs knowledge towards good-towards the creation of value.

Are you a Viking? Cleveland State University is searching for a courageous and curious individual to be apart of our English Division.

Founded in 1964, CSU is a dynamic institution with over 16,000 students, 10 colleges and schools and offers more than 175 academic programs. CSU employs more than 1500 faculty and staff. Located in downtown, Cleveland, Ohio, CSU's location is part of its mission, with roots going back to the 19th century as an institution that provided opportunities for students who did not otherwise have access to higher education.

The NEOMFA Program Coordinator will coordinate and perform a variety of NEOMFA & university-related administrative, fiscal, planning and faculty and student support activities. They will serves as primary point of operational and administrative contact for internal and external NEOMFA constituencies, observing professional and appropriate correspondence for the field. Provides complex administrative assistance in the areas of NEOMFA-related program/project planning, research development, social media development, & analysis and special project support by compiling statistics and information. Analyzes data, preparing reports and makes appropriate recommendations. Works with program director to facilitate NEOMFA student recruiting. May also serve on a variety of NEOMFA-related committees in a support capacity. Supervises assigned personnel, NEOMFA and otherwise. Maintains and updates program website and coordinates annual reading series. Receives and disburses payments and processes reimbursements pertaining to NEOMFA activities.

Masters of Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing.

Three (3) years' work experience in positions with administrative responsibilities.

Administrative office experience in a University setting. Experience with Literary &/or Arts Management, Programming and Outreach. Experience in a position with budget responsibilities. Experience maintaining and developing professional social media accounts.

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs)

  • Excellent interpersonal skills with an emphasis on integrity and professionalism.
  • Ability to observe appropriate university regulations regarding privacy and confidentiality as well as excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Facility with Microsoft Office, as well as experience maintaining databases and Excel spreadsheets.
  • Ability to interact professionally with all internal and external customers.
  • Must possess excellent interpersonal skills for heavy telephone and in person contact.
  • Familiarity with desktop publishing software.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Must have PC experience (including word processing, database, and spreadsheet experience).
  • Ability to work a flexible schedule

Requisition Number: PT0702536S

Date grant, position, or appointment expires (For Funds Available, Temporary, and Waiver of Posting: 06/30/2022

Hours per week: 40

Close Date/Application Deadline: 03/31/2021

Contact: Cleveland State University

Online App. Form:

Preliminary interview scheduled (please specify: MLA, phone, Skype, etc.): Zoom interview 5/27

Program Director-MFA in Creative Writing, Goddard College (Online/Remote) [ ]

Temporary, 12 month Position, April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2022, Full Time, Benefit Eligible

Goddard College is seeking a Program Chair to lead and manage the bi-coastal MFAW program in Plainfield, Vermont, and Port Townsend, Washington, within the context of the College as a whole. Each student’s program of study is self-directed, and the faculty member’s role includes mentoring/teaching in a one-on-one, directed, independent-study relationship. We seek a leader who can help the MFAW program through a time of transition at Goddard.

General Responsibilities:

Responsibilities include managing the day-to-day operations of two sets of faculty and students on two residency and semester schedules; administrative and operational functions of the program; helping this program to participate in the development of the new digital learning environment (including the use of the new Student Information System and the new Learning Management System); and help prepare for the growth and development of the MFAW program overall, with particular attention to broadening and deepening the curricular, racial/ethnic, and demographic diversity of the program. The ideal candidate will have experience with online and digital platforms, and be able to promote MFAW alumni initiatives, such as the Clockhouse and Lighthouse Conferences, Clockhouse literary journal, and Writer-in-the-World.

  • Earned terminal degree or MA and commensurate experience in the field of creative writing and teaching
  • Demonstrated record of excellence in Higher Education teaching
  • Experience in academic administration, program planning and implementation, curriculum development, and program evaluation
  • Experience working with and mentoring adult learners
  • Commitment to and understanding of the theory and practice of progressive education knowledge and skills in learner-centered pedagogy
  • Experience teaching in and directing/administering, low-residency and online educational programs in creative writing
  • Evidence of scholarly and creative works
  • Familiarity with the current state of competing for low-residency MFA in Creative Writing programs.

Contact: Leesa Stewart | Human Resources | Goddard College

Phone: [ [57] ]

Online App. Form:

Email Address: [ From HigherEdJobs|[email protected] ]

Academic Assistant - Creative Writing and Honors Program, Susquehanna University (PA) [ ]

Academic Assistant -Creative Writing and Honors Program

About Susquehanna:

As a living, learning and working community, Susquehanna University affirms its commitment to being an engaged, culturally inclusive campus. As we seek to embody the rich diversity of the human community, we commit ourselves to the full participation of persons who represent the breadth of human difference. The university encourages candidates from historically underrepresented groups to apply. Susquehanna University is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Susquehanna University is a national liberal arts college committed to excellence in educating students for productive, creative and reflective lives of achievement, leadership and service in a diverse, dynamic and interdependent world. Its more than 2,300 undergraduates come from 35 states and 22 countries, and all students study away through Susquehanna’s unique Global Opportunities program. Susquehanna University’s 325 acre campus, noted for its beauty, is located in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania, 50 miles north of Harrisburg in the scenic Susquehanna River Valley, about a three hour drive from Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., and New York City. For more information, please visit .

This position provides administrative and clerical support for their primary departments as well as cross-trained support coverage for all academic departments on campus.

Specific Responsibilities

  • Provide administrative support for faculty, program's day-to-day needs. This includes scheduling meetings, handling correspondence and typing needs, ordering supplies, copier troubleshooting, maintaining an efficient filing system, mailings (including mail merges), bulletin boards, planning special events, printing jobs, processing purchase card statements, tracking budgets and initiating purchase orders, and updating and maintaining web pages and SharePoint sites
  • Provide administrative support for faculty advising/teaching, including typing and/or compiling course materials, collecting course syllabi, arranging transportation for field trips, providing Blackboard/Moodle support, ordering desk/review copies of textbooks
  • Provide administrative support for faculty job searches
  • Provide confidential assistance to department chairs in regard to tenure and third-year reviews of faculty
  • Hire, train, schedule, and supervise work study students
  • Serve as back-up to the department Academic Assistants The Creative Writing faculty's special programs include the Writer's Institute, the Apprentice Writer program and the Advanced Summer Writer's Workshop. In support of these programs, the academic assistant:
  • Prepares brochures, posters, flyers, and advertisements for journal ads and department events
  • Edits design and layout for publications
  • Prepares contracts for visiting writers and makes hotel and travel arrangements
  • Provides support for the Rivercraft and Susquehanna Review journals In support of the Honors Program, the academic assistant:
  • In consultation with the Director of Honors, generates appropriate correspondence to students relative to course scheduling, grades, programs, activities, and other areas. Carefully monitors each Honors student progress based on established parameters
  • Assists with the scheduling of Honors classes as requested
  • Facilitates the Honors Students Mentor program
  • Supports the activities of the Honors Collective
  • Assist with the organization and execution of the Sophomore Colloquium
  • Assist with the documentation of the Honors Research Projects, including correspondence with students and advisors
  • Support the Honors courses' instructors Required Qualifications: Education High school diploma or equivalent required. Experience Minimum of three years of relevant office experience required. Knowledge, Skills, Abilities Knowledge of English language including meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition and grammar. Skilled at written and verbal communication, including formal presentation to groups. Ability to set priorities and advocate team concepts; work collaboratively with faculty and staff. Knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite, Office 365, web-based applications including Blackboard; Colleague; Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Suite. Ability to maintain confidentiality, attention to detail and a strong sense of customer service. Ability to perform detailed work on multiple, concurrent tasks, with frequent interruptions and under time constraint. Ability to multi-task and manage multiple priorities. Physical Demand On a daily basis, essential duties of the position may require the ability to stoop; to reach; to stand, to walk and sit for extended periods of time; to push and/or pull objects weighing up to 30 pounds; to lift and carry objects weighing up to 15 pounds; to use finger dexterity to operate a computer and other office equipment and hand strength to grasp files and other objects; to perceive the attributes of objects by touch; to hear and verbally exchange ideas and information with the public, staff and others on the phone and in the office; to see clearly from less than one foot to arm’s length with a good field of vision and to distinguish basic colors and shades of color. On a frequent basis, essential duties of the position may require the ability to climb stairs, to kneel and/or crouch to retrieve files and other items. Preferred Qualifications: Special Instructions to the Applicant: Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position has been filled. Benefits Eligible: Yes Number of Months: 12 months Other Number of Months: Full-Time/Part-Time: Work Schedule/Hours per Week: Posting Date: 02/17/2021 Closing Date: Open Until Filled: Yes Anticipated Start Date: Posting Number: AH00710 To apply, visit

Director of the Susquehanna University Press, Assistant Professor of/Lecturer in Publishing and Media Entrepreneurship, Susquehanna University (PA) [ ]

Director of the Susquehanna University Press, Assistant Professor of/Lecturer in Publishing and Media Entrepreneurship

The Department of English & Creative Writing is a vibrant literary community that produces Modern Language Studies and multiple student publications. The department strongly values student mentoring, experiential learning, and an entrepreneurial attitude toward publishing and editing.

The Department of English & Creative Writing and the Sigmund Weis School of Business at Susquehanna University invite interested publishing professionals with experience in independent, university, or trade publishing to apply for Director of the Susquehanna University Press, with responsibility for reconfiguring the press as a student teaching-learning operation, in either a tenure-track or lecturer appointment in Publishing and Media Entrepreneurship (depending on background, qualifications, and preference). The position serves our fast-growing English-Publishing and Editing major and the Entrepreneurship minor/Management major in the SWSB.

Teaching responsibilities are 3/3 and will include a course each semester dedicated to the activities of the Press, with additional courses from introduction to modern publishing, a capstone course exploring the cultural and social functions of publishing, and relevant courses in either literature, professional writing, entrepreneurship, management, or marketing (depending on qualifications and interest). The position will begin in August 2021.

The successful candidate must be willing to recruit and mentor student editors as media entrepreneurs, have an affinity for publishing innovation, and contribute to the university's commitment to diversity and inclusion. As we value diversity and inclusion, we highly encourage people of color and U.S. underrepresented minorities to apply.

Candidates may have an M.A. in Publishing, English, Media Studies, Media Entrepreneurship, Arts Management, or Communications; an M.F.A. in Creative Writing or Graphic Design; an M.S./M.B.A in Management, Marketing, Business Analytics, Accountancy, or Finance; or a Ph.D. in these or related disciplines.

A minimum of three years of professional experience in publishing, editing, and/or production is required. Management and/or marketing experience is strongly preferred.

Special Instructions to the Applicant:

Please submit a letter of application; a curriculum vita; a statement on how the applicant will contribute to the university’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, including applicant’s knowledge of and experience with inclusive pedagogical practices in classroom teaching, advising, and mentoring; and three letters of recommendation online at . Any inquiries should be sent to the department co-chair, Dr. Laurence Roth, [email protected]. Review of applications will begin on January 4, 2021.

Benefits Eligible: Yes

Number of Months: 9 months

Other Number of Months:

Full-Time/Part-Time: Full Time

Work Schedule/Hours per Week:

Posting Date:

Anticipated Start Date:

Posting Number: F00112

To apply, visit

NOTES: Any news whatsoever on this (my top choice position so I'm a little antsy)? Deadline was a while ago, has anyone received interview requests? (4/21) I did a Skype interview for this one in February, but there was no "campus visit" stage for anyone. The position has been moved to next year, and anyone interested should reapply in the fall. (4/22)

Q & A [ ]

Who is using this wiki [ ].

under 30: 3

prefer not to state age:

TOTAL: 25<-- Don't forget to update Total!

Fiction Writer: 6

Nonfiction Writer: 2


Poetry/Criticism: Creative Nonfiction/Fiction: 3 Fiction/Poetry: Hybrid/Fiction/Poetry/Theory/Pedagogy: Fiction/Creative Nonfiction/Poetry: Creative Nonfiction/Poetry: 2 Creative Nonfiction/Fiction/Poetry/Publishing: 1 Fiction/CNF/Hybrid: Fiction/Creative Nonfiction/Playwriting: Fiction/Creative Nonfiction/Screenwriting/Journalism: Fiction/Creative Nonfiction/Screenwriting: Fiction/Screenwriting/Playwriting: Fiction/Poetry/Criticism: Nonfiction/Poetry/Criticism: 1 Poetry/Fiction/Nonfiction/Criticism: Poetry/Film/Visual Arts: Fiction/Poetry/Film: Fiction/Literary essays/CNF: Poetry/Visual Arts: 1 Fiction/Criticism: 1 Fiction/Screenwriting/Comics/Nonfiction: Playwriting/Screenwriting/Fiction/ChildLit/Non-fiction: Fiction/CNF/Publishing: 1

Search Committee Lurker:

Other Lurker: 1

Partner/Spouse Lurking on Behalf of Applicant: 1,702

Employment STATUS

Unemployed and looking for job: 1 (lost visiting gig because of Covid-19)

Administrative job/Publisher:

Employed in other field, wanting to re-enter academia:

Employed in other field, just trying to break into academia: 1

Finishing MFA or Ph.D. & going on the market: 4

Have fellowship after MFA or Ph.D. & going on the market: 2

Working as adjunct/lecturer, looking for TT job: 5

Have visiting gig, looking for TT: 1

Have fixed-term gig, looking for TT: 1

Have visiting gig, looking for another visiting gig (not TT): 1

Have TT job and looking for new one: 1

Have TT job and on the market because of a spouse/partner:

Had TT job but quit to go on the market because of spouse/partner:

Have TT job and want to keep it but need an offer elsewhere to get a raise:

Tenured and on the market because of a spouse/partner:

Have tenure but looking for new job: 1

Tenured at undergrad-only institution, looking for job in MFA program: 1

Window shopping: 2

Self-punishing: 1

Suicidal: 1

PhD and MA:

PhD and MS:

PhD and MA (lit, not cw):

Phd and Terminal MA:

MFA and ABD:

MA and ABD:

MFA, MA, and ABD:

MFA and MS:

MFA only: 11

PhD and MFA in . . .

Nonfiction: 1

PhD and MFA (two genres): 1 (Lit PhD; Fiction MFA) 1(Prose MFA; Poetry PhD)

PhD, MFA, and MSc (three genres):

PhD, MFA, and MA: 2

Two MFAs (in different genres or same):

Terminal MA:

MFA and MA:

MFA and MA (not in CW):

MA (not terminal):

MAT and MFA:

MA Ed, Ed.D., MFA:

Other: 1 (PhD Rhet-Comp, MFA Nonfiction)

No book yet: 4

First book under contract: 1

First academic book under contract: 1

First book published: 2

First book under contract + edited anthology published: 1

First book + edited anthologies published:

Edited book under contract:

First book + academic book under contract:

First book + critical book published + edited book under contract:

First book published, second book under contract: 5

First book published, second book in submission: 1

Second book published: 1

Second book published, third under contract: 2

Multiple books published: 3

Multiple books + edited anthology published: 1

Multiple full-length theatre plays + multiple short theatre works + film produced + 2 or more anthology works:


  1. Creative Writing For Beginners: Unlock Your Creativity

    creative writing wiki

  2. How To Improve Creative Writing

    creative writing wiki

  3. Book:Creative Writing

    creative writing wiki

  4. What is the Creative Writing Process?

    creative writing wiki

  5. GOC Innovation through Creative Writing

    creative writing wiki

  6. 21 Top Examples of Creative Writing

    creative writing wiki


  1. Creative writing

    Creative writing is any writing that goes outside the bounds of normal professional, journalistic, academic, or technical forms of literature, typically identified by an emphasis on narrative craft, character development, and the use of literary tropes or with various traditions of poetry and poetics. Due to the looseness of the definition, it ...

  2. What is Creative Writing? A Key Piece of the Writer's Toolbox

    5 Key Characteristics of Creative Writing. Creative writing is marked by several defining characteristics, each working to create a distinct form of expression: 1. Imagination and Creativity:Creative writing is all about harnessing your creativity and imagination to create an engaging and compelling piece of work.

  3. 4 Ways to Write Creatively

    Almost all writers enjoy having at least one person to bounce ideas off. Frequently, just vocalizing your plots or ideas can make them much clearer and easier to write. 6. Sit down at the computer and type something, anything, to get started. Just start typing, and don't let yourself stop for at least five minutes.

  4. What Is Creative Writing? (Ultimate Guide + 20 Examples)

    Creative writing is an art form that transcends traditional literature boundaries. It includes professional, journalistic, academic, and technical writing. This type of writing emphasizes narrative craft, character development, and literary tropes. It also explores poetry and poetics traditions.

  5. Creative writing

    Creative writing is any writing that goes outside the bounds of normal professional, journalistic, academic, or technical forms of literature, typically identified by an emphasis on narrative craft, character development, and the use of literary tropes or with various traditions of poetry and poetics. Due to the looseness of the definition, it is possible for writing such as feature stories to ...

  6. Getting Started Writing on a Wiki

    Wikis were designed with simplicity in mind: The writing space is minimal—a text field. The controls are pedestrian—Edit and Save. The formatting is fundamental—Type to enter text, hit return twice to create paragraphs. Use equal signs or hash signs for headings, slashes for emphasis, enclose links in double-brackets, or just paste in urls.

  7. Creative Writing

    Creative Writing. Creative writing is a massive and inexact field. Telling stories by ways of poetry, short stories, novels, and other media can be complex, intimidating, and extremely difficult to take up. However, it also has so much potential to be rewarding and enjoyable for writers and readers alike.

  8. The rise and rise of creative writing

    Writing is thinking. The great novels, poems, stories and films from our many graduates have helped shape our culture and allowed us to reflect on the way we live. The future of Creative Writing ...

  9. How to Learn Creative Writing: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

    Take creative writing classes. Creative writing classes are available in a number of venues: College campuses. Many colleges and universities offer the opportunity to major or minor in creative writing as part of a fine arts degree, or as an elective class for credits to count toward a degree in something else. These classes are usually taught ...

  10. Creative writing

    Creative writing is a type of writing that involves writing in an artistic way. [1] Creative writing usually follows the rules of formal writing, except it may not follow the rules of formal writing to achieve effect in the writing. Within schools, creative writing typically has a focus on writing in an original style, using original ideas and ...

  11. What Is Creative Writing? Types, Techniques, and Tips

    Types of Creative Writing. Examples of creative writing can be found pretty much everywhere. Some forms that you're probably familiar with and already enjoy include: • Fiction (of every genre, from sci-fi to historical dramas to romances) • Film and television scripts. • Songs. • Poetry.

  12. How to Teach Creative Writing (with Pictures)

    3. Avoid teaching a story "formula.". One of the most important things to remember when teaching creative writing is to dispense with the idea that stories should follow certain arcs or formulas. While formulaic writing can aid students who need direction, it can also bind students and limit their imaginations.

  13. 1.1: Intro to Creative Writing

    chapter 1: intro to creative writing: Creative writing 7 7 is any writing that goes outside the bounds of "normal" 8 8 "professional," 9 9 journalistic, "academic," 10 10 or technical forms of literature, typically identified by an emphasis on narrative craft, character development, and the use of literary tropes or with various ...

  14. 8 Tips for Getting Started With Creative Writing

    8 Tips for Creative Writers. Follow these tips if you want to boost your creativity and improve the way you write: 1. Always be writing. Don't ignore the random ideas that pop into your head. Even bad ideas can inspire good ones, and you never know what will trigger inspiration for a better idea later.

  15. Creative Writing Tutorials

    Welcome to the Creative Writing Wiki! If you're interested in starting to write, or improving your current writing, check out the multitude of tutorials and tips we have on the wiki. Plot & Structure. Subcategories: Techniques. Story Checklist; Three-Act Structure; Conflict; Beginnings; Endings; Show, Don't Tell; Plants and Payoffs;

  16. Creative Writing 2023

    Wiki page for Academic Jobs in Creative Writing advertised during the 2022-2023 hiring season. This page is for jobs that begin in 2023. Last year's page: Creative Writing 2022 Next year's page: Creative Writing 2024 See also: English Literature 2022-2023 Please add jobs in the following format and order them chronologically by posting date (newest postings at the top). Example University ...

  17. What is the Creative Writing Process?

    Creative writing, also known as artistic writing, is any kind of writing that goes outside the norms of professional or technical literature. It can have a narrative and character development (such as in a fictional story) or it can explore poetic devices (such as in poetry or a song). There is even creative non-fiction!

  18. Creative Writing 2022

    Wiki page for Academic Jobs in Creative Writing advertised during the 2021-2022 hiring season. This page is for jobs that begin in 2022. Next year's page: Creative Writing 2023 Last year's page: Creative Writing 2021 See also: English Literature 2021-2022 Please add jobs in the following format and order them chronologically by posting date (newest postings at the top). Example University ...

  19. Creative Writing 2023-2024

    Wiki page for Academic Jobs in Creative Writing advertised during the 2023-2024 hiring season. This page is for jobs that begin in 2024. This page is locked. Instead, use this page for creative writing jobs advertised during the 2023-24 hiring season that begin in 2024: https...

  20. Creative Writing 2024

    Wiki page for Academic Jobs in Creative Writing advertised during the 2023-2024 hiring season. This page is for jobs that begin in 2024. Google is taking people to the old locked page! Please spread the word about this page so it is updated! This is the functioning Creative Writing Jobs wiki for 2024. Last year's page: Creative Writing 2023 See also: English Literature 2023-2024 Please add ...

  21. Creative Writing 2021

    For the 2021-2022 academic year, beginning August 2021, the Program requests applicants in FICTION. This one-year appointment carries a salary of $40,000. The selected candidate will teach one undergraduate creative writing course per semester, most likely at the introductory level.