Assignment Naming Element

Assigning policy sets or policies, assignment scopes and excluded scopes, defining parameters with json, defining overrides with json, defining noncompliancemessages with json.

  • Defining parameters, overrides and nonComplianceMessages with a CSV file

Defining resourceSelectors

Defining metadata, defining enforcementmode.

  • Policy Exemptions

Policy Assignments

This chapter describes how Policy Assignments are handled by EPAC. To learn about how custom Policy and Policy Set definitions are managed, see the Policies and Policy Set Definitions .

Assignment JSON structure

Assignment JSON is hierarchical for efficient definitions, avoiding duplication (copy/paste) of JSON. Each branch of the tree is cumulative. Each tree node must include a nodeName - an arbitrary string exclusively used by EPAC to display an error location. EPAC concatenates a leading / and the nodeName entries encountered in the tree to create a "breadcrumbs" trail; therefore, we recommend that you use / to help separate the concatenated nodeName . The following (partial and invalid) assignment tree would create this error message.

JSON Schema

The GitHub repo contains a JSON schema which can be used in tools such as VS Code to provide code completion.

To utilize the schema add a $schema tag to the JSON file.

This schema is new in v7.4.x and may not be complete. Please let us know if we missed anything.

  • Every tree branch must accumulate a definitionEntry (or definitionEntryList ), Assignment naming ( name and displayName ) and scope element.
  • The elements parameters , overrides , resourceSelectors , notScope , enforcementMode , metadata , userAssignedIdentity , managedIdentityLocations , additionalRoleAssignments and nonComplianceMessages are optional.
  • For Policy Sets with large numbers of included Policies you should use a spreadsheet (CSV file) to manage effects (parameterized or effect overrides ), parameters and optional nonComplianceMessages . We recommend the CSV approach for Policy Sets with more than 10 included Policies.
  • EPAC continues to support deprecated elements initiativeId , initiativeName and ignoreBranch , Consider using their replacements policySetId , policySetName and enforcementMode instead.

The tree is not required to be balanced. The number of levels is not restricted; however, anything beyond 3 levels is unnecessary in real scenarios and would be difficult to read and manage as the depth increases.

Tree Structure

Assignment File Overview Diagram

Each Assignment is required to have a name which is used in it's resource id. EPAC also requires a displayName . The description is optional. For the allowed location assignment you specify the component with:

Multiple assignment naming components in a tree branch are string concatenated for each of the three fields.

Azure has a limit of 24 characters for the concatenated name string. EPAC displays an error if this limit is exceeded.

Each assignment assigns either a Policy or Policy Set. In EPAC this is done with a definitionEntry or a definitionEntryList . Exactly one occurrence must exist in any collated tree branch. For each entry, you need to specify one of the following:

  • policyName - custom Policy managed by EPAC. Specifying just the name allows EPAC to inject the correct definition scope.
  • policySetName - custom Policy Set managed by EPAC.
  • policyId - resource id for builtin Policy.
  • policySetId - resource id for builtin Policy Set.

displayName is an optional field to document the entry if the Policy name is a GUID. Builtin Policies and Policy Sets use a GUID.

Using definitionEntryList allows you to save on copy/paste tree branches. Without it, the number of branches would need to be duplicated as many times as the list has entries.

Each entry in the list creates an Assignment at each leaf of the tree. Since assignments must have unique names at a specific scope, the Assignment naming component must be amended for each list entry. In this sub-component you can decide if you want to concatenate the string by appending or prepending them by specifying append boolean value.

In the above example one of the children (leaf node) has the following Assignment name.

This example generates two assignments at the "prod" leaf per scope:

  • /providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/ Contoso-Prod /providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/ pr-asb
  • displayName = "Prod Azure Security Benchmark"
  • description = "Prod Environment controls enforcement with Azure Security Benchmark Initiative."
  • /providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/ Contoso-Prod /providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/ pr-nist-800-53-r5
  • displayName = "Prod NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5"
  • description = "Prod Environment controls enforcement with NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5 Initiative."

scope is required exactly once in each tree branch. Excluded scopes ( notScope ) are cumulative from global-settings.json and the entire tree branch; however, once a scope is defined notScope may not be defined at any child node.

Both scope and notScope are specific to an EPAC Environment using the pacSelector name , e.g., epac-dev and tenant .

notScope works the same. In addition "*" means all EPAC Environments which is most often used for resourceGroupPatterns .

Managed Identities and role assignments

Policies with a DeployIfNotExists or Modify effect need a Managed Identity (MI) and role assignments to execute remediation task. EPAC calculates the necessary role assignments based on the roleDefinitionIds in the Policy definition. By default EPAC uses a system-assigned Manged Identity. The team maintaining EPAC recommend system-assigned identities; however, your organization may have role assignment reasons to use user-assigned Managed Identities.

Defining managedIdentityLocations

Policy assignments requiring a Managed Identity (system-assigned or user-assigned) require a location managedIdentityLocations . You must specify the location based on EPAC Environment or use "*" to use the same location for all of the EPAC Environments. You can specify them in global-settings.jsonc or at any node in the tree. The last (closest to the leaf node) is the one chosen if multiple managedIdentityLocations entries are encountered in a tree branch.

Defining optional additionalRoleAssignments

In some scenarios you will need additionalRoleAssignments ; e.g., for diagnostics settings to Event Hubs, the target resource might be in a different Management Group and therefore the Managed Identity requires additional role assignments. You must specify the additionalRoleAssignments based on EPAC Environment or use "*" to use the same additionalRoleAssignments for all of the EPAC Environments.

User-assigned Managed Identities

Azure Policy can use a user-defined Managed Identity and EPAC allows you to use this functionality (new in version 7.0). You must specify the user-defined Managed Identity based on EPAC Environment or use "*" to use the same identity for all of the EPAC Environments (only possible in single tenant scenarios). Within each EPAC Environment entry, you can specify just the URI string indicating to use the same identity even if we are using a definitionEntryList , or in the case of a definitionEntryList can assign a different identity based on the definitionEntryList by specifying a matching policyName , policyId , policySetName or policySetId .

The rest (below) of the node components are optional.

parameters have a simple JSON structure. You do not need the additional value indirection Azure requests (EPAC will inject that indirection).

Too enable definitionEntryList , parameters not present in the Policy or Policy Set definition are quietly ignored.

overrides are in the same format as documented by Azure . They are cumulative in each tree branch. The selectors element is only used for Assignments of Policy Sets. They are not valid for Assignments of a single Policy.

If using definitionEntryList , you must add the policyName , policyId , policySetName or policySetId as used in the definitionEntryList item.

Assign a non-compliance message to the assignment, or individual non-compliance messages if the assignment is for an Policy Set. This value is an array of objects - each containing a message, and in the case of an initiative a policyDefinitionReferenceId. See this link for details.

If you use single definitionEntry , place them normally. If you use a definitionEntryList place them in the respective list entry.

Defining parameters , overrides and nonComplianceMessages with a CSV file

Assigning single or multiple security and compliance focused Policy Sets (Initiatives), such as Azure Security Benchmark, NIST 800-53 r5, PCI, NIST 800-171, etc, with just JSON parameters becomes very complex fast. Add to this the complexity of overriding the effect if it is not surfaced as a parameter in the Policy Set using overrides . Finally, adding the optional nonComplianceMessages further increases the complexity.

To address the problem of reading and maintaining hundreds or thousands of JSON lines, EPAC can use the content of a spreadsheet (CSV) to create parameters , overrides and optionally nonComplianceMessages for a single Policy assignment definitionEntry or multiple Policy definitions ( definitionEntryList ).

This approach is best for very large Policy Sets such as Azure Security Benchmark, NIST 800-53, etc. Smaller Policy Sets should still be handled with JSON parameters , overrides and nonComplianceMessages .

Start by generating documentation for one or more of those Policy Sets , then modify the effect and parameter columns for each type of environment types you will use. In the example header below the infrastructure environments prod, test, dev, and sandbox are used as prefixes to the columns for Effect and Parameters respectively. Optionally you can add a column for nonComplianceMessages . If you want to switch from JSON to CSV, you can generate this CSV file frm your already deployed Assignment(s) .

The CSV file generated contains the following headers/columns:


Column explanations:

  • name is the name of the policyDefinition referenced by the Policy Sets being assigned.
  • referencePath is only used if the Policy is used more than once in at least one of the Policy Sets to disambiguate them. The format is <policySetName>//<policyDefinitionReferenceId> .
  • policyType , category , displayName , description , groupNames , policySets , allowedEffects are optional and not used for deployment planning. They assist you in filling out the <env>Effect columns.
  • <env>Effect columns must contain one of the allowedValues or allowedOverrides values. You define which scopes define each type of environment and what short name you give the environment type to use as a column prefix.
  • <env>Parameters can contain additional parameters. You can also specify such parameters in JSON. EPAC will use the union of all parameters.
  • nonComplianceMessages column is optional. The documentation script does not generate this columns.

EPAC will find the effect parameter name for each Policy in each Policy Set and use them. If no effect parameter is defined by the Policy Set, EPAC will use overrides to set the effect. EPAC will generate the policyDefinitionReferenceId for nonComplianceMessages .

After building the spreadsheet, you must reference the CSV file and the column prefix in each tree branch. parameterFile can be overridden in a child node; however, it is often used once per tree branch and defined adjacent to the 'definitionEntry or definitionEntryList .

In the child nodes specifying the scope(s) specify which column prefix to use for selecting the CSV columns with parameterSelector . The actual prefix names have no meaning; they only need to match between the JSON below and the CSV file.

The element nonComplianceMessageColumn may appear anywhere in the tree. Definitions at a child override the previous setting. If no nonComplianceMessageColumn is specified, the spreadsheet is not used for the (optional) nonComplianceMessages .

resourceSelectors may appear anywhere in the tree and are cumulative in any branch. They follow the standard Azure Format .

metadata is sometimes used to track tickets for changes. Do NOT specify EPAC-reserved elements roles and pacOwnerId . For the final metadata EPAC creates the union of instances in the entire tree branch.

enforcementMode is similar to the deprecated ignoreBranch ; it deploys the assignment and sets the assignment to Default or DoNotEnforce . DoNotEnforce allows a what-if analysis. enforcementMode may appear anywhere in the tree. Definitions at a child override the previous setting.

Example assignment files

Simple policy assignment (allowed locations).

In the simple case an assignment is a single assignment or with no difference in assignment , parameters , and definitionEntry across multiple scopes. In many scenarios "Allowed Locations" is such a simple Assignment. Such Assignments do not have child nodes, just the root node.

  • nodeName is required for error messages; it's value is immaterial. EPAC concatenates them in the current tree branch.
  • definitionEntry specifies that the custom Policy Set general-allowed-locations-policy-set from our starter kit. displayName has no meaning - it is for readability and in this instance is superfluous.
  • assignment fields name , displayName and description are used when creating the assignment.
  • This assignment has no metadata . You don't need an empty collection. EPAC will add pacOwnerId and roles metadata . Do not add them manually.
  • enforcementMode is set to default - it is superfluous.
  • parameters are obvious. Note: you don't add the value layer Azure inserts - EPAC takes care of that.
  • During Policy resource development (called epac-dev ) the Assignment is deployed to an EPAC development Management Group Epac-Mg-1 .
  • During Policy prod deployments ( tenant -wide), it is deployed to the tenant Management Group Epac-Mg-1 .
  • No notScope entries are specified.

If we remove the empty and superfluous entries, we arrive at:

Security-Focused Policy Assignment with JSON parameters

  • In the following example we named our root node ( nodeName ) /security/ . Since it is only used in case of error messages produced by EPAC during planning it's actual value doesn't matter as long as it's unique.
  • We use a definitionEntryList to create two assignments at every leaf (six assignments total).
  • For assignment string concatenation we append the strings in the definitionEntryList to the strings in the child nodes. You can see this best when you look at the description string in the child nodes. It will form a sentence when concatenated by append ing the definitionEntryList assignment field description .
  • The parameters specified in the children are specific to the IaC environment types and their scope . Note: a real assignment would define many more parameters. The set here is abbreviated since the actual set could easily exceed a hundred entries for each of the IaC environments. We'll see in the next example how to simplify large Policy Set parameters with a CSV file.

Security-Focused Policy Assignment with CSV file parameters

This example is the same as the previous, except we replaced inline JSON parameters with a CSV file and use the column prefixes in the CSV file to select which parameter values we use by:

  • Setting the file name at the root node with

json "parameterFile": "security-baseline-parameters.csv",

  • Setting the column prefix with parameterSelector to prod , nonprod and sandbox . For example:

The CSV file is explained above . The entire file is:

Inverted Policy Assignment (Tag Inheritance and Required Tags)

As mentioned above sometimes it is advantageous (to reduce the number of repetitions) to turn a definition on its head:

  • Common parameters , scope , definitionEntryList (with two Policies) at the root ( nodeName is /Tags/ ).
  • Start of the assignment strings ( append is defaulted to false ). Again look at description which will be a concatenated sentence.
  • The children define the tagName parameter and the second part of the strings for assignment . The set of parameters is the union of the root node and the child node.
  • This creates six Assignments (number of Policies assigned times number of children).

Non-Compliance Messages in a Policy Definition Assignment

An example of a policy assignment for a single policy definition with a default non-compliance message.

Non-Compliance Messages in a Policy Set Definition Assignment

An example of a policy assignment for a policy set definition with a default non-compliance message and a policy specific non-compliance message.

Non-Compliance Messages in a Policy Set Definition Assignment with a definitionEntryList

An example of how to use a non-compliance message when using a definitionEntryList list in the assignment.


  1. Assignment

    assignment policies meaning

  2. Assignment Policies

    assignment policies meaning

  3. Assignment Policies

    assignment policies meaning

  4. Assignment. Meaning, types, importance, and good characteristics of assignment

    assignment policies meaning

  5. Policy vs. Procedure

    assignment policies meaning

  6. Assignment policies

    assignment policies meaning


  1. Presentation Assignment (Policies & Procedures)

  2. FHEO TTS- Ep21 How School Assignment Policies Reproduce Unequal Schools & Segregated Neighborhoods"

  3. policies & procedure group assignment

  4. just assignment ya🐢(assignment policies and procedures)

  5. ASSIGNMENT Social media security policies

  6. Assignment Meaning In Bengali /Assignment mane ki


  1. Policy Assignments

    Policies with a DeployIfNotExists or Modify effect need a Managed Identity (MI) and role assignments to execute remediation task. EPAC calculates the necessary role assignments based on the roleDefinitionIds in the Policy definition. By default EPAC uses a system-assigned Manged Identity.